#beth harmon packs
b-ellyache · 1 year
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iconsfilm · 9 months
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anya taylor joy icons | like or reblog if you save
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ANYA TAYLOR JOY at the Dior Haute Couture SS23 Fashion Show on January 23rd 2023 wearing DIOR
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the-fiction-witch · 10 months
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Media The Queens Gambit
Character Benny Watts
Couple Benny X Reader
Rating Sweet + SMut
Hey fiction witch, if u can see this I have a request, in the show Beth leaves New York and goes back to her house and when Beth and Benny r on the phone Benny gets upset and tells Beth to not call him, after that happens can u plz make y/n find out that Beth hurt Benny and y/n being her sweet and empathetic self, goes to comfort Benny in his house and yk wtv happens next 🤭 if u can make that story asap that would be amazing thank u 🙏
I shifted my hips from side to side humming along with the tune coming from my record player speaker, My hands in the hot water washing up the dishes and pots from dinner. I jumped as I heard my phone begin its blaring. So I left the last pot to soak trying off my hands on my apron as I scampered my shoes across the floor of my little townhouse I quickly turned down the volume on my record player as I passed the shelf, I lost my footing a little on the rug's stupid curled corner and went tumbling onto my sofa on my back, luckily just beside my phone table so I picked up the red rotary phone from the table bringing it to my ear. 
"Y/l/n Residence." I smiled 
"Hi y/n" Beth smiled 
"Ohh, My my to what do I owe the pleasure, Miss Harmon?" 
"Oh you know, nothing unusual. How's queens?" 
"Boring. But finally unpacked my last few boxes so shaping up nicely. How's kentuky?" 
"Much the same" she smiled "So, I had a question."
"ahh there is the point of your call, of course, ask away"
"You've been to Moscow correct?" 
"Yes, I have. I assume there is a follow-up question."
"Yeah, I'm doing a bit of packing. I know everyone says Moscow is cold but... exactly how cold?"
 "When they say cold they mean cold beth. It's freezing in Moscow. The snow came up to my knees. I was so cold I ripped stuffing out of the hotel pillow to shove in my bra because I was convinced my nipples would freeze off. and that's coming from a New York girl" I laughed "Pack for ice. Pack for snow. Pack for seeing your breath inside buildings." 
"If you're too hot you can always take layers off," I explained 
"Fair enough,"
"That all?"
"I had something else to ask too"
"Sure, fire away." 
"Did you... Like to fuck Benny?"
"That's a bold question for six pm" 
"But did you, when you two were... together?"
I laughed "My darling Elizabeth. Me and Benny never have been... together. Not officially anyway."
"But when you did. Did you like to?"
"You can say every time you've had sex you liked it? sometimes stuff's just shit"
"But other than those times"
"I did. Course I did. Benny... is a complicated man"
"How so?"
"Because he's Benny" I laugh "He's weird, he thinks fifteen steps ahead at any one moment, he's passionate and dedicated with an ego big enough to fly himself to Moscow and back, but he's also... you know a man. so he's blunt and simple, and can't see a hint five inches in front of his face." I explained, "Why?" 
"I think. it might be over."
"Over? Did it ever begin?"
"I mean... kinda. sort of. It's complicated."
"Beth. What happened?"
"So you know how Benny's been bugging me to come to New York"
"Yes. Because he misses you. That's his way of saying that." 
"Yeah he even told me"
"He told you he missed you?"
"And you did what?"
"Yeah I mean we called a little more but not much else. and I kinda... pissed him off"
"What did you do?"
"I gave the church the money back. I tried to ask him for money. if he wants to come he can help me pay for it right? he flipped out and told me not to call him again. That was... two days ago and he won't answer the phone. Guess I'm just kinda..."
"You're serious?" I sighed 
"Okay... I have not got time to deal with you" I sighed sitting up normally "All I'm gonna say is you've fucked up Beth. And I am going to clean this up, not because I want to help you. But because I care too much about Benny. I will call you later and we will have a chat" I told her before hanging up the phone 
"Fuck..." I sighed "Harmon, you do make my life difficult" I grabbed the phone again and dialled the number for the Brooklyn basement listening to it ring but no answer, I tried again but still no answer, I gave it one more try but still no answer. 
I gave up setting the phone back on the receiver and I got to my feet untieing my apron throwing it on the kitchen table grabbing my handbag making sure to grab my spare key. changing my shoes and slipping on my gloves before rushing out locking up my front door as I scampered down the steps of the stoop I unlocked the door on my little red mini threw my bag on the passenger seat quickly started the car up and scampered through the New York streets using all the little cut thoughts I knew to travel the six miles from my townhouse in queens to the basement in Brooklyn. I pulled my mini up behind the little blue Beatle parked and grabbed my bag climbing out of the car and heading down the little foul-smelling stairwells until I finally reached the metal door giving it a firm few taps. No answer came. but I could hear noises from within. I knocked much louder but still no answer came.
I rolled my eyes grabbed the spare key from my handbag forced it into the lock and opened the door shutting it behind me immediately I could tell things weren't good.
This apartment was dark, gloomy and damp as usual, bottles littered his table enough you could use them as pieces in a chess game, and things haphazardly moved around the apartment. And Benny amongst it all. Barefoot. Black jeans tight to his body, his belt gone, his black turtleneck on with his sleeves rolled up, frustration across his face, a beer in hand that he finished and there across his apartment smashing it on the wall. 
He ran a hand through his hair and glanced up at me “Hey y/n.”
“How are you feeling?” 
“I'm fine” he snapped grabbing a cigarette from his table setting it in his mouth and lighting it up with his old Zippo 
“Benny.” I glared
“I'm fine.” He snapped 
“Beth called me.”
“Did she now? You come down to tell me I'm an asshole”
“I don't make judgements till I hear both sides” I answered “So, tell me what happened.”
“So it fucking -”
“It's over. I'm done with her. I have put up with so much shit from her. She treats me like a doormat, and only calls me when she needs something. Well she can go fuck herself” he says pacing around his apartment
“Okay, what exactly happened?”
“She gave the money back. Asked me to pay for us. She ignored everything I told her. All because she didn't want to sign some worthless bit of paper. Now I can't go to Moscow with her. Fine, she clearly didn't want me with her anyway.”
“Alright, and you told her?”
“I told her not to call me again. She wants to do this on her own fine. She can. She won't hear a word from me, but she can fuck off if she wants anything.” 
“You've been ignoring calls?”
“I didn't exactly feel like talking right now” 
“Alright, go get changed and I'll make you some tea”
“I don't -”
“Benny. Don't make me bonk you with a spoon” 
“Fine I will get changed” he sighed going to his room “and make coffee.”
“No tea. Coffee will keep you up and you do not need more energy right now” I explained going and making some nice tea one for me and one for Benny taking and sitting them both on the small table in the centre of the living space, as well as a glass of water I took a small dustpan and brush from the cabinet and cleaned up the broken glass from the bottle as well as any other little mess that littered the apartment. I went to the small record player beside the chair and for a moment flipped through his small collection grabbing a nice album of some gentle swing music adding it to the player letting it spin and turning it down to almost nothing, and I took a seat on the pile of pillows he used as a sofa. Soon enough he returned with a fresh set of clothes, some new jeans, a black T-shirt and his green button-down 
“There you feel a little better now?”
“It is nice to have some fresh clothes on” he grunted back 
“Come on” I offered patting the pillow beside me
“I'm not in the mood y/n”
“Benny. Come here.”
He rolled his eyes but came and sat beside me still as angry and frustrated as before leaning his head against the exposed bricks 
“Good, now when did you last drink something?”
“I'm not thirsty”
“Did I ask that?”
“When did you last drink something? You're only going to give yourself a headache” I told him, offering him the water but he turned away “Hydrate. Or I will hit you with a spoon”
He took the glass and had a sizable sip 
“Thank you, now come here and talk it out” 
“Y/n I know you mean well but I’m-”
“I will get the spoon in a minute.” I warn “Come” I demanded patting my thigh
He rolled his eyes but leant over so I wrapped my arms around him letting him lay his head in my lap “I don't see how this is going to help”
“You need to acknowledge and work through your feelings”
“I don't have feelings. I'm a man.”
“Ohh no you don't have feelings. That's why you've been spending your days in a dark basement drinking like a fish and frustrated smoking. No feelings at all” I smiled gently petting his soft fluffy hair 
“I don't need to work through my feelings.”
“Yes, you do. Otherwise, you're just going to be angry forever. And god knows I can't deal with that” I laughed
“Fine” he sighed 
“Take a moment just to clear the brain” I smiled playing with his hair in all the usual spots he liked me too
“My brain doesn’t clear.”
“Then hyperfocus. On the ticking of the clock, the nice gentle music, clear the mind of all other things and just exist for a moment”
We sat for a few moments just enjoying the quiet of his basement, the gentle hum of the music and the rhythm of our breaths
“Okay” He nods sounding far calmer than before
“That help?”
“A little”
“Okay do a Big breath in.”
“Why do I-”
“Benny” I warned so he did as I asked “Big breath in. And back out. Another one in… and another out. Okay? Feel a little better?” I smiled walking him through it a few times
“A bit” 
“Are you calmer?”
“So, tell me what happened”
“You going to tell me when I’m wrong?”
“No. I'm not going to say anything you just explain and I will listen.” 
“I try asking her for months to come up to New York, actually spend some time together, no she's busy she needs to do this, she needs to do that, she ghosts me for six months, okay I try asking to go to Paris with her support her with the tournament, no she's going on her own, she can't afford to take me too, so fine she goes on her own only when she's fucked herself up so bad she looses her tournament and has headlines everywhere she was drunk as a sailor then! I got a call. I try to be supportive and offer to pick her up from the airport. No, she wants to be alone. I try to talk her through everything and offer her a safe space, so we can be together and work stuff out, no she wants to be alone. She wants to drink. Fine, I try! I try and say she can drink so long as she came here no she wants to go and get drunk. She goes home to Kentucky and ghosts me again. She calls me finally because she wants my advice and again I try to get her to come here, I try and be nice hell I told her I fucking missed her nope she wants to stay on her own meaning she wants to fucking drink. And again I'm ghosted. She completely ignores what I tell her to do. She gives the church their money and calls me up like I'm the problem! Like I haven't spent the last year waiting for your phone calls like some abandoned puppy! Says she's paying her own way to Moscow and can't afford to take me with her, if I wanna come I need to pay, when she knows full well I don't have two thousand dollars laying around to jet off to Moscow. Accused me of gambling it all away. So fuck it. Fuck her. She wants to go and her drunk and fuck her life up that's her decision she's not taking me down with her. I'm not staying as her fucking doormat fuck to treat her how she wants. If she'd rather get drunk than be with me fine I hope she and her bottle are happy” 
“How did that make you feel?”
“Like shit.”
“Benny, feelings are not shit. use your words. Not just your swears.”
“Like… why should I bother you know? Like I'm trying so so much and you're giving absolutely nothing back. And that makes me feel like I'm the asshole for wanting anything”
“You're not an asshole for wanting acknowledgement Benny. You've done a lot for Beth and it's not easy for you to be emotionally numerable”
“Exactly! It's like you bare your fucking soul to someone and their response is okay cool. What else? Like I don't know what more you want from me. Am I being a dick? Asking for too much or something?”
“I don't think so, I do think you also need to respect Beth is also not an emotional person. The two of you aren't going to have a great emotional conversation because neither of you are good emotional communicators and that's fine some people aren't, but it would seem you are putting a lot of effort in, now Beth may not see it as a lot of effort in her mind and may not be seeing how much effort that Is for you and not appreciate it as much or it could be that she just expects more. and if you can't give her that then you can't there's nothing wrong with that Benny” 
“Do you think I'm an emotionally distant person?”
“You can be. You're… very practical Benny. You're emotional to the extent of practically, when emotions aren't useful you don't bother to express them. But I do think you not in the wrong here you've made a lot of moves to be more outwardly expressive and it was clear you were upset long before this” I explained “I think, and of course, you don't need to take my advice. But I think you and Beth need time apart I think you both need to not see one another, not speak to one another, for a couple of weeks I think you both need to separately decide the kind of relationship you want together. If you want to have the kind of relationship where you call every other day and talk or if you want a relationship where you talk every six months how much emotional investment you each have needs to be equal and it clearly isn't so I think spend time apart to think and when she gets back from Moscow you two need to talk and see where you go from here.”
“... Your right.” He sighed sitting up “Where did you learn all this stuff anyway?” He asks having some tea 
“Therapy. You know that thing I keep telling you to go to”
“I don't need therapy”
“Everyone needs therapy, Benny.”
“I don’t” 
“Yes, you do.” I told him “You have a lot of untapped emotional issues rattling around in that big head of yours” I told him having some tea “And I’m boarder line convinced you have… some type of-”
“No I don’t” he snapped
“Benny you hyperfocus on chess, don’t understand your own emotions, freak out when someone tries to touch your skin, and use your rings like fidget toys… and you don’t think there might be a possibility you could have some form of -”
“Fine, fine. I’m not going to argue with you” I giggled “You should go to therapy though Benny.”
“Ohh what because I have ‘emotional trauma’?”
“Yes. you do.” I told him “Even if it's just having someone to talk to, to rant about your problems”
“That's why I have you” 
“I'm not your therapist Benny”
“It's fine” I smiled pressing a kiss to the top of his head “You really liked her didn't you?”
“I did. I kinda thought we were the same. Maybe we're too much alike”
“Do you think maybe… you're seeing the bad things in Beth that you see in yourself?”
“Kinda. I think it's … made me realize how bad it is to be on that side of it. To be the one waiting by the phone on the promise of a call that never comes. I think I'm .. trying though. I can see how bad it is and in trying to fix it but just feels like bailing a bucket out a lake” 
“Well, baby steps. Just the fact you see it and are making steps is still better. You're never going to bail the lake if you don't start with a bucket”
“I guess so. It makes me wonder… how she sees me. I know officially we didn't label anything but, I kinda think she just saw me as a chessboard that could make her cum” 
“What did you want her to be?”
“....I don't know. Guess I wanted someone to call. Someone to spend time with. Someone who wants to talk to me. Listens to me. Makes me feel like what I say makes a difference. Like I Matter to them. Someone who gets excited about spending time with me, who wants to be with me not because we might play chess or we might have sex but just because we like being together”
“You ever tell her that?”
“Then … you can't expect her to give you that Benny. She's not a mind reader. She doesn't know that's what you want same as you don't know what she wants. You two are both people not great at emotions be the best course is to straight forward sit her down and say that's what you want and if that's not what she wants you can either try to find a middle ground or that can be it”
“Your right. But I don't want to see her. Or talk to her. I don't completely want to think about her but there's no getting out of that” he explained lighting another cigarette “But I'm done. Unless she's willing to try I don't want anything more than to be her friend”
“If that's what you want. That's what you want” I smiled taking the cigarette from him putting it out in the table’s ashtray “You’re not smoking because you want it you smoking because your frustrated.” I laughed
“Your therapist tell you that too?”
“No. I just know you, Benny. Besides you’ve been doing really good. Don’t destroy all your progress just because you’re mad” I told him 
“You rather I drink?”
“I’d rather you have healthy coping mechanisms but you know… baby steps.” I smiled “You feel a bit better? Got all that off your chest?”
“Yeah. Thanks y/n.”
“Your welcome” I smirked having some tea “It's kinda funny”
“What is?”
“That's exactly what I wanted. Back when we …”
“Really?” He asks 
“Yeah. I'd have killed for you to want to spend time with me without it seeming like I was dragging you away from something you wanted to do more”
“.... Fuck. I was a dick.”
“You kinda were.” I laughed “But we wanted different things that's okay”
“I feel like shit. Maybe things would be different if I figured out this is what I wanted”
“Maybe” I shrug “But you didn’t want that then that’s fine you can change your mind as life changes, that wasn’t the sort of thing you wanted then”
“You’re a very emotional person. I think I struggled with that”
“I can be… overly emotional. In working on it. Trying not to overthink everything so much.” I said “How do you think it felt for me sitting here miles deep in overthinking as to why you weren’t talking to me, that you were mad, that I did something wrong, all the while you just sat there playing chess completely unaware I was even upset being quiet because… you like to sit quietly.”
“I saw you were upset… when it was too late. By the time I picked up on it you crying so far down an emotional rabbit hole even if I did know How to deal with it, it was kinda too late”
“And yes that is on you for not noticing my emotions but also on me for not being clearer with them, literally could have fixed all my overthinking with, Benny are you mad at me? But no I wanted to sit there pouting getting more and more anxious waiting for you to figure out that I was worried.” 
“I always felt like a dick for asking you what was wrong,”
“Because I wanted you to pick up on it. I didn’t want to tell you I just wanted you to pick up and fix it. And that's on me. That was my issue and I’m getting better. Can’t expect people to know everything. But you're getting better too, learning when people are upset being more outwardly emotional if you need a little coaxing.”
“Or threatening” 
“Everyone is different Benny. The sooner you realize that the easier life is. Everyone you speak to, and everyone you see is completely different we all think differently, behave differently, and have different responses to things, and no one can read minds. We all need to give each other a little more slack because we don't know what's going on in their head and they'll never know what's happening in ours. Some people can read emotions across your face like a book, some people need to be told or they'll never learn. I was an emotionally overthinking young woman craving emotional intimacy without having to ask for it. While being in a non-official relationship with a man who can't read emotions, has a hard time expressing his feelings and craves reassurance. On top of the very basic one, what's to fuck one wants to love problem. You surprised it went south?” 
“I crave reassurance?”
“Benny. You're a chess player who dresses like a goth pirate.”
“Point taken” 
“It's fine people grow and change neither of us are the people we were then”
“That's true” he nods “Can I get the number for your therapist?”
“He sounds good. The fact you rattled all that off is pretty impressive”
“Find your own therapist. Don't want conflicts of interest”
For a moment he was puzzled “You talk about me in therapy?”
“God was I that much of a cunt?”
“No. You’re my friend. Our lives are very intertwined is all” I laughed leaning on his shoulder 
“that’s fair” he laughed “... Do you think I ask for too much? With Beth?”
“I think… you ask for more than she's comfortable with. Let's face it Benny your fighting against an addiction. You might have an ego and you might love chess but you're not physically addicted to it” 
“I just feel like in trying so hard, pushing myself so far beyond what I'd normally be comfortable with the least she can do is try”
“if that's how you feel. Then I think she should respond to that”
“I'm not a dick?”
“I don't think so” I smiled
“Thanks y/n. I'm really thankful you came over”
“Well I can't just leave you someone has to try and get you through these gross… feelings you're not used to”
“Can you stay?”
“Can you stay? I don't think I wanna be on my own tonight”
“Of course Benny”
We stayed up a little long chatting about things but soon it came time for bed he put up the air bed for himself and I took his bed even if I argued but he let me have it. 
I changed borrowing one of his shirts for the night getting cosy in the warm bed. 
The lights out the only sound the occasional sound of the New York cars above the basement. 
I was about to drift off when I perked up hearing the creek of the door and soon enough the covers moved and Benny crawled in with me 
“Did you want your own bed back?”
“No, I just… I don't wanna be alone right now” he says slowly wrapping his arms around me and pulling me tight to his body my hips to his my back to his chest squeezing me almost like I was his teddy bear 
“Okay Benny, you don't need to worry I'll be right here,” I reassured letting him squeeze me tightly to his body, he held me tight pressing his lips to my shoulder 
“Can I get my anger out?” He asked 
“Alright” I nodded 
He moved and pushed me down on my back “Are you sure?”
“I’m sure,” I nodded 
He nodded and leant down to nibble and kiss my neck, before he pulled down his boxers and tugged off my panties, he started off gently slipping himself inside me he held my hips firmly digging his nails into my skin as he aggressively thrusted, often bitting his lips and gritting his teeth letting out his frustration and anger though the movement of his hips. He began to slow so I smiled and held his hips gently turning us so he laid on his back and I sat on top of him gently moving my hips slowly “Reveling in your anger is not going to make you feel better” I smiled stroking his stomach as I moved 
“I know. I just wanted to get the anger out” he sighed moving his hips with me 
“Wouldn’t this be nicer?”
“It is much nicer.” he smiled “Nice and calming” He cooed sitting up a little and wrapping his arms around me to pull me into his chest for an intense kiss I smiled into the kiss as I moved my hips faster trying to match his own speed getting more and more intense the longer it went on I knew I was close starting to nibble on his neck as I began to slow getting close to my edge he noticed and smirked making sure to work as hard as he could letting out the last of his frustration until I reached my peak biting his neck as I did which in turn got him to his own edge burying himself deep inside me and riding it out before he collapsed against the bed and I basically fell off onto the other side 
“Feel better now Benny?”
“Yeah” he nods between gasps “That is way better than therapy” 
“They're not mutually exclusive Benny.”
“I still think this is better”
“You can’t just ignore your feelings and deal with your frustrations through sex” I told him
He smirked and turned over to spoon me “Did it work?” 
“...yes but?”
“Did it work?”
“Then I'm gonna do it” he shrugs 
“Alright Benny, if that’s how you wanna deal with your feelings” I laughed “Come on, let's get some sleep”
“Alright, Night”
“Night” I smiled giving him a little kiss before we cuddled up and drifted off to sleep. 
I yawned as I woke up I gently pushed Benny’s arms off me climbed out the bed and headed across the apartment, I went to the kitchen and began to make coffee humming to myself a little. 
“Morning,” Benny spoke up from the bedroom door
“Morning, How are you feeling today?”
“Better. Much better” he smiled coming and wrapping his arms around me giving my neck some kisses “You always make me feel better”
“I do?”
“You do. I’m sorry”
“For what?”
“For being a dick, when we…” he began “I realize it and I’m sorry”
“That's very sweet. Apology accepted. I’m sorry for how I was too”
“Apology accepted” he smiled 
“I’m sorry you’ve had to deal with the shit from Beth”
“It’s fine. I know how to deal with it”
“She can find another doormat. She wants to drink and wants to go on her own she can. I don’t want that. We can be friends if she wants but nothing more than that. I don’t feel like I want anything more”
“Okay. I’m proud of you, for expressing your feelings” I smiled
“Did you wanna stay for a while? Spend some time together?”
“Is that also part of you dealing with this?” I giggled turning to face him
“Kinda. But Now I know what you wanted. And I want that too. Maybe now we're a little older we’ll be better, more communicative, better with our feelings. So? Did you wanna try again?”
“On one condition.”
“Go to therapy, Benny.” 
“Do I have to?”
“How much therapy?”
“How about one session, one date.”
“Three dates one session”
“Two.” “Deal” he smiled pulling me into a sweet kiss “Will you help me find one?”
“Yes, I will.” I giggled “Come on we’ll have coffee and a cuddle”
“Sounds perfect” 
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proeliums · 14 days
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[ nana komatsu, demi-woman, she/they ] Look who just landed! KATSUKI ONO, I sure hope you packed all you need. Perhaps you’re not worried as A SECOND-YEAR INTERN of X ACADEMY. The city has plenty of spots for a 28 year old SIGHIR like you. You’ll be known in the city soon enough as THE SERPENT, being AMBITIOUS and OBSEQUIOUS.
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NAME. jenna TIMEZONE. gmt+10 MUSES: katsuki ono & asha de souza. TAGGING SYSTEM. suki. asha.
FULL NAME. katsuki ono NICKNAME. suki DATE OF BIRTH. february 28, 2377 GENDER. demi woman PRONOUNS. she/they SEXUAL ORIENTATION. pansexual ROMANTIC ORIENTATION. panromantic MODIFICATION. sighir AFFILIATION. x-academy herself BIRTHPLACE. mawar district, new jakarta CURRENT NEIGHBOURHOOD. sora, new jakarta OCCUPATION. intern (biochemical engineer) KNOWN LANGUAGES. english, japanese, indonesian, french
FIRST. You are born in the MAWAR DISTRICT. After two generations, your family has established itself firmly within the middle class of New Jakarta. Your parents are a pair of physicians – detached but auspicious, their chosen career paths every bit to do with wealth as with altruism. They raise you in their image – though they cannot be faulted for their inevitable failure in this pursuit. You were not born to follow in your parents’ footsteps; to become a doctor, go to work each day to save a few lives and receive a pat on the back, before returning home to your boring picket-fenced house. No, you were born wrong – something inside of you was broken before you could walk or talk or even breathe. It would just take some time to realise it.
SECOND. You do not know when your status as SIGHIR first presents itself, but you do know, from a young age, that you are different from your peers. Your eyes crackle with blue electricity as you learn to command objects with your mind – a talent your parents attempt to squash as soon as they catch wind of it. Your power is not something they understand, and so they fear it. They fear you. You seem troubled and odd and off-putting to all who meet you. You have an ability that you can neither control nor understand. You feel as though you are walking on eggshells in your own home - your parents look at you like a ticking time bomb – a monster in their midst. They send you away to boarding school when you are thirteen. You never return home. 
THIRD. You are angry, and you are powerful. This is a dangerous combination. Fortunately, you are not stupid. You know that the SIGHIR are shrouded in mystery for a reason – you know there are people who would pry you apart and study you under a microscope. And, even as you mature from adolescence into early adulthood, true mastery over your abilities evades you. So, you keep them hidden, and you seek to understand them. You study the science of destruction and it earns you a position at X ACADEMY – here, you think, you will be afforded the opportunity to study your ability. To pick yourself apart and study your own skin beneath a microscope – to master what you are before anybody else has the chance. 
FOURTH. You hide your status as sighir and slither through the ranks of X Academy. You find yourself a mentor – a man whose madness is only matched by your own – and you use him to conceal your identity. Your business with X ACADEMY is simple: you will use their resources to understand the power that flows through your veins. And, more importantly, you will understand how to harness it. Whether for creation or destruction remains to be seen.
PINTEREST. here QUOTE. so it seems, our end is always self-made ARCHETYPE. the anti-villain TROPES. dark magical girl / the dragon / creepy monotone MEDIA PARALLELS. misty quigley, yellowjackets / josie packard, twin peaks / beth harmon, the queen’s gambit THEME SONG. simmer, hayley williams
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feastonkings · 1 month
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andy biersack / he/they ——— no way is that DRAVEN THORNE.. they’re a 32-year-old HUMAN notoriously known for being CYNICAL & OBSESSIVE but there are some people who have seen them being INTELLIGENT & METICULOUS. if you ask me, they remind me a lot of ice cold gazes, a dark room only lit by the glow of a computer screen, sunglasses worn indoors, a wardrobe filled with black clothing, and nefarious meetings in abandoned locations, but that could just be because they’re considered the CRACKER around town. just keep an eye on them & see if their true colors shine through..
full name: draven charles sydney thorne nicknames: neurosis/N3UR0515, kr0w3x3 or krow (hacker & org tags) classification: enhanced human gender / pronouns: demi-man, he/they age / birthday: 32, october 30th orientations: pansexual, demiromantic occupation: hacker, leader of rapture (R4P7UR3) status: in a relationship with wren whitewater family: charles black (father, unknown), lydia thorne (mother, deceased), four half-siblings (unknown) strengths: leadership, intelligent, direct, ambitious, meticulous, protective weaknesses: addictive, cynical, obsessive, temperamental, withdrawn character inspo: mr. robot (mr. robot), dexter morgan (dexter), elliot alderson (mr. robot), beth harmon (queen’s gambit), huck (scandal), powder (arcane), april ludgate (parks and rec), edward nygma (batman), gamora (mcu), Gus Fring (breaking bad), leslie winkle (big bang theory), rosa diaz (brooklyn nine-nine)
tw: death, illness, physical violence, addiction
born on devil’s night in detroit, michigan - the only child to lydia thorne who divorced charles black months before draven was born. he was often not around and besides his occasional visits and child support payments, lydia was draven’s sole provider. draven hated their father for never being there and the other family he spent all his time with. their mother’s love kept that anger harbored for many years.
the only thing they did thank their father for was the computer and laptop he gifted them. it ended up becoming a comfort and an escape from reality for draven. they could simply throw on their headphones, turn up the music, and connect with people all over the world.
from a young age, draven wanted to be a performer, tried out several instruments, theater, even choir, and throughout it all expressed themselves through their appearance. purposely shutting out gender conformities and making themselves a walking piece of art. the black and white and binary way of life was no way for anyone to live in their opinion. the funny juxtaposition of that way of thinking was, draven ended up finding their true calling within the binary of the internet.
in lines of code is where he found his niche. sneaking right into the mainframes of companies, organizations, and people’s computers and phones. at first, it was to change grades for boring classes they could pass in their sleep and would rather sleep than attend. later, it turned into credit card companies to record payments on accounts that were never made so his mom could stop worrying about the debt piling up. then it switched to hospitals and pharmacies when she got sick.
the disease took lydia quick and at sixteen draven considered himself an orphan. before their father could swoop in to be some kind of white knight, draven packed what they could and took off. lucky for them, growing up with a single mom in the middle of an economic collapse in one of the worst urban environments in the developed world set them up with quite a few skills to survive. they headed nowhere in particular. they found it best to keep moving, their deep seated anger for the world and what it continued to deprive them and so many others of, grew in each place.
they got paid to get people's information, collaborated with other hackers ( though not much of a team player back then ) to expose corrupt politicians and corporate criminals. they’d gotten so confident in their abilities that they started trying to take these giants on solo. this taught him a couple gruesome lessons. mainly that david and goliath was a story, a metaphor and nothing more. the first attack was in las vegas, a dangerous place for a hacker to be in to begin with, casinos can be ruthless but especially when criminals own the majority of them. it was that interaction that had them fleeing to texas, where they once again ran into some trouble. ultimately, it left them with a reconstructed ribcage, a partially enhanced spine, and a neuro port that occasionally glitches when not connected.
the few people draven has told about the glitches have told him that they must be imagined or that it should be impossible but yet he still deals with brain zaps that have gotten so bad to affect their ribs, spine, and nervous system. sometimes, they feel like they’re in a constant state of pain, but like most other things they’ve learned to keep it to themselves. especially when they are trying to lead an exclusive underground group of anarchic hackers who not only aim to pull apart the corporate overlords who suppress them but cause a bit of chaos and get paid for the information they can acquire. they didn’t need to see draven’s weak spots, so he moves past it or suppresses it whenever he can. distractions have served him well thus far.
there was one person they did allow themselves to be vulnerable with, or at least as vulnerable as they get ( wren has had to pry it out of him at times, but she has broken down most of his walls ). he met his dark angel not long after coming to dallas-fort worth and she has shown him he’s not only capable of love, but that he is, in fact, able to be loved. wren grounds him like no one else can and calms the chaos inside of him. if they were honest with themselves, draven could admit they have a few addictions, probably need to see an engineer or surgeon, and could do with a few years of therapy at the very least. but instead— they choose to ignore the signs ( though they did give up drinking once wren and them became more serious ), teeter on the edge with the risks they take on the net, and insist that their other vices and habits are purely recreational. sooner or later it’s bound to bite them in the ass, it’s only a matter of when, which one, and how.
to join the hacker group you have to find a broadcast found on several different sites after hacking past the initial code. digital art of what appears to be a dark nephilim angel appears and congratulates you, tells you the ‘rapture is coming’ then gives you a number to contact if you’d like to join the R4P7UR3.
draven holds organization meetings in an abandoned six flags amusement park, but has also been known to frequent an arcade bar who allows them to use their basement.
full cybernetics and enhancements coming along with added headcanons
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thebiggerbear · 3 months
About Me Section
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Hi there! I'm B and I'm a writer. Writing/creating is my passion and a huge outlet for me. I've been writing for years but only in the last year or so did I venture into Reader fic territory and start posting some of my works here. (and I'm still figuring out how it all works, sorry about that!)
Writing is fun for me. If for some reason it ventures into the no-longer-fun territory, I either take a break or move on from it to the next thing. I'm a "slow" writer. I take my time to make sure I'm satisfied with the end result before putting it out whether it be a drabble or a one shot or a chapter for an open WIP. I'm a planner but sometimes things do change up mid-writing as I discover more during the process or the muse wants to go in a completely different direction. Music is a very helpful tool for me and I would say about 92% of all of my projects, open and closed, have been inspired by multiple sections of my Spotify library.
Over 18. Bi. She/her.
Favorite Color: Purple
Favorite Food: waffles (why not?)
Favorite Movies: so many but just to name a few: Black Hawk Down; Gladiator; The Departed; The Dark Knight Rises; You've Got Mail; Beverly Hills Cop - any 80's movie quite honestly (especially John Hughes and The Brat Pack all the way); old classic movies hold a special place in my heart (recently fell in love with Goodbye, Charlie - didn't think it would be my type of movie but I LOVED it)
Favorite TV shows: a ton but I'll name a few off the top of my head: Game of Thrones; Supernatural; Yellowstone; The Boys; The Tudors; The Gilded Age; Buffy the Vampire Slayer; ER; Charmed 1998; Xena: Warrior Princess
Favorite Books: so many tbh; The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley; Jaws by Peter Benchley; Point Pleasant by Jen Archer Wood; A Girl Called Samson by Amy Harmon; The Bourne Trilogy by Robert Ludlum; and yes, the classics Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen along with Dracula by Bram Stoker
Favorite Music: to name a few: Aaliyah, Beyonce, Colter Wall, Whitney Houston (I will never get over The Bodyguard soundtrack), Gloria Estefan, Patsy Cline, Sam Cooke, Faith Hill, Reba McEntire (have you heard "Somebody's Chelsea"?), The Mamas and The Papas (came for the band, stayed for Cass Elliot), CCR, Metallica, Led Zeppelin, Ben E. King and The Drifters (separate and together), Tchaikovsky, Chopin, Bach, good ol' Beethoven - basically anything from classical to pop to country to opera to hip hop to rock to golden oldies to big band and swing to indie to jazz to whatever comes after that - I listen to everything, mostly depends on the mood or the day or if I'm checking out a certain song or genre for writing; though I do have a special place in my heart for film score/film composers (and that helps me tremendously with writing, too)
Favorite Song: Lambada (no matter where I hear it, I will always end up dancing)
Favorite Characters: Daenerys Targaryen; Dean Winchester; Beth Dutton; Padme Amidala; Soldier Boy (showverse); Russell Shaw (or what I envision his character to be after that one episode); Sam Uley; Rosalie Hale
Favorite OTP: Jonsa (to name one)
Favorite Trope: if I had to choose just one -> friends to lovers
Favorite Actors/Actresses: we're definitely going to be here a while...
Favorite Authors: George R.R. Martin; Michael Crichton; Philippa Gregory; Amy Harmon; Hester Fox
Currently reading: The Taming Of the Queen by Philippa Gregory; Orange Is the New Black by Piper Kellerman
Currently listening to: all Twilight soundtracks (really helpful with the writing for those works); all Yellowstone, Game of Thrones, and House of the Dragon soundtracks; all playlists on my Spotify
Currently watching: Rings of Power Season 1; Orange Is the New Black Season 3; Charmed 1998 Season 1 (rewatch); Gargoyles Season 1 (rewatch); The Crown Season 3 (on pause); back half of Season 1 of Tracker (on pause); middle of Season 1 of Vikings (on pause)
Currently playing: Stardew Valley; Hogwarts Legacy; Outlast; Outlast: Whistleblower
Current Song: Roslyn by Bon Iver & St. Vincent
Current Celebrity Crush: Glen Powell 🤠 (I need to see Twisters, like NOW lol)
I think that pretty much covers the basics. If there's anything else you'd like to ask me about or for any media recs or something like that, feel free to drop me a line anytime in the ask box! 😁
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sullista · 3 years
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.* 𔘜₊ Kiss ! Kiss! 🐚°。
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iconsanya · 3 years
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like or reblog if you save.
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jellycolors · 2 years
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𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘩 𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘮𝘰𝘯 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘱𝘴𝘥 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘰𝘳 𝘳𝘦𝘣𝘭𝘰𝘨 𝘪𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘶𝘴𝘦 / 𝘴𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘥𝘰 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘳𝘦𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘵
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iconsfyy · 3 years
anya taylor joy icons
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like if u save pls
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fancyschmancyopinions · 11 months
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ANYA TAYLOR JOY at the reopening of Tiffany & Co’s Flagship store on April 28th 2023 wearing DILARA FINDIKOGLU
I have not been seeing enough of Anya lately! She always brings something so interesting and different to the red carpet she attends, and this look is no different.
As always, her hair looks absolutely dreamy. She looks amazing with the platinum blonde color. It really looks amazing with the red dress.
This dress was just darling. It had some bird vibes with the feathers and shoulder pad things, but Anya makes it work. She looks regal and just very commanding. An really cool look from Anya, which is what we’ve come to expect.
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stvestorm · 3 years
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Anya Taylor-Joy icons.
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helliconss · 4 years
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beth harmon icons
• please like or reblog if you saved 🧡
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haydensangel · 3 years
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anya taylor joy my love<3
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curseofaphrodite · 3 years
🍓- lavenders blue!
beth harmon from queens gambit? :)
also, congrats on 2.6k!! u so deserve it!!! ur literally the sweetest ever
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