#kasey rants more like
kaseyskat · 6 months
im a sparrow oak garcia defender until the day i die fuck you especially will campos
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legit gonna cry myself to sleep from stress lmao why can’t people just do their fucking jobs
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woman-for-women · 1 year
Hello ! I was wondering if you had any YouTube creators you would recommend? I have really woken up and gotten into radical feminism recently and am finding it hard to find good trans critical videos that aren’t from right wing nuts 🙄 thank you for the help and your blog is amazing 💕
Hi, and thank you (sometimes I forget to say thank you when people tell me they love my blog).
Unfortunately, I do not really follow many YouTubers who are explicitly radical feminists/gender critical. My best suggestions is:
Sapphic Underground is a lesbian who reviews f/f media. She has a side podcast called Sapphic Talks that is explicity gender critical, but her main channel is fairly light-hearted.
Other than that, I don't have any recommendations. I'm of the same opinion that the YouTube radical feminist content is overrun with conservatives who believe there are two genders because God said so and also women should stay in the kitchen, left-wing YouTubers who read off tweets and Reddit posts to dunk on "TERFs", and self-styled political commentators like Shaun, Contrapoints, and Jesse Gender.
If you've just discovered radical feminism, it's a good chance to also center women and women's art, voices, and perspectives in your life. So apologies to soapbox for a minute and recommend some of my favorite female YouTubers (who are not radical feminists, I just like them and want to share them. I also got too lazy to link everyone, so sorry about that!):
Laura Kampf is a German lesbian who does all kinds of house renovation and building projects. Her 120-year old house restoration series is my reality television.
Nicole Rafiee for funny rants and more informal, chatty social commentary
Kasey Golden for wholesome and cute art.
Vewn for her unique and interesting animation style
cari can read because she summarizes Sarah J. Maas books in an entertaining way so I never have to pick one up (sorry to all my Sarah J. Maas enthusiasts, I still love you guys)
Kennie J. D. has a series called Bad Movies and a Beat where she makes fun of bad movies while doing her makeup. She's so funny and she just covered The Ultimatum: Queer Love
Natacha Oceane for fitness inspo.
withWendy does all kinds of cool sewing projects. I'd also recommend coorlipa and JENerationDIY.
Mina Le for fashion history and commentary
AmandaRachLee if you like bullet journaling
Kel Lauren does design! She takes popular brand logos and merchandise and redesigns them to make them look better.
Jenny Nicholson does fandom and media deep dives. She's a big theme park and Disney person. She has a great sense of dry humor and her 'The Last Bronycon: a Fandom Autopsy' is one of my favorite videos
Micarah Tewers for sewing videos, but also whatever the hell else she feels like, including a funeral for her pet rodent L'Trexa
ANJA for cool paintings and art
Sorry this list got so long, but I love to give a good shout out. If anyone has any good recommendations for anon, don't be shy! Reblog and drop some suggestions.
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blueathens · 2 years
Ocean’s 9-1-1 - AGAPE SERIES
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                     ACT TWO, CHAPTER 6
SONG: Stranger Things by Chase Atlantic QUOTE: “Man, this is why I could never rob a bank, I’m clearly not smart enough for it.”
A/N: Not proofread or edited.
A/N 2: This chapter is quite bad in my opinion due to me not having many ideas for what to do for it.
A/N 3: Also for the investigation scenes, the 118 dialogues are written on the right side in italics and labelled with who's speaking as they obviously all came in one by one, but in the show it combined them all together - i don't really know how to describe it...but I just thought maybe this be a better way to write this scene.
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Masterlist//Main Masterlist//Agape Masterlist
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"Hello?" Kasey groggy voice answers the phone, not taking a single look at who was ringing her in the early morning. She slowly sits herself up in her car where she once was sleeping, and very tiredly rubs her right eye with the bottom of her palm.
"Did you know there was so many types of flour? There's self-raising, plain, wholemeal and– " Kasey yawned as Eddie's voice welcomes her on the other side. "Have you only just woken up?"
"Good morning Eds, how are you today? I was doing amazingly until this crazy man rang me to inform me on all the different types of flour instead of confessing his undying love for me."
"My undying love?" Eddie laughs as he picks up another bag of flour, spinning it around in his hand as he tried to read the uses of this type of flour. "It's seven in the morning, Kas, how have you just woken up?"
"Quite easily actually," Kasey sarcastically responded. "I opened my eyes and–"
"Do you think I can use cake flour to make pancakes?" Eddie questions, interrupting Kasey before she fell into an entire sarcastic rant, brows furrowing as he looked at the flour in his hand before shifting his gaze to the multiple bags of flour in front of him. "I was going to make pancakes but realised I had no flour."
"And you thought to call me to ask questions on cooking?" Kasey would have let out a loud laugh if her body wasn't still trying to wake up. "I'm flattered but I do think you should have called Bobby instead."
"Would he be up?"
"I wasn't," Kasey said flatly.
"I thought you would have been," Eddie responded. "You usually are."
"So is Bobby," Kasey mutters, "I think he's also at work already."
"Huh," Eddie nods. "Anyways, what flour?"
"I don't know," Kasey rubs her eyes again whilst Eddie purses his lips to stop the stupid smile that was playing at his lips from hearing Kasey's voice. "Wait until you get to the sugars," Kasey laughs slightly. "But we don't need to talk about that until baking a cake or something."
Eddie lets out a small sigh of relief as he allows his body to relax after hearing he doesn't have to worry about the different varieties of sugars.
"Anyways," Kasey yarns again, sitting herself up more against the window, "I'm pretty certain Bobby uses plain flour for pancakes."
"You sure?"
Kasey hums in confirmation and that was enough for Eddie to pick up the plain flour and toss it into his basket.
"Pancakes are easy to make, right?" Eddie questioned over the phone, and Kasey shot an eyebrow up at the next sudden question about cooking.
"I like this Kasey Strand you have pictured in your mind," she teases, "sounds like she's a pretty amazing cook."
"Shut up," mumbles Eddie.
"I think you'll make some pretty good pancakes," Kasey reassures him before she pulls the phone away from her ear to check the time. "I've got to get ready for work, Eds. You're coming in at 9 aren't you?"
Eddie nods before realising Kasey can't see him, "Er, yeah, yeah I am."
"Alright cool," Kasey smiles. "I'll see you in a bit! Good luck on those pancakes"
"Hey! Hey!" A muffled voice said over the sound of slams against a window grabbed both Buck's and Kasey attention, both stopping and turning on their heel to stand by the drivers window, ready to aid the man slamming his window in desperation. "Can you tell me what's happening?"
Buck and Kasey gave a quick glance at one another before turning back to face the man. Buck licks his lip in thought, "Ugh, don't know, sir. We just got here."
"I can see that," the man lowers his face to the small gap that was in the off centre of his van door, but he stayed looking at the two young firefighters. "Do you know what the call was?"
"Two people down in the bank."
"Down? Like dead down? Injured down? Depressed down?"
"No," Kasey rolled her eyes and Buck snapped his neck to look at her, eyes squeezing shut as he listens to the next words that fell from his best friend's lips. "Their getting it down."
"You was called in for a dance party?"
Kasey stares at the man blankly. "Yes, we're the strippers that they hired."
"Oh," the man gives a form of a smile that was a mixture of gladness and slight excitement. "In that case–"
"She's not being serious," Buck sighs.
The drivers eyes widen, and the smile fell of his face. "M-my partner's in there."
Buck gives Kasey a look that she seriously shouldn't have made that joke, but Kasey's eyes moved to look down at her boots.
"Was your partner exhibiting any kind of symptoms of anything before entering the bank?" Buck called out loudly so he could be heard through the window.
"What?" The drivers face scrunches up. "No."
"Does he have any allergies or medical conditions?"
"No!" He states loudly. "He eats better than I do. He's-he's a pescatarian."
Buck holds his hand up in front of him. "Okay, well, uh, you just," he looks at Kasey, but she was still awkwardly staring down at her boots. "Sit tight!"
Buck pulls Kasey away with him in a rush, not listening to the last words of the driver as he was already onto scolding Kasey for the jokes she has been making recently, stating that there was a time and place for that.
"You're better than that," Buck states, hands waving all over the place. "It's bad when I'm the one telling you off."
"You're always telling me off." She rolls her eyes.
"Clearly I'm the only one who's been using our shared braincell recently," Buck shakes his head with a slight smirk. "At the moment it's like you're my child, call me daddy...I–" the two pauses at what Buck just said. "Never mind, that sounds wrong."
Kasey turns to look at him, horror was across her face as she stares at him. "Never," she emphasises strongly. "And I mean, never, say that again. That was horrible."
Buck nods, "we'll never bring this back up again."
"My therapist is going to hear about this." Kasey walks off into the bank.
"Therapist?" Buck calls.
"Yes," Kasey pauses as she keeps the door open whilst she looks over her shoulder. "Someone you talk to, not someone you sleep with."
"That was one time!"
"All right. Get him started on O2. Ten litres." Bobby instructs, hands placed firmly on his hips whilst both Buck and Kasey came to stand on either side of him, pulling up their blue gloves. Bobby then turns his head to look at the woman that worked within the bank. "You said there's a second patient?"
Bobby, Hen, and Bobby wondered into the vault of the bank, a man was on the ground, twitching and gurgling.
"Same as the courier out front." States Hen as she takes a look at the man that had the same white foam bubbling in his mouth like the last guy.
She kneels down next to him, medical bag by her as she places a hand on the ground right by his head and a hand on his cheek. "Exhibiting extreme muscle spasms. Cap, pupils are dilated."
Eddie walks in and stands next to Kasey to also take a look at the man.
"I don't know what we're looking at here."
Eddie leans forwards slightly before shaking his head.
"Could be a nerve agent." Kasey looks up from the man to stare at the back of Eddie's head. She crosses her hands, body falling slightly stiff as she chews on her bottom lip.
"You've seen that before."
"Been trained for it," Eddie looks over his shoulder at Kasey, brows scrunching as he takes in her body language, he then turns his head back forwards to gesture a handout to the man. "Symptoms all line up. The fact that we have multiple people down. I can't say for sure until we run some tests."
"Hen you need to move," Kasey said, voice slightly strained and quiet. Eddie takes a step back, shoulder brushing Kasey's as they watch Hen move away from the man.
"You okay?" Eddie whispers.
"We had something like this in the field." Kasey mutters before giving a half shrug. "I don't really know, our medic apparently gave one of our guys some form of poison, but we didn't know until much later on though. She refused to help him...she then died a minute later cause another guy shot her dead." Kasey purses her lips with slight raised brows as she recalls an event from her path. "She ended up being a spy who needed to kill my team."
Eddie looked at Kasey with a screwed-up face and Kasey shrugs.
"Luckily we caught on quickly as we only had her that day, and, er, I honestly had no idea what was going on as I wasn't in the best of conditions."
Eddie understood that Kasey wouldn't want to talk about it any longer as he turns and leaves the vault, Kasey shortly followed, she knew she wasn't the one who needed to be in a rush. She only did a bit of medic training, nothing compared to what Eddie had to do, she was more in the combat not the medic side.
But something in Kasey felt off, like this was going to end up being what happened to her team, that they believed it was something else, but it ended up being something worst. She gives Hen a wary look, seeing if she was going to follow behind, and Kasey presumed she was as she was now standing up and moving away from the man.
"Step away. Step away." Kasey heard Bobby say as she walked out the vault, catching up to the two patching men who was being followed out by the blonde woman. "I need everybody's attention. We are now preparing for a possible chemical exposure incident. That means nobody in, nobody out."
There's a click.
"We can't risk spreading whatever may be present here."
Hen hears the beeping and turns around.
She runs in.
"Cap," Eddie says, the team turning around to see her rushing in. Eddie moved first. "Hen! Hen!"
"Hen! Hen!"
She falls to her knees behind the man's head, but his hands grabs her face.
"Wait...No. Stay calm, sir. Stay calm!" She attempts to pull his hands off from her face. "I'm with the LAFD. We got to get you out of here!"
The vault door was a second away from closing.
"No!" She screams as she pushes herself up, rushing towards the heavy metallic door, whilst both Bobby and Eddie tries to pull the bars of the front of it, trying to keep it open; but failed to.
The vault door was closed shut.
Bobby presses the side button of his radio, "Hen, do you copy?"
Hen pants, "I'm here, Cap. Making myself comfortable."
"Not too comfortable."
"How do we open this?" Bobby points his thumb behind him at the closed vault as he questions the woman.
"Uh, we don't. The vault operates on a time lock. It wont reopen until the start of business tomorrow."
"What if it's an emergency." Bobby asks.
"There is a number for the vault company on Mr Prentiss' desk."
"Show me."
"I feel like a minion." Kasey mutters to her friends that were with her as they tried to open the vault in a various of different ways. Kasey turns to look at Eddie. "Look at Eds, Buck! He looks like a depressed minion, and you look like what's-his-name? Kevin!"
"Kas, what did I say about the jokes?"
"Just trying to defuse the tension," Kasey sighs as she slams her hand against the small screen of numbers. "I'm just nervous."
"We know," both Eddie and Buck voiced.
Bobby walks towards the trio, slight regret in his stomach that he told the three of them to work together on the vault.
This trio is a trio that should never work together, or it would be disastrous, but Bobby felt that them working together to attempt to open the vault – it couldn't go as bad as it already has.
"Not even a scratch," Buck alerts as he turns around to look at Bobby who was also in the same suit as the three of them.
Bobby walks towards the computer screen on the desk behind Eddie and Kasey.
"Okay, two people, 72 breaths a minute, we need to drill into that vault and get some air flowing."
"Doors are wired, Cap." Eddie waves his hand at the vault. "Running hot."
"We need to cut the power."
All the lights were switched off, only the torches attached to everyone's suits were on.
"You know the man in the van," Buck begins as he talks to Kasey who was standing next to him. "I think he was commenting on our minion suits."
Kasey turns to where Buck was standing, not seeing each other clearly due to the dark, but both had two different smiles on their faces.
"Really?!" Kasey bounced in excitement. "What he say?"
"I couldn't really hear him, but I think he liked them!" Buck switches on his torch when he noticed he was one of the ones who didn't have their torch on. "I said okay to him and knew I had to come and find you."
"Wicked!" Kasey whispers to herself.
Eddie begins to drill into the vault and the duo turned to watch.
"How are you and Jamie?" Buck questioned his friend as the two of them haven't been giving any instructions for this part except hold torches to help Eddie to see.
"We're alright."
"You happy with him?" Buck tried, side eyeing his friend as her eyes stay on Eddie.
"I suppose," she shrugs. "We've only been going out for a few weeks."
"But you would know if you were happy with him, I knew I was happy with Abbie immediately."
Kasey furrows her brows. "What are you trying to say."
Buck stumbles on his words as his looks around the dark room as if it would give him some form of answer, "just, er, I'm just making sure you're happy."
"Sure," Kasey drags out.
"We're through!" Eddie yells as he pulls out the end of the drill to look at the hole he made before someone pushes a tube through it.
"Okay, Chim, power us back up." Bobby says in his radio. "Buck, crank the O2."
He turns to the oxygen tanks, twisting the dial, before letting go and turning round to face Bobby.
"We're wide open, Cap." The four of them look at the computer screen to see the two bodies on the ground of the vault. "Okay, now what?"
"Now we get in there."
"How are we gonna do that?"
"We're gonna crack this safe."
"Chim and I are clearly the cool ones here," Kasey mutters as her and her team stand behind Bobby as he bends down. Her mask was in her right hand whilst her left hand pressed against her hip. "We're the only ones in our wicked minion suits."
She eyes the others in their usual uniforms.
"No idea why but–"
"Okay, we start drilling here," Bobby points to the blank wall that was surrounding the outside of the vault.
"Creating a crumple zone."
"Then what?" A confused Buck asks.
"Then, I have an idea. But we got to soften it up first."
"Soften up a foot of concrete?" Chimney questions.
"Yeah, it beats three layers of tempered steel." Buck looks at Kasey with a grin. "Told you I'm the one using the braincell between us." He places both hands on the hammer that was once resting against his shoulder in one hand. "Let's do it."
The drill goes in first to make a few small holes in various of places of the area Bobby pointed out. Afterwards it was the hammer that was then used to smash against the holes that were created, using them as a marker to where to break down the wall.
"Okay, Chim, I need you back inside," Bobby demands, "eyes on the vault cam. If we're compromising their safety in any way, you got to let me know."
"Copy that, Cap."
"All right."
"How does Chim look adorable in this minion suit?" Kasey asks, ignoring the concerned looks Bobby and Eddie was giving her.
"Kasey," Bobby says, and she turns to look at him with a small frown. "Get into the fire truck."
"Aye, aye, Captain."
Kasey climbs into the driver seat of the fire truck, driving it forth until Bobby halted her with a signal of his hand. The three guys connect the line in front of the truck into the small hole made into the wall.
Eddie rushes forwards after a listening to the sound of rattling for a few seconds. "The wrench isn't going to do it, Cap!"
Bobby held his finger up, gesturing to Eddie to give him a second whilst he went on his phone. Meanwhile, Kasey was drumming her fingers against the steering wheel, humming a song that was stuck in her head whilst she awaited for her next instructions.
Buck jumped into the passenger seat of the fire truck. "Reverse the truck, someone just died."
"What?" Kasey snaps her head to look at him whilst she begins to reverse the truck.
"Keep on reversing."
"What do you think I'm doing, Buck?" At those words the area of wall they wanted to break, came out onto the wrench. Bobby and Eddie runs towards the hole, followed closely behind by Kasey and Buck who looked over Eddie and Bobby's shoulder only to see Chimney standing on the other side.
The vault door was now open.
"Hey, guys."
"Fucking hell!"
The four of them looked between each other before watching Chimney walk into the vault, mask now on his face.
"Hen! Can you hear me?"
There's a groan.
"Chim?" Hen dryly asks.
"300,000 dollars."
"Tucked away on the 118 ladder truck. Any idea how it got there?"
HEN: "No, why would I?"
"You're with the 118. And you were at the bank when it was stolen."
KASEY: "Great observation, Captain Obvious."
HEN: "If by 'at the bank' you mean that I was unconscious and I was locked away in a vault, yeah. And I wasn't alone. "
MR PRENTISS: "Um...I'm sorry, this is so embarrassing. The doctors say I'm fine."
"Still feeling the aftereffects?"
"Do you have any idea what happened?"
MADDIE: "The call came in a little after 5:00."
KASEY: "I was in this minion suit for most of the time and for some reason Chimney looked freaking adorable in the suit! Yellow is his colour, just saying."
"I don't see how that's relevant."
KASEY: "Not to your question, no, but it's needs to be said. Anyways, we thought it was a nerve agent at first."
"On this report it says you've seen it before? When you was-"
KASEY: "I don't know much. A spy supposedly poisoned someone on my team and it looked a lot like what happened today."
"So you could've poisoned those people to help the 118 rob a bank?"
EDDIE: "That's a bold accusation."
"Looks like our money trouble is over. That's the text your sister sent you right after she took the 911 call. You care to explain."
BUCK: "Her landlord finally agreed to let her out of her lease and refund her security deposit. He'd been giving her some grief about it."
"You expect us to believe you just happened to take this call? And you just happened to dispatch  your brother's squad to the scene?"
MADDIE: "It happens more than you think."
CHIMNEY: "We're like a family."
KASEY: "The 118 is my family. So why would we purposely put Hen in danger?"
"That's what we're asking you."
KASEY: "Would you purposely put your own family in danger? No. I don't think so, so that question is-"
CHIMNEY: "I mean, a big, messy, extended family, but we take care of each other, we support each other. You know, we have each other's backs."
BOBBY: "Conspire?"
"Conspire. You conspired with your fiancee's ex-husband to steal the blueprints to that bank."
MICHAEL: "Not stolen."
ATHENA: "You think they did what now?"
MICHAEL: "People request building plans all the time. Architects, contractors..."
KASEY: "You really think we have time to plan and attempt a robbery? Dude we save lives nearly every-day, and do you think we do this job for the money, because if we did, then we wouldn't still be working here, would we? Cause let's be honest, we don't get paid enough to risk our lives every day, but we do our job because we care about people, we care and want this world to be more safe."
KASEY: "No wonder why people don't like you guys if you're throwing the word 'terrorists' around as if it's the same as 'I love you.'"
EDDIE: "Don't think I ever said the word 'terrorists."
"But you were the first to suggest it might be a nerve agent."
"And everyone figured  you knew what you were talking about. Coming from the military and all."
EDDIE: "It was part of my training. How to spot it. How to respond."
BOBBY: "We had to improvise."
"You do that a lot - improvise?"
BOBBY: "It's part of the job. See the problem, solve the problem."
KASEY: "Er, yeah, I suppose you're right. I do improve a lot, but what do you want us to do, have a cup of tea and a biscuit, so we can discuss a plan whilst someone dies right next to us. Yes, we be with you in a moment Jimmy, just got to decide what water pressure is needed to put out that fire."
MICHAEL: "I was trying to help a friend."
"Your ex's new squeeze is your friend?"
MICHAEL: "Hen is my friend. I mean, yes, Bobby's a friend, too. Hell, they're all my friends."
EDDIE: "I don't really know him."
HEN: "Someone said I seemed stressed? Who?"
BUCK: "Cranky. I said she was a little cranky that morning."
KASEY: "Buck and Eddie was hanging up a banner and I was blowing up balloons, Bobby was with Marty - he was someone checking our fire trucks - and Chimney was on his way to work for the first time since the incident."
"Did she seem stressed?"
KASEY: "Hen? I wouldn't blame her if she was stressed from talking to Buck. But we love Buck and-"
"That's not very professional."
EDDIE: "Who said we was in a relationship?"
KASEY: "What do you have against the 118 poly relationship?"
"It must be hard. Your wife losing her job at JPL."
EDDIE: "Yeah. Kids in general are expensive. But they're worth it, right?"
KASEY: "What you asking me about kids for? I haven't got any...right?"
EDDIE: "Y-yeah, okay, maybe I picked up a few extra shifts here and there, but it's not a big deal. Kasey and I are the ones who usually pick up the extra shifts."
KASEY: "I literally have no life so yeah I pick up extra shifts."
"300 grand does solve a lot of problems."
EDDIE: "I've got two full-time jobs: firefighter and dad. I don't have time to plan a robbery."
KASEY: "Why are you so curious on my sex life? Who said I slept with Eddie? We're both in relationships with other people. But how is that relevant?"
CHIMNEY: "I never said they slept together. But I'm not denying that the 118 has a bet going on to see when they'll get together. I've bet they would be together by next year."
BUCK: "My answer has changed about five times now due to their blindness...how long does a divorce take?"
BOBBY: "There is not a bet going on, that's unprofessional, and for those two members of my team? They are not together and will not be together as they are very happy with who they are already with."
"Six weeks at home,  guy like you, what you do for living,  you must've been climbing the walls."
CHIMNEY: "Well, more like redecorating them."
"Sounds like you had a lot of time on your hands. To think. To plan?"
CHIMNEY: "You mean to plot? Who did I plot with?"
EDDIE: "Yes, Kasey and I are together a lot, but that doesn't mean we're plotting to rob a bank."
"You rang her this morning to-"
EDDIE: "-To ask her about flour as I was making pancakes."
KASEY: "I was joking when I said I had no life. I'm not that sad of a human being. Jeez."
BOBBY: "No one on my team would do this. I am sure of it."
KASEY: "I was like ten when I stole that lollipop and I'm beginning to be creeped out on how you know that."
"We rang your family as we believe they could have been involved too."
KASEY: "How much longer of these pointless questions? I've got a dog waiting for his dinner."
"You moved here two, three years go. Minnesota, right?"
BOBBY: "Mm-hmm."
"Left there under a bit of a cloud, didn't you, Captain?"
"Truth is, you don't know the people you work with, and they don't know you. Do they, Captain Nash?"
"We have hardly any reports on you Strand, don't you think that's suspicious?"
KASEY: "No, cause they did that before and after the military for my own safety."
BUCK: "But i trust them. Kasey is my best friend, my sister, I - and Bobby? I trust him and I trust his gut. So when he said we needed to get into that vault, yeah, I believed him."
KASEY: "So, Bobby and I are now your top suspects or something? Might as well throw my dog into that list too."
"Captain Nash said you're aware of his past."
KASEY: "And? What has- hey! Cross 'Kasey's dog' off of that notebook of yours."
"You chose to run into that vault, Firefighter Wilson, believing that there was a nerve agent present. Why would you do that?"
HEN: "Because it's my job."
"Or maybe you were providing a distraction so one of your friends can do a different kind of job."
SAM: "I don't know what happened. I just did what the firefighter said."
BUCK: "The armored car driver."
KASEY: "He said he liked our minion suits."
SAM: "Those yellow suits that they were wearing was horrendous."
BUCK: "I thought he couldn't leave the truck."
SAM: "Then he said I was in danger. I had to get decontaminated. Look, I was scared, I did not know they were gonna rob the truck."
CHIMNEY: "Wait, so the money came from the armored car?"
MICHAEL: "Not the vault?"
HEN: "But I was in the vault the whole time. There's no way that's me."
"No you were the distraction. Getting everyone to look over there, so no one is noticing the man emptying the armoured car."
"So who's your partner?"
BUCK: "I'm so confused. Can you start over?"
Kasey sat anxiously in her apartment.
It was the second time she's been here since the incident. Bear was sat next to her on her coach whilst she leaned her head back to stare at the ceiling, not wanting to take a look at the rest of her apartment.
The ceiling was something she was okay with, it wasn't in her eyesight much since her incident, so it didn't bring her back any memories. But being in her apartment was odd, it didn't make her feel safe, so she was sat there taking deep breaths as she tried not to break down or have a panic attack.
She fiddled with her fingers as she anxiously waited for her lovely surprise to arrive, having already been warned by Athena that she should go in her apartment as the detective and officers will be round with a warrant.
Jamie, her boyfriend, was in her apartment too. He was in the kitchen making coffee for both of them, completely obvious to his anxious girlfriend or what was about to happen.
The second Kasey heard a fist pounding against her door, she jumped up and rushed to open it, Bear following closely behind.
And there they were, the detective and officers with a warrant before they all shoved their way into the house. Jamie leaned back to look at what the commotion was, only for his eyes to widen to see the herd of officers barging their way into his girlfriend's apartment.
Kasey closed the door after the last one entered, she looked down at Bear and shook her head before commanding him to heal at her feet whilst she leaned against the wall, trying to breath as she stared up at the ceiling once again.
She was in the hallway...she was in the hallway...she was in the hallway...
Jamie walked up to her, two mugs in his hands and handed one over to Kasey who quickly took it to keep her mind occupied.
"Did you know about this?" He whispers to her as he watches them from the hallway.
"I'm not allowed to say." She blows the top of her mug to cool down her drink.
"Do you think I should offer them a drink."
"No, they won't be here for long as there is nothing for them to find." Kasey takes a small sip of coffee, her other hand that wasn't holding her drunk was behind her, clutching the radiator. "No one else but me and Athena knows about this. They'll take stuff like my laptop, but I'll get that back in a few days when they discover this is all a false accusation."
"Where are they looking?"
"All of our houses. They even got warrants in Texas for my family down there. The firehouse and their firehouse. It's all bullshit really."
"We're going to your place afterwards, Doctor," one of the officers states. "You can get in our car with us."
"Can't wait." Jamie rolls his eyes.
"I can't wait to get out of this hell of an apartment. Probably should start looking for a new place." Kasey sighs as she looks at her dog before looking blankly at the wall in front of her. She was struggling a lot by being in this apartment and she needed these officers to hurry up so she can just leave.
Kasey even made sure to take out all her stuff from her car and move it back into this apartment so it didn't look like she was sleeping in her car, or they would use that against her and say she was struggling with money. Which she wasn't, not really, she was just struggling in being in this apartment.
And the real reason she hasn't tried to look for a new apartment was because then she would have to go back into this one anyways and get all of her stuff and clean it up for people to look to rent it out.
"Should've put vodka in this coffee, think we're gonna need it."
“Hey, Marty, thanks for coming.” Chimney says as he opens the fire trucks door as he sat in the inside of it.
“Hey. Yeah, I heard you guys were having trouble with the ladder. Was starting to think you guys, uh, don’t know how to use it.”
Another truck door opens, and Eddie leans out of the open window with a cloth in his hand.
“Well, you know how we operate. All our procedures and protocols.”
Buck and Kasey walk towards Marty.
“But maybe you could show us some tricks.”
“Yeah, you seem to know more about these trucks than we do,” states Bobby.
“Like where to hide 300,000 dollars of cash,” Kasey says as she crosses her arms and leans against the truck that Eddie was in.
Marty awkwardly laughs, “what are you guys talking about?”
Hen walks around the front of the trucks and appeared behind Marty.
“How are your hands, Marty? That alternative medicine still working?”
Marty looks round and all the fed-up firefighters before he dropped his toolbox, tools scattering everywhere, and making a dash for it, but he was stopped by the detectives that investigated every single one of them.
“Marty Collins,” the male detective spins Marty around by a hand on his shoulder. “You’re under arrest for bank robbery and murder.”
“Murder?” Marty questions as the handcuffs are put on him. “Who’d I kill?”
Kasey looks down at her phone as a message comes through.
Dad: No more of those unfriendly people are going to come to our homes, right?
Kasey: Suspect has just been arrested; we should all be good now.
“So,” Buck says as he sits himself down as they all moved upstairs to have their dinner. “Let me get this right. The fake nerve agent attack was a distraction for the armoured car robbery. Which was a distraction for the diamond heist. Crime is hard.”
Kasey laughs before she leans against Eddie to quietly talk to him, “do you think that soldier died from a nerve agent? Or was he poisoned by the spy or–”
“What happened to you on that day? As it sounds like it was your team giving you loads of different stories.”
“I was shot,” Kasey licked her lips, “and er, I was trying to sort myself out whilst my team went through those few minutes of hell. It was all quick and sudden…it’s just…if it was a nerve agent then someone else could have helped…couldn’t they?”
“I’m not sure, Kasey, is there a way for you to ask someone on your team about that day?”
Kasey shakes her head, “they all died within that week, we had another spy in the team, but I survived because I got called out to go into this other team where a medic could look at my wound. I came back and they were all dead, except the other spy who got away.”
Eddie gave her a sympathetic look; he knew how hard it was being out there.
“But they all died the same way, they all died like they were having a nerve agent attack…but that can’t be a coincidence…right?”
Eddie shakes his head, “maybe it was poison, and you were the only lucky one to get away.”
“Yeah, guess I should be glad I was shot.” Kasey purses her lips in thought. “It was a crazy week and I never really thought about it until now…think I kind of just blanked it out of my memory until now…until seeing something so similar to it.”
“I don’t think this will be something that will ever be answered, Kas.”
“I know…it’s just crazy.”
“It is…how old were you.”
“I was eighteen and it was my first week out in the field. They gave me a medal for that week too, for spotting the spies. I did nothing though, it – I don’t deserve those medals.”
Kasey shuffled back into her seat, not wanting to think about it any longer as she listens to Hen as she digs into her food.
“Franklin knew the bank and Marty knew us.”
“But how did they knew each other?” Eddie questioned with a mouthful of food.
“Brothers-in-law. Well, ex-brothers-in-law. Franklin had been married to Marty’s crazy sister. And when they ran into each other again, a plan formed. Franklin was the inside man. His job was to create a medical emergency in the bank. The kind that would trigger a hazmat response because Marty knew that we’d have to seal the perimeter to execute the Big Bird protocol. He gets the driver to leave the truck and empty all of his pockets. And while the driver gets clean, Marty gets rich. Except, how’s he gonna get all that money out of there? Can’t just walk it off the scene. He needed a mule. Or a team of mules. Us.”
“Not a bad plan,” Bobby says, “I mean, it’s crazy, but it could’ve worked. We bring the money back here and all he has to do is wait for the right moment to sneak in, access the ladder truck and retrieve the money. Except there want any because the police had already beaten him to the punch.”
“But how’d the police know exactly where to find the money?” Buck questions.
“Cause there was one variable that Marty didn’t count on,” Chimney tells them, “the double cross. See, Marty may have known everything there is to know about the LAFD protocol, but Franklin knew about the bank. He knew what was in that vault. He could steal those diamonds with his eyes closed. See, Marty’s plan was simple, but Franklin’s was more time-sensitive, so he told Marty the best day to rob the armoured car would be his last day. He knew there’d be a party at the end of day at the close of business. He’d start with Marty’s plan, then he’d improvise. Franklin made sure he collapsed inside the vault. He knew what our result would be. Then all he had to do was wait for the vault to automatically close and time-seal for the night. Then he’d have hours alone inside that vault while we ran our rescue protocols. It was a meticulous plan. But there was an unexpected complication.”
“Me,” Hen continues. “He was supposed to be in there alone. So me running in to save his sorry arse? A complication. He had to take me out, too. But now he’s playing ‘beat the clock.’ Soon as the cameras couldn’t see, Franklin swiped six million in stones and waited to be saved. All he needed was a clean gate away. He sends the police after us. So, while the police are investigating us…he could flee the country. New name, new passport, new life.”
“He just wasn’t fast enough,” informed Bobby.
“Marty knew he’d been double-crossed.” Said Eddie.
“He goes to confront Franklin.”
“So Marty killed Franklin,” Buck says proudly in the way that he was finally understanding the story.
“Man, this is why I could never rob a bank, I’m clearly not smart enough for it.” Laughs Kasey.
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weebsinstash · 1 year
I get what you mean about the hair; I try and keep my fics with neutral phrases but I’ve got hair like yours, and sometimes I’m self indulgent 🤷
But imagine batfams reader cutting their hair while stuck in the manor and their reactions at finding out lmao
Honestly, their feelings of BETRAYAL. They'd be so overdramatic. They love to brush and braid and style and do all sorts of stuff with your hair: hair masks, hair stylings, curlings, rollers, would platonic bathing even be a thing 🤔😳 seperated by gender or whatever, or maybe your reader is an adult and you're on that stepcest shiz and that's 🤌 a ok. god the Wayne money makes a sort of communal bathing activity possible for, them to have some sort of big ass tub room or some luxurious "marble bathroom with cascading water from the ceiling into a big square in floor tub that could fit like 15 people in it" type shit, or you mostly have some privacy bathing wise BUT they sometimes take you to a spa where you've got some of them with you and, you know, you're naked so, depending on context this is either mildly embarrassing (oh it's just "your family" but you're shy) or downright humiliating (you know they arent 'actually' your adoptive family or youre a kidnapping victim or whatever).
They all do so much and more and take you to high end salons, and, suddenly, what did you DO??? Where did it all go??? I've had haircuts before where I've gotten a good ten inches chopped off, going from like center of the back to just above the shoulders, and also, like, I've also been a cheap bitch and cut my own hair before a few times, nothing fancy or risky, just combing it out ultra straight after a shower and cutting it even length all around
They're going from being able to do all sorts of styles with it, to, maybe you can barely do a small ponytail and maybe it causes so much traction alopecia it ain't worth it. And you're either so casual about getting/giving the haircut ,or, feel regret later and try and hide it but, regardless, they find out for sure. God, like, have you see Catwoman and Batwoman because they might be the first to notice. Both of them have luscious hair and as your official "new moms" they're the ones who like to look after you and the other girls (Barbara, Cassandra, there's so many of these mf'in comic books I'm sure there's more, Carrie Kasey is from an alternate timeline so she isnt really here). Anyways Selina always being physically affectionate and running her hands through your hair and tbh idk a lot about Katherine but she seems cool and she was shown in the Young Justice show which tbh is kind of where I've been picturing this all to take place, or like, something similar. Both of them are also rich heiresses and, also, you know, women so, regardless of your gender they always get you such luxurious skin and hair products and insist on mothering you and pampering you.
Seriously do you wonder if like the entire family excluding you has to have secret meetings where they negotiate around a calendar who gets to spend time with you like "We wanted to take them to our favorite spa this weekend" "well, they told me that they wanted to go somewhere with lots of animals, so, I'm taking them to that new famous zoo overseas. You'll have to reschedule" "dibs on next Friday, we were gonna do a movie night" "that won't work because there's a convention they've really been looking forward to and I was going with them" and also, would they even snipe each other's plans like 'oh shit that sounds way better than what I had in mind'. They overhear one another, discussing planning to surprise you with something they know you'll like or want to do, and the eavesdropper will snag it first. But also like, not always in a toxic backstabbing way, they're all a loving family albeit with Tons And Tons Of Issues (welcome to the Wayne house, bitch)
But anyways, rambling aside before I immediately begin a rant about another idea, I imagine it'd be kind of contextual how they react to your drastic hair transformation. Are you 'stuck in the manor' cause you're a grounded young adult or a consciously aware kidnapping victim this is all kind of being imposed onto. Or I've also thought of, we've discussed the whole age regression memory loss adoption thing, and potentially just being scooped up, but I've also thought about option c: you were a legit sidekick but then genuinely want to leave or stop and like, they'll let you choose to stop crime fighting but they won't let you leave the family and be on your own. Either way, the fam's reaction could range from some of them being scolding, to being sad, to being disappointed in you and feeling like this is indicative of some sort of problem i mean like "oh no a sudden haircut what if this means they're feeling kinda down, not anything about the kidnapping tho" like, you know how it can be almost satirical where people will overanalyze the situation and suggest the most bonkers thinks instead of accepting the truth. They're rushing to "fix" all kinds of problems. You're getting your bathroom completely emptied of all products and replaced with a customized, expensive routine like hair growth promoting oils and shampoos and masks and leave in conditioners like, borderline treating the loss of your hair like a tragedy like some follicle 9/11, which, also applies super hard to the next idea I'm gonna share before 😅
There's kind of, a personal haircare problem I've been encountering but is kind of specific but I could also see it making like an interesting sort of story. I have seborrheic dermatitis (which, it's dandruff, most skin conditions are actually autoimmune disorders) and my scalp just likes to randomly go crazy sometimes and, well, i can't tell if it's the use of a "safe for daily use" clarifying shampoo in tandem with the potentially drying anti dandruff shampoo, or the seborrheic dermatitis inherently, or just a dry scalp that's being exacerbated by the wrong shampoo, or even years of my own high ponytails, but, I've noticed a recent change in my hair texture with some noticeable hair thinning, so. Onto the concept, what if the fam was obsessed with your hair but you insist on being able to buy or choose your own products and they aren't possessive enough that they're controlling what your personal hygiene routines and such are (yet), so, here you are experimenting with new products and routines and just trying to have fun and you. Accidentally fuck up your own hair, or notice a problem, and you're too nervous to go to them because 1. You'll feel stupid about it and you don't want them to look down on you 2. What if they have a weird reaction about it 3. Bruce would probably take you straight to a dermatologist and what if that doesn't help and maybe you have some internalized trauma from being poor in your old life that you don't like "wasting money/resources on unnecessary dr visits if I can figure it out myself 🥺 im sorry"
But like if you outright damaged your own hair I feel like that'd really feed into their whole all around neurosis on needing to take care of you. Infantalizing sort of "SEE, this is why you need our help, can't you see we just care about you 🥺". Some of them might be more invested or differently prioritized than others but none of them are happy, just, differing levels of being upset haha. The "iron fist" really comes down on regulating you, from what you to how you brush your hair to what goes in it and even how you sleep. Getting enough vitamins and minerals in your body while good rest is important, so, not only do they have to male sure you're eating and not having any deficiencies, but also, Bruce is occasionally checking those hidden cameras to make sure you're fast asleep when you need to be, him and, really anyone who can use the Batcomputer and has the will, tracking your sleeping patterns and seeing if you're sleeping soundly or if there's any nightmares or you're popping awake or, even maybe if your phone and certain things will have to be confiscated for you to rest, IF those are things you even were allowed to have in the first place.
But yeah these guys got me acting totally weird and on some self indulgent personal fantasy shit but ykw if you're subscribed to me you're probably a lil weird too and that's ok 👍
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teddy-bear-d · 2 years
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Some art to celebrate the occasion
And a rant below the cut bc peoples responses has me thinking \/
I don’t really get why this is such a big thing, I myself couldn’t care less if Dream decided he never wanted to face reveal. But I can’t help but be astonished at how far this reached.
Last night some of my non-mcyt enthusiast friends texted me freaking out about his face reveal, saying things like how they had never expected him to actually do it. And this surprised me bc they call me a Dream Stan, to contextualize this I have never watched a single one of his his streams and only a couple of his manhunts. I stick more to Bench trio and the old school mcyt’s.
This morning a TikTok-er, that I have been a fan of and very inspired by for around 4 years, posted a video saying they “wouldn’t say anything about his looks but would like comments.” And they liked comments making fun of Dream, talking about how he was just average and a white guy. Some of these comments were funny and tasteful but I found a lot to just be bordering on rude. Now this shocked me bc this TikTok-er always preaches against western beauty standards and not judging people for much past character (that being not their looks or interests). It also shocked me bc this TikTok-er had previously stated that they would never interact with the mcyt community bc 1 they had no interest in the content and 2 they were “racist and homophobic.” I understand where that reputation comes from and I know that if you stick to the outward sections of the community (like twitter) it can be very hostile so I never felt like those remarks were anything for me to think about. But now I’m stuck, why would someone who claims to want nothing to do with our community decide they had the right to make jokes against a big event in out community.
Certainly, I understand least why Dream has to be this perfect person. He makes Minecraft content for goodness sake. Yet people act like he must be top of his game 100% of the time and have some sort of god like beauty to him or else he’s worthless and he and his fans deserve death. Like what? Why can’t he be a normal guy??? And I get it, there are far too many plain white guys getting success just because of white male privilege. But I would argue that’s not why Dream is popular and successful. Sure it plays a factor, obviously, but he is as popular as he is bc people like the content he puts out. People act like he just sits there and looks pretty for views despite the fact that he hadn’t face revealed until yesterday. Like what? Honestly it feels like misogyny and I don’t know how to explain it. I’m sure given the time and energy I could write a whole essay on that. But basically he’s hated on bc he isn’t perfect, bc he isn’t a super model, he is undermined at every turn, and people discredit his accomplishments. As an AFAB feminine presenting person I can say that that is what misogyny feels and looks like a good portion of the time. So why is a white man getting this flavour of hate??? I couldn’t tell you. I couldn’t tell you why he gets hate in the first place. But that’s my observation after being in the DSMP community for almost 3 years.
Idk if any of that was coherent or even had a point, but those are my thoughts and I felt I had to share them. (Honestly the Dream hate feels like misogyny thing has been brewing in my mind for at least a year now, or at least since that time he was forced to tell, was her name Kasey I don’t remember, if he was gay or straight. Which is a whole other world of gdhsjajsn that I could rant about)
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matherofdragons · 2 years
can't believe that mika keeps getting called shitty despite the major character development she got from S2 until now. she's a character with flaws (which makes her way more realistic than the others) and wasn't made perfect like someone else. it bugs me how this toxic fandom wants the perfect character handed to them on a silver plate, like- then it's just an overpowered mary sue/gary stu no? anyways, this fandom was so fast to excuse any other character in the serie that has messed up, but God forbid mika from mistaking 🙄
and to those who said that in S3 she's still a shitty heartless btch i would like to show how she went from complaining day and night about her former team
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to miss it with such a saddened, hurt and bitter expression.
how she used to have a visceral hate for enforcers
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to work amicably with them and care for them. on God i still can't stress enough how she got upset the moment she saw Ginoza was hurt, GINOZA, we all know how she used to treat him in S2 and yet he's one of the few peoples she keeps on being in contact even outside of work. And her fist bumping with an enforcer? AN ENFORCER GUYS.
And are we seriously gonna act like she wasn't sad when Kasei (at the end of S3) hinted at wanting to remove Arata and Kei from their positions, but then when she choosed not to
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she was ✨sparkling✨ with happiness? FOR REAL???? (plus Kasei having a soft spot for sad Mika still sends me sdjksxjskxjk)
Not liking her is okay, but saying that she's still "shitty as ever" when it's not true, that she doesn't deserves anything and that the only thing she deserved was Togane supposedly raping her so she'll get put on her place, is seriously disgusting. After this I realised that this fandom has no morals whatsoever and I toxic af, reason why I distanced myself from years aback...
Sorry for my long ass rant, but I had to get this off my chest for real 😩
Preach sis💁🏻‍♀️
I definitely agree with what you have said. And I want to add that I also don't see why people say Mika is toxic or an awful character, when we saw that she's actually a very well developed character, being a tsun tsun like Gino was a plus.
Mika deserves more love ❤️
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awanderingdeal · 3 years
Helloooo could we maybe get Kasey Leo bonding time? I adore how you write!
Hello, hello, hello. Thank you so much, anon! That is very kind of you <3 Kasey and Leo bonding time you say? Yes, please. Enjoy!
CW: Food talk 
Rating: G
These characters and the Sweater Weather universe belong to @lumosinlove
“Hey blizz,” Leo waved his hands to gain his fellow goalkeepers attention, waiting for him to remove the AirPods he’d shoved into his ears after finishing his shower. “Finn headed back to New York straight after practice, and Lo’s just informed me he’s going to some art thing with Cap, so the apartment is going to be pretty lonely, if you wanna hang. I think we might have some leftover barbeque?”
He didn’t think either Sirius or Logan would object to him tagging along, but it appeared there was something emotionally cathartic about their rants in their native tongue for the pair of them. His french wasn’t good enough to keep up with their rapid conversation, however, in his defence, he was pretty sure their huffs, snipped sentences and aggravated hand gestures weren’t comprehensible by the rest of French - speaking Canada either. Still, Logan always seemed to come back in a better mood than he left in, and according to Leo’s reconnaissance with Remus, the same was true of Sirius, so he left them to it. 
“Sure,” Kasey nodded, “You’ll never find me turning down good barbeque.” He started to pull his slightly damp hair into a ponytail, letting out a small laugh. “Besides, Nat will probably appreciate having me gone a bit longer anyway. She’s editing it, and you didn’t hear this from me, but she gets a little...intense.”
“To be fair to her, editing is a bitch,” Leo chuckled, shoving his sweaty uniform into the laundry trolley. Back in high school, he’d had a small gaming channel that by now was buried in the depths of Youtube, and editing had always been his least favourite part. 
“Yeah, I keep telling her she should just pay someone to do it, but you know Nat,” Kasey shrugged, swinging his backpack over his shoulder. “You ready?”
“Ready,” Leo hummed, taking one last glance behind him to ensure he hadn’t forgotten anything. He fell into step alongside Kasey as they walked down the hallway.
“What’s this?” Kasey drawled. Leo looked up to find Kasey leaning casually against the doorframe, expression smug. It took him a second to register exactly what the maroon item of clothing dangling from his teammates’ finger was.
“Oh, that’s,” Leo cleared his throat, “Finn’s?” He felt himself cringe as the name left his mouth, the questioning tone not even the slightest bit believable. 
“That’s odd,” Kasey tilted his head feigning confusion, “because it says LK, here on the label.” 
Leo sighed, cursing his mom’s insistence on labelling his clothing before she’d packed him off on his senior trip. “Yeah, alright it was mine. Did you drag that out of the donation pile, anyway?”
Kasey pushed himself off the doorframe, crossing the room. “It was on top of the donation pile, which by the way, rude,” he slipped one of the plates Leo had been piling food on from the counter and set in the microwave. 
“Kind of weird to have in my closet now,” Leo managed a small laugh, hoping his cheeks weren’t as red as they felt. “Anyway,” he crossed his arms over his chest, “I was a goalkeeper, am a goalkeeper. Of course I had your jersey.”
“Sure it had nothing to do with a little crush,” Kasey teased, draping the jersey over the back of one of the stools. 
“Wrong cub. Have a word with Finn,” Leo scoffed, immediately feeling a bit guilty about how quickly he’d dropped his boyfriend in the deep end. 
“O’Hara brothers have good taste,” Kasey retorted. “Don’t donate it,” he cocked his head towards the shirt, “I’ll sign it. Imagine how much my jersey worn by you will rake in. We can give the money to a charity. Maybe something that helps queer kids?”
“You know, just when I want to hate you, you say shit like that and it just makes it impossible,” Leo swatted Kasey’s hand away from where he was about to reach for the hot plate with his bare hands mumbling something about impatient hockey players. “Sounds like a good plan. But circling back to O’Hara brothers, I heard a certain one dropped the L- bomb recently.” 
“No, no, no,” Kasey shook his head, his forehead creasing into a frown, “we are not talking about that.”
“That’s alright,” Leo smirked, “I’ll just call Nat later.”
“How about a compromise?” Kasey suggested. “We don’t talk about this, and I don’t tell the whole team I was little Leo’s favourite.”
“Fine,” Leo relented. “Just one more question,” he let the pause hang for a moment. “Did you cry?”
“Everybody thinks you’re the cute one, but you’re just a little shit really.”
“You love me.”
“You’ve been spending too much time with Finn and Logan,” Kasey grabbed the tray Leo had gestured to, and followed him into the living room. 
“Okay, serious talk for a second. Sure, it’s weird to have that jersey in my closet now, but you really were an inspiration for me growing up,” Leo sent Kasey a shy smile, as they sat on the sofa. “I never thought I’d get to thank you in person, but here I am and you played a massive part in that, so yeah, thank you,” he rubbed the back of his neck. “Still coming for that first choice goalie place though, old man.”
“Hey, you’re a hell of a player and I’d be happy to see you take my place one day, but not quite yet, rookie,” Kasey snorted. “Barbeque is great, by the way.”
“Just keeping you on your toes,” Leo nudged Kasey lightly, turning the TV on and selecting an animal documentary they had started the last time Kasey had been round. And really, 17 year old Leo could never have imagined telling Kasey Winter how much he admired him, but here they were, team mates, best friends, family.
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fleetingpieces · 4 years
Playing with the stars
What if Remus didn’t get injured and was drafted to play for the Dallas Stars?
This is a very self indulgent piece cause happy-sportsman-Remus pretty much lives rent free in my brain.
I’m fairly new to hockey and very much in love with it, but sorry in advance if there’s anything not hockey-accurate!
Once again, thank you Jazzy @inloveoknutzy for beta-ing this! <3 You’re amazing
And the beautiful world building and OCs belong to the amazing @lumosinlove Thank you so much for such a great story <3
CW: mentions of past abuse and mild spice.
Sirius Black was not a clumsy person. He was fearless, dedicated, precise and ruthless against his adversaries.
At least, that’s how he usually behaved.
Today however, Sirius was just stepping on the ice, glancing around the rink, when his eyes landed on a familiar player on the other end and he slipped. Sirius cursed as he grabbed onto the boards to prevent a fall, mentally slapping himself. He was never like this. And he already knew the man would be there, so why was he even surprised? Of course he was there. They were facing his team after all.
It was the first game the Lions would play against the Dallas Stars this season, but Sirius wasn’t sure if he was ready for it. Every game against the Stars was torture, and it had nothing to do with them being insanely good. Sirius liked that part actually, it meant he had to really push himself to beat them.
No, his problem came in the form of one very fit Remus Lupin.
Sirius hadn’t actually, properly seen Remus play in a couple of months, and the impact was even greater because of that. He watched as Loops skated effortlessly on his half of the rink doing warm ups. The way his body moved as he glided through the ice, his muscles flexing underneath his uniform, and the glint in his eyes were enough to take Sirius’ breath away.
Of course, everyone knew who Remus was. First draft, golden boy, star rookie a few years back. Sirius was slightly embarrassed of how well acquainted he was with the man’s career. He’d watched his every game since Loops had started playing for the NHL, and when he was alone in his house he would sometimes watch his old tapes, even though he would never admit that to anyone.
There was a loud clunk from one of the goalposts when Remus took a hard slap shot, and Sirius cursed again. His lithe body seemed to flow over the white surface, his stick an extension of his arm with how confidently he wielded it, and that fiercely joyful smile. Damn that smile. Sirius could only stare as Tyler Seguin went over and crashed into Remus, grabbing him into a headlock and saying something that sent the man laughing.
How the fuck was Sirius supposed to focus on the game with something so beautiful right there?
Shaking his head, Sirius went the other way with a frown etched on his face. 
“What are you so grumpy about?” said Pots as he went past him.
“It’s nothing,” Sirius replied. He leaned over his knees and breathed slowly, before slapping hard on his thighs once and setting his eyes on the thing that mattered right then. The puck.
And if there were a pair of amber eyes following his movements from the other end of the rink at that exact moment, he didn’t really notice.
The puck dropped not too long after and the game started. Sirius was first line and won the face off, swiftly passing the puck to Finn, who took it all the way to the Stars net where Dobby was ready for him. Before he could do anything else though, Loops cut his way and stole the puck from right under his feet. Sirius found himself staring in awe as Remus dribbled past one of their defensemen, before he snapped out of it and turned quickly to give chase.
“What the hell was that, Cap?” Pots shouted a few feet ahead of him. Sirius could almost hear the smirk in his tone.
He grumbled but did not lose sight of the puck in front of him. Those two seconds of distraction had been enough for Remus to reach their defensive zone; the way he teared up the ice was ridiculous. He took the shot, but it went straight into Kasey's glove.
Well, that was a way to kick start the game.
“Yeah, Bliz!” Finn congratulated, tapping his helmet.
When it was time for the first change, Sirius sat down heavily as Dumo’s line went out. He clasped his hands together between his knees, with his head bowed down. He had to focus. This was no time to admire what a great player Loops was. Or how obscenely good he looked in his gear.
The Lions knew him to be the dedicated, focused captain of the team, not this silly mess of a man who couldn’t take his eyes off another man from the opposite team. No, there was too much at stake for him to lose it like this. It didn’t matter that his friends knew he was gay, he couldn’t just flaunt it in front of the cameras and the wild crowd. 
He owed it to his team to get it together. He started picking up the pace after that, slowly falling into that absolute-hockey headspace, but still he felt that he couldn’t play his usual game. He kept getting slightly distracted for short periods of time, and by the end of the first period he felt incredibly frustrated with himself. It was mainly thanks to his teammates’ skills that the score was still tied 0-0.
He made his way back to the locker room behind them all, admonishing his own behaviour and telling himself he would do better in the second part of the game. He was so focused on his internal rant that he barely noticed Dumo falling into step beside him, and jumped when he placed a hand on his shoulder.
There was a knowing smile on his face that Sirius wanted to wipe off, but his tone was kind as he spoke, albeit slightly teasing.
“Mon fils, if you want to stare you have my full support, but perhaps we should focus on the game now, non?”
With that he chuckled, squeezed his shoulder and entered the locker room ahead of him.
Sirius took a second to stand outside the door, smiling at how simple and easy it was to talk about it with Dumo. The man was like family, a good kind of family. He’d taken him in and protected him against Sirius’ own mother, he’d given him a real home. It was such a Dumo thing to do, talk about his biggest secret as if it was the most normal thing in the world; Sirius could only shake his head as he followed behind him.
“Damn that Lupin!” was the first thing he heard as he stepped in. Finn was in the middle of complaining while making big gestures with his hands, and Logan and Leo were staring at him with fond, amused smiles on their faces. “It’s like every time you turn around he’s there! It’s insane how fast that man is.”
Talker came over then and slapped Sirius on the back.
“Don’t feel too bad Cap. He’s a beautiful man; sometimes I also find myself getting distracted by him.” At Sirius’ raised eyebrow, he added, “I stare with respect.”
He said it with a completely straight face, but Sirius saw the mirth dancing in his eyes. Some of the guys around laughed, adding a few comments of their own to the friendly banter. Sirius wasn’t sure what he’d done to deserve such an amazing team. Although the last thing he needed right now was to keep on thinking about Remus, so he tuned them out until Coach came in to go over their strategy.
Second period started in a similar way than the first had, only the pressure had increased. The players were marking each other more tightly, the puck kept going from the Stars’ zone to the Lion’s, and there had been no shots on goal so far.
Halfway through, the whistle blew as one of the referees called an offside on Dallas, and both teams skated over for the face off. As Sirius was getting closer, Loops skated in his direction, locking eyes with him as he circled behind him, and Sirius had to will his body not to jump when Remus started talking with his mouth close to Sirius’ ear.
“I wonder what got the great Captain Sirius Black so distracted?” he said in a playful tone, and Sirius didn’t have to look to know he was smiling.
He was taunting him, the bastard, and fuck if that didn’t ignite a fire inside Sirius’ body.
“Worry about losing your own focus Lupin, or you’ll end up biting the ice,” he replied in the same tone, and was rewarded with a soft chuckle.
If Remus wanted to play like that, Sirius would give him a performance to remember. It was a challenge, Sirius could feel his body thrumming with the adrenaline of it as he finally relaxed completely and played the way he was supposed to from the start.
Sirius managed to change the rhythm of the game with a fast pass he sent Pots’ way, that ended up being the first goal; then Logan scored another one right before the second intermission, setting the team’s spirits on a high. But then Remus scored two incredibly gorgeous goals in the third period that left Sirius slightly light headed.
They were tied.
And right now Sirius was having an internal battle as well as the one going on by the boards, as he and Loops fought for the puck, their bodies close together and Remus’ witty chirps in the air. It was taking all of Sirius’ years of discipline to keep his head in the game.
“Oh hey, you finally decided to come out to play?” Remus said as he bumped into him from behind and Sirius had to bite back a laugh, before spinning around and lightly sending Remus against the boards in retaliation.
“Look alive, Lupin!”
With barely two minutes left on the clock, Sirius managed to get the puck across to Talker, skated behind the net to position himself on the other side of the rink, shook off two defensemen as the puck headed his way again, and immediately whipped it into the goal, making the horn blare.
Screams and cheers erupted all over as the whole team crashed into him. They won, but it had been a very close call.
Nonetheless, it was over now and Sirius could go back to his hotel room and be alone for a bit. And probably watch some tape. The guys were going to grab food on the way, so Sirius excused himself to go lie down and whack himself for being such a klutz during the first half of the game. He was sure it would become easier with time, today he’d just been less prepared than he’d thought he was, and he vowed to make it better.
Just as he was heading outside through the empty hallway, a door opened and he turned around to see Lupin and Seguin coming out of their own locker room, and the sight was just a bit too much for Sirius right then.
Remus was in his game suit, his hair wet from the shower, with a stray curl falling on his forehead that Sirius desperately wanted to brush off. He was once more laughing at something Seguin had said, which made Sirius frown as he turned away, shoving his hands in his pockets.
There was nothing he could do about it, he wanted too many things that he couldn’t have.
Once he was outside, having escaped through the back door that led to the parking lot, he leaned against a wall before he lit up a cigarette and took a few long hauls, closing his eyes for a few minutes.
“Hey,” a voice said beside him and Sirius almost jumped out of his skin.
“Fuck, are you a ninja or something?” Sirius asked, bringing a hand to his heart, still holding the cigarette. He hadn’t heard Remus coming out.
Loops grinned as he came to stand right next to Sirius, but then his eyes focused on the cigarette on his hand and he lifted an eyebrow.
“Does your PT know that you smoke?”
“No, and there’s no need for him to know. I only smoke when I’m stressed.”
“What are you stressed about? You were amazing out there.”
“Not in the first period,” Sirius mumbled as he took another drag, but Remus heard him.
“And why is that?” he asked with a smirk, taking a step closer.
Sirius huffed in exasperation.
“Fuck Re, do you know how hot you look out there? Did you really have to make it that hard on me?” he lifted an eyebrow at the innuendo, which only made Remus’ wolfish grin go wider.
“Hmm. You didn’t expect me to go easy on you just because we’re dating, right?”
Remus placed a hand on the wall next to Sirius’ head, guarded by the darkness of the parking lot, and looked at him straight in the eye. The golden flecks in Remus’ irises seemed to have a light of their own, and Sirius could only stare, transfixed, as Remus’ long fingers reached up to snatch the cigarette right from between his lips and placed it in his own mouth. Without breaking eye contact, he took a slow drag and exhaled to the side before stubbing the fag against the wall.
Remus’ hand came to rest on the other side of Sirius’ head, and he pressed their chests together, slotting his thigh between Sirius’.
“Y’know, if it was that hard on you,” he punctuated by pressing his thigh down ever so slightly, smiling as a whine sounded at the back of Sirius’ throat, “there are other ways to help you relax,” he said with a tilt of his head, before he ducked down to suck on Sirius’ neck.
“You’re not flying back to Gryffindor tomorrow, right?” Remus whispered against the skin just under his ear, pulling a breathy “No” out of Sirius that sounded more like a moan. “Good. I can stay with you all night then, yeah?” he added before he scraped his teeth against Sirius’ ear lobe, and Sirius had to blink a few times to clear his fuzzy head.
"I...quoi?" He had to resist the urge to slap himself. Use your words, Black.  “I mean...what?” Oh yeah, much better.
Remus leaned back just enough to look at him with a smile, tucking Sirius’ hair behind his ear.
“Will you be missed if I take you home?” he said in an amused tone, tilting his head in a way that was so adorable Sirius had to fight to keep another whine in.
“I thought you had a team dinner you couldn’t miss.” Sirius hesitated before continuing, “Isn’t it too risky for us to do this?”
“No,” Remus said immediately. Then, after a short pause, “I mean, I do, and it is, but...I haven’t seen you in almost a month, Pads. I...I missed you.”
Sirius’ heart melted. It’d been hard on both of them since the season had started; their tight training schedules and the fact that they lived in different cities didn’t allow them much time together. Being apart from Remus felt like being off balance, like his world was tilted to the side, and it had only settled on its right edge the moment Sirius had gone on the rink today and laid eyes on Remus again.
Sirius cupped Remus’ cheek, and the other man pressed against his touch, closing his eyes as a fond smile slowly made its way through his face.
“What?” Sirius asked.
“Do you remember that first time I asked you out?”
Sirius was surprised into silence for a few seconds, before he got what Remus was thinking about and he huffed a laugh.
Of course he remembered.
They had been in a very similar situation to the one they were in now, but still, so many things had changed.
The Lions had been playing against Dallas too on that day, only they were at Hogwarts stadium, with their chance at the playoffs at stake. And Sirius’ parents had been there.
Their words, their hard looks, Walburga’s hand digging into his shoulder...it had all been too much and Sirius had found himself spiralling down into the scared, closed off boy he’d used to be before he’d started playing with the Lions. Before he’d been accepted into a real team, a real family.
At that moment, all he could think about was pressure, reputation, and secrets.
He couldn’t let his parents find out. He couldn’t let his friends find out. And then, after the game, he’d been alone at the parking lot trying to get his breathing under control, ripping a leaflet to pieces when a soft hand was placed on top of his, and Sirius had looked up to concerned amber eyes.
To the one person he was supposed to avoid at all costs.
Remus had removed his hand from Sirius’, taking what was left of the paper from him and throwing it in the bin in the corner.
“Hey! I was using that!”
“What for?” He’d sounded genuinely curious, which confused Sirius as they were cordial with each other but they weren’t really friends.
Staring ahead, Sirius had avoided looking him in the eye as he ran a hand through his hair.
“There was something on my mind.”
“Hmm,” Remus hummed.
Sirius had glanced to his side and found Remus staring at him straight in the eye, before the other man stuffed his hands in his pockets and leaned on the wall beside him.
“Are you free?”
“Hm?” Sirius asked absentmindedly. He’d been too busy staring at the way Remus’ shoulders strained against his shirt to register what had been said.
The corners of Remus’ mouth turned up in a sweet smile, making Sirius’ breath stop completely. He couldn’t help but think he was gorgeous. 
“Are you free right now or do you have somewhere to be?”
“Oh. No, I’m done for the evening,” Sirius said, confused as to where that had come from.
“Well then, wanna go grab dinner?”
“I...what?” Sirius was perplexed. He’d not been expecting that.
“Dinner. With me,” Remus said, amused. What was going on? Was this...was Remus flirting with him? No, that couldn’t be it; Loops was known to be one of the most caring players out there, he’d probably seen that Sirius was struggling with something and just wanted to help. But even if that was it, he was not about to turn the man down.
“I...yeah. Yeah, I would like that,” Sirius said as a small smile spread over his face.
When Remus gave him a happy grin of his own, eyes shining bright, Sirius’ stomach had done a flip, and he’d known he was totally, and absolutely fucked.
He felt his body tingle just like it had back then when Remus trailed his fingers along his jaw, bringing him back to the present.
“Yeah, I remember,” Sirius placed his hands on Remus’ cheeks and kissed him, slow and steady, making Remus sigh and sag against him as he talked between kisses, never letting their lips part further than an inch. “You were so cute. And sweet. I was so fucking surprised that you asked me out, but I didn’t dare believe you actually wanted...well, me.”
Remus laughed, nudging at Sirius’ nose with his own. 
“How could I not want you? Did you look at you? Do you know how sweet, caring and amazing you are?”
Sirius groaned as he nipped at the other man’s bottom lip, making him jump in surprise. He let his fingers run among the wild tawny curls, pulling at them slightly at the back of Remus’ neck. Remus let his head fall back, and instantly felt Sirius’ mouth on the soft skin under his jaw, trailing warm open-mouth kisses until he reached his collarbone.
“Re,” he whispered, feeling his boyfriend’s chest rising and falling in short shallow breaths.
“Please take me home.”
336 notes · View notes
futurebicon · 4 years
This was quickly written because I loved it so much so it’s a bit short. Also there’s some Uncle Sirius because I might have an addiction to it. I also might write the fans or Alice/Dorcas’s reaction to it if people want. There’s also quite a bit of French so I added the translation to the longer ones.
Also please send in ideas
Sirius sat down on the bench, grabbing his water bottle and drinking it all quickly.
The team all patted his back and jostled his hair, congratulating him on his goal.
“Good goal, baby” Remus kissed his cheek.
“Thanks, my love” Sirius turned his head and kissed him properly.
He looked over towards the sound of a squeal, turning red as Dorcas awwed.
“Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck” Kasey chanted into Sirius’s mic.
“Voulez-vous l'arrêter? Concentrez-vous sur le jeu.” Sirius pushed him away with an “Aye, aye Captain”
Would you stop it? Focus on the game
“Are you going to talk in French the entire time you’re mic’d?” Remus asked him.
“C'est plus facile de parler en français. Et c’est marrant de voir Alice et Dorcas en colère contre moi parce qu’ils doivent faire traduire par quelqu'un et c’est un bonus supplémentaire quand ils traduisent mal. Alors oui, mon amour, je vais probablement parler en français tout le temps” Sirius smiled at him.
It’s easier to talk in French. And it’s funny to see Alice and Dorcas mad at me because they have to get someone to translate also it’s an added bonus when they mistranslate. So yes, my love, I probably will talk in French the whole time
“You’re an idiot” Remus shook his head with a laugh.
“Je connais” Sirius told him, beckoning him down for a kiss. “Je t'aime”
I know. Love you
“Love you too”
“Hi, love” Sirius panted when Remus rested his chin on his shoulder.
“Hi, baby”
“Pensez-vous que je devrais changer Leo et Kasey. Je ne peux pas vraiment dire si sa cuisse le dérange ou non. Je veux que Leo soit plus sur la glace, il va très bien. Finn a également été touché plus tôt mais je ne l'ai pas vu, et James a besoin de-” Sirius ranted quickly, his pants chopping up the words.
Do you think I should switch out Leo and Kasey. I can’t really tell if his thigh is bothering him or not. I want Leo on the ice more, he’s been doing really well. Also Finn got hit earlier but I didn’t see it, and James needs-
“Hey” Remus interrupted. “I can’t translate French if I can’t understand you, mon chéri” He smiled at him.
“Pardon, mon loup” he kissed him before repeating what he had been saying before in English.
“Votre famille ici, bébé?” Sirius asked.
“Behind us 4 rows up” Remus nodded behind them.
Sirius turned around, waving at the Lupin family. He pulled his mic closer to his mouth. “Hi Jules” he whispered into it.
Remus smiled, knowing his brother was going to go insane when he heard Sirius say his name in a video.
“Sirius my child wants you” James shouted down the bench.
Sirius smiled, walking to the glass.
“Hey little man.” Sirius fist bumped his 3 year old godson through the glass. “Having fun?”
“Want talk to Uncle Rems” Harry shouted loud enough for him to hear. Sirius groaned internally knowing the girls and the fans were going to go insane at the fact that Harry called Sirius’s boyfriend his uncle.
“You called me over here because you wanted to speak to Uncle Remus?” Sirius asked with a chuckle, laughing harder when Harry nodded.
“Re” Sirius waved him over “Harry wants to say hi”
“Hey buddy” Remus greeted him.
“You gonna play game?”
“Not this game H” Remus smiled at him.
“Can I sit wit you?” He asked.
“You don’t want to sit with me?” Sirius asked in mock offense.
“No you play” Harry giggled.
“I would let you sit with me but I don’t think you can tiny James” Remus told him sadly.
“Secret” Harry put his pointer finger over his lips. His uncles laughed.
“I don’t think that’s an easy secret bud” Sirius laughed.
415 notes · View notes
lumosinlove · 4 years
Sweater Weather
part xvii
Hey team!
I just want to pop in before the chapter to say a HUGE thank you to those who sent me letters!
Thanks to Hannah for your letter and O’Knutzy necklace! It’s AMAZING.
I want to thank Giana for your gorgeous letter (I’ll answer your questions in a separate post and I’m so glad you’re writing again!)
Thank you Kennedy for the painting, earrings, shark sticker (yay marine biologist!) and letter with the dried flowers :)
Thank you Alba for your SW art and your letter—yay to being there from the beginning!!
Thanks to Sophie for your kind words and letter!
Thank you Stephanie for your letter (and beautiful handwriting wow) and of course your gifts! I love the bookmarks and pin!
And last but certainly not least thank you to Alaena! I love that you included what asks you sent in XD and the STICKERS. I can’t decide if I want to put them on things or hang them all up on my bulletin board :) They’re incredible.
Thank you everyone, you’re all so thoughtful and kind!!
With SW ending soon (at least this fic, but this universe will never be over for me!) it is so incredibly lovely to hear what it means to you all. I feel so luck every single day that you guys love this team as much as I do. You thank me for this story, but I think the best part of fiction is that it expands and evolves differently in each mind it touches. Tumblr is such a freakin gift because I get a little glimpse into how you all think about these characters. So, I’m saying thank you to YOU. It’s truly a privilege to hear from you all. <3
If you feel like sending me anything, there is a link to my P.O. Box in my tumblr description! <3
Okay my mushy rant is done. Here’s chapter seventeen :)
Remus forgot his own birthday.
Lily had to remind him, bringing out a cake while he and Sirius had spent the day playing with baby Harry. Harry Potter. Harry James Potter.
The team adored him. Remus would never forget the sight of an entire team of hockey players, fresh off a plane, and crammed into a hospital room to peer at the small head of dark hair in Lily’s arms.
Minus one. Minus two, if what Sirius said was true, and Remus was part of the team. Remus had looked at the picture that Pascal had sent him from beside a sleeping Sirius and a heart monitor.
He had looked at the picture, and then at Sirius, and the relief doubled.
Four broken ribs. Bad, but it could have been worse. So much worse. A few days in Vegas to be monitored, just in case. Then, home.
Home for Remus’ birthday, home and in pain, but smiling none-the-less. Harry was a welcomed distraction from it all—the press, the hurt, the uncertainty. Lily seemed to know this without it needing to be said. Remus had told her she had enough going on without worrying about a cake, but Lily had just waved him off and cut them all large slices of the chocolate fluff.
Sirius, meanwhile, had somehow slipped a simple golden necklace around Harry’s neck, and when Remus looked down next, there it had been. A shining gold star pendant. The message had been clear. Sirius’ name-sake and Sirius himself—something to make a wish on.
Remus took a weeks off of work, all that he could.
Road-trips were a blur. Practices were anxious. The team was anxious.
March 27th.
Eight weeks. Sirius had been out for eight weeks. Resting, and stuck in his big house. Remus never thought he would be so thankful for Regulus.
“I’d rather be here than Slytherin any day, even though he whines like a baby when you’re gone.”
“Non,” Sirius would protest.
Regulus would raise an eyebrow. “Yeah.”
Remus would sneak into Sirius’ bedroom whenever he got home late, press one, two, three, four gentle kisses across his chest, and take his place on the other side of the pillow, carefully placed so that Sirius didn’t roll over during the night.
Sirius whined a good deal about that, too. And getting back on the ice.
“I just…I want to be back in case we make it to…” the playoffs.
The team was close. So close.
Sirius had only recently been allowed to come to the rink, suit and all, for home games to sit in the team box. It was strange, looking up from the bench at the jumbotron and seeing the image of Sirius there, standing with his arms crossed, sometimes with a beanie on, making his eyes look intense as he focused on the game in front of him. He was completely unreadable—to everyone but Remus. Remus could tell when he was happy with the team’s playing, when he was annoyed at their opponents. The internet was crawling with gifs of Sirius’ stormy eyes. Remus had more than a few saved, and they frequented the team group chat.
Remus looked up now, but all the jumbotron was showing was James, who had been taking lead in Sirius’ absence, talking quickly to Finn. Remus could see his own legs in the background.
The Stars were up 4-1, and there was ten minutes left in the second period. If they won this game, and they won the next game, they were in. And Sirius would be back the week after that—hopefully in time for the first playoff game, and not for an all-too-long summer vacation. Although, honestly, right then, Remus thought Sirius deserved either one. A chance at the Cup, or a break, a chance to rest up. To be together.
Leo was in net, Kasey resting up his thigh that continuously bothered him. Leo was skating a slow circle after the Stars scored yet another goal, tracing the blue crease with his stick. Remus could practically feel his furious calm.
“Big Rig may experience different weather up there, but he sure as hell has more gravity. Tremzy,” James knocked his helmet with his glove. “Don’t let him catch you, eh?”
“We gotta come back from this shit,” Finn said as he followed Logan over the boards. “For Leo. Leaving him out to dry out there. No.”
“For Cap,” Thomas said, coming back over the boards and breathing hard.
“Gotta put my baby in that silver crib!” James followed his wingers, a center for now.
“Cookie, Bluey, Ringer, be ready,” Coach called. “You’re on deck.”
“The oven is hot tonight,” Elias Cook said, pouring water over his neck.
“Stop saying that,” Kasey shook his head. “Jesus.”
“He can’t help the heat, Baby Bliz,” Thomas said.
Kasey just shook his head and looked back to the game.
Remus leaned in over Thomas’ shoulder. “That was a hit, Talkie, you good?”
“I’m hot,” Thomas said around his mouthguard.
Remus snorted, patting his shoulder pad. “You sure are.”
James lined up for the face off, Finn and Logan jostling against Benn and Perry. Logan dug his skates in when the ref dropped the puck and James whipped it back to him. Logan darted forward into the Stars’ zone, tailed closely.
“C’mon, Tremz,” Remus murmured.
Logan shot the puck off to Finn who got battered against the boards almost immediately by Benn, but got it smoothly to Olli, who sent it sailing back towards the Stars’ net. James was there behind the crease, Khudobin pushed out the wrong way—
James curled it in from behind and the Gryffindor goal horn blared.
“Fuck!” Thomas rose to his feet, knocking his stick against the boards. “Atta boy, baby-daddy!”
4-2 until the buzzer sounded and they were heading back down the tunnel. Remus glanced up at the screen one more time, and only just caught Sirius, smile plastered on as he was shown shaking the hands of a few older men. Remus suppressed a smile, and followed the team off of the ice for second intermission.
The locker room was subdued, and Sirius came in while Remus was crouched by Logan, taping up a jammed finger. He walked up to Coach first, leaning his elbows on the podium where he controlled the projector. Remus watched as he pointed to a few of the plays drawn up on the whiteboard, Coach nodding along.
“I can do this,” Logan said. “Leave with your moon eyes.”
Remus rolled his eyes, but tore off the tape and rose. “You’re all set. Try and keep it safe during third.”
“Oui,” Logan said, already sliding his headphones back on. Finn rose to get a fresh jersey, brushing a palm over the back of Logan’s neck on his way. Logan’s eyes followed him as he went to Leo next, who was sitting with his elbows on his knees in his stall, head down and airpods in. Finn squeezed himself in beside him and wrapped an arm around his shoulders. He leaned in to press a few kisses to his neck, murmuring soft words. Leo closed his eyes and pressed into him.
Remus turned away from the two to meet Sirius’ eyes. He was smiling, a good break from the grimace Remus had become used to.
“Hi,” Remus said and pressed a hand over the familiar bandage, thick beneath Sirius’ suit and shirt. “Feeling okay?”
“I’m good,” Sirius leaned down, right in the locker room, and kissed him. His mouth was gentle, leisurely. “I feel good.”
Remus smiled into it, and took his hand. “Good. Come on.”
Sirius followed him, hand in Remus’, into the training office.
“Ten minutes until show time,” Remus said in the dim space and wrapped his arms around Sirius’ neck. “Are you really feeling okay? Been on your feet for a while, I’ve been watching.”
“Loops, I come back soon. I’m healed, I’ve started light exercise. It’s just a matter of insurance.” Sirius leaned into him, lips brushing his. “You seemed to think I was fine last night.”
Remus grinned. “Yeah, I definitely think you were fine last night.”
Sirius smiled, but then his expression turned more grave. He bit his lip, and ran his hands up and down Remus’ sides a few times, almost as if to comfort himself. “Fuck, I want this for the team so bad.”
Remus nodded. This was a conversation they had been having more often than not. “I know. And they know. You want it for them, but baby, they want it for you. They’re out there doing their fucking hardest for you. I don’t think you should start preparing for the worst. Not yet. Hockey’s a fast game.”
“We’re just—we’re so close. And fucking Grayback and…and if we win this game, we just have to beat Vegas again and we’re in. And I won’t get to fucking be out there because of fucking Grayback. And he’s not even suspended anymore—”
Remus kissed him, and Sirius mumbled for a moment into it before relaxing.
“Two games,” Remus said. “Home. Then Vegas. We beat Grayback, take a chance at the cup away from him. That’s the best we can do.”
Sirius looked at him for a long moment. “How are you so okay with all of this?”
“What’s the alternative? Obsessing over him? He’s not worth it. At all.”
They looked up at the sound of the team noisily making their way back down the tunnel, shouts and whistles, trying to psych themselves up for a come back.
“Third,” Remus said, then tucked his fingers into Sirius’ hair and kissed him again. “You’re competitive. I love you for it. But, baby, you’ve already beaten him. You beat him a long time ago.”
Remus kissed Sirius’ slowly smiling mouth again and again before rushing out the door.
Sirius made his way back up to the box. He watched the other members’ eyes follow him as he slipped back into the private room. There was an absurd array of food and drinks on a table, designed to impress members and investors. Sushi rolls and miniature hot dogs, popcorn in Lions colored cardboard boxes. Red-frosted cupcakes and lion head cake-pops. Sirius took a cupcake. He’d already beaten Grayback. Remus had just kissed him. His ribs had healed well. It all called for a cupcake.
“Really letting yourself off, eh?”
Sirius looked up at a man. He was wearing a white collared shirt under one of Sirius’ jerseys. Obviously a fan, obviously nervous, obviously important given the way one of the managers was looking at him talking to Sirius.
“No,” Sirius said plainly. “I’m having a cupcake.”
There were laughs from around him, as if Sirius was the funniest guy in the room. Sirius didn’t feel funny. This guy was making him miss puck drop.
The man held out his hand. “I’m Mike. Real doozy you slapped the world with.”
Sirius took it tightly, cupcake in his other hand. “I wasn’t aware that I did the slapping.”
“Probably broke a lot of hearts though.”
Sirius looked at Mike the way he looked at opponents on the ice. He watched him blink, watched his body language change.
“I was thinking about my own heart. Désloé, how do we know each other again?”
“Oh. Well—”
“Right,” Sirius nodded. “Enjoy the game.”
Sirius walked towards the box’s edge, unwrapping his cupcake. He could see the entire stadium from up here, the teaming mass of red and gold, the team readying themselves on the ice. A tiny glimpse of Remus on the bench. Coach was gesturing and talking. He watched his own face on the jumbotron as he took a bite of the dessert. He found the camera and flashed it a thumbs up, waving his arms upwards and listening to the crowd’s cheers roar in time with his hands. He caught glimpses of rainbow flags in the crowd, signs with number twelve decked out in the colors. It was a nice contrast to the signs that Sirius saw on his way into the stadium. Defaced number twelve jerseys, slurs, people jeering at his window as he drove through security. Interesting, to see who was inside, and who was not.
The puck dropped and James won it. James who, despite them being down, was hot tonight. No doubt riding the adrenaline of Harry and Lily at home, of being named temporary captain, of being so close to what they all dreamed of.
Sirius couldn’t think it, not even in his head.
The puck seemed to be frozen in the central zone, both teams battling too hard. A stalemate in aggressive trench warfare. Back and forth, back and forth with no progress. Sirius crumpled the cupcake wrapping between his fists and cupped them together, shoulders tense.
“Allez…” he whispered to himself.
The camera was on him again, and he looked stony even to himself. He raised his eyes to it and pointed a finger down at the game. Show that, he mouthed.
The Lions goal horn blared. Logan had scored.
Sirius knew the camera caught his reaction on camera. He put his fists up, relief bubbling out of him in a shout.
“Allez, Tremzy!”
The crowd was going wild. Finn slammed Logan into the boards in celebration and the jumbotron replayed the beautiful tip-in. 4-3. Things weren’t so impossible anymore.
Sirius squeezed the wrapper in-between his hands again and set his elbows on the ledge.
“Play Kuny, play Kuny…” Sirius muttered under his breath. He would match Oleksiak. Sure enough, Coach sent Kuny’s line over the boards a second later. Nado and Evan Kane followed him, Fox and Sunqvist on defense.
“No power plays,” Sirius prayed. “Come on, Nado, no stupid penalties.”
“Do you always talk to yourself in French while playing?”
Sirius stiffened. Mike was back.
“Non, parfois je parle en russe.”
Mike blinked. “What?”
“Laisse-moi tranquille, homme intrusif,” Sirius grinned sharply. “I said only sometimes. Usually on the bench.”
That seemed to make Mike happy. “Hey, you’re really superstitious, right?”
“Like what?”
Like being alone in the team box, Sirius thought bitterly. Like getting a blowjob from my boyfriend before a game, you know, that doozy I slapped the world with?
“There’s a lot of them,” Sirius said. “If you’ll excuse me, I really have to watch this.”
Mike nodded quickly. “Oh, of course, of course.”
Sirius shifted away a little when he didn’t move, tried to focus on the ice. The puck had dropped and it was on Evgeni’s stick. He was carrying it quickly up the ice, seeming to cut through the players with his broad shoulders. Sirius imagined he could hear his deep voice, calling for Nado to look alive. The pass connected, but Seguin tapped it out of Nado’s hands from behind and sent it up the ice quickly to Benn.
“Merde,” Sirius said. The Lions were changing and then it was Pascal’s line with Elias and Brady, Olli and Timmy on defense. Benn managed to get around Olli, and then—
Leo was pushing far out of the crease and aggressively jabbed the puck right from Benn’s stick and onto Pascal’s waiting one. Leo slid back into the crease like a water snake. The stadium was chaos.
Knutty, Knutty, Knutty, was the chant. It filled the air itself. The jumbotron showed the bench briefly, Logan and Finn and Thomas grinning up at the stands. Pascal still had the puck.
His solid form darted up a clear channel, catching the Stars in a slow shift change. He was in front of the goal, Sirius squeezed the wrapper between his palms. Pascal faked by lifting his left leg, Khudobin went for it, and Pascal slid it right between his pads, neat and tidy.
They tied the game. They tied up the game. Sirius pushed back from the railing with a long breath as a TV break began. The Lions ice crew came out to some pop song and began their sweep. Sirius looked down at his bench and yearned to be with them. He rubbed his hand absentmindedly over his ribs. They were healed. He had a few more sessions with Remus left and then he would be back. He would be back.
He thought of the hit.
He hadn’t known what was wrong. There had been no air in his lungs. But Remus had been his first thought. He knew who hit him, he had seen his face before he hit the ice.
This would hurt Remus.
“Wait, has a what?”
His own voice over the jumbotron drew him out of his thoughts. It was a pre-recorded interview, one of the fluff ones that they played for fun to entertain the crowd.
Marlene’s voice from off screen repeated the question. “Which one of your teammates has a life-sized Stormtrooper, R2-D2 and C-3PO action figure in their apartment?”
They showed his own face again, laughing and thinking. “Oh. Um.”
It switched to James, arms crossed and actually thinking about it. He pushed his glasses up his nose and laughed. “I don’t know, Finn and Leo? That seems like a weird Harzy thing.”
It cut to Finn. “That’s not weird. I wish it was me. I’ll convince Nut, don’t you worry.”
Pascal looked unimpressed, sitting easily in the chair. “There is only one person this could be, and that person spent the first two months of his time in the U.S. with only the phrases, You’re my only hope, and I’m your father, to his vocabulary. Oh, and the word no.”
Sunny was laughing. “I know exactly who this is.”
Nado looked pained. “Do you have any idea how many times I’ve seen Star Wars now? Do you have any idea?”
Finally, the screen cut to Evgeni, smiling, tongue jokingly between his teeth. “Good for English, you know?” He held up his hands. “I am Force.”
The video ended with a swoop of the Lions’ logo, and even Sirius could help but smile. There was eight minutes left in the period.
Eight minutes to pull ahead.
They would do it.
The Stars had called a time out, and so James, Logan, and Finn were milling around the ice together, keeping their muscles warm. Leo was looping around the goal.
They were ready.
Seguin faced off against James, both of them leaning forward.
Seguin won it.
There was a fleury when James was pinned to the boards by Oleksiak, but Logan was there to steal the puck from beneath his feet.
The clock had dwindled down to four minutes when a whistle blew with a slashing penalty on the Stars. Pascal and Thomas joined James on the ice for the power play unit.
Sirius could feel the energetic restlessness of the crowd. They all knew what this could mean. Sirius let out a shaky breath and looked at the wrapper in his hands. He thought of Remus. Remus, and his long list of superstitions. But what pulled him through had been himself. Sirius held it anyway, but he held his Lions closer.
They were ready.
They set themselves up in a triangle, a tic-tac-toe, in front of the Stars’ goal. The sent it to each other quickly, boxing the defensemen in. Finally, James got it to Evgeni, who slapped it with a one timer and—
The goal horn. 00:24 seconds remaining.
The crowd was already singing with victory. The Stars tried for one last push, but Leo snatched the puck right out of the air with his glove.
Sirius pushed his hands through his hair in relief. “Merde.”
Sirius was out of the box before anyone could even think about congratulating him, jogging down the private staircase and towards the locker room. He made it to the player’s hallway before he was stopped by a smiling Alice.
“I know, I know,” she said. “Can we just get a few questions in?” She gestured over to where Marlene was standing with a microphone, talking to a dark haired girl holding a camera. Alice raised an eyebrow. “It’s only Marlene.”
Sirius rolled his eyes. “Sure.”
Alice patted his arm. “Congrats, by the way.”
“Thanks,” Sirius said and shoved his hands into his pockets while looking at Marlene expectantly.
“Okay, McKinnon, let’s go.”
Marlene scoffed. “Nice to see you, too. Hi Cap, how are you? Ribs, mind, in general.”
Sirius relaxed a little. If he had to do interviews, he preferred Marlene above all else. “I’m healing well. Ready to get back on the ice.”
Marlene narrowed her eyes at his short response and he smiled. That made her smile. Those were rare for the press, and she had just caught one.
“Any thoughts you want to share about how the majority of the world is responding to you lately? By my calculations, you’re quite the icon and inspiration—not that you weren’t before of course.”
Sirius laughed a little. “Oh yeah? Um,” he cleared his throat. When he looked up he could see Remus down the hall a little ways. He was talking to Kasey who was still fully dressed. Remus looked beautiful and strong and…And Sirius just… He hated questions like this but he just—
“Someone is always going to find something wrong with you,” Sirius said. “With what you say. With what you do. My job is not to please, you know? My job is to play hockey, sure, but, really, my job is to be the person I want to be, do the things I believe are right, do the things I love. With the people I choose to love. I think that’s everyone’s job,” Sirius found Remus beyond the cameras again, along with everything he had ever wanted. He looked back to Marlene. “That took me a long time to learn. They say, have a thick skin and an open heart. Before, all I had was a thick skin. Now, I’ve found someone who can help me have both. I didn’t even realize how much I needed that.”
“And that was an interview with a surprisingly heartfelt Captain Sirius Black,” Lee Jordan broke off in a laugh. “Earlier this game we also got to see him telling the cameras, show the game, show the game. Pointing down at the ice. Outstanding. That’s a layer of the Captain that I don’t think we see very often. From what I hear, the dude’s funny, though, Dean. Now, let’s take a look at the Lions’ top scorers. With the Captain out, that would be Logan Tremblay, James Potter, and, that’s right, one of the oldest in the league, Pascal Dumais…”
“What is that?” Remus said, appearing in front of Sirius where he was waiting in the PT room and drawing his attention away from the television. Remus peered at his hands.
“Oh,” Sirius felt himself flush as he looked down at the cupcake wrapper, more like a tiny ball of oily paper now. “I was holding this when Logan scored, so…”
Remus laughed. “So, you had to hold it the entire period. And now it’s practically falling apart. You’re not keeping that.”
“But it—” Remus grinned as Sirius surrendered the wrapper. “Fine.”
“Hey,” Remus said, and Sirius looked up. Remus was flushed from the game, eyes bright with the win. He leaned up and kissed him hotly, then softly. Sirius had to blink a few times when he pulled away. 
“You always had an open heart,” Remus said. “That’s obvious to anyone who knows you. Who loves you.”
Sirius smiled. “Yeah?”
Someone cleared their throat. “Sorry…”
They looked up to see Kasey, now in just some basketball shorts. “Hi.”
“Hey, Bliz, I’m ready for you,” Remus said, then looked up at Sirius. “I can get the subway back if you wanna go home to Regulus.”
“Non, non, I’ll wait,” Sirius said, and bumped fists with Kasey on his way out.
Remus smiled after him for a moment, then at Kasey. “So, thigh?”
Kasey nodded, eyes shifting downward, then back to Remus again. “Yeah.”
Remus paused, brows drawing together. “Kasey, are you—”
“Hey, Kase?” Natalie appeared in the doorway. She had her long blonde hair drawn back in two dutch braids and a Blizzard jersey on over a gray sweatshirt with the hood spilling out. Her smile wasn’t as bright as usual.
“Hi, Remus,” she said. “Baby, I’m gonna go say hi to Marlene. Just text me when you’re all set okay?”
“Hi, Nat,” Remus said slowly.
Kasey nodded, accepting a kiss on the cheek. “Okay.”
He hopped up on the table and lay on his back while Remus got ready.
“Just the thigh that’s bothering you?” Remus said carefully. He pushed Kasey’s shorts up his thigh to get at the tense muscle and carefully began kneading the muscles. The post-game played softly on the television while Remus waited for Kasey to speak.
“Will it always be like this, Loops?” Kasey asked quietly after a few moments.
Remus looked up at where Kasey was reclining on the padded table with his fingers across his chest. Remus, if he was being honest with himself, had been waiting to have this conversation with Kasey for a while.
Kasey looked back at him. “It acts up more often than not. I can’t play if I can go down, I…I can’t—”
“I know,” Remus said softly. “I know, Kase. Look.” Remus moved down to his knee, smoothing the muscle firmly. “This injury…it’s a tough one. It takes a long time to heal. It takes time and endurance. So, my answer is no. It won’t always be like this. It just takes time.”
“What if I don’t have time?” Kasey’s voice was even quieter. “I’m a goalie. Sometimes we have less—”
“Kase,” Remus looked at him. “You’re twenty six years old. You do.”
Kasey groaned as Remus pressed his knee out to the side, loosening the muscle slowly. “Fuck.”
“We’ll do some strength training next practice, okay? We’ll make a schedule, I’ll work with you. And we have a day off tomorrow. I’ll send you some videos to do at home if you want, or you can rest.” Remus smiled a little. “Or Natalie can help you stretch.”
Kasey smiled and it seemed easier. “When you say stretch…”
Remus laughed. “That’s the point. Look, you will heal, but you also have to enjoy the rest of your life. Hockey’s everything, and not everything at the same time. I’m gonna give you some salve, okay? And then you’ll be good for the night. Rest.”
Kasey nodded. “How’s Cap doing?”
“He’s okay,” Remus said, warming up the muscle salve between his palms. “Wants to be out there with you guys.”
“We want him there,” Kasey sat up on his elbows and watched Remus’s hands. “What about baby Black?”
Remus snorted. “Good. I mean, happy he’s here. The whole Snake runaway thing is sort of up in the air. The Snakes have their lawyers on his ass about his contract, and Minnie thinks he might have to go public with some pretty horrific stories to prove that they breached it.”
“Horrific stories…”
Their eyes met somberly. “I know.”
“Jesus,” Kasey sighed as he sat up. He pushed his hair out of his face and looked down at his leg. “That feels better. I…I feel better.”
“Good. Try and stay off it as much as you can, okay? Nat loves you to death, don’t tell me she won’t get you what you need.”
“Oh, she will,” Kasey smiled and eased himself carefully off the table. “Thanks, Loops.”
“Bliz,” Remus said, and Kasey turned to look back. “You have time and life and everything else. Really.”
Kasey nodded. He smiled a serious sort of smile. “You’re right. I get in my head.”
“You’re a goalie. That’s part of the job.”
Kasey laughed, flipped him off, and closed the door behind him.
Sirius was waiting for him on one of the couches in the player’s lounge, eyes closed and beanie on his head. His shoulders looked broad in his dark winter coat and suit.
“Hi, handsome,” Remus said, leaning over Sirius with his hands resting against the back of the couch on either side of his head.
Sirius’ eyes opened and he smiled. “Salut.”
“Ready to go home?”
“Regulus says he’s out with Leo. Day off and all that,” Sirius tilted his chin up, silently asking. “House to ourselves.”
Remus pushed himself back upright. “Let’s go.”
“I’m glad Regulus had Leo,” Remus said as he stood in Sirius’ massive but mostly empty closet. He picked out one of Sirius’ t-shirts and sweatpants and pulled them on. “They’re both eighteen and both have a lot of pressure to deal with, even if it’s, you know, different pressure. It’s nice.”
“Yeah, I’m happy,” Sirius said as he came back into the bedroom from the bathroom. His torso looked lean in his his sweatpants, the bruising finally faded. "And thankful to Leo. He didn’t have to reach out, you know?” Sirius collapsed onto the bed with a smile, bouncing a little. “Now, let’s stop talking about my brother.”
“Nope, no bed yet. Come on.”
“You want to play next week, you do this with me now. Let’s go.”
Sirius let Remus wrangle him downstairs and into the gym. Sirius put on some music and then Remus lay him out in just his sweatpants on a soft mat and led him through the breathing exercises and some of the light core work that was on his recovery plan. Sirius kept his eyes on Remus the entire time, the two of them laughing as his hands wandered to Remus’ hips. Remus had to admit that, now that Sirius wasn’t in pain, watching him spread out on the mat like this got him. His softly moving chest, his hard muscles, the shadowed curl of his hair on his temples. He let it get him, there in the privacy of Sirius’ basement. Sirius noticed.
He smiled the next time he raised up in a crunch, abs working, hands behind his head. “Maybe I could use some incentive.”
Remus raised an eyebrow from where he was by Sirius’ bent knees. “Oh?”
Sirius pushed up and held there until Remus bent so he could kiss Remus lightly, then lowered back down.
The next time he came up, he brought Remus down with him. He parted his knees so Remus could settle between them. Sirius’ chest was warm from the exercise, his heartbeat even. Remus sighed into his kisses.
“We should go easy, we have the party at Pascal’s tomorrow—”
“I’m perfect,” Sirius said, and rolled them gently so that Remus was on his back now, Sirius hovering over him. “I feel perfect. I want you so bad.”
It had been a bit of a challenge. They’d been on strict no-sex orders, given to them rather sheepishly by Sirius’ doctor while he was still in the hospital. It had been a lot of Remus trying to sneak a quick jack-off in the shower, trying not to make things harder on Sirius, only to come out of the shower to a glowering, turned-on boyfriend.
Getting the all clear had been spine-melting, and it had sort of been that way ever since. Still, sex was few and far in between. Regulus was in the house more often than not, and even if it was a big house, Remus didn’t think it was the best idea to invite him to stay only to sneak off to Sirius’ bedroom.
Regulus had received the message quickly though, and told them clearly enough when he would be out for a while.
Remus shuttered when Sirius’ hardening cock dragged across his own.
“Fuck, are we really doing this in the gym?” Remus panted out a laugh. He was already so turned on that it ached. His dick pressed insistently against the band of his sweatpants, and when Sirius next dragged his hips down, the loose fabric pulled away to expose the shiny head of his cock. Remus moaned. “Sirius, fuck…fuck, I—”
“No lube,” Sirius said. “Shit, I…”
Remus just pushed Sirius’ sweatpants down over his ass, making his cock fall free, bobbing and stiff, and tugged his own sweatpants down until his hips and thighs were exposed. Remus pushed their hips together, mouth open. It was plenty wet, Sirius cock already beginning to shine at the head.
Sirius fucked his hips forward steadily against Remus, the friction making him squeeze his eyes shut. Remus felt Sirius’ lips against his neck, and wrapped his arms around him. He felt sort of frantic with it, lazily happy with how much he loved this.
“Love you,” he murmured as Sirius pushed forward with a well-aimed thrust. “Fuck, baby, yeah…”
“Not bad for a core workout,” Sirius said into his skin.
Remus laughed, even as pleasure sparked at the edges of his vision. His cock felt heavy and sensitive against his stomach.
“Don’t overdo it,” Remus said. “Here.”
Remus pushed at Sirius’ shoulders until Sirius groaned and rolled onto his back.
“I’m fi—”
His complaints died on his tongue when Remus pressed up all along his side, cock trapped between them, and wrapped a hand around Sirius. He kept his strokes even and tight, running his fingers down over his full balls, the vein on the underside. Sirius was hot in his hand, precome thin and leaking over the back of Remus’ hand. Remus kissed Sirius, tongue sliding into his mouth, and more heat trickled over his fingers. Remus felt like he could come just like that. It was almost—surreal. He was so turned on, especially for not even having done that much. He had just been taking Sirius through his exercises one moment, and then Sirius had taken him between his thighs and he was done for.
“Re, let me,” Sirius breathed, and his fingers found his own cock for a moment before wrapping around Remus’ shoulders to reach behind him, rubbing over the swell of his ass.
Heat pooled in Remus stomach and made his hand stutter, gripping Sirius tighter. “Fuck, yes…”
Sirius’ fingers were soft and slow as they worked their way inside of Remus. It was a little dry, but Remus let his temple pitch forward onto Sirius’ chest as Sirius fingered him. He stroked Sirius slowly, dazed by the contrast between his own pale fingers and the darker, flushed skin of him. He wished he could see Sirius’ hand.
“There,” Remus gasped suddenly. “Ah—”
Sirius pressed him in gentle, slow strokes. It was different, being touched there and not his cock. Remus pushed into the feeling, his cock trapped and still between them. It wasn’t enough to do much except let Sirius’ fingers build a painfully slow pressure inside him. His eyes were lidded as he stroked Sirius’ cock until it was rock hard in his palm. He threw a leg over Sirius’ thighs so that Sirius could push into him deeper, finger curving against his prostate.
Remus just moaned.
“I’m gonna come soon, mon loup,” Sirius panted, hips straining up once, twice. “Loops—”
Remus sped up his hand, swiping his thumb over the swollen head, and then Sirius’ hips jerked. Come dripped lazily over Remus’ fingers, more and more of it, in thick white pulses. Remus’ dick throbbed at the sight, at Sirius’ fingers, tense from his orgasm, pressing hard inside of him. He squeezed his eyes shut, then opened them, gasping. His hand had stilled against the base of Sirius’ cock, and he could feel him pulsing there, cock throbbing through his orgasm. Sirius’ head had fallen back against the mat, his chest rising and falling quickly beneath Remus’ chest. It was a mess on his hips and Remus’ fingers.
“Fuck. Oh—” Sirius moaned as Remus started stroking him again. His cock strained valiantly, but it was spent and softening. “C’mere, Loops, fuck.”
Sirius turned into Remus, fingers twisting inside of him. It gave him a better angle, and when he moved next, he doubled down.
Remus could only hold onto his shoulders, pliant against the mat.
“Can you come like this, sweetheart?” Sirius said gently. “Just on my fingers?”
Remus already felt like he was coming. There was sweat on his temples and chest, and he felt Sirius’ kiss the salt away. His cock was taught against his stomach, an angry red now. Sirius stroked inside of him evenly, but in quicker time. Remus didn’t even have time to catch one breath before the next was stolen.
“I’m coming—” Remus said, but he knew he wasn’t. Not yet. But he was sure he was. He groaned and Sirius kissed his exposed throat, his back arched up, pressing down on him.
“C’mon, baby,” Sirius said. “Fuck, look at you.”
“I’m coming,” Remus said again, voice breaking, and the calloused pad of Sirius’ finger pressed against him hard, and then he really was. It tore out of him forever, spilling against Sirius’ tan skin. Sirius cradled Remus against him, saying soft things in French until Remus could open his eyes again. Sirius took Remus’ dick gently in his hand, easing a last shiver of pleasure from him. Remus smiled a little deliriously and curled closer to his warmth.
“Bath?” Sirius whispered.
“We gotta clean this,” Remus laughed. “Fuck, I feel like my brain is gone.”
“I’ll clean,” Sirius said, and tilted Remus’ head up for a kiss. “Go get the hot water going.”
That sounded fine to Remus.
Lily opened the door to Pascal’s house with Harry cradled in her arms.
“Sirius fucking Black I swear to god you triggered my labor.”
“You say that to me every time you see me.”
She stepped aside. “And will continue to do so.”
Remus stepped through the door first and took Harry from her, holding him close so that Sirius could press a kiss to one of his chubby cheeks. He wasn’t heavy, but Sirius wasn’t suppose to lift very much. Harry smiled at him and Remus watched as Sirius smiled back, murmuring in French.
“Where’s Regulus?” Lily asked.
Sirius shrugged, still making faces at Harry.
“Out with Leo,” Finn’s voice suddenly said. He was sitting on the couch with Logan tucked up against his side. “Yeah, uh-huh, Leo’s replacing us with your brother.”
Logan rolled his eyes. “That’s not true.”
Finn raised his eyebrows, as if to say he wasn’t so sure about that. Logan nudged his jaw with his nose until he pressed a light kiss to his lips. Remus smiled.
He could see the long road that was behind them and the long road ahead at the same time. It was better that way.
Most of the team was there. The living room had a huge banner that read Congratulations Logan! and beneath it a smaller one: for finally moving out of my basement! 
Sirius laughed hard. “I didn’t get one of these!”
Pascal shook his head from where he was playing cards with Sergei. “I knew you would leave eventually. This one, I wasn’t so sure.”
“Hey,” Logan groaned.
Remus laughed and snapped a picture of Sirius in front of it.
“Can I have that for my instagram?” James asked.
“Baby, too much instagram, okay, I love you so much, but…” Lily winced.
“But I have a baby now,” James stood to Remus’ other side, and then Remus had two fully grown hockey players making baby talk surrounding him. “That’s what instagram’s for. Isn’t it, my little lion?”
Harry laughed delightedly at his father.
Kasey and Natalie were sitting on the couch beside Logan and Finn. Natalie had Kasey sitting between her legs on the floor, fingers running through his hair as she talked to them. Kasey seemed to be talking very seriously about something with Katie, who seemed to be wearing three princess dresses at the same time. She was sitting in his lap and he was nodding along, responding whenever she waited for him to.
Remus handed Harry back to Lily when they went into the kitchen to get drinks. Celeste was in the kitchen with Anya, and Thomas seemed to be helping, too, along with Noelle.
When Sirius said he was surprised to see her, she waved him off, taking a sip of her wine. “I’m the resident Tremblay sister representative. We were all pretty worried about Lolo for a minute there, but…” she smiled. “If only we knew. Not one boy, but two. Plus,” she looked over at Thomas, who was focusing intently on what Celeste was saying and stirring on the stove. “I have my own reasons.”
“Talkie’s a good one,” Remus said. “You lucked out there.”
“Right?” Noelle laughed, then nodded at Sirius. “I’m really glad you’re okay.”
“Me too,” Remus and Sirius said at the same time.
Noelle laughed again, and then her expression became more mild. “And…” she looked towards the living room, where they could distinctly hear Logan’s laugh. “I know none of this was easy for you two, but I’m happy you were there for my brother. Maybe not in the way you wanted to be…in the way any of us wanted…but you showed him it was okay to be who he is. I think Finn would have gotten to him eventually but I think it would have taken a lot longer. I’m glad he’s happy now. And that’s largely thanks to you two.”
“The delicious smells of success,” Thomas suddenly sang out, slightly off-key. “Breathe in the delicious smells of success, hey, Christmas, come over here and look at this goodness.”
Noelle laughed. “Oh, I’m already looking at it.” She sent Remus and Sirius a last smile. “Anyway, I said my piece.”
Remus laughed as she returned to Thomas’ side, tucking herself against him.
“That was sweet,” he said and rubbed his hand gently over Sirius’ chest, sort of out of habit by now. He could feel the bandages there.
Sirius kissed Remus’ temple. “Yeah.”
“Sirius, mon cher,” Celeste kissed Sirius’ cheek when she came over from the stove. “You are okay? Of course you are, Remus is with you. No more big empty house and take out meals, oui?”
Sirius laughed. “Way to sell me out.”
Remus snorted. “Like everyone didn’t already know.”
Celeste laughed. “C’est vrai.” She sighed, patting Sirius’ chest, near his ribs. “I am still so angry about Grayback, honestly.”
“Aren’t we all,” Pascal said, coming over. Celeste wrapped an arm around him.
“You and me both,” Sirius said, taking a sip of his wine. “But it’s over. I have to let it be over or else I’ll go insane.”
“You’ll be back out there soon,” Pascal said.
Sirius smiled. “Only thanks to Loops.”
Remus rolled his eyes. “It’s you who does the hard part.”
Pascal laughed. “As if getting this boy to do what he’s told isn’t the hard part.”
Remus laughed. “Hm, true.”
“Celeste, the goodness looks ready to me,” Thomas called over from the stove.
Celeste laughed and leaned back towards the doorway to the living room.
“Dinner, everyone!” she called.
It only took a few moments for the kitchen to become crowded with people lining up with their plates.
“Hey,” Evgeni bee-lined between them for the wine bottle, but stopped on the way to give Remus a kiss on both cheeks. “Get Captain laid, no more grumpy.”
“Kuny,” Remus said.
Nado, behind him as always, cracked up. Sirius laughed, too.
“Merde, Kuns,” he said. “Subtle.”
“Very,” Regulus’ wry voice suddenly said from behind them as he and Leo entered the kitchen.
“Just in time!” Celeste said, handing them both plates. “Where have you boys been?”
Leo shrugged. “Just—hi, sweetheart,” he cut off as Finn wrapped his arms around his waist. “Just touring around Gryf. Got lunch.”
“Yeah, Sid’s is the best,” Regulus said.
Sirius spluttered mid way through serving himself dinner. “I told you that.”
“So, you believe Leo and not me?”
Leo grinned. Regulus shrugged.
Remus spent most of dinner holding baby Harry and watching Sirius tickle his tummy while he laughed. James looked ready to cry at the sight. Lily took him back to be fed when they moved to sit around the living room with dessert, but Remus didn’t mind. He just leaned back into Sirius’ chest, happy with his team around him.
Logan looked red in the face from all the jokes implying why he was so eager to move in with Leo and Finn. Adele had stuck close to him all evening, sitting on his free side. Logan had his arm around her. Remus had overheard him assuring her that he’d be over to visit all the time, which he thought was unbearably sweet. Leo looked resigned and amused to the teasing, and Finn just looked thoroughly pleased, sitting between them with an arm around each.
Remus felt a kiss being placed on his neck.
“Maybe we could celebrate more than one move tonight,” Sirius said into Remus’ ear.
Remus held Sirius’ arms across his chest, turning to look at him. “What?”
Sirius just smiled and pulled Remus out of the living room and into the butler’s pantry of the kitchen. He took Remus’ hands in his warm ones. “You should move in with me.”
Remus took a slow breath in.
Sirius slid his hands up Remus’ forearms. “I want you to move in with me.”
“Besides,” Sirius smiled. “Your mom will be coming to town soon with any luck,” Sirius knocked gently on the wooden cupboard behind Remus’ head with a smile. “Better not to disappoint her.”
Remus laughed, reaching up to press his hands to Sirius’ cheeks. “Better not.”
Sirius leaned down to nudge their noses together. “Live with me. You sort of already do, and I…I love it so much. I love having you near.”
Remus nodded. “Yes.” He kissed him once, and again, and again. “Yeah, I want to.”
Sirius smiled into their next kiss, and that was how Logan found them.
“Alors,” he said, hands up. “Sorry. Just got sent in for some more wine. God knows I need it.”
Remus flushed and laughed as Logan reached down for a bottle from the wine fridge.
“Carry on.”
“Oops,” Sirius snorted when they were alone again.
“I’ll have to get a car,” Remus mused as Sirius hugged him against his chest. Sirius lived just outside the city center. “No more subways and city walking from out here.”
“I’ll buy you whatever car you want.”
“That’s not what I meant.”
Sirius squeezed him closer. “It’s what I said. I want to. What else do you want? Tell me.”
Remus smiled and tilted his chin up to look at him. “You.”
It had been hard, saying goodbye to Sirius for the short road trip to Vegas. It was strange going without him.
“Force him to keep doing his exercises,” Remus had told Regulus firmly.
“Will do,” Regulus saluted.
“Miss you already,” Sirius had said softly when he dropped Remus off at departures.
“Just a few days,” Remus kissed his across the seats, and then kissed his new star necklace. “They’ll win.”
“Shh,” Sirius laughed gently.
Remus just smiled. “You’ll see."
Remus was in the visitor’s PT room, making sure it was well-stocked. Just in case. Moody was already in there, leaning against the table and watching the pre-game. He greeted Remus with a nod, and Remus pulled out a box of supplies to sort through while listening.
“—first time the Lions will be on the ice with Fenrir Grayback who, as we all know, received a two game suspension after a hard hit on Lions Captain Sirius Black, breaking four of his ribs. We know that the Lions organization was especially not happy about the lack of severity shown by the League. I suppose we may see what the players have to say about this tonight. I expect the Lions will push especially hard for a win in honor of their wounded Captain—not to mention that winning this game would secure them a spot in this year’s Stanley Cup play-offs. Marc-André Fleury is back with his rainbow stick tape, his second time showing support for Black. It’s nice to see. Let’s take a look at who else we’re watching tonight. First, we’ll talk about Logan Tremblay…”
“One game,” Moody grumbled. “One game.”
“One game,” Remus repeated. “Sirius really wanted to be out there tonight.”
“I don’t think Grayback knows what’s coming for him now that he isn’t,” Moody laughed gruffly. “You saw those boys when he took Sirius out. They’re fresh out of a day-off now. Rested, furious, determined.” Moody tilted his head. “I feel good things in my leg.”
Remus laughed. “Well, thank God.”
Sirius was sitting with his brother on the large, leather couch in his TV den, anxious and waiting for the second period to resume. The commercials were muted and he was waiting for Regulus to work his way up towards saying whatever it was that he was holding back. Sirius could tell there was something.
“Your house is ridiculous,” Regulus said around his Chinese takeout—not for the first time.
“I was young,” Sirius said defensively. “I thought buying a house like this was, like, required.”
“Stupide,” Regulus snorted.
“—a nasty hit on Finn O’Hara by Ryan Reaves, but he seems okay,” the commentator said, replaying the hit, and Sirius tensed. He didn’t need a replay of that. They cut back to commercials again.
“Do you think they can actually force me to go back?” Regulus said suddenly.
When Sirius looked over he was poking mildly at his noodles.
“I won’t let them do that.”
Regulus rolled his eyes. “You’re Sirius Black, not God.”
“I won’t let them do that,” Sirius said again. “Tu comprends? I will not. And Minnie won’t either.”
“Maman says—”
Sirius sat up. “You’ve been talking to her?”
“I have to sometimes,” Regulus grumbled. “Legal stuff. Minnie’s always there.”
“It doesn’t matter what she says. She is—”
“Yes, I know what she is,” Regulus snapped. “I’ve been living with her—until a few months ago, in case you forgot.” He glowered around the room. “While you were in your big fancy house…”
Sirius blinked. “Reg…”
“I’m not—mad at you. I was, but I’m not. I mean, I’m doing what you did, aren’t I? Making a better life, damn the consequences?” Regulus sighed. “There are other Snakes who want out, you know.”
Sirius sat up. “Like…witnesses? Reg, you could compile a case.”
“They’re worried they’ll never get back into the League,” Regulus said. “I’m trying, but…I don’t know, Sirius.”
Sirius’ heart ached. He looked down at his chicken and rice. “I wish I could tell you what to do.”
Regulus looked at him, gray on gray, and nodded. “I know.” He glanced at the TV. “We’re back.”
Sirius secretly liked that. Looking at the Lions play with his brother, and hearing him say we.
“O’Hara didn’t need any help getting up, even if he looked a little rattled. Now, speaking from experience, I don’t know about you, Lee, but I was waiting for O’Hara’s line mate, Logan Tremblay to have something to say about it…Tremblay did not challenge Reaves, though.”
They were lining up for puck drop, James at the center against—
“You know, Dean, I think that’s a testament to these young Lions, really all the Lions. They call them the cubs, you know. You can tell how much they want this. They band together, they listen, they work…I think it’s pretty rare to see such fine communication in an entire team.”
Grayback won the face off.
“Fuck,” Regulus breathed.
Sirius wished he was there, standing beside Remus, on the bench, jumping the boards—anything. Instead, he was sitting on the couch, eating take-out. Helpless.
The entire first period, and the majority of this one had been back and forth. The score was still 0-0. They were fighting. Hard. Fenrir passed it to Tuch, who knocked it over to Engelland. Engelland took a hard shot, and Leo caught it in his glove.
“Another amazing save by Knut,” Dean said. “Rookie goal tender Leo Knut has blocked 29 shots in this game so far, most of them with his glove. I love seeing that sort of technique from the younger players, you know?”
“Absolutely Dean. And it looks to me like Coach Weasley is giving the Blizzard, Kasey Winter, a nice long rest as he looks ahead to hopefully a long and successful playoff run.”
Sirius leaned forward as play started up again. Evgeni barreled against Reaves and Fenrir, evading a two-on-one with a slick pass to Nado. It was hard hockey—it looked a little like play-off hockey. Brutal, hard-hitting, and determined.
It stayed like that until half way through the third.
“Fucking hell,” Regulus said. “How does this game still have no score?”
Sirius shook his head. His heart was in his throat. He had texted Remus at the second intermission.
Boys are fired as hell, Remus had said. Good feelings. They don’t even seem tired.
Harzy okay? he had said.
Yes. Then, a minute later. Boasting that you’re checking on him XD
That reassurance was the only thing keeping Sirius sane.
“We have to break their defense,” Sirius was half watching the battle on the ice and half running through plays in his mind. The clock read twelve minutes.
Sirius could have laughed. He pressed his necklace pendant between his palms, his steepled fingers against his mouth. He wasn’t religious. He just wanted this. For all of them.
Pascal’s line was out.
“Come on Dumo,” Sirius said.
Sirius watched Pascal and Fenrir line up for the face off with tense shoulders. He waited, and waited, and then the referee was straightening again, looking at Pascal and pointing away.
“Fuck,” Sirius cursed. “He’s kicking Dumo out of the circle.”
“I wonder what he said.”
Sirius silently begged Pascal to be careful.
Brady took Pascal’s place. He won the face off, and Sirius and Regulus shouted.
He passed it easily to Pascal, who dragged it along the boards.
“What’s he going so slow for?” Regulus demanded, fist hitting the couch.
Sirius only saw what was coming next because of the TV angle.
Pascal had his head down, and Fenrir was skating hard towards him on the ice.
Sirius and Regulus were on their feet in a second, shouting at the television. They couldn’t warn him.
Sirius couldn’t even breathe properly. It seemed to go on in slow motion, all of it. Pascal, his—his father, really, his protector. The man who had taken him right from under his mother’s grasp. Pascal who knew him better than anyone. Maybe even Remus.
Fenrir was obviously going in for the hit. He was probably confident that he could get away with it again. Just like he had with Remus. With Sirius. If he so much as touched Dumo—
But he underestimated Pascal Dumais just like had last time.
Pascal, puck on his stick, let Fenrir get closer, and closer, and then deked right. He spun on his right blade harshly and kicked off the boards like a goalie did on a goal post. The effect was that he went rocketing out of the way, right towards the Golden Knights’ goal, and Fenrir slammed into the boards with his own full-force.
The game didn’t pause for him. It only stopped when the goal lit up red as Pascal shot a clean line into the top left corner of the net.
Six minutes and three seconds remaining. 1-0, Lions. The Lions bench was on their feet, sticks banging against the boards as Pascal skated down for glove taps. The TV showed his familiar face, smiling. He looked into the camera for a moment, and Sirius swore Pascal was looking right at him.
He won’t get you again, the look said. Pascal tussled Remus’ hair with his glove. Or any of us.
Six minutes felt like six hours, longer and longer with each one of Leo’s saves. They showed his face during an offside whistle. He tilted his helmet up for some water. His blonde hair was darkened and drenched with sweat, but his blue eyes were fierce. He tapped his mask back down, and went back into a crouch. Sirius had never been so proud of Leo fucking Knut.
Shots were traded ferociously, the puck practically bouncing between the zones. Leo saved it with his blocker, a few bouncing off of his helmet, some dangerously close to his neck guard. He pushed off one post and dropped into a full split, the puck sliding snugly against his pad until he scooped it up like a hawk.
“Fucking hell, Leo,” Regulus mumbled.
“Right,” Sirius said. “Merde.”
Three minutes. James had four shots that very nearly went in. Logan had five close-calls. They were panting on the bench, squirting cold water down their necks, but they were keeping the score. They were protecting their lead.
Two minutes.
The Golden Knights pulled their goalie, the net was empty, and still no one scored again.
When the buzzer finally sounded, Sirius was breathing like he was on the ice, too.
The bench exploded, spilling out onto the ice. Finn threw his gloves into the air right before Logan crashed into him.
They had won the game with one goal, and three periods of sheer will-power.
Sirius hugged Regulus hard. He watched as his boys jumped on each other against the boards, knocking Leo’s helmet for his shut-out and grinning. They were clinched.
They were going to the playoffs.
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wxlfstxrx · 4 years
i’ve asked you like way to many asks already but cAn U iMaGiNE Finn bringing flowers home for his boys because aaaAAAAA
OK i’m quite sure you meant flowers as in,,, bouquets of roses/sunflowers etc. but i had a slightly different idea. i’m honestly too tired to proofread this so i’m sorry if this is a mess LMAO. once again thank you @shinymooncolor for your ideas you have no idea how much i love them
one morning, a couple of days before their first anniversary, finn’s awake at the crack of dawn, long before leo and logan are due to wake up beside him. he’s subconsciously tracing over the small fleur-de-lis tattoo on logan’s hip, trying to decide what to get for them because he’s a complete hopeless romantic and he wants them to know how much they’ve given him over the past year, he wants them to know that they’re the best thing that has happened to him, alongside with joining the league, and he wants them to know he loves them more than anything
his eyes start scanning around the bedroom to get inspiration but his bedroom is honestly, a mess. there’s always clothes strewn all over the floor, and they haven’t really done much decorating over the past year because they never really stay in one fixed room anyway, they just hop around depending on mood, though finn’s room is a hot favourite because it’s the closest to the living room so whenever they’re in a *cough* hurry, they stumble into his room. basically, it is not a good place to search for inspiration in
he has absolutely no clue what to do, and he panics for a bit, until he figures he should ask kasey and sirius for help
the next day, after training, he drags kasey and sirius out for lunch, distractedly telling logan and leo something along the lines of natalie, kasey, birthday, and quickly rushing out of the rink, leaving the two boys completely baffled because natalie’s birthday was two months ago
they head to sid’s for lunch, and finn launches into a whole rant about not knowing what to get for logan and leo, and sirius and kasey, the Ultimate Bros, are throwing ideas at him, and then sirius suddenly goes why don’t you just get them flowers? and kasey retorts that flowers are so cliche THOUGH we already have better ideas on the table, but finn is nodding and his brain is running a hundred miles an hour as they eat. after lunch they head to the nearest garden centre a couple of miles away
he loves the idea of getting flowers, but he also doesn’t want to get them cliche rose bouquets. he, kasey and sirius walk around and kasey has his hands in his pockets, one of them closed around a small box that he’s been carrying around for a couple of days now. he’s looking around as well, and he and finn trade opinions on the different species of plants and flowers that they see as they stroll down the aisles
sirius stays silent, lost in his own thoughts, the image of light brown eyes and windswept golden curls burned into his mind. he smiles to himself, his silver eyes sweeping across the room as he waits for something to catch his eye
finn suddenly remembers the tattoo his fingers had been tracing over the day before, and he makes a beeline for the fragrant white species somewhere in the corner of the large room. kasey follows him, and takes an immediate interest in the yellow flowers, as big as his girlfriend’s heart and as bright as her personality, in the aisle opposite. sirius is wandering a little bit away from them, having stopped by a section of gorgeous blue flowers with yellow centers. forget-me-nots. his fingers brush over the petals of one of the blooms, and the corner of his lip lifts slightly
finn’s giving himself a pat on the back because he thinks he’s quite the genius for picking out lilies for logan, but then he thinks about leo and he’s stumped again. he turns around and casts a quick glance around the room. several pots of bright orange flowers catch his attention and he makes his way over
leonotis leonurus, the sign reads. lion’s tail. finn laughs to himself and picks one up before heading over to where kasey and sirius are standing around the sunflowers. kasey seems nervous, arms folded across his chest and leaning his weight on one foot, but sirius has a wide grin on his face, his eyes bright and dimples showing
finn quirks an eyebrow as he approaches the pair, and kasey shyly pulls the box out of his pocket. finn’s eyes widen and he steps in, throwing his arms around kasey, not needing any words to convey his congratulations and approval. the trio eventually make their purchases and finn drops them both at their places before driving back to the apartment
thankfully, leo and logan are still out so he tries to make quick work of carrying the flowers he’s gotten into the apartment and hiding them. unfortunately, finn o’hara is the kind of guy who’s capable of killing a cactus, so he naturally makes a huge mess. the plants are huge and he’s struggling to carry them safely in and no surprise there but he accidentally drops one of the plants and soil is getting everywhere and he’s trying to clean it up with the roomba they have in the apartment
but the roomba somehow hates him and he practically chases it around for awhile and on hindsight he thinks he should have just swept it up but he’s lazy as fuck and look where that got him. he’s sweaty as heck and he has soil all over him and he’s just a mess. the roomba lazily bumps into his foot at one point and he’s so close to screaming in frustration but then he realises how stupid he looks threatening a goddamn roomba
not ten seconds later the door opens and finn startles. he tries to clean up the mess as best as he can but logan and leo step out of the entryway into the living room and they just stop their convo about thanos and captain marvel halfway, their eyes widening at the sight of finn standing guiltily in the middle of the room with two practically uprooted plants in front of him and soil all over his hands, face, legs and even his… hair? on top of that, the blasted roomba is still going at it, making loud noises to signify that it needs to be cleaned
logan and leo can’t help but burst into laughter while finn just pouts, very petulantly. suddenly though, leo starts sneezing, a few times in succession, and he mentions that he’s allergic to pollen. finn gets very upset, feeling so bad for basically getting pollen around the whole house and quickly, logan and finn clear up the mess and move the flowers to the balcony, shutting the door tightly while leo has already retreated to the bathroom. they find him back in the living room after their shower, and he’s sitting on the now clean couch and smiling at the flowers on the other side of the glass door
finn awkwardly clears his throat and explains himself and leo and logan’s smiles just grow wider even if they’re laughing and shaking their heads in disbelief because finn is just that much of a disaster but they love him anyway. finn is halfway apologising for the pollen when leo just stands up and pulls him in by the waist, kissing him to shut him up and he mumbles against finn’s lips, telling him it’s okay, thank you for the flowers though, i’ll just admire them from in here and finn finally finally relaxes in leo’s arms. logan comes round to hug finn from the back, humming in agreement and he squeezes him tightly because he’s such an idiot but he’s their idiot. their idiot sweetheart
leo then bodily hauls finn up and he wraps his legs around leo’s waist as the three of them retreat to the bedroom and amidst their kisses of gratitude and love, leo and logan worship finn like he’s their god, because he is
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queen-scribbles · 4 years
2020 Writer Review
tagged by @actualanxiousswampwitch and @crqstalite
Words: 323, 910
That’s, like, two novels. (quietly but with great feeling:what the fuuuuuccckkkk)
Published: 311, 717
Not Published: 12,193 (my sister’s Christmas present. Which she did love, but threw something at me for the interrupted kiss at the end >:3)
The Breakdown:
I’m not doing all the math for specific fandom wordcounts bc there’s a lot of them, but I wrote for SWtOR, The Wayhaven Chronicles, Dragon Age(all three :D), Shepherds of Haven, Speaker, Mass Effect, and Pillars of Eternity(both of them :D)
New Things I Tried:
Tried to do shorter pieces every so often, rather than just full on oneshots, the whole mostly-flashback thing for MEBB was new, and I found a couple new fandoms this year, so that was new characters to write.
Favorite Thing I Wrote:
Oh. MAN. UM. I always have so much trouble with this question bc I genuinely love a LOT of what I write.oh god. There’s so many.... Have a top five, not in any particular order
Taking Initiative (SWtOR; Keme/Jorgan >:3 I am so damn proud of this one)
The Sloth boss fight/final conversation with Niall in Of Warden and Pariahs  (Dragon Age: Origins; combat is so frigging fun to write, guys)
A Good Idea (Pillars of Eternity; Tavi/Aloth, aka The Most In Character Thing one of my ships has ever done)
Plenty Special (The Wayhaven Chronicles; AJ/Nate and AJ&Felix)
Shatter fill from Wayhaven Week (The Wayhaven Chronicles; Kasey/Mason) (honorable mentions to the Nightmare and Tender fills)
Favorite Fic I Read:
God, I don’t remember what all I read last year. I know there was a lot, and it was all grand. UM. Shit. Here’s some. I’m sure there’s more, particularly on tumblr, where I don’t have any way to look back and go “Ah, yes, I read X this year and it was amazing”
Orbit by sunsolace both bc it’s really well written and bc I am always, ALWAYS a sucker for Revanasi. Just. KotOR was my gateway drug to RPGs, and Carth is my First BioWare Love, AND it’s well done on top of that. YES PLEASE SIGN ME UP
Wise Man’s Tree updated on Christmas so I can say that again :3 Critical Role, Perc’ahlia w/ a side of Vaxilmore (even if I sorta want to murder currie for Things rn)
On a Wing and a Prayer by lucyrne from the rarepair exchange, Dragon Age, Sebastian/Bethany semi-heist fic complete with first kiss, what’s not to love? :D
And, ofc, With Love by Tafka, also Dragon Age,  f!Adaar/Barris, written for me in the rarepair exchange
Writing Goals:
More consistent work on OWaP would be nice. Maybe get through at least fuckin’ Redcliffe?Hopefull more.  (look, once I can dangle reuniting with Jowan in front of Trinne like a carrot, I have a feeling she’ll pick up the pace xD)
I know I’ve said this like three years running, but I really do wanna work on the Brykar longfic. I do.
Work on the Inquisition Commander!Fenris AU more. It’s an intriguing idea and I wanna play.
Write enough things I love that that “Fave thing you wrote?” question remains horribly difficult to answer. xD
Words of Thanks:
Oh, man, I’m gonna forget people. That is a mark against my crap memory and not you <3 Anyone who reads/reblogs/comments on(include tag rants)/leaves kudos for ,my fic. ANYONE. Mutual, follower, random anonymous stranger on AO3, whoever. Thank you.  I was gonna do a few specific shoutouts, but tumblr isn’t letting me tag? thanks, tumblr. I’ll leave it at that, then, I guess.
I’m not gonna tag anyone specific, but feel free to say I did if you wanna do this. ;)
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candycanes19 · 4 years
Playing in the Dark with No Escape  **NON CON** Not as rough chapter but still read tags.
Please read tags and know this is fiction!  NON CON 
There might be a twist coming up and I might have put a TINY clue in this chapter.  Hmmmmmmm
Days go by and Daniel shows up with food and forcing you onto the bed to have rough sex against your will.   Surprisingly the baby is tougher than you are because you start showing and can not believe that with all that Daniel does to you, that you did not miscarry again.  Daniel’s demeanor is different towards you because you are showing.  He can’t stop wanting to touch your pregnant belly.  He also enjoys all the other changes that are happening to your body too.  He moans in pleasure playing with your tits and sucking on them and groping them too.  
You finally survived the first trimester and it had been rough.  Morning sickness and Daniel being super pissed off at you.  He still brought up your miscarriage and blaming you still for the lost of your first child.  And work seemed to be annoying him and then he was having pressure about why it was taking so long to get the wedding going with his parents.
He took out his frustrations on you.  And it was not pretty and you usually were hurting afterwards and lots of crying.  
Now in your second trimester you were actually seeking Daniel’s touch and for the life of you, you had no idea why since he was horrible but your body was hormonal and needy.   So when Daniel would wake you up because he was hard for you, you let him.  He was a bit surprised at your willingness to let him have sex. Usually you always fought him and were screaming, stop or not at him, but he did not care because he was happy to come in your tight, wet pussy.
You were still scheming on ways to escape after your first attempt and were determined now that your unborn child would be born before you knew it and you did not want Daniel anywhere near the baby.  
To your shock one day, Daniel’s sister, Piper, showed up to visit and of course you were dressed up to Daniel’s liking and being the perfect fiance that he requested.  
“What plans have you two made about the wedding?” Piper asked.
“We have a wedding coordinator and she is great, right (Y/N)?” Daniel said as he held your hand.
You were looking at your lap and when Daniel asked you about the wedding coordinator you just murmured, “Yes.” knowing not to say more for fear of doing something wrong in front of Daniel’s family.
Piper noticed how you were acting and seemed concerned, “Daniel do you mind if I talk with (Y/N) alone about wedding stuff that you will have no interest in whatsoever.”
Daniel seemed agitated at the idea but Piper was determined to talk to you alone, “We can go outside on the patio and you can watch from inside and we are not going anywhere, I promise. Come on Daniel, your fiance looks like she needs some girl talk.  You can see us through that window ok?”  
“Fine but stay where I can see (Y/N” he said looking at you with the look you have learned so well to cause fear in you.
PIper led you out to the patio and you were hesitant but did anyway.
When the patio door was closed, Piper motioned for you to sit and then she did.
“Listen (Y/N), I do not know you that well but I know what you are going through with my brother.  He has issues with women.  I know you probably know this from how you are acting around him.  What has he done if you do not mind me asking? I can help you.  I have connections and can get you out if you want that?” 
You looked at Piper in shock, “I can’t say anything he will hurt me and my baby.”
“You’re pregnant?” Piper asked.
“Yes,” you quietly said, putting a hand on your abdomen in a protective mode.
“I definitely need to get you out.  It is Daniel’s baby right?” 
“Yes he is the father and if he knows you are telling me this,  I will be hurt badly. He…..he…..” you do not want to cry because you know that Daniel is watching and will snatch you and punish you later.  
“Listen (Y/N), my father was not a good role model for us kids.  He was horrible to my mom and us kids were not exactly treated great.  My brother thought that was how you treat women so when he was in high school he had a girlfriend and she accused him of raping her but Daniel denied it and my parents had connections and it went away, unfortunately.  Daniel was not the greatest brother; he treated me like shit.  I was also the only girl and so all my brothers were always not great.  They never touched me but said obnoxious and demeaning things to me and my mom because our dad did it to her.   Once in a while I got smacked around but when I could move out, I did.  I decided to become a counselor for women in abusive domestic situations.  So I know my brother has problems and I am sorry you got involved but I want to help you if you will let me.”
All you could do was say, “Yes for my baby’s sake, please I can’t take it anymore.  I am so scared.”
“Give me a minute” Piper pulled out her phone and made a call as you sat and listened.
You look over at the window and see Daniel sitting there watching you like a hawk.  His one leg is bouncing and you can tell he is getting irritated more and by each second you are out there with Piper. 
“(Y/N)” Piper says and you turn to look back at her, “Yes” you say.
“Stay here and do not worry about anything.  I have people coming here in a few moments and it is not going to be pretty but you and your baby will be safe very soon.”  and with that Piper gets up and heads back to the door and opens it.
Daniel comes toward her but she blocks him, “What the fuck are you doing, Piper?” he yells and she pushes him back inside.  It sure enough is not pretty because they start arguing and she then out of nowhere handcuffs Daniel’s arms behind him and then seats him down and cuffs one of his legs to a chair and then he can not move.  
Then she walks over to the door and lets in some big men and another woman inside.  They chat for a bit and the other woman comes out to where you are, “Hi, my name is Wendy and I am here to help you. I work with Piper and we are going to get you the help you and your baby need.  We just need the guys to get Daniel out before we move you.  I know this is overwhelming but you will be safe.”  
A few hours you were in a hospital room being examined by a doctor.  They were checking you and your baby.  The doctor decided that you needed a few days in the hospital and then you could be released to someone you trusted.  
You told them about your cousin, Kasey, and they call her and she responds saying that she is more than willing to have you stay with her.  It would take her a day to get there because she had moved to New York city because of work but would be there. 
The doctor and Piper said that would be fine because you were staying in the hospital a few days to recover.  
You were excited to be moving away from Washington D.C. and Daniel.  You could finally breathe and start over which would be great. 
Later that night Piper came back to see how you were doing.
“Hey there (Y/N), how are you feeling?  I hope you do not mind me coming and checking in on you so late but I just got finished with processing my brother into a treatment center.  My parents are livid at what I did but after hearing all that you confessed to what he did to you, I figured no other woman or person should be subjected to his issues.” she explained.
“I am glad to see you and it is fine. And I hope Daniel does get the help he needs.  I know this is crazy for me to say but even through every rape and abuse he did to me, I hope he gets better for his sake.  He will always be the biological father to my baby but I am glad that you helped me get sole custody.  There is a small part of me that feels bad for him and a tiny part of me cares for him but mainly for Daniel to get better.” then out of nowhere the tears flow and Piper comes over and hugs you.  You hold on to her to steady yourself and release stress that you need to let go of now.
Daniel was confined to a room that was being watched twenty four seven.  He could not believe that his sister had betrayed him by taking away the love of his life and his unborn child.  He was furious and kept telling whoever was watching him that he did nothing wrong. And he did not need help.  
“My Princess and baby need me.  Please let me go!  I did nothing and need to go home.” they let him rant and rave.  
Finally he was so exhausted Daniel passed out asleep on the padded mattress in his room.  
You fell asleep too in your hospital room soon after Piper left.  She promised to be back tomorrow to talk or just hang with you.  You were happy to have Piper as a new friend.  Life was starting to look up finally after what seemed like it might never be happy ever again.  
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laurenbanasik · 4 years
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A wholesome meme, and I changed my lockscreen to a desert because my phone is DRYYYYY AS FUCKKKKING HELLLLLL. I rarely get contact from those I love because they’re far away and I’m p sure they have a secret group chat without me in it to make things easier without having to worry about inviting me since I live so far away and don’t want to burden me with not being able to spontaneously hang (which breaks my fucking heart but oh well 🙃) and if I’m wrong I suppose my extreme social paranoia has WON YET AGAIN OOOOPPPPSS. Well I’m emotionally overwhelmed and drunk so here’s another rant on how my life sucks and how I have such an issue telling other people about it because, due to years and years of emotional neglect, I have an INCREDIBLE INABILITY to confide in others healthily HAHAHHAHA. S/o to anyone who deems me a valid human being and god forbid chooses me for a friend.
Anywho, I’ve FINALLY realized why I fucking HATE to see my only friends hangout without me. MAYBE. JJJJUUSTT MAYBE, it has to do with the fact that the last time I saw my old high school friends (the 3 I held closest to my heart and confided everything in) hanging out without me on social media was also the same day they yote me out of their lives forever... More detail? I thought you’d never ask!! How kind of you to care about my innermost traumas and allow me to express myself, seeing as I’m an incredibly open book about my sorrows. Having anyone listen to them and make me feel like a person worthy of love and care despite my many faults is something that NEVER FUCKING HAPPENS to me anymore due to me not opening up, not having the emotional availability to, or I’m just SO SO SICK OF BURDENING MY LOVED ONES WITH THE SAME SAD SHIT OVER AND OVER AGAIN THAT IVE JUST SWALLOWED MY INNERMOST DEMONS TO AVOID FURTHER CONTAMINATION OF MY LIFES ONLY LIGHT AKA MY FRINDS WHO THINK IM FIIIINNNEEE. FUN FACT IM FUCKING NOOOTTTT !!!!
Anyways, it was the tail end of my senior year in high school and my 3 closest and bestest friends in the whole wide world.... posted on Snapchat that they’d met up, without me, and were doing some bs cutsey bff forever Pinterest bullshit. I asked why I wasn’t there , and they proceeded to mock me via social media and kindly let me know I was no longer their friend by dancing to the hook of “I don’t Fuck With You”. Visciously @-ing meover snapchat. I cried. And cried. And fuck it had an AWFUL panic attack because I had ABSOLUTELY NO GODDAMN Clue what was happening. I was Confused. Hurt. Lost. AND I had no idea what I did wrong. (I later learned it was because someone said that someone said that I Apparently said something mean about them. It wasn’t true but, hey, it’s probably because I’m SUCH a horrible friend, and SUCH a cunt that it was apparently SOOOO believeable that IT completely negated anything I could’ve said in my defense. Adding to my extreme social paranoia I hold near and dear to me to this day, that’s often exploited in most social interactions I have which has made me an almost total recluse! THANKS ABBIE, KOURTNEY, AND BRIDGETTE! FUCK IT ADD JESSICA AND KASEY IN THERE TOO ECWN THOUGH THEYD NEVER CALL ME THEIR FRIEND IN ANY HEALTHY CIRCUMSTANCE HAHA ! YAYYYY TORMENTORS !!!) .....
And that was the last I ever really had contact with them. My only friends throughout some of the most pivotal years of my life. One I talked out of suicide and self harm, another I assisted with confidence and general love and support, and I tried to be there for the third as best I could, but she was a typical badass so I just enjoyed her company. My high school friends. I gutted them out of my heart as best I could. Forgot all of the AMAZING times we’ve had. A great portion of my memories in high school were tossed out along with their presence in my life to make the pain go away. A huge part of me died that day ... and nobody knew about it.
So, now, whenever I’m excluded I’m immediately put back into that void of confusion. What did I do wrong ? Did I hurt them? Why am I not there ? Do they think that little of me? Do they know how much I love them? Do I care for them more than they do for me? Is this a healthy friendship? Do they really think I’d rather be anywhere than with them? Should I just cut them out of my heart now to be ready for eventual betrayal ? Do I cut them out of my soul despite how much I’ll bleed? Haha , Yeah. I know.... it’s tucked up and Toxic as all hell. But, I can’t even begin to imagine a conversation with anyone about their attempt to help me with THAT problem. Or any other problems resulting from that. And, a couple days ago... id met up with a friend I’ve had since middle school. Someone who I loved my life side by side with until college. Someone Who saw that entire exchange, and who is still friends with those who (knowingly/unknowingly) tormented me to the point of breaking all through high school in the most demented,confusing, and underhanded ways you can imagine. I told that story to her, because she never knew how me and my 3 friends drifted so far away from each other. She had JUST heard about ALL of that for the FIRST time in nearly 4 years. And she believed me.... The whole situation of my downfall as a respected senior at Euclid High School. A girl who I’ve shared more than half my life with at the time ... and it was invisible to her. Wild.
I have broken apart an old piece of myself. Analyzed every detail, despite how much each part made me bleed. These old shard rip open old scars. It’s nothing new. I’ve been living in confused, isolated pain for YEARS. You really think this will break me? .... I mean I’m already very much broken. I mean, look at me, I’m venting on tumblr 🙃😒🙄. I just keep making shifty shelters out of the broken pieces of myself, just waiting for the next wolf to blow me down. I may be living in fear and paranoia, but I’m still standing....... aren’t I ?
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redfighter93 · 2 years
I don't understand why everyone is pretending like the Oscars and Chris Rock don't despise Jada for Oscars so white. Will Smith has been trying to get an Oscar for a decade and the Oscars snubbed him for years. In protest and due to the complete ignorance of the academy only electing white people as Oscar worthy. Quest love, parasite, and others would not have been awarded if it weren't for Jada's tenacity and influence, she literally changed Hollywood! She was not the first one to do it, but a lot of people heard about it through her. She put her career on the line for that campaign and it significantly changed the Oscars forever. Thank you Jada!
More examples below:
Token: The Oscars are far from prestigious. It's revealing that they were upset that their pandering didn't get a spotlight. The Academy doesn't care that your black "friend" didn't get to thank all the white people who got him that lame ass award. And its even more nauseating that they wanted a joke like west side story to have more visibility. Are we making generational trauma entertaining now for some reason? I'm supposed to be excited to watch a latina "winning" and Oscar for being raped? The Academy has been a racist institution for decades and they had no shame or suspensions for this behavior: Kasey Affleck was actively being investigated for a crime and still got an Oscar (no suspension), The lala land crew was completely rude an unprofesssional when they knew what happened and let the time run out for the real winners (no suspensions) attack a native American speaker (no suspension), you allow Weinstein to flourish and take over. That's only a few. The truth is that in their perspective, they cannot stand a strong black woman who actually made changes that no other man in Hollywood had the guts to do. I bet some people had hot takes for clicks, but Jada created a campaign and it worked, if anything Chris should apologize to Jada because his black ass wouldn't be hosting!
Chris Rock: Chris Rock was hired by the Oscars as a PR stunt when the racist academy did not nominate a single POC actor. He helped the Academy defend their blatant racism in an attempt to lie and decieve the audience. He was also specifically hired to attack Jada for her campaign because it was gaining a huge following. In the end, the Academy was forced to change and when all things were equal, a black man won a well deserced Oscar. They just could let that hope and change slide without manifacuturing outrage. I've seen so many videos about the slap and usually they don't even start talking about Will, they attack Jada even after WILL HIMSELF said it was his choice. The fact is that this gives everyone who hated black woman a platform to "objectively" trash someone they don't like. Blatant racism and colorism, just like the Oscars so white rants from Chris. That was not a joke, Chris is not George Carlin and it shows because you can tell he meant it and it was the PG version of what he really wants to say and everyone won't stop saying. Hollywood is being way too arrogant to realize they killed their own show.
Wanda Sykes and Jim Carrey:
Wanda needs to check her vision because it was degenerous all along. She is sitting next to someone who is absolutely diabolical. She has caused so much damage for her poor treatment and she isn't sorry because she's still on the air! What about their trauma Wanda? You can't attack someone if you have no integrity, and thats what everyone sees when you say in those ugly Ellen show chairs. Get a life, kicking a blackman on the way down will not elevate you in the eyes of the gay and straight white guys who run Hollywood.
Jim Carrey: That interview beyond pathetic and it honestly demonstrates that you're not above the people you paint at all. You wanna make fun of people for their morals, yet you tortured the staff, actors and basically everyone during that Andy Kauffman movie. If you think that interview made you relevant, you're mistaken because most people would rather see Will Smith than you. The attention grabbing and clear pageantry from some of these people is insane. If I were Will, I'd give back the Oscar and start making hit like Tom Cruise. I know Will is talented enough to pull that off.
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