lord-here-i-am · 1 year
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Heiliger Matthias
Apostel, Märtyrer* in Betlehem (?) in Palästina † 63 (?) in Äthiopien (?)
Über das Leben des Apostels Matthias wissen wir nur, was in der Apo­stelgeschichte steht (Apg 1, 15-25): dass er anstelle des Judas Iskariot zum Apostelkollegium hinzugewählt wurde. Aus der Rede des Petrus ergibt sich auch, dass Matthias zu den Männern gehörte, „die die ganze Zeit mit uns zusammen waren, als Jesus, der Herr, bei uns ein und aus ging, angefangen von der Taufe durch Johannes bis zu dem Tag, an dem er von uns ging und aufgenommen wurde“ (Apg 1, 21-22). Nach der Überlieferung soll Matthias in Äthiopien gewirkt und das Martyrium erlitten haben. Seine Reliquien wurden im Auftrag der Kaiserin Helena nach Trier gebracht; dort werden sie in der Abteikirche St. Matthias verehrt, die im Mittelalter das Ziel vieler Wallfahrten war.
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izraelinfo · 4 months
A latin pátriárka a háború befejezését sürgette az éjféli misén Betlehemben
Homíliájában Pierbattista Pizzaballa érsek, latin pátriárka az éjféli misén arra kérte az embereket, hogy a gyűlölet, a harag és a bosszú szelleme helyett az igenlést, az elfogadást és a megbékélést válasszák. 
A latin pátriárka a háború befejezését, a palesztinok és Izrael közötti rendezést sürgette hétfőn Betlehemben, az éjféli misén elmondott beszédében, amelyet a jeruzsálemi Keresztény Média Központ közvetített az interneten. Homíliájában Pierbattista Pizzaballa érsek, latin pátriárka az éjféli misén arra kérte az embereket, hogy a gyűlölet, a harag és a bosszú szelleme helyett az igenlést, az…
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bdpst24 · 5 months
800 éves a betlehemállítás hagyománya
800 éves a betlehemállítás hagyománya
 Nagyszabású eseménysorozattal készül a 30 éves Dévai Szent Ferenc Alapítvány A Kulturális és Innovációs Minisztérium támogatásával XXI. századi installáció idézi meg a 800 éves grecciói betlehemet, Budapesten az Erzsébet téren. December 12. és 22. között 360 fokos mozgókép repíti vissza az időben a látogatókat, az ingyenes vetítést minden nap 17 és 22 óra között tekinthetik meg az…
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sr9-nusantara · 8 months
(SR9) Bismillahhirrohmannirrohiim SEJARAH SUKHOI - Pavel Osipovich Sukhoi, Kota kelahiran Sukhoi adalah KHARKOV di Ukraina tahun 1939 dan lalu berpindah ke Podmoskoye di Moskow. Rumahnya sekarang di Kanaapo dan irkut.
Sukhoi ini selain Jagoan juga pintar menari di udara, tariannya antara lain : kulbit, cobra, bell dan lain-lain.
Nah gaya model MUDIK atau PULANG KAMPUNG Sukhoi berbeda tradisinya dengan rakyat Nusantara. Kalau Sukhoi sedang Mudik atau pulang kampung model gaya-nya adalah ngamuk-ngamuk ugal-ugalan.
Sedangkan Rakyat Nusantara kalau tradisi mudik atau pulang kampung menjelang LEBARAN Hari Raya Idul Fitri maka sudah tradisinya adalah berbagi kebaikan atau bagi-bagi UANG. Oleh sebab itu di masa Lebaran umat Islam ini keadaan mahluk yang menyeramkan yang bernama INFLASI turun menjadi 0% menguap dan menghilang seperti air terkena panas. Itulah salah satu keajaiban "Saling Berbagi Kebaikan".
"Kebaikan ibaratnya keindahannya budi pekerti luhur atau ahlak mulia yang terpancar dari perilaku seseorang"
Kisah Zulaikha cantik nan rupawan begitu tergila-gila dengan Nabi Yusuf AS. Tapi pada suatu masa ketika Zulaikha mengenal Alloh SWT sang Nabi pun dicuekkin tidak diperhatikan lagi, karena sibuk mendekatkan diri kepada Tuhannya.
Tidak ada tanah air bagi Masyarakat Bodoh, andaikan ia merasa punya tanah air, itu seumpama fatamorgana saja. Karena mereka tidak merasa bahwa sebenarnya mereka sedang berada di dalam Penjajahan Terselubung. Seperti yang sekarang terjadi di negeri Indonesia ini. Di negeri ini Cina Komunis yang mengatur kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara maka dampaknya hancurnya NEGARA indonesia dan rakyatnya sengsara, menderita, sakit-sakitan, di fitnah, disiksa dan dipenjara, di bunuh dibantai, diracun? dirampas hak-hak nya, ditipu, dibohongi, dizholimi, di khianati dan lain-lain. Dan segala Sumber Daya Alam atau keuntungan negeri ini adalah untuk Cina Komunis Tiongkok.
Sejarah mengulang kisahnya tapi dengan versi yang berbeda. Karena pelaku-pelaku dan masanya juga berbeda.
Saat ini keadaannya Rezim Komunis Indonesia sedang menyembunyikan sesuatu. Entah apa yang disembunyikannya. Kami tidak tahu karena memang belum mengirimkan DRONE kesana. Rezim Komunis menyembunyikan sesuatu agar tidak di ketahui oleh Rakyat. Yang menjadi pertanyaannya YANG DISEMBUNYIKANNYA RAPAT-RAPAT ITU APAAN YAH ? Saat ini hal tersebut menjadi sebuah MISTERI.Tapi Insya Alloh dimasa mendatang akan terbuka dan terlihat dengan jelas.
Insya Alloh, kami menjanjikan kepada Cina Komunis dengan KEMATIAN & KEHANCURAN.
Kalau urusan BANTAI-MEMBANTAI KOMUNIS Maka Genk-FPK Front Pembantai Komunis adalah Predator Komunis paling ditakuti dan paling menggentarkan di jagat raya Nusantara.
Masa ada Komunis Indonesia tawar-menawar meminta biar deh komunis masuk penjara saja. Tapi kami menjawabnya………, "Enak aza……… loe kira negeri ini milik Komunis Betina". Nih hukum Perangnya :
Setiap yang berjuang, pastilah menderita. Tapi usah dirisau akan hal tersebut. Tetap FOCUS pada perjuangan karena imbalannya adalah KEMENANGAN & KEJAYAAN.
SR9 - bekasi - nusantara 5 agustus 2023 at share boleh disebarkan Facebook : Lubnan Lubnan
sr9 #palestina #pelestine #gaza #jerusalem #yerusalem #al_quds #hebron #betlehem #nablus #al_aqsa #masjidil_aqsa #nusantara #jenin #jericho #mosque #masjid #musholla #majelis #maulid #ustad #kyai #habib #jaffa #haifa #syeh #syeikh #tiberias
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xaviportales · 1 year
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A #betlehem me’n vullc anar ⭐️🇵🇸 (at Castelló, País Valencià) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl87B3jIT8R/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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keithsproverb · 2 years
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Tórre de Belèm #torredebelem #torre #belem #portugal🇵🇹 #lisbon #internationaltravel #europe #tower #betlehem #lisbonportugal (at Torre de Belém) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjLJCdTrqE2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lisaliecute · 2 years
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Di kolong basilika Gereja Kelahiran Yesus (Church Of Nativity) terdapat Gua Kelahiran yang diyakini umat Kristen sebagai tempat lahir Yesus Kristus..... #GerejaKelahiranYesus #ChurchOfNativity #Betlehem #Israel (at Church of The Nativity) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf_sKmvPxXD/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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that-giorgione · 3 months
Fun fact: did you know that when i first started playing fallen london, I thought that the manager of the Royal Betlehem was this?
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So each time he was mentioned i visualized this accursed and silly thing.
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So yeah. I understood why i saw him when nightmares got too high…
what happened in my brain when you give the manager nevercold brass during Heart’s Desire
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jimbomoney · 1 month
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anantabangun · 2 years
Pelayanan Katekis Awam Baru di Keuskupan Agung Medan
Pelayanan Katekis Awam Baru di Keuskupan Agung Medan
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musicalislife · 5 months
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(Last picture has this song)
Photos and video from Matti’s (mattimaxim) instagram story 2023.12.14.
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stickalittle · 4 months
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végre egy letisztult és elegáns Betlehem!
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gmalaart · 1 month
Cavendish isn't getting out of the royal betlehem any time soon, lads
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okjuuzu · 5 months
Betlehem is not putting up christmas decorations this year is solidatry with gaza.
Betlehem is the city jesus was born in and they're not celebrating christmas this year and yet western christians support israel
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enesitsme · 1 year
Did you know that "Deus Culpa" is a Swedish Christmas song played in reverse?
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Someone probably pointed this here already, but I was listening to the track (which, from Latin, translates to "God's Fault") and realized the release of each chord was kinda off, as if it was reversed. And it is! You can listen to the original melody right here.
The original song name is "Betlehems stjärna" ("Star of Bethlehem"), composed by Alice Tegnér, and was based on a poem named "Gläns över sjö och strand" ("Shine Over Lakes and Shores"), written by Viktor Rydberg. It's generic Christmas stuff, baby Jesus and the animals and the star and people are happy etc etc.
(I couldn't find an English translation, but here's the poem if you're interested.)
So considering it's a song about the birth of Jesus Christ, putting it in reverse just implies that they're either referencing the birth of the Antichrist or joking about the phenomenon where you play nice, soft, happy, unharmful songs backwards and suddenly the lyrics are praising Satan.
But when a band's songs and lyrics are already explicitly talking about the Devil, what do you get listening to it in reverse?
TL;DR: when you play Ghost songs backwards, they're praising Jesus Christ. Genius.
In time, Happy Holidays, everyone.
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budapestbug · 4 months
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n Hungary and in Hungarian communities worldwide, a key element of celebrating Christmas is a traditional custom, the Bethlehem Shepherd’s play (Betlehemes játék). The present-day version of the Bethlehem folk play originates from the 19th-20th century, although it may date back as far as the medieval times.
The players called “Betlehemesek” go from house to house, dressed as Mary, Joseph, angels, shepherds, and the Three Kings, narrating scenes about the birth of Christ. An essential part of the play is the homemade manger or small church, carried along by one of the players.
The Bethlehem Shepherd’s play acted out by peasants and shepherds at first, and later mostly by children, usually covers the following events:
* There is no room for Mary and Joseph in the inn. * An angel of the Lord comes to the shepherds, who keep watch over their flock by night. The heavenly messenger brings the good tidings in Latin, a language not clearly understood by the shepherds, which creates misunderstandings that put a smile on the audience’s face. * Once they understand the message, the shepherds go and worship the little Jesus.
At the conclusion of the play, the Betlehemesek ask for alms (candy or other gifts), which is gladly given, in the spirit of Christmas.
At the turn of the century, there was a tradition in Szeged, which involved the shepherds marching into the Church for the Midnight Mass, sounding their bagpipes, and offering a lamb to the priest. At the end, an equinox dance followed, with the members of the congregation.
The Christmas-table was set after the Midnight Mass, decorated with a consecrated candle in the center of a bunch of wheat shoots grown from seeds planted on St. Lucy’s Day (December 13). The table was covered with three tablecloths woven and decorated during the weeks of the Advent, and wheat straw was spread under the table, which can be interpreted as a symbol of Jesus and the Sun.
The family sat around this home altar, the Christmas table, and the host sliced the apple "dipped into golden water" into as many pieces as there were sitting around the table. Sharing the apple symbolized not only the togetherness of the family but also the oneness with the Universe.
Fish, meats, sweets (including the indispensable beigli or bejgli), and fruits (apple and walnut) are served for the Christmas Eve dinner.
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