#betty boop proportions
waterlogged-detective · 4 months
i need to make darcy some type of doctors assistant to hold things during surgeries or write responses to potential customers that isnt condescending
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millipede-menace · 8 months
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The bands back together! And they’re old lol
Art Notes/Rants below ⬇️
it is very long, I got a lot to say apparently lol
❗️They’re all aged up btw! In case you’re all wondering why i’m even redesigning them lol
🐱Chizu Mini Rant: I hate Chizu’s design in the show. Not the clothing more so the body model. I hate that they made her the stereotypical curvy cat girl with a tiny hourglass waist and tiny hands and feet. Really weird proportions, Like we’re going back to the betty boop era but no one else in the show looks like this? (Also, No hate to people who are curvy btw love you) It just doesn’t feel like it belongs in the show. Maybe if she were shorter, it would work better? Idk Also she’s like the only one in a full skin tight suit (like I get animation, but they didn’t even bother giving her implied loose clothes or armor like the other ninjas? Maybe bc she was undercover? but then she should’ve been wearing something closer to the bg character models) It’s like they’re trying to make her sexy but like why?????? for why????
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I really liked the concept art of Chizu. She’s got a more sharp/rigid and square silhouette but still some curves (w/o it being weird). She still has tiny hands but her head isn’t the size of a watermelon and her face isn’t super tiny, the proportions are good. She’s all power stanced up lol She looks mean and menacing, someone not to trust or mess with. It’s literally spot on. ✨chef kiss ✨ It’s also probably why they didn’t really go with it, they probably rounded her out to be more appealing for the reveal? or she was hard to animate cause she did have baggier pants idk. Who am I, but a rando with a hard boiled egg for brains.
Art Notes: I took a lot of inspiration from the comics and I did want to keep her iconic red so she was still recognizable & stand out from the neko ninja. I made her a regular black cat! (with the idea of black cats being less likely to be adopted & be strays) (;-;) (I know she was kidnapped but still!! The stray cat vibes!!!) I gave her a more lean and tall figure, kinda like the comics but also to play off of Kistune’s height and it give scrawny stray cat vibes . . . again lol. It’s also a body shape I don’t see a lot in physically strong female characters (or maybe I do and just don’t remember? Idk but she can definitely kick your ass & she’s not here for anybody’s bullshit lol) I gave her the iconic ponytail from the comics along with the comb Kitsune usually wears. I wanted to give her green eyes (bc black cat & red and green) but i just kept them yellow. Maybe i’ll go back and change them. Her outfit is mostly inspired from Karai (bc she’s a ninja from eons ago & the gang is a little more traditional) just (pretend cuz i’m lazy) with traditional Japanese patterns. Chizu definitely got kunais and stars up her sleeves, but bc she doesn’t have to be a ninja anymore, I imagine her more into wearing pretty dresses with patterns and cute things. Stuff she never got to wear/ enjoy as a kid, you know. The show really wants to push her to be a bad ass girl boss who hates everyone and everything and is too cool and edgy for games but idk. I like to think she left the ninja stuff behind her and started living her own life based on exploring things rather than just being the cool ninja with an edgy backstory. I think she uses ninjitsu as a means of self defense but doesn’t like being connected to it b/c of the kidnapping and stuff. (We also see how she doesn’t really care about the tradition of ninjitsu cause during the show, she has no fucking clue what to do with the neko ninja, she just wanted them to stop hurting people and wanted to free the babies lol) Usagi and Kitsune are the ones who indulge her childish side. She wears a lot of red but her favorite color is pink. Kitsune def hypes her up and goes feral when she wears pink.
🦊 Kitsune Mini Rant: I hate Kitsune’s clothes in the show. Idk it just doesn’t look right on her. It’s got no shape it’s got no hiding spots for stolen goods. It’s not Kitsune. I like the concept art fit, it’s really cute. (She looks like a mini tank who will fuck you up in a cute way) but still #1 thing missing. Hiding spots for stolen goods!!! She needs some loose sleeves or flowy clothing like in the comics. (btw: I know it would be harder to animate in the show therefore I accept what they gave her but still!!!)
Art Notes: I’m not too sure about Kitsune’s fit tbh. I’m still workshopping it. She just needs something with loose sleeves! (Like she for sure is stealing shit and putting it up her sleeves, you can’t tell me i’m wrong/ it’s also where she could keep her fans!) I think i’m obsessed with her sleeves cause I imagine her gambling or playing a game of cards with a bunch of dangerous criminals and someone accuses her of cheating and she goes “What?! Me?! No, no. I’m just that good or maybe . . . you’re just that bad-” Then all the stolen cards fall out her sleeves and she just goes -fuck. and it turns into this picture vvv
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ANYWAYS!!!! I gave her short hair bc idk, a girls gotta change it up sometime 💅 I actually liked her hair mimicking a fox tail but I feel like she would get bored of it and chop it all off one day. She's definitely the one who cuts and dye’s her hair at 1am then cries about it the next day. She’s got visibly longer ears and sharper face. Kitsune and Usagi wanted to get piercings together cause they’re besties and want to be edgy (she lowkey got it on her left ear to match Chizu) and so they did and Usagi’s Auntie was so PISSED lol. They got chewed out. Her hands and feet should be a little darker but i forgor. Also she’s got dark teal wrappings so it would be hard to tell anyways. I gave her the crop top with buttons from the concept art and the sleeves from the comic. They have the same maple leaf print from her comic too (i’m just lazy) and the cuffs are just lined to mimic the layers she had. She’s got her little pack, she’s also got some more smaller ones on the back (kinda like Leo). She also made a comment about not having money to buy herself shoes so . . . she’s got no shoes lol. It just wrappings under her shin guards. (no shoes just like Leo smh) It helps her be more sneaky tho >:)
Oh and they’re dating but i feel like that’s a given lol. I saw people shipping them at first and it literally went -> *sees ship* Oh they’re shipping the only two main female characters together again- yeah that’s greeeat- *Watches the show* oh. nvm I retract my sarcasm, they’re def gay for each other, thats nice. This is nice -w-
which is pretty funny, cause I think they don't like each other in the comics? (from what I saw in the singles panels I used as a reference at least) Chizu’s legit ready to kill Kitsune lol
Post Note: I totally forgot Chizu chose a bow and arrow as a weapon so now she’s just the stereotypical tall archer . . . i’m gonna go now ;-;
Gen Mini Rant: Holy Moly dudes, he was sooooo hard to draw ;-; I don't hate his design at all, actually it's one I like the most. I just don't like that there's not a lot of contrast on the 3D model and he kind just blends into a purple blob. (for me at least) I defiantly didn't do him justice but that's the best it's gonna get (from me that is.)
Art Notes: Don't look the feet . . . for any of them but mostly Gen lol. I don't really like the purple I chose but every color combo I did just looked bad idk. I can't do color, don't look at me man. Me and purple do not mix. He's still a bounty hunter so I wanted to keep his armor but I wanted him to have a long tail-coat/cape-ish jacket cause he would look cool as hell with one of those >:) (prob not practical but still) I wanted to add elbow and knee pads, but he's a rhino, he can take it. Also how can bad guys hurt him if he's too busy beating them up with his brass knuckles? He's still got his clubs but he likes clanging his fists together. lol His horn grew back! He's also got a goatee and everyone makes fun of him. The gang always threatens to shave it off in his sleep. I took more inspo from the show than the comic cause I don't really know Gen in the comics and what I did find was just miyamoto usagi but purple ;-; (clothes wise)
I wasn’t kidding, I had a lot to say, any survivors?
Feel free to suggest or critic my designs!! :0 Im not a design person and its mostly just for fun, but i looooove hearing people’s takes, especially hot takes >:) i like poking brains, its fun ^^
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Pink Horrors of Tzeentch, bound to copper masks
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I've been building and painting the start of my Tyranids Hive Fleet for the past three months, and towards the end of November I realized I needed a break. Plus, I'd be traveling to an artist residency program in rural Colombia and I knew I'd want something else to do while I was there. So I decided to build a squad of pink horrors but with an eerie and minimalist twist.
Now if you've seen Games Workshop's Pink Horror models, you'd know they're pretty much dogshit. Their faces are more orkish than daemonic, they have these strange long proportions that don't have much weight to them, and despite their ever-shifting chaotic nature, they look like just a stack of little dudes they look like a stack of little dudes with more arms than usual. They’d fit better in an old Betty Boop cartoon than on the battlefield of the 41st millennium. My goal for this project was the present an aesthetic for Tzeentch that fits with my own taste in monstrosity — blank-eyed every-shifting mounds of flesh that hover on the boundary between symbolism and raw horror. 
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My journal quickly filled up with drawings of weird masked monsters in the margins. My inspiration came from cubism, along with movies like Mirrormask and Ruban Brandt: Collector. I also was heavily inspired by the copper face on the Abominable Intelligence by John at Ex Profundis. I got really into the idea of the masks as some sort of binding vessel for the Tzeentchian cultists, who could use the daemons as attack dogs by trapping them within copper plates. I wasn't sure if I wanted the models to be 40K or Age of Sigmar, so I tried to keep the designs agnostic and avoid any technology or mechanical bits. 
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I knew I wanted to use the pink horror model as a base, but that the number and consistent size of arms would be insufficient for my needs. To make sure my little guys had all the arms they needed, I picked up a box of Mantic Games Zombie Horde. This box comes with forty zombies, and most of the arms are perfect and usable, meaning I’ve got about 72 human-sized arms to accompany the much larger horror arms of my gribblies. Towards the end I also picked up a box of blue horrors, so that I can expand my Tzeentch army once I’m done with my infinite ‘Nids.
I made the mask from a couple different pieces of plastic. At first I used these clear disks I had, but they gave the models a “bobble-head” look which… I didn’t hate, but did obscure the size of the horror and make it look a bit too tiny. For later masks, I took the base of the zombie, tidied it up, and carved a face into it. I intentionally kept the faces very minimalist, focusing on just the bare necessities: two eye-holes, a little slit mouth, and a single haphazard nose. 
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I focused on a very improvisational building approach — using a base of either green stuff blob or a pink horror body, which I then superglued the mask onto and then applied as many arms and legs as I could reasonably manage. Often I would trim an arm straight off the spruce and barely clean it before attaching it on, meaning there's a few moldlines or sprue bits that I can't help but stare at. I think if I was to repeat this process I'd trim all the parts and set them aside before I even started working, but I also had no clue how this would go and was just enjoying the process as a way to decompress after a wildly hectic week.
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Once the models were all done, I spraypainted them all white and tossed them in a box with me to Colombia, where they got damaged during transit and had to piece a couple back together with superglue.
I painted the bodies with two layers of Volupus Pink contrast paint, followed by a drybrush of 1 part Red to 3 parts White.
I painted the masks with Gunmetal followed by a wash of 1 part Orange to 1 part Mid Brown wash. Then I did a Dark wash with some streaking, followed by a Verdigris effect paint to get that gunky green rust effect at the edges of the copper.
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I painted the jewelry and various instruments / standards gold, and did the gems in red with a pink highlight. I did the nails and teeth in white, the tongues in a very light pink mix, and the feathers a light green mix followed by a dark wash. I hope to return to the feathers later to give them more detail if I ever end up doing a Lord of Change, as in my head I imagine those feathers are small gifts from it to its most loyal minions. The fire is yellow, orange, and red, and the OSL was done by mixing the contrast pink with orange.
The bases are admittedly an afterthought — I'm in rural Colombia right now and so I can't finish them the way I want to. I'm planning to pick up some resin cobblestone bases and candles, so I can make the models look like they're inside a weird cultist basement, skittering around in the darkness. There's a lot of lessons I've learned for next time I paint models like these, and this was my first time working with contrast paint, but it was still a ton of fun and I'm proud of how they turned out!
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the western animation nerd in me wants to commission an editor (alas: i am broke) to edit together an amv of Taylor Swift's "Clara Bow" where
the Clara Bow section: would have a montage based off of Betty Boop. Because she was a caricature of Clara Bow (and also Baby Esther since Clara Bow copied her scat + baby-voice gimmick) and heavily influenced the infantilization of women in animation (for anyone who doesn't know: Betty Boop was purposefully designed to have a baby head and an adult woman's body to reflect her voice. infantalization in animation of women is based similarly off of "baby proportions in head" + "adult woman body" via peanut-shaped heads, big eyes, and facial spacing (space between nose and lips, a small bottom of the nose as well as a short height of nose, and many more) mixed with an adult body with breasts) Betty Boop, through globilization, famously impacted how Osamu Tezuka drew children and women (along with other influences, of course, but Betty Boop was one of them). So she impacted both Japanese animation and USA animation through trickle-down influences, but her biggest impact was probably on the iconic Ariel of the "Little Mermaid"
the Stevie Nicks section: would have a montage based off of Ariel from "The Little Mermaid". Betty Boop influence Glen Keane in his designs for her as he was trying to differ away from Disney's past princess designs (where you'll see stylization, yes, but also more adult-modeled facial structures) and one of the sources he looked for how to draw this 16 year-old girl was the design conventions (aka: infantilization) of Betty Boop, another famous teenage girl(? Betty's age is complicated and in constant flux depending in what age range best suits the story, but teenager is her classic statis) in western animation. From then on, seeing Ariel explode with popularity, they carry the same design philosophy to Belle and so on to success after success leading to the "Disney Renaissance" period. You can see other studios start to take note of this global success, as Dreamworks changes (it's wild seeing the facial differences between "Prince of Egypt" or "El Dorado" compared to any contemporary human-female characters from the studio) and you can even see Japanese animated properties start to change away from designing adult faces in its animated women (That generalization specifically is likely be correlation and not causation, I will fully admit, but globalization of media has lead to some fascinating influences and trends). Betty Boop was the start of this animation design trend of visually infantilizing women, but Ariel is the one who really catalysted and popularized the trend. Like. To the point that you'd be hard-pressed to not be influenced by her impact of not her, or "the Disney Princess Style" directly lmao
the Taylor Swift section: I'm not sure. I waffled between several different styles and properties ("Avatar: The Last Airbender", "Frozen", Miyazaki specifically from Studio Ghibli, "How to Train Your Dragon", "Steven Universe",... I think you could make an argument for having the Taylor Swift verse just be a montage of a bunch of properties) but I think for the infantilization throughline + chronology (as "Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind" came out before "The Little Mermaid") + western (USA specifically) animation stylizations of how women are designed... I think I'm going to go with the "Into The Spider-Verse" series? And say to cycle that tiny final verse with shots of all the series' female characters. because it truly has changed animation as we know it. Yet it still keeps with infant baby-heads for some of its female characters. Thankfully, not all of them as I think that would've been reductive to the movie series message about "Anyone can be Spider-man"; though even all the female adults have bigger eyes than the adult males which is one of the traits of infantalization. But it makes sense for both the teen boys and teen girls to have some infantilization in their faces since they are in-between childhood and adulthood. But yeah, the infantilization is the most prominent in Gwen and Penny. But it's cool. I don't see visual infantalization as bad btw, I just see it as a design choice that I like tracking the family tree of since it's a design choice that can be done in any style lol But I'm not confident in my choice of "Spider-verse", because it's female characters are not the main characters and I kind of want that to be an over-arching theme as well. But Gwen does sell a LOT and this series has impacted the animation industry's stylization in general (and hopefully also itd depictions of women and diversity ♡). So maybe I'll change my mind, maybe I won't. But the parts with Clara Bow/Betty Boop and Stevie Nicks/Ariel? I love that part of this concept so, so much, I'm cemented on those verses, and I am on CUSP of something with this idea lmao
like?? do you see the vision? idk, man. maybe i'll animate something or edit it myself (i won't; i'm too sickly rn lmao rip)
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sexstories-101 · 2 years
Why are there sexual cartoons?
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Hentai and other sexual cartoons serve as extranormal stimuli that arouse people's sexual desires. Men's sexual inclinations, in particular.
David Buss, an evolutionary psychologist, argues in his book The Evolution of Desire that evolution imprinted men and women with specific impulses for seeking mates. Such instincts were developed in response to the problems we experienced in our evolutionary context and have largely remained within us (evolution is slow and steady).
Because evolutionary success is dependent on passing on one's genes, ancestral men developed to value women who could bore children, whereas ancestral women valued men who had the status and means to care for children. Because there were no fertility clinics in the ancient savannah, men had to rely on other techniques to find appropriate mates. They relied on their vision.
"Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder," Buss adds, "but those eyes and the minds behind the eyes have been fashioned by millions of years of human development." "Because physical and behavioral cues give the most potent observable proof of a woman's reproductive worth, ancestral men acquired a preference for women who exhibited these indicators."
Youth, health, and social status are all visual cues that indicate reproductive value. In summary, men are hardwired to want attractiveness in their partners. While attraction varies by culture, some typical characteristics include "full lips, clear complexion, smooth skin, clear eyes, glossy hair, and good muscle tone, as well as behavioral characteristics such as a bouncy, young walk, an energetic facial expression, and a high energy level."
Hentai sex amplifies these visual clues to eleven. The female protagonists in these films take the natural cues that males have evolved to seek in mates and push them to levels that are not sustainable in nature. They are essentially polka-dotted eggs for the heterosexual male mentality.
Consider Jazz Age sex symbol Betty Boop to keep us in SFW territory. Boop checks all of the boxes that Buss highlights as indicators of men's reproductive and health value. Her complexion is silky, her lips are thick, she has terrific muscle tone, and her eyes are huge and clear. She's effervescent and exudes a lot of bubbly, youthful energy.
In truth, her youth is an unnatural extreme, with features stretched to ridiculous, neotenic proportions. Her head is enormous, her legs are too long for her body, her arms are too short, and her hip-to-waist ratio prevents her from walking. A real-life Betty Boop surviving puberty would be considered a medical miracle. She has survived as a sex icon in cartoon form for nearly 100 years.
If you think the phenomenon is limited to illustrations, think again. According to one study, even high heels can generate an abnormal response.
 If you are looking for motivation to enhance your sexual drive.
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wobblewokgaming · 2 years
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Name: Calloway
Species: Miscreation
Bio: Calloway was a Miscreation that was created by a young boy's imagination on January 5th, 1945. When "he" was created, Calloway didn't even have a physical form, let alone the name he has nowadays. That was, until he saw a performance done by Cab Calloway (he kept himself hidden with a robe at the time) and was enamored instantly. The way he moved, the way he sang. After the show had ended, Calloway finally knew what his name and form would be. From that point onward, Calloway perfected his singing and his dancing to abnormal levels, with the abnormal proportions providing a unique challenge to overcome. And on top of that, he took up a side job as a comedian.
Main inspiration(s): Calloway's soul inspiration the ghost that Koko the Clown was turned into during the St. James Infirmary Blues song from Betty Boop: Snow White.
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toytongue1 · 2 years
Polymer Clay is an affordable, low-quality, pre-colored sculpting materials which, beneath regular circumstances, starts drying out and cracking inside a 12 months or so of being sculpted. Our bobbleheads are handcrafted with a hundred% Polyresin material which is a excessive-quality resin compound usually used for statues, figurines, and ornamental furnishings.
This reality is also mentioned in our opponents’ product disclaimers. Please note that import duties, taxes, and expenses aren't included in the item value or delivery value. Customers with transport addresses outside of the US, please check together with your nation's customs workplace to find out what these further prices will be. Please note that our order affirmation to you does not signify our acceptance of your order, nor does it represent affirmation of our supply to sell and/or work in your design.
The bobble head have a rich and eventful history of greater than 150 years, and the most effective factor about it's that they last eternally. The particular person will all the time keep in mind their achievement and the one that gave them that sensible present as quickly as they take a look at their bobblehead. There are 1000's of different kinds of bobblehead fashions on our web site, such as weddings, Valentine's Day, commencement, Christmas, Boss' Day, birthday, sports activities, family, and so forth.
These initial detail proofs are sometimes of the head within the raw kind – usually wax/clay-sculpted – We will all the time require your evaluate and approval in writing previous to shifting to the following stage of the process. Please permit as much as eight business days from revision to revision. Please observe that all facial traits such as smile, back and front hair style, eye and mouth shapes, cheek and jaw lines should be rigorously reviewed during this preliminary stage of the design course of.
Check out our customized bobbleheads selection for the very best in distinctive, handmade, and classic finds from the retailers on Etsy. If you are in search of funny but completely personal presents, that might be the custom bobblehead. There are "firms" on the market offering to improve the order to have the sculpting carried out by, what they call, a "grasp" to reinforce the resemblance. I don’t find out about you, but if I’m paying a substantial amount of cash for a personalized bobblehead, my expectation is to have professional sculptors, with a long time of experience, work on my design - not an apprentice. Please notice that all our products are fully insured in opposition to any damages that could possibly be caused by the supply provider throughout transit.
This materials might be painted with any shade you want. If wanted, betty boop bobble heads could be easily adjusted at any time through the painting design section. On a bobblehead, the face and head features aren't proportional to that of the physique.
Our bobbleheads are handcrafted with 100% Polyresin materials.
We could impose these limits on a per-person, per-household, per-order, or any other foundation.
Etsy’s wonderful sellers share their transport policies in each product itemizing so it’s easy to see which of our extraordinary items may be shipped to you.
We can hand-craft and immortalize murals within the likeness of any Bride & Groom, good friend, co-worker or member of the family.
The design course of is a collaborative effort between you, the shopper, and us, the design group. Looking for a unique, custom made present for somebody you love? Here’s something which may make every head turn and every coronary heart blossom with the fond memories that personifies the reward always. On the other hand, absolutely personalized designs permit you to fully personalize the physique structures, poses, clothing kinds, etc – every little thing from head to toes. For extra data, please see or “Price Match Guarantee – We is not going to be undersold” section. Unlike our competitors, we DO NOT use Polymer Clay to sculpt our bobbleheads.
All our bobbleheads are rigorously and securely packaged for their protection and your one hundred% satisfaction. For Standard & Expedite shipped products, we use DHL as the preferred transportation carrier. During the second and final design phase, the fabric will merely be hardened and the colour tones added as per your design specifications. During this part of the design course of, we won't make any facial and/or body structural adjustments to the accredited clay proofs. The paint and finishing touches will not alter anything that has already been reviewed and approved by you in the earlier design section. Indicating that the color proofs do not resemble the provided pictures is not going to be accepted as a cause for order cancellation, partial, full refunds and/or retailer credit. Once once more, the facial and/or physique options, if applicable, on the colour proofs are similar to the clay proofs you previosuly reviewed and accredited in writing.
If you are looking for a photographic reproduction of the particular person being sculpted, this is most likely not the kind of product you might be on the lookout for. All the revisions are fully freed from charge and you can request them until you're absolutely glad. Once the proofs are accredited and the subsequent template molding, baking and painting design levels are started, any modifications would require to start out the whole sculpting and portray processes over once more. If that was the case, unfortunately there might be a $25 cost per bobblehead.
Once completed, element shots of the work in progress shall be emailed to you on your corresponding evaluation, feedback and approval. As quickly as the head and physique are fully reviewed and approved, we are going to cast the resin in the mildew and paint the complete sculpture for the final shade proofing. Once you're fully happy and, after the ultimate written approval is received, we are going to ship your order and provide you with the shipment tracking information on your information. We can hand-craft and immortalize work of art in the likeness of any Bride & Groom, pal, co-worker or member of the family. Normal items are usually thrown away, given off or boxed up for good, in time. But our Personalized Bobbleheads & Custom Figurines might be displayed and will win the appreciation from all folks at all times. This is a set of 2 cards; individual playing cards could be purchased under a separate listing.
Carmem is liable for coordinating all elements of the logistics from the time an order is available in via the design and sculpting proofing, packing and transport activities. Custom body design and proofing are dealt with the same way as that of the head.
Unless you buy the Rush Design Order AddOn choice or otherwise agree together with your Account Manager, you need to anticipate to have the final product delivered in roughly 7-8 weeks. Please observe that this is simply an estimated timeline because the extra revisions you request to be made in the course of the proofing levels, the longer the design course of will be. The above estimated timeline assumes only one revision request throughout the whole design course of.
All our products are fully insured in opposition to any damages that could be caused by the delivery carrier throughout transit. The entire process begins about 2 to 3 business days after all the detail pictures have been submitted to us, reviewed and accredited by us and we've informed you that the design process has been started. As quickly as we now have the primary set of proofs, we are going to contact you via e mail and provide you with detail shots of the work in progress for your corresponding evaluation and comments.
I lately created this sunflower for a special particular person in my life and decided to have it printed on a card. Absolutely a hit and the spotlight of our celebration. I sent in an image and their product was amazingly such a detailed representation. After each main step, they checked in to ensure I was happy with the work. They made adjustments where I advised and every thing went nice. Because of the high quantity of orders we obtain not solely by way of Etsy, but from other marketplaces all over the world, it allows us to set our pricing to be very competitive and the bottom in the business - interval. We are the Bobblehead firm that has the most gross sales by far and an unbeatable 5-star score document on Etsy.
On the other hand, totally personalized designs allow you to absolutely personalize the body structures, poses and clothing styles – every little thing on the bobblehead from head to toes. Please observe that the totally customization design possibility does not include the addition of props of any size for free. Please contact us to get a quote if you're interested in including a prop as part of your design. Our bobbleheads are handcrafted with 100% Polyresin material. Polyresin is a resin compound usually used for statues, figurines, and decorative furnishings.
Let or not it's any occasion, you can create nice customized items with the assistance of customized bobbleheads. Figure Bobblehead is the top-rated customized bobbleheads maker. As of 2022, we've personalised bobblehead dolls for more than a hundred,000 customers, and greater than 95% of consumers are glad with our services and products. Etsy is a worldwide marketplace for unique and artistic goods—many of which are created by sellers in the UK.
During the preliminary design process, you will be provided with clay proofs to evaluate and give us your suggestions on. We do want our prospects to be glad with the purchase and in order to obtain that objective, we strongly imagine that the client should be a part of each single step of the method from begin to end.
Once the order is positioned, it's the customer's sole accountability to offer us with the minimal required personalization data and pictures in a well timed manner. Personalized Bobbleheads & Custom Figurines are ageless, timeless and may swimsuit any event or any theme. Be it a marriage, engagement, birthday party to Valentines days, or simply for the special ‘him’, or ‘her’ in your life. We can hand-craft an immortalized murals in the likeness of any Bride & Groom, friend, co-worker or family member. We have thousands of pre-made our bodies to select from or when you favor to fully personalize the physique, pose and clothing, merely choose all the personalization possibility of your choice.
Many of the special gadgets you find on Etsy, like customized bobbleheads, are available to be shipped to the UK. Etsy’s fantastic sellers share their delivery policies in each product itemizing so it’s straightforward to see which of our extraordinary gadgets can be shipped to you. Our merchandise are fully insured against any mishandling throughout cargo. Due to the delicate nature of the product, we use a worldwide white glove, door-to-door and signature required delivery provider. Although this is very uncommon, accidents occur during transit.
Please take a moment to learn our clients’ critiques and see what they needed to say about their constructive buy experience with us. We are the Number 1 Personalized Bobblehead, Custom Action Figure & Cake Topper Manufacturer with hundreds of 1000's of designs offered worldwide. The staff was great to work with and very receptive to a variety of custom modifications. This was the proper reward for the person who is difficult to purchase for. For the most effective expertise, we use cookies and related instruments to assist Etsy function, for performance, analytics, personalisation and advertising. Learn more in our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy.
At any time after receipt of your order, we could accept, decline, or place amount or different limits on your order for any purpose. We may impose these limits on a per-person, per-household, per-order, or some other foundation. Send me unique provides, distinctive reward ideas, and personalised suggestions for purchasing and selling on Etsy. Who doesn#39;t love the brilliant sunflowers we get to see in summer season and typically in the fall?
Simply e-mail us inside 24 hours of receiving the package deal and supply us with the corresponding pictures of the damaged product and we'll instantly begin the approximately 2-week duplication design process. In the meantime, we'll present you a pre-paid shipping label so that you simply return the damaged product to our Design Studio. Once we obtain the broken product, we'll examine it/them to ensure it's/they're in the same condition you obtained it/them. Once the duplication design process is completed, we'll ship the substitute product completely FREE of charge.
As mentioned above, the extra revisions you request to be made during the proofing levels, the longer the design process might be. The design process takes approximately from four to 6 weeks to be accomplished plus 2-3 extra business days for delivery.
My bobblehead arrived later than expected but I am very proud of the quality of the determine and the accuracy of the picture. I wish I had taken a photograph before gifting my order so that I could publish it. Overall, the resemblance was close sufficient on condition that the picture I supplied was not that great. In quick, the turnaround time is approximately 2 weeks from the date you provide us with the high decision photograph, we evaluation and approve it for 3D rendering and lasering. Most of the other firms use Polymer Clay which, in addition to being a cheaper and low-quality sculpting materials, it has a pre-defined color and texture similar to these of kids’ play-dough. Please read carefully their coloring and ending disclaimers and you'll notice that once the sculpting process is began with a given color, the final shade tone is pretty much locked – skin or some other colour changes can't be made. Furthermore, just like youngsters’ play-dough, the fingerprints of the sculptor shall be shown everywhere in the finished product.
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dipperpines-kin · 4 years
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First drawing of Betty Boop, third attempt of actually drawing her.
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frankenbolt · 6 years
At a store
Mum: Oh hey, look! -Points out a "modern" Betty Boop calendar to me- It's your girl.
Me: -Walks straight past it not even stopping- I don't know that bitch.
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edspear · 2 years
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Oh no. I seemed to have fallen into some sort of rabbit hole. The next set is some 1930's sort of thing? Sort of got thinking about rubberhose animation and well... This is the weird thing that came out of that.
Basically I tried to redo the Phyrexian Praetors in old cartoon style.
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The first one I did was Sheoldred, felt decently Betty Boop-y. Had a lot more trouble with the horrible spider butt with a very John Dillworth-y kind of smile.
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Got into something of a groove and did Vorinclex next. And the big galoot felt very Bluto/Sinbad. The skull isn't as animalistic as his real face is, but I decided it was a good time to reference the Skeleton Dance.
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The third one was Jin-Gitaxias, and he was just a delight. If a little odd to figure out. Won't lie mostly vibing off of "The Ghost of Stephen Foster" here. And maybe an old cartoon vulture or two. Went with an accordion spine leading into baggy pants.
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Definitely the easiest one I wound up doing. Elesh Norn just wound up having some Olive Oyl proportions. Long limbs, offbalance noodly proportions to match her cumbersome headwear.
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Urabrask was definitely the one I struggled the most with. Mostly because even in his main card art, its hard to tell what's going on with him. Plus there isn't exactly much that "looks" like him in old cartoons. Initially considered going a dragon route, before stumbling upon Andy the Anvil (Skullgirls) and just giving him weird boat smokestacks and a mouth that vaguely resembled a cow-catcher. Sort of get the industrial vibe.
And yes... there is a color version (of the characters at least). By the time I was working on the background I had thrown on Black & White filter, and was just trying to use more oil-painty brushes to keep it separate from the characters.
The background was meant to be an afterthought, I swear. Maybe I'll try and put a color version of that together too.
Anyways off I go... Doing my various other art projects.
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marzipanrose · 4 years
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Meet Sunni! She was an experiment to see if I could take those Poopise Rainbow surprise Fantasy Friends dolls and make them a little less baby like an well.. uncomfy. I think she turned out well!
 I put her onto a Snapstar body and that let her read more as a teen/adult but in a big headed style.now she is a cute little fairy who lives in my garden and protects the plants!
I have one other doll that was a Fantasy Friends hybrid but she was put on a Desendants doll body and that gave her a more Betty boop type proportions that I prefer to the Snapstar body. I think going forward if I make more of these type of hybrids Ill use the Descendants bodies.
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thewellofmanyinks · 4 years
Clip 15 - Betty Boop: Minnie the Moocher
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In this clip I found: overlap and follow through, squash and stretch, exaggeration, staging.
Overlap and Follow Through: The clip starts with some overlapped walking with some animated foreground aspects that the characters pass behind. There’s plenty of overlap as the different characters move around and with each other.
Squash and Stretch (pictured above): There is some squash and stretch in this clip, though less obvious than in other cartoons like The Skeleton Dance.
Exaggeration: For example, when Betty and Bimbo peer out of the cave. The exaggeration of their heads as they get bigger to communicate them leaning forwards, or the exaggerated proportions and expressions to give more personality to the clip.
Staging: the staging of the clip gives story behind the groups of characters: skeletons drinking at a bar, ghosts trapped in a well, ghost inmates being sentenced to re-?death via electric chair. The staging helps to indirectly give the characters story as opposed to them just randomly being there, like the walrus man.
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thedollnerd · 4 years
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Very excited to get my first LOL OMG doll.   I’ve been eyeballing these dolls ever since they came out, read a lot of reviews, people talked about how great the details on the dolls are and along with decent articulation, it was an irresistable combo.. The strange chibi heads put me off at first, but I’m always a sucker for a fully articulated doll, and these are actually chubby looking! .. or at least plumper than the usual fashion doll.
Groovy Babe is from the latest wave of LOL OMG dolls, called Lights.  They all have some kind of UV-reactive element on their face and/or clothes and each doll is inspired by a different type of 60s fashion.  I don’t know an exact reference to point out other than Twilight Zone, but Groovy Babe is clearly evoking a whole black and white psychedelic/hypnotic vibe.  I feel like there’s a film reference here that I’m not aware of.  She is also supposed to be a beatnik poet.
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I kinda love the little hatbox, it fits all her accessories except the comb.  The little white cylinder is a tiny blacklight, with battery included.  The “book” is a single sheet of paper folded in half.  
Hair: super thin rooting on the top of her head, can see scalp through the hair (including black lines presumably there to guide the rooting but clearly totally ignored).  The long hair feels soft, but it’s a little plasticky – is it nylon?  Bangs are one solid mass of gel plastered to her forehead.
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Clothing: Cutout in dress is poorly sewn and bunchy.  Jacket is pretty nice but was carelessly stuffed into the garment bag, so now the lining is sticking out in the front and the collar is permanently popped (which also shows a white mesh lining).
Fully dressed, she looks like maybe she made her clothes herself, and isn’t terribly good at it. 
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Tights and boots are perfect.  Earrings are adorable!  They spin!  Hypnotic!  But they’re hard to see when she’s wearing them; they kind of face sideways and her hair covers them.  Also, the paint has started coming off already, the first time I put them on the doll.  Sunglasses are odd and not very 60s mod, but pretty damn cool; they’re made of a softish, almost rubbery plastic, so they’re very easy to put on and take off without having to worry about breaking them.  The long narrow glasses look funky and cool with the round eyes of the doll; makes me think of Novi Stars.
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  Body:  Love those curves!  These dolls have wonderfully chonky butts and thighs.  Butt dimples!  Still has a thigh gap though, for some damn reason.  Also, extreme hourglass waist and sculpted abs, just in case you might be afraid this doll is a nasty fatty fatfat.  Beautiful curvy legs, but sadly they have very old-fashioned jointing – hips have zero rotation and knees are crappy click joints that are hard to use and barely bend.
  Why these dolls come with chair-like stands is totally beyond my comprehension, since they can barely sit.  Feet are en pointe like a ballerina – not just tiptoed high heel feet, these are almost torturously pointed.  Wonderfully sculpted little toes though.  Smallish pointed breasts with just a hint of nipples.  Painted-on bikini undies match her pale turquoise eyeshadow.  Hands pop off for ease of dressing and are gracefully sculpted, with cute little dimples on the knuckles (which would make more sense on chubby hands, but whatever).  The hands actually go off and on really nicely, no fear that I’m going to break the joint doing it.  Fingernails are pointy and painted white; the paint is actually quite well-done here, they’ve done a pretty good job of keeping it only on the nails without overspray onto the fingers (unlike some other OMG dolls I’ve seen).
Face: Bizarre LOL round-eyed face; almost Bratz-like in the lips and near lack of a nose, but the eyes are absolutely enormous and perfectly round.  The proportions of the features put me off at first, but there’s something about the way they’re done that’s surprisingly appealing.  This doll has a very matte faceup in solid colors; edges are mostly clean and the paint is almost completely within the lines of the sculpt.  Her lips remind me of a certain iconic stomach medicine.  Eyeshadow is a light turquoise color with a darker turquoise line above it, with a cat-eye black liner and spiky lower lashes that mimic the drawn-on lashes people used to do in the 60s.  Somebody did their homework on 60s mod makeup.   Eye color is an indigo blue, complements the makeup nicely; a little boring, but more detail in the eyes might just make them look creepy since they’re so very large. 
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My doll has three tiny black spots on her face, and a handful of faint white spots on the black of one eye (the paint seems thinner on this eye for some reason – the swirl is more obvious in regular light).  Head has an unfortunate tendency to tilt slightly back, and not because of the weight of her hair.  She can tilt her head just fine when she’s looking to the side, but facing forward, she can’t look up or down at all.  The vinyl of her head is slightly more orangey than her body?  
Gimmick: It’s a fail, at least with this particular doll, at least with the tiny black light included with her.  The black and white overall color scheme looks cool under black light, but the specifically UV-sensitive stuff is mostly barely there. The UV-sensitive? stripe on the dress is rather visible in regular light, and yet indistinguishable with the black light.  The “hypnotic” twirls in her eyes are barely visible even with the black light right up against them.  I tested all of this in the dark btw.
The makeup is the one thing that actually does change noticeably.  The lips are still pretty much the same color, but they’re super bright neon under the black light.  The eye makeup changes color and has an extra layer of eyeliner that’s mostly invisible under regular light.
It’s a pretty underwhelming effect overall, but if I had a blacklight room I’d display her in it, after finding her some new clothes.  I’d rather they’d just made things better quality and not done the stupid gimmick, but whatever; their goal is to sell toys to children and the LOL brand is kind of rooted in gimmicks.
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These dolls are extreme caricatures of a “sexy” human female (if you like big butts – and do not lie).  I do wonder if they were inspired by Betty Boop; they have almost an identical silhouette, with the big round heads, tiny waist, and big hips.  Their proportions are so cartoony and absurd and clearly very thoughtful choices were made that sacrificed functionality for form – the terrible click joints in those smooth, shapely legs, for example.  Though why the hip joints couldn’t rotate is a choice I can’t understand..
She’s a cute little doll, to be sure, but not display-worthy, or even something I’m really excited about photographing (which is the only real surprise involved in opening this box that supposedly contained 15 surprises). 
Real talk about the surprises, actually – the things included in this box that are not pictured on it are: the stand, the garment bag with plastic hanger, the plastic hatbox with patterned tissue paper, the sunglasses, and a folded piece of paper pretending to be a notebook of poems.  So the only real bonus item that you wouldn’t expect to receive by looking at the box is the sunglasses.  At least there’s something. 
Anyway.  I’m left with mixed feelings, honestly kind of disappointed?  Is the doll I got sub-par or is this typical?  Am I just hugely, stupidly picky?  I want to rehair her; she’s crying out for it, really.  Maybe I’ll fall in love with her once her worst flaw is gone.  Maybe I’ll rip her head off and try some other ones.  Maybe she can be my big-booty guinea pig.
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This is the best I could get her clothes to look in a photo.. Unless she’s holding it shut like this, the jacket keeps flapping open with that white mesh stuff flopping out.
Still excited for Angles.  I’ve had a thing for Mondrian and his right angles for a long time and it’s really fun to see his art referenced with a fashion doll.
Review: Groovy Babe LOL OMG doll Very excited to get my first LOL OMG doll.   I've been eyeballing these dolls ever since they came out, read a lot of reviews, people talked about how great the details on the dolls are and along with decent articulation, it was an irresistable combo..
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recherche-raptor · 5 years
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It’s been way too long since I last posted one of these gijinka sets :’’’]
Base Dream Friends- King Dedede, Meta Knight, Bandana Dee Wave 1 Dream Friends- Dreamland 2 Animal Friends, Gooey, Marx Wave 2 Dream Friends- Adeleine & Ribbon, Dark Meta Knight, Daroach Wave 3 Dream Friends- Magolor, Taranza, Susie Three Mage Sisters- Francisca, Flamberge, Zan Partizanne Other Pals- Prince Fluff, Elline, Dyna Blade Groups of Pals- Dreamland 3 Animal Friends, Squeak Squad, The Meta-Knights Star Warriors- Kirby, Shadow Kirby, Galacta Knight Misc Antagonists- Dark Matter Swordsman, Queen Sectonia, Morpho Knight, Void Termina
Design notes under the cut:
Dyna Blade- I knew from the start that Dyna Blade had to look ready to instantly throw down with anyone who got too close. Then, her in-game sprite’s head fluff became the gijinka’s hairstyle (made more stylish by taking cues from Bakugo Mitsuki and turning her side-feathers into a dyed undercut), and that was about when the design veered into punk and stayed there. Her jacket’s design came directly from game!Dyna Blade’s sprite, and her boots were based on a cool-looking result for “punk boots” that also to me evoked the slightly bumpy, scaly appearance of bird legs. I wish I could’ve made her wings larger but alas, I ran out of space.
Prince Fluff- My starting point for Prince Fluff was very similar to other gijinka Fluffs I saw, and I wanted to do something to differentiate my Fluff a bit. To do this, I looked up old paintings of 16th-century princes, which is where the poofy pants, knee ribbons, and snazzy half-heeled shoes came from. I also went nuts throwing yarn trim onto absolutely everything he has, and added in a pair of knitting needles to mimic the swords that I frequently saw worn by the aforementioned 16th-century princes. I also gave him mittens to make him look even cuddlier.
Elline- For the most part humanizing Elline was a matter of taking her in-game model and giving it more realistic proportions. To spruce it up, I added a few more embellishments to the top of her dress, and I gave her a multicolored set of petticoats and pointy shoes based directly off of the Three Good Fairies from Sleeping Beauty. Her in-game eyes made me think of old cartoon characters like Betty Boop or Snow White, so I tried to lean in a little on that angle for her features.
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ill eventually make a proper, pretty intro-post
but hello, hi, i am Kaiden-Shenandoah Knapp
also, yes, Kaiden-Shenandoah is my first name. the hyphen is optional, but you still have to type/say the whole thing. no, you may not call me "Kaiden". yes, i am aware it is a mouthful lol
(probably gonna change my surname is "Knapping" in a few years. i wanna distance myself from some shitty family while making the Indigeneity in my surname more apparent. dont be surprised when that happens. im just putting it off bc i got a lot on my plate rn lol)
(also if you knew me as "Kayleen", hi, hello, i no longer go by that childhood nickname. it is retired, wave goodbye, better to have loved and lost and all that)
this is my messily mindless "welcome to my head" blog, we do things very casually here. im making it my new Main (as of 24 March 2024). my professional/art blog is @kaidenshenandoahknapp
but the real point of this post is: i am not a bot lol
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and also, stuff is on a queue (until i do a mass-reblog binge but, typically, i am on queue)
everything in my queue is now 2 post per 24 hours (as of: 20 April 2024)
ive been on tumblr before, but since this is a new Main, im just going through my favorite content-creation blogs i know and mass-queueing loads of the op's projects. (if you are one of those said blogs and find this nth new notes a day from me annoying, please let me know; and i will just spam them all to Post Now so i can get out of your hair asap) i'm also just not good at regularly keeping up with creators' new stuff week-by-week, so instead i generally mass-queue because i assume mass-reblogging is a bit more overwhelming, idk, maybe im just overthinking lol
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tags guide: (mostly for me, ngl lol i need reminders of what i tag what when i do my mass-queues)
#me - me posting something
#relatable - "omg that is so me" at someone else's post
#aesthetic - me just really liking the vibes, which sometimes just also happens to be pretty to look at lmao
#canines wolves and werewolves i love - i know what i am about. ill probably have more "niche My Special Interest tags" as i find posts that fit them
#nutty nutcrackers / #the nutcracker - another Special Interest tag. pretty self-explanatory, i like The Nutcracker a lot lmao
#betty boop - you would think this belongs with fandom tags, but no. part of why i am obsessed with her (and have been since i was, like, 14) is because she was the popularization of the very next tag's trend
#infantalization in animation - it's when you apply baby facial proportions to an adult bodied character, it's most often done in female characters. i'll be using this tag outside of animated stuff btw. but yeah, anything that examines that visual design choice i am all 👀 over lmao
#other people's art - any individual person, not counting final version of studio work (like ill tag "Lilo and Stitch"'s exploratory concept art with this, sure, but i wont tag stills of the "Lilo and Stitch" film)
↳ #animal art
↳ #background art
↳ #oc art - is all "my original character in a canon piece" kind of ocs, not the "my original character in my original story" type
↳ there are also specifically listed artists here and there if they have influenced me/my style in the past or recently (such as but not limited to: #rvsa). almost all of them are indies with social media (aka: no Van Gogh, no Hayao Miyazaki. if they have their own fandom, i tag said fandom and not the specific artist, usually. it depends. there are some gray areas)
#brushes - the (digital) brushes people i like use
#art tips
#writing tips - is about actually doing the practice
#on writing - is the philsophy about the practice
#[insert fandom here]
#[insert fandom here] analysis
(here are the tags i chose for some fandoms that had multiple possible tags. this is not all of my fandom tags)
● #studio ghibli, #[insert studio ghibli title here] (i tag both the movie itself and studio. because sometimes i want something from the original movie, so i go into those tags; and i also go to the studio to look at overarching things since the studio has such a strong overall aesthetic/visual brand)
● #[insert disney title] (here, i do tag the specific movies and i dont just use the studio. because im usually looking for specific things this one disney movie has)
● #moomin (as opposed to "moominvalley", "tales of moominvalley", or the like)
● #my hero academia (so many different options for one work)
● #trigun (so many different branching creations from one source lmao im just gonna lump them together)
● #into the spiderverse (i dont use "across the spiderverse" for simplicity's sake, and i don't use the hyphen/space between "spider(-)verse" also for simplicity. its easier for me to be consistent if i just go "nah, its all one word")
● #marvel comics (i do not tag the mcu specifically)
● #dc comics, #batman (i tag both. but i dont tag any other dc comics property. i just know im esp obsessed with the batfam enough that, sure, they should get their own tag)
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On the left, my original Blue Spinel from 2016, and whose design is in her Earth portion of her life.
On the right, the new, Homeworld Blue Spinel. Inspired by Fleischer (creators of Betty Boop, similar timeframe and style to the more Disney-branded cartoons Spinel is inspired by, but darker/more-adult subject matters) cartoons, the canon Spinel, and of course a little of her original design. Her Gem has also been moved to her back, and while it is also now heart-shaped like Spinel’s, her cut isn’t perfect. Canon Spinel is presented to us as a PERFECT Spinel. This Spinel, however, is flawed.
The idea with the specific figure, and housewife-inspired outfit design, was basically, “What were the things that failed in those old cartoons?” and it was usually those boring, personality-less eye-candy women who didn’t get to do or say much, instead just there to be impossibly-proportioned, bake things, and maybe give or receive a smooch.
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