#betty cooper x fem
chloe-skywalker · 2 years
Northside Serpent - Fangs Forgarty
Fangs x Fem!reader (eventually)
Jughead x Toni x Reader (friends)
Warnings: bullying?
Word count: 1,154
Summary: Being a Northsider who is very quiet but when the bulldogs and Cheryl are being mean to the Southsiders she speaks up.
Authors Note: That summary is the idea I came up with but it turned into something with that as the underline plot but also something. So I can’t say it's really a good description and I can’t say it's a bad one.
Riverdale Masterlist
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“Hey, Juggie.” Y/n waved towards her beanie wearing friend as he showed up in the school parking lot with his friends.
“Y/n/n, long time no see.” Jughead smiled as he approached the Y/h/c-ed girl along with Toni, Fangs, and Sweet Pea.
“Jug I saw you two days ago.” she laughed, hugging him once he got close enough.
“We haven’t gone to school with each other in a while.” Jug nod's his head at her statement.
“True.” Y/n smiled
“Why are you outside?” Fangs asked the pretty girl who obviously knows Jughead.
“There’s a welcoming party for you all.” Y/n smirks shaking her head as she answered the handsome young serpent.
“Huh?” Jug looked at her confused and suspicious.
“Only a few put it together and yes, it’s who your thinking Jug. But be warned the Bulldogs and Cheryl are very against this.” she explained, shrugging in the process.
“Well before we go in mind introducing us to your friend here Jones? Toni?” Sweet Pea crossed his arms, not missing how Toni had also greeted the girl with a hug.
“Well, if either of you ever paid attention to anything other than pole at the Wrym you would’ve met her already.” Toni stated giving them an annoyed look that screamed ‘I told you so’.
“We’ve known each other since we were in diapers, she’s not just a friend she’s like my sister.” Jug explained to his followed Serpent boys. Jughead could tell Sweet Pea was still wary and Fangs seemed to not be able to take his eyes off her.
“She use to hang at the Wrym all the time.’ Toni added.
“Having known Jughead here all my life FP’s like a father to me.” Y/n smiled at the two boys standing in front of her.
“Like?” Jug scoffed tilting his head in her direction.
Y/n was family, there was no question. There was also no question that she was the honorary adopted daughter of FP.
“Oh haha. Fine, he is practically my dad. He helped my mom raise me and has been there for me my whole life.” Y/n answered.
“So are you a Serpent?” Sweet Pea asked with his arms crossed over his chest.
“Yes.” Y/n nodded as she answered his question holding her head high. She could understand his skepticism from his point of view.
“Y/n is the Serpent Princess.” Toni smirks nudging her friend, teasing her with her nickname.
“A title my dad gave her and I believe it’s fitting.” Jug stated.
“I’m gonna be the polite one between me and Pea and ask your name.” Fangs smiled
“It's Y/n. Y/n Y/l/n.” Y/n smiled reaching out to shake his hand. “An you?”
“Fangs Forgarty.” he smirked slightly but it ended up just turning back into a smile.
“Nice to meet you Fangs.” Y/n nodded
Once they let go of each other's hands Fangs elbowed Sweet Pea. “ow” Sweet Pea glared at Fangs.
Toni raised her eyebrows at the tall boy. “Introduce yourself instead of integrating the girl.”
“Sweet Pea, nice to meet you Serpent Princess.” he introduced himself after giving the pink haired girl an eye roll.
Y/n laughed at the exchange before shaking his hand. “Nice to meet you too.”
“Now that we're all acquainted, why don’t we all head into school now?” Jug asked, always the lover of education.
With that said they all grabbed their stuff and headed in. After the greeting by Archie, Veronica, Betty, and etc etc … Toni turned to Y/n with a look before asking. “This is Northside hospitality?”
“Welcome to the Northside.” Jughead snarked
“You know Y/l/n I thought once we were rid of Jones here, you would finally understand where you belong.” Cheryl spoke as she approached the group of young Serpents.
“Oh? And where would that be Cheryl?” y/n asked with her voice full of sarcasm as she crossed her arms turning to fully face the red headed Bombshell.
“By my side and the Bulldogs of course, silly. Not with these street rats.” Cheryl smiled her fake Blossom smile. Y/n would know the difference.
“Listen here Bombshell. These street rats as you call them are way better friends than your bulldogs would ever be. As for you Cheryl Blossom. You and I were good friends once upon a time until you decided to become a snot-nosed Bitch.” Y/n spoke pissed off stepping into Cheryl's personal space. Looking the HBIC right in the eyes. Y/n honestly missed having Cheryl as a friend. But then Cheryl she became someone who wasn’t the Cheryl Y/n grew up being friends with. If Cheryl ever came back then they could be friends again. “So leave us alone. I’m where I should be. Are you?”
With that said everyone started to head off to where they needed to be for the first period. After Toni and Y/n left off to their first classes the boys stood in the hallways for a minute. Sweet Pea and Fangs were ready to intervene when it came to Y/n and Cheryl’s talk. But Jughead and Toni had convinced them to back down. Y/n could fight her own fights, they know that for a fact. But they still stood ready as back up if the Bulldogs so much as moved a finger.
“I think I’m in love.” Fangs stated as they watched the girls disappear.
“She’s a Serpent so I’m cool with it.” Sweet Pea stated with a shrug at his friend's words. Truth be told he’s just glad it’s not a Northsider.
Jughead cast a glare at Fangs before saying. “She’s like a sister to me. If you hurt her Fangs I’ll bury you somewhere no one will ever find the body.”
Fangs gulped looking Jug in the eyes promising. “If I can get her to actually say yes then I promise I’ll never hurt her. At least I won’t try to.”
Sweet Pea suddenly got a thought in his head and he smirked. “Jones, you said she’s like a daughter to your dad right?”
“Yup.” Jughead nodded, casting a confused look to the tall dark haired boy. And then it hit him.
Sweet Pea clapped Fangs on the back as he let out an amused laugh. “Good luck Forgarty.”
Fangs turned his head to look at Jughead hoping he could explain since it seemed like he understood what Sweet Pea meant. “Huh?”
“Sweet Pea’s hinting to the fact that you’ll be dating the honorary daughter of Fp Jones, leader of the Serpents.” Jughead explained, and it was true if Fnags could get Y/n to say yes then he would be seeing the confusion leave Fang's face and was replaced by worry and a hint of fear. Jug patted him on the shoulder before continuing. “Don’t worry Fangs. She’s worth it.”
Tag: @gruffle1
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honeybear-yammy · 2 years
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Warnings: none
Pairings: Betty Cooper x Female Reader
Summary: In which Betty writes Y/N a letter with a confession in it.
© Honeybear-Yammy, please do not steal, translate, copy, or transfer my work.
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Dear Y/N,
Hey, it's Betty. I had something that I really wanted to tell you and I felt most comfortable doing it through a note. I know I could have called, texted, even told you in person. I know there is a bunch of ways I could have done this but, I decided to do it through a note.
I know we have been friends for a long time. Actually, we have been friends since we were little kids. I love that we have been friends for so long and that we have stayed so close but, I guess that also makes this kind of harder for me to do.
I just don't want to ruin our friendship. I am just scared that the thing I want to tell you will ruin everything between us and I really don't want that to happen. I would be so sad and feel so guilty if it ruined everything. 
Anyways, I should just get to the point. Alright, here goes nothing...
I like you Y/N. I like you a lot. I have had a crush on you for the longest time now and I was always just too scared to confess my feelings to you because I was kind of scared of getting rejected but I was even more scared about losing you completely.
Because I would never ever want to lose you as a friend. Even if you didn't feel the same way about me I would still want to be your best friend even though it may be awkward for awhile after my confession.
Anyways, I will let you process what I have told you and you can get back to me when you feel ready to. I hope to hear from you soon. 
From, Betty
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Author's Note: tysm for reading!
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itsnotyouithink · 2 years
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pairing: fem!reader x cheryl blossom
summary: reader goes to a halloween party and her crush on cheryl blossom continues.
warnings: smoking, underage drinking, parental abuse
a/n: happy halloween to all who celebrate & please be careful tonight!!
not my gif!
Riverdale has spooky Halloweens. It may be from the haunting spirits that walk the streets and get a booth in Pop’s Diner on the daily, or just because it’s Riverdale — and Riverdale is spooky. The Devil’s holiday was a year long thing in the town. Everyday felt like Halloween for civilians of the small town. You felt like your life was the holiday on repeat — you were just dressing as yourself with a fake mask.
You felt like Halloween wasn’t much of a big deal. The only thing you truly liked about it was the dressing up. The iconic Mean Girls quote bounced off the walls of your brain when you argued with your brother as you two got out of the car, “In Girl World, Halloween is the one day a year when a girl can dress up like a total slut and no other girls can say anything else about it.” You quoted to yourself and your brother beside you who rolled his eyes.
Your brother, Sweetpea, had been ranting about how you dressed too sexy and exposed, afraid some guy was going to try to make a pass at you. You were dressed as Lola Bunny from Looney Tunes, a character you had admired since you heard about her. The costume was more exposed than you generally dressed from day-to-day. Short shorts, a crop top that was basically a sports bra and bunny ears. “Come on, Sweets! Stop being like this, you know I never dress like this.”
“So why are you starting now?” He squinted his eyes at you. You know his argument was coming from a place of kindness and being the protective brother he was, but it was still annoying.
“Just give me a break, please?” You huffed, “By tomorrow, I’ll be back in my cute little Betty Cooper dress with a Serpent jacket, don’t you worry.” You rolled your eyes and poked the sides of your brooding brother who just rolled his eyes once more.
Then a thought popped into his small mind.
“You’re dressed like that for Cheryl Blossom.” He snapped his fingers in front of your face. The two of you were walking down the crowed driveway of Thistlehouse. It was the night of Halloween, and Cheryl Blossom had decided to throw a Halloween bash.
“I’m not.”
“You so are.”
“No I am not!”
“You’re blushing and everything!” He laughed and pointed at your blushing cheeks at the thought of your crush on the schools most popular girl. You have had a crush on Cheryl since the closing of Southside High and the enrollment to Riverdale High. You were expected to hate her because you were a Serpent, but you couldn’t help but be completely drawn in by her.
You never said anything about liking her to her ever, especially once she started dating Toni Topaz — one of your old kindergarten best friends. Your friendship had died out even if she was best friends with your brother and mutual friends.
The two of you got to the front door before inviting yourselves in, quickly seeing your close circle of friends by the corner.
“Y/N! Look at you!” Kevin whistled as the duo got closer. You blushed as your friends complimented you each, Veronica squeezing your arm, “Damn, you look hot!”
Archie rolled his eyes before taking Veronica by her hips and back into his chest, “Yeah, Y/N you look good. Great costume.” Him and Veronica dressed as Hercules and Megara.
“Thanks, Arch.”
“You look amazing, Y/N/N. I see you’re getting out your comfort zone.” Betty commented playfully as she took a sip from her red cup. You lightly chuckled before noticing her outfit as well, her and Jughead dressed as Sandy in the latex suit and Danny Zuko from Grease, “I could say the same to you, Betts. I see you’re in the last musical number of Grease.”
“Don’t I just look positively dashing in my costume?” Jughead sarcastically said, pushing out jazz hands towards you, referring to his Serpent leather jacket and sloppily slicked back hair. You rolled your eyes before taking the drink Sweetpea handed towards you, “Sure, Jug. Sure.”
After that, the group fell into light conversation that was filled with laughs and jokes. “I see Choni is back together.” Veronica commented, taking a sip of her alcohol as she eyed the ex-couple.
“What?” You furrowed your brows before glancing towards Sweetpea and looking behind you at the sight. You knew you never had an actual shot with Cheryl, but the fact she wasn’t dating Toni anymore helped the hope that filled in your chest that maybe, just maybe, she would like you back.
You felt like you couldn’t compete with a girl like Toni Topaz, who was perfect in every way.
Cheryl and Toni had a couples costume. The redhead was Poison Ivy while Toni was Harley Quinn. They looked perfect.
And yet.
You sighed and turned back around with a shrug, “They’re Choni, how could they not?”
No one else knew about your crush on Cheryl besides Sweetpea. It was stupid for you to tell him because he constantly made jokes about it and teased you til the sun rose. You expected him to hate you for it, but it was the opposite. He hadn’t seen you so head-over-heels for someone since your ex-girlfriend from Southside High, who thankfully got transferred to Seaside High. That relationship was the definition of a heartbreak mess.
“Have you guys seen what Ethel is wearing?” And just like that, the topic was dropped.
After you danced with Veronica and your friends a few times, you went outside to get fresh air and away from the sweaty bodies and atmosphere that surrounded you. You found a door by the dining table that lead to the quiet outside porch. When you slid the door open, Cheryl Blossom was leaning against the wooden railing with a cigarette between her fingers and a face of confusion.
You thought about going inside but as soon as you turned, she spoke to you. “You can join me, if you want. I don’t bite.” She took another hit from her cigarette before her arm hung over the side of the railing lazily, she blew the smoke with a soft cloud.
“I didn’t take you as a smoker.”
She shrugged, “Daddy smoked all the time before he died. So did Jason.” she cleared her throat, looking off to the dark, midnight distance, “I don’t usually smoke.”
You nodded before taking your spot beside her, your forearms leaning against the wooden banister like she was. She held the cigarette in front of you, offering it to you. You took it before placing it in your lips — you felt her watching you. “I didn’t take the golden girl of the Southside as a smoker either.”
You blew the smoke from your lips easily, “I grew up in a biker gang, what did you expect?” The two of you lightly giggled before you shook your head, “I actually got smoking from my father too. He does it everyday, all the time. Our trailer, clothes, furniture — all of it, smells like his cigarettes. They’re so normal that you even get burned with them.”
The redhead rose her eyebrows before glancing towards you, who now looked into the midnight distance. You glanced at her, her brown eyes melting into your own. “I tend to overshare.” You airily chuckled before passing the cigarette back to the redhead.
“According to Toni, I don’t share enough.” She quietly scoffed. You smiled towards the redhead with a smirk, “Aw, trouble in paradise?”
She rolled her eyes at you, “Shut up.”
“I was just joking, Cheryl.” You laughed at the small pout on her lips. “If you, like, need to talk .. I’m here.”
She looked over at you and sighed, a few beats of silence, “I broke up with her because I was attracted to someone else and I couldn’t disrespect Toni with having feelings for her and someone else. And .. we didn’t plan on going as Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn together it just . . . happened.”
You couldn’t lie and say your heart didn’t sing at the fact she was indeed single and she had a crush on someone that could be you. “What’s the problem besides an accidental couples costume.”
“I’m not sure the girl I like, likes me back.” She looked at you with masked hopeful eyes. She wanted some type of clue to see if you liked her back, but you kept up tall, guarded walls around you when it came to romance and relationships. There was a rumor you had a thing for Veronica, but that was quickly denied. But even after that, the towns most strategic and sneakiest gossips couldn’t get to the bottom of who the golden girl from the Southside wanted to truly date and fall in love with.
You glanced at her with a shrug, “Tell her you like her. If she doesn’t, then she’s simply a fool.” You left it at that and walked back inside where you felt like you took your first true deep breath.
“Y/N! Where were you? We should dance!” Veronica took your hand and tried guiding you into the pool of sweaty, drunk high schoolers but you were pulled away by your other hand and pushed into someone.
You were pulled into Cheryl’s chest, you hands on the side of her shoulders to catch yourself.
The next thing you knew, she had her hand on your cheek, a hand on your waist and her lips on yours. It was warm, and gentle, a kiss you had been dreaming and imagining about since the middle of sophomore year. “Are you a fool, Y/N?” She mumbled when the two of you pulled away.
You cheeks were red, your pupils were dilated and your skin burned with her touch. “I suppose not, Blossom.” The two of you smiled before she kissed you again, and again, and again.
The entire night was filled with dancing, Cheryl Blossom with her hands on your waist as you refilled your cup of alcohol, and the never ending teasing of your friends.
Maybe Halloween wasn’t as terrible as you thought it would be.
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Requests I have (if you don't see yours please let me know)
Jamie and Cersei Lannister X Daughter!Reader (Platonic)
(Cersei wants to marry off there daughter but she is Jamie”s pride and joy and wont let that happen)
FP Jones X Reader (Smut) (FP Jones x reader!Andrew!rough)
Joffery Baratheon X Sister!Reader (Platonic!!!) he’s sadistic like joffery? that’s the reason they’re really close and trust each other more than anything
Joffery Baratheon X Sister!Reader (Smut) (joffrey imagine where him and his sister (2 years older) have always had sexual tension but they never saw it that way and one night while she’s changing joffrey bursts through the door angry about something but stops when he sees her. both of them at this point are horny for each other and he comes up to her kissing her while he grabs her breast and shes kind of in shock still but melts into it and yeah they have sex on the bed and take turns topping each other)
Ramsay Bolton X Sister!Reader (Smut) (Ramsay (got) has a younger sister and they often have intercourse, but this one night Ramsay brings Reek, his father and mother into readers room and ties them up. He tells them to watch. So Ramsay and her have really rough sex and tells them to look at her and makes her look at them to make sure they knows how good Ramsay makes her feel. When they’re done they kill them)
Betty Cooper X Fem!Reader (damn! i would have never imagined myself being with betty but when i was reading your post, u couldn’t stop myself from smiling! soft girlfriends haha. i love it! 💖💖💖 could you do something like this but as best friends with cheryl/toni or even both if it’s not too hard for you? i wanna see where it would go!)
Daenerys Targaryen X mercenary!male reader (The reader is a mercenary whom Cersei hires to kidnap Daenerys shortly after she arrives at Dragonstone. But instead of bringing Dany to Cersei, the mercenary decides to keep her for himself and tame her into becoming his willing lover)
Cersei Lannister X Fem!Reader (The reader faints in Cersei"s arm)
Petyr Baelish X Baratheon Fem!Reader (Semi Requested!) (Now that all of her brothers are gone Robert"s legitimate daughter has risen to be seated on the throne. Her council is demanding a husband what will the new queen do!)
Robb Stark X Baratheon Fem!Reader (Hey I love your work! Could I request some angsty robb stark x reader? Maybe reader is Cersei and robert’s true child and was married off to robb. Cersei is very distressed about your wellbeing when the war breaks out and when she learns of the plans of the red wedding, she begs her father to spare you. He does but at a price for your continued show of hatred of the Baratheons and lannisters. Letting you have to watch as robb dies and returning you home without realizing you’re pregnant.)
A wolverine request but I can’t find the info (so if you requested a wolverine request please resend it)
1.Twisted Desires
Dean, Sam, and Y/N Winchester were trapped together from the moment John found yellow eyes had killed the mother of his child was killed by yellow eyes in 1988 exactly five years after his wife and mother of his eldest two children were murdered by the same demon. The three lived by there father’s code doesn’t go somewhere twice and you don’t stay long. They never got to make friends so they were all each other had so maybe it was a flower in the attic complex. The three siblings loved each other far more than anyone else ever but maybe Sam and Dean’s love wasn’t a way older brothers were supposed to love their little sisters and Y/N’s love wasn’t a way a little sister should love her brothers. But they controlled themselves the best they could. Sam went away to college and Y/N and Dean continued until Sammy got home. The three of them wouldn’t admit it but they needed each other but one night after all three Winchesters were frustrated over a particularly hard case and tightened sexual tension. Sam threatens to leave and Dean tells him to go. What happens when Y/N breaks down and begs him to stay? Will she confess how she feels or will there twisted desires remain hidden?
1.Going against the gods
Ivar the Boneless always felt like everyone tortured him everyone but his perfect goddess like Y/H/C (Your Hair Color) hair and Y/E/C (Your eye color) little sister. She was made for him she loved all her brother’s but Ivar knew he was her favorite. Whatever he wanted she gave him whatever he wanted her to do she did. When he killed Sigurd she didn’t call him a monster and never talk to him again. She began to cry and beg the gods to let him into Valhalla but not before Ragnar’s only living daughter took his hands softly and told him he needs to work on his temper but she still loved him. When Ubbe and Hvitserk boarded the boat she refused yelling, “He needs us I will not leave our brother and I will not choose between the three of you.” Though his sister began to distance herself after he married Freydis and realized he was a god. She began to pull away from Ivar and with ever pull there was a slide closer to there older brother Hvitserk. Ivar didn’t like it and as king he had to stop it even if that meant going against the gods.
1.Love At First Sight
Okayyy so It Would be the little sister of Scott (cyclops) and Alex(Havok) wich would fall un Love With logan the first Time she sees him☺️(3
1.I never stopped loving you
Billy Hargrove and Y/N Harrington were young and in love many years ago in high school. They broke up because Billy didn’t know his worth. Billy stayed in Hawkins went to a trading school and opened a garage. He even started steadily with a new girl after Y/N never came home at Christmas and then summer. She went to a big college a few states away her way of escaping her family even though Billy always said she was running from him and his messy life. A few weeks after moving to college she finds out the biggest shock of her life. She was carrying Billy Hargrove’s baby. Only one person knew, her twin brother Steve Harrington. Now four years later Billy is engaged and Y/N is finally coming home. What will happen with the two back in town together? 
2.Love Again
After Diana left him he though for sure he would never love again. Then the summer after the Hargrove's moved to town here comes Neil’s eldest daughter. 22-year-old Y/N moves to Hawkins Indiana after college. She pulled up one day to pick Max up from  El’s. The moment Jim swung the door open his breath left his chest. What happens when he hires her as Eleven’s tutor and Jim finds himself falling in love with the young woman. Will Y/N fill the same way? Is this Jim Hopper’s chance to love again or will he get his heart broken again?
MY girl
Nikki and her new girlfriend make it official
1.Two Broken Souls
Y/N is heavier than her friends and suffers from it. They are constantly putting her down. Her parents are constantly fighting at home. Jughead Jones is the loner boy from the wrong side of the tracks. Both are broken and hurting. Will They find Solace in each other or will they both suffer in silence.
2. Death … and new chances
Y/N Andrews's best friend dies and she is opened to a new possibility for her son
1. Together: 
Alex Standall Smut (4)
2. Our kids …..
Y/N Jensen is ready to co-parent with her one night stand 
3. octavia blake x sister reader smut
4. Rebekah mikaelson x sister reader smut
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burningflamescurse · 2 years
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S.W.A.T. Team x Ex–Military!Fem!OC
Description: a Few Years Back Alisha Montgomery was a Part Of the Marines, before a Severe Injury To her Side Got her Honorably Discharged, She Landed a Job at Swat, Now A Couple Years Forward and She Finds Herself a Powerful Woman.
Chapter One: “Drop it, Now.”
The Mission was Clear, Get the Hostages Out Safe and Sound, Take Out the Two Shooters In the Building, What the Team Didn’t Know Was that their was one More Shooter, a Female.
The Team Was Ordered by Hondo To Sneak into the Building, That was Exactly what Alisha Did Before She ran into Hostiles With a Hunter’s Knife Swinging it at Alisha Wildly.
She Quickly Twisted the Man’s Wrist as He Screamed In Pain, Still Clenching the Knife Tightly in his Hand, “Drop it, Now.” She Said, Pointing her handgun at the So called Guard.
“Or I’ll Shoot.” Alisha Said, The Man Finally Dropped the Blade, Alisha Gave a Smile Before Replying, “Thank you for you’re Cooperation.”
Before She Roughly Started to HandCuff his Hands Behind his back, “Now Stay Still!” She Hissed In his ear.
One of the Men was Handled So She Moved On Through the building, holding her Rifle up aiming at anything that Jumped, She Moved around a Corner Swiftly to Find Another Man With a Knife trying to Best her when she Obviously had a Gun In her Hands.
She Raised an Eyebrow, “Really?” She asked, before Looking over Towards the Kitchen Supplies, Dropping her Gun to hang at her Side She Grabbed a Frying Pan. Alisha Then Swung it at his hand Hitting it Causing the Man To Drop the Knife.
He Looked up Lost Before She used The Pan To Knock the Suspect out before Ultimately HandCuffing him, “Eveything Clear Alisha?” Hondo Asked Through her Comms.
“Yes Hondo, Both Suspects Have Been Subdued, all Clear.” She Said, She Leaned Back on her Knees, Allowing herself To Breathe.
And She was Soon Seen walking Out With the Two Suspects handcuffed, one had a Pretty Good Sized Red Mark on his Face Where She Hit Him with the frying Pan.
Alisha Handed them off to Other Officers Who Weren’t apart of Swat, Before Going Off with Her Team, “Easy To Take Down?” Hondo Asked Her With an Amused Smile.
“Quite Easily, Can you Believe they Both Tried to attack me With a Knife When I had a Gun?” She Huffed Out, Street Snorted at that.
“Yeah Pretty Unbelievable What Suspects Will do To get away.” Deacon Said as Well, Then Hicks Came Up to Them.
“Great Job Subduing them, Especially you Montgomery.” Hicks’ Said, Alisha Nodded Crossing her arms Over Her Chest.
“Thank you Sir, I was just Doing my Job.” She said, Hicks Nodded Before Leaving, Soon the Team Began Walking back over to the Black Betty.
Alisha Leaned against it Next to Chris, This Particular Mission often Reminded her Of When She was in the Military, With her K–9 Partner, Silo.
She Loved Military Life, It Taught her A Lot about being a Team Player and Listening to your Team Leader, But Ever Since that Shrapnel Injury to her Side, They Knew She Couldn’t Continue in The Army so she Was Requested for Swat by Hicks’ himself.
And Hicks, Well, He Became Like a Father to her, Taking her into Swat after That Injury was Obvious that Some Days She Couldn’t perform in Perfect Performance, Due to the Chronic Pain She had every Once in a While.
“Thinking about Military Life?” Chris Asked From Besides Her, “You Always Know When I am Chris.” Alisha Replied Smiling Softly at her Best friend.
“Did You Ever Get to Take Silo Home With you?” Chris asked, Alisha Nodded her Head, “Yeah, Once He was labeled as Retired my Old Commander Thought it was Best He Went home With me, The Handler Silo bonded with the Most.” Alisha Replied.
She saw Her Phone Ringing in her Hand and Held it Up to Show Chris, “Let me take this Real Quick.” She said, Chris Nodded Walking off to Talk with the Boys.
She Answered the Call, “Montgomery Speaking.” She Said Into the Phone walking Away.
“Hey Sister! Long time no see, Yeah?” Her Sister’s Voice Came onto the Phone’s Speakers, The One She Hadn’t Talked to Since She had Gotten So Upset and Angry that Alisha wanted to go into the Army.
“What do you want, Melissa?” Alisha Asked, Pretty Certain the only Times She Called anyone in the Family it was only for money or to get Out of a tight Spot.
“Oh Please, you Think i’m only Calling you for Money?” Melissa Replied into the Phone, Alisha Shook her Head, “Well That’s what Mom Told me The Other Day.” Alisha Said.
Of Course She Would Lie about It, She Always Did, She Never Told the Truth Even With Their Mom and Dad.
“So What? You Can’t Help Your Own Sister Out?” Melissa Asked, Her Voice Cracking With a Bit Of Anger, Alisha Sighed Over the Phone.
“Listen, I’m a Swat Officer, I Can’t be Giving you all of my Money, I need to Save some For Myself.” Alisha Calmly Explained to Melissa Over the Phone.
She Could Clearly hear her Scoff Over the Phone Speakers, “So What? I need Help.” Melissa Said, Of Course She Didn’t Understand, Alisha Brushed her Red Hair Out of her Face Before Becoming Stoic and Having a Firm Tone With her Screw up of a Sister.
“Look i’m Sorry But I Can’t, Bye.” Alisha Said Ending the Call before Melissa Could Say another Word before Walking back Over To her team.
“So Your Sister Didn’t Come Through, Huh?” A Man Asked Melissa, The Woman Shook her Head, “Of Course She Wouldn’t, She’s More Concerned about her Job as a Swat Officer for the LAPD.” Melissa Said, “Besides Cory, She Knows My Tricks.” She Added.
Cory’s Jaw Grew right Before He Responded, “Then, We’ll have to Hurt Some People to get What we want, and We Know Swat Hates When Innocent People Are hurt Because Of them.” Cory Said, Melissa Looked Up Waiting for Cory to Add on to What he was Saying, Because she always Knew there was More.
“And then We Hurt Her.” Cory Said, Melissa Smiled To herself Agreeing Quietly, She never Really Cared about her Family let Alone The One who left her Alone With their Strict family to join the Freaking army.
Melissa Felt Betrayed and Hurt. So She was going to Hurt Alisha Right Back.
After Getting off of the Clock From Work Alisha Decided to Go to her Parent’s House, It was Where She Still Lived Currently, Upon her Mom and Dad’s Insistence.
Alisha Used the Key She was Given to Unlock The Door and Go Inside Of the House as Her Younger Sister, in her Junior Year of Highschool, Turned On the Couch and Noticed She was Home.
“Alisha! Your Home!” She Squealed Jumping Up to Hug her Tightly, Alisha Returned the Action, “Nice to See you Again too, Mia.” Alisha Said.
Mia Let go as their Mom and Dad Came into the Living room Near the Front Door, “Oh my Dear, How was your Shift?” She Asked Giving her Eldest Daughter a Tight Hug.
“Eh, it was Fine Mom.” Alisha Replied Before also Giving her Dad a Hug, “Arrested Four Members from the Gang the Team has Been Hunting For.” She Said.
Her Dad Nodded Approvingly, “Atta Girl.” He Praised, as they all moved to the Kitchen Slash Dining Room.
“So For Dinner I was thinking Takeout?” Her Mom Prompted, “Chinese Would Be Awesome Mom.” Alisha Agreed, Mia Also Said yes.
“So Mom, Dad, has Melissa Tried Calling you for Extra Money or cash?” She asked, her Mom who had Pulled Out her Phone to Start Ordering it From an App Looked up before Answering.
“Yes, Four times today, Pleading and Begging for Money.” Her Mom Said, Alisha Sighed to herself, “She called me Five times.” Her Dad Mentioned.
Alisha Turned to Mia Raising an Eyebrow as a Silent Question, “Mia? Has Melissa Called you at all Today?” She Asked.
Mia Sighed, “Seven Times.” She Groaned, So Her Sister was Getting Desperate but Definitely Not for Herself, Maybe for Someone Else.
“Hey Mom, after Dinner I’m Gonna Head Over to my Old Place, You know the One Melissa Tried to Burn down before you sent her to Boarding School?” Alisha Said, after Placing the Orders Her Mom turned Raising an Eyebrow.
“I Just wanna Check something there Mom.” Alisha Said, Her Mom Chuckled, “I will Never Get used to you and Your Detective Mind Dear.” She Said Before Placing a Loving kiss On Alisha’s Head, “It’s fine, But Be Safe.” Her Mom added.
Mia Tugged On Alisha’s Swat Uniform Jacket, before Pulling her upstairs into Alisha’s Old Room, Alisha Was Confused Until Mia Shut the Door Closed.
“Alisha, What do I do if Someone is Threatening Me?” Mia Asked, Tugging the Sleeves of her Red Hoodie Down her arms before Looking into Alisha’s Eyes.
“Well First you Should Tell Mom and Dad If your Comfortable With it or Tell me Since I am a Police Officer working for Swat.” Alisha Said Before Moving onto the More Important Thing.
“is Someone Threatening you? More Importantly who is Threatening you Mia.” Alisha Asked Kneeling and Placing her Hands On Mia’s Shoulders.
“I Don’t Know Who he is, But He Keeps Sending me Letters in the Mail, he says His Name is Cory and that all of us including me are Gonna Pay for What we Did.” Mia Said Digging through the Drawer of Mail, In the Old one Where Alisha used to keep all her Stuff.
“Cory Huh?” Alisha Hummed to Herself, Something was going on with her Screw Up of a Sister and her Younger Sister was Receiving Weird Letters Threatening the Entire Family? On the Same Day, Something was Very Wrong.
“Listen When I go to my Old House after Dinner I’ll see if Melissa has Something to do With this Cory Person.” Alisha Promised Before their Mom Called them Down To Dinner.
Once Alisha Arrived at her Old House She Stayed in the Car For a Few Moments, Gripping the Steering Wheel Tightly, before Opening the Drivers Side Door and Stepping Out.
The Sides of the Building still Showed Rust from Where Melissa Tried to set the Entire House On fire When Alisha was Housing her Mom and Dad Along With Mia When their own House had Gotten Destroyed by a Pretty Bad Storm.
Alisha Opened the Door, Flashing a Flashlight into the Dark House, She Quickly Moved Over to Where She Thought Melissa Would Hide Anything From any Kind Of Police Official.
She Found A Entire Newspaper about Cory Makarov, a Russian Man Who Was the Leader Of the Exact Gang The D–Team was Searching for.
A Man’s Voice Startled Her, “So I see you found Out my Secret, Alisha.” She Turned Around quick enough to See it was Cory but not Quick Enough to Avoid Getting Shot In the Gut.
Alisha Let Out a Garbled Gasp as She Lowered her Hand down to her Lower Stomach to Feel Blood Flowing out of the Wound.
She Could See Melissa Standing Behind Cory With the Gun Aimed at Alisha’s Lower Stomach Region, Alisha Squinted her Hazel Eyes in Disbelief.
“Melissa, No...” She Mumbled Before falling to her Knees in a Severe amount Of Pain, She Felt The Blood Leaking Through her Fingers.
Luckily Alisha Hit the 911 Button on her Phone to Signal an Alarm to Swat, Specifically the D–Team that she was in trouble and in Distress.
“Come On Melissa, We Need to Set the Entire House on fire to Burn her Body so the Cops Don’t Catch us.” Cory Said, Taking Melissa by The Wrist Leading her to Where the Kitchen was.
Alisha Could only Hope her Team Would Reach her In time.
“Sorry to Call you in Like this, But It’s Urgent.” Cortez Said to the D–Team as they Finally Arrived.
“What is it Captain?” Deacon Asked, Cortez Sighed Before Holding up her Phone Showing the Officer in Distress Signal that Alisha Had Triggered.
“Alisha is in Trouble.” Cortez Said Watching as a Flurry of Emotions Passed Through Each Member Of the Team one by one.
“Well, Let’s Go.” Hondo Said.
Alisha Could Barely Hear the Sirens Going Off nearby, She had Lost So Much Blood, She Now Laid on her Side as She Breathed Shallowly.
She Heard Cory and Melissa In the Kitchen arguing about burning the House Down, “Come on Melissa, We have to Do it! Listen the Cops are almost here, Unless you wanna Get Arrested, we have to Burn the Body.” Cory Shouted at her.
Alisha Tried to Crawl Away from the Kitchen, blood Smearing and Trailing her Path from Behind her, her Gut was Pulsing with Pain.
But Soon It seemed as Swat Busted the Door in Before anyone Could Burn Anything, “Metro Swat!” Hondo Called Pointing his Gun at Both Cory and Melissa, “Drop the Lighter!” Hondo Commanded Cory.
The Others Of the Team Except For Luca And Tan Who Stayed With Hondo Pointing Their Guns at Melissa and Cory.
Street Turned Alisha Slowly Onto her back, Wincing as they all Saw the Wound, “She’s Been Shot in the Gut.” Street Murmured Out.
“Probably Been Bleeding for A While.” Deacon Finished For Him, it Looked Like Alisha Had Tried to use The Flannel She was Wearing to Tie it around the Wound To Staunch The Bleeding.
“Ambo is On it’s Way.” Chris Said, The Other Two Nodded, “We Just Have to Keep her Awake, For now.” Deacon Said.
“Don’t Worry Guys, I’m not Dead Yet.” Alisha Weakly Said From on the Floor, Both Melissa and Cory Were in Handcuffs Now in the Custody of the LAPD.
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tjthekpoplover · 1 year
Masterlist Pt 1
Masterlist Pt2
Masterlist Pt3
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Julieta Madrigal
Nothing Yet
Pepa Madrigal
Nothing Yet
Isabela Madrigal
Nothing Yet
Luisa Madrigal
Nothing Yet
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Nancy Downs
Nothing Yet
Bonnie Harper X Slayer!Fem!Reader
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Cheryl Blossom
Nothing Yet
Veronica Lodge
Betty Cooper
Nothing Yet
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Robin Buckley
Nothing Yet
Nothing Yet
Mad Max
Nothing Yet
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Allison Reynolds
Affectionate And Cuddly S/O
Claire Standish
Affectionate And Cuddly S/O
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Veronica Sawyer
Nothing Yet
Heather Duke
Nothing Yet
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Alcina Dimitrescu
G!P Alcina
Favorite Pet
Sex With Alcina PT 1
Sex With Alcina PT 2
Taller S/O
FTM Smut
Donna Beneviento
Nothing Yet
Daniela Dimitrescu
Alpha Oneshot
Bela Dimitrescu
Is This Love?
Cassandra Dimitrescu
Cassandra Comforting Injured S/O
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Spencer Hastings
Nothing Yet
Emily Fields
General Headcanon
Hanna Marin
Nothing Yet
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Violet Harmon
Nothing Yet
Lana Winters
Nothing Yet
Mary Eunice
Nothing Yet
Misty Day
Nothing Yet
Cordelia Goode
Nothing Yet
Bette And Dot Tattler
Nothing Yet
Sally McKenna
Nothing Yet
Audrey Tindal
Nothing Yet
Ally Mayfair-Richards
Nothing Yet
Winter Anderson
Nothing Yet
Nothing Yet
Wilhemina Venable
Nothing Yet
Montana Duke
Nothing Yet
Margaret Booth
Nothing Yet
Xavier Plympton
Nothing Yet
Nothing Yet
Ursula Khan
Nothing Yet
Nothing Yet
Nothing Yet
Nothing yet
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Nothing Yet
Nothing Yet
Nothing Yet
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mediocre-writerr · 4 years
lights on [betty cooper]
Betty Cooper x reader
Summary: Betty and Y/n’s relationship is just getting started who knows what’s gonna happen today, tomorrow, next week, or in two minutes. 
Warning: slight smut towards the end: there will be a warning before it starts in case anyone wants to read before, NSFW
Pt.1, Pt.2
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*not my gif*
You knock on Betty’s door, a new sense of confidence filling over you. 
“Y/N Y/L/N, you’re on time.” she states with a smile. 
“I said I would be, didn’t I? Plus I couldn’t leave someone as beautiful as you waiting.” you reply and she blushes a little more. 
“Why thank you. Where’s your car?” she asks as she steps outside. 
“I thought we’d walk instead, it’s a nice night, plus it gives us more time together alone,” you shrug, “Oh and these are for you!” you hand her, her favorite flower. 
“Thank you Y/N/N! It’s beautiful.” 
“Not as beautiful as you.” you respond as you both walk down her driveway and onto the sidewalk and she pushes you playfully. 
“You’re so cheesy, but it’s cute.” she fires back and you send her a small little smirk. 
You guys spend most of the walk talking about random things and getting to know each other better, despite knowing each other since kindergarten. Laughter and your voices filled the silent night. 
The weather was nice for a fall night, but of course you spoke too soon. Three quarters into the walk small little rain drops started falling from the sky. You both looked at each other with wide smiles before taking off running towards the Five Seasons. 
As you continued running the rain poured harder and harder. Both of you screaming in shock and laughing in excitement. Betty seems to be falling behind a little bit since you guys have been running for five minutes straight so you extend your hand out behind you and she intertwines them together. You pull her up next to you as you continued to hold your hand while running. 
You finally reach the Five Seasons both of your hair were drenched, like you just came out of the shower. There were ‘CAUTION FLOOR WET’ signs everywhere and your squeaky shoes didn’t make the smooth floors any easier to walk on. Betty begins to slip and fall, but you take your hand and pull her closer to you. You wrap her arms around her waist to steady her and she wraps her arms around your neck. 
“Woah there love, careful I don’t want you to slip and hurt yourself.” you chuckle lightly and your heart skips a beat at the feeling of her body pressed against yours. 
Your faces were mere inches apart, if you put a penny in between your two faces the penny would be touching, that’s how close you guys are. You look from her eyes down to her lips and back again. Asking for permission to what you’ve been craving since you were ten years old.
She nods slightly before leaning in to meet you halfway. It didn’t take long for your lips to meet hers. Maybe time stopped when her lips met yours, but the flutter of your heart and the butterflies in your stomach only intensified. 
Betty’s heart pounded in her chest as her knees got weaker. The only thing Betty could focus on was how soft you felt against her mouth, how addictively you invaded all of her senses. It still wasn’t clear if this was a product of her imagination or if she was really feeling your hands cup her cheek. 
You kept your eyes half open during some of the kiss, sneaking a guilty peek at her every time you came back for her, just to make sure that this was real. You both pull away after what felt like seconds, but for what lasted longer than you thought. 
“We should head up before Veronica starts throwing a fit that we’re late.” she whispers in your ear and you nod. 
Betty presses the elevator button and it opens right away. Once you both get into the elevator and the door closes leaving only you she pushes you against the wall of the elevator and continues kissing you. Her tongue explores your mouth causing you to groan out in pleasure. 
Your hands go underneath her shirt as they rest on the bare skin of her stomach. The elevator dings indicating that we’ve arrived on the floor and she groans out in frustration before removing herself off of you. 
You knock on the door of Veronica’s party and she opens the door smiling at the both of you, “Y/N! Betty! You’re late, but come on in! You guys need to catch up, we’re way ahead of you! Also everyone has a room so they can crash here tonight because no one and I mean no one is driving home!” she slurs out stumbling her way to Archie. 
“Where’s Jughead?” you whisper to Betty. 
“Um I uh, I don’t know.” she answers, but her answer seemed off, like she was hiding something. 
“Here you go Y/N! Betty, one for you! Bottoms up!” we all knock back a shot of whiskey and chase it down with Coca-Cola. 
The loud music causes the room to vibrate just a little. Everyone in the small hotel room starts dancing. The room grows more and more hot and humid as everyone’s sweaty bodies fill the air. 
You begin dancing with Betty as your bodies are being pushed together like puzzles that fit perfectly. The night goes on and your sobriety goes down as you feel yourself becoming more and more buzzed.
*sinning starts now*
“Do you wanna go to our hotel room?” Betty whispers looking at you up and down. The smell of whiskey on her breath consuming your senses. 
“Yeah.” you nod and you sneak out of the party together and into the room two doors down. 
She grabs your hand and leads you over to the bed before pushing you down onto it. Betty hovers on top of you and suddenly slams her lips on top of yours. Both of your tongues fighting for dominance before pulling away from each other to catch your breath. 
“Are you okay with this Betty?” you whisper to her and she smiles softly. 
“Of course, you don’t know how long I’ve wanted this.” she whispers back. 
You both kick off your shoes throwing them closer to the door. Betty pulls her shirt over her head and you followed her actions. She slid off her pants as you did the same. She straddles you and your lips met hers once again. The heat continues to grow as your hands roam all over her bare body. 
You unhook her bra and take her breasts in your hand massaging them softly. Betty’s lips drift to your neck as she begins to nip at your tender skin. 
“Oh Betty,” you whisper getting your hands tangled in her hair. 
“What do you want Y/N?” she whispers.
“You Betty, I want you.” 
She moves her hand down to your heat and her fingers moves up and down, “Mmm, you’re very wet for me Y/N.” 
“Betty please!” you buck yourself towards her fingers.
“Is this what you want?” She asks as she shoves one finger inside you and it felt so damn good. 
The night went on and her skin felt so perfect up against yours. The lights were on, but dim and it made the entire vibe of the hotel room felt right. You got lost in the way she moved, it was mesmerizing. Every inch of her was so much more beautiful than you could ever imagine. 
At the end of the night, you both laid under the sheets and you looked at each other with such love in your eyes. As if on instinct she curled into a ball and you wrapped yourself around her and pulled her closer. Your chin rested on her shoulder as you held her close. The soothing sounds of her calm breathing allowed for you to close your eyes with such ease.
And the only thing that mattered in that moment was you and her. 
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babeydollx · 2 years
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Warnings: none
Pairings: Betty Cooper x Fem!Reader
Summary: Betty writes you a letter with a confession in it.
Word Count: 300+
a/n: first time writing for Betty <33
© Maybanks-Luver, please do not steal or translate my work
Dear Y/N,
Hey, it's Betty. I had something that I really wanted to tell you and I felt most comfortable doing it through a note. I know I could have called, texted, even told you in person. I know there is a bunch of ways I could have done this but, I decided to do it through a note.
I know we have been friends for a long time. Actually, we have been friends since we were little kids. I love that we have been friends for so long and that we have stayed so close but, I guess that also makes this kind of harder for me to do.
I just don't want to ruin our friendship. I am just scared that the thing I want to tell you will ruin everything between us and I really don't want that to happen. I would be so sad and feel so guilty if it ruined everything. 
Anyways, I should just get to the point. Alright, here goes nothing...
I like you Y/N. I like you a lot. I have had a crush on you for the longest time now and I was always just too scared to confess my feelings to you because I was kind of scared of getting rejected but I was even more scared about losing you completely.
Because I would never ever want to lose you as a friend. Even if you didn't feel the same way about me I would still want to be your best friend even though it may be awkward for awhile after my confession.
Anyways, I will let you process what I have told you and you can get back to me when you feel ready to. I hope to hear from you soon. 
From, Betty
a/n: I hope y'all liked this fic!
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Morning Cuddles
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Betty Cooper x fem! reader
A/N: I actually really liked how this turned out!! Its a bit suggestive but other than that nothing :)
"Babe" Betty said with a dragged-out laugh "Come back to bed".
Rolling your eyes while throwing on a pair of shorts and a flannel from your joint closet you slowly padded back to bed and to the anticipating arms of your lover.
Chuckling you pulled back the warm covers while sinking into Betty's awaiting arms.
"Jeez, can't a girl get dressed without being harassed?" you said while Betty snuggled her nose into the crook of your neck "You know I'll always prefer you without clothes" she mumbled while you gasped and hit her back with a stuffed animal that had found its way in between the covers of your queen bed in the midst of moving into your new apartment together.
"Oh you know you love me," she said sarcastically while you could only stare at her in admiration.
"Yeah, yeah I do," you said only for her to hit you with the plush that you had realized was Boris the cow. "Oh yeah Bets, ruin the moment," you said with a 'hmpf' turning to face the wall while you listened to the sweet giggling of Betty from somewhere behind you only to feel her warm embrace envelop you as well as her cold feet in between your ankles that had almost become something of a comfort over the span your relationship.
"Betty! I swear I'm gonna-" "What? make me wear socks to bed?" she said mockingly while nestling her head back into your neck.
"It's only like 8:30," she said while lightly kissing along the top of your shoulder "Just lie with me for a while," she said contently while you relaxed back into the pillow, neglecting to mention that it was actually closer to 9:00
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fanfics4all · 3 years
Fuck Toy
Request: Yes / No  can i get a betty cooper xfem!dom!reader smut please? 😌 Anon
Requests are closed <3 Have a nice day/night
Betty Cooper x Fem!Reader 
Word count: 1425
Warnings: Smut!
Y/N: Your Name 
Y/N/N: Your Nickname
If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you! 
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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My best friend Betty Cooper was really getting on my nerves lately. She had the long blonde hair and perfect body that I wish I had. There was a part of me that always felt like I wasn’t good enough to anyone when I was around her. It didn’t help that she bashed my dreams of being a model some day. We’ve been living together for a few months now while we were in college. 
“Modeling is stupid.” She said as I practiced my catwalking in our kitchen while she was working on homework. 
“It’s for girls who can’t think clearly and have to rely on their bodies to the med that supply the entertainment industry with enough ammunition to disarm women’s self-confidence and make them buy things they don’t need.” She said and I rolled my eyes
“What the hell does that even mean?” I asked and she looked up at me with a sigh. 
“I rest my case. You’re not the brightest girl, Y/N/N. Face it, you’re just another piece of meat that men love to look at and fantasies about having sex with.” She shrugged. 
“What the fuck Betty?” I asked in shock. 
“What? I’m just telling you the truth.” She shrugged. I couldn’t stand her sometimes! She was so smart, pretty, and the kind of girl that would get all the modeling gigs when she didn’t even want them! There was a knock on the door and we both turned towards it. Betty got up and opened it. It was one of the guys from some frat house that had been stalking her since he found out where we lived. She smiled warmly at him, batting her eyelashes like a little slut. She greeted him warmly and offered him a hug. 
“Hey, Y/N’s here, come say hi.” She said with a smile. I waved at the guy and watched as Betty worked her magic on him. It made me angry when I saw her flirt with guys. Guys loved her and I wondered how much more sex she was having than me. You would think none based on what she says, but she’s probably a huge slut. I hadn’t been getting any action for the longest time. I hadn’t had a boyfriend since I lost my virginity, years ago. I tried to think about how sex had felt for me, but I couldn’t even remember it clearly! Why the hell was I so horny now? I could feel my pussy aching for attention and I tried to tell it to stop, but wondered if it was the frat boy. I watched as Betty flirted with him and my pussy got wetter and wetter. What the hell was wrong with me? 
“Well, we have to go now. I guess we’ll see you later!” Betty said, closing the door. 
“Bye!” I called as he waved desperately at me. Betty locked the door and turned to face me. 
“That was rude.” I said. 
“You’re rude, Y/N.” She said. 
“Whatever.” I rolled my eyes. My brain drifted a bit and I ended up thinking about my double-sided dildo I had upstairs and smirked. 
“Hey Betty, come with me I have a surprise for you.” I said. 
“What is it?” She asked. 
“Wouldn’t be a surprise if I told you, would it?” I asked and pulled her to my room. Once inside I quickly turned and locked the door. I was going to take care of myself with the help of Betty, it’s her punishment for being such a bitch all the time. 
“Okay, what is it?” She asked and I smirked. 
“You’ll see.” I said and pulled her to me. I kissed her right then and there. She was so shocked, but didn’t stop me. After a moment she actually leaned into the kiss. Our mouths were hungry. My arms wrapped around her waist and she gently wrapped her arms around my neck. MY tongue slipped into her mouth and I felt her giving herself over to me completely. Both our hands wandered all over each other. 
“Y/N, you feel so good.” She moaned into my mouth. 
“You do too.” I moaned. I pushed her off me and onto my bed, stripping her of her clothes then myself. I spread her legs and smirked up at her. 
“I’ve wanted to do this since I met you.” I admitted to her and myself. My tongue stroked her pussy for the first time and she tasted good. It wasn’t long till I had her whole body shaking as I worked her clit. 
“I-I don’t think I can do this.” She said, trying to get out of the situation. 
“Oh no Betty, you’re going to do it. You said you wanted to and now you’re in this.” I said and crawled over her, sitting right on her face. 
“Now you can go anywhere. I know this is what you want, Now lick my pussy you little lesbian slut!” I said. 
“Stop!” She screamed but my pussy covered her mouth so her words were muffled. I made sure all she could taste was me. I rubbed her clit all over her tongue and she was forced to try and please me. I knew I was right when she really started licking me, she wanted this. She was hitting all the right spots and I moaned out in pleasure, cumming all over her slutty little face. 
“Lick my ass you slut!” I commanded her as I spread my ass cheeks and served it to her mouth. She just laid there, letting it happen. She licked my asshole and my screams of joy filled the room. 
“Good little slut, I’ll give you a reward.” I said and reached down to her pussy. My fingers slipped inside and she moaned into my ass and I smirked. 
“That’s a good little slut, cum for me.” I said as her body was shaking. She came hard on my fingers, but never stopped licking my asshole. I moaned loudly and came all over her face again. I was tired and got off her, laying down beside her. 
“I knew you were a little slut.” I smirked and she blushed. 
“You can’t tell anyone.” She said and my smirk grew. 
“We’ll see about that.” I said. I only needed a few minutes to recover, so I got up and grabbed my double-sided dildo from my drawer. 
“I’ve been imagining you on top of me riding this since I bought it.” I said and laid down again. I pushed one end into myself and moaned. 
“Alright you little whore, get on top of me now.” I ordered her and she listened. She got on top of me and hovered over the other end. 
“Don’t be all shy now.” I said and pushed upwards so the other end’s tip went inside her. She made a noise of shock and surprise as I pushed her shoulders down so she slid down it. I pushed her all the way down so there was no dildo left to be seen. 
“Alright bitch, ride me.” I said and smacked her ass. I saw her blush and smirked. She slowly started moving and I moaned at the feeling inside me. 
“That’s right slut, ride me.” I moaned. I slapped her ass again and she moaned. 
“Faster whore.” I ordered and she instantly started bouncing faster. My moans got louder as my orgasm approached. 
“Fuck!” I moaned as I came. As I was cumming I watched Betty move her hands to her clit, rubbing herself till she started to scream. 
“Don’t you cum without my permission!” I growled and she pulled her hand away. 
“I didn’t say to stop.” I said and rubbed her clit for her. 
“Please!” She begged and I smirked. 
“Please what bitch?” I asked and she looked down at me, desperation clear in her eyes. 
“Please let me cum Y/N.” She begged and it was music to my ears. 
“Say your my little fuck toy.” I ordered and she blushed slightly. 
“Say it or you don’t get to cum.” I threatened and her blush deepened. 
“I’m you’re little fuck toy.” She whispered. 
“Louder slut.” I said and smacked her ass. 
“I’m your little fuck toy!” She screamed and my smirk grew. 
“Cum bitch.” I said and she screamed in pleasure. She didn’t stop bouncing as she came and I knew she was mine forever. 
“Good little fuck toy.” I said as she fell forward on my chest and pet her hair. She was mine.
Tag list: @les-bio-lie @tashy-bear @ashwarren32 @hollie-blogs-blog1 @schisbro87 @lover-of-books-and-teas @nerdygaloresposts @teenwolfbitches2 @genius2050 @drw0301bieber @lady-of-lies @ravenmoore14 @ravenempress101 @cillianchamp @rowanthomasknapp @rachelxwayne @emo-godess-loves-you @hiya-imthatgirl @mindsetjupiter @averysinclaire @mittelerde1999 @sweetest-peas @rousewriter @camiconfessions @thecaptainsgingersnap @cenyddtheunicorn @jacksxsouthsideserpents @lover2448 @hatter-madigan3 @mamacobie13 @agrumpyteen @chonisbestmistake
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bumblesimagines · 4 years
Tongues and Teeth
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Request: Yes or No
I've grown a mouth so sharp and cruel
It's all that I can give to you, my dear
And when you come in quick to steal a kiss
My teeth will only cut your lips, my dear
You watched as Betty collected flowers, mostly tiny ones. Humans were so curious and strange.
"Do you think mom will like these?" She asked, approaching your crouched form. You shifted your cold gaze onto the flowers and shrugged. Betty hummed, putting them in a pocket of the bag she had.
"You're dirty again." She mumbled, gently taking your hand, being careful but to touch your sharp claws. "Come on." She smiled, leading you through the forest. She never seem to care about your sharp claws, canine like fangs, cold eyes, and long antlers. You often wondered if she was delusional.
And I know that you mean so well
But I am not a vessel for your good intent
Betty stopped by the river and motioned for you to sit. You did so, watching as she scooped some water into her hands and used it to rub your dirt covered skin. She had good intentions, or at least that's what you assumed. You had known Betty since she was a little girl. She had ran into the forest in the middle of the night, tears streaming down her face. You had no clue what had happened but you approached her and she allowed you close. The forest was your home and she had done it no harm so you chose to protect her and lead her back to the little town of Riverdale where her parents and sister were frantically searching for her.
"What are you thinking about?" Betty asked, gently washing your antlers. She gave a soft smile, watching you with kind eyes.
I will only break your pretty things
I will only wring you dry of everything
But if you're fine with that
You can be mine like that
Everything Betty brought you, apart from food, was useless to you. In the start, you'd break the things she brought until you realized it sadden her. Instead, you hid them in your burrow. The things she gave you were nice but you didn't need them. You did use the clothes she brought you but they ended up torn and ripped. The other gifts were kept hidden, away from wondering humans. Betty dusted herself off, watching you run your claws through the dirt, flowers blooming. Betty smiled, leaning down and picking them.
"Thank you." She said, leaning in and kissing your cheek.
Abandon all your stupid dreams
About the boy I could have been, my dear
'Cause in the night I know you burn with feelings
I cannot return, my dear
Oh, my dear
It was obvious Betty had more than platonic feelings for you. Your place was in the forest and her place was with other humans. You were created to protect nature while her kind destroyed it. You hoped it would pass like a breeze but it didn't. Her feelings remained intact.
"You're the only one who truly gets me." Betty mumbled. You looked away from her, gaze locking onto the rushing river. One push and she would be gone. You looked back at her, grunting.
You gotta know that this won't last
Desperation will erase the fact
I'm keeping all
You assumed she was just desperate. After getting her heart broken by someone called Archie, she had changed. You could feel the darkness sweeping out from time to time. Betty wanted to hurt someone. She almost needed it. If she did, perhaps you would open up. Betty didn't seem to realize how crazy her situation was. She never questioned it. It was mildly concerning.
Of the answers in my cigarette box
Yeah, the answer's in the second before the other shoe drops
And if you're blind to that
I am fine with that
You watched as Betty walked out of the forest. You had no idea why her brain worked the way it did. She knew you were dangerous, she knew you were practically immortal, she knew it would probably never work out. She chose to ignore the facts. You couldn't stop her from visiting you. She was too stubborn. The only way to stop her without hurting her was hoping someone swept her off her feet.
Oh, I will ruin you
Oh, I will ruin you
It's a habit - I can't help it
I know that you mean so well
But I am not a vessel for your good intent
You turned your head, looking at Betty. Her blue eyes were focused on the body, nose scrunched up in disgust.
"You made a mess." She mumbled, being careful not to step on any blood as she made her way towards you. You blinked, expecting her to run for the hills but instead she crouched down by you.
"You're dirty again." Betty sighed and stood, gently pulling up her sleeves and taking your soaked hand into hers. She headed back towards the river, taking off her black flats and rolling up her jeans. Betty stepped into the river, being careful not to slip or let the current sweep her away. You followed her in, watching the blood mix with the water. Betty wet her hands and began to clean your face.
"I came across an abandoned cabin the other day. Maybe we can fix it up so we can be near each other." Betty said with a smile. "What do you think?" She asked. You remained silent, staring at her.
"I'll take that as a good thing." Betty chuckled, smiling softly as she finished cleaning your face.
"I'll get you some more food tomorrow."
I will only break your pretty things
I will only wring you dry of everything
And if you're fine with that
If you're fine with that
"That was easier than I thought." Betty breathed out with a smile. You grunted, looking at the body. Betty looked down at her pink sweater. The red splatters didn't look that bad on it. Betty hummed, looking around the forest ground.
"I'll start a fire.. Maybe you'll like it better cooked and I wanna have a taste." Betty said. You blinked, brows furrowing as you took a few steps towards the corpse. Betty gathered some sticks, glancing at you as you began to eat. Humans were so curious and strange.
I will poison all your happy thoughts
I love you like the ashes in my cigarette box
And if you're fine with that
You can be mine
If you're fine with that
You can be mine
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therainbowstuffs · 4 years
Cheryl Blossom - The Unsaid (Part 2)
Part 1 
Warning; everything that is Riverdale.
A/N; I had a hard time writing about this. Kept deleting it. Tell me if this make sense to you after reading the first one? Because idek anymore, my head is a mess.
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The sudden disappearance of the HBIC of the Riverdale High was suspicious to say the least but no one really cares except for you.
It was miserable for you to act like you were fine, or maybe nonchalant over the fact that you actually knew what was the reason of the disappearance of Cheryl Blossom like everyone else.
Many messages and voicemails you have sent but none of them were answered by your girlfriend. You were very worried, anxious and it shows to everyone else, especially to your friends. But you couldn't risk anyone to know that you had a slight interest in Cheryl Blossom's life.
You were desperate to know whether she was safe, you were desperate for help but couldn't risk anymore of Cheryl's life by making it obvious. That devious mother of your girlfriend's was painfully hard to read, hard to expect and it makes you even more worried about your girlfriend.
You still could remember the cunning, smug smile on her face when you confront her, days after Cheryl's disapperance. It makes you wanna rip the smile off her face but you knew you were risking Cheryl's safety more if you made any slight mistake.
You weren't doing any good. It wasn't you to be this quiet nor anxious and it was getting obvious that you were disturbed by something.
You did everything you could to scoop informations on your girlfriend's whereabouts, be it from Betty, Kevin and even your own best friend, Toni, should they had heard about your girlfriend.
You were desperate, at this point.
It wasn't until weeks later when the said person finally appeared, looking like her usual self, nose high as she walked confidently through the hall.
Keeping your calm, you followed Cheryl with your eyes but the latter didn't even spare a glance towards you when she passed by.
Whispers were everywhere but you heard nothing, mind filled with questions. But partly relieved to see that she was well.
Impatiently went through the classes for the day, you waited for the right time to finally confront the girl.
You sneaked in when you made sure it was only her in the locker room, watching her quietly.
You weren't sure how to start.
Cheryl's movement started to slow down when she felt the presence but she made no move to face you - struggling to control herself from whatever she was dealing inside her mind.
The sound of your voice caused her to flinch, making you frown at the sight. You were surprised at the cold tone she had used when you tried to approach her.
"Stop. Don't come near me."
You reached out and tried to take her hand but she recoiled, pushing yours roughly - away from her.
"Don't touch me, snake."
Your heart quickened at the look on her face and the venom she had in her voice. "Babe, what is going on?"
"I want you nowhere near me. We're done. Forget that we ever exist. Do you hear me?" She glared at you.
Cheryl was quick to leave but you were quicker to block her.
"Wait, Cheryl. What's going on? Can you at least explain to me? Where have you been? I've been worried sick!" You tried to grab her hand again.
Cheryl scoffed, slapping your hand off hers. "Get your dirty hand off me!" She gritted her teeth, glaring at you one last time before stomping out of the room - leaving you confused and heartbroken.
Days after days, you still couldn't get the answers. But you were extremely worried so you had to dig information out of Betty. She was hesitant to tell you so you acted nochalant, apologizing for asking and said that you were only curious - like everyone else.
So you had no choice but to investigate it yourself.
You were shocked to say the least, to learn the fact that Cheryl was sent to some place so she could heal or some shit but not really surprise when it comes to the devil Cheryl had as a mother.
But you didn't understand the treatment you got from your girlfriend.
Is she.. okay? What had happened? Is she.. seriously believing stuffs she was told back in that place her mother had sent her? A place to cure her?
Questions were filled inside your mind. And you wanted the answers.
"Are you seriously cured?" You casually rested your body next to her locker where she was standing, crossing your arms.
"As a matter of fact, yes." She closed her locker harshly. "I finally realized how wrong it was, with you." She stood straight - staring at you blankly.
You scoffed. "Lies. I believed nothing that came out of your mouth." You straightened up and started to approached her slowly, watching her expression started to flattered. "Out with it."
Cheryl clenched her teeth, "Don't come near me, freak. Mother was right about you. I was blind, foolish. What we had was not real."
You stepped right in front of her, titling your head while you listened to her calmly. "Is that why I have been getting this kind of treatment from you, huh? Because you have cured. Because it was a mistake?"
"Yes. I was delusional. What we had was not real. It was a mistake. You're a scum, a snake. I was foolish." Cheryl gritted her teeth, mumbling it out quickly and immediately averted her eyes away from you.
You hummed, nodding - watching how she trembled when you're in her space. "Alright." You stepped back, glancing at her tight grip around her bag. "See ya around, then." You smirked, masking your real expression before walking away.
Day after day, you went through it all like usual. Except, no more sneaky glances, no more making out in the closet, no more you and her. It was really the end.
It wasn't really believable what she said when she continued acting like she was still your girlfriend by how petty she was when it comes to Betty and the girls you befriend with.
She was starting to make it obvious by how furious she was, how worsened her behaviour have become when you was dared to kiss one of the girls in one game you played at Veronica's party that one night.
You watched her taking shots after shots and wilding on the dance floor by herself - drunk.
You chuckled humorlessly, shaking your head at the irony of the situation. She broke your heart but you are still here, pining over her and still watching her - trying to protect her.
Deep down you know she still loves you. Curse that cured shit. You didn't believe it. Cheryl was the one who wanted to come out, who doesn't want to hide. She was desperate when it comes to you. She was proud to have you. She was happy.
But you refused, you edged her on with the mysterious vibes, you lured her in for the secret affair, you excites her at the feeling of the adrenaline everytime you both did the sneaking.
You created games for her to play. You had to, for her sake. This game that had you both addicted to it. The game that had your heart broken. You both lose. Game over.
It was too dangerous. Be it for her mother's reputation and her hatred towards you or your position as a serpant. Too risky, too dangerous for Cheryl. You couldn't risk it.
Cheryl was right. It was a mistake.
It was a mistake to put your heart on the line. It makes you weak. The love you had for her was too addictive. She was like a drug. A dangerous one and it left you miserable. Broken.
Like a hawk watching its prey, your eyes followed every movement of the love of your life; your ex girlfriend while she moved on the dance floor.
You straightened up, sipping your drink before putting it away when you saw a guy leaning over her - offering her a drink with a kind smile on his face.
You were alarmed and it doesn't take long for you to move when you saw the scene in front of you.
She was getting drowsy, intoxicated to realise what was happening when he steered her away from the crowd.
You cursed, dodging the sweaty mess that was on the dance floor in rush. You were too stupid to let this happened at the first place.
The girls was the next to realize what was happening at the sight of Cheryl being ushered by a guy suspiciously like that.
They grabbed Toni to follow as well, not realizing you were there.
It was red. You saw red. You didn't realize anything else, your body was moving on its own, pulling his body before he could do anything and beat the crap out of him.
You can't see anything but him, hear anything but his cries, feel anything but his flesh, smell anything but his blood.
"Y/N!" The girls were terrified by this side of you but Toni was there to pull you away before you could kill him for real. "Hey, hey." Toni hold you close, trying to calm you down.
You were breathing hard. You were crying now.
"It's okay, breathe, babe. Follow me, alright?" Toni tried and tried until you started to calm down.
The other girls were watching you sadly while tending to Cheryl's need, calming the girl as well.
You closed your eyes, heart finally returned to its normal beat, breathing was finally easier to suck in the air. You cursed softly, "Sorry. I.. I saw him. I saw Cheryl. He.."
"Hey, you're alright now. Breathe again. Slowly." Toni rubbed your back.
You nodded, looking up. "Sorry. I didn't mean to. Is she.." You gulped, not wanting Cheryl to see that side of you but mostly concern.
Veronica and Josie smiled to offer you comfort. "She's okay. Passed out, but okay."
Betty fixed Cheryl's position on the bed and pulled the comforter on her before slowly moved to you.
"I'll get the boys to drag this stupid ass out of this room, okay? Breathe, babe." Toni rubbed your shoulder softly before leaving.
"You okay?" Betty sat with you on the floor, reaching out a hand on your cheek.
You nodded wordlessly, trying to focus on making yourself calm down. You were exhausted. It was like all your frustration and anger was dumped on that jerk.
Fangs and SweetPea arrived, glancing at you worriedly and took the limp body out of the room without so much noise. Toni was thinking of staying for you but you gestured for her to follow them.
"I'll grab some water for you, and stuffs to tend to your hands, alright, babe?" Josie touched your shoulder softly before moving out of the room.
Veronica was next to move. "Party's over. Gonna chase them out, be right back, okay?" She smiled at you.
There was you, Betty and the unconscious Cheryl left in the room. It was silent but not suffocating, like you thought it would be everytime Betty and Cheryl was in the same room.
Betty said nothing else but pulled your head to rest on her shoulder. You exhaled and wrapped your arms around her, taking care of your bloody hands away from her dress, before letting your whole body relaxed in the arms of your bestfriend.
"It makes sense, now." She grasped you tighter against her, pulling you closer - almost afraid to let you go, to finally face the truth. "Cheryl is the lucky girl, isn't she."
You slumped even more when you heard what she was whispering in your ear, finally letting it all out - the relief, the burden, the sadness, the frustration, the pain.
The unsaid words by your tears.
You weren't lucky that same night.
You didn't remember anything rather than a bunch of men surrounding you after that night, half an hour after you have resisted an offer to another hangout by the gang. You remember dismissing Toni's concern to accompany you home, excusing yourself to sleep it off, wanting to be alone.
You were by yourself on your way home and there was a bunch of men appeared out of nowhere. You weren't drunk but you were defenseless against so many fist coming at you.
It was quick for you to have your knees on the ground, receiving another blow before you finally surrendered, face planted first onto the ground.
It was a blur, you remember nothing except for the fact that you weakly dragged your bloody arse to your trailer and woke up the next morning with pain all over your body and face.
The news of you appearing to the school looking badly wounded was spreading pretty fast. Whispers was all over the place but you gave no attention to any of them, still pondering over the fact that you got ambush out of nowhere.
The gang was furious when they learned the fact that you were alone when you got beaten up. They wanted answers but you dodged them perfectly, knowing this wasn't the usual fight between the gangs but was personally aimed at you.
"Easy there, Cooper." You dodged her hand, hissing at the touch when she tried to dab a cotton on one of your cuts on your face.
"Sorry." Betty mumbled, fingers softly grazed over your wound in worry while she tried to clean up the fresh cuts.
"Ow, Betts!" You flinched away, "That hurts." You protested, mumbling yet another curse when she dabbed another cotton on your cuts.
"Then stop getting hurt for real, Y/N/N." She slumped her shoulders sadly when you pushed her hands away, flinching in pain everytime she attempted to clean your wounds.
You shrugged carelessly, "Part of the job, sweets." You smirked, snatching the cotton from her hand.
Betty sighed, crumpling the tissues in her hand in frustration. "Just.. Please. Be careful. I'm worried. I'm always worried about you."
"I will, Betts. I was just unlucky last night. Won't happen again. Promise."
"You can't promise me that." She mumbled sadly as she picked the used tissues into a paper bag. "Are you gonna be okay? Do you want me to get you anything?"
"Betts, I'm gonna be okay. This is nothing, alright? Go." You shooed her out. "I'm going to meet Toni after this. Don't you worry."
She nodded and paused, staring at you softly and was about to give you a hug when the door of the room opened, causing her to backed away quickly as if she was doing something wrong.
You frowned at her gestures and looked over at the cause of her panic.
"My bad. I thought no one's here." Cheryl shrugged nonchalantly, crossing her arms - not daring to meet your eyes but stood there, not making any move to leave.
"I'm gonna leave anyway." Betty mumbled knowingly. "Take care, babe."
She cared nothing but you at the moment, despite having Cheryl in the same room when she took the risk to gave you a hug, making sure to put her hand on the back of your head before pulling you into her shoulder - to purposely piss Cheryl off.
You smiled knowingly, glancing to see the annoyed expression on her face. "You too, please." You rubbed Betty's arm soothingly before letting Betty go, leaving you and Cheryl alone in the room.
"Does she know?" Cheryl mumbled after a moment of silence, still not meeting your eyes.
You exhaled softly. "Did you get into a trouble last night, after the party?"
"Did you?" She let down her guard and finally take a look at you, clenching her teeth at the sight of you badly wounded.
"Nothing I can't handle." You shrugged, wincing at the pain when you licked your cut on your upper lip. "I wanted to know, Cheryl."
She met your eyes as her arms loosened around herself. "Thank you.. for last night."
"For goodness sake, Blossom." You closed your eyes in frustration. "Stop avoiding the question."
"You avoided mine." She retorted, walls back up again. "Does she know?" she repeated - her voice was firm.
You sighed. "Yes. But I didn't tell her." You looked up to her, "Don't worry, alright. Your secret is safe. She won't tell anyone." You dissed.
Cheryl closed her eyes for a moment, cooling herself down before approaching you. You watched on quietly when she put her hands on your face softly, frowning over the cuts and bruises on your skin.
"Where else?" She whispered softly, eyes meeting yours in that same way that made your heart flutter while she caressed your skin gently with her thumbs.
"Why do you care?" You whispered back, watching her trying to control her emotion, waiting for her to crack.
"I cared. Always."
"That wasn't what you said the other day."
"It was still a mistake, Y/N."
You huffed, pushing her hands off your face. "What are you trying to play, Cheryl?" you looked at her, wanting her to just tell the truth. "Out with it, I'm tired of this shit."
Cheryl groaned, rubbing her face with her hands and decided to just be honest with you. "Y/N, I just wanted to protect you."
"Your mom did this." You stated knowingly. "And you tried to do these stupid stunts, to steer me away from you so you could protect me." You scoffed. "I'm a serpant, Cheryl. I could take care of myself."
Cheryl glared, eyes teary in angry tears. "You have no idea how scared I was when she threatened me to hurt you. I was always scared, you have no idea because you were always busy getting yourself hurt for getting into fights. I don't want you to get hurt anymore! My mother wanted to hurt you if I didn't do what she had asked me to! I wanted to protect you! You're selfish for saying that to me!"
You gritted your teeth. "You are not being completely honest with me."
"You knew where I was." Cheryl clenched her jaw tightly, glaring at you.
"And you expect me to believe all shits you've said to me the other day?" You scoffed, rolling your eyes. "I had to investigate it myself. Because I was worried!" you frowned. "You wouldn't want to be honest with me. You pushed me away even after I know where you were."
"I had to, Y/N."
"I wanted to protect you too, Cheryl. Which was why we couldn't be together, at least until we figure something out." You sighed. "But things happened and I was scared. You wouldn't let me in."
"Which was the exact reason why I had to push you away." Cheryl looked at you sadly. "I wanted to come out, remember? But I didn't realized what you were always scared of until we got caught. You were worried for me. But it's different now. My mother wanted to hurt you. Look at what happened, Y/N. She paid some gang to beat you up. God knows what else she would do to you if I didn't listen to her."
"Cheryl, please. I wanted to know what happened. I want you to be honest so we could solve this together. Not you dealing with it alone. We're in this together." You reached out softly, cupping her cheeks in your hands. "Come on, it's me. Stop acting so tough around me." You softened your tone, trying to coax her to let it all out. "Tell me everything."
She paused, looking into your eyes in silent.
"Let me in." You begged her.
She held your hands that was on her face gently as she took a deep breath.
"I thought of you every single day, Y/N." She whispered, looking up at you. "I was scared." She admitted. "I thought I was tough. I thought I could fight her like I used to. I thought we could finally be free. I wanted to be with you. But I couldn't do it anymore. She let me went through it all for weeks until she made a deal to let me out. For me to end things with you, to pretend that nothing had happened." She sobbed. "I thought I could do it, but I can't. She would hurt me. She would hurt you if I refuse, Y/N."
"Hey, hey, hey." You brought her face to look at you when she started to cough violently, sobbing till she can't really breath properly. "Breathe. Follow me, baby. Calm down, please. Take it easy." You tried to calm her down, kissing her forehead and rubbed her back softly. "There. Good job, baby." You whispered when she started to calm down.
"I don't want you to get hurt." She whispered after a moment of silence.
"I won't, baby."
She looked up, frowning. "But you did."
"Because we weren't honest from the start." You wiped her tears. "We're going to make this right. No more stupid stunts, baby. That wasn't really believable from the start but it still hurts."
"Sorry. But I was good though."
"Pffft no baby. Your jealousy made it very obvious. And to be honest? What do you think this is? Some kind of stupid cliches of a drama series?" You grinned. "I appreciate the thought, though."
Cheryl cupped your face softly, trying to find your eyes to meet hers. "I want to fight her, baby."
"Then you will have me by your side. Always." You spoke gently.
Cheryl smiled, rubbing your nose with hers softly. "This is so cheesy."
"You started it by getting all dramatic on me about us." You smirked. "What we had was not real. It was a mistake. I was foolish." You mocked her, chuckling a little when she glared at you. "We had to end it with a happy yet cheesiest ending you could ever ask for. But I didn't appreciate the name calling though."
"Didn't they say that love makes you stupid though?"
"So you admit you were being stupid then?"
"...yes. In order to keep you safe. Don't forget that."
You laughed but moaned in pain from your bruises on your rib. "I forgot about the pain for a moment."
Cheryl frowned. "She's going to pay for that. I have plans but let's focus on you right now, okay, baby?" She caressed your lips gently, being careful not to apply more pressure on the cut.
"On you too. I want you to tell me what's on your mind, what you feel and everything. No more secrets. Let's take care of each other, alright?"
Another smile blossomed on her lips, "I promise, baby." She paused, looking up into your eyes once again. "I love you." She breathed out softly, eyes teary - relieved that she got to say it this time.
You knew, but it felt good to hear it.
"I love you, too."
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itsnotyouithink · 2 years
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fem!reader x cheryl blossom x son!oc
summary; when invited to see your girlfriend cheerlead at the championship game vs stonewall prep, a hellish face gets your attention which leads to a series of events to follow. both bad and good.
part one, 
warnings; fluff, angst
You didn’t know you could’ve gotten any luckier. Your life was seemingly perfect at the moment—too perfect. One example is your girlfriend becoming more involved with Cris and his life. She chose to pick him up from school when you couldn’t make it from all the after school activities you decided to sign up for. With Senior Year quickly coming to a close, you had to make sure your transcript for college had as much stuff in it that Cheryl did. If you wanted to have the opportunity to support your family, fully without the help of your father or Cheryl, you needed to get a good education.
Cris absolutely adored Cheryl. He adored her so much that he had already started calling her parental names. The array of Mama, and Mom flying around left and right. And every time the name is directed at her, her face immediately glows with a smile. She even cried one time.
Things had been going great—better than great. You and your girlfriend were on cloud 9 together, switching between which house to sleepover at. Cris obviously slept between the two of you and Cheryl wouldn’t have it any other way. It was a heartwarming sight to see. You finally had a family, even if it wasn’t “traditional”.
Cheryl made it her mission to make sure the boy felt safe and comfortable in her presence and around Thistlehouse. If that meant that she needed to get rid of a few paintings that were passed down through the Blossom bloodline—so be it.
“Remember when you see Cheryl, you give her a big hug.” Cris nodded his head with a smile, “I love Mamas hugs! She makes sure to squeeze the life out of me.”
You shook your head and laughed, “You should tell her that, it’ll make her smile.” Cris proceeded to pull you over towards the bleacher stairs with no struggle. The two of you found seats near the front, giving Cris enough room to jump up and down when he gets a sudden energy surge he usually got. Especially with the hype and cheering coming from students of Riverdale High and Stonewall Prep.
“Well if it isn’t Prince Cristiano and Miss Y/N.” A familiar voice came from beside you and your energetic son. Your good friends, Betty Cooper and Jughead Jones sat beside you, Cris eloping them into a warm hug. “I thought you couldn’t come to the game?”
You sighed, “Cris has been extremely hyper lately. I thought some fresh air would do the trick to tire him out. It’s a plus that everyone is here.” You flashed a small smile towards your two friends.
Jughead chuckled as Cris repeatedly gave him high-fives, “He’s like a ball of star energy.”
You laughed and shook your head, “I wish it was just that,” Betty tilted her head towards you, a supportive hand placed on your forearm. “He hit one of his classmates last week for stealing his red crayon while making a portrait of me, him and Cher.”
“His teacher suggested he should get tested for ADHD, but doctor visits are extremely expensive for a high school student that takes a shift at Pop’s. Cheryl continues to tell me she’ll happily pay for it but, I just don’t want handouts—she’s been paying for his normal check-ups since she met him.” You took a quick breath, “Whatever, I’ll find a way.”
Betty gently squeezed your arm before retracting it when a breeze hit, “Well if you need anything, we’re here for you.”
Jughead nodded from beside his girlfriend, “Even if I’m at Stonewall right now, I’ll happily take babysitting hours. It’s a good break from the Stonies.” You smiled at the couple and nodded, “Thanks guys, I appreciate it.”
A whistle was blown, the River Vixens waving their pom-poms and coming onto the field with smiles and chants—their recently hired cheerleading coach no where in sight. Cheryl scanned the crowd like she usually would, the expectation of her girlfriend and her girlfriends son wasn’t extremely high, considering the two of you talked on the phone and you told her there most likely wasn’t a possibility of making it. But the glimpse of a boy jumping up and down waving made her smile, immediately waving back.
She blew a kiss to you, who waved brightly. Cheryl winked and turned to her Vixens with clasped hands. The cheerleaders got into formation, the song ‘Cherry Bomb’ playing on the loud speakers around them. You watched as Cheryl and your best friends, Veronica and Toni dance around with smiles and sass. Cris jumping up and down and dancing freely.
The football team ran onto the field with their helmets covering their faces and heads. The game had quickly begun with the burning thought that the guy with #13 plastered on his back looked oddly familiar with the piercing brown eyes.
Cris happily jumped into the arms of your girlfriend, “Mama! You did so good!” It was the end of the game and sadly the Stonewall Prep Scallions took the win at the last moment, Riverdale High’s star player being injured at the last seconds of the game. Cheryl smiled at the parental name she was officially given. Her heart swelling immediately. “Hi, baby, I’m glad you came!” She smiled and kissed the crown of his head, swinging him back and forth with the hug.
You cleared your throat making Cheryl look towards you. “Well, hello, my love.” She let go of the raven-haired boy and brought you in for a chaste kiss. “I thought you weren’t coming?”
You sighed, “He was energetic after you left. I figured we could enjoy fresh air and see you do your thing.” Cheryl nodded with a smile and a small chuckle, Cris leaning into her side. You furrowed your eyebrows, “Where’s the new cheerleading coach?”
Cheryl smirked, “Oh, she’s been . . . disposed.”
You shook your head and brought her in for a hug. “You did good out there, Blossom. Y’know with the hands and the skirt rising? I wonder where they came from . . .” You rose a playful eyebrow. Cheryl laughed and interlocked your hands with hers. “They’ve been recently locked away, I suppose. However, I am glad you were here to see them.”
You hummed with a small laugh, “Believe me, I enjoyed it.” Cheryl pulled you in once more for a small kiss, this time lasting an ounce longer but was interrupted by a deep voice calling for your name.
“Y/N.” Someone called from behind the two of you. A small groan of interruption falling from Cheryls painted lips. “Can we talk?”
You turned around at the question with furrowed eyebrows.
David Santos in all his hell-ish glory.
His hair was pitch black and wet from a celebratory water bottle being poured in his head. A small gash through his eyebrow from being tackled by Archie Andrews himself. His brown eyes transferred exactly to his son. He was tall—so damn tall.
Cheryl looked at the man and then at her girlfriend then down to the boy who clung to her side, waiting to go home. Cris was the spitting image of you and David combined.
The boy had David’s hair color, his eyes and skin tone while you gave him your eyebrows, lips, cheekbones and jaw line.
You cleared your throat, the father of your child standing before you, “David, there’s nothing to talk about.” You turned around and grabbed ahold of Cris’s hand, Cheryl turning with you to walk the other way. A hand turning you back around by your forearm.
“Is this him . . .” He gulped, looking down at the confused child hiding beside Cheryl and yours legs. “Is this my son?”
“Who’s else’s would it be, you imbecile.” Cheryl rolled her eyes, her arms crossed with a protective stance. David furrowed his eyebrows and looked towards you who sighed and nodded.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
You scoffed and furrowed your eyebrows, “I did tell you, David.” The image of the three pregnancy tests you took and showed him engraved in your brain. So was the thought of him telling you he wanted nothing to do with it. “You said you didn’t want anything to do with me or him. Even after that I gave you a chance.” You dryly chuckled, “I even invited you to family events with my Dad! I defended your ass even when everyone said you would be a deadbeat father who would care less about me or our son.” You angrily made your way over to him, harshly pointing a finger to his chest. “I waited for you in that hospital bed and you never came.”
“Mama, why is Ma angry?” Cris quietly asked a focused Cheryl by pulling on her Vixens skirt. The redhead looked down at the boy but before she could answer David scoffed, “So, Blossom gets to be a parent figure but the person who actually created him can’t even see him?”
“David, please.” You dragged a hand down your face, “You haven’t been present since his birth. You ran away to Stonewall Prep, for heavens sake. Cheryl has been there for him—for us—way longer than you have. And, again, you made that decision to be a bad father. I gave you plenty of opportunities to redeem yourself.”
“Can I at least say hi?” David sighed, glancing at the raven haired boy with spitting imagery of himself. You held stern eye contact before sighing and looking behind you at Cheryl then at your son. “Cris, baby, come here for a second.”
He walked over to you, picking him up in your arms. You pressed a small kiss on his cheek before sighing, “Cris, this is David . . . your Dad.”
Cris furrowed his eyebrows. He was young, yes. But he knew the small stories of his father and even in his young mind, David was never the person who fit the parental figure. When he thought of a parental figure it newly morphed into the image of the redhead behind them. “No you’re not.”
“No, Mama is right there.” He turned in your arms and pointed to Cheryl who couldn’t help the small laugh behind her hand escape her lips. “I don’t know you.” He pointed to the football player in front of them.
“David, I’m sorry—”
“No, no.” He shook his head, sadness written on his face. “It’s, uh, it’s fine. I . . . understand, y’know. I wasn’t there and I get that.”
“Look,” You sighed, knowing you might regret the offer you were about to give him. “if you want to come around and try—”
“No,” He declined, “I’m fine.”
“David, I’m giving you a final chance here. I’m giving you a chance so you won’t go home to your cozy dorm room in tears because your own son doesn’t know who you are. Okay? So, take it.” You said sternly. “. . . You can come have dinner with us three tomorrow night. If you don’t show up then I will know your decision about where you want to stand in your sons life.”
You didn’t let him answer before turning around and headed towards the car. Cheryl quickly running towards your side with a hand slipped around your waist. Leaving a thought filled football player in the dust of Riverdale High. “Let’s go home, shall we.”
You cozied up on the comfortable bed of Cheryl Blossom that had quickly turned into your bed as well. The covers were poured over the three of you. Cris was fast asleep between the two of you, Cheryl’s hands rubbing the boys arm in a parental manner, ushering him to fall into a deep sleep—which he quickly fell into.
You glanced towards your girlfriend in the dark lighting of the room. Your vision shifting back to your sleeping son. “On Cris’ birth certificate, where the fathers signature should be . . . it’s blank.”
The redhead glanced over at you while you tilted her head towards her. “And, the papers in my bag also just need a signature. You can obviously say no, considering it’s a big decision and bigger responsibilities. But,” You looked down at your sleeping son who was cuddled between you too. His small arm hung around Cheryls covered stomach, while his face leaned against her as well. “Cris already calls you Mama. He sees you as a parental figure and thinks about your hugs daily.”
“And, again, you obviously don’t have too—” You were quickly interrupted by the redheads lips on yours in a short, passionate kiss. The two of you being mindful of the sleeping child between the two of you.
“Where do I sign?”
So with grace—and a smile, you wrapped Cris around Cheryls figure to slowly leave the bed without waking the sleeping child. You came back with papers leaning against a school textbook you found in your book bag, a pen in hand. You watched with a smile and glossy eyes as Cheryl clicked the pen and signed her name on the adoption papers.
“You, Cheryl Blossom, officially have a son.” You smiled, a glossy tear slipping down your cheek that the redhead wiped away. She smiled, happy tears threatening to slip down her cheeks as well.
“I love you,” She smiled, placing a short kiss on your lips. “and, you.” She kissed the crown of her sons head who was now completely on her stomach in a bear hug, sleeping.
So that night, when Cheryl was smiling up at her ceiling, with you curled into her sleeping, she glanced over to her future fiancé and son with smiles. She realized that even through all the hell they’ve been through so far, a sense of home wasn’t just a place of comfort but also people.
She realized her girlfriend and son were her home, and she would be damned if she let anyone take that away from her.
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black-dragon1998 · 5 years
Catch me when I fall
Chapter 3 of Supersoldier meets Riverdale
Chapter 1, Chapter 2
Cheryl and (Y/N) bond further.
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The next week progressed rather uneventful. Well if you overlooked the fact that you broke into the sheriff’s office and copied all the information, they had about Jason Blossoms dead. You also installed a virus that would send over every piece of data that was even linked to the case. You had made the virus yourself so there was no way they would find it, you had learned from the best after all. Then the thing with chuck went also down and he and his goons were thrown off the team. And maybe the best thing you learned was about the south side serpents. One thing that you did crave after going to school for a week was a strong drink, but that would have to wait for the weekend because school caused you to have a lot of spend up energy.
When you came home you immediately go to the gym and change. Wanting to work off the excess energy. You were covered in sweat and were in nothing but a tank top when the doorbell went. Thinking it was your takeout, that took you ages to find. You had to go out of town to find something that wasn’t Pop’s. Not thinking twice opening the door you were pretty surprised when you saw Cheryl at your door.
“Cheryl! What are you doing here?” you were not thinking she would be at your door, even though she did live next door. It seems she was also surprised to see you at the door. 
She did take a couple of seconds to process this information. She knew they had gotten a new neighbour but wouldn’t have thought it was you. Cheryl couldn’t help but stare at your muscles. At school, she had only seen you in bulky sweaters that hid you build. She, sure as hell wasn’t expecting for you to be so ripped. This made her blush
“Hey Red. Are you okay?” At hearing the nickname, you had given her she snapped out of her thoughts.
“I told you to not call me that.” She said in her stone-cold voice she had adapted to talk with to you. But in reality, she actually liked it. It meant somebody took the time to acknowledge her. Whenever you look at her, she felled as you could see past her façade, she saw it in your eyes. Even know you had a kind smile on your face, you were the only one who kept smiling after her being a bitch to you.
“I know you pretend to be some stone-cold bitch at school, but you shouldn’t have to pretend all the time. It is not healthy. Besides I like to know the real Cheryl Blossom.” You say while offering her a kind smile.
“So, what brought you here?” leaning against the door frame, this almost send her thoughts spinning again.
“it seems I have run into a little car trouble and your house was the closest,” Cheryl said, looking over her shoulder where a red Cabrio was parked.
“well seems you’re in luck, I happen to know something about cars.” You say with a toothy smile. You saw a sparkle cross her eyes but before you could comment it was gone.
“and what makes you think I would let somebody like ‘you’ look at my car?” her words contained just enough venom to make you look at her curiously, any other person would probably have been offended. You just smiled. If she thought she could make you feel bad with words alone she had to step up her game.
“don’t have to be snarky Red. If you want too, I could just call a mechanic.” You still have the same kind smile. This again put Cheryl off. Nobody stay’s calm after she snapped at them twice in a row.
“you don’t have to feel obligated to look at it.” Cheryl reformulated her words.
“it’s no problem Red. Let me put on a shirt and I will take a look.”You are looking inside the hood of the car and immediately spot the problem.
“well, I got good news and bad news.” You turn to her. She looked a little anxious.
“good news first, please.”
“I can fix it.” She smiles at you before it disappeared.
“and the bad news?” she was holding her breath for this.
“it’s going to take time.”
“no, this can’t be happening, I have cheer practice in two hours. I’m captain, I can’t afford to be late.” You saw Cheryl working herself into a full-blown panic attack. Knowing all too well how those feel you react instantly. You grab her shoulders and make her look at you.
“Cheryl, focus on me okay.” You hold her eye contact until she gives you a shaky nod.
“Is there someone I can call for you? Your parents may be, to come and pick you up?” you see a slitter of fear appear on her face. The fake smile that’s follows hurt you.
“no, mommy and daddy have too many important things on their mind.” The way she formulates it set you off.
“Nobody else?” you try. “no.” it was kind of sad to think that the most popular girl in school didn’t have anybody to help her when she was in need.
“Okay, how about I take you?” you put the question up there, not wanting to put her in a tight spot.
“why would you want to do that for me?” she seemed surprised again. nobody had offered to help her; she was a Blossom and the only one who stood up for her was her brother and he was dead.
“Because my momma always told me to help people in need. Also, I don’t think that the stone-cold bitch face you are putting up for everyone else is the real you.” A blush spread over her face; nobody had seen through her façade so quickly.
“I would really like to get to know the real Cheryl Blossom,” again this made her go speechless, nobody wanted to know her. Everybody had an opinion over her. So, it was kind of refreshing to see someone not judging her. Without saying anything she nodded. Cheryl really didn’t know how she got in your car, but suddenly she was Infront of the school and you had parked the car in front of the entrance.
“so how long do those practices normally take?” you question pierced the silence in the car that it made Cheryl jump. She had her composure under control in seconds.
“we normally practice for around two hours. It could take longer depending on how big a mess the gym is.”
“Okay, then I will pick you up after I go take a shower at home.” You say with a smile. Cheryl feels like she looks at you for the first time, this is the most natural smile she has ever seen on you and she thinks it is the most beautiful thing ever. It made her feel like she had butterflies in her stomach. With a small nod she stepped out of the car and went into the gym.
After getting back home you rushed toward the bathroom for a quick shower. This caused you to be back at school mush earlier. So instead of waiting 30 something minutes in your car for Cheryl to find you, you went to watch the remainder of the practice. When you walked into the gym the girls were in the middle of a routine. Cheryl being hurled into the air and being caught by the other girls again. They did it another time but this time one of the girls stumbled over her own feet. This caused the whole formation to be broken and nobody left to catch Cheryl. You were running toward her before you even knew it. Doing the math, Cheryl was coming down too fast for you to catch her without injuring her. So you braced yourself and jumped toward Cheryl and pluck her out of the air to soften the impact. All this happened in a matter of seconds, so no one knew what was going on until you were laying Cheryl to the ground, gently and hovering over her.
“Cheryl are you okay?” you shake her shoulders gently so that she would open her eyes. When she did open them, you saw unshed tears. slightly stroking her cheek and giving her a small smile to calm her down. Only imagining how scared she probably was. Suddenly you were pulled back in the present and when all the river vixens started swarming the two of you. Thinking that the last thing she wanted right now was being overwhelmed by a bunch of emotional girls. Lifting Cheryl up and carried her toward the changing rooms for some peace and quiet. While crossing the gym you meet Veronica’s eyes and she gives you a small not. You were sure she would be able to keep the vixens at bay. Placing Cheryl on the bench and crouched in front of her.
“Cheryl? Can you say something to make sure you are okay?” it takes her a whole minute for her to even look at you.
“I was falling.” Her voice was small when she spoke, and she was difficult trying not to cry.
“I thought I was going to die. I was preparing for the impact.” She was rambling, you let her this was probably her way of dealing with this. Then she did something you didn’t think she would do, she hugged you.
“thank you.” While she had her face buried in your shoulder, she finally let her self-cry.
“it’s okay Red. You are safe. Nothing is going to happen to you.” You say while holding and calming her down. After what happened Betty’s curiosity about you was peaked again. After you had disappeared with Cheryl and the vixens had settled down, Betty pulled Veronica to the side.
“tell me you saw that.” Betty whisper yelled. Veronica looked a little troubled.
“I don’t know what I saw.”
“no normal person could have been so fast and jumped that high.” Veronica had to admit it was strange, the way you lifted Cheryl up like she weighed nothing.
“again, I don’t know what to say to that.” Veronica was being honest, she didn’t know what to make from it.
“I want to dig a little deeper in to (Y/N)’s past,” Betty says in a hushed voice. Veronica gave Betty a look that wasn’t convinced.
“come on, don’t say you’re not interested?” “Thank you.” Cheryl’s shaky voice breaks the silence that had formed around you two. You guessed it had to be over 45 minutes since you had entered the locker room and only now you noticed that you were in the guy’s locker room. Hence why nobody had come looking for you two.
“hey, that’s okay.” You say reassuring her, still stroking her back.“how about when you are ready, we go to Pop’s for something to eat and then I drive you home?” she replied with a small nod.
“okay. I’ll wait in the car while you change.” You say while getting up and walking away.
“Don’t.” she grips onto your arm with a vice grip. You go with her to the other locker room and respectively turn around when she takes a shower and puts normal clothes on. Cheryl was surprised when she saw you with your back turned to her. It made her faintly blush. The girls from the cheer-leading squat were used to seeing her change. The males from the football team would fight to take a peek at the cheerleaders. The other people would just not be that polite. She was sure chuck and his goons would love to see her naked. this made her see you in a different light, maybe you weren’t that bad.
The drive to Pop’s was made in silence, but not uncomfortable. Even over dinner there wasn’t much said. You didn’t bombard her with questions, you just let her be herself and even if she did make a snarky comment you would just smile and fire one right back at her. It felled like she could be herself again, for the first time since Jason died. she also started to see you in a whole new light. At school, you could come over as distant, maybe even cold to some, but when you were smiling it did things to her she wasn’t ready to admit.
After Pop’s you just dropped her off at her door, with a promise to pick her up Monday if her car wasn’t fixed.
“sweet dreams Red.” You say with a teasing voice before she got out of the car.
“goodnight (Y/N).” When she was sitting on her bed that night, why did she feel this, like she has been on a date? Why did she have all these squishy feelings inside?
part 4
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sweggsy · 5 years
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Serpent King and Serpent Queen 👑
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ssapphireserpent · 6 years
A Night to Remember ♔ cheryl blossom x fem!reader
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*gif not mine
Word Count: 1, 092
Warning(s): none really
request from anon: Could you please write a Cheryl Blossom x Fem!Reader? Maybe friends to lovers or even enemies to lovers? But anything would be awesome. Thanks
A/N: thank you for requesting my love! i am SO SORRY it took me so long to get up! i have been super stressed with school lately. my requests are still open, but it might take me a bit longer to get requests up. thank you for understanding! -💙🐍
You hated Cheryl Blossom.
You couldn’t stand her constant attitude or the way she always thought she was entitled to everything. You couldn’t even be around her honestly. Every time you saw her you immediately turned around and walked away. Sure, you definitely thought she was pretty, but you weren’t about to get involved with someone like that.
You for sure would identify as a loner. You had a few friends among Riverdale, Jughead Jones, Betty Cooper, and Kevin Keller being the closest, but you never really hung out with them in school. You preferred to put in your earbuds, and ignore the world. It wasn’t much better at your house. Your dad wasn’t around anymore, and your mom almost never came home from work. The world had taken everything away from her, but she still worked her ass off to make life better for you.
You hated the world for that, and you hated Riverdale the most.
It wasn’t until Homecoming that you decided to change your view on the small town where you lived.
You had pretty much decided you wouldn’t be attending the Homecoming dance, but Kevin convinced you otherwise.
“Come on, (Y/N), you can’t be a recluse forever!” he laughed and threw a pillow at you. You smirked at him and rolled your eyes.
“Imagine me at a school dance. Not a pretty sight.”
“Go anyways. I’m sure you’ve got a dress you can wear in your closet, and if you don’t, you can always borrow one from me,” Betty said as she sat down on the end of your bed. “You’d actually enjoy it you know.”
“Please?” they both begged.
“Fine! Fine, I’ll go to the dance. But I’m not happy about it.” Betty grabbed a lilac dress from your closet, the only one you owned, and started making plans about meeting up at Pop’s before the event the next night. Once your friends left, you practically collapsed on your bed, wondering how you got roped into going with them.
The next night was hectic. Betty had brought you over to her house to get ready. She was rushing around her room, trying to fix her hair and makeup on time, while you sat on your phone already ready. She whacked your arm suddenly.
“Ow! What was that for?”
“I asked you to help me curl my hair!” Betty exclaimed. You laughed and calmed her friend down, promising to help. After a long hour of curling, they were finally ready to go to the dance. Betty’s mom drove them to Pop’s where they met Jughead and Kevin. They also spotted Veronica Lodge and Archie Andrews there too.
“You ready for your first public appearance in six years, (Y/N)?” Jughead joked. You grunted at his lame attempt. Betty shushed him and then gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Well, we’re all here. Why don’t we head over to the school?” she chirped. The rest of the group agreed. When they arrived, the dance was already in full swing. There was a group of football players standing over by the punch bowl (probably spiking it), and a group of girls were huddled around them laughing. You noticed Cheryl Blossom at the center of the crowd, drinking an entire cup of the punch. You rolled your eyes in annoyance and continued to push your way through everybody.
After about an hour and a half of dancing with Kevin, you decided you needed to go to the restroom. You shoved past couples making out on the dance floor and somehow managed to make it to the toilet without much trouble. After you had handled your (ahem) business and were washing your hands, you noticed an odd sound coming from one of the stalls. You turned around and your eyes locked on Cheryl bent over the toilet bowl, hurling.
I never noticed how nice her ass is, you thought, mentally scolding yourself for thinking things like that about a girl you pretty much hate. You were about to walk out of the bathroom, completely weirded out before something stopped you.
“(Y/N)~~~!” Cheryl slurred. You whirred around to see the girl stumbling towards you. She had a trail of spit running down her chin, but otherwise looked okay.
“Heyyyyyy (Y/N)! I n-never noticed that you were here!” she yelled out. You shushed her quickly and rolled your eyes for what seemed like the millionth time that night. You turned around to leave, but not before her small hand was grasping your wrist. “You’re not gonna leave me are you? I don’t wanna go back to the dance.”
“Look, Cheryl, I really should be going...”
“Please stay!”
You huffed in irritation and walked back over to the drunk girl. She grabbed some tissue from the bathroom stall and wiped the drool off of her face. Although Cheryl couldn’t stop giggling, you managed to get an explanation out of her. Apparently, her and Reggie had drank something a lot stronger than what was placed in the punch bowl.
You finished cleaning her up and promised to take her home. You held onto her waist as she stumbled out of the bathroom and to the door. You texted Kevin telling him where you were going and brought Cheryl to your car.
“Yes, Cheryl?”
“Why are you helping me? I thought you hated me.”
“I don’t hate you. Now come on, let’s get you home.”
Cheryl continued talking and joking around throughout the entire drive to her house. You quickly realized how actually fun she could be when she wasn’t being a total bitch. You even noticed that she had begun to sober up.
By the time they arrived at Thistlehouse, Cheryl seemed completely okay. You were carrying on a pretty good conversation. You would even say that you felt a little twinge in your heart every time she laughed, you loved the sound of it. You just noticed how beautiful her red hair was, and how genuinely smart she was.
“You kinda zoned out,” Cheryl laughed.
“Oh sorry, I was just thinking...”
“About you.” Cheryl blushed under your intense gaze. “I think you’re beautiful, Cheryl, and it’s taken me until now to realize that it’s not just on the outside.”
Cheryl took a step closer to you. She cupped your face and placed a sweet kiss on your lips.
“I think you’re beautiful too, (Y/N).” You brought her in for another kiss. The smile on her face afterwards was enough to convince you that you had already fallen in love.
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