#beyburst spoilers
g0reoz · 1 year
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ova-kakyoin · 3 years
Rewatching episode 28 of turbo and you can see Valt is trying so hard to pull Aiger away from the edge
He tries everything he can think of to help him without exposing what’s going on to everyone still unaware and he gets so desperate as to call out to Aiger even if there were consequences
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novumoru · 4 years
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prezaki · 6 years
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He didn’t say this, but his aura screamed it into the world anyway
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klavvy · 7 years
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good luck, sisco
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silverfae16 · 3 years
BeyBurst season 6 thoughts
(Yes, I’m alive and have been peeking into BeyBurst shenanigans for the past couple of years - seasons 4 and 5 just never did it for me) So we have some info as to what s6 is going to be about, and some characters, which means I have a rough base to speculate on! I’m gonna touch on characters rather than the plot here, mostly. First off: Bell is an....interesting protagonist. He comes off as more of an asshole than Aiga did, and I don’t think he has a younger sib ala Naru to keep him straight. I’m gonna guess his interactions with Rashad (who I’ll touch on later) are going to form part of his character arc (ie if he gets better or not). Honestly, I’m just curious how the writers will handle a character like Bell, he’s so different to the usual BeyBurst protag. We have another Kiyama (Ranzou Kiyama), but interestingly, unlike the other two, this guy’s name is written entirely in katakana (vs Rantaro and Ranjiro’s name being written in Kanji). What this means is that this Kiyama is more likely to be a cousin from abroad, as katakana is used for foreign names/words. (We’ve seen this before with Chris, her last name (Kuroda) was written in katakana). I’m guessing he’s our standard practice dummy characters, unfortunately (as is standard for a Kiyama at this point), but hopefully he’ll bring something more. Rashad (the red-headed dude on the top left of the key art) is my point of interest, as we already have a name and VA for this guy. This means (most likely) that he is not the villain, as I don’t think we’ve ever had an antag where we find out their name or VA before the series begins. Which makes sense, if our protag is the villainous one. His first name is a real name, coming from Arabic, and translates to “good sense/good guidance” (coming from the word rashada, meaning “to follow the right course). Combine this with his last name “Goodman”, and we can guess that he is going to be Bell’s good counterpart. I would say he’s likely going to be older than Bell, but he gives me Xhaka vibes so we could end up with that again. Basara...I honestly don’t have an opinion on him yet. I guess we’ll wait until the season airs. As for the older characters (Valt, Lui, Shu, Flee)... Oh wow is it weird to realise Valt and Shu are like 16 and Lui and Flee are like 20-21 now. It’ll be interesting to see what their roles are now that they’re on the older end. On a different topic: The setting!  I love the aesthetic so far, like the haunted house thing we see on the website and in the trailer is *chef’s kiss*. I’m guessing the main setting is this “Bey Cemetery” mentioned in the synopsis for the season, so while we may venture out from this setting every now and again, this’ll be where the main bulk of action takes place. I suspect this place will have plenty of traps and just generally is a place of mayhem. I’m really excited for this season to be honest, and I can’t wait to see how they handle Bell. I’ll try to do episode thoughts posts but my time is more limited and you probs won’t see anything during May, as I have assignments due then (final year of uni oh boy).  Take care ^^
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crystalkleure · 7 years
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I am 99.9% sure this is not what is happening here at all, but this is all I can see.
I am so sorry.
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mercury-void · 7 years
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joshua was just following free around and fanboying over him that was pretty cute. and their fight was really awesome too
they could be good friends tbh I think Free would like to tease Joshua a lot
can we talk about how Free jumped off a building
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welp guess ill go ahead and make a pin
My main is @sappho-rose , where I'll post art and important posts..
I have a writing blog too :) @saph-writes
As for this blog, its mainly just shitposts, reblogs, and random things that come to mind. I cycle through various obsessions of mine, so most of the things I post will probably be whatever I'm obsessed with within that given period.
Right now its: Blue Lock/Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun (manga specifically so if you're an anime-only for either of these series please read my tag list to know which tags to filter out ^^)
Info about me is on my main, though I'll summarize a bit here.
I'm Hispanic, lesbian, and ND.
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I'll be pretty accepting of whatever ship you got, as long as its not weird, proshipping shit. Just keep it away from me, I don't want to see it.
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#beyburst - beyblade burst
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#bllk - blue lock (variations include #bllk manga and #bllk spoilers)
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#hrkg - hirano to kaguira
#tgswii - the guy she was interested in wasn't a guy at all
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#kot! - kono oto tomare (manga spoilers untagged)
#bucchigiri?! - bucchigiri?! (duh lol)
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g0reoz · 1 year
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Why Are You Gay.
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humble-butter · 7 years
valt: i m srorry n,guy s ijust can ‘tr stoop valterky fron awakenug bc im just a really relly lcuky amine protwgronist an now rnatros’ rreally sad tht i got intto natonalsbinstead of him im so sorry,, kumcho,,,,,,
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ova-kakyoin · 3 years
Lui after breaking spriggan:
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novumoru · 4 years
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i sure love shoujo kakumei drum
gwynn doesn’t
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prezaki · 6 years
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I’m so overwhelmed that Lui talking to Longinus is just. A thing now. He’s checking in with his magical glowing spin top. They’re friends.
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klavvy · 7 years
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daina is done with their shit
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crystalkleure · 4 years
So, you know how when Diabolos gets broken by Apocalypse, Delta takes it pretty hard and has like, eyebags and messy hair for awhile because Depression Dishevelment™️, etc.?
You can’t see his eye through his fringe anymore while he’s all sad about his bey being broken.
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Now, normally, Delta’s hair is super fucking weird because you can still see the eye it ought to be covering up -- and no other character in BeyBurst has semi-transparent hair like that, so it’s not just the art style, That Is A Delta-Specific Phenomenon.
And it’s already been made pretty apparent that Delta is, to at least some degree, aware of the fact that he can use Bey Magic for casual dumb shit, because of the way he likes to light his eye on fire with Diabolos’ flames just for dramatic effect. The fact that Amane can do it at will too -- he also did the Sans Eye thing, with Ashura’s fire, just to do a Delta Impression -- means that’s gotta be deliberate. The Sans Eye Effect is conscious and intentional.
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Now, stay with me, all of those different points are relevant here because:
What if Delta’s fringe being semi-transparent is casual Bey Magic, too. What if he’s making it look like that on purpose.
He can’t do it anymore while his bey is busted
Luficer. He and his bey keep referencing Lucifer -- yeah, also just Satan/the Devil etc. in general, but specifically Lucifer, the Morning Star, too  -- and...
...“Lucifer” is not just another name for Satan, it’s also a Latin word that means “light-bringer”. It would make sense for this bey to be able to bend light.
Hell, if we take that train of thought even further, what if Delta can just make himself completely invisible at will. Just...adjust his opacity whenever he feels like it, not just for the sole purpose of "Gee, I sure do like this Edgy Hairstyle but it's annoying the way I can't see through that eye if I cover it up so let's fix that" lmao
Delta would absolutely do something like that if he realized it was a possibility with that power. Imagine him just...Suddenly Disappearing to dramatically exit a conversation. Imagine him stepping backwards into a dark corner and literally fading away into the shadows. Drum can’t find him one day and he’s literally standing Right There, quietly following him around for free entertainment. Drum eventually starts looking under the furniture for him. Delta laughing at him is what finally gives him away. He would absolutely do shit like this.
InvisiDelta is maybe a legitimately canon-compliant concept. Imagine the sheer chaos potential.
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