#bgally imagine
holidaywishes · 3 years
the truth
part nine: the truth
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  Requested: 🙅‍♀️
  Summary: “I ended things because I hated being your second-choice, I hated sharing you with this city, I hated not having an identity aside from... you. And honestly, I think you like it that way...”
  Warning: angst, some fluff
  Author’s Note: As I was looking over this series, I realized the last time I wrote for it was the beginning of the Pandemic. Literally, it was like March 25th, 2020. I keep trying to find time to add to it, or to finish it, but never get a chance; until now. I’m making myself do it and it’s a big reason why my requests are closed. I have three chapters planned and they’re all gonna be pretty angsty with some fluff thrown in for the hell of it. I’m curious to know how many people want this to end happily and how many people want it to end... “realistically” i.e. with more angst than fluff; so I created a poll! Have fun and let me know what you think! I’m hoping that I can get this out before my birthday because it’s been more than a year and I’m ready to move on to other fics lol. Enjoy! Stay Golden, loves! <3
  the other masterlist
  You would be lying to yourself if you said you hadn’t spent the last week thinking about what you and Brendan had talked about; how your ideas of marriage didn’t seem to match up anymore. There was a few days when the conversations the two of you had would hover around superficial topics, like the weather or his practices or what either of you wanted for supper, and you knew it was so you would just avoid bringing up the truth
  “So...” he finally said one Sunday afternoon and you felt yourself prepare yourself for the inevitable conversation, furrowing your brows when he kept it to small talk, “what are the plans for today?”
  “Nothing in particular...” you sighed, “got any ideas?”
  “Wanna go out for dinner?” he asked, not looking up from the paper he was reading. He never read the paper and you weren’t sure why he was starting now
  “Like a date night?” you prompted and he finally looked up, giving you a smirk
  “Yeah,” he replied, “like a date night. How does that sound?”
  “I mean,” you smiled, sitting back in your seat, “yeah that sounds great. Where are we going?”
  “That one in the Birks Hotel? With the Stained Glass?” he said, trying to think of the name
  “Henri Brasserie?” you questioned
  “HENRI BRASSERIE! That’s it” he exclaimed
  “You sure?”
  “Yeah... why wouldn’t I be?”
  “Every time we walk past, you kinda.. scoff at it”
  “I do not” he countered and you raised your eyebrows at him
  “Yes. You do”
  “Well, I think it would be a nice place for a date night. Plus, we’ve never been”
  “Yeah, that’s true,” you added, “alright! What time?”
  “It’s almost 4 now!” you exclaimed
  “Yeah?” he said dumbly and you scoffed hastily before making your way to the bedroom to pick an outfit, “(Y/N)? Babe?” he called
  “I have to get ready...” you replied and he laughed 
  “You have tons of time!”
  “STOP!” you laughed in a small panic, “I’m going to take a shower!”
Brendan’s P.O.V
  You shook your head as (Y/N) rushed around trying to get ready, jumping into the shower quickly while you stayed downstairs in the kitchen.
  “Bonjour, Henri Brasserie, comment puis-je vous aider aujourd'hui?” a voice asked when they picked up on the other line
  “Bonjour,” you started, switching to English quickly, “I know it’s last minute but I’m hoping to make a reservation for two, tonight, at 6?”
  “Oh,” the voice said, clearly baffled at the last minute request, “uhm.. let me see”
  “I really appreciate it,” you said, looking up the stairs to make sure (Y/N) was still in the shower, “I’m planning to propose tonight”
  “Congratulations!” the voice exclaimed
  “Merci” you smiled to yourself
  “Oh, wow,” she scoffed, surprised, “someone just cancelled their reservation, for 6:15 tonight”
  “Can I just grab a name for the reservation?”
  “Brendan,” you said, “Last name, Gallagher” you heard them gasp and you had to hold back a chuckle
  “Monsieur Gallagher,” they started, “I’m so sorry. I’m such a fan, I should’ve recognized your voice...”
  “Don’t worry,” you smiled, “I’m happy you were able to find a table for us”
  “Is there anything special you would like? We are so honoured you have chosen us for your proposal tonight and we would love to be able to make the night as special as possible for you and your soon-to-be-fiancée”
  “If you could put us next to that big Stained Glass window that would be perfect,” you asked, hoping they could manage it, “and maybe have a bottle of your favourite Champagne ready for dessert?”
  “Of course!” they said excitedly, “we would be happy to do that. Anything you need”
  “Thank you,” you smiled again, blushing slightly, “but you don’t have to go out of your way. I don’t want to make anything difficult”
  “We will make it an unforgettable night, Monsieur”
  “Thank you. We’ll see you at 6″
  “See you then!” You imagined that as soon as you ended the call, they were frantically trying to get things sorted so that you had everything you needed and you just hoped it wasn’t too much for (Y/N), who you could now hear searching through her closet for a dress to wear
  “You’ll look beautiful in anything you choose” you flirted, heading to your closet to grab a suit
  “But this is a nice place, B, we should look nice”
  “And you will,” you replied, walking over to her after throwing your chosen suit on the bed, “because you look beautiful always.” You placed your arms around her waist as she continued to search her closet, kissing her cheek before leaving to get dressed, “I love you”
  “Love you, too” she smiled, turning around to plant a light kiss on your lips before she shooed you away. When the two of you finally got to the restaurant, you were welcomed quickly and (Y/N) smiled awkwardly before whispering to you, “you called this in last minute didn’t you?”
  “I would never. I always plan everything, to the smallest detail” you joked, nodded in appreciation to the hostess who showed you and (Y/N) to your table
  “Liar” she teased
  “Love you.”
  The staff fell over him like he was made of gold and you could only laugh at how hard they were trying. The restaurant was beautiful and Brendan had managed to reserve the bay window where the stained glass stood; whether it was planned weeks in advance or just a few minutes, you were just happy to be out with him like this. It had been so long.
  “What are you thinking about?” he asked
  “Nothing,” you smiled, shaking your head, “I’m just wondering how you’d ever get by without all this attention...”
  “Oh come on,” he chuckled, wiping his mouth with his napkin before placing it on his plate before the servers came to take away your dishes, “I’m not... it’s not that bad is it?”
  “You like all this attention, I get it” you smirked, shrugging playfully
  “How was everything?” your server asked
  “It was great!” Brendan said quickly before ordering dessert for the two of you
  “Oh, Bren, I’m so full... I don’t think we should get dessert..” you tried
  “How about some Champagne?”
  “Sure,” you smiled, “Champagne sounds nice.” The wait staff rushed to clear the table, leaving you to giggle at their eagerness, before you were being handed a crystal glass to clink with Brendan
  “To you,” he started, “to us”
  “To us” you repeated with a smile, taking a sip of the bubbly beverage, not realizing Brendan had gotten up from his seat until you were placing your glass back on the table, finding him kneeling on one knee. “No,” you thought to yourself, “please no. Not here, not like this...”
  “(Y/N)...” he started
  “Shit” you thought to yourself, a tear building in your eye as you already knew what you were about to say
  “I love you more than I ever thought I could love somebody and we’ve definitely had our moments that made things difficult but in the end it was all worth it. Because we wound up stronger,”
  “Brendan...” you tried to stop him
  “We found each other when I think we both needed it and I could not be more grateful for anyone in my life. When I think about my future, you’re the first thing I see. I want to share everything with you. The good, the bad, the in-between. I want us to share our lives together”
  “B..” you sighed, closing your eyes as he reached into his pocket
  “Will you marry me?” he asked, pulling out a small velvet box and revealing a diamond ring more beautiful than you could’ve imagined and you sat there in silence for a moment while the entire restaurant looked on. Any words struggled to escape your throat and your eyes just lingered on Brendan’s for a minute before you finally spoke
  “No” you said quietly, wiping a tear from your eye and walking away, stopping only when he grabbed your arm lightly, light enough for you to pull it away. You made your way out of the restaurant and leaned against the wall before walking toward the apartment. You couldn’t believe you were here again, trying to navigate this relationship while on a completely different page than the person you were supposed to be figuring it out with. When you felt a drop of water fall on your skin, you groaned to yourself before hearing a car pull up behind you
  “Get in,” Brendan called to you and you shook your head, “(Y/N), just get in the damn car” you stopped before walking to the passenger door and hopping into the seat
  “Le--” you started but he just turned up the volume on the radio to tune you out, leading you to turn your face to stare out the window. He slammed the door as he got out of the car, leaving the front door to the apartment wide open and you took a deep breath before you walked inside, closing it slowly behind you
  “WHAT THE HELL?!” he yelled
  “Let me explain,” you started, “I’m sorry”
  “You can’t get mad at me. I get that you’re upset but don’t yell and go on like a child. Just listen to me”
  “Fine” he huffed
  “Why did you propose? I mean really, what made you think that it was a good time or that we were ready or that I would say yes?”
  “Because we love each other?!” he said angrily
  “Yes,” you sighed, “I love you but I never said I was ready to marry you”
  “We talked about it…”
  “Did we?” you countered, sitting across from him as he thought about his answer, “I found your scrapbook, we talked about the wedding. I let it go because I thought it was sweet that you even had the scrapbook in the first place but then when we talked about being married…”
  “We talked about how nothing would change…”
  “You talked about how nothing would change and how great that would be for you,” you argued, sighing before dropping your head to your hands, “I never said I wanted to get married or that I was ready to get married”
  “You don’t want to marry me?” he asked sadly, a frown covering his features in a way you’d never seen before
  “That’s not what I’m saying”
  “Then what are you saying? You just humiliated me back there so I think I deserve the truth”
  “I don’t… know,” you huffed, getting up and pacing away from him, “I don’t know. I love you, Brendan, you know that. I wouldn’t have agreed to try this again if I didn’t love you but it just I can’t marry you right now”
  “Why not?!”
  “Because nothing has changed!” you yelled back finally, letting your mouth drop open at your own admission, watching his eyebrows scrunch together as he took in what you were saying
  “What do you mean..? What hasn’t changed?” he asked
  “Why do you think we broke up in the first place, the first time?”
  “I don’t know. You kept saying that we weren’t good for each other anymore and stuff like that…” you scoffed
  “You’re right,” you said, knowing that you couldn’t deny that you had, in fact, said those words, “but what else did I say? Why would I have said that we weren’t good for each other?”
  “I have no idea! I always thought we were good for each other.”
  “You don’t listen! You think you have all the answers or that you can fix everything so easily but you can’t. Not everything can be fixed so quickly.”
  “Fine. Okay, tell me now.” He insisted and you tilted your head, “I’m listening. I won’t say a word. I won’t try to fix it. Tell me now why you think we weren’t good for each other”
  “The truth?” you asked once before he took your hand and sat you down next to him on the couch
  “The truth”
  “We drifted apart. We were so hopelessly in love when we first met and I know things got stressful for you because of how the seasons were going but you wouldn’t talk to me about it. At first, I thought it was fine. Like I’d give you your space and there was a reason you didn’t want me to know you were feeling shitty about the way things were going. But a few years later and you’re still not talking to me about it? We’re supposed to be a team, you’re supposed to be able to talk to me about the stress you have so I can take some of it from you but that wasn’t us. You kept your stress to yourself and I got frustrated and mad and I made brash decisions like that guy,” you sighed, turning your body slightly, your knees grazing his, “you didn’t have to be alone in all of it”
  “I never felt like I was alone…” he said
  “I did” you confessed, realizing that was the first time you had really said those words out loud. You did feel alone all those years. Every decision you made was because you felt like you were in the relationship without him and it still felt that way; especially when your idea of marriage was so different than his seemed to be. “I guess,” you said, biting the inside of your cheek nervously, “I ended things because I hated being your second-choice, I hated sharing you with this city, I hated not having an identity aside from... you” you took a minute so he could hear what you were saying but there was still more you wanted him to understand, “honestly, I think you like it that way...”
  “What does that mean?”
  “If I’m here for you, unconditionally, then I get to be one of these girlfriends that the city can accept. I won’t be a loose cannon or someone that brings drama. They’ll accept me and you’ll get to finally have all this acceptance that you crave"
  "You think I crave acceptance?"
  "Yes" you replied simply
  "I don't.. think that's true" he stammered
  "I don't know if it's because you're a small guy in the league and you feel like you have to constantly prove yourself," you said, shaking your head to yourself as you spoke before catching a glimpse of his scowl, "or if it has something to do with being the eldest sibling.. I don't know, but yeah, yeah I think you crave acceptance"
  "What if I just crave your acceptance?"
  "Brendan..." you sighed, "you've always had my acceptance. That's why it's not about me"
  "So.. what does this mean?" he asked, head hung low
  "I love you. I always have and I always will and I want to marry you someday but I can't sacrifice myself for you. I need to be able to work and go on vacations and have friends outside of the Habs Wives. I need to not feel like I belong to you," you said, taking his hand softly in yours so he would look at you, "we're not objects. We're people and I want us both to be treated that way"
  "Me too" he smiled softly, leaning in to kiss your forehead
  "Are you okay?" you asked, wincing a little as you looked at his still sad face
  "I'm fine," he said, "a little embarrassed but it'll pass. I love you"
  "I love you, too," you replied, smiling as you kissed the tip of his nose. "Hey," you continued, "don't give up on me okay?"
  "I wouldn't dream of it" he smirked
  "I just mean... keep asking"
  "You got it, babe."
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introvertsavage · 3 years
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True warrior.
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nhl-imagines-posts · 7 years
Alex Galchenyuk - Burn the Jersey
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Team: Montreal Canadiens
Requested: Yes: I’m so happy your requests are open! Can you please do an Alex Galchenyuk imagine where the girl he is dating is wearing an BGally jersey and he gets jealous. If not that’s okay.
Edited: Yes
Word count: 839
Summary: You meet while wearing a Brendan Gallagher jersey and he gets jealous
 “Okay this is starting to get creepy,” my friend whines from next to me.
I don’t say anything, instead narrowing my eyes at the Russian-American who keeps looking over at me.
He smirks at my daring gaze, turning his attention back to the game.
“What did you do to him, Y/N?” My other friend asks.
“Nothing, I’ve never said a word to the boy in my life,” I insist.
It’s true.
This is my first time at a Canadiens game as well, so I couldn’t have done anything to piss him off at past games.
And I’ve never met any of the Canadiens players outside of the rink so I don’t know why Alex Galchenyuk keeps looking over at me.
He’s been doing it since warmups.
At first I gave him a shy smile then became flirtier as he kept looking at me.
Finally I turned to giving him questioning glances, getting slightly creeped out by how he watched me more than the game.
“When they walk to the locker room I’m gonna say something,” I tell my friends.
“Don’t embarrass us.”
The clock slowly dwindles down, the end of the second period with the Canadiens in the lead.
The boys stumble down the hallway to the locker room, Alex being one of the last people.
He gives me a questioning look like he knows I have something to say to him.
“Why do you keep staring at me?” I holler so he’s able to hear.
His smirk widens. “You’re too pretty to be in a Gallagher jersey.”
His friend smacks him on the back of his head for his comment but they continue the walk down the hall.
“He likes you,” my friend squeals.
I roll my eyes. “That doesn’t mean anything.”
“What do you mean that doesn’t mean anything? He just called you pretty, Y/N.”
“He teases Gally all of the time, Y/F/N. It was probably just another attempt to get under his friend’s skin.”
“Or an attempt to get into your pants,” my friend sing songs.
I glare at her but don’t say anything more, not wanting to argue with her.
When the boys start making their way back to the ice rink, I have potato chips shoved into my mouth.
My friend nudges me to get my attention away from the jumbotron, motioning to the other side of me.
I turn, surprised to Alex Galchenyuk holding up a Habs jersey with a genuine smile.
My cheeks start to blush as I realize how ridiculous I must look with potato chips spilling out of my mouth and crumbs scattered on the front of my jersey.
“Take it,” he urges, shaking the jersey in his hand.
I wipe my hand off on my jeans before grabbing the jersey from him.
“Thank you,” I say unsurely.
He nods before rushing onto the rink to be with his teammates before he gets yelled at by Claude Julien.
“What is it?” Both of my nosey friends lean over to watch me set down my bag of potato chips and unfold the jersey.
It’s still a Habs jersey but instead of the eleven and Gallagher on the back it has twenty seven and Galchenyuk.
I roll my eyes but smile, looking up to see Alex watching me expectantly.
I make a show to stand up, pulling the Gallagher jersey over my head to expose my tank top underneath.
I pull the Galchenyuk jersey on instead, motioning towards myself in an ‘are you happy?’ motion.
I laugh as he cheers, then laugh even harder as Brendan turns around to pout at me.
“What’s this?” My friend’s finger touches my back.
“What is it?” I question, sitting down and turning my back towards them more so they can look closer.
“It says call me sometime and includes his number,” she squeals.
“Are you serious?”
“You could date a hot hockey player, Y/N!”
“Add it into my phone,” I pass her my phone and she enters it, handing it back to me.
We buzz excitedly the rest of the game and our enthusiasm rises even more when the Canadiens win.
On our way out the door, one of my friends says she has to go to the bathroom so I wait outside the door while she goes into the bathroom to pee.
“Why’d you take the Gallagher jersey off?” A voice whines.
My eyes snap up from my phone to see Alex and Brendan standing in front of me, Alex looking smug while Brendan pouts.
“She looks much better in my jersey,” Alex adds.
“Well I had to make the jealous boy over here happy,” I tease.
“I was not jealous!”
“Then why are you looking at the jersey like you want to burn it?”
“Because I do,” he mutters.
I laugh while Brendan pushes his friend.
“Don’t worry, we can do that on the first date,” he adds smugly.
I raise my eyebrows but don’t say anything.
A first date with Alex Galchenyuk.
I never expected it, but how could I say no?
142 notes · View notes
matsbarzal · 7 years
Hi! Can you write an imagine about reader and Connor McDavid or Brendan Gallagher (you can choose) about being on a walk and then it starts raining and any of them has an umbrella and so on- maybe cute and little steamy at the end? Thank you and I love your writing sm ♥♥
Hey darling!! So, I decided to go with Bgally, so I hope you enjoy! And thank you so much, I’m so glad you like it :)
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holidaywishes · 3 years
all it takes is one time
part ten: all it takes is one time
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  Summary: five years have passed and Brendan has kept his promise to “not give up on you.”
  Warning: fluff, angst, time jump
  Author’s Note: So, what I got from the poll was that everyone pretty much wants a happy ending. Which I think is great! Because of that, I’ve chosen to do a bit of a time jump so that the happy ever after seems natural. I love that people have enjoyed this series; I love writing for Gally and his smiley little face -- I mean look at him in that GIF -- so I’m always happy when people enjoy how I write him or what I write for him. This got a bit more angsty than I thought it would which is why it's a bit of a longer chapter (I wanted it to get fluffy eventually so I just kept writing until it did!) but I hope you continue to enjoy these last two chapters and thanks for reading! Stay Golden, loves! <3
Fun Fact: Grammarly calls my writing in this "confident" and "formal" so... I apologize for that. Typically, I try not to write super formally so I don't know what happened here.
  the other masterlist
Brendan’s P.O.V
  You couldn’t count how many times you’d proposed to (Y/N) over the last five years but you knew that you were gonna keep doing it until she said yes because you wanted her. You’d always wanted her.
  “Wanna marry me?” you asked as the two of you laid in bed, groggy from just waking up
  “Sure” she groaned, making you pop your head up in surprise
  “Wait, really?” you asked
  “Someday” she smirked, tucking herself into you to cuddle a little longer
  “You’re gonna kill me” you chuckled
  “No!” she scoffed
  “Yes!” you replied, wrapping your arms tightly around her body and kissing her neck playfully
  “STOP!” she squeaked, finally pushing you away so she could get out of bed, “I love you and I would love to stay here, in bed, with you but your parents are expecting us in like an hour”
  “We have tons of time!”
  “You might but I don’t...” she laughed and you jumped out of bed, meeting her across the room
  “What are you talking about? It’s not like you have to do anything. We’re just going for lunch,” you smiled, kissing her temple as she looked in the mirror, “they love you. What’s going on?”
  “I don’t think your mom has ever really... liked me for you”
  “What? Of course she has”
  “I’ve spent close to 10 years trying to get her to see that I’m good enough for you, especially after the break up...”
  “(Y/N), you have nothing to worry about,” you assured her, turning her around, “she knows that you love me and that’s all she needs” she smiled at you, kissing you quickly before walking away
  “If you say so”
  “I do say so,” you smirked, “trust me.” When you pulled up to your parents house, you noticed (Y/N) sigh heavily and you reached out to grab her hand, “if you need me, I’m right here”
  “Okay” she smiled
  “But you won’t need me” you teased
  “Bren…” she scoffed before you threw open your door and ran up the stairs to greet your family inside.
  “(Y/N),” your mom said as your girlfriend walked through the door slowly, placing her hands on (Y/N)’s arms before embracing her in light hug. “It’s so good to see you”
  “You too” (Y/N) said, looking over your moms shoulder to you as you smiled and mouthed ‘I told you’
  “Let’s sit down and have some lunch okay?” your mom said as she pulled away from (Y/N), who nodded in return
  “See?” you smiled, kissing her forehead and wrapping your arm around her waist while you walked to the back patio, “nothing to worry about.”
  Della had liked you when you first met. She thought you were sweet and that you were good for Brendan but when she found out you cheated, her opinion of you changed, as you thought it might, but Brendan seemed completely oblivious to all of it. He still believed that she loved you because you loved him; because he loved you.
  “See?” he said as he directed you to the patio outside with his family, after his mother had given you a, rather passive, hug when you first arrived. “Nothing to worry about!” you wanted to tell him that he was wrong, that he was blind to the inner workings of female interactions, but this was his mom and you weren’t there to cause drama.
  “So, (Y/N),” Della started from across the table, “what have you been up to these last five years? We still don’t get to spend too much time with Brendan except during the summer and he’s mostly stayed in Montreal with you so we haven’t got to see either of you…” you smiled to yourself, looking down at your lap as you tried to evade her tone
  “I’ve been working,” you said, looking at Brendan beside you before smiling at him, “keeping myself busy when Brendan’s at practice or at games, ma—”
  “Do you go to the games still?” Nolan asked
  “I mean, he’s gotta have at least one fan there for him” Erin laughed
  “I try,” you admitted, a blush creeping across your cheeks as you prepared to say the next words; fearing what they all might think of you. “But sometimes our schedules don’t match up and I have to watch from home…”
  “But you still make sure you always watch the game?” Della asked and you could feel the heat from her glare reach you for across the table
  “Most of the time,” you said slowly before Brendan reached out his hand to grab yours, “but there have been a few times when I’ve had to get the score from someone else because I didn’t have a second to even look at the game…”
  “Well that makes sense,” Ian added before Della could argue your answer, “stuff like that is going to happen. You can’t stop working to watch the games or else you’d get fired” you laughed, nodding in response
  “I mean,” Breanne added, “unless you quit your job”
  “Yeah,” Della said, almost giddy at the thought, “have you thought about quitting your job? I’m sure Brendan could keep you both comfortable”
  “Mom...” Brendan finally said, shaking his head at her while you took a sip of the water in front of you
  “I was joking, Mom...” Breanne said, presumably seeing your discomfort
  “But it’s a serious question, something to consider,” Della added, semi-defensively, “I don’t think that’s something to get so up in arms about”
  “Why don’t we just enjoy the weather, okay?” Ian said, diffusing the situation the best he could while Brendan followed Della inside
  “I’m sorry, Ian,” you sighed as the two of you walked toward the grass, “I didn’t mean to make things uncomfortable”
  “It’s okay” he smiled
  “I know she doesn’t trust me much anymore” you added, dropping your head as kicked your foot in the grass
  “She just loves Brendan,” he answered, “he’s the first-born, you know? It’s a special bond between them”
  “I know,” you said before the two of you stood in silence, watching Breanne, Erin and Nolan played some game you’d never really seen before; laughing at each other when one seemed to do something wrong.
  “It’s not that she doesn’t trust you,” Ian said, after a while of not speaking, forcing you to look at him suddenly, “it’s just that she watched Brendan mope around for months after the two of you broke up and then when you got into your accident, she listened to him talk about how the two of you were getting back together but to her…”
  “She didn’t believe it” you sighed, your eyes still trained on the ground as you interrupted him
  “It felt like he was putting all his faith into something that was gonna break his heart again” he continued, making you look up at him and your eyes grew wide at the thought
  “I never wanted to break his heart,” you admitted, “it’s complicated I guess but I love him. Breaking up with him felt terrible but being together, then, didn’t feel right either and I felt like I was holding him back. I let him go so he could find what he really wanted”
  “But what he really wanted was you,” Ian argued, “it was always you. He told us that all the time, you were always on his mind and in his heart”
  “I know,” you smiled thoughtfully, “he’s always felt like the one to me, too, I guess I just needed him to know that I didn’t want him to feel trapped… I don’t know how to explain it really”
  “I get it,” Ian smirked, “but do me a favour, don’t try explaining it to my wife. Because she absolutely will not understand any of it”
  “You have my word.”
Brendan’s P.O.V
  “I just don’t see why she doesn’t even want to try to change her work schedule…” your mom argued as the two of you washed the dishes
  “Mom…” you whined
  “I’m serious, Brendan,” she exclaimed, “she misses your games because of work, she doesn’t make time for the two of you to see us..”
  “That’s not on her,” you interjected, “we live in Montreal, which means we can’t just pop out here to say hi”
  “But you could call” she challenged
  “Yes, you’re right,” you scoffed, “but that’s on me. Not (Y/N), so don’t turn it into her problem”
  “She doesn’t want this relationship to progress any further than what it always was…” she frowned and you shook your head
  “She does” you confessed
  “It doesn’t seem like it”
  “Because she wants to have a job? Because she doesn’t always stop everything to watch a game?” you asked
  “Because she doesn’t try. Not the way you do”
  “Mom,” you rubbed your temples, “she does try. There’s more to it than what you can see. You know, she was reluctant to come here today because she thinks that you don’t think she’s good enough for me and I had to keep telling her that wasn’t true. But it is true, isn’t it? She was right and you’ve never liked her…” you questioned, drying your hands
  “That’s not true!” your mom yelled, stopping you from leaving, “I loved her for you, I thought you two were perfect for each other and she fit so well with us but she proved time and again that she just didn’t care. She cheated, she didn’t communicate with you, she ended things because of some vague excuse that you two weren’t good together anymore and then she used you to make her better after her car accident”
  “She didn’t use me. She needed help so I offered my help,” you corrected, “because I love her and no matter what happened between us, I wasn’t going to let her be in pain" she seemed to drop the conversation after that but not without a heavy sigh before walking into the backyard to join everyone
  "Hey," you whispered to (Y/N) as you draped your arm across her shoulders, "how're you doing?"
  "I'm okay," she replied quietly, "how are you?"
  "I'm good" you smiled, hoping she wouldn't see how the conversation with your mom annoyed you
  "I didn't mean to start anything," she said with a sigh, wrapping her arms around your waist and you looked down at her as she looked up at you, "drama or whatever. I didn't mean to make things awkward..."
  "You didn't" you smiled, kissing her forehead
  "It feels like things are tense" she admitted and you shrugged, looking out at your family but still feeling (Y/N) looking up at you
  "Wanna marry me and get outta here?" you joked, hearing her scoff in return
  "No," she said, hugging you tighter, "but maybe."
  It had been two weeks since you and Brendan were at his parent's place for a BBQ, two weeks since you could feel Della's hesitation of you being with her son and two weeks since Brendan last asked you to marry him. The proposals were becoming less frequent now and your mind was running wild with reasons why that might be but you hoped that he was waiting for the perfect moment. And that that perfect moment came when you were absolutely ready to say yes.
  “He used to propose every day,” you told your best friend, Rebecca, has the two of you sat on her balcony, “and now, nothing. Not a single mention of marriage”
  “If he asked you today, would you say yes?” she asked candidly
  “I don’t know” you replied
  “Maybe he knows that, finally, and he just wants to wait long enough,” she said, “you said he proposed at the barbecue and you said no, right?”
  “I mean, I guess…” you scoffed
  “So…” she smirked, “he probably feels that you’re not ready yet and he’s just tired of small proposals”
  “Small proposals?” you furrowed your brow
  “Yeah,” she said before taking a sip of her drink, “he probably wants to do something big but he wants to know you’re ready to say yes…”
  “And how would he know when I’m ready?” you chuckled
  “I have no idea,” she laughed, “maybe he’s got a checklist”
  “Oh my god, if he has a checklist,” you laughed, throwing your head back, “I swear to god, I would die”
  “You know how he is though,” she said after the two of you stopped laughing, “his first proposal was in a public place”
  “Yeah but that was so much pressure and we fought about it afterwards”
  “Yeah because you weren’t ready to say yes,” she said, “you needed to air out the reasons why...”
  “Do you think he’ll listen to them?” you questioned, raising your eyebrow at her
  “Why wouldn’t he?” she asked
  “After what happened with his mom, I think he’s starting to revert back to the idea that I should just be the ‘holly housewife’ type” you admitted
  “I don’t think that’s true”
  “I hope not...” you sighed, finishing up your water and heading inside. After realizing that you had been there for almost three hours, you decided it was probably time for you to go home, surprised to see Brendan sitting at the table when you walked into the apartment. “Bren...?” you asked hesitantly
  “Hey,” he said plainly and you couldn’t think of anything to say, he seemed very focused and you weren’t sure why. It made you nervous, “so, I... don’t know where to start...”
  “What’s wrong?” you finally asked, setting down your bag and pulling out a chair to sit beside him
  “I don’t want you to feel like you have to marry me,” he admitted and you shook your head in confusion, “or that if we get married, you’ll lose yourself”
  “I don’t want my mom to feel like you’re not good for me for whatever reason,” he admitted, stopping you from interrupting him, still not looking at you. Oh god, you thought to yourself, he’s gonna break up with me, “and I don’t want you to be mad at my mom because you resent her for whatever reason”
  “Bren--” you started but he stopped you, his eyes finally looking into yours
  “I love you,” he confessed, “and I realize now, though I should’ve realized before, that you don’t want some grand gesture of a proposal. Maybe because you don’t like all the attention or maybe because it feels like too much pressure. Whatever it is, it’s not what you want. I should’ve known that. I should’ve paid attention to that” you took a breath as you listened to his words, not really knowing where this was going. “But here’s the thing,” he said, holding your hands in his while his eyes danced between yours, “I told you I wasn’t giving up. And all it takes is once. One time. One proposal for you to say yes to and then, what do ya know? we’re engaged. So, I won’t give up because I love you and if you keep saying no, eventually I’ll take the hint, but I’m gonna ask you right now. Right here. Like this. Because I love you and I want to marry you, Do you want to marry me?”
  “Yes,” you whispered without thinking about it; everything he said just took away any fears that you had and you couldn’t think of your life without him. “Yes,” you repeated, feeling a tear fall down your cheek before giggling happily, “yes, I will marry you”
  “Wait really?” he said, the shock in his face making you laugh
  “Yes, baby” you said softly, placing your hand on his cheek
  “Like really really?”
  “Really really” you smiled before leaning in and pressing a kiss to your lips, feeling a tear graze your cheek as it feel down his
  “God, I love you,” he scoffed when he pulled away as if he was catching your breath, “but I am exhausted”
  “I know, I’m sorry” you laughed
  “You’re serious right?” he asked again and you smiled brightly, squeezing his hands tightly
  “YES! Brendan, baby, I’m serious”
  “I just needed to check” he smirked
  “I love you,” you cooed, “and I can’t imagine marrying anyone else, being with anybody else”
  “Fucking finally” he sighed and you laughed
  “I won’t sacrifice myself for your job though” you insisted
  “I wouldn’t dream of it” he smirked, capturing you in a kiss before picking you up and taking you to the bedroom, slamming the door shut behind him and throwing you on the bed. 
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holidaywishes · 3 years
what’s next?
part eleven: what’s next
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  Requested: 🙅‍♀️
  Summary: You and Brendan get married
  Warning: Finale Time! Wedding, fluff, some angst
  Author’s Note: I found the GIF on Google because it didn’t come up on Tumblr’s GIF search but I think the credit goes to @nhl-imagines-posts​ but if I’m wrong please let me know so I can give proper credit. I’m so grateful for those of you that have read this little series and I’m happy that those of you who enjoyed it have done so :D I decided to end this series at 11 because it’s Gally’s number, even though I truly hate uneven numbers, but also because I couldn’t see it really going anywhere other than this. I’m always happy to take your requests for Gally or anyone but be patient with me; sometimes, I forget I have anything saved and it’s like a month before I start a request. I hope you enjoy this finale! Stay Golden, loves! <3
  the other masterlist
   It took longer than you ever thought it would, to finally be getting ready to walk down the aisle to the man you had loved and lost and loved again. You put your dress on and looked in the mirror, taking in a sharp breath when you saw yourself for the first time
  “Whoa” you whispered
  “You look beautiful” Breanne said
  “Like a princess” Erin cooed and you laughed at the two girls who would soon be your sister-in-law’s
  “Thank you” you blushed before taking another breath
  “You’re getting married” Rebecca sang as she came up behind you, squeezing your shoulders
  “Did you ever think you’d get here?” you heard Della ask from the doorway, presumably having just come from seeing Brendan
  “No,” you scoffed, “but yes. He was always the one for me. I know we’ve given everyone here whiplash for... like ever but he’s always just been this, lighthouse to me. Something that tells me I’m safe and I’m home, you know?” You noticed your mom smile from where she sat on the couch before turning back to the mirror, “I wish we didn’t have to go through what we went through to get here but I’m so happy that we’re here and that I get to marry this wonderful man who I love so much.”
  “You found each other,” Della said after a pause before walking over to where you stood, “you love each other and the road to this day was meant to be. Sure, it was rocky but it was meant to be.” You smiled at her words, taking a deep breath before your mom came over to squeeze your shoulders
  “You are so beautiful,” she said, tearing up as she spoke, “inside and out. I am so proud of you, baby girl, and everything you are and the strong woman you’ve become”
  “We should probably get going,” Rebecca interrupted with a smile, “someone’s waiting for you downstairs.”
Brendan’s P.O.V
  You were starting to panic. You stood in front of your family and friends as you waited for (Y/N) to walk down the aisle but, after almost 45 minutes, she still hadn’t shown up
  “Where is she?” you mumbled under your breath
  “Don’t worry,” Nolan replied and you realized, if he heard you, the rest of your groomsmen probably did as well, “she’s not gonna bail. She’s probably just too busy staring at herself”
  “Maybe you’re right” you smirked before taking another deep breath and trained your eyes back to the door. The soft music continued to play and you felt your palms getting sweaty as another 10 minutes passed, “maybe I should go check on her...” you said to Nolan before preparing to walk down the steps
  “Hold on,” he scoffed as he watched you get ready to dart, “just another minute or two and then you can freak out.” You sneered at his smirk when, suddenly, the door opened and the music started again; finally. Her bridesmaids walked in first, wide grins on their faces as they made their way to the altar to parallel your boys. The flower girl was next. Her white princess dress bouncing as she danced down the aisle, sprinkling daisies happily before finally reaching her parents in the pews. Then you finally saw her, noticing how the flower girl's dress nearly matched hers perfectly and you smirked to yourself. With every step she took, your heart began to beat more and more out of your chest, imagining the moment you'd finally be able to hold her hands in yours to become husband and wife. You watched as her father kissed her forehead and tearily gave her away
  “You look stunning” you whispered when she stepped in front of you, smiling before squeezing your hands
  “I'm sorry I'm late” she whispered back as the Priest began to address the vows
  “Is everything okay?” you asked quickly
  “Yeah,” she smiled, “we were just gushing about you”
  “Oh well then,” you smiled back, “you could've spent as much time as you wanted.” You both caught the stern glare from the Priest and stopped talking so he could continue. When it finally came time to say your vows, you held back tears but (Y/N) let them fall freely, laughing as you wiped them away as she spoke.
  “I now pronounce you,” the priest smiled, “husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.” She squealed before placing her hands on your face and pulling you in so the two of you could share your first kiss as a married couple. You took her hand and raised it in a sort of victory pose before the two of you walked down the steps and out the big wooden doors at the end of the aisle.
  “We did it!” (Y/N) giggled when you cleared the room, “we’re married!”
  “We’re married” you sighed happily before kissing the backs of her hands.
  You convinced Brendan to go to the closest fast food place because you were starving
  “There's gonna be food at the reception...” he questioned
  “You actually think we're gonna be able to eat?” you laughed and he shrugged in return
  “Okay, where do you want to go?” he asked
  “We have like half an hour, so let's go wherever is closest so we can just eat everything,” you chuckled, “then go to the reception and chat up all the guests and take pictures with everyone”
  “Alright,” he agreed, “let's go then.” You rushed out to the car, carrying the pile of fabric that was your dress close to your chest and watched Brendan tail close behind. You ordered a chicken wrap to start and some fries to share while Brendan ordered a double cheeseburger, practically engulfing it. “Soooo good!” He mumbled with his mouth still full of food
  “Ew, B,” you scoffed, turning your attention to your food, “that’s so gross. Don’t talk with your mouth full” he looked at you and you could already see the thought forming in his head
  “Oh I’m sorry,” he teased, moving closer and closer to you with his mouth practically bursting with food before he took another bite, “is this bothering you?”
  “Stop!” You squealed, pushing his chest from you, “oh my god! Stop!” he stopped, laughing once the food had cleared his mouth
  “You want anything more? You haven’t had much” he asked
  “Just a drink” you smiled and he was quick to jump up to grab you something. When you showed up at the reception, you were rushed to take pictures in almost every space you could and you could hear the guests begin to arrive. The rest of the night was filled with lights and laughter and singing and dancing until you couldn’t feel your feet anymore
  “How are you feeling?” Rebecca smirked when she saw you slump into a chair
  “My feet hurt” you whined
  “You’re married!” she cooed as she helped you stand back up, wrapping her arm around your waist so you didn’t fall
  “I know!” you exclaimed silently
  “Let’s get some champagne to celebrate!” You had a few more drinks than you intended and Brendan came up behind you
  “Someone ready to sneak out?” he whispered and you turned around quickly, falling into his chest
  “Yes!” you whispered back, “how should we do it?” he pointed to the back exit and cocked his eyebrow before tilting his head in the direction
  “Let’s get out of here” he smirked. You tried to be as quiet as possible, catching only a glance from your aunt at the bar who just raised her glass to you as you walked out the door.
Brendan’s P.O.V
  You had told (Y/N) that it was probably a better idea to get a room at the hotel so you wouldn’t have to go far to ‘celebrate,’ and she agreed, but when you finally got up there, carrying her dress through the hallways, both of you just passed out.
  “How are you, wife?” you smirked
  “I’m sleepy,” she replied, “how are you, husband?”
  “I know, baby” you laughed
  “Help me get out of this dress” she said as she stood up and you happily obliged. When the dress fell to the ground, she quickly jumped under the covers and you followed suit.
  “So…” you started
  “We’re married” you continued, a smile creeping across your face as she opened her eyes
  “Yes, we are”
  “So what’s next?”
  “What do you mean?”
  “I mean... do we want 2 kids or more?”
  “Baby, I’m tired. We can’t do that tonight…” she laughed and you kissed her forehead
  “You do want kids though?” you asked almost insecurely which she took notice of
  “Of course I do,” she replied, her hand resting on your cheek as she continued to speak, “especially if they’re yours”
  “Alright,” you smiled once more before your question, “2 or more?”
  “Brendan!” she giggled, turning away from you
  “I mean I would have a whole hockey team with you,” you joked, “but I don’t even know where we’d put them all…”
  “2,” she said firmly, “no more, no less. Just two kids”
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holidaywishes · 4 years
just talk to me
Part eight: just talk to me
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  Summary: After two years, you’re still thinking about the Scrapbook Brendan had made; leading to a awkward argument between the two of you
  Warning: It’s a wild ride. Fluff, tiny bit of smut (it’s soft), a lot disorganized and a little bit of angst
  Author’s Note: So I’m changing it up. This was going to be the finale chapter but because I can’t seem to get it how I want it, I’m stretching it out a few extra chapters. I hope you enjoy this, even if it is a little all over the place.
  P.S. If you saw my post the other day, you’d know the majority of this chapter was supposed to be a little different but I tried to make it as similar as I remember -- and, yes, I realize no one knows how it would’ve gone other than me but still -- so I apologize if it seems like two different chapters in one. I’m working on bringing back as much as I can remember.
  the other masterlist
  You never really talked about the scrapbook after that night. You tried to bring it up a few times but Brendan would always run to practice or change the subject so you dropped it; but, after two years, it was still on your mind. So, when he went to lunch with the team one day, you found the scrapbook again and flipped through it. It made you smile a little more this time than it did when you first saw it and you started imagining what life would be like with Brendan, and what your kids would look like like you’d done before. It brought you back to the beginning of your relationship with him, how it all felt so natural and easy.
  “Babe?” Brendan called out when he walked through the door, “I got take-out because I didn’t really want to cook. You here?”
  “Hey!” you said, popping out from behind the wall, “I missed you...” He held up the takeout and you smiled at him
  “I miss you always” he replied, leaning in to kiss you lightly but you didn’t want to let him go quite yet, so you pulled him close to you, moving back against the wall. “Whoa, hey,” he breathed between kisses, “what’s goin’ on?”
  “What? Can’t I kiss you? You don’t wanna kiss me?”
  “I didn’t say that”
  “Good. Don’t say anything,” you smiled, “just kiss me”
  “I just wanna know where this is coming from..” he pulled away again and you wrapped your fingers around the belt loops on his jeans to bring him close to you again, “so I can make sure I do whatever I did again. Because I like coming home to this...” He finally sank into the kiss and tangled his hands in your hair before letting his hands drift down to your hips where he pushed you tightly between him and the wall and you let out a small moan
  “I want you, Brendan,” you whispered and he smiled against your lips. Kissing you was his only response before he knelt down to push your jeans off, slowly gliding his fingers up your legs; his lips pressing lightly only when you started to get impatient.
  “ah ah,” he taunted, finally standing back up to meet your eyes, “don’t be a brat.” You gasped sarcastically at his words while his hands reached around you to lift you up and pin you against the wall, your hands trailing down to push down his jeans, freeing his member only to take him in your hands as his lips locked onto yours. You continued to stroke him until he broke the kiss, signaling he needed you; the feeling of him finally filling you up left you breathless. He started off slowly, in typical Brendan fashion, but something switched in him and he quickly began pounding into you and, for a second, you worried that the two of you might put a hole in the wall. The two of you panting filled up the room and it slowly built up into loud moans and eventual screams when you reached your climax together. You flopped your body against his shoulder laughing to yourself, “what?” Brendan asked, smiling as he tried to control his breathing
  “Nothing,” you replied, “just.. that was fun”
  “It really was.” He set you down gently and you leaned against him while you tried to regain the feeling in your legs. When the two of you got upstairs, you were quick to jump under the covers just to cuddle.
  “So.. what do you imagine your wedding will be?” you asked sheepishly
  “Have you been thinking about it?” he asked
  “A little but I wanna hear what you’re thinking first before I say anything...”
  “I mean.. I haven’t imagined it but I’ve thought about it a little. I’d get married in the summer, during the off season obviously” he smiled
  “Obviously” you joked
  “Right. Somewhere not super fancy but nice enough, take that however you want,” he laughed, “I’d be in a nice suit. Friends and family would be there. It would be a party. And at the end of it all, I’d marry the love of my life.” It was so simple that it was almost perfect and yet, something was wrong. You couldn’t actually picture being married to Brendan. What life would be like after the wedding. What being husband and wife would mean. You propped yourself up on your forearm to look at him as you thought more about it.
  “What about after the wedding?” you asked
  “Well, then we’d be married” he joked
  “Har har very funny,” you chided, “I mean what does it look like to you? To be husband and wife? The actual being married part?”
  “I mean, not a lot would change I guess..” he started, “we’d keep doing what we’ve been doing. We’d live together, like we have, like we are. We’d take turns with groceries and cooking and laundry. We’d switch off which families we spend holidays with each year. We’d wake up next to each other every morning. We’d have fun like this every night. In every room. We’d binge watch series together and never move onto the next episode if the other isn’t there to continue it. We’d take care of each other when we’re sick. We’d do everything that we’ve been doing. We’d be us.. just more. Oh and with a kid or two thrown in the mix.” He ended with a laugh and your eyes drifted away from his
  “So, I’d just be a wife and a mother?” you asked, looking down to watch as you drew shapes on his shoulder
  “What?” was all he said and you stood up, wandering into the kitchen to grab a glass of water.
  “Are we not supposed to be a team?” you asked, filling the glass of water up and sighing before taking a drink
  “We are a team but,” he started, grunting as he stood up from where he was laying, “this is all hypothetical.”
  “Hypoth--” you growled, “yes. It’s hypothetical. But how do I know it’s not going to play out exactly like this if we actually get married?”
  “How what is going to play out?” he asked, placing his hand on your shoulder but you shifted away from him, “just talk to me (Y/N)”
  “I can’t just be Mrs. Brendan Gallagher. I need to have my own life, my own responsibilities.”
  “You can”
  “Not if we have kids. Because you won’t stop playing Hockey”
  “Because It’s my job”
  “I have my own job but I guess that doesn’t rate, does it?” you scoffed, marching to sit on the couch
  “Of course it rates. What does that even mean?”
  “If we get married, and you want to have kids--”
  “You do too--” Brendan interrupted
  “Am I supposed to quit everything? to be a stay at home Mom?”
  “You don’t have to”
  “But it’s up to me. It’s my choice right?”
  “You wouldn’t offer?”
  “To quit my job? I can’t offer that,” he said, furrowing his brow, “it’s not just like an office job. I’ve been working for this my whole life and, now that I’m here, I’m not just gonna quit”
  “But I’m expected to?”
  “I didn’t say that.” He shouted and you shook your head, “we can get a nanny or a babysitter or day care. It doesn’t have to be an ultimatum.”
  “Doesn’t it though?”
  “No. Why do you think it does?”
  “Because, I’ve watched the people in this city and how they act toward the players...” you started, “my job isn’t something I can do from home or do from anywhere. I have to be here, I have to go in to the office or the locations but as a woman, people would expect me to raise my child, our child, without the help of a nanny.”
  “Because,” you said, standing up and pushing past him, “they’re old school here.”
  “Okay, well I don’t care,” he challenged, “they can’t tell us how to raise our child.”
  “BUT THAT’S JUST IT!” you yelled, “it wouldn’t be you raising our child. That’s not me saying you wouldn’t be there or you wouldn’t be a good father, that’s me saying I would be the one taking care of the kid and teaching them things and making sure they didn’t get screwed up. You’d be their hero. Their dad. I wouldn’t be that to them or to the city of Montreal. Especially if I didn’t quit my job to be a mother.”
  “I...” he stuttered, “I don’t know what you want me to say.” You shook your head, heading toward the bedroom
  “Whether you believe this is the case or not, B, it’s an issue that we have to talk about. But I guess,” you sighed, “just understand that this is something that can’t just be thrown up in the air. I need to know where you stand. What do you want me to be when we’re married? What do you expect our marriage to look like? What do you expect us to look like?” You waited for him to say something to calm your nerves but he just dropped his head and you scoffed, nodding your head slowly before heading up the stairs. For the first time in a long time, you weren’t sure what Brendan wanted from you. You had always known that he loved you and that he, on some level, wanted to marry you but it seemed now like his ideas of marriage didn’t match what yours did.
  And now you were left with what choices to make.
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holidaywishes · 5 years
back home
Part seven: back home
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  Summary: A few months after your accident, and making up with Brendan, you decide to head back to Montreal to stay with him for a bit.
  Author’s Note: So, this one’s short but it’s been forever since I’ve updated this series but life happened. Anyway! I don’t know how many more ‘chapters’ of this one there will be -- I’m hoping to end it on an even number lol -- but I still feel like there needs to be more Gally imagines out there! We’ll see how my brain works with that in the future but if anyone feels the same and wants me to write something, my asks are always open!
  Warning: Angst maybe? Other than that nothing 
  Being back in Brendan’s apartment felt surreal. Nothing had really changed; he kept all your artwork, the throw blankets were still on the couches that you put them on, each room had scented candles or fairy lights to add “a little something” as you used to say. 
  It was as if you never left.
  “Wow, Bren,” you giggled, “you didn’t change anything”
  “I couldn’t. I knew you’d be back home soon and I wanted you to be comfortable..” You smiled at his admission, leaning up to kiss him on the cheek quickly and wandered into the kitchen. You weren’t really sure what you were looking for, so you opened the fridge and stared at the items until Brendan asked you what was wrong
  “Nothing, no. I just..” you started, “I think you need some groceries. I’ll head over to the store and get some stuff. Anything you want? That you’re craving?”
  “I can go, you just stay here and rest” he smiled 
  “I don’t need to rest, I’m fine. Really. Honestly, I should be doing more. It’s been three months since I’ve been out of the hospital, it’s probably time that my life gets back to normal” you admitted
  “I just don’t want you to overexert yourself and end up getting hurt,” he said as he leaned his forehead against yours, “I worry about you”
  “There’s no need to worry, trust me,” you laughed, “if you’re so worried, you can come with me.” You knew you didn’t need him to come with you but it was obvious that he wasn’t going to let you go alone, so you told him what you knew he needed to hear. Something you’d done so many times before. When you got to the store, he let you lead him through the aisles and you picked up all of the things that you’d been craving for months as well as a few things that you knew you’d need for meals. You were glad that this felt normal, like you truly were just picking up where you left off and not pretending to live someone else’s life but you could tell Brendan was being extremely cautious with you.
  “I’m not gonna break” you laughed, breaking the silence and the careful looks you could feel him giving you
  “Huh?” he questioned, unconvincingly
  “I can feel you watching me, Bren,” you looked back once, before setting your eyes forward to see where you were going, “I’m fine. I feel fine, I won’t break just from walking through the grocery store…”
  “Maybe I’m just watching you because I like looking at you, ever think of that?” he joked and you rolled your eyes as you continued walking, picking up a bag of chips as you passed them
  “Sure, okay” you said
  “Hey,” he stopped you and pulled you closer to him, leaving you to raise your eyebrows in shock, “I was serious you know?”
  “What? that you like looking at me?” you laughed, trying to turn away but he didn’t let you
  “Well yeah,” he smiled faintly, “but that I want you to be careful. I don’t want you getting hurt because you think you can do more than you can right now.”
  “Brendan, please,” you finally escaped his hold and continued walking, “I told you, it’s been three months. If I stop doing things, I’ll never get better and I’ll end up having the bone density of a 90 year old grandma. Just trust me, I know what I’m doing.” He didn’t argue with you the rest of the trip and he only asked once how you were feeling in the car on the way home. He was trying, you could tell, to start fresh. To make it as though the relationship you ended was not the relationship you were starting, but you couldn’t tell if you wanted that or not. The rest of the night, the two of you sat in almost complete, comfortable silence with each other -- eating dinner, catching up on Orange is the New Black and Jane the Virgin, cuddling up next to each other on the couch -- but you couldn’t help feeling like there was an itch you needed to scratch.
  “What’s wrong?” Brendan finally asked, “are you okay? Feeling some pain somewhere? I knew it, you should’ve rested, I should’ve made you rest”
  “No, stop!” you said, louder than you meant to, “why would you think something is wrong?” 
  “You’re just being really quiet. You haven’t been this quiet since…” you waited for his answer but rolled your eyes at what he gave you, “since we broke up”
  “Since we broke up? You mean since I left and wouldn’t return your calls?” you questioned and he nodded, “everything’s fine, Brendan, don’t worry. I’m not in any pain. I don’t need any rest. Everything’s fine.” Your words were abrupt on purpose. You wanted him to feel them and understand that something really was wrong, even if you weren’t sure what it was, but he didn’t. He just went back to watching the screen and pulling you close to cuddle with him. You tried to push whatever you were feeling out of your head for now, so you told Brendan you were going to head to bed and walked up the stairs to his bedroom. He came in shortly after you laid down, having cleaned and locked up everything downstairs, and tucked himself into you. When you woke up the next morning, you were surprised to see his side of the bed was empty and a note was left on the pillow.
  “Didn’t want to wake you, had to head to the rink for practice but I’ll see you tonight. Have a good day, love you.” 
  Short and sweet, just like Brendan. Without him hanging around today, you thought you’d be able to relax and do as you pleased; you just weren’t sure where to start. You found yourself wandering around the house to see if anything needed to be cleaned or organized, but oddly enough, he was like he was staying out of certain rooms all together -- it made the house look eerie. You decided to poke around in the guest room, not looking for anything in particular, when you across an old photo album you had never seen before; opening it, you found pictures of you as a baby and Brendan growing up, his family and yours, then you saw pictures of flowers and babies and baby animals when it hit you. It was some kind of wedding scrapbook. You thought only girls planned their lives, or at least their weddings, so far in advance but apparently Brendan had been thinking about spending his life with you for longer than you thought possible. Wandering out of the guest room to the couch, you flipped through the rest of the pages of the book, tossing it aside when you were finished and sighing when you realized what was wrong. A few hours later, Brendan came home to you watching a movie on the couch and circled to sit down, stopping when he saw the scrapbook
  “You found that huh?” he laughed, picking it up and placing it on the table behind the couch as he sat down next you
  “I did” you smiled but not making eye contact, choosing instead to watch your fingers fiddle with the hem of your pants
  “What’s up?” he asked
  “Why do you have this? Why did you make it?” you replied, finally looking up at him and pointing to the book
  “Like you never thought about our future” he joked, smiling his signature smile
  “I did,” you smiled briefly, “I used to”
  “Past tense?” he asked, scrunching his eyebrows
  “Brendan,” you started, grabbing the scrapbook off the table and flipping through it, “look at this. This isn’t who we are anymore. I used to think that I wanted all of this -- the big princess gown, the white lillies, a wedding in Spring with you as the one waiting for me at the altar -- but I can’t picture it anymore. It seems like another lifetime”
  “So.. you can’t see us getting married or having kids? Growing old together.” The expression on his face softened and it looked as though he might cry
  “I’ve been trying to figure out all day what’s been wrong. Why I feel out of place, why things don’t feel… natural, and looking through this scrapbook finally made me realize”
  “That you don’t love me?” he said bluntly, looking at the ground and you brought your hands to his
  “That we haven’t acknowledged anything.” You replied, “we never talked about what happened when I cheated, we never talked about all the fighting and arguing that happened before we broke up. And after my accident, we just picked up where we left off. Which should’ve, and could’ve, been great but it was like there was all of this stuff still unsaid. You’ve never talked about how you felt before we broke up, you never talked about how hurt you were until we started yelling at each other all the time. I love you, B, and I always want you in my life, whatever that looks like, but I can’t just continue on with this relationship if nothing is going to change. If we both just have to continue pretending that we’re the people we were four or five years ago.”
  “Sure, we’re different than when we first met,” he admitted, “but if I can get over what happened in the past, and you can, do we have to bring it back? Can’t it just stay in the past?”
  “Come on, Bren,” you sighed, “I think you know the answer to that”
  “You want me to tell you everything? To be painfully honest with you about everything that went down?” he started, turning his body to yours, “I can’t. Not really. I can tell you that it hurt like hell when I found out you were with someone else. I was pissed off at the two of you because I thought that our relationship was stronger than that but I loved you enough, and I knew you loved me enough, that I knew we would be okay. And we were. And then we weren’t. And then we were. And I never stopped loving you or wanting to spend my life with you and that car accident just made me realize how much I need you in my life. So, yeah. I want to put everything in the past because I believe we can leave it there and still be us. I don’t care about what happened before we broke up, I care about what happens now and what we mean to each other now.” You were a bit shocked by his words and didn’t know what to say, so you were silently staring at him for about five minutes before he called out your name
  “Just promise me, you’ll talk to me,” you finally said, “whenever something is wrong. I don’t want us to be in that place where we just fight all the time. Not again. Okay?”
  “Okay” he smiled before pulling you close to him, wrapping his arms around you and kissing you deeply.
  “We do need to talk about this scrapbook thing though” you joked, pulling away from the kiss for a second
  “Hmm mmm nope,” he mumbled, pecking your lips between words, “not now. Right now, I’m just gonna kiss you until we both fall asleep.”
  “And then tomorrow we talk about it?” you tried but he just shook his head and continued planting kisses along your jawline, toward your neck and back to your lips; leaving you to ignore the scrapbook for now.
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holidaywishes · 5 years
I love you...
part six: I love you...
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  Summary: You’re finally out of the hospital and back at your parents place, Brendan comes to take care of you every chance he gets but you’re still left trying to figure out what you mean to each other. 
  Warning: angst
  Author’s Note: My brain is fuzzy and my emotions are on the rocks, much like my whiskey, so excuse the random chapters that come from it all -- whether it’s an addition to a series or a short imagine or a possible new series. I’m sorry this is pretty short but it’s been so long since I’ve worked on this series (literally, I started it back in April but got super busy with stuff) that it was kind of just a catch up for me. Hopefully, it’s still somewhat enjoyable!
  P.S.: (Y/m/N) is your Mom’s name :)
  You were still moving very slowly. It was kind of expected since you hadn’t really moved in almost two weeks; you were just happy to be out of that hospital room. Every time you looked at Brendan your heart ached; you were so grateful for everything he’d done, and was still doing, for you. 
  “You know, you can leave me alone?” you joked, watching Brendan flutter around the living room trying to make you comfortable
  “What? I know, I just want to make sure you have everything before I leave…” 
  “Okay okay, I’m going to play golf with my Dad for a bit but I’ll be back later” he said, kissing your forehead before he left
  “I’ll see you later” you called as he walked out the door and your Dad came over to sit at the end of the couch
  “So…” he started, “the two of you seem to be in a better place”
  “It’s complicated…” you replied, staring at him while trying to get into a more comfortable position
  “What’s complicated about it?” he asked, “he loves you and he took care of you every day when you were in the hospital…”
  “I know, Dad, but before the accident…” you tried, “there’s just.. more to it than him being there for me and taking care of me. I don’t know if it’s a good idea for us to be together…”
  “You do love him though?”
  “Of course I do,” you confessed and your Dad gestured as if to say, well there you go! “We broke up.”
  “And then you got back together”
  “But we didn’t…”
  “We kissed, yes, and then I woke up and told him I loved him. But there was no discussion. I don’t know who I am to him anymore… I don’t know who he is to me anymore…”
  “What does that even mean?” your Mom said, popping out from the hallway and you rolled your eyes, “can you just be honest with yourself, for once, please?”
  “I am being honest…” you argued, “I don’t know if it’s the right thing for us to get back together right now. Or ever…”
  “And why not?” your Mom pressed
  “For the same reason we broke up,” you said, “we’re in different places, different headspaces, right now. I love him, I do, and I always will but had this accident not happened we would’ve just moved on. He would’ve just moved on. Which is what he needs to do. He needs to find someone who isn’t such a… burden..”
  “(Y/N).. you’re not a burden. He doesn’t think that, you have to know that” your Dad tried, giving you a sympathetic look
  “Maybe… it’s just complicated. When I woke up and saw him there, I remembered all the feelings I had for him when we first met and I couldn’t stop the words from coming out of my mouth. Things are different now though,” you stumbled over your words as images of your and Brendan’s relationship flooded your head, “I love him so much, but I can’t keep looking over his shoulder or waiting for the day he realizes that there are so many options for him…”
  “You’re being selfish” your Mom yelled and your jaw dropped
  “(Y/m/N)” your Dad countered
  “I’m not being selfish! Why would you say that?!” you cried
  “Because you are. This boy has spent the better part of a week at your side, never leaving you even when we told him to go home. He cried when you wouldn’t wake up, he never pushed you to do anything you weren’t ready for!”
  “I never asked him to stay, Mom,” you started before she interrupted you
  “Well how could you have? You were practically in a coma!” she shouted 
  “(Y/m/N)!!” Your Dad stood up, starting to drag her away when he realized this was going to escalate; but it was too late
  “AND WHOSE FAULT IS THAT?!” you screamed, slowly standing up from the couch, “I told you not to go too fast around that bend, I told you to slow down, I told you I didn’t like that stretch of road. I TOLD YOU TO LOOK OUT INSTEAD OF PRYING INTO MY PERSONAL LIFE! BUT NO. NO, you had to stick your nose where it didn’t belong and you almost ended up killing the both of us!”
  “(Y/N) ENOUGH!” Your Dad tried, standing in front of you to block your line of sight to your Mom
  “NO!” you yelled at him, staring up at him, wincing from the pain in your legs, and pushed him aside, “you keep interfering in my life like I’m still five years old! I told you what I was feeling, I never tried to hide it from you but the answer I gave you wasn’t the answer you wanted. So you pushed and pushed and pushed until we wound up in the goddamn hospital!” 
  “I just wanted you to give him another chance!” she yelled back at you, “it looked so promising at the arcade…”
  “It doesn’t matter! It doesn’t change the fact that I told you we weren’t getting back together. ONE KISS DOES NOT MEAN THAT ALL OUR PROBLEMS HAVE BEEN FIXED!”
  “DO NOT YELL AT ME (Y/N) (Y/M/N) (Y/L/N)”
  “OH, you’re gonna full name me? I’m so scared…” you mocked and her face turned beet red
  “That’s not what I’m talking about, (Y/N),” she said, finally an air of calmness to her tone, “before the accident, before the arcade, before you even got here. You wouldn’t listen to anyone else about how this one bump in your relationship could be fixed…”
  “It didn’t need to be fixed, Mom,” you matched her tone of voice, sitting down when you couldn’t handle the pain any longer, “we were together for so long that leaving felt… wrong. I just couldn’t imagine not being with him but the love I felt for him at the start was different than the love I felt for him near the end. We’d grown apart and the love I had for him before we broke up felt more like an obligation than anything real…” You watched her face fall as she listened to you speak, realizing she must be finally hearing what you’d been saying after all this time, “I will always love him, Mom. I love him so much that it physically hurts to lose him. Who knows? Maybe we’ll work it out and we’ll get back together but I need that to be our decision. Mine and Brendan’s. Not yours. Does that make sense?” 
  “Of course it makes sense,” she grabbed your hands as a tear fell down her cheek, “I love you baby girl”
  “I love you too, Mama.”
  The air had finally settled between you and your Mom by the time Brendan came back to visit you and you hoped that he wouldn’t be able to notice anything. He greeted you on the couch where you sat with a simple kiss on your cheek and a small hello
  “Hey” you smiled back as he scooted closer to you. He smiled at you and your whole body filled with warmth; the same feeling that you’d felt on your first date with him and the one you knew you’d probably feel forever, so you leaned in to give him a kiss on the cheek which got him slightly flustered and you laughed 
  “So.. you feeling better?” he asked
  “Sort of… it’s hard to tell,” you admitted,”I mean I can’t tell what’s new pain and what’s just the medication wearing off”
  “You need something more? I can grab y--” he started, quickly standing up 
  “No, no Brendan,” you smiled, “sit down. I don’t need any medication, I’m fine.” He sat down and looked straight ahead, while you looked at him and tried to gauge the silence before saying anything. You sat up so you were almost face to face with him, waiting for him to look at you. When he finally did, he searched your face as you searched his eyes; noticing the gorgeous sea green shift into a darker jade colour that captivated you and you unintentionally took a sharp breath 
  “What’s wrong?” he asked, furrowing his brow and turning his body to face yours
  “We really should talk…” you said, peeling your eyes from his and stationing them to your hands on your lap
  “About what…?”
  “What are we, B?”
  “We’re… us…”   “Okay… but what does that mean? What does that look like now?”
  “Well.. I guess it looks like what it’s always looked like…” he guided your eyes back to him by lifted your chin up with his fingers, “maybe it’ll be a little more complicated than it was before but I’m up for a challenge.” He laughed once, forcing a smile to play on your lips
  “You always are aren’t you?” you looked down at his hands before grabbing his left, running your thumb over the scar; you honestly weren’t sure what you wanted right now or what you wanted your relationship with Brendan to be at this point and all you were waiting for was some miraculous thought to pop into your head 
  “Hey…” he said after a while, causing you to look up at him, “what do you want us to look like?”
  “I…” you started, trying to find the words, “I honestly don’t know”
  “And you thought I’d have the answer?”
  “I was hoping you would, yeah” you laughed 
  “Well no luck,” he replied with a smile, “you’re gonna have to tell me what you want”
  “I think we have to take.. whatever this is… slow,” you admitted, “I don’t know what we are, what we’re supposed to be or if we can get back to what we were…” As you rambled, you noticed Brendan’s eyes shift away from you and he mumbled something that you didn’t quite hear, forcing you to ask him to repeat it
  “Should I go?” His voice was solemn and sad 
  “What? No…” you said, slightly over-zealously, “look I don’t know much of anything right now. I don’t know if we’re good together, I don’t know if it’s a good idea, I don’t know what either of us are thinking. See? I don’t know anything more than how I feel…” He lifted his gaze to you once more as if to tell you to continue, giving you a curious look and you smiled at him; the boy with the face that you could never truly say ‘no’ to, “all I know right now, for sure, is that I love you...” His face was soon overtaken with his giant gleaming grin and he captured you in a kiss that pinched your ribs when you breathed in sharply; Brendan pulled away when he noticed
  “Shit, I’m sorry” he said, leaning his forehead against yours before pressing a kiss to it
  “That’s okay,” you smiled, continuing your thought from before the kiss, “I want to try us. One more time. I want to be with you for a little while longer and if it doesn’t work, then at least we know we tried. But, for now, for a little while we can just be together. If that’s okay?”
  “Of course it’s okay!” he practically shouted, “I love you, (Y/N)...” You smiled at him before melting into his kiss, breaking away only to repeat his words 
  “I love you…”
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holidaywishes · 6 years
stay with me
Part five: stay with me
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  Summary: After your car is hit and sent toppling over, Brendan calls the police and is right by your side when you wake up at the hospital
  Author’s Note: So, this one was partially inspired by this Freddie Andersen imagine I read a little while ago and also a little by my car accident last year.
  Warning: Car accident, injury, hospitals, angst
  You barely remember getting hit.
  You and your Dad had come close before, your Mom had been in an accident before that left her in the hospital for two months but you had never been hit. And all you could remember was telling your Mom to slow down and hearing the sounds of the car tires screeching as she tried to avoid the oncoming car. You woke up briefly and could swear that Brendan was calling to you but you couldn’t keep your eyes open long enough to tell. You were drifting in and out of consciousness for what felt like an hour only to be forced awake by a sudden, excruciating pain in your leg. When you finally opened your eyes, you saw the lights from cop cars and your Mom’s terrified expression as blood fell down her face. She started yelling louder when she was fully awake, calling for help for you, trying to get someone to grab both of you out of the car but you couldn’t move without screaming at the pain in your leg. Which was soon mirrored by the pain in your head. A Firefighter quickly appeared at your window to tell you to stay calm when you started to scream
  “GET US OUT!” Your Mom yelled past you and you winced at everything around you; the yelling, the pain, the fumes from the deflating airbags. Everything seemed louder and heavier around you but you couldn’t move to escape any of it. When you finally attempted to speak your throat was like sandpaper but no sound came from it, just a few grunts and moans when you tried to fully gain consciousness.
  “Ma’am.. ma’am, please, calm down we are doing our best to get both of you out” the Firefighter said calmly over you to your Mom who, at this point, was sobbing uncontrollably; you had never seen her so terrified. You tried to outstretch your hand to your mom but couldn’t get it much further than a 90 angle before you felt like your skin was tearing itself apart.
  “Miss!” your attention was suddenly drawn to the Firefighter who had been talking to your Mom earlier, “I need you not to move…” The urgency in his voice terrified you and your breathing increased as you tried to force the words out of your throat
  “What’s wrong?” the sound was shaky and quiet but you managed to get the words out
  “What is your name?” he asked, trying to distract you enough to calm you down
  “(Y/N)...” he said softly, “it looks like you’ve punctured your ribs, possibly your lungs”
  “But I don’t feel anything.. like not that bad...”
  “That’s most likely because of the shock,” he explained, “but trust me if you move, you will feel it and you will definitely hit something. The best thing you can do right now is just stay as still as you possibly can.”
  “Can you call my Dad?...” your voice trembled as you spoke but before the Firefighter could respond, you heard a voice say they already had; Brendan...
  “Brendan?” you called, you forgot he had been following close behind and known he must have seen the accident happen.
  “Yeah, baby, I’m here,” he called back to you and you heard him talking to the crowd of people outside of the car, anger edging his voice, “no, I’m not leaving. Let me just stay here and make sure they’re okay! She needs to know I’m here.” This went on for a few minutes before the Firefighter came over to tell you that your boyfriend was here if you needed anything and you started to say he wasn’t your boyfriend but you were just happy he was there, so you smiled and tried to stay as still as possible. You wanted out of the car, you wanted the pain to be gone, you wanted to be able to breathe in clean air but you couldn’t, you could just wait. The Firefighters finally attempting to move your Mom out of the car and you would hear her scream and cry and scream and cry and you would try your best not to react so you didn’t injure yourself. As soon as your Mom was out of the car and you heard your Dad comfort her; your emotions taking over you
  “Brendan…” you called out lightly, trying not to strain yourself, “Brendan…”
  “I’m here, (Y/N), I’m right here baby” you heard him say to you before appearing in your window
  “I’m sorry,” you said weakly, quietly, before he asked what for, “I didn’t know how much I needed you until you were gone but I thought you’d be better off without me…”
  “Shh, we don’t have to talk about this baby” he hushed you and you felt the car shift, stopping your airflow and all of a sudden you couldn’t breathe; your eyes drifted closed and your breathing turned to wheezing, your mind not being able to sort fiction from reality
  “I love you Brend--”
  “(Y/N)?,” there was panic in his voice as you felt blood trickle down your skin under your shirt, “oh my god! Help! Someone! (Y/N), baby, stay with me…” you were awake just long enough to groggily respond to him
  “I love that song…” a cough raising in your throat, “won’t you stay with me? ‘Cause you’re all I need, it’s not love -- it’s clear. to. see. but darling. stay. with. Me--” Your words were breathless and almost inaudible under the gargle of blood but you couldn’t differentiate between the pain and drowsiness; not realizing you had drifted off.
  “(Y/N)?” you heard Brendan call your name one last time before you finally drifted off and you wondered if you’d ever see his face again.
Brendan’s P.O.V.
  It had three days since the accident. Three days and she hadn’t woken up. The doctor’s tried to assure you that everything was fine, that (Y/N) would wake up and be okay and everything would get back to normal but how could it when she hadn’t woken up in three days; when you hadn’t seen her beautiful (Y/E/C) eyes in three days. Why did three days feel like an eternity?
  “Go home, Brendan,” you heard (Y/N)’s Dad say as he walked in the hospital room, “get some rest. Take a shower. We’ll call you if anything happens”
  “No. I’m not leaving her. I can’t” you replied, still clutching (Y/N)’s hand
  “Sweetheart,” her Mom said gently, “we just need a second alone with her okay? You’ve been so amazing and we’re so appreciative, but please. Go grab some coffee or some food.” You looked between the two of them, clearly exhausted from crying and worrying, and you nodded your head before giving them each a hug and heading on your way; standing just outside the doorway for a quick second before you heard (Y/N)’s Mom start crying. Your mind kept racing over the last thing she said to you before passing out. She told you she loved you -- before she started singing that is. Was she just delirious or could she really have meant it? It wouldn’t change the way you felt about her. You were pretty sure you’d die loving her. But you didn’t want the last memory you had of her to be her in pain.
  “Are you alright?” a voice asked from in front of you
  “My girlfriend’s in a coma. I don’t know when she’s going to wake up. Her parents haven’t slept in days. I don’t remember the last time I was home and this coffee sucks,” you snapped, smiling awkwardly at the woman in front of you, “sorry, I guess I’ve had better days.”
  “She’ll wake up,” the woman said and you scrunched your face, weary of her words, “they always do.”
  “Not always.”
  “Almost always”
  “How do you know?”
  “My husband. He was in a coma for two weeks and all the doctor’s kept telling me was to be patient. To talk to him. But I couldn’t look at him like that. So still. So… lifeless. Eventually, I read him his favourite book, The Velveteen Rabbit, and the next day he was awake. It was like something out of a movie,” she smiled at you and you smiled back, “believe me. Your girlfriend will wake up and everything will be okay.”
  “Thank you” you responded gently, still unsure if you believed her but a little hope was better than none. You decided to go home and take a shower and visit with your family before heading back, taking one of (Y/N)’s favourite shirts of yours with you; noticing no one in the room when you got there. You snuck in right beside her, taking her hand in yours, and started talking to her. Saying things about the weather and the crappy hospital food and how the walls made you feel like you were going blind, then you told her you loved her and you hoped she loved you but you weren’t going to push it, not now.
  “(Y/N),” you sighed heavily, “baby, wake up. I miss you. Stay with me, come back to me. Please baby.” You leaned your head on her arm as a tear rolled down your cheek when you felt a sudden movement, not thinking too much of it though, you kept your head down.
  “Brendan?” You popped your head up so quickly that you swore you sprained your neck. Her voice was raspy and quiet but it was hers, it was (Y/N)’s. She was awake.
  “How are you feeling baby?” you leaned in to press a kiss to her forehead as she asked for a glass of water, “drink slowly baby, I’ll be right back. I have to grab a doctor”
  “Don’t go…” the look she gave you showed worry and you stepped back to her to whisper in her ear
  “I’ll be right back, okay baby,” you whispered in her ear, “I’ll tell your Mom and Dad to come in.” Soon enough, the room was filled with people crying happy tears but you could tell (Y/N) was getting overwhelmed so you told her you’d step out and leave you alone with her parents but she stopped you and asked you to stay. You agreed mostly because you couldn’t imagine another second without her but also because you didn’t see the point in arguing with anyone; after a few hours, her parents left the room and it was just the two of you. You held her hand softly in yours, kissing her knuckles lightly before looking up and smiling at her.
  “I love you, (Y/N)” she smiled weakly and you prepared yourself for the rejection she would most likely give you but you felt her move her hand to cup your cheek
  “I love you too, Brendan.”
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holidaywishes · 6 years
the on and off thing
Part four: the on and off thing
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  Summary: You’re back home in BC and finally starting to deal with your breakup when your Mom invites Brendan for dinner when he comes home
  Warning: some swearing, angst, some fluff, mention of Car Accident (to be continued)
  Author’s Note: I had originally planned for this chapter to have more of the car accident in it but decided to instead move it to its own chapter because I liked the suspense of the ending of this one instead.
  You had been to every game or at least watched every game. Even though he wasn’t yours anymore, you still wanted to support him; you still loved watching him play. You stayed in Montreal for a few months after the break up because you couldn’t just quit your job and leave but after what happened, after telling him you didn’t love him, the city became dark and lonely.
  So, you left. You seemed to be doing that a lot. Leaving. But this was the best thing for both of you. Distance would prove to be the best decision. But it wasn’t easy. Montreal had been your home for four years and every part of it had good memories but so many of those memories belonged to you and Brendan and you just couldn’t look at those parts of the city without seeing him. And leaving those memories behind hurt almost as much as leaving Brendan behind. The Canadiens were on a pretty good streak for a while, only losing one away game, but they ran into some bad luck in the first round of the postseason.
  “They lost…” your Mom said as you stared blankly at the T.V. screen
  “What?” you asked, shutting it off and walked over to the window
  “Montreal, they’re out of the playoffs again,” she answered and you stared out the big bay window in your family room, “that cup seems like an impossible dream at this point huh?”
  “The season is over. They’ll get over it. Try again in October…” you said absentmindedly, watching the squirrels chase each other up the tree in your parents front yard.
  “You gonna see him?”
  “Gally… when he comes home. Are you going to spend some time with him?”
  “No, Mom. I left. I told him I’d give him space…” you sighed, rubbing your temples
  “You’ve given each other months of space and you see how well that’s gone for him. And you’re not any better off either…”
  “Mom, please. Don’t start this again…”
  “I just think you should give him another chance,” You stormed out of the room, intending on hiding out in your room until she let this go but she blocked your path, “he was the best thing that ever happened to you…”
  “I’m over this conversation with you, Mom! We broke up. We’re not getting back together. I’m sorry that upsets you so much. I... have to get out of here..”
  “(Y/N)! Wait, stop! Come back here” your Mom called after you as you stormed out of the house, your feet starting to quicken their pace without you realizing. You were pissed at your Mom. You hated when she did this. She thought it was fate that the two of you lived two towns apart growing up but only met when you decided to go to a Habs v Canucks game one day; becoming immediately smitten with him. You never expected your Mom to get so invested in the relationship and yet, she seemed to be taking the break up harder than you. You knew she was probably calling him right now, talking about how sorry she was they weren’t in the playoffs this year but that she’d love to see him and he’d say he’d be in BC to see his family soon and he’d love to stop by and you weren’t prepared for it. You began mumbling things to yourself when a text came in from Max
  “Why did you say you didn’t love him?”
  “Max, I had to. It’s hard to explain…”
  “Then it’s not a good enough reason”
  “I’m sorry you guys are out of the playoffs but we do not need to be having this conversation…”
  “He’s my friend you know. And a good guy, I’m just looking out for him” You raised your eyebrows in disbelief at the words you were reading and you weren’t watching where you were going
  “I know it’s hard to believ--” an arm abruptly stopped you, making you drop your phone, but ultimately saving your life
  “You should probably watch where you’re going…” the stranger said, an annoyed smile on his face
  “I’m so sorry, thank you..” he nodded in appreciation and went on his way. You picked up your phone to find it completely shattered with no sign of you being able to use it again, so you wandered around town for a little before eventually heading home. To no one’s surprise when you got home, your Mom had called Brendan and told him to come visit all of you when he was in town and he happily agreed; you on the other hand, rolled your eyes and tried to come up with an excuse to leave the city before he got there.
  A week had passed and you hadn’t heard anymore from Brendan which made you think he wasn’t going to see you but rather meet up with your Mom somewhere. Your Dad talked you into leaving the house with him and going to the arcade and you laughed, agreeing whole heartedly; it had been ages since you had been to the arcade.
  “I always win at skee-ball, you ready to make a bet?” he teased
  “You’re on!” you joked
  “Loser has to buy the winner a beer...”
  “Seems pretty tame Dad”
  “Okay.. how about loser pays for dinner. For everyone…”
  “Okay…? I thought you would’ve said something like, I don’t know, loser runs through the park yelling profanities at the cops,” you laughed but, when you got no reaction from your Dad, you furrowed your brow, “what’s going on?”
  “Your Mom is still upset…” he started, eyes still staring strongly out the windshield, “she doesn’t understand the breakup. I mean she understands it but she wishes you would change your mind. You’ve barely said anything to her this last week and she wants this dinner to be a nice one…” You huffed, anger filling your body as you rolled your eyes when it suddenly hit you
  “She fucking invited him didn’t she?”
  “God damn it, Dad!”
  “Enough with the language, (Y/N)!”
  “Why are you agreeing to this? Why are you trying to back me into a corner like she has?”
  “We’re not! Your mother just wants you to give Gally a second chance…”
  “Stop the car”
  “What? No, we’re almost to the arcade”
  “Pull the car over, Dad, now!”
  “(Y/N), don’t be upset”
  “STOP THE GODDAMN CAR!” You shouted and he did as you wished, pulling over to the curb where you got out and started to walk back to your parents house before your Dad cut you off with his truck.
  “(Y/N), stop, come back here. Talk to me!” he shouted as you walked around the big, grey vehicle
  “Why? So you can just ignore what I say and do whatever the fuck Mom feels is best for me?” you shouted back at him
  “Baby, we love you. We hate seeing you in pain..” he tried
  “Well you’re gonna have to deal! Brendan and I broke up. It sucks. It hurts. But she can’t just manipulate us back together!!”
  “She’s not trying to”
  “Are you sure? Because it sure as hell feels like it. Calling, texting him while I’m here, inviting him over and to this stupid family dinner? I needed to not be around him for a while. I lost my freaking apartment, my home, when I lost Brendan. I left my job because I couldn’t stand to be in that city anymore without him by my side! But I come back here to sort out my shit and she brings him up every chance she gets. I get it. He was her favourite. But it’s over…” Tears had started to escape your eyes without you realizing and your Dad walked over to wrap you in a hug
  “It’s okay, sweetheart…” he said, rubbing your back as you sobbed
  “I miss him everyday, Dad, but we both need just a bit more time. Before we’re stuck in an awkward situation together…”
  “You sure you don’t want to get back together with him?”
 “I don’t know..” you confessed, “I just don’t really want to do the on and off thing…”
  “Maybe 2nd times the charm?” your Dad said, trying to lighten the mood and you pulled away to look at him
  “We’ll see I guess..”
  The dinner went almost exactly how you expected. You didn’t speak to your Mom much and you shifted in your chair as you watched her watch the door to the restaurant. Then he showed up. And you had forgotten just how handsome and charming he was and it was like you were meeting him for the first time again. Your face was flushed, your breathing was shallow and staying mostly in your chest and you couldn’t stop staring at him. Crap, don’t let Mom see, you thought to yourself, snapping your gaze to your plate.
  “So, Brendan.. How are you doing?” your Mom said sympathetically, the way all mother do when they pry
  “I’m fine,” he said once he swallowed his bite of steak, “yeah, I mean it sucks we’re not in the playoffs again but there’s always next year…” he caught your eye briefly and you smiled sadly at him, knowing he was putting on a brave face about this like he had been doing for years, “besides, how much of an ego would KK have if we won the cup this early in his career?” everyone at the table laughed except you.
  “(Y/N), you’ve hardly touched your food,” your Mom motioned to your plate, causing a scowl to creep over your face, “everything okay?”
  “Guess I’m just not very hungry…” you replied
  “Well, I think you should eat some. We don’t want to waste any food…” she countered
  “I could always just take it to go, Ma”
  “Yes, I think that’s a great compromise,” your Dad chimed in, hating the tension, “so, who’s ready for skee-ball?” Since you and your Dad took so much time on your way to meet your Mom, you never actually went to the arcade but instead decided to save it for later, which also meant that Brendan would be joining you. As the four of you walked through the arcade, you noticed Brendan fall back a little and you habitually fell back with him.
  “Hey…” you nudged him shyly
  “Hey” he said back simply, not even a trace of a smile on his face
  “I’m sorry. That you had to come here. I know it’s awkward and weird…” you started, “I know my Mom roped you into it. So, for her sake, thank you for coming…”
  “I mean it’s not like I was bummed that I’d get to see you…” You blushed but did your best to change the topic
  “How have you been anyway?”
  “Fine. Good, I guess. You seeing anyone?”
  “Uhm,” you stammered, “no, not seeing anyone. Are you?”
  “Nope” he said, popping the ‘P.’ The two of you walked silently for a while before eventually stopping at skee-ball
  “Alright, girlie,” your Dad taunted, “ready to get beat?”
  “Ready to beat you!” you laughed, teasing your dad before looking back at Brendan quickly to gauge his reaction. The game went on for a few rounds before your Mom got bored enough to take Brendan on a walk through the arcade to ‘find a game that better suited them,’ whatever the hell that meant. Before too long, you and your Dad wrapped up skee-ball and tried to find the two remaining members of your group; whack-a-mole is what they chose, interesting choice…
  “Who won?” You heard your Dad say before you could make any quips
  “I did, of course” Brendan said triumphantly and you noticed the pout on your Mom’s face; you had to force yourself not to make fun of her. Your Dad directed the four of you up to the prize table to exchange the winning tickets and you were pulled back by your Mom, completely catching you off guard.
  “Talk to him” she whispered to you and you rolled your eyes
  “I have been talking to him, Mom…”
  “And nothing. It’s weird. You gave it your best shot and that’s all we can ask for” you teased, placing your hand on her shoulder, earning a disapproving stare from her as she knocked your hand away.
  “And there you go!” Your Dad said happily as he gave your Mom a plush cat, with neon ‘fur’ and a weird grin on its face.
  “Wow, thank you honey. This is.. somethin’” she teased but gave him a loving kiss, walking ahead to the car, leaving you and Brendan alone to walk together.
  “Did you drive here?” he asked you, pointing in the direction of the parking lot
  “I came with my Dad..” you answered, “he’ll drive me back…”
  “Sounds good. Did you have fun today?” he said quickly as he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly
  “I did! Surprisingly, did you?” you turned to him just as you got out into the bright BC sun
  “I did.. I uhm..” he stammered, shifting on his heels in front of you, “I wanted to give this to you. I saw it at the table and thought you might like it. He handed you a small black box and your heart stopped for a second, hoping it wasn’t what you thought it was, but you opened it to find a heart shaped key chain.
  “It’s a Sweetheart for my sweetheart…” he said, squeezing his eyes shut at how dumb it was. God you missed that.
  “It’s adorable. Thank you..” you said, leaning in to give him a kiss on the cheek as a goodbye, when he moved just enough that his lips connected with yours. The kiss was soft. Soft enough for you to break away like you thought you would but you stayed there, embracing his lips with yours and beginning to wrap your arms around his neck as his hands settled on your hips. The two of you were being bumped occasionally by the crowd exiting the arcade but nothing pulled you apart until you heard your Dad honk his horn.
  “I should go…” your arms were still wrapped around his neck, his hands sliding up to your waist and your faces incredulously close.
  “Maybe I’ll see you tomorrow?” his eyes bore into yours and you were back to the girl who turned to jelly every time he smiled at her.
  “Maybe…” was your only response before your Dad honked his horn again
  “Bye” he said, holding onto your hand lightly until you were far enough away that it slipped away. You were in a trance. You hadn’t been like this in so long but you knew the feeling all too well.
  “She’ll drive with me. You have to go to the store anyway…” your Mom called to your Dad, forcing you to change the direction of your feet when you heard your Mom call out to Brendan, “you can follow us home Gally!” Your eyes darted to where he was, climbing into his car, and you saw him nod in agreement. You jumped in the front seat of your Mom’s prius and buckled your seatbelt, waiting for her to get in the car; surprised when she didn’t immediately ask a million questions. The ride was only quiet for about five minutes though, when she decided she’d plan your entire relationship from scratch.
  “What did he give you anyway?”
  “I saw him give you a box, was it a ring?”
  “A ring? From the prize table? Yes, Mom, but it was a Ring Pop and it fell and broke on the concrete..” you laughed at your own joke but your Mom was not as amused
  “Don’t be smart, (Y/N), I think it could really happen. I think he probably has something planned for later…”
  “Hold on, what?”
  “He’s in love with you and he has been since day one”
  “But we broke up”
  “But you’re not broken up anymore!”
  “Yes, we are”
  “You don’t kiss someone like that if you’re broken up”
  “That kiss was not what it looked like Mom. It’s complicated…”
  “Then un-complicate it!” She was starting to pick up speed because she was getting frustrated and this stretch of road always made you uncomfortable, having known so many friends who turned the bend too fast or couldn’t stop fast enough
  “Mom, slow down…”
  “I just don’t understand why you keep sabotaging this relationship!”
  “Mom, please, slow down” your voice was beginning to hitch and you were terrified that she was going too fast
  “You love him. I know you do or else you wouldn’t fight me so much on all of this!”
  “You’re right, okay. I love him. Now will you please just slow down?!” you shouted back at your Mom who told you to calm down as she took her foot off the gas pedal slowly and pressed on the brake.
  “We’re fine, Okay?” she said and you sighed, still nervous about the long stretch to go, “but I’m glad you finally admitted your feelings…” She put her foot back on the gas, not going as fast as before but still going faster than she probably should’ve been and then continued to nag you.
  “You promise you’re not going to sabotage this?”
  “Sabotage what?”
  “The proposal?!”
  “Proposal? What proposal?!”
  “Oh, (Y/N), really… You never listen!”
  “I told you, we’re broken up. He doesn’t have anything planned for tonight. That would be impossible.”
  “The impossible is still possible”
  “Who are you, Mary Poppins?”
  “He’s going to propose and you’re going to say yes…” It sounded like a threat, which you desperately wanted to call her out on, but when you saw a car fast approaching from the left, all you wanted to do was avoid a collision
  “Stop!” you yelled
  “(Y/N), I’m serious”
  “No, Mom, Stop the car!” you yelled, eyes growing wide and the last thing you remember was the sound of wheels screeching as your car toppled over itself.
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holidaywishes · 6 years
I want you, all of you
Part three: I want you, all of you.
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  Summary: You and Brendan have been apart for a little less than two weeks. He’s still tried calling and texting you to get you back but you haven’t responded. You finally head back to the apartment to move everything out but get distracted by all the memories.
  Warning: angst, crying, the Notebook lol
  Author’s Note: If you’ve followed my blog the last couple of weeks, you know a) that my masterlist is not being linked probably, so I’ll link that below in the next posts I make for the foreseeable future and b) that I’m writing about three series on three different players, so my mind is all jumbled.
  P.S. (Y/I/H) is for your Instagram handle, even though I’m pretty sure everyone was already aware of that 😃
  Missed Call -- The Kid
  Missed Call -- The Kid
  Missed Call -- The Kid
  Missed Call -- The Kid
  You rolled your eyes as your contact information for Brendan popped up on your screen. You had labelled him The Kid because of how young he looked when you first met him and you hadn’t changed it yet because, honestly, it wasn’t something that even occurred to you. Now, you were forced to think about what to do with his number -- do you delete him completely or just change his name? You had no idea why this was such a big deal but apparently it was. You navigated over to his latest text message, desperately trying not to look, to change his number when a new text came in.
  “Just talk to me” You shook your head and changed his name but that didn’t mean he would stop texting you
  “You haven’t turned off read receipts. I know you’re reading my texts. Call me” Shit, you said squeezing your eyes tight
  “I can’t call. I’m busy…”
  “(Y/N) you know you’re a terrible liar. Don’t even try. Talk to me.”
  “You want me to talk to you. Okay fine. Here you go. I need my stuff from the apartment. Which means I need you to make yourself scarce for a bit. A couple hours.”
  “No. It’s my apartment”
  “Don’t make this difficult, Brendan”
  “What am I supposed to do? I don’t have a game until Saturday… I can’t just roam around for hours waiting for you to be finished”
  “Go hang out with Max or Lehky or go to a bar. I don’t know. Do something. You’re an adult…”
  “I need to see you”
  “No you don’t. You want to. There’s a difference. I’m moving my stuff out and it would be so much better for both of us if it were just me there.”
  “And you say I’m making this difficult”
  “Brendan please.” He didn’t seem to text you after that and your phone was relatively quiet for a few hours. That is until Rebecca posted pictures of the two of you saying goodbye to the apartment
  @theloveofyourlife tagged you in a post: Four years in the centre of pretty much everything and this chick is saying goodbye to her home. You can’t tell by the smile plastered on her face but she’s dying inside. #sostrong #fakingit #whataloser #ilovemybestfriend
  You laughed and sent a quick reply
  (Y/I/H): @theloveofyourlife I’m only smiling because you wouldn’t get the phone out of my face and I have a reputation to maintain.
  Even though the two of you were less than 10 feet from each other, she responded back to you
  @theloveofyourlife commented on her post: Reputation? Yeah right. Baby girl, you’re all smiles. All the time. Which is why I love you 💗💖
  You rolled your eyes and continued going through drawers and cupboards trying to distinguish what was yours and what was Brendan’s; turning off your sound on your phone so you wouldn’t get distracted. A few hours later, you found an old DVD in Brendan’s stuff and decided to play it -- he’d never know. You couldn’t stop yourself from laughing when you saw his little baby face light up the screen as he sang Hakuna Matata. Why had he been hiding this from you? It had to be your new most favourite thing in the entire world.
  And the fact that you’d never be able to see it again, see his face now or then, made you break into tears. It was the first time you realized that your relationship was over. Like seriously over.
  “Oh my god, (Y/N), what’s wrong? What happened?” Rebecca said, running to you from down the hall
  “I just ended a four-year relationship…” you whined, noticing Rebecca’s eyebrows scrunch together
  “Yes… that’s why we’re packing up your stuff…” she said slowly
  “Maybe it was a mistake. I love him. I miss him. I can’t live without him.”
  “Snap out of it, Norma Jean…” you gave her a quizzical look
  “Why Norma Jean?”
  “I don’t know, Marilyn was more of a sex-pot and not a drama queen… it doesn’t matter. Stop being dramatic is what I was getting at”
  “I’m not being dramatic, I r--”
  “You can’t live without him?”
  “Okay, fine that was a little much. But I do love him and I do miss him. And four years is a long time. We’ve gotten through fights before so why now? Why can’t we work this out now?”
  “Because you ended it. Stop playing with him. You know I’m on your side, I always will be, but Gally is a good guy. If this relationship is over, then let it be over. Don’t try convincing yourself that the break up was a mistake or that the break up sex was make up sex. It’ll only hurt the two of you in the end.”
  “You’re right”
  “I know. Now, let’s keep going before he gets h- back” she stopped herself from saying home, thinking it might trigger you or something and you let out a scoff-laugh telling her you’d be fine. After about 20 minutes of silence, you went to turn on some music when you noticed Brendan had been trying to get a hold of you.
  Missed Call: Brendan
  Missed Call: Brendan
  Voicemail: Brendan
  Missed Call (3): Brendan
  Missed Call (4): Brendan
  Voicemail (2): Brendan
  “It doesn’t look like you’re upset”
  “Rebecca doesn’t seem to think so either”
  “Not if that’s her caption”
  “What are you doing?”
  “What is going on?”
  Missed Call (5): Brendan
  “Answer your phone!”
  “What if something was really wrong?!”
  Holy shit. He was going insane. He had never really acted like this before, sure a couple fits of jealousy that dissipated almost immediately after they started, nothing like this. It kind of freaked you out. You had to text him back but you didn’t know what to say, so you watched your cursor blink before you typed your thoughts
  “Brendan, I’m sorry. I turned my phone off so I wouldn’t get distracted. I didn’t think you were going to text and call this much. Is anything wrong? Are you okay?” His response was quick and you could tell he had been waiting for your reply
  “Am I okay? No. I’m not okay. I’m trying to give you space to clean out when I see your friend posting stuff about our apartment. With your smiling face, saying that you’re out of a relationship. Or that you’re dying inside. What am I supposed to do with that?”
  “I honestly don’t know how to respond to that. It was one picture. Because that’s how Becks is. It’s what she does. She loves documenting her life on Instagram and I’m part of her life so I’m on there a lot. I’m sorry if it upset you…”
  “Well it did…”
  “Sorry. We haven’t posted anything else. We’ve been busy.”
  “When can I come home?”
  “I don’t know. We’re almost done. Give us like an hour or two. Then everything will be packed and I’ll schedule a U-Haul or something tomorrow.” That was it. That was all he wanted. Just to know when he could come home. It broke your heart even more but at least you know now you were making the right decision. You let out a long, drawn out sigh and called Rebecca back into the room but when she came out, you were speechless at what she was holding
  “What is this?” Rebecca asked holding a copy of the Notebook that Brendan had given to you as a gag gift for the first Valentine’s Day you two had celebrated, “Is this you and Brendan on the cover?”
  “Yeah,” you smiled, remembering when he gave it to you, “he said he wanted us to be part of the movie so he glued our faces onto Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams.” You grabbed the movie from Rebecca and looked at the peeling pictures of you and Brendan, revealing the actors behind, and you wandered over to the couch.
  “That’s so sweet!!” she cooed
  “It really was. He loved doing things like that. Always surprised me. He gave me this and we laughed for like 20 minutes. Then we curled up on the couch and watched the movie,” a small tear left your eye and Rebecca came over to rub your shoulder, “I don’t know what changed. Or why it changed. Or how it changed. We loved each other so much and it’s turned into this weird, tense, break up thing…”
  “Well you did break up..” Rebecca said, slowly sitting down beside you
  “I know but he was so mature the first time,” you said wiping away some of the wetness on your face, “like before the break up sex. And now he’s texting me non-stop asking when he’ll be able to come home. Getting mad at me for posting pictures of us packing stuff up. For smiling. I know he’s in pain, so am I, but his reactions just make me think that it was the right thing to do. To end it…”
  “I believe you two will get back together,” she smirked, “you know what they say, ‘if you love something let it go. If it comes back it’s yours, if it doesn’t, it never was.’ You two are the most adorable couple I’ve ever seen and you do love each other, that much I know. So I think this is just a speed bump.” She glanced at her phone quickly and said she had to take off because she didn’t realize how late it had gotten and she had some Tinder date lined up and then there you were, alone in the place you had called home for four years with no plan on what to do next.
  “Well, I guess it’s just the three of us, Gosling, McAdams…” you said to the images on the cover of the movie, “shall we?” You got up to put the movie in the DVD system, knowing full well it was on Netflix, but this had a special message on it that you wanted to see one last time.
  “(Y/N). My baby bird. I love you and I can’t imagine a second of not being with you. You are the greatest thing that’s ever happened to me and though our relationship may not be as… dramatic as Noah and Allie’s, it’s just as big. Remember, always, if you’re a bird, I’m a bird.”
  His voice was so much softer then. All the fighting between the two of you and the lousy seasons with the team had made his voice grow dark and rough which you hadn’t even realized until watching his message. For weeks after he gave you that DIY’d copy of the Notebook, your conversations all had some kind of quote from the movie in it and sometimes they worked so well into conversations other times they were very very forced; but it was fun to laugh with him like that. So effortlessly. You started the movie, crying and laughing, repeating or mouthing the words to yourself every once in a while. You got up near the end of the movie to get more tissues -- you’d used all of the ones near you from all your crying; you heard Ryan Gosling fight with Rachel McAdams as you came back into the room when you noticed the door was open. You went over to shut it, the movie still playing in the background, and furrowed your brow; nervousness now filling your body. That’s when you saw him. When he saw you he started reciting the lines that were playing as if it would change things.
  “It’s not gonna be easy, it’s gonna be really hard,”
  “Brendan” you tried stopping him but he spoke over you
  “And we’re gonna have to work at this everyday but I wanna do that because I. want. you. I want all of you, forever, you and me everyday.” As the movie continued playing, you stood in front of Brendan, tears falling down your cheeks and you couldn’t tell if it was from the movie or from him
  “Brendan…” you said softly, standing still
  “Don’t leave. Don’t end this. Don’t give up because we couldn’t get past some fighting. Relationships are hard baby, they take work,” he gestured to the screen at the fighting lovebirds, “but if it’s meant to be then it works itself out, right?”
  “Brendan, our relationship isn’t a movie. Nicholas Sparks didn’t write our love story.”
  “No, he didn’t. We did. And we can keep writing it. We can choose to fight for each other again”
  “Stop. Please. Stop,” you begged, tears falling down your face more and more with each word, “don’t do this. To me. To you. Deep down, you know that this is what’s best. It’s going to be hard, when I leave, but after a month or so you won’t even notice. You’ll have your life back, you’ll be m--”
  “I’ll have my life back?” he questioned, stopping you in your tracks, “no. you’re my life. You’ll be gone which means I won’t have my life. I’ll have an empty apartment that I won’t ever want to come back to. I won’t be more focused, which I know is what you’re going to say next, if anything I’ll be the worst thing for the team. I don’t want the life I had before you because I don’t even remember what that looks like. You. You are the only thing I want. I do. I want you, all of you, forever.” With each word, he took a small step toward you, almost like he was approaching a rabbit or a deer; careful not to scare you.
  “Tell me you don’t love me” he said when he finally got to you, his thumbs grazing your lips
  “What?” you looked up at him shyly
  “Tell me you don’t love me and I will let you go.” Your eyes darted between his for a few seconds before your brain could even register what he was saying and you didn’t know what to say. When he started to take your silence as permission to stay, he leaned forward to press a kiss to your lips, capturing you long enough to forget everything that you’d reasoned in your head was why you were leaving. His hands started to trail down your neck and further still down your body and you finally stopped him. You didn’t want to say it but you had to.
  “Stop, Brendan, we can’t do this…”
  “Of course we can,” he smiled against your neck, “we’ve done it before.” You whined, squeezing your eyes tightly before you finally said the words he never thought you’d say
  “I don’t love you”
  His lips left your skin but his hands hovered a few seconds longer before he stepped away from you. The look on his face was confused, hurt and angry. You loved him, you knew he knew that, but the two of you needed to let each other go and if four words were going to do that then you’d say them.
  No matter how much it broke your heart to do it.
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holidaywishes · 6 years
Auston Matthews
Don’t Worry About It. smut
Baby Boy
  Just Try It
  Telling Mom and Dad
  Family Matters
  Blue or Pink? trigger warning
  It’s Time
  Can I? smut
  Aurora Finale/trigger warning
Hate Sex smut
  Here We Go Again... smut/requested
  Bathroom Sex smut
  Happy Halloween smut
the baby shower weekend smut
a hard loss smut/requested
Brendan Gallagher
locked out smut
Baby, It’s Cold Outside
break up sex smut
  it’s not over
  I want you, all of you
  the on and off thing
  stay with me trigger warning
  I love you...
  back home
  just talk to me soft smut
  the truth
  all it takes is one time
  what’s next finale
Brock Boeser
Marry You requested/song prompt
Freddie Andersen
slow like honey smut
daddy smut
  it’s time to go to denmark
  i’ve got a question
  filled with life
  i’ll do anything
  near and far soft smut
  our love story begins... smut
  i wanna marry you
  today, tomorrow and the rest of our lives
  sometimes i hate hockey...
  another year, another loss
  i can’t carry this anymore
  the best is yet to come...
Misbehave For Me... smut/requested
Sweaty Betty’s
  Tease Every Goosebump smut
Stay Still smut
Undercover smut/requested
The Only Girl For Me requested
She’s Adorable requested
When We Are Together requested 
there’s something about her... requested
I like knowing you’re mine soft smut/requested
i wanna play, too smut/requested
Ravage Me requested
hazy nights smut/requested
Focus On Me requested
chasing cars requested/song prompt
How Much Can You Take? smut/requested
that was then... smut/requested
  this is now... requested
  and now we’re here requested/collab
  then we start our life together requested
Let Me Help You requested
Turning Page requested/song prompt
I don’t get you... smut/requested
Request (that I couldn’t think of a name for)
It’s Just Sex smut/requested
Your Call smut/requested
a bit of stress relief smut/requested
i like the red smut
let’s build something together
Rest Your Head
Jacob Markström
you finally made sense requested
kiss me more smut
Jakub Vrana
First Date requested
Jamie Benn
Instead requested
I Never Saw It Coming... requested/trigger warning
I Just Wanted You
Hard Not To Notice smut
Mat Barzal
It’s Just a Scratch soft smut
Matthew Tkachuk
Dusk Till Dawn requested/soft smut/song prompt
Back to Sleep smut/requested
Morgan Rielly
A Spark
we shouldn’t be doing this... smut
it’ll be worth it requested
Nick Robertson
The Promposal requested
Can’t Keep It a Secret Forever requested
Pierre-Luc Dubois
Housewarming smut/requested
Tom Wilson
Future Me and Future You requested
Tyler Seguin
It Had To Be You
 Part I
 Part II
 Part III
 Part IV
 Part V
 Part VI
 Part VII
 Part VIII
 Part IX
 Part X trigger warning
 Part XI
 Part XII
 Part XIII
 Part XIV
 Part XV
 Part XVI
 Part XVII
 Part XIX
 Part XX 🎄
 Part XXI 🎄 smut
 Part XXII 🎄🎉
 Part XXIII 🎉 smut
 Part XXIV
 Part XXV
 Part XXVI smut
 Part XXIX
 Part XXX soft smut
 Part XXXI
 Part XXXIII soft smut
 Part XXXV
 Part XL
 Part XLI
 Part XLII
 Part XLIV
 Part XLV
 Part XLVI
 Part XLVII smut
 Part L Finale
A Night In Boston requested
I’m Here requested
Trying to Change requested
i think i might love you requested
I Get It Now
William Nylander
I Can’t Always Be Perfect
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nhl-imagines-posts · 7 years
I'm so happy your requests are open! Can you please do an Alex Galchenyuk imagine where the girl he is dating is wearing an BGally jersey and he gets jealous. If not that's okay.
I tried to make it so that he got jealous but I'm not sure how it came across :/ I hope you like it! https://nhl-imagines-posts.tumblr.com/post/163387109662/alex-galchenyuk-burn-the-jersey 
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matsbarzal · 7 years
Hey!! I really love your imagines. Some good shit!! 👌🏻💯 I was wondering if you could write an imagine with Brendan Gallagher teaching how to skate and you just fall constantly and he's just laughing all smug.
LMAO thank you so much!! I’m really glad you like them and I’m super glad that you requested my fav BGally. It’s posted, I hope you enjoy!!
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matsbarzal · 7 years
hi someone shittalk the habs with me while I write a bgally imagine and watch them shit the bed at the same time
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