#bhekithemba abara
claudia-nomusaabara · 8 months
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@ace--of--swords I had to put all of three of the Abara siblings together to show off for one post.
Their story still needs to be told along with my ideas for certain routes.
For details:
1. Claudia's reception among the Vesuvians as she does her daily shopping.
2. Bhekithemba reluctantly ascends the throne with his father, Themba, and his royal advisor, Mcebisi looking on sadly.
3. Mayihlome discovers an important clue to locate their family.
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wiltingdecay · 2 years
A present from each of the Abara siblings.
Claudia: A clay vase and aromatherapy pot with lavender oil
Bhekithemba: A beautiful sketch of Rowan taking a nap. No creepy shit, he just loves authentic poses.
Mayihlome and Lulu: A beautiful beaded and carved elephant tusk. May talked to a herd of elephants if she could take a tusk in exchange for something they need.
Rowan audibly gasped when they saw each of the gifts.
"Oh my god! You guys! You shouldn't have!" Each of the siblings were gifted in turn with a tight hug. "These are so cool! Thank you so, so much!"
All three gifts were displayed in pride of place in Rowan's apartment as soon as possible. Bhekithemba's art was framed and hung on their bedroom wall alongside all the drawings Asra had made them. Claudia's vase was filled with flowers from the garden and placed on the kitchen table. The aromatherapy pot was placed and lit in the living area, filling the whole apartment with the scent of lavender. They cleared a space on one of their shelves to display Mayihlome and Lulu's tusk where they could easily see it.
"I don't know how I'll be able to top these for all your birthdays... but I'm certainly gonna try!"
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alotsgonnachange · 2 years
Belated day 3 for MM (@the-midsummer-masquerade) ! @claudia-nomusaabara ‘s Bhekithemba and my Tilly!
Pretty much sfw (i am a weenie) but below the cut to be safe
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Outdoors/role reversal!
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Maskless ver
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anonbeadraws · 4 years
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simple fullbod commission of their OC Bhekithemba Abara, King and, dang handsome if i may say so! 👑👑👑 ✨i do commissions!| If you fancy tipping✨
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the-melting-world · 3 years
The is out of nowhere because I just finished reading "Coconut Tart" (a good introductory for Ozy!) and it made me think of what the Abara siblings would think of him!
Claudia: She will be reserved with him at first but, I think she would like him. She would get annoyed with his Know-it-all tendencies though and she would enjoy his stories about his adventures, just don't make it feel like he's talking at her.
Bhekithemba: "My friend, bring it down to a six or seven and you'll be fine." Big brother figure to him and someone he WILL pull little brother-type pranks on. Come to think of it, there's a balloon he could fill with glitter for Ozy.
Mayihlome: She will ask him if she can play with his hair after some time and she gets comfortable with him. Loves his tales of adventures and she becomes more motivated to make her own journeys.
Sometimes before I sit down to respond to a fic prompt, I ask myself: uhh how can I make this Caribbean??? That's pretty much what happened during the whole Arcana Echoes event. I'm really glad you enjoyed Ozy's debut!
Claudia and Kipling are pretty similar when it comes to Ozy, especially with how their relationship started out! Ozy is a lot more aware of how he comes off these days, though he can still slip back into his old ways when he gets really passionate about a subject. If he was meeting Claudia for the first time, I think he would try to make her feel comfortable enough to have conversations and ask whatever questions she had. Another trait of Ozy that tends to get overlooked is his own hunger for knowledge. He bonds with people by learning from them, not simply showing off everything he knows. So he’d want to ask Claudia questions and listen to her talk about the things that she’s passionate about!
I know I joke in the tags but Ozy really doesn’t have any chill. 😆
I suggest that Bhekithemba seek Ozy out after he’s completed a meditation session or caught up on one of his research projects at the library. These activities significantly help dial down his own excitement. But yes, Ozy is here for the brother bonding! I also have a feeling that Abaco would volunteer his services to ensure any pranks are executed successfully. In fact, here comes Abaco now. He says: Give me the balloon. I will deliver it over Ozy’s head as directed.
Ozy welcomes Mayihlome to have a closer look at his locs. If she ever offered to help him wash or retwist them, he would melt go very soft. Plus I have a feeling May’s calmer nature would really appeal to Ozy as he is typically drawn to warm, steady energies. If he learns about her desire to travel, he’d probably offer his hand and want to take her on a walk through the Doors. They could easily cross vast distances that way and see many places in the span of a few hours.
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hirodraga · 7 months
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Character sheet for the lovely @claudia-nomusaabara of the arcana apprentice Bhekit and his familiar Bibi!! Thank you so much for commish me ^-^ commission info^
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claudia-nomusaabara · 2 years
Apprenticember Day 7
In Muriel's route he wears his kings garb and some casual clothes during his stay with Nadia to discuss how the two countries will work together moving forward.
Muriel's route main outfit:
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For Nadia's route, his outfits are more toned down but still colorful and reflect his Matabele heritage.
Claudia, Mayihlome, and Bibi taught him as much as they could about their history as a family without him getting too overwhelmed. His apparel with Nadia changes once he stays at the palace to help solve the mystery of Lucio's death and his romance with her.
Generally, he tends to like clothes that aren't too tighf or loose and he prefers a clean but colorful style to his outfits.
Some of his clothes in Nadia's route.
Casual outfit before meeting Nadia, sans hat:
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Riding outfit with Nadia:
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A small ref for (on the right) for his masquerade outfit.
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claudia-nomusaabara · 2 years
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Apprenticember PT. 2
Day 1
Name: Bhekithemba Abara
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality and romantic: Heterosexual and Heteroromantic. He's straight but he's not "Straight".
Personality: Bhekit is a kind, athletic, and fun-loving young man that values his loved ones and honors his responsibilities. He's particularly protective of Mayihlome and his daughter Nomvula (who exists in every route but Nadia's) whom he has with his wife, Gugulethu the princess of Matabele.
He has a bit of a temper that can explode when pushed enough and doesn't suffer fools who cross him. And will confidently call them out.
Appearance: He's 6'5 and muscular with a boxer's build. Dark brown warm skin with his hair cut into a short but neat hairstyle. Bhekit is quick to smile wide when in good spirits and it shows around his eyes the most.
Likes: Peanut butter, fruit particularly loquat and guava, Tsoro, Mancala, music, dancing, singing, playing with his familiar Bibi, sports, braiding his sibling's and daughter's hair, nail polish, being outside, being and feeling clean
Dislikes: Condescending people, failure, being second best, his clothes getting messed up, looking dusty, bad haircuts, poking at his failures, the nickname "Boy king", passive-aggressive people, sloppy work and planning
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Ash's OC List Summary Part 1: The Arcana
Claudia-Nomusa Abara: The eldest daughter of a father (Themba) who's a decorated and still prominent army general and a mother (Noxolo) who's widely known as a magical prodigy since she was a child. She doesn't have a familiar and is seen as the failed child of her siblings among her neighbors. Has a selfishness problem that stems from proving herself as capable and some competitiveness with her younger brother.
Bhekithemba: The only boy and middle child of his siblings. He's seen as a fun-loving and accomplished young man among his people. Bhekit is blessed with his father's looks (with a familiar born from Themba's companion) and strength along with his mother's magical abilities. He reluctantly inherits a royal throne and is tasked with mending a broken country, crown, and family while raising a young daughter.
Mayihlome: The weird youngest sibling that can talk to animals and has a hyena familiar (LuLu) that grew larger than its usual species. They saw some of the worst effects of the Red Plague on their home, family, and life; the scars are still deep. She plans to find her eldest sister and maternal aunt by any means, even if it means deceit to the ones closest to her.
Anele: A renowned general picking up Themba's mantel after his partially forced retirement due to the plague. She's known for hir ferocity, grace, and strategies that have served Bhekithemba well as one of his most loyal advisers in the royal court. But a softer romantic side sits underneath when you see hir observe the birds and flowers.
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claudia-nomusaabara · 2 years
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@yoimfran I have to send you a shout you for these pieces!! Thank you so much!!
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claudia-nomusaabara · 2 years
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Apprenticember Day 2
Part 2
Bhekithemba's LI
Nadia, the Countess and the Shopkeeper
For Nadia's route, Bhekithemba becomes the main apprentice instead of his older sister, Claudia, who's still in a relationship with Asra and Muriel.
He first saw Nadia from a distance when she was speaking to a crowd of Vesuvians on his first pilgrimage from Matabele when he was sixteen. They have an actual meeting when Claudia and Bhekithemba are requested by Lucio to come to the palace when he was twenty-one.
In the short time between helping fight Vesuvia's plague and making sure his sister was ok, he sought Nadia out for genuine friendship by talking about their home countries, food, books, music, and philosophies. There were even some flirtations between the two and a small kiss shared.
After Bhekithemba's revival and Nadia's three year long coma, they reconnect again like a bookmark left on the previous chapter.
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I just remembered the kink chart I did for my OCs participating in the Midsummer Masquerade.
I'll write down the kinks to each chart so it's legible!
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claudia-nomusaabara · 2 years
Because why not, going to display each of my OC's Spotify Playlists.
Some I still need to tinker with but the others are pretty much done.
The Abaras/Khumalos
Claudia: The Eldest Abara/Claudia's Story (Finished)
Bhekithemba: The Middle Boy/Bhekithemba's Glory (Finished)
Mayihlome: The Youngest Abara/Mayihlome's Journey (Under Construction)
Themba: The Warrior of Matabele (Under Construction)
Noxolo: Noxolo's Song Book (Under Construction)
Siphephelo Khumalo: Aunt Siphephelo (Under Construction)
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claudia-nomusaabara · 2 years
So my friend created a kink template for his OCs and I had to hop on this for mine!
Each one was speaking to me and made it very clear what they did/didn't like.
I did a lot so here are four at least.
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claudia-nomusaabara · 2 years
Apprenticember Day 5
Part 2
Bhekithemba's friends
For Bhekithemba, he has the same amount of friends as his older sister does in her routes.
Selasi: He is the main friend all three of my apprentices share but Bhekit's relationship with him is slightly different. I could see Claudia confiding in Selasi about what happened and how her brother is back from death once Asra and Muriel are gone.
The baker did what he could to help the Abara siblings when he could, especially making their favorite doughnuts as a treat.
Bhekit when he was being rehabilitated and afterward would help Selasi around his bakery. The Abara brother, despite being a mystery to his neighbors, easily attracted paying customers due to his looks and personality.
Other times he would just stop in just to talk whenever the other wasn't busy.
Andi, the fruit juice vendor: He's a middle-aged vendor that tends to hang around the Vesuvian fountain, where he and Bhekithemba first met. Bhekit was on his second year back from the dead and he was learning how the world worked again.
He was out shopping and learning with Claudia when he saw Andi's cart of fresh fruit and poured fresh orange juice. Claudia would tell the story of how Bhekit wouldn't leave until he got a drink and some mangos from the gentleman.
In what little Vesuvian he re-learned from his sister, he asked Andi for a drink and fruit.
Then all three of them stuck around and hung out for at least an hour. Bhek would go back by himself when he could and even met his wife and two children. Andi resided close to the Flooded district but moved his family a safer once area got worse.
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Bhekithemba's Chart
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Strong preferences: Body
Fat ass
Soft and/or deep voice
Strong Preferences: Pairing
1. Women/fem
Strong Preferences: Attire
Clothed (Partner)
Lingerie (Partner)
Pasties (Partner)
Formal (Self & Partner)
Jewelry (Partner)
Strong Preferences: Toys
Cock ring (Self & Partner)
Chastity Ring (Self)
Strong Preferences: Softcore
Kissing (Giving & Receiving)
Pet names (Giving & Receiving)
Caressing (Giving & Receiving)
Handjob/Fingering (Giving & Receiving)
Mutual Masturbation (Giving & Receiving)
Instructed Masturbation (Giving & Receiving)
Strong Preferences: Fantasy
Magic aphrodisiac
Strong Preferences: Misc. Kinks
Edging (Receiving)
Orgasm Denial (Giving & Receiving)
Aphrodisiac (Giving & Receiving)
Body Worship (Giving & Receiving)
Strong preferences: BDSM
Blind folding
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