#aunt siphephelo
claudia-nomusaabara · 2 years
I posted this in some other threads but since I missed Siphephelo's birthday (Nov. 9), I need to post her lore here too.
Some facts for her!
1. Doesn't have a single problem throwing hands with people when it comes to it.
She'll fight fair but will get dirty when things get dangerous.
She dragged her manicured nails across a mugger's face when she first arrived in Vesuvia while looking for the building to set up her shop.
2. Sipho left Matabele to travel the world when Claudia was just a baby. She'd come back to visit whenever she could and spoiled the Abara siblings with stories and gifts.
3. Themba and her had a great relationship before their fallout when Claudia told her that Themba saw his eldest daughter as a disappointment.
Before Vesuvia and Matabele shut down because of the plague, Sipho sent him a scathing letter back, and was sadly the last interaction they had before Sipho died from the plague herself.
4. Asra and Muriel held a soft spot in her since they were children. She encountered Asra behind her shop looking for food and regularly fed him from then.
She thought Asra was making Muriel up as an imaginary friend until she met a tall little boy with rags on his feet and an old blanket around his shoulders.
She's consistently looked out for them over the years and gave Asra a home at her shop when his host family couldn't help him anymore. She even hid Muriel at the shop when he escaped the Colisseum.
5. Tall as hell! I have her at 6'0 without heels and 6'3 with her heels on.
6. Her name was Sipho as a child and she still asks her friends to use it. Noxolo still refers to her as this as a loving nickname.
7. Speaking of Noxolo and Sipho, there was some jealousy on Sipho's part toward Nox when they growing up.
Nox being a wunderkind with magic as a child caused a lot of people to pass Sipho up for her younger sister.
Their parents did try to even the field and show both of them they are loved but outside people aren't going to follow the same program.
They became a lot closer as adults thankfully and Nox trusted her to look after her children.
8. She got the plague from accidentally drinking the water (that was not inspected properly by soldiers) while cleaning her face after trying to treat a sick client.
The gold bangles all Matabelian citizens wear kept her alive for a while but it's a slow agonizing death for those civilians.
Since it's magic fighting magic I think.
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claudia-nomusaabara · 2 years
Because why not, going to display each of my OC's Spotify Playlists.
Some I still need to tinker with but the others are pretty much done.
The Abaras/Khumalos
Claudia: The Eldest Abara/Claudia's Story (Finished)
Bhekithemba: The Middle Boy/Bhekithemba's Glory (Finished)
Mayihlome: The Youngest Abara/Mayihlome's Journey (Under Construction)
Themba: The Warrior of Matabele (Under Construction)
Noxolo: Noxolo's Song Book (Under Construction)
Siphephelo Khumalo: Aunt Siphephelo (Under Construction)
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Hmm headcanons✨
I feel like Vama is the type to carry her own tea bags into cafés and just order boiling water and maybe a muffin
Vama and Nessa both use Scalp Massagers when they had headaches or to relieve stresses, Vama uses it more often tho.
Tina thrifts a lot and likes designing/modifying her own clothes
bekithemba's monkey has definitely stolen food from someone.
Claudia likes the smell of vanilla (I can't explain why it's just a vibe) she either lights vanilla scented candles or incense
1. This is accurate, 100% accurate. The workers at her favorite cafe she goes to already know the program. She has her book and music, they would have her muffin and hot water ready to go.
2. I didn't even think about this but I love this idea! They would use massagers when they had a stressful day and/or just a self-care day. Vama WOULD use it more than Vanessa though.
3. Absolutely! Her favorite find was her "Be Still And Know That I am G-d" shirt that she thrifted in Arkansas when she was in Red Dog.
4. She has, and to Bhekithemba's credit, he does try to stop her. But there are times when Bhekithemba did enable her tricks because he wanted some water snacks there. Especially doughnuts.
5. I love this headcanon for her! She would love warm and comforting smells, but she loves good scents in general. Aunt Siphephelo was her mentor and she drilled into Claudia's head, how certain aromas can set a mood and atmosphere.
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claudia-nomusaabara · 2 years
Apprenticember Day 2
Part 1
Claudia's LIs
1. Asra and Muriel, aka the Trisal. (Name credit goes to @salty-lavender)
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Claudia's relationship with both of her lovers started young! She met Asra behind her aunt's shop where he was selling masks, with Siphephelo's permission. Claudia's English (Vesuvian) wasn't great and Asra could barely understand Matabele but they were able to introduce themselves despite the language barrier.
Claudia would be around for a year in Vesuvia to train under her aunt then back in Matabele by the end of the year. In that time frame they became close and fell in love.
Asra was her first everything and those feelings miraculously carried over after her untimely demise.
Her relationship with Muriel started rocky though. They first met when Asra took her with them to check on Muriel in the colosseum and bring him food that wasn't gruel. Muriel, covered in fresh blood and a fresh deep wound on his face, took one look at Claudia and aggressively told both of them to leave.
They don't see each other again until Muriel escapes to Siphephelo's place where his chains and manacles are removed. Not without Claudia trying to remove them herself.
In the context of Muriel's route, the canon route in general, Muriel is cordial (somewhat) with Claudia but doesn't believe it's the same Claudia before she died. They slowly fall in love over time and Asra comes into the fold as well.
2. Portia Devorak, the Handmaiden's Magician.
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Their romance has an unconventional start. They first met at the Rowdy Raven with Erden (@mxgicthot 's OC) when Claudia was wandering around Vesuvia after work. After some drinks and getting to know both of them, she heads back to Erden's place with them to continue the night and they end up having a one-night stand threesome.
Even from that one night there were a lot of sparks between them.
This occurred at least two weeks before the Arcana plot begins and Claudia becomes a major piece to the puzzle.
They meet again at the market and after some stunned expressions, they get more relaxed around each other. By the middle of the route they become lovers and are engaged by the time the story ends.
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claudia-nomusaabara · 2 years
Apprenticember Day 7
Some key features of Claudia just make her who she is and I love how I was able to get a pre-death and post-revival look for her.
She usually had her hair in braids or twists and a bun. Claudia also made beaded jewelry that she would use to decorate her hair as a magic charm and graceful look.
Claudia loved and wore earrings a lot as well.
Only took off her gold bangles (disguised as bronze to outsiders of Matabele) to sleep or bathe.
Claudia often mixed the colorful clothes of her native country but some of the Vesuvian styles did sneak into her wardrobe during her year's training under Siphephelo.
Before she died and while training as an apprentice under Julian, she cut her hair and shaved her head. Not only to fit the mask but it's also a symbol of her mourning for her home and loved ones.
Example of her pre-death look in her late teens:
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She wears her hair in her signature loose style with some silver stream roped into her front tendrils. Claudia will put it back into a bun or ponytail while cooking, baking, or pottery.
Her signature butterfly tattoo was done by a fellow potter friend Deidre after Claudia saw a client of Deedee's leave with a fresh tattoo. Claudia decided to get one herself after a lot of thinking about what image she wanted and loved what the butterfly symbolized to her.
Claudia (unknown to her) inherited her aunt's shawl and always wears it aside from her journey in Muriel's route. It always smells like Claudia's orange and chamomile oil whenever anyone smells.
She still has her gold bangles but Asra hid them under a floorboard in the shop so he wouldn't trigger another one of Claudia's convulsions. Their existence doesn't get found out until after Muriel's route.
Her outfits are still comfortable and feminine but less is more kind of a thing. Instead of wearing more color as she would in her culture, she goes more towards Oranges, yellows, or majority orange outfits.
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claudia-nomusaabara · 2 years
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@aukanemin Thank you so much for working with me again! As always you portrayed Sipho and her powers perfectly!
Seeing this angle from Muriel's perspective in our previous piece together highlights what he saw.
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claudia-nomusaabara · 2 years
Speaking of that WIP for "Night of the Ritual", here's a small snippet of it:
“That’s the place I told you about…My friend lives here,” The man’s voice comes out low and raspy like dried flowers in the sun. He looks down at the wolf, as her head turns curiously examining the shop.
“Yes…I know they can help me. They would never turn us in” he looks down at her as she looks up at him. Her yellow eyes staring into his forest greens.
“A girl named Claudia and a woman named Siphephelo live there too” the wolf gives a low growl, “No, they’re safe too. I don’t know about the girl, but Siphephelo is good.”
She gives a small huff, her tail swishes stiffly. 
“Inanna…I don’t know any other options.” Muriel exhales but his shoulders remain tense, his head throbs and his throat is dry. He looks at the shop cautiously, looking for candlelight and movement. 
Combined footsteps and armor thunder loud against the night as the night patrol begins to search the street Muriel is currently hiding. A weight presses down on Muriel’s stomach, as he feels his heart beat erratically faster and his breath comes out labored.
He anxiously looks back at the Apothecary shop door, pleading for any sign of life as he hears the footsteps of the guards clang closer to his area. Inanna’s ears pull back and she gets down on her haunches, growling low ready to attack the closest guard so Muriel could run.
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claudia-nomusaabara · 2 years
Thinking about my OCs and how they fit the sun and moon imagery.
I notice I have a lot of characters that are sisters and fit this theme!
Moon 🌕:
Mayihlome, especially since she was born at midnight on the dot.
Anele, the one character (aside from Themba) with no siblings fits here well.
Sun ☀️:
Bhekithemba fits weirdly though, considering his storyline for Muriel's route I see him more as a rising and setting sun to contrast his siblings.
Claudia: ☀
Bhekithemba: 🌄
Mayihlome: 🌕
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claudia-nomusaabara · 2 years
Thanks to @drustvar I have to share this note about the Abara family for a small piece of how others view them and how they view themselves.
1. All of the Abaras have a strong spine but Sipho's is made of fucking diamonds. She's quick to let your ass know when she means "No."
2. In terms of Teflon self-esteem, the order goes Themba (The man is made of Teflon), Sipho, Bhekit and Mayihlome (for the tied position), Noxolo, and then Claudia.
3. Who's the scariest to people: Siphephelo, Themba, and Noxolo switch back and forth for the top spot. Claudia follows at two (beware the fury of a patient woman), Bhekithemba follows close behind (Chill and fun guy who can flip that switch when necessary), and Mayihlome is last just because a lot of people don't challenge her (to her face) but that's due to people not knowing what to expect.
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claudia-nomusaabara · 2 years
2, 12, 18, 24 for Siphephelo
OC Asks Prompts
2. What were they like as a child? Were they quiet and reserved, outgoing, or a bit of both?
Sipho was known to be the quiet and reserved with some spots of extroversion, even then she didn’t really socialize much. It wasn’t until her adult years that she met Javier did she become more talkative and sharing moments of intimacy.
She was also in Noxolo’s shadow a lot since her baby sister was a prodigy at magic from a young age. This did cause some resentment for her growing up, but she grew out of that and became close with Nox in later years.
Sipho also cared about doing the right thing and was a caring person with strict boundaries.
12. Are they hot-headed or even-tempered? What frustrates them the most?
Even tempered, but watch your mouth when your around her. She does not and will not tolerate disrespect or intimidation of any kind, she’ll make sure the consequences of that are swift and memorable.
18. How has their hair changed over time? What is their favorite hairstyle?
How she does her hair hasn’t changed much with time, she’s always changed her style up since she was a young one. She didn’t straighten her hair until she reached Prakra and tried their technique for straightening hair, a style she still does every so often. Her favorite style is putting her hair up in braids and turning it into an updo.
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24. Where did their name come from? Does it have meaning?
Her name before she realized she was trans was Sipho, she still uses this as nickname but only for her loved ones. It’s a south African name that means “ He who is considered a gift.“
Her current name means “Refuge, a place of peace”. 
Siphephelo’s mother and a village elder named her as a baby and she got a 2nd name ceremony when she realized who she was as at sixteen.
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claudia-nomusaabara · 3 years
💞 VI - The Lovers : Sympathetic relationships, sexuality, self-discovery, solidification of personal beliefs, facing moral choices.
For Siphephelo
Her close friendship with Javier is what opened up her mind about what she wants in life, opening up her heart to people, and becoming more sure of herself on her journey outside of Matabele.
They first met in the Prakra markets, met a few more times before going to lunch together, and they've continued their meetings ever since.
They've talked about politics, food, their families, creativity, decisions they need to make on certain people, morality and doing what can be done.
During his affair with Lucio and Sipho's lessons for Claudia/Anele/Bhekithemba, they've been each other's advisors.
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claudia-nomusaabara · 3 years
Claudia : something sweet and citrus. Oranges, grapefruit, honey
Mayihlome : a flower scent, roses and jasmine
Anele : something with and earthy vibe like petrichor, sage, cinnamon
Bhekithemba : musk, myrrh, and burning cloves
Javier : spicy expensive cologne, tabacco and whiskey
That's correct for all of them and half right for Javi.
Tabacco would be ironic since Javi doesn't smoke and thinks the activity is a dirty habit! 🤣
But then again he loves a good alcohol so...
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claudia-nomusaabara · 3 years
Claudia smells like citrus and herbs. Siphephelo smells like flowers and spices.
Those are some good scents and it's very true!
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