actualjenna · 1 year
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continuing slowtember with prompt 2, wind!
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The Court of Dementia
I awoke to find a woman in my room. She seemed confused by me, stating that she didn’t recognize me. I felt like i did know her, but I couldn’t place from where. Her blonde hair, her blue eyes, her familiar uniform. The Asylum. We stared at each other for what felt like hours before her form faded out of sight.
In the morning, the woman still stayed in my mind, but I still went along with my duties. I approached the Duchess, Syl I believe her name is. She told me she believed that someone in her court wanted to betray her. I didn’t believe her, of course, but I had little choice but to comply. She named me “Grand Inquisitor” which left a bad taste in my mouth. I spoke with Herdir and we started our quest. Kithlan told us that Anya might know something. I felt something inside me break while watching Herdir torture Anya. I wanted to feel bad. I knew I should. I know exactly what that felt like. The priests of Julianos would use shock magic on us before the priests of Mara forced them to wear magic suppressors while inside the Asylum. But I couldn’t. That scared me more than anything I’ve faced before. Martin would feel bad. He would force Herdir to stop. Call Syl on her insanity. But here I was, less than a year after his death watching a woman be tortured and scream for mercy. But she did tell us about some Kahjiit who might know something. He refused to talk, but after some “convincing”, Bhisha told us about his meeting with a Dark Seducer. After confronting him, he told me to meet him at his house at midnight tomorrow. I’m waiting at the tavern now, reliving everything that’s happened today. What Martin would think of what I am now. He’s been gone for four months now. I’ve only been in the Shivering Isles for a month. And I’ve… what I’ve become… what I’m doing… helping an addict. Giving into the delusions of a mad woman. Serving a Daedra, the very thing that killed him! I can’t help but think what he would think of me. He always saw through what everyone else saw. He saw me. What I was, what I am, and who I could be. And I’ve throw everything he wanted for me away.
- Velentius Cosades
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blancalmaz · 6 years
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Elder scrolls monday mood sketches. 1) Lucien La(angst)chance from Oblivion 2)Sotha Sil from Morrowind/Eso 3)Melisandre Oc by @bhisha 4) Cildron Lawfire and Rosseane (Rona) Housestorm. Hok and Ldb oc’s
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kagrenacs · 4 years
10 and 18
10. Do they have any pets? A horse? A favored daedric summon? if not, whats their favorite animal? 
Rayn has a horse! The quest at Weynon Priory gives you a paint horse and I just kept her throughout the game. Her name is Mabel. He also briefly had a skinned dog in the shivering isles, before giving it to Bhisha who really likes dogs :)
18 . Were they friends with Baurus? How did their mission together go?
He’s very close friends with Baurus despite an age gap of ~20 years. After Martin’s death they both kinda support each other in different ways. Baurus keeps Rayn grounded and keeps him from getting stuck in grief. Rayn convinces Baurus it’s not his fault emperors keep dying around him. I genuinely cannot remember the mission quest so i’m going to say it went perfectly fine
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skunkes · 5 years
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greyscale sketch commission for @proser-pine of @bhisha‘s oc!
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proser-pine · 5 years
You know what they should put in bags? Coke. A cola. Not cocaine. That already comes in bags.
- @bhisha
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xenonsdoodles · 6 years
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I got just enough encouragement (ie one person, thanks @bhisha) to create this child. Meet Margot Septim, daughter of Martin and Earanwen! She’s dubiously canon, a tomboy and a troublemaker, and I love her
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proserpineart · 6 years
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some things I never posted (Everyone except fr the dunmer belongs to @bhisha )
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ferallymine · 5 years
thanks @fourth-best-jeanist <3
Rules; Answer these questions and tag 20 blogs you’d like to know better!
Nickname; Dani
Zodiac; Scorpio
Height; 5′ 8.5″
Time; 11:01am
Favorite band/artist; oooooof i have a lot. Can i give top 5? All Time Low, MercyMe, Colton Dixon, Lindsey Stirling, Billie Eilish
Song stuck in my head; The Cure by Little Mix
Last movie I saw; Alita Battle Angel
Last thing I googled; CRUMCH ((@ game grumps peeps know what that is
Other blogs; I mean,.....,,,, i mod for some blogs but they accidentally aren’t too active anymore
Do I get asks;  pffff bold of you to assume people respond to ask memes I reblog even tho im desperate and love asks that come in 
Why did I choose this username: Astryd Ryder was the name of my very first character when I tried writing an original story. Now it’s just a code name i hide behind and reminder of how far i’ve come as a writer.
Following; I think about 100? Idk I go through and “cleanse” who i follow after a while falskjhfadkjh
Average amount of sleep; Usually 8 hours.
Lucky number; uhm i don’t really have one? But i guess 1 and 9 because I was born on 11/19/1999 and I’m 19 in the year 2019.
What am I wearing; shorts and a sweatshirt ((its reallly cold in my house rn but i dont wanna put pants on. Blanket to the rescue))
Dream job; Nurse Practitioner
Dream trip; World Travel trip- both for my own pleasure and to offer medical help to others
Instruments you play; Clarinet, A little piano, and i just started learning guitar
Eye color; such a dark brown you’d think they’re black. But!!! when sunshine hits it at the right angle they look gold
Hair color; Brown
Describe your aesthetic; Never thought about this....umm.....Art/Writer nerd, medic mom friend, galaxy,,,,,,,stars,,,,anime,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,now im just naming things i like afjhakajshlak
Languages you speak; English, but I’m working on learning spanish
Most iconic song; Get on Your Knees and Tell Me You Love Me by All Time Low
Random fact: I’m a certified Nurse Aide and a certified SCUBA Diver!
Tag: @powerovernothing, @fandomsallaroundme @present-mics-scream @fruity-pies @zakuraboi @mobcraft101 @bhisha @mcmissileproof @plsticcplants @pepperymilk @lrgggii @notaverygoodlistener @awesomenarwhal @ others who wanna do it <3
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sketchiskulls · 6 years
Bold The Facts - O.C. Edition
The Rules are simple! Tag people and name a character you want to know more about! If you want to let the person you tagged decide who to showcase, then don’t name a character and they can pick somebody. Easy! The person who is tagged will then bold the remarks below which apply to their character &, if they want to, include a picture with their reply!
this looked fun so i thought “hey, I should do this” I’m gonna tag @bhisha (either hera or melly) @xenonsdoodles (wen or iselva), @notaverygoodlistener (asa), and @powerovernothing (korbin)
Adrian Lavellan
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(during inquisition)
[ PERSONAL ] $ Financial: wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty ✚ Medical: fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged / non applicable ✪ Class or Caste: upper / middle / working / street trash / slave / unsure ✔ Education: qualified / unqualified / studying ✖ Criminal Record: yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no / has committed crimes, but not caught yet / yes, but charges were dismissed
[ FAMILY ] ◒ Children: had a child or children / has no children / wants children ◑ Relationship with Family: close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings /sibling is deceased ◔ Affiliation: orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parent(s) / raised by a single parent / raised by aunt
[ TRAITS + TENDENCIES ] ♦ extroverted / introverted / in between ♦ dis-organized / organized / in between ♦ close minded / open-minded / in between ♦ calm / anxious / in between ♦ disagreeable / agreeable / in between ♦ cautious / reckless / in between ♦ patient / impatient / in between ♦ outspoken / reserved / in between ♦ leader / follower / in between ♦ empathetic / vicious bastard / in between ♦ optimistic / pessimistic / in between ♦ traditional / modern / in between ♦ hard-working / lazy / in between ♦ cultured / uncultured  / in between / unknown ♦ loyal / disloyal / unknown ♦ faithful / unfaithful / unknown
[ BELIEFS ] ★ Faith : monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic ☆ Belief in Ghosts or Spirits : yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ✮ Belief in an Afterlife : yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ✯ Belief in Reincarnation : yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ❃ Belief in Aliens : yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ✧ Religious : orthodox / liberal / in between / not religious ❀ Philosophical : yes / no
[ SEXUALITY & ROMANTIC INCLINATION ] ❤ Sexuality: heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual / complicated, very very complicated ❥ Sex: sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable / naive and clueless ♥ Romance: romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable / naive and clueless / romance suspicious ❣ Sexually: adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious ⚧ Potential Sexual Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all / depends ⚧ Potential Romantic Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all / depends
[ ABILITIES ] ☠ Combat Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none ≡ Literacy Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none ✍ Artistic/Music Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none ✂ Technical Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
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uesp · 7 years
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Ahjazda--In memory of Ahjazda. The world wasn't coming to an end -- only her.
Amiable Fanriene--Amiable Fanriene, fallen before the walls did.
Bhisha--In memory of Bhisha. Killed because he loved dogs. (Only shown if Bhisha was killed during Ushnar's Terror.) In memory of sweet, harmless Bhisha. (Shown in all other cases.)
Big Head--In memory of Big Head. Completely Forked.
Blaise Sette--Here lies Blaise Sette. Faster than the wind, dumber than a stump.
Bolwing--I think his name was Bolwing.
Brithaur--In the end, his last breath was stolen from him.
Caldana Monrius--Caldana Monrius' last words: 'Bring some skooma to my wake!'.
Cutter†--In memory of Cutter. She enjoyed every cut to the last. And she enjoyed that one the most. It cut her spirit free.
Dumag gro-Bonk†--In honor of Dumag gro-Bonk. He made killing things fun again.
Earil†--He taught us to make the seconds count before we close our eyes.
Endarie--Remember Endarie. One day she will rise and take her vengeance.
Fimmion--Fimmion died hungry, or at least he thought he was.
Gloorolros--In memory of Gloorolros. Sticks and stones broke his bones.
Helene--Helene the Deaf. She never heard it coming.
Hirrus Clutumnus--Hirrus Clutumnus never felt like he fit in anywhere. He fits in a coffin quite nicely, now.
Lob gro-Murgob--Lob gro-Murgob died. We ate him and buried the bones here.
Mazaddha--Mazaddha found that which he did not seek -- the sharp end of a blade.
Meehn Half-Tail--May your spirit swim forever, Meehn Half-Tail.
Muurine--Muurine rests with the knowledge that her death provides much gossip.
Orinthal--Numbers matter no more, for Orinthal has found eternity.
Ranesta--Ranesta lies here, covered in glory and dirt.
Raven Biter--In memory of Raven Biter. He was one crazy son of a bitch.
Rendil Drarara--He's cooked his last meal.
Sheer Meedish--Beloved wife and loyal drinking companion.
Sickly Bernice†--This time, she was right.
Sontaire--Finally, Sontaire sleeps alone.
Thaedil--In memory of Thaedil. A juggler beyond compare, at least in her own mind.
Tilse Areleth--She couldn't take it with her.
Tove the Unrestful--In memory of Tove the Unrestful. His works completed, may he finally find rest.
Una Armina--In memory of Una Armina, a true Oddity.
Ushnar gro-Shadborgob--He asked to be buried with his beloved dog. Oh, well.
Uungor--Uungor finally got out of the city. Sheogorath watch over his spirit.
Vien Brenenus--Vien Brenenus. Noble but poor.
Vilval Telaram--Vilval Telaram was thrown in this hole.
Wide-Eye--In memory of Wide-Eye. May all her children prosper.
--The Epitaphs that can Appear in the New Sheoth Graveyard, if any Citizen Dies
†Though the epitaphs are waiting to be written, the intended occupants of these graves are always essential and therefore cannot be killed.
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streetfaction · 7 years
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Corgis and 240s, amiright!? Shout out to all the doge import models out there! #240sx #nissan #schassis #s13 #s14 #s15 #180sx #streetfaction #bashbar 📷: @bhisha (at Street Faction Engineering)
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Bagalamukhi name is also seen as Bagala, Bagla, or Baglamukhi, and her stotra of 108 names are: Bagala (restrainer) Bagalamukhi (she who restrains the mouth) Bagalavasi (she who restrains speech) Vacamata (mother of speech) Mantramata (mother of mantra) Stambhani (paralyzer) Pranayami (restrainer of breath) Mudgaravini (she who holds the mace) Jivhaunmulayati (she who pulls out the tongue) Pitisurya (she who is yellow like the sun) Kanaki (she who is golden) Tejasurya (she who is resplendent like the sun) Hlima (the embodiment of the bija hlim) Asuraghni (she who slays asuras) Gambhiraghosi (she whose voice is profound) Vimochani (she who gives release) Mokshachani (she who gives liberation) Haima (golden) Raktasana (she who loves blood) Stambhanakarti (she who causes paralysis) Sudarshani (she who is pleasant to look upon) Jivhasthiti (she who is stationed on the tongue) Vashini (she who keeps persons under control) Saptavidya (the seventh wisdom) Mahanadi (she who has great sound) Vijaya (she who is victorious) Sarvamantravidya (she who knows all mantras) Amarsani (she who is angry) Krodhavani (she whose voice causes agitation) Hastathadamoksha (she who gives liberation from her hand) Damanadambha (she who suppresses arrogance) Bhogakara (she who enjoys pleasures) Unmattavesi (she who appears insane) Mahabala (she who is very strong) Tigmamanyu (fiercely angry) Niyantra (she who restrains) Sukhakara (she who causes joy) Madhusana (she who loves wine) Vihasa (she who laughs) Matta (she who is intoxicated) Akshakashama (she whose eyes are akasha) Jihvastambhini (she who paralyzes the tongue) Brahmarandhrapavartri (she who opens the brahmarandhra) Hriyantrini (she who has a yantra for a heart) Mahakalamukhi (she whose mouth is very black) Maunakarta (she who causes silence) Sambrahmi (she who is a furious and awesome attendant upon Shiva) Kriyapada (she whose words are actions) Kritabhayana (remover of fear) Bandhaki (she whose form is illusion) Simhanadi (she who makes a sound like a lion) Tryaksi (she who has three eyes) Rathakarti (chariot-maker) Ratnayoni (she whose yoni is a jewel) Devasuravaraprada (she who gives boons to gods and demons) Muktakesi (she whose hair is unbound) Gabhira (she who is somber and profound) Vyakaranodbhavi (originating from correct use of language) Gayatri (identical with the Gayatri-mantra) Mahanga (having great limbs) Pitamanirupa (she whose form is topaz) Mamsatti (meat-eater) Vara (she who is excellent) Nadipatya (belonging to sound) Pitaromana (she whose hair is yellow) Manamukha (she who measures the mouth)b Balaha (she who is strong) Sukhambika (mother of pleasure) Yuddhambika (mother of war) Sunadikarta (maker of good sounds) Bhrantikaramardini (slayer of those who cause error and confusion) Hastastambhana (she who paralyzes the hand) Rudrani (she who wails) Vagaladi Adharata (she who is in the south) Krodhini (agitated) Vajrayani (she who has a thunderbolt) Manograhini (she who captivates the mind) Sumanohara (very captivating) Mantraprana (she whose breath is mantra) Smashani (she who dwells in the cremation ground) Palashasapaduka (she who wears sandals of Palasa wood) Katuravamukhi (frog-mouthed) Helakarta (she who causes hatred) Haritalani (she who loves yellow pigments) Kapalaprakshudi (she who crushes the skull) Aksharambika (mother of letters) Bhasmadatva (giver of sacred ashes) Yami (consort of Yama) Svajapa (she who commands that mantras be recited) Siddhaushadha (panacea) Shiva (auspicious) Durvacamardini (slayer of the demon Durvaca) Raktamkrita (she who is adorned with blood) Girnimata (mother of praise) Trilokamohani (she who stuns the three worlds) Nilakanthadharni (supporter of the blue-necked god) Vimada (sober) Suvarcasi (splendidly shining) Bhisha (she whose actions are frightening) Gamaki (she who clarifies and convinces) Anapayya (she who does not drink water) Rasavaca (the essence of speech) Anapahnava (she who does not conceal the truth) Abhivadya (she who is worthy
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loweredlifestyle · 8 years
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How deep is your love for a set of wheels? This tattoo @bhisha got of a #VSKF is the perfect #WHEELWEDNESDAY tribute. Awesome! http://ift.tt/1HUHZIM
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Beach side 🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴 🚗: @bhisha 🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵 #boost #carlove #petrolhead #muscle #lowlife #racecar #turbo #tuner #lowlifestyle #imports #stance #static #slammedsociety #slammed #stanced #hellaflush #importvsmuscle #jdmbrand #low #stanceddaily #cambergang #cambered #boosted #carbonfiber #bagged #drifting #slammednuff
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