sohtaq · 8 months
com'è????? un bel bicer ed lambrosccc e na canna e via
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dilperisanimmmm · 1 year
"İnsan ektiğini bicer derler ya ben asla bu söze katılmıyorum" dedi bugün otobüsteki kadın.
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zeloreaaal · 4 months
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voidselfshipp · 7 months
Happily Ever Afters In The Apocalypse
Cw: none that im aware of.
->Only mutuals allowed to reblog.
Summary: walking through the barren,demolished Lands of the apocalypse, Martin asks for something to lighten up the mood,jerico has just the thing.
[Happends after the tape recording of episode 167]
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The three of them Walked along that barren,sullied earth where the clouds looked like eyes and the air was thick with iron.
In all this disaster,They still found comfort amongst eachother. Jerico seemed the one  to have the most optimism of the three,either by her natural sunny disposition or otherwise.
--So...jer-- says Martin,looking at the earth he steps on-- since Jon made this whole monologue about gertrude...can you tell us a story?
Jerico lets out a soft "hmph" filled with pride. she was,after all, a being of stories-- absolutely-- she answers,hands in her pockets of her beaten up jeans,heavy boots sinking slightly on the soft earth,though no tracks are left in her wake.-- what kind?
Thats when he looks away, a little flustered. Suddenly very aware of how childish hes request sounded.
--Ah youre going to think its silly-- he says,the corner of his eye catching how her teal scarf,draped Across her shoulders and held to her person with an old clasp made of gold, flailed with the wind
Then a brief silence, a clear signal that Martin had forgotten once again that Jer wouldnt judge him. Still,she talks
--Nonsense-- She reassured with a smile.-- what kind?
--The kind that has....a happy ending?--He was prepared to hear Jon scoff, but he doesnt,clearly in need of some good vibes.
She smiles,still warm as the sun they have seldomed in apocalypse-- of those I know a plenty. Anything specific?
And its Jon who catches them off guard with a most out of character response-- romantic--Both turn to look at him in surprise-- what?! You two cant judge me for it
Jer only shook her head between chuckles-- surprised me,thats all
--Youre not the most romantic person-- Martin agreed-- we love you for it though
--Yeah yeah,thank you-- the archivist dismissed with his face a Darker color than before-- let the Lady talk
--Well, here goes--Jerico says,excitement bubbling up in her chest,rubbing her hands together.
Her childlike joy is a nice change of pace for both of them,which helps them relax and ease into the story as the air still smells of iron and desolation.
--Once upon a time there were two sailors-- she starts, her palm raising to her chest to show the image of two sailors made of water without any visible characteristic other than one of them had short hair and the other long hair-- they worked at the same ship, the name long lost to the ages.
They worked hard to Keep the ship afloat,both were dedicated and passionate but different in their own ways.
One had long hair and beautiful green eyes, sharpest mind and witt. The other had short hair and deep brown eyes, of the Kindest heart of the most purest gold, that guided hin like a compass.
Despite the fact that their ways of keeping the clear difference in their methods. But both were bound by a deep love,one they hadnt realized was there for the time being.
The night that would change their lives was much like any other,cloudy skies, gloomy... it was boring,not much to see or do other than check that the ship,now Docked,didnt float away.
But again, it was a boring unremarkable night,so they both went to sleep.
Yet when they awoke, they found themselves in the middle of the Ocean .
Jericos palm shows a small old timey boat lost in the middle of an Ocean that encompases her whole hand
-- the two sailors bickered over whose fault was it.  "Didnt you moore the ship properly?" The one with the long hair asked, bitter indignation in his lips-- they notice jer changes her voice for the dialogues,which is just the level of dramaticisim they expected from her-- "of course I did, didnt you drop the anchor?!" The one with the black hair protested.
Amongst their bicering over the sea breeze, they hear a soft gentle melody being hummed, they follow it with their eyes to a faraway island that looked more like a dot on the horizon than anything else
But,it was a destination.
So our intrepid sailors put the mast on full sail, the wind pushing them to the ever faraway island. With hope in their hearts of returning home.
Jer makes water hang above the small ship on her palm, it takes the form of a small moon and stars. Martín smiles with that same childish delight and Jon seems to relax in his posture,walking a little slower to Keep up with the story
--during the night,when they couldnt sleep for fear of floating away, they would hear that same melody that originally guided their eyes to see the island that they were heading towards.
Now closer to It, the melody was louder,not enough to discern words but louder.
They'd spend the whole night discussing what the source was, "an opera singer?" Wondered the sailor with the long hair and the Smart green eyes
"Or a choir?" The sailor with the warm brown eyes said.
By the time they reached the conclusion of it being a siren or anything of the supernatual,they'd both chuckle and find something to busy themselves with,all the while accompanied by that sweet melody
Then,the small moon and stars turn into a small heavy rainstorm. The small boat rocks widly in the sea and even if both men were promised a happy ending,they both stared intently at the fake ship.
Jerico laughs and continued her story-- one night, a storm loomed over the ship. A strong,raging one with the fury of the water goddess herself, but being so low staffed,the ship crashes into the rocky  archipelagos that lined that mysterious island they headed towards.
Both sailors managed to hold eachother as they fell into the black,unforgiving sea..-- her hand covers her little water mademiniature, crushing the boat.
--Now Hold on a minute!--Martin protested with his pointer finger up-- I was promised a happy ending!
--Yes! Thats nothing close to it!--Jon said-- we dont know what the island is or who was singing!
Jerico is in a fit of hysterical laughter at their demeanor,its as if the world hadnt ended at all-- Well if you dont shut up and let me finish....!-- she exclaimed,trailing off to drive the point home.
--Fine fine,get on with it-- Martin complains-- dont take too long
--Good stories take their time....-- she answers.
--Time isnt really a thing anymore so...--Jon adds, obviously insisting to speed things up.
--fine fine-- she rolls her eyes-- the long haired sailor woke up within a cavern,decorated with gold and jewelry,glinting Stones that refracted the lights from the small torches.
He finds himself alone,but that melody hangs in the air, the words are a little fuzzy but theres two voices singing them,one female and one male
Our sailor ran to the source of the singing,he knew that male voice very well for he had spoken with its owner for Many days and nights...
There at the entrance of the cavern sat his jolly companion, singing with a most beautiful woman,half of her body hid underneath the ebbing shore.
For a moment the world doesnt exist to our long haired sailor, his eyes fixated on his sweet companion. He hugs his comrade and holds him to his chest,and he gets his gesture returned.
His friend of the black hair and soft eyes tells him that this mysterious woman is the source of that singing theyve heard,and that she rescued them.
"So you see,the gods are laughing at us" said the black haired man" our savior is..."
--a siren!-- Jon exclaimed,obviously invested.
Jer smirked-- yes, a siren -- she fixes her teal scarf and pushes away some of the hairs falling on her face-- to thank the kind siren, they would return each year with gifts, and they'd spend days together,catching up.
And the siren,of beautiful porcelain skin and agile green eyes, noticed the fondness of the sailors for eachother. She yearned for both of the sailors love and touch
So on one of their visits,she confessed that she had Fallen for them harder than any anchor could ever fall for the Ocean. She wept her mother of pearl tears and Begged for them to understand
The sailors had,funnily enough,fallen for the siren. And this point of connection led both sea men to finally admit their feelings for eachother,but deep down they both felt like they already knew.
And so, when the sailors retired,they went to live with their siren lover,and lived happily ever after
--Thats actually really cute-- Said Martin,taking Jers hand.
--yes,its a nice change of air-- Agreed Jon,taking Jericos arm-- thank you
Jerico smirked with that playfullness she always had when she pulled a sneaky trick. In her head she counts the moment until they realize what she had done.
--ding ding ding! Weee got a winner!--she exclaimed,feeling very proud of herself.
--How didnt I realize That?!--Jon whined.
--Surprises me that you didnt put that together sooner,Jon-- She admitted with a smirk.
--I...do gotta admit it was nice not knowing the end of something...
Jer smiles--good, im happy it helped
Martin walks closer to her,hugging her waist with one arm--so If this story is about us...do you think we'll get a happy ending?
The eldritch being nodded,pulling Jon for a hug too-- Absolutely, ill make sure we do. After all,stories with a happy ending are my favorite-- she gives them both a loving look with her beautiful green eyes-- and I Belive there is no other way to close this odessy of ours but "and they lived happily ever after".
Jon allowed himself a moment of hope and clung on to his lovers words,so did Martin.
There was no other way to end their story than "And they lived happily ever after".
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444names · 1 year
Names generated from German forenames and minerals, excluding the letter combo "Te"
Abied Achmium Adendocago Admiocon Akenbrax Akhardia Alannart Alegerle Alemut Alfer Aline Allar Allin Alliny Allum Alsaussido Altale Aludia Alvank Amalum Amandine Amasel Amicine Ammopret Ancleph Andin Anephomaca Aninnio Anorpar Anthorle Anthuprid Apind Arear Argans Arone Arpicime Arton Ashia Astrom Aulase Aurie Ausacarar Auson Avinzarre Axena...
Babweng Bachlf Bainamelsa Ballothik Bayal Beild Benotonith Benthena Berboepine Berium Bicers Bichann Blödieierl Blödiotas Borde Borton Botrenini Bownle Branna Bremer Bridic Bridika Brina Bromar Brossotra Buelastine Burasse Busilphar Cabotripp Cactierna Cadkericum Cadot Cafgato Caluorcer Candra Cantheline Caubard Cauxipum Celda Celifer Ceromerip Cerronine Cervalda Channolin Charline Charne Chble Chertin Chimo Chiophine Chlose Chorihen Chröck Chröhne Cleatchry Cober Cocadmunn Cocham Colazzony Colgorfves Condia Coparl Coria Cromitz Cuparma Cusia Degen Derma Djetase Dmolia Dolucald Dumedried Dusse Edane Edialtfre Edriana Elierl Emarin Emuth Epigneph Ertad Estoid Eudagne Eudde Evikama Evine Ewsotalc Fangeb Fanietibne Farca Felamson Felatja Ferbere Fereck Ferina Fermary Ferne Ferse Fluck Flumar Flunyx Flurahnium Fluron Foren Foschle Fralan Framorpe Franth Freaus Frenja Fridelaurd Gadellum Gadiania Gardiantz Garmon Genin Geoch Gerine Gerna Gerparand Glaramine Glingerene Goniceyer Grain Grandium Grelinorne Groco Groseetin Gugine Gunne Haberlend Haerg Halied Hamin Harlear Harlen Harpelewen Hausto Hedam Hedereer Hellia Helscla Henavold Henia Hergerano Herston Hesuela Hildon Hilip Hosch Hosper Hospoph Huart Hulgoeld Hurbene Hyarca Hyldon Hylle Hypine Illingwola Imagne Imosmueric Instra Ionsdoclia Iopennas Irorolann Jachyl Jadowige Jenath Jenbenin Jerert Jerimo Jetrosel Jiamanole Johaucorud Jolose Joradke Jorlearle Jorph Jossmetil Jupenic Jurbertz Kahcosph Kaideld Kastine Katlavede Katone Katowlin Keldine Kerbert Kingretaik Knorthum Kolene Krasid Kratartard Kroxen Kuntatora Kuringer Kurne Könertz Ladotine Lagne Larsar Larud Lasselmin Laubia Lauximich Laxen Leekt Lismardia Lordia Lullurtzin Lütord Maeslan Magne Malaspid Malia Manaine Manger Mania Mantoihard Manyllinna Mardiosco Mardtisco Marmar Marodus Massie Matonne Mckino Mcoekköne Mebar Medevid Melin Mellum Merneschal Merromene Mertz Mesine Mespum Metine Mettonaid Milhelang Miliverine Millingben Molluorma Monalwille Monne Morad Morichry Motig Movdonsto Mus-petone Naldon Nespaldel Niniumck Niummolf Nococarger Nonoharpe Notiner Nseilum Népord Olinel Olinz Olybdia Omium Opharroodo Oseine Otona Pabar Paivane Parpen Paseifetil Pataine Patorthoph Paucanine Pecquelin Peioddel Penase Pettimes Pettus Phanic Phofferson Phord Pidime Pigil Pilvand Pintz Pisia Plaramme Plenta Plenz Plitz Polia Poumblesse Psene Purina Pyrene Pyric Pyrogahil Pyron Pääkke Quordimolf Randido Reauronse Rhophlf Rhord Rhous Ricrozipp Rihyl Robise Rocameyka Rolin Rosse Roxenicine Ruber Ruiloclitz Runope Ruticoach Saber Saferud Sahlornhyl Sambiclarg Sangon Sanotta Santheido Sarbessa Sarne Schesl Schewer Schrosel Scocobrud Scolle Sebhucold Segeta Selmazus Sevine Shana Silher Sinosith Sioke Sitrune Spend Stanzektz Stillane Stilly Stone Strianna Strost Sumat Suthesl Suthodibio Tantincyne Tarise Thontzeud Thopp Tolig Tover Trich Trierne Troper Trouger Tsine Tudober Tyuyald Ucord Ulesum Umospia Uthan Utner Uweet Uwelk Vaner Vanhya Varna Vaufto Vinar Vivia Vorbermax Walismara Watat Welagher Welina Wellord Wheld Whilivedt Willas Wolephand Wollybas Woodo Wüstimonyx Xankding Xantan Xelad Xoniumma Zarch Zawst Zinicosa Zontiase Åkellacola
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futsal-blogat · 1 year
Stella Rossa tipp3 (Saisonvorschau 2023)
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Inhaltsverzeichnis Werbung
Statistik 2022/23
Tabelle ⌀ Tore pro Spiel ⌀ Gegentore pro Spiel Zuschauerschnitt Eingesetzte Spieler 2. 5,2 (4.) 4,7 (7.) 192 (4.) 28
Die Stärken
Insgesamt 28 Spieler fanden sich letzte Saison auf dem Spielbericht des österreichischen Rekordmeisters wieder – stolze 10 Spieler davon haben inzwischen auch das rot-weiß-rote Nationaltrikot übergezogen. Viele der Spieler tragen bereits seit mindestens 6 Jahren die Farben von Stella, stellen somit mehr als einen eingespielten Block und kennen sich schon von den Stella Juniors. Mit 5,2 erzielten Treffern pro Spiel konnte man sich nicht nur für das Halbfinale qualifizieren, im Semifinale gegen Ljuti und vor allem im Finale gegen Linz bewiesen die Mannen von Coach Ristovski, dass sie besonders dann abliefern können, wenn es um etwas geht.
Die Schwächen
Insgesamt 28 Spieler fanden sich letzte Saison auf dem Spielbericht des österreichischen Rekordmeisters wieder – darunter stolze 9 Tormänner. Auch wenn nicht alle zum Einsatz kamen, zeigte dies doch, dass trotz der Kadertiefe selten dieselbe Truppe auf dem Parkett stand. Das Hickhack rund um Teamtorhüter Sadilek, dem von seinem Fußballverein Stripfing die Futsal-Teilnahme verwehrt wurde, trug sicherlich dazu bei, dass man mit 4,7 Gegentoren pro Spiel defensiv große Schwächen aufwies. Im Vergleich: In der letzten Meistersaison 2014/15 kassierte die Mannschaft im Schnitt nur 2,3 Gegentore pro Spiel, also pro Partie um die Hälfte weniger.
Spieler im Fokus
Mit Martin Pajaczowski hat Stella eine weitere Offensivwaffe verpflichtet. Der wendige und technisch äußerst trickreiche Ala, von seinen Teamkollegen kurz „Paja“ gerufen, hätte ja bereits letzte Saison zur Mannschaft stoßen sollen - ein Fauxpas bei der Anmeldung verhinderte dies. So musste Paja letzte Spielzeit seine Torjägerqualitäten noch für Käfig League/Tango Vienna unter Beweis stellen – für die er in drei Saisonen bei einem Trefferschnitt von mehr als einem Tor pro Spiel herausragte.
Dass Futsal-Tausendsassa Aleksandar Ristovski neben seiner Cheftrainertätigkeit bei Stella Rossa und dem Co-Trainerposten im Nationalteam auch noch Teamchef der (inoffiziellen) Beachsoccer-Nationalmannschaft ist, beweist, dass der Mann über ein großartiges Zeitmanagement verfügt. Beim letzten Heimturnier ala Nationencup holte das Nationalteam standesgemäß den Titel. Mit von der Partie waren unter anderem auch die Futsaler Rajkovic, Vukovic und Flögel.
Bekommt Stella Rossa seine Defensivprobleme wieder in den Griff, ist man abermals ein ernsthafter Titelkandidat. Mit dem oben erwähnten Pajaczowksi und dem ebenfalls neu verpflichteten Komel Alizadeh hat man primär in weitere Offensivstärke investiert. Bekommt dazu Matthias Sadilek die Freigabe von seinem neuen Fußballverein Wiener Viktoria, muss Minimum das Halbfinale Ziel sein.
Vorläufiger Kader 2023/24
NEUZUGÄNGE:  Komel Alizadeh (Inter Vienna), Martin Pajaczowski (Inter Vienna) ABGÄNGE: Daniel Sudar (Wiener Neustadt SC), Muhammed Ali Keskin (Pharaohs FC), Abdel Shousha (Pharaohs FC), Miriton Kokollari (Tango Vienna), Anel Özdemir (AC Vienna)   Trainer: Aleksandar Ristovski Position Name Geburtsjahr Nat. L-spiele/T im Verein seit Letzter Verein BL-Spiele/T Tor GROIS Florian 1993 AUT 2021 AC Vienna 2020 9 / 0 Tor SADILEK Mathias 2000 AUT 4 / 0 2017 Stella Juniors 45 / 1 Tor TOMIC Aleksandar 1987 SRB 2021 FC Liberta Wien 82 / 1 Feld ALIZADEH Komel 1997 AFG 2023 Inter Futsal Club Vienna 45 / 48 Feld AMINPUR Hamid 1999 AFG 2022 - 8 / 6 Feld BELJAN Miroslav 1993 AUT 2019 - 27 / 10 Feld BICER Sinan 1992 AUT 22 / 5 2021 Fortuna Wiener Neustadt 125 / 95 Feld FLÖGEL Alec 2000 AUT 13 / 3 2017 Stella Juniors 53 / 36 Feld GAGER Manuel 2000 AUT 8 / 3 2017 Stella Juniors 58 / 31 Feld JOVANOVIC Milos 1997 SRB 2020 - 33 / 7 Feld KREKA Fatlum 1996 AUT 8 / 2 2020 - 31 / 14 Feld OSMAN ALI Abd El Rahman 1986 AUT 9 / 2 2010 - 68 / 48 Feld PAJACZKOWSKI Martin 1997 POL 2023 Inter Futsal Club Vienna 27 / 31 Feld RAJKOVIC David 1994 AUT 12 / 0 2015 Stella Juniors 82 / 66 Feld VOZENILEK Arthur 2001 AUT 5 / 1 2017 Stella Juniors 44 / 8 Feld VUKOVIC Andrej 2000 AUT 1 / 0 2020 - 35 / 26 Feld VUKOVIC Boris 1996 AUT 15 / 2 2017 - 55 / 56 Feld YAZICI Abdul 2004 AUT 2021 Stella Juniors 10 / 2 AFG = Afghanistan, AUT = Österreich, POL = Polen, SRB = Serbien
Starting 5
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kibrisolay · 2 years
Rüzgar Eken Fırtına Biçer Atasözünün Anlamı Nedir? Kısaca Açıklaması Ve Örnek Cümle…
Rüzgar Eken Fırtına Biçer Atasözünün Anlamı Nedir? Kısaca Açıklaması Ve Örnek Cümle… - https://olaykibris.com/ruzgar-eken-firtina-bicer-atasozunun-anlami-nedir-kisaca-aciklamasi-ve-ornek-cumle/ #kıbrıs #kktc #haber #türkiye #dünya
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tushte · 2 years
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#illustration #line #ink #dibujo #tinta #composition #abstraction #biceral #sintaxis #ilustracion #tattoo #retoricavisual #sintesis #formas #mono #nahual #graphic #guatemalaart #latinoamerica #calle #monkey #maya #heart (en Antigua Guatemala, Sacatepequez) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfsszMuMA6a/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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viforeverything · 3 years
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I laughed so hard
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sohtaq · 8 months
un bel bicer ed lambrosccc e una bella cannetta e viaaaa
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turkish-dramas · 2 years
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Tansu Bicer: Tv Series, Biography
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onur-bicer · 5 years
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tall-and-angry · 5 years
Okay, so rant
1. I finally got my url to what I wanted to. Happy bout that
2. How. Are. Fanfics. Better. Written. Than. The. Show. Like, what?! *Only fandom tagged is the one I'm talking about*
3. It took me a good 10 minutes of trying to get the post here thing to pop up, is there an easier way of doing it? Please tell me if there is
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rawmeknockout · 5 years
why are mean jokes how i bond????
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auroras-boreales · 6 years
Por cada noticia en la prensa, en el diario, el radio, la tele. Tendrás que escuchar un tema de rap mínimo nene y sólo así te enteraras de lo que pasa en realidad
Aerstame ft Salvaje Decibel & Bicers - El Escorpión
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awkward-sultana · 6 years
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(Almost) Every Costume Per Episode + Kosem’s mint gown in 1x09 & 1x10
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