#(Almost) Every Costume Per Episode
awkward-sultana · 2 days
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(Almost) Every Costume Per Episode + Kate Sharma's light blue gown with dark blue velvet kaftan in 2x05
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historicwomendaily · 4 months
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(Almost) Every Costume Per Episode + Archduchess Sophie's black lace blouse with blue and white striped skirt in 1x04
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- "hey bizly can we fight an alligator next episode. i just wanna see who would win" "the hilarious thing is that we would LOSE because theyre MORE POWERFUL THAN US" i told you there would be more of this . theres a REASON im including it but also its just so fucking funny
- charlie: "my whole scale for this campaign now is alligator based. while we were getting shot at i kept thinking 'man i wonder how an alligator would deal with this'" alligators are power level 7 btw.
- yakko: "they should just replace all low level superheroes with alligators in costumes" "prime defenders becomes alligators and its like penguins of madagascar"
- "do you think william wisp could beat an alligator in a cartoon beatboxing battle" "no. i dont think alligators can beatbox but william would still lose" i love a loser boy
- theyre trying to get bizly to tell them what power level wavelength is and he wont tell them so they said "put it in alligator terms"
- grizzly wants to pick up a new character quirk for dakota: having one consistent bit per episode and then dropping it at the end of the epispde and picking up a different one next time (like the psychic thing) . yakko was like "its like he sees a new hobby and thinks its gonna be cool and then gets bored of it in like a week" dakota adhd king
- LIZARD UPDATE: crocodiles are power level 8. a crocodile has almost as much charisma as william wisp
- theyre looking at the page from the rulebook now . "youre telling me a komodo dragon is power level 6??? look how dumb that thing looks thats how powerful we are."
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- yakko: "look at the komodo dragon. thats how i feel every time i play prime defenders"
- "MARK IS PART LIZARD. what type of lizard is he. thats how we figure out his power level."
- on this topic, yakko goes: "wait ashe doesnt know marks lizard stuff was from experiments maybe he thinks its genetic. what if next episode he goes up to mark like 'so like am i gonna get lizard powers when i grow up'
- "bizly your silence during this discussion is speaking volumes. can we level up." ".... SURE. NOW YOURE AS POWERFUL AS AN ALLIGATOR"
- i fucking love the lizard discussion its so funny. this isnt trivia but like they have BARELY talked about the episode its all lizard power levels
- the angel that ashe summons to heal people is not a literal angel its just a spirit that happens to look like that
- williams suit was built with all kinds of mystery solving stuff in it!! there were a couple things mentioned in the episode but they specifically say here it has a feat called Always Rolling which gives him a bodycam that records everything they do
- back to the alligator situation. there is a statblock for "army soldier" that is. power level 4 (or 5? they dont say specificially) so now theyre back on this again "YOURE TELLING ME. all the training and shit they go theough and theyd still lose to a fucking gator? THEY HAVE GUNS."
- in order for ashe to summon things he has to say an incantation AND physically have the book open to the right page! so he cant just memorize things he actually physically needs to have the book
- "dakota is so endearing i love him so much" ME TOO
- a lot of the way grizzly plays dakota is inspired by beast boy from teen titans ... i love this about him
- "tide's being stupid and now we have to go save him so he doesnt die"
bizly: "no, tide's not being stupid. he knows fully what hes getting himself into, he just loves his family and would do anything for his family" :(((
- they had this whole discussion about how sad it is that tide was trusting them to make a choice and actively inviting them to a thing that he probably knew was gonna be dangerous and how they betrayed him by making the choice to go with mark instead and it sort of starts to turn into a nuance argument and charlie shuts the whole thing down by going "actually i think tide is an alligator" and thats where they fucking end it
- vyncents fisherman class is not real its just for a bit/for flavor but every day i wish it was
OK I SHOULD HAVE ANSWERED THESE BEFORE I STARTED S2 BUT OH MY GOD THAT LIZARD PAGE. WHY ARE THERE SO MANY LIZARDS. WHO NEEDS THIS MANY LIZARDS IN ONE CAMPAIGN. the fucking alligator oh my god it's insane that overlord is actually a fucking alligator. thats so fucking funny. oh my god
knowing that grizzly plays dakota with beast boy in mind makes soooo much sense. that is beast boy right there!!!!!
vyncent's fisherman class should have been real and canon </3 in my mind it is in fact canon. what would the fisherman's name be..... that is the question
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trashiewrites · 2 years
MW Halloween HCs
Happy Spooky day yall! Here are some HC’s i cranked up for the boys plus Farah 👀 spending time with you of the fateful day!
+you tried to do something at least decorate the house. He shut you down so fast.
+Plus, He doesn't believe in it and thinks it's a waste of money.
+You told him "THiNk AbOuT THe CHilDrEn JoHN" and I shit you not his response was "Sure I'll give them a good scare" As he pulls out his gun he carries.
+ You then make him aware of the potential lawsuits for you know BRADISHING A GUN TO CHILDREN
+He proceeds to put the gun away "No decorating"
+You ignored him, you bought small decorations anyway with your own money so he couldn't complain. Your favorite is a skeleton bowl that you placed on his nightstand one night after he fell asleep, woke up, and yelped because he woke up with a skeleton in front of him.
+Proceed to laugh in his face. To be honest, he laughs too cause it did get him pretty good.
+ Wouldn't be surprised if Soap signed up for a decorating contest cause I feel he would love to decorate these types of things
+He even makes custom stuff
+you help him OFC, mainly by going out and getting supplies when he needs them.
+ He takes such pride and you as an extra touch Help Soap Get costumes that help match the theme of the decorations for the wear so that way when you guys hand out treats together you guys look in character and can trick a few scared in!
+Soap loves interacting with the kids. Honestly seeing the kids walk up amazed at his work on the house is why he does it.
+DadTavish energy vibes are especially high. Like he is so close to having a full-on baby fever episode.
+He gets really sad the day after because he knows he's not gonna be able to keep his props. But you guys sell the props online because they actually have a big market for this kind of stuff. Saves up money for next year's theme!
+He tries so hard...
+He usually doesn't pay any heed to such a holiday but he wanted to try it
+TBH the only reason he never did is that kids are normally scared to talk to him due to his mask. He's always been marked as intimidating.
+he bought simple decorations for the outside of his house and a silly little skeleton bowl for the candy he was gonna give out.
+He asked you to help him set it all up. But it was really just for the nerves
+ Day of Halloween, he didn't really dress up per se. He just kinda wore the uniform.
+Halloween became his favorite holiday that day :)
+ "Wow Mister! I love your Skull Trooper costume!" He doesn't know where exactly it's from but it meant so much to him
+ After that night he was so silently happy. Whenever it happens, he looks over at you every time with a glow in his eyes. It is so fucking cute
+Now he looks forward to Halloween every year!
+He spent the entirety of the month chatting with you about different duos you both could be. This is the heaviest debate every year cause you two can never agree.
+you want to do a duo from your fav show while he would want to do the cliche couple ones like Peter pan and Wendy; just some Disney.
+You guys compromised this year by doing a duo from your favorite animated movie. (For example, Chihiro and Haku from spirited away, but you choose whatever) 
+ Once the whole costume problem ends, you can finally decide what you guys go do for the holiday itself. Which is something you guys luckily can easily get behind each other's ideas. At least, you guys have civil conversations about it.
+ he usually tries to bring up doing a haunted house and then heading to a party. This year Shut him down on at least the haunted house. Why you may ask, well Gaz doesn't do haunted houses very well... Like horribly.
+ It's either he gets too on edge and almost kills an actor, or he panics and passes out. Two years in a row... So you really don't want to deal with another hospital bill. Despite him saying He'll be okay and he won't do it... You highly doubt that... Cause he has always been pretty jumpy.
+He wanted to go trick or treating... REALLY BADLY. 
+ Yeah you didn't believe him at first when he asked you about you, "Aren't you too old for that Gary?" You wouldn't believe how loudly he gasped.
+ "YOU'RE NEVER TOO OLD FOR FREE CANDY!"  Gary shed a single tear as he ran to your shared bedroom. You couldn't hold your sigh as he went off on his dramatic antics again. Every time, this happens every single time...
+ When you finally agree to it, he celebrates and does a little happy dance. God the shit this GROWN MAN does that makes him the world's oldest 5-year-old. 
+ That happy dance stops when you ask one question, "So, what are you going to be?" He stops right where he is and stays for a bit before looking back at you... "u h h, shit... I don't know." 
+ He dragged you to the Halloween shop with him so he can try out the costumes, which might I add, took about 3 hours of your day.
+ He couldn't pick between being Michael Myers or some other creepy monster you didn't know the name of. Of course, he asked your opinion, aka you choose which one he picks cause he's so damn indecisive. 
+ On Halloween, he was practically jumping off the walls in the evening! 
+For you, enjoying a nice stroll in the cool breeze but seeing Roach so happy is nice too. Even better when you two stop for a break and he reaches into his candy sack and hands you your favorite candy cutely. "Thank you for coming with me (y/n)." 
+ Before anyone asks, yes, yes, he does get really weird looks because he is semi-tall... Like they aren't going to say anything cause he's wearing a mask and even if he wasn't wearing one, he has a baby face so he still would get his candy. 
+I'm going to be completely honest with Ya... He seems like the guy that likes true crime.
+ SO, instead of typical Halloween stuff like Horror movies and cobwebs. You both are watching true crime documentaries while making little knife cookies! 
+Honestly you two get really sad at the end because you can't help but feel horrible for the victims of these killers you had watched. So, after the documentary binge, you both just relax and watch normal things. 
+Honestly Alex forgot it was Halloween until someone came to the door for a trick or treat. Sadly, he had to bear the bad news to the kids. He didn't have candy but offered a knife cookie. 
+ With the consent of the parents, he put them in a little sandwich baggie and gave it to them. 
+You looked back at him with a small glare at him giving the cookies, "what you want me to leave them empty-handed?" You nodded, "Oh come on (y/n), not like you're going to eat them all anyways." You took that as a challenge. 
+ you got sick the next day :D Alex was also mad that you legit ate all the fucking cookies. He only got to have like 3 out of the 14 or so.
+ So, Farah doesn't really get the purpose of Halloween. But she gets one thing. It is the one day she can scare the living shit out of you all day and you can't be mad at her for it. 
+She hinds in the most obscure places and somehow knows where you are going to go at all times.
+ Honestly, it freaks you out how many times she can scare you in one day... Her record is 20. 
+ Poor you get so anxious and somewhat competitive cause you want to catch her before she can scare you. Have you done so? no, currently you have zero points on that front...
+ "Boo!" you screamed and fell backward, "Haha! got you again (y/n)!" she lends you a hand as you proceed to tell her that this isn't what Halloween is supposed to be. "Well, it is this for me and I quite like this holiday. Keeps your senses sharp, doesn't it?"
+ You two don't really celebrate Halloween, the most you two do is buy decorations and make little Halloween snacks. Also, Alejandro has a weird obsession with candy corn...
+ You guys also watch Horror movies but that really is for Halloween, nothing special. 
+ You guys celebrate Dias de Los Muertos, which is really big for him! You guys have an ofrenda in your house and his family usually hosts a big party to celebrate the day which you are happily welcomed to! 
+ If you have ever been to a Mexican party, you can probably expect what it's like.  If you don't know, just know its fucking amazing! fresh food of all kinds, all kinds of booze, and top that with a loud stereo or a live band! 
+ Personally believe that Alejandro would bust out a guitar and play a song or two! Aka, I believe he has a killer Spanish singing voice, English... He's okay with it.
+Take this as you wish, But I'm telling you right now this man is way too fascinated with slasher films... I MEAN IT, HE LOVES THEM SO MUCH!
+ Legit you guys prob had a bucket that you would handle the trick-or-treaters because he won't leave that screen. HE'S SO FOCUSED!
+ It honestly shocks you how many of these types of movies this man can watch in one sitting cause honestly it prob gets boring after about 3 of them. I'm sure he watched maybe 14 movies throughout the entire day.  MIND YOU, THIS ISNT A FLEX!
+ Cheers and makes comments about the character deaths, "That girl totally deserved to die, like who the fuck is that stupid to go that way like honestly dear fucking god..." 
+ One character's head got, you know, smashed and I SWEAR, the first thing out his mouth was "Haha! Pop!" LIKE IT WAS NOTHING!!! not even a flinch... I refuse to believe this man isn't a walking red flag
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highfantasy-soul · 7 months
Omg I just finished the Netflix ATLA live-action and omg omg omg. It was SO GOOD!!! I genuinely did NOT expect to cry as much as I did, but damn, the character moments hit SO HARD!
All the characters are so accurate to the animated series (Iroh I did feel was a bit different, but I still enjoyed how he was portrayed), and the show really added a lot more depth to some of the backstories - like including more Gyatzo and Aang, Katara and her mother, and Sokka and his dad. Yeah, some of that hurt and I know making characters (specifically parents) not-perfect rubs some people the wrong way, but I really think it brought to the forefront the issues the characters face and set up the journey to overcoming it.
The bending was phenomenal, while they did rely on CG for some body-doubles during the movements, I'm fine with it. It's magical martial arts, people physically cannot do the things benders do, so it didn't really take me out of the story at all. The sets and costumes and FOOOOODDDD that they had just looked so good - I wanted to eat EVERYTHING on Kyoshi island!
And for how they combined several storylines and expanded the roles past Avatars played, I really, really loved it. They combined the stories in a way where there could be a common theme (really, several themes) weaving throughout and really sit with character moments and motivations that I think worked really well for an adaptation that didn't have 20 episodes with 20 full stories told per episode.
I was honestly shocked, too, at how many episodes/story arcs were almost directly, 1-1 translated to screen! The whole blue spirit arc was done so well and the siege of the north was just about as accurate to the animated as you could get it - while adding just the right amount of extra in there to really tighten some of the themes.
I loved how they expanded Azula's story by showing her in the capitol before being sent out for the Avatar in season 2 - it really gives us an idea about her personality and what expectations are on her instead of just introducing her as 'Zuko's crazy little sister'. The animated series does a good job making her a massive threat, and we see bits of her motivations ('almost perfect isn't good enough') and it's later that we get to see a more fleshed out side of her - which takes time the live-action doesn't have. Azula's mind-space definitely deserves a multi-episode run. And the clarification that Ozai was just pitting his kids against each other to make the stronger one push to the front - so so so good!
Just honestly, this was a fantastic adaptation and I can't think of a way they could have done better. No piece of media is perfect (contrary to the Azulas in every fandom demanding perfection or else it's terrible and awful and 'you're SETTLING for this??') but this is as near as I can imagine it could be. I definitely felt the heart of the animated series shining through.
I'm so looking forward to season 2 and seeing how they remix the stories there to tug at my heartstrings even more.
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writingsofwesteros · 11 months
alicents sister swearing loyalty to the greens after she found out her husband (harwin) is having an affair with rhaenyra, she started wearing green everyday
Bless, and she's so conservative as well ..for now.
Harwin had not even noticed, too distracted by the births of his sons
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Review: My Uncanny Destiny
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Happy Lunar New Year folks! Yesterday I spent my whole day watching this (I was trying to get the Lunar New Year vibes).
A little TMI but last year for 1 month I went on this crazy binge of watching historical chinese dramas. I spent every free time I have binge watching almost 30 dramas. I average spending 2 days max per drama (if ya'll watch chinese dramas ya'll know, esp the older ones, each drama is about 60 episodes).
Well I couldn't have done it without the x2.0 speed and ff buttons.
I have watched from the good ones (will forever stand behind Love Like The Galaxy as one of the best historical chinese drama ever) and I have watched the worst (sorry Eternal Love, my hand was spamming that ff button).
Anyways long story short, I know what I like in a historical chinese drama and this is it.
My Uncanny Destiny is about a girl who is the only heir to the throne, was brought up as a boy by her King father. And a boy from another Kingdom looking to avenge his father's death (supposedly caused by the girl's Kingdom). Very enemies to lovers trope but not exactly. FYI this will contains spoilers.
Anyways, she one day somehow save the boy but lost her memory and they connected, fall in love and have to deal with the consequences that they are enemies. (AGH)
kk wanna find out more, go watch it. There is only 24 episodes and 30 mins run time per episode (honestly, very very short compared to the dramas I've watched before).
What I love about this drama is that this drama doesn't take itself so seriously. They establish themselves as a comedy drama. THIS IS COMEDY. From the poop and fart jokes to the silly encounters and accidents. Everything is funny and so absurd I can't help but love it. I especially love the female lead. Zhang Yue Nan did such a good job at playing this clever comedic character, it doesn't end up being cringe. She's not afraid to make herself look silly at all. She reminds me of Zhao Lu Si in the drama The Romance of the Tiger and Rose. BUT don't be fooled, her character Ye Zhao Nan is a strong clever character. Which is what I love it a female lead. I hate, and I repeat, I hate female lead that is dumb. like out of this world, logic out the window dumb. (Which sadly is usually the case for female leads in chinese dramas.)
But Ye Zhao Nan is a strong clever character that could hold her own. She doesn't need the male lead to save her every 2 seconds. Speaking of male lead, mans really good looking. He reminds me of lee dong wook. I looked at his profile photos out of costume and I can say, mans look good in King costume. Anyway, the male lead Liu Xuan Ming played by Yan Zi Xian is also a character that holds his own. He is unafraid to show his love and affection towards his girl. He is jealous but doesn't treat her like his belonging. He is also a strong ruler to his Kingdom.
Together, they have so many funny and comedic scenes I wonder how many times they have to reshoot because the actors might just burst out laughing. My favourite? Is when we can clearly see Yan Zi Xian break character by genuinely laughing or smiling at Zhang Yue Nan's acting. It's so sweet because it doesn't look out of character. Instead it looks like he adores her (which the male lead character does).
I love how strong each female characters are in the drama. Most of the time, female characters are plotted into the story to benefit the male characters. But here, they are have their own story and antics. Even the villain of drama has her own arch and is of strong character.
CAN WE TALK ABOUT THE SECOND MALE LEAD! He is the most green flag second male lead I have seen in a chinese drama in a while. Yi Yang Jun grows interested in the female lead but steps away the moment she says her heart belongs only to Liu Xuan Ming. He becomes her confidant and her friend. He becomes a good friend to the male lead as well (although he occasionally tease him about taking the female lead away). He is respectful to her feelings and when he backs away, he doesn't look pitiful at all. He smiles and walk off which makes me believe that although he loves her, he loves himself equally too.
Overall, this drama had a good storyline, plot, acting and script. If they had taken themselves seriously and they had a longer runtime, I would say they would be on par with Love Like the Galaxy (and that says alot considering this is my favourite chinese drama ever).
Wrapping up, I would highly recommend you watch this drama if you're looking for a good laugh. Don't take it too seriously.
Rating: 4/5
-- Fary
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27emailsicantsend · 2 years
Do you think Ricky will write a song for Gina in s4? I NEED this!! What are some things you hope to see from Rina in s4?
I literally collapsed when I saw this ask because the idea of this makes me SO happy. I would LOVE to see him write her a song. I also wrote in my last fic that Gina wrote Ricky a song by borrowing his guitar :') so I would genuinely be happy for both. Or what if they wrote a song together?? It would all be beautiful.
And even more amazing is the second part of this question... which is so, so much. I kind of wrote in that fic mentioned earlier (Of Converse and Pavement) things that might be cute from them and I made a list of a bunch of headcanons for s4/s5 I'd like to see. All of these are located in the description. Since those are more fantasies, I will answer this with things I feel like we could *realistically* see and I would really love to see (I apologize if some are redundant from my fic/headcanons):
-Rina "Can I Have This Dance"... I don't think I need to say more
-I think it would be hilarious if Rina went as peter/gwen or mj for a couples costume on halloween because of how involved it is in the fandom. Tim has had to see us screaming about that, right??
-Ricky showing up at Gina's door and/or Gina showing up at Ricky's door but he gives her a massive hug and kiss when he sees her
-I made a theory about this, but when rina says their I Love You's they parallel the first "Oh. Oh?" scene in season 1, but this time it's a pleasant shock and reciprocated
-Not a jealous gina per say, because I don't see that happening, but some sort of acknowledgement from Ricky that he is over Nini. Like maybe someone mentions her and he kind of shrugs it off (kindly) or he says "I've never felt this way about anyone" to Red and Red goes "what about Nini?" and Ricky says, "like I said, I never felt this way about anyone. Gina is different"... idk something along those lines :')
-I genuinely think we are getting a rina secret dating era, even if it's just the conflict of one or two episodes. The way corbin intentionally made sure the camera was turned off, the doc, the "students having to deal with new fame and the complications of it", it all feels like rina is going to try to keep their cool in public so things don't get bad for them
-I think at the very least Vanessa is going to make a guest appearance from some of the things she has said in interviews, but if Zac comes back too (which would be such a shame for him not to with everyone else... even as a surprise in the finale), we will have at the very least some sort of parallel to them and rina. Even just them standing by each other in similar clothes all the way to some meta conversation, even if Vanessa is the only one to guide it. I just feel like it is so on the nose; it would be weird for the show not to point it out in some way with those characters in the room.
-This is a teeny bit of a "I don't know for sure this will happen and it's likely it won't", but I would LOVE for rina to get a second chance at homecoming!
-Ricky as troy, gina as gabriella (and possibly them somehow somehow missing part of opening night to parallel movie 3)
-ricky just being heart eyes and absolutely dumbfounded at every breath gina takes because let's be real that's been him all 3 seasons so it won't be anything new
-There is a tik tok that looks like gina is at ricky's house, but her eyes almost look watery? I don't think it will be anything bad between their relationship, but I see her actually seeking him for comfort instead of running this time. Or maybe, even better, they have a sweet conversation that makes her cry happy tears :')
-To add onto the last one, I feel like it would be an absolute crime for them to not have one scene of Gina making something and ricky at the very least watching her do it (it would be even better, and my personal headcanon, that when she is hanging at ricky's house they are making something together <3)
-I think ricky is going to sing scream, which means he is going to have tough decisions to make about his life after college. Although gina won't be in the scene directly, I see him having at least a couple of scenes where he mentions her and how she will affect his course of plans for his life after high school. It will just be a really sweet way to show how much she really benefits his life.
-I think we are getting some variation of the chocolates confession. I know tim scrapped it for the finale, but I don't think he is getting rid of it. Not every viewer is on social media, so a lot of his scenes look like plot holes without this key piece of info. I think we might get a flashback or at the very least a conversation where ricky confesses this. Maybe this is the scene that makes gina cry as mentioned earlier?
-literally forehead kisses, holding hands, at least one hug from behind, and at least one scene with his arm around her shoulders. This one makes me want to collapse thinking about it.
-Lastly, for now, I would be shocked if they didn't do something to lead off of ricky's "don't get me started"*. They used that sentence specifically in BOTH variations of the script to end the scene (mind you the other way around was supposed to be gina saying it to him). He's trying to say "there's more" not only to gina, but the audience. I feel like he is either going to gush a lot over her, go on some long winded confession, or maybe even a conflict of an episode is he gets a wee bit too intense (really hoping this last one isn't true), but knows when to back off to show character growth from r*ni. Maybe rina even makes jokes about this? idk. It just felt too intentional for there not to be more.
*Maybe all of season 4 is ricky "getting started" with his feelings for Gina because they are so big and intense. I don't know.
Anyway, I hope this answers your question for now :') thank you so much for it. It made me SO happy to answer!! I can't wait for s4!!!
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okeydrama · 2 years
every drama i’ve seen so far pt.4
my roommate is a gumiho
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i love her
the chemistry between her and both male leads was so good
the main romance was so well organized and we had so many domestic scenes which i loved
the fantasy element was not as flushed out as i would like
there were a few things that seemed convenient/rushed/nonsensical
those things didn’t take away from my enjoyment though
i loved how lighthearted it was
the second lead was acted really well and i found myself liking the two of them together because of the angst he brought (the way he watched her 😩)
this was actually funny at times
i like how goofy it was
the secondary couple was really good because they brought a rare romantic dynamic
the way scenery/settings were shot well and it was generally aesthetically pleasing
i think this was solid overall but also not very memorable so not an all time favorite but extremely good and worth the watch
descendants of the sun
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the male lead is hilarious
the bromance was hilarious
this was the first drama of this kind that i have watched
the plot was well developed
i liked how much of a subplot the romance was
the secondary couple once again was enjoyable to watch
i think there was too much drama for me and it was slow at times
i might have watched it too quickly because it wasn’t very memorable once again
squid game
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omg i got the hype
i have a lot of complaints but overall it is closer to good than bad for me
first and foremost the unique settings and costuming makes this drama so memorable and vivid and have its own impact
the characters were well flushed out and i believed their motivations/actions/turmoil
introduced me to hoyeon <3
the casting was 10/10
i loved that we got different challenges every episode
the deaths all had an impact
things i didn’t like was the cheap ‘plot twist’
i also didn’t think this plot was particularly unique in concept but very unique and interesting in execution
the cop and his antics were not satisfying at the end which bothered me
the end in general bothered me
hometown cha cha
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this couple was so god damn cute
this story was almost perfect
the almost is because of how annoying the last two episodes were
i don’t like when the couple goes through a third act conflict for absolutely no reason
once they get together it was boring af for two episodes of unnecessary drama
the townspeople were so cute and didn’t detract from the story for me
i love the small town vibes
there was no need for the secondary lead in terms of the romance but i do like the jealousy he pulled out of the male lead
once again cute but not too memorable (i’m not completely a fan of slice of life)
all of us are dead
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omg omg omg
served what it needed to
this was beautifully executed start to finish
was on the edge of my seat and engaged the entire time
the settings, characters, plot all worked
the side romances were still dynamic and engaging which i loved
the betrayals and twists and characterizations were excellent
talented team all around and a great drama
extraordinary attorney woo
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i loved this lollll
the different case per episode format was great
the cartoons that came in randomly were so cute and fun
i think it is a pretty good interpretation of an autistic person but i‘m not on the spectrum so i can’t really say
the romance was so cute and there was just enough in the drama
i loved the side characters like a lot
the friendships were just as important as the romance which i loved
the dad was so cute
the star removed are because of a few issues i had with the pacing and the random things said that i’m going to blame on cultural differences/mistranslation
user not found (web drama)
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this was such a random watch and my first web drama
this was cute overall and it did what it needed to which was entertain me
it took a while to get used to the format and acting and stuff but i think it is typical of a web drama so it didn’t bother me
the friendship between the female lead and the other girl with her same name was so cute and fresh
the romances were basic but i still liked them lol
i was interested from start to finish so that was great
that’s the update! i’ll take recommendations in the comments if you have any
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sshbpodcast · 1 year
Top 3 Star Trek Voyager villains
By Ames
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Invaders! Cower in fear this week on A Star to Steer Her By as we unleash some of the biggest masterminds, ne’er-do-wells, and other villains in this week’s blogtivity. We covered our more universal (and frequently more heroic) favorite characters from Voyager last week, and this week we’re conspiring with some of the baddest baddies from the Delta Quadrant. Mwahahaha!
This should be no surprise anymore. We did it for TOS, TNG, and DS9, so crawl into your favorite B-movie costume, prepare to engage in mutiny, and maybe grow a goatee for this week’s most villainous Voyager villains. Put up your dukes as you read on below, follow along with the master plan over on this week’s podcast episode (discussion at 1:01:56), and steeple your fingers thusly. Now that’s evil.
[Images © CBS/Paramount]
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Ames – Wave after wave of our own men
Borg Queen
The diabolical plans of all of my picks are downright destructive when you get down to it. We see it with our Krenim friend, Annorax, whose beautiful timeship undoes so many people and only a patented Janeway Self Destruct™ can knock them out. We see it with the USS Dauntless, the fake Starfleet vessel programmed to get everyone’s ass assimilated, even if that means martyring Arturis in this revenge thing. And I can’t not see it in the Borg Queen, as I also did in TNG, when she willingly destroys her own ships to root out the beginnings of revolution.
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Jake – Broken by circumstance
Captain Ransom
Jake likes a villain who himself is a victim of a broader scheme, whether it be his own tragic backstory, his own people mutinying, or the player just plain getting played in his own game. So here are some more kudos for Annorax, who you can almost root for because his intentions are rational even if the execution is genocidal, for Captain Ransom whose displacement in the Delta Quadrant utterly ruined his crew, and for the double-crossing Kashyk who got thoroughly triple-crossed in just about every [Jane]way.
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Chris – Mustache-twirlingly eeeevil!
Dr. Chaotica!
Warship Janeway
Chris is himself a cartoon character, so it only makes sense for him to pick some of the most over-the-top, Snidely Whiplash–adjacent, cartoonish villains for his list. Lean on that pipe organ as we introduce Doctor Chaotica!, with exclamation mark thoroughly intentional, as one of the most entertaining, least realistic villains we ever did see, but it’s a B-movie homage, so it’s okay. Let’s also bow before Kashyk, whose espionage skills rival a Bond villain’s, and Warship Janeway, the best mirror universe character not actually in the mirror universe!
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Caitlin – Slimy scumbags, scummy slimebags
Henry Janeway
Dr. Kadan
Finally, all of the bad guys on Caitlin’s list are just scumbags to the core. They’re probably the most realistic villains on the show because we could see this level of corruption in a lot of people today. Dr. Kadan is just a kidnapping monster whose motivation is nothing but the capitalism of it all. Penk, played deliciously sleazily by Jeffrey Combs, is… also a kidnapping monster, etc. etc. And while Henry Janeway isn’t a kidnapping monster, per se, he also destroys a perfectly salvageable episode by being a selfish luddite who drags Shannon and Jason down with him.
— One more installment before we hit the Voyager finale and wrap up the series. What will we think? What will our favorite and least favorite episodes be? But I get ahead of myself: what will our favorite Voyager alien races be? Find out here next week! Also, obviously, follow along as we prepare to invade the Alpha Quadrant on the podcast, practice your maniacal laughter with us on Facebook and Twitter, and assimilate this!
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pynkhues · 2 years
hi, sophie! i recently realised that ncis is on it's 20th season and svu is on it's 24th. i always love to see your insights into the industry, so i was wondering if you know or have any theories as to why procedurals seem to be so popular with audiences and/or easy for networks to invest in. i'm just honestly flabbergasted that some shows manage to get 20 seasons when most struggle to get 2.
Hi! Thank you for your lovely words! I love talking about the TV industry, and certainly read and listen to enough about it, haha, so I was delighted to see your ask, because - - well, yeah! Procedurals are pretty fascinating in both their longevity as individual shows and as a format for television generally. They’ve been a stalwart of TV for almost as long as TV has existed; in fact, one of the first procedurals, Telecrime which aired in the UK in 1938, is also one of the first ever multi-episode drama series ever made and one of the first TV dramas written directly for TV and not adapted from a play or a radio play.  
Funnily enough, it doesn’t seem like the genre has even really changed that much. Telecrime followed a detective, Inspector Holt, as he tried to solve one crime per episode, and challenged the audience to solve it before him (in real bummer news: the series is lost to history, with no surviving recordings, so unfortunately we can’t watch it! The pop culture historian in me would love to, haha). Still, you can compare that synopsis to something like Law and Order or House, and the basic concept is the same. They’re your classic whodunit’s, regardless of whether the who is a person or a disease, and in that sort of vein, they’re a televised replacement for the Agatha Christie novels of yore.
And yeah, y’know, they’re comforting. They’re cosy. They’re shows you don’t have to keep up with to enjoy, but will potentially get more out of if you do, because the puzzle is more the point than the characters.
They’ve always been crucial to the TV landscape, but I think right now, they feel strange because they mark a widening gap between TV and Streaming, and I think in a lot of ways also mark a bit of a shift in the industry now.
Let me explain.
The Colour of Money
First thing to remember is that comparatively to most TV, procedurals are cheap to make.
I know, I know, it doesn’t always seem that way with an explosion or two and headlines telling you how much certain actors earn, but the reality is procedurals are usually limited sets, not-all-but-a-lot of early-career writers and directors, limited (and often very established) sets meaning few builds, easy costuming (a lot of cop uniforms for instance will be hired en mass from a costume house and not require extensive design in a way something like, say, Game of Thrones or Succession would), and can even share sets. Courtroom sets can be, and are, used by a lot of shows and movies, meaning many studios will have a set that every show can use, so you don’t have location costs of shooting off the studio lot.
They also make money.
They’re an easy sell to advertisers, particularly if they’re established procedurals – advertisers know exactly what they’re associating their product with when they slot themselves into commercial space on NCIS or Chicago Fire, and they know these shows rate (which I’ll come back to the why of shortly), and knowing content and context makes them safe in a way that, for instance, Twitter, isn’t. You don’t know on Twitter what your ad might be nestled between, or, y’know, when the platform is going to be acquired by a megalomaniac.
They also sell internationally, which is crucial.
I’ve talked a little on here before, but streaming services have really killed off territory sales, which is really, really bad for TV as an industry. Territory sales is actually how shows have historically made money. NBC would, for instance, front the costs for producing a show like, say, Good Girls, and how they would make that money back would be through selling Good Girls as a complete season to an Australian network, to a French network, to a Japanese network, to wherever, with each sale building profits to ultimately recoup costs, make a bit of profit, and then fund future seasons of the show.
Streaming services now typically acquire international rights, meaning production companies make one sale instead of multiple, and most streaming services currently pay really badly. Like - - a fraction of what used to be possible with territory sales.
This is a bit of an aside, but we’re starting to see the impact of that. It’s why streaming services are starting to pull their original content to sell it to other networks or streamers. TV is expensive! Territory sales have always been where the money was.
So yes. Because procedurals are still predominantly on Network TV, they still have old territory deals, meaning a lot of them are still making old territory money. Law and Order and NCIS still air on Channel 10 here in Australia, meaning it’s still a network territory sale, and not a streaming sale as an international deal, and this is the same in many other countries around the world.
These long-running procedurals are still selling TV to TV network, not TV network to international streamer, meaning they’re still making the sort of money TV used to, which means they’re still making the sort of money that’s recouping costs and funding new seasons.
But why are they selling so well internationally still?
People watch them, which I guess is kind of your question, haha.
So, why do people still watch them? Truthfully, who knows! There are a lot of theories that get bandied about as to why procedurals still work, and they range from ones I find unfairly pessimistic to unfairly glorifying. My personal theories tend to vary, but I really think it comes down to appointment viewing versus regularly scheduled programming.
Appointment viewing is usually what you call viewing you have to watch at the right time, usually because they’re expected to be conversation pieces. A sports game, The Bachelor in its prime, a show like Succession. Shows that are going to be significant to your life, to your friendship network, hell, even just because it’s the show you and your co-workers have found common ground with. They’re shows you talk about, so shows you risk getting spoiled on.
Appointment viewing used to really be certain nights of the week – never Friday or Saturday, because the assumption with broadcasters was that you’d be out, and rarely Mondays. Thursdays and Sundays were often prime for this, meaning networks would program their conversation starters on those nights, and pepper the rest of the week with regularly scheduled programming, and usually Fridays and Saturdays with re-runs or old movies. It meant Mondays, when NCIS airs, isn’t for appointment viewing, it’s there to be the thing you catch when you’re home from work and put the kids to bed, but aren’t quite ready to go to sleep yourself. A comfort show with a little mystery that caps off your evening before work the next day.
That sort of programming has always been crucial to the TV landscape, but Netflix is not TV, and Netflix, somewhere along the lines, decided everything should be appointment viewing.
Binge culture is rough, and the model of streaming services like Netflix (although not all of them, I will say), is to keep your interest (and your money) by offering you an endless parade of conversation starters. Their model talks about content over story, meaning quality is irrelevant, and by treating everything as urgent viewing, ultimately, nothing is. There’s a switch, which I think we’re seeing right now, where appointment viewing fatigue has set in, and people want their comfort shows.
They want their Law and Order SVU and their Yellowstone and their 9-1-1 where it doesn’t matter if they miss an episode, and it doesn’t matter if they forget subplots, and there aren’t any easter eggs to have to look for, or Wiki pages to read to figure out what’s going on. For a lot of people, it’s too much, and on a Monday night, between work and kids and life, most people don’t want appointment viewing, most people just want to solve their little whodunit and go to bed.
The Snap Back
Interestingly, I think we’re starting to see the shape of TV really reverse, and to me, this is sort of a marker of that. Network TV seems to be really reverting back to weekly models, and going back to longer season runs of series’ that are cheap and fun and popular – Abbot Elementary’s 22-episode season 2 is a real indication of that to me – and the fact that it’s timing with Netflix caving in on itself like an undercooked cake, more streamers hiking up fees, WB pulling HBO’s content off its own streamer to sell elsewhere, and Hulu, Disney+ and Prime all shifting to weekly content instead of season drops paints a pretty distinct picture. I think streamers are realising that their model doesn’t work, and TV networks are starting to entertain the idea that their model – while very imperfect – actually sort of did. I think it means we’ll end up somewhere in the middle of both – that TV needed to be dragged forwards but that streaming was a huge leap that we need to now be dragged back from, and what that looks like in terms of actual shows and platforms is anyone’s guess.
That’s not really your ask though, haha, so yes! Really, I think it comes down to the fact that TV is a business, and procedurals are cheap and sell well and are a crucial part of the TV eco-system, and shows that are maybe better, but more expensive, or harder sells, or do sell to international streamers who can’t work out how to profit off them in the way they want, is why procedurals are the only shows that really feel stable right now.
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awkward-sultana · 2 days
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(Almost) Every Costume Per Episode + Alice Mondrich's pink gown with white flower embellishments in 3x01
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I posted 889 times in 2022
That's 518 more posts than 2021!
14 posts created (2%)
875 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 172 of my posts in 2022
#dracula daily - 60 posts
#analysis - 26 posts
#pers. - 10 posts
#fashion inspo - 6 posts
#london - 6 posts
#much ado about nothing - 6 posts
#tender is the flesh - 5 posts
#shakespeare - 5 posts
#interior design - 3 posts
#tsh - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 111 characters
#the shift from flies to spiders being symbolism for sin is a really interesting aspect i wasn't aware of before
My Top Posts in 2022:
0 notes - Posted May 10, 2022
"In den Poren der frauenfeindlichen Narrationen verbirgt sich die Widerständigkeit der Frauen."
~ Die Erschöpfung der Frauen, Franziska Schutzbach S. 43
0 notes - Posted April 20, 2022
watched the first two eps of "The Haunting of Bly Manor" with my gf. surprised by how much I like the characters, they are really three-dimensional. the main character is in equal parts outspoken and fragile, she didn't shy away from being frank with the kids uncle but she obviously has her own struggles with panic attacks etc.
And the boy, I wonder if he's possessed? Possibly the demon/creature sprang over from the former governess or she sacrificed herself for them. Might explain Miles question in the school lesson, if demons need permission to enter men (yes), his curious strength and weird behaviour towards the protagonist. What does he mean with the talk about needing to find keys though? Keys to what? And how does the emphasis on the innocence of animals fit into this? Why do the children leave at midnight to the lake (I'm assuming).
Why does the former governesses boyfriend turn up? Was he possessed as well (and has passed it onto her, driving her to suicide)? Is Owens remark that people are born and die in Bly relevant?
Anyway, I'm quite excited for the next episode.
3 notes - Posted October 12, 2022
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saw "much ado about nothing" at the globe today. one of these experiences making me wish I had photographic memory in order to go over every moment again and again. the scenery showing a villa in post-war italy. the wonderful period-appropriate costumes (and Beatrice was the only one of the women wearing pants! very fitting). the hilarious physical comedy - while eavesdropping, Beatrice got tangled in a sort tennis net, then stepped onto the sprinkler on the lawn. The whole theatre was laughing. They also constantly involved the audience, like looking at someone in the audience during the "one woman is fair, yet I am well" monologue.
I also stood during the whole performance, having chosen the cheapest tickets, meaning I was mich closer to the actors and it made for a wholly different interaction with the crowd, it was so immersive. and the actress playing beatrice was so attractive. certainly helped keep my eyes on the stage
4 notes - Posted October 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
one thing I like about "Tender is the Flesh" is how it's not a perfect dystopia. The systems has cracks showing, people are sometimes more, sometimes less aware of the inhumanity of this. Not everyone is 100% on board, 100% brainwashed, no matter what the media tries to instill in people. Think of the job applicant getting sick when seeing the slaughtering process for example.
That's what draws you in though, that's the terrifying aspect of it. This world seems so realistic and natural, it's not comfortingly distant from our own reality. And even "good" people, normal people who sort of recognize the atrocity of it, participate in the system because they need to.
21 notes - Posted October 14, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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joomma · 2 years
Lover Cat All Ovver Print Cat Face Ugly Christmas Sweater
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Lover Cat All Ovver Print Cat Face Ugly Christmas Sweater
Dean gets to their motel and Sam’s dressed it all up, even though he spent much of the Lover Cat All Ovver Print Cat Face Ugly Christmas Sweater not wanting to celebrate. They share some jokes for the rest of the episode, clearly trying not to get teary-eyed or reminisce too much about their…well, mostly shitty lives. They share some presents, express some gratitude, drink some eggnog, and watch a game on TV. Smiling and enjoying each other’s company. I love this episode and it goes down as my favorite Christmas story because the writers did not hold back on making it bittersweet as fuck. These two poor sons of bitches have almost nothing at all – they’re sitting in a cheap motel, both their parents are dead, Dean is going to be dragged to Hell for eternity within the year, and the only reason they wake up in the morning to save other people is because they literally cannot do anything else now that they’ve been hunting for so long.
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awkward-sultana · 1 month
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(Almost) Every Costume Per Episode + Kate Bridgerton's white gown and pink pelisse with green embellishments in 3x01
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awkward-sultana · 4 months
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(Almost) Every Costume Per Episode + Violet Bridgerton's pink pelisse in 2x04
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