#big 3 bnha
serxinns · 6 months
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Ok, so you know this post? Made by @lets-get-kraken-boys I wanted to make an image of another reason why readers went to the big 3 for comfort and help HEAR ME OUT
So imagine one day you weren't in a good mood and didn't wanna deal with your classmates today but their overbearing behavior towards you was just making it worse
"C'mon y/n just one more game!" Mina said while pulling your arm rather strong "Mina I said no please leave me alone I don't feel like it "But it'll be so much fun!" Hakagure said while pulling your arm you "I said NO" you yelled pulling away from hakagures grip harshly and walked away the 2 girls stood there in shock and hurt a bit are u ok? were you hurt!
"Y/n why aren't you coming to eat dinner with us is everything OK?" You groaned just wanting to be left alone and eat in your room but were interrupted by your class rep iida knocking on the door every second you didn't respond "Yes iida I'm fine I just wanted to eat alone" you said not wanting to sound annoyed to make iida leave "but all your friends are worried and want you to be there even Mina and hakagure said you were in a bad mood so-" "I'm fine iida you can go now I don't want to eat dinner with you, especially with all of you today goodbye"
Iida was shocked at your behavior and response you were usually the one who never gets angry or upset which made him more nervous than before he had to go in there and help you out! "No y/n there's Cleary something wrong! You can talk to me ill listen" Iida began banging on your door which made you more overwhelmed and pissed so without any hesitation "I DONT NEED HELP LEAVE ME ALONE YOURE MAKING IT WORSE" You threw a heavy book at the door which surprise Iida as he backed up, defeated he went slowly went back to the dinner table the class looked at him confused and ask how were you doing but he didn't answer just looked down
You just got back from the convenience store to get some snacks Lucky for you they got your favorite snack and brand all at a cheap price with a drink in hand but unfortunately for you, there were some of your classmates were in the common room and it and even worse it was bakugo and his gang watching a movie you quietly tried to sneak pass with all your might trying not to make a sound, it was all going smoothly until bakugo saw your shadow figure "Oi! Fuckface!" You mentally cursed at yourself you just had to encounter the person you didn't wanna deal with today, the infamous Bakugo Katsuki.
"what do you want im not really In the mood to deal with your Bullshit" At the moment you just keep walking ignoring him for the best but it wasn't the best option for Bakugo "Oi don't ignore me!" He was now off the couch "Bakubro that isn't very manly" Kirishima sternly said while but Bakugo scoff "Fuck off shifty hair, hey why aren't you joining us for a movie what are you scared?" He said teasingly like he was trying to taut you "Bakugo I'm not in the mood for your Bullshit today so please just leave me alone" You once again turned away and began to walk to your dorm until a strong hand grabbed you and yanked you
"Ha!? What do you mean you're not in the mood jeez are you ready to cry or something because of my comments why are you even trying to be a hero if your feelings get hurt so easily!?" Now he was pushing it, your hand was gripping the plastic bags Hard now shaking... tears threatening to swell up "Bakugo that's enough! You're making it worse! it's okay sweetie" Mina said hugging you even tho you tried to push her off but she kept insisting trying to hold on to you to the point it was suffocating was rather discomforting
"Aw, now you need an alien to hug you, wow you're really that weak I can already see the tears haha! If your gonna be a hero your gonna have to suck it u-" "SHUT UP"
You breathe heavily seeing your blonde classmate, butt on the floor, stunned holding his bloody nose but you weren't done you tackle him, pinned his arms down with your legs, and decided to punch him repeatedly "YOU THINK *thud* YOUR SO BETTER THEN ME *thud* ALWAYS TOSSING ME AROUND LIKE SOME STUPID TOY *thud* MAKING COMMENTS ABOUT HOW I LOOK *thud* ABOUT HOW I FIGHT *thud* ABOUT...ANYTHING* WHY *Thud* CANT*thud* YOU *thud* JUST *thud* LEAVE *thud* ME *thud* ALONE!! *thud* bakugo's face was already caked with blood and bruises and a black eye
Bakugo tried to pry you off telling you to stop but his face was so beaten up and his throat hurt from your punching it hurt for him to try, but you made her his arms were pinned, and all the anger, the frustration the memories the everything that happens to your life plus adrenaline was making you keep going
every single one of your classmates was screaming panicking, confused and begging to calm down, Kirishima tried to pull you off telling you thats enough but you used your quirk making him crash to the wall a bit causing a dent and him having a bloody nose, everyone watched in horror, shocked some even amused the girls mostly hakagure, Mina, and momo cried and begged desperately for you to stop they didn't want you to get more house arrest days or worse expelled, Iida managed to get out of his shocked and pry you off of him
It should've made Bakugo angry at you and PISSED even cause the great Bakugo katsuki was getting beaten by an "extra" like you but it strangely made him giddy...? Was he more determined to be the big bad wolf or Was he enjoying you berating and beating the absolute shit out of him, proving to everyone how insecure and stupid he was for underestimating you?
When Iida Finally pried you off of Bakugo you stood up ready to say even more stuff to him but you froze in shock, fear, and confusion a passed-out blonde caked with blood and bruises all over his face red and purplish spots forming on his cheeks his nose oozing out blood like a waterfall but fortunately no teeth have been knocked out you looked at your work in horror you slowly raised your hand shuddering seeing that it was full of bruises and blood and your clothes covered in blood his blood
Every classmate was looking at you it wasn't in hate nor disgust but pity, worry, and scared as much as they were worried about Bakugo they were worried about you more, Iida slowly tried to come to you to talk to you or to at least comfort you "y/n... I" before he could speak you ran pushing past your classmates not caring if they fell, Iida stood there in disbelief while Kirishima and Denki carefully grabbed bakugo by the shoulder escorting him to recovery girl
while the rest of your classmates were still in shock they wanted to go find you!! they do if they all talked about it nicely and you behave and force Bakugo to apologize then everything is ok!! They banged on your dorm room but you weren't there they searched all around the school the bathrooms, the halls everywhere but you weren't there!! where could their darling be!?
You crouched down in an empty hallway and managed to get some of your snacks you held the snack in hand still bloodied, you slowly took a bite out of it while a big glob of tears was finally released you were crying now like a fool, like you didn't just beat the shit out of your classmate, just when you were about to take another bite and just mope alone 3 familiar voices made you lift your head they ran up to you worriedly when they saw your bloody clothes and knuckles
The big 3 crouching down to your level Neijire on one side rubbing your back Tamaki giving you a handkerchief to blow your nose and dry your eyes and Mirio couching down at your level rubbing your shoulders giving you a smile
" What's wrong lovebug why all the tears," Neijire said looking sympathetic
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sugawara--san · 3 months
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i can love three losers like you wouldn't believe
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jackalspine · 6 months
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Everyone’s Hero!!
Caught up with Beyond The Broken Horizon by @jowiththeflow
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sunny-and-moonbow · 2 months
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A Friend Of A Friend
Pairing: Tamaki Amajiki x Gn!Reader
Word count: 2.1k
Warnings: fluff, mention of vomit/vomiting, drinking/alcohol consumption (reader themself doesn't explicitly drink)
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In your first year at ua high school, you had been so excited to be accepted into UA HIGH SCHOOLS’ support course. A chance to pursue your life's dream, working in real time with future heroes, the best of the best. YOU would get to attribute to their success and work on their complex costumes. You knew it was going to be competitive, and you were ready for that, completely 100% devoted to your goal. Nothing could distract you…except maybe a really cute boy from the hero course.
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Early into your second year, maybe the third or fourth week, a bubbly girl with a million questions came knocking on the door of the workshop. She cut you off before you could answer any of her questions, bouncing around and expressing her curiosity about your quirk. 
You clear your throat to gain her attention. ‘Are you here for something? Is there an issue with your support items?’
At the mention of her problem, she re-focuses and begins rambling about her new ideas for modifications on her suit, mostly leaving it open ended for your creative freedom, simply suggesting solutions to go along with her side effects. You noted down all of the problems, branching off with a mix of yours and her designs as you go, only nodding and humming to show her you were listening.
After that original (unplanned) consultation, you saw the girl more and more. Whether it was you seeking her out to check the measurements and fit of your support items or her coming eagerly to observe your progress, you were basically seeing her everyday. You learnt how to slip your short answers into your conversations with her, actually becoming quite close. Your relationship developed into walking through the halls together and eventually hanging out, outside of school.     
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In your third year you were definitely friends, however a little less close, you went from best friends to seeing each other maybe once a week. This wasn’t to say that you guys had a fight or grew apart or anything, your schooling responsibilities simply took priority, and with her being a member of UAs ‘big three’ she barely had time for goofing off with you like you used to.                   
You were okay with this, knowing you both had your dreams, but sometimes you wish you could just go back to your second year and be carefree and gossip about the cute boys at your school with her. Now you pass each other in the halls with a smile and a wave, going your separate ways. You see her with the two other members of the big three, Mirio Togata and Tamaki Amajiki.
They were so cool.
You had seen Amajiki around the school in your first and second years. You didn’t find out his name until he became a member of the ‘big 3’. It was also impossible to have never heard of Togata with his bubbly voice always filling the halls with laughter. Although you had never spoken to either of them you respected them.
You had pretty much resigned to your friendship with Nejire ending at this point, that is until she came knocking on the door of the workshop, b-lining straight for you. You feel a sense of nostalgia at the sight, a slight twinge in your chest at the thought that she was only going to speak to you for her costume, not because she actually wanted to talk to you.
‘Hey Nejire…’
You dropped the tension in your shoulders when she asked you to hangout with her for her birthday, skipping off happily when you accepted 
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As you walk towards her door, present in hand, angst washed over you. You knew none of her friends and there was no way in hell she’d stay with you all night, that would mean staying still and with one thought in mind. You loved the girl but outside of hero work she wasn’t the most focussed, and you are no longer one of her close friends, or so you think. 
After greeting Nejire, wishing her happy birthday and handing over her present, you situated yourself on the couch, nursing your drink of choice. You spoke to a couple of strangers who came to rest their legs over the course of an hour, the conversations were mostly about what school you went to, what course you were in. Simple things. It was enjoyable, if not a little awkward, you liked to think you made a few friends. You even danced with a few of these people, getting pulled onto the dancefloor by your wrists.
Eventually you got tired and needed to rest your feet, only to find a person, who you realised upon closer inspection to be Amajiki, in your safe space. After a moment of contemplation, you chose to sit near him, but not so close as to spook him, having heard of his timid nature from rumours around the school.  
You gave him a smile and a soft hello, with minimal response you simply spoke at him, you realise upon reflection that this was pretty much exactly how you and Nejire became friends. The more you spoke the more he responded, seemingly getting more and more confident the longer he knew you. A feeling that you wanted to attribute to your intoxication, was that blooming, warm feeling in your chest at the sight of his smile. You two giggled as you told him stories of your failed designs and items, and he told you some of his failed ideas for use of his quirk in battle, ones that backfired dramatically.    
About 4 hours into the night, a semi-drunk Nejire flopped herself over your lap and began talking to you about how good of a friend you were and how sad she was that you two didn’t talk very much. It made a very different feeling take over your chest. Contrasting your earlier floatiness with a heavy feeling that weighed you down. You gently rubbed her temple as her murmurs slur and she mutters out an
‘I don’t feel so good’
You moved as fast as you could to direct her head away from your shoes, lifting the upper half of her body and swinging an arm over your shoulder to help her up. You sent Amajiki an awkward, tight lipped smile as he grabbed her other arm and you both hauled her towards the kitchen sink.
Safe to say the romance was gone as the sound of her bringing up her lunch echoed off the sink, your hand tightly clasped her hair above her head while Amajiki awkwardly watched with his hands outstretched searching for a way to help.
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When you returned to school the following Monday, you expected things to be as they were before. But you couldn’t be more wrong. As you sat on the floor and changed your shoes, you heard Nejire calling out with you, followed closely by Togata and Amajiki.
You faltered a little, not knowing how to react to this new situation. After all, you barely had any interactions with the three, especially as a group and you still hadn’t talked to Togata, his attention having been constantly occupied at the party a few days ago. 
‘[Reader]! Hi! Tamaki keeps asking about you so I thought I’d just bring him to talk to you!’
Well that was unexpected. Tamaki's face went beet red and he tried to run away, only stopped by Togata grabbing him.
‘And I wanted to hear what all the fuss was about’
Well at least you could say Togata had spoken to you now. He shoved Amajiki towards you and they began walking off.
‘We’ll catch up later’ Nejire whispered in your ear.
Amajiki stumbled and caught himself, then straightened himself up quickly. Your conversation was a little short and awkward, Amajiki no longer fuelled by the freeing intoxication like the other night. After a few minutes of sitting together talking, you see him pause and take a deep breath, clearly mustering up the courage for something.
‘Do you think you would, maybe, if you wanted, go…on a date?...with me?’ 
He managed to ask you, stammered and awkward but you found it charming.
You giggled a little, a bright smile taking over your face.
‘I’d love to!’
Of course you accepted.
You met with Nejire and had a gossipy debrief, meanwhile Amajiki was getting grilled by Togata. 
‘Ughh, Mirio’
‘Cone on Tamaki, tell me how your little kitten-heart managed to survive you asking out your crush!’
He covered his face with his hands and folded into himself, cursing the school for implementing dorm systems so he couldn’t escape his friend.
‘Come on Mirio…my hearts gonna explode’
It wasn’t long before Nejire came bursting in, leaving him with two interrogators to live through.
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When it came time for your date, Nejire insisted on helping you get ready, which you were insanely grateful for. You were going to a cafe, as per Mirios suggestion, simple but still nice for a first date. It did however leave you with the dilemma of trying to look good but desperately trying not to overdress. Nejire was your literal lifeline, letting you model a million different outfits and variations that were so similar but also so different.
Tamaki was having a similar issue with Mirio in his dorm room, except Mirio led the charge, giving him different outfits and forcing him to come out of his closet to show them off. 
After the two of you finally finished getting ready, you met outside of your class’ dorm rooms. The walk to the cafe was quiet, so much so that you’re pretty sure you could hear two sets of footsteps distantly trailing behind you. Of course.
The longer you two spend together the freer the conversation gets.
‘How is your work study going? You work with Fatgum right? That must be so cool.’
‘It's good experience, but sometimes I think he only scouted me to torment me’
‘Haha, I’m sure that's not true, he scouted you because of your strength and your drive to be a hero, I’m sure of it!’
He flushed a little at the compliment, putting his head against the table. 
‘Uh…thank you. Anyway, how's your support work going? Any new inventions?’
At the mention of your work, you fall into a ramble, about all of your newest creations and the ideas you plan on working on. Your dream brings out a deep passion in you and without realising it, you talk for almost thirty minutes without letting him get a single word in. Not that he tried, he just listened with a soft smile on his face, his cheek resting on his hand as he gazed at you like you were telling him how you hung the stars yourself. When you realise how long you’d been rambling, you cough and clear your throat, feeling a little embarrassed. 
‘So ummm, do you have any hobbies? Surely you must have a life outside of UA.’
Your date consists of the typical get-to-know-you questions, and as you reach the bottom of your drinks, you both agree it's probably best to wrap things up.
Unlike most first dates, your conversations don’t have to end when you leave the restaurant, as you don’t have to go your separate ways, instead getting to walk home together, you both continue to talk, you do the most. When you complained that you were cold, he draped his jacket over your shoulders like a true gentleman, with a flush on his cheeks.
When you reached your class’ dorms, he gave you a sweet goodnight, saying he enjoyed the date.
‘Goodnight Amajiki, I enjoyed it too, I hope we can do it again, if you’d like’
Before you can think twice and be stopped by your brain, you leaned forward and kissed his cheek, smiling at his adorable blush. You watched as he bolted away, too overwhelmed to function.
A soft giggle escapes your lips as you watch him disappear in the direction of his dorm, this was definitely going to be an interesting year.
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Fast forward to graduation day, you cheered for your boyfriend, Tamaki, and he for you. You excitedly watched your best friend, Nejire and your now close friend Mirio walk the stage. When it was your turn to walk, their screams noticeably stood out among the rest.
Who knew this would all come from a simple party invitation.
Nejire wishes she could say she set the two of you up at the party on purpose, but she didn’t. She actually didn’t consider that you and Tamaki would even interact, him usually being too nervous to talk to new people. She had a one track mind, and her main motivation was her hope that it would rekindle your friendship.
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Divider credit: @saradika-graphics
A/n: I wrote this in mid-covid delusion so pls bare with any mistakes (moon also has covid so we both suffering 😭) . Also why is this my first fic where they actually get together
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girlatrocity · 2 months
Ooh what abt nejire or fuyumi if you still want characters to draw?
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she's so pretty 😫
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teallinum · 2 years
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A bunch of the sketches
[my carrd] [support me on patreon]
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magsdomino · 11 months
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It's just them
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thefiery-phoenix · 1 year
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Ight, so just imagine that you were there along with the Big 3 and Deku at the Eri mission, but you didn't go to the UA. After you saved Eri, she had taken a liking to you and pretty soon, you got an invite from All Might himself to join UA'S hero course and yeah, you became a part of the Big 3 pretty quick
During the mission when you didn't know anyone, Mirio saw you trying to protect Eri with you super fabulous quirk and the way you were so.... brave..... 
Tamaki and Nejire see you too and they stare at you in shock and wonder..... you were PERFECT for them and they HAD to rescue you from the horrors of the world no matter what 
So, when you got into the UA, they ALWAYS made sure that you stayed with them and yeah, they were kinda clingy to you. Like, KOALA BEAR kinda clingy, and that's when 3 delusional obsessed yanderes get added to the mix of your fan club 
Tamaki doesn't go insane so quickly, but he agrees that you're very cute and fragile and despite you being strong with a powerful quirk, you could get hurt and that's why Mirio, Nejire and Tamaki wanted to protect you at ANY cost and YES, that also includes kidnapping you but we'll get to that later. You're patient and friendly with him and you like his shy manner and his cute elf ears (lol, who doesn't?)  And as you grow closer and closer to them, Tamaki can't help but think and wonder how blissful and amazing life would be with JUST you, him, Nejire and Mirio and no other distractions in the way 
Nejire, on the other side, decides that you were MADE for each other after she sees you in action. She and the others CANT allow their darling to hurt themselves!! So, expect them being all fussy over you. She is the DEFINITION of clinginess; She'll either be holding your hand or hugging you like a koala or something else. You are of course, oblivious to her signs of actions and you think they're just friendly gestures from a friend, but she sees it as you liking her back and YES, I mean the romantic way. If you do something nice for her, she'll think that you're doing this for HER out of love (WHEEZE- OMG I CANT!!!! XD ) 
Compliment her dress? You must have a crush on her and love her. Invite her for a sleepover or to go out for a snack? She loves you as well. Going for a walk in the park with her? Are you planning on PROPOSING to her? She doesn't bring up whatever you do since she thinks that your gestures are really cute and adorable and you're just shy to cane in to your feelings. And THAT'S why Mirio, Tamaki and she are there to ''HELP'' you understand yourself better and take care of you. On the outside, she just thinks that you're shy but inside, she's BURSTING with her feelings of how cute and shy you are and she starts cooing and squealing all over the place till Mirio and Tamaki have to calm her the FRICK down
Mirio, on the other hand comes up with thousand and one nicknames for you and spends ALL his time thinking about you. Since Mirio is kinda muscular and strong, he'll just smile and stare creepily at the person you're talking to. If it's a girl, Nejire does the honors and if it's a guy... well... He'll make sure you stay away from him. Expect Mirio to be VERY VERY OVERPROTECTIVE of you and yeah, don't forget.... he likes hugging the HELL out of you so don't be shocked when this cuddly hug monster hugs you out of nowhere
Well, they pretty much team up together to keep you safe, but they HATE it when you smile with others. Tamaki is good at manipulating you since his shy personality can come into place (Oh, this boi KNOWS how to play dirty) whereas Mirio and Nejire prefer coaxing the hell out of you like some puppy. If you get hurt, they will by absolute means not leave your side like, AT ALL, and they'll get even MORE clingy than usual. And if it's because of someone, well.... they can kiss the world Sayonara~
But.... yes, every story DOES need some action and drama and kidnapping and all that, so *POOF* (Insert dramatic drumroll here please and cue the suspense music) The LOV KIDNAPS YOU!!!!!!!!!
Well, after the initial freaking the HELL out and after Tamaki crying and everything, they DO eventually manage to save you but they're convinced that their WORST fears of you not being safe anymore is confirmed so they do the only LOGICAL thing that your everyday yandere does: Kidnap you
But... on the bright side, you get to see Eri and WHAT A SHOCKER: SHE'S A PART OF IT TOO!!!!!!! She liked you ever since you saved her and yeah, she likes clinging on to you since she feels safe when she's with you and the Big 3
And yeah, so they kidnap you and assure you that it's for your own good and safety and they put a quirk cancelling cuff on your wrists and baby-proofed the entire house since they obviously don't want their precious little sweetheart (ie, YOU) to get hurt
''It's only a matter of time sunshine that you realize you aren't safe out there''
''Bunny, don't worry, everything's going to be all right''
''Oh sweetie, we'll ALWAYS protect you no matter WHAT and NO ONE is going to get in our way....''
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thatlioninthecorner · 25 days
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The pic is crap but I finally got all the Big Three figures I wanted! I only wish Mirio was as big as the other two, but oh well
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serxinns · 6 months
The Big 3 "educational" vist
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I wanted to make a part 2 of the aftermath of @lets-get-kraken-boys imagine when Big 3 found out about how Class 1a treats you cause it's so addicting and I wanna see justice!
DISCLAIMER: this concept isn't mine it goes to @lets-get-kraken-boys if you wanna read their 1st part go to here! Please go support them!
This little gift is for Kraken! I loved her fics for a long time I'm addicted to her Yandere purge and her other Yandere class 1a one-shots!
"What are you gonna do with them?"u said whipping away the rest of your tears, you looked at him with a nervous expression, he suddenly changed back into his gentle and warm demeanor and looked at you with a smile while patting your head "Oh just a new educational lesson about how heroes in training should treat each other! We'll have to talk to Mr. Aizawa with some few arrangements tomorrow" Mirio happily said while patting your head but you swore you heard a tint of aggression in his voice "Don't worry y/n well make sure they won't do this ever again" "After all we are your senpais! It's our job to protect you!" You softly smiled at your upper classmates' words, feeling much safer with them
"If it's no trouble. can you walk me to my dorms, I don't want to talk to them or even see them at the moment.." the 3 smiled at your suggestion always wanting to see your room, "Of course pumpkin! Anything for you!" Neijire took you by the hand and smiled cheerfully like a little kid eagerly waiting to get some ice cream, as the 2 of you skipped down the halls (it was mostly her skipping and you trying to match up her speed) mirio chasing the two of you down and Tamaki trying to catch up to you telling mirio and neijire to slow down worried that you might hurt yourself
When the 4 of you made it to the common room your body tensed when you heard some of your classmates like Bakugo, sero, Denki, and Kirishima all loudly yelling at their game you could even hear them roughly mashing the buttons on the controllers, Mina, hakagure, and ochako were chatting among each other and tokoyami was reading a book with headphones, Mirio noticed your tensed figure and grabbed your shoulder while giving you a reassuring smile you smiled a bit mentally preparing yourself
When the 4 of you were visible in the common room the whole room became silent, they were staring tokoyami even peak a glance but your 3 upper classmates could see the jealous glances and glares Cleary ignored them and still kept walking until Mina stopped the 4 of you with a fake smile her yellow eyes staring directly at you
"Y/n! There you are we've been looking everywhere for you cmon I have a new game we can play-" "No thanks Mina maybe another time? I have studying to do" you lied praying that she fall for it "Oh cmon the next test doesn't start until next month we got all the time ! Now let's go-" she tried reaching out for your Arm, but was stopped by Mirio with a stained smile
"Well it's never too late to study now, is it? The more early you study the better the grades!" She said grabbing your hand tightly the two had a staring battle for a bit until Mina cleared her throat moved out of the way and sat down in silence, the other classmates were chatting quietly among themselves
You quickly made it to your dorm relief washing over you "Thank you...I appreciated it im sorry about what happened back there with Mina whenever I tried to deny her request she would keep pushing it..." you look down in shame "There's no problem at all after our visit tomorrow she'll be able to back off the 1st time" Mirio joked winking at you "Now why don't you rest your little head sunshine you have school tomorrow!" You nodded before leaving Tamaki reached into his bag "Here..." he gifted you a cute plush of your favorite animal "It's for you just in case you feel scared at night" he quietly said hiding his face you thanked him by hugging him now Tamaki flinched a bit at the hug but it was enjoyable it made him feel warm and fuzzy, you said your goodnight and shut the door, you checked to see if anyone was in your room when the coast was clear you quickly change into your night clothes and slept hugging the plushie tightly feeling safe
Morning arrived and you woke up instead of feeling amazing that was 1st time in the past 2 months you slept soundly without any fear or discomfort that someone was watching you, you checked the halls to see that nobody was there you quickly ran into the bathroom brushing your teeth and ran back in the room quickly putting on your school uniform and ran to the classroom to avoid any of your classmates barging in and inviting you to walk with them
You sat down in your seat waiting for the others and the school to begin, after everyone was in their seat Aizawa soon got everyone's attention "Right class today we are having an important announcement with our 3rd year students please come right in" and there mirio, Tamaki, Neijire all walked in their expressions were usual mirio and neijire with their cheerful smile while Tamaki look a bit serious and confident today which surprised your classmates a bit
"Good morning class! It's a pleasure to meet you again!" Mirio said with a proud smile while the class looked at him blankly "Today we will be doing a special activity and a lesson called punishment for our actions" his kind voice darkened to a strict and scary tone which shooked the class while Tamaki and Neijire's expressions didn't change "Cause I've heard that someone has been playing unwilling games with them" Mirio said as he glared at the class 1a girls especially Mina and hakagure who looked away in fear and worry but Tamaki spoke up "and not keeping our hands to ourselves" Tamaki added while glaring at Kirishima, Denki, and Sero in disappointment the 3 boys looked down to their desk in shame and fear
"And pushing others around even when they tell them to be left alone," Neijire said glare piercing at Izuku, Bakugo, and Shoto's Soul The 3 boys felt a shiver up their spine and could barely even make a noise Bakugo couldn't even protest or say anything just avoided contact and tch "and we decided to start this week all of you will be having hero training with us to remind ourselves about What we are and what we are training for even the weekends! With only 30 minutes a break a day!"
"WHAT!!!" the class soon screamed "But none of us did these things why are we getting punished!? sensei wouldn't approve of this!" Iida angrily said while chopping his hands "Actually I did since most of you were lacking a bit I think this should improve your quirk and abilities a lot consider this as a "wake up call" and no need to tell your parents they approved of this" Aizawa's smirk grew as the class was either speechless, uproar, or just looking down in shame while your senpais stood there consuming all the chaos
"Make sure you start preparing! Training starts tomorrow!" Mirio then exited the room alongside Tamaki and Niejire, not without a smirks and a petty wave from neijire
You stood there stunned your mouth was jaw opened you knew this was gonna be a long week for sure
On Tuesday and Wednesday everyone (except you) was awakened by a loud horn which was by Neijire yelling at them to wake up and get ready for hero training they got 5 hours of sleep and just had to do a few laps while their classmates were running until their legs left numb and if they did fell Tamaki would snatch them up with his eagle claw until pieces of their clothes fell of like buttons vest etc while you were gently picked up by Tamaki and asked if you were ok
From Thursday to Friday your classmates had to pull heavy objects (like a bus a car or anything very heavy) until their arms couldn't take it and if they stopped mirio would just ignore them and demand them to pick up the object and forcefully push them to pull the object harder saying "It's just an object right? You be fine" while you get to pull only a few objects of your choice and get hyped by Tamaki and Neijire while bakugo had to get a private "lesson" from Mirio
On Saturday and Sunday, there was no weekend for the class only you, and it was Neijire turn oh boy she wanted to get on your disgusting classmates, especially the males she forced them to write 12 essays full of apologies to you about how sorry they are none stop even if their hand started to cramp while you spend the weekend with Tamaki and Mario were busy training you and making sure you're not getting yourself hurt
The next day back at school you were looking better and more confident than ever while your classmates looked like they had been dragged around like dolls they all apologized to you (even Bakugo managed to mumble it) for how they treated you
Now whenever Momo and Iida ask you to have a study session with them they walk away defeated Iida sometimes makes some comments about studying but you ignore them and whenever you and Momo are hanging out she tries to guilt trip you into spending more time but you made some crappy excuse and she's reluctantly understands them
Dark Shadow didn't come to your room in the middle of the night heck he was kinda scarred about the hero training he gave you a sparkly card that said sorry and Tokoyami was a bit quieter for the next few days until he genuinely apologized as well
Bakugo would still tease you but not as much as he did he never degrades you for your skills or everything else just says a comment about you and just watches you he still tries to talk down to you but you would either just ignore or call off his bluff making him pissed
Shoto doesn't buy you as many gifts as he still does but it's very expensive if he does he tries to ask for cuddle time but you decline and he mumbles something under his breath and walks away it was awkward even he tried gaslighting you into spending more time in desperation
Mina and the girls don't do those games if you ever agreed to play with them it would be your favorite video/board games and Neijire is always invited (since they made a deal) so all the girls glared or even pouted at Neijire while she gets to cuddle up on you or make you be on her lap resting her head on top of yours with a smirk
Kirishima, Sero, Denki, don't pull your shirt to the point it rips but still touches your hair if you tell them to stop they'll immediately apologize now they just pat you on the back but immediately check if you are alright
Midoriya doesn't try to push you to talk with him if you have a conversation and decide to be left alone he'll completely understand and wave to you politely but deep inside he felt envy and also jealousy
You thanked the Big Three so much for their help Mirio and Neijire beamed at your smile while Tamakiface turned red hiding and his face you were just so cute! you invited them to go watch a movie as a token of your appearance which they happily accepted they were so glad they cheered their little sunshine up and they wanted it to stay that way so one day if they confess their love for you they hope to see that beautiful smile beamed up and accept their love!~
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airisu7425 · 3 months
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My Hero Academia - Comic Calendar 2024 - July/August - Blue Side
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godofbirbs · 29 days
Date Night with the Big 3
How the Big Three Would Take You Out on a date:
Mirio Togata
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Mirio: *He popped his head through the door with a smiley face.* “Y/N, you ready for our date? I got your favorite!” 
“Mirio, I’m coming! Jeez, just please give me a few more minutes to get ready alright? Why are you even rushing me?”
Mirio: “But it’s special, it’s our special day today!” 
“As if the last dates weren’t special enough..you keep stalling like that and we might end up later than expected..” *They muttered as you were just about almost done getting ready in the bathroom, stepping out to grab your purse, you couldn’t help but pause to laugh as they saw Mirio just phasing through, his baby blue eyes popping out as he was making goofy faces.* 
“Ah, oh here’s for my one and only, my sweet, beautiful gorgeous Y/N..” *He said as he wiggling both of his eyebrows in a flirtatious manner, but just as he was handing the flowers, he slowly realized that he was bare naked, except for having his boxers on of course.* “Oh right…hehe.” He phased his whole body out to grab his clothes and opened the door to change back into them before the two of you head out to a small 70s themed diner, shaving two plates of burgers and flies, sharing a vanilla smoothie together with two swirly straws from both ends.
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Nejire Hado
“C’mon Y/N! You already look pretty/handsome as you already are! We’re gonna be late, you think that someone already took our reservation spot? Ooh, I can’t wait to actually go and be on a romantic soirée, all of the music and the scenery. It’ll be just spectacular…OH MY GOD!” *She was waiting on Y/N’s dorm bed, laying down forward with her feet kicking up the air as she was already dressed up, wearing a white sleeveless silk shirt and some navy blue slacks, her jaw dropping as she saw you, all fresh and in much more date night attire. She hopped off the bed as she walked up to you, looking at you in awe.* “Y/N..you’re so perfect, omggg. I just wanna kiss your face off, can’t we just cancel the date right now-!” *You grabbed her facial cheeks as she was practically melting into your touch as you smiled down at her.*
“No, Neji. We’re going to be late! You can continue talking while we’re on the way there.” 
“That’s not fair, I wanna stay on here with you! Why don’t we just have a date night in here instead?” “Because it’s just better to go out more and spend time with the person I love the most.” *You stated as you held your hand out towards her, giving her a grin.* “And plus the movie theater is 30 minutes from here. We might end up being late if we don’t leave now.” And so the two of you went out on a movie theater date watching a cute movie together, you wrapping an arm around her shoulder as the two of you were sharing popcorn.
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Tamaki Amajiki
Tamaki Amajiki: *The elven haired boy seemed rather nervous as he was standing outside of the dorm, holding a small group of flowers he picked out from the school garden, leaning his head towards the wooden wall in front of him as he was contemplating even going in the first place, he just couldn’t stand the thought of just being together in public at all, it was making his legs shaking by the minute. That was until he was so lost on thought that once you opened the door, he fell down on the floor inside the dorm, his while body tilted forward.*
“Tams, watch out!” *You caught him just in time before he accidentally concussed himself, holding him by the shoulders.*
“R-Right, sorry Y/N..also about that date, m-maybe we should just not go. I wouldn’t want to bother you and…and..” *His eyes widened as he saw the sight of you, all dolled up and so breathtaking that he just froze, seeing you in such formal attire.* “Y/N..you look…” *He gulped as he stared down at the flowers beginning to wilt in his trembling hands. For some weird reason, he just had that little spark in his shy brain telling him to be honest as he was clearing out all of the doubts in his mind when he saw your pretty face, those gorgeous eyes staring back at him as you were looking to the side for a moment as the two of you shared an awkward moment of silence, his ears and face turning red like a tomato.* 
“Forget about what I said earlier..you look so beautiful, like extremely beautiful..” *He blurred out as he looked directly towards the ground, handing her the small flowers.*
*You were definitely the bashful type as you heard his simple yet thoughtful words as you fixed up your hair. You didn’t really mind the unkept flower, just the fact that he muster up the courage to even ask you out in the first place, especially since you were on a busy academic schedule* “Oh..why thank you, Tamaki. And those flowers..they look so lovely.” And so, after a shy yet awakes silence, the two of you made your way down to a quiet hill place which was sort of your own little spot to watch the fireflies surrounding you both.
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pcktknife · 2 months
yall...we are officially post-timeskip
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bluestarjay · 2 months
Happy bday, Deku!! And mirio,,,
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Meow (I do commissions too btw 👻👻)
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st4rguy · 2 months
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kuwkedits · 1 year
I’m first ever big 3 text not sure how I feel about it.. it’s definitely not my favorite but I don’t down right hate it yk. Mm probably gonna play around with them more try to figure out the best way to write for them bc I love them dearly.
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