#big advancement in technology ig
shadowlinktheshadow · 2 years
What if
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What if steampunk post spirit tracks?
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bcneheaded · 2 years
Yall I've had this idea in my head for an AI entity character thing since forever and?? It's driving me absolutely bonkers, this consciousness wants OUT but I have no idea how to write it, it is simply too intricate and confusing
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soyboysol44 · 2 months
//happy rant turned a lil sad at the end //a lot of cussing lol
i am SO FUCKING HAPPY that i finally got awaken cause i just keep randomly remembering so many things about my past life as an alien like the reason im so good at math and science and fucking SHIT at english, i was an engineer and architect in my past life and I DIDNT SPEAK ENGLISH i literally had to take 8 years of speech therapy just to somewhat understand this stupid language (also realizing the written language i “made up” in 5th grade is probs heavily inspired by my old language) , the fact that i hailed from a mostly aquatic planet explains why i’ve always been so obsessed with the ocean and have always felt a connection to the water, and why ive just yk never felt fucking human, i don’t remember literally even once relating to or feeling like one, and yk despite all this i still feel like im not being an alterhuman the “right way” which ik isn’t a thing but ig i just need to get more comfortable in my identity, and the species dysphoria and missing my home world has been KICKING MY ASS RECENTLY, i miss my pale blue green skin, i miss my big heterochromia eyes, i miss my big droopy ears and antennas, i miss my small little nose, i miss my webbed hands and feet, i miss my loved ones, i miss the advanced technology, i miss my job, i miss space travel, i miss the stars, i just miss it all but despite all that im so happy i at least have the memories to hold onto it makes me so happy that i finally remember no matter how bitter sweet it is. :3 (I AM SO FUCKINH SORRY FOR THE RANT AND I DONT EXPECT ANYONE TO EVEN READ THIS TBH)
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moondust-artz · 6 months
Big Announcement (ig)
So this is abt to be kinda lengthy and I’ve been procrastinating abt writing this but here it is. So in the last (whether u know it or not) I mentioned that I was working on an animated series and I’m here to talk abt that. So if you’re wondering if it’s indie or a big studio show it’s an indie show. I’m gonna animate the whole show by myself 😭 and me and my friends will voice act the characters. I’ve been working on this since last year (I think) and I want to bring this project to life. It’s a dystopian sci-if series that takes place in the future (no shit) and it revolves around three teenagers: Noah Arya Miller (15) Joshua James Johnson (15) and Ezra (?). They all live in a city where technology has advanced so much that genetic modification got taken to the next level. That was the beginning of Lab Made Humans (L.M.H) that were used for free labor. I don’t wanna say too much so I’ll leave it at that. I will start posting artwork for the series soon so stay tuned for that. Ok so I just realized I never mentioned the name of the show, it’s called BioTech which is the name of the worldwide company that makes L.M.H. The series will have 2 seasons and my friend (Delphine) already wrote 3 episodes for season 1. Warnings will be displayed at the beginning of each episode since it will involve (blood, mild gore, violence, hints of child abuse, mild cussing, in some episodes flashing lights) and all that good stuff (sarcasm😬) My friend Delphine (her acc) is the scriptwriter of every episode and helps me with ideas, character, and story development for this story and I can’t ask for more 😔 (thx Delphine). I might do a name reveal, I’m still not sure but I will do a voice reveal on my YouTube channel (prob talking more abt the series). That’s it for now, I hope I answered a few questions (I’m currently in school rn and I got exams all week 😭) byeeee
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s0lar-ch3ri · 2 years
i never thought mat pat would do roblox theories but since he did ima do my own theory before i watch the vid (spoilers for the game ig?)
right so yall remember the tube where it says they were made? yeah, thats basically a big part of the theory, but as well as something else.
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yes i went onto fucking youtube and looked this video up. its from the intro scene, but theres an odd part in it.
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there is a motherfucking bio hazard sign right there. id have to say this and tube are probably highly correlated. and ill tie it in with the crash as well, dont worry, but let me start from the beginning of the story/the earliest part of lore i got theories for, and i'll do evidence for each part as i go. first off, the school bus driver. that man had to either work with red or be heavily affected by the chemicals to drive that way. its obvious by the lobby area looking like a school, the words "Going on a field trip...", and the school bus that we're school students on a field trip (weird how its at night but i wont talk about that) to oddworld, a theme park. (image below for what we see of oddworld)
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its quite obviously that way and even if the sign changed the driver should have a gps to show where. not to mention the big ferris wheel should light the way to go and biohazard sign should light where to not. yet the driver still fucking turns the other way. its hard to believe the chemicals would be able to affect them up there (if im wrong do correct me idfk how chemicals work really) so the only logical answer was this character worked with red. either the driver purposefully crashed or they breathed in chemicals and shit happened. either way, they crashed the end. just kidding, lets get into my next intro theory! oddworld is owned by the same company that made the rainbow friends. they look a lot like mascots of a theme park, plus no theme park would willingly build by biohazards unless wanting to do some crazy experiment which requires luring kids out to kidnap them for tests, right? (yep, this another theory) not to mention, it ties in with the driver working for red idea. if they used the theme park as a codework, itd be less sussy (im sorry) if they were caught and searched. now, lets move onto the actual gameplay for theories!
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(credits to @arcadianxanadus for placing themselfs there for this image as my stupid ass died to fucking green) the chemicals did shit to the rainbow friends for sure, and by the image shows, the company was knowingly keeping them inside the building. not to mention, these bitches are fucking color coded. do note this: theyre kept in the same room as all the items needed to be collected. im mainly concerned how they fucking eat here and the chemicals are still there. another thing to note, everyone but purple has 2 chemical containers. purple only has one. oh, and dont forget, PURPLE IS THE ONLY ONE WE NEVER SEE FULLY. is it possible that hes had so many chemical shit hes too horrified to let himself be seen fully, implying these bitches have sentience for their existence and have a brain that can worry what others think of him? yep, bingo. will i get into purple more? for sure, but lets back track tooooo...
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TUBE! (most to all images will be taken because of my trooper arcadian) its quite obvious this tube did experiment shit with the rainbow friends. the machine seems to have rusted from being fucking old (l bozo /j) and thus probably wouldn't even work now. the chemical containers i believe powered this thing but when something went wrong, they stopped. so what could have gone wrong? i have two guesses. purple, or red. purple is the most advanced of the ones found during game play, actually following the closest player and hiding in vents to catch you, however he seems to also be the most wild (get more into him later). red, however, is most intelligent of the rainbow friends seemingly, since he can actually function technology, set up a sleeping quarters, plan out events, identify objects, speak english, and other things. but enough on red and purple, lets say good bye to the tube! finally, we start with characters (no more images because 1. its been days since i started this post, 2. i dont have the energy to actually live in rainbow friends to take ss for this kinda stupid post thing, and 3. i wanna get into the vid soon so yeah)! lets get into blue. so what i believe happened to all the rainbow friends is either they were puppets turned alive or humans turned to monsters, so ill go with the human one. i have looked way too much into bot patterns so deal with it. blue commonly hangs out around wider areas and ive seen goes into the theater a lot, more than the other bots im sure. he also enters some of the locations (if not all locations) of the blocks we look for on night 1. ive seen him stop while walking out of nowhere then turn around multiple times so theres also that. i feel blue was a small child before who was the main star of the show (i mean hes got the crown and stuff so id assume) that got lured into the tube and blah blah. itd explain why hed walk around in the theater the most (to me at least). it would also make sense to not suspecting the boxes, people on a set would have boxes filled with items like props or costumes or whatever.
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next up: green! this celery stick is blind and has a pattern of mainly sticking to hallways, but will once of twice enter the theater only to block a door. like blue (i forgot to mention this in blues part but oh well), green can start below and climb the ladder (image above). i believe green could have possibly been a worker at the place who was tricked into going inside the tube. it'd make sense as to why a box would be unusual for him to find, he knows a box wouldnt be there originally.
next rainbow friend on the list is orange. orange has a visible pattern but is the only one who you can make not hunt you by feeding him food. i believe orange was a dog before being orange, seeing how hes fed something that looks like dog food and has a den like wolves would. FINALLY WE GET INTO HIM!!! PURPLE, THE VENT GOBLIN!!! i only found his pattern through how my friend got in a server alone. purple doesnt have a certain area he goes, but he does go to the closest player. hes also the only one that we never see fully. what he actually is can confuse me. that means i sadly cant fully say what he could be without an idea of what more than his arms and eyes and mouth look like. however, there is something i want to go back to (which obvi connects to purple). remember tube? theres writing on the walls talking about where "they" (the rainbow friends) were made and a picture of the tube. this couldnt have been there originally, so someone had to have written it. i suspect purple, and heres why. blues design is like a marshmellow (all images below). green's fingers wouldnt work for holding chalk, plus hes blind. orange seems to wild to be able to write words that neat, and again his hands are pinchers. purple has four fingers which could grip, and seems like he could write similar to that. not to mention its next to a vent. its also a bit ironic that purple isn't there (ik orange isnt there i was tryna be silly). also i know that there are images on google on what purple looks like normally, but i dont know for sure if those are right so for now i wont take a chance.
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alright now we finish up (finally, ik) characters with red! red seems to have the most lore connected to him and the most intelligence as well. he can actually talk and kidnap children on field trips and see his surroundings (/hj). to me, it seems like a classic "testing on (insert thing) but something went wrong) type deal. i feel though, it went wrong twice. purple seems the closest to matching red's intelligence and red could have written the message as well, if he were helping us. before someone thinks he is, he literally kidnapped us. what i think of red? hes a scientist doing illegal tests on children without moral problems it seems. what the results are and why he needs them, there could be multiple reasons. now we move onto other details, starting with ourselves! we're obviously a school kid, but since im an overthinker, im getting an age range. the image(s) below is taken from this video. lets ignore the tall people and focus on black haired girl in the front (first image). now, i went ahead and got a picture of her in the other scene when the bus crashes just for another size reference. i picked her since she seems to be average height in game. with a google search, i found a roblox character is about '5"1 (or 154 cm). i went in and the joined the game so i could get a school reference (3rd and 4th pic is of school) and see what grade area it may be (elementary, middle, high school, or beyond). the school didnt provide much help, so i took focus on the playground. to me, it seems as though this is an elementary school, seeing how only an elementary would have a playground from what i know. i tried to look up a fifth grader's average height, which is 56 for a male and 57 for a female, the 57 equaling 4.75 feet. yeah, not gonna work. then i remembered before that some elementaries have 6th grade. i checked it out, around 5 foot. bingo! now onto age. the age range i found is 11-12 years old. yay, we know around how old the players are possibly! now, theres a big part here ive overlooked: its fucking nighttime. the only way for this to actually be a regular field trip at night would be if a;its a multi day trip or b;this is a boarding school. this couldnt be a multi day trip since thats only for camps and shit, not a fucking theme park. so boarding school? nope. assuming this takes place in the us, kids dont normally go to boarding school until 9th or 10th grade. plus, the building doesnt seem to be a boarding school. so whats happening? i suspect that this experiment process was a sort of deal with the school to borrow kids from an after school program id guess seeing how little the amount of kids there are and how ive seen no signs of searching for these missing kids. basically, kids getting experimented on. next theory!
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this is gonna be the last im sure, but it has to do with each nights quests. night 1 is the blocks, night 2 is the food packets, night 3 is the batteries, and night 4 is the fuses. i feel theres symbolization in the quests so lets buckle into it (if ya get the reference, nice). the blocks i feel represent how blue acts like a baby whos still developing their brain. the food packets obvi are for orange and the batteries are supposed to mean our escape, the fuses coming after meaning not as well planned. however, they also could mean something else. both times we get something electrical, purple is out. not to mention, the fuse night/night 4 feels more like purples night while night 3/battery night seems to be more suited to orange as in an intro to him. the tube seems like it wouldnt use batteries if you look at its design. however, something like fuses would seem to work. what am i implying? purple broke the machine. yep, i came to a conclusion! i would go over details, but you can read through and peace together shit so i dont have to keep repeating myself over and over. and thats basically all the theories ive had on rainbow friends before watching mat pat! this has taken me a while and im tired but am whiling to write more on the theory thing! bye now!
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It is year 2022, and with all the advancements and technology, I have yet to see a blue or green colored lens on brown eyed people that look like the real thing. Whenever a brown eyed person wears a light colored lens, it always looks fake as fuck, so I cringe every time I see it. Either embrace your brown eyes or if you insist on wearing light-colored lenses, then accept that you look like you are carrying a fake ass LV bag that screams “bought in Chinatown” because that is also what your eyes are giving in capital letters: FAKE.
And remember, it is not the color of someone’s eyes that makes them attractive. It is how you use them. It is the intensity of the look in your eyes that make you look sexy (like in Di’s case) or it is the warm spark in your eyes that make you look very likable (like in Tom’s case) . And the fake lenses prevent those qualities to come through as they dull the look of your eyes . So, not only do the lenses look fake which means you ain’t fooling anyone but also they don’t make you look as sexy or pretty as your natural eyes do.
By the way, I am all for changing your appearances if you are uncomfortable with it. I am all for plastic surgery, but I am against things that don’t end up looking natural or is not in harmony aesthetically. I hate fake-looking stuff. So, for example, if you go overboard with plastic surgery and end up looking fake as fuck with your lips three times bigger than your nose because you had too much lip injection that made them too big and too many nose jobs that made it too small and now the harmony of your face is screwed, then I will criticize that. And as I mentioned above, there is no blue/green lenses that look real. So, if you wanna look fake, then be my guest.
PS: I wrote this post after seeing yet another awful looking blue lenses on someone on IG. 😬
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tea-with-evan-and-me · 4 months
Anyone else who was around back when Evan still had Insta a few years ago remember how he followed the #powerwashingporn hashtag? LOLOL I remember clicking on it to see what it was all about and getting really into those satisfying powerwashing videos as a result. It was the only hashtag he followed on there IIRC… good taste Evan👌
someone told me this a while back, when i only recently realized you could follow tags on IG, sad that evan peters was more technologically advanced than me 😭😭 but big YES, i love power washing videos lmfao
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igs-bookkeeping · 1 year
The Future of Bookkeeping — IGS Bookkeeping Services
The world of bookkeeping has come a long way over the years, and technology has played a big role in its evolution. In the past, bookkeeping was done manually using paper and pen, but today, it’s a completely different story. With the help of digital tools, bookkeeping has become more efficient, accurate, and accessible to small businesses and startups.
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Looking into the future of bookkeeping outsourcing services, we can expect to see even more advancements and changes in the industry. Here are some trends and developments that are likely to shape the future of bookkeeping: Automation and Artificial Intelligence (AI) One of the most significant trends in bookkeeping is the increasing use of automation and AI. With automation, bookkeeping tasks such as data entry and reconciliation can be done automatically, saving time and reducing the risk of errors. AI can be used to analyze financial data and provide insights that can help businesses make better financial decisions.
Cloud-based bookkeeping The move towards cloud-based bookkeeping is another significant trend that is likely to continue in the future. Cloud-based bookkeeping offers several benefits, such as remote access to financial data, automatic backups, and improved collaboration between bookkeepers and clients.
Integration with other tools and software As the business world becomes more digital, bookkeeping is likely to become more integrated with other tools and software. For example, bookkeeping software can be integrated with invoicing software, payment processing tools, and other financial management tools to create a seamless financial management system.
Virtual bookkeeping services Virtual bookkeeping services are becoming increasingly popular, especially for small businesses and startups. With virtual bookkeeping, businesses can access Professional bookkeeping outsourcing services without the need for an in-house bookkeeper. Virtual bookkeeping services can be accessed remotely, making it easier and more convenient for businesses to manage their finances.
Increased focus on data security As more financial data is stored online, data security is becoming increasingly important. In the future, we can expect to see more emphasis on data security in bookkeeping, with the use of encryption, two-factor authentication, and other security measures to protect financial data from cyber threats.
In conclusion, the future of bookkeeping is bright, with technology playing a significant role in its evolution. From automation and AI to cloud-based bookkeeping and virtual bookkeeping services, the future of bookkeeping is likely to bring about more efficient, accurate, and accessible financial management for businesses of all sizes. For more info contact us today
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shoichee · 4 years
hello! may i ask some tips about the instragram acccunts the GoM + kagami could have? like of sort of post, amount of followers, stuff like that THANK U and have a great day !!
Kuroko Tetsuya
professional lurker
never comments on anything unless it’s to congratulate under a friend’s post or something like that
probably started using it because Ogiwara moved from letters and texts to just... instagram (technology advancements, jazz hands)
his account is on private, and he only lets people he knows follow him
all of his posts are pictures to commemorate something or just really wholesome group pictures
DEFINITELY has that picture of the GoMs at his birthday OVA
DEFINITELY also posted the big birthday picture taken at the end of the party
and also had typed very sappy BIG paragraph captions for both of these posts, talking about the journey and him being grateful… y’know, him being him
@momoiowo: TETSUU (ʃƪ˘・ᴗ・˘) YOURE SO SWEET REEEE
@a_daikiii: i stg quit being so corny no one died yet🙄 and @momoiowo relax smh
@shin_chan77: I suppose I can express some form of gratitude for being in my life despite you being a blood type A. (insert a giant paragraph after this)
@4k4shi: This was very touching to read, Kuroko. I’m very glad that our… (insert him going down memory lane)
Murasakibara has no comment LMAO
his entire Seirin team are his hype men under his posts
his profile picture is literally the gray default blank head because he didn’t even set up a profile picture for himself
he has like 20 followers max or something?
8 posts? like, he only posts on special occasions or big events
his occasional stories are always comprised of Nigou and blurry Kagami pictures/videos running away from Nigou UH OH (courtesy of @dust-of-fandoms)
@tetsuya11 for his user handle
Kise Ryota
uses his instagram account as a portfolio for his modeling career
majority of his posts are actually pictures he managed to snag from his frequent model shoots
it looks SO professional… but then you look at his IGTVs and his reel videos
his reels are either short clips of mini vlog series he does whenever he visits the GoMs or when he’s recording his Kaijō teammates doing tricks and dunks
his IGTVs are either skincare tutorials, fashion advice… or just… unexplainable, out-of-context shitposts of Kise running away from what fans assumed “a green-haired man” or some “captain”
follower account?? 124k
who wouldn’t resist a hot model?
@kiseryouta with an official verification next to it
people either love him or hate him
posts a casual selfie from time to time, and people praise him for “being real” LMAODOA AND HE’S JUST STARING AT HIS PHONE LIKE “??? IMIG BUT I JUST FELT CUTE TODAY”
his captions feel fake LMAO like: “Wow! today’s so pretty today!” as he puts a selfie post OR “What’s your favorite game?✨” under a professionally-shot model picture that does not correlate with the caption???
has posted shitposts on his stories and his fans are utterly confused… only the GoMs get it LMAO
Midorima Shintarou
ONLY reason why he has social media is because Takao convinced him that he could let everyone know the daily lucky items for each signs for every post he makes
so for the first 2 months of having instagram he just casually posts a “daily horoscope” report(?) for the day
his content attracted in all the astrology fans and people who are devoted to tarots
and he’s CONFUSED.
… Takao may or may not have played a hand in messing with the algorithms to expose his account to bigger audiences
once Midorima finds out he’s MAD LMAO *insert Takao pain noises*
either goes down two paths: just casually continuing to post the daily Oha Asa predictions without interacting with anyone OR deleting his account and making a new PRIVATE one just for communication/lurking purposes
so he can honestly have 10k followers if he chooses to be a horoscope account or like 3 followers on his private, take it or leave it
maybe he has two accounts if he feels that having instagram has its merits
definitely has a shit ton of random stuff/posts in his saved collections
boomer energy, like… what’s a “reels” feature?? people talk to their phone camera and record that?? he’s squinting really hard and scratching his head
either has 356 horoscope posts on his “main” or like 19 posts on his private
has a rubber duck as a profile picture for BOTH ACCOUNTS HELP HIM
@oha_asa_ for his horoscope account or @shin_chan77 as his personal because he doesn’t know how to change his username (thanks, Takao LMAO)
Aomine Daiki
he doesn’t give a shit about instagram LOL
it’s MOMOI who handles his account because he doesn’t wanna bother with it LMAOO
she would tease him and try to “encourage” him to stop lazing around by taking pictures of him whenever he’s snoozing and posting it
but he’s so damn good-looking that his sleeping pictures got some traction with new fans
Aomine is still sleeping
his account also has pictures of him eating at Maji burger or at a café, and of course Momoi is the one snapping these photos of him
he started caring about it a little more once Momoi told him that he can post videos of himself doing trickshots and one-on-ones to potentially find worthy rivals over the internet and meet up
so now his account (videos, reels, IGTVs) are all riddled with basketball/small parkour footage shot by yours truly, Momoi
so his fanbase is split between thirsty people and people who genuinely admire him for his skills… but I mean there’s also people in both categories, anywho
he’d totally follow his favorite Japanese idols on IG if they had one
also would follow any NBA-related accounts/players he admires
has like 2.7k followers (but growing really fast) with like 176 posts of videos and random pictures of him
his profile picture is literally a picture of him sleeping by Momoi
Momoi Satsuki
LOTS OF REALLY cute, playful selfies, and a lot of them are used with cute filters from the Snow app
sometimes would post herself doing a really cute Tiktok dance while in her school uniform
she doesn’t post too much; she’s actually more into posting IG stories and making highlights out of them and then making highlight covers have a coordinating theme together
very aesthetic theme on her feed overall hehe
definitely uses her account to comment on other GoMs posts, often commenting something snarky on Aomine’s and Kise’s
actually has 1-2 IGTVs on the Vorpal Sword’s big game against the Jabberwocks
doesn’t have much of full-body shots/outfit pictures other than mirror selfies because Aomine refuses to take good pictures of her
only when she sees Kise or Kuroko is when she can ask either to be a photographer
she’s definitely gotten a few small collab offers from small businesses, but she usually ignores them because it’s not exactly her thing
her profile picture is just a selfie with a sketch-line cat ear filter
uses a bunch of emoticons on her bio, captions, comments, everything
⌒(ㅇㅅㅇ❀)⌒ or ☆⌒(>。≪) or .₊̣̇.ෆ˟̑*��˚̑*̑˟̑ෆ.₊̣̇.ෆ˟̑*̑˚̑*̑˟̑ෆ.₊̣̇.ෆ˟̑*̑˚̑*̑˟̑ෆ.₊̣̇.ෆ˟̑*̑˚̑*̑˟̑ෆ.₊̣̇. you get the picture
967 followers… that looks way too specific, but it’s somewhere around there; a lot of them came from Aomine’s account after they saw who’s been taking his pictures, and they wanna learn more about her??
around 40 posts?
Murasakibara Atsushi
Himuro showed him how to use the app, but Murasakibara doesn’t find ANY USE FOR THIS LMAOO
he’d probably only get on it to look at food on the explore page and drool about the cuisines
keeps tabs on local places/restaurants/shops on instagram; those are probably the only accounts he’d follow tbh
it’s probably like ONE post and it’s an old picture of a dango on a plate he ate like 2 years ago
I have this image in my head that he has a really cute bento art as his profile picture?? can you imagine a Rilakkuma-shaped rice as his PROFILE PICTURE?
his bio is definitely: “hungry”
and that’s it
27 followers, and it’s literally just his Yōsen teammates, the GoMs and probably some other classmates of his
his captions are literally empty or 1-2 words
Akashi Seijuro
only uses instagram because it’ll be beneficial for his company and to expand social networks, plus getting those sweet business deals and engagement
he doesn’t mind seeing really wholesome videos on the explore page though
when he wants to relax, a cat video melts his stress away
laughs to himself while he reads all the shenanigans underneath the GoMs’ posts
DEFINITELY loses a few brain cells seeing trolls and idiots on the internet… especially on controversial or political ones LMAO
he at first had to REFRAIN himself and take deep breaths before he just scrolls on, but he eventually got used to them and can now easily ignore them as easy as he breathes air
he actually enjoys shitposts and meme videos?? like he may not completely understand the meme trends sometimes, but he’ll still find it amusing enough for a chuckle
he ends up being the one who uses instagram the most? like Kise posts a shit ton, yeah, but Kise doesn’t really sit down and just scroll endlessly; Kise releases out content, while Akashi consumes the content
he reasons with himself that it’s to study his current demographics for the company, and while that may be true, Akashi just enjoys social media, plain and simple LOL
he does get to study the behaviors of all the generations using the platform, young folks and old folks alike, and it does get him excited in using his analytical skills to try to figure out people BEHIND a screen rather than those in front of him
it makes a really good challenge for him when he wants a good mental exercise
he has a post or two about his horses, his manor, and a video or two on him playing his violin?? but most are business-related, them being advertisements or business contracts/offers… things like that
his highlights are all about Q&As regarding the company, his background, his skillsets, etc. like an actual resumé
actually links current world issue cards/petitions on top of his company website; he’s quite an advocate
he actually doesn’t post about basketball because that’s something very close to his heart since it reminds him of his late mother… having that mixed in with his company-related posts feels wrong to him
27k followers, most of them are business-related accounts AND some are some followers his father bought for him without Akashi’s input to inflate engagement, etc.
@4k4shi… oh he thinks he’s SO CLEVER FOR MAKING THIS USERNAME LOL with the 4 being his jersey number and the 4s looking like As… AKASHI PLEASE—
his profile pic is like a professionally taken picture, nothing less for our king
his grammar and syntax are impeccable on social media; after all, he’s still being judged for how he carries himself even on the media
Kagami Taiga
mukbang guy… DEFINITELY
hot guy eating nine plates of steaks
IGTVs are filled with mukbang videos because Kuroko said he could make a living off of his appetite
on his posts, he posts dishes he makes for the day/is proud of and talks about the dish and ingredients briefly in the caption
that, or he has pictures of his new basketball shoes LMAO
or all of his basketball merch
has a generic Jordan brand logo against a dark background as a profile picture
doesn’t have his face anywhere unless it’s in a mukbang video
279 followers or something
why do I have a feeling that he’ll accidentally blow up when Alex takes his phone to do a quick selfie on it?—
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gallus-rising · 2 years
the timeline of Birds of a Feather as explained by a series of Crow’s most prominent and far reaching Incidents
Incident 0: the shapeshiting cat [NAME REDACTED] is in vulture form sailing across the desert fleeing a great famine. he spots Some Human Loser who is also fleeing... something but bc he ran out into the Fuckin Desert alone and w nothing he’s collapsed on the ground dying. [NAME REDACTED] heads down and tries to save That Guy by, like, dragging him to safety despite This Dude telling him to give up and leave him to die. [NAME REDACTED] doesn’t and both of them die of exhaustion. they wake up as immortals for Reasons and That Dude’s faith in humanity (and sentient life general ig) bc this tiny cat died trying to save him, a random stranger, and they become bffs
Incident 1:  [NAME REDACTED] got sent on a p bog standard political assassination and never came back. due to the fact he’d been expressing Unpopular Opinions for the past while it was assumed he’d either defected or just left. what actually happened was the whole thing was a trap to nab and incapacitate him and/or An Important Advisor Guy. since neither of them can die via starvation or dehydration it’s v efficient to just bind them and throw ‘em in a basement somewhere. [NAME REDACTED] spent around 50 years alone in a basement somewhere before he tricked someone into killing him. after respawning he made a a b-line straight to everyone who “abandoned” him. many lineages were ended in the process, sending multiple countries into succession crises and triggering a dark age
Incident 2: Electric Boogaloo: thousands of years have passed, technology has greatly advanced, ppl have figured out how to make large portal gates for easy travel! there was a lot of danger around them in the early days bc if one gate is destroyed the one on the other end will violently explode. dw tho safety regulations and such, no gates can be built in major metropolitan areas, you can’t built a “hub” of gates too close to each other so as not to trigger a chain reaction, they are highly profitable so more and more keep getting built. anyways they make travel super easy! so ofc ppl start making ones to difficult locations. big mountains, deep sea, the moon. Crow and the besties go to check out the soon to open moon gate, and what do you know! multiple of them immortal bitches also decided to check them out. TLDR: it’s not a good idea to get in big crazed magic battles near cutting edge tech, and the bigger they are the harder they fall
Incident 3: Revengeance: this one dude West gets out of that clusterfuck alive and w Crow in tow. he’s one of the many, many, ppl that want Crow Dead For Real This Time, so he’s been watching and studying and trying for centuries. see when Crow respawns he lies dormant until he hits his og death age of 16-ish months, and West’s working theory is that Crow doesn’t reincarnate so much as he “steals” the nearest and youngest cat body, and there’s got to be an range for that. his plan was to capture Crow and test this theory in the middle of fuckin Point Nemo or w/e, but now there’s obviously a bit of a hold on that. West makes it to a protected and fully locked down city and shoves Crow in a basement somewhere. West then politics himself into leadership positions, as he is wont to do, and starts exterminating all cats in the city. since no one’s getting in or out for who knows how long, and he’s pretty sure most life on the other side of the dome isn’t there anymore (spoiler; he’s wrong) it only takes a couple of decades to totally wipe out the cat population. he finally kills Crow and that’s that taken care of
Incident 4: New Beginnings: West tried to account for the fact that in a world where shapeshifting animals exist there could be human/cat hybrids. he did not account for how long that ancestry can go back while still having the person count as a “cat” for the purposes of Crow respawning. an infant Jack, the younger of a pair of twins (missed a bullet there Jade!) gets hijacked. but, like, he’s still there, and Crow’s gonna be dormant until his og death age of 16-ish months, which is now around 14-16 years in human time, so now Jack grows up w a weird kind-of-imaginary friend who Knows Things and has bad dreams all the time and (violently) protects him from mortal (this term is loosely defined) danger! and then one day Jack’s friend wakes up
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bostoniangirl85 · 3 years
‘Inspector Gadget’ episode review: “Monster Lake”
A little series I’ve decided to start this summer in which I review and analyze the original 80s Inspector Gadget series, because I’m so obsessed with this show and just really love and miss the 80s and 90s.^^
So here we go, starting with Season 1, Episode 1, “Monster Lake”!
@witzelss Thank you for the encouragement in moving forward with this series. This first post is for you.  :)
I LOVE the quirky tunes in this show, and not just the opening theme song. The tune that plays in the opening scene is so charming. And I adore Penny’s theme. Gotta love those 80s vibes.^^
Cree Summer will forever be the voice of Penny in my head whenever I write IG fics. She puts so much warmth and charm into Penny’s voice and Penny sounds so cute and natural when she says things like “Gosh...”. 
“...the place where they make Scotch tape”. *snorts* Oh lordy Gadget...
I always felt a bit sad for MAD Cat in the show - he gets abused almost as much as poor Brain does, but at least with Brain it’s accidental on Gadget’s part. I’m a big cat lover myself so I like to imagine that MAD Cat one day finds a nice family to spoil him in his old age and becomes a big old softy.^^
Seriously, Gadget, you just let your 10 year-old niece drive?! And Penny, why are you not wearing your seatbelt young lady?
An interesting moment - right before Gadget answers the Gadget phone the dishes expand around both of his ears, without him using a voice command. Which means that Gadget must be able to activate at least some of his Gadgets using his brainwaves. Whether this is intentional or not, it’s a fascinating idea and really shows just how advanced Gadget’s technology is for the 80s.
I wonder if Professor Thumphkin knows Von Slickstein? I think he must if Dr. Claw is so interested in capturing him. And Dr. Claw later goes after Von Slickstein himself, which is really interesting in that M.A.D. seems focused on capturing scientists. I have my own theories about that but will save that for later. ;)
I hope the hotel was in very short walking distance from the lake. And I’m assuming Gadget at least gave Penny a credit card and ID so she could check herself in.
Where the heck does Brain get all of his disguises? And where did Penny get all that equipment to build the computer? So many questions...
So getting wet doesn’t seem to hurt Gadget, and him activating the Gadget coat was actually pretty clever.
Brain must be part Labrador retriever to swim so well.^^ And actually one of my little headcanons is that Brain is half Labrador retriever, half bloodhound.
Gadget picking up all of the litter was cute. I just wish the people who visited the local lake in my area were as considerate.
Only Gadget would be brave enough to rush into the jaws of death, literally. If fools rush in where angels fear to tread, then Gadget leaves both fools and angels in the dust. But that’s what makes him so endearing.
Seriously though, just how far can his limbs and neck extend?
The animation in the first season, especially the early episodes, is so pretty. In many ways it reminds me of the early Studio Ghibli films by Hayao Miyazaki. 
Gadget smiling and preening when Penny praises him is adorable. And I don’t think Penny is just feeding his ego here when she says she’s proud of her uncle. I really do believe Penny *is* proud of her uncle because Gadget’s just so determined and optimistic despite his shortcomings. That’s the real charm of this show - the bond between Gadget, Penny, and Brain.
Gadget, I thought you said there were no such things as monsters?  :)
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lovewillthaw-j · 4 years
Hey thanks for answering my questions again. I just think their facial features look different then the OG frozen u know, I feel like f2 matched their facial features better ig lol i just didn't know if they got a new animation team during ofa or used a different animation program. Also, Sir Jorgenbjorgen is literally the best! And dragon feet, so cute.
You’re welcome Anon. I don’t know for sure. You can look at these gifs that I made?
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I can only see minute differences in her face. Sorry I don’t have a similar comparison for Anna.
To my mind, even if the individual animators are different, the overall leadership and direction should be the same as this is the same studio. Also I believe the shorts use existing 3D models and other elements that are already “finished” and don’t do major redesigns or new characters/sets since they are only meant to be shorts and not huge cash cows like the main feature films. 
Like you alluded to, animation technology makes leaps and bounds all the time, especially in huge studios like Disney and Pixar. Eg they had to invent new technologies to depict realistic snow and snowstorms for F1 itself; in 2015 (after F1, for Big Hero 6) they came up with a new rendering software called Hyperion - so F1 missed out on this and presumably OFA benefited; for F2 I know they came up with a ton of new technologies too. Animation software advances may lead to minor adjustments to the look of the characters when comparing with previous versions. 
Hope this helps. I’m not an animator. Just an enthusiast.
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joongzone-blog · 5 years
ateez reaction to meeting their famous crush
anon: can you do a reaction to ateez meeting there famous crush? thx
mimi: this is gender neutral! <3
. . . 
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he’d be so professional about it since they’d meet at an awards show or something
they’d exchange hellos, welcomes, bows all that good stuff
obv he’d congratulate them for winning an award but he’d be very awkward and shy
then backstage, he’d be filming and the pd would ask how he felt while meeting his crush
and he’d reply professionally
“it was such a nice feeling seeing someone i adored so much for the first time, and to congratulate them was such an honor−”
wooyoung coming in like
“hongjoongie-hyung is lying he really hated meeting them, he told me it was the worst experience he ever had meeting a celebrity”
joong would laugh like hAhaHa! 
“wooyoung is such a comedian! haha! see you at the dorm later wooyoung-ah”
and hes grinning and wooyoung is running away
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oof. he is so cute T__T anyone think seonghwa w black hair look like bran stark?
he’d react the same way as hongjoong: professional, formal and polite since they’re both older
i think he’d be shyer and more polite than hongjoong
maybe . even . clumsy . hehe . 
him and his crush are nominated to mc on a music show and after meeting them he’d go on vlive
atiny would ask him how he felt meeting his crush
and he’d laugh at himself cause he remembers tripping on his own feet before meeting his crush backstage
his crush would catch him and laugh: “are you okay?”
“hAhAhA. oh my god, i’m so sorry. i’m just really nervous. hello. it’s so nice to meet you.”
“no need to be formal we’re the same age!”
“ah yes.”
− awkward silence − a lot of them
djsfhskhd and thats all that seonghwa remembers bc he’s so embarrassed of how much of a fool he made of himself
but atiny would tell him he did really great mc’ing so that would help him feel so much better
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i think he’d react polite but also extra friendly bc he’s just a big friendly bear >:(
they’d be collabing for a dance video and before learning and practicing the choregraphy they’d meet up so that they’d get to know each other first
so they’d meet in front of a restaurant and when they’d shake hands yunho would grab their hand and compare it to his
“wtf ur hands are so small”
“please dont mention it, everybody says that”
“you’re like hongjoong-hyung, his hands are like a child’s”
“are you saying im a child?”
and yunho would bow to say sorry “no sunbaenim, sorry”
but their crush would laugh and tell him he was just kidding 
“you don’t have to be so polite we’re friends now”
and yunho would get so smiley
a happy baby ^ - ^ 
and during their meal they’d constantly insult each other and get super close that they exchange personal numbers 
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kang yeosang you are the prettiest person on this planet
ahhhh he’d be getting ready to meet his famous crush so he’d be very very nervous inside and outside
his legs are shaking, he won’t stop talking and when he’s on camera for the behind the scenes he’s extra nervous
his hair stylist tells him not to be nervous that his crush would really enjoy meeting him: “you’re always nervous meeting people but once you actually meet them you’re super cool and so easy-going so there’s nothing to worry about”
pd is like “but this is your crush!”
yeosang is in jitters again!!!
D: yeosang on the inside D:
“thank you pd-nim, your words of advice soothe me. i appreciate it. director, if you’re watching this, you should give them a pay rise.”
and everyone in the room is laughing 
and when he meets his crush he really is calm!!!
he’s sooooo friendly, constantly asking questions about them and making them laugh
throwing in a joke here and again, and once they get comfortable w each other
his crush starts doing skinship :’)!!!
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girl, this bitch would obviously pull out his cuteness
when they meet san would be polite as hell
and when his crush compliments him 
he’d be ^ - ^ bc he loves to be complimented, he feels validated
he’d then do some cute peace sign and say thank you in a cute way
his crush would get heart eyes
“ahhh you’re so cute! how are you so cute?”
but back to the professionalism he’d get to work with his crush with whatever they’re doing
but while they’re doing what they’re doing
san is constantly awe struck with his crush
bc he’s so friendly they get so comfortable with each other so quickly
and also bc he’s so clingy and touchy-feely
san constantly keeps bumping his crush’s arm 
and when they’re laughing (omg insert compilation of san’s cute laugh here)
san would fall on his crush laughing just bc he loves their company and how funny they really are
when he leaves, he makes an ig video and says thank you to his crush for being so kind to him and shows everyone the gift his crush gave him
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aw cute baby would be so shocked :o but also so excited :D
it’d be his bday and the company would bring his crush to his surprise bday vlive 
and his reaction would be so dramatic 
his crush would try to shake his hand or hug him
but mingi would be so in-denial that his crush is there he’d back away and tell everyone to stop joking around
“this isn’t funny!!! technology is so advanced now i know that’s a hologram!!!”
everyone laughing at him like there’s no tomorrow cause he’s so dramatic
and when they finally get to shake hands and hug
mingi just engulfs them bc he’s so tall and his arms are so long!!!
he can’t believe it still so he’s constantly pinching his crush’s arm just to check that they’re real
“wow.....not a hologram.....this is so cool”
hongjoong joking around asking mingi’s crush dumb questions like
“is mingi close to your type?”
and mingi just kicks him away bc he’s so embarrassed
“i’m sorry. please ignore my members they enjoy teasing the soft big guy”
ahhh and his crush would be so flattered by him and they’d feel shy bc he’s just so handsome and cute!!!
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flirty baby would be so shy at first!!!
he’d react like yunho, polite and formal bc he wants to make a good impression
they meet on a radio show and they get asked what their first impressions of each other are
wooyoung is so smiley and cute and he tryna flirt while saying his answer
“i’m so nervous right now bc my crush is sitting right in front of me. i hope they like me enough to exchange numbers with me”
and everyone would scream
even the fans outside
his crush would get so shy and start blushing that they’re left speechless 
they can’t look at wooyoung any longer than 3 secs
then wooyoung gets asked about his sexy side and is asked to do something sexy for his crush
and obviously, bc he’s so confident he’d do it
and then he gets soooooooooo shy its so fkn cute
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he’d be so cocky and constantly singing to his crush
but his crush is so shy so they would shy away constantly
“are my good looks too much for you? would you like me to bring in wooyoung-hyung so you’re okay?”
“you have so much confidence, you’re too cute ahh what should i do”
and they’d laugh
like laughter everywhere
he’s such a flirt like fr i see it
obviously he’d be polite too and be professional 
but bc his crush is so shy he’d joke to get them comfortable so it’s not awkward
he’d be the one to initiate convos and constantly ask questions about them 
and then before they depart his crush is comfortable enough to ask him to break an apple for them
and duhhhh jongho does because he’s so cocky but in a cute way c:
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How ICT Affects My Daily Life?
       Our teacher in empowerment technology asked us to do a vlog or blog about how ICT affects our daily lives. So here I am making a blog to tell you guys how it affects me. But before we proceed, let me first tell you what ICT is.        Information Communication and Technology or ICT is modernized, upgraded and advanced. These are the applications and technologies we use like cellular phones, computers, wireless signals, televisions and internet that helps us to disseminate or give information to the public.         So moving forward, I'll discuss first those positive effects ICT had given to me.        Two months ago, I really want to buy a pair of boots. But I don't know where to buy them so I searched for it through the use of my mobile phone featuring internet and fortunately, I found it! I downloaded the app shopee, oh yes, I saw my dream boots there, and ordered for it. See? My boots is just one click away! And it was less hassle because you just have to scroll down to find what you want without getting your feet hurt.        I can access a lot of information through these upgraded technos! It is much cheaper and information are updated than in libraries. With just one click, there would be a lot to see. With the help of ICT, I was able to communicate with my loved ones who's far using skype.        When I am finding a laundry shop near us, Google Maps helped me. I didn't get lost because I was just sitting when I found one. When there's a practice for church, I am updated though are houses are blocks away because there is Messenger!
       From the latest news in any part of the world, trending updates, concerts of my idols, new ideas, discoveries to experiences. What else, huh? Oh! I was also able to watch all the movies that I want without entering the cinema and download all the songs that I love!        I am an adventurous person so when I am thinking about where to go, I'll just type and search for it and then bang! There it is waiting for me. And it seems like I've been there because of those amazing photos on Google.        ICT, really, is a big help. But then, despite of these benefits, I admit that I am one of those people who are using it in an inappropriate way. More like, abusing it. I became so addicted to it that I spend most of my time lying on the sofa, scrolling up and down till midnight. In the morning, instead of thanking God that I woke up that day, I will reach for my phone and then lay my back again to our fluffy and soft bed embracing my pillows with my phone in both hands chatting someone a "Good morning!" even though I am not greeting my parents yet. I wasn't able to do some of the household chores because I am very busy sharing memes on Facebook, tweeting what I feel, watching my favorite vlogger, and reading an e-book. Instead of having a bond with my little sisters, I will just sit there, my feet on the chair, unlock my phone and then have a chat with my friends about anything. My mom's cleaning the whole house, washing the dishes, cooking for us, fetching my little sister from school while I am there sitting or lying comfortably listening to the song I downloaded recently having a face to face with my phone. There's also a time that my brother asked for a help but I got mad at him because he's disturbing me. I was like, "Can't he see that I am watching TV?" I was so annoyed. That's when I realized that I don't have time for them but have so much to my phone and computer. Selfish as it is.        Also, due to ICT, my anxiety level has increased. I was cyber bullied by my classmates. Instead of receiving a hug from my friends, they just helped me ease the pain thru chats. Though it helped me, I guess it would be better if I received a hug. LOL!        So, I'm gonna leave it here. If you really love doing something like scrolling, sharing memes, tweeting, IG-ing or whatever, you should not forget your responsibilities as a student, a friend, a sister or a brother, and as a child. You should know your limitations on using these modernized technos. Always have a thought if it is helpful and necessary. Just like what people say, "Think before you click." ICT will help you grow but your abusive acts will be the cause of your destruction. See you, when I see you! Mwa! 
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pastpresentrp-blog · 6 years
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Hi guys! This is our FAQ to help you understand the Past & Present world a little better. If you have more questions that you’d like clarified, we’d love to hear them! 
Are people aware of what happened during the Void? Very few people are aware of what happened during the Void, as the government has and continues to put a lot of effort into burying the truth. High-ranking members of the government may know parts of the truth, with only a handful knowing all of it. Please discuss with an admin how much your character would know. Who runs the government? Three elite families took control of the government after the Void - however, they prefer to be unknown and operate from the shadows. Their main interest is consolidating power and understanding abilities. To this end, they have given the most amount of power to the Advanced Ability Research division and to Security & Intelligence.
The Directors of the main branches of government all have their own interests and often compete with each other, but their ultimate goal is to preserve their own positions and to keep London walled-in.
What kind of work does Advanced Ability Research do? Advanced Ability Research (AAR) focus is mainly on rare ability research: how does time-travel work? what genes exactly are responsible for research? can those genes be modified? and so on. Very little of it is at all ethical. The division has a lot of power, and there’s very little they are not capable of doing in the name of their research. What are Sweepers? The Sweepers is how people in the outskirts most commonly refer to the Field Division (FD), operating under Advanced Ability Research (AAR). They regularly sweep through the outskirts, taking people, most often babies and young children with rare powers. What happens to the children that are kidnapped from the outskirts?They are taken away either to be raised by the government, some in foster homes, or to be used in the AARs research, meaning human experimentation. How does education work? Education works pretty much as it does in our own world. Kids have to learn algebra here too, sorry, or not sorry if your character likes that sort of thing. The schools in London are better than those in the outskirts, but still there are differences between schools for the elite, and schools for the rest. There are school in the outskirts as well, ensuring that people get an education there too, though they don’t have as many resources at their disposal. Ability training is another thing altogether, and you can read more about that in our ability guide. Industry is a big thing, you say, how’s Mother Nature doing? She’s all right, actually. The Industrial Zone, while not a place for visiting unless one happens to work there, is not the second coming of 19th century London. Environmental policy is considered important, in part to ensure the survival of British agriculture, but also for the overall health of the city’s inhabitants. How often do people see the wall? It depends on where you live. The industrial and agricultural zones are close enough to the wall for it to be visible for the people who work there. For those living closer to the city center the wall is not visible in the horizon. That said, it is not uncommon for people to take day-trips to the agricultural zone to get away from the buzz of the big city for a while. Some schools even organize trips, bringing students out the agrilands and the wall over weekends or during holidays. How does someone get to the outskirts? If you’re a government employee, this is fairly easy - you’ll have access to go beyond the wall, but not too frequently unless it’s related to work. If you’re from Greater London and want to go to the outskirts, you can attempt to do so on your own but it’s risky - you will most likely get caught before you figure out the way. The best way is to find someone in the Safehouse Network or someone from the Underground Movement that can help - the UM acts as guides, helping you through the intricate underground tunnel system to the outskirts. You will be vetted by them too, because they’re not about to risk their hide for some undercover government agent, so having a good recommendation helps. How does London interact with the international community? It doesn’t, not as far as the average person in the street is concerned, anyway, but London does maintain formal, diplomatic relations with the rest of the world, though only the people high up in the government are allowed to leave the country. There are some exceptions, such as people deployed through the military or traveling to represent England in sports championships. Money and the right contacts might make a trip possible too. It's not common and if you have been outside of the country, there is a risk that the memory department may pay you a visit. How the international community interacts with London and England in turn is influenced greatly by the fact that England enjoys overwhelming technical and military superiority. Other countries mostly leave England to its own devices, keeping up tenuous trade agreements. What’s happening in the international world? The world is the world, still divided into the states we know today. It's in turmoil with a great deal of ability-related trouble, as the rest of the world does not have access to the ability regulatory technology that helps keep the precarious peace within London’s wall. The global superpowers are now London, Russia and China - American warfare has led to it being tried at international courts in mid 2020s, and it’s been struggling to recover its reputation and power ever since.  Does social media exist? Yes it does, though inside the walls everything is surveilled by the government, while in the outskirts you can’t count upon particularly good reception and there aren’t as many social platforms as in our day. There are Facebook, IG, Snapchat equivalents, but highly regulated internally. Why does the Elephant Graveyard look so weird? The Elephant Graveyard is a peculiar looking area, few who live there will know why it looks nothing alike anywhere else in the surrounding area, and they are not likely to find out considering the landscape was shaped as such by events wiped from collective memory during the Void. That said, it doesn’t necessarily take knowledge about the Void to start theorizing that powerful elemental manipulators might have been involved in creating the strange terrain, and in that they would be right. So, the mysterious Outlands, could you tell me a bit more? Cities outside of government control are scattered across what used to be Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Many are ruined and few live in them. All are under heavy surveillance by the British military. Military bases are scattered across the British Isles, as are research facilities run by the government, also under heavy military protection. The people living in the Outlands are the descendants of those who chose to stay behind back in 2019, and though they are largely cut off from the rest of the world due to the military controlling the borders, they were not influenced by the memory deletion of 2019, as were all the people whose descendants now live in the inner city and in the outskirts. That said, due to the nature of what happened during those years, most of those who stayed behind and who managed to stay alive would have been people without abilities. Today these cities and settlements exist mostly at the mercy of the British government, but they can defend themselves and must be self-sufficient. Certain settlements and groups are more aggressive than others in face of the military patrols, and clashes happen, often with catastrophic results for both sides. These settlements do have some quality technology to deal with ability based violence and warfare, and some have also proved to be problematic by breaking into research facilities, stealing valuable technology and information. Are sports still a thing? Yes! Inside London, sports are still very much a thing— football (soccer), rugby, cricket, etc. All of these are still popular. Same with in the Outskirts. Internationally, London has Olympic teams which do go and compete, but their memories are inspected and “adjusted” after they return. Is it right that my character can have more than one power? Yes and no. This goes only for elemental manipulation as this is a special category of powers. Elemental manipulators are most commonly born with the ability to manipulate all of the four basic elements, meaning water, fire, earth and air. However, all elemental manipulators will have a clear affinity for one (sometimes two) elements. Mastering two elements completely is rare, though some do, and in those instances two particular combinations may lead to magmakinesis (earth and fire manipulation) or atmokinesis (air and water manipulation). It is far more common, however, for elemental manipulators to master one element only, from which they can develop. Cryokinesis develops from hydrokinesis, while both botanokinesis, metallokinesis and tectokinesis develop from geokinesis as different forms of specialization. In this case, cryokinesis and hydrokinesis will count as two elements, even if they are tied together. A character may not master cryokinesis and also know pyrokinesis, for example. Can I request an ability? If there’s an ability you’d like that’s not on our list, provided it can fall under an ability family, please ask an admin, we can’t promise we’ll okay it, but please ask! We’ll only allow this after site opens. 
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