#big data consulting
sandipanks · 8 months
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In this blog, we discuss the top 8 Data Lake best practices for high-performance Data Lakes.  But, these Data Lake best practices aren’t just for data experts. They are for anyone who wishes to maximize their investment in a Data Lake. These best practices will assist you in driving business growth and making data-driven decisions whether you’re a business owner, analyst, or data scientist.
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scholarnest · 4 months
Business Intelligence Solutions: Unleashing the Power of Managed Analytics
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In today's dynamic business landscape, the effective utilization of data is pivotal for informed decision-making and sustained growth. Business Intelligence (BI) solutions have emerged as a cornerstone, offering organizations the ability to glean actionable insights from their data. This article explores the transformative impact of BI solutions and how managed analytics, coupled with outsourced IT management, is reshaping the way businesses harness the power of data.
1. Proactive IT Support and Managed IT Services:
BI solutions thrive in an environment supported by proactive IT services. Managed IT services, which include proactive support and maintenance, ensure the seamless operation of BI tools. This proactive approach not only enhances the reliability of analytics but also minimizes downtime, allowing businesses to make real-time decisions.
2. Advanced Analytics and Data Visualization Services:
Managed analytics encompass advanced analytics services that go beyond basic reporting. Data visualization services play a crucial role, translating complex data sets into visually appealing and understandable insights. This facilitates better communication and comprehension of data-driven findings across all levels of an organization.
3. Cloud Management Solutions and Migration Strategies:
The integration of cloud management solutions is a game-changer for BI. Cloud migration solutions offer scalability, flexibility, and cost-efficiency. Managed BI services leverage cloud optimization solutions, ensuring that businesses make the most of cloud resources while maintaining peak performance.
4. Data Science Solutions and Hybrid Cloud Integration:
BI solutions often involve intricate data science methodologies. Managed analytics extend to data science solutions, enabling organizations to employ predictive analytics and machine learning for more accurate forecasting. Hybrid cloud solutions provide the necessary infrastructure for hosting and processing data across different environments securely.
5. IT Consultation Services and Strategic Managed Services:
Strategic IT consultation services are instrumental in aligning BI strategies with overall business objectives. Managed services, including serverless computing and big data consulting, are designed to optimize the performance of BI tools, ensuring they adapt to evolving business requirements.
6. Cloud Consulting Services and Holistic Cloud Management:
BI solutions benefit from specialized cloud consulting services. These services guide organizations in selecting the most suitable cloud platforms and architectures for their BI needs. Holistic cloud management services oversee the entire cloud ecosystem, ensuring optimal performance and security.
In conclusion, the convergence of BI solutions and managed analytics is reshaping the way businesses interpret and leverage their data. With the right blend of outsourced IT management, advanced analytics, and cloud solutions, organizations can unlock the full potential of their data, gaining a competitive edge in today's data-driven era.
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aegissofttech · 6 months
The power of excellent customer service is to Increase sales and revenue. Satisfied customers are more likely to make repeat sales and even sale more in each transaction.
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aegisisc · 11 months
Firms often struggle with distinct data-related challenges, such as data collection, storage, processing, analysis, and interpretation. It is where big data consulting comes into play.
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cocolevioaustin · 2 years
Best Big Data Consulting Firms
It's often compared to drowning in the ocean or drinking from a fire hose to try to make sense of the tremendous volume, speed, and variety of data that is available to organisations. Whatever aquatic metaphor one prefers, one thing is certain: the question isn't whether organisations can gather enormous amounts of information, but rather how they can extract practical droplets of insight from such data downpours. Big data consulting companies can help with that.
These consultancies are where MBAs and IT collide; their responsibility is to implement the appropriate data technology for a given firm while also offering valuable management guidance. The actual storage of data, data analysis (statistical and visual examination of data), data governance (maintaining the security and integrity of data), and data science are all subcategories of this (procuring the actual actionable insights, sometimes with the aid of machine learning).
Like other once-emerging technology, big data has experienced significant fluctuations in its market price. From being "the sexiest job of the 21st century," data science is now highly praised. However, if the recent multi-billion dollar purchases of dataviz pioneer Tableau and upstart data software company Looker by Google and Salesforce, respectively, are any indicator, those fears of the field's doom look to be grossly overblown .
Cocolevio is a big data consulting firm that works with businesses to transform their data into useful information. They have assisted over 650 businesses in using analytics to inform decision-making, from data strategy to implementation.
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markstevenblog · 2 years
Importance of Big Data Consulting
Data is used by many different enterprises and industries, and the effectiveness and calibre of their data analysis determine the success of all of their initiatives and operations. However, when corporate operations grow and demand increases, the volume of data likewise expands dramatically, making it difficult to analyse the data and acquire useful information using standard analytical techniques.
In these situations, sophisticated software and tools are helpful in handling the data. But for understanding tools or software, you require experts in big data consulting to guide through. Let's understand more about big data and its importance.
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What is Big Data?
The term "Big Data Analytics" refers to a set of methods involving the collection and analysis of enormous volumes of data in order to obtain crucial information and gain insights about a certain product or problem. Microsoft Excel is initially the main programme used for this operation. However, it is not taken into account while working with enormous data. Tableau, SQL, Knime, and R are some of the upgraded programmes that provide a better display of the necessary data.
What is Big Data Consulting?
Big Data Consulting is a process whereby people or businesses give vast amounts of data to experts and consultants, who then employ different activities, such as data storage, processing, analysis, statistics, and visualisation, to help give the clients important and practical information.
Why do Businesses Need Big Data Consulting?
There are various reasons why organisations are looking for professional big data consulting. Let's understand a few of those reasons
Data Control
To extract information that might be crucial to the growth and success of the business or firm, businesses and organisations frequently hire experts to analyse vast volumes of data. Huge data frequently conceals intricacies, which may be revealed by an efficient analysis. If taken into consideration, this information may help to enhance corporate operations and overall performance. 
It may be a business, like an internet marketplace. The platform owner may be interested in knowing which products sell the most often, how long it takes for customers to complete purchases, and how long visitors spend on an e-commerce site.
Cost Management
Big data consultancy helps firms cut costs in other areas of business expansion as well. Utilizing the data supplied by data consultants helps focus on the areas of a firm where investments are most likely to produce a return. This reduces the amount of time needed to test out different strategies in an effort to expand this firm.
Improved Productivity
Big data consultancy also assists companies in reducing the overall expenses associated with hiring new employees. To generate an effective analysis of the data, the individual frequently needs more training and development, which involves time and money. Businesses may hire specialists to do tasks when there is a need or demand for such services and are assured of receiving high-quality work thanks to Big Data Consulting.
Development of Concepts
A distinct viewpoint and creativity on how to analyse and visualise data are also provided by consulting third parties for big data analytics, which frequently results in new ideas that boost output and profitability.
Managing Data With Third-Party
Big Data consulting focuses on working with outside sources to analyse significant volumes of data and get insightful conclusions from them. It has been demonstrated to have an influence on businesses and organisations since it may provide marketing tactics and target audiences that can boost a company's productivity. 
Many outsourcing companies are starting to notice the rising demand for big data consulting and are setting up departments to take advantage of the burgeoning knowledge and abilities. A big step in the correct path is to hire a third party to handle your company data can ease most of your burden.
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cloudfountaininc · 2 years
Best Big Data Consulting Company in USA
CloudFountain Inc is the best big data consulting company in USA. We provide a wide range of customized and goal-oriented big data advisory, solution implementation, data support, and managed services worldwide. Our big data consulting services helps your company to grow faster and improve the decision-making process.
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For anyone currently in school or recently in school
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I am doing a few guest lectures at some of the universities in my state and working on my presentation. Curious if anyone has any recommendations of topics they really enjoyed from a past guest speaker that isn't major/field-specific?
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tsmerch · 2 years
If I can give my 2 cents about the vinyl situation- there was no way Taylor and her team could ever win.
If they release variants that are too limited, people complain. Now when the variants aren’t limited enough, people still complain.
I know the marketing was very bad, they should not of advertised them as 1 week and then have retailers post them. But I saw people complaining before yesterday, that they were upset they were restocked on her website.
People have been begging her team to restock the Folklore variants, so I assume this time around they just wanted to make sure there was enough for everyone
You're 2 cents are always welcome! And yeah, the wording was misleading. But they have done similar things before, where they bring back limited items or (possibly worse) don't say when an item is limited and it sells out quickly and never returns. And you're right that people then beg them to restock those items. I think the UMG merch strategy overall could use some work but I also think the default reaction is to always complain.
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informative1-blogs · 4 days
Unlocking Business Success Through Analytics
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Unlocking Business Success Through Analytics
In the era of big data, business analytics has become a vital asset for organizations striving to gain a competitive edge. With the vast amounts of data generated through various business activities, companies now have the potential to derive valuable insights that can drive strategic decisions and operational improvements. This blog explores the numerous benefits of business analytics in organizations, with a particular focus on its role in business consulting.
 Understanding Business Analytics
Business analytics refers to the systematic, iterative exploration of an organization's data, primarily through statistical analysis, to inform decision-making. It involves using various tools and techniques to analyze data, identify patterns, and draw meaningful insights that can guide business strategies and operations. Business analytics encompasses several domains, including descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive analytics, each serving distinct purposes.
 Key Components of Business Analytics
1. Descriptive Analytics: This involves analyzing historical data to understand what has happened in the past. Descriptive analytics uses data aggregation and data mining techniques to provide insights into past performance and trends, helping organizations to assess their historical performance.
2. Predictive Analytics: This uses statistical models and machine learning algorithms to predict future outcomes based on historical data. Predictive analytics helps organizations anticipate future trends, customer behavior, and potential risks, enabling proactive decision-making.
3. Prescriptive Analytics: This provides recommendations on actions to take to achieve desired outcomes. It combines data, mathematical models, and optimization techniques to suggest the best course of action, helping organizations to implement strategies that can enhance performance and efficiency.
 Benefits of Business Analytics
 1. Enhanced Decision-Making
One of the primary benefits of business analytics is the ability to make data-driven decisions. Traditional decision-making often relies on intuition and experience, which can be subjective and prone to error. Business analytics, however, provides objective insights based on data, allowing organizations to make more informed and strategic decisions. For instance, analytics can help identify market trends, predict future outcomes, and assess the potential impact of different strategies.
 2. Improved Operational Efficiency
By analyzing operational data, organizations can identify inefficiencies and areas for improvement. This can lead to streamlined processes, reduced waste, and lower costs. For example, a manufacturing company can use analytics to optimize its production schedule, reducing downtime and increasing output. Similarly, a retail business can analyze sales data to optimize inventory levels, ensuring that products are available when customers want them without overstocking.
 3. Enhanced Customer Insights
Understanding customer behavior is crucial for any business. Business analytics provides deep insights into customer preferences, buying patterns, and feedback. This information can be used to personalize marketing efforts, improve customer service, and develop products that better meet customer needs. For instance, an e-commerce company can analyze browsing and purchase data to recommend products that a customer is likely to buy, thereby increasing sales and customer satisfaction.
 4. Increased Revenue
By leveraging business analytics, organizations can identify new revenue opportunities and optimize pricing strategies. For example, analytics can help determine the most profitable customer segments, products, and sales channels. By focusing on these areas, businesses can maximize their revenue. Additionally, predictive analytics can forecast future sales trends, allowing companies to plan and allocate resources more effectively.
 5. Risk Management
Risk is an inherent part of any business, but business analytics can help mitigate it. By analyzing historical data, organizations can identify patterns that may indicate potential risks. This could include anything from financial risks, such as credit defaults, to operational risks, like supply chain disruptions. With this information, businesses can develop strategies to mitigate these risks, ensuring greater stability and resilience.
 6. Competitive Advantage
In a highly competitive market, staying ahead of the competition is crucial. Business analytics provides organizations with insights that can give them a competitive edge. By understanding market trends, customer preferences, and competitor actions, businesses can develop strategies that differentiate them from their competitors. This could include everything from new product development to targeted marketing campaigns.
 7. Strategic Planning
Business analytics plays a crucial role in strategic planning. By analyzing data on market trends, economic conditions, and internal performance, organizations can develop more accurate and effective strategic plans. This helps ensure that resources are allocated efficiently and that the company is well-positioned to achieve its long-term goals.
 The Role of Business Consulting in Business Analytics
Business consulting firms play a vital role in helping organizations harness the power of business analytics. These firms bring expertise, experience, and an outside perspective that can be invaluable in developing and implementing analytics strategies. Here are some ways business consulting can enhance the benefits of business analytics:
 1. Expertise and Knowledge
Business consultants bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise in analytics tools and techniques. They can help organizations select the right tools, develop effective analytics strategies, and ensure that these strategies are aligned with business goals. This expertise is particularly valuable for organizations that are new to business analytics or that lack in-house expertise.
 2. Objective Perspective
An outside perspective can be invaluable in identifying opportunities and challenges that internal teams might overlook. Business consultants can provide an objective assessment of an organization's data and analytics capabilities, helping to identify areas for improvement and potential opportunities for growth.
 3. Implementation Support
Implementing a business analytics strategy can be complex and resource-intensive. Business consultants can provide support throughout the implementation process, from developing a strategy to selecting tools, training staff, and monitoring progress. This ensures that the implementation is successful and that the organization can quickly start realizing the benefits of analytics.
 4. Customized Solutions
Every organization is unique, with its own goals, challenges, and data. Business consultants can develop customized analytics solutions that are tailored to the specific needs of the organization. This ensures that the analytics strategy is aligned with business goals and that it delivers the maximum possible value.
 5. Continuous Improvement
Business analytics is not a one-time effort but an ongoing process. Business consultants can help organizations develop a culture of continuous improvement, where data and analytics are constantly used to drive decision-making and improve performance. This ensures that the organization remains agile and responsive to changing market conditions and business needs.
 1. What is the difference between business analytics and business intelligence?
Business intelligence (BI) refers to the process of collecting, storing, and analyzing data from business operations. It focuses on historical data to provide insights into what has happened in the past. Business analytics (BA), on the other hand, involves using statistical and quantitative analysis to predict future trends and outcomes, providing insights into what could happen and what actions should be taken.
 2. How can small businesses benefit from business analytics?
Small businesses can benefit from business analytics in many of the same ways as larger organizations. By using data to make informed decisions, small businesses can improve efficiency, enhance customer satisfaction, and drive growth. Analytics can help small businesses understand customer behavior, optimize operations, and identify new revenue opportunities.
 3. What tools are commonly used in business analytics?
There are many tools available for business analytics, ranging from basic spreadsheet software to advanced analytics platforms. Some commonly used tools include Microsoft Excel, Tableau, Power BI, SAS, R, Python, and IBM Cognos. The choice of tool depends on the specific needs and capabilities of the organization.
In conclusion, business analytics offers a wealth of benefits for organizations, ranging from improved decision-making and operational efficiency to enhanced customer insights and increased revenue. By leveraging the expertise of business consulting firms, organizations can successfully implement and optimize their analytics strategies, ensuring they extract the maximum possible value from their data. The ability to make data-driven decisions will not only enhance current performance but also provide the agility needed to adapt to future market shifts, thereby ensuring long-term success and sustainability.
Reference : https://addonez.com/benefits-of-business-analytics-in-an-organization/
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hari-100 · 10 days
Transform Your Business with Pixid.ai Data Engineering Services in Australia
Transform Your Business with Pixid.ai Data Engineering Services in Australia
Data engineering is essential for transforming raw data into actionable insights, and Pixid.ai stands out as a leading provider of these services in Australia. Here’s a comprehensive look at what they offer, incorporating key services and terms relevant to the industry
Data Collection and Storage
Pixid.ai excels in big data engineering services in Australia and New zealand  collecting data from various sources like databases, APIs, and IoT devices. They ensure secure storage on cloud platforms or on premises servers, offering flexible cloud data engineering services in Australia tailored to client needs.
Data Processing
Their data processing includes cleaning and organizing raw data to ensure it’s accurate and reliable. This is crucial for effective ETL services in New zealand and Australia (Extract, Transform, Load), which convert raw data into a usable format for analysis.
Data Analysis and Visualization
Pixid.ai employs complex analytical algorithms to detect trends and patterns in data. Their big data analytics company in Australia and New Zealand provides intelligent research and generates visual representations like charts and dashboards to make difficult data easier to grasp. They also provide sentiment analysis services in New zealand and Australia, helping businesses gauge public opinion and customer satisfaction through data.
Business Intelligence and Predictive Analytics
Their robust data analytics consulting services in New zealand and Australia include business intelligence tools for real time performance tracking and predictive analytics to forecast future trends. These services help businesses stay proactive and make data-driven decisions.
Data Governance and Management
Pixid.ai ensures data quality and security through strong data governance frameworks. As data governance service providers in Australia and New zealand they implement policies to comply with regulations, maintain data integrity, and manage data throughout its lifecycle.
Developing a Data Strategy and Roadmap
They collaborate with businesses to develop a comprehensive data strategy aligned with overall business goals. This strategy includes creating a roadmap that outlines steps, timelines, and resources required for successful data initiatives.
Specialized Consulting Services
Pixid.ai offers specialized consulting services in various big data technologies:
Apache Spark consulting services in Australia: Leveraging Spark for fast and scalable data processing.
Data Bricks consulting services in Australia: Utilizing Databricks for unified analytics and AI solutions.
Big data consulting services in Australia: Providing expert guidance on big data solutions and technologies.
Why Choose Pixid.ai?
Pixid.ai’s expertise ensures businesses can leverage their data effectively, providing a competitive edge. Their services span from data collection to advanced analytics, making them a top choice for big data engineering services in Australia and new zealand They utilize technologies like Hadoop and cloud platforms to process data efficiently and derive accurate insights.
Partnering with Pixid.ai means accessing comprehensive data solutions, from cloud data engineering services in Australia to detailed data governance and management. Their specialized consulting services, including Apache Spark consulting services in Australia and Data Bricks consulting services in Australia and new zealand ensure that businesses have the expert guidance needed to maximize their data’s value.
In the competitive landscape of data driven business, Pixid.ai provides essential services to transform raw data into valuable insights. Whether it’s through big data consulting services in Australia and new zealand or data analytics consulting services in new Zealand and Australia, Pixid.ai helps businesses thrive. Their commitment to excellence in data engineering and governance makes them a trusted partner for any business looking to harness the power of their data.
For more information please contact.www.pixid.ai
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sandipanks · 8 months
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With this power, data analytics has totally altered the industrial scenario, contributing to innovation and promoting competitive advantage.  Let us now explore the many use cases of data analytics and how it is reshaping these industries in this blog.
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scholarnest · 4 months
Future-Proofing Your Business: The Role of Managed Services in Tech Evolution
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In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, businesses are increasingly turning to managed services to stay ahead of the curve and future-proof their operations. As the demands on IT infrastructure grow, leveraging outsourced IT management becomes not just a choice but a strategic necessity. This article explores the pivotal role of managed services in driving tech evolution and ensuring the resilience and agility of your business.
The Foundations of Managed Services:
1. Outsourced IT Management:
   Managed IT services involve outsourcing the responsibility for maintaining, anticipating, and managing a company's IT systems. This approach allows businesses to tap into the expertise of external providers, freeing up internal resources to focus on core business functions.
2. Proactive IT Support:
   Unlike traditional reactive IT support, managed services operate proactively. Providers actively monitor systems, identify potential issues before they escalate, and implement preventive measures, ensuring a more stable and reliable IT environment.
Advanced Tech Solutions:
3. Data Visualization and Advanced Analytics:
   Managed services extend beyond basic IT support, offering specialized solutions such as data visualization and advanced analytics services. This empowers businesses to derive meaningful insights from their data, enabling better decision-making and strategic planning.
4. Cloud Management and Migration Solutions:
   Cloud computing is at the forefront of tech evolution, and managed services play a crucial role in facilitating seamless cloud management and migration solutions. Whether it's adopting a hybrid cloud approach or optimizing existing cloud infrastructure, managed services ensure efficient and secure cloud operations.
5. Data Science Solutions:
   The integration of data science solutions into managed services allows businesses to harness the power of predictive analytics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. This not only enhances operational efficiency but also opens avenues for innovation and competitive advantage.
6. Hybrid Cloud Solutions:
   Managed services excel in providing hybrid cloud solutions, allowing businesses to balance the benefits of both public and private clouds. This flexibility enables organizations to adapt to changing needs, ensuring optimal performance and scalability.
Strategic IT Consultation:
7. IT Consultation Services:
   Managed service providers offer strategic IT consultation services, guiding businesses through technology decisions aligned with their goals. From serverless computing to big data consulting, these consultations ensure that IT infrastructure is not just maintained but strategically aligned with business objectives.
8. Business Intelligence Solutions:
   Harnessing business intelligence solutions through managed services enables organizations to turn data into actionable insights. This facilitates informed decision-making, driving efficiencies and fostering a data-driven culture.
9. Cloud Consulting Services:
   Cloud adoption is a transformative journey, and managed services provide crucial support through cloud consulting. This includes planning, implementation, and ongoing management, ensuring businesses leverage the full potential of cloud technologies.
The Evolutionary Edge:
10. Cloud Management Services:
    As businesses increasingly rely on cloud technologies, managed services offer specialized cloud management services. This includes optimizing resources, ensuring security, and implementing best practices for efficient cloud operations.
In conclusion, future-proofing your business in the rapidly evolving tech landscape necessitates a strategic approach to IT management. Managed services not only provide essential IT support but also act as catalysts for innovation and technological advancement. By embracing outsourced IT management, businesses can tap into a wealth of expertise, leverage advanced tech solutions, and receive strategic guidance, ensuring they are well-prepared for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. The future belongs to those who proactively evolve, and managed services are the key to staying ahead of the curve.
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aegissofttech · 1 year
Maximizing Big Data value involves leveraging data assets to achieve business objectives and create value for the company. Know More @ https://bit.ly/43UVmbq
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jcmarchi · 18 days
The rise of intelligent automation as a strategic differentiator - AI News
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/the-rise-of-intelligent-automation-as-a-strategic-differentiator-ai-news/
The rise of intelligent automation as a strategic differentiator - AI News
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Intelligent automation (IA) technologies are graduating from being operational to highly strategic. In terms of the bottom line, it’s even more impressive.
A study from SS&C Blue Prism, conducted by Forrester Consulting and published in April, put together a composite organisation representative of five customers interviewed. The conclusion was that, over three years, there were key gains in IA from greater productivity to compliance cost avoidance, to improved employee experience and retention. This represented an overall net present value of $53.4 million (£42.5m) per customer.
Yet this may just be the tip of the iceberg. Dan Segura, enterprise sales manager at SS&C Blue Prism, notes one healthcare client who, in what is described as a conservative estimate, delivered savings of more than $140m overall on cost avoidance and recoup. Another healthcare client delivered a use case with a claimed $43m benefit on its own; a bot which recouped overtime pay for nurses and staff during the pandemic.
“They built it in an afternoon,” Segura explains. “It’s a perfect example of being in the right place at the right time; and having the right skills and technology being ready.”
Many of the technologies which comprise intelligent automation have been around for a long time, such as classic RPA (robotic process automation) or OCR (optical character recognition). SS&C Blue Prism’s document automation, which forms part of the latter, is described as a ‘game-changer’ by Segura. “There’s a lot of these processes, whether it’s going to be executed by a robot or a human,” he says. “First things first, we’ve got to get data off documents.
“Automation is not just doing simple tasks anymore thanks to the introduction of AI and generative AI” he adds. “There’s now more understanding, whether it’s assessing information from documents, information from a message, structuring things that are semi-structured or unstructured, to drive the process or complete the process.”
Segura describes wider business process management (BPM) and process orchestration tool Chorus, meanwhile, as ‘one of the world’s best kept secrets.’ Or, at least, it was; in November analyst Everest Group named the tool as a leader and star performer in its Process Orchestration Products PEAK Matrix.
The tool is now getting leverage outside the traditional finance and insurance fields. “It is how millions and millions of transactions and pieces of work are getting done every day,” says Segura. “We’re now seeing adoption [elsewhere] alongside automation to orchestrate their work and give them that end-to-end work orchestration, visibility, and efficiency gains with whatever they have going on.”
So how does a use case come to life? It is often a mixture of inspiration and perspiration. Where SS&C Blue Prism comes in is to ‘help customers catch lightning’, as Segura puts it. “We’ve all been in that situation where it’s like ‘oh if I were running this place, here’s what I would do’,” he says. “Intelligent automation gives you the opportunity to reimagine your processes and transform how you get work done. Once that light switch turns on, and the initial use case is built, that’s really the secret sauce of SS&C Blue Prism; it’s that realisation and awareness of what intelligent automation can deliver.
“We’re always learning from our customers,” adds Segura. “It’s at their direction because they know their business and processes better than anybody. Combine their business expertise with the transformational power of intelligent automation and its digital workforce, then that’s where the magic happens.”
Any organisation, argues Segura, regardless of the industry, has change agents and citizen builders in waiting. Don’t think that’s a misnomer; the term is definitely ‘builder’.
“I hear about these citizen developer programmes, and they’ll say, ‘here we have 500, 1000 citizen developers.’ What I don’t hear is, ‘and with this army of citizen developers we’ve achieved this’,” says Segura. “Whereas I have customers where two people have basically become citizen builders with more of a robust type of approach.” The $43m healthcare single use case is a case in point. “It is the whole mantra of SS&C Blue Prism,” adds Segura. “We’re designed to go after those higher value chain automations that can have a tangible impact on some of the company’s key objectives.”
So, you have the idea, the value proposition, and the capability to build it out. How do you make it stick?  Every organisation is different; though if your company has a continuous process improvement department then that can be a good place to start. Segura likens it to offshoring processes. “You don’t just wave it goodbye and never think about it again,” he explains. “At the end of the day, it still has to function.
“You’re not just ‘digital-shoring’ [automation] and it will essentially be taken care of by digital. Someone has to continuously improve the process; someone has to mind when something changes with the business rules or regulatory compliance; somebody has to be responsible for making sure that those changes are kept up in an agile way.”
SS&C Blue Prism has a longstanding, large US retail customer that combines that lightning capture with the right internal culture around automation. This is a company that has 72,000 employees, as well as 60 ‘digital workers’ executing more than 150 automations. One such automation, through using OCR technology, lets the company automate the processing of inbound customer orders received by digital fax.
The overall result is 6.2 million transactions processed to date, and 250,000 hours of work returned to the business. But there is one extra ingredient required, particularly for a big company: discipline.
“It took them a while to get to that point in maturity,” explains Segura. “They do have a very central function when it comes to the intelligent automation team, [but] keep in mind one of those processes is in supply chain. That process is regularly reviewing 4.2 million purchase orders; it’s minding 50 million inventory case volume; it’s going through two million SKUs for 8000 suppliers.
“This is highly iterative, but it’s that process of having that lightning rod to capture the requirements and give people who are not necessarily technical a platform and a methodology to iterate very closely with the intelligent automation team,” adds Segura.
Think of what SS&C Blue Prism does therefore as providing a superhero cape for those who don’t otherwise get the chance to step into the limelight. It is a message the company will look to broadcast at the Intelligent Automation event in Santa Clara on 5-6 June.
“SS&C Blue Prism opens up that door to enable your citizen builders really make an impact and deliver strategic benefits to the company,” says Segura. “You’re not just playing with a pilot, not just fooling around with something; you’re really getting into the strategic objectives of the company.”
Photo by Tara Winstead
Want to learn more about AI and big data from industry leaders? Check out AI & Big Data Expo taking place in Amsterdam, California, and London. The comprehensive event is co-located with other leading events including Intelligent Automation Conference, BlockX, Digital Transformation Week, and Cyber Security & Cloud Expo.
Tags: ai, artificial intelligence, Blue Prism, IA, intelligent automation
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workforcesolution · 20 days
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Discover the essential skills for a data scientist, including a relevant degree, knowledge of parallel fields, strong communication abilities, teamwork, and industry understanding. Learn why these skills are crucial for success in this dynamic field. https://www.rangtech.com/blog/data-science/skill-sets-required-to-be-a-data-scientist
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