#big fan of whatever tarkovsky was doing with the classical Aristotelian unity structure so im stealing it too
monstertsunami · 1 year
1 through 4, 43, 44, and 46 for vanya!
hehehhee tyy for sending so many asks :DDD ill get to the rest tmrw but i have vanya brain tonight so :3
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here she is for reference! quick summary of her since thie is her first appearance on my blog: set in the stalker 1979 universe, shes the daughter of a miserable little stalker that RLLY wanted a son to continue his legacy and kinda lost it when his wife died giving birth to her. he took on an unadvisable increase of stalking jobs to cope and brought her, a CHILD, along with him all the time. the only real connection she had with him was when he would show her all the pretty irradiated sights, but even then he wasnt paying much attention to her. she didnt do much public schooling bc her mutation- rapid growth/aging -ostracized her from other kids, and her father didnt bother anyways. this combined with a very detatched father caused her to grow up with all kinds of stunted social issues. u know ur kids fucked up when her deepest personal connection is with the indifferent concept of hubris or whatever. anyways pops dies a bit into her late teenagehood/early adulthood (probably during a stalking trip. if she witnessed it, she'd be unphased. zone happens.) and she continues stalking bc what else is she gonna do ? its all she knows. shes in her early twenties for the part of her story i wanna cover, despite her mutation making her appear quite a bit older. my goal with her is to explore misogyny in the stalker universe & profession bc gaahh that movie is so cool i wanna expand on it !!
ok now putting the actual answers under the cut bc this post is already long
1. What’s the lie your character says most often?
"I'm x years old" (usually claims to be in her late 40s but she can never bother to keep a consistant lie. its not like she sees her clients again after the mission anyways. ) this one's pretty easy for her because of her mutation, no one that isnt trying to flatter her is gonna catch her on her age.
2. How loosely or strictly do they use the word ‘friend’?
very strictly. the only person she calls her friend is her Very Close Female Friend (aka lover) and occasionally the bartender of the local stalker rendezvous on a good day.
3. How often do they show their genuine emotions to others versus just the audience knowing?
shes very closed off, usually only bothering to HAVE emotions in private. no big emotions outbursts like the titular stalker from the movie stalker, just internal dwelling and some canon typical out-loud philosophizing. as the audience, it would be pretty easy to pick up on her tells after a while but shes not in any rush to externalize her feelings.
4. What’s a hobby they used to have that they miss?
her childhood didnt have much room for hobbies, but she probably misses being the one guided through the zone instead of having to do the work herself. she loves the zone and its ever-changing mood but it still gets boring after having to listen to the 20th bald man bitch about his wife or whatever hes seeking out the room for.
43. What do they commonly misinterpret because of their own upbringing / environment / biases? How do they respond when realizing the misunderstanding?
literally everything. shes so disconnected from the average persons upbringing that she usually doesn't bother comparing hers when its brought up. She does, however, get defensive when someone says the zone makes them uneasy. practically spending her whole life in and out of the zone, she doesnt understand how anyone couldnt love her as she does.
44. What language would be easiest for them to learn? Why?
she speaks russian already so the easiest languages for her to learn would probably be those thst also utilize the cyrillic alphabet? forgive me im chronically american & not a native russian speaker so I'll have to ask some of my slavic mutuals for more insight on this one when they wake up.
46. Are they a listener or a talker? If they’re a listener, what makes them talk? If they’re a talker, what makes them listen?
shes very much a listener, her entire job is to help depressed people seek hope. annoying takes make her talk, if she gets fed up enough with a client's pessimistic rambles she'll shoot back with her own philosophy of "shut up and let me work." pretty women also make her talk :]
tyytyyy for the asks hehehehe !!<33
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