#big fan on dissociating hunter tbh
qm0ri · 2 years
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comic based on @theaceofarrows ‘s incorrect toh post!!
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myfandomrambles · 5 years
Do you have reasoning/evidence for your Septimus Heap ND headcanons? If you don't feel like explaining it that's fine, I just like seeing the reasons people have certain hcs (and I really like yours!)
I have whole posts on Septimus and Marcia if you want to check those out. 
Well umm, hope you like this cuz this is pretty long. I super love these books, and I have thoughts lol. (Also: Projection? In my HCs? It's more likely than you think)
Jenna: ADHD & Anxiety
she is generally very restless. Jenna never really is into just chilling with stuff. Often being the one to initiate doing things. Likes to stay busy even if it’s just walking through the halls of her palace or tending to the horses.
she can hyperfocus on things sometimes. We can see this when she’ll focus on things, like Maricas shoes in book one and kind of zone out when they walk and the stars outside her window.  In the second book, she remembers the bones in the skeleton and is able to just do it all in one go.
She gets distracted easily normally though bouncing between doing things. And gets bored when people talk around her. Like sometimes being the second one to get annoyed with Stanley.
Hyperfixations. Like the Dragon Boat for a while, the Queen's’ Room and other things.
Usually pretty hi energy. And has pretty large outbursts with her emotions even when trying to keep them under control. Kind of goes along I think with her kind of being described as one of the boys and a lot like her brothers in comparison to other kids. (I got called a tomboy a lot for my not liking sitting still and yes please I will play in the mud lol)
She stims some and doesn’t like not being able to. Comes up when she is trying to be unemotional or is told to play Queen.
Some impulsive behaviour. But even sometimes with more silly stuff as well.
Anxiety: In the later books, we see she can start to ruminate on things. On top of that, she starts to be a bit more cautious about things. Stuff that reminds her of previous stress is more powerful, not to the extent of PTSD like symptoms but it is noticeable. She also experiences anxiety in the run-up to having to make large decisions becoming more overwhelmed. I also think we see in the last to books some sympathy with sep who used to confuse her with his anxiety (like in Syren)
Mandy Marwick: C-PTSD & Selective Mutism
Hypervigilant all the time. Down to the way he sleeps. 
Has identity confusion, kind of picking up new personalities around where he is. Reckless to his own detriment. Easily agitated. Struggles to form relationship really thrive where he can have more simple relationships. 
Also just like the young army, like Septimus he can sometimes slip back into the cations in relation to the young army.
Checks out possible dissociation may be related. He also shuts down in general in response to his emotions turning stress inward. He can even check out as a bit of a survival tool. This helps when he goes to see the Port Witch Coven.
Selective Mutism: He is just literally selectively mute, can talk but doesn’t under most circumstances. Doesn’t talk much, some people haven’t ever heard him talk. Being the most talkative with Septimus and then when necessary. And in Todd Hunter he is more talkative it seems especially with his boyfriend Sam Heap. 
Nicko Heap: PTSD & Depression
Well with this I’m mostly looking post-House of Foryx. It’s explicitly stated he is very different from when he left, never goes completely back but overtime is able to adjust back to home.
He had a lot of trouble reintegrating to things. Has become more passive in a sense, I think slowing down unable to do things and interact with his family the way he used to. Describes being tired, so  I think fatigue could be present.
Struggles to enjoy anything like he used to, even though he still likes boats he doesn’t get the same excitement we see in the early books more searching for peace.
His relationship with Snorri also is strained for a bit because they both feel so disconnected from everything. Preoccupied thoughts with the trauma too.
Sarah Heap: Anxiety and Depression
I think her anxiety is brought on when her very specific way of life in the Ramblings is disturbed and a mother of 7 is turned into really only being mother to 1 kid (Jenna) and even the kid still in the same general lace is essentially never been her kid and is mostly raised by someone else. This disruption caused this I believe. Flyte really describes this and we see it worsen anytime her kids is missing for long periods of time.
Ruminates on her kids and what they might be doing.  was shown to be irritable but in a way more reminiscent of anxious breakdown then anger when fighting with Silas. Obsessively, mothers, the duck Jenna brings back. Struggles anytime things she tries to use to manage stress (like her garden)
Depression: Shown to be very emotional often crying and showing signs of despair. Sometimes feels a bit secondary and useless/helpless when her skills around herbal medicine are not applicable and she really has the pertinent info to her kids' problems. This triggers hopelessness.
Has trouble keeping things clean, borderline hoarding behaviour. Observed in her sitting room.
Isolates from others. Seeming to only see her own family rarely out of her control, but when there is not a major problem like an illness or siege she tends to stay away from most people.
Simon Heap: BPD
Deeply insecure needing outside validation and hates rejection and abandonment. This fear tears him up and fuels his worse choices.
Dangerous/Risky behaviour is common. I think his ability to hold his breath underwater is a Darke skill we see used in the port and later in the Todd Hunter books. But to have this and other of his Darke skill they would be practised.  We also see this in being willing to do bad dangerous things like pick fights with extraordinary wizards, neutral things like ride his horse way to fast. use half a flyte charm and use magic that is dangerous/draining/Darke for himself to protect the castle.
Unstable identity looks for a new one a few times when the perception of perfect wizard falls he become full-blown dark wizard breaking ties with his family, this breaks moves to the port tries to be something else but still not really a heap again, then alchemy apprentice and reunites become a family man (later even having his son). This also can be unstable goals after his fixated one is broken.
Volatile and hot relationships. Even his consistent relationship with lucy can be read as dramatic and volatile
Very dramatic emotional reactions, big mood swings. Also very reactive emotional states. Including anger
Is capable of long term planning to get his goal but still acts impulsively very often when his emotion are rilled up. Like joining Dom Daniel in the first place as a huge example.
Depressive symptoms and moods
Splits on people. Jenna, his Parents, and Septimus. Even picking a fight with Sleuth and his horse to some extent.
Lucy is his favourite person
Snorri Snorrelssen: Anxiety
She definitely ruminates on things and can get stuck in one thought pattern.
She also scripts and will plan out what she is going to do
really doesn't like it when life doesn't go as planned, the seen in sally Mullins is so relatable TBH my poor girl.
Shows similar worsening problems with communicating and interacting after the house of Foryx to Nicko. Seeming even more disconnected and stressed out, Snorri even seeks to return home.
Ullr is a comfort animal. Having the magic ability of synching thoughts, but more commonly she plays off her cat to feel more in control and power. Even just his warmth and presence. She is very sad when they are separated but tells Ullr to work with Jenna.
Is on edge a whole lot in connection to being able to see hidden ghosts. Feels like she has to constantly watch everything she is doing.  
Syrah Syara: C-PTSD & Dissociation
C-PTSD: experience distress at reminders of her trauma. Relates well to sep but not the others. Shows clear signs of anxiety even when not possessed. Definitely shows feelings of helpless earned from her captivity. Has breakdowns.
Dissociation is way more of just a fan theory. I think her memories are not totally gone but a factor of dissociation. This might be more projection but I think the possession played a role in this with trauma. When the stuff with the syren and all of that happen her mind tried to deal with it all by dissociating. So I think it is possible she could remember the stuff. Also just she is relatable so yeah.
Silas: Dyslexia
This headcanon wasn’t mine originally I stolzed it from the great @septimusheapheadcanons In this post
Umm so yeah! That’s the things I think, Hope you liked it?
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