#bigbang scenairos
rscenarios · 7 years
Seungri - First Class
A request @withlovefromx from a long, long time ago (I hope the tagged blog is still the person who sent the request, sorry if not I will remove it!) “Scenario where you're flying (first class of course ^^) and you get scared and begin to harass the stranger next to you (aka Seungri)”
Hope you guys enjoy. -Admin Em
Warnings: fear of plane turbulence/death
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You aren’t sure what brought on your urge to travel. The feeling settled in about three months ago, making you look at different travel destinations. You briefly thought about going to Japan since it wasn’t terribly far away, maybe a two hour long flight. But then you began looking at places such as Bora Bora, France, and Hawaii: each place making you more and more interested.
As you look at your ticket to Rome you smile to yourself, mentally thinking through all the things you wanted to see and do. You would see the Colosseum, the Trevi Fountain, go to the Palatine Hill, and much more during your week there. You check the gate number again before taking a seat and waiting. This would be your first solo vacation, which has you a bit nervous despite the excitement. Mentally you run through everything you needed to do before you got on the plane in case you needed to make a phone call before the board time in an hour. When you finish, you loop through the list again before you relax.
An hour later, you line up to get on the plane. The attendant checks your ticket before thanking you and allowing you on board. You quickly find your seat and store your carry on before settling in. The seat is comfortable with small little vents for heat or air conditioning. In front of you is a small TV for in-flight entertainment and a pull down tray for meals later on. The only thing that could ruin this was if the person in the seat next to you was awful. You glance around, watching fellow passengers settle in their seat before you see a handsome man looking at the empty place beside you.
Before he can notice, you look away so he doesn’t catch you staring. You definitely don’t want things to be awkward on this flight, which leaves you unsure if you should say anything to him or not. The soft click of the seat belt alerts you that he’s now settled in so you risk glancing at him in your peripheral vision. He’s handsome with short dark hair with some light makeup on. In a weird way you can feel a sort of confidence in his aura. As the safety announcements start you look forward and pay attention, although a small piece of your mind screams that the plane is starting to move to the runway.
You try to stay calm and focus on other things once the announcement finishes. The gum you’re chewing seems to already have lost flavor with how rapidly your jaw is moving. The seat feels as if it’s trying to swallow you whole as your body presses against it. A weigh seems to press on your chest, only adding to the feeling of being pulled into the seat. Your eyes can’t help but take note of the world moving outside so you close them, trying to imagine yourself standing at the Colosseum.
The small fantasy brings you comfort as you allow yourself to continue imagining everything. Your eyes only open as the announcement tells you that you can remove your seat belt to move around and use small electronic devices. Glancing out the window you see the world is nothing but white fluff. Pulling out your phone you take a photo, capturing the beauty and your accomplishment of flying on your own.
Tension leaves your body as you watch the stewardesses coming to take any drink orders. You order your favorite drink on the menu while the guy next to you orders a rum and coke. His voice is almost soft and musical and you almost want to hear more of it. Still, you can’t find it in yourself to introduce yourself in case things get awkward during this long flight. Better to be in a comfortable silence than to have an awkward one. When your drink arrives you give thanks and sip on it as you watch out the window a bit before you start to read the book you’d brought with you.
Things stay calm for a few hours so you finally decide to try and sleep, Which is of course when the plane starts to shake. Your eyes shoot open and your hand quickly latch onto the first things they can for support: an arm rest and the stranger’s arm. In your panicked state, you don’t register your actions until you hear a voice beside you asking if you’re okay.
“Sorry, sorry,” you say, forcing your grip to loosen so you can remove your hand. A small whine leaves your lips as the plane shakes again and the seat belt sign lights up.
“Don’t worry, it’ll be alright. It’s just light turbulence that happens now and then.”
“You mean this is normal?! It’s going to continue?!”
“Shhh,” the stranger says quietly. “It won’t be constant but it might happen a few times more. I fly a lot.”
“That doesn’t make this safe.” Your voice is quieter as you look at the darkening world outside.
The person next to you leans over and closes the window shade. “Just think about something else.”
“You make it seem so easy. As if we might not die at any moment.”
“Like I said, I do this a lot.” He gives a small sigh.
“So you’ve said,” unable to control the hint of annoyance in your voice. “Why would you willingly put yourself through this so much? Only a crazy person would do such a thing.”
He gives you a small chuckle. “It’s mostly for work, but sometimes for fun. And I’m only crazy sometimes. My name is Seunghyun, but most people call me Seungri.”
“Seungri...what an interesting nickname. Well, Seungri, even if you are paid well I don’t think it’s worth risking your life. I’m ________________.”
“The pay is good, but it’s more the reward that I enjoy. Nice to meet you.”
“It would be nicer to have met you on stable ground when I’m not worried about dying,” you whine as the plane shakes again, your fingers digging into both the arm rests this time.
“I’m sure it would be,” Seungri laughs. “It’ll be alright, it’s lighting up.”
“How can you possibly know that?”
“The shaking is less frequent,” he points out.
“It doesn’t feel like it.”
Seungri lightly taps the back of your hand, “Because you’re shaking.”
“O-oh...can you blame me?”
“No. It can be scary to go through this by yourself. Maybe next time take a shorter flight to start,” he teases.
“I barely want to finish this flight so thinking about another is out of the question. Oh no, how am I going to make it home? What am I going to do?”
“One step at a time. Let’s find you a movie to watch,” Seungri suggests, looking at the movie options. Eventually he’s able to help you settle on something, although by then the turbulence has ended. “Now will you be okay watching this so I can sleep?”
“Sure...I’m sorry to have disturbed you.”
“It’s okay, but be careful since you may not be next to someone so nice on your next flight.”
“Noted,” you nod before he puts on a sleep mask and settles back in his seat. YOu give the movie your attention until you drift off to sleep.
By the time you wake up, Seungri is already awake and finishing off a small meal. “Rise and shine,” he gives a small smile when he sees you looking at him.
“Are we almost there,” you yawn, stretching in your seat.
“Another two hours,” he says, looking at his watch. You nod, getting up to stretch your legs and get a meal ordered. When you settle back down, you lift the window shade to see nothing but white clouds. “Don’t look too long, you might panic again.”
“Oh shush,” you roll your eyes.
“You harassed me first so I’m allowed some teasing,” he points out as your food arrives.
“Fair point,” you muse as you start to eat. “I can handle your teasing since you were so nice to me.”
And with that Seungri is quick to get witty with you, but soon it turns into polite conversation for the remainder of the flight. You’re actually quite calm during the landing as you continue chatting as you chew your gum. You walk together to find your luggage.
“Well ______________, this is where we part ways,” Seungri tells you once he finds his things. “It was nice meeting you.”
“You as well,” you smile as he walks off. It’s only moments later when you have your bag that you never got any contact information. You mentally curse yourself the entire trip to the hotel. As you check into your room you accept there’s nothing you could do about it now. With everything settled, you decide to take a stroll, much too tired to go true sight seeing. Tomorrow you would go to Trevi Fountain and the surrounding areas.
For now you just enjoy a bit of the new country before you head back and get some proper sleep.
The following morning you make your way to the Fountain, camera snapping photos along the way. Soon enough you are standing before the travertine creation, marveling at it’s beauty. Photos certainly did not do it justice. Still, you snap a few and even ask someone to take a photo of you for a keepsake. The stranger happily does so before going about their business. You look at the careful workings and listen to the running water for a moment before pulling out a coin. Fiddling the object you think of what you want to wish for, your mind eventually drifting back to Seungri. You should wish for good fortune, but you can’t shake the image of him. Even if you could just meet him again, that would be enough.
Slowly you turn, using your left hand to throw the coin over your right shoulder.
Even if you didn’t get to see him, this would at least mean you would return to Rome someday. Content with your time here, you move to the next place on your agenda.
Five years later you find yourself standing in the same place, fiddling with your coin. Slowly, you toss it the same way you had done last time. “Did you wish for a safe flight home?”
You try your best to glare, but the smile on your face won’t go away. “Shut up, I wasn’t even bad on the way here!”
“Then what did you wish for?”
“That my idiot husband will get smarter,” you tease, making Seungri dramatically clutch his chest.
“How can you be so cruel on our honeymoon? After I made such a nice wish too. It might not come true since you’re so mean.”
You quickly kiss his cheek. “I’ll be nice since you’re so cute. And I’m sure your wish will come true, this fountain is magical.”
He gives you a quick kiss, before holding you close and asking someone to take your photo. As the two of you look at the picture he whispers. “Being here with you is magical.”
“You’re so cheesy.”
“I’m a dream come true and you love me.”
“More like a wish, but yes, I love you.”
“I love you too,” he smiles.
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