#lee seunghyun scenario
femikpop · 6 years
Empty Bathroom
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Tittle:   Empty Bathroom Words: 1K Pairing: Nami/Jinyoung, Nami/Seungri; 14th Member of SEVENTEEN Summary: The moment, that Nami met Seungri from Big Bang and it turned out into something more.
2008 was year, when Nami entered JYP Entertainment building. She was thirteen, when she attended her first classes as a trainee. It was a very different envoriment for her, but the one that she actually felt comfortable in. Beside training very hard, she could talk to other girls about her passions, that they also shared with her.
But it wasn’t till year later, when Nami actually met her friend, who she keeps in tuch till this day. Jinyoung was year older then her, but for some reason they clicked. It make everything so much easier for her, because even if she had all those girls, that she trained with, Jinyoung was the one who heard about her concerns and which part of her body is in pain after tough practise.
Few years later, after Nami decided to leave JYP Entertainment and join Pledis, she got message from Jinyoung about his soon debiut with other seven people. It made her really happy and supportive for her friend. Even if she wanted to be in his shoes at that moment, she was really happy for him. She couldn’t wait for their debiut and to hear their songs, see them live.
Nami was so grateful, that even though Jinyoung found new friends in his group, he didn’t forget about her and was still in touch with her. Few months after the groups debiut, they were invited to one of the most popular awards shows in the industry. Jinyoung as a good friend of Nami, wanted to invited her. But because she was still a trainee, she didn’t go. Or at least she didn’t go to the award show. Where she did go was after party.
At that time she was nineteen and in big amazement of everything. She never attended any award, after party or anything with any other idol possible. She wasn’t even at that many parties in her life. But when Nami was walking into the loud dark room, holding Jinyoung’s hand, she made promise to herself, that she won’t do anything stupid. She didn’t want to embarrass herself or any of the boys or Cara.
It was around midnight, when Nami excused herself from the table. She walked out of the room to the big hallway. It was way brighter with all the lights on, than in the previous room. As fast as she could, she started walking towards the end, where there should be bathrooms. Or at least one of the waiters said that.
Few waitresses and waiters were standing in the the area next to the bathrooms, probably ‘enjoying’ their quick break. They were really busy with talking to each other, that didn’t even notice her walking by. Nami checked twice if it was bathroom for ladies, before walking in. She pushed heavy door and quickly slid inside just to bump into someone.
Nami picked her head just to see man standing in front of her. His hair was darker, looking natural. He was wearing some shirt with pants, hand on his hips and foot was nervously tapping as if he was nervious. There were only the two of the small room, that was like an entrance to the ladies bathroom.
‘Excuse me?’, she asked shocked, that man was in a place, he shouldn’t have been standing. She couldn’t also see his face very clearly, because the liht there was also rather dark, than in the hallway.
‘Oh no, no. I’m not going inside.’, he started talking really fast, putting his hands in fron of him in defence. ‘I spit some drink on my jacket and my stylist is inside, trying to fix it.’, he added. Nami just nodded slowly, trying to get pass the guy. He immediately realised, what she was trying to do, letting her go inside. 
When Nami went inside the bathroom, she saw that no one was inside the room. Bathroom had full wall of mirrors and few sinks and on the other side, there were few ther small rooms where toilets were. She used one of them and after washing her hands, she walked outside. The man was still standing in the same place. When Nami walked outside, he started walking in her direction, thinking she was his stylist, but stopped when he realised she’s not. She just smiled at him and went to the door. 
‘She’s not there.’, Nami said, turning to the guy. He raised his eyebrows as if he didn’t hear her clearly. ‘Bathroom is empty.’, she added, smiling at him.
‘So, why am I standing here for over forty minutes?’, he asked, stepping from one leg to another.
‘You’re asking me or yourself?’, she said, raising her eyebrow. It was very clear, that he was trying to keep straight face. But as soon as he looked at Nami, he burst out laughing.
‘Seunghyun.’, he said, holding his hand in front of her.
‘Nami.’, she answered and repeated his gesture.
‘I still don’t understand why you were in that bathroom.’, Nami asked through the laugh. 
‘I was waiting for you to come it.’, Seunghyun answered, getting closer to the girl. Both of them were sitting on the couch in his apartment. Nami’s legs were on his as they were talking with TV somewhere in the background.
‘And yet it took you almost two years to ask me out.’, she rolled her eyes, placing her hand on his chest and pushing him back.
‘I didn’t want to ruin our friendship, okay?’, Seunghyun said and quickly kissed her lips, so she wouldn’t push him back again. When he did, he smiled really widely and kissed her forehead, before turning his head to the TV. ‘Beside you were talking about Minho from Shinee everytime we went out. I just didn’t want to ruin your dreams of dating him.’, he added. Nami took the pillowe, that was behind her back and hit Seunghyun in the chest, making him laugh right away.
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knockoutwritings · 7 years
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This next series is dedicated to @doomdadadividuh (who also provided the amazing artwork. I feel guilty for filling your inbox with angst that I figured we should share it with the world. TOPRI Love Triangle , beware of the upcoming feels. 
Strobe lights danced rhythmically above your head as the music pounded angrily against your ears. You almost felt the need to place your hands over your ears to bring some form of quiet into your space. But you were here to support and encourage your boyfriend, and when he grinned over at you, you couldn’t help but match it. His dark eyes were playful under the flickering lights. He was in his element, surrounded by people who came together for one thing—music.
You felt him tug your arm and you followed carefully, hoping not to lose him in the hysteria of it all. Of course, you enjoyed going out to clubs, but it wouldn’t have been the first thing you’d have chosen for a date when you hadn’t seen him in a few weeks. Seunghyun tried his best and you were grateful for that. But there were moments in which a small amount of guilt simmered in your gut at the thought that you’d initially agreed to a date because you felt a bit lonely after your breakup.
Seunghyun Lee was a rebound, and that was why you did your best to enjoy what he gave you, be it affection with plenty of compliments. He was so good at making others feel good. And granted he wasn’t usually the man that you dated, he was sweet and you enjoyed being on his arm.
He stirred you from your thoughts as you felt his lips press against the corner of your lips. You almost chuckled at the notion that he’d had one too many drinks. He was being so intent with you tonight that you wondered if he was okay. Your fingers traced the curve of his jaw and you kissed him as he wrapped an arm around you, pulling you flush against his frame. Seunghyun felt heavenly.
“You look beautiful, you know,” he whispered out against your ear before placing a kiss on your temple. You could smell the alcohol on his breath and it somehow suited him as it mingled with his cologne. Closing your eyes, you inhaled his scent and smiled up at him.
Seunghyun pressed another kiss on your lips as his hand continue to rest on the small of your back. He was relieved that you allowed him to bring you along. He’d wanted so much for you to be with him during his set and despite knowing that he probably didn’t deserve it after being away from you for days on end, he was quite grateful with how understanding you were. But that characteristic sometimes worried him. Though you’d only been dating for a few months, it felt as though the nearness that was once there between the two of you was deteriorating. He couldn’t fathom if it was his own guilty conscious or if you were starting to wonder if this would work. And really, Seunghyun wanted it to. He enjoyed your company, enjoyed how your cheeks flushed when he kissed you with reverence.
He only wanted to keep you happy. With this thought in mind, he placed one last kiss on your forehead before his eyes flickered to an approaching figure. His smile was wide and welcoming and as he waved the person over he looked down to find you looking in the direction of your attention.
“I asked hyung to accompany us tonight since he was going to be in the area. I figured this would be a convenient time to introduce you to him.”
Just as he was done, Seunghyun Choi stood before the two of you, and the younger of the Seunghyun’s pulled him in for a hug before taking his place next to you once more.
Surprise filled your senses at the notion of being introduced to one of his bandmembers. Though he’d offered to do so in the past, you’d always made excuses, preferring to remain private in your relationship with Seunghyun. So you now found yourself in a precarious moment as you felt this stranger’s eyes on you. A shiver threatened to course through your spine and you did well in suppressing it before remembering your manners and introducing yourself to your boyfriend’s guest.
“Very nice to meet you. I’ve heard a lot about you.” The usualy, mundane greetings were traded, and you wondered how long it would take for the awkward feeling to simmer away. Perhaps with a bit more alcohol, you mentally mused. It was a bit unsettling how he seemed to observe you for a moment, and you found it odd that the man standing next to you didn’t seem to notice as he chatted with his friend with great enthusiasm.
“…and I figured it would be great to introduce you two,” at the sound of your name you perked up, automatically smiling at the man before you as your boyfriend continued. “She’s an art fiend just like you. I thought it’d be great if you could show her around some of the museums while I head off this weekend.”
That last sentence caused confusion to stem, and before you could hide it, a small frown bloomed on your lips as you looked over to Seunghyun. “Are you leaving me already?”
He sighed apologetically, brining your knuckles to his mouth as he kissed them in what you assumed was a plea so you wouldn’t grow angry with him in front of his friend. Clearing your throat and ignoring the mild sting you nodded in silent understanding.
“There’s an exhibition I’ve been asked to offer my opinion on. If you’d like, I could bring you along so you can see how the pieces are chosen.”
His voice was deep, almost coarse but at the same time, it was awfully soothing to hear—a stark contrast the chaotic sounds of the club. It hadn’t even sounded like he was yelling over the music. Feeling a gentle tug of your hand, you blinked, processing the offer before you smiled.
“That would be amazing, thank you.”
“It’s settled then. Hyung will entertain you while I’m away, and when I come back I’ll make it up to you.” You felt warm lips press against your temple, and suddenly it didn’t feel as comforting with the older of the two watching.
Later that night, in the stillness of your room you would recall those eyes before you drifted off to sleep.
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rscenarios · 7 years
Seungri - First Class
A request @withlovefromx from a long, long time ago (I hope the tagged blog is still the person who sent the request, sorry if not I will remove it!) “Scenario where you're flying (first class of course ^^) and you get scared and begin to harass the stranger next to you (aka Seungri)”
Hope you guys enjoy. -Admin Em
Warnings: fear of plane turbulence/death
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You aren’t sure what brought on your urge to travel. The feeling settled in about three months ago, making you look at different travel destinations. You briefly thought about going to Japan since it wasn’t terribly far away, maybe a two hour long flight. But then you began looking at places such as Bora Bora, France, and Hawaii: each place making you more and more interested.
As you look at your ticket to Rome you smile to yourself, mentally thinking through all the things you wanted to see and do. You would see the Colosseum, the Trevi Fountain, go to the Palatine Hill, and much more during your week there. You check the gate number again before taking a seat and waiting. This would be your first solo vacation, which has you a bit nervous despite the excitement. Mentally you run through everything you needed to do before you got on the plane in case you needed to make a phone call before the board time in an hour. When you finish, you loop through the list again before you relax.
An hour later, you line up to get on the plane. The attendant checks your ticket before thanking you and allowing you on board. You quickly find your seat and store your carry on before settling in. The seat is comfortable with small little vents for heat or air conditioning. In front of you is a small TV for in-flight entertainment and a pull down tray for meals later on. The only thing that could ruin this was if the person in the seat next to you was awful. You glance around, watching fellow passengers settle in their seat before you see a handsome man looking at the empty place beside you.
Before he can notice, you look away so he doesn’t catch you staring. You definitely don’t want things to be awkward on this flight, which leaves you unsure if you should say anything to him or not. The soft click of the seat belt alerts you that he’s now settled in so you risk glancing at him in your peripheral vision. He’s handsome with short dark hair with some light makeup on. In a weird way you can feel a sort of confidence in his aura. As the safety announcements start you look forward and pay attention, although a small piece of your mind screams that the plane is starting to move to the runway.
You try to stay calm and focus on other things once the announcement finishes. The gum you’re chewing seems to already have lost flavor with how rapidly your jaw is moving. The seat feels as if it’s trying to swallow you whole as your body presses against it. A weigh seems to press on your chest, only adding to the feeling of being pulled into the seat. Your eyes can’t help but take note of the world moving outside so you close them, trying to imagine yourself standing at the Colosseum.
The small fantasy brings you comfort as you allow yourself to continue imagining everything. Your eyes only open as the announcement tells you that you can remove your seat belt to move around and use small electronic devices. Glancing out the window you see the world is nothing but white fluff. Pulling out your phone you take a photo, capturing the beauty and your accomplishment of flying on your own.
Tension leaves your body as you watch the stewardesses coming to take any drink orders. You order your favorite drink on the menu while the guy next to you orders a rum and coke. His voice is almost soft and musical and you almost want to hear more of it. Still, you can’t find it in yourself to introduce yourself in case things get awkward during this long flight. Better to be in a comfortable silence than to have an awkward one. When your drink arrives you give thanks and sip on it as you watch out the window a bit before you start to read the book you’d brought with you.
Things stay calm for a few hours so you finally decide to try and sleep, Which is of course when the plane starts to shake. Your eyes shoot open and your hand quickly latch onto the first things they can for support: an arm rest and the stranger’s arm. In your panicked state, you don’t register your actions until you hear a voice beside you asking if you’re okay.
“Sorry, sorry,” you say, forcing your grip to loosen so you can remove your hand. A small whine leaves your lips as the plane shakes again and the seat belt sign lights up.
“Don’t worry, it’ll be alright. It’s just light turbulence that happens now and then.”
“You mean this is normal?! It’s going to continue?!”
“Shhh,” the stranger says quietly. “It won’t be constant but it might happen a few times more. I fly a lot.”
“That doesn’t make this safe.” Your voice is quieter as you look at the darkening world outside.
The person next to you leans over and closes the window shade. “Just think about something else.”
“You make it seem so easy. As if we might not die at any moment.”
“Like I said, I do this a lot.” He gives a small sigh.
“So you’ve said,” unable to control the hint of annoyance in your voice. “Why would you willingly put yourself through this so much? Only a crazy person would do such a thing.”
He gives you a small chuckle. “It’s mostly for work, but sometimes for fun. And I’m only crazy sometimes. My name is Seunghyun, but most people call me Seungri.”
“Seungri...what an interesting nickname. Well, Seungri, even if you are paid well I don’t think it’s worth risking your life. I’m ________________.”
“The pay is good, but it’s more the reward that I enjoy. Nice to meet you.”
“It would be nicer to have met you on stable ground when I’m not worried about dying,” you whine as the plane shakes again, your fingers digging into both the arm rests this time.
“I’m sure it would be,” Seungri laughs. “It’ll be alright, it’s lighting up.”
“How can you possibly know that?”
“The shaking is less frequent,” he points out.
“It doesn’t feel like it.”
Seungri lightly taps the back of your hand, “Because you’re shaking.”
“O-oh...can you blame me?”
“No. It can be scary to go through this by yourself. Maybe next time take a shorter flight to start,” he teases.
“I barely want to finish this flight so thinking about another is out of the question. Oh no, how am I going to make it home? What am I going to do?”
“One step at a time. Let’s find you a movie to watch,” Seungri suggests, looking at the movie options. Eventually he’s able to help you settle on something, although by then the turbulence has ended. “Now will you be okay watching this so I can sleep?”
“Sure...I’m sorry to have disturbed you.”
“It’s okay, but be careful since you may not be next to someone so nice on your next flight.”
“Noted,” you nod before he puts on a sleep mask and settles back in his seat. YOu give the movie your attention until you drift off to sleep.
By the time you wake up, Seungri is already awake and finishing off a small meal. “Rise and shine,” he gives a small smile when he sees you looking at him.
“Are we almost there,” you yawn, stretching in your seat.
“Another two hours,” he says, looking at his watch. You nod, getting up to stretch your legs and get a meal ordered. When you settle back down, you lift the window shade to see nothing but white clouds. “Don’t look too long, you might panic again.”
“Oh shush,” you roll your eyes.
“You harassed me first so I’m allowed some teasing,” he points out as your food arrives.
“Fair point,” you muse as you start to eat. “I can handle your teasing since you were so nice to me.”
And with that Seungri is quick to get witty with you, but soon it turns into polite conversation for the remainder of the flight. You’re actually quite calm during the landing as you continue chatting as you chew your gum. You walk together to find your luggage.
“Well ______________, this is where we part ways,” Seungri tells you once he finds his things. “It was nice meeting you.”
“You as well,” you smile as he walks off. It’s only moments later when you have your bag that you never got any contact information. You mentally curse yourself the entire trip to the hotel. As you check into your room you accept there’s nothing you could do about it now. With everything settled, you decide to take a stroll, much too tired to go true sight seeing. Tomorrow you would go to Trevi Fountain and the surrounding areas.
For now you just enjoy a bit of the new country before you head back and get some proper sleep.
The following morning you make your way to the Fountain, camera snapping photos along the way. Soon enough you are standing before the travertine creation, marveling at it’s beauty. Photos certainly did not do it justice. Still, you snap a few and even ask someone to take a photo of you for a keepsake. The stranger happily does so before going about their business. You look at the careful workings and listen to the running water for a moment before pulling out a coin. Fiddling the object you think of what you want to wish for, your mind eventually drifting back to Seungri. You should wish for good fortune, but you can’t shake the image of him. Even if you could just meet him again, that would be enough.
Slowly you turn, using your left hand to throw the coin over your right shoulder.
Even if you didn’t get to see him, this would at least mean you would return to Rome someday. Content with your time here, you move to the next place on your agenda.
Five years later you find yourself standing in the same place, fiddling with your coin. Slowly, you toss it the same way you had done last time. “Did you wish for a safe flight home?”
You try your best to glare, but the smile on your face won’t go away. “Shut up, I wasn’t even bad on the way here!”
“Then what did you wish for?”
“That my idiot husband will get smarter,” you tease, making Seungri dramatically clutch his chest.
“How can you be so cruel on our honeymoon? After I made such a nice wish too. It might not come true since you’re so mean.”
You quickly kiss his cheek. “I’ll be nice since you’re so cute. And I’m sure your wish will come true, this fountain is magical.”
He gives you a quick kiss, before holding you close and asking someone to take your photo. As the two of you look at the picture he whispers. “Being here with you is magical.”
“You’re so cheesy.”
“I’m a dream come true and you love me.”
“More like a wish, but yes, I love you.”
“I love you too,” he smiles.
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yg-got7scenarios · 7 years
Oh, You Again?
Seungri | First Meeting
with mentions of Hanna and another OC, Seoyeon
2,102 words
Requested by Anon
A/N:  So it was too long to be considered as a drabble haha!  I will include this one on the main masterlist once all is done :)  I will do this to every request that exceeds 2k words!
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“Is this all?” Seungri asks his executive assistant as he looks over a few resumes of applicants who wanted to work at the latest branch of Aori Ramen that he is about to open in about a few weeks.
“Yes, Si- Uhm – I mean, Seungri.  Yes, that’s everything.  Are you interested in anyone of them by any chance?”  Seoyeon gapes at her boss and Seungri pursed his lips before looking at the ceiling with his eyebrows scrunched.
“Hmm… I should say yes.  This –“ He handed about 4 CVs to the girl and placed the rest on top of his table.  “Please schedule them an interview with my sister Hanna within this week.  I will be out of the country for some events so I won’t be able to do it.”  Seoyeon nods before grabbing the papers from Seungri. “So she’ll decide whether to take them or not, alright?”  Seungri confirms and Seoyeon lets out a small laugh.
“She will be thrilled if she hears this.”  She giggles heartily and her boss just scrunched his nose at her.
“Tell her to not be too happy; this will be the last time.”  He stands up from his seat and she just giggled even further before bowing at him.
“Alright, have a safe trip, Ri.  I guess we’ll see you next week?”
Seungri is trying to get used to the loud music that almost split his head into half as well as the smell of smoke, alcohol, and sweat lingering in the air. He was invited yet again for another DJ-in event outside the country – which he gladly took because it was a good friend who requested.  Also, he enjoys DJing in huge clubs and the free drinks, it’s just the smoking part that he doesn’t like so much.
Just when he was about to wrap up his performance for the night, a girl caught his attention from one corner of the bar.  The girl is stunning; however, she looks like she wanted to step out of the place soon enough.  She wasn’t dancing as usual, just seated on a stool while sipping her beer.
Seungri is known to be very friendly and since he is a member of one of the most popular Kpop idol groups ever, he is pretty damn popular, so he doesn’t normally approach people and socialize, it is always the other way around, no matter where he goes.  So seeing a girl on his event looking bored and, well, unhappy for some reason, he cannot help but feel curious.
The crowd went wild when he played a mix of Bangbangbang, Mental Breakdown, and Song Mino’s I’m Him through the speakers and he knows that he did well – making a note to himself to approach the girl after his set.
“So, who did you select out of the four, Hanna-yah?”  He gives a call to his sister as soon as he lands at Incheon.  He needs to visit the new site since it is almost done, he just needs to take one last look before it opens tomorrow.  Also, he needs to meet the new staffs that his sister managed to hire – still not trusting Hanna to do a good job – though it’s mostly just for his entertainment (meaning, pissing his little sister off).
“Oppa, you will see them later.  I am sure you do not even remember their names anymore.” “Hanna, I remember them, why don’t you just tell me?”
“And why don’t you just wait?  Do you not trust me?”
“Yah!  How dare you yell at your older brother!”
“It’s because you’re annoying!  And I did send you their photos and profiles on your email two days ago, it’s not your fault you’re not checking them.  I will tell Dad!”  His sister hangs up even before he can argue.  He just stared at his phone before shaking his head incredulously.  He steps out of the automatic doors and he can hear the yells from fans and the shutter of cameras.  He smiles at them but quickly remembered that he is wearing a mask, so they won’t see it anyway.
On his trip to the new site of Aori Ramen, he cannot help but think about what happened a few nights before.  He was about to talk to the cute girl at the bar after his set, when he was able to throw a new, dry shirt on and sprayed some generous amount of expensive perfume, only to find the girl, well, missing.  He had searched the entire place – randomly chatting with some strangers and people – until he stopped, feeling disappointed on top of his heavy breathing and curled up fists.
Where is she?
This isn’t what Seungri was expecting when he went to the newest branch of his popular restaurant.
Standing behind the counter is the girl who had never left his mind for the last week. She is wearing the restaurant’s uniform – the stupidly cute eye smile and pink lips still didn’t fail to make him smile a bit.
“Seungri-yah, she might melt, stop staring so hard.”  Seoyeon nudged her boss/friend by the elbow and the boy was snapped out of his reverie.
“Y-yes, what’s up?”  He asks mindlessly before turning his gaze towards his friend.  The woman just shakes her head before guiding the stuttering boy deeper inside the place.
“Her name is ______, she’s one of the staffs that your sister selected from the last set of CVs you handed to her through me.”  Seoyeon said and Seungri’s eyebrows furrowed.
“Seriously? I actually selected her?”  Seungri gasped loudly and that caught the attention of everyone; including the girl she’s been eye-ing on.
“Oh, so, you’re here!”  Hanna shouted from behind the counter and gestured for her brother to come.  Seoyeon just pinched his cheek before walking him towards his sister’s side.
“Just try not to drool over her, okay?  I know she’s a good catch!”
Before Seungri can even playfully slap his friend’s shoulder, Seoyeon was already running towards the other side of the café.
She looked at the guy where the loud rambling came from, and she squinted her eyes in recognition.  He was the DJ at the bar where she got ditched by a cute guy and made her pay for all the drinks and snacks the two of them had eaten and drank– so she were forced to leave the place immediately with a few dollars left on her pocket – swearing to herself to not talk to any other guys in that bar that night.  Good thing the bar is just near the hotel where she is staying, so the cab fare will not be too high.
She also recognizes him as a member of the popular Kpop group BIGBANG – however, she is not expecting to see him here; to the place where she will have her first managerial job.
“Oh, so you’re here!”  Hanna, who claimed to be the sister of the owner, shouted at him and he immediately came over.
“Hey guys, so this is my brother, and he is the owner of this restaurant.  Oppa – introduce yourself to the new employees!” Hanna exclaimed and smiled, feeling victorious or somewhat playful; making her brother scrunched her nose at his sister.  Seungri eyed each and every one of the new staffs, and she felt her cheeks turn into a dark shade of pink when her boss stared at her a bit longer, lingering and flashing toothy smile at her before quickly shifting his gaze towards the guy next to her.
When the introductions were given, she was instructed to be with no other than her boss to look around the store – since she will be the future manager after a few months once she was able to adjust and trained properly by Seoyeon.
“So, uh, shall we?”  Seungri smiled at her shyly and she nodded, mumbling a yes quietly and they both walked around the dining area.
They’ve exchanged random comments about the table and chair arrangements, as well as the decorations and artworks painted on the walls – and the two of them had agreed on removing the large chrome painted artwork since it doesn’t blend well with the others, making Seoyeon pinch Seungri’s arm, for whatever reason, he doesn’t know.
The next hour and a half were spent like that and she and her boss are now seated adjacent to each other – waiting for their requested drinks and food to be served.
“So, how do you like the place, _____?”  Seungri asks her and she lets out a nod.
“It was perfect; and I am excited to work here – it is a great place… and… I have a great boss.”  She flashes her cute smile and Seungri sips his water to hide his blushing face.
“Oh, thank you.”  He says and damn, he is not used to being this shy infront of people – he is normally the ones who initiates the conversation whenever he meets someone new – but for this lady, it is totally different.
“So – I actually have something to ask if you don’t mind?  It is something… not work related.”  Seungri says and she looks up to him before nodding.
“Sure – Sir –“ Seungri holds his hand up and she gaped at him.
“Just call me Seungri – no need to call me boss or anything – it makes me feel old when people call me that.”  He rubs the back of his neck and she just nodded before sipping her water.  Their coffees arrived and they just silently stirred them –mostly out of nervousness.
“Hey… // Seungri?”  The two of them spoke at the same time.
“You go first –“
“No it’s OK, _____, go ahead.”  Seungri smiles and she feels her cheeks burn – his boss is just too cute not to stare at.
“A-Alright.” She brushes the strands of hair that block her face and Seungri followed the movements of her fingers which is just too graceful and cute.  What?
“I – I was at the event – last week.”  She says shyly and Seungri smiled and nods his head.
“I know.” Seungri wore his signature smirk.
“W-what? H-how?”  These are the only words that she was able to mutter – he knows she was there?  She was sure that there’re lots of people at that club that time so it is nearly impossible for this guy to see her.
“I saw you. You were the sulking, pouting but cute girl at the bar – it looks like you weren’t having that much fun and I feel curious…”  Seungri bites his lower lip and she let out a soft gasp, both of her hands flying on top of her mouth before she covers her beet-red face; too shy to face the boy in front of him.
“Oh God I am so embarrassing – I – I didn’t know that you’ll notice me there – there is a sea of people – oh gosh!”  She removes her hands from her face before looking down at the table.
“You don’t need to be shy, _____.”  He teased her and she sinks on her seat further, making the boy laugh heartily.
“You really are so cute – and now you’re pouting!”
“I don’t! And… I didn’t pout that night too!”
“You were! I saw you!”
“HEY!” She blurted a little too loud and does her face can get any darker now?  She just shouted at her boss and everyone in the restaurant is eyeing her, as well as Seoyeon who is now carrying their snacks and standing next to Seungri with a knowing smile on her face.  Seungri laughed loudly, amused by his new Restaurant Manager, finding the girl really pretty, witty, and… wait did he just think of her being pretty?
“Looks like you two are getting along well, huh?”  Seoyeon winked at Seungri before smiling dearly at the girl in front of him. Seungri let out a nervous laugh and the girl cups her face with her hands, her burning cheeks making Seoyeon giggle cutely at her before bidding her good bye, muttering that she needs to leave the two alone.
“Sorry about that… I – I was just –“
“No need, ______.  It is not necessary.  I am sorry if I teased you too.”  Seungri rubs the back of his neck before sipping on his iced latte.  The two of them grew silent – just enjoying their drinks and glancing at each other from time to time.
The girl smiled when she met the boy’s gaze – thinking secretly to herself that it has been wonderful meeting him.
What she doesn’t know is that it was equally fascinating for Seungri – if not more.
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ohmagawdh · 4 years
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but jieun-ah love can't be controlled
so if i forgot every word i've ever learned i would still find a way to write about you.
if i forgot who you were i would write about the unexplained and unfillable space inside me.
i would still love you if you killed me.
i would touch you if your skin was made of poison for me and your bones made of fire.
i don't know how to be anything else but yours, lee jieun.
so one day, whether you are 14, 28 or 65 you will stumble upon someone who will start a fire in you that cannot die.
however, the saddest, most awful truth you will ever come to find is they are not always with whom we spend our lives.
ㅡ forbidden love // choi seunghyun 1703, london
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a-fan-world-blog · 5 years
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Nyongtory ❤️
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mypalesnowflake · 6 years
Softie | Choi Seung-hyun (T.O.P)
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summary: when the other members discover (Y/N) and Choi Seung-hyun cuddling, they do not hesitate to take the opportunity of teasing the older male.
Seung-hyun looks up from the book he’s reading when someone opens the door to the dressing room of his band. His mood lights up when he saw his girl, (Y/N). He expected her to greet him with her affectionate kisses and tight hugs as if they had not seen each other for years, but when she continued to make her way to one of the empty couches blindly -- because her eyes were closed -- his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. 
The male watched in curiosity as his lover sat down and leaned back against the couch, still with her eyes closed. Minutes later, Seung-hyun finally concluded that (Y/N) was fast asleep. 
He couldn’t help but chuckle to himself. There was never a dull moment with her; he took note of that when they first met. So he should, by now, be used to these moments occurring yet here he is: still amused and taken by surprise. 
Seung-hyun puts his book down and walks over to where the sleeping girl is. He shakes her gently. “(Y/N)-a.” he says, attempting to wake her up. “Jagiya.” 
(Y/N) stirred, eyebrows furrowing together. She waves his hand away, turning her body away from him. 
Seung-hyun chuckles and sits down next to her. He shakes her again. “Jagiya. Wake up.” he tells her. “Aigoo, what did you do all day that you ended up like this?”
“Seung-hyun-ssi?” (Y/N) says without looking at him. 
Seung-hyun nods as if the girl could see him. “Yes, it’s me.” 
(Y/N), without another word, turns around to face him. She scoots closer to him, pinning his body between the couch’s arm and her body. Seung-hyun felt her arms wrap around his torso, bringing herself closer to him. She shifts a little so her upper body is a little bit on top of his. Finally, she nestles her face onto the crook of his neck. 
Seung-hyun chuckles and shook his head. He shifts a little to bring himself to a more comfortable position. “Aigoo.” He returns the embrace and plants a kiss on top of the sleepy girl’s head. “You can be such a child sometimes.” 
Her hug tightens, but not enough to crush his bones. She nestles closer with a wistful smile on her face. “Yet you still love me for it.” She brings a hand upwards and places it on his cheek, caressing the area affectionately. 
Seung-hyun closes his eyes, letting himself absorb her gentle touch. He was glad that they were the only ones in the room at the moment. The staff and his band-mates were out somewhere, probably buying dinner for the day or finishing a few lines in the recording studio. Either way, Seung-hyun was glad to have this alone time with his lover. 
Yet he spoke too soon.
Because the door suddenly opened and the youngest of the five members, Lee Seung-hyun... Also known as Seungri, entered. “I wonder if hyung is--”
Seungri stops in his words and track when his eyes landed on the couple. His eyes grew wide and his mouth formed a shape of an ‘O’. After probably just a second, the younger male’s eyes sparked with mischief and excitedly grabbed something from the table and headed to the door before the older male could stop him. 
“Seungri-ya, hey! What are you--”
“Ji-yong-hyung! Daesung-hyung! Youngbae-hyung! Come over here, quick!” 
(Y/N) stirred but did not show any sign of waking up.
Minutes later, the three names mentioned one by one appeared and entered the area. All of them looked surprised and had shit-eating grins on their faces. The youngest of them pulled out his phone and began taking pictures. Seung-hyun, with cheeks and ears red in embarrassment, rolled his eyes and waved his hand around in an attempt to whack Seungri yet the latter avoided the hits successfully.
“Omo, hyung! I never thought I’d get to see the day.” Youngbae comments as he crosses his arms.
“I never knew you two were together!” Daesung gushed. He playfully hit Seung-hyun on the arm in an aegyo manner. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Yah!” Seung-hyun interjects, carefully trying not wake the sleeping girl.
“I’m not gonna post this unless Seung-hyun-hyung says so but, man, I am so going to use this for blackmail on you in the future.” Seungri tells him with a familiar mischievous look on his face. He began typing on his phone.
Ji-yong’s eyes sparked a glint of mischief as well. He crosses his arms the same as Youngbae. “So this is how you look like when you’re in love.” he says. “One interaction with her and you turn into a big softie.” 
Seung-hyun rolls his eyes. “Yah! I’m not a--”
“Our hyung is a softie~! Our hyung is a softie~! Aigoo~ A softie~” Daesung cheers in an aegyo manner.
“Oh I can’t wait for our next interviews.” Seungri interrupts. “I mean I’m not gonna spill all the details but you know...” He smirks. “Just a few ones.”
“Yeah and then let us all get called to our boss’s office again.” Seung-hyun tells him. 
“I don’t care at the moment. I’ve been in and out for years now, anyway.” Seungri retorts back, still mischievous as ever.
The other members all shook their heads at the maknae’s ridiculousness. 
Due to the noise, (Y/N) groaned and shifted -- scooting upward and closer to her boyfriend. She caressed his cheek again and unconsciously placed a small kiss onto his neck. The affectionate gesture did not go unnoticed by the other four. 
“Omo, did you see that?” Seungri gushes.
“Aww, they’re so sweet~” Daesung gushes.
“Look how red Seung-hyun-hyung is!” Ji-yong points at the older male and laughed with Youngbae.
Seung-hyun, both embarrassed and a little annoyed, narrows his eyes at his band-mates and waved his hand. “Aish. Stop teasing me. Just... get out and do whatever you were supposed to do. The four of you should be glad that (Y/N)-ssi is restraining me or else I would’ve whacked you all on the heads.”
Daesung pouted. “Aigoo, hyung. So violent. We were just having fun. It’s not everyday we see a side of you like this.” he says. 
Youngbae laughs and starts pushing his smirking band-mates to the direction of the door. “Okay, I think we’ve teased hyung enough for the day. Let’s give them their privacy now. Come on.” he says. 
Seungri and Daesung whined while Youngbae continued ushering them out. Seung-hyun sometimes forgets that these two are in their late 20s now yet they act like this.
Before the door closes, Seungri peeps inside for the last time and calls, “I’ll see you later, love birds~” Meanwhile, the other members complained.
Seung-hyun, now glad that him and (Y/N) are alone again in the room, recalled what just took place and couldn’t help but laugh at his band-mates’ ridiculousness. 
Unbeknownst to him, (Y/N) opened one eye to look at him. A small amused smirk came up to her features. “You’re really a softie.” She says, surprising Seung-hyun. 
The male looks down at her and smiles. He pushes a strand of her hair away to see her face better. “I thought you were asleep.” he says. 
“Oh, I was. That is until your friends came in and began teasing you.” 
Seung-hyun laughs and pulls the girl closer to him, leaning his cheek on the side of her head. He runs his fingers through her hair gently. “They are right though. I am a little bit of a softie when it comes to you.”
“Just a little?”
“...Fine. A lot.”
“Much better.”
author’s note: hello! I hope you guys like this one ^^
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topinot-noir · 5 years
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Overprotective Seunghyun
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bbreactions · 5 years
Seungri scenario "I'll protect you"
[GIFs not mine]
Hello dear followers!
Thank you for following me and reading my stuff even if I was away for more than half an year. I just didn’t have any motivation for writing. 
But now, 
I am OPENING requests for a while so go ahead. 
Hope you’ll like this Seungri scenario that was requested a long time ago.
the ask:
Hi sweety may i get an scenario with Seungri? You go to meet him and some of his fans shows up and a crazy sasaeng tries to stab him and you noticed and protected him by recieving the stab instead?
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You were looking at the mirror applying bright red matt lipstick on, to get ready and finally meet your favorite beautiful idol. You respect him as a singer, idol and a person. He is doing an amazing job with everything. He is the perfect man, is what you always say. You wore a plain but cute red dress with a black leather jacket with a caption of their album MADE on the back of it. You thought you might have overdressed for a simple meet and greet but it's your first time doing this so why not give it all the effort you can. At least you put on some black boots and finished your look with small heart-shaped earrings. 'This is getting real Y/N. You are finally gonna meet him'
Your hands started shaking when you walked towards your father's car and your palms began to sweat. You sat on the front seat and your father drove you to the cafe near the meet and greet where you met your best friend who'll be there for this beautiful moment of your life. You knew meeting him won't be like you'll ever see him again (probably). But once is enough to make you happier and give some energy to your life. You hugged your best friend and squealed from excitement for a few seconds before people started looking at you weird. On the way to the location where Seungri will finally introduce his next solo album, you noticed some V.I.P.s who were making some posters or gifts for Seungri. You only prepared a special letter for him and you felt like you should have prepared more for him, who made your life so much more fun with his music and humor. Your best friend saw the face you made when you regret something and shook your shoulders.
"Don't fucking worry Y/N. I'll be there for you and he'll be there for you. You will finally meet him and show him that he's important to people. You look perfect and I doubt he won't fall in love with you in this beautiful red dress and these new earrings! Oh God, I wish I'd have those too."
Her words of comfort meant a lot to you. She was always there to say exactly what you need.
After some minutes of walking, you arrived at the place and it was already crowded. You felt other people's shoulders hitting you and felt even more nervous standing in the crowd waiting for him to come on stage.  
You've been waiting there for quite a while with your best friend and you saw some strange people in the crowd, but you ignored it and just continued telling your bf how happy you are.
"Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, the one and only, Seungri."
People began to clap loudly and you were one of them and screamed his name with others. Cheer got louder when finally, he walked smoothly on the stage in his golden and black outfit with black Nikes on his feet. His hair was done with bangs on his forehead and a nice new black color. His smile was a kill for all the fans, including you. That was indeed a killer look. He then introduced himself as a solo singer, finally, and introduced his new album. As it seemed he was as excited as the rest of the crowd and so the moment we have all been waiting for came. We got a preview of his album songs and he performed his title song 1,2,3! and the crowd went wild. Everyone was amazed and impressed with the new song, you even saw the security enjoying the music.
You examined the crowd and saw a lot of different fans and you noticed there are quite a few people that just came along and weren't exactly his fans. There were girls who screamed with joy and other fans who were happy to be there. You and your best friend sang the lyrics and enjoyed your hearts out. You were thankful for this day as it soon came to the last act of the meet and greet. 
Finally, the time when you get the chance to give Seungri a hand and look him in the eyes. Your heart was jumping in your chest while you were slowly walking closer to your favorite artist. All you could think at that moment was just how much you wish to just say hello and tell him how much you appreciate him. Just that he knows how important his work is. There's nothing you wished for more. 
Your arm itched and you turned back and saw it. The girl behind you, around 20 years old, was holding a small swiss knife. It just seemed too sketchy to know that she went with that through security. You decided to ignore the fact that you just saw that and moved on. It could only be something unimportant and nothing big to worry about. Step by step, your heartbeat was getting faster and your cheeks were already red. 
"Hello, nice to meet you..."
Sweet and cheerful voice traveled right through your ears and couldn't believe that was said only to you at the moment. Your eyes were sparkling and just the look of his beautiful and happy smile on his face with those cute black bangs was enough to make you smile too. You bowed simply because you respect and admire him and he just smiled more. 
"I...I really wanted to say... your new album is magnificent and me and my sister were very impressed by the new choreography and those high notes in the title song. All of the songs sound amazing and some of them are really nice for cheering up, so I wanted to thank you, for the amazing work with this origami bouquet I made just for you..."
He wowed and looked at the bouquet. The girl behind you just kicked me in the leg but, you still ignored it since you only have few seconds left to communicate with the one and only Seungri. 
"Get the f**k away little girl." 
It was that girl from behind you again. You bowed again and said goodbye and moved to the side. The next second you remembered the knife she had in her hand. Your brains were all confused about what the hell could knife do on a fan meet. Very quickly you realized the answer is nothing. 
You turned back and protected Seungri's body by standing right in front of him. One second you saw people happily screaming Seungri's name and the next one your eyes met with a knife that went right through your chest. The pain was unbearable. 
Someone shouted really loudly and people began screaming and running all over the place. You couldn't see anything, it was getting darker and darker and your eyes were slowly closing while your body was unmovable. Loud voices disappeared and everything went quiet. One moment later your eyelids twitched and you slowly tried to open your eyes. The lightning in the room you were in was too bright and so you closed your eyes again and tried asking where you are. But your lips didn't want to move. You tried touching where you were laying and nothing seemed right. The place had a weird smell and the last thing you could remember... it was.... going on Seungri's fan meet. But... What happened there?
Again you tried opening your eyes and then you suddenly heard a familiar voice.
"Y/N? Can you hear me? You're okay, don't worry, you're safe."
Mom. It was your mom. At that moment you really opened your eyes and saw all in a white room with a few medical devices beeping while they were connected to your hand and most importantly, your family, mom, dad and your beautiful but yet annoying younger sister. 
"M...m...mom...m.... w...hat happened?" you tried asking. But suddenly the doctor rushed to the room and started to examine you. 
Later when they explained to you what really happened, you were proud on yourself that you just protected Seungri from great danger. Soon there were bouquets of roses and candies coming to your room. While you were recovering your family visited you.
"There's someone special here for you y/n..."
'Who could it be? My imaginary boyfriend?' you thought
"Hello y/n.... I'm here to thank you... You remember me, right?"
There he was. In flesh and blood standing right next to your bed, wearing cute blue jeans and a leather jacket. You couldn't believe you eyes. It was real. He was real. 
"Let me stay here and make you company for a while. You know I can't stay for too long since I have a show in 3 hours but I want to make time here shorter for you since you protected me y/n. I really appreciate it, you need to believe me. I couldn't even imagine in what danger I put you in.... So please let me thank you."
Tears started flowing down your cheeks and he wiped them away for you. 
"Don't cry, I'm also here to get to know you, I want to know who saved my life."
And so your hospital adventure which was painful in the operation rooms and interesting, amazing, happy in the room with you new actual friend- Seungri, who came to visit you every few days and spent the time there talking about the new gossips and discussing kdrama and kpop scenes and most importantly he shortened your stay there with all the fun board games which you both enjoyed. And even after you finally got out of the hospital you stayed in touch and stayed good friends. He even invited you on his tour and you got the chance to meet other Big Bang members as well. Your friendship grew year by year and you were closer then ever. 
The friendship continued even longer no matter the fact where you were and what you were doing. 
From an unpleasant event, where you got hurt, you also got a new best friend. Someone that you cared about a lot. Thank you for that.  
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Day 110/365 of Jiyong
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knockoutwritings · 7 years
sᴇᴜɴɢʀɪ| sᴏᴍᴇᴡʜᴇʀᴇ ɪɴ ɪᴛᴀʟʏ|★|
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Part II of Somewhere in Italy 
Tired eyes flickered across the crowded streets of Venice. They strained against the bright sun that heated Seunghyun’s skin. He didn’t want to be there. With every step he took in his Italian leather shoes, the agitation in his system grew stronger. He absolutely hated this city. It felt wrong, and really, he was only here to support Ji for fashion week. Even then, Seunghyun couldn’t fathom as to why he even had to set foot in this sinking city if the fashion show was taking place in Milan. Fuck, he loathed this place.
You only hate it because it reminds you of her. The intrusive thought only fueled his unnecessary anger.
So fucking what if that was the reason? So fucking what if he still wasn’t over that explosive night? People always talk about strange encounters in your life—how people will dip into your stream only to be pulled away by a different current. But that encounter, that night, it was far too strange, too full of emotion that just thinking of it stung something terrible. And really, logically, Seunghyun didn’t know why. Sure, he’d stayed days in Venice after you’d just decided to sneak out post mind-blowing sex. So yeah. He was bitter, because really, that strange encounter changed him forever—altered parts of his soul, and you, like some magical fucking succubus took something from him that night and he still couldn’t get past it.
“Fucking Venice,” he muttered under his breath, taking a moment to look over his surroundings.
Jiyong had asked him to pick up some last minute supplies from some vendor who was stationed in this stupid city, and Seunghyun’s reminiscing was making him want to get this favor over and done with. He was close, that at least he knew, and he was just about to continue his quick pacing until he heard a young boy crying by the edge of the bridge. The small child couldn’t have been more than four, big, brown eyes with a dark mop of unruly locks sticking out in different directions on his head. His little fingers gripped the bannister as he stood on his toes, doing his best to look over the edge, but falling short.
The singer looked around in hopes of finding his parents, but when everyone continued on their course he sighed with a shake of his head and headed in the kid’s direction. He was such a sucker for children.
Cautiously, he stood next to the boy who continued to cry, and after a long pause, Seunghyun knelt and tried his best to ask the boy if he was okay…in Italian.
The boy instantly stopped crying and looked up at Seunghyun with glassy eyes and goodness was he the cutest kid he’d ever seen. The child’s chubby cheeks were flushed, most likely from all the crying, and he seemed to observe Seunghyun as closely as the older man regarded him.
“I lost my mommy,” he hiccupped, looking up at Seunghyun with shy eyes.
Despite the news, relief rushed through the man. English he could do, Italian, not so much. He rubbed his chin, taking one last look around the area before looking down at the boy once more.
“I have to go get something from a shop, do you want to come with me? We can ask them to help us find your mom.”
The boy regarded him for a long moment as he chewed on his lip before finally nodding in agreement. “W-will you carry me?”
Mush, Seunghyun’s entire insides turned to mush at the simple request. He couldn’t wait to have a kid of his own and when they found his mom he was going to chew her out. Without faltering, Seunghyun opened his arms and the child practically jumped into them.
Seunghyun looked around once more and continued his trek, bouncing the child in his arms and grinning when the boy giggled. The singer noticed then that the kid looked like he had some sort of Asian heritage. Whatever he was, he was a cute kid.
“Alright, let’s go get this done. We’ll find your mom soon, and if you’re a good boy I’ll get you a treat.”
You paced the area with fear-stricken eyes as your hands gripped the phone tightly against your ear. “What do you mean you can’t find him? You’re his nanny! Your job is to know where he is.” Not wanting to hear any excuses you hung up, muttering profanities under your breath as you felt your eyes begin to well with tears.
“I have to go, my son, he’s missing,” you croaked out as your assistant nodded with wide eyes. “Of course, of course. As soon as Mr. Kwon picks up his order I will close the shop and help you.”
Wanting to send her a grateful smile, but failing miserably, you simply nodded and grabbed your purse. As you made your way out of the back room, you heard the door and a familiar cry right after.
Relief flooded your senses, you nearly stumbled out, your gaze solely focused on the toddler running into your arms as you knelt down with open arms. He wrapped his small arms around your neck and you let out a choked sob into his hair while simultaneously kissing his head.
“Where did you go, my beautiful boy? How many times have I told you to stay with your nanny when you go on adventures?”
He pulled away from you, grinning sheepishly. “It’s okay mommy, I was saved by Seunghyun!”
That name…you froze, brows furrowed as you looked at your son with confusion taking root. Only when the sound of someone clearing their throat did you realize there was s familiar face leaning against the threshold of the shop with his arms crossed and a deep frown embedded on his face.
Oh goodness, no, no, this can’t be real, you mentally panicked. Maybe he wouldn’t recognize you. Maybe, the night wasn’t seared into his memory like it had been in yours, with a daily remind of that night wrapped tightly in your arms. But when you rose up from your kneeling position and set down your son as he flapped about you knew the man standing before you was aware it—of you.
“Thank you so much for finding him. I, I can’t thank you enough, sir.” Fuck it, you were going to pretend you didn’t know him and maybe he wouldn’t notice how pale you knew you’d become. He gave you a mocking smile, tilting his head and that plan was thrown out the window. Of course he was going to recognize you. He’d mapped every area of your body with his fingers and mouth that night you’d met under the Venetian moon.
“Are we really going to play this game?” The sound of his stern voice sent shivers coursing through your spine and you soon found yourself gripping the marble table to your side in hopes that the cool surface would center the chaos pushing against your chest at the moment.
He took methodical steps toward you as your son ran into the back to greet your assistant. You could make out his animated chatter as your heaven sent assistant closed  the door to the back studio. She must have sensed the tension and thought it best not to interfere.
When Seunghyun stood mere inches from you, you held your breath.
“So, glad to see you’re doing just fine.” His tone was vindictive and although you wanted to argue that it was a one-night stand, you knew better. It was far more, it was an ocean of conflicting emotions that bloomed that night, a promise of something bigger that you’d run away from in trepidation.
Seunghyun was raging despite his calm exterior. He was angry that it’d made sense, and though he didn’t want to jump into conclusions, he knew that the same emotion of completion he’d felt the night he met you, sparking in his chest when he’d picked the boy up.
Here you fucking were, living in the city that was far too hard for him to be in, the city that took a piece of something from him—that you’d taken.
He was livid, and despite wanting to yell, he only gripped your wrist and glared fiercely at you. “You have some fucking nerve. How could you keep something like this from me?”
What looked like disbelief bloomed on your features and it only served to infuriate him more. “Excuse me? Seunghyun, we’d only met that night. You knew as well as I did that wouldn’t have progressed into anything more.”
It shouldn’t have stung, because he’d had countless one-night stands months after your encounter with him, but they never seemed to match up to that night. For fuck’s sake, you’d spent the other half of the night talking aimlessly and it was such a serendipitous connection that he was not able to find again. And now, the fact that the night may have brought forth that adorable little boy just added fuel to the bitterness he had towards you.
“How do you know? You didn’t bother staying long enough to find out.”
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smitten--kitten · 6 years
Giving BIGBANG Head Under the Table:
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kpoppwriter · 6 years
Bigbang Reaction to S/O Winning Rookie of The Year
Anonymous said to kpoppwriter:
Super junior and big bang’s reaction to their idol SO’s group winning rookie of the year at a big award show please?
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Seunghyun was so happy to see you get such an honorary award so early in your career. He would leave the show momentarily to get you flowers and would congratulate you with them whenever he could see you next. He knew you would be very busy doing V Lives and performances since you are already so popular but still rising so he would quickly text you about how proud he was and agreed to take you on a proper date as soon as you were free.
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Youngbae was so incredibly proud of you. He was delighted he had picked someone with so much potential to be his. He wanted to tell everyone you two were together in that moment but he knew it could ruin your chance of winning awards bigger than that in the future so he would wait until that evening to see you and treat you extra special.
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Ji loved how cute you looked while excepting your reward. He would take selfies with your group afterwards to post and even might leave with you both in public sight. He knew you might get mad at him for showing you off but you were his prize possession, he loved having you around and wanted to show you just how proud of you he was immediately.
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Daesung was amused by how big you smiled, he knew it was good to see you so happy after all you had been through to get there. He wanted to run up on stage and pick you but knew he couldn’t so he would kindly wait for you backstage and smother you in kisses as soon as he saw you. He would ask you if he could take you out for BBQ afterwards and would give you a small gift to commemorate your big win.
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Seungri was happy to have someone just as “cool” as him in his corner. He would brag to the members about you winning and tell them you chose him because even though he is old he is young enough to keep up with you, slipping in jokes about how you dance amazingly and move fast with him too, so you were obviously “on his level”. But no joke he is proud he found someone so show stopping and good at what they do.
- Layune
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some-kpop-outfits · 6 years
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Met Gala with Big Bang
(Requested by anon)
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vipstarlight1990 · 6 years
Bigbang Reaction
Bigbang Reacting to kissing you for the first time.
Kwon Jiyong - G Dragon
You picked up a plate and walked into the kitchen as Jiyong washed the dishes from dinner. It was late and you wanted to help so he wouldn't be up much later. When he asked you to dinner you had no idea he would be working this late. He cooked so you had offered to clean up but that fell on deaf ears.
You handed him the last plate as he washed it. "You didn't have to help.", he said softly with a small smirk. "I know.", you laughed as he started the coffee pot. "Its really late....I'll drive you home....unless you want to stay here.", he said as you looked at him. "In the guest room.", he said as you looked around. "I don't have any clothes here...and I don't want to impose.", you said as he patted you on the head. "You are not...", he said as he softly kissed you on the lips. Your whole body froze as he slowly backed away from you. Your face was so warm, you felt it was redder then the sky at sunset. "Are you okay?", he asked as you looked up. "Yea.", you stuttered while walking back in the living room. He followed behind you as you were packing your stuff up. "Don't leave.", he said as you refused to look up until you stopped blushing.
He walked up to you and hugged you from behind. "Jiyong.", you whispered. "I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable...", he said holding you close.
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Like I said I'm a sap for romance. 😊 GD is a lovable type and if you had been dating a bit and hadn't kissed yet he would probably go with his gut. He is not super pushy and would go at your speed if he feels a moment he would take it. It would be sweet and quick. He is not super into skinship but he wants to be close to you.
Choi Seunghyun - T.O.P
You sat at the bar as Seunghyun looked threw different bottles of wine. You slowly picked up a piece of cheese off the platter as he finally picked out a red wine. "Here it is.", he said softly as he opened the bottle. "Is that the bottle you were bragging about that you got from France?", you asked softly. "Yea.", he said as he poured the liquid into the glasses.
Picking up the tray you both go and sit in front of the fire. You sipped the drink and make a face as he laughed. "Its not that bitter.", he smiled. "It is.", you said as you ate another piece of cheese to fight the taste. "I'll try to find a really good sweet wine for you.", he said as you tried to sip again and finally allowed the drink to win. He went to get you some water and sat back down with you.
"Don't drink anything you don't like.", he said softly. You nodded as he watched you eat a few grapes. "Maybe mixed drinks would be more your speed.", he said as you sat back. He pulled your feet onto his lap and watched as you relaxed. "I'm not a drunkard you are.", you smiled as he ruffled you hair. You hold up a grape so he can eat it. After biting the white grape he looked at you while you placed the glass down. As you turn around he gave you a passionate kiss while you sat there. You looked at him as he looked at you. As you sat there you quickly grabbed your water and drank the whole glass. Watching you Seunghyun laughed at loud at how cute you were acting. He sat back and slowly rubbed your feet. "Sorry if I flustered you.", he smiled.
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T.O.P would find you adorable. He would play it as he sees it. If your super shy about it he would love to mess with you after. But it would probably be a cute moment.
Dong Youngbae - Taeyang
You flinched as a snake moved behind the cage. You were not big on reptiles but youngbae liked seeing the all the animals when you went to the zoo. He smiled as you hold on to him tightly. He laughed as you finally made it out of the reptile house.
You stood in line to get some cotton candy. You walked with his arm around your shoulder as you ate. "You gonna share?", he asked. "No.", you said as he took a piece. "Hey.", you pouted as he laughed. You sat together away from the crowd and finished you snack. He looked around. You looked at him as he looked a little nervous. "Are you okay?", you said as he looked at you. "Of course.", he said as you got up to throw away your cotton candy stick. Youngbae stood up with you it caught you off guard. "Youngbae?", you asked as looked around before kissing you. His hands covering the sides of your face.
You looked at him your face was red as fire. "I didn't want someonento take pictures of us.", he said still looking around. You still looked down trying to breath from the kiss. "Are you okay?", he said as he hugged you tightly. "You could've warned me.", you said as he kissed your forehead. "I promise I will next time." He said putting his arm around your shoulder as you walked towards the koala bears.
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Youngbae is private with his love life. He would do his protect you as much as he can. If you are comfortable then he is comfortable. He is more then willing to show you physically that he loves you.
Kang Daesung - Daesung
You laughed as daesung tried to win you a prize. "Can I try now?", you joked as he looked at you. "Lets try another game.", he said taking your hand. You were visiting him for the first time while he was on tour. You had to wait two days but his first day off you decided to go to this beautiful pier.
Walking to another booth and he paid for another game. You stood close as he tried to win you a huge stuff bear. After a few tries he finally wins you a cute teddy bear. "As thank you!", you say with a huge smile. Pinching your cheeks he looks away which you notice he is fidgeting. "Are you okay?", you asked as he laughed. "I'm just hungry.", he said taking your hand as you walked back to the car.
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Deasung is to pure for this world...at least in my opinion. I think he is just so awkward, when it comes to the member. He would probably take the longest to kiss anyone. Not for the religious reason...though that would probably be a factor. But it comes down to it he doesn't want you to be comfortable. Until the moment that you can reassure him he will be loving but your romance is about as steamy as a Disney movie.
Lee Seunghyun - Seungri
You sat around while watching Seunghyun practice. He promised to take you out but plans changed. It was okay since spending anytime with him was all you wanted. He also let you play on his phone that was always fun. While you sat their trying to unlock it you realized he had changed his password. "Seunghyun?", you said as he stopped and looked at you. "Hmm?", he asked. "I can't log in.", you said as he walked over. Taking the phone he logged it in real quick and went back to dancing.
Confused you looked down and noticed the home screen was a picture of the two of you at the club you had went to on your birthday. You smiled as you went about your playing the games you both battled over. You still watched him dance. You took pictures of him and changed his home screen. Before closing the phone when he finally finished up. "What did you do?", he asked taking the phone. "Nothing.", you said as he sat on you lap so you couldn't run away. "Why did you change my home screen?", he whined as he changed it to something else. "Because I always do.", you said confused.
"I liked that picture as he patted you on the head. "Sorry.", you said as he takes your phone and changes your home screen to a picture of him and then setting a lock. "Really...what's the password?", you asked annoyed. "1212.", he smirked. "Seriously?", you muttered. "What your birthday is my password so mine should be yours.", he said as you realized what he said. You looked up as your lips locked him using the fact that you were sitting against you. Your whole body was on fire. As he pulled away smiled and kissed your fore head.
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Yea okay I have an opinion on seungri. He killed the cute maknae. Now we have rude maknaes...and that's what he is rude...love him though. Yea I see seungri being the most open about how he feels. I mean if your brave enough to be with him......be prepared.
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Hey guys thank you for reading! I appreciate every single one of you! Masterlist
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