#bighand djmm
artastic-friend · 9 months
Sillays!!!!!!! @ntls-24722
Went harder on this than I initially anticipated 💀💀
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I was gonna just draw a bunch of silly goofy doodles, but quite literally one thing let to the next and I actually just colored the entirety of one doodle instead. (It all started with the shirt💀💀)
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I also have these two doodles I did way earlier on an Aggie with Artem lol
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ntls-24722 · 9 months
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all i wanted to do was draw his pretty eyes <3
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artastic-friend · 1 year
Sorry this is so late-
I wanted to post it like 2 days ago but I've been with my mom and little brother and it's been taking up all my time and really draining me 😭
This is mostly just worship art from my sketchbook I drew two or 3 nights ago- I don't really remember.
Willed Organism Music Man bc she's beautiful and I love her💖💖💖 (bongs to @ntls-24722 )
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(BH DJ also belongs to @ntls-24722 )
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WHAT IS THIS?? A CROSSOVER EPISODE?? Dragon march meet Bighand DJ??? :]
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Ok and here we have some classig Music Man doodles
Featuring a mini @wakebymoonsleepbysun cameo :D
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And also just me hugging music man and being more of a little simp myself💀💀
Completely random and unrelated but Here's an ancient painting I made as a wee child, when I was 7 years old:
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artastic-friend · 1 year
Cooking with BigHand DJMM
//TW for drawings of Blood and Dead Animals//
after seeing this post, and saw that Bighand DJ eats not only Venison (which is partly what my sona is) but also various birds XD I had to draw something about that.
Bighand DJMM belongs to @ntls-24722
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TW for Blood and slight gore after the cut
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It finally hit him lol
goofy lil guy I love him so much
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lil scrimble wimble skrunkle wunkle- lil sploinky sploog- what am I saying.. tumblr is corrupting me 💀/j
anyway.. dw, I don't mind him eating venison UvU I just thought it would be funny to draw this lmao
he can eat me too after I die I guess 💀 but only if he cooks me right 😤 /j
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artastic-friend · 1 year
Just little doodles :]
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I like what you said about how BH DJ would at first not be used to not being the biggest thing around and that he would try to prove himself as still bigger and stronger only to fail at it or something💀💀
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I thought it would be funny for D!March to sorta play off that at first and maybe even playfully tease him on occasion💀💀
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I love this kind of goofy dynamic so much 💀
On an unrelated note, here are some doodles I made in my sketchbook recently
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Some extra D!March x DJMM doodles too
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ntls-24722 · 4 months
i actually did unfortunately go back to class for half the day yesterday, so i do have some doodles c:
I gave bighand this flat, basal, more chimp-like nose? And I realllllllly liked it
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I was thinking about how he would look for Mermay, but for some reason instead of drawing it, I got hung up on his homo erectus half when I broke his halves down? Chimerarachne is so ancestral (not directly ancestral but like, really far back.. in spirit...) from actual spiders, but homo erectus... isn't? Not comparatively? Like, erectus is still in our genus
It's like one half being the dinosaur that birds came from and one half being the wolf that dogs came from. It's such a comparatively small degree of seperation! So I feel like to keep it similar, would his "human" half be more like an australopith and therefore: nose?
The lipfolds and giant canines are obviously inaccurate, though I don't care very much, they're staying because more importantly than accuracy they fuck severely
Here is a skinny dj for @glitterfartsprinkle's troubles. He's so full of air.
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Everytime I think about his organs i realize just how... light he would be. There's so many Speech Holes and and therefore lungs/General Air Balloons to power them that he's probably not half as heavy as one would think
I'm also realizing that everytime I make DJMM alive I give them Comet traits, like the setup of the inside of the mouth with the gap between the molars and front, along with how far back the jaw hinge is. Comet just kinda had a winning formula I guess.
...There was also ⅔ of a page that just had.... this
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ntls-24722 · 9 months
5 human fellas (and 1 fellette)
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Secret fella in the back - literally too big to include his face in the photo.
Comet still has facial hair, since she finds it hot (blame fritz) and actually doesn't know that's a predominantly male trait in humans.
Also, I promise this is around the last of the human DJMM spree that I'm on, Robo DJMM will return !!
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ntls-24722 · 6 months
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hEllO sAilor
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The inevitable reunion because the mf was over 90 years old
Also: something something the guilt that Comet can and has shapeshifted for him while he's still stuck in the body he's always been and he's only physically changing for her now that she's dead. Not taking into accout the change he's gone through as a person . is this anything
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Hello Cole Notapplicable, I love you so much
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Very interesting that these two evolved from DJMMS that were very similar to eachother. Also the fact it was specifically their human designs
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Bighand's story is completely irrelevant as a human but I love this design........
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ntls-24722 · 9 months
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the gimmick makes it hard for travis to realize whether or not he's joking.
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God I am in love with their dynamic
Because of the gimmick in place where Bighand told him outright when they first met that "Bighand isn't real and no one will believe you," Bighand is this fae creature to Travis who deals information about himself vaguely or through halftruths and through the very flawed gimmick of "If Bighand was real" - And the reason why I say it's flawed is that Bighand doesn't see himself as Bighand, and also doesn't know a lot about his own myth
So whenever Travis asks him things about Bighand, he answers with regards to Bighand canon. He answers harmless questions correctly both to Bighand lore and himself, some questions he answers only in regards to Bighand (Like his age - The legend of Bighand/Bigfoot is 65 years old but HE is 77), but for deeper questions he genuinely doesn't know the answer to because he hasn't been up to date with Bighand lore.
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A big thing as well is that Bighand doesn't see himself as Bighand because, well, that's not his name. So, technically, those answers weren't lies.
It's also not DJMM because he's not an animatronic, he is alive just not very convincingly (not to mention his organic to inorganic ratio fluctuates with environmental changes), and what loving mother would ever name their child "Deejay Music Man", especially since he's likely older than Music Man (though, not the musical. By 1 year)
His name... is a secret third thing! D'Jhimn. From working with Fazbear, over time, his name just kind of... became DJMM. First it was spelled different to be pronounced easier ("Dijimm", which is still pronounced wrong), then it became "DJ MM" to fit his new occupation as a DJ, but because of that spelling they thought he was in the Music Man line of design and then he became DJMM, short for DJ Music Man. And then "Bighand/The Yeti," out of completely left field.
He wants to trust Travis especially because he isn't a cryptid/cryptozoologist freak (him trying to figure D'Jhimn out is not because he's trying to solve a mystery, he just wants to befriend him), but D'Jhimn doesn't actually know the end goal of cryptozoologists/Bighand hunters, whether it's to poach him or study him, and that's the main reason why he's been so vague.
Once they are on friend terms he eventually DOES tell Travis his name so he can ask about D'Jihmn and not some myth he knows nothing about
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ntls-24722 · 9 months
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I always imagined Comet just kind of having a silk hammock to sleep in with the blanket but Comet also very much likes to dig. henceforth i present to you: cozy burrow (fritz joins)
Her blanket is a metric buttload of quilts stitched together and painted with bleach stars.
Also, just for the analogue of tarantulas always putting dirt in their water dish I'm making it canon that she put all the excess dirt in one of her lakes and now there's an island in the smack dab middle of it
Speaking of burrows,
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Bighand coming out of his!
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I've always imagined this one plot where he gets discovered by a security guard as he's on his bi-monthly shoplifting spree and the entire gimmick is that because their very first interaction was him just being like "Bighand isn't real. No-one will believe you" the security guard, as he slowly befriends Bighand, asks about him in 3rd person hypothetical situations
"Why do you think Bighand has metal parts?"
"Maybe he needs it to live."
"Like a cyborg?"
"Like a robot. I don't think Bighand is real, I think he's like an animatronic or something."
[he squints and tries to gauge how much of that was bullshit]
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I've also had this guy specifically for a hot minute now - I think he was originally a human sans design? Or I think he just took inspiration from human sans designs as a doodle and then i gave him his own design. Either way, in the back of my mind, I've always imagined him and Bighand interacting (possibly in a romantical way. eventually in a romantical way)
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He was most definitely inspired by sans undertale even though his personality couldn't be more different but it's really funny imagining bighand and sans undertale having a romance
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ntls-24722 · 1 year
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@thebookowal i love your nerd. definitely one of the top 10 guys i would shove in a locker (if i had the strength to do so)
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Also, I don't know how bighand would feel, no longer being the biggest thing around now that @artastic-friend's dragon March is around. I feel like there would be a period where he would try to prove himself to be bigger (and stronger) and miserably fails and accepts that he is no longer top creature. He wouldn't be bitter about it though
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he has truly been consumed by dragon march
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he is truly smitten
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ntls-24722 · 8 months
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i have drawn dj burritos many times before and i realize i must expand my DJMM tortilla-based menu.
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Humanoid Comet! I always feel bad drawing human Comet because Comet hates her human form. It's a sensory nightmare for her: her teeth are no longer garage doors and to gesture an open mouth, she has to open her whole jaw (she finds it unnecessary, also her jaw is much smaller and cannot open as wide), she has legs (she finds it a waste to no longer have a pair of arms), her neck is too short and she can't fully turn her head to look behind her, her arms are short, she's slow and being upright is so much more unbalanced, airflow isn't constant through her and she has to breathe in and out through the same pipe, and the most distressing of all is that her bones are now on the inside, and they're wet now.
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So she has made a humanoid form for herself that, while she can't use it in public, she can now access human-sized things, which are most things.
Her legs have knees that bend backwards so they feel a bit more like arms, and her arms are still super long so she has to fold them up like a really weird chicken. With this bodyplan she can still crawl around/climb things like a spider, which she gets to do WAY more now that she's a decimal of her original size (yay!)
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honk snoo
bonus: my sona is drawn the exact opposite of how i'm built.
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i have toned beautiful legs which i use to stomp evildoers. i also struggle to lift the bar of a barbell
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ntls-24722 · 9 months
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no matter how close travis gets to bighand it still boggles him that it's bighand
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ntls-24722 · 9 months
Yo hey uh just popping in to say
I love your art style sm omg. The realism cartoony mix scratches my brain so good and your teeth design is just RTZHCJXUXKCBCJXJF
COUGHS anyway have a great day/night!!
THANK YOU!!! though now that you say it I think i see where you come from, as I realize now that much of my DJMMs' faces have significantly more detail to them than my humans
Recent (and, egregious) example: Bighand and Travis
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To be COMPLETELY fair, travis was designed completely independently of any DJMM shenanigans but nonetheless I see this with Fritz and Comet too
Maybe it's because since my DJMM's are huge i have the space to add all that detail and since the human characters are super tiny by comparison I... don't have that space?
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It could be that I'm just. used to drawing his proportions and his shape that i can fuck around more easily and add all the juicy details? The weirdly far more detailed DJ face is a nod to the fact that DJ is uncomfortably human-looking? It could just be favoritism? Or you're talking about a whole other thing and I'm just rambling nonsense 💀 thank you though!!
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ntls-24722 · 1 year
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he now just has a big fuzzy tail and a segmented abdomen, like chimerarachne yingi!It's not the same coiled hair that he's covered in but it's entirely comprised of very sensitive setae. He's honestly more aware of his behind than his front.
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This redesign and concept was inspired/made by @artastic-friend's Bighand doodle!! They actually brought chimerarachne to my attention and it makes SENSE Bighand's whole thing isn't being the djmm niche of Bigfoot it's being an early version of every component of him and tHIS GOES SO HARD
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I do have the orders for Scorpiones and Solifugae for the!! Spider robotics concepts
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I need to redesign him (too boring for my taste, i need to dazzle him up) but here is the Scorpiones one, he carries out security measures (evicting people by scooping them with his stinger) and also... his pinchers are functionally forklift forks. He can transport things to and fro and helps set things up before showcases
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OKAY SO I KNOW THAT CREEPY/HORROR CLOWNS ARE BAD FOR CLOWN BUSINESS BUT I didn't want all the music men to always facially be the same and actually semi-resemble the arachnids they represent (another reason why I need to redesign king scorpion guy) and if i AM going to make them resemble what they're based off of, I CAN'T TAKE THESE GUYS' GIANT CHELICERAE AWAY
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I want to not de-freak-ify them when I make them Music Men, i want to still highlight the freakiness. And freaky clown camel spider is the way to go imo
He was originally going to be a surfer dude but. Camel spiders notably live in deserts and not near beaches.
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I keep thinking about DJMM getting to visit the robo restaurant but I also imagine him getting there when the new DJMM is released and if they met, the new DJMM would playfully do things to DJMM a maximum of 3 times before DJMM pulls a Dipper vs Dippy Fresh and his hands would have to be pried off of the new DJMM lest he decapitates him.
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DJMM would not be able to contain his anger
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ntls-24722 · 1 year
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did not draw much but there was bighand
I wanres to make it more apparent that he was, like, supposed to be a hominid (specifically homo erectus) rather than an ambiguous, flatfaced primate of Some Sort and I couldn't change much (on account that much of his facial structure is based on the fact his smile takes up half his face) but i did realize that in a lot of the reconstructions I found, homo erectus doesn't really have a philtrum groove. i usually exaggerate that Just Because but. i guess removing it is a step in the right direction. His nose is kind of already in the right shape though, so three cheers for that
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