hizokucycles · 2 years
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Reposted from @veloartguy A blast through the spooky woods in pumpkin attire👌🏻😝 #pumpkin #halloween #cycling #roadbike #cyclingartwork #cyclingart #spooky #cyclelife #art #bike #bikepics #bikeart #bikeartwork #cyclingartwork #pumpkins #cool #illustration #cyclingillustration #spotthemistake #hizokucycles Visit Hizokucycles.com for all kinds of cycling gear 🤘 https://www.instagram.com/p/ClL6EcSLVvh/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sophieblogs2 · 1 month
Essential Features and Benefits of Leather Motorcycle Chaps
Motorcycle chaps increase safety and provide an extra layer of comfort when worn over other apparel. The motorcycle pants offer the best package of comfort, protection, and style to create a great riding experience.
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biketalkla · 1 year
Here for the Ratio: Anne Marie Drolet, a bikeshare mechanic in Los Angeles, breaks down gear ratios with Nick.
Good Work: Kristen Sykes, a Holyoke, Massachusetts Bike Ped Committee and MassBike Board member, on what's being done to make Holyoke friendlier to bikes. With Holyoke student Lily Hoffman Strickler.
Picture if You Will: The Mayor of Northampton, Massachusetts has big ideas for biking in the already bike friendly town. Mayor Gina-Louise Sciarra With Director of Planning & Sustainability Carolyn Misch, Pedal People co-founder Ruthy Woodring, and Nick Richert.
Talk to Me: Pablo Lebidensky writes about mobility in Buenos Aires, and talks with Nick about it.
Spokes 'N Stuff: Bike mechanic Manny Alvarado on the basics of maintenance. Also: Burning Man vet Ves gets his bike tuned. With Taylor Nichols.
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snappedsky · 1 year
Fanatics 99.10
Tak starts off round 3.
*Links to previous and next chapters in reblog*
Greatest in the Galaxy Part 10
Pepito dumps half a gallon of milk down his throat, swiftly followed by half a box of sugary, marshmallow cereal. Excess dribbles down his chin, much to the disgust of his friends and everyone watching it on the TV.
“You’re disgusting,” Zim comments.
“Thanks,” Pepito grunts, wiping his mouth.
“You feeling better?” Squee asks.
“Much,” he replies, “I just needed some sleep and food and I’m back to one hundred percent.” “Some?” Dib scoffs, “you slept for twelve hours and ate every bit of food in the house.” “Still,” Pepito snarls, clenching his fists. “I hate that I lost to that self-important jerk face Irken. If I was at full power, or even half power, I could’ve beat him.”
“We couldn’t have predicted that you would go twice in a row,” Kio points out.
“But we can predict it this time,” Gaz retorts, “it’s happened twice now- to Dib then to Pepito. That can’t be a coincidence.”
“She’s right,” Tak agrees, “whoever plays the game today has to be prepared to do the battle too.”
“But why does this keep happening?” Shmoopy muses.
“Are we just unlucky?” Dib questions.
“I doubt it,” Squee grumbles. “I mean, we are, but I just don’t think that’s the reason.”
“Whatever the case, we have to break this tie with Irk,” Zim demands, “the only way we do that is by winning the game and the battle. So shape up, team. Let’s show Irk they can’t mess with Earth.”
Everyone else nods agreeably and leave the house to head to round 3.
The stadium is going wild with cheers as the team enter their sky box and Mic welcomes everyone back.
“Can’t I participate today? Please?” Dib begs, “I have to redeem myself.”
“I told you, Dib, your ribs are still too fragile,” Shmoopy insists.
“Ugh, this sucks,” he pouts, “Pepito got hurt yesterday and he’s well enough to play.”
“I’m not nearly as delicate as you, Dibby,” Pepito smirks.
“Let’s start round 3! What will the game be?”
Everyone watches as the holographic wheel spins through the games, landing on ‘Stuff Your Face’.
“Oh, this is a fun one folks! Players must eat selected foods from each participating planet. Whoever eats the most wins!”
“An eating contest?” Dib questions.
“Oooooh, that does sound fun,” Squee chimes, “I wanna do it.”
“No way, pick me!” Gaz exclaims, shoving him over.
“No, me!” Pepito snaps and shoves her.
The three of them push into each other as they watch the player wheels spin, hoping for their name to come up.
“And the players shall be...Mixa of Irk, Agil of Swif’el, Wrinch of Techon-03, Bikeps of Mus’ular, and Tak of Earth.”
“Awwww,” Gaz, Squee, and Pepito sigh with defeat.
“Finally,” Tak grins and leaps off the balcony. She lands perfectly in the arena and marches into the middle, where the rest of the players meet.
“We got another arena game today.” A section of the ground falls away and is quickly replaced with a large table holding different food or food-looking items. There’s also a large touchscreen displaying a wheel with five different words. “Our committee carefully selected one dish from each of the five competing planets that they feel best represent that planet. Each player must spin the wheel and eat at least one bite from the dish that comes up. Whoever can eat the most wins five points for their team!”
“What Earth food did they choose?” Dib asks as the Battalion struggle to read the words on the wheel.
“Tacos!” Zim exclaims.
“Tacos?” Gaz scoffs, “they feel that dish best represents Earth?”
“I agree,” Squee grins.
“We got a bigger problem,” Kio grunts, “they’re beef tacos.”
“Why is that a problem?” Pepito questions.
“Irkens can’t digest meat.”
The team look at Tak with worry, as she glares at the pile of steaming beef tacos on the table.
“Tak will burn her guts out!” Dib exclaims.
“Maybe we’ll be lucky and she won’t get tacos before everyone else drops out?” Shmoopy hopefully suggests.
“We’ve already established we’re unlucky,” Squee mutters.
“Let’s begin! Player order will be decided by the wheel!”
Everyone looks up at the holographic screen as it spins a wheel with the players’ names.
“Agil, Bikeps, Wrinch, Mixa, and Tak!”
“Tak’s last,” Dib observes.
“Good. Gives her more chances for the others to drop out,” Zim says.
Agil steps up to the table and spins the wheel of food on the screen. She watches it tensely until it stops on ‘nuts ‘n bolts’.
“Nuts and bolts?” Gaz questions.
“Like the trail mix snack?” Pepito asks, “another Earth food?’
“No, it’s Techon food,” Kio replies.
Agil grabs a plate of metal screws from the table, shuddering.
“They eat literal nuts and bolts?” Squee exclaims.
“Much of the Techon biology is actually made up of mechanical parts,” Zim explains, “they’re basically cyborgs.”
Wrinch licks his lips hungrily as Agil picks up a spoonful of screws and shoves them in her mouth. She swallows hard, gags and heaves, but manages to not spit it out and chokes it down. She puts the plate back on the table, rubbing her abdominal area as she backs away.
“Agil has managed to down one bite, which is the bare minimum. Next is Bikeps.”
The large muscular alien moves to spin the wheel, but as soon as he puts his finger on the screen, it cracks. “Oops.”
“Can we get another screen please?”
The table sinks back into the ground and swiftly returns with a new screen. Bikeps much more carefully touches it and spins the wheel. It lands on ‘Mus’le Bar’.
“Yes!” Bikeps cheers, grabs a plate of what looks like big, black brinks, and begins shovelling them into his mouth.
“Lucky for Bikeps, he landed on the Mus’ules delicacy, mus’le bar. This may be a while.”
As everyone watches him stuff his face, Mixa sidles up next to Tak.
“So, what’s your deal?” she asks, “you’re like an Irken cyborg? That’s not regulation.”
“It was the only way I could survive,” Tak replies, “with the help of my SIR unit, I repaired myself after my body took extensive damage from an explosion.”
“So why are you with another planet?”
“Because Irk abandoned me.”
Mixa flinches and looks at the surrounding cam-bots. “You can’t speak badly of Irk. The Tallest can hear you, you know.”
“The Tallest do not scare me,” Tak scoffs and grins into the camera.
In their lavish sky box, the Tallest both scowl with annoyance.
“Uppity defect,” Purple grunts.
“She’ll regret that in the battle round,” Red says.
When Bikeps has finally finished eating, he tosses the empty plate onto the table and backs away, smiling with satisfaction. Wrinch steps up next and spins the wheel. It lands on ‘Snack Stick’.
“Lucky,” Mixa and Tak both grunt as the little alien grabs the Irken food. He looks extremely nervous as he pulls a white stick out of its plastic container, extends his tongue, and licks it.
Wrinch gags and heaves with disgust, twitching and convulsing wildly, before collapsing in a heap.
“Oh! Wrinch’s body just couldn’t handle the Irken delicacy. He’s out!”
Mixa steps over the unconscious alien and spins the wheel. She lands on ‘Speed Dust’.
“Ecstacy?” Squee questions.
“Cocaine,” Pepito corrects him.
“Swif’el food,” Kio corrects them both.
Mixa picks up a plate of white powder.
“Are you sure? That looks suspiciously like crack,” Pepito says.
The Irken scoops up a handful of powder and dumps it in her mouth. She shudders with disgust but is otherwise fine and backs away. Tak steps up next.
“Okay, only the Techon got out this round so that’s one less to worry about,” Zim states, “as long as Tak doesn’t get tacos, we’ll be fine.”
She spins the wheel and it lands on tacos.
“Fuck,” the team sigh.
Tak eyes the plate of food with worry as she hesitantly picks it up.
“O-okay, well, who knows where they even got those tacos,” Squee says reassuringly. “I mean, Taco Hell doesn’t even use actual meat in their tacos.”
“She just needs to survive one bite,” Dib adds.
Tak picks up one of the meat filled shells, lifts it to her mouth, and takes a bite.
Before she can even start chewing, steam rises out of the corners of her lips, as if her mouth is literally on fire.
“Oooh that doesn’t look good,” Gaz comments.
The plate of tacos falls from her hands as Tak covers her mouth and forces herself to chew. Her face contorts painfully as she tries to swallow. Then she lurches, doubles over onto her hands and knees, and throws up brown and pink sludge.
“Oh!” her team exclaim.
“Tak is out! What is Earth food made of? This will definitely need a warning for our more sensitive viewers.”
Tak heaves and falls onto her back next to Wrinch, pink drool still oozing out of the corners of her mouth.
“I gotta go help her,” Shmoopy says and rushes down to the arena. The rest of the team continue watching as Agil takes her turn.
“Well, maybe the Irken won’t win,” Dib suggests hopefully.
After a few more rounds, Mixa is the last standing, after Agil and Bikeps couldn’t stomach what they had to eat. She picks up a snack stick and takes a celebratory lick.
“And Mixa takes the win, earning her team five points, putting Irk solely in first with 23 points! Irk is back on top.”
“As it should be,” Red grins with Purple in their sky box.
“Disgraceful,” Tak groans from where she’s lying on her stretcher in her team’s sky box. She grips her stomach painfully as Shmoopy attempts to wipe the ooze that is consistently leaking out of her mouth. “I’m too much of a disappointment to live. I’d end myself, but as I can’t move right now, one of you will have to do it.”
“Well, you tried your absolute best to eat it, so we can’t blame you for that,” Kio says reassuringly.
“I can,” Zim grunts and Pepito smacks the back of his head.
“The biggest issue is what comes next,” Dib points out.
“Time for the battle!”
“With how the last two rounds went, it’ll be me,” Tak says as she painfully sits up.
“No,” Squee grunts, glaring at the spinning wheels. “Make it me.”
One by one, the five wheels stop on the selected players. The Earth team wheel starts to slow on Tak’s name, then suddenly jumps to Squee’s.
“The players will be Zinather of Irk, Nimbel of Swif’el, Bo-olts of Techon-03, Peccs of Mus’ular, and Squee of Earth!”
“What?” the Tallest exclaim.
“Squee...” Zim gasps as the rest of his friends stare in shock. “What...did you do?”
Murderous rage almost radiates off Squee, the likes of which they’ve only seen from one other person, as he leaves the room. “I’m ending this now.”
Even the cam-bot keeps its distance as it follows Squee through the halls. On Earth, his friends watch him on the TV with concern.
“Squee is pissed,” Colton remarks.
“Of course he’s fucking pissed,” Devi snaps, “Dib and Pepito were both beaten by this Zinather jerk, and he’s in the battle again, for the third time. This smells rotten.”
“This is gonna be bad,” Johnny warns, “no matter who wins, it’s gonna be bad.”
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witchertrashbag · 10 months
Sylt's Scenic Routes A Cyclist's Diary - A Biking Tour of German Island of Sylt. Ride along with Lars as he travels around this German gem. Bike Touring.
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turkiyehaberi · 1 year
Bursa İnsan Kaynakları ve Eğitim Platformu’nun (BİKEP) belirli aralıklarla farklı ilçelerde gerçekleştirdiği istişare toplantısı, bugü...
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teamprinceverma · 2 years
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Vrum vrum… 🔥 #explorepage #bike #vrum #royalenfield #royal #royalenfieldclassic350 #royalenfieldhimalayan #royalenfieldlovers #teamprinceverma #fypage #fypppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp #fypシ #fypシ❤️💞❤️ #fypchallenge #viral #likesforlike #followme #follow #keepsupporting #black #blacklove #bikelovers #bikepic (at Danish Hills View) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoCBS5PrIYz/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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peachonified · 2 years
Daily gratitudes 19/1
- took the dogs for a nice long walk
- watched more Yuri on Ice
- got paid! For all of one day I have enough money to do what I want
- so I ordered a storage ottoman. It'll go next to my bed, and its the right size for the chis to jump up onto
- the chis are not very good at playing... so I spent some time trying to get them to chase things. It was good! Much more exhausting for me, but I need some better indoor, engaging activities to do with them
Gratitudes 20/2
- emailed my docs to the committee - it was 11.30pm but the right day
- I've ordered subscription dogfood for the chis... they refuse all the kibble I offer them and Moby especially is just hungry. This has amazing reviews, I hope it works!!!
- Finished yoi again and I kinda want to write it.. drop me a prompt? Someone gave me one ages ago, but I've lost it....
- it was lunch time and just went fuck it, I've gotta get this bathroom clean, so I did
- re-deleted the two games that were sucking my time off my phone
Gratitudes 21/1
- took the puppies for two walks. They were cute, what's new???
- went to town and saw the new "so I've been reincarnated as a slime" movie. definitely enjoyable!
- i got a banoffee icecream. It tastes exactly like lolly bananas.
- found out that Iruma-kun 3rd season is already 14 eps in! So I know what we are watching next :)
- ordered new bikepants and leggings. Some of the leggings are hit pink animal print, and I'm luving for it!
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evandrotp · 3 years
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Pedal de leve! ✌🏼😎🚴🏼💨☀️ . . . #sunday #pedalar #bikepe #recifeantigo #friends #relaxtime #instaguys (em Marco zero Recife) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPOs_YNhZjr/?utm_medium=tumblr
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bikersbrasil2017 · 4 years
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@mulheresdopedalac Sabadou perfeito com zamigas.🚴💕 #bikers_brasíl #bikepe #bikerecife #divasnabike #pedalagarota #pedalarecife #pedalandoporaeee #bicicletanocaminho #eueminhabicicleta #bikegirl #debikeporai #pedallivrefotos #speed #meupedal #bikemaniabrasil #soumaispedal #nordestepedala #adoropedalar #curtimospedalar #mtbbrasil #borapedalar #mundociclismo #nodiaadiadabike #aquelepedal #bikeévida #a_turmadabike #bike_livre Participem do nosso canal no Telegram. https://t.me/bikers_brasil https://www.instagram.com/p/CKZjpZIrFE-/?igshid=1xf4s485xi0q0
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Aquela paradinha pra foto. . Eita lugar lindo. . . A minha preta é uma Float Sport da @oggi_bikes Capacete @tswbike Meias @hupibikes Look @stylofitness86 . . #vidasaudavel #bike #casalquepedala #pedaladois #pedalar #bikenafoto #s8photography #mountainbike #mtbgirl #mtbbrasil #ciclismo #bikegirls #casalempedal #praquempedala #bikebrasil #euamopedalar #garotabike #oggibikes #bikepe #prefiropedalar #vidasobrebike #bikelife #pernambuco #pedalando #mundociclismo #emcimadeumabikevaiumavida #mundodasbikes #drcycles #aquelepedal (em Reserva Ecológica Utinga) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzPA6W-ABpj/?igshid=1mc591jcz49nt
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sophieblogs2 · 2 months
Materials Used in Motorcycle Riding Pants: A Comprehensive Guide
Motorcycle riding pants are an important gear for any rider because they provide comfort, safety, and style on the road.
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snappedsky · 1 year
Fanatics 99.2
Squee goes up against four aliens in the first game of the competition.
*Links to previous and next chapters in reblog*
Greatest in the Galaxy Part 2
Planet Tourney in the Andromeda Galaxy was designed for games, contests, competitions, and tournaments of all kinds. The whole planet- its surface, underground, and even the sky- serves this purpose.
Much of the planet is split into sections; each section is built for different games, holds different stadiums, or has dormitories uniquely designed to remind guests of their home planets.
Grounds B is designed to look like a generic abandoned city, with hundreds of empty buildings, some derelict. Somewhere amidst these buildings sits a single red flag.
Somewhere else in the fake city, Squee appears beside his opponents- Mixa of Irk, Nimbel of Swif’el, Screwn of Techon-3, and Bikeps of Mus’ular. From the sky, they can hear announcer Mic.
“First player to find the flag wins the game! Ready!”
Squee flinches as the other players get into a ready position.
They all look at him, murder in their eyes. They swing at him simultaneously but he jumps over them, lands on Bikeps head, and leaps away into the shadows of the surrounding building.
“Get him!” Mixa barks.
“Don’t tell me what to do, Irken,” Bikeps snarls, “or it’ll be your head I crush.”
“Uh oh, what’s this? Seems the opposing players have silently decided to take out the new guy first! This is a common practice when newbies are in the game. Will Squee be able to survive?”
The four aliens race around the buildings, searching for Squee who has disappeared from their sight. But not from the sight of the cam-bots. One buzzes next to him as he hides next to a wall, panting worriedly.
“Why are they ganging up on me?” he whines, “why can’t they just kill each other? It would make my job a lot easier.” On Earth, his friends are watching him on Tak’s TV.
“Poor Squee,” Tenna remarks.
“He’ll be fine,” Johnny insists, “once he gets over his anxiety, nobody will be able to stop him.” “I think so too,” Maddie agrees, “it’s like when I sing in front of people. It’s nerve wracking at first, but then I get lost in the music.”
Back in the game, Squee flinches as he hears someone coming. He quickly jumps onto a windowsill and scurries like a squirrel all the way up to the roof just before Screwn comes around the corner.
“Not much is known about Earthanoids, but if Squee is anything to go by, their speed and agility could match Swifs.”
Squee crouches on the roof as he watches Screwn go by below. Not far he can see Nimbel also searching around.
“Fine,” he snarls, “they want me, they’ll have to find me first. And while they’re looking for me, I’ll look for the flag.” Silent as a ghost and almost as light, Squee leaps across to a neighbouring building.
Not far below, Mixa’s antennae twitch and she looks up. Spider legs extend out of her PAK and she scales the wall of the building.
“Hey, isn’t that cheating?” Pepito asks in the stadium.
“Technically no. Since Irkens cannot survive without our PAKs, they don’t count as physical enhancements,” Tak replies.
“Psh,” he scoffs.
Mixa crawls along the roofs with her spider legs, following the twitches of her antennae. She takes a sudden dive between the shadows of two buildings and stops, looking around suspiciously. Her antennae have gone still.
“Where did you go?” she mutters.
A cam-bot quietly follows Squee’s movements as he slinks through the shadows. Mixa senses him and spins, but he mimics her, keeping her back to him, and strikes like a snake.
He slips between her spider legs and grabs her mouth with one hand and both antennae with the other. She doesn’t have time to fight back as he squeezes, causing a paralyzing shock to shoot up her body.
“You’re too much of an issue,” he snarls and tugs hard. She gasps in pain before falling unconscious.
“Amazing! Squee of Earth has incapacitated Mixa of Irk!”
The stadium erupts into roars of outrage. Beneath it all, the Battalion cheers, as do their friends on Earth.
Squee gently lays Mixa’s body on the ground and gets ready to take off again when a chill shoots up his spine. He looks back and sees Bikeps come around the corner.
“Found you!” he cheers and charges, his heavy footfalls smashing the ground with each step. Squee flinches with surprise and barely ducks beneath the alien’s giant fist, making him punch the wall behind him.
“No use resisting, little one,” Bikeps says as he swings at him again and Squee leaps back. “You may be able to take down an Irken with their tiny bodies, but I have no weaknesses.”
“You kinda do,” Squee argues, “you don’t pay attention to your surroundings.” “Huh?” he grunts questionably and Squee points up. The wall Bikeps punched is crumbling, causing the building to come crashing down.
“Uh oh,” Bikeps whimpers as the rubble tumbles down onto him. Squee jumps back well out of the way and continues through the city.
“Incredible! Bikeps of Mus’ular is down while Squee remains unharmed!”
Squee races through the streets, checking each corner as he passes. He sees no sign of his remaining two opponents, but he skids to a stop as he spots a dot of red amidst the drab greys and browns.
“The flag!” he gasps and starts to run for it but stops when he hears a little patter-patter. He looks around the corner and sees Screwn charging his way.
“Stop right there, alien!” he barks in a high-pitched voice.
Squee watches as the knee-high alien runs up to him and pushes against his legs, grunting angrily. He cocks his eyebrow with bewilderment and picks up Screwn by the back of his body suit, like a kitten.
“Wow, you really got the disadvantage here, huh,” he remarks, “I mean, that Irken could use her PAK, but you can’t use anything?”
Screwn sighs heavily as he limply hangs from Squee’s grip. “It’s the Irken domination.”
“Right. Well, kudos for trying anyway.”
Squee hangs the little alien off of a screw sticking out of the wall like a picture frame before running off. He quickly approaches a kind of town square with the flag stuck in the middle. He starts to smile with relief when he sees, across the clearing, Nimbel also enter from a different road.
They both gasp as they spot each other, the flag an equal distance away.
Nimbel drops onto all six limbs and takes off at an amazing speed, almost a blur on the viewing screens.
“This could be it, folks! Across the galaxy, the speed of the Swifs is unmatched! Surely a bipedal creature like Squee doesn’t stand a chance!”
“Come on, Squee,” Johnny urges from Tak’s living room. “Show ‘em what you can do.”
Squee scowls. As his foot steps onto the ground, dust rises up around it. There’s a crackling like electricity before he suddenly picks up speed and zooms across the square, the ground cracking as his feet leave it.
“Amazing! Incredible! Who would’ve guessed Earthanoids possessed such speed! It’s neck-and-neck! Who will reach the flag first?”
Two blurs fly towards the flag. Everyone watches with bated breath, on the edge of their seats, as Squee and Nimbel reach out.
There’s a sudden flash of light and the camera feeds cut. On the stadium ground, the flag appears with Squee and Nimbel gripping either side of it. They crash into each other and crumple to the ground, still holding onto the flag.
“Woo, he did it,” Devi sighs with relief.
“I told you,” Johnny says, “Squee may not be competitive, but he loves to win.”
“Amazing! Incredible! Unbelievable! It’s a tie, between Squee of Earth and Nimbel of Swif’el! This awards both teams five points!”
The stadium erupts into excited cheers. Squee and Nimbel lift their heads, slightly dazed, and look at each other. They both flinch defensively and jump back onto their feet.
Squee glances around, finally noticing they’re back in the stadium. He stares with disbelief at the cheering crowd and the scoreboard hologram overhead, displaying Earth and Swif’el tied for first with five points.
“I...I won?” he questions.
“We tied,” Nimbel spits, “ridiculous. That I could be considered an equal with the likes of you.”
“Well, like it or not, we seem pretty equal from where I’m standing,” Squee smiles, pointing to the scoreboard.
“It won’t stay that way for long.”
“You’re right. Pretty soon, you’ll be in second.”
“No, I mean...ah, forget it.”
“Huh?” Squee questions and watches as she walks away, dejected. “Hm. Even I’m better at smack talk than that.”
He starts to walk away when pain shoots up his legs. Wincing, he grips his thighs and continues a little slower. When he returns to his team’s sky box, he’s met with cheers and hugs.
“That was amazing, Squee!” Pepito exclaims, peppering him with kisses.
“Not a bad way to start the games,” Dib remarks.
“I would prefer a solid win,” Zim says, “but I suppose a tie is good enough.”
“I’m happy to meet the bare minimum of standards,” Squee replies.
“Are you injured?” Shmoopy asks worriedly.
“I think I just pulled a muscle when I did that super speed.”
“Well, I should still look you over,” she insists and points to the table and chairs. “Please, have a seat.”
“Hey, dorks, get over here,” Gaz demands from the balcony. “They’re announcing the next round.” Everyone but Squee and Shmoopy quickly hurry out to watch as the hologram screen shows the players of the five teams on separate lists. A name from each team starts getting randomly selected.
“Now it’s time for today’s battle! And the players shall be...Tav of Irk, Olap of Swif’el, Wirez of Techon-3, Peccs of Mus’ular, and Gaz of Earth!”
“Gaz?” Dib gasps, horrified.
She smirks darkly. “Yes.”
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aseparts-kristian · 3 years
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glastocycles · 4 years
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Reposted from @mike_fixie.magician #koryyork #koryyorksuperclassic #pursuitframe #trackbike #bikelife #bikeporn #fixiebike #instabike #bikepic #singlegear #fixedgearlife #fixedgearbike #fixedlife #trackbikesmatter #lifewithfixed #nobrakesnoproblem #nobrakes #bespokechainrings #bicycle #fixiekings #wildinthestreets #fixedgearnyc #streetart #wallart #savethetrackbike #fixienyc #nyc #nycart #steelisreal @kory.york knocked it out the park on this frame set for me, I thought my other Kory was fire 🔥 🦊 https://www.instagram.com/p/CBXas-dgDsc/?igshid=1uboc1kmevkzy
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vonrafael · 4 years
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Big.⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ #rollingstones #bikepic #gravel Pic @blax_tec https://www.instagram.com/p/B_sdOxWo8bD/?igshid=19yco0ds4lv1v
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