radio-charlie · 4 years
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@bikerkitten aw thanks!! i don’t have very compelling presence on camera im afraid, especially coz i hate talking in that affected Youtuber style and just dont like being filmed haha. might make a cooking vid when i’ve improved some of my recipes though
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naamahdarling · 7 years
Vent is a black lesbian trans lady captain of a battle unit and Rae (a mixed race demisexual panromantic) is her student.
This needs to be a trilogy of awesome books.
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olderpulp · 4 years
tagged by @pekorosu ! thank u!
Make yourself in picrew and add 3-7 facts about yourself. (OH SHIT actually i think the picrew page is gone? i got a 404 when i went to the original link)
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man this picrew was so fun
i love messing around in my grandma's garden. we're growing a lot of okra! she already planted quite a lot of the usual variety of okra but she also kept seeds from a plump variety which she let me germinate and grow a bunch of them. they're growing pretty well! the leaves are getting quite big and beautiful 💚💛
these days i have been getting back into doing journal stuff! my approach has changed a lot. i used to have this mindset that i wasn't good enough or doing enough and it showed in the way i tried to keep up a bullet journal where i jammed a bunch of tasks for myself into every single day and i would never be able to get them all done in a day and perpetually transfer tasks to the next day and the next and the next. now i'm just doing a daily log kind of thing and i bet in the future there'll be a lot to learn from my current approach as well
i think having a place to scream freely would be very healthy for me. as a singer. and as someone who is unrepressing 2 decades of feelings
i love games that have neat visuals on the simpler side of the spectrum, have puzzle-ish game mechanics, preferably somewhat fiddly/explorative/experimental, or smartly utilises very simple premises and mechanics to craft challenging puzzles. dear reader if these things sound fun to u as well, gosh i'd love to talk to u and rec u some games
i kinda want to see if i can grow my hair to my waist.
i tag anyone interested to share some self-facts! idk if u've been tagged but eh @watercolourful @horusporus @bikerkitten and honestly any other mutuals
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coyoteskies · 4 years
Tagged by @bikerkitten
Make a picrew of yourself then post 3-7 facts about you.
I would just like to say I am very shook that they had a scar option that looks almost exactly like the one I have on my face.
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Okay um facts.
1. When I get too hot when I'm asleep I have nightmares
2. Cashews are my worst enemy
3. Seeing birds run or walk or hop or whatever it is they do when their feet are touching the ground makes me laugh every time
Tagging @gnorx @teeth-pendant
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Hey ya'll! I'm Zee from Malaysia, aged 26 and bi. I'm looking for more friends in the LGBT community, and maybe more if it comes up. :) I enjoy knitting, riding motorcycles, martial arts, and reading. I'm currently working as a freelance writer. :)
My Tumblr is @bikerkitten. :) come say hi!
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taekwondohyeah · 5 years
On finding believers and a family
***Disclaimer*** Nothing religious will be discussed. This blog will always stay out of religious topics
So, this blog has been lying dormant for a while without any updates or original content. I feel like I should address a few things before coming to the core of my message. More below the break.
Q: Why were you inactive for such a long time?
A: There are many reasons for this. As many of my followers and a few in the budoblr community know, I suffer from mental health issues, more specifically depression. I’ve struggled with these things for over a decade now with a ajor peak in my late teens (hallucinations and delusions are fun, yo) and only in September 2017, I have started to seek professional help. Since then, I was put on numerous medications and only recently, my psychiatrist and I found a combination that works very well and keeps the symptoms in check. In addition to that, I receive therapy, which proves very helpful. My depression had a major flare-up from 2017 to 2018, preventing me to go to training. While this got a lot better, I started my honours year in uni last September and had to dedicate more time to that. I recently finished my project and handed in my thesis. While this is a major achievement, I still have exams to go, so posts will remain scarce until early May.
Q: Did you completely stop training/going to the gym?
A: I did not! Uni is just of bigger importance right now and I have to make a few sacrifices in favour of it. I actually got back to training and working out after almost an entire year of not doing it and I gotta say, I MISSED IT SO MUCH! This leads me to my main topic.
Believers. What are they? Believers are people in your life that radiate so much positive energy and completely believe in what they say and do. And this energy is contagious. And it pays completely to have a believer in your life because that gives you something that you would not have otherwise. Accountability. Those people will tell you that they believe in you but they will also hold you accountable for everything you say you wanna do. In retrospect, I reliase that I have many such people in my club and while I know I made some emtpy promises of coming to training, they relentlessly asked me to come back and were delighted to see me again. I also want to give a huge shoutout to @bikerkitten who has filled this role not only as a friend but also as a believer. Which leads me to my second point:
Family. This term is often misunderstood as “only the people you’re related to” and I want to call bullshit on that. Family is who you want to be your family. And I feel that this might describe the budoblr community (and the martial arts community as a whole) very well because whenever you meet someone who loves the same thing as you, they offer a connection. My friend always says that Taekwon-Do gives you a worldwide family and I wholeheartedly agree with that. It is an amazing feeling to nerd out about the thing you love with someone, regardless of path of life or time zones. This is especially important to me, as I will sadly leave Scotland this summer and won’t be coming back for the foreseeable future. This saddens me because I am leaving part of my family behind. But I am also excited because this means that I can meet other parts of the martial arts family wherever I will end up.
So yeah. Those are my two cents on these things. Normal activity will resume in early May. Until then, original content will be limited. See y’all on the other side!
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adhdfcksakes · 8 years
Hi! I see that you're in law school with ADHD and I'm enrolling in law school in Australia and I just got diagnosed with ADHD. I just wanted to ask if you have any tips? :)
Hi there bikerkitten,Firstly, sorry for the late response. I've been moving house and dealing with family which has made me less available online overall. Okay, so, Law School. Well, it's hard. As for the ADHD element, there's going to be a lot of reading. So set yourself up an area and surround yourself with everything you need and get into it. Don't be afraid to look up definitions. That's incredibly important. Never be afraid to ask for help. If there is a program at your school that allows you to get leniency with deadlines. Find it! Another piece of advice I'd give is try writing your notes or by hand. If you have ADHD and there's a computer in front of you all the time it's going to distract you and you won't necessarily absorb as much info as you could. If you do use a note book, let yourself doodle but only to satisfy the need to fidget. Hyper-focusing on the drawing defeats the purpose. Overall, law school is challenging, but it can be fun. Take it easy, try your best, be happy with your best and acknowledge you're still learning. If you want to ask me anything else, shoot! Hope this is helpful 😊
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radio-charlie · 4 years
You are the most Correct™️ person I know and I wish you lived in my brain.
aw thanks zarrah. i’m hardly worthy i think, there’s still a lot i have to learn. probably it would be cool to be able to meet up in each others brains though since this pandemic is here to stay a few years
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radio-charlie · 4 years
zarrah ello 
1. what makes you feel warm inside?
walking around some neighborhood in the evening and seeing all the little lights of ppls home come on, animals being really bizarre, people being genuine and kind in times of great personal duress
2. what’s your favorite halloween tradition?
bleh you know what, i never really got into halloween when i was in the states. not sure why, maybe too strong a psychological association with some ppl i fell out with. the big pumpkin buckets of candy are great though haha. i was always v excited to see laffy taffy in there :P
3. what’s the last thing you learned?
that i’ve neglected to manifest more gratitude for the good people have put in my life i guess. i got too lost in some pain that’s been in here awhile
4. when’s the last time you felt obsessed?
it used to be that i thought i was too tired to be obsessed with anything. but thats because i was thinking in very narrow terms. like with what ppl usually list when they talk abt passions and hobbies. i think i’m actually obsessed with something every single day. its just the way my brain works
5. what’s your favorite article of clothing? 
oh, didn’t even notice the ask game had repeat questions. besides the terrible leopard print jacket i also love my Gregg Rulz Ok t-shirt. its black and has mae’s little doodle of gregg holding his signature knife. this is all from that night in the woods game, i highly recommend it if u haven’t played it already. it’s got some really beautiful and sensitively-written moments
thanks yo
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radio-charlie · 6 years
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@bikerkitten do u know any good places for one in kl?? im getting desperate
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radio-charlie · 4 years
Co-star was right abt my personal relationships. and so was that tarot + ba zi reading i got from bikerkitten and her friend melissa. its been very eye-opening. i’m distancing myself from some people not with a heart full of hatred but weariness and sadness. i know they are trying their best to be better allies, most of us are. they’re just currently fighting a difficult battle against their biases, which they have only just become aware of (in 2020 despite some of u being from large multi-cultural cities????? who had u been talking to prior???). but i cannot be an emotionally generous person right now. so for now this is goodbye.
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