cumdumpstiel · 1 year
i'm so sorry but some of you are so insanely psychologically primed to fall for any marketing whatsoever like is your brain separated from the rest of the world by a thin permeable biomembrane instead of a skull like the rest of us. you are like a frog absorbing every smackerel of heavy metals and chemical runoff you can find in the entire pond and then dying.
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heydorothea009 · 7 months
Bread on Toast - A Future Man Fanfiction
Josh Futturman and his fellow coworker and best friend, Liv Branson, get roped into saving the world as time traveling saviors with, what were thought to be, video game characters, Wolf and Tiger. Not only are Liv and Josh completely incompetent, but they are also emotionally inept- will this cause the destruction of mankind? Only time will tell.
Warnings: strong language, Wolf does cocaine, mentions of violence
Chapter 3: A Fuel’s Errand
Tiger and Wolf had no trouble lugging Carl’s corpse down the stairwell, but Josh and Liv were stumbling down the stairs, carrying what’s her name’s corpse as both of their panic set in.
“Oh my God, oh my God, shit, holy shit, oh my God-“ Liv repeated over and over, her mind racing.
“SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT-“ Josh was yelling over her.
“Stop shitting!” Tiger yelled at him as her and Wolf took a sharp turn down the stairs.
“Why didn’t the game say they were human?!” Josh asked frantically.
“We didn’t want to humanize them!” Tiger shouted.
“What’s with the nutsack faces?”
“It’s a biomembrane, it helps them heal faster! Why’d you block our shot?” Tiger responded harshly.
“Oh my God, these are people we fucking work with.” Josh didn’t answer Tiger’s question.
“They’re barely human, they’re grown in labs!” Wolf yelled.
“Why the FUCK did you block our shot?” Tiger shouted again, growing more frustrated with Josh.
“Because killing Kronish won’t help! Okay? His research is already out there, the cure could come from anywhere!” Josh said.
“Yeah, thanks to you two dick weevils.” Wolf grumbled.
“Are there more of these things?” Liv finally spoke up through her shock of having to touch a dead body.
“Of course! They’re sleeper agents, they knew we came back to 2017 and they sent them earlier to hide in plain sight.” Tiger explained, clearly annoyed that Josh and Liv didn’t know this information.
“That’s kinda cool I guess,” Josh said in a strained voice.
“Let’s just leave ‘em here.” Wolf suggested, letting Carl’s body slump to the ground. Tiger let go too and Carl landed flat on his face.
“What? No! We can’t just leave these dead bodies here?!” Josh shook his head frantically. “You also can’t leave anything from the future in the past, it will fuck things up! It seriously could fuck up your future, come on guys! This is time travel 101! We have to get rid of them!”
Tiger leaned her elbows on the railing and shot a glance over at Wolf, who looked equally as frustrated and understanding as she did. “Okay fine, then how do we get rid of them.”
Josh opened his mouth, then closed it. He looked at Liv for some help, but she looked like she might throw up at any moment. Then it hit him. “I…I think I know how…”
“The possum incinerator?” Liv asked in a deadpan voice as Josh led everyone (including the dead bodies) into the possum incinerator room. Kronish Labs studied possum semen instead of human semen as a more “humane” way of finding a cure, even though it wasn’t very “humane”.
“How many possums do you kill here?” Wolf asked, genuinely intrigued.
“Enough that we needed to get this possum incinerator.” Josh said, opening the hatch. “People don’t come down here very often though, I don’t think.”
“It’s pretty small, we’ll have to cut up the bodies…let’s get to work.” Tiger motioned for the bodies to be put on the table.
It was a bloodbath. Wolf and Tiger were disassembling the bodies in front of Liv and Josh’s eyes. Liv stood in horror. Josh looked on the scene looking scared, but not as scared as Liv. He was becoming familiar with what Tiger and Wolf were capable of.
“I don’t think I can watch this anymore.” Josh turned his head, feeling sick.
“Hey,” Tiger grabbed his face, the blood on her hands rubbing off on his cheeks and chin. Liv was about to agree with him, but kept quiet, she didn’t want blood on her face too. “You need to watch this, you and this girl need to know how to take down these perfs for when you run into one again.”
Josh tensed up as he felt the wet blood touch his face. “This girl is named Liv and she’s my friend and you’re scaring her. And what the hell is a perf?”
“We call these genetically perfect assholes perfs.” Wolf hurled Carl’s torso into the incinerator. “Not so perfect anymore!” He jeered.
“What was this girl’s name?” Tiger hoisted up the girl neither Josh or Liv could remember the name of.
“I don’t know, Liv?” Josh asked quietly.
“I-I don’t remember.” Liv said at an even quieter volume.
“I just always called her ‘Pretty Smile Girl’.” Josh said. If the situation wasn’t so horrifying, Liv would have found the way he’d said it adorable.
“They’re all fucking pretty, they’re Biotics!” Tiger snapped. “You stab Pretty Smile Girl in the liver? That’s a kill. Stab Pretty Smile Girl in the heart? That’s a fucking kill. But you’ll wanna be real careful with Pretty Smile Girl’s head.”
“Can we please leave Pretty Smile Girl’s head alone?” Josh had to look away. Liv wanted to look away but couldn’t, seeing Pretty Smile Girl’s head swing around in unnatural ways was so deeply unsettling that she couldn’t help but watch in terror.
“No,” Wolf growled, strutting over to Tiger and Pretty Smile Girl’s corpse with some kind of device. “Every Biotic soldier has a brain bomb implanted in their head, makes it explode so they can’t be interrogated.” He held the device over her neck and the device beeped. Wolf pulled out something the size of a pen and stabbed it into her neck. Liv gagged and turned away. “It doesn’t kill them, but it disables the bomb.” He pulled it out, revealing a small ball. The bomb. “Another for the gobulator.” Wolf’s face lit up as he pulled out a small case filled with the tiny balls.
“Is that safe?” Josh pointed to the case and Wolf looked at him as if he were stupid.
“The fuck you think a gobulator does?”
Wolf and Tiger finished dismembering the corpses and threw them into the fire. They were dripping with scarlet blood, looking like Carrie White. Liv felt sick to her stomach, she hated gore. Tiger wiped her hands on her pants and spoke up,
“Alright Wolf, fire up the TTD. Let’s go back to earlier today before Future Man fucked up the mission.” Liv swore Tiger shot her a dirty look. “Let’s go get Kronish.”
Liv furrowed her brows. She felt like everyone around her was speaking a foreign language. She’d never heard of a TTD.
“You guys don’t get it!” Josh said loudly. “Kronish has been doing this research his entire life, someone could just pick up where he left off. And besides, you would have to pull like, a Terminator thing and stop him from ever being born-“
“Or! We kill him when he’s one of those little baby things!” Tiger added excitedly.
Josh shook his head. “No! Absolutely not, we cannot kill a baby!”
“They’re invincible?” Wolf asked.
“No, they’re helpless and very soft.” Tiger said.
“Perfect. Easy kill.”
“Give us a date, Future Man. Or girl, maybe you know.” Tiger said. Before Josh or Liv could speak, (Liv was growing offended by being called “girl”), Wolf interjected.
“Cat fucker! The TTD got damaged in the fight.” He groaned as he held what looked like a tablet, pulling out a vial of neon green liquid. Liv looked to Josh to see if she was missing something, but he looked just as confused.
“Shit…that’s not a lot of Cameronium.” Tiger shook her head worriedly.
“Maybe enough for one jump if we’re lucky.” Wolf studied the vial closely.
“What the hell is Cameronium?” Josh asked.
“It’s the fuel the TTD runs off of.” Tiger explained as if it were obvious.
“What’s the TTD?” Liv finally asked. She had so many questions.
“Time travel device.” Wolf said, speaking to her calmly. He glanced over at her. “We’re time travelers. By the way, I don’t know if Futute Man here explained that to you.”
“Yeah, I gathered that. Is that what you used to travel back to 1969?” She asked Josh. Josh nodded.
“Okay, new plan. We use our last jump to go kill baby Kronish, that’s the new mission.” Tiger said loudly.
“No!” Josh exclaimed as Liv shook her head violently. “We are absolutely not killing a baby! It’s wrong and makes us monsters!”
Tiger thought about it for a moment. “Agree to disagree. Give us a date.”
“I- well I don’t even know when he was born.” Josh said.
“Wolf, choke it outta him.” Tiger said calmly. Liv backed away instantly. Josh looked at her with wide eyes.
“Gladly.” Wolf advanced on Josh. Josh stumbled backwards.
“No, no, no-“ Wolf grabbed Josh by the neck and slammed him against the wall. Liv thought about running, but then again, Tiger might do the same to her.
“Give. Us. A. Date.” Tiger said through gritted teeth.
“If- if you can’t jump back to your time how will you know it worked? What if killing Kronish doesn’t fix it! Don’t you want proof?!” Liv blurted out. Tiger’s eyes fixated on her and Liv’s heart dropped. Tiger studied Liv for a moment, her stance softening, considering what Liv had said. Wolf saw Tiger considering this and dropped Josh. Josh landed on his feet and gasped for air.
“What do you even know about time travel?” Liv added, seeing Wolf and Tiger actually listening to her. “Multiverses? Alternate realities?”
“Time loops.” Josh added, rubbing his throat.
“Time loops! If you're wrong about even just one of those things it could throw off your whole mission, even though I don’t entirely understand what it is.” Liv pleaded. Tiger and Wolf looked at each other, then back to Liv.
Tiger sighed. “Fine. We’ll look for Cameronium here. But then! We’re going back and killing baby Kronish.” Josh let out a frustrated sound.
“Where’s the closest Cameronium outpost?” Wolf asked. Liv grabbed a mop, ready to clean up the crime scene that she was standing in.
“We just learned what Cameronium is, I have no idea.” Josh muttered.
“It’s biofuel, it’s been around forever.” Tiger started getting frustrated again. Josh grabbed another mop and helped Liv.
“Well, what’s it made of?” Liv asked.
“I- plants? I don’t know? You tell us, you’re the scientists.” Liv stopped mopping and looked at Josh, who also stopped mopping. “One of you is a scientist right? You work in a lab?” Tiger added. Josh looked at Liv and Liv just stared back at him. Had Josh told them that they were scientists? She raised an eyebrow at him and grew nervous.
“Those are your science wands.” Wolf said, pointing to the mops.
Tiger narrowed her eyes at them. “What is your job here?”
“Uh,” Liv didn’t know what to say. She looked nervously to Tiger and Wolf, who were impatiently waiting for an answer.
“We’re…janitors?” Josh didn’t even sound sure of his own job.
Tiger and Wolf stared at them for a second, Tiger’s eyebrow started twitching as she got noticeably more angry, letting the word “janitor” hang in the air. Wolf looked a little lost and just stared at them, but could tell what Josh had just said was making Tiger angry, therefore he was angry too.
Josh looked terrified. “Uh, are you guys cool with that, or-“
Tiger slammed her fists on the table. “FUCKING JANITORS?!” She screamed, storming out the door that led to an alley outside. Wolf shoved the table over and stormed out after her.
Josh looked at Liv with wide eyes before dropping his mop and chasing after them. Liv dropped her mop and followed him. They chased Wolf and Tiger through the alleyway.
Tiger spun around, stomping backwards. “Do you know who’s a janitor where we come from?”
“A- a robot-?” Josh guessed.
“Nobody!” She snapped. “Because in a battle of life or death no one gives a dick about clean floors!”
“I knew he wasn’t the savior, I knew it from the moment he jizzed all over my torso!” Wolf turned around too, glaring at Josh.
“Please, guys come on!” Josh and Liv chased after them like little kids chasing after a soccer ball. God, those two time traveling warriors could storm away fast.
“No!” Tiger stopped and Liv and Josh almost ran into her. “You can’t. We don’t need you.” She jabbed Josh’s shoulder with her finger. “You get in the way, you’re weak, and you fucking inspired Kronish to share his cure with the world. And on a personal level, I'm not sure I like you.” She looked at Liv. “You’re associated with him, so I feel the same about you.” She looked back at Josh. “You’re off the team, Fütturman.” She spat, mispronouncing Josh’s last name.
“Even your name’s a disappointment.” Wolf growled. He looked at Liv. “I forgot your name.” The way he spoke to her wasn’t nearly as mean and condescending, but Liv still looked up at him fearfully. Tiger and Wolf turned on their heels and stomped away.
“What- guys, don’t do this!” Josh yelled after them. “Where are you going?”
“To finish the mission without you.” Tiger yelled, not even turning around to look at them.
“You’re covered in brains!” Josh yelled back.
“Eat a dick!”
Josh stood in silence, shocked and defeated. “Well…they seemed nice…” Liv said after a long pause, scuffing the toe of her boot on the asphalt.
“Not right now, Liv, please.” Josh said in a weak voice as he sank down to the ground, putting his head in his hands. Liv looked down at him, sitting with his knees pulled into his chest. He looked so sad. Whatever this time travel mission really was, it really seemed really important to him.
“Josh…will you tell me what happened? Like please actually explain what's going on? You gave me the simplified version in the stairwell, I need the full story to really grasp the situation.” Liv said gently, bending down to his level. Josh looked up at her with those sad eyes that hurt her heart.
“Okay. After I beat my game, they appeared in my room and told me I was the savior and that ‘Biotic Wars’ is actually a training simulation sent back from the future to find me. Apparently the cure Kronish eventually will end up discovering is what leads to a super cure that creates the Biotics. To my knowledge Biotics are perfect and powerful beings who are apparently also our coworkers. I thought I was being pranked when Wolf and Tiger appeared in my room, I was so embarrassed because I was…” he trailed off. Truth be told, Josh had been jerking off when Wolf and Tiger appeared in his room. He even came on Wolf by accident…which he still felt bad about. He cleared his throat. “I- I dunno, I probably just sounded stupid to them asking if I was being pranked over and over. They used the TTD and took me to 1969, but we were still in my house, but like the 60s version. I saw my grandparents, my dad, and my Uncle Barry, and they started beating me up because they thought I was there to rob them.”
Liv started snickering.
“Shut up, Liv!” Josh couldn’t help but laugh too. “Okay, that part’s pretty funny, actually now that I think about it. But Tiger and Wolf stepped in and we were able to get out of the house and then Tiger and Wolf started wailing on these bikers who catcalled Tiger and we stole their clothes to fit in. Then! I found out it was the night of the moon landing-“
“Oh my God, the night Kronish got herpes.” Liv was starting to piece together the story.
“Yes, exactly. So we started to go to CalTech, which was where Kronish’s party was, but I guess someone had called the police, because some policemen tried to stop us. And then I think Wolf might have brutally murdered a policeman…”
“He does seem to like to kill people.” Liv said, nodding along to the story.
“Yeah…so then we stop at a gas station, and I’m all mad at them, and then Wolf goes and breaks some dude’s fingers and I had to teach Tiger what a baby was and that kidnapping is bad. Anyways, we end up at a frat party at CalTech and we are the only white people there…and then Wolf told them their mutant race should die…yeah…” he grimaced at that memory. Liv grimaced too. “He was meaning Kronish and the Biotics but it just came out racist. So then, I infiltrated the party by myself in an astronaut costume while Wolf and Tiger ‘secured the perimeter’ or something, and I cockblocked Kronish by having a dance off with him to get him away from Barberella, the girl who had herpes, and also I think I might have invented the running man and the the moonwalk. I think some other more modern dances were sprinkled in there too, I don’t really remember.” He chuckled lightly. “And then…well, you’re basically caught up, you saw what happened today.”
Liv nodded her head as she took in this story. “Oh my God,” she let out a short laugh.
“Oh! And! I left my phone in the past on accident, and now Steve Jobs and Siri don’t exist.” Josh added.
“Exactly.” Josh shook his head at himself.
Liv giggled. “I can’t believe you invented the moonwalk and then Michael Jackson took all the credit.”
“Eh, he can have it.” Josh looked up at her and laughed. “So, I thought I was supposed to be some savior, but apparently I’m useless.” He sighed, the weight of what just happened settling on his shoulders again.
Liv took a seat next to him on the ground. “Why does it matter so much to you?”
“Because I thought I was finally going to do something great with my life.” He looked up at the sky, he seemed to be fighting tears. “But instead I got verbally abused by Tiger and Wolf and I put your life in danger. I’m sorry.”
“Josh,” Liv said softly. “Do you want to just go home?”
Josh nodded, swiping the back of his hand across his cheeks, trying to make it seem like he wasn’t starting to cry. “Yeah.”
“I’ll drive you home.” She stood up and offered him a hand. “Also, you’ve got blood on your face.”
“I know.” He sighed.
Liv drove Josh back to his house in silence. She parked in his driveway, but he didn’t get out of the car. He sat and just stared at his house with a sad expression.
“Come on, Josh,” Liv got out of the car and walked around to his side, opening the door for him. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”
Josh looked up at her from his seat and then glanced down at her matching gray janitor uniform, which was splattered with blood just like his. “What about you?”
“I think I have a change of clothes somewhere in my car,” she said. “But my friend Josh needs someone to be there for him right now and I am going to make him my priority.”
Josh gave her a small, sad smile. “Thank you, Liv.”
They went into his house, which was quiet. Josh’s parents weren’t home so they didn’t have to worry about them being concerned about their bloody uniforms. Liv helped him wash the blood off of his face at the kitchen sink.
“Hey, thanks mom.” Josh lightly joked. Liv let out a slightly flustered laugh. She was actively trying to swallow the giddiness and butterflies she felt touching his face and being this close to him. “Too bad my parents aren’t here, they’d love to say hi to you.” Josh said. Josh’s parents, Gabe and Diane Futturman, were Liv’s favorite people to walk the earth (other than Josh, but that goes without saying). They absolutely loved Liv, and she’d been to many Futturman parties hosted by them.
Liv grinned as she got the washcloth she was using on Josh’s face wet again under the faucet. “Well, then tell them I say hi.”
After cleaning off Josh’s face and some of the blood that had gotten on both of their arms, Josh headed up to his room to change. Liv ran out to her car and grabbed the t-shirt and leggings she kept in the backseat and changed in their guest bathroom. When she opened the door she saw Josh walk out of his room at the same time with an “I have an idea” look on his face.
“I know how we can help Tiger and Wolf.” He said excitedly.
She looked confused. “…huh?”
“Cameronium or whatever? I know how we can get more.”
“Um…okay?” Liv raised an eyebrow. She kind of assumed they were dropping the idea of helping them at all, they were really mean and scary, and she didn’t care much for them.
“There’s this girl who works at the gaming store I go to, Tracy, she’s dating a chemist! So we talk to Tiger and Wolf, take them with us to the gaming store, talk to Tracy, go to her chemist boyfriend, and find out where to find Cameronium!” Josh looked so incredibly proud of himself.
“Cool, but Tiger and Wolf could be anywhere. They ditched us, remember?” Liv asked, putting her hands on her hips and sounding a little exasperated.
“Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention, I saw them outside climbing into the sewer.”
“I should have opened with that, but I found them!” Josh beamed.
Liv hesitated before she spoke. “Um, are you sure that you want to go back to them? I thought they were ‘verbally abusive’.”
“Liv, I want to help them.” Josh looked at her with those again. Goddammit. Liv sighed.
“Does this mean I have to climb into the sewer?”
“Uh…” Josh stuffed his hands in his pockets. “Maybe…”
Liv did in fact have to climb into the sewers. It was a damn good thing she loved Josh, she would never in a million years be climbing down a ladder down into the sewer like she was a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle if she didn’t love him. Josh was just barely in front of her as they climbed down. They could hear Tiger barking commands at Wolf. She looked up and saw them climbing down and shook her head furiously.
“No! Nope! No Futturmans, no friends of Futturmans, no janitors, and no people shorter than us can enter!” Tiger’s angry voice greeted them.
“No, guys!” Josh hopped down off of the ladder. “Look, I know you guys are super pissed off at me, but I promise I have an idea.” Liv hopped off the ladder after him.
“No, we don’t need you. We have plans, lots of plans. And leads, Wolf has leads, right Wolf?” Tiger lied.
Wolf was crouched in the entrance of a tunnel eating a rat. He looked crazy, despite the fact he had dried blood covering him. He also looked high as a kite, eyes red and looking like he had hay fever. “I don’t have leads.” He drawled, mouth full of rat flesh. Gross. Tiger glared at him for not going along with her lie. He made eye contact with Liv and lit up. “You! I can’t remember your name!” He said in an unnaturally cheerful voice for Wolf. He was grinning from ear to ear.
“What’s he doing?” Liv asked. Before Tiger could answer, Josh spoke up.
“Guys, please, let us back on the team. I know where we can find more Cameronium.”
Tiger narrowed her eyes. “You do?” Wolf had also stopped what he was doing and perked up.
“Yes, now come on, let’s get you guys cleaned up.” Josh motioned for them to follow. Tiger let out a frustrated groan as she marched over to Wolf and pulled him by his arm to follow behind Liv and Josh out of the sewer and into Josh’s house. Josh and Liv helped scrub the dried blood off of Wolf, who was still high out of his mind. Josh and Liv were scared to go near Tiger, who was still fuming at the idea of letting them help, and let her take care of cleaning herself up in the guest bathroom (assuming she knew how to).
“So let me get this straight, you went to a weed dispensary because you thought it had Cameronium?” Josh asked Wolf as he washed Wolf’s right arm. Wolf had told them about the “adventure” he and Tiger went on and how he “ate street cock” (they were able to piece together that he’d actually had a sausage).
“And I tried these things called macaroons.” Wolf sighed and grinned from ear to ear again. “So delicious.” He pointed to Liv as she washed his face. “You have a name.”
Liv glanced at Josh. Josh shrugged. “Mhm!” She nodded and answered him like she would a three year old.
“I don’t remember it.” He giggled. Josh snorted.
“I’m Liv,” She said, trying her best not to laugh. She kind of liked high Wolf, he was funny.
“Like ‘NO PLEASE!! I WANT TO LIVE!!!’ Like that?” Wolf’s outburst made them jump, but then Josh lost it, doubling over as he started laughing.
“I mean, I guess.” Liv laughed too.
“Is that your name because that’s what your enemies scream before you slaughter them?” Wolf asked.
Liv laughed even harder. “No, my parents just liked it.” Wolf nodded as if to be taking what she said to heart.
“I love it.”
Tiger came stomping down the stairs in full gear, making Josh and Liv’s laughter disappear as she glared at them. “Alright, Future Man, Future Man’s friend-“
“Liv!” Wolf corrected her, and then smiled at Liv and nodded, proud of himself for remembering.
Tiger rolled her eyes. “Right, whatever. It’s time to go.”
“Wait, hold on, Tiger, we need to get you guys some clothes to help you blend in. People don’t wear armor here.” Josh said.
“I think I’m fine.” Tiger said in a serious tone.
Josh didn’t feel like forcing Tiger into his mom’s clothes, he would rather keep his head on his shoulders, so he just dropped the idea. He still grabbed a coat for her to possibly wear over her armor later if she changed her mind. Wolf changed into one of Josh’s dad’s polo shirts and a pair of khakis. He looked like he was about to go play tennis at a country club. The four left the house on foot, making their way to the gaming store, which wasn’t too far away. They walked in and were greeted by two people standing at the counter.
“Hey Tracy, hey Paul,” Josh greeted them nonchalantly. The two people looked up at them, eyes landing on Liv.
“Ooh, Josh brought a girl with him.” Paul teased.
“Oh, this is just Liv.” Josh said, brushing off the teasing as he walked up to the counter. Liv gave them a tight lipped smile. He could have said, “this is just my friend Liv”, but, whatever.
“Break another joystick playing ‘Biotic Wars’?” Tracy asked, clearly teasing him.
“Uh, no, I stopped playing. Those characters were so unrealistic.” Josh said, watching Tiger and Wolf venture further into the store from the corner of his eye. Paul raised a suspicious eyebrow and followed Josh’s line of sight.
He eyed Tiger. “Boing.” He leered. Liv made a disgusted face as he went to follow Tiger.
“Hey Tracy,” Josh asked. “Are you still dating that chemist guy?”
“Oh, Lyle?” She asked, smacking her gum. “No, we broke up, I call him Professor Ex now.” She snickered at her own joke.
“Ha, that’s really funny,” Josh fake laughed as he drummed his fingers on the counter. “Was- was it a, um, messy kind of break up? Or was it chill, like maybe you could casually put us in contact with him?”
“Nah I hate him, he used to wear a button down shirt every time we fucked, I hate him.” Tracy said casually. “Why do you ask?”
“Uhhhh,” Josh looked back at Liv. “It’s, uh, we’re partners in this class I started taking at a, um, community college and we have to interview a chemist and I just thought, you know…”
“Oh that’s cool, what community college are you guys at?” Tracy asked, nodding along and smacking her gum again.
Liv opened her mouth to say a real community college, but Josh panicked and spoke over her. “The- the California Community College.” Liv wanted to smack him. That was definitely not a real college.
“Oh yeah? I’ve literally never heard of that college before.” Tracy said, quirking an eyebrow.
“It’s real.” Josh lied, making it sound less real. “It’s good.”
“Yeah?” Tracy smacked her gum again.
“Yeah, we became friends there.” Liv jumped in, hoping she could help.
“Shopkeep!” Wolf called, watching a tween boy play a video game. “I have some questions about this boy’s murder simulator.” Liv tensed, shooting Wolf a look to shut up.
“Right, because you take a fake class there together.” Tracy continued, unimpressed and ignoring Wolf.
“I swear to you, it is a real school!” Josh said loudly, continuing to make it sound less real.
“Oh yeah? What’s the mascot for your real school?” Tracy asked.
“It’s a falcon-“
“It’s a real bird.” Josh lied again.
“Josh…” Liv said out loud without meaning to in the most disappointed voice.
Tracy rolled her eyes at them. “You guys are terrible liars like Pinocchio, and Pinocchio was wack-“ before Tracy could finish, Paul yelped, catching their attention. Tiger had him pushed face first into the bargain bin, holding his arm up behind his back.
“Why would you talk to someone who doesn’t want to talk to you?” Tiger demanded.
“I- I dunno- ow! Ow! Just let me go!” He cried. Liv and Josh scrambled over to them trying to signal for her to stop by waving their hands and shaking their heads.
“Futturman, you know this chick?” Paul wailed as Tiger tightened her grip on his arm.
“Nope, I have never seen her before.” Josh said nonchalantly while shaking his head at Tiger.
Tiger pursed her lips. “Fine.” She said through gritted teeth and let him go. “Next time he loses the arm.”
Paul stood up and looked between Josh, Liv, Tiger, and Wolf. He then glanced back into the bargain bin, picking up “Biotic Wars”. He looked from Tiger to the animation of Tiger on the cover.
“Futturman, did you hire like a crazy strong hooker to pretend to be this girl for you?” Paul asked, shooting Josh a judgemental look.
“No, I didn’t actually,” Josh shook his head.
“What a weird freak.” Tracy said, still standing back at the counter.
“Okay, we don’t have time for this.” Tiger muttered, pulling out a knife out of Paul’s line of sight.
“No! Uhhhh,” Josh sprung to action by dragging Paul away from Tiger. “We’re just gonna have a conversation over here.” He narrowed his eyes at Tiger as she rolled her eyes and put the knife back. He gestured with his head for Liv to stay with Wolf and Tiger so they didn’t get into anything else. Liv, Wolf, and Tiger listened in on Josh’s conversation with Tracy and Paul.
“Look, for the first time my life has meaning. I am going to help a lot of people by doing this, but in order to do that I need to get in contact with your ex.” Josh explained.
Tracy and Paul looked at each other with raised eyebrows. “That’s stupid.” Tracy said. “That’s so stupid.”
“Fuck it, you know what? I’m just going to tell you the truth.” Josh said.
“Oh God, no.” Liv put her head in hands.
“I beat ‘Biotic Wars’ and it turns out it was a training simulation sent back from the future to find the savior, who is me, and now I need to be in contact with your ex so we can get fuel for time traveling. So that’s it, all of the fate of humanity rests on this moment right here and now.” Josh stated as if it were a normal thing to say.
“Oh, yikes.” Tiger mumbled.
Paul and Tracy looked at each other again. “Why didn’t you just open with that, bro?” Tracy asked.
“Yeah dude, we’re here to help! Get that address!” Paul said cheerfully. Liv’s head shot up, stunned that they believed that.
“Seriously?” Even Josh was stunned. Tracy scribbled the address on a piece of pink paper.
“Here’s Lyle, hope he can help.” She handed the paper to Josh.
“Yeah dude, good luck saving humanity!” Paul said.
“Okay…okay awesome!” Josh was in awe that had worked. “Okay guys,” he motioned for his group to follow. “Let’s go! Thanks again guys!”
Liv followed Josh out of the store in shock. “How the actual fuck did that actually work?”
“See guys, aren’t you glad that we’re back on the team?” Josh asked proudly.
“Your cover story fell apart like a shit in your hands.” Wolf said gruffly. He was definitely the same old Wolf again.
“Oh come on, Wolf, I’d like to see you do better.” Josh said, tapping away at his phone as he looked up the address.
“I could and I would do it much better than you. I’m better than you at everything” Wolf said.
Josh sighed and stopped typing. “What’s with the negativity? The plan worked, we’re like a dream team!”
“Okay, you’re both back on the team on a provisional basis and currently you’re fucking up Liv’s chances by being a smart ass.” Tiger rolled her eyes.
“Yes Tiger, you’ve made that abundantly clear.” Josh sighed.
“You remembered my name, Tiger!” Liv was touched. Tiger rolled her eyes yet again.
“Tiger, would you please put on my mom’s coat. You actually look really ridiculous.” Josh said, trying to hand Tiger the coat. Tiger furrowed her brows and looked down at her armor. “Come on, Wolf’s rocking my dad’s shit, just put it on.”
Tiger snatched the coat from his hands. “Fine. Only because you got us the address.”
“And a ride to the address.” Josh pointed to a Lyft that pulled over in front of them. “For Futturman?” The man inside the car nodded.
Josh, Tiger, and Liv loaded into the back seat while Wolf got in the front. “Sunglasses At Night” by Corey Hart played softly in the background.
“Pilot, what is this music?” Wolf asked, perking up as he heard the song.
The Lyft driver looked at his radio. “I think it’s Corey Hart.”
“…I like Corey Hart.” Wolf perked up even more.
“Wolf likes something!” Josh leaned forward. “Turn that shit up!” The driver cranked the volume as they sped away. Liv was sandwiched in between Josh and Tiger. Tiger still scared Liv, so she was sitting very close to Josh. They drove to an unmarked building and Josh checked his phone three times to make sure they were at the right place. The four of them cautiously walked into the lab.
“Hi, what can I help you with?” A man asked as he approached them.
“Hi, are you Professor Karofsky?” Josh asked.
“I am,” the man said.
“I am Josh Pastman of Kronish Labs,” Josh quickly flashed his work badge so that Karofsky couldn’t see his actual name. “This is my sister, Liv Pastman,” It took everything in Liv’s power not to show her disappointment and annoyance on her face. He gestured to Wolf. “My assistant-“
“Corey Wolfhart.” Wolf went in to shake Karofsky’s hand. The scientist immediately felt Wolf’s strength as his hand was being crushed.
“That’s quite the grip you’ve got there, Mr. Wolfhart- ow, you can let go now.” Karofsky winced.
“And this is my other assistant-“
“Tiger.” Tiger said plainly. “I’m the mission commander.”
Josh laughed awkwardly. “It sure feels like it sometimes.”
“Tiger?” Karofsky raised an eyebrow.
“It’s her Burning Man name.” Liv said casually before Josh could come up with more stupid lies like California Community College.
Karofsky seemed to accept this reason. “Ah, I’m never more myself when I’m at the Burn. Namaste. What can I help you fine folks with?”
“Over at our lab we’ve got this special piece of equipment that utilizes a unique kind of biofuel, but unfortunately the manufacturer is kinda jamming us up right now, so we’re hoping you could take a look at it and tell us what it’s made of and maybe where to find more.” Josh explained. Liv was proud, that was a good lie! “Home Depot…Lowe’s…” Josh added, catching Liv give him a deadpan stare telling him to shut up.
“Look kid, I’d love to help you solve your biofuel problem for no compensation, but…” Karofsky trailed off as his eyes locked onto the vial of Cameronium that Tiger was fiddling with. “…that’s a biofuel?” His voice went up an octave.
“Correct.” Liv said, hopeful that he seemed willing to help.
“Let’s take a look at it.” Tiger reluctantly let him take the vial from her. He looked at it under his microscope.
“What kind of machine are you running with this?” Karofsky asked.
“It’s like a centrifuge.” Josh said, sounding as chill as possible.
“What kind?” He was starting to sound skeptical.
Josh’s eyes showed a hint of panic as he stupidly answered, “A really big one.”
“What’s it made of?” Tiger said sharply.
“It looks like microorganisms living in saltwater…I’m going to run this through the calorimeter.” Karofsky said, taking the vial to a new machine.
The four followed close behind Karofsky, watching as he dropped a tiny bit of the Cameronium into the calorimeter. Within seconds of the machine turning on, the glass the Cameronium touched shattered, making everyone jump.
“Jesus!” Karofsky looked down at the vial in shock. “It, um, seems that my equipment is faulty, I’ll have to run more tests in the back.” Liv sensed a shift in his demeanor.
“No. We can’t let that out of our sight.” Tiger said sternly.
Karofsky gave her a weird look.
“She means we don’t have a lot of fuel left so we’d like to make sure that it’s safe.” Josh said, growing anxious.
Karofsky studied the four of them. “Alright. It’s a clean room and I only have two hazmat suits. Your sister and the tennis pro can stay here.” He said to Josh looking over at Wolf and Liv, who exchanged glances. Josh gave Liv a look that she could tell said, “don’t let Wolf get into any trouble”. That and he also mouthed it to her.
“Stay hard.” Tiger mumbled to Wolf as she walked away with Karofsky and Josh.
“I am hard!” Wolf grumbled defensively. As the door to the back of the lab closed behind Tiger, Wolf and Liv looked at the other two men in the lab, who were quietly staring at them. Wolf took a half step closer to Liv, almost as if he were ready to protect her.
“Hey,” one guy said. “You two wanna try something?”
Wolf’s stance was tense. “Wh- what is there to try?” Liv asked awkwardly, trying to not seem nervous under their stares. Why as men would they be staring at her?!
“You,” one of them motioned for Wolf to come closer. “Dude, you’re going to love this. Eli, go get the stuff.” Wolf looked at Liv with concerned and alert eyes. Liv looked up at him in a similar way. These men made her weirdly uncomfortable. Eli got up and walked into another room.
“What are we trying?” Wolf asked.
“Dude, have you ever tried meth?” The guy asked. Liv looked back up at Wolf in shock. “You wanna try some?” He asked Liv. “Something about you tells me you haven’t ever tried meth.”
“You know what,” she said in the same awkward voice, this time at an awkwardly loud volume. “I’m gonna skip out on the meth, I did some for breakfast.” She laughed awkwardly.
The guy blinked and then started laughing. “No worries dude! I like you, you’re funny.” This helped put Liv at ease.
“Are you allowed to be doing meth at work?” Liv asked naively as Eli came back with a tiny bag of white powder.
“Connor, just tell them.” Eli said, setting the bag down.
“Okay, okay,” the guy, Connor, turned back to Wolf and Liv. “I think you guys might have assumed we were a normal science lab, but this is a meth lab.” He lightly chuckled. Liv looked shocked and Wolf looked lost.
“So,” Wolf cocked his head to the side. “You don’t know where to get Cameronium?”
“What the fuck?” Eli and Connor laughed. “Unless that’s some kind of slang for coke now, no?”
“Then…what the fuck is meth?” Wolf asked curiously.
Liv watched from the corner of the room with eyes as wide as saucers as Wolf jumped up and down and paced around the lab yelling, “I LOVE METH!!!!” at the top of his lungs while Eli and Connor paraded behind him cheering.
“I could nose eat this stuff all day!” Screamed Wolf, trying to lean down and snort some more meth off of the table.
“Wolf! Wolf, I wouldn't do that!” Liv waved her arms, running over to stop him.
“Woah! Slow down dude! You’ll kill your heart!” Eli pulled Wolf away, laughing at his enthusiasm.
“Where can I get more?” Wolf yelled. Eli and Connor looked at each other, but before they could answer Wolf had grabbed them by their shirt collars screaming, “TELL ME EVERYTHING YOU KNOW!!!”
“Wolf! Holy fucking shit, let them go!” Liv cried. Wolf’s eyes got wide as he let them go.
“I’m sorry…” he mumbled.
“It’s okay, man. Let us explain something to you, what was it, Wolf?” Connor sent Eli to go grab a whiteboard from the other corner of the lab. “And Liv too I guess.”
Shit, Liv thought. His name is definitely supposed to be Corey Wolfhart.
“Step into my office,” Connor flipped the whiteboard around to reveal a detailed graph that read “Trickle Down Economics Of The Black Market”. Wolf looked intrigued and took a seat, looking like he was reading the graph carefully. Liv blinked a couple times. This was fucking insane. As Connor and Eli began giving Wolf a college type lecture on how the drug trade represented capitalism in its purest form, Liv was thinking about Josh…and Tiger too, but mostly Josh. It had been a while since they’d gone into the back with Karofsky, so either the tests were going really good or really bad.
Wolf turned to Liv with the widest eyes full of amazement as Eli and Connor wrapped their lesson up. “Nothing has ever made more sense to me in my whole life. “We have to go tell Tiger.” He bolted upright, excited to spread the news.
“Oh no buddy, see, we can’t let you do that. You’re not going anywhere.” Connor said, pulling a gun from his waistband and pointing it at them. Eli did the same. Liv’s heart dropped and she went pale as a ghost. Wolf on the other hand just simply raised an eyebrow.
“I’m not?” He asked. Then he burst out laughing. Eli and Connor shared glances and they started laughing too. Liv still stood slightly behind Wolf, terrified. She’d never been this close to a gun before, other than the one mounted on Josh’s family’s kitchen wall, but that was a wall mount. These were real and very loaded guns. Wolf was still cackling and Eli and Connor were still laughing along with him.
“Look, you guys seem like nice people, let’s just sit back down and keep hanging out, but we can’t let you go into the back.” Eli lowered his gun. That’s when Wolf pounced. First Wolf took down Eli for lowering his gun, then sweep kicked Connor while he was still surprised. Liv ducked behind a chair as Wolf pulled out a weapon he’d had concealed in his waistband and pointed it at the two drug dealers.
“I don’t give a shit if you won’t let us go back there, we’re going.” He growled. “Come on, Liv.”
Connor scrambled to grab his gun, but Wolf shot it with his, blowing it up. It was definitely a weapon from the future. Wolf grabbed Liv’s hand rather gently for someone who had white powder all over his face and they hurried over to the door that led to the back. Wolf whipped around and pointed his blaster back at Eli and Connor, who were trying to crawl away.
“That’s right, crawl away you little bitches!” He yelled before blasting down the door. On the other side there were more men with guns, Tiger was breaking some guy’s arm, Josh was being held down to a bench while some other guys were holding a giant jar of some rancid liquid over him, and a fight seemed imminent.
“Hard enough for you?!” Wolf shouted to Tiger as he jumped right in and started blasting up the place. Liv didn’t know what to do. She wanted to run away, but where would she run?
Tiger started knocking shelves down onto the gun men, and Wolf’s blaster shot must have reacted with some kind of substance in the lab because fire started to spread.
Liv stayed pressed against the wall in the corner. “Liv! Find the Cameronium!” Tiger shouted at her as she slammed someone’s head against a shelf. Liv’s whole body was shaking. She wasn’t sure if it was fear or adrenaline or both, but she was trembling. Before she could move she spotted Karofsky crawling out of the room and out an exit she assumed led outside, and close behind him was Josh. Liv sprinted in that direction, jumping over shelves and bodies she hoped were just unconscious. Tiger and Wolf dropped the people they’d been fighting with and took off after her. The trio ran outside to see Josh tackle Karofsky off of a motorbike he’d been trying to escape on.
“Get him Josh!” Liv yelled as she came to a stop. Josh and Karofsky got into the saddest, most anticlimactic slap fight anyone had ever seen.
“Maybe the little fucker has some fight in him after all.” Wolf said to Tiger and Liv. They watched as Karofsky grabbed Josh’s leg as Josh tried to smack him to the ground. They looked even dumber in their billowy yellow hazmat suits that they were wearing. “Should I step in?” Wolf asked.
“I think he might have this one.” Tiger said, stopping Wolf.
“Rip his fuckin’ throat out!” Wolf cheered Josh on. Josh had wrestled Karofsky to the ground in the saddest way. They were both just smacking each other. It was hard to watch, but at the same time, Liv wished she was filming it. “…or at least try to rip his fucking throat out!” Wolf corrected himself.
Karofsky tried to crawl away, so Josh grabbed him by the ankle and stopped him as he picked up his helmet and hit him over the head with it.
“Ow!” Karofsky groaned. Josh hit him again, and again until he slumped down on the ground. There was a brief pause as Josh waited for Karofsky to pop back up, but he didn’t, he was out cold.
“Yeah!” Josh threw his hands in the air. “I did it!” Josh pat down Karofsky’s suit until he found the Cameronium and held it up victoriously. Tiger just nodded and Liv turned around so Josh wouldn’t see her laughing. “I really kicked his ass.” Josh congratulated himself.
“Uh, yeah, it was the saddest and most boring fight ever, but you did it Futturman, you’re back on the team.” Tiger said.
Josh perked up. “I am? Oh, thank you! Thank you, I will not let you down!”
“Am I…back on the team?” Liv asked quietly.
“Fuck yes!” Wolf answered before Tiger could respond as she eyed Liv. Tiger sighed.
“I guess we officially have a team of four-“
“WOOOOOO!!!!!” Wolf cheered as he fist pumped the air and ran in circles. Meth was still in his system. Tiger and Josh looked at him, confused.
“He did coke in the lab.” Liv said.
“Liv, you weren’t supposed to let him do that!” Josh said before cocking his head slightly. “…how did you get Wolf to like you so much?”
Liv shrugged. “It must be because I’m so nice and pretty.” She smirked at him and Josh rolled his eyes.
“Are you two okay with being human sacrifices?” Tiger asked, but it came out as more of a statement than a question.
“What?!” Josh cried. Liv took a giant side step away from Tiger and closer to Josh.
“You heard the window-faced man,” Tiger said to Josh, nodding her head at Karofsky’s unconscious body in the parking lot. “We need another time machine.”
Josh reluctantly nodded. “Ohhh…and Biotics must have time machines.”
“And we know we can find some at the laboratory you clean, so we just have to catch one.” Tiger said. Josh and Liv nodded, sharing glances.
“Great fucking plan!” Wolf yelled. He’d been pacing around the front of the building. “Who’s up for a charge down?” Tiger pursed her lips and looked as though she was refraining from strangling Wolf. Josh got a grossed out look on his face. “I’ll take anyone. Or all of you.”
“No.” Josh said quickly.
“What’s a ‘charge down’?” Liv asked.
“Nothing! Nothing. Let’s just- just get out of here before any cops show up.” Josh unzipped his hazmat suit and carried it to the garbage.
As they walked to the nearest place with any phone signal to catch a Lyft or an Uber home, Liv finally noticed Josh’s face.
“What’s on your face?” She asked. It was sticky and looked like he’d poured juice all over his face and then rolled down a dirt mound.
“I was waterboarded with homemade kombucha.” Josh said casually, checking to see if he had any signal.
“Oh…my God?!”
“Are you okay?”
Josh thought for a moment. “…no.” He said simply.
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jobrxiv · 3 months
PhD position in Biomembrane Research Osnabrück University The Holthuis Lab at Osnabrück University is looking for a PhD student to work on INTERROGATING CELL PERMEABILIZATION AND REPAIR AT NANOSCALE See the full job description on jobRxiv: https://jobrxiv.org/job/osnabruck-university-27778-phd-position-in-biomembrane-research/?feed_id=76471 #bioimaging #biophysics #lipid_scramblases #membrane_dynamics #nanofabrication #ScienceJobs #hiring #research
0 notes
waquasuniverse · 5 months
Waterproofing Membranes Market To Reach $40.15Bn By 2030
The global waterproofing membranes market size is expected to reach USD 40.15 billion by 2030, registering a CAGR of 8.5% during the forecast period, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. Growing advancement in infrastructure and construction activities coupled with a rise in demand for wastewater and water management is expected to drive the market. Biomembranes are expected to…
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market-insider · 7 months
Waterproofing Membranes Market: Growth Trends, Competitive Strategies, and Future Prospects
The global waterproofing membranes market size is expected to reach USD 40.15 billion by 2030, registering a CAGR of 8.5% during the forecast period, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. Growing advancement in infrastructure and construction activities coupled with a rise in demand for wastewater and water management is expected to drive the market. Biomembranes are expected to witness a high adoption trend in the coming future owing to the increasing product demand in green-building construction. In addition, government support to replace old buildings with new ones is opening new growth avenues for the construction industry, which, in turn, is adding growth to the market.
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Waterproofing Membranes Market Report Highlights
The liquid applied membrane product segment led the market and accounted for more than 64.1% share of the global revenue in 2023, on account of its thermal-reflective properties for any exterior surface application
The polyurethane liquid applied waterproofing membrane segment is expected to witness the fastest CAGR of 10.8% in terms of revenue during the forecast period, owing to seamless finish and easy and fast installation procedure
The roofing application segment held the largest revenue share of 37.9% in 2023., owing to its high exposure to changing climatic conditions and leakages across residential, commercial, and industrial buildings
Asia Pacific accounted for the largest revenue share of 32.3% in 2023., owing to increasing investment in residential and commercial construction due to rapid industrialization and growing population
The majority of the manufacturers have started emphasizing sustainable and corrosive protective raw materials for producing waterproofing membranes to increase their market presence. In addition, growing infrastructure in the developing markets of China, India, Brazil, and others are adding rapid growth to the construction sector, thereby adding growth prospects for the market.
For More Details or Sample Copy please visit link @: Waterproofing Membranes Market Report
The market is highly dependent upon the dynamic of the raw material supply chain. Although all types of products including cementitious, bituminous, polyurethane, and others are used for manufacturing waterproofing membranes, cementitious liquid applied membrane and bituminous sheet membranes are the most commonly used waterproofing membrane in the market. The industry exhibits several mature players controlling the significant market share. However, increasing competition from a large number of small and local manufacturers from Asia Pacific is expected to increase the market competition. The market players put high stress on using sustainable raw materials to ensure an environmentally friendly image to their clients.
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y2fear · 8 months
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Novel biomembranes project receives €3m Pathfinder grant
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miss-biophys · 2 years
Awesome science + Awesome people = Awesome meeting.
International Membrane Biophysics Meeting 2022 in Drübeck, Germany.
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hidden-but · 6 years
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And this, dear kids, is what happens if you don’t pay attention to Amber’s warning and accidentally delete the bonds between phospolipid fatty acid tailgroups and phospho- headgroups in your simulation. (water not show)
You can see that the hydrophobic tails stick more or less together, while the hydrophilic headgroups are happily swimming away.
Yay #let’s redo everything again.
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stethosnote · 6 years
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Hello everyone! 😊 Here are some notes on the biomembrane. ✏️📖 I’m so excited for tomorrow since I will receive my A-level results 😱 What are you excited about? Have a beautiful day, Sarah! ☀️ #study#studying#studygram#studyblr#studydiary#studymotivation#studynotes#studyhard#studyspo#studyblog#studygramcommunity#biology#medicine#medgram#medblr#biomembrane#alevelstudent
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jobrxiv · 3 months
PhD position in Biomembrane Research Osnabrück University The Holthuis Lab at Osnabrück University is looking for a PhD student to work on INTERROGATING CELL PERMEABILIZATION AND REPAIR AT NANOSCALE See the full job description on jobRxiv: https://jobrxiv.org/job/osnabruck-university-27778-phd-position-in-biomembrane-research/?feed_id=76471 #bioimaging #biophysics #lipid_scramblases #membrane_dynamics #nanofabrication #ScienceJobs #hiring #research
0 notes
waquasuniverse · 9 months
Waterproofing Membranes Market Worth $40.15 Billion By 2030
The global waterproofing membranes market size is likely to reach USD 40.15 billion by 2030, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. The market is expected to expand at a CAGR of 7.1% from 2023 to 2030. Growing advancement in infrastructure and construction activities coupled with a rise in demand for wastewater and water management is expected to drive the market. Biomembranes are…
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market-insider · 2 years
Insights On Waterproofing Membranes Market | Industry Analysis Report, 2022
The global waterproofing membranes market size is likely to reach USD 40.1 billion by 2030, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. The market is expected to expand at a CAGR of 6.9% from 2022 to 2030. Growing advancement in infrastructure and construction activities coupled with a rise in demand for wastewater and water management is expected to drive the market. Biomembranes are expected to witness a high adoption trend in the coming future owing to the increasing product demand in green-building construction. In addition, government support to replace old buildings with new ones is opening new growth avenues for the construction industry, which, in turn, is adding growth to the market.
Gain deeper insights on the market and receive your free copy with TOC now @: Waterproofing Membranes Market Report
The market is highly dependent upon the dynamic of the raw material supply chain. Although all types of products including cementitious, bituminous, polyurethane, and others are used for manufacturing waterproofing membranes, cementitious liquid applied membrane and bituminous sheet membranes are the most commonly used waterproofing membrane in the market. The industry exhibits several mature players controlling the significant market share. However, increasing competition from a large number of small and local manufacturers from Asia Pacific is expected to increase the market competition. The market players put high stress on using sustainable raw materials to ensure an environmentally friendly image to their clients.
Grand View Research has segmented the global waterproofing membranes market on the basis of product, application, and region
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excelsi-or · 4 years
your type (pt. 3)
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BIPOC rec: Amii Ceramics  on Youtube and IG does ASMR ceramics vlogs where she makes the most adorable animal plant pots. She’s an Asian creator based in Canada. I really love her work and love watching her studio vlogs. They’re so soothing.
w.c. 770 (short little filler)
pairing: woozi x OC/reader
pt. 1; pt. 2
“I bet you can’t win noona over,” Hansol says later that evening.
They’re having a video game night, sans Chan, Joshua, and Jeonghan who have tests coming up. Regardless there are still enough people to tease Jihoon’s about his inability to get a phone number.
“Jihoon’s got the best game out of all of us. She must be playing hard to get,” Seungcheol muses.
“You obviously don’t know noona,” Seungkwan retorts. “You only get noona’s attention if she wants to give it to you.”
“We don’t even have her number. And she likes us,” Hansol chimes in.
“Hence why you guys aren’t friends,” Seokmin laughs.
Soonyoung adjusts himself on the couch. “Cheol’s right though.” He drops his phone onto his stomach to leave a girl hanging for an hour. “If anyone’s going to be able to get her, it’s going to be Jihoon.”
Jun claps his hands and straightens up onto his knees. “We haven’t had a bet in ages.” He passes the controller to Minghao after having just lost. “Should we text the others?”
The bet is half and half. Seungcheol, Soonyoung, Minghao, Jun, Mingyu, Jeonghan and Jihoon are all convinced that their best Casanova can win her over. The bet ends when someone says ‘I love you’.
“Let’s bet 100 each,” Seungcheol says.
“You’re an idiot!” Jeonghan shouts down the line.
“You’re on our side!” Seungcheol argues. “Aren’t you sure Jihoonie can do this?”
“Of course, but we’re still students. Still poor students!”
“Don’t worry, hyung. When I win, you get double your money,” Jihoon chuckles. That seems to appease him.
With the details of the bet decided, Jihoon turns to Seungcheol. “Can you invite the girls over tomorrow night? If there’s too much of a lag between the invitation and our breakfast, she won’t come.”
Seungcheol waves his phone in the air. “I got you, Jihoonie. Already done. They’ll be over for drinks and board games tomorrow night.”
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“Cheol invited us all over tomorrow,” Jihyo announces.
The girls are all over for a group study evening. There are two coffee pots on either end of the table, and snacks scattered like a cohesive center piece.
Jihyo meets her roommate’s eye across the table. “You coming?”
Wheein reaches into one of the three chip bowls to pop a chip in her mouth. “Jihyo told us about your breakfast date. How was it?”
She glances up and notices everyone’s eyes on her. She scoffs. “It was fine. Pretty good actually.” She shakes her head and returns to the chemistry paper she’s reading. “But I’m not coming.”
“Why not?” Momo whines. “You just said it was good.”
Hwasa tips her head, adjusting her glasses on her nose. “She’s not into playing around, remember? And Jihoon is one of the biggest players we know.” She shakes her head. “Let’s just leave it.”
She looks up when Sejeong taps the back of her hand. “You haven’t properly dated anyone in ages. What’s the harm in playing around? He’s clearly not looking for anything serious and Jihoon oppa’s a good-looking man!”
She chuckles at the term of endearment.
“And rumours are he’s packing,” Sana giggles. When they all turn to her in surprise, Sana lifts her hands in defense. “A girl I sat beside in my biomembranes class used to sleep with him.”
She hums. “I’m not interested in playing around with Jihoon.”
“Just because you got hurt last time, doesn’t mean that you will again.”
She hesitates before closing the lid of her laptop. “Well, what do you guys know about him?” Her girls are going to be relentless if she doesn’t indulge them a little.
Everyone has something to say about Lee Jihoon, either from direct interactions or through second-hand gossip.
Sejeong claims that she’s met people who believe Jihoon’s the best in bed.
Jihyo claims that Jihoon’s really romantic.
Whereas Momo and Hwasa both say they’ve gotten mixed results when they speak with Jihoon.
“If he’s the hot and cold kinda guy, sometimes they turn out to be the sweetest types,” Wheein chuckles. She’s the most amused by this conversation, but can definitely see the pain on her friend’s face. “What about this? You just come tomorrow. One time. If Jihoon isn’t all over you, or you’re really not interested in him, then your breakfast was a write off and we’ll lay off.” Wheein tosses a sour gummy worm across the table and tips her head. “Deal?”
She catches the gummy worm and pauses before putting it into her mouth. “If you think it’s good for me, fine, deal.”
Her girls all cheers their mugs of coffee as they buckle down for a long night of studying.
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lupinepublishers · 5 years
Lupine Publishers| Isotopic Bioinorganic Chemistry of Chemoautotrophs as a Predictor-Regulator for Formation of Metal Deposits and Factor of Weathering
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Lupine Publishers| Journal of Oceanography and petrochemical sciences
The role of chemoautotrophs / lithotrophs in the formation of deposits and weathering is almost universally known, however, the results of this biogeochemical activity and mass transfer mediated by chemoautotrophs are radically different depending on the ionic composition of the medium, the salt conductivity effects and the Purbe diagram of the corresponding conditions of this activity, as well as a number of other physico-chemical Characteristics often not considered as impact factors (for simplifying models). Biogeochemical representations of the early period on which models and kinetic approaches to the analysis of similar processes were based are, by most criteria, phenomenological and "empirical", but do not reveal the essence of the processes occurring on the border of the medium processed by microorganisms and the surface of chemoautotrophs as active agents, that process this medium. Meanwhile, from the point of view of biochemical physics (and, in particular, biological kinetics), the mechanisms realized at the interface or in its diffusion neighborhood are decisive in such cases, since the entry of matter into "microreactor" compartments of biological origin and aggregation with biomineralization, as a rule, occur mediated by the surface of the biomembrane.
From the specificity of chemoautotrophs to chemically different media, it can be correlatively concluded that the properties of the membrane are also different and, at a minimum, do not contradict the conditions of their presence in the natural mineral environment. Obviously, this is directly related to mechanisms of action of the membrane in this medium. Any mechanisms that determine membrane activity in an inorganic medium, by definition, must be the mechanisms of interaction of this medium with the membrane, hence - the mechanisms of interaction of structural units that provide the traffic of inorganic ions through the membrane (transmembrane transport). Such structural units are the ion channels of the cell, or rather their aggregate - the so-called. Channel [1], which provides a balance of transport and specificity in the kinetics of membrane processes. Populations of ion channels are very sensitive not only to the environment, but also to the set of membrane parameters associated with the electrophysiological function [2]; the change in the complex parametrix of the canal of chemoautotrophs leads, on the other hand, to a change in the efficiency of processes near their surface and, as a consequence, to a change in the efficiency of biogeochemical processing of the medium. Separate conditions can not only desensetize the channels [3], but also lead to inhibition or death of cell populations of chemotrophs, which naturally leads to zeroing of the efficiency of biogeochemical processing of the medium due to the zero efficiency of ion channels. Those Ionic channels are known which interact with most elements and interact with the membrane of agents in orogenesis, mineralogenesis, metamorphism (and chemical tafonomia, which determines the preservation of indicative samples in stratigraphy / approximate biomorphological-mediated dating). As examples, we can cite channel structures that interact (in different ways and selectively, although not always absolutely) with: Fe [4], Mg [5], Zn [6,7], Gd [8], La [9], Cs [10], hydrogen sulfate [11], not to mention the generally known calcium, potassium, sodium, and chlorine channels and the possibility of their not absolute selective regulation different from the nominal ions corresponding to the series of substituents and the selectivity functions.
Taking into account the evolutionarily early nature and simple physico-chemical realization of ion-selective channels and selectivity functions, it is possible to assume that canals of autotrophs, including those that did not survive "shadow life", could be considered at rather early stages (for example, corresponding to the genesis and conditions of origin of the jespellites) [12,13]. Taking into account the possibility of isotope fractionation - both carbon [14] and inorganic elements, metals (subjects of competence of metallomics or elementomics [15], respectively), during thebiogeochemical activity of the "planetary microbiota", it is possible to guarantee the participation of the canaloma and lithotroph membranes in the biological fractionation of isotopes during the formation of deposits and weathering the subject of membrane [16] for These cases should be a set of membranes of a population interacting through ion channels and realizing with their help a filtering, sorption and biocatalytic function, and a communication / coordinating mass transfer in a homogeneous medium or a medium that is homogeneous in a certain parameter. The use of the techniques of the MC-patch-clamp [17] and isotopic methods of local fixation of the potential is proposed for the purpose of synchronous measurement of the activity of the prokaryotic canal and the results of their biogeochemical and isotope-fractionating activity [18].
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jueekate-blog · 8 years
Get more details @ http://bit.ly/2laaMUM
Global medical biomimetics market share is dynamic due to tremendous advancements in technology over past five years. This has unleashed new opportunities for industry players to offer more innovative and enriched products and improve the overall business scenario. The key industry players include Avinent, BioHorizons, Biomimetics Technologies, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Applied Biomimetic, Hstar Technologies Corporation, etc. 
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druck-transcripts · 6 years
Der Weed-Deal 🌱 - DRUCK - 101 (German transcript)
Lehrerin: - Also so, jetzt ist es ja bald soweit, und ich möchte mit Ihnen noch die finalen Themen zur Vorbereitung Ihres Abiturs besprechen. Setzen Sie sich bitte. So, dann können wir ja jetzt anfangen. Erstens, Zellen, also Inhalt und Baustoffe: Wasser, Kohlenhydrate, Lipide, Proteine, Proteinsäuren, Biomembran, Stofftransport. Zweitens, Stoffwechsel... [sie redet im Hintergrund weiter, ich bin aber zu faul, das alles aufzuschreiben]
Matteo: - Hi. Geht’s dir wieder besser?
Amira: - Ich hab’ das Gras gefunden.
Matteo: - OK.
Amira: - Sag mal, wie kannst du nur so scheiße sein? Stell dir mal vor, ich wär’ erwischt worden!
Matteo: - Komm, ist doch nichts passiert.
Amira: - Nur weil nichts passiert ist, heißt das nicht, dass es nicht scheiße war!
Matteo: - Komm, jetzt mach mal nicht so ‘n Aufriss.
Lehrerin: - Matteo, haben Sie irgendwelche Ergänzungen zur Orthogenie?
Matteo: - Nein.
Lehrerin: - Danke, dann kann ich ja weitermachen. Also, damit sie sich optimal vorbereiten, habe ich-
Matteo: - Komm schon, ich brauch’ das wieder.
Amira: - Was krieg’ ich dafür?
Matteo: - Keine Ahnung, Blowjob?
Amira: - Du kriegst dein Gras wieder, wenn du und die Jungs mit zum Abistreichkomitee kommen.
Matteo: - Nein, hä, wieso?
Amira: - Ja, weil da sonst keine Sau ist.
Matteo: - Ja, warum soll man auch bei so ‘ner Scheiß-AG mitmachen?
Amira: - Boah, willst du dein Gras wiederhaben oder nicht?
Matteo: - Ja, ist ja auch meins.
Amira: - Ja, dann, Freitag 18 Uhr in der Aula.
Lehrerin: - Ja, und da Sie sich ja so angeregt unterhalten, können Sie das für die Probeklausuren direkt fortführen.
Amira: - Nein, nein, Frau Breitscheid, das ist-
Lehrerin: - Doch, doch, Sie werden davon profitieren, Ihrem Satznachbarn den  Stoff des letzten Jahres zu erklären, glauben Sie mir. Viel Spaß. Ab heute sind Sie Lernpartner. So, haben Sie noch irgendwelche Fragen?
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