#bionicle makuta teridax
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B.Beast Beny. :) (Reblogs appreciated!)
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kumatajdg · 2 months
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It's #810NICLEDay! Here's my second of two artworks centred around the 2004 BIONICLE storyline, made for the #DisksZine art collab.
At the climax, Makuta confronts the Toa Metru after they escape the city. He has absorbed his former minions and taken on a monstrous new form...
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crystaltoa · 6 months
Teridax's fatal flaw is that he's too evil.
He doesn't take the most direct route to his goals and kill any enemy that could threaten him, simply because he enjoys watching them suffer too much.
Contrast this with Melding Teridax, who does not hesitate at all to smash a bunch of alternate Takanuvas to pieces. There's no satisfaction in it, it's just removing a threat, a means to an end.
This makes me think that Teridax might have taken over the universe more efficiently, and perhaps without even being detected by the Toa, had he focused on his main goal and not being obsessed with making all "lesser beings" miserable. So, the most threatening hypothetical version of Teridax might be one that hadn't leeched out his light to become a shadow being, didn't get his kicks out of being evil, and instead pursued his plan with a ruthless efficiency that the canon Teridax could only dream of.
Or, at least a version that found a way to kick that unfortunate monologuing habit...
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toacody · 3 months
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"There are a thousand ways I could destroy you right now. And 941 of them hurt."
Creator: imbatman123459
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cha5otic · 7 months
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Was debating on whether to put Tahu or Takanuva, eventually decided for the latter. Since if you think about it they share many things, like:
-Former friends got turned into mindless drones destroying everything
-Both got stranded into foreign lands and always felt like an outsider
-Both wear a piece of equipment(s) created by a presumably more powerful being
-Both was given power of the dark/shadow lord at some point in time
-Both got flinged across dimensions
-Both fight world-ending colossal enemy
-Both got their most trusty armament confiscated
-Both fight their "evil counterpart"
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tiredspacedragon · 23 days
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This is lightvine, a plant that grew in certain places in the MU that emitted Light that was harmful to beings of Shadow like Makuta. The above image comes from the 2008 comics, where it was used to encircle the last surviving Karda Nui stalactite village, and was apparently successful in deterring the Phantoka Makuta and Shadow Matoran from invading the village.
It does seem a little unbelievable to me that a simple luminescent plant could so successfully repel Makuta, but taking it at face value for a moment, assuming it really is that effective, it gets me wondering about the only other place we see lightvine during Bionicle's run, though we didn't know that's what it was at the time:
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The Onu-Metru Archives. Now, it's possible this variety of lightvine simply grows naturally beneath Metru Nui, but the way it's spread along the wall and around that door does leave some room for the possibility that it was placed there deliberately. It certainly makes for an effective light source. But I'm just wondering. If it was put there deliberately, might it have been intended not only as a light source, but again as a Makuta deterrent? They may not have yet known the extent of his evil, but after the Archives Massacre, I can see the Matoran of Metru Nui being all too keen to keep Teridax out of the Archives.
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tempelbeast · 5 months
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Renders of the Voya Nui Matoran Resistance, with the bonus Matoran Makuta render:
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Sparckle black-copper is the the only thing that looked rust.
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demitsorou · 1 year
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Woe, Teridax be upon ye.
2019-2020 works, featuring a few commissioned pieces.
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herora-nuva · 1 year
The Owl House is actually Bionicle (and its AWESOME)
Mystical island formed from the body of a long dormant god? Check
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Lonely but optimistic and adventurous, light-themed, ADHD coded, protagonist who is cast out from their home, doesn't fit in the islands elemental category system, and goes on journey of self discovery befriending more oddballs and learning to believe in themselves? Check
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Shapeshifting eldritch abomination villain with a god-complex that posed as the society's beloved authoritarian ruler and later possesses the body of the dormant island god for ultimate power? Check
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Hot wise old mentor lady with a staff whose backstory involves being forcibly transformed into a violent half-beast form? Check
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Are they the same? No. But are there a TON of fun parallels between these two stories I love? YES!
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dreamcatcher-faux · 4 days
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Had a silly thought that was basically: What if The Makuta's Life Force that resurrected him influenced Jaller's Toa Forms? And as you can see, I had fun with it :3
Below the cut is my Makuta Teridax design for comparison :3 (I need to redesign him but you get the jist)
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bionicminifig · 1 month
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I posted a Takanuva a while back, so here is the Teridax to go with him.
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azazelleviathan · 10 months
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kumatajdg · 1 year
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Birth of a Kraata
"Must I release those who should never see the light of day..?" New BIONICLE fanart to celebrate 810NICLE day!
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crystaltoa · 5 months
Thinking again about how Makuta Teridax tries to present himself as a cosmic horror entity- a primordial force of destruction, uncaring and inevitable, to whom the lives of lesser beings mean nothing.
But in reality, the opposite is true. He’s a maliciously petty little bastard who gets incredibly hung up on holding grudges and making people suffer, often to his own detriment. And that can be it’s own kind of horror on occasions, but also this man is literally too petty to function sometimes. Just… wretched. Absolute disaster villain.
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toacody · 1 month
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Fj Makuta teridax (ultimate dume)
“I have no allies, for I have no equals.”
Creator: FeroxJ
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theseaofrainbowclouds · 8 months
MNOG Makuta
It's so hard to adequately describe just what about MNOG Makuta made him so terrifyingly powerful. Like there's a hundred-and-one other fantasy Big Bads that match his basic description: spirit of darkness, being of pure evil, corrupting entity. What makes this dark lord work?
I feel like a lot of it is just the deliciousness of the set-up. No amount of exaggerating how powerful he is means a thing in the dark lord contest, but you begin with "God is asleep because Satan tricked him and we have to wake him up" as the basic quest set-up told with an especially strong mythology creation story vibe to it as if to say this is just how the world is.
Then have the Makuta's influence turn the wild animals hostile. In another world this might not be terrifying, but our little dude have nothing but huts and fences to shelter them from the wilderness and when they leave their village they give up even that. These rahi beasts are dangerous enough that even the toa shouldn't fight some of them one-on-one in the beginning.
Add that you're not even safe inside your village. You know how the Makuta fills the island with infected masks that turn the rahi violent? Well, he can create diseases that get you in your home. You almost wonder if the Makuta isn't watching you now from every shadow.
Finally, you fight through all his strongest rahi, you go down into the darkness, you confront him in his grotto face to face and… the form he chooses is just a whirlwind of rusted parts that briefly form themselves into a fully infected version of one of the dudes you're trying to save. He doesn't need to impress you with how big and terrible he is, he can show you fear in a handful of rust. He is nothing you can fight, because he is as inevitable as entropy itself. He is your inevitable failure. You can't destroy what he is because he is nothing.
... And then you find out his name is Terry XD
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