#So I redesigned him to what I prefer and now I actually kinda like him! :D
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B.Beast Beny. :) (Reblogs appreciated!)
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thesnazzysharky · 3 months
Analyzing and reviewing all the updated models in the SOUP update for SJSM
Because why not?
Specimen 2 / Gel
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The guy who wants to give you your wallet. Dude is mad skinny and more skeletal now. Although, unlike the other skinny redesigns (which I will get into later), I actually don't mind how Gel looks here. Considering the fact he was most likely a human at some point, a human who most likely was on the verge of dying from starvation and thirst, I can see Gel looking like this.
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Not to mention, his new animations are pretty cool too! The animation with him rising out of the goo puddle looks more interesting now and I like how his attacking animation is much more animalistic and aggressive compared to his awkward and kinda stiff attacking animation in the original HDR. My only complaint is that his rising animation should be more slower and less choppy. Otherwise? A pretty solid model.
Specimen 3 / Subject 5
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The cutie patootie spiderpede. Another decent one. He has been given a bit more texture to his body and he has a much more rounded appearance overall such as his body segments and head. His legs are a bit more thinner which looks more unnerving imo. A cool little detail that was given to him is that his pincers now move! A very unnerving sight to see. I'm not a fan of how he's more bright in color and the animation on his legs looks quite janky looking. Also maybe it's just me, but he doesn't seem as big as his previous model. Other than that, this model is pretty solid and is a bit more scarier than the previous model, but it has some downsides.
Specimen 4 / Ringu
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Vore ghost woman. Ngl, I was pretty scared when I saw little snippets of Ringu's new model. I thought she was going to be made into a skinny stick like some other models. While that ended up being somewhat true, like in her upper torso region, her arms, and neck, it's not too noticeable or atrocious.
Her hair has become longer, her skin has a bit more texture to it, her breasts are more pronounced, her arms are a bit longer, her hands are bit longer and sharper, her clothes are a pastel purple color, and the blood on her hands are more brightly colored.
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My favorite new detail however is that instead of her legs being a solid black color, her legs are now half white half black. Giving off this cool little effect, like the black part is engulfing her legs or something.
What I'm iffy on is the color of her clothes. Why change it? Although I suppose it doesn't look bad, I prefer the old gray look. I also prefer the more dried blood look on her hands with her older model. Other than that, I actually enjoy this model more than I thought I would, especially taking into account the new floating animation that was given to her, which is a very good and smooth animation that is a huge improvement from the last one. I really like this one!
Specimen 5 / Bab
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Jesus christ! We were having a decent streak going. What the fuck happened here? What were they thinking? Let's see... so they made Bab go from looking like a mannequin to looking like a stick, alright... Her head is less humanoid and looks more like a deformed cube... She has this weird texture given to her legs for some reason... Her sword is pointing downwards which makes her lose some intimidation... The holes in her face which were only visible in her death screen are now fully visible in gameplay for some reason... and because of her whole body and textures being drastically changed, you can no longer tell she's supposed to be a reference to Silent Hill... AND THEY GOT RID OF MY GIRLS CURVES!
Yeah... there's nothing redeeming here. The model just sucks in pretty much every single way. Definitely the worst model this update has to offer.
Specimen 6 / Ben
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Stabby puppet guy. Now I've seen a few folks crapping on Ben, but I don't think he looks too bad. He definitely got a massive change in terms of textures, but otherwise he looks mostly the same to me. I personally like the shading that was done to his face. Makes his facial expressions really pop out and he looks a bit more intimidating overall. I especially like this shot from the trailer where the room is dark and the flashlight is shining solely on him. Was pretty unnerving on my first viewing.
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Is this my idle version of Ben? No. I still prefer the original model due to the Ben Drowned and Happy Mask Salesman references being more clear and although I find the redesign to be more intimidating, I also think that it tries a bit too hard. One thing that I liked about Ben was that he seems like an ordinary and somewhat friendly looking puppet at first, before you start making a run for it once he goes after you. This one is more on the nose. Decent model nonetheless.
Specimen 8 / Deer Lord
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"Deer" lord! (sorry, I had to). Funnily enough, while everyone else got the skinny treatment, it seems like the deer man got a bit wider. He also had his textures changed a bit, his snout angled more downwards with more blocky and yellow teeth rather than sharp and white ones, his height slightly decreased, and his eyes look slightly bigger.
Other than that, there's not much to say about Deer Lord's new model other than it looks great. Especially with the new textures he was given when he opens his cloak.
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I still prefer the old model due to it looking more scary, thanks to the height and more thin look, but the new model is still pretty good.
Specimen 10 / Parasite
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Annnnnndddd back to trash... Yeah this model sucks. I still remember first seeing this thing from Ryan J's video and laughing my ass off. The ridiculous walking animation, the over exaggerated and way too floppy arms, and the overall terrible and bland textures. Just a trash model all around... until...
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They listened to the community and updated the textures! And I'm pretty sure they mentioned somewhere that the animations would be slowed down too. I still prefer the original model, but this is a massive improvement from what we previously got and I feel like I could potentially get used to this model and even start to prefer it to the old one if they get the animations correctly (not sure about the ass cheeks, but those are there too, I guess lol).
Specimen 11 / Beef Demon
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Funny beef man. This one is a mixed bag to me. I really like the goat legs, the creepy arms, and horns, but everything else screws it all up. Yet again, bro has been made skinny for no apparent reason and has lost his intimidating bulky build. His head also looks too small and his eyes look too big and odd. If he kept his bulk and his head was changed up a bit, he would probably look a lot better, but for now, this model is unfortunately kinda bad. Not much else to say.
Specimen 12 / The Sickle Man
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Weird ass lonely old man. We haven't gotten a full glimpse of him yet, but we do have this screenshot. He seems darker in overall color and he looks a lot more detailed with some nice shading going on. From what little I can see, he looks pretty good!
Specimen 13 / Siren
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Piano keys for teeth lady. Her model seems to be the same. So not much to say there. Although we do get to see her swimming in the water! Which has its positives and negatives. The fear of the unknown factor is lost now that she's visible, but at the same time it's really cool to actually see her instead of just only seeing her model sitting on a box and then disappearing once she goes into the water.
Unknown Specimen 2 / Otto the Otter
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Har Har Har Har Har. Okay. This one is definitely a step up and is the 2nd best new model from this update. The more detailed textures, the added grim, the bits of metal, his new walking animation... it's all so great! The only negatives is that his eyes don't glow and you could say that his older model being so low quality was apart of the joke and what made him so charming. So although I really like this model, there is a sense of charm that is lost from the old one. Still very great though!
Unknown Specimen 3 / Spooper
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Mpreg parasite. We hadn't got to get a super close look at Spooper yet, but from what I can see, his model looks great! Mostly just the same, aside from more detail and having different colored shoes.
Other things
The specimens weren't the only things that got an update!
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The subjects in the test tubes now have 3d models which look pretty great.
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The old Specimen 10 has a new model and it looks amazing! Easily the best model from this entire update.
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And to wrap things up, the White Cat finally has a 3d model now. Although her fatass head makes her look like she got stung by 1 million bees, it also makes her look adorable and squishable, so I don't mind. Plus I like the little transparent effect on her lower body. Makes her come across as very otherworldly.
So, I honestly don't think the SOUP update is downright horrible like some people say. However, I will say it's definitely a mixed bag in terms of quality and I can see what people mean when they talk about how these models diminish Kira's vision and thus their charm is lost. The only models I prefer to the old ones are Specimen 2 and 4's along with the test tube subjects, the old Specimen 10, and the White Cat. All the other ones are either equal to or downright worse than their old models.
I'll wait and see until the update comes out. Maybe I'll warm up to some of these more (except for fucking Bab. All my homies hate the new Bab). Anyways, thanks for reading and have a great day.
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feralcorpses · 5 months
Little rant abt Grian in my au below ^^
Also I’ve been trying a new way too like texture my art, it’s literally only a small change but just a heads up ya know?
(Sorry for making the beginning ‘A’s’ capitalized in Avian it’s just so I can see it better) ((My reading is kinda odd ok and my eyes go blurry way too easily so the ‘A’s’ are like a weird bookmark for me ok-))
In my au the term Avian is like a loose term for all bird like creatures (so feathers, wings, bird legs, etc) some of the basic terms to spilt the Avian’s up are omnivores, herbivores, and carnivores (little dino coded silly’s) omnivores make up majority of avians with carnivore Avians being rarest. Then there’s also more specific terms to do with wing patterns, birth area, actual species and cultures that I haven’t decided on names and some ideas for just yet but will eventually.
Now some silly facts about Avians, shiny obsessed with jewelry, craftsman ship, just anything shiny and steal-able. Avians nest a lot but not for things like mating or whatever, it’s actually comforting and relaxing for them to have some sort of nest esc things they might put some of their stuff they collected within the nest. Their just trinket obsessed silly’s. Now not every Avian does this constantly or even does it all it really depends on species and personal preferences.
Grian is one who loves this and frequently takes friends clothes to add onto to his nest to protect his little trinkets.
Now GIVE him your shiny jewelry or crystals. (not an option btw/j)
Poor guy even had his hands “reaching” out for them.
(Click for better quality)
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Btw the reference I used says to give credit and I was wondering if the picture in the corner is good cause I’m pretty sure their on tik tok but I don’t have tik tok cause let’s be honest I have enough distractions but this means I can’t rlly check. I did find it on pinterest and looked around a little on pinterest and the credits usually just said piss.net on tik tok so I presume that’s what it is. (great user btw piss.net 💀 honestly is pretty funny for no reason though.)
I really need to stop posting at like 1-5 am man-
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celtrist · 2 months
Weird Explanation about Alastor's Bobcut (Because listen, if we're gonna have it, let's make a reason for it).
TLDR; Bobcuts were popular with women in the 20s, so maybe Alastor wanted to have his hair like that due to his respect/preference for women or something. Or his Mom IDK
His bobcut, initially (and probably still but hold on) doesn't really make sense for his character. Not out of him being creole or anything, just on the basis he doesn't like anything past his time so a man having longer hair would in theory not be his thing so to speak. HOWEVER, allow me to try to save this hair choice that was totally not really in mind with his background when designing his character probably!
While men did not have longer hair, let alone bob cuts, in the 20s (and I mean, nothing is stopping Alastor from just rocking it in life out of choice but we're gonna assume for a second the human Al doodle made on a stream is his canon human design), they WERE popular with women in the 20s. We even see our favorite flapper Mimzy with one! So maybe, just out of having higher respect or preference for women or maybe because his mother had it, Alastor went ahead for a bobcut hairstyle when he came down into Hell.
I don't know, fun headcanon for something that most people seem to dislike about his design. Which, let's be fair, we all have seemingly no issue when Anime doesn't have "the correct time period" hair for characters set in a certain period. But I don't think it's the time period people have an issue with it as much as it is in relation to his ethnicity and maybe just disliking it.
I actually plan on doing a fun little "Batman animated next season redesigns" (while I don't know the full context, the old series between seasons completely redesigned the characters and style of the show. If you don't know, just look at Joker, it's wild) designs of the cast (that means animator friendly and working with established choices if they're functional like wings). But that won't be for some time probably haha. I kinda got bigger fish to fry currently.
But, I figured I'd get this idea out here now so for anyone else screaming for the umpteenth time about the haircut when resigning or what not, here's a possible reason that would fit in character and was probably not at all in mind when designing him.
It is probably joked about a ridiculous amount and hated on too much with Alastors (and for that matter most of the) hazbin character designs. Some things people just don't think about character-wise (like it makes sense for characters like Vox and Angel to not look like from their time as they're characters that like to/want to keep up with modern-day, so no, they would not be dressing like the 50s and 30s/40s respectively). And while I think the designs aren't as bad as some people make them out to be, I don't think they're the best either with plenty of issues. Just again, not the worst.
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deritosmi · 9 months
Do you have a spidersona? If so, wanna talk about them?
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!
his name is dolce (for now)
For like seventy million years I didn’t know that you could make a spider sona that wasn’t extremely similar to yourself so I might change a lot of stuff about him pls be patient:)
I have yet to design eir suit buuuuut I HAVE drawn their face (trying to mimic spiderverse style)
I’ll say I think it was pretty good for the first time but I think the lineart was a bit too thick and the eyes weren’t really faithful to the spiderverse style so I’m probably gonna redraw (and redesign a little bit)
here he is!!!
My spider-sona 👍👍
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Preferred name: Dolce (pronounced Dol•che)
Surname: Patal 
he protested against this
he protested against this
he protested against this
only used by fellow heroes
he absolutely hates this 
Cryptid name(s):
Eight Eyes
Explanation for Eight Eyes
The back of Dolce’s suit has a design that resembles a set of eight eyes. The first person who ever saw him only saw his back, hence the name.
Hero name: Phantom-8 (or just Spider-Man)
Pronouns: He/They/E/It (spivak)
Personality: INFP-T
Zodiac: I don’t know yet :)
He was bitten by an UNDEAD radioactive spider and now he fights against ghosts (in secret).
Rather than being seen as a hero, he’s seen as a cryptid(and his presence has caused more business and tourism in his little town.)
Living in a suburban neighbourhood in Atlanta (but don’t worry, he can roller-skate to get to crime scenes quickly.)
Powers and Skills
He can skate at 70mph.
he’s actually good at it 
Only does it for his secret identity
Spider Related
Tingling feeling in his brain that tells him something bad is coming (and what direction ‘something bad’ is coming from)
 High pain tolerance 
See: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MajorInjuryUnderreaction
Natural web fluid
spinnerets developed in his arms when he was bit
Shoot web fluid when they are pressed
Super strength
He can lift 10.5 tons
Ghost Related 
allows him to phase through anything (except ghosts) at will
Allows him to touch ghosts 
self explanatory 
At will
Doesn’t work on ghosts
Wade Wilson - librarian.
Dolce is apart of the teen advisory board of the public library.
Wade is like a weird uncle figure.
(I love deadpool!!!)
Dolce is super distant with pretty much everyone. He doesn’t hang out with anyone.
He’s still really distant but he’s a little more willing to be open since everyone there is like him.
He doesn’t really like the idea of making sacrifices to maintain the canon but he doesn’t really have anywhere else to go after being outed to his parents as a trans boy.
Dolce’s Feelings Towards Certain People 
Miguel O’Hara
Slightly dislikes
tries to be friendly 
Jessica Drew
But treats nicer than Miguel
Peter B. Parker
Does not avoid
doesn’t want to talk much 
Pavitr Prabharker
doesn’t talk much
Good impression 
Likes by association (Hobie)
Gwendolyn Stacy
doesn’t talk much
Good impression 
Likes by association (Hobie)
Hobart Brown
very friendly 
Talks a little bit more in comparison to other people 
Margo Kess
don’t interact much 
Miles Morales 
doesn’t know anything about him
Likes by association (Hobie)
Web slinger
Kinda Likes
Likes the horse too
Spider Noir 
Never talks
Peni Parker
Talk about interests frequently 
you have NO idea how happy this makes me
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crowithy · 9 months
sooo about your trio of ocs, sorry if im late ( ; ω ; )
whats their friendship dynamic like
how did they all meet
how tall are they
I saw you mention Micheal having a pet rat on toyhouse WHAT IS ITS NAME YOU MUST TELL US NOW THIS IS A THREAT (/j)
what are their music tastes
do the others have pets, if not what would they want as a pet
okay this is a bit late sorry BUT here's your answers ( a bit out of order)
so Pom and Micheal met in middle school, they got put together for a school assignment and have been friends since. They met Matt in high school, they were sitting alone at lunch and Matt kinda just showed up one day and started talking to them. their dynamic is hard to describe (mostly because I cannot describe things for shit) but Matt and Pom are the biggest talkers of the group, Pom is the main planner, Micheal is off to the side not in a bad way. Its not that they talk too much or don't let him get a word in he's just quiet. He prefers to listen to a conversation more than be apart of it, just being there. Even if he doesn't look like hes paying attention he is. Just don't get him started on mushrooms, snakes, or welding, he does a complete 180 and will not shut up.
Micheal has 3 pet rats actually! I plan to draw them eventually
Micheal jr. often shortened to just junior (named because he has little black patches of fur and Matt gave Micheal the idea as a joke and he went with it)
and Dipshit (that he calls dipstick when hes around his younger brother)
the others don't have pets but Matt would probably have a turtle or some kind of lizard. Pom isn't really a pet person but probably a cat, which despite his claims of not wanting a pet he would absolutely spoil that thing.
music tastes is kinda hard because I absolutely do not know my genres that well. but ill do my best
Matt has multiple playlists for different moods and genre's vary but his main three playlists are a bunch of circus music, the world revolving added to the same playlist over 100x, and the misc playlist with 100 songs that do not match eachothers vibe at all. some artists I think he would listen to: 100 gecs, Insane Clown Posse,and Lemon Demon
Pom has one main playlist she dumps all her favorite songs into. but its a majority death metal some artists i think he would listen to: Scene Queen, Bear Ghost, Mother Mother, Black Dresses, Korn, and Necrogoblikon
Matt, I honestly have no idea other than its mostly My Chemical Romance I did make him a playlist (wip) on a whim tho because I was bored
and finally their heights! (as well as the redesign for Pom!)
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I was going to finish this drawing first, but I lost all motivation for it.
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yellow-gardenia-48 · 1 year
Toddy's redesign!
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(I'm gonna start making these redesigns and rewrites for the characters of fnafhs for an AU that I'm making where the characters are a little more closer looking to their fnaf counterparts and act more like them)
Toddy in my AU:
*Is a permanent part of the toys
*is not interested romantically with Bon, but they are still childhood friends
*She likes music but she's bad at playing instruments
*Like og Toy Freddy, she's a gamer
*personality wise: Toddy is a very strong mined character, she hates being told that's she's wrong and it's actually very creative, so when it comes to criticize something she'll be ruthless, not because she's mean but because she wants things to go to their full potential.However when she's with people she knows it can make her very insecure to be told off, she's rather in the lonely part of social relationships since most people has called her mean most of her life, so don't expect much of her talking after a fight. (Hates being alone). She's still rather foolish when it comes to things like school work but it's not that she can learn it, she just get bored easily so she prefers to do it with someone else (expect a studying sleepover as her plan)
*Storyline wise: Toddy applies in FHS highschool after she got into a fight in her old school, so her father send her to the same school as Bon so he could "teach her some manners" since he would always be more calm that her. Toddy is excited but what she didn't expected was that Bon would make more friends that her after a year without seeing eachother, making her kinda get defensive with them, Bon tries to join her to their band since they where getting scared that The Animatronics could win the music festival of this year so they needed something new, but she fails miserably to play an instruments She's still rather happy even tho she missed everything since her dream as a kid always was either being a model or a pop star, but then the canon argument of the toys happens with her not plugin the earphones so naturally she's mad at them. Even since that in every rehearsal that they have she criticize everything of their abilities, calling them underwhelming and boring, she's not dumped of the team but at some point Bon calls her off and tells her that's she's being too much with them and Toddy explotes calling him a bad friend and telling him everything she heard, then leaves before he can tell her anything. She decides that she doesn't wanna keep getting called dumb or useless by anyone anymore and plans revenge, but since she can play instruments she decides to use one of the songs that she heard of them and starts to change things on the computer. She starts to hangout with other people but one day Bon apologizes for what he did, but Toddy wasn't still mad, since no other member of the band was here to apologize, not until Bon gives her a box, signed by everybody in the band that explains why they sorry that contains the "Toys sleeves" for Toddy to become an official member. She's touched by this and in return she lets Bon hear the remixed song, this finally lets her participate in the production of the music and she's finally happy to be chasing her dream with friends this time around
*Toddy and Chica were in the same school last year, expect a rivalry with an apology later
*Since I like to mess with Eddo's lore yo lucharé por mis sueños in my AU is a toddy song
*Toddy's instrument is computer synthesizer, making the Toys music to go from regular pop to electro pop
*Still no romantic partner decided, since I don't know if nightmare Bonnie would fit her now
And that's how Toddy is changed in my redesign! I hope you like her and expect more of these to come
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19orionis · 8 months
Emoji OC asks: Ben and Reid 🥛🍷🌶️🧇🥔
🥛 [MILK] What is your OC's relationship with their biological parents like? What about their relationship with any non-biological parental figures?
Whew. His relationship with his mom is bad. They've been no-contact ever since he was kicked out by her in his late teens. She's been a pretty self-centered individual for as long as he's known her and also was generally never equipped to properly care for him. He was kinda parentified, had to spend a lot of time caring for his little sisters (and expected to grow up to be a wife and mother, too) and very limited in his self-expression as a closeted trans boy in a Catholic household. Religion loomed over him for a long time and it heavily affected how he saw his magic. His mother feared him for it and very much thought it was ungodly, but he feared her, too. She also had a weird jealousy thing over his hair (which he gets from his bio dad, more on that later), but didn't know everything about how to treat even moderately curly hair like his, so he fought with her a lot when he was little about brushing it. It's why he cropped his hair very short in his early twenties and only let it get truly long again sometime in his mid-thirties. Living with her just sucked. Ben's bio dad is some Finnish wizard guy who has no idea he exists. His mother had an affair with said Finnish wizard guy, without knowing he was a wizard, and the dad Ben grew up with/his mom's husband figured it out on his own some months after Ben was born and his suspicion caused him to go snooping. Ben really wishes his parents divorced each other over it, honestly, but they never did and often their dynamic seemed more like roommates than a married couple. Because of all this, Ben's known dad did not like interacting with Ben all that much. Ben preferred that to the way his mother would breathe down his neck, though.
🍷 [WINE] Where on the 'wine aunt scale' is your OC?
Ben is less of a wine aunt and more of an Uncle Acid ;)
🌶️ [HOT PEPPER] Who would your OC declare their sworn enemy if they could meet them?
IF he could meet them? I'm assuming this question is asking about famous people. If so, then it's gotta be Ronald Reagan. Really, Ben, in his middle age, is SO mellow compared to when he was younger. It's pretty hard for him to really consider any regular people his enemy. Maybe his mom, but he doesn't even fully count that anymore since he'll never have to interact with her again. He did have some insane beef with a past student that had some extremely conservative ideals, and keeping himself composed and professional when this kid would say his takes about art during class was a struggle. In the end, though, that student turned in genuinely shit work and the satisfaction of giving him a deserved failing grade was the end of it.
🧇 [WAFFLE] Using shape language, how would you redesign your OC?
I already use shape language a lot, so I don't fully know if I can answer this for either Ben or Reid! But I'll try. I could explain why I use the shapes I do in my current designs... I think Ben being made up of mostly round shapes, combined with the context of his character, kinda helps convey his laidback-ness and flexibility. Him being really lanky and made of limbs like I used to draw him did too, but there's just something about the way I draw him now that's really fitting. He's not rigid, and especially never severe, though with his height, he is capable of having a quietly intimidating presence. His nose, eyebrows, and eyes have some fun angles and I think that draws some attention to them. Having his hair be kinda cloud-shaped is fun, too, I want (and hope) elements of his design (like the dark clothes) come together to evoke smoke, and one of his tattoos does that directly.
🥔 [POTATO] What do they have that others see as a flaw, but they don't care about?
Ben falls more under the pop definition of hedonism than the actual, modest, Epicurean one talked about in philosophy (so he does know about OG hedonism and what it really means), and not everybody is down with that way of living. He loves having fun and feeling good-- the words "I shouldn't" aren't in his vocabulary. He's also a pretty frequent stoner, but doesn't really see anything wrong with his current usage, though he did have an issue with overuse, psychological dependence, and poor money management while in undergrad, and he will admit that. The wrong kind of people, I'm sure, would also see an issue with his polyamory, maybe call him indecisive or disloyal, but the people who would react like that don't even know he's polyamorous. It's something he's pretty discerning about when it comes to bringing it up.
🥛 [MILK] What is your OC's relationship with their biological parents like? What about their relationship with any non-biological parental figures?
...Also bad. I'm really compelled by bad parents, which is interesting, because mine aren't bad. I heard lots of questionable tales about each of their parents, though, and plenty from some of my friends, and I guess it's rubbed off. Reid's dad was straight-up an abusive, homophobic dick, without any religious component, and both of their parents touted their little brother Jack as the golden child-- Jack happened to be the least defiant, and also the most gender-conforming, so everything was Reid and especially Lou's fault instead (Lou is their older sister). Reid's a middle child, by the way, which is a part of their desperation for literally any kind of attention that's followed them throughout their life. Crime and swindling have been a part of Reid's family for a few generations now, and Reid and their siblings were sometimes put in dangerous situations-- or more often neglected while their parents were out-- as a result. They found peace playing outside, stomping through the woods of Appalachia. Having so little guidance growing up definitely affected their view of other people and how they relate to them, and they went decades seeing no problem with taking from others because it's what was modeled to them.
🍷 [WINE] Where on the 'wine aunt scale' is your OC?
Oh she is SUCH a wine aunt! Wine aunt. That is where she is.
🌶️ [HOT PEPPER] Who would your OC declare their sworn enemy if they could meet them?
ALSO Reagan! They lived through that shit! Ben was born in 1970 and didn't move to the US until '92, so he hates Reagan for the aftermath, but Reid was an adult LGBT person in the US during his presidency, so their hatred is firey and it is personal. She's still far from leftist, economically, but he was just too shitty in all respects.
🧇 [WAFFLE] Using shape language, how would you redesign your OC?
Reid's shape is meant to emulate and evoke other chaotic or con artist-y characters throughout other media (or interpretations... remember how people would draw human!Bill back in the day? LMAO), and also to look very animated, wiggly, and expressive. SHE is all limbs, and her eyebrows are simple curves that can be pushed and exaggerated a lot in her expressions. She's got a rounder eye shape and a generally more alert look to her than Ben does (and smaller pupils, usually), but her other features are very sharp and bold. SHE wants to look memorable, and dresses and wears makeup in a way that pushes that even further.
🥔 [POTATO] What do they have that others see as a flaw, but they don't care about?
This one is very dependent on at what point in Reid's life this is being asked at, so I'll just go with the biggest/most interesting one. During the height of their scheming days, they really don't see it as an issue, and think everyone else is the problem. They push a lot of blame onto other people when they're disliked or their hustles don't go their way. When asked why, they'd go "everybody does it! Er-- not everybody, but enough of 'em! What's the point of playin' by the rules if there's always gonna be some other asshole who doesn't?"
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bladelineage · 2 years
sword of frost concept art
think of this post as kinda a little artbook for the fic! sword of frost underwent a ton of revisions like i keep saying so i wasnt entirely sure where to take it at first. not to mention writing is v hard for me so my preferred method of brainstorming was drawing! without further ado. writer’s commentary and an artbook :)
to begin with: originally the fic was supposed to be about void dream instead of the snow queen! the idea being that dante was put to sleep by void dream and faust manifested her personal ego to save him- but i ended up going with snow queen bc i saw some sick art on twitter of someone’s employee saving another from snow queen (i wish i had the link bc it was rlly cool, and i’d like to credit them in some way) and i decided that might be a little easier to write for, surprisingly.
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up next we have the art for chapter 1! there wasn’t a lot of it but just the stuff i wanted to do with it. i wanted to make this a bigger piece but having to like. paint the prisms pissed me off so i decided against it lmao. the reason for dante wandering into the containment in the first place was originally supposed to be that an employee’s lamp weapon enchanted him from afar and he kept chasing the light until he came upon the snow queen, but i realized he could also. just walk in there on his own lol
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the actual csp file containing the layout of the facility + the groups i split everyone into was unfortunately lost in a computer moment so. its just the main group here! i chose everyone based on who i wanted to write and interpret- nothing against the other sinners, i had just been itching to write these ones in particular.
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The Fight. i rlly like how i did this one still! writing this scene was also super fun bc i got to use my imagination and mimic how the movements would go :)
but now here’s the wildin part: chapter 2 was supposed to be very different! originally the idea was that dante woke up fine, but changed. kinda like how in the original tale of the snow queen kai became jaded and hated everything he saw, bc the mirror was in his eyes and the snow queen was the only thing he found beautiful- dante was supposed to become competent and uncaring, but hollow inside. the little shard of ice inside his heart wasn’t fully gone, and a kiss could undo it! i found myself struggling with how to pull that off in a satisfying way so i opted for something cooler instead, bc i wanted to make the fic less predictable and maybe more memorable.
there was supposed to be a scene in dante’s office, so i wanted to imagine what it would look like! plus a brief sketch of an ego based on the roses
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dante was supposed to unbutton his shirt a little and reveal the ice shard still lodged in there (bc the Tension yknow?) and ryoshu and faust talking abt how dante’s clearly changed.
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cool art of the shard from when i wanted to practice single color shading that i liked quite a lot!!
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yoink! the plan was always for a kiss to thaw the ice but i wanted to do something cool and dramatic for art that night i think.
now abt this point i realized i wanted to do something different, so i went back to an EGO dante thing i made for a server request! i absolutely loved how i did this one, so it ended up being the basis for his corroded form in chapter 2.
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as for the final bits of concept art, it was mostly from when i decided to change chapter 2- just stuff to plan the actual concept and get it down before i started writing.
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i ended up not liking the second “redesign” of the corroded form as much, so i went with the one i drew before. and finally. the art i posted of snow queen dante not long before i finished the fic proper!
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so that was sword of frost! v interesting to write but certainly will not be my last limbus fic lmao. i hope to get more things done before the game drops!
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2-many-ideas-help · 1 year
asks you abt your bonbon redesign :)
Hope you dont mind bullet points that are only kinda connected cause thats approximately what my thoughts on them are rn
I hit her with the Gender Stick
They’re fine with he/him and it/its but they prefer she/her and they/them
while the animatronic itself is supposedly male, their design is really more androgynous than anything
shes possessed! by a certain goth girl
she and freddy are actually separate animatronics! they still do some performances together, but they also have solo shows as well
this works really well because i decided that the funtimes needed a magician. so I made bonbon one
there used to be a slapstick portion of their joint shows, but bon kept getting really damaged so the mechanics eventually put their feet down and stopped the bonbon bullying
they explained it away to the kids with “The medical bills were getting too expensive for me, so we had to stop”
she’s like 3 feet tall and is constantly tormented by short jokes
she wears a mini black tux with a standard black w/red stripe top hat and a cloak thats red on the outside but black and printed with stars on the inside
one of the tricks she uses in her shows is a twist on the standard “rabbit in a top hat” trick
the lights go out for a second in the room, and when they come back on, bonbon is nowhere to be seen, and only their top hat remains on the stage
you can probably see where this is going
yeah there’s a hatch directly under the hat that they crawl out of
she also tends to use the illusion disc that’s placed in her crescent moon earring more than the other funtimes because she uses it for her tricks
they act like an older sibling figure to both CB and fred when offstage
they’re the only ones possessed so they bonded over that
UCN (yes I made a ucn mechanic and lines)
initially they travel through the vents and can be dealt with like the other vent animatronics
but once she enters the office, she doesn’t kill you, oh no.
she leaves her top hat somewhere in your office
you have to keep an eye on it and click on bonbon when they start to crawl out of their hat
time for the game over quotes!
“You know what they say, a magician never reveals their secrets.”
(Only present when Orville is also selected) “HA! Take that Orville! Who’s the ‘lesser magician’ now?”
“For this next trick, I’ll make this gentleman’s life disappear!”
“Life’s a performance, and it’s closing night for you!”
(Only available if you’ve used the Death Coin on BonBon previously) “What a fool you are, to try and stop me. The show must go on, my friend.”
(Same circumstances as the previous quote) “To quote a fellow rabbit: ‘I always come back’”
I’ll probably make another post like this at some point for other characters (or more bonbon. who knows? certainly not me)
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godzillin · 2 years
no one asked for this and I’m sure none of my followers care but here’s my opinions on the AWL remake character designs that that been revealed so far
First of all. I’m so fucking pumped for it.
I’ve never played AWL but I played the shit out of HMDS and HMDS cute so I love the Forget-Me-Not Valley folks. HMDS was actually my first harvest moon game so I have a lot of nostalgia for the setting and characters. It’s been too long since we’ve seen them and I’m so happy they’re back.
Okay. Here we go.
She looks the same! She’s so cute as always. I love Nina, her design is literally perfect I would not change a thing, peak character design right here. 10/10
Her apron is gone! And she’s wearing a vest! Maybe I’m biased because I LOVE vesta, but I think she looks great. I do think it’s interesting they yass-ified cody, but Vesta didn’t get the same treatment. Not that it’s a bad thing, in fact I’d prefer it if Cody kept his old design. But it goes to show that strong, masculine characters do fit with the new Story of Seasons art style, so I’m not sure why Cody’s a twink now. More on him later though. 10/10
PANTS! While I do miss her pencil skirt, the pantsuit is cute. I love her tie. Chris reminds me a lot of my mom (they even have the same name) and she dresses just like her. Which is weird because they have totally different jobs. iirc, chris is a sports reporter/commentator which I think she conveys a lot more in the new design than the old one. She looks more athletic while still looking very professional. Her old design was more like a secretary or office worker or teacher. 10/10
HE’S WEARING SOME TIGHT ASS PANTS. And for what? I mean, they’re probably more practical to run in, but geez it’s funny to me. He’s rocking them though, can’t complain. 9/10
Okay, this is the first design choice so far I take issue with. He’s wearing the same clothes as his old design, but something is off. Hugh was a lot chubbier in his older design. I miss his baby fat :( it was cute! And it also gave him a little bit more character, almost like he’s working out all the time to get slim like his dad. I miss his clumsy, dopey look. 6/10
This is another one I have a problem with. He looks exactly the same, which is fine. But they toned down cartoonish aspects of all the other characters (Marlin’s hunch, Gustafa’a nose) and didn’t do this with Galen. He looks extremely out of place. I think the best choice with him would be to give him a more realistic head shape and nose, just so he could fit in standing next to everyone else. He seriously looks like he walked out of a completely different video game. This wasn’t a problem in the original since everyone else looked super stylized then, too, but now he sticks out like a sore thumb. 4/10
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They gave him a bow :) I love it, literally perfect. He is an angel, I’m obsessed. I love his cute little bow. 11/10
I like Marlin’s redesign! I always thought the Elvis look was charming, and Marlin was my bachelor of choice in HMDS cute because I thought he was so handsome. I like that they kept his grumpy resting face and his weirdly shaped eyebrows. I also like that he’s still got a hunch, but it’s less stylized and more realistic now. He looks more put together now, which I like, while still looking like he could be a farmer. My only complaint (and it’s a pretty big one) is… WHAT HAPPENED TO HIS CURLY HAIR. Why did they do him like that? I loved his curls!!! And now it’s brown instead of black?? That’s so weird to me. Mainly though it’s the curls. I miss his curls. Give him his curls back. Please, god. 7/10
Muffy looks the same, except for some minor detailing on her dress. I always thought her original design kinda looked like she was wearing lingerie, LMFAO. I mean look at it, that’s a slip from Victoria’s Secret.
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The new dress is a welcome change, and the cardigan she’s wearing looks more comfortable. I really REALLY like her new design. Muffy was my bachelorette of choice in HMDS, so again, maybe I’m biased. 10/10
Well, she definitely looks older and more age appropriate. I do think it’s interesting they went with her child design as her initial look rather than her dress. If it was my choice, I would have started her in her dress and completely gotten rid of the school-uniform-looking outfit she starts the game in. It’s just a weird decision to me, but like I said, she still looks older now. 9/10
I’m gay. I love women. That’s all.
Okay but for real I’m so glad they got rid of her vest. It was SO UGLY, I hated it so much. She is so cute in the redesign. I think she looks so much better now. 11/10
I really like Rock’s redesign! The new art style really suits him. He didn’t change much clothing-wise (though I do like that his pants come in at the legs now) but I think he looks so much better with more realistic body proportions. I love it! Wouldn’t change a thing. 10/10
I… REALLY LIKE IT. I know I’m in the minority here but I LOVE his redesign. He is so cute. I think a lot of people dislike it because he looks so different in this art style, but really, his key features are the same. He’s wearing the same clothes, has the same hair, same face, etc. The only thing that’s really MISSING is his beard, witch hat, and his giant nose. He still has a pretty big nose, but now it’s, like, actually human sized. I can understand getting upset that he’s missing his beard, but I think he looks charming with stubble. Also, I like his bucket hat a lot. Honestly I love this redesign so much, I think it’s my favorite. If you ask me, this is how you redesign a character. 14/10
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Then there’s the name changes. To put it bluntly, I don’t give a fuck. Molly or Muffy, Matthew or Marlin, they’re still the same characters. Like who cares, man? I only mention this because I’ve been seeing so many people complaining about it.
I wanna write more about my thoughts on the game but I gotta go to bed LMFAO ok goodnight
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thesnazzysharky · 3 months
Analyzing and reviewing some more stuff in the SOUP update for SJSM
So, in my last post talking about the SOUP update, I missed out on some things that I want to comment on. Obviously this won't be as long as my previous post, but I hope you enjoy regardless.
Miscellaneous Stuff
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The funny red gummy worm mfs have 3d models now and judging from this still screenshot they'll actually move like worms. I really dig this change because not only will it make the pink and yellow room more surreal when you step into it, but it also makes it more clear that the worms are... well, worms, since that wasn't really made obvious in the original version where they were just 2d red lines moving across the floor. Very nice.
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The bones that we see throughout the mansion will also be getting 3d models. A small but very great improvement. Always thought it was a bit lame and odd that the bones were 2d images. Especially since the skeleton of the Romantic Victim was a 3d model. Now all of them are 3d and will add to the atmosphere instead of looking out of place.
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And there's this pic of Ringu showing her sharp teeth. Not much to say other than it looks cool.
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Before we move on, I just want to talk about Beef Demon's redesign again. In the last post I kinda dunked on the dude, but after seeing him move around a bit and realizing he doesn't look as skinny as I originally thought thanks to that little showcase video Hoolopee posted on Twitter, I think he actually looks pretty cool and unnerving. I especially like the texture on him. It kinda makes him look like he's made out of meat, something I think the original model should have implied more. I think I'll start to prefer this model to the older once I get used to it. I think Jenbobby explained it best. The trailer just did my boy dirty.
Specimen 9
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So, another design that I'm a bit mixed on. My guy do be looking like a cranky ass old man who just got woken up from his nap, but on the other hand, I do like how they lean more into the "disembodied head made out of clay" aspect. He actually looks like he's made out of clay here, which is pretty cool.
But, he just looks a bit odd to me and isn't as creepy as the original model in my opinion. I feel like the neck plays a factor into this as well as it looks a bit too long. Decent model I suppose, just think this one will take some getting used to.
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As for his boss form, the redesign here is... decent. I think he is too brightly colored and his head and jaw looks odd which makes him look less creepy to me, but it's a solid model.
Specimen 13
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Originally I thought Specimen 13's model wasn't changed at all, but they actually did alter it a bit. Her hair is now slightly shorter and has changed a bit in appearance. Her fish body has went from blue to a more teal looking color and the end of her tail is a more triangular shape rather than looking like a typical fish tail. It also seems like compared to her original model, her breasts got a bit of a buff... nice so have fun with that.
Anyways, I do like this model, but I think the textures could've been done better. Comparing the models, her hair and the scales on her fish half look lower quality on the new model, which is odd. I also don't like how the end of her tail went from resembling the tail of a fish to... I don't even know what it's supposed to be anymore. Again, the model is pretty great, but it unfortunately gets brought down by the textures and tail.
Specimen 7
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Wow... now this... this is a glow up. I already enjoyed Specimen 7's design before, but holy shit, this is amazing. The faces look like they're in more agony than ever, overall detail has been improved, and it looks more scarier overall. I don't know what else to add other than that this redesign is similar to how Spooper's redesign was handled. Do exactly what you did before... but just better. Move over Old Specimen 10 Eel Thing, because THIS is EASILY the best redesign from this update hands down. Specimen 7 fans are eating 100%.
Anyways, that's about it really. Not much else to say other than although it seems to be pretty controversial so far, I'll be gladly waiting for the SOUP update despite its faults I'll never forgive them for what they did to Bab though.
One more thing though...
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You're telling me the mf behind the redesigns in this update is the same mf behind this? A-am I the only one shocked?
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egg-emperor · 2 years
You know, I kinda wish that Jim Carrey did a Mike Pollock or Dean Bristow impression in the second movie (and third movie if he comes back), because damn, the part where he was in the Mushroom Planet and he did his Mike Pollock voice, I was really anticipating for it.
Also, can't they just put some effprt in making Carrey, idk, uhh...bigger?
Or maybe some stunt double who's ACTUALLY fat and just CGI Carrey'a face over it? (Idk if this would be good since it might just fall back under the Uncanny Valley side effect)
Idk, it didn't really bother me that he isn't trying to do a Deem or Mike impression. In fact, when it kind of seemed like he was trying to at the end of the first movie, it actually just made me feel a bit sad because I was like "I've been dreaming of hearing Mike's actual voice for Eggman coming out of those cinema speakers for years :')" (Not hate just being honest about how I feel, since I feel I have to clarify from now on.)
I think they should've just hired a fat actor. I don't know who because I'm not familiar with many actors, I'm still only just starting to watch more live action stuff. I think trying to do any kind of edit would be uncanny and I'm also not a huge fan of actors using fat suits, I'd really rather them not. But at the same time it of course bothers me that they keep slimming him down in redesigns, so they should've gone with a fat actor.
Though of course all I really wanted was a full CG movie with animated Eggman voiced by Mike Pollock. But if it has to be live action, that's what I personally would've preferred for them to do.
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fourspiceblend · 2 years
Nobody asked for this but now that we have all the student trailers these are my actual thoughts on the redesigns (since I know we won't get a trailer for the faculty next week and even if they're unlockable/DLC later I don't trust IS to give them a glow up). I'm only talking personal preference here, no deep analysis into what the costumes signify or whatever.
Edelgard: on its own? It's a cute design, and the hair looks pretty nice in spite of how thin the braid looks. Coming from 3H? Uninspired and bland. The red emperor dress had presence, it signified power, it had that Enormous Bitch Who Will Ruin Your Day energy. I'm not sensing any of that here, it's like they wanted to remind us she's 5'2" and likes teddy bears and probably wears floaties to the beach. 6/10, isn't lower because I like red.
Hubert: massive downgrade. They masacred him for the meme potential. 2/10, would hate it less if his original TS design didn't exist and set such a high standard for Hubert swag, but sadly this is the timeline we live in.
Ferdinand: meh. The hair looks fine but his outfit says nothing. 5/10
Linhardt: Gender/10. The clear winner of the Eagles. He's even wearing a nun collar to boot! May as well be wearing that "I really wish I weren't here right now" button and I love that for him. His whole cozy outfit looks like it would be great for naps. I wish him the best.
Caspar: deserved better. I always hated his TS outfit to begin with, but his undercut gave him a cute shonen boy edge. This hairstyle makes him look like all of my male classmates in middle school, and I went to middle school in the 2000's. I can smell the Axe body spray from here. 1/10
Bernadetta: she looks like an onion. 4/10, and only because I like her outfit and color scheme. No, I don't care that "it fits her".
Dorothea: pretty, but doesn't do much for me. 7/10, but overall a downgrade. The braid is sick tho.
Petra: 9/10. It's grown on me. I like that they gave her sandals, and THE BRAIDS ARE BACK!! Braids good.
Dimitri: 7/10, not great, not terrible, always good to see him with both eyes. His original TS look will always be iconic though. Hard to top that honestly.
Dedue: 10/10. They took everything we love about his design and made it better, gave him his earring back, and gave him a BEARD! AND a BRAID! I am a simple human with simple tastes, and I love everything that's going on in here.
Felix: 6/10. No tsundere thigh highs, no poofy sleeves, he's wearing a bump-it. The hair itself isn't terrible but I got so used to the spiky volleyball hair that seeing him in a hairstyle that actually looks normal feels out of character for him. It's fine I guess, but his outfit is missing that wealthy douchebag energy the old one had.
Ashe: cute, very Ashe, a little bit of gender going on. 7/10, nothing much to say here.
Sylvain: 0/10. They didn't even try.
Mercedes: ara ara/10. Absolute perfection. I do admit I miss the hat, but her hair is so gorgeous she doesn't even need it.
Annette: 10/10. The winner of the Lions. It's like she's ready to open up her bakery. I do still have a soft spot for her old timeskip dress but the hair is very much an upgrade. I want to pick her up and put her in my pocket.
Ingrid: 3/10. I just wanted the braid back.
Claude: 8/10, would be higher if he still had a beard. The color scheme is pretty nice.
Hilda: 8/10, love her look but still prefer the original. I'm glad they didn't really change much and kept it very much her.
Lorenz: 8/10, again not much of a change, he's very Lorenz and I'm here for that.
Raphael: 9/10. It just fits him better than his original TS look. He looks ready to go rock climbing with you. He looks like he would host the sickest barbecue ever.
Ignatz: 6/10. Love the hair clips and side swept thing going on, not the biggest fan of everything else.
Lysithea: 7/10. I will not forgive them for taking the veil away, but the outfit overall is cute, it's just not as great as the original. It's just kinda... plain? Yeah, sorry.
Marianne: 9/10. HAIR DOWN!!! That's it. That's literally the only thing I wanted and I got it so I can't complain. Also she still looks very much like a holy woman, but her hair is short enough that we can see her back window... business in the front, party in the back.
Leonie: 7/10. While I'm happy the short hair is back, the actual haircut itself doesn't say much and would have preferred something much closer to her academy hair. Still a cute design overall tho.
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chao-chachaslide · 3 years
I've talked positively about Rangers now it's time to do the opposite. Heard some shit about leaks earlier y'know sega being sega and fucking with lore again. Idk what the fuck they're doing tbh lmao.
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Under the cut bc possible leaks/spoilers
There's been some rumours fluttering around about how Rangers is either going to be a soft reboot or possibly even a full reboot. Personally I think this is a bad idea on Sega's part, but ESPECIALLY if it's a full reboot.
So a soft-reboot is essentially what we got between Sonic R and Sonic Adventure. Characters redesigned a bit, couple details changed such as ages, height etc, new gameplay style. However overall we're working with the same lore as we had before. Sonic's the hero, Tails' is pretty much his younger brother, Knuckles is his rival and Amy fangirls for him. They all fight Eggman because he wants to take over the world using the power of the Chaos Emeralds and Monster/Villain of the Week. The Chaos Emeralds are mysterious relics that make the wielder fucking overpowered. You get the drill. It didn't really change.
However Sega kinda fucked stuff up later down the line and now Classic is in spacetime purgatory. If they're going to soft reboot the franchise starting with Rangers, they should at least adress if it's a different dimension/timeline, or if everything prior is redundant now. Because god we do not need more of whatever's going on with Classic.
A full universe reboot is a risky move. Longer running franchises like Mario and LoZ have never had a universe-wide reboot (LoZ has timeskips that's why there's a bazillion different Links). I get it to an extent if they want to change some stuff that's been major lore for too long to go back on, but it's a big deal. A reboot is what we got from the Archie comics - to be fair it wasn't Sega's fault it happened - and it was a pretty rocky transition. The comics had been going for around 20 years at this point and suddenly all of that was fucking irrelevant and we're starting from scratch. Half the characters are gone. All the good plots never happened. We're at square one. The comics didn't even last much longer after that.
A soft reboot is better if you want to keep faithful fans around; full reboot is going to attract new audiences but also boot out plenty of old ones.
As someone who's been in fandoms with soft reboots (Winx; DC) and full reboots (TMNT; Teen Titans) this is actually something that I find rather surprising for Sega to consider, and I don't like it. Generally, I don't like it when a franchiss goes full 180 and completely reboots. Teen Titans is my favourite show but I don't like Teen Titans Go. And it does actually bother me a bit that what the franchise is actively delivering is something I really don't care about at all. And while I did end up liking rottmnt eventually, I still prefer the 2012 version (mainly because i grew up with it tbh). I usually get along better with soft reboots but even then Winx S5→ gradually pushed me out of the show. Basically I don't want the same thing to happen with Sonic lol because this (and Idol anime) is the most I've been invested in anything in years.
Also it's concerning in terms of sales and audience. Already talked about this a bit, but although rebooting brings in a new audience it can kick out the faithful fans who were guaranteed to buy your shit. Obviously Sonic will still make a fuck load of money but it could go up or down who knows lol. Oh and reviews might suffer but that happens like every fucking game.
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You made it this far have an Espio who accurately represents my state of mind.
Basically I just don't want this to be 06 2.0 where Sega is too scared to adress it's existence for 5 years after release
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altarofdecay · 4 years
so ive been working on a redesign/my interpretation of the killjoys, so I decided to make a list of my headcanons for them so my design choices make a lil more sense!
-uses they/them
-nblm babey
-wears bandages up to their elbows most days due to lots of scars from road burn, claps, and whatnot
-punk as fuck 
-very religious and superstitious, might be a little bit clairvoyant but who knows
- very tall
- left leg is a droid leg, they got it blown off from a bomb a while back
-chainsmoker despite having asthma
-sk8ter boy
- ADHD as hell dude
-bpd too
-youngest of the four
- uses he/she/they (preferences switches by day usually)
-bi rights motherfucker
-give them a mullet you cowards
-writes bad notes app poetry a lot
-’I put the sexy in dyslexia’
-very good at math and anything to do with numbers, suprisingly
-found a rosary and thinks its really cool, wears it all the time
-best aim out of the four
- great w/ animals, its not out of place for them to show up at the diner with some coyote pup or stray cat at their heels
-2nd oldest
- he/him, tranz
- queer
- has a lot of mis-matching stick n pokes
-has gauges, but he fucked up the left one so now they’re two different sizes
-autistic probably
- does everyone else’s tats for the most part
-very long hair, has a few uneven pieces from various accidents
-he says he can drum but its really just ghoul hitting some buckets with sticks in what might be a rhythym
-great at graffiti but not so much with other art forms
-short lol
-2nd youngest
-mlm babey
- he has a stray cat named PB who just. follows him everywhere. no one knows where she came from
- mistaken for the mom friend a lot, but is more of a wine aunt if anything
-has vitiligo
-mild ocd
- after they lost an eye, their depth perception has gone to shit
-is actually not a very good driver, contrary to popular belief. he just likes to floor the gas pedal and go bonkers
- terrible fuckin sleep schedule
- says bro and dude way too much
- can also skate but can’t do any tricks, they just kinda cruise
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