#bioshock for ts
manyeyedmoth · 2 years
I saw someone in the bio//shock tags talking about how it doesn't make much sense that com//stock would raise elizabeth without brainwashing her and grooming her to be his heir
and like, in the context of canon, I mostly agree
but in the context of Emil...
I kind of think there was another, trigger-warning-cannibalism-ier, no-seriously-Dead-Dove-Do-Not-Eat-tastic reason why Coms//tock would want a successor in a Bioshock/Cultsim crossover
a garbled, horrible misunderstanding of some occult lore, mixed with naked grasping for power at all costs
and when he discovered that Elizabeth simply would not work for the purpose.... well, That Fucking Guy runs away from and covers up all his mistakes, doesn't he?
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captainmajima · 7 years
i finally played bioshock: infinte and i haven't been able to stop thinking about it
i almost want an elizabeth-related tattoo now??
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kikiofthevast · 6 years
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A sketch I did of Logan Lutece from my Bioshock Infinite AU.
I might color it if I have time later.
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Hand saw! [geektyrant(.)com/news/ash-vs-evil-dead-season-4-would-have-been-mad-max-meets-fallout-with-robots]
Not gonna lie, I was a little scared to click the link as I don’t know anything about any of the words in the title lol.
It’s Sam from Burn Notice with an electric hand saw. Image under the cut. I couldn’t tell if it was actually just him holding the saw or the saw was his hand, so I image searched and quickly decided I didn’t want to see much of this image search or its accompanying gore, and it is probably in lieu of his hand.
Definitely not what I was cheering about. I now understand your several question and exclamation marks.
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the-blue-wraith · 2 years
I'm still mad at Troy Baker, I idolized him in TLOU, Bioshock Infinite, Infamous Second Son and Far Cry 4. He was one of my favorite VAs in video games and he just decided to become a huge idiot.
"You can hate or you can create". I can hate and will forever hate N/F/Ts.
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sadsinclair · 4 years
If anyone is interested in joining a bioshock discord server here is a link to mine
We share art, roleplay and talk! (No we don’t just have to talk about bioshock)
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scarletmanuka · 4 years
How about L & O for the meme?
The Fanfic Meme - L & O
The weirdest AU I've written?  
Okay, that depends on your definition of weird.  Possibly the weirdest thing I've written is not actually an AU, but a crossover, namely the story where Blair Sandburg and Klaus von Wolfstadt share a vision space in the TS canonical 'blue jungle'.  Or is it the time I crossed over The Sentinel and Sapphire and Steel? Or Bioshock 2 and Sapphire and Steel?  Or TS and Discworld? Or TS and Sherlock Holmes?
So far as AUs go, I have written characters in spaaaaace, historical AU (Regency and Victorian) the ever popular Sentinels and Guides are known (which was also in spaaaace), paranormal urban fantasy, highish fantasy if knights and a world with a god and goddess pantheon make high fantasy, serial killer AU (just a drabble), Victorian canon character is a Timelord (a ficlet), an otherwise bog-standard canon divergent AU where I put my OTP in a brief threesome with the series female Big Bad, quantum dimensional travel, and two separate vampire AUs. Most of this is separate to some of the weirdnesses I get going in my horror fic.
I am beyond figuring out the scale of weirdness of my fic, AU or otherwise, I'm afraid. I will leave it to the judgement of any readers. None of these feel weird to me. In the words of the song, “doin’ what comes naturally”. :-)
How I begin a story--with the plot, or the characters?
I think the truest answer is with the characters, because I will get a concept, or a scene pop into my head, and even if the concept/scene needs a lot of plot development to justify it, those ideas will still be very clearly 'this is a Sentinel concept', 'this a Sapphire and Steel concept' etc etc.  I don't tend to transfer ideas/concepts between fandoms, so on that basis, yeah, characters first, and then I will work out how they found themselves/how they react to the mess that I put them in.
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manyeyedmoth · 1 year
In the further adventures of TS4!Emil....
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Emil got his necklace!
I'm also adding Baby Elizabeth to the house, for added fun and chaos.
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She's absolutely precious, and her big "brothers" are bound and determined to make sure her story never happens the way it "ought" to.
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yourboykurt · 3 years
Streaming Bioshock 2
Come hang out
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kittywolves · 4 years
name: nico!!
age: 19 (april, 2020)
pronouns: they/them or ey/em
@nicosartworld (art & stuff)
 @girlsjustwannadategirls (wlw/nblw)
 @x0gh0stprince0x (scenecore & related) 
@vocalphilia-n-bassguitars (bands) 
@loverboy-lovecore (lovecore) 
@incorrect-gayliens-and-mortals (incorrect ocs) 
fave tree & flower: maple trees & either sunflowers or daffodils 
slytherpuff | cabin 13 | superwholock
adhd | asd | bipolar | anxiety | paranoia
scene | emo | lowkey grunge
nonbinary | gay | ace | polyam
white | cuban
spop & vld
spn & dw
marvel & dc
ts sides
cats & aminals
cartoons, anime, comics
undertale & deltarune
pjo/toa & magnus chase & kane chronicles
harry potter
dystopian societies :)
sal & gabi break the universe
toys & games
anthros ! esp super cute ones like animal crossing & calico critters
trolls (both the good luck trolls & the newer movies)
stuffed animals!!!!
i can & will post about any/all of these things so :)
other socials: @kittywolves twitter/insta/snapchat kittywolves#9033 on discord
anyway my askbox is always open so feel free to stop in & say hello! 
anyway thanks for reading & here & here are my previous abouts 
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9pieceboom · 4 years
Polygon: Games need to return to black-and-white morality
Polygon: Games need to return to black-and-white morality.
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girafeduvexin · 5 years
Bonjour ! 3 et 15 (en comptant la Recherche le cas échéant comme un seul livre) pour les questions ?
Heeeey merci !
Liste tes fandoms et pour chaque un personnage auquel tu t'identifies
Oh la la, hum j'espère pas en oublier.
Dans l'ordre :
Naruto : hum Sakura sans doute, avec des depressive vibes de Kakashi.
Twin Peaks : sincèrement, le sarcasme d'Albert Rosenfield, même si j'ai un peu de la naïveté de Cooper et Truman.
Steven universe (quand je regardais) : Amethyst et pffff la nervosité de Dewey.
Gravity falls : Mabel 2000%.
À la recherche du temps perdu : SWANN.
Bioshock : pfff personne.
Fallout : Veronica dans Fallout NV, Piper dans FO4 (même si elle m'agace mais c'est plus de la faute du jeu).
Bob l'éponge : Bob.
Lost : de souvenir Jack, mais c'était il y a treeeees longtemps.
Le YouTube game français : Natoo. (Does it count ? Idc i love her)
Cinq livres les plus influents dans ta vie ?
- La Recherche (lmfao obvs).
- La Voleuse de livres, qui n'est pas certes une grande oeuvre mais que j'ai lue assez jeune et ça a eu un fort impact sur moi - j'ai pleuré à la fin et c'est rare que je pleure en lisant un livre.
- House of Leaves, parce que je n'aurais pas écrit mon roman sans ce livre donc voilà.
- Fictions, de Borges (recueil de nouvelles but still).
- Qui a tué Roger Ackroyd, de Pierre Bayard.
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Inauguration day...
Think I'll just play bioshock all day, trump would probably look at the cities in that series and see some great real estate opportunities, great places! The BEST places in the world, some real American values there! Big league.
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gjutterson · 7 years
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guess who’s back from theatre and has 1. reached critical gayness holy fuck guys I am so gay HOLY fCUK and 2. is way too tempted to make another blog for a muse who is also v gay but also Obligations
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nitrosplicer · 7 years
tagged by @vampireinraybans (thank you!!!)
5 things you’ll find in my bag -charger -noir hand sanitizer -a book, right now it’s Modernism, Memory, and Desire: TS Eliot and Virginia Woolf -water bottle, probably leaking all over the inside of the bag - advil
5 things you’ll find in my bedroom - too many books -prints of different star wars characters in different artists’ styles (right now I have two of padme and one aayla secura print) -bioshock action figures -i want to believe poster -a baseball bat
5 things I’ve always wanted to do in life -visit roswell nm -publish one of the f*cking novels ive been working at writing, off and on   -finish school with minimal mental stress (lol) -get a tattoo! - do something involving movie sets, I haven’t decided yet
5 things I’m currently into
-Modernism (specifically ts eliot and virginia woolf) -new queer cinema -r*v*rdale (I know, I know, it’s shameful -affect studies -activism
5 things people may not know about me
-I’ve read Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland 15 times because I was obsessed with it when I was seven years old and my parents bought me the annotated edition with all the Lore -I can’t drive for shit - I used to practise judo but I fell out of habit (someday I’ll pick it up again) -I used to work in a botany lab that looked like something out of a horror movie -I met my boyfriend at a lgbtq club halloween party (I was dressed as the mad hatter and he was a librarian)
@lowwaa @la-lapis @officialsolluxcaptor @szayelgranz @questionnsleep @scixnceblue​ @sirikenobi167​ + anyone else who wants to!
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yourboykurt · 3 years
Streaming Bioshock
Come hang out with me!
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