#bird model
littlepawz · 1 year
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Photographer captures a small bird using flower petals as a bath
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wisteria-lodge · 1 year
badger secondary + burnt lion secondary (fun bird model) (healthy bookeeper badger model) (unhealthy courtier badger model)
Hey, there! So, I've known my primary for a while now (Badger Primary) but I've been a little bit all over the place with my secondary. Was hopin' for a little help.
The one I'm positive I'm not is a Lion Secondary. I have a Double Lion best friend, and I could NEVER be as blunt as she is, and I'd never tell her this, but I honestly wouldn't want to. Lol! Being honest is an incredibly important thing to be, but there's a difference, at least in my mind, between honesty and saying the first thing that comes to your mind without letting it go through at least a little editing first.
Gotta keep the intended audience in mind.
Yeah, not sounding like a Lion secondary. And I'm kind of thinking Deliberate secondary for you (Bird or Snake.) What you're doing doesn't actually seem *automatic.*
For Bird, there's a possibility. I'm seen as very anxious, and I find new situations pretty stressful.
I mean, anyone can be anxious... and especially if it's a VERY new situation - that can be a lot for anybody.
I love collecting knowledge, and I always have an assortment of fun facts at hand that I've tirelessly collected over the years. It's a fun thing for me, and I enjoy doing it. I was also seen as very "intellectual" in school (which I know is not a requirement for being a Bird or a clear indication of being one, but I figured I'd mention it.) Loved school and loved learning, and I still love learning in my adulthood.
The issue is that, when the chips are down, and it's actually time to solve a problem, I tend to just kinda freeze mentally. The way Bird Secondaries are described, it's like, when a problem happens, they pull on a tool they've created for the situation, and then BOOM, they're using it to handle it.
Birds are good at retrofitting old tools to new situations, it's true. But I don't think I talk enough about what happens when a Bird just... comes up with nothing. And I think the answer is they start looking like a Lion secondary, kind of flailing around.
(I also think that *young* Bird secondaries have a way of looking kind of like Lions, because they haven't had an opportunity to build their tools yet.)
When bad things happen, my mind goes blank. I just kinda start doing stuff, anything. Sure, I might remember something important, like some specific training, but for the most part, my brain goes blank and I go into autopilot.
I don't know *how* bad we're talking here. But if you're in full on SURVIVAL mode, this is where the fight/flight/freeze/fawn kicks in. The reason training gets drilled in like that is so it *stays* when your brain isn't working. I've always found that the really intense stuff feels very quiet, and very dreamlike in the moment, and the emotions don't kick in until later. But the point is... that's not SHC stuff.
So far, you read as someone with a fun Bird model that you love, but your problem-solving is probably coming from somewhere else. (Or possibly it's Burnt...)
For Badger Secondary, I think that's the secondary I wish I could be, but I don't think I am. I have ADHD, so being meticulous and thoughtful are just... absolutely exhausting to me.
It might look a little different, but you can 100% be a Badger secondary with ADHD.
I was raised in a family that really pushed always being a Badger Secondary, forget about yourself, help others, others' problems are more pressing than your own.
Oooh that's not a Badger secondary family. What you're describing here is an Exploded Badger primary culture. And if you're a Badger primary yourself... I bet that got confusing.
(100% your family might have ALSO have required Badger secondaries from everyone, I would think that's likely. So I'll keep that in mind.)
Part of me didn't believe it, but much of me still does. I like to help, I want to help, but I'm also Badger Primary, which can feed that want. Secondary is about what you naturally do to serve what you want, and I'm not sure if Badger Secondary is right. But, I do try to be there for people. My natural instinct when someone is in danger is to protect and comfort them, I'm very focused on the mental/emotional state of the victim more than anything else.
Gee, you write like you're a rescue worker or a firefighter. (And a Badger primary.)
When in any kind of conflict at work, I want to soothe them, to calm them down, and I try to become what I think they might want me to be to help them calm down, but it doesn't always work. Part of me also always wants to tell those people fuck it, you caused your own problem, you're on your fucking own. Lol. And it would feel good to tell them that. I wish more tough love was accepted in the world, generally. I would feel like I could breathe more.
Okay, there's a lot going on here. You "become what I think they might want me to be" which is - Deliberate. And more Snake than Bird, because of the whole one-face-per-person thing. (It not working all the time is neither here nor there, you're human, you'll make the wrong call sometimes.)
But... you like the idea of a more tough-love Lion secondary approach. "I would feel like I could breathe more." And there's something about the Badger secondary that you like... maybe it's that "No, you move" energy.
As for Snake Secondary... this one might be it. Only problem is... I kind of don't want it to be? I know there's a whole thing about not letting go stereotypes get in the way, but I want to be the person I pretend to be, I guess. I want to be a Badger Secondary, but I'm afraid I'm a Snake Secondary because, from experience, people do not like you when you behave the way you truly want to. They shun you.
"Behave the way you truly want to."
Okay, let's unpack that.
The face-changing guys (Snake and Bird) want to be behave that way. They are authentic, in that their face-changing is consensual. Same thing with a Courtier Badger, with the caveat that their face-changing isn't as much of a deliberate choice. But it's still something that they want to do.
They can all run into situation where their face-changing is forced on them (becomes non-consensual) and is therefore inauthentic. This is a separate issue from the Lion secondary "eh, I'm going to rub some people the wrong way just by existing, comes with the territory, whatever." And I don't know which one is you.
If I wanna speak more "bluntly," not like my friend, but just more plainly, feel more like ME and less like a persona, people find me too negative, too sarcastic, I speak for too long, or I'm somehow either too passionate or dispassionate and I'm never ENOUGH either way. The performance is tiring. I want to be free to be me, but the true me isn't particularly good at anything.
Oh you're Burnt. I'm so sorry.
Because what you are talking about here is neurodivergent masking. (Which is totally different from Snake masking, I'm sorry the words are the same, I know it's confusing.)
'Too negative' shows up when you don't know if a comment is appropriate to the conversation or not. 'Too sarcastic' happens when you make a joke that doesn't land. 'Speaking for too long' - hyperfixations. 'Too passionate' - probably hypersensitivity. 'Too dispassionate' - possibly a flat affect, or a tendency to shut down.
Now I do not diagnose people here. That is impossible and unethical. But I can say that it sounds like you're masking all the time and that is exhausting. Especially especially for a Badger primary who needs communities they feel safe in, basically to exist.
I promise, I promise, I promise that there are communities out there where you can take off the mask.
I try to be who people want me to be, I try to be the puzzle piece that fits best in the world's puzzle, and I fail at that. I'm never quite what they're looking for.
It sounds like you're desperately trying to model Courtier Badger secondary, and it's hurting you.
Too clumsy, too forgetful, too focused on unimportant things, and I ultimately can't keep up the facade, the cracks begin to show that I'm a fraud and this put-together, organized person is absolutely NOT who I am, and I am shunned.
So you've built yourself a Bookkeeper Badger model. In order to keep your life organized. Good. But then you're guilty and like, sort of imposter-syndrome about the fact that this isn't your entire personality, that this isn't *enough*
Then, I try to be myself. More funny, more sarcastic, slightly more blunt, just slightly, just enough to reveal the passionate and opinionated person I am underneath. I woukd never want to actually hurt anyone's feelings, but I have to air out the things I truly feel every once in a while. I have to be me.
Sorry to break it to you, but you're a lion secondary. And you're plenty likable.
But, at least in some circles, I scare people away. Like it's sudden whiplash in the differences between my two personalities. Those I meet while trying to be my put-together persona are usually really turned off by the more real, true me. They usually don't get me, think my interests are weird, or that I'm just too intense (hearing Angelica Schuyler describe herself in Hamilton the first time... I'd never felt more seen by a character in something EVER. Some men say that I'm intense or I'm insane. Lol!)
Angelica's a pretty loud Lion secondary.
Now, I know to some degree it's my own Lion primary talking, but I read this and think "that sounds like a them problem." I know that having a Badger primary is going to make thinking that way harder, and having an Exploded Badger family culture is going to make it even harder than that.
But, I don't know what to tell you. You sound fun to hang out with. And there's a reason Badger Lion is the Protagonist sorting, and the Starfleet Officer sorting. People *like* them.
Well, anyway, that was a long winded way to ask for some help. Lol! Were you able to pick up on any clues? Thanks so much if you even attempted to read this! Lol.
Always with the Burnt secondaries and the apologies....
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frippp · 7 months
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Just finished a lil personal project of mine, a fully poseable christmas themed sinosauropterix!
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bl4me · 9 months
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Round Fin fin model I made a few months ago and forgot about
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Link here if u wish to download him
OR IF U WANT TO ROTATE HIM!!! (Works on phone)
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lovenostalgia · 2 months
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lowpolyanimals · 10 months
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Crow from Psychonauts
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revelingrexan · 2 months
pre-fallen tiny little itty bitty body Lucifer? YES PLEASE
this was SO FUN to make
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modeled by me for an assignment, design originally by @diabloku in their "ALASTOR'S VICIOUS MOCKERY" video
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(some more angles and a bonus cursed alternate version under the cut)
some more angles to answer a question some people might have, like "HOW DID YOU EVEN GET THOSE WINGS TO FIT ON HIS BODY" (a few people asked me that lol. or at least one person did. i think a second person--ANYWAY)
answer: curve the wings out A LOT away from the body and give them tiny bases
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i wish i remembered to include his collarbone and some neck muscles. it would have been even more cursed
(more bonus info: i'm new-ish to the program we're using [ZBrush], so i didn't realize there's a torus -- a ring -- object i could have used for the halo. so i squashed a sphere and tried to cut a circle out from the center, but the program didn't cooperate. so i instead gave him a semi-halo thing lol)
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heartorbit · 7 months
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a mob of emus for an artstyle game on twt! ^_^
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look-at-my-dresses · 8 months
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Jean Paul Gaultier, printemps été 1997
Exposition Fashion Big Bang au Palais Galiera, musée de la mode de la ville de Paris
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fawnsite · 4 months
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drinksss · 1 month
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they're making an enclosure for their future fire skink
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solnoct · 2 months
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aven is the smallest here.....😭😭
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frippp · 3 months
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My most recent WIP! (Still needs some work on the feet and other stuff) Its some sort of dromeosaur not a mononykus btw! Its just that i also took insperation from barn owls
Also yes it is free standing on its own two legs!! I dont know what sort of witch craft i have performed but it sure does work!!!
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twitteringthings · 4 months
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Yashiro • Yashiro • Yashiro ⊹ ࣪ ˖
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miss-buddys-bugs · 10 months
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Garten Of BanBan Models I made for a Series LOL 🙏🙏
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worldofbeauties · 6 months
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Nereyda Bird
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