#la prima notte di quiete
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la prima notte di quiete (1972)
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fawnsite · 2 months
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johnmoulderbrown · 1 year
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Sonia Petrovna as Vanina Abati in 'Indian Summer' (1972).
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falsenote · 4 months
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Indian Summer (1972)
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lispectadora · 3 months
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Indian Summer [La prima notte di quiete] (1972) dir. Valerio Zurlini
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La prima notte di quiete (English title: Indian Summer, Valerio Zurlini, 1972), starring Alain Delon and Sonia Petrovna.
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eshilftnurgewalt · 1 year
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Delon, en La prima notte di quiete [Valerio Zurlini, 1972]
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sigurism · 2 years
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Alain Delon et Sonia Petrovna La prima notte di quiete Dir: Valerio Zurlini
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blacknarcissus · 2 years
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La Prima Notte di Quiete (1972)
Aka Le Professeur
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whenthecuriousgirl · 2 years
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la-perdutagente · 1 year
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Li vedi i pensieri liberarsi oltre le vette?
Tornano sempre senza risposta.
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ceirinen · 10 months
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- La primera noche de la quietud (1972), dir. Valerio Zurlini.
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honeymoonswan · 26 days
heyy girlyy (heard u were bored)
do u have any movie or music recommandations ? i really need something new… love u 🫶🏻
Yayyy I love this question 🎀
Just was sitting with my mom to make a list and here's it :
The love witch
Black swan
Literally every Sofia Coppola movie and if u didn't like them come and kill me istg
Almost famous
Daydream nation
Paris ,Texas
Mulholland drive
Georgia rule
Layla 4 ever
The wolf of wall street
Bring it on (every movie, it was literally my childhood lol)
Lisa Frankenstein
Femme fatale
Babylon ( I'd die to watch it for the first time again )
Fresh (if u like it u need therapy btw I love it lol)
Once upon a time in hollywood
Pulp fiction
True romance
Ghost (my mom recommended that for u lol)
Every gean luc Godard movie cuz it's the true art of cinema I adore him and I finished every movie of his, he's basically Sofia Coppola for 60s French sad girls
Roman Holiday
Some like it hot
The crush 1993
The witch 2015
Bonnie and Clyde 1967 ( the best movie ever)
Big eyes
A walk to remember ( my mom forced me to watch it at 8 because I didn't like the idea of love )
The hating game
Last night in soho (ate)
American psycho (super girly movie)
Pearl and x and maxxxine is gonna be out on July (fav movie after love witch)
Dark shadows and a cure of wellness and scary stories to tell in the dark ( I watched them at 7 no wonder why I'm the most lana del rey insane girl ever plus lana sang in the last movie)
Blue velvet
Ready or not
Carrie 1976( mom forced me to watch it at 8 ig and that's why I hate people)
500 days of summer (so scary )
Fight club
The craft
Red eye (Cillian Murphy supermercy and fuck I watched it while I was alone at home and it turned out my whole personality which leads me to love ultraviolence)
Practical magic
The breakfast club
Gone girl (my mom is on Amy's husband side so don't think she's cool or something)
Girl interrupted
Dirty dancing 1987
Funny face
The notebook (my father cried to this movie 💀)
Monte carlo
Mean Girls
Jennifer's body ( istg I watched it at 9 and I think it left something for lesbianism inside me)
American beauty
Grease (born to die coded)
Freaky Friday
Breakfast at Tiffany's
The great Gatsby (if u liked daisy u need help)
How to lose a guy in 10 days
Uptown girls
Valley of the dolls
La prima notte di quiete
Atomic by blondie
Don't you forget about me by simple mind
Favorite by Isabel la rosa
I like the way you kiss me by artemas
So American by Olivia Rodrigo
Let it happen by tame impala
Radioactive by marina
We r who we r by kesha
Rumors by Lindsay lohan
Et tu dance avec Lui by c.jérôme
Girls on film by Duran duran
Baby I love you by Ramones
La fin du monde by juniore
Champagne coast by blood orange
Dear society by Madison beer (is on Lana's instagram highlights)
Every breath you take by the police
You can never tell by chuck berry
Ladyfingers by herb alpert
Heavy metal lover by Lady gaga
Killer queen by Queen
Bambino by dalida
Gourmandises by alizée
Somebody to love by Leighton Meester
Uptown girl by Billy Joel
À touts les filles (I forgot by who)
Mon amour mon Amie (forgot by who)
Monster high fright song
Tu veux ou tu veux pas by Brigitte bardot
And literally every lana song and the Lizzy grant unreleased
Literally gave u the best work ever mwahh 💋🎀
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autopsy0fanicon · 2 years
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Sonia Petrovna as Vanina Abati
“La prima notte di quiete” (1972) Dir. Valerio Zurlini
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falsenote · 9 months
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these delon movies that keep turning out to be gay.... it's not what the community deserved nor is it what it needed but it's what we have regardless
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lunamagicablu · 4 months
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"Un giorno una bimba molto sveglia si rivolse al vecchio nonno Cherokee mentre egli stava in meditazione dinnanzi a uno splendido tramonto. «Nonno: perché gli uomini combattono?» E proprio mentre il sole stava perdendo la sua battaglia con la notte, il saggio indiano spostò lo sguardo dalla rossa sfera e guardò dritto negli occhi della bimba, perle altrettanto infuocate. «Ogni uomo», disse calmo e sicuro, «è chiamato a compiere le proprie battaglie e la madre di tutte le battaglie è lo scontro che avviene tra i due lupi.» «Quali due lupi, nonno? » «Quelli che ogni uomo cela dentro di sé.» La bimba non comprese subito, tuttavia cominciò ad ascoltarsi e percepì in sé forti sensazioni mentre il nonno continuò: «Dentro ognuno di noi ci sono due lupi, uno è ferito, deluso, incattivito e vive di paura, invidia, gelosia, risentimento, menzogna ed egoismo.» Fece una pausa vedendo che la nipote era profondamente assorta. «E l’altro?» disse ella all’improvviso. «L’altro è un lupo felice, gentile, compassionevole. Vive in pace, nell’amore, nella fiducia e nella generosità. Si esprime in modo autentico.» La bimba, sempre più assorta e intenta a comprendere, chiese infine con trepidazione: «E quale lupo vince?» Il saggio Cherokee, con gli occhi lucidi e luminosi, con lo sguardo libero e profondo, rispose così: «Quello che scegli di nutrire di più!» La ragazza sveglia ne fu molto colpita e durante la notte fece curiosi sogni di epiche battaglie. Al risveglio una domanda le sgorgò urgentemente dal cuore. La rivolse al nonno alla prima occasione: «Nonno, tra il giorno e la notte io scelgo il giorno, ma mi piace anche la notte. Tra il caldo e il freddo, io scelgo il caldo, ma apprezzo anche il fresco. Perché ci deve essere sempre una battaglia? Perché ci deve essere sempre una cosa migliore dell’altra?». Il nonno, compiaciuto, si illuminò in volto. «Hai colto nel segno, non c’è un lupo davvero buono e un lupo davvero cattivo. Tutto è parte dell’Uno. Entrambi i lupi sono parte della Perfezione. Il giorno esiste solo perché c’è anche la notte, puoi inspirare soltanto dopo aver espirato. Entrambi i lupi vanno dunque nutriti, tuttavia occorre essere svegli e presenti per farlo in modo corretto, cogliendo di entrambi l’autentica natura, il potenziale e la forza. Rispettando i caratteri di entrambi i lupi tu crei un equilibrio che ti permette di stare nella pace: nessuno dei due vorrà attirare maggiore attenzione e tu potrai sentire di volta in volta la voce più profonda della tua coscienza». «Allora vincono tutti e due i lupi!» esclamò la ragazza con allegria. «Esatto!» confermò il nonno. «La quiete è l’obiettivo di un uomo di Conoscenza! Grazie al silenzio e alla pace interiore ogni conflitto perde significato. Tutto torna a splendere alla luce della Perfezione». La giovane ragazza sorrise di tutto cuore."
L'indiano e le altre creature che erano nate qui e che vivevano, avevano una madre comune: la terra. Egli era imparentato con tutto ciò che vive e riconosceva a tutte le creature gli stessi diritti come a se stesso. Quanto era legato alla terra, egli l'amava e l'ammirava. (Orso in piedi) art by Alfredo Rodriguez *********************** "One day a very smart little girl turned to her old Cherokee grandfather while he was meditating in front of a splendid sunset. «Grandfather: why do men fight?» And just as the sun was losing its battle with the night, the Indian sage moved his gaze from the red sphere and looked straight into the little girl's eyes, equally fiery pearls. «Every man», he said calmly and confidently, «is called to carry out his own battles and the mother of all battles is the clash that occurs between the two wolves.» «Which two wolves, grandfather? » «The ones that every man hides inside himself.» The little girl did not understand immediately, however she began to listen to herself and felt strong sensations within herself while her grandfather continued: «Inside each of us there are two wolves, one is hurt, disappointed, angry and lives of fear, envy, jealousy, resentment, lies and selfishness.» He paused as he saw that his niece was deeply engrossed. "And the other?" she said suddenly. «The other is a happy, kind, compassionate wolf. He lives in peace, in love, trust and generosity. He expresses himself authentically." The little girl, increasingly absorbed and intent on understanding, finally asked with trepidation: “And which wolf wins?” The wise Cherokee, with bright and shining eyes, with a free and deep gaze, responded thus: “The one you choose to feed the most!” The awake girl was greatly affected and during the night she had curious dreams of epic battles. When she woke up, a question of hers urgently welled up from her heart. She addressed it to her grandfather at the first opportunity: «Grandpa, between day and night I choose the day, but I also like the night. Between hot and cold, I choose warm, but I also appreciate cool. Why does there always have to be a battle? Why must there always be one thing better than the other? The grandfather, pleased, lit up his face. «You hit the nail on the head, there is no really good wolf and no really bad wolf. Everything is part of the One. Both wolves are part of Perfection. The day exists only because there is also night, you can only inhale after having exhaled. Both wolves must therefore be fed, however we need to be awake and present to do it correctly, grasping the authentic nature, potential and strength of both. By respecting the characters of both wolves you create a balance that allows you to stay in peace: neither of you will want to attract more attention and you will be able to hear the deepest voice of your conscience from time to time." “Then both wolves win!” the girl exclaimed cheerfully. "Exact!" confirmed the grandfather. «Quiet is the goal of a man of Knowledge! Thanks to silence and inner peace, every conflict loses meaning. Everything shines again in the light of Perfection." The young girl smiled wholeheartedly."
The Indian and the other creatures who were born here and lived had a common mother: the earth. He was related to all living things and recognized the same rights for all creatures as for himself. As much as he was tied to the earth, he loved and admired it. (Bear standing) art by Alfredo Rodriguez 
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