vangelaq-blog · 2 years
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E o tempo passa e nossa amizade continua firme e forte!!! @eliane_divaliz @vivinaiarap #quartafeira #birita #amizade #amizadedeanos #blumenau #divaliz #night #risadas (at Blumenau, Santa Catarina, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/CigkSITL36e/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pedritapascal · 8 months
A good Agent, or a Good Fucker... to me
Chapter five - Decisions, decisions…
Pedro Pascal's character - Dave York - [DY] The Protector 2 / Equalizer 2
Dave York x Female Reader
Word Count: 5K
WARNINGS: {+18} Sex Language; SA; Fingers; Tongue; Nudity; Explicit Details;
A good Agent, or a Good Fucker... to me
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I woke up with the sound of the alarm on my cell phone, looked at the time… 06AM… I was waking up at the time I was used to sleeping, because the time zone in Holland was still messing me up. Even after a week here, I still couldn't get my sleep schedule in order.
The first week was getting to know the team handling the case and my new partner, Matthew Guerrit, who was only 3 years older than me, but had extensive experience in the US police and FBI, in the CIA he already had 5 years, and had been transferred to the Netherlands for 2 years. Always with a smile on his face, kind and not at all paranoid, a huge contrast to my old partner… The agency here was much smaller, with few people, there was Agent Lucas Raymond, Agent Jacob Dirk and Agent Brigitta Simon, who - as she said herself - liked to be called Brigg and thanked the heavens when I arrived at the agency and she was no longer the only woman here.
This was my new team, because unlike in the US, here we didn't only work in pairs, only when there was a need or in smaller cases, big cases like the one I was in, a whole team was responsible, and when I heard that, it was my turn to thank the heavens.
In a week here, I spoke to Dave three times, and on the day I left, he called me while I was at the airport to say goodbye and wish me luck.
"I'm sorry I wasn't there at the airport running and trying to stop you from traveling, I thought it was too cliché and I know how much you hate romantic comedies… and I also understand that you need to go… But I wish you all the best in this new phase of yours, and I hope you solve this case soon, so that maybe you can come back to me… to our case… in the case. Good luck"
And the other two times, he asked about the case, if I knew where any documents were or if I remembered anything relevant.
Apparently, during the week that I was away, the case slowed down, even with the arrest in Ohio, we didn't get any leads to follow up and get to Richard Bayle… but now that was no longer my problem. I had to focus on my new case, with my new partner and a new team.
The case here was about attacks, there was a terrorist and extremist cell that had been causing explosions in specific places all over Europe, and the US's concern about this? Simple, they didn't want these attacks to reach them, and of course, fucking NATO, which was charging the US for its collective defense regime.
I got to the office around 7:30 in the morning, slept badly, slept little, my mood was garbage, my head was exploding…
"Good morning Rookie, what a terrible face, still sleeping badly because of the time difference?" - Matthew asked
I just nodded as I massaged one of my temples…
"Here, see if this helps" - handing me a double espresso - "I also took a while to get used to the time zone, almost three months of bad nights, do you know what helped me?"
"Matthew, if you make any unfunny jokes I swear I'll shoot you…" He laughed
"No Rookie, biritas" - still laughing - "take a day to drink with us, Brigg would love to have you with us so you don't feel so out of place…"
"It's not a bad idea, but when I leave here all I want is my bed, I swear I'm not that boring, I'm just really tired" - yawning…
"Tell you what, we've got a game here, and I think it's about time you joined in, you're already part of the team…"
"Game? Matthew, I want you to know that I always won my fraternity's games in college and I don't accept losing, I'm even a terrible loser."
"Then that's all the more reason for you to take part" - Matthew said, taking a seat on the edge of my desk.
"Good morniiiiiing" - Brigg had just entered the office, always smiling, I never understood why she was in such a good mood, but she made the atmosphere light, and it was a good feeling…
"Hey Brigg, I'm talking here, put the Rookie in our game? What do you think? She says she's very competitive…"
"Good Rookie, you'll love it, and that's our way of saying, WELCOME TO THE TEAM" - Brigg said laughing…
"Ok Ok, I'm already curious" - I put the rest of the coffee on the table - "how does this work?"
"Simple" - said Matthew - "until the end of the week, the agent who manages to gather the most leads on the case gets a night of drinks paid for by the losing agents, plus bragging rights, of course, and" - he tapped the table in suspense - "gets an extra weekend off…" I get up and reach for some case files…
"So get your wallets ready, because on Friday the Rookie here will be drinking on your tab" - laughing
I sat down at my desk to get back to the case, Lucas and Jacob arrived and caught up on the game.
In those hours when I was concentrating on being part of the team, I didn't even remember him, and I didn't question whether I had done the right thing or not, but every time I remembered him, my chest burned.
"Hey Rookie" I heard a finger snap in front of me, and I snapped back to reality…
"Is everything okay?" Matthew asked - "You're more airy than usual…"
"Everything's fine, Agent, I was just thinking about some things in the US…"
"Are you missing it?"
"That's the problem, I don't know if what I'm missing is what I'm missing" - getting up to get other files.
"If you want to talk, Rookie, we'll have a coffee and you can get it off your chest…"
"No no, I don't talk about my personal life at work, Agent" - returning to my desk, I smiled at the irony of my sentence, I don't talk about my personal life at work but a few days ago, my personal life was in Dave's lap… I felt hypocritical for a moment, but new place, new life, right?
Friday came and with it the end of the week's competition, and I was disgusted because Jacob had won by one more lane than me, it was unacceptable.
"Jacob stole that I know" - I grumbled
"Take it Rookie, and get ready, because I only drink drinks over 30 euros a shot…"
We left the office laughing and complaining about the amounts Jacob wanted to spend, getting into the elevator, I had forgotten how good it was to laugh and have fun with coworkers, even before Dave, I went out very few times, always very focused on what I wanted, who would have thought that I would only last a few months in the corporation in the USA…
Whenever I thought about it, or thought of Dave, my head flew, Dave hadn't texted me for days, and I didn't know whether to be grateful for that, or to miss him, he still confused me…
I felt a tap on my shoulder bringing me back, it was Matthew, again…
"Shall we?" He was standing there holding the door of the elevator that I hadn't even seen reach the first floor
It was the first time I'd accompanied my team to this pub, I didn't even know it existed, let alone that it was at the back of the agency, pool tables, dartboards, people smoking, classic 80s rock playing in the background, wooden tables and high chairs, a dance floor with a few lights. I think I've finally found my place in this city…
They went straight to a table at the back, I just followed them, apparently it was their official table, I settled into one of the chairs and the waiter brought us each a shot of rum… it was going to be a fun night and I was really excited.
After 8 shots, Lucas got up to the jukebox and put on a classic from the 90s, one of my favorite songs, Even Flow by PEARL JAM… I felt Brigg taking me by the hand
"Let's dance, Rookie."
"But you can't dance to that song, Brigg" - I laughed a little, but followed her onto the dance floor, still holding my long neck of beer that I was mixing with the shots of rum.
"We just swing Rookie, and feel the music."
I wrapped one of my arms around Briggs' neck and the two of us sang along to my favorite song like two drunks, jumping on the guitar riffs and bobbing our heads like two teenagers, laughing…
"Wow, I don't think I've ever had this much fun, I thought it was a mistake, but it wasn't, I did the right thing…"
"What mistake, Rookie? What are you talking about? You've got me curious."
"Nothing, Brigg, it's just me, you wouldn't understand." She shrugged.
The song ended and I went back to the table, fixing my hair and clothes, I was sweating a bit, even more so because of the warm clothes I was wearing, my cheeks flushed. Matthew came up to me with another beer.
"Enjoying Rookie?"
"Very much Matthew, thank you for letting me in on this" - opening the beer
"I saw you needed a distraction, sometimes you get lost in your thoughts."
"Nothing much, just some unfinished business that I've left behind and I'm worried about whether it's going to be okay."
"Some issues with work, or with someone?"
"Work Matthew, I always work" - drinking beer.
"You didn't leave anyone behind?"
My eyes grew distant for a moment, I took another sip of beer "No" I replied dryly.
"Then that's good because…"
I signaled for him to wait a minute because my phone was ringing, I stood up, moving away from the table and the noise a little, my eyes were blurring because of the alcohol, it couldn't be him, was I already drunk? It's not possible…
"Dave?" - my body shivered at his voice
"What's that noise, where are you?"
"What do you need Dave?"
"Now to know where you are? Isn't it 3 a.m. in Holland?"
"If you don't tell me what you need, I'll hang up and go back to what I was doing…"
"Actually, I need your eidetic memory, but I guess that's impossible now, isn't it?"
"Can it be tomorrow? I'm really busy right now…"
Dave took a deep breath on the other end of the line - I could even imagine him smoothing his forehead…
"Sure, sure…"
"Good evening, Dave…"
My heart stopped for a few seconds when I heard his voice calling me princess after so long…
"Dave," I said, my voice breaking.
"I miss you…"
"Good night Dave" - and I hung up
I took a deep breath, scratched my head…
I went back to the table and announced that I was leaving…
"No, Rookie, it's early, we'll be here until the morning," said Lucas.
"I'm falling asleep, guys, I want to see you hold out at the office tomorrow."
"Not me" - said Jacob, stretching - "I'm off, I'm going sleep all day."
"I still think you stole it Jacob, I just don't have any way of proving it yet" - laughing as I grabbed my bag and threw my suit on my back.
"I'll drive you Rookie" - Matthew offered
"No need, I've already called an Uber, it's coming, don't bother, just take Briggs" - pointing to the dance floor where she was jumping around to some music - "This soul needs to be guided home…" I went to the dance floor
"Bye Briggs" - waving my hand
"ROOKIE" - she hugged me, I wanted to say it apparently, but she was really drunk - "I'm so, so happy you came to the agency, for more female agents like us…. YAY FOR US WOMEN UHUUL" - Raising her arm
I laughed at the situation and at how drunk she was and got into the mood, raised an arm and shouted YAY.
My Uber beeped and I ran out of there, I wanted my bed. … I got home and just took off my clothes and put on a baggy blouse, threw myself on the bed with my cell phone in my hand, stood there looking at the screen, thinking about his phone call…
"I miss you too Dave"
I sent it as a message… honestly, I think drunks should have their cell phones blocked to avoid this kind of embarrassment, but now it was gone… yes, I regretted it the second I sent it…
Not three minutes later, my cell phone vibrated in response.
"Where are you?"
"You don't care Dave, you're not my fucking owner…"
"I didn't ask, idiot, I wanted to see you, that's all…"
"You're an idiot, you asshole, I'm at home, in my bed… going to sleep"
"Do you really miss me, princess?"
"After that little chat, it's all over… I've just remembered what an asshole you are… good night '
I locked the phone screen and tossed it aside, my head spinning, I didn't need to drink the last two shots…
My phone started ringing.
Maybe it would have been better not to answer it, but I wanted to see him so badly, I sat up in bed, leaning against the headboard, with just the light of the lamp, rubbed my face with both hands to try to make it better and answered it.
"Hi Dave…"
"Wow, what's with the face?" - he laughed
"I'm fucking drunk, nobody looks good like that, asshole"
Dave was shirtless, leaning against his sofa…
"You look beautiful" - he smiled in a corner
"Aff, stop, what do you want? I can't remember anything about the case right now Dave… my brain is soaked with alcohol and…"
"I want you" - Dave interrupted me, and I blushed at his blunt answer, cleared my throat…
"So, what about the case? Did it go ahead? Have you been given a new partner?" - I tried to deflect
"It hasn't, that's why I need your help, but tomorrow, and yes, they've sent me a new partner, it's strange, but you're getting used to it, the only sad thing is that you're much hotter…" - he smiled
I put my hand to my face with my head back and turned around, smiling…
"Dave, I… you… we're over 7,000 km away and…"
Dave threw his body forward, his elbows probably resting on his knees, still sitting on the sofa, his cell phone down, giving me the impression that he was looking up at me…
"FUCK DAVE", I thought and bit my lower lip…
"Are you trying to seduce me Agent York?" - I asked, smiling
"Never, why? Are you feeling seduced agent?"
I ran my hand over my red face, biting my lip… looking at Dave through that screen, that neck, that mouth that he always bit the corner of…
"Princess, will you take your shirt off for me?"
I was miles away from him, but I still surrendered just looking at him. I threw my cell phone on the bed and took off my shirt, then returned with the screen while I leaned more heavily on the headboard, but without showing anything, he could only see up my crossed arm in front of my breasts…
"Let me see you princess…"
I shook my head no, biting my lip - " hum hum…"
"You want me to beg, don't you?"
I shook my head yes - "hunrum"
Dave took a deep breath, biting his lips, and moved a little closer to the screen…
"Please" - he whispered
"I need to see you…"
Dave drew in a deep breath and let it out
"Princess… please, let me see you" - he smiled - "I really need to see you…"
I lowered the cell phone screen a little more, taking my arm away, Dave mumbled something I didn't hear, but it sounded PERFECT…
I moved my hand down to my breasts, squeezed one of them from bottom to top and let out a low moan. Dave snorted on the other end of the line as he watched me. I squeezed and lightly pinched the nipple as I ran my tongue over my lips
"That's it princess, do them like I do" - Dave leaned back on the sofa with his arm outstretched, filming himself sitting up from the bottom, he was wearing those gray shorts from his gym days, I saw his other hand stroking his erection over his clothes and heard him moan low - "You drive me crazy princess" - He gasped
"What do you want Dave, ask me…"
He drew air between his lips
"I want to see you completely, take off your panties"
"This one?" - I had already taken them off and showed them to him
"Good girl, now come down so I can see all of you"
" Hum hum, and I'm not going to see you? That's no good"
"But you're already seeing me" - he smiled dully
"Not the part I want…"
Dave threw his head back and ran his hand over his flushed face
" Fuck, princess, look what you're making me do" - with a red face
"You started it, now you want to stop? No sir Agent York, you can take those shorts off for me"
Dave laughed with his head down, and his image shook as he took off his shorts as I asked…
"Okay Princess" - turning the camera back to the previous angle where I could see him from below, in his black boxer shorts, I thought about telling him to take them off, but the view was so perfect, I pretended I'd forgotten to ask - Can I see you now? - He asked as he adjusted his cock in his underwear
I just stretched my arm up and slid the camera down so that he could see me, arched my legs up a little and positioned the camera in front of me, still holding the phone, but in a way that he could see me. Dave moaned lowly as he squeezed his erection harder over his underwear
I wet the tips of two fingers and ran them down my body " That's it, princess, let me see you touching yourself, will you?"
When I get to my entrance and feel them rubbing against my clit, I let out a louder moan, and automatically close my legs a little, start massaging it, putting pressure on it with my two fingers, go down wetting them on myself and press my clit again, on the other side, I hear Dave moaning, he's pulling his erection down and up over his underwear until he lowers it a little, holding his cock at the base and squeezing it lightly, just looking at him like that made my legs shake. The head of his cock was already wet with pre-cum…
"That's it princess, moan for me"
My moans became louder but still muffled, Dave began to touch himself faster as he moaned, his hand with the phone was shaking a little, but nothing that disturbed my vision. I kept circling my clit while Dave moaned at me
"Dave, I'm so close"
"Come to me, come princess…"
He whispered to me as I touched my right spot, riding my own hand. Hearing Dave York moaning my name from the other side as he jerked off feeling my pleasure for him, my orgasm came like a strong wave and I could only moan louder as I slowed down my fingers trying to remember how to breathe, I opened my eyes in time to see Dave moaning letting his head fall back on the sofa, his hand slowing down, his chest rising and falling with his panting breaths as he came on his cock and growled his pleasure through his teeth, I salivated for him at that moment as I watched his cum drip down his fingers and onto his chest and belly with a few droplets of sweat that had accumulated. Dave looked at me, returning to his breathing, while I looked at him, biting my lips… I admired the sight for a few more seconds.
"Just a minute, princess" - Dave put his cell phone down somewhere, as I could only see the ceiling for a few moments, and came back quickly, just in time for me to see him wipe himself down - "How good can it be with you away?"
"I have no idea, Dave" - I shrugged and turned on my side with the phone closer to my face - "it really was great… but…"
"But it would be better with me there with you, wouldn't it?"
"No Dave, it's BUT I have to sleep, I have to be at the office tomorrow at eight, and it's already five in the morning… but it's always better when you're there… only you understand that…"
"Yes, princess" - Dave looked away - "I'll let you sleep, tomorrow I'll call you to help me with the case, okay?"
"Yes, but a normal call, no video"
Dave laughed
"Good night princess…"
"Good night Agent York…"
Even though I'd only been asleep for almost two hours, I woke up in a great mood… as I got out of the shower and brushed my teeth with a towel on my body and another in my hair, I rubbed the mirror to remove the fog left by the smoke from the hot shower, looked at myself for a moment remembering last night and laughed, just letting a short laugh escape my chest… I rinsed my mouth and put my hand to my forehead, thinking… wasn't the idea to stay away from him? Okay, technically I am away, but… I needed some time to think… Anyway, I had to get to the office.
I arrived a little late, but my team had just arrived…
A SSSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH echoed through the room on everyone's lips.
"No need to scream Rookie" - Brigg, still wearing sunglasses and holding his hand to his head
"I'm late because I've gone to buy coffee for all of us, double espresso" - placing the tray on the center table while they were already reaching for their cups.
In the mess of getting the coffees, Matthew ended up getting mine by mistake, and when he tasted it he grimaced
"Wow, what kind of coffee is that?" I saw that it had my name on it
"Hey my coffee" - picking it up for me
"How do you drink it, actually, what is it Rookie?" - Matthew asked laughing
"Shh, don't talk bad about my coffee, it's unsweetened, with milk and a pinch of cinnamon, a perfect combination"
I went back to my desk sipping my coffee, the day would be long, but in the afternoon, I would talk to him again, and that made me smile.
As I was leaving the building's garage with the guys, Matthew insisted on taking me to the car, I really wanted to believe that he was just being nice.
"Rookie, I was wondering if you were free today, I don't know, to see a bit more of the country, go for a drive… I don't know" - Matthew asked with his hand on the open door of my car…
"Aaaan, who's going?"
"Me and you, I wanted to show you the city, you've only worked since you got here" - he looked away
"I can't today, I have an appointment"
"Very important?"
"Maybe, maybe not" - I got into the car - "See you on Monday Matthew" - I made a point of pulling the door shut and he got the message
"See you on Monday Rookie" - He stood there with his hands in his pockets while I started the car.
At home, I grabbed a coffee and sat down to read my book, which I hadn't been able to get to for three days, and waited for Dave's call. At around 7pm my phone rang with his call
"Rookie, what's up? I need to make this quick. Do you remember the arrest in Ohio?"
"Sure, what about it?"
"In the evidence we took, there was a list of the possible buyers of the women who were there, do you remember any names?"
"Of course I do, but why don't you just look at the list?"
"What names?" - Dave didn't answer
"Dave, is everything all right?"
"Rookie, I need as many names as you can think of, now."
"Write it down then, Aaron Delaney, Briella Wilson, Amatto Bianchi and Rizzo Zanetti"
" Fuck yeah, you're a genius princess, I need to go"
"Dave, what's going on?"
"I can't talk on the phone, I'll get back to you as soon as I can"
He had already hung up, my heart squeezed, it wouldn't be a big deal would it? He's an experienced agent and very good in combat, and an impeccable marksman, he's never missed a shot from what they say, he's a tactical expert and always has his Beretta M9A1 - his suppression pistol - at his fingertips. I took a deep breath, he would be fine.
Three weeks went by, I didn't speak to Dave, just a few messages that made us sure that they were both still alive, but this last week, he didn't give any sign and my mind was racing, I couldn't call US headquarters just to ask about him… I texted Maggs to ask for the news and she told me everything that was going on, except what I wanted to know, if he was okay, but I think that if something had happened, she would have told me, wouldn't she?
I had to be focused on the terrorist cell case, but as well as being worried, I was disgusted because I'd lost the clue competition to Matthew and Jacob, JACOB AGAIN, how he thought he was winning.
It was Friday again and the score was tight between me and Jacob, I didn't even go to lunch because by the time I left I was going to get something, I thought the competition was healthy, we had already managed to arrest some people, but mostly people who weren't relevant to getting to the focus of the cell.
Two more explosions had taken place, one in Holland and one in Germany. The point was that the cell could be worldwide, connected by the internet, so we could never predict where the next attack would be. I had been looking at the photos of the last two crime scenes for hours, my head was throbbing, there was something there, I could feel it.
I picked up the photo of the first attack to compare with the attack now and noticed a drawing near the center of the explosions, I ran to the table in the center of the room where the folders and photos were, and picked up all the crime scenes that had taken place, checking them one by one and Holy SHIT, I found it.
I lined up the photos in chronological order of the attacks, and went through them one by one to confirm that yes, they had a symbol, it was a waning moon cut in half.
"Guys, look what I found" - calling the team to the table, I passed around the photos and pointed.
"How did you spot that, Rookie? It's very imperceptible" - Brigg asked
"Don't ask me how my brain works, I just knew there was something I'd seen before, but I couldn't remember where, and it was in the photos. Now we just have to find out if this symbol is placed before or after, if it's before it's to mark the site of the attack, if it's after it's to assume that that explosion was their doing…"
"I'll give it to Sylas now and ask him to check the street cameras a few days before the explosion dates" - Matthew left with the evidence in hand, heading for Sylas' office.
I got up and headed for the team board, picking up the pilot to write on…
"Hey Jacob, looks like the Rookie here is going to bankrupt you today" - making my point
"Calm down Rookie, there's still half an hour to go, it could still turn…" "That smell" - sniffing the air - "I feel a smell of revolt in the air…"
Jacob just laughed. … We arrived at the pub as usual, I already knew everyone at the bar, the bartenders, and I went in saying
"Bartel, make that double drink for me because today THE ROOKIE HERE IS PARTYING"
"THE Rookie WON ONE LENNON" - Bartel shouted to the bartender at the back.
" Finally, Rookie" - Lennon smiled from the back.
We sat down at the table, Jacob looking terrible, and I made a little kiss to him, rubbing my eyes as if he was going to cry.
Matthew and Briggs laughed, and I had fun, I loved those moments when I could get him out of my head.
The night was great, we drank and danced on the dance floor, even Matthew dared to show off his dance moves, at the table Lucas was consoling his friend Jacob, I might not have known how to lose, but compared to Jacob? No way…
I was already pretty upset, and it was almost two in the morning when Briggs took me to the dance floor again, my feet were already hurting and I was only wearing the white tank top I was wearing under my dress shirt.
Briggs danced just two songs with me and went back to the table, and I stayed there dancing alone until I felt a hand grab me around the waist.
When I opened my eyes, it was Matthew who, seeing me alone on the dance floor, had come to join me. He started dancing with me, taking me by the hand and spinning me around, and I laughed
"This isn't a waltz Matthew"
His hand tightened around my waist and moved to my back, and he pulled me closer.
"Hey what are you doing Matthew?" - I asked a little harshly
"What I've been wanting to do for weeks and you pretend you don't understand" - he moved closer to me, trying to kiss me and I pulled away, he held my face, I put my hands on his chest and pushed him back.
"Matthew, NO"
When I turned to leave the dance floor, I couldn't believe what I saw, I was drunk, but not to the point of hallucinating, it couldn't be, Dave was standing in the middle of the bar, with his black overcoat and his hands on his hips looking at me with his face closed…
"Dave…" - I whispered
The tag list (always in progress), please let me know if you want to be added or removed in my future fanfic posts.
@hannahkatharine @drewharrisonwriter @morallyinept @simp4nott @star017 @survivingandenduring @popcornforone @perotovar @untamedheart81 @missladym1981 @yorksgirl @welcometodrama @blondebarbiiemiinajlover-blog @labyrinthofheartagrams @perennialdoll247 @jensensational71 @mrspedropascal5683 @none-of-this-makes-any-sense @pedroswife69 @welcometodrama @pedropascalsgermangirl @paanchusblog @stevie75 @leosilke @friendswiththemonster78 @vivian-pascal
Chapter Six - Connections
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#SEXTOU do domingo
É Fanta ou é birita?
#me #mg
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tecontos · 1 year
Nesse carnaval eu flagrei minha irmã fodendo com meu tio (Carnaval-2023)
By; Luiz
Me chamo Luiz, todo mundo me conhece como Luizão, tenho 22 anos e tenho uma irmã mais nova chamada Luí­za, que tem 19 anos, é loirinha, olhos verdes, magrinha, mais ou menos 1, 60 de altura e coxinhas bem grossas.
Minha irmã sempre foi o tesão dos caras aqui do bairro e nunca deu moral pra ninguém e nem tinha namorado, eu achava isso meio estranho mas fui entender depois do que aconteceu aqui em casa no carnaval desse ano.
Minha famí­lia tem uma casa numa praia aqui no estado que eu moro e a gente resolveu fazer a festa lá, todo mundo empolgado, churrasco e bebida rolando, até que meu tio Carlos tava todo saliente pra o lado da minha irmã, mas ninguém ligava porque ele sempre brincava assim com as sobrinhas.
Ele comentou que ela tava uma gata e que se não fosse tio dela pegava minha irmã e ela toda safadinha se sentindo gostosa e rindo do que ele falava. Eu nessas horas sacava que era verdade o que meu tio dizia porque eu tinha muito tesão na minha irmã, mas escondia pra mim mesmo porque me sentia sujo pra caralho maldando com ela.
Enfim, no carnaval as coisas estavam massa pra caralho, a casa enorme, tem 2 andares e deu pra todo mundo ficar de boa. Em um dos dias, acordei umas 4 da manhã, já que eu não bebo e vi que a casa tava uma bagunça e todo mundo provavelmente tava dormindo bem bêbados, inclusive meus pais que gostam até hoje de uma birita.
Eu fui me preparar pra começar o dia surfando e fui no quintal onde tinha uma piscina e um quartinho pra guardar coisas. Minha prancha tava lá, e quando cheguei na porta comecei a ouvir uns gemidos bem baixinhos e na hora congelei, tive certeza que tinha alguém trepando ali e não ia interromper para pegar minha prancha, então fui até uma janelinha minúscula que tinha lá, subi numa caixa de madeira e fui ver quem era que tava ali.
Tomei um susto quando vi minha irmã e meu tio pelados trepando. Ela tava de costas empinadinha e ele socando o pau nela, por isso não tinha risco deles me verem e também os dois sabem que a famí­lia toda acorda tarde depois que bebe, só não contavam que eu fosse surfar cedão justo aquele dia.
Fiquei com inveja do meu tio, eu tava vendo o rabo da minha irmã e ele apertando os peitos dela enquanto metia e meu pau ficou duro na hora. Não resisti e comecei a tocar uma punhetinha discreta ali mesmo com ele chamando ela de sobrinha safada e ela dizendo que adorava a rola dele na bucetinha dela.
Minha irmã gemia igual uma putinha de filme pornô e toda hora o tio Carlos mandava ela calar a boca pra não acordar ninguém. Eu tava com o pau na mão imaginando eu ali chupando ela, de repente ele coloca ela de frente com as pernas bem abertinhas em cima de uma mesa e começa a chupar sua bucetinha lisinha bem molhada.
Ela se contorcia de prazer, rebolava na boca dele, mordia os lábios já toda suada e pedia pra ele não parar enquanto tocava uma siririca. Depois de chupar muito ela foi a vez da puta da minha irmã mamar nosso tio. Ela caiu de boca lambeu o pau dele todinho enquanto olhava com cara de safada.
Não demorou, ele fez ela sentar na sua pica e ela rebolando no cacete dele fez meu tio gozar rapidinho, e o pior é que ele gozou dentro da putinha. Meu pau tava latejando de tesão, não aguentei e gozei gostoso e vazei correndo dali pra não ser visto.
Até hoje minha irmã nem imagina que eu vi ela fodendo com nosso tio e que todos os dias toco uma punheta por causa dela, já não aguento mais de tesão, penso em contar tudo que vi pra ver se a safadinha se anima a foder comigo também.
Enviado ao Te Contos por Luiz
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genderenvyninja · 2 years
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hushhush-m · 5 months
Receita de Ano Novo Para você ganhar belíssimo Ano Novo cor do arco-íris, ou da cor da sua paz, Ano Novo sem comparação com todo o tempo já vivido (mal vivido talvez ou sem sentido) para você ganhar um ano não apenas pintado de novo, remendado às carreiras, mas novo nas sementinhas do vir-a-ser; novo até no coração das coisas menos percebidas (a começar pelo seu interior) novo, espontâneo, que de tão perfeito nem se nota, mas com ele se come, se passeia, se ama, se compreende, se trabalha, você não precisa beber champanha ou qualquer outra birita, não precisa expedir nem receber mensagens (planta recebe mensagens? passa telegramas?) Não precisa fazer lista de boas intenções para arquivá-las na gaveta. Não precisa chorar arrependido pelas besteiras consumidas nem parvamente acreditar que por decreto de esperança a partir de janeiro as coisas mudem e seja tudo claridade, recompensa, justiça entre os homens e as nações, liberdade com cheiro e gosto de pão matinal, direitos respeitados, começando pelo direito augusto de viver. Para ganhar um Ano Novo que mereça este nome, você, meu caro, tem de merecê-lo, tem de fazê-lo novo, eu sei que não é fácil, mas tente, experimente, consciente. É dentro de você que o Ano Novo cochila e espera desde sempre.
Carlos Drummond de Andrade, Discurso da Primavera e algumas Sombras, Companhia das Letras, 2014
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ask-sergayvich · 5 months
Niko, como tá o estoque de birita?
Tá acabando, e minha depressão só aumenta
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disgrafia · 11 months
As coisas o tal do cérebro
As coisas acontecem por um motivo que nem sempre sei. Pode ser um motivo aleatório ou estar bem fundamentada nas leis da natureza - ou do espírito santo pra quem acredita nesse tipo de sentimento. Está tudo bem. Eu mesmo sei pouco sobre os mistérios do universo e o que eu sei acho que não sei o bastante pra afirmar 100%. Teve um filósofo que disse algo assim um dia.
Eu poderia pesquisar facilmente na internet e instantaneamente saber um pouco mais. Mas não o fiz. Pode ser que algum dia eu faça mas não preciso provar que sou muito inteligente. Não que eu seja ou que não.
As vezes não estou certo nem do que sinto e do que existe apenas em mergulhos profundos nas conexões sinápticas dentro da minha cabeça. Imagina ter certeza sobre tudo o que está lá fora, nas galáctas mais distantes, nas fossas marianas ou pairando de forma completamente invisível a olho nu em todo ar que me alimenta e na fumaça do cigarro que sigo insistindo em me prejudicar lentamente.
O bagulho é louco. A gente fuma odiando até não conseguir ficar sem. A gente bebe já sofrendo antecipadamente com ressaca e as más decisões que provavelmente serão tomadas além da birita. Mas a beleza e as aventuras podem também acontecer nos espaços entre o devo, posso e quero. E o não sei que pode ser incrível ou terrível quando souber. O perfeito é fatalmente imperfeito quando não me permito o mínimo de flexibilidade superar os questionáveis padrões sorrateiramente implantados pela sociedade nas minhas reflexões.
Já decidi que provavelmente vou voltar atrás desde que eu não queira muito ir em frente. Assumir escolhas e formar convicções duvidosas fazem parte do processo. Desfazer é possível especialmente quando no teclado nada custa pressionar ctrl+z que é o melhor atalho que a humanidade poderia ter criado, mas que INFELIZMENTE evita vacilos, constrangimentos e momentos engraçados (que podem também ser deploráveis).
A vida não tem esse atalho e eles devem ser cuidadosamente escolhidos pois pode ser as vezes também o pior caminho. As coisas existem por um motivo que nem sempre sei. Vale a pena questionar e buscar saber. O sistema torna as coisas propositalmente difíceis pra manter o status quo. Se fosse fácil haveria um perigo real de que todo mundo fosse minimamente fosse igual. Alguns defendem que seja assim pra supostamente valorizar os melhores que quase sempre são aqueles já começaram bem a frente.
Não é preciso rir o tempo inteiro apesar de quanto mais mais velho mais difícil. Eu sei, essa frase não complementa imediatamente a ideia anterior. Coisa de gente cínica, niilista e que finge saber que porra isso significa.
Enfim, as bobagens que ri há muito tempo nem sempre me farão rir outra vez. Seja porque já ri de coisas inaceitáveis ou porque se perdeu o poder da surpresa. Ser cínico muitas vezes me impede de chorar também. Mesmo quando poderia ou deveria. Mas chorei recentemente e foi muito bom me emocionei. Descobri que ainda não sou de pedra e se deus querer nunca serei, porém, deus me dibre chorar por quem não merece.
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andromedabyweyesblood · 11 months
ela me entende (mal bebo)
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dreenwood · 1 year
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Que a tarde de vocês seja com muita cerveja e birita, só assim vai ser uma boa tarde de verdade! 🤩
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Preencha o juramento antes de continuar: em nome da Excalibur, BEAU JAMES D'ORLEANS em seus 30 anos, jura seguir o legado de NAVEEN E TIANA D'ORLEANS durante a sua estadia na Academia dos Legados. Com a sabedoria concedida a ele, deve se manter caminho da luz enquanto conclui o MÓDULO III.I. Com a bondade tocada em seu coração, recebe PERSEVERANÇA e não se permite ser corrompida por TEIMOSIA. Por último, é deixado um corte na mão de LAROYCE HAWKINS como prova de seu comprometimento com a luz.
Ocupação: Sous Chef do Tiana’s Place
Habilidades Especiais: Manipulação de Som. Com a ponta dos dedos, Beau pode canalizar o som de seu batimento cardíaco, e transformá-los em uma forma de um violento ataque de vibração. Esta habilidade também permite que ele ouça sons e vibrações minúsculas de seus arredores quando toca os objetos de algum lugar. Atualmente no módulo III.I ele consegue usar a habilidade em espaços de até 5m2. Espaços muito abertos, com muita água ou ambientes em que tem uma quantidade absurda de sons diferentes reduzem a potência de sua habilidade.
About / Musing
___Conexões Requeridas
E s p e c í f i c o s 
It’s just business (1/3): O Beau é obcecado com a ideia de abrir uma filial do Tiana’s Place no Castigo, mas como ele tem certeza que isso vai irritar o status quo de Storydom, ele precisa de pessoas do Castigo ou que passam bastante tempo lá que o possam ajudar a colocar essa ideia em prática. Seriam conexões que iriam mostrar pra ele como fazer um negócio dar certo no Castigo. @ayferrou
Online Friends (0/1):Beau e muse conversam há algum tempo, mas só por meios virtuais. O problema é que até hoje, o Beau não tem coragem pra tirar a relação do virtual.
Unlikely Friends (0/1): Muse e Beau são amigos e ninguém consegue entender como ou porque, mas foi algo que aconteceu
?????(0/1): ALGO INSPIRADO EM ANGEL E ADELITA DE MAYANS MC. Muse e Beau tem um rolo comercial, só que Beau tem um crush fudido na muse, mas como ele é bocó, ele nunca fala nada
Melhores Amigos (1/2):  Eles são amigos há algum tempo, se conheceram depois de entrar na Academia, e estão sempre apoiando um ao outro. Mas se tivessem se conhecido antes, provavelmente, teriam se estranhado e se tornado inimigos @eyesofhoruszorak
You got a friend in me (1/xx): Legados de mocinhos que acabaram se aproximando e podem contar com a ajuda de Beau. @princetfcharming
Bad Influence (1/xx): Sabe aquelas pessoas que sempre que estão juntas algo ruim está para acontecer? É esse tipo de relacionamento. Beau e essa pessoa geralmente ficam nas situações mais estranhas e loucas por causa de problemas. @eyesofhoruszorak
Good Influence (0/xx): Alguém que seja uma influência positiva e que consiga fazer com que uma vez ou outra Beau faça alguma coisa boa.
Ex (0/xx): Apesar de não ter herdado os genes de traquejo social do Naveen, Beau às vezes consegue flertar e namorar, mas isso não significa que ele é bom em manter relacionamentos.
Melhores amigos
Amigos de birita
Amigos platônicos
Rivais que viraram amigos
Amigos que viraram inimigos
Exes que terminaram em péssimos termos
Amizade Colorida
Ex-peguete que viraram amigos
Envolvimento que os dois se arrependem
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westofeden · 2 years
     ⸻             𝐹𝐼𝐿𝐻𝑂 𝐷𝐸 𝐻𝐸𝑅𝑀𝐸𝑆  › benjamin, brielle e milton na festa à fantasia ( @persephxnesgarden & @waitwatt )   ♡  
               Festa estranha com gente esquisita, Ben não estava legal. Não aguentava mais birita. Porém o espírito de uma senhora fofoqueira de oitenta anos que vivia sentada perto de uma janela para futricar sobre a vida dos outros nunca dormia e, por isso, ele puxou Bree pela mão e chegou até o maravilhoso Little Milton. Observou como eles eram incríveis até que começou a fofoca que queria discutir.  — Esse Arthur ai que a Akali pegou pra entregar pra Nyxie deve ter um crush fodido nela né? Ou será que a Akali é doida suficiente de pegar um cara aleatório?  — Começou, bebendo um cerveja e apontando com a cabeça em direção do rapaz que ainda parecia meio tonto e sem muita noção. — Ouvi alguém falando em sacrifício sabe...  — Proferiu a informação sem saber muito bem a sua procedência como toda boa fofoqueira fazia. Esperou o que eles diriam daquilo para saber se valeria a pena traçar um plano para juntar a emo com o rapaz.
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baudopaulo90 · 2 months
Biquini, anteriormente conhecida como Biquini Cavadão, é uma banda de rock brasileira, formada em 1985 no Rio de Janeiro, por Bruno Gouveia (vocal), Miguel Flores (teclados), Álvaro Birita (bateria) e Carlos Coelho (guitarra), tendo atualmente, como músicos convidados Marcelo Magal (baixo) e Walmer Carvalho (saxofone).
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equilibrioinstavel26 · 5 months
" Festa estranha, com gente esquisita. Eu não tô legal, não aguento mais birita"
- Legião Urbana
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jarwoski · 5 months
Eta coisa boa! 
Uma viola debaixo do braço, um amor a me acompanhar,
uma birita das boas para a garganta afinar e depois
era só soltar a voz e ver o povo dançar
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memory-echo · 5 months
Receita de ano novo
Para você ganhar belíssimo Ano Novo
cor do arco-íris, ou da cor da sua paz,
Ano Novo sem comparação com todo o tempo já vivido
(mal vivido talvez ou sem sentido)
para você ganhar um ano
não apenas pintado de novo, remendado às carreiras,
mas novo nas sementinhas do vir-a-ser;
até no coração das coisas menos percebidas
(a começar pelo seu interior)
novo, espontâneo, que de tão perfeito nem se nota,
mas com ele se come, se passeia,
se ama, se compreende, se trabalha,
você não precisa beber champanha ou qualquer outra birita,
não precisa expedir nem receber mensagens
(planta recebe mensagens?
passa telegramas?)
Não precisa
fazer lista de boas intenções
para arquivá-las na gaveta.
Não precisa chorar arrependido
pelas besteiras consumidas
nem parvamente acreditar
que por decreto de esperança
a partir de janeiro as coisas mudem
e seja tudo claridade, recompensa,
justiça entre os homens e as nações,
liberdade com cheiro e gosto de pão matinal,
direitos respeitados, começando
pelo direito augusto de viver.
Para ganhar um Ano Novo
que mereça este nome,
você, meu caro, tem de merecê-lo,
tem de fazê-lo novo, eu sei que não é fácil,
mas tente, experimente, consciente.
É dentro de você que o Ano Novo
cochila e espera desde sempre.
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