#birth numerology
novy2sirius · 1 month
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based on numerology
tw: sexualization, emotional/physical abuse, substance abuse/addiction, criminals, death ♥︎
the whole chart matters. take this with a grain of salt ♥︎
this is based on the numerical meanings (numerology) of these numbers not degree theory ♥︎
do not read if you aren’t 18+ ♥︎
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♂ MARS AT 1°/10°/19°/28° · having these mars degrees indicates that you are someone who has a lot of sex appeal and people may obsess over you a lot. with this does come a lot of hate or envy from others as well. you can make lots of money from martian related topics such as modeling, athletics, sex, tattoo work, etc. people with these degrees in their mars are also extremely ambitious and never take no for an answer when they truly want something. when it comes to conflict these people don’t like passive aggressiveness they want you to be up front with them from the beginning and will also do the same. they like to resolve a conflict immediately when it first occurs or have time to themselves if they’re too angry to talk about anything. sexually the women with these degrees tend to love a dominant partner, but the men with these degrees tend to be the one’s that like to dominate in bed. they have a really high sex drive and may come off as very sexual people. when it comes to their presence these people can come off as intimidating at times and when lower vibrational they can be bullies or just very mean spirited. the one’s that are higher vibrational will not waste their energy on being mean to others or being vengeful, but instead will put their energy toward their passions in life
♂ MARS AT 2° · having this mars degree means that a lot of people will find your body to be sexually appealing. at times you may get sexualized a lot. when it comes to conflict these people are peacemakers and don’t like to stir the pot. they prefer to avoid conflict as much as possible because it makes them very anxious. when lower vibrational because of this they can be passive aggressive and bad at confronting conflict head on. when higher vibrational they will try to understand everyone’s perspective during conflict and be understanding while trying to resolve it in a healthy way. this is the most feminine mars degree you can have. usually these people have a more feminine vibe depending on the rest of their chart. a downside to this degree is that these people usually are not the best leaders
♂ MARS AT 3°/12°/21° · having these mars degrees means that you’re someone who needs a lot of communication to resolve conflict. you typically will not just naturally understand why someone is upset unless they tell you. when lower vibrational during conflict these people can be very impulsive with their words, harsh at times, and childish in conflict. when higher vibrational they tend to just be very straight forward in the way they communicate and straight to the point. these degrees in mars can also indicate that you have a sexy voice that many people find hot. you would benefit in life from speaking up for people and yourself. these people make great public speakers and activists because they usually aren’t afraid to use their voice when it comes to important matters. these are not the kind of people you want to get into a roast battle with because they will have you speechless with their comebacks. they tend to be very funny to a lot of people. these people are naturally very creative and can benefit from using their creativity toward their passions. something random i’ve noticed is low vibrational people with these degrees in their mars often get in trouble with the law/are criminals
♂ MARS AT 4°/13° · having these mars degrees means that you are someone who’s extremely hardworking. often these people are workhorses and will stop at nothing to have their desires. these people tend to have a super high sex drives and aren’t afraid to put in the work during sex to please their partner. people with these degrees in their mars typically have broad shoulders or a very muscular body type. when lower vibrational these degrees can be challenging because these people tend to be overly aggressive, violent, and have a lot of jealousy toward others. when higher vibrational these people are very disciplined and smart when it comes to the decisions they make in their life. these people could do really well in the criminal justice field. they would make great cops, criminal investigators, soldiers, etc. i don’t recommend that someone with one of these mars degrees goes into a career where they’re sitting around too much. they thrive more so in careers where they’re constantly being introduced to new tasks and moving a lot
♂ MARS AT 5°/14°/23° · having these mars degrees means that you’re someone that’s a bit on the wild side. you’re always down for an adventure and love to constantly be moving and traveling if you can. when unevolved these people can sometimes be players since 5 energy in numerology is very sexual and loves its freedom while Mars is about speed and moving fast. these people tend to love sex, but may struggle with confusing lust and love at times even if they don’t initially realize it. these people often have a lot of sex appeal and are very sexually attractive. they have a charm about them that others find very seductive and it makes many people desire them. these people are great entertainers and are very witty. they have a natural charisma about them that makes others addicted to them. although this can also create jealousy in others and make many people want to bring you down if you have these degrees in your mars out of hatred in themselves for not having what you have. at worst people with these degrees in their mars can be relationship/home wreckers, irresponsible, chaotic, alcoholics, or drug addicts. when it comes to conflict they don’t really like to dwell on things too much because they’re free spirits and want to just have fun. if you try telling them what to do or make them feel restricted in any way though they won’t want you in their life and will distance themselves from you. health wise these people tend to be very fit and have good diets
♂ MARS AT 6°/15°/24° · having these mars degrees means that you’re definitely really good in bed. these people like to please their partner before themselves in bed. they usually have high fertility. they also have praise kinks a lot of the time. when it comes to exercise these people can be lazy at times and bed rotters. they like staying in their comfort zone and don’t enjoy leaving it. the downside to these degrees in your mars is that it can make you on the lazier side and can make you lack ambition if you don’t have any placements to contradict this energy. often these people may not have good health because of this. they’re homebodies. they will be responsible whenever they need to though. when it comes to conflict they value their friendships and relationships a lot, so they try not to step on any toes. they’re very loving people, but when they’re mad.. they’re really mad and stubborn. it just takes a lot to get them to that point. when it comes to their family sometimes they do have family issues since mars is associated with the conflicts in our life and 6 is the number of family in numerology. they can lack intelligence if they don’t have any energies contradicting this in their chart
♂ MARS AT 7°/16°/25° · having these mars degrees means that you’re not someone who enjoys being involved in conflict and prefers to just mind your own business. when these people don’t like someone they usually won’t tell them. they’d rather avoid the drama of telling someone they wanna cut them off and just slowly walk away from a friendship/relationship. these people are often on the more introverted side and can be bad at communicating their feelings during conflict. they’re often misunderstood which makes them feel very lonely and struggle a lot with loneliness (sometimes even when they’re not alone). they could be surrounded by a group of people and still feel alone. people with these degrees are most likely to be narcissistic or psychopathic when at a very low vibration since 7 is the number of the psycho and mars represents aggressive energy. these degrees in your mars are some of the most challenging when it comes to romance/friendship as well. the positive to these mars degrees is that these people tend to be highly intelligent and very strong spiritually. they tend to have great instincts and be very intuitive. they notice a lot of things that others don’t notice
♂ MARS AT 8°/17°/26° · having these mars degrees indicates that you’re an amazing leader. you would do great in a career involving business related things or running your own business. these people seek power and can do very well in positions of power as long as they don’t take advantage of their power and use it for bad or act greedy. they often have good judgment of others and can tell the type of person someone is immediately when meeting them. they see things in people that others don’t. if they’re at a lower vibration they can be thoughtless and not think about how their actions may hurt others. at very worst they could be emotionally or physically abusive, ignorant, vengeful, obsessive, and cruel. when it comes to their career they tend to be very wealthy when they’re older, but may experience ups and downs with money in their childhood and in early adulthood. they are very hard workers when they really want something bad enough. if they don’t have a deep desire for something they will not put in any effort though. these people were actually meant to be materialistic in this life time just not to the point where it’s the only thing they value. these people do live a very karmic life which can be the challenge of having these degree in your mars. when they hurt others karma will come back to them quickly, but the vice versa also occurs if people hurt them (the people who hurt them will get bad karma quickly). sexually, these people have a lot of stamina in bed. even the men can last longer than most other men
♂ MARS AT 0°/9°/18°/27° · having these mars degrees can mean that you’re a powerful manifestor and have the ability to manifest more quickly than most others. manifestation ability is not reliant on placements, however it’s simply just that these people tend to have a better understanding earlier on of manifestation than most others which makes them usually have better manifesting skills. these people tend to have a quick death that happens suddenly since mars represents speed and 9 in numerology represents death. these people tend to be great adapters no matter what place you put them in. they are quick learners and very intelligent. when lower vibrational these people tend to have big egos and a superiority complex or need to “prove others wrong” since they have lack of respect for others opinions. they can also be violent, struggle with addiction, dramatic, liars, possessive, or be immoral when at a lower vibration. when at a higher vibration these people know how to use their emotional energy and turn it into amazing art whether that be in the form of music, acting, or literal artwork such as painting and drawing, etc. they can especially be amazing actors though since 9 is the number of illusion. they’re naturally good liars/fakers, so with that energy in mars the planet associated with intense emotions and enthusiasm they can act in a way that seems very realistic. they’re very compassionate and usually come off very charming and attractive to others. they can be good leaders or followers. in bed usually they’re switches and can enjoy being dominant or submissive depending on their mood
♂ MARS AT 11°/20°/29° · having these mars degrees can mean that you’re a very emotional person. it’s usually because of how spiritually connected these people are though and their ability to tap into others energies. sometimes unintentionally. often these people have psychic abilities and will dream about things before they occur in the physical realm. these people tend to dislike hookup culture a lot and prefer having a real and deep connection with someone before ever having sex with them. when it comes to work they do well in emotionally strenuous jobs like being an ICU nurse, 911 operator, etc. they would do well as an athlete, actor, rapper, life coach, salesman, etc though. these people have a lot of charisma and can seduce people into getting what they want. they are good manipulators, so be cautious if you do see this in someone’s chart in case they’re low vibrational. at very worst when these people are at a low vibration they could be the type to lure you in with charm and then hurt you especially if they’re emotionally unstable people. when it comes to conflict these people tend to be very empathetic toward others emotions when at a higher vibration and want the best for them, so they try to understand how the other person feels before explaining how they feel. however, when you hurt someone with one of these degrees in their mars it can be dangerous since these people have the power to make others really emotional
♂ MARS AT 22° · having this mars degree means that you’re very wise, especially when it comes to problem solving. they’re good at analyzing details that others can’t. they tend to also give very good advice to others when they need help with their problems or conflicts in life. they’re powerful people and leaders. they tend to be people that think outside of the box and the opposite of a follower. health wise these people tend to have very muscular bodies and can be very fit. these people can be great body builders if they want to be. emotionally these people can be pretty sensitive at times and if low vibrational very stubborn or ruthless. when at a higher vibration these people tend to use their energy toward things that help them become more powerful and achieve more. a downside is these people can be really stubborn when you try to give them advice. they don’t like taking it. sexually these people will feel more pleasure the more confident they feel and may enjoy more aggressive or intense sex
comment your mars degree and what posts you want me to make next. reblogs are appreciated!!
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astrocafecoffee · 2 months
Astro observation (part 2)
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✨ For entertainment purposes only, enjoy ✨
🔥 Taurus sun individuals usually eat slowly and savor their food enjoying each bite. They dislike being rushed during meals.
🔥 Sagittarius rising peoples thrive on variety in their excercise routine. They might regularly switch between different types of workouts to keep things interesting.
🔥 Capricorn rising peoples might enjoy dishes like roasted meats , stews and well balanced meals that provide both comfort and nourishment.
🔥 Sagittarius sun - very good in mathematics and calculation.
🔥 Groom conjunct your vertex/ Hera asteroid in draconic synastry can indicate they being your spouse/ you have a soul tie with them.
🔥 I have seen many Libra 12th house peoples often have people pleasing tendencies and have problems with creating healthy boundaries.
🔥 11th House mars people's communication style with friends can be direct and assertive, which can sometimes come across as agressive if not managed carefully.
🔥 Mercury in its debilitated sign ( Pisces) individuals may struggle with tasks that require precision, detailed analysis or strict logic.
🔥 I have seen when someone's 9th lord in their 12th house or vice versa , they often marry people from other states, cultures, and countries .
🔥 Aries moons can be quick to anger but also quick to forgive and forget.
🔥 juno in 7th house of Groom persona chart means your fs is your wish fulfilment, ( dreams come true 👀)
🔥 Virgo placements may excel in stock market.
🔥 Aries placements tend to tackle problems head on with immediate action. They prefer to address issues rather than letting them linger or escalate.
🔥 water placements are obsessed with beaches and coastal environments , where Earth signs with mountains.
🔥 I have also seen this many water placements either love water areas or hate it. There's no in between. I have seen cancer moons/ Pisces rising peoples having thalassophobia.
🔥 in Vedic astrology, Rahu in 7th house / rahu conjunct Venus/ rahu conjunct 7th lord indicates foreign spouse.
🔥 Webb asteroid in natal 11th house is self explanatory 🙃.
🔥 prey Asteroid ( 6157) in 4th house individuals often see their home as refuge where they can shield themselves from outside world. If it's negative side manifests in someone's life then there might be themes of feeling vulnerable or taking advantage within the family and home environment.
🔥 Gemini placements individuals are often misunderstood by peoples.
🔥 cancer moons emotional up and downs can weaken their immune system , making them more vulnerable to infections.
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🔥 Scorpio placements likes to feel in control of their surroundings and emotions and they fear situations where they feel powerless.
🔥 Aquarius mars peoples value their independence highly and can be quite stubborn about doing things their way.
🔥 Jupiter in Aquarius people may involved in activism , volunteering or supporting charitable organisations.
🔥water moons , Capricorn placements often prone to depression.
🔥 Venus in Capricorn peoples may fear being vulnerable or getting hurt , which is why they often appear guarded more in relationships.
🔥 Aries mars often have fear of rejection . If they sense any hint of rejection they might quickly pull back or move on to avoid facing their fear.
🔥Pluto in Sagittarius peoples maybe fascinated by esoteric subjects, occult and hidden truths. This interest in the mystical and unknown can lead them to explore astrology, tarot or other metaphysical studies.
🔥 Asteroid Medusa conjunct midheaven in natal chart means this individual's career may dealing with controversial and taboo subjects , leading to transformation and growth. They could work in fields related to psychology, healing, crisis management or any area that requires confronting difficult truths.
🔥 Asteroid Born conjunct juno in synastry suggest a relationship that feels spiritually significant , with a strong sense of being " meant to be" or karmic linked.
🔥 Hera asteroid conjunct sun in synastry means the Hera person might view the sun person as an ideal partner, seeing them as someone can commit to for the long term . This aspect can indicate a relationship that has potential to lead to marriage or a deep , committed relationship.
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Thanks for reading 🖤
- piko ✨
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illusionocean-blog · 10 months
The first impression you give off based on Destiny Matrix! All numbers
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1, 10 & 19 Aloof, calm, tsundere (cold on outside, warm in inside)
2, 11 & 20 Loud & expressive, vibrant
3, 12 & 21 Sweet, shy or simply someone with mostly a soft side.
4, 13, & 22 Serious. Stern. Practical
5 & 14 Guardian, humanitarian, wise, gentleman/woman vibes Fictional character that represents this number: Carlisle from Twilight
6 & 15 Otherworldly, airhead-ish, quirky, charming Fictional character that represents this number: Alice Cullen from Twilight
7 & 16 Intimidating, stylish, sophisticated, unconsciously seductive
8 & 17 Jokesters, funny, life of the party (less loud than #2), very original and creative
9 & 18 Super kind & diplomatic, a people's person
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astro-vogue · 5 months
© Astro-Vogue 2024 all rights reserved, this article is protected by copyright norms, do not copy, repost, rewrite in any way or you'll be sued for copyright infringement.
• Hi everyone welcome here, you can address me as A. (she/her/hers) as I prefer to keep my identity as private as possible.
⎯ I'm 21, and not a native english speaker so please forgive me if I make accidental errors here and there, I'll always try my best not to...
• I'm a student from Astrology University, (I'm about to take my professional diploma) and I've been studying this subject professionally from certified astrologers since 6 full years now. [more about my astrology education here]
⎯ I have a life outside this blog as I'm a full time student and practitioner, please be patient if my answers don't arrive immediately.
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• Come here anytime you'll want simple, truthful, straightforward & informative articles about western astrology.
⎯ I will never, ever, post something without proper documentation from valid sources + I will always make sure to link them in each article.
⎯ I will never, ever, sugarcoat any placement. I tell things as they are, this blog ain't for the weak.
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⎯ the 4 elements
⎯ elemental lack
⎯ quadruplicities
⎯ polarity
⎯ the 12 zodiac signs
⎯ mutual reception
⎯ planets: part I - personal/inner planets
⎯ planets: part II - social planets
⎯ planets: part III - generational/outer planets
⎯ critical degrees
⎯ debunking observations, part I (anon ask)
⎯ debunking observations, part II - Composite 12H Placements/Stelliums
⎯ uranus in the 3H/11H
⎯ challenging composite placements
⎯ pluto in the 5H
⎯ moon square north node
⎯ wealth indicators in a chart
⎯ new fame degrees
⎯ poseidon & zeus
⎯ hermes
⎯ multisynastry and multicomposite charts
⎯ inception charts
⎯ future spouse according to derivative houses
⎯ future spouse's home and family
⎯ sexualization of placements
⎯ big d*ck indicators in a chart
⎯ manuel ferrara's chart and indicators of big d*ck
⎯ rocco siffredi's chart and indicators of big d*ck
⎯ future spouse's dick size and shape - groom PC & priapus
⎯ toxic/inaccurate observations online [n°I] [n°II] [n° IIII] [n°IV]
⎯ Iman & David Bowie
⎯ Victoria & David Beckham
⎯ stop being scared of pluto
⎯ small tip/advice: the 7H Persona Chart overlapped with your Birth Chart
⎯ career in astrology
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geeta1726 · 21 days
What does Venus in the 6th house mean?
Venus in the 6th house has specific implications. Here are the key points:
Focus on Service: Venus in the 6th house indicates a strong emphasis on service, work, and daily responsibilities, often bringing harmony to the workplace.
Health and Wellness: This placement can lead to an interest in health, wellness, and maintaining a balanced lifestyle, though it may also bring challenges related to indulgence or overwork.
Relationships with Colleagues: Venus here often creates pleasant and cooperative relationships with coworkers and subordinates, promoting teamwork.
Potential Conflicts: There may be challenges in personal relationships, as Venus in the 6th can sometimes lead to conflicts or misunderstandings, particularly in love matters.
Financial Stability: The focus on work and service can lead to financial stability, especially when the native is engaged in Venus-related professions like art, beauty, or finance.
If you want to know the result of Venus in the sixth house or any other planet, that too on the basis of your horoscope. So there is a very good software. In my opinion, it can give you very good information on the basis of your horoscope. Which is Kundli Chakra Professional 2022 software which can give you better information.
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kakiastro · 5 months
The Numerology and Astrology of 1997
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Numerology is my 2nd favorite thing to study besides Astrology. They go hand in hand in my mind. They’re interconnected with each other. You’ll see when I break it down for y’all in this post.
I specifically chose this year because well, I realized 1997 and 2024 are both 8 years. Let me break it down…
Add up the numbers
1 + 9 + 9 + 7 = 26
2 + 6 = 8
2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 8
So if you were born in 1997, then you was born during an 8 year. 2024 is an 8 year as well. So this year is like a rebirth of some sorts or a karmic cleansing.
Keep in mind. This is different from life path numbers because you add your birth month, day and year. It’s a lot lol but we’re only focusing on your birth year only
-ruled by Saturn and Capricorn in numerology. These born natives may have had a tough or not easy upbringing. They may have had to grow up or learn some harsher lessons early in life than most. They were born during a karmic year so if you’re the type who believes in reincarnation, then you can say these native “have been here before” could be an ancestor that’s come back, I think a lot of kids born this year are “old souls” as well.
-these natives life lesson needs to learn how to balance the spiritual world with the material world. They have a strong belief in a higher power(s) and believe that no matter what challenges they go through, they will succeed and flourish. These natives are the hard knocks kids. These are the first group of Gen-Z but they relate more to their older Millennials siblings. They remember what the world was like right before we entered into today’s digital world. They remember blockbuster and flip phones, hell, most of them probably had one themselves as preteens before smart phones took off😅
-another lesson these natives need to learn is to help out when they can. It doesn’t always have to be financially either, helping someone with bags of groceries, complimenting someone (helps their self worth), donating old clothes or money to a charity, giving out advice or encouraging words to people are also good. Do this out of the kindness of your soul and heart, not because you expect a reward. I will tell you this, 8 is a loop so what you put out will come back around one way or another. I know that cliche but that’s the energy 8 has. 8 is connected to the spirit realm and earthly remember that.
-ambitious and powerful individuals. They enter a room and you notice them immediately. If these natives do succeed materially, just know, it was through hard work, sweat, blood and tears literally and figuratively lol
- August is the 8th month of the year. This is one of the Summer months. August is late Leo and Early Virgo seasons. These natives exhibit warm energy which means theyre kind, and have a welcoming personality. They may be popular in their friend group or just well liked by people. They may constantly go through health issues in their life but these people are warriors, they can get through some tough situations. August is a late summer month, these people are considered late bloomers (not a bad thing!) and since they’re a Capricorn group, their life can become more lighter and easy going as they get older. They work hard in their early years to relax in there older years. Usually after their First Saturn Return and around 35 is when life can start to improve.
-since this is a Saturn ruled year group, we need to look at what sign Saturn was in, in 1997.
-Saturn was in Aries during this year. Which means this group has Martian energy. They are warriors like I said earlier. Harsh upbringings but they push through. I wonder how many people born this year had to have surgery or suffered any burns growing up. Scars may be heavily present in these individuals during this year.
-identity and finding who they are outside off what they were taught to be will be a theme for them. They may struggle with self confidence during younger years but they find it as they age. I know I talk about age a lot but it is significant for this group since Saturn rules Age and time.
-since Saturn is in Aries, these folks 1h and Mars are the most important.
In 1997, Mars was in Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn.
-Mars Libra natives will learn the lesson how to balance the most. Working with others and being diplomatic will be lessons on what to learn. Marriage and partnerships. Family such as their grandmothers will important to these natives. They need to learn the balance when to pick up their sword and when they need to lay it down to negotiate. Aries oppose Libra. There’s always going to be a push-pull with these natives. I can’t stress enough, find that balance.
-Mars Scorpio natives will learn the lesson of vulnerability and intimacy. Aries is an independent and solo sign but Scorpio is how we connect on a deeper level with each other. Sex may be something they struggle with and will need to learn understand beyond societal conditions on it. Financials and paying off debt.
-Mars Sagittarius natives will learn the lesson of philosophy and beliefs. You may be the type to fight for them and don’t like to be challenged on them. Now you will need to learn others beliefs and this doesn’t mean you have to agree with them but it’s best to get well rounded on different viewpoints for your spiritual benefit.
-Mars Capricorn natives will be the main ones learning about hard work and ambition. I feel like this group may have it the hardest because you got that double Saturn energy in you that you have to learn. People may not respect you or you don’t get the recognition you feel you deserve. I promise once you learn theses old cycles, it will get better. Aries Sq Capricorn as well so this is not an easy but necessary lesson. Y’all got this!
8 is also ruled by Pluto. So this group will always be going through extreme transformation, this doesn’t always have to be a bad thing either. Their Pluto is in Sagittarius so their beliefs and world view will go through different phases. They have deep thirst for knowledge and truth. 8 is also co ruled by Mars so there’s that warrior energy again lol
These Natives are turning 27 this year!
2 + 7 = 9
9 represents endings and cycles. 9 is also ruled by Mars and in astrology is ruled by Jupiter.
Saturn is currently in Pisces. Pisces also rules over endings since it’s the last sign of the zodiac. They are also going through their pre-Saturn Return shadow period.
The Current NN Aries is conj their Saturn and numerology planet ruler. A small few is going through their Reverse Nodal return as well
This is also their 4h profection year. The 4h isn’t just about family, it’s connected to your soul and soul family.
-these natives are going to feel like they’re going through Deja vu while also going through new experiences. There’s a level of uncertainty thats filled with hope. My advice is to just go with the flow and take each day at a time. You guys are wrapping up 8 year another cycle. They are discovering who they are under in depth. They are exploring there faith and ideals and what feels right to them.
-This current cycle lasted from 2016-2024. Think back on those years, while still learning this one.
-This cycle will be from 2024-2033. 2033 is the next 8 year
Fun facts
When you all were born, Titanic, Jurassic Park, Men in Black were the biggest movies of that year!
The first Harry Potter was also released that year. It’s funny that there’s a tv show in the making during its return😅
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astrosky33 · 1 year
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𝐍𝐮𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐌𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠
》 This degree can indicate wealth and areas where things come more easily to you in life
》 28 in Numerology is the number of wealth. This is the reason many people that are famous have this degree in their chart because often with fame comes wealth. 28 in numerology also represents things that are easy
𝐀𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐌𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠
》 Insight on your emotions, areas where you find comfort, how you adapt, your regular habits, your mother/family, your femininity, your fertility, and your childhood
》 28 degrees in Astrology is a Cancer degree which is ruled by the Moon
》 A common misconception in Western Astrology is that 28° is a fame degree but there’s no astrological or numerological evidence proving it indicates fame. The argument is that it’s a “household name degree” and yes it’s a cancer degree ruled by the Moon which represents homes/houses but the Moon doesn’t involve fame (in tropical astrology)
》 In Vedic Astrology 28° it can indicate household name fame since the Moon represents the public in Vedic however, in Tropical it does not
》 Venus at 28° can indicate marrying someone that’s wealthy -> ex: melania trump
》 MC at 28° can indicate becoming wealthy from your career. It can also indicate the public viewing you as an emotional person -> ex: drake (in sidereal) he’s a billionaire
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𝗺𝘆 𝗺𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁
𝗺𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗼𝗹𝗼𝗴𝘆 𝗱𝗲𝗴𝗿𝗲𝗲𝘀
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© 𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐤𝐲 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝
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sngii1726 · 6 months
Is every planet in the 6th, 8th or 12th house bad?
No, not necessarily. While the 6th, 8th, and 12th houses are traditionally considered to be more challenging or "malefic" in Vedic astrology, it's important to understand that the interpretation of a planet's placement in these houses is not solely determined by the house itself, but also by factors such as the specific characteristics of the planet, its strength in the chart, and any aspects or conjunctions it forms with other planets.
Here's a more nuanced perspective on each of these houses:
6th House: Often associated with health, conflicts, enemies, and service, the 6th house can indicate challenges and obstacles in life. However, planets placed here can also signify strengths and opportunities. For example, benefic planets like Jupiter or Venus in the 6th house can indicate success in overcoming obstacles, good health, and positive relationships with coworkers or subordinates. Malefic planets like Mars or Saturn in the 6th house may indicate health issues, conflicts, or struggles with enemies, but they can also provide the determination and resilience needed to overcome challenges.
8th House: This house is associated with transformation, sudden changes, secrets, inheritance, and occult matters. Planets in the 8th house can indicate deep psychological insights, spiritual growth, or unexpected events. While malefic planets like Saturn or Mars in the 8th house can bring difficulties such as delays, losses, or upheavals, they can also foster inner strength, discipline, and the ability to navigate through transformative experiences. Benefic planets like Jupiter or Venus in the 8th house can bring blessings through inheritance, spiritual growth, and a deep understanding of life's mysteries.
12th House: Associated with losses, isolation, spirituality, and hidden enemies, the 12th house can indicate challenges related to confinement, sacrifice, or letting go of attachments. However, planets in the 12th house can also signify spiritual enlightenment, inner peace, and connection with higher realms. Malefic planets like Saturn or Mars in the 12th house may indicate feelings of isolation, subconscious fears, or hidden enemies, but they can also foster discipline, introspection, and a sense of detachment from worldly desires. Benefic planets like Jupiter or Venus in the 12th house can bring spiritual insights, divine protection, and a sense of inner fulfillment.
Ultimately, the interpretation of a planet's position in the 6th, 8th, or 12th house depends on a variety of factors, including the specific characteristics of the planet, its strength in the chart, and its interactions with other planets. A holistic view of the entire birth chart
To do this you can use Kundli Chakra Professional 2022 software. Which can give you accurate information. You can also contact us 8595675042 for more information.
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11hedonistic · 2 years
💎 If you have..
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💎 life path number 11
💎 life path number 22
💎 11 ° in your birth chart
💎 22 ° in your birth chart
you’re such a powerful person! these people are known as “the chosen ones”. you guys are just destined to achieve your goals and stand out. period
unsure what your life path number is ? go to numerology.com and it’ll calculate it for you ;)
lmk what your life path number is ! mine is 22 :)
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© yslastro ✭ tips are highly appreciated! (in bio)
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novy2sirius · 1 month
based on numerology
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ෆ tw: trauma, food/eating
ෆ this is based on the numerical meanings (numerology) of these numbers not degree theory
ෆ the whole chart matters. take this with a grain of salt
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VENUS AT 1°/10°/19°/28°: people with these venus degrees will be attracted to/date people that have more dominant and masculine energy. their beauty will be similar to aries beauty. defined features, thick brows, an intimidating stare, etc. these people can sometimes struggle with relationships and attract lots of conflict in their relationships or people that. these degrees can be good for wealth (especially 28°)
VENUS AT 2°: people with these venus degrees will be attracted to/date people that are more feminine or less aggressive. their beauty is very feminine and they often have beautiful body’s. they tend to have softer features rather than sharp ones. these people often end up marrying their soulmate. this is a great degree to have your venus at when it comes to romance and beauty. sometimes this can manifest as someone being a hoe
VENUS AT 3°/12°/21°: people with these venus degrees are attracted to/date people that are funny, outgoing, and that have a fun child-like energy to them. these people tend to have a youthful beauty and possibly a baby face. a lot also have bunny teeth. this degree is great for romance when it comes to communicating, but can indicate being cheated on a lot or being with people who lack responsibility before getting married and finding someone good for you
VENUS AT 4°/13°: people with these venus degrees are attracted to/date hard working people that can be stable on their own and don’t need to rely on anyone else for anything. they will not be with someone who brings a ton of chaos into their life long term. when it comes to their career they’re huge workhorses and actually enjoy working or usually have careers that they really love. these degrees in your venus are major wealth indicators as well
VENUS AT 5°/14°/23°: people with these venus degrees are attracted to people/date people that are on the more attractive side physically. they want someone who makes them feel like a free spirit and wants to travel the world with them and just go on lots of adventures and have fun. if someone tries to tie them down too much or rush into commitment it will be a huge turn off for them. physically these people tend to be very attractive to society. these people tend to be great entertainers as well
VENUS AT 6°/15°/24°: people with these venus degrees are often attracted to/date people that are homebody’s and want to chill with them all the time. they like people who are very caring, nurturing, and should ideally be with someone more family oriented. these people are really good in bed and know how to please their sexual partners. random, but these people tend to really love food and animals too. at times these people can struggle to find someone because they’re at home too much
VENUS AT 7°/16°/25°: people with these venus degrees are often attracted to/date intelligent people. you have to have something special about you for these people to like you. they are very picky. sometimes people with these degrees in their venus can be players since one of 7’s challenging traits is “falling weak to perversions”. physically these people tend to have glow ups when they’re older and don’t peak when they’re younger/in school. these degrees can be the hardest to have your venus in since 7 is a very challenging number for love in numerology. at very worst these degrees in your venus could indicate divorce occurring at least twice, but not that you’ll never be happy with your love life
VENUS AT 8°/17°/26°: people with these venus degrees are often attracted to people/date people that are powerful and confident. at times these people can be a bit controlling in relationships, but they are usually only this way because of past traumas. physically these people tend to be very beautiful unless they have a lot of unresolved negative karma which can show up in their appearance (especially with these degrees in venus). these people will experience lots of karmic lessons (more so than most) surrounding romance and may have a more challenging love life than most. they tend to end up in a happy marriage as long as they’re good people and don’t cheat
VENUS AT 0°/9°/18°/27°: people with these venus degrees are often attracted to people/date people that are introverted/shy, compassionate, charming, intelligent, and very attractive. they themselves also tend to very attractive to society. these people can make great models and become beauty symbols. they may have a challenging love life though (especially 27° venus’). a challenge these people often face in relationships is that they struggle to let go of grudges and can be dramatic at times. at worst because of their adaptive persona they will stay with people who aren’t good for them because they’re comfortable. career wise these people can become very famous though and are very artistically talented
VENUS AT 11°/20°/29°: people with these venus degrees are attracted to/date people that are emotional, intuitive, charismatic, athletic, or masculine. these people can make a lot of money from things related to expressing emotions such as acting or from their athletic abilities. besides 2° these are the best degrees you can have your venus at for romance and this indicates having a happy marriage
VENUS AT 22°: people with these venus degrees are very attracted to/date wise, confident, powerful, and hardworking people. they tend to come off as very old souls and also may date older souls too. spiritually these people are amazing manifestors and have the ability to manifest lots of material wealth in this life. random, but these people can make lots of money from being any type of builder (examples: body builder, architect, etc)
comment your venus degree and what content you want to see next!!
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shadowviixen · 4 months
Dear 3rd Arcana [Destiny Matrix]
How does it feel to be ignored when you ask for the world a reward for the hard work you've done, only to be met with silence...
And then you decide to relax and don't give a damn... And all of a sudden... You're met with grand rewards that bear fruit of your hardwork and labor?
Exactly... exactly.
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illusionocean-blog · 10 months
First impression for number 2, 11, & 20 • Destiny Matrix
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I personally know someone who has 2 as their first impression number and they are LOUD or just very expressive so if you have 2/11/20 as your first impression number you are seen as someone very vocal, sometimes humorous but extremely talkative!!! The people above all have either 2/11/20 as their impression number.
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horizonaarc1726 · 7 months
Is Moon in the 6th house of horoscope bad?
The placement of the Moon in the 6th house of the horoscope can have various effects, and whether it is considered "bad" or not depends on the overall context of the individual's birth chart. Here are some points to consider:
Work and Service Orientation: The 6th house is traditionally associated with work, service, and health matters. When the Moon is placed here, it may indicate a person who finds emotional fulfillment through work and service to others. This placement can be beneficial for those involved in healing professions or service-oriented jobs.
Emotional Challenges: On the flip side, the Moon in the 6th house might suggest emotional challenges related to work, health, or daily routines. The individual may be emotionally invested in their job or may experience fluctuations in emotions based on the daily grind.
Health Concerns: Depending on other factors in the chart, the Moon in the 6th house could also influence health matters. Emotional well-being may have an impact on physical health, and there may be a need to pay attention to maintaining a healthy daily routine.
Conflict and Enemies: The 6th house is associated with conflict, enemies, and obstacles. The Moon here may indicate emotional conflicts or challenges with co-workers. However, the overall aspects and influences on the Moon will determine the intensity and nature of these conflicts.
Nurturing Others: The Moon represents nurturing and caring instincts. In the 6th house, this could manifest as a caring and nurturing attitude towards colleagues, subordinates, or those in need. The person may find emotional satisfaction in helping others overcome challenges.
Routine and Habits: The Moon in the 6th house may influence emotional responses to daily routines and habits. Establishing a stable and emotionally satisfying routine could be important for overall well-being.
It is important to consider the entire birth chart and aspects (angular relationships between planets) for a comprehensive analysis. Additionally, a person's personal experiences and choices play a significant role in how these astrological factors manifest in their life. For detailed consultation and personal interpretation, you can use Kundli Chakra Professional 2022 Software, always contact 8595675042.
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star444xo · 3 months
You guys.
If I started an astrology blog…. But like…
Intricate as fuck…
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geeta1726 · 7 months
How do the positions of Jupiter and Venus affect different astrological houses?
In astrology, the positions of planets such as Jupiter and Venus in different houses of an individual's birth chart are believed to influence various aspects of their life. Here's a general overview of how the positions of Jupiter and Venus can affect different astrological houses:
Jupiter in the 1st House: Jupiter in the 1st house is considered auspicious. It can bring optimism, confidence, and a positive outlook to the individual. It may also indicate good health and a strong sense of self.
Jupiter in the 2nd House: Jupiter in the 2nd house can indicate financial growth and abundance. It may bring wealth, generosity, and a harmonious family life. The individual may have a positive approach to handling resources.
Jupiter in the 7th House: Jupiter in the 7th house may indicate a happy and harmonious marriage. It can bring positive partnerships, both in personal and business relationships. The person may be attracted to a partner with strong moral and ethical values.
Jupiter in the 10th House: Jupiter in the 10th house is considered favorable for career and social status. It may bring success, recognition, and opportunities for growth in the professional sphere. The individual may have a strong sense of purpose in their career.
Venus in the 1st House: Venus in the 1st house is associated with charm, attractiveness, and a pleasant demeanor . It may enhance the individual's social skills and bring a sense of harmony to their personality.
Venus in the 5th House: Venus in the 5th house is often linked to creativity, romance, and pleasure. It may indicate a love for artistic pursuits, hobbies, and a joyful approach to life. It can also suggest positive experiences in matters of love and relationships.
Venus in the 7th House: Venus in the 7th house is considered favorable for relationships and partnerships. It may indicate a strong desire for harmony, cooperation, and love in marriage or partnerships. The individual may be attracted to a partner with aesthetic qualities.
Venus in the 10th House: Venus in the 10th house can influence the individual's career and public image. It may bring charm, grace, and popularity in the professional sphere. It can also suggest success in careers related to aesthetics, fashion, or the arts.
It is important to note that the interpretation of planetary positions in astrology can vary depending on the entire natal chart, the aspects it forms with other planets, and the specific characteristics of each person's horoscope. If you need information based on your horoscope. So you can use Kundli Chakra Professional 2022 software. which can give you an accurate information
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kakiastro · 3 months
The Astrology & Numerology of the 21st Century
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Hey yall! You good? I was thinking a lot about this topic lately!
So we are currently still in the early stages of this century which is from 2000-2099! A century is a 100 years, just throwing that out there in case someone didn’t know that lol.
If you were born in the 1900-1999 then you were born during the 20th century which was Pluto ruled but I’ll make another post on that a different time. We are in a new era friends!
So what does this mean?
- well let’s look at the number 21 in astrology first. 21 is ruled by the sign Sagittarius which is ruled by the planet Jupiter.
This is the highest energetic number for Sagittarius. So this tells me that we are in a high intellect humanity cycle.
So, by this century being Jupiter ruled, this means Jupiter transits is ultra important for us as a collective!
Jupiter transits last for a year, so every 12 years, Jupiter starts a new cycle.
This 100 year cycle all about:
- traveling and Imigration themes. If you’re in the US, then you’ll know 9/11 really changed how we travel forever. Even now, traveling and immigration is such a huge topic and will continue to grow. I already have 2 friends that’s moved abroad and have a few family members who’s never traveled outside of there hometowns looking into getting a visa. This also tells me, we are entering a very blended cultural family unit. It’s always been a topic but now it will be the norm. Before it was still such a taboo thing.
- foreign politics. We are going to be more aware about what’s really happening in the world and it’s not all that pretty. We are in a sharing Information Age. There’s a downside to this though because what is the truth because everyone has an opinion on everything. Is there a line in knowing too much? This is what we’re asking ourselves.
-religion/faith/the church. This is a touchy topic for many people because religion as a system hasn’t been the greatest. We are currently in a weird time because so many are leaving the church and healing religious traumas while pursuing spirituality or becoming atheist. While there’s many people who are joining the church and seeking religion and leaving spirituality. As a whole, I believe we are trying to find our purpose in anyway that we can, you know. “Who is God” to you, not what the church, your family or friends think but who is God to you 🫵🏽. This is where the lifelong personal journey begins.
-opinions. I already touched on this but everyone has something is going to have something to say which includes the willful ignorant ones. Yes, everyone has an opinion but are you ready for the pushback of your opinion? I’m already seeing this but communication is getting lost in translation in many ways. Discussing and arguing are two completely different things. You have to ask yourself, “is this topic of discussion worth my peace?” “What can I add to the discussion that can move us forward?” I can tell you right now, as a collective, we’re no where near this level of communication yet lol
-people’s beliefs and ideals are going to be shown. No more keeping things a “hush” nope, we’re not in that type of energy anymore. Be prepared to be shocked by what people believe, we shouldn’t be anymore at this point.
- the Media. I do feel like the way we consume the media such as the news journalist is also changing. I’m noticing it’s the people showcasing what’s happening due to social media. This is good and bad. On one hand, we found a way to spread the word but on the other hand , people are spreading things based on their own motives. We need to find some sort of balance between fact and opinion.
-Colleges/higher learning. I do wonder what the future of colleges going to look like especially for my home country. Enrollment has been on the decline for the past few years. People can’t afford the student debt and I think as a collective we are just tired. I do think colleges will still be around. This is just my personal prediction but I think community colleges will be on the rise and 4 year colleges on the decline, some may even be closing down.
If we break 21 down to a single digit:
2 + 1 = 3
Then we can say we are in a 3 century.
3 rules over communication, ideas, creation, zest for life, youthfulness.
3 is ruled by Jupiter in numerology. See, now we have a strong Jupiter influence.
3 Is ruled by Gemini which is ruled by Mercury in astrology. Now we have a mercurial influence as well.
Mercury rules over our thought process, how we communicate, our mental health/mental health professionals, our job profession, our daily routines, short travels
Gemini ruled over our intelligence, our brain, our schools (k-12) and teachers,our hands and lungs. Gemini rules over mirrors, aunts and uncles, cousins, our best friends, local communities and neighbors.
It’s so interesting because Gemini and Sagittarius are sister signs. They are the same but very different.
Jupiter- college education
Gemini - K-12 education
Jupiter- mass media
Gemini- local media
Jupiter: long distance travel
Gemini- short distance travel
Jupiter- mass opinions (interviews, social media)
Gemini- local opinions (friends and family)
Jupiter- foreign politician
Gemini- local hometown politician
You all get the picture lol
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