#bite bite ofa users (to the tune of 'go go power rangers')
pocketramblr · 1 year
Ask game, please! AU where Yoichi, back in the Dawn of Quirks, discovers that he does have a quirk. He can steal the quirks from anyone he bites. Please.
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Ehehe ok, two people asking
1- Yoichi discovers this the first time he's kidnapped. (It's one of his brother's goons on order to scare him.) They cover his mouth with one hand, holds the other away from his face, igniting a fire on it and threatening to light the whole building up if he fights. Yoichi bites his hand at the same time his brother kicks in the door, so he assumes the fire flickered out in fear and barely even realizes his body runs a little warmer than it used to.
2- until a dinner with his brother turns into a screaming match and Yoichi slams his hand down on the table, ready to march out- and then smells smoke. AfO is stunned that his little brother has a metapower after all, and one... Familiar, to him, but Yoichi thinks it only makes sense and is so happy to finally have one of his own.
3- he talks about being a fire themed hero and teases that he should have had red eyes where his greedy brother had green. AfO doesn't want him to suspect that his quirk might be something more, so he acts like it's just a little fire quirk, nothing for Yoichi to get too excited about, it's not very strong and he's still sick, don't want to catch a fever.
4- but Yoichi did realize what his quirk actually was. He feigns ignorance as well, until yet another argument with his brother leads to AfO trying to steal his quirk- unsuccessfully. Yoichi bites him in retaliation. He can't steal anything from him either. AfO quickly locks Yoichi up so he can't interact with anyone he could potentially take a quirk from.
5- this leads to Second inheriting a stockpile of a couple powers from Yoichi (fire, and a limited stamina boost), as well as the ability to steal more by biting- but he realizes he can't use any he stole. When OfA is passed to Third, Third can use any quirks Second stole - but none from Yoichi or that Third takes. This continues until All Might, who's able to use all of the quirks in the stockpile, but can't seem to steal any. He wonders if the quirk is full. It certainly seems to be, and Izuku is under the impression he can't steal any more either, and wouldn't want to with how difficult balancing the huge amount of powers from All Might already is. That is until the Muscular fight, when Izuku gets desperate and bites- and is suddenly able to use the muscle quirk where the villain can't. (Izuku finds using any he himself steals easier than the ones given to him, but he's determined to figure those out anyway.)
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