shittymurderparty · 18 days
Redacted: —Okay, which one of you dumplings tracked water into my office? Very uncool, guys! Detective Chambers: That was probably my fault. Redacted: Chambers? Why are you sitting in my office? In the dark? Redacted: I need to talk to you, Brad. (Source: Lana Lang and Catherine Grant, Bizarrogirl)
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liam-zor-el · 1 year
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You really have done a good work on your takes on the Superman rogues. There are interesting and very original ideas than at the same time are really in the coherence of the characters. Not always I agree with you, but I congrat on how you have worked your ideas. Now, considering this, how would you create a list of enemies for Supergirl? In the CW series they practically stolen all of Superman enemies to give Kara something to fight against. Supergirl really lacks of her own rogues gallery.
With a Rogues Gallery you typically want a mix of villains who are physical threats and villains who are mental or ideological threats (and of course some that are both). For Supergirl you need to figure out what her status quo should be, what her long-term goal is, and what kind of themes do you want to explore with her that you can't do with the rest of the Superfamily. Then you can make or revamp Rogues to act as threats, roadblocks, or alternate paths to her goals. Love the idea of Kara forming a lunar colony from Future State and I'd still love a Supergirl run that makes that the focus, her building it and overseeing it. With that in mind here's some (not all of them) of Kara's existing Rogues I'd want to use for such a run:
The Worldkillers
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Great fit for Kara to face living embodiments of Krypton's sins, given that she's the one born and raised on Krypton. Kara's idealization and nostalgia of Krypton running up against the rather unpleasant reality of the planet at it's worst adds some thematic weight to their fights. Plus they look cool and aren't connected to anything of Kal's which is a big plus. I would tie one villain of Kal's to them, but I'd also straight up give him to Kara in recompense for doing so. Given their role is destroying/conquering worlds, them showing up to torch Kara's new home on the moon feels like an obvious way to demonstrate how her old home is a threat to her new one.
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Reactron was badass in the Pre-Flashpoint era. Did a better job of living up to his potential than Metallo ever has, I have to concede that. You'd basically be starting over from scratch with him since I don't think he's reappeared post-Flashpoint, and New Krypton is not one of the stories that got recanonized given the state of Kandor. Think it's worth bringing him back all the same, he's a psycho who hates aliens and enjoys killing them, a simple and straightforward motivation that works. Given Kara in my eyes should be far more cynical about humans than her cousin, Reactron is the villain to trot out for when you want to have Kara see her worst beliefs about human nature confirmed. In my ideal take I'd use him as the one that finally pushes her to bail on Earth and start setting up that moon colony. Afterwards he's the muscle of the human forces who want Kara off of "their" moon.
Simon Tycho
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Was this guy meant to be a revamp of Psimon? He sure looks like the Young Justice take on Psimon although maybe that's a coincidence. Anyway he's a pretty clear cut Lex Luthor expy given he's a bald genius with an interest in aliens, but his mutations and powers help differentiate the two. Originally he paid world governments for the right to experiment on any extraterrestrial objects that landed within their borders. Maybe write him as Kara's competitor on the moon, in response to an alien setting up shop on Luna, Tycho gets a ton of discreet funding from governments to set up a humans-only lunar settlement, and also has a hidden goal of sabotaging Kara's colony? Can't imagine there wouldn't be some Earth governments that are nervous about aliens colonizing the moon, what if it was used as the launchpad for an invasion of Earth? Tycho as the pro-human villain who brings some interstellar geopolitics sounds like a fun way to flesh him out into a stronger villain for Kara.
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Pre-Flashpoint Dollmaker was great (New 52 Dollmaker not so much). Guess he needs a new name now since a Batman villain has his old one and those guys take precedence. Modelmaker? Plaything? Putting the name issue aside, I'd write him as the darker side of the outcasts Kara has gathered. Not everyone who was kicked out of their society was undeserving of being a pariah. Some have deep-seeded issues and Dollmaker is one of them, with him eventually taking the role of voice for these more violent members. Pre-Flashpoint his father, the Toyman, basically rejected him and never showed him any affection or attention, and his mother abandoned him after taking him away from his father. Compare how Kara feels ignored and overlooked by Kal and by humanity who more readily accept her cousin and nephew as their heroes and I think you could create interesting stories. Dollmaker is the vengeful side of Kara given free reign, the urge to lash out at a world that neither wants nor welcomes you.
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Straightforward as can be, all the other Superfamily members have Bizarros (I'd argue Lex is Steel's), this is Kara's. Plus the Sterling Gates storyline was really great, highly recommend check it out. Maybe use Bizarrogirl as an outcast from Bizarroworld who is unable to fit in with Kara's lunar colony either, and turns against it in anger? Basically if she can't find a home there she doesn't want anyone else to find one either.
As for villains I'd just straight up swipe and give to Kara to be hers exclusively from both Superman's Rogues and others?
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Another cool Kurt Busiek revamp of a Pre-Crisis Superman Rogue, sadly forgotten after Busiek left, Amalak's home world was conquered by Krypton during an imperial phase. Burning with a hatred for all Kryptonians, Amalak became a bounty hunter and a space pirate. Still could easily fit into Kara's Rogues Gallery in the present day, just make it so the World Killers were the ones responsible for subduing his home planet, makes for a nice way to tie Kara's Rogues together. Amalak getting hired to launch raids on Kara's new home, taking slaves and supplies, seems like an organic way to lay the groundwork for them to meet and face off. I want an alien group adversary (maybe bring back The Circle?) to oppose Kara's colony for accepting alien refugees and runaway, similar to how some human governments would dislike her for taking in their outcasts. Amalak could be their "face" until Kara is able to uncover the identity of his backer.
The Eradicator
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Eradicator is the one Rogue of Superman's I mentioned connecting to the Worldkillers, and giving to Kara as her Rogue. Pairing him with Kara makes more sense to me, both of them prefer Krypton over Earth, and feel alienated from Kal because of how he's "gone native". Have Eradicator push Kara to turn her colony into a New Krypton rather than allow it to be something new. Eradicator should be the temptation of toxic nostalgia for Kara, the desire to believe everything was better in the old days, and that Krypton is what she should attempt to recreate. Revisit his ability to "posses"/merge with Kryptonians like he attempted with Kal, he bonds with her after orchestrating events to push her into accepting him, then starts subtly influencing her in ways she's not aware of until she's almost changed completely. Like the Venom symbiote yes, that's what I'm going for.
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Much as she's tried to suppress it, Kara often harbors jealousy of her cousin, envying his greater degree of comfortability with living amongst humans, and she's jealous of Jon taking over for Kal as the main protector of Earth. Dominus is someone who went mad with jealousy after his own loved one surpassed him to ascend to greater heights of power and responsibility. Connection between the two is obvious, if Kara ever gives in to her darker emotions towards her cousin and nephew, she could end up turning into a villain just like Dominus did. Make him her equivalent to Mxy, the reality warper with petty goals and dreams.
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Indigo is a character that feels like a natural fit for Kara to interact with in the same way as Lena Luthor is. "Daughter of Brainiac vs. Last Daughter of Krypton" is a natural match-up. I do want to reconfigure Indigo to be a more thematic foe for Kara in terms of revamping her background a bit to service that goal. Brainiac creating a Trojan horse is a great concept, I'd just tie that into his world collecting more. Turns out there are many "Indigos" seeded throughout the universe. When Brainiac finds a civilization that shows potential but isn't yet advanced enough to be worthy of collection, he sends an observation unit to merge with one of the dominant sentient life forms and act as an unknown agent. Via injecting a host with nanomachines, the observation unit can slumber within the host until ready, passing on to offspring the host has or infecting others should the host not reproduce/be killed. These agents are utterly unaware of their true nature until their unconscious programming judges the civilization advanced enough for collection upon which a transformation occurs. Nanomachines in the sentient reshape their body and mind into a combat unit who can summon Brainiac for collection and also sabotage a world's defenses.
I would make this a new Indigo, one from a world that became advanced enough for collection and triggered the nanomachine activation in the host. Indigo's world managed to destroy itself before Brainiac could arrive to collect it, and with the death of the planet Indigo's programming ended and she recovered control of her mind and body. Now she's arrived at Kara's colony in an attempt to make a new life for herself, but she's keeping her past a secret. Indigo fears that were Kara to discover the truth, Kara would exile her due to the risk Indigo still poses of summoning Brainiac, and Indigo isn't willing to leave until she can find a way to "cure" herself of Brainiac's brainwashing. What she wants is access to the Fortress of Solitude where she hopes that by studying Superman's data on Brainiac, as well as access to Kryptonian technology, she can create a virus which will sever Brainiac's controls over the machines inside her and allow her to keep the upgrades without risking a loss of control. Knowing that the directive to observe a civilization until it's advanced enough for collection is still in effect, and fearing what could happen if Kara's colony crosses that threshold, Indigo covertly sabotages the colony's advancement at various points to keep it at a safe level for her while also trying to win Kara's trust.
In terms of themes both Kara and Indigo are defined by their male counterparts. Kara exists in Kal's shadow and struggles to metaphorically be her own person, while Indigo literally belongs to Brainiac and is desperate to safeguard her independence. Focus on that and I think Indigo could be a great Rogue for Kara.
Rogal Zaar
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I know everyone hates him but there were some hints of potential, and he's no worse than many other Superman Rogues. Make him the "Doomsday" equivalent to Supergirl, he already looks it in terms of appearance, and the two of them have an interesting tie given she wielded his axe for a while (with said axe feeding on her anger). Rogal was a "hero" of a sort, serving the Circle as their agent, and Kara served as a hero of Earth for a while. Both ultimately grew disillusioned with the ones they had served, both struggle with intense feelings of rage, and Rogal also has been hinted at being tied to House El by blood. Originally I suspect he was going to be Kal's half-brother, but that's not happening anymore. Instead why don't we make him a product of a distant ancestor of the Els, a bastard half-breed that was cast off during Krypton's imperial days, and left behind on a planet to fend for himself until he was discovered by the Circle.
Rogal is a more extreme version of what Kara sees herself as: the forgotten and overlooked El family member. Team Rogal up with Amalak, maybe Rogal is the one who recruits Amalak, and have the two of them work together to destroy everything Kara is attempting to build because of their hatred of Kryptonians, and because a powerful organization desires it and is funding them. Ultimately Amalak finds out about Rogal's heritage and betrays him, causing a blood feud between the two which takes the pressure off of Kara for a while as the two battle it out (while still attacking her individually).
I've got some thoughts on a few others, but just some scattered ideas at most. Kara's got some cool Rogues, and there are Rogues who could make good foils for her, but unless DC can embrace Kara being the one who isn't at home on Earth, I don't know if she'll ever really grow into her own. Likewise her Rogues aren't going to stand out if they're just copying the basic Superman plot only against Supergirl. Optimistically Kara will get something after King's mini is done, either another mini or a spot on a team, and I pray we get to see her interact with some of the Rogues I listed again soon.
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viaov · 3 years
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Jamal Igle, Bizarro-Girl, Supergirl
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Steven: Do you think self-punishment ever ends, Luz?
Luz: It might never end, Steven. We can be sorry for what we've done, be sorry for hurting others, but it's what we do afterwards that really matters. But if it does end, it will be because you look into a mirror... and realize you've already punished yourself enough.
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kaypikefashion · 7 years
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Happy Throwback Thursday 🎨 #bizarrogirl from #Htrae! Painted in January 2016 Here is where you can get the print! http://bit.ly/BizarroGirl_Print One of the only Characters I have ever found with the same colour of hair as me. She was alot of fun to photoshoot and play. Most of the Time streaming on twitch was explaining what a Bizaro was ha. The paint took about 13 hours to complete, I tried so very hard to get the broken mirror skin look right. Please join me on https://www.twitch.tv/kaypikefashion for Live paints and chats, and ask your local conventions to bring me out as a guest then we can meet in person!! 🎨🎨🎨🎨🎨🎨🎨🎨🎨 Paint Supplies are from @sillyfarm and to show your love use KAYPIKE10 as a code 🎨🎨🎨🎨🎨🎨🎨🎨🎨 #dc #dccomics #throwbackthursday #throwback #throwbackthursdays #bodypaint #bodyart #art #girl #yyc #calgary #calgaryart #makeup #SigmaPro #sillyfarm #facepaint #model #cospaint #geek #cosplay #comicmakeup #nerd #twitch #twitchcreative #comics
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thesupergirls · 2 years
hi! what are your favorite supergirl comics?
Hi anon!
Sorry its taken me such a long time to answer this.
In no particular order, my favourites are:
woman of tomorrow
new krypton
many happy returns
death and the family
last daughter of krypton
red daughter of krypton
who is superwoman?
and bonus: the steph and kara vampire fighting issue from stephs batgirl run
I also think gotham city garage and the supergirl story in the nuclear winter special are pretty great
These are mostly Kara stories (with the exception of many happy returns, though she does feature in that one), and I cant think of any pre crisis stuff right now, though theres deinitely lots to enjoy there (supergirl vol 2 is good fun)
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whythinktoomuch · 4 years
(pt. i)  (pt. ii) 
She keeps to the darkness, keeps quiet, and keeps her distance, just the way she’s been trained to. She watches Lena, and she does it quite well. The difficult part is settling on the one thing that she should be learning from these endeavors.
Lena does a great many things throughout her day—often up before the sun, and only homeward bound long after it’s set. But after three long days of research, there’s one feature in particular that seems to warrant the most attention: a dark fleck, nestled in the pale expanse of her vulnerable throat.
When she tries to encapsulate the entirety of that observation into words at her disposal, however, all she can manage is, “Lena, not ugly.��
Lex doesn’t reply for a long while, which isn’t typical of him. But his tone isn’t unkind when he finally asks, “Is that it?”
“Yes.” She frowns, because why couldn’t that be it?
But Lex sighs, and that soft sound uproots her peace at its very core. “I wanted you to bring me a fact,” he says. “Not develop an opinion.”
“Different how?” she demands.
“Well, I need evidence.” Lex takes her hand, turning it over to reveal her palm, forever marked and marred from her most recent encounter with Kryptonite. “I need you to show me something. Something real. Otherwise, it doesn’t count. Do you understand?”
And yes, that much is definitely understandable. Even to her.
With much repurposed effort, she watches and waits while Lena does her work. Then she watches Lena take her leave, then waits some more.
It’s only when the top floor of the building is emptied of all people that she flies over, slipping into Lena’s office through the balcony door that’s never locked. From there, it doesn’t take long to secure what she’s looking for.
The next time Lex pays her a visit, she drops an armful of her spoils right at his feet.
“Lena likes coffee,” she announces boldly.
Lex is clearly taken aback at first, blinking and still. But then he grabs one of the many empty coffee cups now littered across the floor, and a slow smile dawns on his face. “All right then. Now we’re getting somewhere.”
She grins so wide that it strains the corners of her lips.
“Lena is cold,” she says the next time they meet, presenting a delicate black glove for his amusement and perusal.
“Yes, well, most people are when it snows,” Lex says.
“Not me.”
“Well, you’re not exactly most people now, are you?” Lex’s pride in her is absolutely infectious, so she grins. “Of course not. You’re… exquisite.”
“Good thing?” she asks. It’s usually the first question that wells up inside of her upon hearing new words.
“A very good thing,” Lex says with a playful wink.
Over the last two weeks, Lex’s visits have dropped from often to somewhat often enough, his precious attention now divided between her and another project of his. It’s been a near impossible change for her to weather, but moments like this make it a little easier.
That is, until Lex slips the glove on.  
She watches him flex his fingers one by one, forcing the taut leather to crackle loudly in her ears, and retreats somewhere deep inside herself. She fights determinedly against the frown threatening to twist her features into something uglier.
The glove isn’t hers. It isn’t Lex’s either, but his hand fits so perfectly that it could very well be his if he wanted.
“Not actually all that warm,” Lex comments, snorting when he peeks inside the glove. “And yet, pricier than your average first class ticket to Paris… Tsk, a little superficial, if you ask me.”
She nods as appropriate, but most of her concern is still with the glove and how Lex stuffs it into his back pocket like it doesn’t mean a thing.
“Yes, her hair is indeed very long,” Lex says, accepting the offering of Lena’s hairbrush, complete with stray strands of dark hair still caught in its teeth as ample proof for this careful observation. “This, Bizarrogirl, is absolutely perfect.”
And it is. Because this isn’t just a handful of coffee cups tossed in the trash or a lone glove left behind in the snow during a hasty commute. No, this is something she actually had to break into Lena’s apartment for, in the middle of a workday, undetected even in broad daylight.
But even all that and more couldn’t outweigh the very simple fact that Lex has the means to kill her now.
Evidently, a big part of his new project has been synthesizing a strain of Kryptonite that would only be lethal to her, and he must have succeeded because today, he’s armed with blue-tipped syringes that can pierce her skin.
It’s for research purposes. It’s the only way that Lex can collect blood samples so as to better study her molecular makeup, which will only help her in the long run. Lex, of course, would never hurt her.
Except it does hurt. Each needle sinks into her arm in an acute twinge, and she can feel the aftereffects of the breach crawling inside her head. It’s worse than the green light. It makes her stomach dry out like a rock, and tugs cool drops of sweat onto the surface of her skin.
But Lex must notice this sudden unrest living inside her because he lets her keep the hairbrush.
“Mine?” she asks, cradling the brush in her hands. It’s been relieved of all traces of Lena, but that doesn’t matter. She’s seen Lena use it enough times that it’s still rightly precious.
“No, it’s still Lena’s,” Lex corrects her with a gentle smile. “But you can keep it,” which is the best possible answer he could have given her.
She’s watching Lena unwind at home from her favorite spot in the sky, drawing from her x-ray vision and super-hearing with an ease that is now very practiced.
Everything is pleasantly routine until Kara knocks on Lena’s door, which is still very routine until they start raising their voices at each other. They exchange some words that she doesn’t quite understand with many implications that perhaps she will never understand. Then Supergirl is leaving through the balcony, flying off into the night in a blur of boastful blues and reds, while Lena is left behind to yell at herself and cry in unpredictable bursts.
Eventually, Lena settles in the kitchen, pouring herself a glass of something that makes the air taste bitter. She’s halfway through her third glass when she slumps forward, her head dropped into her folded arms, breath gradually slowing and deepening.
She watches Lena sleep, waiting until the waiting is unbearable. There are all sorts of reasons why she shouldn’t, but she touches down onto the balcony, sidling into the apartment like a fleeting shadow, and finds herself in Lena’s presence for the very first time.  
The bitter taste is stronger in her nose now, but so is everything else to be perceived about Lena. Everything from her soft snores to the slight warmth her body gives off once within reach.
And she risks that everything for a single touch, brushing her fingertips right where Lena’s long hair starts to end. It’s light, yet stirs something pure, frenzied, and fluttering in her chest. Then Lena sniffles and mumbles into her own arm, “… Kara?” and the moment spills into reality.
Teeth bared, she plucks the glass from Lena’s fragile grip with just enough care that it doesn’t shatter and leaves the same way Supergirl had barely an hour before.
She sets the glass before Lex with a firm clack! that calls his attention away from his tablet.
“Oh hello…” Lex sits up with a small chuckle. “And what’s this? Are we celebrating?”
“Lena is sad.”
Lex is out of his chair, his stare wild as he promptly demands, “What happened? What did you see?”
“Kara came. They talked… Supergirl left.” She squeezes her right fist, digging her nails into her palm the way she’s supposed to when things overwhelm her. “And… Lena is sad.”
Lex bursts into laughter. He doesn’t stop laughing for the rest of the night.
She doesn’t want to learn things about Lena anymore.
Things are so different now. Lena is quieter, often alone. She spends most of her time at work and not nearly enough time maintaining habits that are meant to keep her alive.
But Lex still insists that she keep watch, so she does, and she still does it so well. She works at it even harder, in fact, now that his visits have become even fewer and farther in between as of late. Lex’s other project is supposedly not as important as she is, but it siphons off his time like it must be.
Lena’s new routine is polished, heavily sanitized, and well-established until the night she breaks it in favor of tasting the nighttime air. She steps onto her balcony in clothes made for sleep and with a glass filled with something more sweet than bitter. Her eyes narrow up at the darkened sky. She stares, as if expectant.
“Hello…? Is somebody out there?” Lena rests her elbows precariously against the railing,  sighing between intermittent sips of her drink. Then, in a softened voice, “… Who are you?” And all of a sudden, Lena’s become tangible and more than just another person waiting for Supergirl to save her.  
Bizarrogirl glides from shadow to shadow, trailing the darkness all the way down to the far corner of the balcony, where she settles in, secluded and silent. Lena doesn’t turn around, but her heartbeat is readily transparent enough for the both of them that it doesn’t matter. “Hello, Lena,” she says.
Lena sighs into her glass. “So, are you the one stealing my things then?”
“You know… I really thought I was just going crazy. That I was just conjuring up senseless conspiracies because god forbid I ever misplace something like a normal person.” Lena pauses to take a small sip of her drink and chuckle. “But then, you went ahead and took my favorite glass right out of my hand, so…”
She smiles, even though she knows no one can see it. “You are smart.”
“Allegedly,” Lena says, shrugging. She looks over her shoulder, blinks blearily right into the darkness. “You’re really not going to show yourself, huh?”
“No. Never.” She holds her breath, but the follow-up question never comes.
Instead, Lena just turns back around with a small nod. “Believe me, I’d be doing the same thing if I could,” she says quietly, and leaves it at that.
“Not… scared?” she finally has to ask.
“Should I be?”
She shakes her head after some hesitation. “No.”
“Well, there we go then,” Lena says, rubbing at her eyes with a resigned sigh. “Listen… I’m just… so tired right now, and frankly, I just don’t have it in me to address whatever it is you’re trying to do. But to be honest—” she tosses back the last of her drink in a single swallow—“I have enough things. So… consider this a freebie.”
“… Freebie?”
Lena pushes off the railing, exhaling half-hearted laughter. “Yes, freebie. I’m leaving this for you right here, okay? No need to resort to petty theft or breaking and entering.” She sets the empty wineglass right outside her door, but pauses before stepping through. “… So, what’s your name anyway?”
The most obvious answer—so carefully practiced, her clumsy mouth sounding out the word over and over again for her own sake—feels wrong in the moment. A lie, somehow, in the face of Lena’s undeserved generosity.
“You do have a name, don’t you?” Lena glances over, head tilted curiously, and their eyes almost meet despite all the darkness cast between them.
“No,” she manages to say, her fingernails biting fiercely into her own palm.
Lena gives a hum, one so thoughtful and reminiscent of her brother. “Well… that’s something you’ll have to steal from someone else, I’m afraid.”
She watches Lena slide the door shut behind her, but waits until all the lights disappear before reaching for the glass.
It takes two more days for Lex to pay her another visit, and he walks into her room to find her turning the wineglass over and over in her hands. He frowns when she doesn’t immediately offer it up to him.
“So, did you learn anything?” Lex asks, and she just nods. “… And…?”
She rolls her right hand into a fist so tight that her entire hand feels like a bruise. “Not. Scared.”
“Lena’s… not scared.” Lex studies the wineglass carefully before directing his sharp gaze back at her face. “I see.”
He doesn’t ask for further clarification, or any other question, or anything at all, for that matter. He just leaves, and she feels nothing about it.
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narraboths · 4 years
I've never been a huge comic person but I love Supergirl as a character and I'm not ready to say goodbye even though the TV show is ending. I've been looking into getting a couple comics to start. New 52 - Last Daughter of Krypton (recommended by a friend), Bizarrogirl (art looked cool), and DC Bombshells (I'm just really gay for this lol). Would you recommend these and if not, can you give me your recs/favs? If you don't have time, it's all good. Appreciate you even reading this ask. :)
haven’t read Bizarro-Girl but a big yes on the other two! with the caveat that she’s just one of many characters on Bombshells, though there definitely storylines where she plays a big role, esp in the second half of the run, and the writing on that series is generally incredible.
the New 52 and Rebirth runs are both enjoyable (some parts more than others), though the N52 run definitely has more of the whole. rampant disgusting sexualization rocking on so yknow, go into it knowing that. but the writing for Kara there definitely made me fall in love with her there, and it’s pretty incredible about exploring her anger and loss and her alienness on Earth (Last Daughter and Red Daughter are must reads for sure).
Rebirth tries to stray closer to the show, especially early on, and it’s been tossed around quite some so the quality is fluctuating, but it’s been generally solid imo, esp Steve Orlando and Marc Andreyko’s work.
also i’d be remiss not to rec Mariko Tamaki and Joelle Jones’ wonderful Supergirl: Being Super, which is an absolutely lovely little SG alt origin story. hope you’ll find something to enjoy among all these! :)
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comickergirl · 5 years
I read the World's Finest comic with the Steph and Kara team-up and was kinda unimpressed, mostly because they didn't interact very much and the issue was so short. Do they have another (more substantial) team-up I can go look for?
Also, I saw that you recommended the sterling gates daughter of New krypton and hunt for reactron trades, what about the bizarrogirl one? Is it worth hunting for and reading?
(Hope you don’t mind my combining your asks!)
Sorry to hear that about World’s Finest! Kara and Steph only team up one more time (to my knowledge) and it’s in Batgirl #14 (from Steph’s run). It’s collected in volume two of the Stephanie Brown Batgirl trades, but also available as a single issue digitally!
Short answer to your second question: YES.Longer answer: The reason I recommended those two trades in particular is because they are the most recent reprints of the 2005 Supergirl comic (which contains the Gates/Igle run). They’re still in the process of reprinting/re-releasing those comics; they have not yet released the volumes that will contain the Bizarro-Girl arc.
You can hunt down older versions of that trade, though! (I own…basically every iteration, because I am very impatient when it comes to my favs. XD ) I will say that the previous trade releases are…a little weird, in terms of the issues they collect? Like, I wanna say they were missing certain issues. Very odd.
This recent run seems to be printing ALL issues, in order, and the trades themselves are really nice in terms of quality. So if you can wait, I’d say wait! But if you wanna read the arc now, try the older trades! 
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aspiecrow · 5 years
Earth-46: Fancasts
So, as of right now, these are the characters I have fancasted for Earth-46. I’ll most likely be adding to this as I fancast more characters. Also, I’m aware that there’s some repeats. That isn’t a mistake.
In alphabetical order, they are:
“Aunt” Harriet Cooper: Madge Blake (circa 1966-1967)
Ace (Alycia Wayne): Millie Bobby Brown (circa 2015-2016)
Adam Strange: Vincent Ventresca (circa 2008)
Agnes “Crystal” Bellinger: Amy Poehler
All-American Kid (William “Billy” Armstrong) & Kid Karnevil (Jeremy Karne) (possessing spirit): Mason Cook (circa 2012)
Alpha (Michael Sommers): Keanu Reeves
Anarky (Leonard “Lonnie” Machin): Dane DeHaan (circa 2011-2012)
Arthur Curry, Jr: Nathan Gamble (circa 2011)
Bat-Devil (Michael Lane): Michael B. Jordan
Batgirl (Cassandra Cain): Yanin Vismitananda (circa 2007-2008)
Big Barda (Barda Free): Gwendoline Christie
Bizarro: Christopher Reeve (circa 1986-1987)
Bizarrogirl: AnnaSophia Robb (circa 2008)
Black Adam (Teth-Adam): Dwayne Johnson
Black Canary (Dinah Laurel Lance): Sarah Michelle Gellar
Black Mask (Roman Sionis): Zachary Quinto
Blue Beetle (Theodore “Ted” Kord) [RETIRED]: Adam Scott
Blue Lightning (Jefferson Pierce): Cress Williams
Bluebird (Harper Row): Bex Taylor-Klaus
Brother Blood (Sebastian Blood IX): Freddie Highmore
Calendar Girl (Paige Monroe): Monica Bellucci
Captain Boomerang (George “Digger” Harkness): John Jarratt
Captain Cold (Leonard Snart): Wentworth Miller
Captain Marvel: ??
William “Billy” Batson: Noah Schnapp
Carrie Kelley: Sophia Lillis
Carter Grant: Levi Miller (circa 2015)
Catherine “Cat” Grant: Calista Flockhart
Chief (Niles Caulder): Timothy Dalton
Chief Peter “Pete” Ross: David Harbour
Christopher Kent (Lor-Zod): Jackson Robert Scott
Colonel Jacob Kane: Michael Keaton
Cyclone (Maxine “Max” Hunkel): Sadie Sink
Cynthia “Sin” Lance: Aubrey Anderson-Emmons
Darla Dudley: Faithe Herman
David Cain: Stephen Lang
Deacon Joseph Blackfire: Denis O’Hare
Deadshot (Floyd Lawton): Will Smith
Deathstroke (Slade Wilson): Joe Manganiello
Detective Harvey Bullock: Brendan Gleeson
Devil Ray (David Richardson): Michael Kenneth Williams
Doctor Linda Martin: Rachael Harris
Doctor Mid-Nite (Elizabeth “Beth” Chapel): Anjelika Washington
Doctor Poison (Rei Aoyama): Eihi Shiina (circa 1998-1999)
Doctor Simon Hurt: Jeffrey Dean Morgan
Dream Girl (Nura Nal): Nicole Maines
Dreamer (Nia Nal): Nicole Maines
Elasti-Woman (Rita Farr): April Bowlby
Elongated Man (Ralph Dibny): Seth Green
Eugene Choi: Ian Chen
General Zod (Dru-Zod): Terence Stamp
Green Arrow (Oliver “Ollie” Queen): Ewan McGregor
Green Lantern (Alan Scott): Jeff Bridges
Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner): Tyler Posey
Guardian (Malcolm “Mal” Duncan): John Boyega
Headmaster Collingwood Vaughn Hammer: Christopher Lee (circa mid-to-late 2000s)
Holly Robinson: Katie Stuart (circa 1998-1999)
Huntress (Helena Bertinelli): Eliza Dushku (circa 2007)
James “Jimmy” Olsen: Rupert Grint
Jonathan “Pa” Kent: Harrison Ford
Knight (Cyril Sheldrake): Matt Smith
Lady Shiva (Sandra Wu-San): Ming-Na Wen
Lian Harper: Lily Chee
Livewire (Leslie Willis): Natalie Dormer
Lois Lane-Kent: Winona Ryder
Lori Lemaris: Eline Powell
Lori Luthor: Isabelle Fuhrman
Lucifer Morningstar: David Bowie
Lynn Stewart: Christine Adams
Maps (Mia Mizoguchi): Mana Ashida
Mary Batson-Bromfield: Malina Weissman
Merlin: Sam Neill
Millie-Jane Cobblepot [DECEASED; GHOST]: AnnaSophia Robb (circa 2003-2004)
Mister Terrific (Michael Holt): William Jackson Harper
Negative Man (Lawrence “Larry” Trainor): Matt Bomer (voice); Matthew Zuk (body)
Nicholas “Nick” Bromfield: Cooper Andrews
Nightwing (Richard “Dick” Grayson): Jesús Castro
Nora Bromfield (née Parker): Marta Milans
Ocean Master (Orm): Patrick Wilson
Oracle (Barbara Gordon): Kiera Allen
Pedro Peña: Jovan Armand
Plastic Man (Patrick O’Brian): Ben Schwartz
Poison Ivy (Pamela Isley): Jessica Chastain
Power Girl (Kara Zor-L/Karen Starr): Melissa Benoist
Professor Alexander Scarlet: Roddy McDowall (circa 1966)
Professor Edgar Heed: Vincent Price (circa 1966-1967)
Professor Emil Hamilton: Matthew Modine
Professor Hugo Strange: B.D. Wong
Professor Isla MacPherson: Michelle Gomez
Queen Hippolyta: Lynda Carter
Queen Rhea: Teri Hatcher
Rā's al Ghūl: Oded Fehr
Raven (Rachel Roth): Natasha Negovanlis
Red Hood (Jason Todd): Dylan O’Brien
Richard Dragon (Richard Drakunovski): Jason David Frank
Riko Sheridan: Zoe Flood
Robin (Damian Wayne): Arsalan Ghasemi (circa 2005)
Robin (Timothy “Tim” Drake): Asa Butterfield
Robotman (Clifford “Cliff” Steele): Brendan Fraser (voice); Riley Shanahan (body)
Rupert Thorne: John Goodman
Scarecrow (Jonathan Crane): Julian Richings
Scarlet (Sasha Volkova): Ashley Boettcher
Scream Queen (Nina Skorzeny): Kristen Stewart
Secret (Greta Hayes): Lulu Wilson (circa 2016-2017)
Simon Trent: Adam West (circa 2015-2016)
Solomon Grundy: Kevin Durand
Spoiler (Stephanie Brown): Chloë Grace Moretz
Squire (Beryl Hutchinson): Maisie Williams
Starfire (Princess Koriand’r): Sharon Belle
Stargirl (Courtney Whitmore): Brec Bassinger
S.T.R.I.P.E. (Patrick “Pat” Dugan): Luke Wilson
Superboy (Jonathan Samuel “Jon” Kent): Finn Wolfhard (circa 2015-2016)
Supergirl (Kara Zor-El/Kara Danvers): AnnaSophia Robb (circa 2008)
Superman (Clark Kent): Christopher Reeve (circa 1986-1987)
Sweet Tooth (Jeffrey Leonard “Jeff” Fink): Jeff Blim
Tempest (Garth): Jack Falahee
The Atom (Raymond “Ray” Palmer) [RETIRED]: John C. McGinley
The Atom (Ryan Choi): Ryan Zheng Kai
The Joker: is a complicated case. Basically, as an extension of the idea that he has so many different moods, I’m using a variety of different face claims for him. So for example, one day he could look like Willem Dafoe, and the next, like Cesar Romero.
Theodore “Teddy” Malik: Danny Pudi
The Penguin (Oswald Cobblepot): Bob Hoskins (circa 2005)
The Question (Charles Victor “Vic Sage” Zsasz): Misha Collins
The Riddler (Edward Nygma): John Mulaney
Thomas Wayne [DECEASED]: Jeffrey Dean Morgan
Thunder (Anissa Pierce): Nafessa Williams
Tobias Whale: Marvin “Krondon” Jones III
Trickster (James Jesse): Mark Hamill
Two-Face (Harvey Dent): Jon Hamm
Vigilante (Gregory “Greg” Saunders): Nathan Fillion
Wildcat (Theodore “Ted” Grant): Bruce Campbell
Wildcat (Yolanda Montez): Yvette Monreal
Willoughby Kipling: Mark Sheppard
Wonder Girl (Cassandra Sandsmark): Julia Sarah Stone
Wonder Woman (Diana of Themyscira aka Diana Prince): Ioanna Triantafyllidou (aka Joanna Fyllidou)
Samara Morgan: Daveigh Chase (circa 2001-2002)
Abaddon (Ryan Gaven): Joe Keery
Annabelle McConnell: Summer Glau
Defense Attorney Alexander “Alex” Wright: Wayne Brady
Detective Warren White: Joel McHale
Elizabeth Kennington: AnnaSophia Robb (circa 2006-2007)
Gemstone (Kayley Smith): Joey King
Lily Wynstrom: Kennedy Brice (circa 2013-2015)
Lumina (Aurora Dawn): Jodelle Ferland (circa 2010)
Queen (Jesminder Kapoor): Linnea Berthelsen
Rosaleen Hatcher: Jodelle Ferland (circa 2006-2007)
Violet “Teacup” Stoker: Talitha Eliana Bateman
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renaroo · 7 years
If DC were to reintroduce the other Supergirls (Linda, Mia, Matrix) in Rebirth, how would you want them to go about doing it?
Uhhhhhhhhh Well, my ideal scenario would be that Linda would still be family to the Danvers -- a cousin to Kara through her adopted parents on Earth. She’d still be an artist, maybe working on becoming an art teacher, and as such would be sort of the Cool Cousin Kara could go to who is close enough to her age to be relatable but also old enough to be a mentor when Kara needs it. Basically have them be very similar to the the way Linda and Pre-Crisis Kara were in the tail end of Supergirl (1996-2002). She would not have powers naturally, but much like Lana Lang’s Superwoman or Natasha’s Steel, she’d take over for Kara when she’s gone or injured a few times through a super suit, working for the DEO.
Matrix I would have be a Bizarrogirl in the same vein of the current Bizarro on Red Hood and the Outlaws but actually maintain Kara’s intelligence. Her “Bizarro form” would be more similar to Mae’s natural Matrix form, though, and for a while she would be rather unstable. She would be a part of the wind up to Lex’s Superman’s ultimate fall from grace, her coming to help Kara and the Super Family  to lend some more Hubris on top of Lex’s hubris. (Side note, I would also have this be Kon’s re-entry to the Superfamily with similar origins and they would act more like siblings). She would feel more “natural” in a more mature human-like form like the original Mae took on -- taller and more super-model ish than Kara, and since she’s free of any memories or experience prior to her creation, she is something of a fish out of water. This would help parallel Kara and show Kara just how far she’s come from back when she first came to Earth and very much was the one who was the fish out of water. While Mae initially tried staying with the Danvers like Kara, it ultimately was not a good fit for everyone and Mae actually moves in with Clark and Lois for a time instead which would ultimately lead to her taking on the Kent farm with Kon and Krypto and pretending to be Clark’s sister, Mae, who is renting the house from them. 
Mia would be the most complicated, honestly, since I have very specific feelings about Mia that I’m very attached to, such as the fact that I see her as most likely a trans woman given some of the fantheory backed evidence like her Kryptonian name being “Cir-El”, which is a whole other discussion for another post. So I’d want to incorporate all of that, but the long and short of it would be that she’s the daughter of Lois and Clark, sister of Jon and Chris fudc from the unknown future date, sent back due to time traveling shenanigans which may or may not involve Booster Gold Senior returning to main continuity hard to say these days, but I would actually put a twist on this. She would be inclined to work with her father and mother more and stay with them, but to prevent Timey Wimey Undoing things, she ends up working more closely with the Steel and Superwoman family, which is where she would grow a close relationship with Traci and Natasha. She wouldn’t be a permanent fixture in her teenage form, but that would ultimately be for the better as a baby Mia would be in the certain future.
Or something like that. 
Okay you got me, I actually think about this a lot lol
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cosplayfame · 7 years
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There can't be two number ones; that makes eleven. #Bizarro #bizarroworld #elkal #kentclark #krypton #kryptonian #legionofdoom #bizarrogirl #dc #dcomics #dcuniverse #superman #dccosplay #bizarrocosplay #cosplayflorida #floridacosplay #cosplay #cosplayfame #floridacosplay #cosplayflorida #megacon #megacon2017 #megaconorlando #megaconorlando2017 #celebratefandom #Photo taken @megaconvention #Photography by @cosplayfame If anyone knows this Kryptonian, send their link our way! Want to be featured? Contact [email protected] (at MegaCon Convention)
0 notes
whythinktoomuch · 4 years
(pt. i)
Research is a long, arduous process. It’s demanding because Lex prefers to be thorough, and difficult because she wants to be useful.  
The goal is to learn everything there is to be learned about her, as Lex likes to mention as often as possible. She doesn’t mind the redundancy of such a reminder though. It makes her feel important. It makes her feel of value for once in her life.
Supergirl must feel like this all the time. 
The first round of testing is to determine how her abilities measure up against Supergirl’s. Her invulnerability, super-strength, and flight speeds seem to please him, which in turn pleases her. But what fascinates him the most is how she can breathe fire and freeze the air with just a look.
“Your powers are diametrically opposed to Supergirl’s, which makes you the perfect mirror image,” Lex says, and she smiles even though the epithet rings paradoxical to her ears. “Do you know what that means?”
He pauses, waiting for her response—something he still does despite already having her loyalty at his disposal. Participation is important to him.
When she shakes her head, Lex casually reaches into his pocket. “It means that this can’t hurt you,” he says, opening his hand to reveal a tiny slab of the most vibrant green.
A muffled hum crawls into her head, the sound solidifying into a fever that ripples throughout her body. In her panic-stricken haste to escape the feeling, she flies backwards and hits the wall hard enough to warp the metal into a crude semblance of her form. “No.”
“It’s just kryptonite,” Lex says, head tilted in clear amusement. “Like I said, it can’t hurt you.” But he wasn’t there when it happened. She’s never known what to call the green light, but her only encounter with it had left consequences that still live in her skin.
“Yes, hurt,” she huffs out, emphatic. “Yes, change!”
Lex’s amusement quickly crosses over into curiosity, and he begins his careful approach. “It changes you? How?” She tries to retreat farther into the wall, further into the darkness, but Lex’s tone is ever so gentle, “Can you show me…?”
She doesn’t want to, but Lex wants her to, and he’s still asking instead of taking, so she meets him halfway in slow, lumbering steps and holds out her hand.
The delicate rock has barely grazed her palm when her skin starts to deteriorate around it. Her entire hand drains of what little color it had left, the surface splintering at the seams like a particularly unruly stretch of earth. She allows the decay to travel up to her wrist before letting go.
Lex spares not one glance for the kryptonite clattering onto the floor, instead taking her hand in both of his for a closer look. “Incredible…” he says, his fingertips brushing over the hardened cracks in her palm. “Did that hurt you? Are you in any pain?”
Her grasp of spoken language, as slippery as it is, often falls short of the intangible. The kryptonite left a rupture that thumps in her chest, echoed only in places she can’t see for herself. But her hand’s fine; it will work the way it’s meant to. “… No.”
“So, what’s the problem?”
She struggles and struggles, and comes up with, “Ugly.”
“And how is that a bad thing?” Lex asks, because though it seems obvious, he requires precision, no matter how poorly articulated by her unpracticed tongue.
“They… leave.”
“Well, I haven’t left, and if this—” Lex squeezes her hand like it doesn’t disgust him—“keeps people away, that’s a good thing. Because that means they can’t hurt you. Do you understand?”
Oh, yes. That much, she does understand.
Two of his men show up at the door, signaling that it’s time for Lex to get back to prison, but he doesn’t tear his eyes away from her. “What you’re feeling right now isn’t pain,” he continues to explain, and her mind dilates accordingly to accommodate this new understanding. “This is strength. An advantage. It’s what makes you better than Supergirl.”
“Better than Supergirl…” she agrees with a hesitant nod.
Lex’s smile is broad as he slowly shakes his head in wonder. “Max Lord is a goddamn fool for letting you go,” he insists, releasing her hand with care. “And I may be a lot of things, but I’m no fool.”
He takes his leave then, but the promise sewn into his parting words is a veritable balm for the sting of his absence. He’ll return to her because he’s always returned to her. What’s a few hours—or days, or a week—of solitude when weighed against that certainty?
This is strength, she reminds herself, settling back in her bed with only a nameless man standing guard at the door for company. Strength feels like this.
“You like her,” Lex says one day, and it chafes her sensibilities because he’s not usually wrong about things.
She drops her tablet, with one of the many loaded videos still playing out on screen. But the topic, apparently, isn’t to be dropped quite as easily because Lex simply picks it right back up.
“Ah, the TED Talk on molecular nanotech…” he muses with a soft chuckle. “You know, this is from almost ten years ago, and she’s already refuted nearly half of what she’s proposing here.”
“Lena, smart?”
“Oh, very smart. That’s what makes her smart, actually: being able to admit when she’s wrong.” Lex sets the tablet back in her hands, and she clutches onto her only source of Lena with an eagerness verging on greed. “But even the smartest people can have moments of willful ignorance, you know?”
… Should she know?  
Lex checks his watch, and sure enough, his men are at the door, ready to steal him away again. But he holds them back with one raised finger before turning back to her. “I have to go now, but I do have a task for you to complete while I’m gone.”
“Task?” Immediately, she draws herself up, purpose straightening out her spine, diluting her need for little else. “What task?”
“I’d like you to learn something about Lena.”
An inevitable frown dawns on her face. She touches her hand to the tablet in question, but Lex shakes his head.
“No, I want you to go see her,” he says, inspiring something prickly and fast-paced to rush through her veins. “Find her, follow her around, watch what she does, and the next time we meet, you can show me what you’ve learned.”
“Learn, what?”
Lex shrugs as he gathers up his materials. “It doesn’t matter. This is more for your sake than mine, and as long as you’re not seen by anyone, the sky’s the limit.” He pauses at the door, turns around to look her right in the eye. “You can do this, Bizarrogirl. Just trust your gut.”
Then Lex leaves, and she’s left with a remarkable feeling—strength, flowering in her chest in a way that could never be mistaken for pain—because it’s the first time he’s ever referred to her by such a name, and maybe he’s right.
It is better than Supergirl.
(next part here)
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renaroo · 7 years
RenaRoo’s GIANT Comic Sale!
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I am preparing for a giant move and as a result I need to majorly cut down on my physical comic books!!!
Followers and friends will have access to a Giveaway of single issues in a week, but right now I need to sell a LOT of trade volumes I am offering to sell at SUPER REDUCED prices! 
If you are interested, please look below! And contact me for information on how to pay/get shipped to!
If you are interested in haggling/buying multiple comic collections and want to make a bundle deal, I’ll be more than happy to work with you! For me the main objective right now is to ship as many things out as I can before I move November 15th!!!
Payments will be processed through PayPal and Ko-Fi!
Paperback Comics - $10 + shipping BUY ONE GET ONE FREE
Batman and the Outsiders Vol. 1: The Chysalis by Chuck Dixon, Julian Lopez, Carlos Rodriguez, and Bit
Batman and the Outsiders Vol. 2: The Snare by Chuck Dixon, Carlos Rodriguez, Julian Lopez, and Ryan Benjamin
Batman and Robin: Dark Knight vs. White Knight by Paul Cornell, Scott McDaniel, Peter J. Tomasi, Patrick Gleason, Judd Winick, and Greg Tocchini
Batman New Gotham Vol. 1: Evolution by Greg Rucka, Shawn Martinbrough, John Watkiss, William Rosado, Phil Hester, and Steve Mitchell
Batman: Birth of the Demon by Mike W. Barr, Dennis O’Neil, Jerry Bingham, Tom Grindberg, and Norm Breyfogle
Batman: Streets of Gotham Vol. 2: Leviathan by Paul Dini, Dustin Nguyen, Derek Fridolfs, Mike Benson, and Chris Yost
Batman: Streets of Gotham Vol. 3: The House of Hush by Paul Dini, Dustin Nguyen and Derek Fridolfs
Batman: The Resurrection of Ra’s al Ghul by Grant Morrison and Paul Dini
Bedlam Vol. 1 by Nick Spencer, Riley Rossmo, and Frazer Irving
Ghost/Batgirl by Mike Kennedy and Ryan Benjamin
Lazarus Volume One by Greg Rucka, Michael Lark, and Arcas
Nightwing Vol. 5: The Hunt for Oracle by Chuck Dixon, Greg Land, Patrick Zicher, and Butch Guice
Nightwing Vol. 6: Big Guns by Chuck Dixon, Greg Land, and Mike Collins
Nightwing Vol. 7: On the Razor’s Edge by Chuck Dixon, Greg Land, and Drew Geraci
Secret Six Vol. 3: Danse Macabre by Gail Simone, John Ostrander, and J. Calafiore
Secret Six Vol. 5: The Darkest House by Gail Simone and J. Calafiore
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Vol. 1: Change is Constant by Tom Waltz, Dan Duncan, and Kevin Eastman
Transformers Regeneration One Vol. 1 by Simon Furman and Andrew Wildman
Transformers Regeneration One Vol. 2 by Simon Furman and Andrew Wildman
Villains United by Gail Simone, Dale Eaglesham and Val Semeiks
Large Books - $15 + shipping BUY ONE GET ONE FREE
Batman: Cataclysm
Batman: Dark Victory by Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale
Batman: The Black Mirror by Scott Snyder, Jock, and Francesco Francavilla
Batman: The Long Halloween by Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale
Spider-Man: Birth of Venom by Jim Shooter, Tom DeFalco, John Byrne, Louise Simonson, and David Michelinie
Transformers: Phase One Omnibus Volume 1 by Simon Furman and E.J. Su
The Usagi Yojimbo Saga Book 2: Grasscutter by Stan Sakai
Collection Deals
52 Bundle - $15 + shipping + TWO FREE CHOICE
52 Volume One by Geoff Johns, Grant Morrison, Greg Rucka, Mark Waid, and Keith Giffen 52 Volume Two by Geoff Johns, Grant Morrison, Greg Rucka, Mark Waid, and Keith Giffen 52 Volume Three by Geoff Johns, Grant Morrison, Greg Rucka, Mark Waid, and Keith Giffen 52 Volume Four by Geoff Johns, Grant Morrison, Greg Rucka, Mark Waid, and Keith Giffen
Deadpool by Daniel Way Bundle - $50 + shipping +TWO FREE CHOICE
Deadpool: Suicide Kings by Mke Benson, Adam Glass, Carlo Barberi, and Shawn Crystal Deadpool Vol. 1: Secret Invasion by Daniel Way, Paco Medina, and Carlo Barberi Deadpool Vol. 2: Dark Reign by Daniel Way and Paco Medina Dark Reign: Deadpool/Thunderbolts by Andy Diggle, Daniel Way, Bong Dazo, and Paco Medina Deadpool Vol. 3: X Marks the Spot by Daniel Way, Shawn Crystal, Paco Medina Hardback Deadpool Vol. 4: Monkey Business by Daniel Way, Carlo Barberi, Dalibor Talajić Deadpool Vol. 5: What Happened in Vegas by Daniel Way and Carlo Barberi Deadpool Vol. 6: I Rule, You Suck by Daniel Way, Carlo Barberi, and Bongo Dazo Hardback Deadpool Vol. 7: Space Oddity by Daniel Way, Sheldon Vella, Carlo Barberi, and Bong Dazo Hardback Deadpool Vol. 8: Operation Annihilation by Daniel Way, Sheldon Vella, Bong Dazo Hardback Deadpool Vol. 9: Institutionalized by Daniel Way, Carlo Barberi Hardback Deadpool Vol. 10: Evil Deadpool by Daniel Way, Salva Espin, and John McCrea
Demon Knights Bundle - $15 + shipping + ONE FREE CHOICE
Demon Knights Vol. 1: Seven Against the Dark by Paul Cornell, Diogenes Neves, and Oclair Albert Demon Knights Vol. 2: The Avalon Trap by Paul Cornell, Diógenes Neves, and Bernard Chang Demon Knights Vol. 3: The Gathering Storm by Robert Venditti, Bernard Chang, and Paul Cornell
Full Metal Alchemist Bundle - $75 + shipping + TWO FREE CHOICE
Single Trade Volumes: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3 3-in-1 Trade Volumes: Volumes 4-5-6, Volumes 7-8-9, Volumes 10-11-12, Volumes 13-14-15, Volumes 16-17-18, Volumes 19-20-21, Volumes 22-23-24, Volumes 25-26-27 Fullmetal Alchemist Profiles by Hiromu Arakawa (contains bonus manga material) The Art of Fullmetal Alcehmist Volume 2 by Hiromu Arakawa
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Ultimate Bundle - $30 + Shipping + TWO FREE CHOICE
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Ultimate Collection Vol. 1 by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Ultimate Collection Vol. 2 by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Ultimate Collection Vol. 5 by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Vol. 2 by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Classics Vol. 3
Manga and Pocket Sized Volumes - $10 + shipping
DC Comics
The Untold Legend of the Batman by Len Wein, John Byrne, and Jim Aparo B&W SOLD
Dark Horse
Usagi Yojimbo Book 1: The Ronin by Stan Sakai SOLD
Usagi Yojimbo Book 2: Samurai by Stan Sakai SOLD
Paperbacked Deals - #15 + shipping
DC Comics
Batman: Contagion by Chuck Dixon, Alan Grant, Dennis O’Neil, Doug Moench, and Christopher Priest SOLD
Batman: Hush by Jeph Loeb, Jim Lee, and Scott Williams SOLD
Batman: Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader? by Neil Gaiman and Andy Kubert SOLD
Batwoman: Elegy by Greg Rucka and J.H. Williams III SOLD
Birds of Prey: Blood and Circuits by Gail Simone, Nicola Scott, Paulo Siqueira, James Raiz SOLD
Birds of Prey: Sensei & Student by Gail Simone, Ed Benes, Michael Golden, Joe Bennett, Cliff Richards, Alex Lei, Ruy Jose, Mike Manley, and Scott Hanna SOLD
JLA: World Without Grown-Ups by Todd Dezago, Humberto Ramos, Mike McKone, and Todd Nauck SOLD
JLA/The Titans: The Technis Imperative by Devin Grayson, Phil Jimenez, Andy Lanning, and Dexter Vines SOLD
Power Girl Vol. 1: A New Beginning by Justin Gray, Jimmy Palmiotti, and Amanda Conner SOLD
Red Hood: The Lost Days by Judd Winick SOLD
Robin: A Hero Reborn by Alan Grant, Norm Breyfogle, Steve Mitchell, Chuck Dixon, Tom Lyle, and Bob Smith SOLD
Robin: Violent Tendencies by Chuck Dixon, Chris Barista, Cam Smith SOLD
Supergirl: Bizarrogirl by Sterling Gates, Jamal Igle, and Jon Sibal SOLD
Superman: Last Son of Krypton by Geoff Johns, Richard Donner, Adam Kubert, and Gary Frank SOLD
Superman: Secret Identity by Kurt Busiek and Stuart Immonen SOLD
Superman: Shadows Linger by Kurt Busiek, Peter Vale, Jesús Merino, and Renato Guedes SOLD
Superman: Up, Up and Away! by Kurt Busiek, Geoff Johns, Pete Woods, and Renato Guedes SOLD
Teen Titans Vol. 4: The Future is Now by Geoff Johns, Mike McKone, Ivan Reis, and Tom Grummett SOLD
Teen Titans: Year One by Amy Wolfram, Karl Kerschl, and Serge Lapointe SOLD
Vixen: Return of the Lion by G. Willow Wilson and Cafu SOLD
Young Justice: Sins of Youth by Peter David, Karl Kesel, Todd Nauck, et. al SOLD
The Amazing Spider-Man: Unintended Consequences by J. Michael Straczynski, John Romita Jr., and Scott Hanna SOLD
Spider-Men by Brian Michael Bendis and Sara Pichelli SOLD
White Tiger by Tamora Pierce and Timothy Liebe SOLD
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies by Tony Lee, Cliff Richards, Jane Austen, and Seth Grahame-Smith SOLD
Hardbacked Deals - $20 + shipping
DC Comics
Teen Titans Earth One Volume One by Jeff Lemire, Terry Dodson, Rachel Dodson, Cam Smith, Brad Anderson SOLD
Hawkeye Vol. 1 by Matt Fraction, David Aja, Javier Pulido, Steve Lieber, Jesse Hamm, Francesco Francavilla, Matt Hollingsworth SOLD
Omnibus Deals - $25 + shipping
Dark Horse
DC Comics
Batgirl/Robin: Year One by Scott Beatty, Chuck Dixon, Marcos Martin, and Javier Pulido SOLD
DC Comics: The Sequential Art of Amanda Conner SOLD
DC Showcase Presents: Batman Volume 4 SOLD
Superman: Birthright by Mark Waid, Leinil Francis Yu, and Gerry Alanguilan SOLD
Collection Deals
The All New Atom Bundle - $25 + shipping SOLD
The All New Atom: My Life in Miniature by Gail Simone, John Byrne, Eddy Barrows, and Trevor Scott The All New Atom: Future/Past by Gail Simone, Mike Norton, and Eddy Barrows The All New Atom: The Hunt for Ray Palmer! by Gail Simone and Mike Norton The All New Atom: Small Wonder by Rick Remender, Gail Simone, Pat Olliffe, and Mike Norton
Catwoman by Ed Brubaker Bundle - $50 + shipping SOLD
Catwoman Vol. 1: Trail of the Catwoman by Darwyn Cooke and Ed Brubaker
Catwoman Vol. 2: No Easy Way Down by Ed Brubaker and Cameron Stewart
Catwoman Vol. 3: Under Pressure by Ed Brubaker, Paul Gulacy, and Jimmy Palmiotti
Saga Collection - $50 + shipping SOLD
Saga Volumes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 by Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples 
Spider-Girl Bundle - $50 + Shipping SOLD
Spider-Girl by Todd DeFalco, Pat Olliffe, and Al Williamson Spider-Girl Vol. 2: Like Father, Like Daughter by Tom DeFalco and Pat Olliffe Spider-Girl Vol. 5: Endgame by Tom DeFalco and Pat Olliffe Spider-Girl Vol. 6:Too Many Spiders! by Tom DeFalco, Pat Olliffe, and Ron Frenz Spider-Girl Vol. 9:Secret Lives by Tom DeFalco, Pat Olliffe, and Ron Frenz Spider-Girl Vol. 10:Season of the Serpent by Tom DeFalco, Pat Olliffe, and Ron Frenz Spider-Girl Vol. 11:Marked for Death by Tom DeFalco, Pat Olliffe, and Ron Frenz
The Amazing Spider-Girl Vol. 3: Mind Games by Tom DeFalco and Ron Frenz The Amazing Spider-Girl Vol. 4: Brand New May by Tom DeFalco and Ron Frenz The Amazing Spider-Girl Vol. 5: Maybreak by Tom DeFalco and Ron Frenz
54 notes · View notes
twilithecosplayer · 9 years
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Progress! The belt “buckle” matched pretty nicely with the fabric once I tried out a couple different mixes of paint. That is the “buckle” before the varnish. First Eva foam manipulation. A little wobbly and uneven, but I wasnt too worried as this was for Bizarrogirl.
Also started tearing up the skirt ;-; No going back now!!!!
Edit: forgot to mention that the BVS Wonder Woman theme is badass and awesome and perfect as background noise for tearing up the costume. Currently using it as Bizarrogirl's theme haha
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