desperatecheesecubes · 3 months
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Crying and sobbing because Chris was Clark's son
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Power Girl 2 (2023) by Gary Frank
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Power Girl #1
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doctorslippery · 9 months
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chiptunepacifist · 10 months
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this took WAY too long
[click for higher quality, reblogs appreciated!]
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pin-crusher2000 · 6 months
1) Scenario: Due to some time travel shenanigans, Robin!Dick travels forward in time and he runs into Mar’i and Jake while they were on a case together. How do you think it goes from there? 
2) Who are Chris, Jon and Jake’s favorite anime characters?
3) Can you see Chris and Jai challenging each other to a race and like Barry Allen, Jai holding back his true speed extensively?
4) Is Zod Chris’ Archnemesis in Earth 66?
5) the following you may ignore if it makes you uncomfortable;
On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the highest,
How sensitive to tickle attacks are Mar’i, Chris, Jon and Jake?
Good questions! (1 & 4 is gonna be long XD)
Before I answer #1 I want to do some background info: After Time Commander (Super-Sons villain) got humiliated & jailed by Jake, Mar’i & Nightwing (mar’i burned his outfit leaving him naked & Jake gave him a wedgie). He busted out after a week & went back in time to make sure the kids weren’t born by killing Nightwing. (Note: Nightwing & Starfire went on a honeymoon, so it’s just Jake & mar’i by themselves for a few days). Time Commander (John Starr) found a newly trained Robin roaming the streets for a test for Batman. But the kid was tougher than he looks, Starr had a sore jaw & a sore crotch & both fell into a portal going back to the future & he ran away to rethink strategy. Robin (Dick Grayson) tried to find him but instead found two twins fighting a group of thugs.
1: Mar’i & Jake were trying to solve the mysterious case of the Tally Mark Slasher (hint hint 😉) (also Jake was wearing a Robin outfit for the giggles) when they met Robin & realize that he was their dad when he was their age & tried their best not to mess up the timeline. So the three of them decided to help each other’s problems & send Robin back to the past. (Without revealing too much info about themselves) After a few hours kicking butt & interrogation thugs, they managed to find the killer himself, frozen in time: Victor Zsasz, & Time Commander himself stealing money (cause reasons XD) the three of them mange to stop Time Commander & put him in handcuffs for the cops. Before Robin leaves back to his time, he has something to ask:
Robin (Dick Grayson): How important is me being Robin?
Jake: really important! hundreds of sidekicks wouldn’t exist without your influence, & all thanks to you, we are able to live because of you, you gave everybody hope! You’re the heart of sidekicks.
Mar’i: yeah, what he said.
The three hugged before Robin goes back to the past…….Victor Zasasz was freed from time freeze & was in handcuffs, confused on why his pants were around his ankles, underwear pulled up from his butthole, & some childish drawings were on him; especially a Robin symbol on his chest. (*wipes sweats on forehead* darn I need a break XD)
2: Chris: Gohan, future trunks, gogeta, broly (dbz), Tokoyami, deku, shoto, Ochaco ( my hero academia), Obito, naruto, Kakashi, mintato, sasuke (Naruto)
Jon: Goku, (canon) goten, gotenks, gogeta, future trunks, hit. (DB) naruto (canon) sasuke, itachi, rock Lee (naruto) izuku, bakugo, all-might, shoto, (MHA) Luffy, ace, sabo, zoro, & chopper (one piece).
Jake: goku, gohan, vegito, cabba, broly. (Dbz) naruto, itachi, pain, (naruto) izuku, dabi, twice, all-might (MHA) luffy, sanji, chopper (One Piece).
3: yup XD & when Jai decided to use his speed full power he decides to taunt Chris either: pulling down his lower eyelid & sticks tongue out, gives the middle finger(s), show his bare butt & spanks it (maybe kisses his hand first) or saying meep meep! & speeds off leaving Chris in the dust.
4: yes, but as a one off villain, let me explain: I do like the idea of zod escaping from the Phantom Zone years later instead of a few days (great idea bud) but instead of joining zod because of his “background,” Chris was a sleeper agent (in my universe).
When space pirate Amalak (from new earth’s Superman comics) invades earth (when Chris was 12) to hunt down Kryptonians, he accidentally triggers Chris’s “sleeper agent code”: zod. (By telling Chris he looks just like him) days later, at night, Chris sneaks off to the fortress of solitude & frees zod & 30 other kryptonian criminals from the zone, kneeling to them.
The next day, zod & the criminals did an invasion in Metropolis. (As seen in the Last Son book) the superfamily (Clark, Kara, Karen, Kon, Jon 11, & krypto)the justice league, Young Titans, & the special police force with kryptonite weapons defends the city; The only kryptonians left were zod & Chris (Some were taken down non-lethally & the rest killed). After seeing NightStar gets trapped by broken buildings, Chris breaks free from his programming, & unleashed a power nobody ever seen before: Dark Phantom mode.
(In my universe, after a beaten by his dad, Chris was thrown outside the prison where he was born, slowly dying from the pain, when suddenly, a mystical blue dragon called NightWing (who created the zone in my universe; a myth) appeared out of nowhere & went into his body as pure energy to heal him & gave him unique abilities that needed to be unlocked somehow.)
Chris (in the present) with Superman, fought Zod (a less brutal version of the invincible vs conquest fight) & snaps zod’s neck (like man of steel) using his darkness powers to save Superman from being killed. Chris screamed in pain & sadness, being comforted by his “dad” Superman. A fe days later, Superman takes Chris in outer space saying you belong here, you belong. Then, they went back down to earth to their home in Hamilton county & did a big group hug with his “family.”
5: since they’re kids, probably between 8-10; on the feet, stomach, rib cage, & on the thighs when grabbed.
Whew! That took a while. Let me know if you got more questions buddy! :D
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On sale from DC in May, 1977
Is that a kazoo that Amalak has? Looks like a kazoo to me.
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forensicated · 7 months
Smiffina Episodes: Witness Part 6 - Hit And Run (6/8)
Smithy calls in the shout with the index of the car that hit Alesha after Nate has called for an ambulance. He tells Leanne to take Brooke home so she doesn't see anything but she panics that someone has gotten to Alesha to stop her giving her evidence. Oscar is screaming at Smithy and Nate that they promised to protect Alesha whilst the officers are performing CPR.
Jack updates CID and asks them to look into the contacts of Tito and Dwayne. Without Alesha they don't have a case. The car is spotted and tailed whilst Nate and Emma attend the home of the registered owner who doesn't answer. Neighbours report he keeps himself to himself and appears to be a shift worker so he might not know that his car has been stolen yet if it wasn't him behind the wheel. Unfortunately the car gets away by literally driving into a wooden fence and continuing over the railway tracks which is too dangerous for them to follow. Nate and Emma find the car abandoned and on fire. Nate extinguishes it before it takes full hold and they recover it.
Smithy and Oscar are waiting for news as Gina arrives at St Hughs. Alesha has several broken ribs, a punctured lung and is in shock but otherwise ok. She asks to speak to Smithy and tells him she wants to withdraw due to the threat on her life. He says they can't stop people putting two and two together and knowing it's her but they can stop it happening again. He promises her secure accomodation and 24 hour protection. "That's what you promised last time." She tells Smithy that she'll lie in the box if they make her give evidence.
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Smithy updates Leanne on the latest. He tries to reassure her that it could have thrown up new leads but she won't be cheered. The associates of both boys have been checked and they all have alibi's of sorts. Grace arrives with some more names from Borough Intelligence linked with the Creekside Boys. Grace takes some of uniform down to the snooker hall where they are known to hang out. Spencer, one of the boys with form for TWOC-ing claims he has nothing to do with it and only knows Tito from the local press.
The local paper is claiming that the Jasmine Allen residents have been abandoned by the police who have allowed the gangs to take over. "Have they all missed the mobile unit with police written on it in two foot high letters?' Finally Amalak Tahir emerges from his flat despite officers having been knocking on his door repeatedly overnight. He has a cut on his head that he claims he got hitting his head on the kerb when his car was stolen. He doesn't care about catching the people who stole it, he simply wants his car back so doesn't 'want/need' it checking over by forensics. Nate and Emma follow him back to his flat for more questions. For a flat on the Jasmine Allen Estate it's nicely laid out with lots of expensive things including electronics which is at odds with his job as a delivery driver supplying fast food containers. Nate requests his briefcase that he mentioned the carjackers touched and he leaves the room to empty it. All very suspicious. They return him to the scene where they find some blood on the kerb. They take a description and he claims it was a school child aged around 13. The timing and location of the potential hijacking fits. Emma tells Sam, pointing out the difference in his official income to what he owns, that he didn't report the theft despite being desperate to have it back 'for work' and he didn't want it looking over by forensics. Something isn't right. Sam suggests he could be the driver himself given his version is a 13 year old stunt driver with a line in intimidation and potential murder. "Not met one of those yet...!" (considering this aired 31st Jan (and would have been filmed Oct/Nov-ish, the CCTV at half 9 is daylight 😂😂)
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There is a child matching the description around the time of the carjacking but Nate suggests he could have just seen him and it as 'details make lies more credible'. The boy is Danny Pearce and his homelife is a little chaotic. His mum has returned to Birmingham and Danny is due to join her in the summer after he finishes his school year. He is living with his brother, Joel, at the moment. The case prints match Danny! Joel wonders if this means he'll go into care.
Max has checked out Tahir with his boss who claims he's the model employee. The only two things that stand out are he insists on using his own car, not the company vans and he's a bit flashy with designer gear and picking up the tab when colleagues go for drinks. He can't be linked with Dwayne or Tito and has no criminal record.
Joel tells Smithy and Jo that Danny returned at 3.30. He made him some dinner and then returned to work for another three hours, leaving Danny home alone. Joel sternly tells Danny to tell the truth and stares at him with a disapproving look. The way Danny keeps looking at Joel before he answers seems a little suspicious. Especially as he keeps answering the questions with room for thinking or vague answers and lots of "I..... um....." He admits stealing the car and hitting Alesha but claims it was an accident and he didn't mean to. He says he torched the car. He's vague when he says how he did it and Smithy catches him in a lie. Joel asks to stop and says he needs a proper solicitor and goes to 'ring his uncle' only to disappear.
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SOCCO have found a hidden storage panel in the car. Inside are bullets - that would have been fun if they'd been caught in the fire...! Max swaps the bullets for dummies and returns the car to Tahir as though nothing had been found out of the ordinary. Max, Nate and Emma follow him to one of his work drop offs where he's seen showing a staff member bullets. Once arrested, Tahir claims he got into the bullet stuff by pure accident after meeting someone at one of the restaurants and that he would never touch firearms. "What do you think the people who buy the bullets will do with them? Chuck them at each other?" Max scoffs.
Smithy and Jo stress how serious what has happened is to Danny and explain Joel has abandoned him to take the flack and not arranged the solicitor he said he would. They ask if Joel briefed him on what to say before the interview. His reply that he can't be done for it because he's only 12 is proof that he has been lied to by Joel and made to take the rap. He admits Joel made him pretend he'd been hurt so a driver would go to help him. He'd told him it was important to get a car and if he didn't, Danny would end up in care because he'd have to go away. Smithy asks him if he knows Tito and Dwayne and he clearly recognises the names. He also knows that Alesha's name was mentioned that night whilst he was on the phone to someone else. Smithy hurries to the hospital to speak to Alesha. She admits Joel is the 'around 20 year old white boy' who was the driver of the car the night Carly was shot.
Smithy and Oscar almost come to blows when Smithy snaps back at him that he is showing more concern for his daughter than Oscar is by looking into the case of the people who attacked her and not constantly trying to throw a police officer out who is trying to get the person who did it. He also says he'd 'not have let his daughter hang around with known criminals'. Oscar has been trying to get Leanne to pull away from the police too telling her they'll get justice another way because someone's conscience will get the better of them and they'll speak out. Smithy points out that people not directly affected will forget and move on, evidence will get lost and memories will fade. The only way to get justice is to work with the police. Oscar just scoffs. "We will get justice!" he insists.
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The DNA matches Joel but he's done a bunk and is nowhere to be seen. Two calls were made between payphone of the snooker hall and Joel's flat - linking him with the boys from earlier that Grace interviewed. They raid the snooker hall and Smithy searches him and tells Grace to organise a search warrant for Spencer's flat after finding a handful of cash. To stop that, Spencer admits 'a bloke' came in asking the same questions that Smithy has. The 'bloke' is Oscar Danniels - Alesha's dad. They get to Joel and stop Oscar beating him up, but given Joel literally climbs over a balcony to the next one to try get away - he almost doesn't make it to get arrested in the first place!
Max tells Jack that Tahir has opened up and given them a list of contacts to the gun and bullet world that will allow them to clear up at little bit of the firearm world of Sun Hill.
Danny agrees to inform on his brother and Grace has found Joel and Tito worked together 6 months previously. He's the driver of the car on the night of Carly's murder at Tito's request and also the driver of the car who knocked Alesha over. He knew they had guns but he was told it was just to scare Marlon. Joel also admits torching both cars. He claims he only knocked Alesha over because he was scared she'd inform on him being the driver and that he has to be there to look after his brother as he's the only one who cares. The same brother he involved in his crime and tried to get to take the rap and risk being put in a secure children's home (!) He agrees to turn witness in return for the judge looking more favourably on him.
Smithy goes to the hospital to update Alesha and Leanne. Alesha asks about her dad and Smithy tells her there are mitigating circumstances and he will get bailed and the judge will take everything into account when it reaches court. Leanne thanks him and apologises for doubting that they'd get all those involved in Carly's murder. "See you in court."
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dcrankamateur · 1 year
Power Girl #1 Review
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Power Girl #1’s cover promises an ‘explosive first issue’ and, as least as far as the prospects for Earth-Atlantis relations go, delivers on its claims in a fun, action-packed opening salvo to Dr Paige Stetler aka Power Girl’s foray into eco-science. The issue deals with the complex layers of Paige’s identity and how she is effectively held accountable for elements of her identity she has no control over. The story explores the themes individual liberty, environmental sustainability and begins to play around the edges of the question of whether earth would be better off without the Super Family.
The issue opens with a familiar sight: a bunch of poorly groomed bigots with dreadful chants and an even worse imagination for slogans shouting about aliens. Even a loudspeaker can’t save them because absolutely no one is listening. The four panel layout on this page really sells this transition, with the focus panning out, then away from them before shifting entirely to the merry revellers aboard the charity fundraiser boat, with Becca Carey’s ‘ha’s permeating the panel to emphasise the point.
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That said, the theme of prejudice far from disappears from the issue. Williams instead keeps it lurking in the background, briefly popping up again as an unidentified male trying to head hunt Paige at her own event.
Anyway, the incredibly expensive alien tech being auctioned off is wanted by a particularly scrupulous new villain Amalak. Amalak’s message to the crew of “desperately ignorant” elderly white men on the docks is that prejudice may be a perfectly reasonable hobby for a gentleman without prospects, but it really isn’t a vocation. While his primary objective is larceny, upon discovering the superhero formerly known as Karen Starr is a Kryptonian, reveals that such is the strength of his hatred that he happens to have brought a weapon with him designed to destroy them. Williams and Pansica use a series of three consecutive panels to draw commonalities between the human protestors, who are delighted to have their point proven by an alien right, and Amalak’s more specific, nuance kind of hatred. He claims that Kryptonians are colonialists, interfering with the natural evolution of others and, in his home world’s case the death of the planet. His indirect critique therefore is that by intervening in the affairs of a planet and people’s lives, the Kryptonians have made them weak by solving all of their problems for them. This begs the question as to whether they are free in the ‘positive liberty’ sense. Are they being equipped with the tools they need to thrive?
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The fact that someone out there has created a disease specifically designed to infect and weaken Kryptonians poses an interesting question: do the Supes inadvertently cause the decay of critical thinking and progression?
Paige’s accusation that humanity’s environmental sustainability efforts have been farcical as, to date, a lack of commitment to meaningful change implies that Williams is preparing to argue otherwise. And furthermore, who has a vested interest in ensuring that society does not continue to progress in this way? All, I’m sure, will be revealed.
On a lighter note, the real highlight of this issue for me was Power Girl and Omen’s relationship. Pansica’s art does an excellent job with their body language, emphasising their tender, bordering on romantic, affection. Williams captures their seamless repartee, which is hidden from everyone else in the scene but shared with the reader. Power Girl’s facial expressions are bold and emphatic, which is matched by the dynamic art throughout the fight sequences, with Power Girl finding solutions quickly to the different problems thrown at her.
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Overall, a great first issue.
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scienceninjaturtle · 1 year
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Variant covers by JEE HYUNG LEE and LESLEY “LEIRIX” LI
1:25 variant cover by RICARDO LOPEZ ORTIZ
1:50 variant cover by LAURA BRAGA
$3.99 US | 32 pages | Variant $4.99 US (card stock)
ON SALE 10/24/23
Road trip! As a Kryptonian virus rapidly spreads along the coast, Power Girl departs Metropolis looking to redeem herself for her catastrophic mistakes. It’s not easy being a part of the Super-Family, but Paige has never let the pressure get to her before. She just needs something to punch. And she’s found her target in space pirate and hater of all who hail from Krypton: Amalak!
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marshmyers · 1 month
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A long-dormant Kryptonian threat has returned to take down Superman and his family. Who could possibly stop it? According to the Man of Steel, it's Power Girl!
As a Kryptonian virus rapidly spreads along the coast, Power Girl departs Metropolis to redeem herself for her catastrophic mistakes. It's not easy being a part of the Super-Family, but Paige has never let the pressure get to her before. She needs something to punch. And she's found her target in space pirate and hater of all who hail from Krypton: Amalak!
Power Girl will head to Superman's Fortress of Solitude to study the mysterious virus...but she's not alone! Something is lurking in the shadows of the Man of Steel's most secret of headquarters, and it won't stop its hunt until it's the last one standing!
Will Powergirl be able to fight off this mysterious threat? Find out now in Power Girl Vol. 1!
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ragingphantom666 · 7 months
DC Dimensions project plan - Supergirl: Daughter of Krypton (volume 1)
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This series is not an assured project. It is a concept that can still be changed or scrapped.
When on a space mission for the Justice League, Kara Zor-El is attacked by Amalak when she is recognized as a Kryptonian. This leads her to look for the source of his prejudice. Her search leads her to an old enemy of Superman named General Zod.
Kara Zor-El/Supergirl - The cousin of Superman and daughter of Zor-El. By the start of the series, she has only been with the Justice League for a year.
Space Cabbie - An intergalactic cab driver. He has history with the Justice League. He rescues Supergirl after her first battle with Amalak.
General Dru-Zod - One of the last survivors of Krypton with a long-standing grudge against the family of El. After many attempts to kill Superman, he escaped the Phantom Zone to use his powers and allies to conquer worlds and enslave their people to build a Kryptonian empire. He holds a secret about Zor-El.
Ursa - The wife of Dru-Zod and one of his loyal followers. She is cruel and willing to kill innocents for Zod's idea of a Kryptonian empire.
Non - The most loyal follower of Zod. He is a man of few words, but he commands respect. He is as cruel as Zod and Ursa.
Amalak - A survivor of an unknown race destroyed by the General Dru-Zod because they could negate the effects of red sun energy. He promised to avenge the genocide by exterminating the Kryptonian race. He can go toe-to-toe with Kryptonians in a fist fight, but the radiation he produces cancels out yellow solar energy in Kryptonian cells.
Other Information
I chose General Zod as the big bad because it felt like a chance to use him to his full potential as a conqueror.
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esonetwork · 11 months
The Earth Station DCU Episode 353 – Orqwith Patrol
New Post has been published on http://esonetwork.com/the-earth-station-dcu-episode-353-orqwith-patrol/
The Earth Station DCU Episode 353 – Orqwith Patrol
This Week on Earth Station DCU! Drew Leiter and Cletus Jacobs go to Orqwith to catch up with the Doom Patrol as we begin reviewing the second half of Season 4. Oswalt seeks out the help in The Penguin #2. The Doom Patrol headquarters comes under attack and Dorothy’s gave is dug up in Unstoppable Doom Patrol #6. Green Arrow learns the truth about Parallax’s involvement in the separation of his family in Green Arrow #4. The Joker’s reign of terror continues in Batman: The Brave and The Bold #5. Clark Kent has an interesting interview with the leader of the Blue Earthers in Action Comics #1057. Detective Fielding is hunting down Batman to arrest him per Commissioner Montoya’s orders in Detective Comics #1074. Something is wrong with the speed force in The Flash #1. Dr. Paige Stetler’s benefit is crashed by Amalak and his cronies in Power Girl #1. Catwoman discovers the real reason Jason Todd joined her side in Batman/Catwoman: The Gotham War – Red Hood #1. All this plus, DC News, Shout Outs, and much, much more!
Table of Contents
0:00:00 Show Open
0:01:07 DC News
0:17:03 The Penguin #2
0:22:02 Unstoppable Doom Patrol #6
0:24:23 Green Arrow #4
0:26:19 Batman: The Brave and The Bold #5
0:34:45 Action Comics #1057
0:44:32 Detective Comics #1074
0:47:18 The Flash #1
0:51:14 Power Girl #1
0:54:42 Batman/Catwoman: The Gotham War – Red Hood #1
1:00:34 Doom Patrol S4 Ep7 – Orqwith Patrol
1:05:44 Show Close
The Penguin #2
Unstoppable Doom Patrol #6
Green Arrow #4
Batman: The Brave and The Bold #5
Action Comics #1057
Detective Comics #1074
The Flash #1
Power Girl #1
Batman/Catwoman: The Gotham War – Red Hood #1
Doom Patrol (1987-1995) #20 (Cletus’s Read More Comics Pick)
Earth Station DCU Website
The ESO Network
If you would like to leave feedback, comment on the show, or would like us to give you a shout out, please call the ESDCU feedback line at (317) 455-8411 or feel free to email us @ [email protected]
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kaxtrem · 11 months
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Power Girl 1: Starting the PG comic with her in her civilian form. It's not often that Paige is shown as not a superhero or to show that she's a scientist. Amalak does look very familar. Superman's relationship to PG feels appropriately strained. The idea of an Earth 2 Kryptonian virus is cool.
Favorite Panel
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You really have done a good work on your takes on the Superman rogues. There are interesting and very original ideas than at the same time are really in the coherence of the characters. Not always I agree with you, but I congrat on how you have worked your ideas. Now, considering this, how would you create a list of enemies for Supergirl? In the CW series they practically stolen all of Superman enemies to give Kara something to fight against. Supergirl really lacks of her own rogues gallery.
With a Rogues Gallery you typically want a mix of villains who are physical threats and villains who are mental or ideological threats (and of course some that are both). For Supergirl you need to figure out what her status quo should be, what her long-term goal is, and what kind of themes do you want to explore with her that you can't do with the rest of the Superfamily. Then you can make or revamp Rogues to act as threats, roadblocks, or alternate paths to her goals. Love the idea of Kara forming a lunar colony from Future State and I'd still love a Supergirl run that makes that the focus, her building it and overseeing it. With that in mind here's some (not all of them) of Kara's existing Rogues I'd want to use for such a run:
The Worldkillers
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Great fit for Kara to face living embodiments of Krypton's sins, given that she's the one born and raised on Krypton. Kara's idealization and nostalgia of Krypton running up against the rather unpleasant reality of the planet at it's worst adds some thematic weight to their fights. Plus they look cool and aren't connected to anything of Kal's which is a big plus. I would tie one villain of Kal's to them, but I'd also straight up give him to Kara in recompense for doing so. Given their role is destroying/conquering worlds, them showing up to torch Kara's new home on the moon feels like an obvious way to demonstrate how her old home is a threat to her new one.
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Reactron was badass in the Pre-Flashpoint era. Did a better job of living up to his potential than Metallo ever has, I have to concede that. You'd basically be starting over from scratch with him since I don't think he's reappeared post-Flashpoint, and New Krypton is not one of the stories that got recanonized given the state of Kandor. Think it's worth bringing him back all the same, he's a psycho who hates aliens and enjoys killing them, a simple and straightforward motivation that works. Given Kara in my eyes should be far more cynical about humans than her cousin, Reactron is the villain to trot out for when you want to have Kara see her worst beliefs about human nature confirmed. In my ideal take I'd use him as the one that finally pushes her to bail on Earth and start setting up that moon colony. Afterwards he's the muscle of the human forces who want Kara off of "their" moon.
Simon Tycho
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Was this guy meant to be a revamp of Psimon? He sure looks like the Young Justice take on Psimon although maybe that's a coincidence. Anyway he's a pretty clear cut Lex Luthor expy given he's a bald genius with an interest in aliens, but his mutations and powers help differentiate the two. Originally he paid world governments for the right to experiment on any extraterrestrial objects that landed within their borders. Maybe write him as Kara's competitor on the moon, in response to an alien setting up shop on Luna, Tycho gets a ton of discreet funding from governments to set up a humans-only lunar settlement, and also has a hidden goal of sabotaging Kara's colony? Can't imagine there wouldn't be some Earth governments that are nervous about aliens colonizing the moon, what if it was used as the launchpad for an invasion of Earth? Tycho as the pro-human villain who brings some interstellar geopolitics sounds like a fun way to flesh him out into a stronger villain for Kara.
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Pre-Flashpoint Dollmaker was great (New 52 Dollmaker not so much). Guess he needs a new name now since a Batman villain has his old one and those guys take precedence. Modelmaker? Plaything? Putting the name issue aside, I'd write him as the darker side of the outcasts Kara has gathered. Not everyone who was kicked out of their society was undeserving of being a pariah. Some have deep-seeded issues and Dollmaker is one of them, with him eventually taking the role of voice for these more violent members. Pre-Flashpoint his father, the Toyman, basically rejected him and never showed him any affection or attention, and his mother abandoned him after taking him away from his father. Compare how Kara feels ignored and overlooked by Kal and by humanity who more readily accept her cousin and nephew as their heroes and I think you could create interesting stories. Dollmaker is the vengeful side of Kara given free reign, the urge to lash out at a world that neither wants nor welcomes you.
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Straightforward as can be, all the other Superfamily members have Bizarros (I'd argue Lex is Steel's), this is Kara's. Plus the Sterling Gates storyline was really great, highly recommend check it out. Maybe use Bizarrogirl as an outcast from Bizarroworld who is unable to fit in with Kara's lunar colony either, and turns against it in anger? Basically if she can't find a home there she doesn't want anyone else to find one either.
As for villains I'd just straight up swipe and give to Kara to be hers exclusively from both Superman's Rogues and others?
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Another cool Kurt Busiek revamp of a Pre-Crisis Superman Rogue, sadly forgotten after Busiek left, Amalak's home world was conquered by Krypton during an imperial phase. Burning with a hatred for all Kryptonians, Amalak became a bounty hunter and a space pirate. Still could easily fit into Kara's Rogues Gallery in the present day, just make it so the World Killers were the ones responsible for subduing his home planet, makes for a nice way to tie Kara's Rogues together. Amalak getting hired to launch raids on Kara's new home, taking slaves and supplies, seems like an organic way to lay the groundwork for them to meet and face off. I want an alien group adversary (maybe bring back The Circle?) to oppose Kara's colony for accepting alien refugees and runaway, similar to how some human governments would dislike her for taking in their outcasts. Amalak could be their "face" until Kara is able to uncover the identity of his backer.
The Eradicator
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Eradicator is the one Rogue of Superman's I mentioned connecting to the Worldkillers, and giving to Kara as her Rogue. Pairing him with Kara makes more sense to me, both of them prefer Krypton over Earth, and feel alienated from Kal because of how he's "gone native". Have Eradicator push Kara to turn her colony into a New Krypton rather than allow it to be something new. Eradicator should be the temptation of toxic nostalgia for Kara, the desire to believe everything was better in the old days, and that Krypton is what she should attempt to recreate. Revisit his ability to "posses"/merge with Kryptonians like he attempted with Kal, he bonds with her after orchestrating events to push her into accepting him, then starts subtly influencing her in ways she's not aware of until she's almost changed completely. Like the Venom symbiote yes, that's what I'm going for.
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Much as she's tried to suppress it, Kara often harbors jealousy of her cousin, envying his greater degree of comfortability with living amongst humans, and she's jealous of Jon taking over for Kal as the main protector of Earth. Dominus is someone who went mad with jealousy after his own loved one surpassed him to ascend to greater heights of power and responsibility. Connection between the two is obvious, if Kara ever gives in to her darker emotions towards her cousin and nephew, she could end up turning into a villain just like Dominus did. Make him her equivalent to Mxy, the reality warper with petty goals and dreams.
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Indigo is a character that feels like a natural fit for Kara to interact with in the same way as Lena Luthor is. "Daughter of Brainiac vs. Last Daughter of Krypton" is a natural match-up. I do want to reconfigure Indigo to be a more thematic foe for Kara in terms of revamping her background a bit to service that goal. Brainiac creating a Trojan horse is a great concept, I'd just tie that into his world collecting more. Turns out there are many "Indigos" seeded throughout the universe. When Brainiac finds a civilization that shows potential but isn't yet advanced enough to be worthy of collection, he sends an observation unit to merge with one of the dominant sentient life forms and act as an unknown agent. Via injecting a host with nanomachines, the observation unit can slumber within the host until ready, passing on to offspring the host has or infecting others should the host not reproduce/be killed. These agents are utterly unaware of their true nature until their unconscious programming judges the civilization advanced enough for collection upon which a transformation occurs. Nanomachines in the sentient reshape their body and mind into a combat unit who can summon Brainiac for collection and also sabotage a world's defenses.
I would make this a new Indigo, one from a world that became advanced enough for collection and triggered the nanomachine activation in the host. Indigo's world managed to destroy itself before Brainiac could arrive to collect it, and with the death of the planet Indigo's programming ended and she recovered control of her mind and body. Now she's arrived at Kara's colony in an attempt to make a new life for herself, but she's keeping her past a secret. Indigo fears that were Kara to discover the truth, Kara would exile her due to the risk Indigo still poses of summoning Brainiac, and Indigo isn't willing to leave until she can find a way to "cure" herself of Brainiac's brainwashing. What she wants is access to the Fortress of Solitude where she hopes that by studying Superman's data on Brainiac, as well as access to Kryptonian technology, she can create a virus which will sever Brainiac's controls over the machines inside her and allow her to keep the upgrades without risking a loss of control. Knowing that the directive to observe a civilization until it's advanced enough for collection is still in effect, and fearing what could happen if Kara's colony crosses that threshold, Indigo covertly sabotages the colony's advancement at various points to keep it at a safe level for her while also trying to win Kara's trust.
In terms of themes both Kara and Indigo are defined by their male counterparts. Kara exists in Kal's shadow and struggles to metaphorically be her own person, while Indigo literally belongs to Brainiac and is desperate to safeguard her independence. Focus on that and I think Indigo could be a great Rogue for Kara.
Rogal Zaar
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I know everyone hates him but there were some hints of potential, and he's no worse than many other Superman Rogues. Make him the "Doomsday" equivalent to Supergirl, he already looks it in terms of appearance, and the two of them have an interesting tie given she wielded his axe for a while (with said axe feeding on her anger). Rogal was a "hero" of a sort, serving the Circle as their agent, and Kara served as a hero of Earth for a while. Both ultimately grew disillusioned with the ones they had served, both struggle with intense feelings of rage, and Rogal also has been hinted at being tied to House El by blood. Originally I suspect he was going to be Kal's half-brother, but that's not happening anymore. Instead why don't we make him a product of a distant ancestor of the Els, a bastard half-breed that was cast off during Krypton's imperial days, and left behind on a planet to fend for himself until he was discovered by the Circle.
Rogal is a more extreme version of what Kara sees herself as: the forgotten and overlooked El family member. Team Rogal up with Amalak, maybe Rogal is the one who recruits Amalak, and have the two of them work together to destroy everything Kara is attempting to build because of their hatred of Kryptonians, and because a powerful organization desires it and is funding them. Ultimately Amalak finds out about Rogal's heritage and betrays him, causing a blood feud between the two which takes the pressure off of Kara for a while as the two battle it out (while still attacking her individually).
I've got some thoughts on a few others, but just some scattered ideas at most. Kara's got some cool Rogues, and there are Rogues who could make good foils for her, but unless DC can embrace Kara being the one who isn't at home on Earth, I don't know if she'll ever really grow into her own. Likewise her Rogues aren't going to stand out if they're just copying the basic Superman plot only against Supergirl. Optimistically Kara will get something after King's mini is done, either another mini or a spot on a team, and I pray we get to see her interact with some of the Rogues I listed again soon.
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mikereads · 5 years
One of my favorite added additions to this season is Andrea/Acrata. The show isn’t using her to her fullest extent which isn’t surprising but I do love her character. At first I wasn’t sure how I felt about her but now I really like her I think she has added a nice addition to the show and is one of the best new characters they have introduced in a long time. A lot of people have been saying this but it feels like the shows been lost lately. There kind of all over the place with the non nocere plot line, Lex, the DEO, Leviathan etc they have no clear focus or “villain” and that’s one of its main problems. They have been hyping up Leviathan since the s4 finale yet we still know barely nothing about them and they barely get screen time so what’s the point. If they were going to be the villain of s6 that’s fine but they shouldn’t have promoted them for this season but we all know the show has a problem with false advertising. I personally think they need to go back to one villain per season with weekly one shot villains who appear once. Even though season 3 has its issue its villain plot lines are one of the best they’ve done through out the whole series. Astra coming in close second. I haven’t read the comics but think they need to start introducing more characters from them. The show doesn’t usually follow them to closely so it wouldn’t matter what there origin story is they could do there own spin to the character to modernize them for the show like they did with Sam/Reign. Usually there really good at doing that (excluding Mon-El). I have found two characters for example that I think would do well in that regard. I only read a little about them online but I think they could be interesting characters to bring to the show.
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The first being Amalak and second being Black Flame (Zora Vi-Lar). They have had many iterations of them and I think the show could do well with them if they put the effort and time into it. It would be a nice homage to its source material and benefit the show by giving it a more clear cut direction instead of feeling messy and all over the place. One of the reasons why I really liked Amy was because she reminded of a character/storyline we would have seen in s1. In a way she was very similar to Live wire and I loved her. They still sadly under used Amy. I liked midnight but she was also barely used even though they used her to heavily promote the season and implied she would be important. We need more characters like this not less. The show has seemed lost lately like its lost its direction idk I think it needs a change maybe with the producers because they seem out of touch/tired.
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