#björn gustavsson
liljakonvalj · 4 months
Han var mycket starkare än vad jag hade trott
-Björn Gustavsson (i årets hittills bästa mellanakt)
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knightstormcloud · 3 months
Omg detta kmr vara legendarisk
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okej detta är faktiskt ganska kul
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arcanaicy · 2 months
To add to the Minnesota Wild full names train:
Jonas Emil Christer Brodin
Lars Filip* Dellmer Gustavsson
Joel Clas Eriksson Ek
Additional info: Swedish has calling names so someone may have multiple given names but one is how they are referred to in conversation. So Filip for Gus Bus. There are a few other hockey players you can see this with Björn Henrik Lundqvist for example and Lars Niklas Bäckström.
Thanks, Swedish Wikipedia.
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pregablin · 4 months
Det bästa var året när Björn Gustavsson var recovering alcoholic som skämt.
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shiroselia · 4 months
Och det är nu alla som köpt biljet till mello inser att de faktiskt köpt biljett till Björn Gustavssons senaste special
Fan vad jag är avis
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knappharvel · 3 months
myten mannen legenden
Björn facking Gustavsson!!!
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jagexisterar · 4 months
Det är jävligt synd att de fick tag på Björn Gustavsson, som legit är så rolig, och sen slösar bort honom på de här sättet
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anywho, Harald, Björn and Sigurd were still using Henriksson/Henriksen as their last names throughout all the Middle Ages and pretty far into the renaissance too. They only changed to Hansen, Karlsen, and Gustavsson in the grand scheme of things recently. And I don't know how to explain what it meant for them to be running around during the Viking Age still openly calling themselves Germania's sons. Because it absolutely contributed to--among nations--the Barbarian stereotype that Heimeric would be remembered for so long as. It pushed the rest of his children even farther from his memory because we don't want to be associated with all that and hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
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jamtland · 8 months
your posts about the nordics are so well written, beautiful and informative, i literally learn something new everyday (and yes i’m saying publicly because I CAN) :') 🩷
especially your posts about sweden/björn. yes, this is his canon name FOR ME, like i love how well you have built him!! i still love canon sweden, but your sverige is… /chef kiss. now, straight to the point: what names or surnames do you recommend for people who are doing/plan to make a human representation for sweden? or like, what are some to do and to do not when representing sweden? just a few months ago i wanted to make my own human representation of sweden, and i called him oskar gustavsson. after reading a little bit more, i decided to change his name to ödhger. i haven’t changed his surname yet
yeah this is such a long ask and sorry for the silly question 😞 anyway, i hope you have a nice day!!
Thank you so much for this ask! No, your question is not silly at all and I love receiving questions like these! I will also try to post at a rate that is closer to learning something new every day instead of every other month :P
Human names I recommend for Sweden: This will change a lot depending on your story's setting, the character's details and your tolerance for inaccuracy. My Sweden is (physically) an average 25-39 year old , upper-middle class Swedish man living in the 21st century. His name is intended to be a rather uncommon, but not unbelievable name for a real person with this background. If your story takes place in a different era or your Sweden belongs to a different social class from mine, the name I use for him could be inappropriate! You can share your Sweden's background and I can give suggestions that way, but beware: I'm not a history nerd.
Among the names you chose, Oskar Gustavsson fits the conditions of my Sweden's name nearly perfectly (the only thing that doesn't match is that it's a very common name - I'm pretty sure that I went to school with this guy), so I prefer it by a big margin. Ödhger on the other hand isn't used in Sweden at all in the modern day, and the only information I can find about it is non-academic sources claiming that it was recorded on runestones. My guess is that it's the Swedish form of the Norwegian name Oddgeir? If that's the background of the name, it would be a Viking-era name, but it wouldn't be used in Sweden in later centuries.
Dos and don'ts for representing Sweden: I don't think I'm the CEO of Sweden who gets to tell other creators what they should and shouldn't do with their characters, so I'll answer this as "Sweden personifications that I like/don't like". The Swedens I don't like are those that have nothing culturally Swedish about them at all, those that could just as well be Venezuela. I'm also not a fan of those that portray Sweden in an extreme and negative way, like as a ruthless warmonger or as a helpless victim of Denmark (as was common in older DenSu fics). On the other hand, I really like it when people have historical and cultural reasons for Sweden's background, character traits and relationships, and I'm always down to hear why they chose to write the character this way. This doesn't mean that everyone ends up with the same character, all of the different interpretations and perspectives will create unique characters.
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monokerus · 1 year
Minns ni då vi hade mellanakter som Mellomusikalen, Jonas Gardells Melloresa, fejden mellan Lasse Berghagen och Kristian Luuk, BJÖRN GUSTAVSSON, Tingeling?!
Något har ju gått fel genom åren
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knightstormcloud · 3 months
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littlehenrikehd · 4 months
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actualhumanyes · 4 months
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alexbkrieger13 · 2 years
I have a feeling the 🇦🇺 vs 🇸🇪 game is just going to be something else
Teammates praise Kerr: "One of the best in the world"
Sweden vs Australia. Then Sam Kerr is praised by his Swedish teammates. - One of the world's best players in my opinion, says Zecira Musovic.  
Sweden faces Australia, away in Melbourne, on Saturday morning. It will be the third time they have faced "The Matildas" since last year.  
This means that Tony Gustavsson's gang with Sam Kerr at the head is a team that Blågult has a good grasp of.  
- It feels like we faced Australia like ten times in the last two years, says Nathalie Björn and laughs before she continues: 
- It's a team we're used to. A good team with many players out in Europe, it will be a tough match and I think it is a good football team, so I am looking forward to the match 
And there is a strong attacking threat – one of the world's sharpest finishers, Sam Kerr, who plays for Chelsea every day, will be on the opposing side. In the club she plays with Zecira Musovic, Magdalena Eriksson and Johanna Rytting Kaneryd. And the Swedish players pay tribute to their teammate ahead of Saturday's meeting.  
- It's going to be really fun. It is a player who is incredibly skilled, maybe the best player in the world in my opinion with all her qualities. It will be incredibly fun to play against her, we have played a lot with her so it will be fun to play against her, says Musovic.  
What would you say are her main strengths? - She works extremely hard on the field and scores important goals. Absolutely the best in the world with its main game.  
Eriksson joins the chorus of praise. 
- She is an incredibly difficult player to stop and it is important to look at her before and be prepared for what her strengths are and see how we can best play against her as a unit. Perhaps above all as in the back line, she says and continues: 
- She has many good qualities. But her speed and deep play becomes visible in counterattacks mostly because there are surfaces to run on. Incredibly quick and adept at spotting where the surfaces are to develop them. Her box game and main game in general is very good, she is good at outwitting her opponents in the box and is explosive. Can jump high and has very good timing in the main game.  
How unexcited are you to see a backflip? - I really hope it doesn't. She just says she usually wants to do that when she knows we're really going to win a game. So let's hope it doesn't go that far on Saturday.  
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magdasabs · 2 years
Teammates praise Kerr: "One of the best in the world"
Sweden vs Australia. Then Sam Kerr is praised by her Swedish teammates. - One of the world's best players in my opinion, says Zecira Musovic.  
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Sweden faces Australia, away in Melbourne, on Saturday morning. It will be the third time they have faced "The Matildas" since last year.  
This means that Tony Gustavsson's gang with Sam Kerr at the head is a team that Blågult has a good grasp of.  
- It feels like we faced Australia like ten times in the last two years, says Nathalie Björn and laughs before she continues: 
- It's a team we're used to. A good team with many players out in Europe, it will be a tough match and I think it is a good football team, so I am looking forward to the match 
And there is a strong attacking threat – one of the world's sharpest finishers, Sam Kerr, who plays for Chelsea every day, will be on the opposing side. In the club she plays with Zecira Musovic, Magdalena Eriksson and Johanna Rytting Kaneryd. And the Swedish players pay tribute to their teammate ahead of Saturday's meeting.  
- It's going to be really fun. It is a player who is incredibly skilled, maybe the best player in the world in my opinion with all her qualities. It will be incredibly fun to play against her, we have played a lot with her so it will be fun to play against her, says Musovic.  
What would you say are her main strengths? - She works extremely hard on the pitch and scores important goals. Absolutely the best in the world with its main game.  
Eriksson joins the chorus of praise. 
- She is an incredibly difficult player to stop and it is important to look at her before and be prepared for what her strengths are and see how we can best play against her as a unit. Perhaps above all as in the back line, she says and continues: 
- She has many good qualities. But her speed and deep play becomes visible in counterattacks mostly because there are surfaces to run on. Incredibly quick and adept at spotting where the surfaces are to develop them. Her box game and main game in general is very good, she is good at outwitting her opponents in the box and is explosive. Can jump high and has very good timing in the main game.
How excited are you to see a backflip? - I really hope I won't. She just says she usually wants to do that when she knows we're really going to win a game. So let's hope it doesn't go that far on Saturday.  
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