#black cygnus photography
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James Cormier
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helluvatimes · 3 months
Black Swan
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A black swan leading its juveniles in feather maintenance in the botanic gardens. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.
The lake was filled with algae and weeds and they could be quite distracting. This capture was underexposed 1-2/3 stops to keep highlights. In post, the water with the weeds were then separately darkened.
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realgothmen · 9 months
Saint Seiya Headcanons
Part 1 - Bronze Saints Protagonists
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Pegasus Seiya
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Bisexual — with a preference for men
Gender Fluid (She/He/They) — wears a mask that flows towards the feminine
He has ADD, and, of the group, he is the one least impacted by PTSD
Currently, he gets along well with Shaina — She was the one who gave him the mask
Play Pokemon with Shun — He loves video games
He used to have a crush on Saori, but today they are just friends — Saori sees him as her best friend (she is lesbian)
He's dating Ikki — no one knows because no one questioned them
He helps Hyoga with Japanese — He speaks very quickly and informally, so Hyoga barely understands
He and Shiryu spend a lot of time together, because they have many tastes in common — they both love Japanese pop music, soccer and the same cartoons and comics
He once had red hair, because he saw a photo of a young Aiolia who dyed his hair that color — he only has short hair because of Aiolia
He has some strands of his hair dyed purple — inspired by Saori and to match Ikki
He still doesn't speak Greek very well — Marin and Touma continue to help him
He lived in an apartment with Marin, Touma and Seika until he became a Sagittarius Saint
Andromeda Shun
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Bisexual — with a preference for women
Cis Man (He/His)
He became deaf after the battle of Poseidon — He wears hearing aids and knows sign language
PTSD — has episodes of depersonalization after being possessed by Hades (he prefers not to remember this)
He doesn't like Sorrento (I think you can guess the reason) — Seriously, they can't leave these two in the same room without Shun trying to kill him
Saori taught him how to paint and draw, but he does better with photography — so Saori gave him a quality camera for his birthday
He doesn't leave the house much — but he'll go anywhere with Seiya if he asks
Once, without telling anyone, he went to Siberia just to visit Hyoga — it was a shock for him and Shun's roommates who thought he was kidnapped
He and Shiryu learn j-pop and Kate Bush choreography (Seiya and Shunrei recorded everything)
He dyed Ikki's black hair blue after the battle of Hades — Shun also does Ikki's makeup lol
He lived with June and Ikki (when Ikki is around) in an apartment until he became the Virgo Saint — yes, June was living alone when Ikki went to the Leo Temple (poor girl)
He and June play board games
He has brown hair, but he spent almost every battle with it dyed green — and he dyed his hair dark red when he returned from Hell
He previously dated Scylla Io, but they broke up before the battle of Poseidon
Cygnus Hyoga
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Asexual gay — Homoromantic
Trans man (he/him)
He's had PTSD since his mother's death — it got worse after the battles, but the other Bronzes and Saori are helping him
He and Saori paint their nails together — they also tell each other Sanctuary gossip
He doesn't speak Japanese well — he has a strong accent
Hyoga doesn't admit it but he likes hanging out with Seiya — they both go to arcades a lot
Shun constantly goes to Siberia or the Aquarius Temple just to talk to Hyoga — he likes it, but he refuses to admit it
He has had several jobs (he was fired from them all) — including: hairdresser, bartender, night dancer (funny story), secretary and pharmacist
He once tried to shave Shiryu's hair when he was working as a hairdresser
He played cupid for Seiya and Ikki — seriously, he was the one who organized their first date
He has a photograph of Camus and Isaak on the wall of the Aquarius Temple — he's not completely over it, but he's gotten used to the pain
Dragon Shiryu
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Pansexual — no preferences
Cis Man (he/they)
He's still blind, but it doesn't even affect him anymore
He is self-functioning autistic and has PTSD — He has hyperfocus on superhero comics
He sews A LOT — It helps him control some crises
Shunrei (and sometimes Seiya) braids his hair — Shiryu looks beautiful
He is of Chinese descent and his mother language is Mandarin — Unlike some people, he speaks Japanese and Greek very well
He helped Hyoga get several of his many jobs — Hyoga only became a pharmacist with Shiryu's help
Seiya, Shun and him went to a Kate Bush concert
He's Saori's right-hand man — He can use Excalibur because of this (it's just one of the reasons)
He gives great advice — especially to Ikki
He and Shunrei are almost married — they lived together (until he went to the Libra Temple) and have two children
He has some very strange dreams about Shura — and it's just about Shura, not Dohko or Deathmask, just Shura
Genbu calls him "Rapunzel" — in the original story Rapunzel's prince becomes blind lol
Phoenix Ikki
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Bisexual — with a preference in men
Demi boy (he/she/they)
has hallucinations because of PTSD — sometimes has violent reactions
He paints a lot — Saori taught him
He dates Seiya — and doesn't understand why no one notices, why the two never let go of each other and he stays more at the Sagittarius Temple than at Leo's
He wears makeup and a skirt when no one is looking — only Shun and Seiya know and they even do his makeup
He asks Shiryu for a lot of advice — Ikki is very insecure when making decisions
He likes birds — he draws birds and gives the drawings to Seiya
He gets along very well with Kanon, the two have many tastes in common — they like the same films, series and video games
He listens to Shakira — loves Estoy Aquí
He still doesn't know that it was Hyoga who organized his dates with Seiya
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peacholivarosetta · 12 days
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Leave a Lesson Learnt
When: April 15, 2023 Where: BestZOO Best, the Netherlands
The sun, especially reflecting on the water, can be quite bright in the morning.
Species: Black Swan (Zwarte zwaan) Latin name: Cygnus Atratus Originates from Australia. Current status: Least Concern
Did you know: ...Like many species of Birds, Black Swans are monogamous breeders, but are unusual in that one-quarter of all pairings are male-to-male homosexual. …The Black Swan utters a musical, far reaching, bugle-like sound, called either on the water or in flight, as well a range of softer crooning notes. It’s also known to whistle, especially when disturbed while breeding or nesting.
© Mouselemur Photography • Portegiesje Our work is copyrighted. Do not reproduce, copy edit, publish, transmit or upload in any way without our written permission. Send us a note or chat message if you want to use our work as a reference.
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 1 year
250 of 2023
Mercury: What’s your full name?
...and what else? Do you really think I’m gonna share my last name here?
Venus: What’s your first language?
Earth: Where’s your home?
Where my heart is. Middelkerke, Belgium.
Mars: What’s your sexuality?
Gay, but asexual.
Jupiter: Do you have any siblings?
Yes, one younger sister.
Saturn: Any pets?
Two cats, both girls.
Uranus: What’s your hobby?
Photography and travels.
Neptune: When’s your birthday?
In a week.
Pluto: What time is it right now where you are?
23:13, it’s night.
Moon: What are you currently studying/hope to study?
Nothing, my uni is on hiatus.
Sun: Have you ever had alcohol?
Lol no, I don’t even know what it is. Are you kidding me?
Sirius: Have you ever failed a class?
Yeah, almost.
Rigel: Have you ever gone on a rollercoaster?
No, and I don’t want to.
Deneb: Have you ever been out of your home country?
I’ve been to six countries in total, all in Europe.
Arcturus: Have you cried out of something other than sadness?
I’m not a crybaby.
Betelgeuse: What’s something you can never forget about?
Taking my medication.
Aldebaran: What’s something you care desperately about?
The people I love, and my cats.
Canopus: Have you ever broken a bone?
No, my bones are ridiculously strong.
Bellatrix: Have you ever been forced to lie/keep a secret?
No. I keep secrets because that’s my nature, and I’m a terrible liar.
Alphard: Have you ever lost a friend?
Yeah, that friend who used to call me “his little brother”. I’ve heard his depression went really bad.
Vega: What’s something you’ve done that you wish you hadn’t?
Had sex lol.
Centaurus: Favourite holiday?
Christmas and summer vacations.
Orion: Favourite month?
June and July.
Cassiopeia: Favourite book?
I don’t like these “favourite” questions. How can I choose just one book if I love to read??
Delphinus: Favourite study?
Hercules: Favourite instrument?
Piano, violin, harp, cello.
Gemini: Favourite song?
Too many to mention. How on earth am I supposed to choose just one?
Pegasus: Favourite place to be?
My hometown. Or the beach nearby.
Libra: Favourite colour?
Black and green.
Phoenix: Favourite thing to wear?
All my hoodies and cargo trousers. Nothing tight.
Aries: Favourite movie?
Ew, movies. Boring.
Cygnus: Favourite weather?
Either warm and sunny or thunderstorms.
Hydra: Favourite sound?
Sea waves on thr beach, cat’s purring, the sound of rain/wind outside the window (especially at night), thunders.
Milky Way: Who’s your oldest friend? 
Marc, I suppose.
Andromeda: Do you consider yourself social?
Half and half.
Black Eye Galaxy: Do you believe in love at first sight?
No, I don’t. For me, it’s nothing more than infatuation. How can you fall for someone you know nothing about?
Cartwheel Galaxy: When was your first kiss?
At the age of 22. Never felt the need before that.
Cigar Galaxy: How’s your flirting skills?
0/10 lol. I come across as flirty (that’s what others say), but I absolutely have no clue how to do it consciously XD
Comet Galaxy: Have you ever had to leave a relationship because someone changed too much?
No, he left me. It was the time of emotional turmoil.
Pinwheel Galaxy: Would you date the last person you talked to?
He(’s already my husband.
Sombrero Galaxy: Do you have a crush right now?
I love my husband, that’s it. I have some platonic interests, too.
Bode’s Galaxy: Have you ever had a secret admirer?
No, I don’t think so.
Sunflower Galaxy: Would you date/make friends with someone out of pity?
No, I’m a terrible liar.
Tadpole Galaxy: Would you deny a relationship/friendship?
Friendship, no. Relationship, mostly yes.
Whirlpool Galaxy: Have you ever cried over a breakup?
No, but it was a painful time nonetheless.
Comet: What’s your big dream?
To be healthy.
Asteroid: What does your dream life look like?
No health problems, big house, my husband and cats beside me, and going to work because I absolutely love my job.
Meteor: What’s something you wish you could tell, but can’t?
“You’re intriguing”. There is someone whose name I don’t know, but I’ve seen him several times and he’s really intriguing.
Nebula: If you could undo one thing in your life, what would it be?
That brain incident.
Shooting Star: If you could bring back one thing, what would it be?
My grandma, but she’s not a thing.
Pulsar: What do you hope to do in the next 10 years?
The same thing as I do now. Working in my job, travelling, living with my husband and cats.
Supernova: What’s one thing you want to do before you die?
Travel around the world.
Quasar: If you could spend the rest of your life with only one person, who would it be?
My husband, easy.
Wormhole: What’s something you wish would happen, but know won’t?
Becoming friends with someone. Or rather three “someones”.
Black Hole: What’s the last thing you want to see?
Holy shit, a bunch of triggering questions out there.
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oldtimeracing · 3 years
Macau GP 2014 - Michael Rutter
Macau GP 2014 - Michael Rutter by Keith Mulcahy Via Flickr: Concentration!
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sixlegnag · 4 years
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Been a long time since I posted any OG content but today seemed like a good one. Happy Halloween from me & Cygnus & Mime!
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blasteffect · 5 years
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The black hole named Cygnus X-1 formed when a large star caved in. 
This black hole pulls matter from the blue star beside it.
Credits: NASA/CXC/M.Weiss
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walterjenkel · 2 years
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©photography by Walter Jenkel 2022 Black swan (Cygnus atratus) WALTER JENKEL @WalterJenkel walter_jenkel  #cisnenegro #blackswan #cygnusatratus #walterjenkel
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helluvatimes · 1 year
Black Swan
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A black swan creating turbulence in the Eco Lake as it preened itself. Photo credit: Eleanor Chua.
Photographing this black swan in the lake with the reflection of a white sky would’ve meant white washed water if we were to expose for the swan. Thankfully, the swan had created some turbulence in the water and so Nell had only need to dial in 0.3 stop of negative exposure compensation to get this image.
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loverofvillains · 5 years
The first Readerfic I have ever written
@ssigmas, I blame you entirely for this! However, I am sort of grateful for inspiration! I been struggling with writing lately and stagnant too long. Thousands of ideas swirling in the head at work, get home, BLANK at the laptop. Why. 
So this is going to be a SigmaxReader fic! And it's my first reader fic. Be gentle >.>
                                                  Binary Stars
Your passions always lied in astrophysics and quantum physics, ever since you could see the stars in the sky. You loved going out with friends to stargazing parties, and even scrimped and saved all your extra money from working to buy yourself the best telescope one could own. You even took some photography lessons, because you wanted to take your own photos and capture the night sky as you saw it. You ended up becoming a professor yourself, at the young age of 25.
It was an incredible feat, but when you decided you wanted something, you buried yourself in your work and even took extra classes. You were set at an accelerated rate, and finished before many others who started with you. It was an oddity to have such a young, beautiful professor at the university. Most were used to older people teaching classes. This was probably why your classes had the highest attendance rate among your fellow professors.
One would think you were out of place, and at first, you felt that. There was only a handful of other professors teaching that were in the mid thirties; the closest to your age. The first week you ran into a slew of confidence issues, but everyone else was supportive and helpful on the campus. The other professors knew of your work, and were quick to help you whenever you felt out of place. One of them was quite a sincere man, and was ecstatic to hear you were in the same field as him. That was Dr. Siebren de Kuiper.
He was 55 at the time, but his build and his energy didn't match his age at all. You delighted in the banter back and forth about cosmic energies such as 'dark energy' which was still being figured out, and black holes, which he admitted to be working on an experiment involving its gravity. His life goal as he called it. You got along with all the others, and you turned some eyes of some professors, even some of the students around your age.
But Siebren? He was always warm, kind, and once in a while, would crack a corny, science joke with you. But he always remained professional. Always the gentleman, and careful not to seem creepy towards you. And the more short lunch talks you had with him, the more you spent time after hours in the labs with him, the more you saw him in a different light. That he was attractive. He was the type of man you wanted to find some day, as you told yourself many years ago. You didn't think you would find that in a man that was thirty years your senior though. And even in days like this, where humans had become more progressive than before, such large age gaps were frowned upon. Plus, he didn't seem to ever hint having any romantic interest in you.
But one day, you had a chance to test out his real thoughts.
The professors had gotten together with a nearby college's professors and all agreed to have a mixer party. One of the younger professors from your university found a nice, large bar to go to. And there was a game to play, a dating game.
There weren't many women in the group, but for the amount of women, the same number of men were selected to be 'chosen' to go out on a date with whichever woman chose them. It didn't have to be romantic or sexual, but could have been even a friendship building exercise.
Some were married and had to pass, but they were one man short...and Siebren had to be talked into giving it a try. He didn't seem to like the idea, and for the first time, you saw he may have insecurities about himself. Maybe this was not his thing? He was after all, like you, and immersed in his work as you were when the two of you weren't talking or teaching students. Even you initially protested the idea, despite the other girls being up for the fun. But seeing Siebren roped into the situation softened your protesting.
You went first since you were the youngest. Some of the younger professors were up there, flashing charming smiles or waving at you. But you only spared them a glance before walking right up to Siebren and giving him a smile. Those light eyes of his stared at you and blinked with confusion. Maybe he had too much to drink and was seeing things...because he looked down the line and saw all the others still standing there, available for your choosing. But you were standing in front of him, and out of them all, he was the oldest one. The realization he wasn't drunk and you were reality made his eyes widen and his throat go dry.
For a flash of a moment, you thought maybe he didn't like you. Maybe this was a mistake? He seemed speechless and awkward about the idea. But you hated letting things get to you and only kept up the smile and said you'd like to take him out on a spectacular date, as friends if that made him comfortable.
It took him a moment to process what you were saying, and he still looked tense about it. But the two of you chose a nice Saturday night to go out. You refused to let him make the plans, because you had what you thought was the greatest idea for a date for two astrophysicists like yourselves.
And when that Saturday came, you woke early. You took extra care of yourself. You showered and shaved, went and got a pedicure and manicure, had your hair trimmed up, and even went shopping for a nice dress and new shoes. You felt nervous, and thinking about him made your heart race. (And you couldn't know that he himself was doing almost the same thing as you were; cleaner shaving, his hair trimmed up, dissatisfied with his current suits and gone out to find something nicer). You also had your tablet and many charts saved to it. You felt prepared for everything tonight and despite being nervous, the giddiest you ever felt in your life.
You called him and told him to meet you at the main street outside the entrance of the campus around six in the evening. And when you did, you saw how crisp and nice his clothing was. So much, you had to steal glances when you could while driving to admire him while he talked. His tone seemed off from what you remember...and realized even he was nervous. Maybe it had been a long time for him.
But you drove far from the city and out into the open land. Siebren was curious about where you were taking them, and you finally explained it. That you had made dinner and brought wine, along with a tablet, and a powerful telescope. And you were going to a dark sky area for the two of you to go star gazing.
Siebren stared and blinked a moment. Then...he laughed. It was a beautiful laugh to you, and he grinned. Obviously, you made a great choice.
" I am glad I agreed to let you plan the date...I admit I may not be very creative and thought of finding a fancy restaurant and maybe a movie after. My...I haven't done field research in quite some time. I been in the labs so long, it would be nice to simply look at the stars again," he would say.
And from there, you knew you made the right choice.
You get to the area as the sun is setting, and he helps you set up the telescope. The tablet had many charts for the two of you of the positions of various cosmic entities. You also brought out a wicker basket with dinner, and dessert, with a large, soft blanket. The two of you set up the blanket and the food, waiting for the twilight to end and for the night to completely fill the sky. He lightens up as the two of you eat, going over theories the both of you been working on in your own time outside of grading student papers.
The both of you are so passionate about your work, it doesn't bore either of you to talk about it off campus in your own time off. And while like almost every scientist does, you two argue differing opinions, you two always seem to tease each other in your own way about it.
"Stroop waffles?" he questioned when you brought out the plate.
"Yes," you say and smile. "Made them myself."
And you were damn good at making them. It was a recipe your mother taught you and was famous in the family. And when he tried one, his eyes lit up.
"These are fantastic!"
And like that, the two of you seemed closer. After the last one was finished, the sun had disappeared beyond the horizon completely, and the night sky had unfolded before the two of you. There was no light pollution, and you could see everything the sky had to offer. Both of you looked at the charts and input coordinates, taking turns checking on some stars, some nebulas, and even the Andromeda galaxy and its beauty. There were stars you been studying, thinking they were binaries orbiting with a black hole. It was known it could happen, as one star proved in the Cygnus constellation.
" Orbiting," he would say.
"Dancing," you would argue.
"No, no, dancing has steps and a rhythm. Much different than circles," he shot back.
So you grin and put your hands on your hips. "Really? I wish to test that theory."
So you pull him to the edge of where the blanket lay and had him place his hand on your hip. And you move in a circle, your hand in his. And all you could do is give a cocky grin. " You see? Dancing."
Siebren was nervous at first, but dancing with you, he gave a rare smile. " But here is where you miss the point and the flaw in your theory. They do orbit. Why? Because orbiting does not involve contact...and here, there is much contact."
And for the first time...it was your turn to blush and feel nervous. The way he said it so smoothly, and the skin around his eyes crinkled seeing he had finally managed to make you blush and feel flutters like he had been feeling. But those wide eyes of yours may have been interpreted wrongly. He let you go and his smile disappeared quickly, as if he had done something very wrong.
" I apologize," he said, clearing his throat.
No, you think to yourself. You snapped from the stiffness you had...he didn't need to know the thoughts you just had that raced through your head as fast as light.
"No, no! There is no need to apologize," you said and rush forward, taking his hand and holding it a moment. Your heart raced in fear that he may not feel the same, though for that one moment...you felt with certainty that he held the same romantic ideals towards you as you did him.
The poor man tilted his head at you in clear confusion and puzzlement. It was not often someone young as you even batted an eye his way. And admittedly, you never gave many men this older than you a second glance. But there was a gravity he had about himself...and you wanted to freefall through it.
" Look. I'm...quite a deal older than you, and. There are many more your age out there that would be better able to take care of you, and not to mention, more attractive. I...really was surprised you picked me when you had the choice of any of them. Flattered...but surprised. Why did you?" he finally asked.
This was the first real date you been on with him. And most of your friendship had been built on lunches together, run ins in the hallways, or work in the labs. None of you had been out together in a social setting until that night. You didn't want to seem desperate, but you also wanted him to know you had genuine attraction to him.
" I actually do like you. That's why," you would say, and it sounded lamer of an admittance than you originally thought. You felt you had to justify it, as you would for any theory, or opinion you would give on particular topics. " You always been kind, and very welcoming towards me. I always enjoy our talks and discussions. And...I don't believe you. You are damn attractive, don't be so humble about it."
Siebren rose a brow at you. He made it obvious he had his doubts and that you were just trying to entertain him or placate him.
"I'm serious," you would stress and squeeze the hand you had grabbed. But then you let it go and fold yours in front of you. Maybe you had been too forward. "I'm sorry."
" About?" he asked.
" You don't seem interested," you admit. And honestly...that hurt. To think he was not interested was a blow to your confidence, and you felt awkward. All you wanted to do now, was rush home, drink a bottle of wine, and face plant into a pillow and forgot the night happened. He was going to turn you down. You been so sure he had been flirting with you that one moment...and your interpretation had been wrong.
"On contrary. You're a very beautiful woman. You could have anyone you wanted. And you chose the old man. I have been very fond of you, but given your age...I didn't think you could possibly ever harbor any romantic intent for me. I was fine with the idea of friendship. I admire your intellect, and it is hard to find someone to keep up with my general discussions like we have had," he said and looked away from you. "When you chose me that night...I didn't believe it. I had to have been drunk. Yet..here we are. The way you smiled tonight, and was so eager to be close to me...I know I am intelligent and highly skilled. But I could not believe the facts that were plain and clear in front of my face. I... didn't want to kid myself into believing it."
That made you flutter. He was fond of you? That was a start! That meant he had thoughts of you...though you doubted he may have had the ones you have had of him lately. There had been some raunchy thoughts that had permeated your mind as of late. But you want to try with him. And you look to him, hoping he won't turn you away.
" You...dressed very nicely tonight. I forgot to mention," you say. And inwardly curse yourself out. How pathetic was that? Here he was making his feelings clear...and all you could say in response was 'nice suit'? But you were relieved to see him smile and take a single step closer.
" As did you. Were you dressing to impress?" he asked.
" Yes...what about you?" you shoot back, feeling a nervous smile come to your lips. And hope this meant he would try this with you.
" Was hoping so," he said as he took another step closer. " Is it working?"
" I think that is my question," you say and take your own step forward. You desperately want him to do something, because now you're too nervous to move. And you could not look away from him. Your eyes stay glued to his, how light they are, the wrinkles at the corners. The way he smiled, and the way he could draw you in. There were so many things he could do. Kiss you. Dance with you again. Hell, throw you onto the blanket and strip you down and touch every inch of your body. Anything he would want to do, you felt no objection to complying with.
But what he does next makes you blush the deepest red you may have ever experienced. He takes your hand and lifts it up to his face. You feel the soft, gentle press of his lips to your hand. And he keeps eye contact with you. It was such a simple gesture. So classy and refined...and yet, the simple action was causing your insides to roil in pure and unrefined excitement. And you make a gesture you weren't aware of...and you see him blink, and see a faint pink on his own high cheeks. He lets your hand go and clears his throat, glancing back to the blanket.
"Well. Um. Shall we?...We can sit down and make more observations," he offered. You didn't realize you were biting your lip with a very inviting gaze until you let it go and went to speak. And now you knew why he suddenly appeared flustered.
"Certainly," you say. He sits down, and upon the discoveries you both made about yourselves and your attractions, you think nothing of sitting between his legs and leaning back against him.
And for him, he could not believe his luck. Shocked eyes would look at you seeing you settling between his legs and leaning to him. Arms stayed up, not sure how to settle on you without being too inappropriate. Not aware he could be as inappropriate as he desired, and you would be welcoming to it. You were making his own heart race. And while he had had his own rather risque thoughts about you, he was too modest to dare let on what he fantasized about.
" So...the star you are studying," he began, deciding to settle his arms around your shoulders. " The...Pegasus constellation, you say?"
"Yes...it's orbit shows no binary star. It is just like the one in Cygnus...but. Oddly, this one is not a neutron star. You'd think the star would be shredded by now," you would explain. And you become aware of something. How...warm he feels against you. The soft breath at the back of your neck. And there is a stirring in your navel that is screaming now, ramped up from the proximity to him.
" Quite interesting, but not surprising. Black holes can feed ravenously or sip as they desire. We still yet to discover what 'kicks off' the frenzy or what makes them eat demurely..." he would say to you. But you are noticing something. The way he talks, the way his warm breath breezes over your neck. It makes your eyes flutter. You don't need to see him to know how close his head is to yours. And he has taken a more open and keen interest in you now that he realized the attraction was mutual.
Your head leans back a fraction, as if trying to tempt him to leaning more forward.
" And to think. That poor star. Being devoured and torn apart by that black hole's force," you murmur, racy thoughts flying pell-mell through your head.
" You seen the images of a star torn apart by a black hole...we have better ones now. It's a spectacular view. The spewing of energy...the brightness of it. The hotness of it," he breathed. And now you knew his lips were definitely closer. The way you two flirted...! And the way he talked, you arched a little in his hold, aching in your navel to the point of pain. Those hands of his, once hesitant and only resting around your shoulders, now moved and reached in, touching and sliding along the sides of your body. It caused you to hitch your breath; for Siebren, a dead give away to proceed.
" It's unfortunate for the star to have been in its path...it had no chance to escape," you would say...but your tone is affected. It came out with a moan, and for Siebren, he was only seeing green lights. Those hands moved along your body, reaching and meeting at your lower navel. Fingertips massaged and rubbed there, and the touch drove you insane. Rubbing there...! It was such a sensitive erogenous zone for you! And now both of you are lost in passions. Passions he didn't know he could still be capable of, and passions you didn't know about yourself. Your head goes back and settled against his shoulder, and it was an open invitation Siebren could not refuse.
Lips find purchase in your throat's skin, teeth grazing at times. Your legs are clenching together, eyes fluttering close as over thousands of scenarios play through your head.
" Woe to that star, my dear. Maybe that traveling, starved, black hole had finally found a decent source of energy to consume...and would be greedy about every measure of it. Maybe it had been too long for it," he murmurs at your ear, lips kissing gently at its shell. " It couldn't help but pull it in and feast on every savory morsel."
Those lips! Your arms waken, and your hand grips to his forearm, your hips making small, minuscule presses to his hands. His touch was knowing. A musician strumming his instrument to produce the most moving and insightful music.
" Mm, maybe the star doesn't mind being devoured and made a spectacle of," you would admit. And Siebren knew it. All your responses...he could tell he could do anything and you would welcome it. The prospect of being so intimate with you was arousing him and he let you know by jerking you close and letting you feel it with your rear. You feel a hand leave your navel area and reach up, capturing your jaw.
Siebren turns your head, making you face him. The way he looks at you...his eyes full of the same passionate lust you had for him. And he can recognize it in your eyes. His head leans in, so close, his lips a mere inch from yours. And those eyes stare into your soul...you could get lost in them.
" Then fall into me," he murmured. And the moment he seals his lips to yours, you are lost.
Your eyes flutter close, and you are gone, swept up in a flurry of touching, kisses and muffled moans. You barely realize he was lifting the hem of your dress, those large fingers toying at your lacy thong. But that touch was fire! And the way he touched you was teasing. Siebren was careful not to use too much pressure, wanting to have you begging for him before giving in. Every touch he gave you was intense. Your nerves were having trouble keeping up, sensitive to the most minuscule of brushes.
That thong of yours was moved to the side, and Siebren wasted no time...he wanted to hear you again. And wanted you to moan. And if he had any doubts about your attraction to him, he would find clear evidence that he did more to you than he ever thought possible.
As his fingers rubbed a single line up your folds, he would find a thick trail of your juices. You made a stifled wail, thighs shaking. Siebren only paused in disbelief...you were not just wet. You were soaked. The two of you had only been flirting heavily, with a kiss and him barely touching any sensitive areas of you. How could you not be? You had been fantasizing about him lately, and now you were trapped in his embrace, with him kissing you and touching you. And it was all real.
Siebren got back on track and kissed you once more. And soon you felt two, large fingers slip into you. It felt like your whole body would levitate off the ground with how hard you tensed upon his fingers. Even he broke the kiss and muttered some words in Dutch, just as surprised by it as you were. As at the first pump of those fingers, you gave a wail, your hips rutting and gyrating to the feeling. And soon you felt him. His hips pressed to you...and you felt it. The sheer size of what you felt! Fantasies of him stripping down and forcing you to your knees, throwing up your dress and pounding you into the soft grass and dirt went through your head. He set a steady rhythm, his hand growing soaked because of you. But God, you wanted more...! Those fingertips managed to reach that spot in you and your eyes flew open. With each thrust in, those tips rubbed that area at the ceiling of you, making your eyes cross.
" God!!!"
" Did I find a spot?" he breaths at your ear, and this time, his fingers bury deep and rub it mercilessly. And all you could manage was to squirm and wail in his hold. There was no escape, and you didn't want to.
"Siebren...please!" you beg him. But you don't tell him what...and he stops. You want to protest but you stop when you feel him pressing to you, and you know what he wants. And he thinks that is also what you want. And the thought of that keeps you so aroused, that you don't think you could calm down or have any of your arousal die out. You feel movement, and you realize he taking off his suit jacket. Eyes look over your shoulder, and you take in the muscled form of him in his shirt. At his age...the build of him!
You feel his hands grab your waist and push you up onto your knees. He is moving, and he is getting to his knees behind you. You hearing the jingling of metal and look to see him undoing the belt. Your eyes look up to meet his. You then lean forward and reach back, throwing your dress up around your waist, presenting your soaked thong to him and your puffy folds trapped inside them. The sight draws his attention and you see him blush. You hear him breathe a sharp intake of air. And those pants are undone a little quicker. And as if he didn't need any more goading, you wiggle those hips at him.
"Siebren...please," you beg. There is enough starlight out to see him, just as he can see everything about you. On your elbows and knees before him, dress crinkled around your waist, those slick folds with the soft, lacy thong presented to him as a gift. This young, talented woman before him was for him. And he would ensure ONLY for him. Siebren was a good man, and very respectful...but when he decided something was his. There was nothing more to debate. And you were about to become his in every sense.
That lacy thong was not in his way. He pulled it aside, exposing you to the cool night air. He rubbed his cock to your leaking folds...and you could feel how well endowed he was. Thick, lengthy...and you shuddered with need at the very idea of it filling you! Your juices were so warm on him, and he couldn't believe how easily you could coat him. He wondered what graces he was in to have deserved a young thing like you, begging for him to fuck them senseless. And he could tell that about you in moments since touching you...how you wanted to submit to him, wanted to surrender to every demand he had. He would feel a swell of pride and ego for it, and most of all, flattery.
You look back to him, and upon locking eyes with him, he presses into you. Your eyes widen before growing unfocused, and rolling back. The size of him was stretching you open, and caused you to quiver. He moaned loudly, as your tight folds were elastic on his girth. And you were so wet, and hot inside. A hand grabbed your hips, pulling you back into his short thrusts, taking his time to ensure you accommodated him without feeling pain. With how aroused you were though, it didn't take long.
Soon enough he was able to thrust into you with ferocious speed, hilting you to his sac with ease. The sounds of you two! Sticky, smacking like sound and you begged for more. Thin strips of your juices dribbled out of you, having no room to remain inside. He leaned over you, his hips not lessening in their intensity. And you were consumed by him...you wanted nothing more in life anymore. Just him. This pleasure, this explosive, riling, yet cohesive chemistry! His rhythms would change, and he did so when he thought his movement was too boring. And each time it drew sudden, wailing moans.
The first change being to angle his thrust more downward, the end of him thrusting right over that area inside his fingers had found. Then he began to pump hard into you, until the end of him would reach yours, and he would pause. And grind into it so firmly yet gently. And it made you go blind with pleasure. Those hands smoothed up and down your sides, up and down the back. At one point they reached under to cup your breasts, massaging them gently as he kissed at the back of your neck. And you knew you couldn't last long...never before had you been so quick to orgasm! But he touched you, and felt you from the inside in ways you didn't even know about yourself. And just when you thought the pleasure could not heighten no more...
" Siebren!!!" you scream, gasping. Hands had came down and met under you. One's fingers found your crown and rubbed it frantically. And the other's fingertips rubbed and put pressure on the area of your lower navel an inch below your belly button. That pressure on that area, the way he rubbed you...you knew he wanted you to come for him. You never been touched like this by anyone, not even yourself!
" I'm...! I'm close,mijn God!" he panted. Siebren wanted to have respect for you and any fears you had, and was fully prepared to pull from you before he came. But you wanted nothing of it.  
"Don't stop! Fuck's sake, don't!" you beg him.
Those light eyes stare down at you, perplexed. He had divine permission...and that permission made his cock swell and twitch inside you with urgent need. You were arching your back, your inner walls taut and strangling on him. You were a vision he would never forget. Siebren let go of any restraint he had on himself and began to piston into you.
" Come for me then," he breathed at the back of your neck, hilting you harsh enough to leave possible bruises for tomorrow. "Sing for me!"
The moment he slammed into the end of you and ground into you, his seed surging from him in torrents, his hands still working those areas of your body...you lost yourself. Like a black hole comes to a singular point...so did your mental state. Pain disappeared, tension vanished. Worries and thoughts about everything outside of you and him were wiped blank from your memory. Everything was gone...and all there was, was a warm, numbing, flowing rush of intense euphoria. Your vision was gone...and all that came from you was a wailing scream.
To hear the way you said his name was music. The fact he could bring you pleasure so intense, so undoing, was empowering. And the fact you felt so damn good on him...! He couldn't even stop. Both of you broke down into incoherent chords of moans, grunts and gasps of gratification. It was well over a few minutes before he fell still atop of you. Both of you were out of breath, taking a moment in the afterglow. Any movement triggered twitching from you, your nerves so sensitive to even the slightest shift of weight. He waited a moment, letting you adjust. After such unbridled passion between the two of you, and slight worry he may have hurt you, he peppered kisses along your shoulder and back. Hands rubbed your sides gently, worshipping you for the pleasure you gave him. You felt so right in his hands, as he was a sculptor who found the most perfect clay in the world.
" I...never imagined.." you try to say...wanting him to know that he was the best you ever had in her whole life. And if he was like this all the time, he had forever ruined any possible future relationships if he were to ever go separate ways from you. Siebren was smiling...because you had made him happier and more confident in his more personal aspects than he had ever been in a while.
" If you would allow me...I believe we can organize future occurrences," he offers.
You had no objections whatsoever! You hoped for many more occurrences! He gently pulled from you which made you gasp, feeling every delicious inch slip from you. You were dripping a steady stream of his seed mixed with your thick juices. Siebren could see it and as you look back you see him blushing a glowing red and staring at you.
"Oh-...oh my. I didn't realize," he stammered a bit. He hurriedly found his suit jacket and yanked a handkerchief from it. "I believe I might have um...overfilled you. Forgive me."
And all you could do was smile. He was wiping your thighs clean and capturing the leakage as much as he could until you stopped. He tended to you gently, and was mortified at himself to see a bruise or two indeed had developed. He hadn't meant to be that harsh with you...but you only soothed his worries and pulled him into a kiss. Had you not asked him for more each time, and each time, did he not deliver? There was no reason he should apologize, but you accepted it about him. He was a caring, gentle man at heart, and wanted to take care of what he liked. Too tired to even move, the two of you cuddle on the blanket, your body wrapped with his. Both of you gaze at the stars, noting when the constellations were shifting, or when certain planets or stars were rising on the horizon.
You felt so right held in his arms as the two of you wound down, enjoying the twinkling sky above you. It almost seemed like a punishment to have to leave and return to their duties and jobs at the university. But as you reminded him, much to his flustered astonishment at the suggestion, there were always supply closets, empty classrooms and even the building's roof if they truly wanted to nip away and couldn't control themselves.
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 2 years
379 of 2022
Mercury: What’s your full name? I'm Joeri, but I'm not going to share the rest of my name, even though it's common here.
Venus: What’s your first language? Dutch.
Earth: Where’s your home? Middelkerke, Belgium. Even though I live somewhere else now.
Mars: What’s your sexuality? Asexual, possibly aromantic or at least very greyromantic, and definitely homo-oriented.
Jupiter: Do you have any siblings? One sister, she's 5 years younger than me.
Saturn: Any pets? Two cats.
Uranus: What’s your hobby? Shortwave radio and all things related - number stations, signal identification, all that. Also photography and travelling.
Neptune: When’s your birthday? 25 April.
Pluto: What time is it right now where you are? 21:34.
Moon: What are you currently studying/hope to study? I've been in the process of getting a degree from Dutch language, but I'm on hold due to my health problems. I have one more degree, though, from electrical engineering.
Sun: Have you ever had alcohol? Many times.
Sirius: Have you ever failed a class? Yeah, first time in uni. Anxiety was eating me up.
Rigel: Have you ever gone on a rollercoaster? Nope, and I don't think I ever would.
Deneb: Have you ever been out of your home country? I've been to 5 countries in total, not counting my own.
Arcturus: Have you cried out of something other than sadness? No, I don't cry.
Betelgeuse: What’s something you can never forget about? Taking my medication on time.
Aldebaran: What’s something you care desperately about? People I love.
Canopus: Have you ever broken a bone? No, never.
Bellatrix: Have you ever been forced to lie/keep a secret? No, but I keep secrets by nature. Maybe I should count my abuser to that, though.
Alphard: Have you ever lost a friend? Yes. Three years ago. I've had a very close friend who has the same first name as me, and he used to call me "his little brother". One day he just cut contacts with all of us, I didn't know why. Just this year I found out depressiion has overwhelmed him.
Vega: What’s something you’ve done that you wish you hadn’t? Had sex.
Centaurus: Favourite holiday? Christmas, maybe Easter.
Orion: Favourite month? Anything from May to September.
Cassiopeia: Favourite book? Too many to count, I love reading books.
Delphinus: Favourite study? Physics, particularly electromagnetic waves.
Hercules: Favourite instrument? Violin.
Gemini: Favourite song? I have two ultimate favourites: Vildhjarta - Shiver and Lange Frans & Baas B - Ik Wacht Al Zo Lang.
Pegasus: Favourite place to be? My hometown.
Libra: Favourite colour? Black and green.
Phoenix: Favourite thing to wear? Hoodies, t-shirts with graphic prints, cargo trousers, wide leg trousers, platform boots or Converse.
Aries: Favourite movie? I don't like movies.
Cygnus: Favourite weather? Warm and sunny, or thunderstorms.
Hydra: Favourite sound? Sea waves, cat's purring, rain outside the window.
Milky Way: Who’s your oldest friend? M., I think.
Andromeda: Do you consider yourself social? Quite so.
Black Eye Galaxy: Do you believe in love at first sight? No. I get that sometimes people just click, but I have hard time considering it love. Not when you've known somreone for 5 minutes.
Cartwheel Galaxy: When was your first kiss? I was 22 at that time. Didn't like it much.
Cigar Galaxy: How’s your flirting skills? I come across as flirty, that's what I've heard about myself. But I'm quite oblivious to the body language and all that stuff. I'm just being nice to people by default.
Comet Galaxy: Have you ever had to leave a relationship because someone changed too much? No. The reason was he has shown his true face.
Pinwheel Galaxy: Would you date the last person you talked to? He's my husband already.
Sombrero Galaxy: Do you have a crush right now? Kind of, but it's rather platonic so it doesn't collide with my relationship.
Bode’s Galaxy: Have you ever had a secret admirer? No, this person was very open about it.
Sunflower Galaxy: Would you date/make friends with someone out of pity? No, I don't think so. I'd need a bond first.
Tadpole Galaxy: Would you deny a relationship/friendship? No, why would I even?
Whirlpool Galaxy: Have you ever cried over a breakup? Not cried, but it was emotionally devastating. He wasn't good to me, though.
Other stuff:
Comet: What’s your big dream? To be healthy, and to come back to work.
Asteroid: What does your dream life look like? No disorders.
Meteor: What’s something you wish you could tell, but can’t? To this man, how much I like him and how Iwant to be friends with him.
Nebula: If you could undo one thing in your life, what would it be? That incident that took my physical abilities away.
Shooting Star: If you could bring back one thing, what would it be? Basketball trainings.
Pulsar: What do you hope to do in the next 10 years? Still alive.
Supernova: What’s one thing you want to do before you die? Travel the whole world.
Quasar: If you could spend the rest of your life with only one person, who would it be? My husband.
Wormhole: What’s something you wish would happen, but know won’t? Being friends with this man.
Black Hole: What’s the last thing you want to see? I don't want to think about it.
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oldtimeracing · 3 years
Macau GP 2014 - Michael Rutter & Martin Jessop by Keith Mulcahy Via Flickr: Two riders both going all out
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salilzaveri · 2 years
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The Tulip and Cygnus X-1 Image Credit & Copyright: Peter Kohlmann Explanation: Framing a bright emission region, this telescopic view looks out along the plane of our Milky Way Galaxy toward the nebula rich constellation Cygnus the Swan. Popularly called the Tulip Nebula, the reddish glowing cloud of interstellar gas and dust is also found in the 1959 catalog by astronomer Stewart Sharpless as Sh2-101. Nearly 70 light-years across, the complex and beautiful Tulip Nebula blossoms about 8,000 light-years away. Ultraviolet radiation from young energetic stars at the edge of the Cygnus OB3 association, including O star HDE 227018, ionizes the atoms and powers the emission from the Tulip Nebula. Also in the field of view is microquasar Cygnus X-1, one of the strongest X-ray sources in planet Earth's sky. Blasted by powerful jets from a lurking black hole its fainter bluish curved shock front is only just visible though, beyond the cosmic Tulip's petals near the right side of the frame. https://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap220901.html #NASA #photography https://www.instagram.com/p/Ch9c0PKOgKZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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walterjenkel · 5 years
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©photography by Walter Jenkel 2020 Black-necked swan (Cygnus melancoryphus) WALTER JENKEL @WalterJenkel walter_jenkel
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from-a-distant-end · 7 years
All Planets and Constellation questions!
Planets: Life
Mercury: What’s your full name? lol first name is dominica, not getting the last name and i hate my middle name :/
Venus: What’s your first language? english!
Earth: Where’s your home? new jersey in the far far east coast of the usa. near the ocean but separated by a bay and a strip of land
Mars: What’s your sexuality? pan af it sucks sometimes 
Jupiter: Do you have any siblings? three sisters, one brother
Saturn: Any pets? two kitties! and my uncle has two as well so its like four, plus all the neighborhood cats
Uranus: What’s your hobby? writing! and crying about it. videos! and procrastinating. 
Neptune: When’s your birthday? IN JUST A FEW DAYS. nov 18th lol
Pluto: What time is it right now where you are? 10:51PM
Moon: What are you currently studying/hope to study? NOT STUDYING ANYTHING BUT I WANNA MAYBE STUDY UMM. ??? HONESTLY I DONT KNOW? PHOTOGRAPHY?
Constellations: Favourites
Centaurus: Favourite holiday?tbh i dont think i have one :/ we dont really celebrate anything here but its not that we dont want to. it all just sorta. died off. sure we make a bigger dinner than usual but we dont eat more than normal and no one comes to visit cuz no one is around
Orion: Favourite month?october
Cassiopeia: Favourite book?THE SONG OF ACHILLES PROBABLY
Delphinus: Favourite study?whut? O-O WRITING? WORDS?
Hercules: Favourite instrument?violin
Gemini: Favourite song?DONT HAVE ONE
Pegasus: Favourite place to be?tbh probably with my sisters, wherever that is regardless 
Libra: Favourite colour? sageyyyyy greeennn
Phoenix: Favourite thing to wear?black skinny jeans xD
Aries: Favourite movie? how to train your dragon. moana. princess diaries etc. a lot. i like so many. help.
Cygnus: Favourite weather? overcast and windy, maybe some friendly drizzles
Hydra: Favourite sound? the sound of the heat coming on in the middle of the night when im just about asleep
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