#black widow/natasha romenoff
myinconnelly1 · 3 years
Winter in Summer: Making a Family (pt 8)
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Bucky Barnes x Pregnant!Reader
Summary:  You are rescued by a stranger, when Hydra tries to abduct you in the street.
Warnings: canon violence, character injury, labor, birth
word count: 761
A/N: Cocca is a term of endearment, it means sweetie...
“Alright, Cocca, it’s time to push,”  The woman from the cafe cooed from behind where you were kneeling.
“I’m not ready,”  you sobbed as you tried not to push.  “It’s too soon.”
“Come on, doll,”  Bucky said squatting down next to you and facing the door.  He had pulled out his gun but took your hand in his.  “You’re the only one that can do this.”
“I can’t!”  You screamed and deepened your squat involuntarily.
“That’s it,”  the woman said and whispered some encouragement in Italian.
“It hurts,”  You whimpered as Bucky wrapped an arm around the front of your shoulders and you rested on him.
“I know, I’m sorry,”  He leaned over quickly and kissed your temple.  It was gentle and comforting.  “I’m trying to right this wrong, but I’m not sure that is ever something I can make up to you.”
“What-”  You started to ask, but another contraction peaked and you were pushing hard like the woman was telling you.
“What’s going on?”  Bucky asked noticing that the woman looked concerned and maybe a little frustrated.
“The baby is stuck,”  She grunted as she shifted to lay closer to the ground.  You squealed shrilly as she touched you.  Bucky held you tighter as your cries of pain stung him.
“What’s the Winter Soldier like?  Is he still alive?”  you whimpered trying to distract yourself.  “Do you think he’d like his baby?”
“He’s still alive,”  Bucky said sighing.  “And yes, I’m sure he’d love his baby.  I’m so sorry.”  The last words were a whisper against your shoulder as you screamed again and the woman laughed a cheer.
“Push, Cocca, hard!  Baby’s almost here,”  She instructed.  The woman reached over to grab some towels and that’s when the warning bells went off in Bucky’s mind.
“Something’s not right,”  He said almost to himself.  The old woman said something in a different language and just before your next contraction peaked you realized she had spoken in Russian.
“Shit!”  Bucky yelled as he lifted his gun.
“Put that down Soldier!”  The woman commanded, but Bucky ignored her and fired a slug into her chest.  At the sound of the gun, you took your hand and put it between your legs feeling the soft downy hair of your baby.
“Bucky!”  You half screamed half groaned.  He pushed the Hydra agent away from you and took her place.
“I’ve got you, Doll.  Push,”  He said, as you obeyed the instinct in every fiber in your being and bore down.
“They're in there!”  Rumlow shouted.  He sounded distant as you groaned and struggled.  A shrill cry filled the empty cafe suddenly.
“I’ve got him,”  Bucky said breathlessly and you collapsed onto the ground.  He used the towels to clean the baby and wrap him up against the night air.  You were crying now but smiled down at the small boy you had created and brought into the world.
“He looks like you,”  Bucky said caressing a finger on the baby’s little arm.  But you looked at the infant and knew better.
“He looks like his daddy,”  You looked up and caught Bucky’s eye.
“Move in!”  Rumlow ordered from outside the building.
“Hold onto him,”  Bucky ordered, then he picked you up bridal style.  You groaned lowly as the pain from your birth still lingered in your belly but held your son regardless.  He carried you out the back door and made a break for the main lit road.  
“Give us the boy, Soldier!”  Rumlow called.  You and Bucky were out of luck as the street that he had fled to was mostly empty at this late hour.
“Pound sand,”  Bucky shouted back.
“He’s not really yours,”  Rumlow taunted.  “We didn’t use the Winter Soldier’s DNA for the fertilization.  The scientist just added someone of the super-soldier serum to the fetus at an early point.”
“If that’s true, who’s DNA did you get, yours?”  Bucky asked unconvinced.  When Rumlow didn’t answer you and Bucky had your answer.  You heard a strange noise then there was an explosion some distance behind Rumlow where his men had been, and an Archer appeared next to Bucky leading him out of the street and to a high-tech jet.
“Take off Nat!”  The archer called as soon as the four of you were on the plane.  A red-haired woman switched places with the archer and she smiled as Bucky sat you down on a seat.
“Couldn’t wait to get her clothes off til we got out of here, Barnes?”  She teased as she handed you a blanket.
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@waywardbaby​​ @destielhoneybee​​ @snffbeebee​​ @deangirl7695​​ @spnbaby-67​​ @maddiepants​​ @ladywinchester1967​​ @woodworthti666​​ @miraclesoflove​​ @tumbler-tidbits​​​ @emilyshurley​​​ @akshi8278​​​ @mannls​​​ @wendibird​​​ @bobasheebaby​​​​  @chelsea072498​​​ @donnaintx​​​ @justsomedreaming​​​ @supernaturalenchanted​​​ @kalesrebellion​​​ @prettydeaneyes​​​ @emoryhemsworth​​  @dontshootmespence​​ @its-a-spn-thing​​ @vicmc624​​ @idreamofplaid​​​ @anaelsbrunette​​​  @lovealways-j​​​ @kickingitwithkirk​​​ @wayward-mikaelson​​ @electraphyng​​ @mariekoukie6661​​  @katelynw93​​ @deandreamernp​​ @thoughts-and-funnies​ @lyarr24​  @charred-angelwings​ @pearlruth​ @and-claudia​
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myinconnelly1 · 3 years
Winter in Summer: Happily Ever After (pt 9- final)
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Bucky Barnes x Pregnant!Reader
Summary:  You are rescued by a stranger, when Hydra tries to abduct you in the street.
Warnings: swearing, complications from labor, canon violence, canon gore, character injury
word count: 836
A/N: this is the last part!  I hope you have enjoyed it.  and hopefully you aren’t too upset with the ending.  Don’t worry its happy in my opinion.
“So what now?”  You asked as Nat helped you into a position to feed your son.
“We will get you someplace safe.  Somewhere Hydra can’t get to you or your son,”  Nat said giving your baby’s toes a playful little wiggle.
“You’re not going to take him away from me?”  You asked looking over at Bucky.  He hadn’t looked at you or your son since you had gotten onto the quinjet.
“Why would we take him?”  Natasha asked looking from you to Bucky and back again.  “Obviously I am missing something.  I’ll leave you two alone.”  And with that, she walked back to the front of the plane and sat by Clint.
“Are you going to take him?”  You whispered.  The fear was evident in the shake of your voice.
“No,”  Bucky said still looking down at his lap.  “He’s not safe with me.  You weren’t originally going to keep him.  Will you now?”
“How could I not?”  You asked looking down into the sweet sleeping face of your son.  “You could stay with us.”  You whisper the words looking up slowly.  You meet Bucky’s eye and a tear falls down your cheek.  It's shock and adrenaline from the last day's events but you can’t help yourself.
“I’m dangerous,”  Bucky said breaking eye contact and turning his body away from you slightly.  “I’ve killed so many people.  It’s not safe for your or your son.”
“Our son,”  You said the words out loud for the first time.  You knew he was afraid to admit the truth to himself.  You understood his fear.  Had felt it when told you that the boy was yours.  He looked back into your face now full of guilt.
“I’m sorry,”  He said almost too quietly for you to hear.
“Is there another blanket?”  You asked loudly so Nat could hear you.  “It’s so cold.”  You were holding your son close to your chest trying to keep from shaking.
“Yeah, I’ve got one here,”  Natasha said standing and grabbing one.
“I’m sweating my ass off,”  Clint said hitting the autopilot button and moving with an uncanny swiftness as your eyes started to cross and your body went limp.  Bucky jumped from his seat and grabbed you before you could move at all and Clint cradled your son against his chest with ease and practice.  
“She’s bleeding,”  Natasha said moving into action.  “JARVIS alert the nearest hospital that we have an emergency.”
Clint held your boy and went back to the pilot seat and maneuvered the jet to a helicopter landing pad.  The small baby slept deeply and seemingly unperturbed by the upset that was happening with his mother.
“What happened?”  Bucky said as he held you against his chest, one of your hands in his.
“I don’t know,”  Natasha said quietly.  “Can you carry her inside?”  Bucky lifted you easily and brought you into the hospital.
“She just delivered her baby.  There was an explosion, and she’s lost a lot of blood.”  Natasha said to a doctor who met them just inside.
“We’ll take good care of her,”  He said nodding before you were taken to an operating room.
“We can take the baby to the nursery,”  a nurse said from behind the three heroes.
“No!”  Bucky said loudly as he placed himself in front of Clint and his son.
“Alright,”  She said quietly.  She held out a small clear bag.  It had diapers and ready-made formula bottles.  “In case the baby gets hungry,”  She offered with a gentle smile.  Natasha reached out and took it.  “You can follow me to a room where she will be brought to when she is done with surgery.”
It was a dimly lit room and there were several somewhat comfortable chairs.  Clint laid the baby in the bassinet and put a diaper on his before swaddling him.
“You’re getting good at that,”  Natasha said quietly.
“Thanks, I’m getting plenty of practice.  Nate loves being all wrapped up,”  He put the bottle together and shook it gently.
“Can I?”  Bucky asked coming over to where Clint was standing.
“Of course,”  Clint stepped back holding out the small bottle.  “I’d feed him slow since he’s so new,”  Clint patted Bucky on the shoulder and help the soldier lift the small baby and get into a comfortable place to sit.
“She’s going to be alright,”  A nurse said peeking her head into the room.  All three of them looked up and the baby gave a small burp and contented sigh.  “She seemed to have a small cut, but it was clean and easy to close up.  It was hard to see through, which is probably why no one noticed it.”
“A small cut,”  Bucky mused as he remembered the way you had screamed when the woman at the cafe had been trying to get your son out.  “That fucking bitch.”
“She’s going to be okay,”  Natasha said out loud after the nurse left.  “Maybe you should hide with her if people are actually trying to kill her.”
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@waywardbaby @destielhoneybee @snffbeebee @deangirl7695 @spnbaby-67 @maddiepants @ladywinchester1967 @woodworthti666 @miraclesoflove @tumbler-tidbits @emilyshurley @akshi8278​ @mannls @wendibird @bobasheebaby​  @chelsea072498​ @donnaintx​ @justsomedreaming @supernaturalenchanted​ @kalesrebellion​ @prettydeaneyes​ @emoryhemsworth​  @dontshootmespence​ @its-a-spn-thing​ @vicmc624​ @idreamofplaid​ @anaelsbrunette​  @lovealways-j​ @kickingitwithkirk​ @wayward-mikaelson​ @electraphyng​ @mariekoukie6661​  @katelynw93​ @deandreamernp​ @thoughts-and-funnies​ @lyarr24​  @charred-angelwings​ @pearlruth​ @and-claudia​ @sltwins​
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myinconnelly1 · 3 years
Winter in Summer: Holding Hands (pt 7)
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Bucky Barnes x Pregnant!Reader
Summary:  You are rescued by a stranger, when Hydra tries to abduct you in the street.
Warnings: canon violence, character injury, labor
word count: 686
A/N: If you are wonder why the baby still hasn’t been born yet after (3-4) parts, welcome to the party.  If you get this, and understand why it’s taking so long.... YOU HAVE KIDS TOO!!
“WHAT DO YOU MEAN A COUPLE OF HOURS!”  Bucky shouted into the phone as you lifted a knee to your chest in hopes of easing some of the pressure.  “Nat, it’s Italian Airspace, it’s not RUSSIA!”
“Bucky!”  you cried his name and he reached over to you and held your hand.  His presence and attention alone were enough to help calm you a little.
“I don’t know how to birth a baby, Natasha!”  Bucky was still shouting as you both heard something metal fall over nearby.  You both held your breath until a cat ran through the alley and mewled at you.  “She’s further along than I thought she would be, and there was an explosion.  Do you really need all the details?”  He asked in a frustrated whisper.
“God,”  You groaned as you let your head fall back against the wall and panted.  Bucky kissed your hand gently as he listened to what was being said on the phone.
“No, Hydra didn’t bother to give me a crash course on that, thanks,”  Bucky rolled his eyes, then froze as your eyes locked on his.  “I gotta go.  Track the cell.”
“You’re with Hydra?”  You asked feeling betrayed.  If it wasn’t for the almost constant contractions and agony you would be running from him.  Of course, he works for Hydra.  He and the other ‘agent’ have been playing cat and mouse with you.  If one of them couldn’t get you then the other would.  He was going to take your baby, and at the moment all you could do was help him.
“I’m not with Hydra, OW!”  Bucky groaned loudly as you squeezed his hand through a contraction and tried not to scream.  “I’m not with Hydra anymore.”
“What does that mean?”  you gasped.  “Turn around.”  He did as you asked, exposing his back to you, and you yanked the pipe that was in his back out.  He shouted in pain, but to your surprise, you could already see his exposed skin knitting back together.
“I’m a super-soldier.  It’s complicated, and I don’t think you want to hear about it while your baby is coming,”  He suggested in a soothing voice as he turned back to face you and take the pipe away.
“Who’s Natasha?”  You asked, your body was shaking and clammy to the touch as you waited for the next contraction.  It didn’t take long.
“She’s a coworker.  One of the avengers.”  He said, calmly rubbing little circles on your hand.
“She’s not going to get here in time,”  You sobbed pathetically.  
“Shh,”  Bucky coos as he holds your hand.  “It’s gonna be okay.  You don’t know Nat, but she likes to be dramatic.”
“What if he finds us?”  You whisper.  
“He’s not gonna get us,”  Bucky’s words are final but short lived.
“Boo!”  Rumlow snickers as he and three Hydra agents come into the alley.
“Oh god,”  You whimper.  Bucky gets an arm behind your back and helps you to your feet.  “I can’t.”
“We have to,”  He says dragging you away from the men.  Bucky wasn’t kidding.  His strength was incredible as he led you out, and he turned into a small cafe that was still open in the late night.  “Can you help us?”  He asked the woman that was working there.  “Do you speak English?”
“Yes,”  Her accent was heavy though and she got a good look at the two of you and led you into a back room.  “I’m not going to ask you any questions.  My husband used to work for the mafia, I know trouble when I see it.  Help her to the chair,”  The woman was in her late forties or fifties, and she threw he hair into a bun and locked the door before kneeling on the floor.
Bucky helped you lean on a chair that she had in the room.
“Help her out of her pants,”  the woman said, as you clutched your belly and the chair.  Bucky did as he was told, giving your back a soft rub.  “Alright, Cocca, it’s time to push,”  she cooed from behind where you were kneeling.
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@waywardbaby​​ @destielhoneybee​​ @snffbeebee​​ @deangirl7695​​ @spnbaby-67​​ @maddiepants​​ @ladywinchester1967​​ @woodworthti666​​ @miraclesoflove​​ @tumbler-tidbits​​​ @emilyshurley​​​ @akshi8278​​​ @mannls​​​ @wendibird​​​ @bobasheebaby​​​​  @chelsea072498​​​ @donnaintx​​​ @justsomedreaming​​​ @supernaturalenchanted​​​ @kalesrebellion​​​ @prettydeaneyes​​​ @emoryhemsworth​​  @dontshootmespence​​ @its-a-spn-thing​​ @vicmc624​​ @idreamofplaid​​​ @anaelsbrunette​​​  @lovealways-j​​​ @kickingitwithkirk​​​ @wayward-mikaelson​​ @electraphyng​​ @mariekoukie6661​​  @katelynw93​​ @deandreamernp​​ @thoughts-and-funnies​ @lyarr24​  @charred-angelwings​ @pearlruth​ @and-claudia​
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myinconnelly1 · 3 years
Winter in Summer: Midnight Confessions (pt 6)
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Bucky Barnes x Pregnant!Reader
Summary:  You are rescued by a stranger, when Hydra tries to abduct you in the street.
Warnings: canon violence, character injury, labor
word count: 731
“Get down!”  Bucky shouted as he eased you to the floor lightning-fast and covered you with his body just before you felt the heat from an explosion behind him.
The world was spinning and too bright to see anything.  You realized that Bucky was talking and as the ringing in your ears eased you picked up the words.
“Are you hurt?”  He was looking for any signs of bleeding or burns.
“I am alright,”  You groaned, feeling a slight tightness in your back.  
“Can you stand?”  he asked, reaching out for you.  You nodded and he helped you stand up.
“Bucky?”  You asked.  He staggered a little as you got to your feet.
“I’m-  I’m fine, Doll.  don’t worry.”  He groaned, and you both saw a large piece of piping in his lower back.
“Oh my God,”  You started to hyperventilate.
“At least it did hurt your baby,”  He huffed and fell forward into your arms.  You kept him on his feet.
“I don’t know what to do!  Where do I go?  Do I take you to the hospital?”  You asked, putting his arm around your shoulders and trying to help him.  That pain in your back radiated out and made your toes curl.
“No, find us somewhere to hold up.  I’ll be okay once I get this thing out of me.”  Bucky tried to stand a little straighter.
“I’ve said that a number of times,”  You said, trying to keep the mood light.  Bucky did laugh, and the two of you kept low and away from the sirens.
“I think these Italian country-siders are gonna hate us,”  Bucky groaned.  You were thankful it was dark but missed having a bathroom as you lost control of your bladder slightly with a slightly stronger contraction than you were expecting.
“I’m just sad I didn’t get to eat that pasta you brought to me,”  You moaned leaning on a wall to catch your breath.
“More contractions?”  Bucky groaned trying to get a look at the pipe.
“And they are getting stronger,”  You nodded, breathing through it.  “You have to tell me something,”  You said as you grabbed him again and the two of you started moving again.  It was slow travel as you tried to keep against walls and the two of you had to stop several times for you to catch your breath.
“It was an experiment,”  Bucky said reluctantly.  “Hydra had a subject that was unwilling to procreate.  He was one of their best subjects, one of the most successful.  So that baby is actually yours,”  Bucky said, kissing the side of your forehead gently as he gave you life-changing news.
“I don’t know if that is better or worse,”  You huffed during one of your breaks.
“Do you know if it’s a boy or a girl?”  Bucky asked, letting himself touch your belly gently.
“No, the tech couldn’t get a good look.  The baby had their legs crossed I guess,”  Your whole body scrunched and you moaned low in your throat.
“Come on, we gotta go,”  Bucky said, looking around nervously.  You hadn’t gotten as far as you hoped and now you both knew they were most likely tracking you somehow.
“I can’t,”  You whimpered.  You wanted to throw up and you felt like you had a fever.  You knew Bucky was worse off than you were right now.  He was still bleeding, and here you were crying because your back hurt.
“Doll, did your water break?”  He asked, seeming to see you for the first time since the explosion.  “We gotta get help,” Bucky said.  He helped you onto the ground and you both sat there in the alley out of sight of anyone, you hoped.  He grabbed your cell phone from your pocket.
“Is that how they are tracking me?”  You panted, as you resisted the urge to pass out.
“Not likely,”  He said, dialing a number.  “Hey, it’s me.  I know I said I didn't need help.  But I lied.”
“Who’s baby is this?”  You asked him, clutching his metal arm and breathing through the pain.
“The Winter Soldier’s,”  He said grimacing, before turning his attention back to the person on the phone.  You sobbed into his shirt to try and muffle the sound.  “We’re in Italy Nat, send a quin.  And hurry, I don’t know how much longer she is going to last.”
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@waywardbaby @destielhoneybee @snffbeebee @deangirl7695 @spnbaby-67 @maddiepants @ladywinchester1967 @woodworthti666 @miraclesoflove @tumbler-tidbits @emilyshurley @akshi8278 @mannls @wendibird @bobasheebaby  @chelsea072498 @donnaintx @justsomedreaming @supernaturalenchanted @kalesrebellion @prettydeaneyes @emoryhemsworth  @dontshootmespence @its-a-spn-thing @vicmc624 @idreamofplaid @anaelsbrunette  @lovealways-j @kickingitwithkirk @wayward-mikaelson @electraphyng @mariekoukie6661  @katelynw93 @deandreamernp @thoughts-and-funnies @lyarr24  @charred-angelwings​  @pearlruth​ @and-claudia
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myinconnelly1 · 3 years
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Does this gif inspire Angsty Clint/Hawkeye/Ronin??
it finally does!
WC: 209
Getting the Team Back Together
“Have we got the team back together?” Captain Rogers asked looking around the room.
“Now we do,” Natasha said coming into the lab with a slightly worse for wear Clint Barton.
“Barton, it’s good to have you back,” Cap said nodding at him.
“Is it?” Rhodes asked unsure because of all the people the Ronin had killed. “Are you?”
“It’s good to be back,” Clint agreed after a moment.
“Good, you remember Banner and Thor, some of our newer faces,” Steve gestured to Scott Lang and you. “Scott gets small.”
“We met,” Clint said nodding at Scott.
“Hey Clint,” You said looking at the man who used to be Hawkeye. He had rescued you when you were in a dark place. Your powers had killed many and you didn’t know how to control it. Seeing you was like seeing a ghost. He never thought he’d see you again, and he had a kind of whiplash as you spoke his name.
“Fuck, Clint,” you had gasped when he’d make you cum.
“See you’ve met,” Steve nodded glad to be able to get to the point. Natasha didn’t miss the look between Clint and you, however, and put her arm on the back of Clint’s to steady him.
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@waywardbaby​ @destielhoneybee​ @snffbeebee​ @deangirl7695​ @spnbaby-67​ @maddiepants​ @ladywinchester1967​ @woodworthti666​ @miraclesoflove​ @tumbler-tidbits​​ @emilyshurley​​ @akshi8278​​ @mannls​​ @wendibird​​ @bobasheebaby​​​ @chelsea072498​​ @donnaintx​​ @justsomedreaming​​ @supernaturalenchanted​​ @kalesrebellion​​ @prettydeaneyes​​ @emoryhemsworth​ @dontshootmespence​ @its-a-spn-thing​ @vicmc624​ @idreamofplaid​​ @anaelsbrunette​​ @lovealways-j​​ @kickingitwithkirk​​ @wayward-mikaelson​ @electraphyng​ @mariekoukie6661​ @katelynw93​ @deandreamernp​ @thoughts-and-funnies @lyarr24 @charred-angelwings
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