#blackstar theather straless oc
choconanime · 2 years
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is it qu hours? well-
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choconanime · 2 years
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💓~Art trade with @arleccine ~💓
Decided to go with the idea of a theather date+ Kongou making her try different food!+ Banner size hope is up to your likings thank you so much for this chance it was really fun(❤´艸`❤)(´▽ʃ♡ƪ)
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choconanime · 2 years
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choconanime · 2 years
heyhey! I wanted to ask about your bsts OCs, especially Zinnia‐– what're their introductions, and relationships with other cast members?👁
I really really miss interactions n stuff in this fandom cause it's so little,and it makes me so so happy seeing your posts ♡♡♡
Aw thank you! Happy to hear that my silly lil posts make you happy it makes my day fr💕 and i totally get where your coming from,i miss interactions especially now that I'm very into bsts n there's so few of us so trust me when i say I'm as happy as you are too see your posts too 💕 it always a joy to interact with other's.
And omg I'm so glad you ask🥺(a lil to happy KSNSK) I'll try to give a simple ver and then the long one under read more just so it isn't to much( this game gives me the biggest amount of brainworks like oh my god)
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For introductions:
Zinnia: My main muse💕(who i def don't have bias for). An introverted kitchen staff, and childhood friend of Qu. Used to be much more quiet and enigmatic,now she's doing her best to be openly kind and even big sisterly. Has a penchant for getting into trouble, though mostly unwillingly. Also quite a tall lady,tall as Sin may i add n that's without heel's bcuz she sure loves wearing them (i made her so tall that I forget who's actually tall tall in this game like you know i have it bad when i call Ran/Mizu a midget n then see their actual height n go NVM THEIR TALL each time). Also is clear she has her issues as some days she's not doing so hot.
Closes to(I'll leave it simply to people she hang the most,I'll talk more in under "read more"): Mizuki and Qu but Kongou and her are quickly building a close friendship. Kiri,Io and Adami are people she often hang outside of starless
Role: Kitchen staff+ if she was part of the game she would just be the player emotional support LMAO
Kiri: The second one who invaded my brain a lot(despite originating from Blackstar i have more content for her in paradox live fandom since she's multi fandom of). An extremly loud and extrovert chuuni, talks with riddle and lies mix in, you never know when she's telling the truth. Seem to have history with Kei,Heath and even Saki but is clear saki doesn't remember her.
Closes: Heath,Io,Adami and Zinnia
Role: Comes to starless to hang like any other fan,avid fan of W and as a radio hostess she's uses it to be like go to starless @@@@+ if she was part of the game she will be that one npc that once in a while will pop up n always chatter with player n just confuse you(in a lighthearted way!!) before saying smt cryptically concerning n leaving.
Io: The one oc who's here to lighten up the mood out of the 4 of them LMAO. Care-free and laid-back as fuck to the point where here being high and her being well,not high is not that different LMAO. Despite popular believe she isn't a slacker quite frankly she works and care's a little to much she just knows when to slack n give herself some time off.
Role: That one npc that only appears if zinnia or Kiri are around LOL but if for whatever reason your in the sketchy side of town she always stumble across player to help them out.
Close: No one from canon(for now),she's close with each girl tho!!!
Adami: The one oc Born from one ship dynamic idea JSKSKSKS (criminal/spy x detective/cop lives rent free). The private detective who's in search for her lost family member. Because of her desperation she became good at what she does despite the dangers that it brings alongside it. The "strict" mom friend who can't seem to relax all that much.
Role: the private detective who here taking a break,she doesn't mean to put anyone unsettled she literaly has no time to change to casual.
Closes: Takami :))) but also kiri and Zinnia (she an Io bicker a lot so she's like "no we're not friends" Io: "You say that as you allow me to stay at your house while drunk for a week")
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With that you basically have the gizz of them🥺💕hehehe so thank you for asking if you want don't be afraid to reblog with your saki introduction snd relationship with other's is only fair hehe or even make a seperate post n tag me I'll reblog it😩💕( this is a free invite to any other oc haver too pls KSKSKSK)
Now for more details we'll down below, disclaimer: is a lot WHOOPS
OKAY WJSKS ZINNIA HAS A LOT SO I HAVE ILL JUST START RAMBLING BCUZ WHO KNOW WHEN ANOTHER OPPORTUNITY WILL COME😂👏 I'll keep it only zinnia bcuz the post is already so long I'm so sorry, almost a year in this fandom n i been holding this info in my brain,the flood gates are open but like most of the girl's despite the brief description Don't have a lot(except Kiri following close) SWEATS but most if not all my attention goes to Zinnia LOL. Also /grovel so sorry if some character are ooc still learning about them!(´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)i could proven wrong at any moment and thats thrilling NANS JK
On the side note:wanna make clear for those who are yumejoshi (self ship/ ships oc x Canon) idc if we share favs lmao quite frankly pls come at my door n bark about your favs i am very much desperate n very much would love to support you 💕🥺
Zinnia has the most "routes"(aka different au with different boys i like for funsies) but is obvious i have two main one's (Qu and Sin) although.... three wouldn't be far off as hes barking at my door(Ran pls sweetie don't u see i have my plate full STOP).
She actually works in starless before the new starless! So she's well acquaintance with a few if not most boy's so that's why I wanted to keep the relationship ship part under here bcuz sKSKSK girl has so many this is how much i think of her to the point i know what's her opinion on most of the cast and who's she's closes to LMAO.
Team k: She isn't close to anyone yet she's no stranger either,she rarely very...very rarely passes to check this team unless like they request smt from her but overall there isn't much.
Kei: not much to talk about here, nothin against him just she's a lil iffy with Kei bcuz similar to kokuyo she was a lil against the change he brought and unfortunately she doesn't hang around much outside those she's closes(she's so awkward with strangers jsjsjs)so she has a hard time reading him.
Sotetsu and Yoshino: they know her n she knows them,not close by any means but no strangers either however because of Zinnia appearance (she looks like she glaring at you+ she tower Yoshino easily) Yoshino does act a lil intimidated by her( not by a lot but is clear he's just trying not to upset her bcuz she snap once at someone else n he went YEP don't want that vs Sotetsu who's like idk man you literally talk about food n she'll give you an essay there's nothing unsettling about her).
Ginsei: since he was in W i think he's the only one "closes" ish to her, is like when you get along with a classmate very well,you could be friends if you guys decide to hang out more but you don't?well that's them especially since both are sensitive of their looks they can relate to that pain( Ginsei hates being call ikemen and Zinnia hates being call hot/sensual/mature)
Gui... bro idk she's neutral about him(funny she has a route with him), but thanks to seeing him hang with Ginsei she slowly gets a better read of him n finds him cute at times especially when he's asking about the menu n she's like "....he's like a clueless puppy...cute..."<- big sister instincts kicks in
Team W: the opposite of team k I HAVE TO MUCH TO TALK ABOUT SKSKSKS🤡🤡🤌 The designated aniki adjacent bcuz fuck it we ball with this decision,i decided W is her found family HONK
Kokuyo: The "i took one little shit why do i have now two now???". Thanks to Mizuki she got close to kokuyo back at old starless, they didn't interact unless kokuyo had to help in the kitchen and even then she would just give him the cold treatment or be kinda snappy at him (at least her tone) N he wouldn't bother her much anyway so he didn't care she did her job...that isn't till he saw Zinnia give food to Mizuki for free or when Mizuki stole money not just for him but for her too it's when he went from okay miss talk💀what the fuck going on here. Results Zinnia isn't so far from Mizuki situation (basically living in the streets) and just kinda became her big bro over time. She's very thankful of him so outside of starless it isn't odd to see her with kokuyo bcuz she invited him out for drinks.
Akira: "WDYM YOU HAVEN'T EVER ENTER A KARAOKE ZINNIA" "WELL NOT IN A WHILE" "ALRIGHT WERE GOING" "NO" another one that turned to be her big bro over time. I think Akira was the one who also made everyone realize the girl has her issues because when he accidentally flirt on her( he didn't knew her age n zinnia always appeared twice than her actual age doesn't help she didn't even like... mention anything or want anyone mentioning she's a child for reasons),she um...reacted really badly LMAO and after that he went to apologize ofc even invite her out to the arcane as an apology...it isn't till she said what's that??? That he went 🧍‍♀️"wdym...what's that..." Zinnia: "well,um...i know what it is but never exactly enter one" Akira:"EVER?" Zinnia:"EVER SJSJ" Akira: "ALRIGHT WE'RE CHANGING THAT LETS GO" n he just act as the fun big bro. While he don't flirt with her he's definitely a tease (aka. Treat her like a bby sis which makes Zinnia slightly irritated but she doesn't dislike it)
Sin: THE MAN THE MYTH THE LEGEND I HATE HIM She unfortunately has a route of him and very unfortunately this could easily become a 50 page essay about trust and time can lead to a very dedicated relationship and how much of a simp i am but we're not here for that,mister funny crown men spoke his first words at her and the woman was immediately confused but ironically that brought comfort? She's comfortable with people who are quirky or deliquents bcuz that's the environment she crew up with so she just kinda immediately went from "oh God he's a weirdo.....guess i can lower my guard a lil"->cue to zinny feeling comfy in asking sin questions,both didn't really talk that much (unsurprisingly) and still don't but you can see Zinnia has a lil crush on him now from how immediately she smiles when she sees him or how hard she tries to understand him n his interest, in return Sin how can I word it...like he's not in her business but he's definitely like "Your your own woman,i know this but if you ever need help I'll be here" type n i do HC he does enjoys when zinnia, route or not, comes to him for assistance,maybe it's nice for him to feel like he can be trusted so wholeheartedly even tho he has his worries if she should be trusting him and why?Zinnia has trust issues so... out of all people why she choose to trust me....
Takami:Not much since he's new but seeing how the other 3 member's we're close to her,he treated her kindly out of courtesy (like hey i see she's close to boss should make sure i get along too).
Taiga= Not much either since again he's new, she only has given him a smile n wave but compared to Takami she is... intensely interesting in what he's doing (Akira: Well that's new showing interest in stranger's?hehe?~ zinnia: ah! Well-not like that! We just haven't had a tech savvy person so I'm very curious of what's he's doing that's all...)
Team P: Back to i don't have a lot LMAO mainly bcuz i haven't read much of them 🥺💦 May skip them this time bcuz this post already so long but her overall impression of them ranges from "Quite a fine gentleman hello been a while since we talk Rindou-san", "He's the one who took in Qu i should be polite,hello Maica-san....."<-clearly anxious,Menou is similar to GINSEI where like they do get along but aren't close granted she's a lil iffy about him at times bcuz can see Menou being a lil to direct in asking sensitive questions which has made zinnia unsettled at time's,Yakou.... Actually wouldn't be surprised if she didn't even talk to him LMAO bcuz she only knows the new members bcuz she visits those she's pretty close if not she would be oblivious to some,tho when they do talk can see they just neutral with each other like yeah he's/she nice.
Sinju (she has a route with him,the token of p rights)is the one she n him would get along,even be friends but unfortunately she snap at him once on a really shitty day(she screamed at him to back off) n after that he's been very nervously "h-hi zinnia" n zinnia inside: GUILT IS KILLING ME but in the outside she tries to play it cool even tried to go out of her comfort to be a lil more open by asking him out to hang out(it was awkward).
Nekome:"Nekome-san....." "Zinny^^🌸""...You haven't change much ,welcome back" "Oh?~ your actually capable of speaking now? My i feel like i miss your big baby steps" "....nvm goodbye" (IDK MAN like she isn't distrusting of him bcuz he's already Mr sussy so i mean yeah i guess he's fine? She never knew how to feel about him so she always been neutral/keep on shielding herself from him).
Team B: FOUND FAMILY PART 2 +#!(#( no i don't have biases wdym JSJSJS is a team that started with her being iffy but they snatch her legs n went "anyways she's the big sister....for the most part"
Mizuki: Zinnia "lil brother",he's a lil shit on purpose to her( kicking her/calling her old woman/ stealing her lunch) and she's an overbearing big sister on purpose on him (aka treats him like a baby but like in the "I'm going use my talking "to a baby" voice on you"/ there's also the joke she purposely puts him between her tits n he hates it bcuz he's suffocating HSJS). But aside from trying to annoy each other it's clear how Zinnia personality comes out immediately, she's free to be loud,casual and even childish self at times with him like is really freeing! Another member she owns to a lot, actually considers him a family n to a point she calls him consistently brother, even when she mad at him and him at her they never really stay far away from each other. Truthfully when not being siblings tm she acts very big sisterly towards him+ the cheat code to get zinnia to trust u easily.
Lico(she has a route with him): They did not get along, did not help he immediately recognized her bcuz of his previous work which like...with the new people she's usually does her best to at least be polite with them but him?fuck every improvement she been making she's going back to being misses snappy pants @ him(def not bcuz I'm scared),so to they were at odds mhm,did not took kindly he was Flirty+shit talks a lil to much to her liking+he knows her like it was a combo that she just nope nope nope-> sees Mizuki being happy with them-> eats her goddamn feelings n starts tolerating him i guess...(author note: they became fashion buddies LMAO)
Heath(sorta have a route): "hello." "Hello... um You guy's did great" "oh...thanks" didn't spoke again after that initial introduction when B first came out but slowly as Zinnia keep hanging out with B( daily annoyance for Mizuki+ also have some fresh water guys water+ "also Kongou about work-") they just bonded as the quiet friends->suddenly Mizuki isn't the only one with big sister treatment @ you too fucker-> "I know your younger but nee-san-" "NEESAN????(cue to her ascending the skies above he trust me holy fuck guy's).
Ran(HAS A ROUTE N IS KILLING ME): off the bat they kick it off well, he's friendly and wild+ gets along with mizuki+ acts cute= literally the opposite of Lico ,this is a man gain her to warm up a little to quickly....or so it seemed lolol she doesn't trust him girl has her issues but we're skipping that just know it wasn't long before she doted on him as much as she doted Mizuki (only she was more genuine n less annoying) which kick it off to a good start,TBf she's really prefers people she can "feel familiar with" n him having a similar braincell to Mizuki just speed up making her warm up to him.
Kongou: "The one guy i show cute pics of my dog" NSNSKSKS Like all out of starless he's the only one who sees and interact with Zinnia the most like ofc before b even form she was already warm up to him and his kind and pacifist personality really makes her feel comfortable to be like "i think is okay...to take the leap and trust him already...i think"-> cut to her n him just chatting all the time on the kitchen like even Qu,her childhood friend is like impressive you made her talk this much n there's Kongou like man idk if that's impressive i just mention how we can make this cute cake n she's suddenly rambling about all the ingredients. They support each other and slowly(more like quickly) Kongou becomes someone Zinny would call family.
Like C is the main reason i made zinnia(b being the second) a lot of their themes like freedom n independence/self identity is smt i base zinnia would lack bcuz slowly learns that from them 💕also everyone has a route in this team bcuz bias privilege i guess JKASKSK
Mokuren: "Yeah i guess it's fine" she said to them once before in old starless when she was cranky pants n that made Moku go "what do you mean my dance moves are just fine-" cue to her n them just stuck in the practice room till zinnia give them her honest opinion-> Zinnia actually getting mesmerized by their dance move-> Obv boosted their ego more but the time they spend together they did took notice how much yearning zinnia looked at them with,like she wants to be free and dance too but she keeps saying no any time they ask to join so it slowly became a goal to try to make her dance and to keep sure that yearning always stays they invite her a lot to C practice room.
Qu: Childhood friend's with ups and down, It's clear something is up with them considering they seem to hold back from telling each other feelings. Despite that Qu is very caring toward Zinnia and Zinnia is always worried about him which he can't help but chuckle. Qu and Zinnia are often hanging out starless or coming togher when schedule coincide. Qu the one who help her restart her closet with clothes she wants to wear and be proud of wearing, her hype friend absolutely does not let her wallow in her apartment for to long line "girl were going outside oh,also hi doggy- actually being your dog." Main one helping her out in being more polite since she used to speak very informally and loud and that kinda keep people away from her thinking she's a deliquent (did not help her old fashion clothes looked like she was one).Not like he found that a fault though...but she wishes to change n move forward and he's here to help.
Kasumi: He is a token,a crumb of aniki adjacent( n i know he's canonly a big bro) because he does act like it at times when Zinnia clearly been seen in distress but aside from that another one that can make zinnia easily talk bcuz he does over her (not) biggest secret: she's a foodie. Like he can literally talk about sweets of any kind and she's bouncing out off him happily,it's refreshing to see how comfortable she is talking to someone else that isn't her closes friend's,it's like that one acquaintance your more than happy to hang but there isn't many opportunities.
Hari: Did not like him nope,Maica was lucky bcuz he had Qu to introduce him n she went "ah so i can safely warm up to him got it", Hari is absolutely 100% a new member with no one to back him up nor was he Taiga where like at least she can be like "is dat vidi games?", she did not trust him especially after realizing he's a rich boy,sure she greet him with a smile he's no Lico but it's clear she didn't want to be alone,would get easily distressed if she was and would leave so it quickly turned awkward when mokuren invited her, didn't help the other 3 member where close to her so Hari always attempting to win her over her trust.
Zakuro: "Oh another weirdo....Mhm don't like you use a nickname already on me tho...", Another one she just smile at but after introduction she sorta kinda kept her distance and they kinda keep it like that(especially since Zakuro was making rounds of being up to no good from the get go,like he knows what he wants the tea n the drama n he isn't afraid to get it LMAO to get in your noise n zinnia went: ah reminds me a lil of menou...NOPE) till recently they been warming up,it's been a real slow burn with these two but she doesn't get quiet around him like she did before so that's an improvement.
Unei: @ go eat
Haseyama: do not,under any circumstances leave her alone with him unless you want to see her get an ptds episode 🤡🤡🤌
Iwama: Oh she's straight up hugs him when he first came back to starless so safe bet to say she close to him.
Saki: "Do you need water? A hug? Wanna hang out? Your okay? Did you eat? I have a bow if you need to tie your hair-...oh your good you say okay ....sorry, haven't have many chances to meet another girl here even less be friends with them so i worry."<- avoiding saying that kitchen stuff obviously have said all the shenanigans that gone down with Saki n she is very much worried but she's awkward at times so how to address it....
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choconanime · 2 years
excuse me but. I need. Adami n Takami in Mr & Mrs Smith AU, please I'm begging. Just saw the movie n it's fits them so well I think♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
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you know i havent seen it N despite that bcuz i immeditly recognizing it n going YEAH UR RIGHT bcuz i just know is a v popular spy movie but reading the wiki im like u know what?????? this is the type of bs i would give them especially since adami tends to the "risk taker"/stubborn of the two so ofc they would bicker/have a fall out even
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choconanime · 2 years
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cute date time(bough a new outfit today n decided zinnia should wear it even if its not her style lmao)
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choconanime · 2 years
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Rare otp3 hours for bun day
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choconanime · 2 years
🤏🏻🥰 for Zinnia! – she wanted a close up just to make sure, they share a pair of freckles!👁💞
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she prolly notice when they were eating lunch together🥺👉👈
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choconanime · 2 years
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choconanime · 2 years
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Zinnia wardrobe so far
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choconanime · 2 years
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bonus the good boyo
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choconanime · 2 years
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He's holding my brain hostage stop this man
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choconanime · 2 years
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Omg Qu sweetie i don't draw u enough I'm sorry ily thank u for coming home SOBS
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choconanime · 2 years
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some edits with adami to her outfits (currently just her casual n default avaible)+ her ensemble stars au
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choconanime · 2 years
Also, another question! Since it'd have to be an animal, plant or mineral (or something along those lines), what would you name your OCs if they were to become cast members? 👀✨️
👀👀👀👀 wonderful question!!!
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zinnia actually already using what arguably would be her stage name,since is not her actual name n for the most part only uses it on starless+ only started using it once she joined starless. Quite a adamant to tell people her real name too. she wont admit it and i wont admit it either but she choose it bcuz the simp council decided her dear childhood friend once related her red eyes to zinnias n here we are fucking simping
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kiri...fucking kiri give me hell and back to choose her name bcuz i aggresively wanted her to be name after the foxglove tree n thxs to my friend(who help me out with like all this names uhuhu if she sees this,ily fam,loving malding over kanjis) we just decided she can be a lazy ass n just tied the first two letter of her bam you have kiri=paulownia tomentosa=foxglove but can see kiri wanting to shake things a lil and her alternate would be another simple one n the most straight foward one= kitsune LMAO but tbf shes already call herself that too in her chuuni talk so if you ask her to choose smt completly new she will pout n absolutely proceeds to ignore you
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io= fish(but like cant rmmbr if io specifically was the one ment fish or her full name but anyways) unlike kiri weres a lil more elaborate bcuz is the first two letter of her first n last name...io just lmao im to lazy just slap io in there (but her full first name means jewel fish which fits considering shes very sea/mermaid theme) but another alternative i feel like if she was lazying around,didnt want to use her actual nickname n actually got serious would be Rarimā /ラリマー = which is just,for my understanding, a rare gemstone call larimar!!!
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funny how the detective is the only one who doesnt go by nickname n she actually introduce herself as Adami LMAO she has a nickname base upon her name like io and kiri but she would consider it to casual+personal so if she choose a stage name she would actually put some thought to it(lmao once again my bestie help me out,actually she also help me with io LMAO @/galaxxies18 thxs again) 花崗岩/Kakougan= basically granite! and to add it up galaxxie realize the kanji= 崗 could be used to reference "policeman on patrol" so ya know thats fun immeditly picks that name LMAO
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