#n zinnia still need her old name too....
choconanime · 2 years
Also, another question! Since it'd have to be an animal, plant or mineral (or something along those lines), what would you name your OCs if they were to become cast members? 👀✨️
👀👀👀👀 wonderful question!!!
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zinnia actually already using what arguably would be her stage name,since is not her actual name n for the most part only uses it on starless+ only started using it once she joined starless. Quite a adamant to tell people her real name too. she wont admit it and i wont admit it either but she choose it bcuz the simp council decided her dear childhood friend once related her red eyes to zinnias n here we are fucking simping
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kiri...fucking kiri give me hell and back to choose her name bcuz i aggresively wanted her to be name after the foxglove tree n thxs to my friend(who help me out with like all this names uhuhu if she sees this,ily fam,loving malding over kanjis) we just decided she can be a lazy ass n just tied the first two letter of her bam you have kiri=paulownia tomentosa=foxglove but can see kiri wanting to shake things a lil and her alternate would be another simple one n the most straight foward one= kitsune LMAO but tbf shes already call herself that too in her chuuni talk so if you ask her to choose smt completly new she will pout n absolutely proceeds to ignore you
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io= fish(but like cant rmmbr if io specifically was the one ment fish or her full name but anyways) unlike kiri weres a lil more elaborate bcuz is the first two letter of her first n last name...io just lmao im to lazy just slap io in there (but her full first name means jewel fish which fits considering shes very sea/mermaid theme) but another alternative i feel like if she was lazying around,didnt want to use her actual nickname n actually got serious would be Rarimā /ラリマー = which is just,for my understanding, a rare gemstone call larimar!!!
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funny how the detective is the only one who doesnt go by nickname n she actually introduce herself as Adami LMAO she has a nickname base upon her name like io and kiri but she would consider it to casual+personal so if she choose a stage name she would actually put some thought to it(lmao once again my bestie help me out,actually she also help me with io LMAO @/galaxxies18 thxs again) 花崗岩/Kakougan= basically granite! and to add it up galaxxie realize the kanji= 崗 could be used to reference "policeman on patrol" so ya know thats fun immeditly picks that name LMAO
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ramspatula · 5 months
Zinnias | Lloyd Garmadon x reader
This is how our lives worked. We both had such different roles in this life. But I know we can make it work.
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I crept through the woods. Hiding behind every tree I needed too. I was tracking this rogue beast that was apparently harbouring a dragon egg. An object from a realm that wasn’t this one. Being the master of realms meant I had to keep everything in order and objects being in the wrong realm could mean the whole foundation of the different realms could be broken and ultimate destruction. Finally I had reached its nest. I loaded my bow and arrow and listened, apprehensively. Then I heard its footsteps cause some leaves and twigs to crunch and instantly moved to shoot at the beast only to gasp and immediately point my bow at the floor.
“Hey, peaches.”
The man in front of me grinned and shuffled the dragon egg into one hand to allow me to charge at him and wrap my arms around his neck. He spun me around in a princess twirl with one arm and kissed the side of my head as I squealed in glee. I looked up at him in shock.
“What are you doing here?! I thought you were-“
“Tracking some gang members- I was! But I finished early so I got pixal to send me your mission info and I thought I’d come join you for our anniversary.” He said and I gasped.
“Oh my god- first of all, deep voice -second, it’s been that long?” I asked and he nodded, arm wrapping around my waist as we headed out the woods. Leaving the peacefully sleeping (knocked out) beast at its nest.
“It’s been that long…” he said, deflated.
“I’m guessing no leads on Master Wu then.” I said and he nodded.
“Jay and Cole are going to investigate one but I can place all my bets on it being a lost cause.” He said and I leaned on him.
“Hmm… 5 years though. What an accomplishment!” I said and he smiled.
“I’m proud of us… from 17 to 22, well 18-23 for me. How have you stuck with me for so long?” He asked and I laughed.
“It’s not been easy.” I said and he looked at me offended.
“Oh really?” He asked and I laughed.
“Oh yeah.” I said and I moved in front of him and started walking backwards so I could still face him. “Especially when you told me that I was actually in a relationship with a 14 year old.” I said and his face dropped.
“No! No I was not 14! I’m not 19 either. Everything about me says 23- almost 24! The time- if that’s how we’re arguing it works then that would make the others 16 with how young they were turned.” Lloyd defended and I laughed.
“I know, I know. Although, you do sound like you’ve just gone through puberty.” I said and he smiled.
“Y/n, I’ve gone months at a time without speaking.” He explained and I shrugged. He used to be the only who could say my name without me glitching. Now anyone could say it but Peach has stuck for too long now.
“It’s okay, I dig it.” I said and he shook his head in amusement. “Say my name again.” I said and wrapped my arms around his neck and he shook his head and leaned his head against me. “Say it. C’mon.” I said and pretended to bite his nose which made him laugh.
“Y/n, my Peach, Peaches, the Apple of my Eye, my literal prophesied soulmate- your turn.” He said and I laughed.
“My voice isn’t any different?!” I questioned and he pretended to bite my nose this time.
“Just do it, cmon.” He said and I giggled.
“Lloyd, Pookie, love of my life, my literal prophesied soulmate.” I said and he hummed.
“I’m going to ignore the fact you used Pearl’s nickname for us.” Lloyd said and I groaned.
“Pearl! I miss my Pookie!” I said and he rolled his eyes.
“This is the only mission you’ve had without her in a whole year!” He argued and I pouted.
“Still.” I said and he shook his head before remembering the egg in his hand. He moved it towards me. I smiled in thanks.
“What you going to do with it?” Lloyd asked and I smiled.
“Send it home.” I opened a mini vortex into the realm its energy has came from but when I went to put the egg through it almost was destroyed and the vortex closed itself in rejection.
“What was what?” Lloyd asked and I looked at him, perplexed.
“It’s not supposed to go home. I think it’s meant to stay with me.” I said and he frowned before looking from the egg to me.
“I don’t think we can really have pets right now.” He said and I looked at him with big eyes.
“But imagine a baby dragon-“ I said and he deadpanned.
“I can imagine. I can also imagine when it turns into this.” He said and Pooch burst to life in front of us and immediately started nosing around the egg. He then nuzzled me the best he could with his giant snout and I held the lower side of his jaw and leant my head next to his eye. He was a gorgeous dragon. Big and full of glory and power. 4 legs and a wingspan of 340ft. He was giant and powerful but such a beautiful dragon. His scales were green and the shades of the colour varied on all parts of his body with Gold accents and highlights also on his body. His red eyes matched Lloyd’s when he wasn’t hiding them behind his normal green and I kissed next to the dragon’s eye.
“See he wants to keep it.” I said and Lloyd rolled his eyes and he pulled his mask on.
“Get on.” He said, fed up but with a playful tint in his voice and I smiled at him before putting the egg into the large satchel I had with me and pulling my mask and hood on. Mine and Lloyd’s gi’s were a little different. Pooch bent down to allow me to climb up his neck to the saddle and Lloyd followed soon after. I leaned against his back as he grabbed the reigns. “Seriously, we don’t need a massive dragon that cant just poof out of existence.” He said and I looked up at him.
“Please?” I said and he rolled his eyes.
🪺. *. ⋆
One, two, three…
One, two, three…
Four, five, six…
Seven, eight, nine…
Four, five, six…
Eight, nine…
Four, three, Ten!
“Wow!” I’d managed to shoot a target right in the middle of the head before it could even pounce at me. I smiled in relief at finally completing this stupid training sequence. Unlike Zane I didn’t have built in targeting system so I had to train mine. “I’ll never get how you do it, Peaches.” Pearl said and I laughed. Supporting me in my inability to hear my own name. Pearl had started going by Pearl instead of her name and it stuck. Cole called her Doll more than anything.
“It’s literally your bow, dickhead.” I said and she shrugged.
“You’re better with it. I just know the basics. Only Zane has ever got this far in the simulator with a bow before.” She said and I shrugged.
“One of us has to train.” I said and she gasped in outrage before nodding.
“True.” She said, immediately giving up her fight and I laughed.
“Heard from Cole yet?” I asked and she shook her head.
“Not since he said there was a massive snow storm they had to pass through- it’s like he knows exactly what to say to me to get me to freak out!” She said and I smiled, raising the bow and shooting at a random target that was launched in the air. It hit it. I was so proud of myself.
“Well, you’d get a vision of it if you knew he was about to die.” I said and she deadpanned.
“Thanks. Now I’m going to be questioning whether that’s a reoccurring nightmare or vision now.” She said and picked up a strawberry from the fruit platter that she had made and eating it.
“Please, the biggest threat to him is Jay’s blabber mouth. Those two will be lucky to come home together and not take separate ways home.” I said and put down the quiver of arrows and the bow and went to grab the katanas.
“Fair enough… what are you going to do with that egg?” She asked and I shrugged. The simulation began and I started slicing through different images as she watched.
“I don’t know… wait till it hatches-!” I said and quickly deflected a laser that was supposed to imitate a real laser shot.
“That was close- anyway! We’re not allowed a puppy because it’s too dangerous for it but a dragon can protect itself!” Pearl suggested and I smiled before blocking another shot and slicing through a target.
“Lloyd already said no but I’ve never been that great at following his orders.” I said and dodged another shot.
“True, true.” She said before pausing. “We’re technically not elemental masters and I’m not even technically a ninja. Well I am but I’m more the medic. I’ve perfected basic ninjitsu but I’d become a flump if I even tried that thing.” She said and the simulation ended giving me a score of 14/15. I nodded. Taking the 90% for now. My form on the last stretch slipped and I know that. “90%! You didn’t even get hit or slip!” Pearl said in outrage for me and I laughed. Panting.
“I got a little sloppy at the end…” I said and stole a piece of fruit from her platter. “You heard from Kai? Heard he was back in Ninjago last months whilst I was away?” I said and she nodded.
“Oh yeah. He’s got a new girlfriend. He’s actually had one for a while surprisingly. It was their 2 year anniversary a couple months ago.” Pearl revealed and my eyes widened.
“That long?!” I questioned and she nodded. “God, I must’ve stopped listening to him too early.” I said and Pearl laughed.
“I also spoke to Skylor! Happier than ever. Enjoying the quiet life. Good for her.” Pearl told me and I nodded in agreement.
“Must be nice.” I said and helped myself to more fruit.
“Girl I’m going to make you a sandwich in a minute-! When was the last time you ate?” She asked and I shrugged.
“A few days ago. I got used to going without food for a few days when I was doing all those tracking down wrong real objects missions.” I said and she nodded.
“I’m ordering takeout then because they never make me pay when I answer the temple door in my gi and mask.” She said and I rolled my eyes.
“Go ahead. Although don’t order me much- I don’t know how much my stomach can handle.” I said and she deadpanned before turning to the fridge.
“Zane’s frozen left overs then.” She said and I laughed.
“Sorry I ruined your binge.” I said and she stared at me.
“It’s okay, you’ll make it up to me when you can stomach things everyday again.” She said and I rolled my eyes.
“But those days you won’t want to do it. You’ll decide it’s ‘my body is a temple’ season.” I said and she looked at me like I was crazy.
“No! That’s Cole’s thing at the moment. Plus I’ve managed to keep the physique! No one can beat me at basic ninjitsu simulator all around.” She said and I laughed.
“What even is that?!” I laughed and Pixal cut in.
“That, title, is to commemorate the fact that Pearl is the only one to complete the standard ninjitsu simulations 40 times.” She sounded exasperated and I smiled.
“Wow, proud of you Pearl.” I said and she smiled.
“Thank you!” She said before putting the now plated frozen food in the microwave. “Anyway! Speaking of anniversaries-“
“That was 2 conversations ago-“
“-Speaking of anniversaries!” She cut me off and I just shook my head in amusement. “How was yours and Lloyd’s? 5 years.” She asked and I smiled.
🪺. *. ⋆
“-but that lead to another dead end. I stopped by to see my Dad and Pearl but Pearl, for once in her life, was actually on a mission-“ Lloyd ranted and I laughed.
“Without me?!” I gasped and he nodded.
“That’s what I thought!” He said and I smiled. “So I check the date and I see that our anniversary is in 2 days!… Sorry, I haven’t got you any flowers or anything- I was kinda focused on just getting here.” He said and I smiled before grabbing his hand.
“I don’t mind. Just you is enough.” I told him and he laughed.
“You sure I’m worth it?” He asked and I nodded without hesitation. “I don’t feel like it sometimes.”
“Of course you are. I wouldn’t put up with all this bullshit if my heart wasn’t full of you and only you.” I told him and he smiled.
“I’ve really missed you.” He admitted and I nodded.
“Missed you too.” I said before taking a deep breath. “This isn’t very happy conversation for an anniversary.” I smiled and he did too but it didn’t have any warm behind it. My face dropped. “What? What is it?” I asked and he sighed and leant back onto his elbows. I was laying on my side and resting on my hand as we both were ontop of this cliff that overlooked the whole forest.
“I-I can’t stay for too long.” He admitted and I felt my eyes drift away.
“I guessed that.” I said and he sighed before pulling me up into a hug and I settled into his chest before he gave up and decided to just move me between his legs so he could have a better grip on me too. Lloyd way of showing love limited itself to touch and the way he looks at you. But I always knew when he needed more than other times.
“I just wish we could find Wu and end this search.” He said and I nodded.
“Me too.” I agreed and rubbed his hand that interlinked with his with my thumb and he nuzzled into my neck. He always said that I smiled nice.
“You smell really good.” There it was.
“I’ve been in forest for a month and showering in waterfalls- I can’t smell good at all.” I said and he chuckled before kissing my neck.
“You smell really good.” He repeated and I rolled my eyes before he buried his face again. “Really good.”
“This is addictive for you, you know this.” I said and he just licked my neck. I laughed before he started kissing my neck as well and I could help but laugh, it tickled. There was a scar along my collarbone from where he had accidentally bit me too hard once. We were deep in a moment like this one and he forgot he had little fangs gifted from his father. Said dangers grazed my skin and I shuddered.
“Somehow, I can’t help myself.” He said and continued until I shoved him off and moved my neck to rest on his shoulder so I was looking up at him. It took him two seconds to kiss me. With one hand still interlinked and I lifted the other to hold his lower jaw.
“Wow… we should do this again some time.” I told him and he laughed.
“Agreed… you’re going to keep that egg, aren’t you?”
“You know I am.” I said and I could feel him roll his eyes before he looked up at the night sky. “Do not start spurting your astrology bullshit at me-“
“That’s the bounty.” He said and I groaned to his amusement. He continued pointing at stars. “That’s the green ninja.”
“That’s just stars! I don’t see shit!” I yelled and he chuckled but continued.
“There you-! Oh! And a dragon!” He began laughing through his sentence as I tried kneeling up to cover his mouth yet he escaped all my attempts to before we were both sent tumbling down the cliff into a clearing. He was laughing his guts out as I breathlessly laughed and clung to him. “I think there’s a thorn in my ass!” He laughed and that caused me to burst out.
“I didn’t think we were that close to the edge!” I said and he nodded.
“Neither did I.” Lloyd said before sitting up. “So… you gonna take me back to your place? Show me where you’ve been staying whilst it’s taken you a month to track down this beast.”
“I wasn’t just tracking the beast! And I’ve been gone for longer than a month! Just everything to do with this forest has taken me a month!” I said in offence and he laughed.
“Oh sure.” He said and I made my way back up to the cliff and grabbed the satchel with egg in before carefully sliding down. “This is a great view.” He said as I climbed back up.
“Shut up.” I said and he just smiled, mischievously before grabbing me when I was almost down and pulling me off causing me to yelp. “The egg! Be careful!” I told him and he just smiled before taking my hand as I led him to my camp.
The camp consisted of a small crater in side of the flat cliff that you had to climb down some vine to get to. When Lloyd saw it he made the rocks shift and move to form stairs. I looked at him gratefully as I led him into the crater that I had covered the front of with vines. He immediately lit one of the candles and then looked at me to say something. Multiple various things were in the crater.
“This is where I’ve been for a month.” I said and he nodded before sitting on the make shift bed as I placed the egg in a pot above what normally is my fire. “A little help please.” I said and moved out the way when he sent a little green fireball to the bottom and it lit up. “I usually use it for cooking but it can house this for now.” I said and he nodded.
“When are you heading back to the monastery?” He asked and I shrugged.
“Soon I guess.” I said and he nodded. “I’m going to check in to that village at the bottom of the forest. See if they need anything and then I’ll go home…. Wow. Home.” I said and he chuckled.
“Been awhile, huh?” He said and I nodded.
“Doesn’t really feel like home anymore though.” I said and he just looked down. “I don’t like sleeping in an empty bed, Lloyd.” I told him and he sighed.
“I had a feelings that’s why you keep going on these stake out missions.” He said and it was my turn to look away.
“It’s… at least I know no one else is supposed to be sleeping next to me.” I said and he nodded.
“No I get it…” Lloyd paused before continuing. “I freaked out when I learned you were here.” He said and I frowned. “I came back to the temple for you and you weren’t there… I got scared.” He admitted and I paused before moving to sit on the makeshift bed with him. He let himself rest his head on my shoulder as I held him and rested my own head atop his.
“What did you do?” I asked, softly and he took a deep breath.
“I immediately got Pixal to send me your mission logs and access your last known locations.” He revealed and I smiled and shook my head at his antics. “From your logs I could figure out where the beast was heading and where the nest would be.” He said and I let out a breathless laugh.
“Oh my god.” I said and I felt him hold me tighter.
“I had this moment where I realised I didn’t know where you were and it really freaked me out because if I didn’t know where you were? How could I come find you if you don’t come back?” He asked and I kissed the top of his head.
“We’ll find him.” I said and he scoffed.
“How can you be so sure?” He asked and I smiled. “Not everyone comes back.” He added and I leaned off him to look at him.
“Because Ninja never quit.” I told him and he looked at me for a second before shaking his head in a startled laugh.
“Did you really just use that on me?” He asked and I shrugged. “Oh wow, you did.” He said before grabbing and pushing me down onto the bed as I laughed. He was on top of me as soon as my back was on the floor and I laughed as he held my hands down. “I can’t believe you.” He said and I laughed.
“Hey I like this position! You always manage to get me into it during training.” I said and he shook his head.
“This is a little different than training.” He said and kissed me. “How long again?” He asked and I smiled.
“Since we’ve seen each other? 5 months? Since we’ve done anything? 9.” I told him and he frowned.
“Well that’s just not good enough, is it?” He said and started kissing me. “How the hell have you held up?” Lloyd asked and I giggled and he nipped at my ear.
“I haven’t.” I told him and his face turned into a devilish expression before…
“Damn you, Peaches.”
🪺. *. ⋆
“Yeah I’d say it went pretty well since we haven’t seen each other in forever.” I told Pearl who nodded.
“How was yours and Cole’s? 3 years. Thats the changing point there. That’s when a relationship becomes for life in this world.” I said and she laughed.
“We missed it.” She admitted and I said nothing. “It’s okay though because we promised to do something when he comes back. He got Pixal to schedule an order of flowers and chocolates though.” She said and I smiled.
“Carnations?” I asked and she nodded.
“A singular pink carnation for everyday he’s been with me and loved me.” Pearl said and I deadpanned.
“You were watching friends with him again, weren’t you?” I asked and she nodded.
“Thankfully he’s not actually like Ross.” She said and I hummed.
“Joey, maybe.” I said and she placed the microwaved food in front of me and I smiled in thanks.
“Have you spoken to Garmadon yet?” Pearl asked and I shook my head.
“No I’m going to straight after this I just needed a moment to process that I’m home.” I said and she looked at me with understanding.
“Are you doing okay?” She asked and I shrugged.
“It is what it is.” I said and she smiled. “Is everything completely wrong and not normal? Yes. Can I do anything about it? No. So it’s just dealing with it, step by step.” I said and she nodded.
“I get it. I just wish I had more to do sometimes.” She said and I smiled.
“You will. Garmadon not got you training the monks? Since you’re so good at standard ninjutsu?” I asked and she rolled her eyes.
“Garmadon lets me get up late nowadays.” She said and I chuckled. “He’s actually not doing so well… I can see it in his eyes.” Pearl admitted and I looked up concerned.
“Misako still isn’t telling him anything, is she?” I asked and Pearl shook her head. “Her search for Wu is probably as successful as her search for a way to stop the ultimate battle… it wouldn’t be the first time she’s left her family.” I said and Pearl’s eyes widened.
“He cheered up a bit after Lloyd came and saw him… granted I didn’t know he had visited until after but- he has been better.” Pearl said and I smiled.
“That’s probably my cue to go see him, isn’t it?” I asked and she nodded.
“Yeah…” She said and I stood up and bushed the bowl towards her. “You barely ate anything.”
“Thank you.” I said and moved towards the doors that led to the rest of the monastery.
I walked through the halls steadily, with a heavy heart. Seeing how tall some of the young monks had grown in only a couple of months was tugging the strings on my heart. I successfully disrupted a meditation class by walking past the room and waving. When I finally got to the living quarters of the monastery, I knocked on the door of the ‘office’ area which consisted of two arm chairs and a desk with a few scrolls on and a coffee table with a tray of tea on.
“Come in.” I heard his voice and smiled. I pushed open the door and was greeted with a pleasantly surprised man. “Well if it isn’t my star pupil!”
“Miss me?” I asked and he nodded.
“Yes, come, sit.” He gestured over and I gave him a genuine smile as I got comfy on the arm chair and made a little dramatic out of it.
“This is so much better than the forest floor.” I said and he chuckled.
“Never forget where you began, nature’s child.” He said and I laughed.
“Yes, sensei.” I said and he smiled.
“So, tell me of your adventures.” He told me and I sat up and leant over the arm of the chair to talk to him.
“I spent 5 months sleeping on the ground.” I said and he smiled. “Pearl joined me on some of the things I was doing so I wasn’t alone for the whole time but I would’ve been on my own for the last 2 months if Lloyd hadn’t of visited me and helped me to get this dragon egg.” I said and Garmadon lit up at the mention of his son.
“Lloyd came and saw you?” He asked and I nodded.
“Yeah, we spent a few days together over our anniversary and last I heard he was heading towards Ninjago city.” I told Garmadon who nodded.
“Do go on.” He told me and I smiled.
“The dragon egg doesn’t want to go home so I think I’m going to keep it.” I said and Garmadon chuckled.
“Of course you are.” He said and I smiled at the similar response to his son.
“Have any of the others came back?” I asked and his expression dimmed.
“Kai and Zane were here not too long ago but other than that, no one has really been back. Lloyd was here a while ago but I assume that was before he came to see you.” Garmadon said and I nodded.
“He did say he had been.” I affirmed. “Heard anything from Misako.” I asked and he shook his head.
“No.” He sighed. “I’m afraid Misako won’t contact any of us unless she needs to. Whenever she goes on her own journeys, she does it completely alone.” Garmadon said and I nodded.
“Lloyd’s like that… it’s frustrating to be honest.” I admitted and he nodded.
“I am well aware.” He told me and I we shared an empathetic stare. Me and Garmadon were very similar in some parts of our character. I’d always taken better to him than I had Wu. I had met Lloyd not long after he turned older. We met at Mystake’s tea shop. Pearl had wanted to try all these different teas for her birthday and I bought a selection from Mystake as my present to her. I was nervous and didn’t know what I was even talking about. He had asked me what my favourite tea was and I said green with no hesitation even though I had never had it. He looked smug and said that was his favourite too. Before I knew it, I was on the dark island with him and it was where we had our first everything. Everything. I smiled at the memories.
“You know it’s not your fault.” I said to him, I was referring to Misako leaving and Lloyd being Lloyd.
“After being alone for so long, a man begins to wonder if the reason he is left behind is simply himself. I am not the man who wonders but I am the father who wishes he could’ve done more.” Garmadon told me and I took a deep breath.
“Being trapped in an underworld can prevent such things… like being involved in your child’s life. Or knowing he exists. Lloyd doesn’t blame you and his anger is not pointed towards you.” I reassured and Garmadon looked ahead, the desperation in eyes made me feel sick. “Lloyd’s angry at Misako. He struggles with the fact that she left him,… twice now. He cried after telling me he doesn’t understand how to accept her and how he feels so guilty because of it since almost everyone on the team is practically parentless or can only rarely see them.” I said and Garmadon and nodded.
“We’ve had a similar conversation.” He admitted and my eyes widened. “Lloyd’s emotion are that of a dragon. Unpredictable and fierce. The amount of control he has over them, especially for his age, in itself is impressive. The same could be said for you.” He told me and I frowned.
“My life hasn’t been nearly that complex.” I said and he looked to me.
“Even after the dragon has soared over and conquered the world, it doesn’t forget its time in its shell.” Garmadon told me and I frowned. “You need not explain yourself, nor comfort me.” Garmadon told me and looked at him unsurely. “Your mere presence in my son’s life brings me comfort. He trusts no one like he trusts you, my daughter.” He said and I smiled, genuinely. The nickname from my father in law had been established early on and I loved it.
“There’s nothing that means more to me than him.” I assured and Garmadon nodded.
“Then you are lucky that this sentiment is reciprocated.” I smiled and nodded in thanks.
Because it’s true, I love Lloyd Garmadon like no one else could. Because there is truly no other person I could ever be with. In this realm or any other.
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jojosbizarreblog · 4 years
Hi! I don't know if you're taking requests, but if you are, I was wondering if I could get a small scenario set during part 4, where the Reader was a crusader and Jotaro needs her to help to catch Kira. But the reader herself is done with stands and all that jazz so she flat out refuses (and of course she ends up getting convinced to help!). Sorry if this is too specific... I like to go into detail with my requests ❤️
(Don’t apologize! It actually helps me out a lot when it goes in depth like this, so thank you! Hope you like it!)
(P. S. Zinnia flowers have a purpose in the title, trust me)
(P. P. S. It’s long. It’s angsty. Buckle up)
Zinnia Blossoms in Full Bloom (Jotaro x reader)
You opened up a little shop to get away from your past. Unfortunately it comes back to you through the visit of an old friend.
Opening the little flower shop outside of Morioh was arguably one of the best things that you’ve done. It was good to leave the old things behind, leaving behind the oozing monsters that threatened to drag you down and envelop you whole. Of course, you still kept in contact with some of your remaining friends, but it was difficult with them all over the globe. 
‘Fire Cherry Flowers’ was the name of the little shop, in honor of the ones who have passed. It was your way of remembering their life while you tried to forget the pain that came with their memories. Business was slow when you first opened but eventually, the shop gained popularity, and now you had no trouble keeping yourself busy.
You were getting ready to close up shop for the day, cleaning up the fallen flowers on the ground behind the counter, when the bell to the shop rang behind you. “In a moment!” You called. Straightening up, you started turning to the person. “I’m about to close up for the day, but what do you nee—” You froze as your eyes made contact with familiar ocean blue ones. 
“(Y/n),” Jotaro said. He still looked as handsome as ever, decked out in a long white coat and matching pants, almost like what he wore ten years ago. You couldn’t help but remember all those nights spent with the others, long lost memories.
You swallowed thickly. “Jotaro. What brings you here?”
“I need your help.”
“How about we sit down for some tea,” you said. “I’m closing up the shop, so we can sit in the backroom and you can tell me what’s going on.” You two parted on good terms all those years ago. He left Morioh to pursue his dreams of becoming a marine biologist while you stayed near to apprentice under a skilled gardener, learning about the nuances of plants.
He nodded and hovered in a corner of the shop as you bustled around, locking doors and turning off lights. You beckoned him to your back room, where a little stove accompanied by a table and chairs occupied the area. Tea was made in a few short minutes and you sat down across from him, setting down two cups.
“What brings you here?” You asked him, nursing the warm cup between your hands.
Jotaro sighed and took a sip of his tea. “There have been murder cases popping up around Morioh lately.”
You nodded. “That’s right... I overheard it in the news. What has that got to do with you needing my help anyway?”
“We believe it’s the work of a Stand user.”
Frowning, you told him, “Jotaro, you can’t be serious. I told you guys that I’m done with all that Stand business.”
“I know. I’m working with a few others, but it’s better to have more seasoned people to help us with this.”
You slammed the cup down, face shadowed by your hair. “I can’t! Stands have caused me nothing but pain! I’m done with that Jotaro, that life is over for me.”
“Please,” Jotaro said. “I’m begging you, (y/n). I know it hurts, I feel it too. I spend nights remembering their deaths, it hurts so damn much.”
You paused as a lone tear trickled down his face. Jotaro never talked about his feelings and showed them even less. Even when they were close to bursting. He must’ve really been desperate. You sighed and blinked away your own tears. “Let me think about it,” you said, even though you knew what your answer was. Scribbling down your address, you handed it to him and said, “Come back tomorrow.”
Jotaro nodded and set the teacup down. You stood there alone in the backroom as he left. The chime of the bell was the only thing heard before the silence overtook your shop.
Well, time to get ready for tomorrow. Who knew what laid ahead.
The car rumbled as you stared out the windows at the familiar sights that passed you. Buildings that were still so similar despite the ten-year difference.
The old cream parlor. Whose maraschino cherries were something Noriaki often gushed about
That ramen shop that had great sushi. Something Avdol would’ve loved. Perhaps even Iggy too.
Next to you, Jotaro was focused on the road. You couldn’t help but scan his features over. Soft dark hair, a sharp jawline, striking aquamarine eyes. Perhaps Noriaki was right when he told you that you had a crush on Jotaro. You’d thought the feelings would have been gone by now, but absence makes the heart grow fonder, you supposed.
His phone rang, somewhere in his coat’s pocket, and Jotaro fumbled to take it out and answer it. “Dr. Kujo speaking,” he said. You watched as Jotaro shrank back from the multiple loud voices screeching over the speaker. “Yare yare daze, I leave you three alone for one moment, and trouble’s already found you. I’m only a few minutes away so try not to burn down my hotel room.”
Jotaro sighed as he hung up, stuffing the phone back into his pocket. You raise an inquisitive eyebrow at him. “People you working with?” You asked.
“You could say that. I’m more of a babysitter for them though.”
You shook your head. What the hell did you get dragged into now?
The car rolled to a stop in front of a hotel. “We’re here, let’s go.”
You grabbed your bag and followed Jotaro as he briskly walked through the lobby and up the stairs, questions in your head. What sort of people was Jotaro working with? Detectives? Criminal investigators?
Your expectations were quickly dashed when he opened the door to three teenagers. Two of them were sporting pompadours, though one had quite a sizable one. Both were screaming their heads off, trying to yank a jar off of the one with a smaller pompadour. The last one, who was comically short, was sitting in the hotel’s armchair, watching the chaos in front of him.
None of them heard you two enter, too stuck up in their troubles. They didn’t notice the dangerous aura Jotaro was giving off either. You looked at him and said, “Are you shitting me? Jotaro are these who you’re working with????”
The screaming stopped and all eyes zoned in on you. The previously screaming teens straightened up, hiding the jar behind their back. Jotaro gave a long-suffering sigh as he shut the door behind you two.
“Jotaro!” The one with the larger pompadour beamed. “Who’s this?”
“This is (y/n) (l/n). She’s a friend of mine and a former Crusader.”
You nodded at them. The shortest one stood up and walked to you, sticking out his hand. “My name is Koichi Hirose, nice to meet you.”
Taking his hand in yours you gave him a smile. “Nice to meet you too.”
The larger pompadour wearing teen pushed Koichi aside, grinning at you. “I’m Josuke Higashitaka, Jotaro’s uncle! That’s my friend Okuyasu Nijimura!”
You blanked. He looked seventeen at the oldest. How did he end up being Jotaro’s uncle? You squinted at him and then Jotaro, trying to pick out any similarities. “What the fuck happened when I was out?” You asked Jotaro.
“Joseph got busy,” was his reply.
Sighing you turned back to the teen and nodded. “Pleased to meet you, Josuke.”
Josuke brightened. “You said you were a former Crusader, right??? What was it like, traveling across Egypt???”
Oh god.
Nights under stars. Making fun of each other. Two limp objects and a canid body in Polnareff’s arms. A crumpled water tower.
You forced a smile to hide the inky blackness seeping through your heart. “It was hell and high heaven at the same time.”
Josuke frowned at the cryptic phrase but was stopped from asking any more questions when something shattered and Okuyasu screamed. You winced at the volume and wondered how Jotaro managed to work with them.
“Crazy Diamond!” Josuke yelled. A being appeared and you blanked.
His Stand...
Oh god oh god oh god.
You flinched as Jotaro’s hand came to rest upon your shoulder. He turned your attention away from whatever was happening with the teens. “Will you be alright?”
Swallowing thickly, you replied, “There’s... going to be some adjustments needed.”
He sighed a straightened up, walking to the now quieter teens and ushering them out the door. “Come back tomorrow,” he barked. “We’ll work on some more stuff next time.”
The door shut with a resounding slam, leaving peace and silence at last. You found yourself drawn to the balcony overlooking Morioh. Jotaro’s presence settled next to you and you two stared at the little town below.
“Josuke’s Stand...” you began tentatively.
From the corner of your vision, you could see Jotaro give a shart nod. “I know. I promise that it’s different from his.”
You nodded stiffly. “Alright.”
“Hey... do you want to go to that ice cream parlor we passed?”
Your heart clenched at the unexpected question. “The one that Noriaki swore up and down had the best maraschino cherries?”
There was the barest hint of a smile in Jotaro’s reply. “Yeah... we did promise to try it out when we got back. Never got around to it.”
“I’m in,” you agreed. “We do need to fulfill our promise after all.”
“Alright. We’ll head over there tomorrow, then we’ll get to work on the case.”
That was it for the conversation between you two as a breeze passed over the quiet bubble that had set in.
In that quiet, you couldn’t help but reminisce about those long gone.
[Zinnia is a symbol of endurance. It also symbolizes lasting friendships, goodness, and remembrance.]
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bills-pokedex · 3 years
Worldbuilding Month: Day 9
{I s2g somebody asked me whether or not Bill owns that lighthouse in this canon, but I can’t for the life of me find it. (I still have two asks for Worldbuilding Month, though, and as I continue to put off talking about the last two topics I actually walked into this month planning on talking about, I’mma probably going to answer those. :D)
Anyway, to respond to a question that Tumblr seems to have eaten, first off, yes. Bill calls the lighthouse the Sea Cottage because he thinks he’s hilarious when it comes to names, but its actual, full name is the Cerulean Cape Lighthouse. It’s been decommissioned for the past thirty-some years, though, since most sea routes have been diverted away from Cerulean Cape thanks to the Eastern Kanto Power Station—or, in other words, the Power Plant. You would think it’s actually because of Zapdos, but no, they just diverted it because you probably don’t want to have ships sailing too close to an active power plant, you know?
But the point is, it was decommissioned and actually abandoned until Bill came along and was like, “I have no idea who I have to shove money at to have this place, but I want this to be my home now.” And the town of Cerulean Cape—because there’s a town right there, between Cerulean City and Vermilion City—was like, “...okay.”
But that’s not quite as important as which canon does this blog even take place in?
(Oh, don’t worry. We’ll talk about Bill’s actual reputation with the locals at some point this month.)
The answer is ... all of them.
Or, well, most of them except Special and Pocket Monsters (the latter of which is the one where Red has a clefairy). I’ll get into why later, but first, let me explain how this works.
Gameverse Red is the same as Zenshou Red. He’s the one who fought Team Rocket at Saffron City, defeated the mysterious Viridian Gym Leader (and chased him out of the gym, basically—though he obviously doesn’t retire from a life of crime after this point), became champion, conceded championhood to Lance, and retreated to Mount Silver.
Ash Ketchum is the one who started out from Pallet Town and then ... did everything you probably are aware of thanks to the anime. (I ignore Electric Tales canon when it comes to Ash and Gary, though I adopt the hell out of it for every other character that appeared in it. Just ... just roll with it.) Ash and Gary are a year younger than Red and Blue, the latter of whom is Gary’s cousin. (Red has no relation to Ash.)
Consider all of the above to be Gen I. You’ll need this notation for later, so just keep it in mind.
That takes care of the first gen. Subsequent gens look like this:
- Most of the gens occur exactly as they do in canon, but wherever you have a choice between male or female avatars, it’s usually the female character who goes on to be the hero and champion. There’s really no reason for this, other than a joke I cracked with a reader of a sci-fi fic I write on the side, wherein someone noted the fact that Hilda and Rosa were champions, to which I responded with, “Yes, and Hilbert and Nate ran off to start a noodle cart together.” This turned out to be half-true. Hilbert and Nate ran off to start a noodle restaurant together. They’re gay, and Hilbert keeps inflicting terrible food ideas on the customers. But anyway.
- Another note: I realize in a previous post that I name each of the champions as ... not being the player characters. As in, according to the queer culture post, Steven, Diantha, Iris, and so on are still champion. The truth is that they’re actually ... not unless a character decided to hand the title back to them for one reason or another. That means that the best way to read the earlier post is by looking at it as, “This is a list I made with these characters as champion so I don’t have to immediately explain that these other characters are champion.”
- Gen II: This means that Lyra is indeed the Johtonian champion, with Ethan Gold (meaning, Ethan and Gold are the same person) not quite completing his journey. Crystal exists as well but quit her journey to become a researcher. It was Lyra who stopped Team Rocket’s attempt to take over Goldenrod City, although this plot didn’t have anything to do with finding and reaching out to Giovanni. Rather, it was just an attempt to use the Goldenrod Radio Tower to broadcast the frequency the Rockets had perfected at the Lake of Rage. (Lyra did not stop Team Rocket at Lake of Rage; that was Ash.)
- Incidentally, Giovanni never properly retired. He merely gave up the Viridian Gym after suspicions fell on him as to what he did on the side. To the majority of the public, he still maintains the facade of an upstanding businessman who cares about the people, and his cover story for giving up the gym was that he wished to focus more on his business pursuits. (This is why trying to prove that he’s a member of Team Rocket pisses Bill off just a little. Giovanni is just too good at covering his tracks.)
- Anyway, yeah, the branch of Team Rocket that tried to take over Goldenrod wasn’t trying to find Giovanni, as mentioned above, but rather establish a better foothold in Johto. They half-succeeded. Team Rocket still has a very strong presence in the region outside of Goldenrod, and the only reason why they don’t have Goldenrod is because that city’s already half run by the local yakuza and half run by criminal rings formed by Galarian immigrants, and neither of these groups have any interest in either joining Team Rocket or putting up with Rockets encroaching on their businesses. Lyra just defeated the executives at the Radio Tower, it was the locals who chased Team Rocket out of Goldenrod. With chains, knives, and guns, no less.
- Gen III: Emerald is the canon universe for Gen III, meaning both Groudon and Kyogre were awake at the same time. The western half of Hoenn was subsequently hit with a massive heatwave, while the eastern half was pounded with torrential rain. Lanette had been taken to Ever Grande for her safety early in the legendaries’ battle, and this is how she developed a phobia of intense storms.
- Sapphire Birch (daughter of Professor Birch) and Ruby Maple (son of the Petalburg Gym Leader) teamed up to summon Rayquaza and stop the battle, but it was Sapphire who caught Rayquaza and subsequently became both the hero and champion of Hoenn (by way of defeating Steven), until she conceded to Wallace. Ruby, who didn’t want the press, left Hoenn to continue his journey elsewhere. Sapphire is still a prominent trainer in Hoenn.
- The Delta Episode didn’t happen as it does in canon, but Zinnia exists in this world. She notes that it’s very different from both the one she came from and the one “the other her” was supposed to save. Deoxys was intercepted by the government and remains a pokémon known only to government officials and top-level Symposium researchers.
- Gen IV: Full disclosure: I never finished Platinum, so instead, I follow DP canon for the blog. No one knows what actually happened at the top of Mt. Coronet, including which legendary was awakened there. We do know that both Dawn and Lucas were present but not which one specifically saved the world. Both proceeded to become champions (Lucas defeated Cynthia, while Dawn defeated Lucas, then conceded the title back to Cynthia). Dawn then went back to Sandgem to resume her work as Professor Rowan’s assistant. Lucas went to the top of Mt. Coronet with an ancient artifact and hasn’t been seen since.
- Gen V: Hilbert was Hilda’s childhood friend and started alongside her but not with her (or Cheren or Bianca). They crossed paths numerous times until Hilbert decided training wasn’t for him and proceeded to retire. Hilda went on to become the Hero of Ideals and the champion of Unova, a title she almost immediately conceded to Iris (who she let defeat her so she could go off to find N).
- Gen V.5: Nate follows a similar story to Rosa: he was her childhood friend but not close enough to travel with her. Eventually, he met Hilbert, who talked him into becoming a business partner of sorts. Rosa, meanwhile, proceeded through the rest of the canon story, obtaining Reshiram from N and claiming the title of champion for herself. She’s still the champion of Unova ... and the only one who knows where N (and by extent, Hilda) are at any given time.
- Both Black City and White Forest exist. They’re right next to each other. Opelucid is a city with a mix of both old and modern architecture, and Drayden and Iris had shared the position of gym leader until Iris challenged Hilda for the title of champion. Iris never went back to the Opelucid gym after being defeated, but she is a prominent trainer who often supports actual champion Rosa. She’s filling in for Grimsley as the fourth member of the Elite Four while Grimsley’s off globe-trotting.
- Side point, but Alder exists and was defeated by Hilda. I just keep forgetting he exists because I never actually 100%’ed BW, lol.
- Gen VI: Serena and Calem are the same person. Or more accurately, Calem’s deadname is Serena, until he came out as trans shortly after the events of Gen VI. Something about what happened at Geosenge made him realize he needed to be truthful to himself because, you know. Life’s too short not to. Besides, becoming champion kinda gave him the power to be like, “Listen. If you don’t accept me, that’s fine, but just so you know, I have literally faced the gods of life and death, survived, and proceeded to wipe the floor with this region’s Elite Four and former champion.” Diantha, of course, is 100% in support of both Calem and the aforementioned statement.
- Just as an added cherry on top, which legendary did Team Flare try to awaken? And which one did Calem catch as a result? Yveltal. He eventually found Xerneas too, but I can’t go into that in case someone actually does want to read that giant sci-fi fic I’m writing on the side.
- But yeah, Lysandre is dead as hell. Sycamore is secretly devastated, which is why Calem set off to find Xerneas.
- Gen VII: Selene, a newcomer to the Alola region, is the one who did ... pretty much all of what went down in Gen VII, including eventually taming Solgaleo (“Nebby”). Lunala never surfaced, and USUM never happened.
- Lillie eventually found her way to Bill, who took her under his wing for about a year. After that, Lillie returned to Alola with copies of Bill’s notes and a thumb drive containing what they hoped would be a cure for Lusamine. Turns out, it was, and Lusamine has been well (and in therapy) since. So ... in case anyone’s wondering what happened to Lillie after the few brief times she was mentioned early on in this blog’s history.
- Elio, a boy from Iki Town, is blissfully unaware of all of this, but he was the second person to ascend to Alola’s Pokémon League and challenge their Elite Four. Acerola kicked his ass.
- By the way, Hala was an Elite Four member for all of a month before deciding he would much rather go back to Melemele Island and resume his duties as a kahuna. Molayne took his place (at Kukui’s request) and has remained ever since. The other admins are still baffled by how this man can be a hardcore gamer and Elite Four member and still have time to both do science and run the storage system ... except Bill, who is an unrepentant workaholic who doesn’t sleep, so therefore, his opinion doesn’t count.
- Gen VIII: Victor is just one of Hop’s friends. He's traveling mostly to keep up with what Hop’s doing and support his friend, but he doesn’t really go out of his way to adventure or get stronger.
- Gloria, on the other hand, is the hero of Galar and will absolutely kick your ass in a heartbeat. She doesn’t have a Scottish accent, but she does have Cumbrian one, given that Postwick is literally supposed to be Windermere. Anyway, she’s the chosen one for Zacian. (Hop gets Zamazenta.)
- Chase and Elaine do not exist, LGPE did not happen, and I don’t know what you’re talking about.
- All of the events that are actually stated as happening above occurred pretty much in rapid succession, within a few years of each other. Or to make this visual even clearer, the timeline is as follows:
Gen I (FRLG) happened at the same time as Gen III (Emerald). > Ash Ketchum left Pallet Town a year later. > Gen II (HGSS) and Gen IV (DP) happened two years later. > Gen V (W) happened three years later. > Gen V.5 (B2) and VI (Y) happened two years later. > Gen VII (Sun) happened three years later. > Gen VIII (Sword) happened three years later > the Crown Tundra sideplot of this blog happened one year later.
This means it’s been fifteen years since Red and Blue left Pallet Town and fourteen since Ash left.
That said, circling back to Bill and his team, I know the Pokémon anime states that the storage system is a transfer system and that it was invented by someone else, but because all of this went down in the infamous porygon episode, I can say that’s not true, and you probably wouldn’t have known otherwise if I didn’t just tell you. So Professor Akihabara doesn’t exist, and the digital storage system does.
But yes, Bill lives in a lighthouse he calls the Sea Cottage. He dyes his hair green and speaks with an accent that to our ears in the real world sounds awfully British, and in addition to being a tech researcher/engineer, he studies ancient pokémon behavior on the side. His backstory (hated school, used a trainer’s journey as an excuse to get out of going, had an ivysaur that evolved into a venusaur and inspired him to become a researcher) is lifted straight from Electric Tales, but a few side details are either taken from the games (details about his family, being the son of a fellow pokémaniac who annoys the piss out of him, etc) or How I Became a Pokémon Card (he once met a dratini that was the child of a giant dragonite, and furthermore, he gave dratini its official National Dex name). As for which pokémon he’s fused with, it was a clefairy (first, according to the games), followed by a rattata (Special), and finally a nidorino (Zenshou, also games).
That said, I also ignore a lot of Special canon, in part because I didn’t read much more than the stuff related to Bill and in part because I just ... don’t really care for Bill’s interpretation in that universe. Oh, sure, it’s funny to see him try to throw hands whenever possible, but I just kinda grew up with the chiller Bill from literally every other universe. That and I kinda want to provide Bill content that doesn’t just fall back onto the default interpretation for him, which always seems to be some variation of the Special interpretation. So while I still take elements from Special (his birthday is another one, for that matter), the vast majority of the canon I use is really from other sources.
Same thing can be said for the rest of the canon used here. The short version of all of this is that I rely on a mix of the anime and games for all facts offered here, coupled with my own twists on canon when it comes to characters and timeline of recent events in order to blend the two together.
It’s confusing, but just roll with it.}
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—The new RK900 has taken the place of his predecessor, partner to the unwilling Lieutenant Anderson, but he cannot replace what once was, can he?—
A/N: Loosely based off the song iRobot by Jon Bellion
Warnings: swearing, blood, kinda hella angsty
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I was a human // breathing and thinking // eating and drinking // philosophizing
You hold tightly to Connor’s hand as you nearly run down the sidewalk. He chuckles at your eagerness, a smile plastered on his face. He watches your hair dance in the breeze, the fading sunlight making you glow.
“There it is!” Your eyes light up at the sight of the ferris wheel. “C’mon!”
The blinking and swirling of neon lights dance along the skyline, but all he can see is your smile; the way your eyes shine with excitement hold him in a trance. He can’t help but share your joy. 
For a moment, something catches your attention. You reach into the crowd, your hand returning with a ring of flowers. You look to Connor. Miraculously, your smile widens as you step closer, placing the flowers on his head. 
“Perfect,” you murmur over the rumble of people. 
Connor smiles, pressing his lips to yours. The rush of the festival seems to slow as your hands wrap around his neck, holding him close. His fingertips brush your face and you smile into the kiss. You part, but his forehead rests on yours. His thumbs trace your cheekbones. 
“Perfect, indeed,” he says lowly. 
“C’mon.” Your cheeks turn warm under his fingers. “You haven’t even seen the best part.”
I was a human // before you killed me // and ripped my heart out // I knew what love was
“Connor!” Your throat is tight, choking his name to a hoarse cry. You cup his face, slowly bring his head up, forcing him to look at you. Tears rest on his lashes, threatening to fall and drown you both. “You gotta get up, Connor. You gotta-”
“Y/N,” he says weakly, his voice sounding as if it were played through an old speaker. “I’m sorry.”
You suck in a breath, shaking your head. “Connor, no-”
“I shouldn’t have done this to you.” His hand moves through your hair. You lean into the touch, his skin cold against your own. “I should’ve known how this was going to end.”
“Please don't go,” you beg “I need you.” 
The tear falls. Silently, he brings you close, wrapping his arms around you. His fingers dig into your back, but you don't care. You nestle your head in his neck.
“I love you,” he says into your shirt, “I always have.” 
You wind your fingers in his hair, unable to stop the ugly sob that escapes you. His body goes rigid. Jumping, you cup his face again, but his eyes remain closed. The only movement is the tear sliding down his cheek, the last of his deviancy falling away. 
Now when they ask me // I just reply slow // and sound like an iPhone // I do not know love // I am a robot
There’s thirium on it’s jacket. It’s LED swirls yellow before quickly flicking back to it’s usual blue. It’s the closest thing to disheveled you’ll ever see it. Hank snatches his gun back. 
Moving forward, you holster your own weapon, blue snow crunching under your shoes. The lieutenant steps next to you, a shuddering breath fogging in the winter air. 
“Model WR 395-177-528 has been decommissioned,” the android says flatly. 
“Died.” Your nose twitches, unable to look away from the blonde hair sprawled out in the snow. “She died.” 
If it needed to breathe, a dramatic sigh would pass the android’s lips. It shakes it’s head. “It is a machine, sergeant. It could not have died.”
“No,” you snap. You spin on your heel, taking three quick steps towards the android. You jab it, your finger digging into the glowing RK900. “You are a machine. She,” you point to the body behind you, “was alive.”
“That,” it says, nostrils flaring, “is impossible, ser-”
“Fuck, impossible!” You’re yelling now, but who gives a damn. “Twenty years ago, androids were thought to be impossible! Now look at us!”
Hank places a hand on your shoulder. “Kid-”
“No!” You glare at the android, seeing a cold metallic gray stare back at you. “You don’t feel jack shit. Hell! Do you even know why you’re hunting deviants?!”
“My programming-”
“Exactly,” you mutter. You step closer, standing nearly toe to toe with it. “You’re just a soldier following orders. You don't feel joy, or sadness, or love. You’re nothing.”
It stands a little straighter. “Of course I don’t know love,” he says darkly, “I am a machine.”
I used to know love // cause I had a fire // passion and desire // now all I require // are circuits and wires
It knocks once, twice, three times before the door is opened. Your hair is barely contained in a loose bun, the faded DPD sweatpants sitting low on your hips. Your already bitter facial expression sours at the sight of the android.
“Sergeant Y/L/N,” it says, tipping it’s head in greeting, “there’s been a report of a deviant on the southeast side of town.”
Your arms cross over your chest, a hip popping in annoyance. “And?” 
“We need to investigate it.” It looks perplexed by your response. Not like he knows what that feels like. “Lieutenant Anderson was too inebriated to accompany us.”
“No doubt,” you murmur, something sad tinting your voice. You straighten. “Gimme ten minutes.”
“Time is of the upmost importance, sergeant,” it says, stepping into your apartment. You shut the door behind it.
“Make it twenty,” you say, walking past it. 
“But sergeant-”
Flipping it off over your shoulder, it falls silent, listening as you slam a door. Somewhere in it’s system, a timer for twenty minutes begins, the seconds ticking by before it’s eyes. 
Looking around, it scans your apartment, taking note of the many books lining the shelves. It walks aimlessly around.
Photos of family and colleagues are mounted on the wall. Names pop up, but the android ignores them. A photo of you, Lieutenant Anderson, and the older man’s dog Sumo has it’s lips twitching.
You’re sitting on the floor, hugging Sumo as you smile widely at the camera. Hank sits on the couch behind you, one hand on the dogs head, the other on your shoulder. He’s wearing a smile that the android has never seen personally.
“To family,” it reads quietly, recognizing Hank’s messy scrawl on the bottom of the frame.
It’s biocomponents feel suddenly heavy in it’s chest. A run of his diagnostic program comes back with no abnormalities, but the tightness doesn’t leave. Only when it looks to a different photo does his system resume its normal function. Even then, the ghost of the strangeness follows closely. But ghosts aren’t real.
It’s eyes land on a square frame. Your fingerprints are clustered on the bottom right corner, as if you touch it ever time you pass. Pressed against the glass is a flower crown. Names of the flowers pop up - Baby’s Breath, Amaranthus, and Zinnia - all of which has wilted and died. Yet the color, now faded and bleached by sunlight, still tints the petals. 
“It’s beautiful isn't it?” It’s a whisper against the wind, admiration evident in your voice. “It’s like you can see all of Detroit from up here.” 
It’s untrue, but the way she says it makes me smile. “Yeah,” I say, pulling her against me in the small seat. “It is beautiful.”
She smiles up at me, her fingers winding with my own. I lean towards her, kissing her gently. Once I might’ve seen the chemical compounds, but now all I taste is the love resting on her lips. 
“Thank you,” she murmurs “for everything.” 
Pulling away, I watch a dozen different things flicker across her face. How did she manage to be so beautiful so high above the ground? Was it the lights from the ferris wheel making her glow in hues of blue and purple? 
She fixes the flowers placed on my hair. “I suppose you would like this back now.”
“Nah,” she hums. She sweeps away the few strands of hair from my forehead. “You need it more than I do.”
“Why’s that?” I lean into her touch, smiling at her antics. 
She laughs quietly and I wish to remember the sound forever. “Because all hail the king.”
“Hey!” You shout loudly, causing the android to jump. Your brows furrow, your tone a little softer. “You comin’?” 
“Yes,” it mutters. It clears it’s throat, or at least pretends to as he nods. “Yes of course.” 
You eye him suspiciously before leaving your apartment, the door slowly closing. The android drags its eyes back to the flower crown mounted in front of it. It can still feel your lips, the warmth of the air that night, the love. Something in it’s system freezes at the word.
Ghosts, he thinks, are definitely real. 
I am a robot // thoughtless and empty // don't know who sent me // don't know who made me // electric robot // everything's gray now
“You know what the fuck happened to Bolts over there?” Hank points his thumb over his shoulder towards the android sitting stiffly at your desk. “’S like his system froze or something.”You snort. “Think he needs an update?”“Hell if I know,” Hank grumbles, pouring another cup of coffee. “It’s annoying as fuck, I know that.” Your lips twitch but your attention has shifted to the RK900. More specifically, how it’s LED swirls a continuous yellow as it stares off into space. Pair that with the conflicted expression it’s wearing and you have to admit you’re concerned. 
“I’ll be right back,” you murmur to Hank. His lips press into a thin line, but he doesn’t say anything as you walk across the bullpen.
You move slow towards the android, as if it could suddenly turn and bite you. Sitting on the corner of your desk, one foot barley touches the ground while the other swings idly.
“You okay?”
It jumps at your voice. When did you sit down? Was something wrong with his sensors?
“I-“ What does he say? That he was fine, just trying to figure out what the hell was going on with him? Or does he give into his programming and lie? He considers it, but then there’s that weight in his chest again and he knows he couldn’t do that to you.
“I don’t know,” it says eventually.
Your brows knit together, but it’s not out of annoyance. Concern. That’s what that look in your eye is.
Your gaze falls to the coffee in your hands, as if you’ll find answers hidden in its depths.
He wants to say something. He can feel the words at the back of his throat, scrambling themselves on his tongue, and he wants nothing more than to spit them out. But his programming advises otherwise.
He sneaks a glance at you, suddenly aware of all the things he never knew before.
How you think of Hank as a father. All the things you love to do and see. The way your nose scrunches just slightly when you lie.
“I’m sorry,” it blurts.
Your eyes snap up. “What?”
There’s no bitterness in your voice, but the android still shuffles in it’s chair, unsure of where to look. Your attention doesn’t stray and he knows he has to speak now.
“I understand my presence causes you discomfort.” You retract slightly, lips parting for a tiny puff of air to escape. “But know that I didn’t ask to look like him.”
You want to leave, but something keeps you glued to the desk. You want to respond but you can’t. What could you say?
“Aside from minute changes,” it says softly, “CyberLife wanted a familiar interface.”
Your eyes meet and for the first time you see something in them. Something beyond programming.
“I know I cannot replace him,” he admits, “but-“
His words have jammed. His jaw twitches, hoping to clear way for his thoughts, but it’s not enough.
You lean forward, coffee long forgotten next to you as you reach to touch his shoulder. “But what?”
A desperation you’ve never heard weighs heavy on his words. “I don’t want to be hated anymore.”
Electric robot // everything’s gray now // numb to the pain now //
Snow sweeps through the worn and splintered walls, swirling at your feet in tiny storms of wind and ice. The metal of your gun clings to your palm. The distant rumble of the train sounds like frozen thunder.
A floorboard groans under your weight. Biting the inside of your lip, you glance down, silently daring another board to make a noise. Looking up, you watch a tattered bed sheet tremble in the doorway it’s pinned to. You take a shaky breath and move the faded green fabric aside.  
A figure crouches in the far corner, barley illuminated by the pale moonlight shining through the hole in the roof. You force your hands to stop their shaking.
“Hands up! DPD!”
It jumps to it’s feet, hands braced against the wall. It’s cornered and it knows it. Crossing one foot over the other, your gun remains aimed at its chest as you step closer.
“Hands up!” Your voice echoes in the old barn. Before another move can be made, a pair of hands reach from the darkness.
They’re connected to another android; a man with his right eye missing, leaving behind a faint red glow in the socket.
Twisting your arm harshly, you’re forced to drop your weapon, snarling through gritted teeth. His elbow meets your nose and your head whips back. You can taste blood.
He lifts his leg to kick you, but before he makes contact, you catch his ankle. He falls to the ground in a puff of snow. You’re too slow to stop the glass shard from being lodged in your thigh.
A scream tears itself from your throat as your knees buckle. Hands wrapping around your leg, you feel the blood soaking your jeans, staining the snow a bright red. With blurry vision, you watch the deviants duck out a back door. A wave of nausea washes over you as you pull the glass from the muscle. The RK900 arrives in time to watch you drop the shard, your hands shaking beyond control.
He drops to his knees before you, pressing down on your wound. He winces when you cry out. He’s acutely aware of your vitals flashing in front of him.
“It’s okay,” he says shakily, “you’re okay. You’re gonna be okay.”
Who was he convincing? You? Or himself? He couldn’t let you die. Not like this. Not now.
“I-“ you suck in a sharp breath “I’m sorry.”
He doesn’t have to listen closely to hear how much pain you’re in. Shaking his head, he presses down harder. He hates the feeling of your blood seeping between his fingers. Your fingers touch his cheek, and when his eyes snap to yours, he nearly breaks.
“You’re n-not a machine,” you croak. His thirium pump stutters in his chest. “You- you haven’t been f-for awhile now.”
You laugh, but it’s weak and strained, a dribble of your blood touching the corner of your mouth. When had you become so pale?
“But I was still an asshole to you.” Tears rest on your lashes, slipping down your cheeks uninvited. Your voice is airy, “And for that I’m sorry.”
He shakes his head again. “Y/N, don’t-“ Was he crying? “It’s not- you-“
“Finish what Connor started,” you murmur, fighting to keep your eyes open. “Sh-show them-“ your body slumps “Show them you’re alive.”
He can’t move. Not as he watches your heart stop. Not as Hank runs in, out of breath and panicked. Not as every line of code cracks beneath the grief. Not as he reads mission failed.
Inside was ocean // of soul and emotion // then you cut me open // now all that I know is
The crunch of snow has Hank turning, smiling as he does so. The android next to him realizes the older man is no longer listening, and turns as well. His lips pull into a wide smile as you walk towards them.
“You forget to invite me or something?” Your laugh is muffled by him bringing you into a hug, your face pressed into his shoulder. You relax in his arms, placing a hand on the back of his head. “I’m not that easy to get rid of.”
He chuckles against your scarf, finally letting you go. “I had every intention of seeing you afterwards.”
“Well there ain’t no time like the present,” you tease, earning an eye roll from Hank, the smile still plastered on his face. “It is kinda crazy though.”
“What is?” The man in front of you tilts his head, watching your eyes drift to the large crowd of deviants standing in the square.
You bring your gaze back to him. “I got to watch you help lead your people to freedom,” you murmur, “all from the comfort of my physical therapy sessions.”
The two men laugh, but your focus has shifted to Markus as he speaks. There’s passion in his voice; one that you can hear from the back of the crowd. He takes the hand of the girl next to him — North, if you remember right — holding them high above their heads. The crowd cheers and you feel it thrum through you.
“He would’ve like loved this,” you whisper, your voice barely audible over the people. Eyes still moving about the square, you miss the look Hank and the RK900 share.
Hank steps closer, placing a hand on your shoulder. “He does.”
Your brows furrow, finally tearing your gaze back to the men. Hank’s eyes shine as he smiles, looking down the empty road.
Following his line of sight, you realize it’s not empty. Someone is walking towards you. But there’s no way—
The snow clears and the air leaves your lungs. Tears spring to your eyes. Scrambling away from the two, you nearly lose your footing as you break into a run.
You jump into his arms, nearly knocking him over as you wrap him in a desperate hug. He buries his face in your neck, a tremor wracking his body.
“But-“ you pull away, hands running through his hair “But CyberLife- they said-“
He shakes his head. “They didn’t.” You cup his face and he presses his face into your palm; his own hands move to your wrists, a silent plea to keep them there. “They didn’t do anything. I’m okay. I-I thought they did something to you-“
“They took you away,” you cry brokenly. His shouldered slump, your foreheads touching. “That’s what they did to me.”
His tears fall onto your cheek. “I’m home now.”
His arms tighten around you, his lips moving to press a kiss in the crook of your neck.
There’s a snort, a muffled laugh, and then, “What am I? Chopped liver?”
You laugh weakly into Connor’s jacket. He lifts his head, looking up at Hank though his arms haven’t moved yet.
“I see how it is,” the older man says, feigning hurt. “You get yourself a pretty girl and I’m nothin’.”
You roll your eyes, a blush creeping into your cheeks. Connor slowly pulls away, his fingers brushing your arm as if he doesn’t want to part. Hank’s smile widens as he pulls Connor to him, clapping on him on the back.
“It’s good to have you back, son,” he murmurs.
With tears eyes, you step next to the man you once called a machine. “It was you, wasn’t it?” His eyes travel to your face, head tipping slightly left. You look at him. “You brought him back.”
His smile softens, the snow resting on his lashes making his eyes seem warm. “I told you,” he murmurs, “I could never replace him. I figured-“ he shrugs, looking to the crowd of deviants all dancing and cheering. “I figured I’d do one better.”
You wrap your arms around his neck, pulling his into a tight hug. His tenses before slowly hugging you back, resting his chin on your shoulder.
“Thank you,” you whisper.
He smiles over your shoulder. “All hail the king.”
I am alive
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lothrilzul · 6 years
Things about my Dovahkiins
A recent convo with @mrninjapineapple reminded me of this unfinished thing.
I started this questionnaire around March 28th, 2015 and it’s been sitting in my sta.sh unfinished for so long that I forgot who tagged me to do this.
Looking back, it’s quite a silly list of questions, and I originally wanted to scrap the whole thing, but I liked some of my answers, so here it is. You can compare the personalities of my different Dragonborns by their answers.
[I’m planning to make a more serious questionnaire for the characters involved in our collection of stories (The Age of Restoration). I’ll also plan to post some screenshots of them in a later post.]
Onto the questionnaire with 40 silly questions!
1. What is your name? Z: Zinnia(h Fire-Hearth) Y: Yrgrod Ragvirsson C: Casts-First-Asks-Second N: Nicholaus (the Goldsmith) S: Shurag gra-Burz
2. Do you know why you were named that? Z: No. [After a horse called Cinnia, because I thought it sounded unique.] Y: I was named after an old hero and I inherited my fathers family name too. [It was formed from parts of my name, "rág" & "Vir"] C: Yes, I named myself. [And it sounded cool!] N: No, I was too little to ask it by the time and later I was already used to it. [Because he was created on 6th of December, the day of Saint Nicholas (Mikulás in our country)] S: I don't really care about it, it's just a name... [it was formed from a part of my name, "s Virág" sounding "shwirag", with different spelling] 3. Are you single or taken? Z: Taken. Y: Taken. C: Single? I'm unique! N: Was taken. S: Single. 4. Have any abilities or powers? Z: I'm the Dragonborn and a werewolf and I have an ability called Ancestor's wrath Y: I'm the Dragonborn and a werewolf. C: I'm a Volkihar vampire N: Not that I know of, other than still being alive. S: I can go berserk answering such questions. 5. Stop being a Mary-Sue! Z: I do have a bunch of titles, but this one, I never heard of... Y: Isn't that a female name? C: Why should I? N: Silly... S: You mean Shu, right? 6. What's your eye color? Z: Pitch black. Y: Somewhere between blue and green. C: White with a red pupil. Originally my pupil was light blue. N: Green as an emerald. S: It's red. The other one's blind. 7. How about hair color? Z: It's almost black. Y: Some kind of blonde. C: Hair? Phew, filthy thing! I have beautiful horns! N: It was brownish, now it's grey. S: Brown. 8. Have you any family members? Z: A husband and adopted daughters. My parents are dead. Y: I have a wife and adopted kids. My sister and her son died during his birth. C: No, and I'm happy about it. N: I had. S: I adopted a daughter, but I haven't found true love yet. 9. Oh? How about pets? Z: I love horses and I have four: Arvak, Blaze, Frost and Shadowmere. My daughter's pet fox, Vix sometimes lets me cuddle her. Y: I'm a dog man. C: I don't know the Dead Thrall perk yet. Pity. N: I like animals, but I don't want to attach anyone again. S: I have a good horse. I don't need useless critters around me. 10. That's cool, I guess. Now tell me about something you don't like. Z: The Blades. Y: Unnecessary friction. C: Werewolves, Vigilants of Stendarr and the Silver Hand. N: Boots. S: Dragons. 11. Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do? Z: Reading. I have a library of around three hundred books. Y: I like to sing (though some say that I shouldn't) and listen to the bards. C: I tend to drink guard's blood in Riften. Broad daylight. N: I like to craft jewellery. S: Exploring the vast wilderness of Skyrim. 12. Have you ever hurt anyone in any way before? Z: Pretty much. Bandits, creatures, some people. But I only regret some of them. Y: Yes, and he deserved it. He was the reason why my sister died. C: Most possible ways, yes. N: I did, but I wish I shouldn't have. I'm not afraid to protect myself, though. S: I gladly smash in anyone's faces, who deserves it. 13. Ever... killed anyone before? Z: I did. Most time I followed orders, but sometimes for my own good. Y: To name the most important: the usurper Ulfric Stormcloak. C: With pleasure. Also, I need hearts and flesh for crafting. N: Same as Q12. S: It was me or them. No question. 14. What kind of animal are you? Z: I'm a werewolf. And the Dragonborn. Y: I'm a werewolf. C: I'm beastfolk, not animal. I should shed your blood for this question. N: I always considered myself a small and peaceful creature, therefore a squirrel, I guess? S: Orcs are no animals. Oh, you mean metaphorically? I'm a sabrecat. 15. Name your worst habits? Z: Hoarding stuff. Especially ingredients and books. Y: I tend to be hot headed and sometimes I regret things. C: In others eyes, killing for my own amusement is one. N: I tend to be melancholic. S: Smashing in faces. 16. Do you look up to anyone at all? Z: Talos. Y: Sometimes, but they mostly prove they were unworthy to it. Sad. C: No. N: Quite a number of people, yes. S: My mother, Shuzhra was the greatest personality ever. I miss her. 17. Are you gay, straight, or bisexual? Z: Straight. Y: Straight. C: I'm not picky. N: I always thought I was straight, but now I'm not that sure... S: Straight-in-your-face, what kind of unashamed question is this? 18. Do you go to school? Z: No, but I learn new tricks on a weekly basis! Y: No, I'm old enough. C: I never needed school to achieve my goals... N: No, but you are never too old to learn! S: I don't need that, unless it's about potions or fighting! 19. Ever wanna marry and have kids one day? Z: Already married, first child is on his way! Y: I already am, and that second... would be good. C: I don't think so. No kids. Never. N: I had a beautiful wife and daughter, but they both died long ago. Now I'm searching for my grandson! S: Maybe... maybe not. 20. Do you have fangirls/fanboys? Z: I don't know. Maybe. [She’s just modest, she has some.] Y: I... have? C: Of course. N: If I have, that's cool. S: I don't need such admiration. 21. What are you most afraid of? Z: That something happens with my family or with those who I care about. Y: Having to fight those who I called my friends once. C: The Sun. Hiss. N: Bonding. S: That I hurt someone who’s not deserving. 22. What do you usually wear? Z: Light armor crafted by myself and a hood. Y: Heavy armor without helmet, or a helmet which doesn't cover my face. I need my foes to know who bested them. C: Light armor with dark tones, hood, sabatoons, veil or scarf and a mask to hide my teeth. N: Plain clothing. I was dressed in burlap clothing with bare feet before the Sparrows made it cool. No, I'm not a religious fanatic. Does it mean I'm a hipster? S: Blades armor with a Greybeard cloak, to shorten the cooldown of my Shouts when I kill dragons. 23. What's one food that tempts you? Z: Most kind of sweets. Y: Milk. C: Hehe. Blood, my dear. N: Elves ear. My favourite spice. S: Dried venison. 24. Am I annoying you? Z: No, these questions are interesting. I love to explore myself by thinking about stuff I usually don't. Y: Not really. C: I don't know yet. N: No. S: A bit. But I manage it. 25. Well, it's still not over! Z: Good! Y: Alright. C: Go on! N: Alright. S: Oh. 26. What class are you? Low class, middle class, high class. Z: Started as middle class, now high class. Y: High class from born. C: Low class to high class in two years. N: Middle class. S: Orcs are orcs, not classy people. 27. How many friends do you have? Z: I don’t like to count, but many. Some are close, the most not much. Kharjo, J’zargo, Brelyna, Aela, Farkas, Lucan, Belethor, Urag, Lydia, Sasha (mod) and my Housecarls. Oh and Paarthurnax. [Non canonically she likes Aronansa and Jenna Sajpa] Y: Who can be sure about that anymore? The Companions, especially after purging our beast blood together. C: Anum-La, The Swamp Knight [from the interesting NPC mod] N: Some people here or there, but I don’t make want to make new friends, I’m too old. S: A few. Why? 28. What are your thoughts on pie? Z: Delicious! Y: I hope it’s a meat pie. C: Bleh. N: I don’t mind one coming my way sometimes. S: Uh, they’re food? 29. If you could meet anyone, living or dead, who would it be? Z: Talos! Or my father. Y: My beautiful sister Hroda. C: My enemies, so I can flay them! N: My grandson, Mercer. You heard about him? S: Right now? 30. Favourite drink? Z: Red wine and clean water. Y: Milk! C: Fresh blood. N: Mead. S: Magicka potions. They are good for thirst. 31. What's your favourite place? Z: Hm. Skyrim, as a whole, but I like Heljarchen because that where we live now. Y: Dragonsreach is nice. C: Lakeview, my place. N: Solstheim volcanic side. S: The Reach. 32. Are you interested in anyone? Z: My husband, Balimund! Y: My wife, Zinnia [copy of Zinnia as a mod] C: Not now. N: Don’t tell him but I fancy Tolfdir. S: Not right now. 33. How tall are you?
The game gives the height of the character compared to the average. Different races and sexes have different base values. (e.g. Nord males are 1,03, while Khajiit women are 0,95) I headcanonned the average to be 175 cm (5’74). If you think the average Skyrim player character has a different height value, it modifies my calculation (also, sorry, my brain works in centimeters ))
Z: 175 cm (1) Y: 187 cm (1,071=1,04*1,03) C: 175 cm (1) N: 175 cm (1) S: I'm tall enough, thanks! [It’s a bit sensitive topic for her. She’s 164 cm (0,94=0,9x1,045)] 34. Would you rather swim in a lake or in an ocean? Z: A lake. Salty water is not my type. Y: Both are fine. C: I’d rather not, but if I need; the Ocean. N: How about neither? S: Swimming in heavy armor is not good idea. A brook, maybe? 35. What's your type? Z: Bulky nords with beard! Y: My wife. C: Zero negative, but I can eat any blood type. N: Um, people like Tolfdir? S: Someone who’s brave! 36. Any fetishes? Z: Why would I tell you? Y: No. C: I might have some but it’s none of your business. N: None. S: No.
37. Seme or uke?
[I googled what these mean and not going to answer, because my dragonborns don’t know about such things.] 38. Camping or indoors? Z: Indoors. Y: Both. C: Outside. Hunting. N: Indoors. S: Camping? Adventuring! 39. Are you still wanting this quiz to end? Z: I could do other things, yes. Y: It’s indifferent to me. C: Yes. N: If there’s more question, ask. S: Kind of. 40. Well, it's over! Now tag five people to do this.
*Inaudible mumbling, noises of chairs scratching the floor, bootsteps as they leave to their realities.*
[I’m not tagging, I was tagged more two years ago!]
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sage-nebula · 7 years
oohhh, pokemon games or your personal pokeverse for the meme?
OOOOH, this is going to be really hard, since there are so many characters that I’m sure I’m going to forget some, but I will try! Also, these two things are kind of one in the same for me, because I adapt the games to my personal ‘verse as they come out. So like, for me, even if they’re technically not, the Red and Green we see in the Gen VII games would be, in my ‘verse, my versions of Red and Green. (And Leaf is also there, but she was drawn to the Aether Foundation because she was curious about Ultra Beasts . . . oh Leaf, what did you get yourself into?)
But hmmm, okay, let’s see---
Zinnia --- MY GIRL, MY LOVE, THE LEGEND, THE LOREKEEPER. BEST CHARACTER IN THE GAMES HANDS DOWN, 500/10, BEAUTIFUL, FANTASTIC, ASTOUNDING, A++++, WHY DOES NINTENDO KEEP TREATING HER LIKE DIRT, I’LL NEVER UNDERSTAND.Okay, now that that’s out of the way, I love Zinnia. Okay? I really love Zinnia a lot. She’s hands down easily my favorite character across the games, period, and I am beyond salty that Pokémon Generations denied her an episode. Like, honestly, my salt for this exceeds even my salt that they used Blair instead of Lea in the B2W2 shot, and that’s saying something. (Even if it just barely surpasses it. Just barely.) I love everything about Zinnia. I love that she has the best Trainer Class in all of the games (LOREKEEPER, how cool is that?!). I love that she comes from what is heavily implied to be an aboriginal race of people in the Hoenn region, that this is just a part of her character but does not define her (and that this is even lampshaded, with this exchange:STEVEN: “You’re the---!”ZINNIA: “The Draconid, yup. But you can just call me Zinnia.”This is after she has introduced herself, so Steven really has no excuse---and Zinnia calls him on it in a way that feels completely natural and flows with the script. Love it. I love her sass, and her snark. I love her determination. I love that she knows she has to sacrifice herself and she tries to look for another way, suggests that the others come up with another way, but when she sees that there isn’t she does what must be done anyway because she knows she has to. And I relate to her, too, in her grief over Aster; Shiloh died shortly after the ORAS games came out (they released in November of 2014, and Shiloh died in my arms on 9 January 2015), and so I was playing the Delta Episode right around that same time. Zinnia’s speech about the original Aster hit me hard, becuase that is exactly how I felt about Shiloh, right down to:“We were always together, in good times and in bad. I loved her . . . I loved her with everything I had, but . . . I still lost her.”Word for word, that’s how I felt about Shiloh. Her grief, her desire to do anything to see Aster again---I empathize, oh so deeply.I love Zinnia. I love everything about Zinnia. Fandom hates her, but of course they do, fandom always hates my faves. But I love her. I just wish Nintendo could show her the same amount of love. //salty4life
Leaf Tyler --- I am always, always, always going to have a soft spot for Leaf, the girl who I honest to goodness wish had been in the original Kanto games (and she was originally going to be, but it was either a time issue or a cartridge space issue or both that kept her out), the girl that I know eight-year-old me would have latched onto with a grip so tight you’d think she had rigor mortis on top of being frozen solid. I’ve of course fleshed her out far beyond anything Game Freak has done, but I love every bit of this girl that I’ve created.She’s whip-smart, she’s incredibly determined, she’s headstrong when it comes to what she wants and what she chases after. She doesn’t let the criticisms or condemnations of anyone get her down (and boy have there been a lot of those given her insistent belief in legendaries that the rest of Kanto---or at least her home town of Pallet---scoffs at). She’s incredibly passionate about what she loves and nothing, not even eldritch abominations or legendaries that can and will kill her, will frighten her away from her goal. She is a myth hunter who is determined to be a lorekeeper in her own right (even if not in the same way Zinnia is), and she chronicles everything she knows in extensive journals. Professor Oak probably suggests at one point that she try her hand at being a professor herself in an effort to get her to settle down, but nah. Nah. There are ruins to be spelunked, there are eldritch abominations to chase. She’s not stopping for anything.Professor Oak just sighs.
Whitlea “Lea” Fiona Fair --- How could I not mention my girl Lea? Lea, like Leaf, is rather headstrong and determined---but she’s always determined about all the wrong things (well, usually). This is a girl who sees life as a giant adventure and, if it isn’t, then she will make it one. She hates sitting still. She eats nachos for breakfast. She legitimately traded her Pokédex for a special Zelda edition DS Lite because she wanted to play Spirit Tracks, and she has forbidden Bianca from telling Cheren because Cheren will tell Professor Juniper and then Lea will get in trouble. She’s being followed around by a Victini she calls Thing because Thing imprinted on her, thinking she’s its mom, because she accidentally woke it up in Liberty Tower. She has dubbed N “Captain Unova” because he never understands any references. The only books she reads are comic books, she loves sports and games, won’t tolerate it at all if you fuck with her friends and, as of the latest chapter, is feeling seriously conflicted over this whole “pokémon liberation” dealio.Basically, Lea is a helluva lot of fun to write and, since I know all of Reversi even if I haven’t written it, I know all about her character development and think it’s great. I love Lea. I’ll always love Lea. And I still think she has the best design out of any of the female protags, hands down.
Mortimer “Morty” Matsuba --- I’m never going to ever stop loving Morty. Morty is a character I always loved due to his design, but I really fleshed out his character when writing liveblog drabbles of SoulSIlver back in the day, and I absolutely love him for being the deadpan snarker straight man to Eusine’s . . . Eusine. But even as he is a deadpan snarker who legitimately believes Eusine will get himself arrested one day, he still loves Eusine with all his heart and will always bail him out of whatever trouble (or prison) he gets himself into. (He would just rather Eusine not get himself into that trouble / prison in the first place.)
Eusine Minaki --- And of course I can’t mention Morty without mentioning Eusine. Again, I fleshed Eusine out a lot, and bouncing him off Morty was so easy, their banter came so naturally. So much of it was childish bickering despite the two of them being adults, but that’s what happens when you’re childhood best friends. As energetic and ridiculous as Eusine can be at times, however, he has a serious side to him as well that I like, and I took Lyra stealing his dream from him a lot more seriously than the game did. I like to think my version was better, even if it would definitely need a re-write now.
Gladion --- Gladion was a character I knew was going to be a fave from the moment I saw him, and while I still think that his development was rushed and poorly written in-game (and while my version of Gladion is far more temperamental, heh), I still adore him and his incredible theme music oh so much. The way Gladion reacted to the abuse Lusamine doled out on him is very similar to how I’ve reacted to the abuse I’ve gone through in my life, and so I find Gladion to be a pretty relatable character---including and especially when it comes to his scathing sarcasm, because damn. I can in fact be that way at times if someone aggravates me. There have been times when I’ve taken no hostages, I can freely admit that.
N Harmonia --- I love so much about N. He’s such a complex character, and perhaps one of the most complex characters Game Freak has written into their games---which is why it makes me sad that fandom tends to focus on only one or two of his traits and ignore all the rest. N is many things; he’s an older teenager / young adult who was abused and sheltered for pretty much his entire life, but he’s also an older teenager / young adult who was raised to believe that he is a King and a Chosen One and acts accordingly. N is one of those characters that is very difficult to write correctly, but I think he’s brilliant all the same. I love him. (And the fact that he is just as headstrong, blunt, and passionate as Lea makes them delightful to bounce off one another, let me tell you.)
Brendan James Anderson --- Brendan, son of Petalburg City’s Gym Leader Norman, is as surly and salty as they come, and I love him for it. He’s absolutely that moody teenager who is salty about anything and everything, and while some of his woes are understandable (e.g. he didn’t want to move to Hoenn, he’s salty at his dad for separating from his mom over work, et cetera), the truth is that he will complain endlessly about stupid things as well, and he damn well knows it. He likes writing poetry and reading, which is why he named his mudkip Moby Dick . . . aaand his mudkip appreciates this about as much as you would expect, so. Brendan complains about their vitriolic best buds relationship frequently (especially as Moby, once a swampert, routinely bucks him off mid-Surf and sends him careening into the ocean). I love writing Brendan because, personally, I find the fact that he is perhaps even saltier than the oceans that surround Hoenn to be hilarious. His complaining isn’t whining so much as it is just bitching, and sometimes you just need a salty af protagonist to get you through. (Also, it makes for a nice contrast with his cheerful neighbor, May Birch.)
Iris de Nadder --- A DRAGON PRINCESS, I love Iris, I love her so much, and I wish we got to see more of her in the original Black / White games, though I do love what we do get to see. I love how she protects Bianca after the incident in Castelia City, and though I definitely upped that scene in Reversi (wherein she flat out kicks the shit out of the Plasma grunts assaulting Bianca, mocks them for getting their asses kicked by a twelve-year-old girl, and sends them packing), I do still love what we see originally. I see Iris as being unwilling to take anyone’s shit, but also generally being upbeat and friendly, because honestly, a human’s life is too short to spend being prickly and unpleasant. Dragons? They live ages. But humans? Practically babies from birth to death in a dragon’s eyes. Iris only has a human lifespan, so she’s gonna live it to the fullest and encourage others to do the same. She’ll encourage others to be their best selves while being her best self, and I think that’s awesome.
Karen Noir --- Finally, the last spot will probably have to go to Karen of Johto’s Elite Four. Not only does she spout the truest words in any Pokémon game (that you should battle with the pokémon you like), but I love how I fleshed her out with regards to her relationships with Morty and Eusine. (Basically, she was Morty’s rival in childhood, but Eusine felt that Karen was stealing his BFF, so he and Karen actually have a rivalry in which Karen mostly just makes fun of him and Eusine gets angry, and meanwhile Morty just honestly doesn’t want to know what’s going on, he just wants the yelling to stop.) Plus, I mean, she’s a total badass and has a houndoom named Lilith that can and will fuck everyone up, so. I love her.
This is super long but I always have a lot of Pokémon feelings, so. It’s to be expected, I suppose!!
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Royally Matched by Emma Chase Excerpt Reveal
By Emma Chase
Release Date: Feb 21, 2017
Some men are born responsible, some men have responsibility thrust upon them. Henry Charles Albert Edgar Pembrook, Prince of Wessco, just got the motherlode of all responsibility dumped in his regal lap.
He’s not handling it well.
Hoping to force her grandson to rise to the occasion, Queen Lenora goes on a much-needed safari holiday—and when the Queen’s away, the Prince will play. After a chance meeting with an American television producer, Henry finally makes a decision all on his own:
Welcome to Matched: Royal Edition.
A reality TV dating game show featuring twenty of the world's most beautiful blue bloods gathered in the same castle. Only one will win the diamond tiara, only one will capture the handsome prince’s heart.
While Henry revels in the sexy, raunchy antics of the contestants as they fight, literally, for his affection, it’s the quiet, bespectacled girl in the corner—with the voice of an angel and a body that would tempt a saint—who catches his eye.
The more Henry gets to know Sarah Mirabelle Zinnia Von Titebottum, the more enamored he becomes of her simple beauty, her strength, her kind spirit…and her naughty sense of humor.
But Rome wasn’t built in a day—and irresponsible royals aren’t reformed overnight.
As he endeavors to right his wrongs, old words take on whole new meanings for the dashing Prince. Words like, Duty, Honor and most of all—Love.
Kindle | Amazon Paperback | iBooks | Nook | B&N Paperback | Kobo | BAM | IndieBound
“Are you a virgin?” I ask.
“Well . . . yes.”
“Then why are you complaining? You qualify.”
Sarah’s eyes flash with annoyance. “Because I’m more than my hymen, Henry! To base the value of an accomplished, intelligent woman on a flimsy piece of skin is degrading. How would you feel if your worth rested on your foreskin?”
I think it over. And then I grin. “I’d be all right with that, actually. I’ve heard it was an impressive foreskin—all the nurses were fawning over it. It’s probably being showcased in a museum right now.”
She stares at me for a beat, then she laughs out loud—a rich, throaty, sensual sound.
“You’re a terrible human being.”
“I know.” I shake my head at the calamity of it all.
“And you’re an even worse feminist.”
“Agreed. That’s something I need to work on. You’ll help me, won’t you? We should spend as much time together as possible—every minute of the day and night. I’m hoping you’ll rub off on me.”
Sarah pushes my shoulder. “You’re just hoping I’ll rub you off.”
Now it’s my turn to laugh. Because she’s not even a little bit wrong.
“But there’s never been anyone? Really?”
Sarah shrugs. “Penny and I were tutored at home when we were young . . . but in year ten, there was this one boy.”
I rub my hands together. “Here we go—tell me everything. I want all the sick, lurid details. Was he a footballer? Captain of the team, the most popular boy in school?”
“He was captain of the chess team.”
I cover my eyes with my hand.
“His name was Davey. He wore these adorable tweed jackets and bow ties, he had blond hair and was a bit pale because of the asthma. He had the same glasses as me and he had a different pair of argyle socks for every day of the year.”
“I am so disappointed in you right now.”
“He was nice,” she chides. “You leave my Davey alone.”
I shake my head. “So what happened to old Davey boy?”
“I was alone in the library one day and he came up and started to ask me to the spring social. And I was so excited and nervous I could barely breathe. And then before he could finish the question, I . . .”
I don’t realize I’m leaning toward her until she stops talking and I almost fall over.
“You . . . what?”
Sarah hides behind her hands.
“I threw up on him.”
And I try not to laugh. I swear I try . . . but I’m only human. So I end up laughing so hard the car shakes and I can’t speak for several minutes.
“Christ almighty.”
“And I’d had fish and chips for lunch.” Sarah’s laughing too. “It was awful.”
“Oh you poor thing.” I shake my head, still chuckling. “And poor Davey.”
“Yes.” She wipes under her eyes with her finger. “Poor Davey. He never came near me again after that.”
“Coward—he didn’t deserve you. I would’ve swam through a whole lake of puke to take a girl like you to the social.”
She smiles so brightly at me, her cheeks maroon and round like two shiny apples.
“I think that’s the nicest thing anyone’s ever said to me.”
I wiggle my eyebrows. “I’m all about the compliments.”
         Emma Chase is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of the hot and hilarious Tangled series and The Legal Briefs series. Emma lives in New Jersey with her husband, two children and two naughty (but really cute) dogs. She has a long-standing love/hate relationship with caffeine.
Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents
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choconanime · 2 years
Rambling about Adami lore don't mind me
lil tibits i have for bsts adami as i got inspired watching anime with friends
Adami while having lawyer parent's,their very much like "if u have a dream seek it without our help especially the field your own, prove to us your worth it n well start sending money if needed" is harsh but is more like she doesn't always depend on them.
Adami office is actually located in a caffe shop! a friend ended up helping her out as they had a spare room in their coffee shop
This prolly explains her addiction to coffee n cinnamon rolls she wakes up n immediately start of her day eating them.
Her group consist: Of two assistant and one other detective, so two girls n one boy. She's the main leader+ with the new addition that Kiri join in once in a while to help on certain cases
She wants to research more about the Blackstar but if i make her the Mc,Kei prolly forbid her hence one of her assistant actually being hired by Kei to keep track of her to her dismay,she hasn't given up on looking more about it so she says Blackstar stuff it's just in hiatus ~~but she looks for clues with Kiri in her off day's~~
Kei and Heath call her Saki to hide her name so calling her saki it's like wrong either.
There's certain things she learned from certain members that should be obvious to the public eye, like she prolly learned Kei name earlier n that's where the talk of "don't search for anyone info, please adami" talk came from n as much as she hates it,she's a woman of her word n has not search further for any other boys info to her dismay+ she however told Kei she dislike they however can look for info, if she realized one of them has info she hasn't share with them she will target them specifically n she hopes that isn't an issue as it's only fair
hence i can see as the boys start caring for her, especially sussy man, they start searching less for her bcuz they don't want to get her in trouble for searching for them as they believe she's quite capable of searching.
Kiri sometimes help in other cases unrelated to Blackstar bcuz of her connections
Unrelated but enstars admai most people she contact are too are girl's
her introduction would prolly be slightly different from bsts
Like instead of a woman chasing her it was due clues+ wanting to find more n realizing one of her old clients she helped , zinnia works exactly on the place a lot of her clues lead here this pass few months but it seems when she got there Kei already was already expecting her to her dismay n it continue off as normal story went
her awkwardness come from the idea of how game saki is grounded n kinda serious but can be kind.
N I'm like imma steal that n make it adami twist of her serioness is actually her awkwardness with people but when she warms up she pretty much becomes motherly
adami i once again change what she's looking for LMAO i feel like. A child is to much of a high stake(bcuz i was gonna make it be she had a child) n seeing how slow this story is I'm giving lore it won't fit,i feel like smt less high stake
N i got an idea that it rounds back to blank place, as i was thinking more about how it worked i actually give a number of girls working there: 10 girl's,Io and Zinnia being one of them, she was working there in the first place because a customer reported a missing person who led her to the blank but by the time she got there the fire happen+ realize that every girl was there except the one girl she looking for, instead of leaving the blank alone she decided to help not only to find more clues but the situation the girls were in was...horrid.
N she still been working on this missing case on the sides,not knowing why it draw a her so much it wasn't till she learned the that this organization, the black card, that smt in her click in her concidendly she also received a card when she realize oh this dude ,Kiri dad, worked under them which led to today event's
Adami is someone even when when she isn't a saki she can easily still have good reason to be there hanging out bcuz all clues keep leading her to this damn place n instead of Kei warning her perhaps is Kasumi,someone who cares for zinnia a lot, understand that it seems Adami is someone Zinny really cares about, feels indebted in warning her to please watch out n don't go poking on people information (later being reinforced by Sin if zinnia chooses that route).
Adami feels like she seen TAKAMI before
TAKAMI: i don't think you have however many people think they met me before so I'm not surprised
Adami: mhm i see **doesn't believe him,she took of that**
TAKAMI: if that's all, excuse me have a good day **he knows that she knows she took note of that n doesn't believe him**
but also
takami ~~or kasum~~ kissing her n instead of getting shy bro my braincell barks at the idea of her while flsutered just traces her fingers accros where they kiss her n looking very pleased n they kinda dont expect that so they get flustered too
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