#but yeah im that clown who name them after what they can be nickname after
choconanime · 2 years
Also, another question! Since it'd have to be an animal, plant or mineral (or something along those lines), what would you name your OCs if they were to become cast members? 👀✨️
👀👀👀👀 wonderful question!!!
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zinnia actually already using what arguably would be her stage name,since is not her actual name n for the most part only uses it on starless+ only started using it once she joined starless. Quite a adamant to tell people her real name too. she wont admit it and i wont admit it either but she choose it bcuz the simp council decided her dear childhood friend once related her red eyes to zinnias n here we are fucking simping
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kiri...fucking kiri give me hell and back to choose her name bcuz i aggresively wanted her to be name after the foxglove tree n thxs to my friend(who help me out with like all this names uhuhu if she sees this,ily fam,loving malding over kanjis) we just decided she can be a lazy ass n just tied the first two letter of her bam you have kiri=paulownia tomentosa=foxglove but can see kiri wanting to shake things a lil and her alternate would be another simple one n the most straight foward one= kitsune LMAO but tbf shes already call herself that too in her chuuni talk so if you ask her to choose smt completly new she will pout n absolutely proceeds to ignore you
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io= fish(but like cant rmmbr if io specifically was the one ment fish or her full name but anyways) unlike kiri weres a lil more elaborate bcuz is the first two letter of her first n last name...io just lmao im to lazy just slap io in there (but her full first name means jewel fish which fits considering shes very sea/mermaid theme) but another alternative i feel like if she was lazying around,didnt want to use her actual nickname n actually got serious would be Rarimā /ラリマー = which is just,for my understanding, a rare gemstone call larimar!!!
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funny how the detective is the only one who doesnt go by nickname n she actually introduce herself as Adami LMAO she has a nickname base upon her name like io and kiri but she would consider it to casual+personal so if she choose a stage name she would actually put some thought to it(lmao once again my bestie help me out,actually she also help me with io LMAO @/galaxxies18 thxs again) 花崗岩/Kakougan= basically granite! and to add it up galaxxie realize the kanji= 崗 could be used to reference "policeman on patrol" so ya know thats fun immeditly picks that name LMAO
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falloutjay · 3 years
Can you please do Mysterion falling in love with a Civilian reader?
I was done much faster than expected honestly!
And Im pretty happy with my outcome and I hope so are you. I love Mysterion/ Kenny and was super happy to see a request for him, so thank you for that! (ɔ◔︣‿◔︣)ɔ ❤
Mysterion x civillian!reader
“Stretch here….Ah….And a stretch there…Ha..” A deep voice mumbled. The tall and hooded figure enjoyed the newfound relieve and his eyes wandered once more over the streets below him.
Just an hour and Toolshed would take over.
Tonight, the hero known as Mysterion was bored out of his mind. Nothing really happened. No robberies. No drunk people causing problems. Not even a little bit of arguing.
He was happy of course, that nothing happened means that they did their job well. But a five-hour shift of just looking out and being on guard if anything happens can be annoying from time to time. Kenny, his civilian name, was just done for tonight.
He had this horrible headache, that came back ever so often after an especially violent fight with his arch nemesis Professor Chaos.
His body longed for a good long sleep and he was even a little hungry.
Oh, how he would kill for that half-eaten Bagel that was in the fridge at the hero hideout.
“Focus.” Mysterion reminded himself again and took a deep breath.
“Toolshed will be here soon, then we can sleep. We do this for Karen.” Just thinking about his little sister helped him regain control of his wandering thoughts and to get a better look at the city below him, he sat down at the edge of the building he was on and let his legs dangle in the air.
The streets looked so peaceful at… Blue eyes scanned the smartwatch display… 1 in the morning already.
Lazily, but still attentively those same blue eyes wandered from left to right and right to left, taking in everything that was going on, which wasn’t much. Just some people chatting her and there since he was close to the bars and clubs of the city.
Nothing of interest until a person caught his eye. They were young and seemingly alone, walking at a quick pace and looking somewhat out of place as they didn’t look like your typical party goer.
So naturally the hero was intrigued. He carefully got up and followed the young person that walked on the streets below.
Elegantly he jumped from rooftop to rooftop to keep up with the somewhat fast person he followed.
He didn’t do this because he was some kind of creep, but his gut feeling told him this was the right thing. Something seemed fishy and his gut had never disappointed him before.
And it really never disappointed him before, but he felt like an idiot after five more minutes of following. Maybe for once his gut was wrong? It looked like they arrived at their home and tried unlocking their door.
Mysterion let out a sigh, questioning if Toolshed had maybe already arrived? Just as he was about to turn around, he heard a commotion from below.
He peeked over the edge and the person he was following was now pressed against the door they had tried to open. Some tall man held them there and looked rather angry.
“I will never doubt you again.” Mysterion mumbled as he got ready to jump down. He landed as quiet as a cat and approached the two.
“Don’t lie to me Y/N. Why were you there?”
“Like I said, I just went and got my books back. Stop following me or I will call the police.”
“Don’t try to bullshit me, dipshit.”
“Leave them alone.” Mysterion now called out and stood firm just a few feet away.
“Wha-” The man mumbled, letting go of the other person. He now approached the hero and mustered him.
“What kind of clown are you?” He said and got all up in Mysterions face. The blonde could easily smell the alcohol in his breath as he asked the question.
“The only clown I see is you.” Mysterion growled, trying to look as intimidating as he could.
Which he did with ease.
The man scoffed, looking at the person he had followed one more time before leaving angrily.
Mysterion approached the still shocked person leaning on their door. “You alright?” Now Mysterions had the time to properly look at their face and he felt warm inside, despite the cold air.
“Yeah, I’m okay, thanks to you. Thank you for getting rid of him.” The blonde loved the sound of their voice. Wow, it sounded so brilliant and lovely in his ears.
“Who was that anyway?” Mysterion questioned as the person opened the door.
“My stupid jealous ex. It has been over for ages now, but he just keeps bugging me. I was picking up some book from my study buddy and he must have gone crazy.”
“Glad to hear he is an ex.” Mysterion said charmingly, a confident smile on his lips. “Yeah, me too.” The person kept standing there, not making a move to actually go inside just yet.
“May I know your name?” Mysterion asked. “It is Y/N. May I know my saviors name?” They asked, cocking their head and with a bright smile on their face.
“You’re one of those heroes who watches over the town right? Like in the comics?” The hero laughed. His smokey voice was like a bittersweet melody in Y/N ears.
“Pretty much yeah.”
“That’s so cool honestly. That I would get a hero’s help someday… How lucky I must be. Maybe we will see each other again, Mysterion?” “I sure hope so. Good night, Y/N.”
Mysterion said, turning around to climb up a drainpipe to get back on the roofs. “Good night, Mysterion!” Y/N called out before disappearing inside.
Up on the roof, the hero could finally let go of his super serious façade and immediately he bit his lip. Normally he had no trouble keeping his civilian persona and Mysterion separate but goddamn that Y/N?
They actually had him stumble over his thoughts for a second.
“Okay, lets meet up with Toolshed and then we are fine.” He said to himself and quickly went on his way.
 A gloved hand went through golden locks and a dreamy sigh escaped pale peach lips. The owner of said things almost jumped up in surprise when a hand slammed down on his desk.
That hand belonged to a fellow superhero, named Human Kite. The most serious hero they had in their organization.
“Okay, what’s going on? You’re getting sick? Got shot? You’re not focused at all Mystery.” “Stop with that nickname or I’m gotta start calling you Human.”
“Fine…Fine.” The Human Kite said and sat on Mysterions desk. “I’m fine though, thanks for asking. I just had had an interesting encounter.” The redhaired hero raised an eyebrow.
“The high and mighty, super serious Mysterion is actually smiling and lost in thought? Must have been someone special…”
“I think…” Mysterion started and looked around, biting his lip. “I think I met my Mary-Jane or Lois Lane.” With a smug expression Mysterion looked up to the redhead.
“Damn, really? Must have been a real beauty, because I only know you as this super serious dude who everyone fears when they first see you.”
Mysterion leaned back in his chair, laughing. “Trust me, they are. Pretty h/c-colored hair, stunning e/c eyes and a body to die for.” Human Kite almost fell of the desk laughing.
“They really got ya. Better hope they like you too and are willing to be your Mary-Jane.” Kite chuckled, got up and walked away.
“Ah, come on, instead of being jealous I found someone pretty, go suck Toolshed’s dick. We all know you want it!”
Kite gave him the middle finger before leaving the facility. “You know it’s the truth.”
Mysterion shrugged, a big smile plastered across his face. Mosquito, who overheard the conversation over from his desk eyed Mysterion as he out his feet up.
“So, any plan in mind now, bsss?” He asked and looked over.
“I actually do, my Mosquito friend.”
 Y/N was on their way home. It has been an exhausting day. Right now, they just wanted to get home, lay on the couch and sleep. While searching for their keys, they felt like they were being watched.
“Come on, not today…” They mumbled, sincerely hoping their ex would not bother them today. Y/N quickly opened their mailbox, snatched the letters, and went inside, feeling relieved as soon as they got to sit on the couch.
After a few minutes, which they used to decompress, they looked through the mail.
“Bill, advertisement, trash, bill…Huh?” A blank envelope was left and curiously, Y/N opened it.
Their e/c eyes scanned over the neatly written words and immediately their inside felt all fuzzy and warm.
 “Dear Y/N,
I am not a man of many words nor can I write good letters.
But I have to say, I can’t get you out of my mind. My colleagues are already bullying me for it, saying you’re my Lois Lane or Mary-Jane.
If you would like to see me again, come to the old building next to the Raisins tomorrow night. I’ll be there at midnight, waiting for you.
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hey hey! im sorry you’re not feeling the best right now but is it ok if i request shuichi and his s/o going on a carnival date maybe? OOH and maybe his s/o plays a ton of the games to win shuichi the prizes? aah thank you in advance! i hope your taking good care of yourself >.<
Me likey! I’ll gladly do this request!
Good news guys, I’m feeling much much better. Things are looking up and hopefully won’t go downhill for a very very long time. Thank you all so much!
Carnival date with Shuichi Saihara
Summary: the request, I did a fem!reader for this cause I’m a girl and felt like writing a bit more close to home if that’s ok, if you really want gender neutral then I can reupload it with changed pronouns
Triggers: none I think
Writing style and genre: fluffy oneshot!
Y/N= your name
N/N= nickname
F/C= favorite color
You know the drill, it’s under the cut!
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“Hey, Shu! You can come on in I’m just finishing up a bit!” You picked up your phone as you ran around your room, trying to gather the last few things you needed before going on your date with your boyfriend.
“Alright, Y/N. Is your door unlocked?”
“Yes but you also have a key, dork.”
“Right. Sorry. Be right in!” You hung up and chucked your phone onto you bed once more as you rushed around, hoping to be ready by the time he entered your room.
“Come on... come on.... where did I put-“
“Your bag in handing on your door.”
“WHAT THE- oh,” you breathed, covering your heart, “dang it Shuichi... you scared me!”
“I’m sorry, Y/N,” he laughed, grabbing you bag and walking over to you, “I didn’t mean to.”
“Well yeah I figured,” you smiled and took it from him, wrapping it around you, “how on earth do you manage to move around so quietly?”
“Dunno, I just do I guess. You ready to go? You look great, by the way.” He looked you up and down, admiring your pastel F/C dress and how it perfectly fit you.
“Aww, thanks! Give me just one second,” you ran to you bed and grabbed your phone, shoving it into your bag and slipping on your shoes, “ok! Let’s go!”
He nodded and led you out to his car, opening the passenger seat for you before getting into the drivers. Shuichi started the car and pulled into the road, heading to the local carnival that was in your city for a few weeks.
He wasn’t a fan of traveling carnivals, mainly because the rides seemed super sketchy. But you begged and begged to go with him, and he couldn’t say no to his girlfriend, so he caved bought you day pass tickets. He was excited, because he always loved dates with you, he just wasn’t too excited for the rides you no doubt would ask to go on with him.
As long as it didn’t go upside down, he’d be fine.
When you finally got to the carnival he gave the front desk the tickets, and you both got wristbands that said you could go on any ride as many times as you wanted, since that came with the tickets he bought.
“Shu, come on!! I wanna go ride rides first!!” You eagerly pulled him towards the first coaster you saw, as he expected you’d do. What he didn’t expect was that the first ride had two loops, one right after the other.
“Y-Y/N... I don’t like going upside down.... it makes me sick, remember?” He felt bad reminding you because of how excited you looked, but he knew he wouldn’t last on that ride and he didn’t want to ruin the date right off the bat.
“Oh, I’m not making you ride it, silly! I want you to try and get a picture of me upside down!!”
“Oh... I can do that, y-yeah!!” He took your bag (and your glasses if you wear them so they wouldn’t fall off on the ride) and watched you get into the line. When he saw your ride going around, he did his best to take the picture to get it upside down. It’s up to you to decide if it was good or not.
“Did you have fun?” He asked as you came back and handed you your bag(once again and glasses if you have them).
“Yeah! It’s a shame you get sick, I would have seriously enjoyed doing it with you! But the girl I had to sit with was super nice and we talked a lot in the line so it’s fine!”
You avoided rides that went upside down after that, really wanting to go with him on most of the ones you did. Shuichi was never a fan of roller coasters, but he was a fan of seeing your excited face every time the ride had a drop.
Eventually you both got tired from the rides, walking around and looking at the other festivities. While Shuichi was buying you both caramel apples, you noticed a claw machine.
It was an infamous game that stole your money, yes, but you had money on you and the prizes in there were so. Cute. Especially one, that really caught your eye.
A big detective pikachu plush.
One look at it and you knew you HAD to get it for your boyfriend. He was a detective in training, after all.
Since it wasn’t too far away from where Shuichi was getting you snacks, you decided it would be safe to go without telling him where. He’d see you after looking around for a second.
You got to the machine and pulled out your wallet. One use of the claw was 50 cents(I’m sorry if you don’t live in America you can translate how much 50 cents is in your currency), and you had $10. You went to a coin machine nearby and traded in your dollar bills for coins. You had 20 chances to get the pikachu, and you were determined.
As expected, the game was extremely hard and definitely probably rigged. But you had your mind set on that plushie and you wouldn’t stop until you got it.
While you didn’t get the pikachu right away, you got a LOT of other prizes. The line Shuichi was in was decently long, so it wasn’t a surprise that it took him a little bit to get back to you. Luckily for you, because you wanted to surprise him.
You got the pikachu on your 19th try, a sigh of relief washing over you. You were left with only 50 cents, a detective pikachu plush, a small rubber duck that was dressed like a clown, a small bag of bubblegum balls, a Paw Patrol lunch box that you were totally giving him as a joke, and a foam pair of dice you’d probably give to Kokichi. You shoved the smaller items into your bag, triumphantly carrying the decently sized pikachu to your boyfriend who had just finished buying your treats. He gave you a questioning look, jumping as you held it out to him.
“Um... N/N? Where’d you get that?”
“In the claw machine!”
“The claw machine? You actually got something out of it?”
“I got a lot of things, this is just the thing that I actually wanted!”
“You wanted a detective pikachu plush...?”
“Yes!! For you!” You dragged him to a bench to sit down, taking the apples from him and giving him the plush in return.
“Wait, you got this for me,” he paused, looking at you with a deadpan expression, “this is because I’m a detective, isn’t it.”
“.....maybe.... but I also got you these!!” You handed him the other prizes from your bag, making him blush.
“Y-Y/N! You didn’t have to-“
“I wanted to! This is also for you because I know you forget to eat at work sometimes.” You handed him the children’s lunch box with a childish grin on your face, making him frown.
“I hate you.”
“No, you love me.”
“....yeah, I do...”
He was slightly embarrassed, having to carry around a pikachu plush everywhere after that, but he did enjoy it. After he dropped you off back home and kissed you goodbye, he went to his own home and set up the plush on his bed.
Placing the rubber duck beside his computer, he popped one of the gums into his mouth and looked at the lunchbox one more time. It was ridiculous. An item for children. But you gave it to him. Albeit, as a joke, but you still gave it to him. And he treasured anything you gave him.
He picked up the duck and set the lunchbox in its place, now setting the duck on top of that. Maybe he’d keep the lunchbox around a bit. To remind him of the amazing date you both had had that night.
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I hope I did good, Anon! Luv u bb
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Thank you for coming to my TED Talk,
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Girl I Met On The Internet, 2/? (Crystal x Gigi) - Strawberry
a/n: aaaa i’m so glad everyone liked the first chapter! i think this story will end up staying focused on gigi and crystal for the most part, but there is some (one sided) jankie in this chapter if you’re into that! also: just in case no one got the reference, the nickname crystal gives gigi, ‘georgia rose’,comes from the 1d lyrics “Said her name was georgia rose, and her daddy was a dentist” from their song ‘best song ever’!
gigi: are u okay :( ily crystal
crystal: yeah i just got picked on by this cheerleader that doesnt like me
Technically, she wasn’t lying. Crystal didn’t think it was too bad, considering she really only ever saw Dahlia in history class, but she still made it her mission to make that 45 minutes rough for Crystal whenever possible. This time it was pushing all of Crystal’s belongings off of her desk while she was leaving.
gigi: fuck. im sorry. 
crystal: it’s fine dskjdshjgkjf i wish all cheerleaders could take notes from you and jan
gigi: yaaas me and jan invented being nice
gigi: but i was wondering if maybe you could teach me about one direction later tonight?
Crystal had tried to convince the group earlier in the week that One Direction was the best boy band ever, and had only managed to get Jan to agree. She was glad that Gigi had finally come to her senses.
crystal: finally changing your mind? amazayn!
gigi: i regret asking now. take that pun back to 2011!!!!
The rest of the day went as normal. The chat was pretty active, but eventually died down at the end of the school day. Everyone seemed to have plans; Jan was studying, Jaida was going out to hang with friends, Nicky was sleeping, and Heidi was starting a new challenge on the Sims. It appeared to be just her and Gigi, alone in the group chat. 
Crystal decided to message Gigi privately, not wanting the rest of the girls to see her go into full stan mode. If someone asked Crystal about her interests, she could go hours before thinking of stopping herself.
crystal: ok miss gigi are you ready for your 1d crash course?
Crystal told Gigi everything she wanted to know and even more. A history of how they got together, way too much information on each of the five boys, telling her the best songs on each album, and making sure that Gigi knew ‘Midnight Memories’ was their best album. 
gigi: but ur @ is dedicated to made in the am?? fraud!
crystal: mmcrystal sounds weird… like no thanks 
gigi: that was very interesting.. i’ll def listen to midnight memories in the morning <3
crystal: YAY! gigi 1d stan finally
gigi: no promises! :)
Crystal didn’t respond to that, not really knowing what to talk about now. Having a group of friends helped her be less awkward, but it definitely didn’t fix that problem completely. 
gigi: do u wanna play 21 questions or something?? to get to know eachother better???
Of course, Crystal jumped at the chance to get to know the other girl better. It started very innocently, asking about favorite colors and foods. Gigi quickly changed that.
gigi: uhh… have u ever kissed a girl?
crystal: sadly no.. my state is full of straight people
gigi: same.. ur turn
crystal: this feels awkward to ask but uhhh….
As soon as she hits send, she instantly regrets it. She backtracks what she had originally typed, desperately trying to come up with another question. Crystal was not able to think of anything else.
gigi: ????
“I guess I’ll have to do it,” Crystal says, talking to absolutely no one. She types it out again, looking away from her phone as she blindly tried to hit the send button, like it would help her situation be any less flustering for her.
crystal: how long have you and nicky been dating?
Would Gigi find it weird that she asked? Gigi was the one who brought up kissing girls, not Crystal, so it would be fine. Right?
gigi: nicky and i are not dating omg im single
gigi: she’s like my sister. plus i would never do long distance
Crystal was so embarrassed. She was relieved this conversation was taking place through a screen, so Gigi wouldn’t see her blushing face. 
She was pleased that she was wrong about the two girls, but Gigi’s answer was upsetting to her.
They asked a few more personal questions before Gigi started asking Crystal would you rather questions instead. Crystal’s favorite out of them was if she would rather get a mullet or dress like a clown every day for the rest of her high school career. The answer was both, obviously. 
They spent the rest of the night sending each other stupid questions, giggling to themselves. The later it got, the more Gigi would flirt with her. At least Crystal thought it was flirting.
gigi: it’s really late and i have a test tomorrow so im gonna go to sleep. goodnight, babe
Gigi always would say ‘goodnight, bitch’, and this made Crystal even more confused. The ongoing joke that lesbians had the hardest time telling if a girl is into them or not was one of Crystal’s favorites, but now she couldn’t help but wonder if that was exactly what was happening to her. There was obviously a connection between them, but it was unclear to Crystal if it was just platonic. 
It didn’t hit her until later that night, while she was trying to fall asleep, but Crystal wasn’t entirely sure where Gigi lived. She knew they were in the same time zone, but wasn’t sure what state she was in. It was totally possible that Gigi lived in Missouri, but Crystal highly doubted it. Though Gigi obviously trusted Crystal enough to want to play 21 questions with her, she was still very private, and Crystal wasn’t too sure if Gigi would tell her what state she was in. 
Crystal fell asleep thinking about her highly unrealistic perfect world, where Gigi lived in Missouri and where Crystal wasn’t just another Nicky. 
Crystal got onto Twitter right after waking up the next morning, ready to ask Gigi if she happened to live in Missouri, but quickly got distracted with a very interesting conversation going on in the group chat.
jan!: now i may not be gay but i’m in love with a woman… 2 words jackie
jaida: i- that’s only one word
jan!: fuck
heidi: the way i can’t tell if you’re joking or not
jan!: the way i don’t think i am joking
gigi: YAAS about time u admitted that u like her
crystal: hold on i thought jan was straight?? who’s jackie???
nicky: do you really think a straight person would hang out with us?
crystal: good point 
jan!: I AM STRAIGHT! i think? i don’t know i’m so confused. 
heidi: jackie is jan’s local @ crystal
gigi: jan be like: im straight.
gigi: but also jan is like: wow jackie is so pretty and she’s so funny and smart i’m going to fail geometry so she can tutor me but no homo!
heidi: the delusion janice has…
jaida: not to be serious but if you think you like jackie, you probably aren’t straight baby. everyone else hush and let her talk
nicky: ^^ yeah jan what happened
jan!: first of all i did not fail geometry i just said we should study together so we did!!! and have been for months! but last night i couldn’t focus at all bc she’s so pretty all i wanted to do was k*ss her out of nowhere
In a way, Crystal could definitely relate. Gigi wasn’t her local, she still didn’t know what the girl looked like, but she still kind of wanted to kiss her. She couldn’t focus on anything besides Gigi sometimes, not like she would ever admit it. 
All of the girls had sent many comforting messages addressed to Jan, saying that it was okay, and she has all the time she needs to figure out her feelings. Afterwards, everyone had gone back to being playful. Gigi also tried to convince her to make a move on Jackie, which Jan refused.
gigi: if u talk to her u guys can get married <3
crystal: gigi you’re so stupid i love it
jan!: omg did someone say stupid love??? stream! 
gigi: crystal back me up :(
crystal: i might’ve found out who jackie is only 10 minutes ago but i will cry if jan doesn’t talk to her right now
jan!: better start crying bc i dont think i can even look at her now
jaida: that’s not saying much at all. you cried the other day bc gigi sent a pic of her dog
Crystal knew she looked like an idiot, walking to her locker with her eyes glued to her phone and a dopey smile on her face but she couldn’t care less.
The day actually went well for Crystal. The highlight of her day was finding out that the story she wrote for her creative writing class had gotten the highest grade out of everyone in the class, earning her a piece of candy. 
crystal: just got candy and a 99% on my story for class… i truly have the mind of a mastermind
jaida: beauty and intelligence in one combined!
Navigating through the halls was much more difficult when your eyes are glued to your phone, but replying to a meme Jaida sent seemed much more appealing to Crystal than getting to her seventh period without worrying about bumping into someone.  And bumping into someone, she did.
“What the actual fuck, weirdo?” Dahlia yelped, looking extremely offended, “Get off of your sad, cracked phone and watch where your dumb ass is going.”
Crystal just stared at her, frozen in fear. Dahlia taunted her daily, but this was very different from how she usually acts towards her. It was quite terrifying. 
“I swear to God, if you ever look at me, let alone fucking touch me again-” She continued, but before she could finish her statement, she was interrupted by her friend, Georgina running over and pulling her away. 
Crystal didn’t think Georgina shared Dahlia's hatred for her, and Crystal didn’t hate Georgina either. Georgina actually seemed very sweet besides the fact that she had never bothered to step in on the rare occasion Dahlia happened to target Crystal outside of class.
“Can you please leave her alone? We don’t have time for this.” Georgina groaned, looking back at Crystal, flashing her a quick smile, before turning around to escort Dahlia to what Crystal assumed was cheerleading practice.
“But she bumped into me!” Dahlia whined, not used to being interrupted like this.
“Really? Wow, funny. I don’t care.”
Once they were out of sight, Crystal was alone again. She pulled out her phone and went to check if anyone had said anything else in the chat; just Jan freaking out, because Jackie had smiled at her in the hallway.
heidi: everyone say i if you think jan should stop being a baby and ask jackie out
jaida: i
crystal: i
jan!: WTF
jan!: friendship ended with heidi, jaida and crystal. now nicky and gigi are my best friends
jaida: they would say i too if they were online and you know that
jan!: i don’t need friends! they disappoint me!
Crystal decided to not use her phone while she was walking home, not wanting to have a repeat of the Dahlia situation. Her after school routine changed a lot in the past week, making a rule to not check Twitter before completing her homework. Her Twitter addiction was getting worse, but since it was also causing her to be more productive with doing her homework, she saw no issues with it. Once she had finished, she picked up her phone to see that Gigi had messaged her less than a minute ago.
gigi: hey clown :) im done w practice
gigi: u just have clown energy. i cant and wont explain 
crystal: honestly yeah i see it but can i at least be your clown wife or something
gigi: yeah <3 hey clown wife! i listened to most of midnight memories and it was really good! my fave song is u and i
If that’s not love, then what is? If that’s not friendship, then what is? Crystal had never been able to get anyone to listen to anything she recommended, ever. She was filled with glee, double tapping the message to heart it. It meant a lot to her.
crystal: YAYAYAYAYA im so glad but it looks so ugly when you spell it like that 
gigi: my fave song you and i* >:(
crystal: better 
gigi: if i have to stop spelling it as u to make you not divorce me i will
Crystal knew deep down it was just a joke, but it made her heart race. The feeling she got every time Gigi would flirt with her was very unfamiliar, but very nice. It didn’t help that Crystal thought ‘You and I’ was one of the most romantic songs One Direction had, she couldn’t help but make the fact Gigi liked it out of all of the other songs into something it was not.
This reminded her of her late night thoughts. She had completely forgotten to ask Gigi where she lived, but the idea didn’t seem the greatest now that she was fully awake. She was still curious though, so against her better judgement she asked, without a segway or anything.
crystal: i forgot to ask but what state do you live in? asking for science
gigi: oh i live in missouri
crystal: omg me too
gigi: i don’t wanna reveal where but this is amazing.. maybe we won’t have to break the distance at all <3
Pleased that she somehow got an answer, Crystal changed the conversation into a discussion of ‘Midnight Memories’, and if Gigi agreed with the opinions Crystal had shared the night before. She did, for the most part and before they knew it, it was time for Gigi to go sleep. Had they really talked all evening? 
gigi: i have to get up early so i need to go to sleep but im really glad jan added u to the gc
crystal: and im happy you asked me about one direction!
gigi: me too. ur cute when ur passionate. i hope we can continue to grow closer
crystal: i’d like that.
gigi: goodnight, my clown :)
crystal: goodnight, georgia rose
gigi: U DID NOT
gigi: my full name isnt even georgia and dad isnt even a dentist but i’ll allow it bc i know u think u invented comedy
gigi: ok gn now <33 luv u
crystal: gn!!! sleep well
Crystal wanted them to stay like this forever.
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euaxel · 3 years
heyyy, eonia. i’m reid, i’m twenty-three, still can’t read, and all i know about pjo is that it fucking rocks and the protag has the same learning disabilities that i do! also, i picked hypnos for this punk mainly to be mean to him and because in the hades game hypnos bullies me every time i die and i’m kiiiinda into it. hmu on discord one on one for the best plotting experience, but i’ll be around plenty to bug y’all in the gc too. you can read about bastard boy number one right here and under the cut we’ll get down to business. 
⟨ ELLIOT FLETCHER. TRANS MALE. HE/HIM. ⟩ though the mist might prevent some from seeing it, AXEL EVERETT is actually a descendent of H Y P N O S. it’s still a question of whether or not the TWENTY-TWO year old VIDEO GAME DEVELOPMENT & COMBAT TACTICS MAJOR from BROOKLYN, USA has taken after their godly parent completely, but the demigod is still known to be quite WITTY & SELF-DEPRICATING.
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be advised, axel’s a pretty heavy character.  i’m gonna keep it brief for the bio & need-to-knows, tag around the parts with bold applicable triggers so you can skip around as needed, and tag this post accordingly, but just let me know if i miss anything and i’ll fix it & be safe reading. godspeed and i apologize in advance for bringing you all my personal punching bag as my first muse. 
the main triggers that are gonna come up are: parental abuse, alcoholism * major, mentions of bullying, drowning * major, religious trauma, and drug abuse with some harder drugs ( particularly, weed, pills and cocaine / nothing with needles. )
general stats. 
— full name ,  axel harley everett.  — nicknames/alias ,  axe, ax, wolverine jr, tyler durden jr, trouble, Who? - every professor he’s ever had. — house,  hypnos and mad about it.  — age, 22, as of today. also mad about it.  — gender,  trans male.    — pronouns,  he/him.  — sexual orientation, bisexual with a somewhat heavy masc lean.  — d.o.b, january 1st, 1999. ( generally unknown to anyone but maybe siblings, he will probably lie and say Nobody Knows... I Just Am unless he really fucks with you. ) — hometown,
— height,  5′0ft even. furious about it. — eyes,  brown. — hair, brown.  — face claim, elliot fletcher.
— zodiac,  capricorn. — alignment,  chaotic good. — character inspo,  lip gallagher, steve rogers ( young ), ellie from tlou1, logan howlett, stiles stilinski ( if anyone says shit i will scream ), probably someone from euphoria but i’m too scared to watch that, peter parker ( andrew garfield ), shinsou hitoshi, finn mertens, marceline the vampire queen, dipper pines, this is all over the place but it’s there.  — most played spotify songs, passion for publication by anarbor, sober haha jk unless by hospital bracelet, nobody by mitski, class of 2013 by mitski, king princess’ cover of monster from adventure time, way too much phoebe bridgers, in love or whatever by future teens, and the entire front bottoms discography but especially in sickness & in flames with the hard way & bus beat well at the top of his loop.  — aesthetics,   bloody knuckles, left open and tipped over prescription bottles, walking on the carpet with socks to get that tingly feeling, skateboarding inside, dozing off at the bar, tangled legs in messy sheets, ten pillows on a twin sized mattress, laying down in the shower, brian sella’s cracky singing voice. 
— axel was born and raised in brooklyn, new york, and he was claimed at thirteen, on his thirteenth birthday, by hypnos. — the day he was claimed, axel ceased contact with his human mother and his step-dad, and he attended a camp for half-bloods that wasn’t far from home. he spent his adolescence there year round for safety from monsters at home and abroad, then moved on to eonia.  — ( parental abuse tw, drowning tw begin ) i don’t want to be too graphic here so i’m going to plainly say that axel’s mother was a very, very bad person, and the man she married was absent at his best, physically abusive at worst. axel’s powers (  hypnokinesis, namely )  were potent and difficult to control at a young age, and as a deeply religious catholic woman, this scared his mother and influenced most of the animosity in their relationship. she was convinced that the defensive visions he created and his ability to put her to sleep ( an attempt to help her, on his end; insomnia plagued her and later, it would him, too ) were of demonic origin, and tried to drown him more than once; cleansing, she claimed. the worst instance was the day he was claimed, actually — new years day, 2012; his life was saved by hypnos, and that was the last he saw of her.   ( parental abuse tw, drowning tw end. )  —  that said, he’s a little ( very ) hydrophobic. poseidon kids do NOT fucking interact ( i’m kidding. kind of. he Will avoid a little though ) —  anyway! moving on. all of this aside, axel did his best to put his past behind him, and he was actually super stoked to learn that his powers came from somewhere good and that there was places out there for kids like him; to learn he wasn’t any kind of monster. ( still working on believing that, though.. marcelines monster.mp3 right here )  — he’s less stoked when he starts having trouble falling asleep, and really, it feels like a more cruel twist than any other fate has thrown at him ( his upbringing was chock full of mean twists, so that’s saying something ); and really, it’s more like insomnia just full on kicks in, but he can put other people to sleep. great, right? whatever, though — combat classes are kickass and he’s surrounded by babes that think he’s hilarious so things could be totally, way worse.  — ( bullying tw (brief) ) for the most part, axel was pretty well liked among his peers. he was bullied as a young kid (pre-claim), but he bit back and he bit back hard, and sure, some of that followed him into his teen years but he’s more confident by then; less fun to poke at, and absolutely unhinged when provoked, so people learn better of it. the only real lasting effect was one instant that hit him a little too deep in the inferiority, when he was seventeen — he fell in love with a girl, told her that, and found himself at the end of a very mean spirited prank. he shook it off like he did anything else, or at least — he told himself he did, even if the hurt hit him somewhere a little too deep rooted ( ie. being god’s most unlovable son would naturally land him here, right? ) love’s kinda stupid anyways, so what the hell, right?  (bullying tw end.)
— ( alcoholism tw, drug use tw begin ) this is already obscenely long so i’m just going to keep it to the point here and say he began drinking when he was sneaking booze in to camp at fifteen, and it just never stopped there. he’s also a massive stoner, which is all well, harmless and good for the most part; he’s always grinning, half-lidded, and has a room full of smoke at any given time. it’s the pills that do him in, and he did them at first just so he could get some shut eye, and... well. after that, because he’s dependent on them. but he keeps this part under wraps for the most part; it doesn’t have to be anyone’s problem but his, and it’s not a problem until it is one. partying’s fun, so is coke; so is taking a few too many xan’s, mdma.   ( alcoholism tw, drug use tw end )
— i swear he is not as doom and gloom as he sounds from the bio, and yeah, writing that made me so sad i feel like we absolutely must hone in on the fun and cute things about him!?!  — he loves dnd. he can talk about it for HOURS and if you let him, he absolutely will. — adventure time makes him cry. he’s a baby don’t let him fool you.  — very into cryptids, aliens, horror stories, conspiracy theories, in love with ryan from watcher, wanna be shane medej.  — he loves to draw! the one thing he loves about his power is what it’s done for his imagination, and sure, he mostly draws horror things, but it’s why he went into video game development. he wants to be a concept artist.  — his double major is in combat tactics because he loves fighting. he thinks it’s so fun. he’s a little nuts, actually — i mean, get hit in the face and come up grinning. all he’s ever wanted is to run a fight club and be the shortest, baddest little bitch on the planet.  — he tends to nod off in weird places because he doesn’t sleep enough at night, which is sad, but; he can seriously fall asleep anywhere. standing up, in a tree, you name it.  — he’s a hobby musician! he loves singing and playing guitar.  — he’s a huge flirt.  — loves to scare people. he’s harmless, though. like, honestly. he might make you think you’re seeing a walking toadstool but he’ll probably apologize later.  — he’s very much a singing in the shower type?  — clothes thief. friends and significant others beware.  — actually, just kind of a thief? but of weird, little things. like, just the left shoe. puts them in a little corner in his room that he has set up like an exhibit. “things you thought you lost lol” is written on the whiteboard on the wall above it. he likes collecting rocks too. he’s a little freak!!  — he’s better at the memory retrieval part of his power than the rest. naturally, as this mostly applies for other people. 
WANTED CONNECTIONS. im literally so tired of hearing myself talk... 
friends/squad. self explanatory!!!  he’s friendly, a class clown, and a loyal friend through and through; he’s also adaptable, and his demeanor is very relaxed and inviting. he’s probably gonna have 2-3 people that he’s really close with, and he’d do quite literally anything for them. seriously, don’t tempt him.  a best friend.  so this is kind of vague but. i’d really love for him to have one person that is just a tier above the rest? they’d know things about him that are like pulling teeth to find out ( aka, anything deeper than his most recommended podcasts and loudmouth opinions on non important things ), someone who will call him on his shit, and maybe take care of his stupid little self when he gets too fucked up, because they’d be someone he trusts enough to let them.   enemies?    he probably gets along with most people until given a reason not to? but he is a loud mouth and if one of his friends gets into drama, he will stick his nose where it doesn’t belong and he will throw hands, so it could happen.
harmless rivalries. maybe even steamy ones. he’s a little shit and he likes banter so, so, so much? if given the opportunity and if someone rubs him a certain type of way, he’s so not above being a menace, although never super maliciously. just, you know, annoying the shit out of them on purpose, for fun. he’s also not above blowing a few kisses their way.
current hookups. self explanatory too. he’s a little harlot. HFBHVFNJ. it’s gonna be kinda hard to go beyond sex with him because he’s very deep in his own insecurity but he does catch feelings, he’s just mad about it when he does. i’m mostly gonna go off chem for that though! an ex. could be on friendly terms? but, it should be noted that he could’ve ghosted someone too; or pulled from the relationship when things got serious and he couldn’t choke out that ‘i love you’, even if he felt it. worse, if he did choke it out, but they didn’t feel the same way.  siblings. hypnos kids he is gonna be so protective of all of u... family is hard for axel, i’m ngl, but he really wants one is the tragedy of it all, i guess? so he just really wants to be a good brother. he thinks hypnos is kind of a dick for making him but he tries not to fault him for his existence. fuck u dad i dont wanna be alive feels a little unfair. HDBHFDSJ. anyways he’s a good brother even if he is absolutely so reckless and terrifying in regards to himself but his siblings. his siblings he will do anything for. ALSO!!! FOUND FAMILY!!!! it would be kinda nice if he bonded with someone a little older maybe, could be outside of the hypnos house even, someone he’s kind of a bratty-little-brother type with.... or bratty older brother that takes your things and makes you laugh, y’know. 
PERSONALITY.  just tacking this part of the app on at the end too to highlight parts that i think are important for understanding who he is, and just so it’s all in one place!
toothy grins, half-lidded eyes, and keepin’ them laughing is what it’s all about, baby. axel walks with more confidence in his posture than he’s earned ( or claimed, for that matter ), and it’s the backbone of what gets him by. he’s a glowing example of the fake it ‘til you make it mentality, and he knows what he wants, usually how to get it, and doesn’t mind letting you know that. there’s an ever present mischievous glint in his eyes that says more about what to expect from him than he does, and that’s still not much? he likes to have fun, and there isn’t a whole lot of regard for righteousness or responsibility on his end, but hey! it’s usually only ever at his own expense, so what’s the damage? he’s an absolute clown and he knows it.
axel loves people. he does — you might not guess that with how elusive he is, but it’s true. there’s nothing he likes more than a good conversation with someone interesting, or maybe not even then; if there’s a sparkle in you, he’ll see it. ( might even draw it, not that you’d ever know. ) he’s warm, loyal, compassionate, relaxed, and understanding; and none of that is at the cost of being passive, or lacking passion. 
as long as the vibes are right, he’s happy to just be; though, he’s known to have a fuse for certain provocations, and will jump readily at chance to fight in someone else’s honor. also, it’s not unlike him to spar for the sake of sparring; but that’s all in good fun, no worries.
there’s no way to sugarcoat it — axel has an inferiority complex. where that stems from is something he’s more self-aware of than he’s willing to admit, but he doesn’t have the patience or the will to dissect it; much less do anything about it, and he’s as bull-headed as they come — especially regarding anything related to the psyche. how much this impacts his demeanor and relationships with others varies on the situation, but one constant is that he’s going to retreat before things get bad; even if ‘things are getting bad’ exists only as his own paranoia-born hypothetical.
things can’t go bad if you don’t let them, and he’s content to keep it that way; even if it means being stuck in the stasis of missed opportunities. it’s when he’s retreating into himself that he can get irritable, anxious, jumpy; secretive, defensive, even. he’s personable until he isn’t, essentially.
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159potterhead · 3 years
Okay, okay, think, take your time.
Yeah. Imagine being a new introvert kid trying to settle in and suddenly out of nowhere you find out all of the senior has a nickname for you. And I'm the only target. They don't bully anyone else like this, they give some weird task to my friend once just coz she was with me but apart from that I'm the only constant target. And sometimes all of those seniors come in our class randomly just to throw benches here and there and stand upon it and say, 'listen up fuckers' (they call all the juniors fuckers, idk why) So, I can handle if they do crowd bullying but they come up with weird tasks only for me which is not something I like and it is pretty odd yk. I'll tell you the whole bunch of weird tasks they gave me if you wanna know.
And not only his friends but all the people of his batch knows about me, and by that I mean not only the people of his class but all the people who are in same year as him. That's whole another story if wanna know. That Michael guy got pissed off one day coz I tried to avoid him and gave me another task which took place in front of all these people.
Idk the reason about the crazy rule. It's been like this from ages. There's also this other rule; we can't call our seniors by their name we have to add sir or ma'am after their name coz we have to show them respect. No! Maybe at first but he started bullying me so I don't like him.
Yeah. I mean he noticed. In my defense I thought my mind is tricking me into thinking he's like Matt Cohen so my spn overanalyzing clown took over and I was just observing if he's really like Matt or not and I only looked when he was not looking, I don't wanna be a creep and that time I didn't knew at all that he was my senior. After that he was on his own mission to catch me looking and so I stopped coz I don't wanna give any wrong idea. The Bullying part started when his friends got to know about it. And I think it's more about breaking that third button rule coz I made eye contact twice or thrice with a senior guy which is considered a felony over here. As far as I know, the task is coz I broke their so called rule and those people have dealt with me other way if I was a guy, but since I'm a girl that's why they give all those crazy tasks. Things are very screwed up over here. Don't get me started on it. I miss school.
(Could I fall in love with you more💕💕 what would you do in my place. Let me take notes. And you can stop me anytime. I don't wanna fill the whole ask with me venting about weird things that keep happening to me)
Oh! My! God! We can do that?? Can we have a giant bed instead of seats? Or like both. Seats in front and beds in the back.
You're talking like a poet <3 keep going I can hear you forever <3<3 (I'm not dumb but goggle is not showing any song name for the first line of this song. Help me out please😭😭 I'm not an idiot, Google is idiot)
🎶there's this tune I found that makes me think of you somehow when I play it on repeat, until I fall asleep, spilling drinks on my settee. Do I wanna know? If this feeling flows both ways🎶
I am ✨thinking✨🧠
buddy im sure you know, but that is so messed up!!!!! that must have SUCKED, and especially since they were only targeting you!!! okay but like why?😭 hopefully their departure doesn’t bring in a new breed of moron jerkheads >:( only if you are comfortable, I don’t want you to talk about something you don’t feel good about.
woah how many are there in their year??? ok you were trying to avoid him tho, isn’t that what he wants?? jeez that’s so terrible, i’m so sorry you had to go through all that:((
they demand you address them professionally??????????? are they out of their minds?? maybe to the kids who deserve to be called maam and sir, not walmart matt cohen and his gang!? sorry but did your college feel left out and just wanted to add any rule?? cause these are so dumb😭
yeah, I mean you weren’t looking wrongly or anything. it happens that sometimes people have really familiar faces and you just wanted to see the spn resemblance, it makes sense. so part of it was that he was kinda peer pressed into the bullying? well yeah no shit, this is the most screwed up thing ever!!!
(idk can you?;) honestly, you did what you could and that’s alright. everyone has different approaches to different situations, and you dealt with it the way you did. the only note I can give you is to tell your friends or some people you trust. I know how much it’s better to just keep it to yourself, but sometimes there could be help. and no if venting is lifting off steam, then vent all you want. I really don’t mind<3)
omg yesss that’s brilliant!!! a huuuge bed with loads of fluffy pillows!!✨
najsks I can literally listen to you talk forever!!💗 oh I know you’re not dumb, it’s just how google is. and that lyric is the bridge of whatever it takes!
🎶sad to see you go, was sorta hopin that you’d stay. baby we both know, that the nights were mainly made for saying things that you can’t say tomorrow day. crawlin back to you, ever thought of callin when you’ve had a few? cause I always do🎶💕
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rosesanthology · 4 years
Escape Plan | Matsukawa Issei x F!Reader [mafia!AU]
This took me SO MUCH TIME to write aaaaaah it's not surprising that it's so long :0 i just have many many feelings for Matsukawa Issei ALSO im begging y'all to listen to the playlist before/as you read please !!
Im kinda pissed that i cant add a "read more" option since im on mobile tho :\
(Also ngl at first i planned to get one of the 2 shot but i didn't have the heart to go thru with it)
Warnings : Fluff, it starts with humor but at some point it gets angsty ???? Idk y'all tell me
- Au that could be considered as a ennemies-to-lovers type of situation
[Tags] : @raevaioli and @haikoo like i cannot stress this enough @haikoo this your main manz
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- if you could only use one sentence to describe your job to a Karen it would be : stealing from the rich in order to trick other rich people
- you had been what the people would call a spy for most of your life now, the Tokyo based Nekoma Organisation being something close to a family
- you worked with both of your very good friends, Kuroo Testurou and Kozume Kenma
- Kuroo, the leader of your little squad, had been the first one to open up to you when you joined
- he was a gifted chemistry genius and you were sure he could make any poison or soporific out of the most random stuff
- he also had insane combat and physical abilities which made him fit to act in a lab as well as on mission grounds
- Kenma was a little more reserved at first, he was the same age as you but still was really reluctant to accept you as one of his own at first
- when he saw how much Kuroo trusted you and how interested you were in his work he slowly but surely found himself caring for you
- to put it simply Kenma, better known as "apple pi" was a hacker. His job ranged from creating computer viruses to full on enabling the security of whole museums
- despite his cute appearance and shy demeanor he was probably the scariest of you three
- finally, you Y/L L/N was the infiltration and weapons expert of the group, you could weild literally anything from guns, to swords to,,,,,metal rods (but you don't wanna talk about this one) and you were of great help when deciding which infiltration angle was the best in missions
- Kuroo, under the orders of Boss Nekomata, quickly taught you the dangers and ways of the job during your first months working with them, the organisation specializing in outsmarting rich bastards and stealing their precious ressources in order to make "better use of them"
- if they were hoarding a particularly efficient brand of medicine, your goal was to steal it all, and sell it to people in need for free or a low price
- if they were in possession of some important object like let's say,,,,,the construction plans for the emperor's new vacation house, you stole it, made copies to sell at a high price to the highest bidder and your good affiliate, the Fukurodani Corporation would keep an eye on the original as part of their personnal collection, you were fine with that
- yeah they were others organisations like that in Tokyo, your friends from the Fukurodani Corp of course but also the Shiratorizawa elite crime group with who you had worked a couple times before
- ah and there was the Yakuzas too....honestly they were the only group in Tokyo with whom you were still on dangerous terms with
- they didn't like Nekoma in their affairs and you didn't like them in yours, but you tolerated each other
- your boss had established a truce with the representant of the big Yakuza group of your area, Kondo "the viper" Takara, a truly scary woman who had blasted her way to the one of the top positions of the hierarchy
- she even had a cool nickname ヾ(`ε´)ノ
- but you knew better than to mess with them
- all in all y'all kept doing your jobs well, not bothering anybody
- except for one remaining rivalry with some Miyagi group
- the Aoba Johsai Institution.
- well, rivalry would be a strong word because you kinda got along with that Iwaizumi guy, he was a great hand to hand combat fighter and you respected that
- the others however ? Trash. 👁3👁
- they seem to act like Tokyo will be their territory in the next 5 seconds flat like ??
- "they be acting like they can just swoop in and eat OUR rich" you had told Kuroo and Kenma one day over ramen
- spoiler alert : it was a bad idea cause Kuroo snorted and almost made the noodles go up his nose
- no but seriously they always seemed to take advantage of YOUR missions to attract attention
- how did they even know which missions you were on anyway ??? (Kenma and Kunimi are actually good friends cause they play video games together but he'd never tell you that)
- it's like that one time you infiltrated a business company's heir's residence and then you came across a dude named Hanamaki and you had the HARDEST time whisper shouting to him how blowing up the whole place was a bad idea to retrieve one (1) diamond
- at the end you felt so tired that you gave it to him anyway ಥ_ಥ ("just take it ffs" "really ??" "Don't make me regret this")
- they also had the single worst person ever on one of their teams.
- Matsukawa Issei
- just thinking about it made you want to take your metal bat and break something in your shared room with your two other friends
- seriously that guy was like the epitome of clownery
- he's also supposed to be his team's gun expert except that's not the best task for someone who refuses to take anything with him but his freaking FISTS
- the first time you had met y'all ended up being on the same case to assassinate some guy who had kidnapped some cute freckled kid from a place in Miyagi called Karasuno
- you had Kenma on the earbud telling you about the guy's position in the club you were currently one street away from. You were posted on the rooftop of a building with a sniper rifle ready to get done with it and go save the kid but GUESS WHO COMES IN FISTS SWINGING WHEN YOU LITERALLY HAD THE TARGET IN SIGHT
- and he had the nerve to look straight toward your rifle's aim and flip you off while smirking
- sir you're about to catch these hands🚶🏽
- he had knocked him out alright and he got the young boy out but you were NOT ready to let that slide so you quickly got down and crossed path with him at the back exit of the club
- "what exactly do you think you were doing in there ?" Listen. You may have sounded confident enough saying that but you had NO idea that this dude was like a whole ass giraffe
- and he knew he was tall so he had the audacity to say
- "sorry can't hear you so well from down there midget, i was just doing my job (▰˘◡˘▰)" if it weren't for the karasuno boy being right there you would have stabbed his kneecaps on sight
- anyway after that y'all just seemed to run into each other wayyyy too often
- insults were shared just as often tho
- "well butter my buns and call me betty broker if it isn't my sweet little midget shooting people !"
- "stfu before i choke you"
- "kinky but can you reach my neck ?"
- "you've sunk low enough"
-so yeah f u n  t i m e s
- aside from that, business was going great but Kuroo had had news of a very important mission for you but he insisted on letting Boss Nekomata tell you about it himself for some reason
- he'd never done that :(
- you were kinda hurt that your best friend was hiding stuff from you tbh :(
- and Kenma did not seem to know more than you for now
- so you spent a whole week just mopping around
- sometimes you would go and poke fun and the newbie Lev Haiba but it wasn't the same
- Kuroo and Kenma kept working on missions while you were left waiting for that one assignment that Nekomata seemed to keep you for
- until today when Kuroo finally told you that the boss was requesting you in his office
- ngl you were EXCITED
- maybe you would have to zipline down the Tokyo tower (σ≧▽≦)σ maybe he was going to let you take a chainsaw with you this time (σ≧▽≦)σ
- maybe he- "oh" you deadpanned, stepping foot into the office and seeing none other than your arch nemesis, Matsukawa Issei in all his pisces clown glory
- "why tf are you there shitty eyebrows"
- "i had a good day too Y/N ! thanks for asking :D" today was the day. You were 100% ready to kill him and the knife that was attached to your thigh strap seemed like such a good option rn-
- "stop it you two. Y/N take a sit" Nekomata gestured, as you didn't hesitate to listen to your superior even fully aware of Mattsun's eyes annoyingly following your every movement
-"Okay so. Y/N i know you may be wondering why Matsukawa's here but to put it simply we've been informed that a rich family have gotten their hands on one of Aoba Johsai's rarest item : a gold engraved katana that belonged to their first boss"
- "so what do you need us for ?" You didn't mean to use "us" but you knew better than to piss off your boss, he was like a parental figure come on
- "i need you guys to infiltrate an auction held by said family and steal it back in the span of one week. It's up to you to work together or not but keep in mind that our arrangement states that we're autorised to make copies of the katana for future sells."
- you guys nodded, after all you were professionnals before everything and you were about to leave when Nekomata put something on the table
- "here are the keys to your appartment near the auction site it'll be your hideout !"
-.....now this had to be a cruel joke-
- "id rather sleep under a bridge then live with her for a whole week"
- "wow this is the first time we agree on something Mattsun" the oh so familiar nickname dripped in venom as you said it, unsure of what was supposed to happen
- "oh yes you could but i suppose that you don't have the supplies and tools that you will definitely need during that mission :)"
- you locked eyes with the brunette for a minute before reluctantly stomping to the table and grabbing hold of the keys and adress written on a paper, storming out of the door,  letting out a loose "come on shitty eyebrows we have data to collect" to your new....partner ? Ugh it was about to be a long week
-  it turns out the appartment was a lot smaller than you hoped for, with two single person beds, a computer post and different storing purposed furniture
- it was a common thing however, because the last thing an undercover spy would want is to draw attention with a flashy hideout
- the first step was to gather information on who would be at the auction which shouldnt be too hard
- "hey ill take the lead and contact my friend so that he can determine who is going to be here" you said as you sat on the chair in front of the computer
- "mm yeah you do that ill check what kind of weapons have been provided to us" Mattsun had no difficulty finding them as the drawers well full of them....this was very promising
- Kenma had just sent you the list of people that had been invited to the event, and you recognised many names as being members of the powerful Yakuza group lead by Konda Takara, of course.....the infamous viper herself
- you called out to Mattsun to show him and briefly explained what they were up too and how they usually fonctionned
- the auction was to take place the last 3 days after an opening party, leaving the rest of the week for preparations
- they usually took their time in comitting their crimes so you thought that stopping them mid plan by taking advantage of it was the best way to get the sword
- Mattsun didn't have anything to say for the moment, seemingly thoughtful about the whole situation
- "just so you know" you started, already regretting the decision of talking in your head, "i don't plan on being friends with you anytime soon but i feel like for this we should at least try not to rip each other's hair out"
- "i never planned on that second option"
- "huh ?"
- "i hope you know that we've never had a single conversation without insults of some kind before so for the sake of both of us it would be better to actually get to know each other since we're supposed to work together"
- you hated to admit it
- but he was right
- however you didn't comment on it, opting for throwing him a dry "let's sleep" before plopping yourself on your own bed on the other side of the room
- this is about to be one hell of a week
-3 days had passed in the crammed appartement both you and Mattsun struggling to inform yourself on each specific individual that was going to be present at the auction
- right now, you were both sitting on the floor, wearing simple oversized shirts and pyjama pants and shorts, cheese pizza box laying on top of the document covered surface
- "Mattsun, pass me the paper about Okuda Takeda please" :000
- Matsukawa froze, because he knew that in 2 days of living together y'all had establised that you wouldn't be at each other's throats
- but hearing you using his nickname unironically and saying please ???? That was still something he had to get used to
- "what are you staring at ? Give me the paper shitty eyebrows >:[" ah there she was
- "thats my girl" he thought, handing you the document and resuming his own reading
- here's the catch : Mattsun was head over heels in love with you since like day 1 that Hanamaki told him about this pretty girl who let him take the diamond from his mission. He tried to repress his feelings as he had noticed that you seemed way closer with your friend Kuroo who he had seen on missions with you
- maybe you liked him
- he would understand, he seemed way more confident than him and he was also probably way smarter since he was a genius and all
- also the way you were always soft to him and not Matsukawa kinda got to him
- he wanted you to hug HIM after a mission too and NOT insult him
- but he judged it for the better as he still got to be close to you in his own way with the playful fights you always seemed to pick with him
- it was easier than confronting his feelings or rejection
- this mission proved to make things so much harder for him tho
- like yeah he saw you being a badass plenty of other times but now ?
- he got to see you being all clingy and grumpy in the morning (he never knew being called a dumbass while you were falling back asleep on his shoulder was his thing but hey) , got to see your nose scrunch up when you were focusing on mapping out the position of the vent system of the venue
- he could go on for hours about how much he loved you and your plan was not making it easy.....profiting off the yakuzas' plan took way too much waiting and he understood that you wanted it to go as well as possible but he just couldn't keep living like this until then
- it felt like torture
- and he did not want to see you in that gorgeous dress that you were supposed to wear at the auction during the infiltration
- he knew that a couple more days could drive him crazy and make him do dumb shit like kissing you
- he had thought about that a lot of times but never brought himself to do it because je knew it was pointless
- he had to take action now
- the night of the opening ceremony, the day before the Yakuzas would start their scheme
- both of you were laying in your beds, awake, that was a habit you had developped over the past nights, you were just, aware of each other's presence and then sometime you would ask him something about his life, his friends, himself
- it made his heart beat too fast everytime and he could feel himself falling even more by the second when he heard you giggling talking about the time you pulled a prank on your friend Yaku with Kuroo
- he knew that you were already very sleepy from the way you were slurring your words
- "Y/N do you hate me ?" He said, abruptly and he heard a strangled laugh coming from you followed up by the question
- "what's that for dummy ?"
- "please answer" he asked in a whisper, sounding almost desperate
- you took a second to think about it
-you had grown quite close to your tall partner in such a short period of time, even letting your guard down and stopping from being so defensive
- "i don't hate you....i could never" you said the last part more to yourself tho but Matsukawa didn't miss it, he wished he did as he heard the soft sighs coming from your now sleeping form
- his heart ached as he got up, putting on his black coat over his mathing turtleneck shirt, taking his gun and spare map of the auction venue
- you were totally going to hate him now....
- and then he left for the opening party
- the rain was pouring outside
- for some reason you couldn't sleep well that night
- that only happened whenever Kuroo was out on a mission at night or Kenma was working in his office
- you hated sleeping alone, you couldn't do it
- being alone was the one thing you dreaded the most in your life, death was nothing if nobody knew where you were, if nobody aknowledged your existence you weren't alive
- but Mattsun was there and you trusted him.
- yeah you were kind of an ass to him during like 90% of your interactions with him but you just didn't know how to talk to him ??? He was so strong and good at what he did so you couldn't help but feel admiration but also intimidation
- yet you've felt probably more comfortable with him than anyone in your life (yes even Kuroo and Kenma weirdly enough)
- it was a nice feeling
- maybe it was because you saw him differently than them...
- but anyway
- you felt like yourself around him
- and yet
- why couldn't you sleep ?
- "Mattsun ?" You called out to him, voice cracked from not having used it for a while
- no answer
- maybe he didn't hear you over the rain....?
- you had a bad feeling about this
- "Mattsun ?" You called out a little louder, sitting up
- yep definitely
- you turned on the light and to your surprise, Matsukawa was nowhere in sight
- your heart sunk at the realization
- you were alone
- what about the plan ? Ah its true that he never said anything about it
- did he not trust you enough with it ? Did he think you were too assertive ?
- you wanted to cry but it seemed as if your brain wasn't working, your body rushing on its own to check the date and time on your phone : past 10pm on thursday night.....
- the opening party !
- "shit shit shit he must have gone there to take them by surprise wtf is he thinking doing this alone?" You thought aloud, maybe it would trick your body into not being scared
- at this point you were terrified, rushing to get the red dress on as well as putting your 2 guns under each of your thigh straps
- is he alone ? Surrounded by highly trained and dangerous Yakuzas ? What if....you were too late ?
- you didn't have time to think too much about it as you knew that this kind of thoughts led nowhere.
- you had to infiltrate that party the fastest you've ever done in your life and see for yourself, luckily, the venue was only a few crossroads away from your appartment
- truth was Mattsun's plan was not so bad
- after all you had insisted on making him find info on every staff member there too so it's thanks to you if he just so happened to know what type of guy that one waitress liked in order to flirt with her and convince her that he had forgotten his watch in one of the closed off aeras of the venue
- the place was absolutly gigantic, after all it was a mansion bought will illegal money
- he hated this, he just wanted to get it over with, retrieve the sword, gtfo and go back to Miyagi forever so that he wouldn't feel the pain of the illusion of being by your side when you were clearly far ahead of him
- you'd always been anyway
- he had finally reached the generator room and opened the vents with much difficulty as the room was a mess of cardboard boxes and storage shelves
- he was just going to cut the power, which would take about 15 minutes to get back, allowing him to go thru the vents to the main hall that was right thru the wall to his side, retrieve the sword and just make a run for it
- hopefully the rain would cover most of the sound he made so that was even better
- see that would have been great if he hadn't felt the icy cold metal of a gun at the nape of his neck as he was fiddling with the generator
- he had been caught.
- it was the end.
- shit he fucked the whole mission over and now even you didn't have a chance to-
- "what exactly do you think you're doing Mattsun ?" You said coldly even tho the hurt in your tone didnt go unnoticed by the taller man
- "haha Y/N whatchu doing here on this fine night ? You look stunning btw"
- "Cut the crap shitty eyebrows i asked you a question"
- you finally lowered your gun allowing your harsh glare to show how upset you truly were
- damn, Matsukawa really felt shitty :\
- he'd never seen you like that- well not soaked from the rain but....so vulnerable to him
- all your feelings talks happened in the dark of night in your hideout, he'd never seen your face look so pained before
- "I did what was best for both us..."
- "bullshit." He wasn't sure that he believed himself either to be honest
- "what the fuck are you even doing anyway ? I thought you and i were in this mission together ?? Did nothing matter to you ? I finally think that i found someone who i could trust other than my fucking family and that's what you do ? Ditch me for your own profit ?? You did what was best for your damn self Matsukawa"
- you were upset. He got it really, his insecurities had gotten the best of him like they often did....except he didn't have the strength to confront them, to confront you about it. So he got it and he didn't retaliate.
- "so what ?? You're not even going to say anything ?? Not even TRY to fucking apologize ? Do you really don't care ?" You searched for his eyes, but little did you know that he just....couldn't talk nor maintain eye contact with you right now
- "Mattsun...i thought you and i had...something ? I don't know maybe i hallucinated or some shit but i thought we were at least friends you know ? D-did you ever tolerate me at all ?"
- your voice cracked, it got lower and it cracked, and at that moment he was sure his heart broke right at this instant too
- he wanted to tell you that that was the farthest thing from the truth
- he wanted to tell you that he loved you
- but you were too far. Once again, you were miles ahead of him, more than ever
- and the sound of voices coming from the corridor did NOT HELP
- you could not afford being found here so with the professionalism left in you, you pushed your feelings away and pulled Mattsun behind a shelf, crouching and waiting
- you were so close he could feel you shivering from the cold and he felt so so bad
- but now was not really the moment
- "didn't you hear shouting ?" Shit. Maybe you should have waited until getting out of here for your heart to heart because this guard was definitely not trippin
- there were 2, luckily they didn't have the idea to split up to search the room, all you had to do was move low and close to the walls in order reach the door and well....the katana literally could not matter less to any of y'all rn
- at this moment you really regretted going out in such a hurry completly forgetting to contact Kenma, he could have hacked into the camera system and told you were they were so easily.....
- anyway, despite that you guys were stealthy enough to get out if the room
- now the problem was getting out of here.....
- you held Mattsun's wrist loosely as you ran thru the corridor of the building, thunder raging and labored breathing filling the silence
- "Y/N we could get out from the rooftop !" Right....if you could only get there then maybe you could just parcour your way out of this by getting on other rooftops....damn you were glad Matsukawa always thought of every escape plan possible
- you didn't really mean what you said earlier
- yes, you were disappointed but, you were also scared for his dumbass
- and rn may not be the best moment to realize it as you were most likely in a life of death situation but....you loved him
- fuck you loved him so much that you were running in a goddamn dress right now
- "i truly hoped it wasn't you" said a voice from the end of the lobby
- of course it just had to be the Yakuza boss you dreaded so much
- Kondo was just standing there, arms crossed but you knew better than to take her lightly
- "did you come to retrieve it ?" Its funny how her voice seemed to dominate even the full on storm outside, the occasional lightning bolt shining light from the huge windows into the corridor
- "No....let us pass please we just want to leave" Mattsun felt how tensed you were and immediatly rested his hand on his gun handle under his coat
- "yeah sure sweetheart but only if you tell your guard dog to calm down unless he wants me to cut his fingers clean off" she threatened nonchalantly as her hand met the handle of her own katana strapped to her belt
- Matsukawa was deadass glaring at her so hard you didn't recognise him
- he honestly looked like he could take her on but...you didn't feel like testing this theory tonight
- "hey hey, it's alright" you soothed him, putting your hand on his arm and squeezing slightly
- it seemed to work because he quickly let go of his gun even tho he was still glaring
- "let us go" he said firmly
- she pushed herself out of the way and motionned with her arm as if to say "go on~" in the most theatrical way
- you passed her without issues and soon found yourself on the roofs as planned in Mattsun's escape route and made it safely to the streets, rain still pouring
- you were finally letting out a breathe you didn't know you were holding all this time
- you were alive and most importantly, so was he
- you turned around and were ready to say something when he cut you off by grabbing your arms and pulling you into a kiss
- it was short but it managed to get his point across very well as well as warm you up when he wrapped his arms around your waist, resting his forehead against yours
- "i love you Y/N....i swear i didn't mean to hurt you and put you in danger like that....if i knew i would have done things differently i-"
- "i love you too Mattsun and it's never been a problem to me, i've done way more dangerous things in my life than rescue my boyfriend from getting killed dummy"
- in the end, you weren't alone
- somehow he had become, your escape plan from it
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takatou · 4 years
answered sum charahub questions about keisuke/my headcanonz about him... ill post it below the cut <:3
Birthday: he gives me sagittarius/scorpio vibes so idk late november early december? november 20th maybe
Zodiac: scorpio or sagittarius
Species: dog human
Gender: cis male
Significant Other: good question
Physical Description: average height, maybe a slight manlet, relatively in shape, maybe kind of heavier but not a lot. probably always has sweaty and cold hands. he has vibes that he's the kind of guy who's always sweating or fidgeting so i assume he'd be kind of clammy at times. he has really pretty eyes and a nice face, probably has chapped lips though. ah ah dont try to lick them now dry lips having ass
Sexuality: either straight or bi w female preference
Favourite colour? blue
Does your character collect anything? i don't think he would
Allergies? probably has none outside of bad seasonal allergies
Theme song? glad you asked
Alignment? hmm i wanna say chaotic neutral. 
Deadly sin that best represents them? lust/wrath
Which animal would they be? ….hahaha :)c you know
Patience level?
high, but he doesn’t take bullshit
Regrets? many. probably any time that he fed into his thoughts/urges, and in canon probably like Everything
Role model? NATSUKI
Favourite foods? anything really i doubt he'd be too picky. 
Favourite book? you think keisuke can read?
Dream place to live? somewhere nice and calm. he hates conflict, drama, and anything that's super… draining. he seems like the kind of guy who'd like to have a chilled out life because he's been through so much already and it doesn't help his headspace any at all.
How do they feel about love? weird. very weird. he doesn't know how to deal with it.
Smells like? deodorant. overpoweringly like deodorant half the time. otherwise he just smells like clean clothes. but he sweats a lot, and he slathers on deodorant so no one smells his nasty stress sweat, so he just exudes Man Deodorant scent. nasty fucker
Bad habits? biting his lip, biting the inside of his cheek, pacing, overthinking, losing things
What turns them off? unreactive partners, that's probably about it. i was going to say shit but we all know kei is a poopy poopoo ass 
Pet peeves? being laughed at, passive-aggressiveness, cattiness, people who chew with their mouths open, people who don't mind their business
Personal problems? his sadistic thoughts are the biggest one that comes to mind. he also has a major issue of not believing that he is a good person and taking the intrusive feelings/arousal and enjoyment he gets out of this as being an intrinsic part of who he is. he doesn't recall his trauma at first but even after he remembers it i doubt he'd tie it back to his fucked up thoughts. he believes that he's just a sick fuck and deserves nothing and that he's bound to give in sometime, and that's just… untrue. 
he doesn't treat himself well and while he isn't exactly the pictured stereotype of bad self-esteem (boo hoo im so bad and i hate myself im a sadboy) he definitely has garbage self-esteem internally. like he beats himself up to the point of breaking down often and he overthinks this. 
he obsesses over it rather than just accepting it as something that he can't help; the fact that he enjoys it makes it extremely hard for him to treat it as an intrusion upon his psyche. keisuke believes that he is at his core a horrible person and in that he is self-sabotaging himself. 
Religious and to what extent? Any spiritual beliefs? probably not.
Kind of student if they attend/were to attend school? (e.g. class clown, straight A) he seems like a complete straight-edge student. i feel like he'd finish all of his assignments but he could fall behind sometimes. i feel like he wouldn't outwardly be a troublemaker but he would entirely have issues at school despite being very smart, he would probably have classic symptoms of trauma despite not recalling it; memory loss, lack of interest, inability to focus, and so on. he would try his best but ultimately need to work harder than everyone else to stay afloat.
Random fact! oh a canon fact here: the motherfucker needs to wash he penis!!!!! sir wash your dick cheese i love you but ew!!! bro thats not a dick thats a mozzarella stick!!!
What ONE item would they take to an uninhabited island? his dick?
Outlook on life? it sucks probably idk 
Favourite object? his dick?
What (if they can) does your character eat? anything. he's really not picky, and he doesn't have the patience to cook or make food half the time.
What is something other people assume about your character? most people assume he's just a boring average dude, if not a little bit odd or quiet. he always has his hair in his gotdamn face so like he kinda looks like an emo kid 
Do they like the name they were given? sure
Nervous habits? biting his lip, tapping his foot
Glass half full or half empty?
half full. he tries to be optimistic but fails sometimes so more like half full but he accidentally knocked it over so he's too worried about it spilling
Wants to have kids, raise a family? i feel like he doesn't care either way, if the girl he's with wants kids ok, if not ok
Do they stand up for what they believe in? usually. he's not afraid to say what's on his mind or to argue with someone.
How much do they value money? moderately. he knows he needs it to get by, and he likes to have spare money, but he's no eugene krabs you know
Wants to get married? probably? he doesn't care if he gets married or not, the relationship itself is what matters, not a piece of paper between the two of him
Passive, aggressive, or defensive? aggressive/defensive
Cat or dog person? dog. haha. get it becaus- [gets hit by a truck]
Are they ticklish? hmm not really/sorta? not really in normal places atleast he gives me vibes of someone who's only sliiiightly ticklish (like maybe flinching or something but not rly reacting) except more obscure spots (like neck/lower back/knees or something idk) but i feel like it depends on his mood too, no one's really ever tried i wouldn't think except maaaybe kanae or nemu would probably. but it's pretty hard to get a reaction out of him, he just gets kind of embarrassed if anything
Coke or Pepsi? they taste the same to him and he doesn't really like either, he probably prefers something else but i'm not sure what, probably some weird ass mountain dew flavor or some weird ass off-brand soda. 
Favourite holiday? he doesn't seem like he places a lot of emphasis on holidays? maybe his friends' birthdays
Nickname(s)? kei, kei-chan
Body modifications? (Piercings, implants, tattoos etc.) just the thing on his neck, he probably doesnt really pay it much mind and covers it just to avoid questions
If they could have one thing in the world? yeah can i get uhhhh Repaired Brain
Would they dare kill someone? yes if you push him hard enough or provoke him enough he will
Involved with magic or witchcraft? nah
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zepdeans · 5 years
there’s not a lot I can say about s3 that hasn’t already been said (and articulated 200x better) but! here are some of my (albeit dumb) thoughts :~)
ep1 -isak leaning against the bathroom wall gets me EVERY time its such a powerful scene esp introducing you to s3 and tarjei..... spare some talent for the rest of us please -LiTeN gUtTeN fRa StRaNgEr tHiNgS -isak rly ties his pants w a shoelace...... -isak noticing even for the first time bc of his laugh.. whew.... also. i love this intro SOOO much bc its so non-monumental? theres no dramatic music or whatever but its not subtle.... like you know right away o shit love interest!! hello sir!! bc isak’s expression watching him :’) i could go on -isak is a bad liar HOWEVER this only applies to stupid nontrivial things e.g. the black sweatshirt. but when you look at him lying about like, his sexuality, he hides that shit well -”c00l” isak. i hate u so much -honestly all u have to do is look at even for .2 seconds and u can tell this boy has had a crush for a solid month bc he just looks awestruck (HOWEVER henrik’s acting is *chef’s kiss* bc its subtle enough to go undetected b4 you actually know eVEN SAW HIM ON THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL) -even isak and emma all sitting on the bench together is funny enough on its on but then a song called threeway comes on and like. julie sdshjsfdjfkjskd ep2 -there’s something so endearing about even’s handwriting idek what -i LOVE even’s video w mikael it reveals so much about him to us- how weird (ok we saw how weird he was w the paper towel thing but) and dorky he is? and his love of film! his view on love stories and how he sees the world :( but it also shows a lot abt isak because he saw even making stupid jokes about vladimir putin and was like yeah we about to fall in LOVE love -isak not using headphones to watch even’s video or r+j?? bde or general incompetence what’s the verdict guys -the isak watching r+j scene hits so hard like yall ever think about isak lying in bed at 3am staring at the ceiling probably thinking about how he’s never gonna get a beautiful world-shattering romance like that like ..... also him changing positions skam get out of my life go away ur too realistic -not to make this even more self-projection-y but isak simultaneously being the least emotionally vulnerable person ever but crying during r+j > -i made a post abt this already but even’s INTENSE staring vs isak’s “i have never looked anyone in the eye in my life” gets me it says so much about their characters -even said i see your bde move (asking me to buy you beer) and i raise u with my own (inviting you to my house after faking not having my id) -”if you listen to music” even is such a dick fsdjhsdff -when the message comes on...... i rlly do owe julie my life huh -”have you heard about my rapping?” “I have actually” have we talked about this enough????? 1. isak finally feels comfortable enough w even to flirt and his first move is to RAP for him jesus christ. keep in mind this is the same man who pulled that smooth af ibuprofen line w emma like...... 2. even has heard about isak’s rapping. either this means im-not-on-social-media even went out of his way to go thru homeboy’s instagram OR isak’s rapping is actually talked about. i- -the group chat messages. cant believe i forgot about the 2016 clown epidemic
ep3  -mahdi is a good friend and i love him. thank u -even wearing isak’s cap until he chucks it at him sjksfjsdjsd -how much yall wanna bet isak’s been listening to illmatic on repeat since last friday thinking abt even (even tho meeting sonja shattered his heart a lil) [also kinda an aside but i think a lot about how isak n even bonded over rap and how some homophobic lyrics in 90s etc rap might have impacted them? or how that little detail ties into julie’s story? e.g. halftime by nas, which is on illmatic] -whats worse. even staring into isaks soul wearing a size xs see-through white t shirt or isak staring at even for five (5) seconds before chugging his beer and immediately making out w emma. OR even crashing that party before it can start “i think you guys are bonding too much” cheesy ass shjhfsdhskdf -yall act like evak didnt invent hands. did even shaking isak’s shoulder telling him his apartment is nice mean nothing to u -im convinced robyn wrote call your girlfriend for this scene specifically bc how could anything fit so perfectly by coincidence -is anything better than egging isak on- even bech naesheim (2016) -idk if yall have read the scripts but i love the sock thing so much bc its soo true to how isak thinks and it makes everything so much more interesting and !!!
ep4  -i will never get over even sending isak bad seinfeld memes -even smacking open isak’s locker. first of all whew second of all u think as soon as he got into the stairwell he lowkey cried bc ow -parallel of isak saying “it’s 2016, why are you religious?” to sana vs. emma’s “it’s 2016, get out of the closet” to isak anyone :( -”takk sanasol!!!!” thank u isak for my life -I wanted to be with you aloneeeee -even’s face when he sees the pool like we get it youre a director -how many times do i need to say even is such a dick sjkfsd “does it look like i care about my hair?” “usually but not right now” like this would only work on isak i love soulmates!! -even just.. fully choking isak out ssdhgfd got em -when the first notes of im kissing you start ooh boy -even going in for the kill kiss and isak going from huh to oooo shit and pushing his lips out at the last minute. phenomenal 
ep5 -ngl as soon as im not in love comes on my heart goes uwu bc like!!!! that song the meaNING.... them......... i jus love this scene sm like theyre in their own little bubble and they both feel so comfortable and at peace :((  -even leaving isak comics about an inside joke of theirs like yall mind if i scream -isak feeling left out from the conversation and his friends whew i felt that... and having them talk about how gross it is to makeout with a girl w facial hair?? blease :( -taking stock of isak’s nicknames: issy k, isabell, izzy, baby jesus, -im not even gonna bother trying to articulate thoughts on Pause bc it’s a literal masterpiece. thank u tarjei henrik and julie for inventing television with this one  -MAGNUS SDFKJSDFJKDSHK "oooh my name is Jonas and I love idealism and reading klassekampen and I don’t like plastic and I skate on a skateboard made of sustainable wood and wear old clothes because new clothes are bad for the environment and I only drink recycled water” screAMMM -what i said abt pause also applies to pride ugh its such a powerful scene and!! the beginning of kicks to isaks stomach. honestly what i fucking love about this episode is how it goes from hell yea best day w even ever to crying in the street within one week (s3 had the best balance of angst and payoff thanks) -even’s Soft Party Flannel... forever tainted by this scene rip -not knowing why even kissed sonja keeps me up at night -speaking of. how used and stupid isak must’ve felt when he saw even completely unbothered, hooking up w his ex at this party?? whew :( -bros is one of my all time favourite clips solely bc of the music?? lift me up gives me chills and when hold my liquor starts i LOSE it -ep5 and 6 remind me of that quote “to see what your characters are really made of you have to break them” because julie rlly goes all in and god it hurts so good
ep6 -never have i ever seen insomnia portrayed as accurately as tarjei did here and i remember when i first watched the cantina scene i was like. winded bc its SO true to sleep deprivation whew -i really like that isak wasnt together with even when he reached out for help and came out to jonas. bc it was him, on his own, being strong enough to talk to his friends and then eventually he was confident and secure enough in himself to be in a good place when even started reaching back out!! -i have no idea what its like to come out to someone, to be afraid of your friends rejecting you, everything isak went through. but tarjei’s acting of when, like, you have something you KNOW you have to tell someone, and youve put yourself in the position where youre going to have to tell them, but youre terrified and eventually just force yourself SAY the words??  -and isak’s smile when he realizes jonas is gonna be his bro no matter what :’)))
ep7 -weirdly one of my favourite isak looks (black t-shirt grey snapback c-c-c-combo) -”what’s your name again?” have i mentioned i love sana and isak bc i love sana and isak -jonas truly is the best friend oh man. perceptive, thoughtful, loving, laidback, a friggen BRO. tbh i was wary of him in s1 and thought he didn’t treat eva well (tho I recognized he loved her a lot, he was just bad at being a boyfriend) but jonas in s3?? just goes to show how powerful your perspective of someone can change viewing them in a different role!! because while jonas was a crappy bf, he literally is SUCH an incredible friend and his actions and words and just! him! in s3 completely redeemed any illwill I had towards him :’) -maybe im a little gay (up there with other s3 comedy classics such as “thats a boys name”) -mahdi season WHEN ugh a legend -’when someone asks isak if hes going to a family party’ literally what other reason for living do i have if not to read the boy squad text convos -isaks locker finally opening and his smile at evens drawing whewwwwwww!! also even rlly is that guy who wont text you back but will leave hand written love letters in ur locker -also. another stellar look from valtersen -slutt a meld meg is a whole masterpiece like what other piece of media has the RANGE -eskild: play hard to get. jonas: no smiley!!! isak: nah fam im good B)
ep8 -this episode is BEAUTIFUL bc you feel practically euphoric?? like hell yeah theyre finally together!! isak is out and accepted and even is done with sonja! but theres also this unsettling undercurrent of worry bc you know deep down something isnt right? why is sonja calling isak? why is even acting kinda strange? whats going on? yknow?? -literally never going to get over 5 fine frokner :~) even is such a goddamn nerd and he’s the man of isak’s dreams can u believe!!  -sana’s little speech is SO important in so many ways ooo i love her so much -also have we discussed eskild making evak do a photoshoot for him. highkey those are my favourite pictures of ALL time u can tell even was like hm strange but im down while isak was more omg guys stop🙄 omg haha eskild i cant believe youre making me cuddle with even for a photo🙄 i cant believe ur making me snuggle this dude for a pic!!!! definitely would not have done this otherwise!!! -magnus only realizing it’s THAT even after seeing how isak looks at him. whew -isak is so brave i rlly love that kid! his text to his mamma <3 -no r*make will EVER nail text conversations like mari/julie did w evak’s this week thanks for coming to my ted talk. i'd quote the best ones but it would literally double the length of this post (ok ill cave. “hahaha shut up❤️” GETS me) -you dont know whats in store but you know what youre here for. hallo -isak running around oslo with even’s clothes looking for him :( his heart is so big he cares about even so so much -when Part II (on the run) comes on in the credits its like a kick in the teeth honestly
ep9 -ive already screamed enough about cherry wine but god it fucks me up -cannot put into words how much I love eskild and how good of a person he is, he just has so much love in his heart  -”wait they have waffles here? see ya” -this convo is why i love skam so much!!!! magnus giving insight and good thoughtful advice to isak was such a brilliant move by julie (also truLy heartwarming) bc like. magnus is a flawed layered character! he’s dumb and ignorant and not very careful with his words BUT hes also such a sweet guy. i genuinely dont think he would hurt a fly and him talking about vilde (in ep10) is ;-; bc he really likes her and respects her and wants to be a gentleman! hes so loving and just. yeah. also i wonder if isak and magnus (and vilde) ever talked about having mentally ill parents and lent on each other for support bc like....<3 [sidenote- this is why i HATE b***** like they absolutely massacred magnus’s character and magnus did not deserve that!] -det er bare slutt........ very cool of tarjei to invent acting here. also the character development makes me WEEP like at first isak lied and told his pappa it was over bc its easier to brush stuff off and say you were joking than be vulnerable especially about 1. having a boyfriend and 2. saying youve already broken up?? but then isak was like hey im done with lying about who i am bc i want my life to be REAL and he told his dad the truth even if it was hard and even if he was trying rlly hard not to cry  -isak reaching out to even<3 standing up for even<3 -o helga natt. another scene i genuinely cannot comment on bc u cant really put into any written language how magical and breathtaking and heartbreaking and powerful and brilliant this scene is. so. -jk. obvs i cant say anything intelligent enough to give this scene justice but probably the most stunning piece of television i have ever had the privilege of watching. even’s text breaks my heart every gd time (esp since we never really see this side of him before finding out he’s bipolar? his guilt, insecurity, feeling like a burden, being scared of losing everyone in his life because he thinks he’ll hurt them). the music is SO beautiful i cry real tears as soon as the strings start. also the brilliance of JUST o helga natt playing and no dialogue except for isaks one line? isak’s realization when he sees the cross. him RUNNING across oslo to go to even. the FLASHBACKS all going backwards in chronological order until them smoking on the bench. isak looking at the bench and not seeing even and u can feel his heart breaking and urs breaks too! but then he remembers the bathroom and he turns and theres even and whewwww. du er ikke alene<3
ep10 -minutt for minutt is THE most healing clip im telling u. and like.. seeing even depressed really is hard and as someone who was very very depressed for 4-ish yrs of their life it rlly hits me? like when youre in an especially bad funk and you cant get out of bed and youre just numb and exhausted and feel so shitty and u want to be alone but you really dont???? could go on but literally i owe henrik holm my life for his portrayal of even  -not to be a soft bitch on main but when isak tucks the blanket over even and it keeps getting pulled off his back so isak just. covers that spot with himself? -i do love that call between sonja and isak bc once again! a flawed (realistic) human being -and isak thinking its his fault even is depressed? it means a lot that sonja told him its no ones fault, even is just bipolar. and i wonder if isak felt that way about his mamma as well, guilty for her being ill, and if what sonja said made him feel better about that situation too :( -lowkey random but when isak is rambling really fast and he goes “maybe we’ll get bombed tomorrow and talking about all this is a waste of time” it continually punches me in the throat bc that is /exactly/ how i ramble and think like tarjei........ pls -like eskild said. there really is so much love in isak’s little grumpy teenage body<3 -isak no longer just passively accepting life as its given to him, now he fights for him and even!!!!!  -isak is such a forgiving person and seeing him able to just accept things and move on? incredible -i remember when i first watched ep1 i was like oooo even and isak are gonna be kosegruppa partners and thats when theyll first get together, cooking food or smth!! but lmfao after episode 3? kosegruppa whomst???? also hilarious vilde thought isak of all people would willingly sign up for kosegruppa just to go to revue parties -even and linn friendship!!!! -cannot articulate how mf heartwarming it is to see even smiling and being more himself after being depressed (also thank u julie for having ups and downs coming out of his depression- its so true to life having one day when youre feeling awesome and then the next you feel awful again for no reason and its SO frustrating) -I had to stop watching passe pa meg cause it made me toooooo crazy! it would just be like: “I like seeing you laugh” and I was like: *SCREAMS* -im the fucking master of lying 😤 -literally don’t know why isak and even ragging on kosegruppa is so funny but “did you think I joined to have fun” gets me every time -I SAW YOU THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL -also even literally radiating love @ isak watching get snarky w vilde on the phone bc it reminded him of the first time he saw him! even rly is that boyfriend who thinks isak being pissy is the Best Thing he has Ever seen -halla boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiz -literally the glo up of isak telling his friends the order in which he’d bang them -No filter! wow I love symbolism -so nice to see the girls together for a lil bit :) -the boys hyping up mags while also telling him to be respectful awwwwww -take desperate to a whole new level- Confucius  -who’s going to show isak how to properly hold a beer can -literally evak banter gets me thru the day. thank u tarjei and henrik for having phenomenal chemistry + improvisation skills + making isak and even the dumbest nerdiest boys i have ever seen -biology partner. and friend. ;-; -even literally is the biggest stoner blease -isak’s talk with eva is just sooooo<3 and not to be emo on main but every single word of the last few sentences he says hit me so gd hard because i feel the exact same way in my BONES -livet er nå 💛
final thoughts :( <3 -this season is so special. it feels like one really long oscar-worthy movie or smth?? i cant even exblain, its just magical. ALSO very dear to my heart. -julie really said you guys have seen isak sad and alone and repressed for the past two seasons so heres him falling in love with the best person in the world and coming to terms with who he is and being brave and opening up and finally being happy and living a real life -this season definitely feels different from s1/2/4 to me editing or production or music smth wise? as in, its got a lot fewer aesthetic shots and the cinematography seems a bit different if that makes any sense???? I also think this is the season most focused just on the main (i.e. not many- if any? sideplots going on) -literally will never get over the thought, love, and detail put into this season. when i say there is literally nothing i would change about it, i mean it and coming from my nitpicky ass??? means a lot lmfao. the acting, directing, music choices, symbolism...... sublime -s3′s cold rainy autumn aesthetic makes me ACHE for fall and also nostalgic for a highschool experience I never had lmao?? also. all the nighttime clips >>> -don’t know what else to say except thank u skam for my life
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grotesquegabby · 5 years
Fluff Alphabet for Cecilio The Jokester
this is more what Cecilio would do if he had an s/o or s/o’s in general. Plus these things help me think to build up more for characters.
A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Simple things mostly, Cecilio is old fashioned when it comes to dates.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
I feel they would admire their s/os attitdue and demeanor. Physical looks aren’t something Cecilio really goes for all the time. It’s personality, and since he can feel/sense the emotions and air of people. He tends to move towards very confident people. Those who are sure of themselves or even fiery in spirit.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
Comfort and make some jokes of course. Laughter is the best medicine
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
Cecilio doesn’t know, he tries not to think about the future too much anymore. He’s a here and now kind of guy, whatever happens in the future happens. Lets focus on now.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
In between, though he enjoys being a bit passive. He’s rather chill
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
That depends on what the fight is about for one. If it’s serious Cecilio can get loud especially if his s/o is loud. But since I imagine his s/o is kind of stubborn he would be in return for forgivness unless he knows he’s in the  wrong.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
Cecilio is grateful for his s/o if any. He would be aware of any nice thing they do, he’s observant as heck.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
Cecilio might keep things to himself but only really personal stuff that has nothing to do with s/o. In the beginning of course, after a while he’d share But he doesn’t really have secrets to hide.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
Thyone technically did change Cecilio as he became more distrustful of others and can be a bit aggressive in his jokes to test people.
If he had a different S/o that he could eventually learn to trust Id say things would change for the better.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Yes, Id say he is a good kisser. His first kiss was when he was younger. It took him by surprise really, you see when Cecilio was a young clown. Traveling the multiverse he came to Italy, where he did eventually stay quite a while.
He had regulars for his performances one being a young boy. Eventually he struck a friendship with him. They did everything together and it was nice to have someone to spend time with but one day something happened. The boy appeared very nervous around him and of course Cecilio thought he did something to terrify him but soon realized he was mistaken. When the boy quickly grabbed his shirt and pulled him into a kiss. Nothing graphic just a kiss that he held for at least 20 seconds. Before Cecilio to respond or even speak the boy was gone, having run off.
Sadly, he never saw him again since the boy never came back to his shows or contacted him. Gone without a trace.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
A big display/show, something that grabs attention for sure. Like fireworks
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
He’s fine either way with it. If he proposed it would be in a kind of semi silly way to just have fun with it.
If by marriage you mean wedding. Something simple but if he had to pick a location, Italy for sure.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
Sugar, Baby, Sugarplum, Babe, Sweet, (insert nickname close to s/os name), Doll
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
It’s kind of obvious when Cecilio likes someone, less mean jokes towards the person if any at all. Gifts are given to the person of interest.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
Cecilio isn’t one to lie unless he needs too, so he would never lie about his relationship with anyone. If he’s got one partner, hey im taken sorry (sir/ma’am) or Yeah I’m in a poly relationship. He’s big on affection but also knows there is a time and place for certain kinds but...that won’t always stop him.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
His ability to do very impossible things. He’s manipulated tings to benefit himself and past s/os to impress them.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
He is a hopeless romantic to his core. Cecilio is rather cliche most of the time, but he gets creative when he feels his s/o wants to experience something a little different.
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
They would love to help them, if Cecilio didn’t believe in them he wouldn’t be with them supporting them.
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
They can but Cecilio always has a trick or two up his sleeve. But he does like old fashioned kind of things.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
Cecilio knows he wont truly understand how his s/o is feeling but he can lend an ear if they have trouble or need to talk. He will know his partner very well after spending time with htem. He’s very observant
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
If the relationship is good it’s going to be very important to him, he wouldn’t want to lose it. Well if things get serious the s/o would pretty much be a part of the family
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
Cecilio likes to bake and do photography of things he likes (such as his s/o’s)
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
Cecilio is very affectionate, giving kisses is one of his favorite things to do.
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
Would most likely have a picture of them smiling and look at it every so often when he gets sad.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
He’s done some things. To say make his s/o happy or feel loved he does grand gestures like carving their face into a mountain side or rearranging stars to look like them. He’s done that once.
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svrpcntined · 5 years
Tumblr media
*cody ko vc* what is uP my guys we have three motherfuCKERS in the back of this car and one of them is this chaotic bisexual mickey jcndlskjf . i have stevie and lincoln’s coming up soon so pls bear with me bc im stuck at work and Suffering. but yeah pls like this to give me validation jsfkn also if u wanna plot and i’ll slide into ur dm’s
( joe keery, cismale, he/him ) ↷ hey, that’s MICHAEL “MICKEY” VALESKA who’s originally from BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS. i heard they’re TWENTY-FIVE and have been working on the ship as a COMEDIAN AT THE SHOW LOUNGE for A YEAR AND A HALF. other passengers seem to say they’re IMPATIENT and PASSIVE, but are also known to be CHARISMATIC and GREGARIOUS. when they’re missing home, i heard MORNING RUNS & THE SMELL OF OLD BOOKS can always cheer them up. ↷
full name: michael luca valeska / nicknames: mickey / birthday: november 12th / sexuality: bisexual / birthplace: boston, massachusetts / spoken languages: english & italian / hogwarts house: gryffindor
some tidbits of info:
so ya garbage boi is a bostonian through and through ,, born and raised there for nearly all his life and he doesn’t mind bc it was pretty chill of a place, loved the historical aspect of the city and there was usually almost always something to do ,, def still has an accent but only becomes more pronounced when he’s angry or passionately speaking then
he was always a hyperactive type of child which tbh made his parents nearly rip their hair out since they were a v proper and high society kind of family ?? his dad ( franklin ) was a cardiovascular surgeon who made that coin and married his college sweetheart ( or u know ,. as they tell mickey ) after graduation where she(valentina ) went on to fashion design and she has her own line that’s gaining traction in the fashion world
for as much as mickey deals with his parents nagging ,, he absolutely adores his mom ?? just a v petite and tiny italian woman who immigrated to america when she was in high school and immediately caught the eye of mickey’s dad and it was a whirlwind romance that was kinda more of a fling but then valentina became pregnant with mickey’s older brother so then he had to put a ring on it
so mickey is v fluent in italian bc his mom speaks it around the house raised him on it as a second language and for as much as he rags on his family sometimes and in his comedy skits, he would 10/10 die for his mom and she’s v soft for him as well and lowkey her fave son fjdslkjd but don’t tell the other valeska siblings
absolutely hates the name michael and v much prefers the nickname of mickey so naturally his dad just calls him michael all the time dnSLJKf mainly reserved for when he fucks up but also that’s just his dad so pls spare his heart and just call him mickey
but yeah mickey always had pent of energy that he released in creative formats like drawing and reading or just u know ,, running around which helped when he did track and soccer in high school and was actually p good at it ??
which kind of made him popular and he thrived off the attention ?? but was also the class clown of his grade and genuinely just loved making people happy and laugh ,, doesn’t like it when ppl don’t like him bc it just gives him anxiety that someone he made someone doesn’t like him jfdsk def a people pleaser so he tends not to read any reviews written about his comedy skits at the show lounge
mickey did above average when he was in school and def got good grades but he never really knew what he wanted to do with his life and bc his older brother followed in his dad’s footsteps of med school mickey was super !!!on edge about life and just having numerous existential crises a week so 0/10 not a fun time
his dad was really pitching for mickey to follow in his footsteps and his brother’s and mickey was like lmAO responsibility in choosing and shaping my future for years to come ?? no thx ,, bUT bc he is a people pleaser ya boi got accepted in the fam alma mater of harvard .. don’t get me wrong mickey had nice grades but his last name and family history of harvard grads kinda solidified his spot there so mickey went with crossed fingers and high level anxiety into his bachelor’s degree for biochem
as u can tell since um .. he’s on the cruise ship things didn’t go that well fjhsdkj thOUGH ya boi did secure the degree in biochem running on caffeine, anxiety and the determination of elle woods ( mainly to make his mom proud ) and then the idea of med school freaked him out and he told his parents he was taking a year off just to rejuvenate himself bc lmao college sucks y’all
mickey’s mom ( ever the angel that she is ) was v understanding and just let mickey work at her design studio for some modeling of her mens collection and deal with some interning responsibilities that he was chill with bc he got paid and it wasn’t all that hard ,, his dad was not as happy and just has a perpetual frown whenever he’s around mickey bc he think mickey is just slacking off since his older brother is dealing with med school just fine
he took up improv classes just bc he loved making ppl laugh and figured it would be a good way to fill up his time and started doing some stand up without telling his dad kdjfslfk so when his year was running dry he kind of just impulsively looked into horizon and sent in his resume for a comedian position
bc i’m trash his humor is essentially john mulaney ( example HERE ,, mainly bc this skit is my fave #dontjudgeme ) and just v self deprecating and humorous retellings of life stories and smart klfdgajfk ,, he has n*ce delivery which he has his improv classes to thank
soOOO his dad is v pissed while his mom is supporting him since he told her before he left djflsk so he’s been on horizon for a year and a half and loving it ?? doesn’t really know when he’ll leave but who knows
def v charismatic and loves talking to people and meeting new ppl ,, can be a bit of a Hoe so don’t judge him he means well ok !! will stay in the morning and bring breakfast bc he may be a Masshole but he ain’t an asshole ,, def the saying of “here for a good time not a long time”
bc i suck at timelines and whatnot , mickey dipped off the boat for a bit after meeting his now bf fox where they lived together and settled down and he’s gross and in love and sappy so we out here and bc fox came back to the ship so mickey decided why nOT so he’s here being a garbage bin comedian again asfjdk
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kronos-the-timelord · 5 years
Dude, do all of the numbers for that getting to know you better ask! Or half bc 200 is a lot :0
ahhhhhh,, you so nice
1: My name? - Margaret
2: Do I have any nicknames? - maggie, mag, mags, maggles, at one point my friends called me parky
3: Zodiac sign? - libra
4: Video game I play to chill, not to win? - i’ve never been too good at video games (but i like watching ppl playing them) and i’ve only ever had a wii so my sims kingdom was a favorite of mine
5: Book/series I reread? - divergent and pjo
6: Aliens or ghosts? - yes
7: Writer I trust enough to read whatever they write? - @kata-chthonia
8: Favourite radio station? - 103.3 fm, although i mostly listen to spotify now
9: Favourite flavour of anything? - grape and blue raspberry
10: The word that I use all the time to describe something great? - great or cool
11: Favourite song? - a to b by matt hires
12: The question you ask new friends to get to know them better? - it usually has to do with what drew me to them in the first place followed up by a version ‘why do you think that?’ i like knowing how ppl think bc it gives me a better way to start understand their view
13: Favourite word? - aurora
14: The last person who hurt me, did I forgive them? - i can’t really remember, so i dont know what that says :/
15: Last song I listened to? - serial killer by moncrieff
16: TV show I always recommend? - dexter or if they don’t like blood and violence, any of john mulaneys specials
17: Pirates or ninjas? - i liked pirates when i was younger, but ninjas are cool
18: Movie I watch when I’m feeling down? - any studio ghibli or song of the sea
19: Song that I always start my shuffle with/wake-up song/always-on-a-loop song? - lately its been SLUT by bea miller
20: Favourite video games? - i really love boderlands, the art style is great
21: What am I most afraid of? - snakes and failing at something i’ve been saying that i wanted to do my entire life
22: A good quality of mine? - im nice??
23: A bad quality of mine? - im a bit aggressive and im really blunt about things
24: Cats or dogs? - dogs!! I like cats too but i dont know how to interact with them
25: Actor/actress you trust enough to watch whatever they’re in? - he’s a voice actor, but crispin freeman is really cool!
26: Favourite season? - fall and spring
27: Am I in a relationship? - yeah, but it’s long distance during the school year ;-;
28: Something I miss? - my boi,, he’ll be back soon tho
29: My best friend? @keencheckerboard and @memeathon
30: Eye colour? - brown
31: Hair colour? - brown with red and blonde highlights
32: Someone I love? - my mom
33: Someone I trust? - @keencheckerboard
34: Someone I always think about? - @memeathon
35: Am I excited about anything? - finals to be over!
36: My current obsession? - bnha tbh
37: Favourite TV shows as a child? - i loved avatar and ed, edd, and eddy
38: Do I have someone of the opposite sex that I can tell everything to? - to an extent, but i dont tell them /every/thing
39: Am I superstitious? - kind of
40: What do I think about most? - right now, school
41: Do I have any strange phobias? - not really, i mean i overthink a lot of things, but there’s no phobias
42: Do I prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? behind
43: Favourite hobbies? - drawing/reading/writing/sleeping
44: Last book I read? - i think it was called stung, i actually finished it bc i wanted to complain about it properly
45: Last film I watched? - dumbo, my friend wanted to go see it, it wasnt good
46: Do I play any instruments? - i played clarinet for 3 years
47: Favourite animal? - dogs
48: Top 5 blog on Tumblr that I follow? - @wemakuu @wemakuutwo @keencheckerboard @memeathon @kata-chthonia
49: Superpower I wish I could have? - teleportation
50: How do I destress? - getting cozy and warm under my blankets with the lights off
51: Do I like confrontation? - i can be aggressive so i will be confrontational if i have to but i don’t go out of my way for it
52: When do I feel most at peace? - in my bed with the lights off
53: What makes me smile? - my friends, my boi, and goofy animal videos
54: Do I sleep with the lights on or off? - gotta be pitch black
55: Play any sports? - i played roller derby for 3 years
56: What is my song of the week? - really feeling be by hozier
57: Favourite drink? - …..water…. and a slushee
58: When did I last send a handwritten letter to somebody? - i think last summer???
59: Afraid of heights? - nope
60: Pet peeve? - slow walkers
61: What was the last concert I went to see? - does my high school’s band count???
62: Am I vegetarian/vegan/pescatarian? - nah
63: What occupation did I want to do when I was younger? - ob nurse, i still do
64: Have I ever had a friend turn enemy? - no, i’ve had ppl i tolerated turn into ppl i hate tho
65: What fictional universe would I like to be a part of? - bhna, but i feel the hero drama would get annoying after awhile
66: Something I worry about? - failing my classes
67: Scared of the dark? - nope
68: Who are my best friends? - this is the same as 29
69: What do I admire most about others? - their drive and where their motivation comes from
70: Can I sing? - no ;-;
71: Something I wish I could do? - sing
72: If I won the lottery, what would I do? - pay off my loans and (hopefully) for the rest of my college and then put whatever i had left into a savings account
73: Have I ever skipped school? - yes
74: Favourite place on the planet? - i think the smoky mountains are really pretty and i loved vacationing around them, but colorado was really neat too, so probs one of those places
75: Where do I want to live? - somewhere on the northeast coast!
76: Do I have any pets? - yeah!! He’s a doggo named dageus,,,, here he is,, the big boi!! (hes 121 pounds of love!!!!!)
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77: What is my current desktop picture? - something @memeathon drew me
78: Early bird or night owl? - night owl
79: Sunsets or sunrise? - im usually awake during sunset, but sunrise is really pretty
80: Can I drive? - yeah!
81: Story behind my last kiss? - i was saying bye to my boi at the airport
82: Earphones or headphones? - earphones
83: Have I ever had braces? - yeah,, they weren’t fun
84: Story behind one of my scars? - i have a couple little ones from acne on my back but other than that i don’t have any
85: Favourite genre of music? - i think indie rock?? Is that a genre?? Punk maybe????
86: Who is my hero? - florence nightingale,, she was hella cool and i went to her museum in london
87: Favourite comic book character? - i didn’t read a lot of comic books but i always liked spiderman and witchblade
88: What makes me really angry? - when ppl make fun of my friends >:l
89: Kindle or real book? - i like real books but ebooks are nice for traveling!!
90: Favourite sporty activity? - roller derby or skating
91: What is one thing that isn’t tight in schools that should be? - im not really sure what this question means????? But i didn’t like that in my middle school that the behavior coach(es) would already pick sides or would already hate kids that did nothing wrong and then in my high school no one cleaned up after themselves bc ‘the janitors can do it’ :/ it was really annoying
92: What was my favourite subject at school? - english/creative writing and art!!
93: Siblings? - i got an older brother who’s a big nerd
94: What was the last thing I bought? - i went to target last night and i got $68 worth of stuff including planty stuff, food, and gift stuff for my boyfriend’s moms
95: How tall am I? - 5’6” but i will not hesitate bitch
96: Can I cook? - yeah!
97: Can I bake? - yeah!
98: 3 things I love? - my friends/family, animals, and plants
99: 3 things I hate? - slow walkers, rasict/homo/trans/biphobic (anyone who just hates ppl for no reason tbh), and rude ppl >:l
100: Do I have more girl friends or boy friends? - more girl friends,,, i’ve kinda lost contact with most of my guy friends over the years,,,,
101: Who do I get on with better, girls or boys? - i feel more comfortable around other girls now but when i was younger i was okay with everyone
102: Where was I born? - in the cornfields of the midwest (i fucking hate this state)
103: Sexual orientation? - straight
104: Where do I currently live? - in the cornfields of the midwest, i am the creature you’re warned about, don’t walk alone at night
105: Last person I texted? - @memeathon : D
106: Last time I cried? - yesterday,,, finals hit me hard but i feel better now :D
107: Guilty pleasure? - uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,,,,,, looking at gross stuff,,, like surgeries and sometimes those pimple popping videos,,,,,,,,
108: Favourite Youtuber? - i’ve been watching a lot of gordon ramsay videos lately but i think brandon rogers or sovietwomble are up there
109: A photo of myself. - heres one i took on my break at work
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110: Do I like selfies? - no,,, i don’t really like looking back on photos of myself bc i think i just look weird,, like even in my super nice senior photos,,, or baby pictures,,
111: Favourite game app? - does neko astsume count???
112: My relationship with my parents? - it’s p good :D
113: Favourite accents? - i’m not really sure,,, i think just a flat accent, like midwestern bc its the one im most familiar with so its like homey???????
114: A place I have not been but wish to visit? - japan,, nowhere in specific i just want to see the country
115: Favourite number? - 23!!!!
116: Can I juggle? - no
117: Am I religious? - im a polytheist (a bad one, but oh well)
118: Do I like space? - i love space!!!! Its so neat!!!!!!
119: Do I like the deep ocean? - no!!! Its awful!!!!
120: Am I much of a daredevil? - i think my friends think i am, but i dont really think so, i mean i’ll try anything if it sounds fun, but not everything
121: Am I allergic to anything? - not that i know of
122: Can I curl my tongue? - yes
123: Can I wiggle my ears? - no
124: Do I like clowns? - not really
125: The Beatles or Elvis? - a little bit of each
126: My current project? - my creative writing portfolio ;-; its not that hard but im trying to figure out how to get this character right
127: Am I a bad loser? - depends on what i lost in, like if it was a game i didn’t really care about than no, but if it was something that i cared about a lot than yeah
128: Do I admit when I wrong? - i always try to, but sometimes i don’t
129: Forest or beach? - forest,, i don’t like the beach,, too much sand
130: Favourite piece of advice? - it’s not really advice but just the reminder that your current situation is not your final destination
131: Am I a good liar? - i think so
132: Hogwarts house / Divergent faction / Hunger Games district? - slytherin (its funny bc im scared of snakes)/ dauntless/ and i think district 6 (i live in the crossroads of america so yeah)
133: Do I talk to myself? - all the fucking time
134: Am I very social? - sometimes, i am kinda a social introvert
135: Do I like gossip? - i like to hear it but not be part of it
136: Do I keep a journal/diary? - i have a bullet journal and i try to keep up with my habit and mood tracker daily
137: Have I ever hopelessly failed a test? - no, but i have gotten like high d’s and low c’s before that make me sad
138: Do I believe in second chances? - depends on what they messed up on the first chance, like if someone cheated then no
139: If I found a wallet full of cash on the ground, what would I do? - i would like to say that i would return it with no money taken, but im just not sure :/
140: Do I believe people are capable of change? - yeah, if they’re really trying and realize that they need to, but even if they do change i know not everyone will accept them back into their lives and it shouldn’t be expected that they should after someone changes for the better
141: Have I ever been underweight? - no
142: Am I ticklish? - very and i have this weird tactile thing thats like i dont like ppl lightly touching me, it freaks me out
143: Have I ever been in a submarine? - no
144: Have I ever been on a plane? - yes!! I love flying!! Its so much fun!!
145: In a film about my life, who would I cast as myself, friends and family? - uhhhh,, im going to go by face,, i think for me - shailene woodley bc when she had her short hair ppl told me i looked like her @meme - liana liberato, she got the round face @keen - winona ryder (but back in beetlejuice) boyfriend - tucker west, i know he’s not an actor but he looks so much like him,,,, also it took me forever just to find these guys so im not finding family :p
146: Have I ever been overweight? - no
147: Do I have any piercings? - i have my ears pierced!
148: Which fictional character do I wish was real? - hari jurono,,, i love him ;-;
149: Do I have any tattoos? - no, but i already have some picked out that i want
150: What is the best decision I have made in life so far? - ummmm??? Im not sure?????
151: Do I believe in Karma? - yeah
152: Do I wear glasses or contacts? - contacts during the day and glasses at night
153: What was my first car? - i have a subaru crosstrek named inko!!! I love her!!
154: Do I want children? - no
155: Who is the most intelligent person I know? - my mom tbh,,, shes really smart
156: My most embarrassing memory? - omfg,, so this goes to show how oblivious i am about social interactions, but it was my first week in college and this junior was talking to me and i didnt realize he was flirting with me until after we traded snapchats and he left, so i panicked and never said anything to him again and blocked him
157: What makes me nostalgic? - when i walk around my neighborhood sometimes (i live near the preschool i went to) and i was over at my elementary school almost a year ago now, but i remember walking down the hall and seeing all the different teachers there now and it made me sad
158: Have I ever pulled an all-nighter? - yes, just last week
159: Which do I value more in others, brains or beauty? - brains
160: What colour mostly dominates my wardrobe? - darker colors like black and blue, but im trying to get lighter ones in there too
161: Have I ever had a paranormal experience? - yes, many times, but the one that sticks out to me is that one night i woke up at like 5 am for no reason, but i was just suddenly wide awake and something felt off, so i was trying to get comfy again and flipped over on my other side so i was facinging the door into my room instead of my wall and in front of my door was a tall black figure with red eyes staring at me and when i blinked it went away,, now i know this can be explained by some other things but with my family it seems more likely to be paranormal
162: What do I hate most about myself? - uhh, i procrastinate way too much
163: What do I love most about myself? - i always support my friends
164: Do I like adventure? - depends on the adventure,,, i like traveling, but not too much walking bc i have bad knees
165: Do I believe in fate? - not really
166: Favourite animal? - question 47
167: Have I ever been on radio? - no, but i was on my school’s announcements and i hated it
168: Have I ever been on TV? - no
169: How old am I? - 19
170: One of my favourite quotes? - “The Gods envy us. They envy us because we’re mortal, because any moment could be our last. Everything is more beautiful because we’re doomed”
171: Do I hold grudges? - im petty
172: Do I trust easily? - no,, im just cautious around ppl bc i just don’t know them
173: Have I learnt from my mistakes? - some of them
174: Best gift I’ve ever received? - im not too sure,,, i got a p cool backpack for my birthday tho that i use everyday
175: Do I dream? - yeah, cant remember too many tho
176: Have I ever had a night terror? - no??
177: Do I remember my dreams, and what is one that comes to mind? - can’t remember a lot after i wake up, but i just recently had one with some bnha characters in it, i can’t remember what happened, i just know that they were there
178: An experience that has made me stronger? - i know this might sound a bit morbid, but my aunt’s funeral, it was the first funeral i went to where i understood what was happening and it made me more open to learning and accepting death
179: If I were immortal, what would I do? - want to fucking die,,, i’ve never understood ppl who are scared of dying/want to live forever,, like why would you want that??? What’s the point??? You’ll just watch everyone you love die,,, i know it’s going to be hard on me when that happens to my closer family members, but even the new ppl you befriend,, i just couldn’t
180: Do I like shopping? - yeas
181: If I could get away with a crime, what would I choose to do? - tax evasion
182: What does “family” mean to me? - the ppl who i care about deeply and who love me, not all of them are blood related and not all the blood related ones are part of it
183: What is my spirit animal? - idk?????? Maybe a turtle???
184: How do I want to be remembered? - tbh, i don’t really want to be remembered
185: If I could master one skill, what would I choose? - drawing
186: What is my greatest failure? - im not sure
187: What is my greatest achievement? - uhh, i feel like its hard to point at a specific point and be like “that was the best thing i could have done, if i didn’t do that i wouldn’t be who i am today”
188: Love or money? - money
189: Love or career? - career
190: If I could time travel, where and when would I want to go? - probably to some point in the future,, i dont know where tho
191: What makes me the happiest? - the ppl i care about being happy
192: What is “home” to me? - the house i currently live in,, my family is here and im surrounded by ppl i love,, it’ll probably change with time, but for now its here
193: What motivates me? - spite
194: If I could choose my last words, what would they be? - it’s important to keep moving forward, don’t let the past hold you down
195: Would I ever want to encounter aliens? - kind of, i think it would be p cool
196: A movie that scared me as a child? - it wasn’t a movie but i know the animated wolf from peter and the wolf freaked me out
197: Something I hated as a child that I like now? - i hated mushrooms, but i love them now
198: Zombies or vampires? - vampires
199: Live in the city or suburbs? - suburbs super close to city
200: Dragons or wizards? - DRAGONS
201: A nightmare that has stayed with me? - its silly but when i was younger it would be my mom and i going to the mall downtown and the escalators were missing the part that connected them to the floor so you had to hop over it and when we would get to the 4th floor i would miss the jump and fall
202: How do I define love? - i know a lot of ppl are like “i would die for you or kill for you” something along those lines but i think it’s more living for someone, wanting to see them accomplish everything they wanted, being there for them during their lows203: Do I judge a book by its cover? - yeah, i wont pick up something that doesnt catch my eye
204: Have I ever had my heart broken? - no
205: Do I like my handwriting? - yeah!! Its loopy
206: Sweet or savoury? - sweet
207: Worst job I’ve had? - ive liked all the jobs ive had
208: Do I collect anything? no
209: Item of clothing or jewellery you’ll never see me without? - a hoodie/sweater of some kind
210: What is on my bucket list? - going to greece
211: How do I handle anger? - i usually rant for a bit, maybe cry to get the extra hormones out, maybe break something
212: Was I named after anyone? - no, but i did have the same name as my great grandma
213: Do I use sarcasm a lot? - yes
214: What TV character am I most like? - im been watching bnha a lot so i think either kirishima or uraraka
215: What is the weirdest talent I have? - i can cross my eyes and then move one of them
216: Favourite fictional character? - ,,,,, im not sure,, i really love eric from divergent
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sannycai-latte · 6 years
Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 92 truths about you. at the end choose 25 people to be tagged. I was tagged by @sweetalking 
drink: if not water then it was milk tea :D
phone call: from my friend to see if it’s a good time to drop off some stuff from earlier today
text message: from my friend telling that she’s in front of my house
song you listened to: uhh “Isabellae” by elijah who
time you cried: not sure? i mean, a tear or two slipped when i was in the car last friday, but im not sure if that counts?
dated someone twice: lol ive never even dated anyone once
been cheated on: nope ^^^
kissed someone and regretted it: never kissed anyone other than family before so no
lost someone special: uhhh like death wise? my granny; relationship wise: i mean, i guess?
been depressed: not clinically, but i do have some moments 
been drunk and thrown up: unfortunately yes-
made a new friend: HELL YEAH
fallen out of love: i mean, i realize that i dont want him anymore so yes :DD
laughed until you cried: can’t recall, but i probably did :D
met someone who changed you: can’t remember!! PROBABLY
found out who your true friends are: fortunately and definitely!!
found out someone was talking about you: ah, the unfortunate part lol
how many people on tumblr do you know in real life?: 2, but one of them uses twitter more so  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
do you want to change your name?: i used to for my first name to a lot of weird shit like Sandra mulan pikachu mewtwo etc... Churro- but that when i was like five years old.. other than that, i actually like my first name because of the nicknames i have from friends and family (’: SURNAME WISE: i mean, i’ll probably get my surname changed when im married coughs sandra huang doesnt sound so bad COUGHS
what time did you wake up this morning: 9:50ish AM and i hated it cuz i thought i was gonna wake up to a bunch of missed calls (’:
what were you doing last night: baking a cake, trying to finish the 00 liners’ vlive, eating, aaaaand messaging peeps! OH! and showering at 1:30 AM :D...
name something you cannot wait for: uhm, normally id tell people that i want a boyfriend LMAO, i normally put fortunes i would get from cookies into my wallet so that they would come true but now i just have a little metal piece that says “happily ever after” on it SO YEAH im waiting for my happily ever after!!
have you ever talked to a person named tom?: i don’t think so? i met two brothers name tim and timothy though!!
what’s getting on your nerves right now: my reflection LOL
blood type: not sure, i was too anxious about the actual blood draws to even remember asking for my blood type kjaksjal
nickname: OKAY SO I REALLY LIKE THIS ONE NICKNAME MY OLDER BROTHER USED TO CALL ME IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL BUT HE DOESN’T CALL ME IT ANYMORE- it’s (1) sandararara, then it went to (2) “gorilla” and (3) “clown” when i hit middle school, now it’s: (4) “the cooliest girl ever” smh- my relatives and parents used to call me (5) baby (bih-bee since they all have accents) but then my little brother was born (6) im being called san more now by my parents and friends, rarely by friends: (7) sanny- thas all i can think of at the moment
relationship status: none except my nonexistent ones with RJ or the man on my limitless poster
zodiac sign: lol im a mergoat- capricorn :D
pronouns: she/her
favorite show: GINTAMA!! but i haven’t finished that or any of the other shows i like; non anime: uhhh i like “New Girl” and i really like “ Don't Trust the B---- in Apartment 23“ but i haven’t finished those either; cartoon: I ACTUALLY FINISHED OVER THE GARDEN WALL. but that was a long ass time ago ajkbfa
college: im still waiting for the UCs and calstates to email me ;; mora got hers and it makes me anxious-
hair color: dark brown (i wanna dye it though, AT LEAST HIGHLIGHTS OR SOMETHING)
do you have a crush on someone: unfortunately i don’t (really miss that feeling though)
what do you like about yourself: I- I dont know
first surgery: none(?)
first piercing: ears :)
first sport you joined: i tried out for basketball in eighth grade but thas the most ive done for sports team
first vacation: probably Cambodia
first pair of sneakers: i really don’t know, they were probably white baby sneakers- i used to wear my brothers’ hoenn sneakers in the first grade though since it didnt fit them anymore!
eating: nothing cuz its 3:30 AM LOL
drinking: water
i’m about to: knock tf out
listening to: red velvet-be natural (it was bad boy/kokobop remix)
get married: i wanna get married but not this year LOL maybe in ten years?
career: i wanna be a writer- maybe if i study music more in the future id wanna be a music producer or composer but i have little to no experience with music so i have to get rid of that thought for now
lips or eyes: legs eyes(?)
hugs or kisses: hugs (never been kissed before so (’:)
shorter or taller: yes.
older or younger: I prefer older but i guess a year or two younger doesn’t hurt
romantic or spontaneous: as much as id like things to be different from cliches, im a SUCKER for all the sappy corny shit, as long as they know what they’re doing without going totally heads in then im okay with anything
sensitive or loud: yeeee
hookup or relationship: relationships(?)
troublemaker or hesitant: UHHHHHHH he better has a reason for both. im sorry- i really dont know my type
kissed a stranger: no
drank hard liquor: yes?
lost contacts/glasses: I thought i lost my glasses a few times but thats just me being paranoid
sex on first date: never had either of those lol
broken someone’s heart: I dont think i broke his heart?? if anything, mine was broken
been arrested: nOPE! too stupid and paranoid to get in trouble
turned someone down: sorta, we just both ignored the other without knowing both parties were ignoring each other
fallen for a friend: fuck. yeah smh
in yourself: sometimes.. i got move forward somehow
miracles: yes! i think
love at first sight: johnny uhh for me, those are just infatuations and i learned that the hard way lol so no
uhm i dont know many people so ill try to tag as much as i can,you guys dont have to do this!!
@neebeejeebies @marksjeno @rxnjuns @bbyb0y-seo @peachy-chenle @whatsoodo @honeytaeyong @reunjun @renjunhuang @huntingfire2001
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gohyuck · 7 years
Sleepovers with NCT Dream
anon asked: Am I allowed to request sleepover/slumber parties with NCT Dream? Just somethin cute n fluffy
okay so i’m not sure if this is like each individual member or with the group as a whole so i did...both? 
uh for each of them the other members aren’t present because just...assume that the specific member kicked them out for the night or they dont wanna bother member/reader haha
under the cut
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“fight me mark lee”
you regret the words like...as soon as they leave you because the moment you finish your sentence you get a face full of pillow
youd forgotten your clothes in the excitement of being able to sleepover at your boyfriend’s so long story short you’re decked out in one of his thinner t-shirts and a pair of his sweatpants
moments before disaster (aka The Pillow) struck you’d been chilling out on the couch and you both were pigging out just watching tv or something 
then mark decided to s t e a l a c h i p f r o m y o u r b o w l 
you couldn’t just TAKE THAT 
so yeah you mouth off and then get pillowed in the face and after the initial shock wears off you kinda just calmly get up and walk slowly towards the kitchen counter to put your food away so it doesnt spill
all the while mark is shaking in his boots the fear is BUILDING
because hes going over the scenarios of what you might do next in his head he doesnt notice you discretely picking up a pillow
he does feel it tho when you hit him upside the head with it
W A R ensues its like... Armageddon 
until you pin mark down because hes laughing way too hard to fight back
“cry uncle” “NEVER” tickles him once “uNCLE”
he calls for a truce and you give him one with a warning about stealing food and hes like ok fine ill get my own chips next time and you guys resume watching the movie
his arms around you and youre just using him as a headrest/backrest and its overall a really soft time tbh
mark is really comfortable tbh
and you guys have been dating for a while (dream’s parents) so it’s just like a normal date, practically
its just really chill like you guys dont do much other than marathon movies and pillow fight and pig out 
and make small talk 
and steal kisses
playing random games like ispy or something just seems like a mark thing
planning future hang outs and dates lol
“hey on our next date im taking you out to dinner” “and a movie” “you bet” “mark i was kiddi-” “its my treat”
it gets late fast though (time flies when you’re having fun) and you notice this and look over to say that maybe you guys should sleep only to find your bf knocked out on the other side of the couch
you cant help but smile at the sight
he’s so overworked, you don’t have the heart to wake him up
instead you turn off the tv, put up all the foodstuffs and clean the area quickly, put the pillows up and lay a pillow out on the ground by the couch and find a blanket and then turn off the lights before lying down
when mark wakes up the next morning he wakes up before you and sighs before stepping over you lightly to brush and stuff and to pour cereal for the two of you (hes not even going to TRY to cook)
once you wake up hes like “why didnt you wake me i wouldve taken the floor” and youre just like “yeah thats why i didnt wake you” and he just shakes his head because he cant argue with you and honestly hes
kinda touched, just a little
you have to leave all too soon but you dont go before getting a goodbye kiss and a promise to have another sleepover very soon
just....soft..soft times
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board game central
hes just 
head in the game lolol (dont kill me for that joke)
monopoly? clue? sorry? you name it he’s got it like...this boy doesn’t play when it comes to board games
no pun intended
the first half of the night is just you guys playing random board games as best you can with just two people
and then he brings out the chess board
that’s when it gets bumpin tbh
by bumpin i mean you and your boyfriend nearly wring each others throats during the match...but with your minds...because neither of you are speaking you’re THAT concentrated
it’s.....2 hours long
and in the end you guys have to call a draw and like you sit back and just stare at each other blinking and eventually renjun speaks
and his voice is hoarse because neither of you have spoken in a while and the first thing he says (very matter-of-factly, too) is “i’m going to flip the board now”
and you just go “go ahead” hoarsely as well because you’re just in mild shock that nobody won that intense ass match
he flips the board and looks up and stares at you and you stare back and suddenly the two of you are crying of laughter like
majorly uncontrollable you’re just rolling on the floor wheezing 
after you both calm down renjun goes to the kitchen to find something to eat and he’s like “it’s 1 in the morning oh my god we haven’t even eaten dinner what the heck” and that sends you into another fit of laughter
“wait but we still have to have like a pillow fight and watch dumb romcoms and horrors and stuff we have so much to do and so little time” “renjun we don’t have to do all the cliche sleepover stuff” “ok but consider this: itll be fun” “its like ass thirty in the morning though/??” “are you saying we cant do it because if so now we HAVE to do it” “...you get the pillows i’ll get the popcorn put the worst movie you can find into the dvd player”
after a few movies its like 5: 30 am and the two of you are still awake
“are you still up” “no are you” “no”
neither of you wants to be the first to fall asleep
competitive couple af
you guys start a two person game of truth or dare and it ends up getting mushy because for a truth renjun asks you like how you knew you wanted to date him
and you get serious and stuff (which he didn’t foresee he expected an answer like “well you look like moomin and like....i love moomin”) and you come at him with like “when i started noticing that your eyes sparkle when you sing and just how happy you make other people and how you love what you do and how-”
he attacks you with a massive hug because oh my god you’re so sweet he’s getting a cavity 
“i like you a lot, you know”  “i’d hope so i just ate like 90% of your snack stash renjun”  “i take that back”
you guys are still awake when mark comes back to the dorm
when he gets out of the shower, however, is a different story - you and renjun are dead asleep while sitting on the couch, awkwardly wrapped around each other
a photoshoot courtesy of mark’s phone camera ensues
(mark goes to sleep to ice cubes in his pillow that night, courtesy of you and renjun)
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king of planning 
like he mentally knows everything that can and will go wrong and stuff and knows where the extra pillows and blankets are and is aware of what you’re gonna wanna do and just...he Knows
the first thing you guys do when you get to the dorm is bake brownies 
he makes sure to take videos of the whole process and send them to the other members
jeno: guess what yall are missing out on ;) jisung: i hate this family
the kind of bf to try to feed you the brownies and get the food literally everywhere but your mouth
for as put together as he is you guys end up having brownies and ice cream for dinner lol neither of you can be bothered to cook dinner
“babe should we order out” “i mean you can if you want to” “...but jenoooo that means getting up and getting to my phone” “that’s what i thought”
has a cache of games and movies and shows 
“take your pick”
you guys end up playing random card games like ERS or blackjack for a while 
it honestly is never boring tho because you and jeno are just so comfortable with each other every moment is great no matter what you’re doing
i feel like jeno’s the kind of guy to call his SO a bunch of cute nicknames like he just wants you to know how cute he thinks you are and he does that thru nicknames
“love...” “babe...” “sweetheart...”
after a while though you run out of card games to play and jeno’s about to suggest watching something on tv when he sees your expression
“...what’s on your mind” “...we could mess with your members a little...” “prank calls?” “you know me so well”
within an hour the two of you have convinced yuta that aliens are real and can use cellphones and gotten taeyong to believe that “swag” is a polish swear word and that donghyuck needs to be punished whenever he says it
and jaemin thinks he’s being relentlessly contacted by clowns from a circus in the next town over who think that he’s stolen their tiny car
you guys pass more time just talking and stuff 
and putting on songs and dancing to them it’s Good Fun
he makes you take his bed and sleeps on the floor in a sleeping bag 
you feel awful about it though so when you’re sure he asleep you go find the other sleeping bag and take your pillow and sleep beside him on the floor
he’s super shook when he wakes up but when he realizes that you didn’t want him to be lonely on the floor his smile is as bright as the sun
texts his friends for help on how to cook a nice breakfast
jeno: yo does anyone know how to make breakfast haechan: yeah jeno: cool what are the directions haechan: i didn’t say i’d give them to you
by this time you’re awake and just like “ok let me handle breakfast” 
the two of you just end up eating plain rice and eggs (because you aren’t confident in your kitchen skills) and giggling over the crappy pictures you’re taking of each other eating 
all in all the perfect date/sleepover
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the moment you walk in the first thing that happens is that haechan pulls you into a hug
the second thing that happens is he holds you at an arm’s length, looks you straight in the eyes, and goes “we have to make a pillow fort”
you 100% agree it’s a necessity 
after putting your bag down on the kitchen he basically drags you to the living room 
the couch gets pushed back against the wall, the coffee table is moved to the side and chairs are moved back so there’s just a big floorspace directly in front of the tv 
“let’s use four chairs as like pillars to hold up the blankets and bring all our food, phones, everything in so we don’t have to leave the fort the whole night” “i like the way you think.. we should go out some time, get to know each other better” “hyuck we’re dating”
i feel like haechan’s the type to be reserved with pda and stick to handholding (only sometimes, even then) because he’s embarrassed around the other members because they like teasing y’all
BUT when you guys are alone he’s totally different 
like after the fort is finished and there are blankets above your heads and you’re both changed into makeshift pjs (just shorts and shirts tbh) and theres pillows around the fort’s perimeter and the tv is on he’ll like
grab whatever you’re currently eating and hold it up and whenever you lean over to reach it he’ll just lean back or move it just out of your reach again
“give it backkkk” “only if you kiss me” “...honestly i was going to do that anyways but now that you’re asking i don’t want to”
leaning into him and him closing his eyes because he expects a kiss and his arm naturally lowering lolol you grab the food and move back without even a peck on the cheek
a pouty haechan emerges
he wont talk to you again unless you kiss him and youre like ugh this big baby
but you dont wanna spend the whole night conversationless so you comply and he pulls you in
suddenly yall are rolling around in the fort laughing and having a play fight just cute af tbh
“hey hyuck we have approximately 9 hours before the other guys come back and i have to go and we have to sleep sometime so we basically have 3 hours to pull some amazing prank” “not to worry, sweetheart - i already have an idea”
and thats when you two set about to turn literally everything upside down in everyone’s rooms 
it takes forever because he puts music on while you guys are working and you both end up ballroom dancing to michael jackson
once its done neither of you can breathe from laughing so hard 
he makes a really quick dinner and the two of you eat it in the fort
while trading stories from the past couple weeks
“so you’re telling me she just...drank the entire cup of coffee after pouring two monster energies into it” “yeah she straight up chugged it i was in AWE”
all of this is done facing each other while holding hands on one side and eating with the other
“hey is that my shirt” “might be? i just found it in my drawers” “it’s definitely mine” “no wonder it’s so soft”
you guys fall asleep really late (or early, depending on how you look at it) because you spend so much time just TALKING
there’s 80s movies playing on the tv in the background
you fall asleep on your pillow but wake up like sideways using haechan’s chest as a footrest or something just...weird sleep position couple
the two of you wake up to confused exclamations from the other members
“hey maybe we should eat breakfast somewhere else so they don’t kill us for the upside downness” “get your keys i’ll grab money” 
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buys a telescope just for your sleepover
“what’s the point of having a roof if you can’t climb on top of it and stargaze”
has you go up the stairs to the roof first so he can keep a steady hand on your back since the stairs are narrow
you guys have to make like three trips up and down from the roof before settling down
the first trip you guys set the telescope and blankets up and you go down because you need to go back and bring the food up
the second time is because you have to bring pillows up
the third time is because jaemin forgets his phone oops
its still kind of light out when you guys get up on the roof so you pass time by taking selfies and talking and stuff
its cold af outside and youre freezing despite your jacket so jaemin bundles the both of you up in a blanket (or 4) 
“so the best time to watch the meteor shower is between midnight and dawn but we can just look at other cool spacey stuff before then” “why would i look at other stars when the brightest star is right in front of me” “that’s the cheesiest thing i’ve ever heard i’m breaking up with you” “aw jaemin you know you love me”
you have to stop him from trying to eat what is essentially just a whole bunch of tomatoes in rice paper in one bite
jaemin forgets to bring games up to the roof and hes too lazy to go downstairs and get anything
youre not bored anyways tho
once it gets darker you guys start pointing out some cool stars and constellations
“babe it’s orion’s belt” “nana look at that star, it looks so bright!” “almost as bright as you” “i already said that about you earlier, try again”
play fighting over the telescope
he lets you look first though
when the meteor shower starts you’re both in serious awe
“can you believe that we’re so small and just..tiny and pliable and insignificant in this universe and there are huge things like meteors just streaking through this vast space of nothingness and just wow” “i’m just glad i exist at the same time as you” “jaemin that’s...that’s not even corny or anything that’s just super cute i can’t even make fun of you for it” “it’s true, though”
both of you forget to take videos of the shower
because you’re just enthralled with the fact that the literal sky is like...on fire and shit
jaemin the type to press chaste kisses to your cheek and pull you ever closer to him at random intervals
Soft BF Alert
eating dinner while watching
he points at like every meteor and is like “look at it goooo”
“gotta go fast” “jae if it was possible to literally delete somebody i’d do that right now...blocked” “you love me”
sings under his breath and you record a vid of him doing it without him knowing because its so cute and just...hes so good at singing youre shook
once it starts getting really late and youre yawning and stuff hes like ok maybe we should go downstairs and sleep
it takes two trips to get everything back down to the dorm rip 
at least jaemin doesnt forget his phone this time
once you guys get back neither of you can decide who gets the bed
“you can have it babe i sleep here everyday” “no way i cant do that to you, ill take the floor i practically live here its like home”
its wayyy too late to argue tho you both end up sharing the bed
overall an amazing date like???? meteor shower AND a sleepover with your bf in one night?
thats one successful night
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theres an unspoken meme war between the two of you
like nobody really mentions it its there...looming...constantly...
meme war as in you guys constantly taken ABSOLUTELY HORRENDOUS pictures of each other and use them as reaction images
throughout the night each of you take/send pics of each other to the other dream members 
“we should cuddle” “ok how do i know youre not gonna like...lick me or something for a picture of my expression” “you...well you dont but-”
you convince him to watch the ouija movies that are out
he makes it through them but like...
chenle’s either screaming throughout the whole movie or totally shell shocked and you’re just lol @ him
“this isn’t even that scary” “speak for yourself” “i am - come out from under the blanket babe i swear it’s not that scary”
after the movies he’s like “im never letting you choose what to do ever again ever” and you get him saying it on video for the Jokes
its his turn to choose
his immediate response is karaoke
chenle sets everything up for it while you order in dinner because lbr neither of you are looking up the directions to anything with cooking 
he screams directly into the mic while youre on the phone to test it
(and takes a pic of your eyes going wide and you jumping a little bit)
“is everything alright on your side” “yeah just ...make that three orders of chicken im gonna be eating my woes away tonight”
chenle gets out the hoverboard and tries to teach you the dance moves to chewing gum
that quickly stops because you fall onto him
within a span of four and a half minutes
nobodys there to roast though so you guys laugh as hard as you want
a lot of screaming
you love his laugh its so bright and happy just!!! wow
ngl since you started dating him his laugh kind of influenced yours so you laugh a lot louder than you did before chenle
when your food comes in youre too busy screaming lyrics to a song to get the door so chenle grabs the food
and tips the deliveryboy even more than he usually would 
“you’re going to scare away the neighbors with that singing” “i’m surprised people still live here after you moved in chenle, dolphin sounding little-”
eating on the floor while facing each other
“close your mouth while chewing” “ok hon but to tell me that you spoke while eating” “listen, zhong chenle-”
having a staring contest 
loser has to wash dishes
spoiler alert: you lose because he starts smiling and you cant stare straight at him when he smiles without smiling back and blinking really hard its like looking straight at the actual sun
hes super loving and cuddly so while youre washing dishes chenle backhugs you instead of cleaning up the karaoke equipment
“yah you’re sidetracking me” “we should dance instead of being boring and washing dishes like an old married couple” “you can dance while i’m being productive”
he does just that - tries to sidetrack you EVEN MORE by dancing ridiculously while you try to wash dishes 
ends up in a soap and water fight 
i feel like chenle would sleep a little earlier than the other guys so when youre done cleaning up your (late) dinner and hes done mopping the floor of the remnants of soap hes like maybe we should sleep
you agree because its almost like 1 am and youre tired too
pulling out a big family size sleeping bag in the middle of the living room floor and finding pillows
putting on light instrumental sleep music
waking up to chenle taking like a million pictures of your terrible bedhead and sending them to all of his friends
chenle’s just so fun to be around alfskjdk
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ngl i feel like the night would start off just a little bit awk with jisung
like not awkward to where no conversation is being made awkward just more like small talk while sitting a good foot away from each other on the couch and friends is running on the tv in the background awkward 
you get tired of that really fast tho
bc you and jisung have been best friends for a g e s it shouldnt be like this
so you bean him with a throw pillow
straight upside the head like hes an alarm clock that wont shut up
it takes him a second to react but once he does its chaos 
he hits you back with like twice as much speed and power
suddenly both of you are on the floor fending for yourselves while trying to attack the other
you fight valiantly but hes just
so dang tall that eventually he grabs the weaponized pillow right out of your hand and holds it way high above your head
“checkmate” “...oh shut up :/”
after that though its a lot more comfortable like you settle into your usual pattern of relentlessly teasing each other
“lets put on mickey mouse cartoons jisung you’ll be able to relate” “are you even tall enough to see the tv” “not everyone can be a beansprout”
jisung pops popcorn for the movies and instead of eating it while watching the movie the two of you just throw kernels at each other and laugh at how dumb the other looks with popcorn in their hair
after a while jisung’s like “we should go out back there’s like... a singular tree and some grass and we can just chill” and you’re like well that’s new in the city so it’s a good opportunity so you agree
bringing a needle and thread outside so you can sew together flower crowns of leaves, grass, and dandelions
jisung leans against the tree while watching you make a mildly lopsided crown 
he cant help but laugh when you put it on his head
“hold on im gonna take a picture” “do i look like a beautiful princess” “like a model, jisung, the prettiest princess ever” “will you be the frog to my princess?” “that’s the worst pick up line i’ve ever heard i’m considering taking back my flower crown”
you almost go inside after that but jisung’s like wait what about a flower crown for you
and you’re like oh i forgot i wasn’t really focusing on making one for myself haha
so jisung takes the needle and thread and makes you one
it’s not as pretty as the one that’s on his head but itll do
taking like 20 selfies together with the flower crowns before going back inside
after that he teaches you some of the nct dances
including stuff from the other subunits
“can you teach me taeil-ssi’s cheerleader dance from paju” “...this lesson is over”
jisung making rice and meat for dinner
you fry vegetables and try your hardest not to make anything explode
afterwards you’re lying down on the couch and he’s on the floor below you
the lights are out and its been a while since theyve been off
youre halfway asleep when
“i know youre my best friend but i think i want to date you”
aaaaand youre wide awake again
“wait, jisung, what?” “i thouGHT YOU WERE ASLEEP OH NO” “did i hear you correctly???” “im so sorry i’ll-” “i like you too you absolute idiot oh my god i cant believe neither of us said anything i-” “-move to cuba and change my name you’ll never have to hear from me again-” “-we are SO DUMB wow okay well we have to get together now its the next logical step-” “-and i’ll cut all connection off and. wait. wait, you like me back?” “-and. dude wait have you not been listening to me at all?? yes??”
and that kids is how you and jisung end up together
jisung texts all of his members before you both really do go to sleep (after an awkward hug and a massive bout of embarrassed laughter) that he finally confessed
you wake up to 89 texts and 2 missed calls 
“taeyong says i have to keep you safe and make sure you eat three square meals a day” “is it disrespectful if i block my hyung and surrogate mother”
!! youre dating park jisung congr a t s
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you open the door immediately to hug bombardment by chenle and jaemin
mark closes it behind you (and shrugs apologetically) considering you cant because youre sandwiched in between the two other members
the first thing all of you do is eat because haechan’s made dinner (with, as jeno keeps reminding everyone, jeno’s help)
hc: all he did was heat the water jn: but it was necessary and helpful, wasn’t it
the second order of business is to push everything out of the way in the living room so the floorspace is entirely open
there are, after all, eight people there and its getting tight on the chairs 
everyones just like eliminate the seating options and thats best - then everyone will just have to sit on the floor 
you: so whats next rj: lets play monopoly everyone, collectively: NO mk: i still have nightmares from last time
jisung suggests twister and everyone (foolishly) agrees
jaemin calls out the colors and limbs and soon you find your left arm reaching over chenle’s right leg and your legs trapped under jisung’s torso
hc, monotonously but muffled as his face is somewhere under renjun’s right armpit: wow this is so wild
after that ends badly (mark nearly suffocates from jeno’s left foot being literally in his mouth) everyone agrees on never taking a suggestion from jisung again (including jisung) 
you suggest a movie marathon and everyone throws pillows at you because that’s “basic”
jm: what about truth or dare jn: wow nana that’s actually a good idea jm: im going to ignore your tone and take it as a compliment anyways
truth or dare quickly causes everyone to become absolute messes because stuff like this happens -
you: renjun, truth or dare rj: truth you: so if you had to gently caress anyone here’s bellybutton, whose bellybutton would it be rj: i
mark and haechan and chenle can each barely breathe because theyre laughing too hard
meanwhile renjun’s mentally going through his brain files of everyone’s bellybuttons and ruing the day he was born, not necessarily in that order
jeno’s videotaping the entire game for future blackmail
hc: jisung if everyone here was a redwood tree who would you set on fire js: you hc: you..you couldnt have hesitated? for even just a secon d
jn: chenle go out in the street and yodel cl: you didnt even ask me truth or d- jn: do it
by the time truth or dare ends its pretty late but youre all way too hopped up on each others embarrassment and general having fun with friends to sleep
cl: karaoke? hc: karaoke. you: maybe karaoke will be our always
the noise level grows like exponentially once karaoke comes on
and it was already pretty freaking loud to start out with
mark’s halfway through a particularly soulful rendition of eminem’s lose yourself when you take a look at the clock
you: guys its almost 3 in the morning jm: sleep is for the WEAK js: chenle’s been knocked out for at least a half hour jm: exactly
mark and jeno move chenle onto the couch and put a blanket over him while you, haechan, and renjun set up sleeping bags and pillow and blankets on the living room floor 
jaemin and jisung turn the music off and make sure the kitchen and everything is clean (and twister is put away)
you turn off the lights and lie down in the bag between mark and renjun
you: we should do this another time jm: minus the twister everyone: minus the twister
jeno wakes you up by stepping on your stomach the next morning while trying to escape renjun and his Pillow of Wrath
the pillow fight’s a little late but hey
8 am is better late than never
a quick breakfast is had while everyone takes turns brushing/showering/changing and it hits 10 am quicker than expected
everyones sad when you have to go back home but!! you all had fun and thats what counts
youre not surprised when mark texts the group chat later about hanging out again soon
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rogue-rook · 7 years
many highlights from The Suffering Game from a first-time TAZ listener
also featuring bits from the Lunar Interlude IV: The Calm Before the Storm
that’s a fucking ominous combination of names, THANKS MCELROYS!!!!
griffin: “kravitz, who’s the bounty hunter for the raven queen, who’s the goddess of the natural passage of life and death” that’s an awesome title, wayyy cooler than just “goddess of death”
kravitz and taako is a good ship, im glad its a thing people ship
the BOB opened a wine and pottery place and i gotta give them credit for being so considerate of their employees and also being on top of the best hipster ass trends…justin named it the Chug and Squeeze. its the rowdy one
kravitz: "how much more dying do you think is gonna happen?" taako: "us dying? or like other regular dying?" kravitz: "any dying at all" taako: "there's gonna be some"
kravitz getting all agitated by the umbra staff and the probable lich inside it is making ME nervous
sweet angus macdonald, boy detective, is easily my favorite non-dead or death related npc
i cannot believe merle has kids
also merle called them the tres horny boys and im like my nickname of grubby grifters is way better and much less likely to horrify young children
sweet ango: “you can swear in front of me, its okay" merle: “oh shit thank god”
aw shit magnus has been having sleepless nights over the shit he doesn’t understand, poor sweet magnus
aw shit he’s gonna confront the voidfish!
a voidfish memory!!!! THERE ARE MULTIPLE VOIDFISH! aw shit there’s some big bad evil out there! AW SHIT THERE’S A BABY VOIDFISH!!
leon the artificer: "oh god, just put it in the machine, please god! im in hell and YOU'RE SATAN!"
garfield the deals wizard: “ah, angling to make a DEALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL” merle: “that was 42 L’s”
garfield: “i know what I want! YOUR SIDEBURNS!!!” everyone: “ohhhhhh”
garfield: “how about a tiny little scraping?” yall WHAT THE HELL DOES GARFIELD WANT WITH HIS HAIR???
griffin: “holy shit that was funny. as soon as I realized what you were doing, i was sent into a panic spiral!”
griffin: “i wish it hadn’t taken me 40-some episodes to discover the power of the epilogue”
the director: “taako, are you okay?" taako: "yeah, i’m fine! you're not my mom"
oh no the director lost 20 years of her life to a wager in wonderland and im like aw fuck this arc is gonna fuck ME UP
justin: "taako went on a date with death and now that i say this out loud, that sounds soooo cool!"
justin: “its not that taako is embarrassed about his sexuality, its just that he doesn’t think its anybody's goddamn business, especially these fucking clowns!”
magnus: "and you are?" sweet ango: "im angus macdonald, boy detective and your very good friend!" magnus: "um, sounds familiar...nah i tousle his hair and say ‘of course i remember you!’"
merle: "we're just jumping right in?" the director: "would you like to take 20 minutes to buy shorts again?" merle: "they were good shorts"
griffin "well now you have....CAPTIVES? you have now pokemon-ed these two boys!"
im like pretty sure griffin called magnus “madness”
merle: “please be hawkeye!” griffin: “yep, its the guy himself, hawk-guy, uh, no”
damn yall this twisted horror movie wonderland shit popped off magnus’s pinkie and stole merle’s dark vision
griffin: “you guys are basically fucking demigods right now. you're basically benicio del toro's character in the marvel movies” i had to google what the fuck griffin meant by that and i have seen almost al the marvel movies so i would easily label that as the Deepest Cut
taako: “do you think that wet ropes are conductive?” magnus: “more so than dry ropes!" [sounds of justin dying of laughter away from the mic"
oh god taako’s finally gone back to the ethereal plane and these glowy-eyed creeps are back!!!!! im so creeped out!!!!!
griffin: “damn, you're the danger squad!!” taako: “well, somebody dropped a washing machine on me and i got squished into a ghost!! so its not foolproof” well now ive got this mental image of taako as like a smushed goomba
griffin: “there’s NO healing in wonderland!” man griffin is getting just a tad TOO into this whole Playing God shit
griffin: “the severed head is just laying there...cuz its a head”
cam the body-less head: “im sorry i can't greet you with a formal hand shake, but i seem to have misplaced my...my everything”
 cam: “what brings you to wonderland?” magnus: “looking for a bell” cam: “must be a pretty good fucking bell”
cam: “what do you know about liches?” magnus: “they get stitches, i think!” justin: “LICHES GET STITCHES! okay” aw shit yall liches are becoming a plot point and the one single spoiler i know about (lup) is getting mE HYPED!!!
justin: “i know what you should give up! your B-I-B-LE!” and then justin fucking SANG AN IMPROVISED SONG ABOUT MERLE’S DUMMBO BIBLE
lydia the evil elf lich bitch: “are you three heroes ready for your ONLY chance at love??” magnus: “uh, pass” i feel like somewhere julia’s just laughing and cheering her grubby hero husband on
justin: "is it, griffin? is it real low? is it almost like some liches of your imagination sucked my hit points away from me?! would that account for the low-ness???” griffin: “that’s like real low” justin: “IT’S LIKE SO CRAZY LOW, HUH?”
travis: “yeah, merle’s a deeply religious person, when he needs something!”
griffin: “taako’s arms shrink into his chest, and his head gets real long, and he grows a tail, and he turns into a tyrannosaurus rex!” travis: “meanwhile magnus is setting mannequins on fire” yall this fight got real real real wild super quick!!!
“I’ll be having my body back, you undead fuck” YOOOOO THAT SHIT WAS SO DOPPPPEEEEEEE
griffin: “i've reached a point where when i hear justin say 'im going to cast' i assume the next words are a thing that's going to break the sequence of the shit that you've written down”
justin: “im going to cast Animate Objects on the mannequins, and I can animate up to ten of them” griffin: “HOLY FUCKING SHIT, WHAT? HOLY JESUS FANTASIA!”
HOLY SHIT WHAT?? magnus’s kid memory has a different sky than the one he’s in now, and im like WHATTT???? THATS SOME MORE PUZZLE PIECE SHIT!!!!! MULTI-PLANAR PUZZLE PIECE SHIT!
clint: “i want to change Divine Word into Divine Wood" griffin: "and you pop the most righteous boner”
the fact that the umbrella ATE edward the magical evil elf shit even though taako is unconscious as hell is AWESOME
merle: "i have a spell called Raise Dead" magnus: "he's not dead" justin: "he's only mostly dead!" griffin: "OH MY GOD" justin: “we got monty python, we got princess bridge, this podcast has it all!
griffin: "just have somebody heal you! don't act like you got revived from the power of your cool catchphrase!" justin: “i can’t say a cool catchphrase twenty minutes after we won!” griffin: “okay what are you astrally projecting into the atmosphere???” taako: “LICHES.....GET.....STITCHES!”
jesus, magnus’s great life goal and plan is to be reunited with julia, that’s some tragic heartbreaking shit
rowan: “my day was pretty shit” magnus: “oh, are you a mannequin?” rowan: “oh my god is that MAGNUS??” magnus: “yeah, so, maybe like keep your shit to yourself, unless you’re a fucking mannequin”
justin: “hey, i have a question, among like retrieving our belongings, did magnus, he did get himself a new arm, right, he got his arm back?” travis: “yeah, plugged it back in like G.I. Joe”
“you made something, and you’re terrified of it...[..]..you removed your uniform, and its a bright crimson uniform with an insignia patch...[...]...you decide they’re the ones who are going to be able to keep this cup safe” PUZZLE PIECES!!!! PUZZLE PIECES!!!!! HOLY SHIT YALL!!!
they’ve come back around to the start, where wave echo cave is and the gerblins arc took place, and im so EXCITED!
this arc felt like a million goddamn years, cuz of all the, ya know, SUFFERING, it actually felt more tedious and exhausting than fucking petals to the metal, but it was pretty good, i liked it. i also feel like the grubby grifters have earned a new nickname: the grubby heroes
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clownmoontoon · 7 years
was tagged by this good nerd egg @arr-jim-lad♡
My last:
Drink: water
Phone call: pizza hut \(ouo)/
Text message: omg i havent sent a text in years unless skype counts but i think this just means phone u_u
Song you listened to: London by Benjamin Clementine (omg what a melancholy song to list)
Have I ever:
Dated someone twice: nop
Kissed someone and regretted it: nope they have all been good smooches U3U
Been cheated on: no
Lost someone special: do doggies count ;;
Been depressed: sighs yes
Gotten drunk and thrown up: ew no i cant stand the taste of most alcohol anyway haha
Three favorite colors: RAINBOWS oh thats more than three...theennn pink, blue, and neon green!! \(ouo)/
In the last year you have:
Made new friends: uh...no i dont think so :0c had all my friends for more than a year i think! THATS AWESOME OMG IVE NEVER HAD FRIENDS FOR THIS LONG \(QUQ)/
Fallen out of love: not w a person but w like..tv shows and stuff //gazes longingly @ classic simpson eps and sighs
Laughed until you cried: YES
Found out someone was talking about you: //LAUGHS WELP YEAH
Meet someone who changed you: i do not leave the house :0
Found out who your friends are: ??? how do you have friends but dont know who they are i dont get it??
Kissed someone on your Facebook list: whats a facebook
How many of your Facebook friends do you know irl: WHAT IS A GODDAMN FACEBOOK
Do you have any pets: 3 precious puppos UuU/
Do you want to change your name: dont think so!
What did you do for your last birthday: stuffed my face w sushi like a got damn animal LIKE A BEAR SNATCHING SALMON FROM THE FALLS just shoving them in my snoot w my bear claws i love sushi and its usually only a birthday treat >:0c
What time did you wake up: 9 am \(ouo)/
What were you doing at midnight last night: messing w my stamps on my da page i think, I CAN NEVER HAVE TOO MANY STAMPS
Name something you cannot wait for: *HEAVY BREATHING* NEW HERO-ACA EPS
When was the last time you saw your mom: she is on the couch adjacent to me watching tv
What are you listening to right now: tv, so you think you can dance is on but honestly after watching jlo’s world of dance this show kinda pales in comparison THEN AGAIN JABBAWOCKEEZ LOST TO A BUNCH OF TEEN BOYS IN KHAKIS SO IDK WHAT THE FUCK
Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: no
Something that is getting on your nerves: my hunger
Most visited website: i bet its deviantart tbh >:0c
Hair color: PINK \(OUO)/
Long or short hair: kinda in between atm? to my shoulder, whatever that counts as
Do you have a crush on someone: YES, MY LOVE OFC \(OUO)/
What do you like about yourself: my sense of humor and how much my art has improved in just a year!! \(QUQ)/
Blood type: A+
Nickname: moon! \(OUO)/
Relationship status: happily taken and totally in love UuU/
Zodiac sign: aquarius
Pronouns: she/her/they i guess but i wont get offended if you call me “he” i’ll p much only be offended if you call me “it” HAHA
Favorite Tv show: shows im currently actively watching atm which are total faves are: my hero academia, steven universe, my little pony, and bob’s burgers \(ouo)/
Tattoos: SOON
Right or left handed: right
Surgery: ive never done it, and dont recommend anyone coming to me for surgery tbqh
Sport: i run in the mornings!
Vacation: isnt that the thing people w money do
Trainers, sneakers or tennis shoes: shoes
More general:
Eating: pasta, pizza, sushi, and chicken sandwiches from wendy’s probably
Drinking: mostly water, the occassional coke if im feelin it, the very rare vanilla coke if i feel like treating myself UuU/
I’m about to: eAT
Get married: ye some time
Career: freelance artist uwu)7
Which is better:
Hugs or kisses: WHY NOT BOTH \(O3O)/
Lips or eyes: always eyes!!
Shorter or taller: taller otherwise i feel like a mom holding a kid’s hand instead of couple-y haha
Older or younger: i wouldve always said older but my bf is actually a year younger >:I
Nice arms or nice stomach: i would never want rude arms or a rude stomach so how am i to choose :0c
Troublemaker or hesitant: im a clown UoU
Have you ever:
Kissed a stranger: nop
Drank hard liquor: every liquor feels like hard liquor to me haha pls no
Lost glasses or contact lenses: cant lose what you dont have \(ouo)/
Turned someone down: akjfdghsd yes and i feel so bad every time im sORRY
Sex on the first date: uh...trick question...mine and my bf’s first date in person was different than the average “first date” since we had been talking online for months //NOT GETTING DEFENSIVE IM JUST CURIOUS WHAT ARE THE PARAMETERS OF THIS QUESTIONS //SWEATS
Broken someone’s heart: ye u_u
Had your heart broken: ye u_u
Been arrested: no i am a good egg
Cried when someone died: ive never personally known a person well enough to cry when they died i cried a lot when my doggy died tho ;;
Fallen for a friend: ye i cant wait to marry that friend someday hehe >:3c
Do you believe in:
Miracles: ye!
Love at the first sight: not really no, more like “infatuation at first sight” haha
Kiss on the first date: i just wanna kiss everyone all the time u3u
Angels: ye! \(ouo)/
Current best friends name: JIM \(OUO)/ //smooches his precious face i love him what a good egg U3U <3<3
Eye color: v dark brown! i have been asked if im wearing black contacts haha
Favorite movie: TOO MANY OH NOO but to name a few; Toy Story, Aladdin, Larry Crowne, Sing, Chocolat, When Marnie Was There, Whisper of the Heart, Spirited Away, Kiki’s Delivery Service.. aND LOTS MORE THIS IS HARD
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