zhoras-bitch · 10 months
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For @bladesrc, I gave my MC Ray Nightbloom her official book 2 depression makeover. It's a little fancier than the way she used to dress because she can afford nicer stuff now and because there is more attention on her as the hero. She's learned that elves and human nobles in particular can be quite judgemental. Plus, looking good gives her some sense of control when the rest of her life feels like it's falling apart.
I cut off her sleeves, so now she fits in with the team. Don’t question the practicality of a maxi skirt for adventuring, but if you do, it's fine because she is an archer/healer/mage/alchemist and doesn't usually engage in close-range combat. Beside the lip and the forearm, she has more scars, but I couldn't really show them off because I imagine they are mostly on her torso (realistically, that's where her opponents would aim, right?). Maybe in another edit.
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bladesrc · 11 months
Blades MC Redesign Challenge
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Hello everyone!
I @sophie-summer posted a few weeks ago that it'll be really nice if we make a MC redesign as the challenge of this book, and once I get an idea about Blades it won't leave my mind until it sees the light, and since we all have been waiting for the new signature outfit for Blades book 2 (or a makeover!) I am really excited to announce we will have our Blades MC Redesign Challenge!
It's my first time hosting an event so I'll keep it simple.
Challenge Details
Did you wish your MC could wear a different clothes style? Did you think they would look better with a different haircut? Or maybe you can't picture them wearing a dress or a certain color? If the answer is yes, then this post is for you!
You are invited to give life to the MC you have given life to in your mind. In this challenge, you will be able to show everyone exactly the MC you've created.
To participate in this challenge you can submit drawings, sketches, edits, moodboards, and basically any kind of visual art that represents your MC.
You may as well include a description of the origin of the redesign, what inspired you to choose that especific style, why your MC feels comfortable in those clothes or new hairstyle.
Challenge Start Date: November 27th
Submission Deadline: December 3rd
How to Participate
Create your MC redesign.
Tag the blog with your submission and use the tags #BladesRedesignChallenge or #BladesRC.
And tagged some friends to challenge them to participate.
Bonus: tag someone you haven't seen creating this kind of art before (you never know what you are capable of until you try, right?).
I can't wait to see what this amazing fandom will create for this week!
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mikaelsrose · 10 months
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Reyna right after fighting her way back to the Light Realm✨
We all know who I am, you know I had to start with angst🙈 I also decided to go a little extra and wrote a mini fic for this edit!
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At first, she was blinded by the bright lights reflecting in the marble chamber and stunned as her head hit the ground. Then, all she heard was buzzing in her ears and some commotion in the distance. Someone was approaching, she deduced from the rhythmic thumping on the ground, and soon she felt the touch of so well-known hands on her cheek. Groaning, she forced herself to a sitting position, but immediately regretted that, feeling as if a wave of nausea was about to hit. 
She remembered saying something to him, and then vomiting, but after that she lost contact with reality, not unconscious but not able to take care of herself either, and that's when Kade took over, just as she'd done for him many times before.
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When she came to, she was lying in bed in a familiar chamber with Kade holding her hand to his lips. There were two guards stationed by the door and she immediately tensed.
“Kade,” she whispered. “Am I in trouble?”
“Reya, thank the stars,” he mumbled, opening his eyes immediately at the sound of her voice, and he rushed to close his sister in a bear hug. She enveloped him too, although without as much force.
“You're hurting me.”
“Sorry, sorry, I am just so happy to see you again.”
Kade pulled away, but his hands remained on her shoulders, holding her in place as he took in the sight of her with glassy eyes and a big smile on his face. Reyna smiled back at him, but her brows furrowed.
“Why are you acting like this?”
“Like what?”
“Like you haven't seen me in so long. It was just a couple of days, I know it must’ve been stressful but—”
“Reya, you’ve been gone for a year.”
“Impossible,” she whispered, shaking her head. Only then she remembered that the last time she saw her brother his face was covered in bruises, while now there was not a single trace of them. Her face fell. “Where’s Tyril?”
Kade bit his lip, his hand now squeezed Reyna’s in a poor attempt to calm her down. “Don’t get nervous, you should be resting.”
“Did something happen to him?”
“No! No, he’s alright, it’s just… He’s in Undermount. Pretty much everyone left the castle by now, only Threep and Loola are here.”
They left. She swallowed slowly, trying to calm her nerves and to sort out her thoughts. “He left?”
“We combed through the Royal Archives together for months, but at last we reached the conclusion that perhaps the elves have the answers we were looking for, so he went back to work from there. He’s still looking, he didn’t leave you,” Kade reassured. “I’ll call a chambermaid for you and—”
"No, don’t. I’m alright, I can still take care of myself,” she stopped him and smiled weakly. 
“Are you sure?”
“I am," she nodded lazily. "I just want to take the bubbliest bath in history, my whole body hurts." 
Kade gently squeezed his sister's hand and sent her a reassuring smile. "Alright, you deserve it. I'll send for a physician in an hour, and then—"
"Send for Tyril, please."
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As she caught a sight of her broken body in the mirror, she was glad the room was only illuminated by several candles. Her feet brought her closer to the reflective surface, her lip quivered unwillingly. 
Her fingers touched the protruding clavicles, then ribs, only to finally slide down to her hip bones, covered in multicoloured bruises. She lost weight. Her split lip started bleeding again, and she watched as the blood drops slid down her chin and then down her chest.
A battleground. The first chance she had to see herself in a mirror was right before she entered the tub, inviting with the warm scent of lavender. Her body was a battleground. 
She swore under her breath, taking in every little bruise and cut, touching it just a bit too roughly, which caused additional waves of pain. Her body looked worse than after the battle with the Dreadlord.
Reyna shuddered at the thought of another scientist's hands touching her broken body, being exposed to another stranger. She felt lonely, her skin was cold. She wanted Tyril to hold her, to kiss every bruise and cut, to massage healing ointments into her skin as tenderly as only his hands could. But what if he didn't wait for her? What if it proved too much for him, and he found someone better in his homeland? What if her friends didn't look for her any more? 
Sighing heavily, Reyna carefully took off her underwear, cringing with every move, and threw it on the floor, intending to dispose of it the second she leaves the bathroom. 
She slowly submerged in the steaming water, and a sigh of relief left her lips when she lied comfortably in the tub. The bubbles happily burst against her skin, tickling her in the most delicate way, reminding her that one's touch can be gentle. If not for the burning in his eyes, she wouldn’t realise she was crying. She had no reason to—she didn’t even know what happened, after all. She didn’t remember. The wounds would heal and she would be brand new. She would find her friends, and they would be together again. All would be well. So why was she weeping, unable to catch a breath?
When she left the bathtub, the mirror was fogged, concealing her reflection from her eyes. It was better that way, she preferred not to see herself. 
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Reyna looked around the well-known room, inspecting it for any changes, any traces of Tyril's recent activity, and at last her own belongings. 
They had spent the whole week between returning from the Shadow Realm and her kidnapping in this room, mostly in bed or in the bathtub. Naturally, she gripped his pillow, searching for his scent or a letter left on the sheets, only to find herself disappointed. She was conflicted, confused, a bit disappointed, still hoping Kade was playing a trick on her, and she was in fact gone for a few days. The weather was just as she remembered, trees lazily shedding their colourful leaves and chilly rainy nights. 
She had Kade dismiss the physician’s help, claiming she was fine. She would take care of it. She just needed to sleep it off.
Kade wrapped his arms as gently as he could around his bruised sister, lovingly caressing the back of her head as she cried into his shirt for what felt like hours on end. He shed a tear as well, although he tried his best to conceal it—Reyna needed him to be the strong one now. Once she cried out all her tears, she asked Kade to sing her a lullaby, as he often did throughout their life in Riverbend.
"And please don't leave me alone tonight," she pleaded, tugging on his wrist. 
"Of course, I'll stay and watch over you," he assured and tucked her frail body in before pressing a kiss to the top of her head, in the same way she always did when he was sick and afraid he wouldn't pull through. 
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sophie-summer · 10 months
Rhoe Nightbloom for the Redesign Challenge
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You don't know how excited I'm to finally post my redesign. It was a challenging process, and frustrating at some points, but despite that, I enjoyed the process a lot, and I'm really happy with the result. So here is my Rhoe for the Challenge.
I had some ideas very clear since the beginning. Rhoe needed a new haircut, a sleeveless outfit, and some pants.
For Rhoe's hair, I wanted to keep it simple, even though she is an elf and they go with all those fancy hairstyle, she grew up in a small village where that isn't the style. So I went for something simple.
Rhoe is more a long-distance fighter. Therefore, bows are just perfect for her. She's been a great archer since a young age, and her keen elven senses make nothing more to accentuate this. As the book went, even though she is could use sword, and even her own hand to defend herself, it's not her style, so when she found that chain in the Shadow Realm she just knew is was the think she needed, it allows her to get closer in a fight, but still keeping some distance.
After a whole journey saving the world, Rhoe realized how inconvenient her hairstyle was, always getting on the way. At first, she just tried to tie it, but that was not her thing, so she decided to cut it instead. Besides, she felt doing so, she let her young careless years behind.
Obviously, she needed to switch to pants. Fighting in a dress WAS NOT longer acceptable. As she returned to the Light realm in summer, she also needed a cooler outfit, so goodbye sleeves.
Even though she is involved in fighting A LOT, she won't use any armor parts, mainly because she is not use to them, and thinks they're always getting in the way
She has some scars, but they are mainly covered by her clothes. She has some ugly one in her left wrist, but they cover by her arm protector.
For this Challenge, I wanted not only to show Rhoe's new outfit, but to show some of her internal change. Because she is not the same happy and worries free elf she was at the beginning.
Tag: @bladesrc @choicesbookclub
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ratanslily · 10 months
Raine for @bladesrc
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(not my mc, i just love her eyes too much to not give her a gold dress!)
rc assets from malbgt! dress is a mix of rott, hs1 mc outfits, hair from hs2!
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sunshineandviolets · 10 months
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The Heroes of Morella for @bladesrc's mc redesign challenge <3
Kali'ndra "Kali" O'kavvar (she/her) She is very active and enthusiastic about adventures, so a dress wouldn't be the most ideal. She's most comfortable in loose fitted trousers and big believer in no sleeves. Gained quite a bit of scars throughout book 1, and loves to show them off. May exaggerate the stories here and there. Even if her main fighting style is with her fists, has a talent for alchemy and loves to experiment. Also the flowers was Nia's doing, but Kali ain't complaining. Lastly i know f!orc mcs already had muscle but i wanted her to be more beefy!! big arms to crush her enemies and to scoop her girlfriend(s) up at any chance she can get.
Ashryn Nightbloom (he/him) He also gained some scars from book 1 adventures, but caused him to be partially blind in one eye. Gave him some facial markings, no reason - simply because it looked cool. He tends to be rather gender non confirming, enjoying wearing long skirts and dresses. He is not as interested in adventuring unlike Kali, but only went along to save his brother - hence his attire may not be someone's first choice to fight in. but he wanna look cute and on point no matter the situation. The necklace is the last and only thing he has of his parents, not that he really knows anything about.
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cadybear420 · 10 months
BOLAS MC Redesign Challenge: Orc MCs
So I don't have any official MCs quite yet. My current playthrough has a human male MC and I've been wanting to do a couple of orc!MC playthroughs as well. But I don't really have any proper names or fully fleshed-out profiles for any of my MCs yet. So my submission for the Blades MC Redesign Challenge by @bladesrc is gonna be a little more unorthodox as I do a couple of concept edits for alternative orc MC bodytypes.
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Originally this started as a thing to make a female orc MC more buff but then I decided fuck it, I'm redesigning both orcs. Basically I redesigned them based on the canonical BOLAS orc lore.
Orcs possess well-built muscle mass, have tremendous physical strength, and value physical prowess. So I used the build of the male/masc orc body for both. Having the female orc MC have muscular biceps is a good start, but for the love of God PB let them have abs and musculature and large hands too.
With BOLAS's orcs, the female orcs are stated to be generally stronger than the male orcs, resulting in most orc fleets being more matriarchal. So I made the male orc MC's muscles a tiny bit slimmer/leaner. Both still have tremendous muscle mass and musculature, but I feel like female orcs would tend to have slightly more than male orcs.
Both male and female orcs in BOLAS can become pregnant. Ergo, both would develop a similar degree of visible breasts. It should also be fair to assume from this part of the lore that both female and male orcs can impregnate.
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storyofmychoices · 10 months
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Modern Mal + Daenarya 🖤
for @bladesrc
[Mal Volari x Daenarya Blades 1 + Beyond] [Mal’s Orphanage] [Mal Volari x Daenarya Blades 2 AU]
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peonyblossom · 10 months
Iris of Riverbend Redesigns
for @bladesrc
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I decided to give her a new haircut, a few scars, some freckles, and, most importantly, pants!!!
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zhoras-bitch · 10 months
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Starting off the @bladesrc challenge by bending the rules a bit, since this is not my MC. But these are actually my favourite faces among the elf MCs, and I always thought PB didn't do them justice, so I'm using this excuse to finally give them a makeover.
I gave them a blue/purple skin undertone (like the other elves) and tried my best to make outfits would look more flattering for their complexion. Plus two hairstyle options, since f!MC's default hairstyle has locks with straight bangs, and I'm not sure what their hair texture is supposed to be in canon.
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bladesrc · 11 months
MC's arsenal: A Glimpse into The World of weapons
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Hello again! For today's inspiration post there's something fun!
In the beginning, our MC wasn't a fighter or a warrior. At most, they were proficient with swords, bows, or had some brawling skills when Book 1 started. However, their journey wasn't just a casual stroll through a fantasy world. As the events unfolded, they faced life-and-death situations that transformed them.
Though the process of acquiring new skills wasn't explicitly shown, MC undoubtedly involved the learning process of those skills. Book 1 gave them the basic combat skills commonly found in fantasy stories – swords, bows, and brawling. However, Book 2 introduced a variety of unconventional weapons, expanding their arsenal.
The race is also important when giving MC a certain skill on a weapon, we know this can change the strength and weaknesses they have, for example:
We have the bigs strong orcs who tent to rely more on theirr strength and are tored resistant, what make them excellent hand-to-hand fighters, but also capable of handling heavy weapons as war hammers, large axes, maces, and big shields.
We also have human MC who are characterized for their agility and resourcefulness, making them excellent for wielding a combination of two weapons at the same time, as could be short sword and daggers, or the staff which provides a versatile amount of usages. But pretty much the could be good with any weapon.
Of course, you don't have to limit yourself because of the race. Would you like your elf MC to be a brawler? Go ahead and do it, the choice is your! You can as well mix and match your favorite weapons from both books.
At last, we have the elves, who possess heightened senses and a stronger affinity with magic, what makes them good long distance fighter, therefore bows would put those sense to good use.
Let your creativity flow, and feel free to introduce entirely new, unseen weapons into the MC's arsenal.
Don't forget the Redesign Challenge will be happening from Nov 27th - Dec 3rd.
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saibug1022 · 10 months
I was inspired by a bunch of the other redesigns going around so i made a modern Asterin for the challenge! @bladesrc
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korgbelmont · 10 months
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Here is my edit of a redesigned Blades of Light and Shadow MC for @bladesrc. Introducing; Aragorn.
I have added longer hair as when the option for it comes up on a Male MC, I usually pick the longer hair style. The outfit colour scheme is inspired by Clive Rosfield from Final Fantasy 16 as I watched the cutscenes movie for it on YouTube a while ago, and he has remained in my mind since. I used an outfit from The Cursed Heart BK1 as the base and changed the colour on the waistcoat and removed the shadows from the edges.
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ratanslily · 10 months
edited some lingerie options for blades f!mcs for @bladesrc
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(not my mcs!)
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aria-ashryver · 10 months
Blades MC Redesign - Dorian Silvertongue
i got too excited by the gorgeous Blades MC redesigns going around, so I wanted to slap my own edit together before the event was over lol.
Meet Dorian! He's charming, he's cocky (...he's kind of an asshole tbh) -- and yes, that is Aerin's ring on the chain around his neck, so we can round out the C-descriptors with ✨ clown ✨
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cr. to @korgbelmont and @farizrz for the assets! 🖤
tagging: @bladesrc
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enby-ernhardt · 10 months
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“Introducing Newlyweds Sir Raine Nightbloom, Hero of Morella and twice saviour of the Realm, and Aerin Valleros, Hero of Morella”
Please pretend Raine’s hair has the blue gradient, I wasn’t able to do that without it looking like crap.
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Raine and Aerin, with their twin daughters Kendra and Keira, the owlbear cub I have yet to name in this au, and a flying squirrel creature they have yet to notice but Raine is going to adopt.
So I wanted to give Raine some fancy clothes that were nicer than the masquerade outfit, and rather than make it easy on myself by making it a ball or other such function, I decided to make it a wedding, which obviously meant Aerin had to be there 😆
And then I figured, why stop there? Why not make the kids as well? And so, here they are. I’m actually quite proud of how they turned out 😁
Keira is named after Aerin’s late mother, and Kendra after the queen from Raine’s favourite story. (It was going to be Kenna, but I can’t decide if they’re Nightbloom’s or Valleros’s, and Kenna Nightbloom has too many N’s)
Asset list:
I only grabbed a few files from abookishcreative, surprisingly (here): All the baby stuff was recoloured from baby bump assets, except the headband which was from The Royal Heir Raine's formal outfit is a recolour of Drake's masquerade outfit from TRR/TRH
Most files were from farizrz's assets folder here, just recoloured: The Church background and Aerin's formal clothes (recolor) were from Guinevere Raine's casual outfit was recoloured from The Cursed Heart Cabin background, Aerin's casual outfit (recolor), the Owlbear, and of course Raine were all from Blades, with Raine's fancy hair recoloured from the pink elf MMC
And Aerin was assembled by korgbelmont (here) his hair was a nusance!
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