kommandonuovidiavoli · 8 months
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I wish I had more time to draw all the ideas I get everyday...
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aduah · 6 months
Yeah I know how to draw hairlines! Me drawing hairlines:
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dexlabs · 10 months
The good thing about the Fusionfall fandom is that it has infinite possibilities to create stories, headcanons, relationships and just have fun with possible futures for the shows being in the same universe and interacting with each other.
The bad thing is that as well, you have like 12 different fandoms in one and you don't know where to start, what to concentrate on and I don't have enough attention span.
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For the assumptions. You like watermelon slices!
Watermelons are nice!!!
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Stole from grandkid @kandykatz
1: When did you start watching the show?
I actually watched some episodes back in 2008, when it was aired on a free Italian digital channel called Boing. I specifically remember watching "Operation Z.E.R.O." while sitting on my livingroom floor!
2: Favorite season?
Probably season 4, it has the most episodes I like!
3: Favorite episode(s)?
I have 6 I can watch on repeat: "P.O.O.L.", "M.A.T.A.D.O.R.", "F.O.O.D.F.I.T.E.", "M.I.S.S.I.O.N.", "S.A.F.E.T.Y." and "G.R.A.D.U.A.T.E.S."!!!
4: Hated episode(s)?
Anything with Nigel and Lizzie, they just trigger me a lot because of past, personal reasons...
5: Favorite character?
OCfication aside, it's Tommy! My lil boi! ❤️
6: Did you cry when you watched OP INTERVIEWS?
I cried at the end of "Operation: Z.E.R.O." and still haven't found the courage to watch I.N.T.E.R.V.I.E.W.S. again because I'm waiting for G:KND to drop first.
Yes, I know.
7: Funniest moment?
Ohh, there are a lot... can't think of a specific one right now, sorry!
8: Saddest moment?
As implied, the ending of Z.E.R.O., when Monty leaves that message to Nigel. It's sad but also really heartfelt and a very real message.
9: Favorite KND artist?
Anyone I've met in the fandom so far!
EVEN IF!!! My top 2 will always be @socksandbuttons, because I always loved her squishy, soft style, and also @kndrules because I've been following their comics for a long time and the style is simple but really good!
10: Favorite canon KND ship?
11: Favorite headcanon KND ship?
FannyxRachel and another one I can't say yet...
12: What's one thing you love about the fandom?
The creativity with EVERYTHING! From AUs to OCs and lore!
13: What's one thing you hate about the fandom?
Y'know... PDF Files.
14: Do you wish there were more die hard KND fans in the fandom?
Nah, we're enough for now. But always glad if someone joins the fun!
15: When did you start drawing KND art?
Probably 10-11 years ago from the Fusionfall days?? But it was mostly for other people.
16: How old were you when you started drawing KND art?
I was 23 or 24.
17: How old are you now and are you still drawing KND art?
I'm 34 (the grandma) and I'm veeery active with my AUs!
18: What's one thing you wish would stop in the fandom?
19: Quick pick your favorite 2×4?
20: What's your Codename?
Numero 15 from Sector IT-TO, Italy, active from 1997 till 2003... officially, at least ;)
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why do you called grandma?
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Because "mother" sounded really, REALLY creepy and I don't like it. Especially because, talking about age, I could REALLY be the mother of a good part of the fandom. A young mom, but still NO. Don't. But I don't even want kids in real life, so I won't want them online either.
Being a grandma is cool: I give sweets, I make sure you eat, I give suggestions, I am old and cute but I don't have responsibilities! And it's way less creepy.
Also, I am old and grumpy.
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I love that syd and Lou in adult AU seem like they have matching tattoos and that it looks like when they stand next to each other their tattoos link up. That’s such a cute little detail I’m absolutely obsessed with them *sobs into hands*
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I just realized I haven't posted the Sector Ʌ adult AU character sheets yet, so of course people don't know about the matching tattoos... I'll try to finish them for tonight and post them!
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Assumption: your inclination to draw/write angsty storylines is due to the fact that your own life could be a book series longer than the Hunger Games with two whole pages of trigger warnings. You also got your start on crappy boy love media back in the day which is why you have a tendency to write MxM couples or one-sided pairs
Me finding out that Goku and Vegeta COULD BE SHIPPED TOGETHER
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I got in debt with my mobile phone company by reading crappy bl fics at 2am when I was 15, something like 40€ down... I wasn't allowed internet for a week and had to force my friends at school to download the good stuff™️.
Also kinda dragged my high school friends into yaoi so I didn't feel too alone lmao.
Also yes, I am only 34 and I have experienced... enough.
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Did grandma tell you when I was involved in an accident with drug dealers and police and I was wearing a unicorn onesie???
Never again... lol.
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Assumption:you are very tall in real life
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Ah yes, me and my 152cm of height strongly agree with this.
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Assumption: Wally plays a both a villainous and victum role in the Nightmare War. As in he is controlled and made an antagonist.
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Interesting! That could be... *Takes notes*
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For the Assumptions Day
You don't like grapes
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I don't!
I used to like them but now I can't stand them.
I don't even like wine!
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aduah · 5 months
Some people really are out there thinking they know how the world works and then you find out they're like 15 lmao chill dude
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aduah · 4 months
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dexlabs · 10 months
I have a lot of ideas I wanna do but I'm in burnout I guess because nothing comes out of my head...
I've been watching a lot of KND and forming headcanons for various AUs in the FF universe and for the show alone, but I'm afraid to show them because I know they're light years away from canon...
Anyway yeah, I'm a mess lol
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dexlabs · 9 months
I'm going to create a separate blog for my KND ramblings, because at this point their story has evolved into a separate AU that needs its place.
Also I don't want to post about certain types of OCs here, I want this place to be CN/FF related (only exceptions are the recruits).
So, see ya next year with it!!!
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