#blaming problems on diversity makes my blood boil
sketchmatters · 6 months
man i hate twitter. if i didnt need a social media presence for art, i would delete it immediately. g@m3rz are pissing me off
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asagimeta · 8 years
It occurred to me that we can look at the second half of AHS 6 as an example of what to expect in the show from here on. It revisited a location, characters, lore, and it was NOT a private, isolated incident. The situation spiraled uncontrollably into the public eye and concluded in a MASSIVE public incident.
This is a good point Anon, and it could be a canon explanation for why there were only ten episodes instead of thirteen*, since the first five represented seasons 1-5 and the second five represented 6-10**, he might have wanted it to be an even half-past-seasons, half-future-seasons
*We know the real life explanation is most likely because Ryan Murphy had alot less time to work, with him having done The People VS O.J. Simpson in 2016 and him starting to work on Feud: Bette & Joan in 2016 as well, the fact that Sarah Paulson was also doing O.J. probably influenced it too
**Technically, we could also look at episodes 6-10 being seasons 7-11, because it’s questionable weather or not season six should count as it’s own plot, in fact that was my original thought, but because of what episode six was, I decided season six probably IS representing it’s self in episode six
It’s important to note before we start that it was recently stated that, wile season seven’s theme has been completely decided, seasons eight and nine “Are still being hammered out”, and anything that MIGHT represent eight and nine is up for either changing, modifying, or elimminating completely, I’m sure Murphy has a few vague ideas set up but they’re probably not developed well enough for definitive information yet
Let’s look into some things that happened in episodes 6-10 that could possibly be references to future seasons:
Chapter Six: I’m starting here so I can explain why I think this is meant to represent season six, episode six was the big reveal, showing us what the rest of the season’s format would be, revealing to us that only one person gets out alive, revealing who the actors actually are and what really happened between the real people (IE: Shelby and Matt splitting) and finally reveiwing some of what had happened earlier in season six (The nurses killing Rory and completing “Murder” for example, going back to the house for the first time during the blood moon, starting a new TV series etc) If there is a way to reveiw a show half-way through and give hints to the theme/plot of the rest of the season wile keeping it part of the actual show (IE: Not making it a clip show)? Then Chapter Six is hands down the way to do it
Chapter Seven: This is where the majority of our themes are going to come from, and they include:
-Cannabilism-Inbred hillbillies (I cannot think of a polite way to say that)-Infidelity-Alchoholism-The Woods-Insanity/becoming someone else-Witches-Ghosts-Rage*
Of these, the following have NEVER been explored on AHS before:
-Cannabilism-Inbred hillbillies-The Woods
The following could easily be references to past seasons (Again) OR could be repeated in future seasons
-Infidelity (season one)-Alchoholism (season two)-Insanity/becoming someone else (season two)**-Witches (season three)-Ghosts (seasons one and five)
The thing is, that these are all themes that are shaded in other seasons as well as the ones they’re featured primarily in, take ghosts for example, they may be a major theme of seasons one and five but they also appear in season four (Edward Mordrake), witches may be primarily season three’s property but Queenie comes into season five for a stint, insanity may be primarily featured in season two but it plays into other seasons as well, such as Pepper’s backstory in season four, etc etc, so they might still come in to play later but because they ARE old themes they’re really on the fence
*I don’t know how to describe this, but there was alot of blind anger in this episode, Shelley, who is usually pretty quiet and stable, flies into a murderous rage and brutally murders Matt, that stands out as being massively unique to me for some reason, I just don’t know how better to describe it…
**I specifically stated “becoming someone else” because Agnes’ psychosis is specifically related to becoming the Butcher, season two shows alot of people “becoming” other people, from Judy becoming Sister Jude (a transformation, albeit not one caused by insanity or becoming an actual different identity) to Ann Frank being labotimized into becoming a docile housewife, it’s pretty prominant
Chapter Eight: There really aren’t any unique themes in this episode, I’m afraid, the only ones that are different from Chapter Seven are:
-Japanese horror-The Piggy Man-Suicide-Wrongfull blame
We know The Piggy Man is a reference to season one, and wrongfull blame is a pretty common theme throughout AHS (Kit in season two, Pepper in season four, The Geep in season four, etc etc etc) so I’m not sure that either of those are going to play into season eight, thus the only two new themes are have are Japanese horror and *intentional* suicide
Chapter Nine: Chapter Nine only has a few themes, but they’re very very unique, potentially very telling themes, and virtually none of them have been done before, they are:
-Found Footage-Possession-Police involvement
Possession has obviously been a big theme before, namely in seasons two and five, police involvement was prominant in season five, but that still leaves us with “Found footage”
Chapter Ten: The last episode has the least themes overall and especially the least unique ones, wich makes sense, if this is going in order then it’s obvious why each episode has less information than the last, the later the season, the least likely it is to be fully developed, but that doesn’t mean that what we have isn’t worth mentioning, our themes are:
-Reality TV-Court-Interveiws-Ghost hunters-Children-Sacrifice
Obviously reality TV has been a theme before, mostly in season six but also in season five (Billie Dean’s show) and interveiws have been a theme too (seasons two, three, five, and six, all featuring Sarah Paulson by the way) children (mostly seasons one and five, but arguably every season has a relation to childen in some way) sacrifice has also been featured in the past, most noteably in season four where it was a primary theme
So to boil it down, the themes we have that are most likely to play into future seasons are as follows:
Season Seven- Cannabilism, inbred hillbillies, the woodsSeason Eight- Japanese horror, intentional suicideSeason Nine- Found footageSeason Ten- Court, ghost hunters
So far, all we know about the future of AHS for sure are these facts:
-Seasons seven, eight, and nine are already greenlit and will air in 2017, 2018, and 2019 respectively-Season seven will begin in September-Season seven’s theme is set to remain a secret like Roanoke-Season seven will be “connected to Freak Show but set in the modern day”-Season seven will feature Sarah Paulson and Evan Peters-Ryan Murphy announced that there will be a season that’s a “Coven and Murder House crossover” but that it is NOT season seven-A teaser was released for season seven in November that featured ocean waves and a flash to the stick dolls with “Sweet Dreams” written over it, a scream heard in the background, and the caption “The monsters are all gone” beneath it
Let’s start with season seven:
Everyone assumes “The monsters are all gone” is sarcastic or a lie, but… what if it isn’t? What if season seven, like seasons two and four, are more about HUMAN threats instead of monsters? After all, we know that this season is connected to Freak Show, the only non-human creature in the entire season of Freak Show was Edward Mordrake, who was a ghost of another freak, add to that what we have in terms of themes for episode seven of Roanoke, wich are: Cannbalism, inbred hillbillies, the woods
In addition, a very interesting matter, Freak Show took place in Florida, wich is near the ocean (thus the “Sweet Dreams” teaser)
Based on this, we have a potential theory for season seven:
Taking place in or around Jupiter Florida, our charectors include the next generation of freaks (Jimmy and the Tattler Twins’ child(ren) perhaps, or maybe Dandy isn’t the last Mott after all? Or, ofcourse, there might not be any blood relations at all to the people of season four, they might just be a new generation who don’t know about Elsa’s cabinet, or who were even inspired by them) as well as the child(ren) inbred through generations of hillbillies who may hunt the freaks… or join them, and a cannibal (or a community of cannibals maybe) who want to kill and eat the freaks due to having a taste for human oddities, wich is a creepier twist on the collection aspect of season four
The woods could just be where the cast is mostly going to be located, but the reason I keep mentioning The Woods as a theme is because it’s a classic horror movie trope, something being “in the woods”, the only problem with this that I have is usually the “something” in the woods is supernatural, and specifically, in Roanoke, the “something” is indeed some sort of ghosts/monsters (I don’t honestly remember if we were shown what attacked Audrey and Lee in episode seven) If season seven is about human monsters then this doesn’t fit
Obviously we don’t have enough to go on for the other seasons yet, but…
Season eight could include intentional suicide and Japanese horror, the latter of wich I’m REALLY excited about, can you imagine an entire season of stuff like the Chens? Creepy movement, strange animal sounds, weird and terrifying urban legends… I’m in love (plus it could be a good chance for there to be some more diversity for the mains of a season *cough*)
Season nine could be a found footage thing- and why I bring this up is because I’m talking specifically about the Blair Witch kind of found footage, amatuar stuff, not the reality TV stuff wich we keep seeing, a Blair Witch kind of thing could really be interesting and could easily involve the police too (even though we’ve already seen that before, we haven’t seen it MUCH and it could come out to play as a more prominant theme later)
Season ten gives us court and ghost hunting wich is obviously a weird combination, and to be honest? I’m not sure they could be connected, if they are, I feel like one would be ALOT more prominant than the other… but wich one?
Anyway, this gives me alot to think about Anon, I wish we had a little more info from the episodes theme wise but I realize also that any plans for seasons eight and beyond, at this point, are so loose that giving more info would be unreasonable of them, as unfortunate as that is
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