#jfc i would love to work with a more diverse team
sketchmatters · 6 months
man i hate twitter. if i didnt need a social media presence for art, i would delete it immediately. g@m3rz are pissing me off
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You're absolutely correct and you should say it, I love the term "Dorito" lol
I just would say that it depends on the artist lately, if the younger speedsters (Ace and Bart) are Doritos or skinny - lean build, like I think it's how Roger Cruz it's drawing them right now in One Minute War. But Wallace was more a Dorito with Pasarin art in past Flash issues, and also Bart with the artist of YJ Dark Crisis 😵
Yeah artists definitely make a huge difference.
Honestly I'm of two minds about the whole thing because I love the super lean beanpole build for speedsters. They're just the smallest guys in any team setting and they look like a strong gust of wind could knock them over. But they aren't actually skin and bones, they just look like that compared to the absolutely jacked superheroes around them. So people underestimate them when they're actually 130 pounds of pure muscle and way more fit than the average person.
So I kinda love the whole lean speedster thing. I think it matches their vibe. Their 'looks and acts like a cinnamon roll but has killed god' vibe.
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I can't hate on the Doritos! The Dorito speedsters went out of their way to work out and train when they didn't have to, solely because they wanted to improve as heroes. And I just can't hate on that! I LOVE Wally's Dorito shaped body cause I know the story behind that. I know how much he works to keep his upper body in shape because he never wants to be in a position where he can't carry someone to safety. And it's just... the dedication... the love... the commitment 🥺
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And when Bart gets a Dorito body as an adult? He didn't grow into it, he worked for it. He worked hard. (And jfc, adult Bart is a FUCKING UNIT. Over 6 feet tall, a shit ton of muscles, and a badass Flash suit. Dudes awesome.)
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And adult Irey??? When's the last time you saw a female superhero with SHOULDERS. This gal has arm muscle on her arm muscle. SHE'S SIXTEEN.
I don't know. I normally don't care about muscles at all. Most heroes have them, it's just how they were drawn, who cares? It's just great that speedsters subvert that. I love to see them subvert that trope because, yeah, it's unrealistic that every hero would be jacked (especially the ones with powers) and it's great to have some diversity in body shape.
And then when specific speedsters go out of their way to subvert that subversion??? It just gets to me because it's a visual representation of how much they care about people.
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ziracona · 2 years
Oh BTW what are some things, if any from history/mythology that you wish FGO included?
I would like more diversity in general, but also they make a lot of religious figures and gods heroic spirits for other religions, but the closest they’ve done for Buddhism was Sanzang and I want equality there. Too late for Normal Armor for All means it’s time for Skimpy Armor for All equality is equality. We haven’t had much Norse either despite a whole Lostbelt, but we have had so many gods and suped up spirits tbh I am unsure if I want that, like, the most compelling recent addition was Antonio Salieri. Maybe it’s time to focus on the way personal belief in a spirit affects them instead of 8 divine spirit combo characters. I’d like to see a lot more about characters with Innocent Monster too, and ones who are fictional have had very little story outside of Kojiro’s aside in UBW about how much that fucks you up, and I’d love to hear more. I’d like to see a lot of relationships develop too. I’d like to see Nightingale and Dantes more, see Emiya, Ishtar, and Cú on a team, see Alter Emiya stuck with Ishtar somewhere, see more of Outlaw Squad, see Karna and Arjuna given an arc that’s not the same one as always, see Medea taken seriously like in UBW instead of a joke, see David given ANY screen time to deal with Romani like wtf why didn’t he get major billing in arc one??? See David and Sheba interact, see more of Antonio and Amadeus, Fran and Moriarty. Love to hear more about Hessian Lobo like he was easily one of the coolest characters??? Literally never getting over how this random beheaded hessian soldier’s ghost was tied in death by an outside force to the legend of a wolf who hated humans for killing his mate, and they were trapped together as a phantom spirit and had no reason to be anything but bitter and angry, but when you’re beating the wolf to a pulp the headless corpse of a man scrambles off it and tries without a face or a voice to beg you to leave it alone and not finish it off. How an adopted stray left it’s owner to find him and curl up with him while he bled out. Like holy shit. Uhhhh, I like the kind of emotional ones too: Voyager, Van Gogh. The concept alone there is sweet. I’d like to see them do a non-human well again like. I love Danzo and I love robots but they literally can’t write inhuman characters without making them robots wtf is going on. Stop making Greek gods robots. They’re gods. You used to be able to write Fran and Nursery and shit what the hell happened to the character creation team. Or like. Actually give us a literal robot if you want to do robot humanity narrative so bad but I’m begging you to stop making all the Valkyries and Artemis just AIs like literally begging. Gods are inhuman but you write them different and it’s so fun and not actually hard like just do the assigned work jfc. Please.
If you mean more like what specific characters would I like to see, that’s harder. Personally I’d love a Lucifer if well done because I love a good Sympathy for the Devil character (P5 just gave and gave and gave to me). I’d like more animal spirits like give me Balto, or Laila. If they do more gods like they’ve been I would very much like Bast because she’s always been a favorite. Uhhh I’m a sucker for the personal connections so I would love it if they quit doing alters of existing people and gave us their family members or friends instead I mean the DRAMA. Mmmm tasty. There’s almost no Americans and that’s fine but like it’s Geronimo, Billy the Kid, Tesla, and every American president through Obama in a body with Edison and the 20th Century Fox lion so if they wanted to make it just slightly more normal they could add like Nathan Hale or Deborah Samson or something. Uhhh, from a gameplay perspective, we’ve got interesting and talented supports, but Iri is the only white mage and I’d like to see them play with more range on defense. So I would personally like Lister or some other doctor with highly specialized defensive skills and to play with the defense only mechanics more in the back line. Like team evades are great but I’d love to see someone with a skill to revive a party member but like with a massive cooldown or stun penalty to balance that. Idk I’d just like to see more complexity. Maybe it’s luck based called like ‘Defibrillator’ and it doesn’t always work, like guts but can be used after they’re downed and at any point. I do quite enjoy the specialized skills like how Katsu does little for support unless you’ve got a lineup of Nobunaga and he suddenly becomes the bullet chain in their galtling. An ability to swap formation, or switch the cooldown from one character with another (‘blood transfusion’) could be cool for a doctor. White Mage with 30,000hp, +5 to attack, who can revive downed party member and allocate NP or cooldown among them, or swap formation. Skill where damage he takes is taken by the frontline member with the most HP instead. Or NP that analyzes the enemy skill set and warns before stuns or rapid ult charge. Or can cast small passive buffs like debuff cleanses the way story characters do, but even when in the back line. Lol Romani Archaman build. Uhhh I’m off topic, characters let me think. I personally loved Amelia Earhart as a kid so I guess part of me keeps hoping she’d be added too. I kinda enjoy when unnamed, or less important or well known people get caught up by a twist of fate like the hessian though. I like weak normal people doing their best in an impossible situation.
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