#blank 5 panel hat
capbargain · 2 months
Five Panels of Summer Sizzle: Why Your Store Needs These Hip Hats ASAP!
Hey there, retail rockstars! Are you ready to crown your summer inventory with the coolest headgear this side of the sun? Buckle up, because we're about to dive into the world of wholesale 5-panel hats – the unsung heroes of summer style that'll have your customers tipping their caps to your fashion savvy!
Why panel hats 5 are hotter than sidewalks in July
Imagine this: a hat that’s cooler than your uncle’s vintage convertible and more versatile than a Swiss Army knife. That’s a 5-panel hat for you! With its five-piece sleek design, this hat is like a yoga instructor – flexible, trendy, and guaranteed to keep you looking good even when you’re sweating buckets.
Wholesale Magic: More Bang for Your Buck!
Listen up, savvy shopkeepers! Buying these beauties wholesale is like hitting the jackpot without the lottery ticket. You'll be swimming in a sea of stylish hats faster than you can say "summer sale." And with the variety of colors available, your store will look more vibrant than a rainbow after a summer storm!
Blank Hats: A Canvas for Creativity (or Laziness – We Don't Judge)
Blank 5 panel hats are the chameleons of the hat world. They're perfect for those artsy customers who want to bedazzle their headwear, or for the minimalists who think logos are so last season. Plus, they're great for those "I woke up like this" days when styling your hair means putting on a hat.
Custom Hats: Because Ordinary is So... Ordinary
Want to help your customers stand out in a crowd? Custom 5 panel hats are your secret weapon! Whether it's for a corporate bigwig who wants their logo plastered on everything, or a hipster band that needs merch cooler than their vinyl collection, custom hats are the way to go. It's like giving everyone their billboard – but way more fashionable.
Summer Lovin' Had Me A Hat
Let's face it – summer can be brutal. Between the scorching sun and the occasional bird using your head for target practice, protection is key. 5 panel hats are like sunscreen for your noggin but without the greasy feel and weird smell. They're lightweight, breathable, and perfect for everything from beach volleyball to pretending you're an influencer at a music festival.
The Grand Finale: Hat's All, Folks!
So there you have it, retail warriors! 5 panel hats are the Swiss Army knife of summer headwear – stylish, functional, and cooler than a penguin's toenails. Stock up on these bad boys, and watch your summer sales soar higher than a seagull eyeing your beach fries.
Remember, in the world of summer fashion, he who hesitates is lost... and probably sunburnt. So don't wait! Fill those shelves with 5 panel perfection and get ready to hat-rack up those sales. Your customers (and their foreheads) will thank you!
Now go forth and conquer the summer hat game. May your brim game be strong, and your sales even stronger!
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liaromancewriter · 5 months
It Happened One Miami Night (4/5)
Series Premise: A work trip to Miami means finally accepting that some risks are worth taking. Or are they?
Fandom: Choices Book: Open Heart Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Cassie Valentine) Rating/Category: Teen. Angsty Fluff Words: 1,750
Series Masterlist
A/N: I'm using Prompt #269 from @creativepromptsforwriting. Tagging for reblog to @creativepromptfills. Submission to @choicesmaychallenge24 prompt "stormy eyes"
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Ethan Ramsey let himself into the hotel room with a sigh of relief, the mask of professionalism falling in the privacy of the suite overlooking the gentle waves of the Atlantic Ocean outside.
He had tried to lose himself in intellectually stimulating conversations with colleagues and prepping for the panel. But the urge to march down to the exhibit hall and shake Declan Nash until the smug bastard spilled his secrets never entirely went away.
He needed a break from everything.
For just one night, he wanted to lose himself in the company of a woman who had plagued his lust-filled dreams for months. To pretend they were just two people, dressed to the nines, enjoying passable wine and canapes, and hitting the casino for lighthearted fun.
He deserved to put himself first, even if it was just for a few hours. Naveen wouldn’t begrudge him that. The older man would likely cheer from the sidelines at seeing his mentee let loose.
He walked into the bedroom, noting signs of occupancy. Cassie must have dropped by the room earlier. Her suitcase lay on the luggage rack, closed but unzipped. A makeup bag and hairbrush were on the vanity table, and a phone charging cable was unplugged on the bedside table.
He picked up a tube of hand cream, flicked open the cap and squeezed a dollop on his finger. Rubbing the cream between his index finger and thumb, he inhaled as the subtle scent hit his scenes.
One night, he thought, taking out his phone to text her. A few hours when he wasn’t Dr. Ramsey, the attending, and she wasn’t Dr. Valentine, the intern.
A momentary game of let’s pretend couldn’t hurt, could it?
Cassie Valentine sipped the fruity concoction and hummed as delicious flavors exploded on her tongue. Wearing a red swimsuit and a white sundress that doubled as a cover-up, she sunk into a beach lounger and adjusted the floppy hat to shade her face and eyes from the sharp rays of the late afternoon sun.
The conference sessions had been engaging, but she deserved some downtime after a long day of travel and running around. And Miami, with its perfect weather and beautiful vistas, was ideal for relaxation. The resort’s pool area, one of two, overlooked the beach below, and this section, with its infinity pool and Tiki bar, was designed for unwinding.
She was loathe to leave but knew she was cutting it close for the casino-themed cocktail reception. Ethan had forwarded her an email about it late last night.
She remembered thinking the man could’ve told her earlier so she wouldn’t have struggled so much with her wardrobe choices. It was fortuitous that she had packed the formal gown before getting his email.
It would be nice to leave the hotel, though. Maybe partake in the nightlife in South Beach or head to Calle Ocho for Cuban food. Should she invite Ethan? It would be strange not to since they were here together.
Would he even want to come, or would his mask of indifference descend again, keeping her at a distance?
Her phone signaled a text before she could (once again) ponder the mystery of Ethan Ramsey’s moods.
Meet me in the suite.
Rolling her eyes at his on-brand brevity, she unlocked the phone screen to reply but stopped. She stared as three dots disappeared and reappeared several times. She waited for those three dots to turn into something, anything, but her screen remained stubbornly blank.
Pursing her lips in disappointment, Cassie finished her drink. She gathered her things and shoved her feet into matching flip-flops.
Time to get back to work.
Ethan was about to shower when he heard the beep and click of the door unlatching, and Cassie called his name. The ensuite door was open a crack to let out steam, and now they could also talk.
“In here,” he called back.
He adjusted the temperature and stepped into the tub, letting the warm water from the showerhead batter his tired muscles. He cursed wordlessly when he realized his tux was on the bed instead of hanging on the hooks behind the bathroom door.
He’d have to ask her to step into the other room while he changed. Stripping in front of a subordinate was grounds for sexual harassment, no matter how innocent the reason.
“Dr. Valentine, reporting for duty,” Cassie said from outside the door, raising her voice over the sound of the shower.
Ethan rolled his eyes at the cheeky tone, not realizing a smile hovered on his lips in response. He absently glanced at the bathroom mirror and caught her reflection in the tall mirror overlooking the bedroom area. She leaned over the bed, ass in the air, digging through her travel bag.
“Tonight is not about Nash,” he said, looking away to squirt body wash into his palm. “The reception is about making a good impression. So, dress appropriately.”
“Why didn’t you tell me there was a reception?” Cassie said worriedly.
He narrowed his eyes in concentration as he washed the suds off. He’d been distracted this week but was positive he’d told her.
“I know I emailed you about the reception tonight.” Ethan shut off the shower and reached for the towel. “Naveen always said socializing at these events is essential for young doctors. You’ll make connections that help you advance in your career and secure jobs and funding.”
Cassie swiped mascara over her lashes, smiling at the put-upon tone in Ethan’s voice. She recognized it as one he used when he wanted to exercise restraint but was too impatient to bother. He was either gritting his teeth or pinching the bridge of his nose.
She thought it was most likely the latter. She noticed Ethan doing that during rounds whenever one of them messed up.
Unable to help herself from needling him, she anxiously said, “But it’s a casino theme! I have to look nice!”
“Do you honestly believe I give a damn what you have on?” Ethan growled.
Cassie bit back a grin. It was so easy to rile him up. She finished her makeup by dabbing a shimmering bronze along the lids, the smokey look making her green eyes sparkle.
She looked up at the bathroom mirror's reflection, fully prepared to keep chiding him. But the words got stuck in her throat as he climbed out of the shower, a towel hitched around his hips. She swallowed loudly as lust shot straight to her belly.
Cassie had seen him shirtless before when they tested the fMRI machine. But that had been in a clinical setting with harsh fluorescent lights, not in the intimacy of a romantic couples’ suite, with the soft glow of the setting sun and bedroom lighting enveloping them.
Before she could look away, Ethan glanced up and caught her staring.
“Just throw on whatever you brought with you,” he said, breaking the awkward silence between them.
He entered the bedroom, and Cassie rushed past him into the bathroom, a garment bag clutched in her hand.
Relieved at avoiding further discomfort, he quickly donned his tuxedo, knotting the bow tie with practiced moves. He slipped his feet into dress shoes, bending down to tie his laces.
When the bathroom door opened behind him, he straightened and turned to face her. He did a double take at the sight of her looking so elegant, and his heart stopped for a second.
His eyes trailed over her, unable or perhaps unwilling to look away, drawn to the mysteries in her smokey eyes. The neckline hugged her breasts, the lines of the midnight blue gown accentuated the curve of her hips, and the shimmering cape framed her bare arms.
His hands ached to touch, but he shoved them in his pant pockets instead.
“You, uh, found something.” His mouth was dry, and he tripped over the words.
“Yeah. I always come prepared.” Cassie smiled as she slipped on a pair of high heels.
“Lucky for me.” The words slipped out before he could stop himself. Embarrassed, he cleared his throat, frowning for good measure. “I mean, lucky for you. You look… very… appropriate.”
Cassie spied the splash of red coloring his cheeks and turned away before he noticed her scrutiny. Ethan could pretend he was indifferent, but she’d seen the attraction in his blue eyes.
Feeling vindicated at his reaction, she fiddled with the tiny clutch, checking that her keycard, conference ID and cell phone were tucked inside.
He walked over to stand behind her, and they stared at their reflection in the mirror. They looked like a couple ready to head out on the town.
Cassie thought Ethan in a tux was a sight to behold, and she was glad he was hers, even if it was only for one night. She itched for her phone to take a selfie to capture this moment, but she didn’t want to break the spell cast over them.
A storm was brewing between them, static electricity shooting off tiny, invisible sparks as thunder gathered in the calm before the lightning strike.
“I would say we look ready, wouldn’t you?” he grinned.
Cassie met his eyes in the mirror and grinned back. “Absolutely.”
For tonight, she was Cinderella, and he was her Prince Charming. She was ready to be swept away in the fairytale that was theirs alone.
There is a common saying about the calm before the storm, but no one ever talks about the deafening silence after the storm hits.
Later that night, Cassie lay in bed staring at the dark ceiling, the oppressive silence muffling the tears trailing unchecked past her cheeks. Texting with Max had helped calm her down, but now she was morose again, lost in memories of what was.
The thundering of their hearts as their lips met, finally after months of longing. The crackle of electricity in the wake of Ethan’s hands touched her all over. Their palms rested on each other’s hearts, feeling them beat in tandem with their breathless pants.
Her boldness. His vulnerability.
She closed her eyes, willing herself to forget the last few hours. But all she saw was the tortured expression on Ethan’s face and the storm raging in his eyes as she beckoned him to their bed.
He was right to stop things before they went too far. Cassie’s head knew that. But her heart wasn’t as understanding.
How could her fairytale evening have turned into a nightmare?
All Fics & Edits: @bluebelle08 @coffeeheartaddict2 @crazy-loca-blog @jerzwriter
@lady-calypso @mainstreetreader @peonierose @potionsprefect @queencarb
@quixoticdreamer16 @justyourusualash @tessa-liam @trappedinfanfiction
Submissions: @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
Ethan & Cassie only: @cariantha @custaroonie @youlookappropriate
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anonymouspuzzler · 2 years
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(thanks as always to @incorrectbugsnaxquotes for inspiring many of these! also, alt text/image IDs under cut!)
[Image 1 ID: A two-panel comic of Eggabell and Lizbert. In the first panel, Eggabell is running down the stairs in a panic, shouting, "Is something burning??" In the second, Lizbert is leaning flirtatiously against the kitchen counter, wearing a frilly "Kiss the Grump" apron, with her hat and a spatula she is holding both visibly scorched and a toaster clearly erupting in flames behind her. She says, with a little heart, "Just my desire for you", while an offscreen Eggabell screams, "LIZBERT THE TOASTER IS ON FIRE".]
[Image 2 ID: A little doodle of Eggabell lying in bed with a quilted eye mask on, one arm folded over her chest, and the text "i sleep." next to her.]
[Image 3 ID: Lizbert sitting in bed, propped up by pillows, holding Eggabell in her lap with a smile. Eggabell is still wearing the quilted eye mask and is drooling slightly, with "ZZZZ" snoring sounds in the air above her.]
[Image 4 ID: A drawing of Eggabell recreating the Ben Affleck Smoking meme. She is grimacing slightly and looking unfocused out into the middle distance, holding a fry in one hand instead of a cigarette, with a package of fries and a glass soda bottle with a straw in it sitting on the balcony in front of her.]
[Image 5 ID: A drawing of Eggabell from the waist up, resting her head against her closed hand, looking exhausted. She appears to be speaking and there is a blank word balloon above her head.]
[Image 6 ID: A two-panel comic of Filbo, the Journalist, and Eggabell. In the first panel, the Journalist, facing away from the camera, is helping a visibly dizzy Filbo up. Eggabell, with a panicked expression, is running up behind them with a first aid kit under her arm, saying, "If it's a concussion, we have to keep him conscious. Ask him questions!!" In the second panel, Filbo is now sitting on the ground looking confused, with the Journalist next to him crouched with their back to the camera, holding up fingers and asking, "What's seven times seven?" Eggabell, opening up the first aid kit next to them, shouts back, "Stuff he knows!!"]
[Image 7 ID: A three-panel comic of Lizbert and Eggabell. In the first panel, they are sitting side by side on a log, staring lovingly at each other. In the second, Floofty walks by behind them loudly opening a soda can, causing Eggabell to look over in concern and Liz to look annoyed. In the third, Lizbert is looking over her shoulder saying, "We're having a moment.", to which Floofty, sipping their drink, responds nonchalantly, "And I'm having a soda."]
[Image 8 ID: A two-panel comic of Eggabell and Lizbert. In the first, Liz is laughing loudly, holding a drink bottle in one hand and shoving a nervous-looking Filbo's shoulder with the other, as Eggabell comes up behind her, places a hand on her back and says, "Lizbert, you're drunk." In the second, Lizbert, looking utterly sloshed, turns around and places a finger on the lips of an amused-looking Eggabell, slurring, "Shhhhhhhhhh. Don't tell Eggabell."]
[Image 9 ID: A simplistic, three-panel comic of Lizbert and Eggabell. In the first, Liz is picking up Eggabell, with a caption reading "1. Lift wife". In the second panel, Eggabell, still visibly in midair, picks up Liz, who has her arms in the air, with a caption reading "2. wife lift me". The final panel shows extremely simplistic renderings of them both lifting off into the sky, with a caption reading "3. flight".]
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agoracactus · 2 years
Pt.11 - "Don't go."
heres the yearly update ahahaha i dont have a problem
also i have no idea if the tag list is working
also's also I think this is the last chapter of the main story (finally
now im looking forward to do some one shots
Pt.1 Pt.2 Pt.3 Pt.4 Pt.4.5 Pt.5 Pt.6 Pt.7 Pt.8 Pt.9 Pt.9.5 Pt.10
Pairing: Geralt of Rivia x reader
Word Count: 3072
Warnings: the ushe
Tag list: @theojuicee @ayamenimthiriel @imthesnowinthedark @distinguishedkryptonitecreator
He sat up, panting, soaked in cold sweat. Wiping his face with one hand, he took a deep breath only to realize that the breath was shaking.
Sighing, he stoked the fire.
It's been like this for the past six months, haunted by terrible nightmares- worse than those he used to have when he started his trials in Kaer Morhen. Every time he closed his eyes, he'd see you.
Pale, lifeless, drenched in blood.
He rubbed the side of his temple. Some beasts were making noises in the distant bush. A twig snapped somewhere near.
A deer, perhaps.
Everything from that day was kind of blurry and at the same time crystal clear in his head.
He very clearly remembered having a fight with you in the woods, those words he said would echo in his mind when he revisited that day. He couldn't remember the look on your face, no matter how hard he tried. Were you just as hurt as that day?
And the scene. Oh the scene.
He could still see it vividly, in fact, he would never be able to forget with it branded into his brain. What he saw after he ran back into the city, it's what hell would be like if he were to imagine it. All those dismembered bodies- mummified or not- all the blood, like the whole city was a slaughterhouse. And the quietness, it felt deadly. Even though he could hear people rustling behind their closed doors, women shushing their babes, people sobbing softly, and the fire crackling here and there... all these noises turned into fuzziness and were blanked by the quietness. It was deafening.
And you, lying in a puddle of thick, tar-like liquid, arms and fingers disproportionately stretched out.
He wondered if you knew, somehow, without your memory, if you knew what would happen in town. And if you did what you did knowing it could cost you your life. He wondered if he deserved it, after all he had done, how he treated you.
He rubbed his face with his palm, decided to get some more wood since he's probably not going to sleep tonight.
There was a soft knock on your door.
You were wrapped in a soft blanket and curling up on the window seat with your forehead pressed against the cool panel.
You didn't respond.
Eyle pushed open the door, "Itzel." "......Hm?" "How are you feeling?" "..."
You heard him sigh.
"I brought you some soup." Eyle set down a small tray next to you. You responded with silence. "Y/n." he called out your name. You turned your head slightly to look at him. "...Let me know if you need anything." You nodded, turned your head back.
He sighed again, "And finish your soup before it goes cold." and left.
You were asleep for a long time, and probably even longer for you to fully recover. You weren't sure exactly how long, but judging by the length of Helvit'tar's hair, definitely longer than you'd like. And the whole time it felt like you were living a mixture of a distant dream and reality, only you couldn't tell which is which.
Sometimes you saw yourself sitting by the window of your tower watching ravens hunting in the woods, sometimes you were sitting by the fire teaching a man with snowy white hair how to play tic tac toe. Sometimes you sat by a dinner table listening to a slim man reciting a poem with a glass of wine in hand, sometimes you were linking arms with a man wearing a hat with a large piece of feather dancing in circles in a pub.
Sometimes you were in the dark, surrounded by hollering wind that sounded like people screaming, cursing you and damning you for the endless confinement.
One night you found yourself crying hysterically, you swore you were hearing children's screaming. Then your senses came back to you, you realized you were grabbing and clawing at Eyle's arms, your whole body trembling uncontrollably.
"...Eyle?" you tried to take a few deep breaths, "I don't know what's happening..." tears streamed down your cheeks, "...I don't know what's real..." He gently wiped your face with a clean cloth. "...Are you real?" "Yes." "...You sure?" "...There's really no way for me to prove it, y/n." "....." you felt yourself drift away again.
Then one morning, you woke up. The sun shined in through the window, particles quietly swirling in the beams. Everything was so peaceful and slow. The chaos finally ended.
You died.
You sacrificed yourself to save your dear witcher. The asshole who still managed to hurt you when you were supposed to be someone else. And the sacrifice worked, perfectly, from what you heard.
Helvit'tar and Eyle resurrected you, with the power of science and magic. They managed to bind the evil entities within you after your contract was fulfilled, forcing them to give you life, otherwise they'd perish with you. It was like Helvit'tar and Eyle were some mastermind lawyers working within the loophole of the demonic law and bringing you back to life. Kind of funny when you think about it.
Apparently you're an energumen now. A successful case of demonic possession with the ability to wield its power- without losing yourself. You could tell that Helvit'tar, being a crazy scientist, couldn't wait to do more experiments with you, even though he contained the excitement pretty well.
However, with all the miracles, you felt depressed.
Geralt. Was he alright? He's probably fine because he's a witcher, and you ordered Eyle to protect him... But you can't be sure, if only you could meet him... Helvit'tar would never agree. He never liked the witchers, not to mention this one cost you your life.
And how dare he not visit you? Does he not want to know if you're ok? Does he not care? You died for him! The least he could do is to come and pay tribute! A "thank you" would be nice!
You kept toying with the gold coin hanging on your neck with a piece of loose leather string. Your lucky coin. He left it with Eyle.
What does it mean? He doesn't want anything to do with you anymore? So he's returning your stuff so he wouldn't be reminded of you? After you saved his ass? Perhaps he finally made up his mind and he's done with you? Or perhaps he knew what you've become, and drew a line at energumen? What the fuck? So he was fine with the casual murdering and manipulating his destiny, but it's gonna be a huge no no when it comes to energumen? You didn't ask for this!
Or perhaps you did? You shouldn't have run away, should have had a talk with him... Definitely shouldn't be pretentious and try to help a stranger in this time and world... And you willingly traded away all of your memories to gain power... To be honest, you're quite enjoying having this sort of power, the feeling of supremacy, it's delicious. Perhaps you are a evil person.
You had to lean on to the handrail and took one step after another to go downstairs. After spending so much time in bed, you need to work a little to get the muscles in your legs strong again. Eyle has been helping you with the exercise, but you still feel weak in your legs, which made you a bit frustrated.
You got downstairs, saw a suitcase by the door, Helvit'tar was talking quietly to Eyle. His eyes met yours.
"I see you are doing fine with your walking exercise." he quickly walked to you and offered an arm with a big warm smile. You hooked your arm onto his, "Going somewhere?" "Not for long, got a request from an old friend." "Sorry, it should have been me." "There's no need for apologies, take all the time you need." he patted on the back of your hand.
You walked outside, with Eyle carrying the luggage behind you. "I'll be back soon." Helvit'tar gave your hand a slight squeeze before letting go, and climbed onto the carriage. You smiled and waved, and stood there till you couldn't see the dust from the carriage anymore.
"Shall we go in?" Eyle held out his arm. You held onto it, "What were you talking about just now?" "...It's nothing you have to worry about." some how he got a bit gloomy. He led you slowly back towards the door. "Huh, and here I thought we got no secrets between us anymore." you said jokingly, stepping through the threshold. He let go of you and stopped at the door.
"Eyle?" "...He's banned from setting foot upon our land." "What?" "Master made it very clear that if he ever felt his presence, he would kill him." "Wha- Who are you talking about?" "The white hair one."
He had both of his hands in a tight clench, "He refused to, pointed his sword at master... I've never seen master losing his temper... He almost showed his true form..." his nails digging into his palms, face turned white from squeezing words out. Helvit'tar must had ordered him not to say a word to you about this, and made it into a blood vow. "Eyle-" "He never really left... Master teleported him but he returned... Every few weeks he'd show up somewhere near the periphery-" "Eyle stop!" you rushed to hold his hands, blood was already dripping. "Are you crazy? You're gonna break a vow?"
Eyle took a big breath in, unclenched his fists, "You should go." You looked at him with disbelief. "Follow the direction of that tree we used to practice on, master will be back in two days, make sure you come back before that. And take this." "Hold on- Eyle!" you watched him poofed and re-appeared, handing you a warm blanket. "Two days, don't be late." he said firmly.
You stumbled in the woods, keeping track on where you were going with the bright moon light, feeling like your heart was about to jump out of your throat.
He's here. And you could meet him.
Your legs felt so weak, but you pushed on, taking big steps. Going from tree to tree, so you wouldn't fall. You could hear your own breath, and your ears ringing.
You noticed an orange hue, flickering in a distance. It must be his camp.
You started running, almost got tripped by the tree roots a couple of times.
And there it was. The camp.
You recgonized both of his swords, placing on top of the traveling bag which ususally served as his pillow. And Roach. A different Roach, probably the successor of the one you knew. The fire was crackling, slowly dying. But he's no where to be seen.
Perhaps he just went to take a leak.
You sat down by the fire, feeling your legs trembling from the run.
The woods was very quiet, you looked around, didn't see any moving shape.
Where did he go?
You got nostalgic looking at how he set up this camp, he got his own way of organizing things, though you doubt he's aware of that. You remembered moving his shit when he wasn't looking to test your theory, and noticed him getting annoyed and putting them back to where they were, without even realizing what he was doing.
Would he be happy seeing you here? What should you say? Hi? No, that's too casual... Long time no see? That's too awkward... How's it goin'? Terrible... You should have prepared, wrote a speech, and memorized it so when you're in this moment you'd know what to do...
You threw the blanket around your shoulders and hugged your knees.
Do you talk about the past? The day you left? Do you be mad at him? Scream at him and let him know how hurt you were? What you've been through? Is it wise to bring up something so long ago?
Maybe you shouldn't meet him now. You weren't even fully recovered. What if he's not ready to meet you as well? What if...
You held your knees closer to your chest, debating whether you should get up and leave right now.
Then you heard footsteps.
He thought he saw someone by his fire. He thought he was still in a dream- a good one, for once. He wanted to rub his eyes to be sure that the face staring up at him wasn't of his imagination, but he got an armfull of twigs and branches. So he just stood there, staring.
You awkwardly stood up. Still haven't figured out what to say.
"...Hey." It came out like a whisper.
A long pause.
You unconsciously started picking on your nails.
"...I heard that you're um, banned."
"...I did."
"Sorry... He's just, overprotective..."
No response.
You took a breath in, feeling so nervous that you might pass out.
"I, um, just wanna make sure you're ok..." you averted your gaze, "...Had to see with my own eyes... And I wanted to give you this-" you took the coin necklace off, "You should have it... You need luck more than I do." You placed the necklace on the top of the wood pile, "Sorry that I made fun of you-"
He snached your arm. The firewood fell onto the ground but he didn't seem to care.
You panicked. You're not ready. This is a mistake.
You pulled your arm away, "-I should go."
"No." he pulled you into his arms, "Don't go."
Your chin touching his shoulder, "Geralt-" "Don't leave... I'll wake up soon anyways..." You bit your lower lip, trying hard to hold back tears.
"...I miss you..." he whispered, "...Please stay..." You closed your eyes, tears streaming down your cheeks, "...I'm not the same person anymore." your lips were trembling. "I don't care... I don't care..."
Morning in the woods was always cool, a layer of mist hanging low above the ground, dew sparkling on the grass.
You woke up. His face was just a few inches away.
He had you wrapped up in your blanket like a burrito, and held you close like a kid worrying his carnival prized be stolen when he's sleeping. You stared at his face, had no intention to break free from his grip.
He looked terrible, heavy dark circles hanging under his eyes with sunken cheeks. If his hair wasn't already white it probably would be at this point. There's a scar he didn't have when you were with him, a small one on his right temple close to his hairline. You quietly raised your hand, finger tip barely touched the scar.
He opened his eyes.
"...Am I still dreaming?" he asked softly. "...You could be." you tried not to smile, "Wanna find out?" "...What are you suggesting?" "Mm... I could slap you? In the face? They say that you won't feel pain if you're dreaming. Or is it 'pain will wake you up from a dream'?" "..." He stared at your face for a while.
"How long do I have?" he asked. You hesitated, "...I need to be back today. Helvit'tar went out for a job, cuz I'm taking a 'sick leave'." you tried to make a joke. He didn't even smile.
There was an awkward silence.
He sat up, wiped his face with his hand.
"...Geralt, can we... talk?" you looked at him nervously.
He nodded.
You sat acrossed the fire, having the blanket over your laps, quietly speaking over a cup of steaming broth in your hands. Geralt sitting opposite of you, staring at the fire, listening.
You told him everything. From the moment that you picked up your backpack and walked away, to when you woke up after being resurrected. You spoke slow, sometimes with choked up words and shaky hands, but you didn't stop.
He didn't ask any questions, didn't make any faces. He just sat there, staring at the fire.
Finally, you finished your story, and moved your gaze up to his face when you didn't hear any response. And saw a familiar expression.
"...Geralt? Geralt. Look at me... Please?" It took him a minute to raise his gaze and meet yours. "I'm not telling you my story to make you feel bad. As much as I want to blame everything on someone, it's not your fault, the guy who's really responsible is dead now." "..." "And it doesn't mean that I think what you said to me was ok. It was hurtful, you broke my heart, you were an asshole-" "-I'm sorry-" "-As you should be. But you're only allowed to feel sorry about the hurtful speech you gave me, nothing else." "..."
He clenched his jaw. It pained him to know he was so close to that tower, if he wasn't so blinded by his emotions and ego, he could have saved you.
You put down the cup, went over to him, and held his head up with your hands, "Hey, you don't get to blame and pity yourself, that's my job, snap out of it." "...I'm so sorry..." his words trembling.
"...If you truly are sorry, better start making it up to me." He gave you a puzzled look. "I'm not gonna forgive you just because you apologized. In fact, I'll never forgive you." you said softly, thumbs wiped past the corner of his eyes, "So, do your best, you got a lot to make up for."
He pulled your hands away, gently held them in his. "How can I make it up to you when I'm not allowed to be with you?" he rubbed his thumbs on your knuckles. You felt your heart skip a beat.
"...Well, let's go then." you pulled on his hands, "Let's go home together and persuade them. If Helvit'tar refuses to let you see me, I'll just run away with you." "Run away?" "...Yea well obviously I'll sneak back and visit them they are family you don't just run away from family..." he chuckled as he heard that familiar babble.
He stood up, "Alright." and put out the campfire, "I hope this time they don't teleport me." "You might already be dead when they teleport you." you said while helping him pack. "Hmm, that's more ideal." "...What is this fear of teleportation of yours?" "I don't fear it, I simply don't like it." ......
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jorjacrafts2 · 4 months
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Bad Gateway Product
Some supplier finds for our exhibition merchandise. Looking at stone and Off White Pieces, enables a blank canvas for complex pixelated designs. We have decided to push ourselves when looking at design outcomes with this brief. Rather limiting ourselves with embroidery and printing, we have decided to implement pins and patches to the merchandise. With the button ups, we hope to buy Iron on patches and apply them onto the side of the button up which will be inspired by janitor uniforms.
We will be producing some button pins and placing them onto our chosen caps. This is a really interesting goal and I like the idea of characterising these products in a different way than our previous products. It will be interesting opening this concept to consumers and allowing them to personalise their own pieces of clothing. This adaptation holds strong relevance to our contextual theme. Thinking about all the different people who enters a service station, different styles, looks, mannerisms. This cap could be the embodiment of that diversity observation. This contextual relevance will hopefully be aided with my Art Direction idea.
We have ordered our Button Up Shirts from Asos which priced at £18 per shirt. Knowing this style of merchandise will be more expensive, I didnt look at wholesalers as I couldn't find the write style of shirt. After looking at the pictures of the shirts, I am worried they aren't the best as they look a little too lightweight for the janitor, service inspiration we were taking inspiration from.
The second set of images were two styles of caps I had found. Originally we were hoping for a trucker hat however, all the products sourced had a mesh backing and I don't think this would look as clean if we were to use them. These caps are 5 panel snapbacks which feel of a similar style the button ups. The final picture was the cap we had ordered from MyWorkwear as they have an embroidering process on their site. They start at £6.06 and we bought 12 for £72.
Including the embroidery fees and application fees, the caps price at £10.75. Once everything is ordered, I can start working out expenses and GPM percentages in order to price our products logically.
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theparkwholesale · 6 months
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Gildan 2000, G200 Gildan Ultra Cotton® T-Shirt - Bulk Shirts, Blank Shirts, Wholesale Shirts
I am a Digital Marketer with TheParkWholesale.com
The Park Wholesale is one of the largest wholesale distributors of blank hats and caps for the promotional industry. We specialize in blank hats, bulk hats, wholesale hats, baseball caps, and embroidered hats with 5 panels, 6 panels, 7 panels with varieties of snapback hats, trucker hats, dad hats, baseball hats, beanies, & more. Find the widest variety of styles and sizes from top brands such as Richardson Hats, Yupoong Flex fit, Decky, Otto, and so many more at wholesale prices! We provide custom embroidery, screen printing, sublimation, and custom embellishments for hats, t-shirts, and other accessories. Get Bulk Hats, Wholesale Hats, Blank Hats, and Custom Hats with Free Shipping on select orders.
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Wholesale Blank Custom Logo 5 Panel Sport Gorras Gorros VERACAP embroidery cotton print Dad Baseball Mesh Foam Hat Trucker Cap
Products Description Material polyester, cotton Logo Silkscreen print, embroidery, heat transfer logo MOQ No logo one NO MOQ Add logo MOQ 1pcs Sample fee Sample with logo sample fee USD5 Sample day 5-7days Lead time 100-500pcs, 7-10days Size Adult and Kids size Some custom hats Products Details
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foremosthat · 2 years
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Here you will find all kinds of high quality trucker hats,  5 panel hats, 6 panel hats, cotton trucker hats, foam trucker hats, mesh trucker hats, camo trucker hats, suede trucker hat, etc. For custom logo trucker hats , the MOQ is 48 pcs, for fully customized caps, the MOQ is 300 pcs. You can also buy wholesale blank caps, the MOQ is 12 pcs. If there are any trucker hats you prefer but cannot find, please contact [email protected] and we will do our best to fulfill your wishes.
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barbatusart · 2 years
A couple questions!
1) do you have a favorite line or scene youve written?
2) did any character end up vastly different from when you first created them?
3) did you always want to do comics or did you start with novel like work?
4) are there any nuances in Sadsack that majorety of audiences missed, that your a bit dissappointed about?
YESSS SO MANY thank you friend lol
i have a couple that i really enjoy from different things! i really loved writing the diner scene in SadS4 with everybody having like 4 simultaneous arguments about wearing shoes & fucking; i get a big kick out of writing a ton of different personality types clashing all at once. in that sense SadS5 as a whole is some of my favorite writing ive done, just because it's a mess from start to finish.
2. i actually dont do a lot of prewriting for personalities! i find that if i start trying to flesh it out beforehand, the character feels less organic to me, so what i do is just think of a human body & start filling in the blanks as im actively roughing out the panels & adding dialogue. ill make completely arbitrary design decisions as im writing too so then it plants a seed. for instance like if i need a character on a bus i think of a guy in a suit & give him like a pokemon lockscreen for no reason, now im wondering if this guy's super into pokemon if he's got a meowth lockscreen, now ive got a little story of the big executive who goes out of his way to collect pokemon cards or something, & it seems goofy but that right there now informs me generally what kind of guy this dude is! characters really dont concern me & most of the time are just plot vehicles that i flesh out as i go, which makes it very easy for me to kill them at the drop of a hat LOL
3. honestly i want to do Film lmfao but i lack any kind of animation knowhow or necessary capital to make it happen! so comix is like the keyframing portion of a film for me! but yeah i always did comix even when i wasnt making very good stuff, i love telling stories a lot but i love silent weird moments too much to ever get super seriously into writing outside of like occasional fanfic - i love to see a face journey
4. theres an entire separate hidden work in SadS actually that a couple people have caught onto ;) other than that i laid a lot of breadcrumbs for future projects in it as well cus i love weaving stories together in a way that 5 years later people can have a WAIT A SECOND moment
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anonymouspuzzler · 2 years
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Wambus and Triffany time!!! we love a bi4bi couple who are making it work and genuinely love each other. thanks again to @incorrectbugsnaxquotes for the top prompt and I believe my friend Frankie for the Roller Derby Triff idea!
(alt text/image IDs below the cut!)
[Image 1 ID: A two-panel comic of Wambus and Triffany. In the first panel Wambus, sitting at a table and pointing down at a salad with one hand, says, "So you're tellin' me that Julius Caesar, who has been dead well over 70 years, made this salad?" In the second panel, Triffany, grimacing in agony and wringing her hands around a skeleton arm, replies, "While you technically aren't wrong with that number, it physically pains me."]
[Image 2 ID: Wambus, with a neutral grin, and Triffany, with a wink and smile, standing with their arms around each other and matching t-shirts. Wambus' has an arrow pointing to Triffany and reads "I'M HER'M", while Triffany's has an arrow pointing to Wambus and reads "HE'M I'S".]
[Image 3 ID: A drawing of Wambus in recreation of a meme. He has a very slight grimace, brow and nose wrinkled, and is gesturing with his hands up on either side, wearing a t-shirt that reads "I WOULD PREFER NOT TO."]
[Image 5-8 IDs: A four-panel comic, with each panel represented in a separate image. In the first, Wambus is walking down a street near a wall with foliage on the other side, next to an unnamed brown Grumpus in a jacket with a triangular nose and fluffy bangs. Wambus, with no hat but his usual checkered open shirt over a blank tank top, is carrying some books and looking annoyed and exhausted, saying, "Ugh. Gonna be real annoyin' if I gotta retake that exam..." From offscreen, Triffany shouts "ON YOUR LEFT!" In the next panel, Triffany, wearing sports shorts, rollerblading gear and a crop top reading "NEW GRUMP ROLLER DERBY", skates in and accidentally shoulder-checks Wambus over the wall, sending books and papers flying, while the other Grumpus flattens himself out of the way against the wall. The third panel shows Triffany peeking over the wall looking horrified, shouting, "Oh my gosh!! I'm so sorry, I'd thought ya heard me comin'!! Are ya alright??" In the final panel, Wambus, lying in a bush looking up at Triffany, lovestruck, simply responds "yuh-huh" with hearts floating all around him.]
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themrmalice · 4 years
Treacherous Deep
By Malice
Narrated on YouTube by The Disciple: https://youtu.be/rmoQAE5QBM8
Metal groans in discomfort as its frame compresses, glass shakes and snickers, full knowledge that it alone stands as a barrier between the crew and the black depth outside. Like invisible arms squeezing the cabin with all its might, wishing only to crush the sub like a tin can. Within were 5 “Derelicts” a term coined for salvagers, investigating a signal that blew through the system from 15,000m below the tense surface of water. Clean, lacking waves, like a marble. Took 4 blasts from an orbital kinetic cannon to break the surface tension, allowing the Derelicts to go beneath its murky waves. 
    Passing 4,000m, the Abyss, where no light dare tread, and where only 1 singular pulse of light may emit. A fiery red beams from a subsurface station, pulsing, again, again, again. It was still a few thousand metres down, in the pitch black beneath us. Perched on the only continental mass we could find, between two cliffs leading into a massive and unexplored crevice. Depth calculators still havent found the bottom, hidden as it is, we were sent in to find where the S.O.S. was coming from. 
    Passing 6,000m, its been quiet, with only a few low groans from the Ballast interrupting that silence. Hideous and beautiful, the ocean is nothing but a masterpiece. Our Sonar has not picked up anything thus far, and with a 4,000 mile radius, its only proof that we are truly in an abyss. No rocky formations, no lifeforms, not even bacterial life. Just our sub. The S.S. Moloch. As we sink deeper into the abyss, my job becomes far more difficult. I manage room pressurization. Normally Automated, but the station wanted us to be extra cautious. After 10,000m, its one button press from instantaneous death due to Barotrauma. I’ve seen it, at this depth the body is its own weapon. Implosion, your body guts itself brutally, the fashion by which it does this involves innumerable organs expanding and collapsing. In the blink of an eye, what used to be your friend is now a misty cloud of parting crimson. 
    Passing 9,000m, in just a few minutes, our ears will start to ring, a signal I need to up pressurization in the sub, just a tick too much however, and we will meet a watery grave. The control panel in front of me started to beep a couple hundred meters up, showcasing a warning that the pressure in my specific cabin was getting too low. If I let it beep for a second longer, my cabin would have collapsed, adding to the weight of our sub and eventually sinking the S.S. Moloch. Everything must be perfect, every tiny calculation, no room for error. Our Oxygen Supply, if the tempurature increases the entire supply could explode and puncture the bow, dragging us all down with it. The Sonar, if we lose power to it, even for a moment, wont be able to notify us of our descent speed. Moving to fast, we hit a rock and implode, moving to slow, and we are wasting valuable minutes beneath the surface. The Pilot, his hands are weary and eyes are straining, sweating profusely, one wrong move and we’ve lost time down here. This S.O.S. beacon was calculated to be below 20,000m. Under the crust and buried in the mantle. 
    10,000m, we found the station, who signalled us into a drydock for resupply and a small break lasting only 2 hours. A mistake in my opinion, the break may only slow us down. I remained on the ship, telling those on the station I cannot leave until I can guarantee the safe reentry of my companions. About 30 minutes in, I gave in and left. The station was dilapidated, held together by the bare minimum, I believe I found some gum holding a small hole in the ground of the dry dock together, frozen by nitrogen. Depth Gum too, made out of plants found down here, eases anxiety while retaining focus. The crew aboard the station, Station Lamia, one of 4 here and the only one at this depth in The Trench. The Crew were all very calm, relaxed, and overall pleasant. They gave us food, water, the occasional ration of alcohol, and eventually sat us down for a more serious topic. The Trench. The widest berth they’ve found down here was a mere 800m in diametre. Our sub could easily slip through, but that was merely the opening. Past 14,000m, the diameter never opens up to 800m, meaning we would need to take it slow and cautious. They warned us of the wild life down here as well. Incredibly territorial and incredibly large to boot. The largest creature they’ve seen can dwarf the entire station! Its so massive that it could never find its way out of the cavern system. The caves it resides in are too far beneath the trench to explore, but a probe was sent in and never found the bottom. Only the horrifying site of an unknown station. Upon exploration of it, the researchers found scriptures of unknown languages. A sign we have been looking for, a sign of sentient alien life. The unknown station was named “Incognita” and has been probed only twice. The full station has not been explored, as part of it was burrowed into the wall of the cave. Another threat they mentioned, oozing black liquid, an ichor so strong it could stick our whole sub to the side of a building on Earth with only 5 square inches of it. Its so powerful that extraction is next to impossible. They would require a requisitioned Extraction Mech AND have it modded to survive at this depth. To put it lightly, this cave system wants us dead. The Water, wants us dead. The creatures. The rocks. The currents. All of it wants us dead. The final and most foreboding threat they warned us about, the water itself. Its not water. It feels, looks, tastes like water. But its lighter. And on a microbial scale, it too moves upon its own volition. Tiny molecules that sink into the pores of skin and bones. The molecules themselves will expand and connect during expansion. When you swim in the water, you cant come out. They happily gave us a new Depth Suit, only one and not fitted. We boarded our sub and said goodbye. The Crew gave us hugs and we left with a somber farewell. They didnt expect to see us again. 
    Passing 12,000m, the pressure is off the charts and hard to control. Outside is no longer black, but now gray rocks painted by my light. These rocks moved swiftly. “I thought they said this cave had a wide berth?” I said to the captain. The radio clicked on, “Yeah, I thought so too. I cant remain mad at them though, I wouldn’t want to do constant calculations down here.” He has a point. But, this is a lot smaller than they led us to believe! We barely fit through some caves! The stalactites nearly scraped my window, but they were pointed at a peculiar angle. Odd. Why would they be pointed off to the side? Maybe the ship nudged them. 
    Passing 15,000m, we were nearing the point of the S.O.S., with enough Oxygen to get us back to the station with an hour to spare and enough fuel to get us to the surface and back, we were all feeling warily confident! The Crew had snuck a pack of Depth Gum for us onto the ship, so we were all feeling more relaxed than normal. Even with our ship barely fitting through some sections. The ship groaned a few metres down, made us all jump out of our seats! It was so loud we thought we scraped against the wall! Turns out the Ballast just kicked some sand from the bed! Our on board engineer screamed “Watch it! We dont want to poke a hole in the ballast, you know that right?” The captain quickly responded “I-I didnt hit it! The sonar didn’t state that the bed was anywhere close to us! We had about a 10 metre difference between the ballast and the sand bed!” “Uh-huh,” the engineer groaned, “just make sure you watch it next time. Please.” “Of course.” The captain wearily said. He looked more confused as he examined the Sonar, I peaked over and saw what was confusing him. The sand bed behind us was now much lower! How can that be? Its solid rock with a pile of sand on it! Thank god we only nicked the sand pile itself!
    Passing 17,000m, this cave is by far an anomaly! Nothing we have ever seen before! The cave walls shift! I swear on my life! I told the captain and he said nothing, just a blank stare. Of course, thats a staple of him. He wears drab attire, only his captain coat and hat set him apart from the rest of us. The generic blue captains coat was nothing to scoff at however, for he had a number of badges, all decorated his upper left shoulder. One patch was a commendation of performing 12 missions below 10,000m. This would be his 13th. Another patch showed his military service during The Fall. One for 40 years of service. Finally there was one I hadn’t recognized. A red patch, decorated with a blue rose in the middle with the words “Flos Occidere” encircling it. I know that Patch I just cant put a name to it!
    Passing 19,000m, we were approximately 1 hour from the S.O.S. The Captain turned to me, with his dead glare he said “I want you to go in the Suit and investigate the signal.” I was surprised, “Why me?” I asked. He spoke again, this time without tone “I want you to go in the suit and investigate the signal, thats an order.” I quickly responded “Yes sir!”. But something felt off about him. As we descended, the pressure began to stabilize and I asked him “May I go get a drink, sir?” He nodded quietly, eyes fixated on the sonar, which shifted every few minutes. I got up and began my descent into the musty storage, where I picked up a flashlight, a Seal, and a bottle of water. As I turned around the Engineering Chief was behind me, glaring at me with similarly dead eyes. “You got what you need for your dive?” I nodded, shaken by his posture and gaze, “Wait, how did you know I was diving? The captain never sent out a mess-” He turned around and grabbed a handheld sonar and the Dive Suit I was going to wear, “Better get prepared, we are only 500m from the bottom.” then he shoved them all into my arms and slowly walked away. I was trembling, both from that encounter, and the thought that we were already only 500m away from “The Bottom”. Which means either we are descending fast, or the caves shifted again, bringing the Beacon closer to us for some unexplained reason. 
    20,000m. We stopped just a few meters away from a Derelict, crushed into itself with triangular holes roughly grinded into the body. The scene was horrendous. I was alone in the jettison chamber, in my suit with an hour of oxygen available to me. I booted up my Seal, and it began to whir rapidly. I turned it off to preserve power, and gave a thumbs up to the camera. Voice Comms werent available in this suit, unfortunately, so I was on my own. The chamber opened and a cold wash of liquid cleaned the scuffs off my suit and I was immediately enveloped by the deep black. The ships bow lights were on, illuminated the whole of the wreck. I booted my Seal up again and it tugged me towards the wreck, where its perched flashlight poked into recesses and revealed exploded Oxygen Tanks and cracked glass. After surveying the outside, I wormed my way within through an incredibly large hold, the same triangular holds decorated the rim of it. The steel door ahead of me was covered in that ichor the crew on the station mentioned, so I wasnt getting in through that. Luckily the way the ship was bent showed a smaller hole that gave way to the inside. I barely squeezed through, and before I knew it I was inside the Medical Bay. Only a distorted arm floated towards the ceiling, other than that, the place was empty. I noticed that the door had claw marks on it, something with incredible strength tried to break in. I found the S.O.S. Beacon and turned it off. 
    As soon as the switch clicked into place, though, the lights from the sub were gone. Replaced by a deafening squeal of metal against stone, similar to that a rumble began beneath my feet! I had to get out of the sub! I clawed my way to a hole and began to tear through the rusted metal with only my hands. Unfortunately, the metal had cut a hole into my glove! I swam out, searching for my Sub, but nothing was there except the dead black! Limitless, I used my seal to chase upwards for a minute and found nothing, not even the cave walls! I felt a current, a pull, the water shifted from behind me! An unknown presence was here! I quickly descended back to the sub, and sheltered myself inside the Medical Bay. I saw something move, something massive! Enormous teeth and a gaping maw! Eventually, it all went black again, my light flickered off so all I could see was black! It came back on again, illuminated a pale figure in the distance, outside the hole in the sub, a massive mouth with hundreds of teeth, all swirling in an oval! It drew closer and closer, until I could see the shine of its teeth! It slammed into the sub, my light flashed off again, and all I could hear were the hideous moans emitted from the sub itself as it conformed to the mouth biting into it. The rumbling began again, god I cant take another cave shift! It continued for minutes on end until grinding to a halt! It was all quiet! My light still didnt work, the battery finally ran out! I felt the rush of the water, the water shifted again! But this time, it was next to me! I reached for my belt and grabbed an emergency flare, I struggled with the tip for a while and fumbled lighting it, until eventually, it snapped to life! And before me, illuminated by the red of my flare, a horrific figure appeared and disappeared again. It looked to have tentacles! I have no idea! I slowly rose to my feet, the whole medical bay was illuminated now, I could see the hole! Instantly I got up and swam out, where I was met with a distant sound that rang through my body. I felt something slowly envelope my leg, and tug me downwards. I let go of the flare and flailed back and forth as the thing grabbing me did! I was hurled into the sand, where I snagged a small pointed rock, which I used to jab into the gripping mass! With one hand I held it, and with the other I punched into the squishy thing with the rock! It let go, and I began to fall deeper. The flare was below me, showcasing a massive cave, something from my deepest nightmares! The walls were flexing and slowly writhing into itself, weaving a horrid shape around me. I continued to fall, feeling the water rush around me, watching the flare as it too fell. The walls began to slowly narrow, until only a small hole, big enough for one person to fit was found. It looked like it was excavated. When I gently landed beside the hole, I picked up the now dying flare. I raised it, nothing was around me! But i felt the water rushing to and fro. I reluctantly hopped into the hole, and slowly descended into it. I fell for what felt like hours, before reaching a small cave with no way out. When I hit the ground, a horrific sound bellowed through the cave. Another groan. The flare died out. I was alone in a crunchy pit. It felt like the floors were made of wood that had been burnt to cinders.
    An hour passed, I began crying, watching my Oxygen Supply deplete slowly. Just let me die already. Before me, I saw a small yellow light, it was growing in size! Its the end! I’m free! I jumped to my feet and stammered closer! On my approached I realized, it was something physical. The size of a Walnut, growing, becoming more bright. It began to illuminate something it was hanging on. I moved in for a closer look, my hand outstretched to grab the pulsing seed. Until the seed flashed brightly, and showcased the horror that held it. Long, gangly hands. All its bones were grotesquely lengthened, and a swirling mass of tentacles weaving into a ball laid at its feet. A human skeleton. Its ribcage still loosely intact, and its arms slowly enveloping me. The skull was fully dysmorphic, the upper half of the skull was lengthened with sharp, elongated teeth pointing from the front. Below its jaw hung, barely held to to the skull. From the roof of the mouth, the seed hung. How was it moving? The last thought that crossed my mind. Only to be answered, by the realization of that very black ichor covering the joints and crossing from one bone to another. As its arms closed in, its head moved towards me, and the light began to fade.
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theparkwholesale · 7 months
J. America 8449 Epic Sherpa Blanket - 54 in W x 84 in L
I am a Digital Marketer with TheParkWholesale.com
The Park Wholesale is one of the largest wholesale distributors of blank hats and caps for the promotional industry. We specialize in blank hats, bulk hats, wholesale hats, baseball caps, and embroidered hats with 5 panels, 6 panels, 7 panels with varieties of snapback hats, trucker hats, dad hats, baseball hats, beanies, & more. Find the widest variety of styles and sizes from top brands such as Richardson Hats, Yupoong Flex fit, Decky, Otto, and so many more at wholesale prices! We provide custom embroidery, screen printing, sublimation, and custom embellishments for hats, t-shirts, and other accessories. Get Bulk Hats, Wholesale Hats, Blank Hats, and Custom Hats with Free Shipping on select orders.
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traincat · 5 years
You know with the F4 being in the MCU soon I'm afraid they won't make Johnny bisexual because of reasons :/
Yeah, I’ve seen this concern going around a lot, and I definitely share it, although I’m trying not to be too negative about things before we know anything about an MCU Fantastic Four movie, since it sounds like it won’t actually be happening in Phase Four after all and a lot can happen in a few years.
On the other hand, if we want to get a little conspiracy theorist here, I can strap on my tin hat and break out this theory: Johnny was supposed to come out already in this Fantastic Four run, but it was nixed last minute. The evidence backing up this theory is not insubstantial: the run starts off bringing Wyatt Wingfoot, Johnny’s extremely close best friend since Fantastic Four #50, back into the picture, paralleling scenes of him and Johnny at a baseball game (where they even joke about getting caught on the kiss cam) with scenes of Ben and Alicia on a date. Johnny and Wyatt were very physical during these scenes:
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Johnny even seemed to get jealous when they ran into Jennifer Walters, Wyatt’s on-again off-again girlfriend (currently off again):
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Now I’ve long commented that if Johnny was going to come out officially (not counting his heavily implied and later Marjorie Liu confirmed sexual relationship with Daken Akihiro), Wyatt makes for perfect relationship material. Pairing a character with a history as long as Johnny’s with a brand new blank slate love interest created solely for to be The Boyfriend is a boring move that results in an uneven relationship lacking in chemistry (look at Bobby Drake and Judah in Iceman v3); meanwhile Wyatt and Johnny have a long history that could easily be construed as romantic with very little work. Wyatt’s been incredibly dedicated to Johnny since day one and they have an incredibly close friendship – Wyatt’s stated he knows Johnny like his own flesh and blood. There’s a good basis for a romance here. 
In issue 5, after Ben’s bachelor party, Ben and Johnny have a discussion where they discuss Johnny’s failed love life. 
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(Perpetual bachelor, confirmed bachelor… tomato, toh-mah-toe.)
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“When you know – and you’ll know – take that leap. Don’t wait fer stronger shielding. Be brave, Johnny Storm.”  
It’s interesting to note that no pronouns or gendered language is used – it would have been incredibly easy for Ben to say that Johnny will meet the right girl one day. That’s not what’s said. And for Ben to end the conversation encouraging Johnny to “be brave” would be a very powerful lead up to Johnny coming out. 
In the same issue, I might note, hidden in a larger panel within the issue is this little but very intimate looking Johnny and Wyatt moment:
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“I coulda had all a’ this years ago” Ben says, referring to him and Alicia, but if we continue the Ben-Alicia and Johnny-Wyatt parallels the first issue set up, the same is very much true for Johnny: he and Wyatt could have been together years ago. “Be brave, Johnny Storm.”
Final and most damning piece of evidence in this theory that Johnny was supposed come out already. This is the solicit originally published for Fantastic Four (2018) #7:
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The solicit promises a “strange new development in the life of the Human Torch.” Now that’s a very vague phrase, it’s true, but we’re following very closely on the heels of Ben’s “be brave” speech. A “strange new” development would have to entail something that hasn’t already happened to Johnny; a new heterosexual romance wouldn’t count, because that wouldn’t be strange or new unless there were significant mitigating circumstances. 
Except when Fantastic Four #7 came out, nothing actually happened with Johnny. I’m not kidding; nothing of note happens to Johnny at all in this issue. He has a brief run-in with Doom’s new Girl Friday, Victorious, who seems to hate him on sight in what I suppose could be construed as one of those deeply unfun heterosexual romances where the girl just hates the guy and we’re all supposed to believe that passes for actual chemistry, but again, that wouldn’t be NEW for Johnny, and their interactions in the issue are incredibly brief. Whatever the original plan was, it was clearly either seriously downsized or nixed altogether. Meanwhile, in the book’s B plot, Wyatt hangs out with Alicia and babysits the kids, who are now calling him Uncle Wyatt – something we haven’t seen before.
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So that’s the evidence. Make of it what you will. I don’t know if I believe it myself entirely, but there are some weird coincidences for sure.
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moirai-au · 5 years
Timeline: Arc 5 - The Orator, after “He’s so tired.”
Warnings: captivity
Taglist: @immabethehero @bupine​ @tabbynerdicat @i-maybe-exist @its-ethan-bro @sandinthetardis @honestlyitsjustkenna @taikeero-lecoredier
There is nothing around him. Only void.
He can’t tell if he’s falling at max velocity or not moving at all, stuck in a state of inertia, no wind to be found to lay his doubt to rest.
He doesn’t feel cold, or warm. He doesn’t feel good, or bad. In fact, he doesn’t feel much of anything.
But amidst the numbness he feels a sense of urgency, like something pushing at the edge of his mind. Like he’s forgetting something important. Or maybe someone.
He tries to reach for it, remember. But it evades him, slipping out of his grasp at the last second.
 And then he wakes up.
 Marius shot up on his bed with a high-pitched cry, warm brown eyes flying open. It took him a minute for his breathing to slow down, his hand clutching the front of his black pyjama top.
That… was scary. He couldn’t remember what the nightmare had been about, but it had to be at least as bad as the one where he kept being chased by those monsters from the movie daddy had let him watch one evening. Maman had been really mad at Daddy after he’d woke up crying the following night.
He threw off his blanket with a huff, letting his legs dangle from the plush mattress; had he fallen asleep in front of the telly again? Because he couldn’t remember going to bed yesterday.
 ...In fact, he couldn't quite remember the day before either. That was strange. Why-
 The offending thoughts immediately scattered, leaving one very, very confused Marius blinking owlishly on his bed.  Huh. Looked like he blanked there for a second. What had he been thinking about again?
 His stomach growled, breaking the silence of his bedroom. Right, he was hungry! He wondered what Maman had made him for breakfast today. The boy jumped down on the floorboards with enthusiasm, trotting out of his room and down the stairs. For a moment he had the fleeting feeling that something wasn’t right -wasn’t his room on the ground floor...?- before it was squashed down by the heavenly smell coming from downstairs. Crêpes! he recognized, the warmth of homeyness blooming inside his chest. Yes!
 And sure enough, when he ran into the kitchen Mom was hard at work, her golden blonde hair tied in a long braid she kept tucking over her shoulder. She flipped a crêpe masterfully before noticing Marius’ presence- she smiled warmly at him, the kind of smile full of unconditional love that all good mothers had. “Mais qui voilà ? Good morning bunny.” she cooed, her slight accent rolling pleasantly on her tongue.
Dad turned to look at him, sitting on one of the stools at the edge of the high kitchen isle. “What’s up buddy?” he waved at him, setting down his morning coffee. “Slept okay?”
 The sight of his parents’ faces made something churn in Marius’ stomach, and his face fell. He felt sad all of a sudden, a faint nausea draining the color from his cheeks. But why? He wasn’t sick… was he?
Maman frowned, concern visible in her light blue eyes. She got down on one knee, gently brushing strands of hair out of Marius’s face. “Ça va mon lapin ? Tu es tout pâle.”
All of the boy’s anxieties melted away at the gentle touch, and he shook his head. “Non, non. Tout va bien maman.” Of course everything was fine. Why wouldn’t it be? His head was just being weird today.
“Hélène, quit coddling him.” Daddy rolled his hazel eyes, reaching down from his chair to ruffle his hair. “Of course he’s okay, he’s a sturdy little one! Aren’t you Marius?”
The boy nodded- he barely noticed the way his heart stuttered uncomfortably at the sound of that name, the feeling disappearing as fast as it arrived. He puffed up his little chest proudly. “Hm! I’m okay! I’m strong, like you Dad!”
“Atta boy,” Daddy chuckled. “Now, get up there and eat up, yeah? You have a big day ahead of you.”
Marius giggled and climbed up a stool with some effort, his tiny frame making his ascension a challenge. But that was alright, he liked challenges! They were fun!
He dug into his breakfast with enthusiasm as his parents chatted idly, looking out at the bright blue sky through the large glass doors leading to the garden.
 He was happy. Everything was good.
  There was a stumble-jolt.
 Marius shot up on his bed with a gasp, warm brown eyes flying open. It took him a minute for his breathing to slow down, his hand clutching the front of his white pyjama top.
That… was scary. He couldn’t remember what the nightmare had been about, but it had to be at least as bad as the one where he lost his favorite stuffed jellyfish in the ocean.
He threw off his blanket with a huff, letting his legs dangle from the plush mattress; had he fallen asleep in front of the telly again? Because he couldn’t remember going to bed yesterday.
 ...In fact, his memories from the previous day were fuzzy at best. That was strange. Why-
 The offending thoughts immediately fizzled out, leaving one very, very confused Marius blinking owlishly on his bed. Huh. He forgot what he was thinking about. Had it been important?
 His stomach growled, breaking the silence of his bedroom. Right, he was hungry! He wondered what Maman had made him for breakfast today. The boy jumped down on the floorboards with enthusiasm, trotting out of his room and down the stairs. For a moment he had the fleeting feeling that something was wrong -wasn’t his room on the ground floor...?- before it was squashed down by the heavenly smell coming from downstairs.
Waffles! he recognized, the warmth of homeyness blooming inside his chest. Yes!
 And sure enough, when he ran into the kitchen Mom was hard at work, her golden blonde hair tied in a side ponytail she kept tucking over her shoulder. She opened the waffle machine, letting the steam out, before finally noticing Marius’ presence- she smiled warmly at him, the kind of smile full of unconditional love that all good mothers had. “Mais qui voilà ? Good morning little star.” she cooed, her slight accent rolling pleasantly on her tongue.
Dad turned to look at him, sitting on one of the stools at the edge of the high kitchen isle. “What’s up champ?” he waved at him, setting down his morning coffee. “Slept okay?”
 The sight of his parents’ faces made Marius’ throat close up, and his face fell. He felt sad all of a sudden, a faint nausea draining the color from his cheeks. But why? He wasn’t sick… was he?
Maman frowned, concern visible in her light blue eyes. She got down on one knee, gently brushing strands of hair out of Marius’s face. “Ça va mon coeur ? Tu as l’air un peu pâle.”
All of the boy’s anxieties melted away at the gentle touch, and he shook his head. “Oui, ça va. Tout va bien maman.” Of course everything was fine. Why wouldn’t it be? His head was just being silly today.
“Hélène, quit coddling him.” Daddy rolled his hazel eyes, reaching down from his chair to ruffle his hair. “Of course he’s okay, he’s a sturdy little tyke! Aren’t you Marius?”
The boy nodded- he barely noticed the way his heart stuttered uncomfortably at the sound of that name, the feeling disappearing as fast as it arrived. He puffed up his little chest proudly. “Hm! I’m okay! I’m tough, just like you Dad!”
“Atta boy,” Daddy chuckled. “Now, get up there and eat up, yeah? You have a big day ahead of you.”
Marius giggled and climbed up a stool with some effort, his tiny frame making his ascension a challenge. But that was alright, he liked challenges! They were fun!
He dug into his breakfast with enthusiasm as his parents chatted idly, looking out at the bright blue sky through the large glass doors leading to the garden.
 He was happy. Everything was good.
     There was a stumble-jolt.
 Marius shot up on his bed with a gasp, warm brown eyes flying open. It took him a minute for his breathing to slow down, his hand clutching the front of his grey pyjama top...
 It was dark out, and darker still inside the warehouse.
At the bottom of a flight of stairs sinking below the surface was a storage room- as normal as one could be. A few metal closets. Some boxes stacked in a corner. A control panel with dozens of buttons and levers. A glass tank filled with water.
 A human being. Immersed in that same water.
 The liquid glowed an eerie, pale blue, casting trembling shadows on the dark room's walls. The man’s face was visibly scarred, obscured as it was by the heavy breathing mask and tubes. His long hair floated lazily around him, back and forth, to and fro, tendrils of dark brown and faded green dancing to an abnormally slow heartbeat. The blue glow shone on his oh so pale limbs, giving them an almost cadaveric tint, purple veins visible through the thin skin of his wrists.
 A dark silhouette stood in front of the tank, observing the unconscious figure with glowing, slitted yellow eyes. He circled it slowly, all dapper stance and graceful swagger, like a predator stalking its trapped, helpless prey. His lips stretched in a triumphant smirk, playing idly with his elegant bowler hat.
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kobayashi-aika · 7 years
Ultra Jump April 2018: 100 Questions for Kobayashi Aika
April’s edition of Ultra Jump was a Guilty Kiss special. It featured a photoshoot, an interview with all 3 members, and a special Q&A section with each seiyuu. Here’s Aikyan’s 100 Questions!
Translated question template was provided by @saitou-shuka​.
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Kobayashi Aika (voice of Tsushima Yoshiko) Nickname: Aikyan Birthday: October 23rd Blood type: O Hobbies: Photography, western fashion Skills: Dancing (Hip-hop, R&B, LA Style)
1. Favorite food? I like all sorts of fruits. But I like strawberries the most! Ah, but I like mangoes, peaches, and watermelon, too...
2. Disliked food? There’s nothing I wouldn’t eat!
3. Favorite snacks? Snacks made with potatoes. More specifically, Jagapokkuru!
4. Your number one favorite home-cooked dish? Cod roe pasta! It’s really tasty. I want to learn how to make it soon.
5. Favorite color? Black, grey, red, and white.
6. Favorite scent? Perfume from Chloe.
7. Favorite season? Definitely autumn. I might be because I was born in autumn, but the temperature is also good, and I like the western fashion during the season. It’s a nice season.
8. Favorite event of the year? I have allergies, but definitely cherry blossom viewing! I make plans to go with my family every year, and it’s really fun.
9. What sport do you like watching? I’m always excited and nervous when I watch figure skating.
10. What sport do you like playing? Is dancing a sport? I love dancing. I’m bad at ball sports, but I do like badminton!
11. Favorite animal? Dogs!!!!! And red pandas!!
12. If you were to compare yourself to an animal, what would you be? Maybe a dog…?
13. Are you a dog person? Or a cat person? Definitely a dog person!!!!!
14. Favorite manga? Super Radical Gag Family. I remember reading it aloud with my childhood friends when I was in elementary school…(laughs)
15. Favorite genre of manga? Anything that’s interesting, or anything that makes my heart skip a beat. I want that to happen to me too!!!!!
16. First manga you read? Was it Kobo-chan…? Or maybe those 4 panel comics that they print at the end of newspapers.
17. First anime you watched? My grandfather rented “The Nutcracker” from the video store, and I kept watching it until I got bored.
18. Favorite movie? Rapunzel!
19. Favorite musical artist? It will always be Amuro Namie-san.
20. Song(s) you listen to every day? Aqours songs!!
21. First CD you bought? I don’t really remember… It might have been Morning Musume’s “Hyokkori Hyoutan-jima”...
22. Your specialty song at karaoke? When I go to karaoke with my friends, I sing and dance to Morning Musume songs.
23. Phone lock screen? I set it to a picture of Yohane that Hyogonosuke-san drew. It’s a nice picture, isn’t it?
24. A clothing brand you often buy? I don’t fuss over brands. I just buy whatever looks good. Brands I like are I AM I and didizizi. A brand I really want is l’atelier du savon.
25. Your best outfit? Clothing dyed in jet black. It represents my identity as a fallen angel. In other words, black clothing.
26. Favorite place in your house? In my bed. During the winter, my dogs come and lay in my bed with me, which makes me like it even more.
27. What do you want most right now? Lots of Yohane LINE stamps.
28. What’s something that you’ll always carry in your bag? Some lip balm and Mintia. 
29. What’s something you’ve been collecting unintentionally? Cute cosmetics, cute hats, and cute accessories! Well, rather than unintentionally, I’ve been collecting them on purpose, though.
30. What’s your treasure? A necklace that I got from my mom when I turned 20.
31. What kind of child were you? Well...I was really good at playing by myself!!! That’s all I’ll say!!!!!
32. Your childhood treasure? I used to collect round stones. They were all really pretty and smooth! Also, I had a stuffed dog that I named Chibi-chan.
33. Your childhood dream? I wanted to be a singer and a preschool teacher.
34. Someone you respect? Amuro Namie-san. She really is a cool artist and woman.
35. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go? Hm...if it’s summer, Okinawa! If it’s winter, Kyoto! Maybe!
36. What country do you want to try visiting? Maybe England, or the Maldives! I’d want to become a wizard in England, and I’d want to take it easy in the Maldives.
37. Any bad habits? I always touch my hair.
38. Do you have a catchphrase? I feel like I say “No way!” a lot.
39. Charm point? What would it be...maybe my eyes!
40. A strength you have? I always see things through to the end.
41. A shortcoming you have? I get really absorbed into things and ignore my surroundings.
42. Your special skill? I’m pretty good at sewing. It’s something that I brag about sometimes, though.
43. Something you’re bad at? Being rushed. I tend to get nervous.
44. A precise weakness of yours? Being called Aika.
45. What do you want to fix about yourself? The part of me that gets nervous...
46. What are you confident you can imitate well? I think my impression of My Melody is pretty close.
47. What’s something you could live off of? My smartphone...perhaps. No, I’ll need food to live...no, maybe water...ah! Some Aqours water!!!
48. Your current obsession? Mekabu! 
49. A phrase you’ve been using a lot? Maybe “Well, those kinds of things happen too, right?”. I think it’s more fun to be positive!
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50. Favorite motto? “With everything you’ve got”.
51. If you could describe yourself with one word, what would it be? Little demon.
52. Something you’ve been picky about recently? I’m often picky about my nails. I’m always worrying about what kind of clothes their color will go well with. So recently, I’ve been deciding the theme for my nails beforehand.
53. Fill in the blank with something positive: I’m actually _. I’m actually good with my hands. Probably.
54. Fill in the blank with something negative: I’m actually _. I’m actually really inflexible. Please keep this a secret.
55. Anything but this! I don’t have much for this, but...I guess I wouldn’t like anything done to me that other people wouldn’t like, either!
56. What would the world be better off without? Cockroaches, maybe… And scary movies...anything scary.
57. How do you kill time? Sleep. Watch YouTube videos. Shop online.
58. How do you relieve stress and refresh yourself? Drink beer!
59. What app have you been using often recently? SIF and AC Pocket Camp!
60. What’s something you always do once you wake up? I take a bath!
61. What’s something you always do before you sleep? I set an alarm on my phone. I never forget to set it!
62. What do you do when you ride the train? I sleep, or I look at my phone.
63. What do you do to maintain your health? I use facial masks! And I wash my hands and rinse my mouth! And I get a good night’s sleep!
64. What do you do when you have the day off? I sleep in as long as I can...If I have plans to go out, then I do my nails or go to the salon, and get all my shopping done.
65. What do you do when you have time to yourself? I shop online, play games, and sometimes go out to look at western fashion.
66. What do you do when you hang out with friends? Recently, I’ve been going out with the Aqours 1st years to photogenic spots to take photos. We wear matching outfits, too. “When it’s time to have fun, have as much fun as you can!” is my motto.
67. Where do you want to go on your first date? Ehhh? With who? A-anywhere...is fine. Other than the haunted house, an amusement park sounds nice!
68. If you were to confess to someone, what kind of situation would you want it to be? Um...when I’m getting off the train and saying goodbye, as the doors are closing, I’ll say “I like you” and then run away, perhaps…(laughs).
69. If someone were to confess to you, what kind of situation would you want it to be? I want them to whisper “I love you” in my ear. And I would just be like, “Really!?” and let it soak in.
70. What memories do you have of graduation? A lot of mysterious feelings welled up inside of me, and I cried while singing our school song.
71. Something fun that happened recently? Today! I haven’t had a lot of chances to go to amusement parks, so today was really fun!
(Note: The Ultra Jump photo shoot took place at an amusement park.)
72. Something sad that happened recently? Us first years were playing a game where we tried to make our eyebrows go in a 45 degree angle, and Aiai (Furihata Ai) told me that my face looked like a Wi-Fi symbol. It was a little sad.
73. Something funny that happened recently? I saw Rikyako’s sleeping face. It was so funny that I cried laughing. (laughs) Maybe one day I’ll release it!
74. Something about your past you want to erase? My dark history!!! I don’t really have any!!!
(Note: This is definitely a lie.)
75. A moment that made you think “This is a miracle!”?
Love Live! Sunshine!! and a sweets shop in Numazu called Grandma did a collaboration called “Datenshi’s Chocola”. And in episode 5 of the second season, Yohane named the dog that she found “Lailaps”. Well...my dogs are named Chocola and Laila. This is a miracle!!!!!
76. A moment that made you think “I’m glad to be alive”? When I’m eating my mom’s cod roe pasta!
77. What wish do you want granted in the future? I want for Love Live! Sunshine!! to be loved by even more people, and to do that, we’ll need to work hard to achieve even greater heights. There’s a lot of dreams that I want to make come true, so I’m looking forward to it.
78. What’s something you wished for that came true? This very moment!! I’m able to sing and dance, and I have the chance to do the things that I love with everything I’ve got.
79. Any fond memories of 2017? Going to Disneyland with the first years!
80. What went wrong in 2017? I cried during the 2nd Live Tour. I didn’t want to cry~.
81. What would you do if you won 100 million yen from the lottery? I would put half of it into savings, and use the other half to go on a vacation with my family. I’ll splurge on it!!
82. What would you do if you had a time machine? I’d go back in time and have fun with my preschool friends and teachers again~.
83. What would you want to do if the world were to end tomorrow? I’d spend it with my family...but I’d be really nervous. I’d probably hold them tight...
84. What would you want to eat if the world were to end tomorrow? I’d eat a ton of shrimp and fried chicken.
85. If you could bring one thing to a deserted island, what would it be? A soft futon.
86. If you were reborn in another world, what would you want to become? I definitely!!! would become a magician!!!
87. If you were reborn in this world, what would you want to become? I want to fly in the sky, so maybe a bird!
88. If you were to be reborn, would you want to be male or female? Female! I want to be born again female!
89. What’s good about being a girl? “Girls are always the best!” is what I think. You can wear a lot of fashionable clothes, and make your nails really cute!
90. What’s something you’d want to try if you were male? I’ve never had short hair, so I’d want to get a Mush-cut perm. 
91. A challenge you want to take on? I want to try floating in the air like a fallen angel while singing. And maybe try jumping onto the stage to make my appearance.
92. A voice role you want to try in the future? I want to voice an elementary schooler. Or maybe something that’s not human. (laughs)
93. If you could do any job outside of voice acting, what would it be? I have a preschool teacher’s license, so I’d do that!
94. What made you the happiest out of everything you’ve been told? Seven years ago, I was told “Your songs really encourage me. Thank you so much.” It made me really happy, and it was the day I resolved to work hard as a singer.
95. Have you been keeping any secrets from the rest of Aqours? Not at all! Y-yes...I won’t say who it is, and if I returned it, I wouldn’t tell them, but once during rehearsal, I borrowed someone’s socks, and I haven’t returned them for about a year!!!!! (laughs)
96. Where in Numazu would you like to visit again? Mito Sea!!! 
97. Praise yourself as much as possible! You’re always working so hard! You’re so clever, Kobayashi! Do your best! (laughs)
98. What kind of moment makes you think “This is Guilty”? Recently, Rikako started tickling Aina, but she keeps it a secret as to when and where she does it. That’s Guilty.
99. Your thoughts on today’s photoshoot? It felt like a really Guilty Kiss-esque photoshoot. The amusement park was really fun, and the merry-go-round really
100. Finally, a word for your fans! There might be people reading this that are getting to know Guilty Kiss for the first time, so I hope you can see some of our good points, and I’d be happy if you listened to some of our songs!
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sportsrepo · 3 years
CC Everyday Distressed Trucker Mesh Summer Vented Baseball Sun Cap Hat
CC Everyday Distressed Trucker Mesh Summer Vented Baseball Sun Cap Hat
A must have CC Everyday Distressed Frayed vintage style light weight air vented mesh trucker 6 panel visor bill solid blank plain adjustable hook&loop baseball ball cap hatHook and Loop closureFabrication: 70% Cotton 30% PolyesterSize: Unisex, One size fits most w/ Adjustable hook&loop backHead measurement: 56cm, 22″, Size 7 ~ 59cm, 23-1/4″, Size 7-3/8Brim: 2-3/4″ Height: 5″Occasion: Everyday C.C…
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