silversakaki · 2 years
Shane Stardew Valley's main character flaw actually is that he takes you to see sportsball. No I do not take constructive criticism.
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nonbinaryphantom · 1 year
i crave such a particular flavor of eldritch abomination that a lot of eldritch danny content feels like they’re just grazing the surface of eldritch like they see it in flowery descriptions and metaphors but very rarely do they delve into something that’s not meant to be comprehended. like a color beyond the normal spectrum. its the twisting of mortal form and law. it exists beyond our scope of understanding and when you even glimpse at it, it’s maddening. it operates on a different morality system. i mean, eldritch abominations originated from cosmic horror stories after all.
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dreamcast-official · 2 years
I think we’ve forgiven something we shouldn’t have for a long time. This isn’t as serious as I’m making it sound but I do feel relief washing over me
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echidnana · 6 months
We are having feelings about seeing other systems being open and themselves. We are not able to and even struggle to do so in spaces we've created to be open since we can't in the rest of the outerworld (like this blog) but seeing other systems do so means a lot to us. It makes it less scary to follow them.
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Cosa non hai mai fatto nella vita ma che vorresti fare?
Ehilà! 🌸
Questa sì che è una domanda interessante!
Ed io sono la persona meno indicata a cui fare questo genere di domande (perché più sono personali e più il mio lato da oversharer logorroica viene a galla, e se mi dilungo io... è la fine!)
La prima cosa che mi viene in mente è: viaggiare!
Non ho mai avuto modo di farlo, ma mi piacerebbe visitare un sacco di luoghi, cuffie nelle orecchie e polaroid alla mano.
E nel farlo, praticare un sacco di attività diverse, magari tipiche del territorio.
Un'altra cosa che ho sempre desiderato fare è imparare a suonare uno strumento, o meglio due, nello specifico il piano e la chitarra.
Dal punto di vista emotivo, mi piacerebbe smetterla di dare credito a ciò che dicono gli altri, e vivere la vita a modo mio, senza ansie e paranoie, con la stessa testardaggine e la stessa ignoranza, innocente e smaliziata, tipica di un bambino.
Chissà, magari potrei scoprire una nuova me.
Poi se volessimo sfiorare l'utopia, mi piacerebbe avere tutto il tempo e le risorse necessarie per poter studiare minuziosamente ogni singolo ambito scientifico, psicologico, filosofico, linguistico, culturale, astronomico-logico possibile.
Anche a costo di vivere l'eternità in una gigantesca biblioteca!
La lista sarebbe lunghissima, ma credo di essermi dilungata anche troppo! (Perdonami!)
Grazie per la domanda! ✨
È stato un piacere rispondere 🥰
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protip: if you are ever struggling to do something/focus on doing something use Music.
Seriously like. music is the best. I have assigned Crab Rave with a school thing that used to really annoy me tbh. I could actually probably do a long ramble about crab rave tbh. but like. point is listen to something on repeat while doing anything and you'll crank out shit.
I don't know if this is an obvious thing or not but. while I was thinking of making things and be productive I thought of this.
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queerso · 4 years
Poll time!!
Hopefully this works so I can use it instead of google forms lol ♡
Its using strawpoll.com for anyone anxious of link!
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pearlexe · 4 years
theres another audio leak???
how bad can it get
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blazespawned · 3 years
Howdy hey! So me and some friends wanted to know what are your rules on using your art for profile pictures? ( we wanted to be matching with the minecraft cow images)
it's ok to use my art as a profile pic! all I ask is that you credit me in your bio :3
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Funny how terfs and aphobes are the same thing and how aphobes attack you if you try to point that out :)
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kitsunenaruto · 4 years
oh wow i fucked myself over with that tagging system huh
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silversakaki · 1 year
A true tragedy to stand among the greats
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I will never emotionally recover
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nonbinaryphantom · 1 year
i think in like ideas where danny gets adopted by some random male figure probably crossover it would be more interesting when paired with good parents maddie and jack cause then u have the sort split between danny going well i have to pick one when in reality he doesnt have to at all like why does he have to pick just one family dynamic? kind of like a metaphor for being ghost-human.
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dreamcast-official · 2 years
Pink and purple flames are a top tier aesthetic.
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1tst0mmyb1tch · 3 years
to anyone who might be worried bout tommy: he's fine.
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Thank you, @sociallyawkwardwriter for tagging me! 🥰💞
I really love this one!
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I could put every other album here, but these are the ones I'm listening to the most at the moment
I'm tagging: @beautybehindth3madness, @dreamers-queen, @enderrues-midis-yjeve, @holydetectivecoffee and everyone who wants to do it
(also, if you've already done it, sorry!)
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