beryllium-lanthanide · 9 months
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unmeisenshi · 5 months
(This bitch long. Putting a read more so it doesn't crowd your timelines.)
Urie teleported to Morello's home, and ran into Xan's room. "Xan! Come on, now!"
The Blaziken, who had been sleeping still, slowly woke up and rubbed his eyes, still half asleep as he looked at the Mawile. "Geez, Urie... Where's the fire?"
"At Pokemon Square, that's where! Some Gengar are on a murder spree, and we've been instructed to fight them. So get your rooster ass out of bed and let's go!" Urie walked over and lightly pushed Xan with his foot until he got out of bed. Xan would grab his badge and bag.
"Okay, let's go." Xan said, following Urie outside, the glow of fire and the shadow of a Centiskorch looming in the distance. That was the last thing the pair saw before teleporting away to Pokemon Square.
Xan and Urie teleported and arrived at the entrance to Pokemon Square, the sun beginning to set. The usually bustling part of town was deathly quiet, and the pair began to investigate.
"Oh man... It's quiet..." Urie said, looking around at the empty shops and scanning the shadows for their targets. Urie didn't notice that Xan had stopped, and bumped into his leg. "Hey! What's the big..."
Urie's voice would trail, as his eyes fell upon the same thing that Xan was looking at. Several bodies laid on the ground. Among them were two Kecleon, a Wigglytuff, a Persian, a Gulpin, a Kangaskhan and her child, a Hariyama, and a Ludicolo - all of them lifeless. Xan's blood ran cold, and he ran up to the bodies, and placed a claw onto them. He already knew the answer he was asking, but one touch onto Kangaskhan's body solidified the answer.
"No... No!" Xan began pounding his fist into the cobblestone. Tears began to drip, and the Blaziken's pained cries filled the air, only interrupted by his fist punching the ground in anger and sadness. Urie slowly walked up next to Xan, staring at the dead bodies. "Xan... Did you... Know them?"
Xan pounded his fist once more, a small crater in the cobblestone and blood dripping from his now skinned knuckles. "Yeah... These are old friends... From when I was stationed here years ago... When I first showed up from the human world... Everyone but Ludicolo... These were the shop owners... I knew every single one of them..." The Blaziken grit his teeth. "God dammit!"
Urie began rubbing Xan's back. "Xan, I'm... I'm so sorry..."
"We've got to find those two Gengar... And-"
Xan would quickly look up, hearing rustling in the distance. A pair of black shadows would begin running in circles around them, appearing as nothing more than streaks. The Blaziken would patiently wait, and with a burning kick, smashed one of the Mega-Evolved Gengar and sent them flying back towards the old home of the former Protectors of the Air Continent.
Xan would once again use a burning kick against the other Gengar, but this one was blocked, and the Gengar stopped running in circles to hold Xan's leg in place. The Blaziken looked down at Urie. "Go! Take care of that other Gengar, and I'll deal with this one!"
The Mawile nodded, and took off towards the other Gengar. The one in front of Xan would begin pushing back, eventually making the Blaziken retreat and putting distance between them. Xan studied this Gengar. They looked familiar, but he couldn't remember where he'd seen them.
"Surprised to see you here again, Xan." The Gengar's voice was deep and growly.
Xan wasted no time and coated his legs in fire, jumping and intending to stomp the Gengar. But due to the Gengar being Mega-Evolved, they were quick enough to block the kick once again. This time, they grabbed onto Xan's feet, and swung him wildly back and forth. His body was slammed into the cobblestone ground several times before he was thrown back towards the center of town, tumbling to a halt in front of the bodies.
"Heh... Still playing pretend with that Capoeira..." The Gengar chuckled. "I thought you were going to give that up after everyone told you you'd never be able to. Even I told you to... And you listened to me..."
Xan stood up, but stumbled on his way up. He growled in pain and held his right knee. Upon the other Pokemon finishing their sentence, Xan finally knew who this was. "Gengar...? The one from the Rayquaza crisis?"
"About time you realized!" Gengar sunk into the shadows, completely disappearing. Xan scanned his surroundings, trying to find where his target went. Until it was too late, with Gengar upper cutting the Blaziken into the air. They then flew above Xan, launching a Shadow Ball that sent him careening directly into Felicity Bank.
Gengar landed on the ground, staring at the hole in the side of Felicity Bank and waiting for Xan to appear. It took a bit of time before the Blaziken finally came out. He was limping on his right leg, with several cuts along his body and a large cut on the left side of his forehead, blood dripping from it and running down his eye and cheek.
Xan only wanted a bit of time to rest, so began talking to stall for time. "What happened to you, man? You were so nice when I had arrived here... Worked with the Protectors here. Just... Why? You knew all of these Pokemon..."
Gengar frowned. "Because you left... Then Whiscash passed on... Then Alakazam, Charizard, and Tyranitar... Then Granbull... Then Nick and Salih, the Protectors... Everyone left... Meanwhile I'm cursed with eternal life because I'm a Ghost-Type..."
Xan began slowly munching on an Oran Berry. "So you returned to being a petty criminal? Because those you loved died?" The Blaziken shook his head. "I pity you... There were better ways to cope with something like this..."
Gengar swiped their hand, with Xan narrowly dodging the swipe. "Shut up! What do you know!? You've never had to sit there, and watch as your friends die one by one, while you are unable to ever see them again because you're immortal! You've never had that!"
Xan would retaliate after listening, with a spinning flame kick with his right leg. It connected, sending Gengar back and causing Xan to grit his teeth and hold his knee again. There were tears in his eyes as a red aura began to surround him. "I do know! I was a guildmaster in Flora... I oversaw countless lives, and saw plenty of them not return from missions! I've watched my friends die... My friends' loved ones die..." The aura grew bigger. "I had to sit there, as my brother Zane died... I couldn't help them... I couldn't prevent it... I didn't even get to see them one last time!"
Gengar would stand, but Xan wasn't done. "So don't you dare say I've never experienced it!" In an instance, Xan Mega-Evolved, and began walking towards Gengar. "I cannot show you mercy."
Gengar smiled. "Fine by me. But how will you show off your fancy dance fighting to me? Your knee appears to be sprained..."
"My Capoeira isn't for show - I'm a black belt in it. And it's not the only martial art I know." Xan took a traditional Karate stance, and wound his arms back. His arms were coated in fire, and he disappeared and reappeared in front of Gengar, both of Xan's fists quickly striking Gengar's midsection. The Blaziken let out a hearty "Chesto!" as the strike landed.
Gengar would launch another Shadow Ball at Xan, but it was dodged. The Blaziken appeared behind Gengar, performing a dive kick with his left leg and performing strikes ending in an uppercut that sent Gengar up into the air. Xan performed two follow-up uppercuts, keeping Gengar in the air until allowing them to fall.
Gengar stood up, clearly dazed and stumbling. The Blaziken saw an opportunity, and wound up for another attack. "Zane... Give me strength!" Xan whispered. His prayer seemed to be answered, as his arms began glowing silver. Xan performed a low punch at Gengar's midsection. This was followed up by five punches in a straight line up their body, ending with a seventh directly under Gengar's chin.
Gengar went flying once again, with their Mega-Evolution dissipating as they were knocked out. Xan would look up at Gengar, yelling "Seichusen Godanzuki!"
After confirming that Gengar was down, Xan transformed back, and sat down. He looked over his right knee, lightly touching it. "Swollen like a softball..." He said. He looked back at Gengar. "You're going to be locked away for the rest of time. I hope you're happy... Because I'm not." Xan sighed, rubbing some tears and blood away from his eyes.
"Rest in peace... Everyone... The Air Continent won't be the same ever again..."
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baka-no-kacchan · 4 years
Bakugou x Gamer S/O
I would like you all to know that I am not that good at second person and for some reason third person doesn’t come to me as easily as it should I also hate writing in first person for fics, it feels awkward
BUT IT’S FINALLY HERE I’M SORRY FOR MAKING YOU GUYS WAIT MONTHS I wonder if this is gonna get cut, this was three pages in docs- Enjoy though! I will get better I promise...
It was a regular Saturday afternoon in the Bakugou household. Katsuki was laying on his back with his phone in one hand and his arm propped behind his head while you were laying on your stomach with your 3ds. The sounds and music from the system emanated through the room at half volume, your occasional humming and small noises of surprise or anger at the events taking place within the fantasy world adding to the noises. 
Katsuki wasn’t exactly paying attention to his phone, rather he was watching you play the game out the corner of his eye while scrolling aimlessly so you wouldn’t question him. He would rather die than admit that he found it absolutely adorable that you were so invested in the game, but he was still annoyed at the fact that you were so flawless when it came to the controls while he was a complete dunce. Why can’t he get the hang of it?
“Noooo, don’t do thaaat, it’s T O T A L L Y gonna take down my level eighty-seven Blaziken…” Your drawled in a bored tone, fingers tapping away against the buttons lazily as a small chuckle left your lips at the antics taking place. “Sometimes, I feel bad for fighting against kid trainers. They’re just out here trying to act like us adults. Oh, hey look, I won.” The familiar noise of the battle congratulatory music seeped into the room, causing a small hum of happiness to leave your throat.
Katsuki grunted in response before looking over at you. That shitty game had all of your attention, and it was wearing his already thin patience down to a fine thread that would snap at any minute. Not that he didn’t want you to play games at all, you two had already gone through that little patch and he’s learning to deal with it more; but he still wanted some fucking attention. Even half assed cuddles sounded like an appealing option right now.  
A small giggle leaving your lips made the internally pouting blonde snap back to reality, his eyes flicking to the screen. A tall, tanned guy with white hair was now in front of your character and the dialogue that popped up beneath him made you giggle more. “Guzma please stop this, you’re literally a soft giant. You can’t keep this up any longer, you’re just a baby. Let me h e l p.” Bakugou’s eye twitched at your words as he exhaled through his nose. Were you really fawning over a fake character? Seriously? Right next to him, too? “I don’t wanna fight him yet, lemme just save and go get my Alpha Team.” You mumbled to yourself. Perfect, the opening he was looking for.
Once he heard the telltale noise of the game saving, Katsuki rolled over on your back and placed his chin in your hair, grabbing your 3ds and tossing it to the side of the bed he was previously occupying. A wheeze leaving your lips along with a confused and raspy grunt of his name caused a smug smirk to grace his features. “You’ve been playing for half an hour. It’s time to take a fucking break, Pokénerd.” He muttered, closing his eyes in content.  Babes is seriously touched starved, please maintain bodily contact whenever you’re around him
“Okay but Katsuki, you don’t have to put your whole weight on my back. You’re going to flatten me with your boobs.” You groaned, planting your face into the mattress for a few moments. Ignoring that comment, he stopped you from blindly reaching towards your 3ds by grabbing your hands and interlacing his fingers with yours, now moving to bury his face in the crook of your neck.
Not wanting to make this easy for him, you squirmed in his stupidly iron grip, hoping to free at least one arm to reach for your precious system. “I said it’s time for a fucking break. Leave the game alone before I hide it for a month.” Bakugou warned, his breath tickling and warming your skin considerably. A defeated whine left your lips as you continued to squirm underneath him, a small huff of laughter leaving his lips. “Alright, fine! I’ll leave it alone but p l e a s e get off! I don’t wanna die yet!” 
The blonde went silent for a few moments, causing an obnoxiously drawn out whine to leave your lips while once again trying to get him off your back unsuccessfully. Soon enough, Bakugou did roll off your back… And onto your 3ds making you cry out in horror as he merely grinned up at you like the little shit he was. 
“Katsukiiiiii, whyyyy are you like thiiiisss????” You bemoaned, throwing yourself on top of him. A small ‘oof’ left Katsuki’s lips but his grin never left, his arms wrapping around your frame and his face finding itself in the crook of your neck once more. “Is it bad that I want your attention, Shithead? You’re my partner after all, I deserve as much attention as that shitty Pokémon character.” Your face burned slightly out of embarrassment before it cleared up when your mind registered Katsuki’s full statement. 
“Are you…. Are you jealous of Guzma? Really?”
“Tch, I’m not fuckin jealous of a fake character.” 
“You ARE jealous! Oh my god, Babe!~” You cackled, watching Bakugou’s visage turn a bright shade of red as his signature frown made itself apparent. “Oi, listen here Shitnerd. I’m not fucking jealous of a goddamn Pokémon character. Now shut the fuck up and cuddle me.” He grunted, turning his head to the side, his frown still apparent. Your peals of laughter ceased with his last sentence and your face contorted to one of pure shock. Since when does THE Katsuki Bakugou demand cuddles? 
“Katsu…” Oh god, here’s the concerned nickname. He turned his head back to see you looking down at him with your face cutely pinched up in slight worry. Dammit, he fucked up.
 ‘Now they’re gonna go back to not playing around me again.’ 
“Are you actually upset over not being able to play the game as well as I do? Because, if you want, I can still go back to trying to teach you with the ones that I completed…?” 
O k a y maybe he didn’t fuck up the way he thought. But he still blushed from embarrassment at being found out. A few beats of silence passed before Bakugou mumbled a small ‘whatever, sure’ and wrapped his arm around your waist.
A gentle smile came to your face as you moved forward and pressed a small kiss to his nose, laughing as he playfully wriggled it in disgust. “I deserve a better fucking kiss for dealing with you just now, c’mere.” You gasped in mock offense and started poking his chest. 
“I DIDN’T SAY ALL THAT, COME HERE!” Bakugou barked, though his actions didn’t match his rough tone as he brought his hands to your cheeks and laid a gentle kiss on your lips. Small giggles continued to leave your lips but you reciprocated the kiss in turn, your arms wrapped around his neck in a loving manner.
When you both pulled away, Bakugou was giving you one of his rare smiles that showed how content he was to have you around. It sent surges of warmth through your body, once again sending you into a fit of giggles, making him roll his eyes and huff out a small laugh. “You’re so fucking weird, you know that?” Bakugou murmured, affectionately rubbing his thumbs against your cheeks. 
“Hey, you love me for it! Besides, it should be a given that you make me happy. A little insane when it comes to your attitude-” 
“-but overall I’m happy.” You grinned, gently scratching the back of his neck while he mumbled empty threats of him going to ‘kick your ass into the sun’ and whatnot. “Whatever you say, Pokénerd.” He huffed, turning his head away as a small blush lit up his face. “....You make me happy too. I hate it. You’re going to have the Idiots on my case if they catch me smiling at you.” 
You laughed and he grunted out a small “shut up” before rolling over and fixing you so he was spooning you from behind. “S’not funny, they’re annoying.” “They’re doing what friends should do, Katsuki. I like it, because it goes against what everyone else thinks. You’re capable of having friends despite how you act. Everyone deserves friends.” “Yeah, yeah shut up with the sappy shit and let me cuddle you in peace.” He huffed, kissing the back of your neck and grinning when you laughed once again at the ticklish sensation. 
“Alright fine, I’ll stop. Maybe later I can teach you how to play Pokémon properly. I hate to say it but you were-” 
“I will tickle the fuck out of you if you don’t stop yourself right there.” 
“.....There’s h e l l a room for improvement though-” 
Absolute trash, I know hskfsdgdajnksa  ANYWAY Thanks for reading, i will gladly pay for medical bills-
Tag list @weeblyheaux
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ryttu3k · 7 years
Onwards with the Nuzlocke! Sootopolis Gym, then Victory Road!
The current team:
Chickweed the Blaziken | level 52 | male | Blaze | Serious, takes plenty of siestas | Flame Charge, Blaze Kick, Double Kick, Cut | starter
Snowdrop the Mightyena | level 50 | female | Intimidate | Lonely, loves to eat | Ice Fang, Crunch, Odor Sleuth, Rock Smash | found route 101
Sage the Claydol | level 47 | no thank you | Levitate | Bold, sturdy body | Earth Power, Extrasensory, Ancient Power, Dazzling Gleam | found route 111
Oleracea the Manectric | level 46 | female | Static | Brave, capable of taking hits | Discharge, Volt Switch, Thunder Wave, Strength | found route 118
Sequoia the Gyarados | level 44 | female | Intimidate | Bashful, nods off a lot | Surf, Ice Fang, Crunch, Dive | found route 106
Edelweiss the Skarmory | level 43 | male | Sturdy | Gentle, very finicky | Assurance, Steel Wing, Fly, Swift | found route 113
So, looking ahead, Oli should be able to take it now (Wallace’s Milotic is the same level as her, 46). Might encounter problems with Whiscash, I still don’t have any Grass moves, best bet at this point would be to send Snowdrop in and have her Crunch away.
Onwards! Gonna clear out the trainers, THEN tackle the puzzle!
Beauty Tiffany leads with a Golduck, level 41, then a Wailord, level 41. How does it even fit in the gym... Oli takes out both.
Beauty Bridget has a Gorebyss, level 43. Discharge handles it! (And gets Oli to level 47.)
Next up, Beauty Connie has a Huntail, level 43. They match!
Beauty Olivia has a Starmie, level 43, and right beside her, Lady Brianna leads with Clamperl, level 41, then Corsola, level 41 too. Discharge OHKOs the first two, but Corsola uses Endure and survives it. It gets healed up, next one OHKOs and gets Oli to level 48!
Okay I think that’s all the trainers - oh no, Lass Andrea near the stairs. Ludicolo, level 42. Fake Out, you pest. Discharge gets it to the yellows, it Rain Dances, and another Discharge finishes it off.
Okay, NOW to nip back to the Centre to restore PP, haha. (Discharge only has 15 PP, I went through a lot.)
Puzzle time! ...Yeah I sucked at that haha. Walkthrough time XD;; Oh this one has trainers, okay. Poke Fan Marissa has Azumarill, level 43. Discharge OHKOs it. Lass Crissy leads with Lucdisc, level 39, then Seadra, level 41. Couple of Discharges makes short work of them.
Anyway. Leads with Luvdisc, level 44. Discharge OHKO! Next is Whiscash, level 44. Let’s get Snowdrop in! Crunch gets it down to half, it uses Earthquake, another Crunch finishes it. Good job, Snowdrop! Huh, Milotic already. Back to Oli! Discharge down to half, OOF that Hydro Pump did a lot of damage. Gonna heal up, no doubt Wallace will do the same. Nope, another Hydro Pump. Next Discharge takes it out! (And Oli hits level 49.) Next is Sealeo, it gets in an Aurora Beam while I heal Oli up, thankfully doesn’t do too much damage, Discharge OHKOs it. Last up, Seaking, and Discharge OHKO!
Alright! Now we can go back to Littleroot and get the National Dex.
God I love soaring. Please bring back for Ultra SM.
Oooh. Mirage spots. You know what, gonna count these as catchable locations!
Mirage Cave encounter - Tynamo! Okay, not going to be helpful, they take SO LONG to level... okay nvm this one is already on level 37! I shall name her Vallisneria. Eel grass!! Actually that’s really good, only two levels to Eelektrik should anything happen to Oli.
And I need more Quick Balls. Back to Fallarbor! Off to Lilycove, got to delete Sequoia’s Dive in favour of Waterfall. PRETTY sure I don’t need Dive in Victory Road... And then to... let’s say Mossdeep, that’ll be a good point.
Ayyy new Pokemon. My route 127 get is Alomomola! Male, level 30. I shall name you Buddleja.
Nothing for route 128, on to Evergrande. NYOOM. AND IN TO VICTORY ROAD.
First trainer - Ace Trainer Albert. He leads with - Sigilyph! I love those :D Level 45, so actually the same as Edel, my lowest-levelled. Let’s go with Oli. It uses Gravity, we’re good. Let’s use... Volt Switch. A bit into the reds, that’s okay, I’ll now bring out Snowdrop to finish it! Air Slash does a bit of damage, but a Crunch finishes it off. Next is Rhyperior, level 45, that’s Sequoia’s! She’s only a level above, much closer. Waterfall down to low yellows. Oh shit Stone Edge - she survived!! A second Waterfall finishes it!
First encounter - Sableye. Dupes clause!
You know what, before I get too far in, I’m gonna go stock up on healing items XD;; And uh. And repels, once I get my catch.
Oh there we go. It’s a Loudred. Hmm... yeah, okay. Onion’s new big sister is called Leek. ...Just go with it XD
Next trainer! Ace Trainer Hope has a single Froslass, level 47. Edel’s already out, but still only level 45... still gets in a good Steel Wing! Confuse Ray, augh. Yeah okay I hate confusion damage RIP Daisy I’m gonna get Chickweed to finish it XD Captivate, then Confuse Ray, ugh. DAMMIT CHICKWEED. Snowdrop? Shadow Ball does very little, CONFUSE RAY AGAIN, but gets out a Crunch and it’s down!
Man, Victory Road is hardcore.
Oof it’s dark in here.
Expert Bryn leads with Hitmontop, level 45. It uses Agility, then Feint - which misses because Edel was about to DESTROY it with Fly :’) Next is Throh, level 45. It uses Endure, Edel flies, uses Bulk Up, ANOTHER ENDURE, Steel Wing does some damage, and then another to finish it.
Back up we go, to face Ace Trainer Edgar. He has a single Mawile, level 47. This one is Chickweed’s! It uses Stockpile, Chickie uses a Mega-boosted Blaze Kick! RIP Mawile!
Street Thug Regan has a Houndoom, level 43. Time for Sequoia! Next is Shiftry, level 43. All Chickie’s!
Hooboy, an Ace Trainer double. Ace Duo Jude and Rory have Armaldo, level 47, and Cradily, ditto. I think this calls for a Surf!  Edel takes a little damage but is otherwise fine. Take a couple of hits, Steel Wing works very nicely. Another Surf, another Steel Wing, the Cradily is down and the Armaldo almost is. Sequoia’s Ice Fang finishes it off!
Next up, Expert Theodore. He has a Sawk, level 47. Edel flies! NYOOM. It keeps using Bulk Up - whoops, and now an Endure while Edel flies up again. Never mind it’s down ;D
FLAMETHROWER TM. You know what, I’m gonna give this to Oli! Not doing much catching any more, Thunder Wave can go!
Ohh, here’s the other Winstrate! Ace Trainer Vito leads with Electrode, level 44. Let’s get Sage in to Earth Power it into submission. It Light Screens, got it down to yellow. ...And then it explodes, of course. WIMP. Next is Darmanitan, Sage actually can take this but I want to save PP, so let’s go for Sequoia! It uses Taunt, and Sequoia destroys it with Waterfall. Bye! Last up, Swalot, level 44. Back to Sage! Extrasensory OHKO!
Dragon Tamer Egon has a Kingdra, level 47. Oof, challenging, I don’t have any Dragon moves, and my only Fairy move is on a Ground type. PRAYER CIRCLE FOR SAGE. It uses Focus Energy, Dazzling Gleam gets it down to reds, it uses Agility then Dragon Pulse, Sage tanks it even though it’s a crit! Next Dazzling Gleam takes it down! Nice.
Brain and Brawn pair, let’s put Sequoia in second, she has Crunch for the Psychic-type. Aden and Finn send out Primeape and Musharna, both level 47. Primeape uses Swagger, oof. Sequoia crunches the Musharna down to yellows, Edel manages to Fly despite the confusion, good birb! Primeape uses Rage and it does fuck all. Musharna takes another Crunch, and Fly takes out the Primeape. Psybeam on Sequoia doesn’t do much, and her Crunch finishes it off!
Oh hey, never knew that X-Scissor was there. Nice. Edel can learn it, gonna replace Assurance!
TIME FOR WALLY. He leads with Altaria - gonna put Snowdrop in! ...This room is so gorgeous. THE MUSIC CHANGE. THE BACKGROUND. BEAUTIFUL. I’ll give it my all, Wally! Leads with Altaria, level 46. Ice Fang from Snowdrop OHKOs it! Next is Roselia, level 46. Chickie OHKOs it with Flame Charge. Magneton, level 46, another Flame Charge takes it down to 1HP, it uses Tri Attack, which does negligible damage, another Flame Charge finishes it. Next is Delcatty, we’re still with Chickie, Double Kick OHKO this time. Last is his ace, level 48 Mega Gallade. Gonna go to Edel for this. It uses Swords Dance then Psycho Cut, and then Fly OHKOs it.
...I feel so bad.
Got a Dawn Stone, and a promise that he’ll get stronger. He will, too!
Up to the League, and finishing up here for now!
Current Team
Chickweed the Blaziken | level 56 | male | Blaze | Serious, takes plenty of siestas | Flame Charge, Blaze Kick, Double Kick, Cut | starter
Snowdrop the Mightyena | level 54 | female | Intimidate | Lonely, loves to eat | Ice Fang, Crunch, Odor Sleuth, Rock Smash | found route 101
Sage the Claydol | level 51 | no thank you | Levitate | Bold, sturdy body | Earth Power, Extrasensory, Ancient Power, Dazzling Gleam | found route 111
Oleracea the Manectric | level 51 | female | Static | Brave, capable of taking hits | Discharge, Volt Switch, Flamethrower, Strength | found route 118
Sequoia the Gyarados | level 49 | female | Intimidate | Bashful, nods off a lot | Surf, Ice Fang, Crunch, Waterfall | found route 106
Edelweiss the Skarmory | level 49 | male | Sturdy | Gentle, very finicky | X-Scissor, Steel Wing, Fly, Swift | found route 113
Wattle the Taillow | level 9 | female | Guts | Quirky, alert to sounds | Peck, Growl, Focus Energy, Quick Attack | found Petalburg Woods
Bristlecone the Zigzagoon | level 14 | female | Gluttony | Lonely, good endurance | Tackle, Headbutt, Baby-Doll Eyes, Odor Sleuth | found route 103
Onion the Whismur | level 16 | female | Soundproof | Adamant, likes to relax | Pound, Echoed Voice, Astonish, Howl | found Rusturf Tunnel
Poison Ivy the Tentacool | level 5 | male | Liquid Ooze | Sassy, capable of taking hits | Poison Sting, Supersonic | found Dewford Town
Euphorbia the Makuhita | level 12 | male | Thick Fat | Hardy, capable of taking hits | Focus Energy, Sand Attack, Arm Thrust, Fake Out | found Granite Cave
Lithops the Numel | level 14 | female | Simple | Quiet, likes to run | Tackle, Ember, Focus Energy, Magnitude | found route 112
Rauvolfia the Seviper | level 19 | male | Shed Skin | Careful, impetuous and silly | Poison Tail, Screech, Venoshock, Glare | found route 114
Moraea the Spoink | level 23 | female | Own Tempo |  Quirky, quick tempered | Psybeam, Psych Up, Confuse Ray, Magic Coat | found Jagged Pass
Agapanthus the Pelipper | level 33 | male | Keen Eye | Modest, a little quick-tempered | Water Pulse, Wing Attack, Steel Wing, Quick Attack | found route 104
Rosemary the Latias | level 30 | female | Levitate | Sassy, somewhat vain | Heal Pulse, Dragon Breath, Mist Ball, Psycho Shift | found Southern Island
Milkweed the Beautifly | level 26 | female | Swarm | Lax, somewhat stubborn | Air Cutter, Mega Drain, Silver Wind, Morning Sun | found route 102
Hydrangea the Kecleon | level 25 | male | Color Change | Lonely, often lost in thought | Feint Attack, Psybeam, Ancient Power, Slash | found route 119
Sunflower the Castform | level 30 | female | Forecast | Lax, mischievous Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Hail, Weather Ball | found Weather Institute
Banana the Tropius | level 27 | male | Solar Power | Brave, a little quick tempered | Stomp, Magical Leaf, Whirlwind, Leaf Tornado | found route 120
Uniflora the Shuppet | level 28 | female | Insomnia | Mild, alert to sounds | Will-O-Wisp, Feint Attack, Hex, Curse | found route 121
Monotropa the Duskull | level 28 | female | Levitate | Naughty, loves to eat | Foresight, Shadow Sneak, Pursuit, Will-O-Wisp | found Mt Pyre
Tacca the Golbat | level 33 | female | Inner Focus | Hardy, strong-willed | Air Cutter, Switft, Poison Fang, Mean Look | found Seafloor Cavern
Ebony the Sableye | level 35 | male | Keen Eye | Calm, highly curious | Knock Off, Shadow Claw, Confuse Ray, Zen Headbutt | found Cave of Origin
Wakame the Kyogre | level 45 | no thank you | Drizzle | Sassy, mischievous | Body Slam, Aqua Ring, Ice Beam, Origin Pulse | found Cave of Origin
Vallisneria the Tynamo | level 37 | female | Levitate | Mild, highly curious | Tackle, Thunder Wave, Spark, Charge Beam | found Mirage Cave
Buddleja the Alolomola | level 30 | male | Healer | Quirky, mischievous | Heal Pulse, Protect, Water Pulse, Wake-Up Slap | found route 127
Leek the Loudred  | level 37 | female | Soundproof | Sassy, hates to lose | Stomp, Uproar, Roar, Rest | found Victory Road
Catnip the Skitty, found route 116, killed by Lass Janice’s Marill in route 116
Daisy the Pikachu, found Slateport City, killed by Archie’s Sharpedo at Mount Chimney
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lightningenergy · 7 years
@lightningenergy​ and @codyscommandpost​ proudly present:
Operation Cloudburst, a Pokémon Fan-Fiction
Disclaimer: Pokémon is copyright its original owners. The authors only own the plot and original characters. Any representation of real persons, dead or alive, is purely coincidental unless it makes a damn good reference.
Chapter 6 - "Cornered! Surprise Tag Battle VS Abyss Admins!"
Two women stood on the other side of the room, both tall and slender. The leftmost one was slightly taller and adorned in a very neat and proper suit, arms folded across her chest. Her hair, on the other hand, was cut very short and jagged.
The second woman was dressed almost in the exact opposite way, with a long periwinkle-blue-and-white sleeveless top and stockings. Her hair was colored vivid pink and tied into two massive pigtails that almost reached her shoes. Her eyes, bright green like Lily's but with no maternal love behind them, shone with excitement.
"I think this is going to be so fun," She chirped to the first woman. "Wouldn't you agree?"
"Only if you could keep silent for it," The first woman shot back, the tiniest bit of irritation leaking through her voice. Her eyes were concealed behind narrow sunglasses, though May was sure behind the lenses they were narrowed in dislike.
The pink-haired woman ignored the response and turned back towards May and Manya. "Ooh, look here. We have ourselves a couple of cuties, don't we?" She grinned suddenly, and May felt a chill run up her spine. "I'm so looking forward to breaking them in two."
"If you're going to break anything, couldn't you break this door?" asked May, in an attempt to sound much more courageous than she was feeling at the moment.
The pink-haired woman started to laugh, though it was too high-pitched and horrific to be considered comforting. "Look, Carna, they think they're so funny. Listen up, kiddies," she continued, "We're both Abyss Admins, so you ought to know what you're in for, right?"
"I wouldn't misjudge them, Lovrina," sneered Carna. It seemed as though she was trying very hard not to smile, as the corners of her mouth kept twitching. "They defeated Galli, after all."
"Galli was so trash, though," Lovrina retorted, adjusting the gloves on her hands.
"Not exactly hard to refute," said Manya, speaking up. "Alright, so you won't let us out… but I bet we'll have to battle you first, huh?" She already had a Poké Ball clutched tightly in her hand which, May realized, she herself ought to have done in the first place.
Lovrina rolled her eyes and threw up her hands. "Kids today are so impatient… but sure, I was so getting tired of waiting." She looked sideways at Carna, who remained impassive and somewhat unimpressed. "Shall we?"
Carna only gave a stiff nod, and two Poké Balls burst open with small popping noises. Out of Carna's came a thin, limber dog with dark, black fur. Long curled horns curled from the back of its head, with gray bands around its ankles and neck and ridges along its back. A long, skinny tail ending in a triangular point whipped around as the Houndoom snarled around at them.
Lovrina's Poké Ball held an entirely different Pokémon: a twenty-foot long sea serpent with deep red eyes, thin eyebrows ascending around its narrow head and long, narrow fins flowing down like hair. Diamond-shaped scales shone in blue and pink on its tail, four scales spread like a fan on the end. The Milotic slithered gracefully and silently up beside Carna's Houndoom, staring over at May and Manya.
Manya tossed out her Poké Ball: what looked to be a bipedal gecko materialized, colored light green and a burgundy underbelly. Thick, forest green leaves extended from its wrists and backside, with a long, slender leaf sprouting from its head. Grovyle's yellow reptilian eyes darted around the room, evidently taking in everything it could.
After a brief moment's consideration, May chose her Pokémon. A six-foot-tall humanoid avian appeared in a flash. Supposed by powerful, muscular red-and-yellow legs, her Blaziken shook its head, throwing its beige feather "hair" back and forth. Bright, golden eyes peered down its hooked beak at Manya's Grovyle before turning out towards the Houndoom and Milotic. Its clawed hands flexed in anticipation of the fight about to occur.
Then all hell broke loose: all four Trainers shouted commands simultaneously, the attack names melding together into an incoherent battle. Nonetheless, the Pokémon reacted: Manya's Grovyle leaping into the air to avoid an Ice Beam from Milotic before swinging its forearm down for a Leaf Blade, only to miss and crack the floor instead, Milotic having swerved away at the last moment.
Meanwhile, Houndoom spewed a jet of flames from its mouth, which collided in midair into a similar Flamethrower from Blaziken; the two attacks caused a minor explosion, which Grovyle ducked under as it ran back towards its Trainer. As the dust cloud settled, Houndoom leapt through, jaws agape, ready to crush Grovyle in two. But May reacted in time and had Blaziken drive its fist into the Dark Pokémon's head, knocking it back.
"Thanks for the save," said Manya, staring up at Blaziken in slight awe. "Guess we'll have to be careful, huh?"
"Maybe a little," admitted May, noticing the familiar rush of adrenaline running through her system. It was almost painful to admit to herself that she wanted to get this over quickly, to smash everything into little pieces and call it a day… maybe she had more of her father in herself than she wanted to admit. She eyed Lovrina shooting a glare at Carna, which was ignored by the taller woman.
"How d'you want to play this?" May asked.
"I notice I'm at a distinct disadvantage here, using a Grass-type." Manya gestured over towards the Milotic. "Especially with that thing having an Ice move."
"It's bad news for Blaziken, too, but I have an idea. Draw its fire, I'll counter the Ice Beam so you can get it with Leaf Blade."
Manya nodded and looked at her Pokémon. "Let's try it again, Grovyle, Leaf Blade!" The Wood Gecko Pokémon leapt into the air with its powerful legs, the leaves on its forearms expanding and merging into a single, curved edge. Its sights set on Milotic, it dived…
And as expected, Milotic fired another beam of cryogenic energy, but Blaziken shot off a stream of fire from its wrist, searing through the air, to intercept it…
Then out of nowhere, Houndoom jumped straight into the Flamethrower, completely unperturbed by the flames dancing across its body. May swore and told Blaziken to punch it again as it landed; Houndoom dashed out of the way instead to avoid the oncoming wave of water making its way across the floor.
"New plan!" May called over to Manya, catching her Blaziken's eye and gesturing over towards Grovyle. With a swift nod, the Blade Pokémon pushed off the ground with its powerful legs, landing next to its battling partner. Blaziken scooped up Grovyle into its arms, then jumped straight up, latching onto a light fixture to avoid the Milotic's Surf.
"Aren't you clever," Lovrina sneered, her Milotic glaring up at its opponents. "But we can fix that — Icy Wind!"
Milotic exhaled a gust of chilled air up towards Blaziken and Grovyle; May countered with Rock Tomb, and small boulders were conjured out of thin air to absorb the attack. They fell to the ground, frozen solid, the cracking sound mirroring the light fixture breaking away from the ceiling.
Blaziken dropped to the ground, the floor shattering underneath as it landed. Deftly snatching the florescent light in its hands, Blaziken tossed it towards Milotic. Lovrina scoffed and had Milotic freeze it with another Icy Wind, not noticing Groyvle leaping up from behind it until the Wood Gecko smashed a Leaf Blade attack straight down onto Milotic's head.
Houndoom sprang into the air to smash Grovyle between its jaws, only to have rocks slam into its side, Blaziken having launched them into the air with Blaze Kick. The Dark Pokémon crumbled into a twisted heap, snarling in pain.
"Impudent children," muttered Carna, speaking for the first time since the battle had started. "Get up, Houndoom, and fry that pesky lizard."
"Milotic, clean off that overgrown poultry!" added Lovrina.
Grovyle and Blaziken had ended up near each other after delivering their previous attacks, and both Pokémon dived out of the way of the incoming Fire Blast and Hydro Pump. The two attacks collided and erupted into a massive cloud of steam that filled up the room, fogging up the computer screens and glass test tubes.
"That was unexpected," said Manya, fanning some vapor out of her face. "But they're certainly tough, huh?"
"That Houndoom's on its last legs, though." May replied. "If we can take it out, Milotic shouldn't be a problem."
"And then we can string up Smidge by his bandanna once we're done. So…" Manya looked at May, a steely and determined expression crossing her face. "What's our endgame?"
May turned back to the steam cloud, as if she could suddenly see through to the other side. Raised voices told her that Carna and Lovrina had gotten into an argument over which of them was responsible for the drastic shift in conditions. "Let's give this a try…"
"This is pointless," came Carna's voice suddenly, loud and stern. "Houndoom, Sunny Day."
Heat began to radiate from Houndoom, gradually evaporating the steam away, the room became much more humid and stuffy as a result. But, one way or another, the fight was about to conclude, as each side was sure to attempt to catch their opponents off-guard while there was still cover. It would depend on whoever managed to strike first…
And sure enough, before the last bit of steam dissipated, Grovyle dashed through with Quick Attack, slamming head-on into Houndoom. Taken by surprise, and having its last bit of health knocked away, Houndoom let out a whimper and collapsed, unconscious. A muscle twitched in Carna's cheek but she said nothing as she recalled it back into its Poké Ball.
"Dammit!" Lovrina spun around and spotted Blaziken standing directly across from her. "You'll so regret this! Hydro Pump!"
A massive, high-pressure stream of water burst forth from Milotic's mouth and crashed directly into Blaziken, soaking it completely. The force of the attack also pushed it back across the floor, Blaziken's talons gouging deep, long marks into the floor.
"Hang in there, Blaziken!" cried May, watching helplessly as her Pokémon endured the attack as best it could. A chill flashed down her spine as the attack finally finished, and saw to her relief that Blaziken, while forced down to a knee and completely soaked, still had the energy to keep fighting.
Then, abruptly, Blaziken's eyes snapped open, and it pulled itself upright, hands clenched tight and the flames on its wrists flaring up twice their size. A dark red aura erupted around its body, giving the Pokémon the appearance that it just set itself alight.
Instinctively, May knew what had happened: Blaziken had taken enough damage that its Ability, Blaze, had activated. But could they do anything with this? As indistinct thoughts raced through May's head, she felt sweat slide down the back of her neck. She reached up a hand to wipe it off, and unexpectedly realized just what Houndoom's last attack was.
Her heart leaping up to her throat, May flashed a wide grin at a bemused Manya before calling out to the room at large, "This is the end! Blaziken… Overheat!"
For a split-second, Blaziken glowed bright-red, then unleashed an intense, full-power explosion of orange-red fire straight at Milotic. The attack was delivered so quickly that the Tender Pokémon had no choice but to experience it in full. It writhed and squirmed as the flames covered its entire length, emanating a harsh, mournful cry that echoed through-out the room. Once the last flickering ember disappeared, Milotic fainted, each and every one of its rainbow-colored scales slightly charred and blackened.
Lovrina gaped at the sight of her knocked out Pokémon. "You are so going to pay for this." She threatened, her voice lowered to a venomous whisper, her Milotic disappearing back into its Ball with a flash.
"C'mon," Carna said, turning away to a previously unseen door behind her. She disappeared through it, with Lovrina following after, though not before she shot an extremely nasty look at May and Manya.
Now left alone in the quiet, muggy room, the two girls exchanged a look. It seemed pretty strange for two Admins to just walk away after having defeated, especially after having sent out one Pokémon each. Regardless, they had won, so May asked Blaziken to knock down the door before letting it rest.
"Alright, let's find that double-crossing brat and knock him into orbit," Manya declared as they stepped back out into the hallway. "I knew he would pull something like this."
May opened her mouth to respond, but before she could speak, a piercing, klaxon-like sound split through the air. Lights flashed in tune to the alarm, dying everything a deep blood-red.
"We didn't do that, did we?" Manya sputtered, eyes wide in shock.
"I did," said a familiar voice coming from their elbows. To their surprise, there stood Smidge, peering up at them with an unamused stare.
"Of course you did!" Manya shouted over the alarm's continued wailing. "You lured us into one trap and now you dropped us straight into another!"
"Half-right," Smidge answered, turning to walk away. "I'm gettin' you two outta here, a'right?"
Immediately Manya blurted out, "I don't trust you," and returned Smidge's inquiring gaze with an expression of loathing.
With a sigh, Smidge turned to May, who had watched the entire exchange in trepidation. "Okay, look… yeah, I locked you in that room. But I'm making up for it now, so let's get our butts in gear."
"We have no other choice," May told Manya. When the blonde started to protest, May continued, "I know it sucks, but I can hear people coming and we're in enough trouble as it is."
"We need to stop being out of options," Manya groaned, relenting and following Smidge's lead down the corridor. May quietly agreed, though felt as though admitting it aloud was not going to be a wise move.
"You said you set off the alarm," May gasped as they ran, the alarm ringing in their ears. "What did you do?"
With some difficulty, Smidge reached into his pocket and presented a piece of machinery. "I broke one of their important-lookin' machines. Guess it was connected to their alarm system, 'cuz it started going off when I snapped it off."
"You have a lot of explaining to do, short stuff."
"Less talk, more running!" called Manya as she overtook them towards the doors leading outside. A quick glance over their shoulders revealed Abyss grunts heading after them, so they sped up, bracing for the dry, dusty air outside.
"Tell me how it went," Their boss said, addressing Lovrina and Carna from behind a smooth, polished desk.
"We so lost," snapped Lovrina, her voice thick with the attitude of obviousness. Indignation burned in her chest: they really shouldn't have lost, but at least she could take pride in her Milotic surviving longer than Carna's Houndoom. She folded her arms and added, "But you so knew we would, huh?"
"You did what you were ordered to," came the reply. "And I commend both of you for that."
"We'll break them next time," murmured Carna, her arms quivering in anticipation. "Right in two, yes ma'am."
She really has no impulse control at all. Lovrina noted, as their boss stood up. Silence swept across the room, even overtaking the man standing off against the wall who hadn't spoken a word.
"May I have your professional opinion, Lovrina?" The question was delivered firm and steady, yet there was an unmistakable hint of expectancy and eagerness. "Will the plan work?"
Calculations and figures ran through Lovrina's head as she mulled over the question. Personally she wasn't entirely sold on the plan, but the numbers — the numbers she worked on and reapplied each and every morning and night — were solid. There was nothing she could do about it. "I believe so, ma'am."
If their boss was pleased to hear this, she didn't express it much: her face only softened slightly. "Thank you. You're dismissed."
Without sparing a glance at Carna, Lovrina turned on her heel and strutted away. Behind her, she heard their boss address the man against the wall.
"You have your orders. I expect a full report when it's complete."
"Yes ma'am," came his unctuous and flattering voice, and shortly trailed Lovrina and Carna out of the room.
She eased herself back into the chair, her office doors closing shut with a muffled click. Granting no attention towards her quickening pulse, she gazed at the framed, battered photograph sitting on the corner of her desk. Two children, a boy and a girl, posing with a small, white-and-gold Pokémon stared back, their faded colors and smiles sending ripples through her heart.
"We're so close," Shelly whispered, her voice carrying through-out the room to absent ears. "Just a little longer…"
To be continued...
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unmeisenshi · 3 years
Story: The Heaviest Matter in the Universe, pt.2
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“DAMMIT!”  Solaris would pound his fist into the grass.  “I was right there!  I was by his side!”  Tears fell onto his fist.  “I should have pulled him out.  He’d still be alive!”
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“Solaris...”  Florence would rub the Charizard’s back. 
Behind the group, a figure would approach them.  “Hey.”  Everyone would whirl their tearful gaze onto the figure.  One of a Blaziken that approached them slowly.  It was Depeche, and he looked upon the group, noting Zane was missing, and his expression turned grim.  He pushed the thoughts back for a moment.  “I came as soon as I saw the fire.  I heard the commotion…”  Depeche shook his head.  “... And it’s all bullshit.”  He offered a claw to both Beck and Solaris.  “I’ve caught wind of another Marowak and Charizard.  One’s that are impersonating you.  They’re despicable, from what I’ve heard.”  He shook his head.  “Seeing as your home has burned down, you can stay in the guild for the time being.  You may want to lay low for a while.”
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Solaris shook his head.  “No.  I’m going after those two.  They killed…”  He got choked up for a moment before continuing.  “They killed Zane.  And I’m going to get payback.” 
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Beck would look to Solaris.  “I’m coming too.  I want to get some payback of my own.  And besides... It’ll make things even once we encounter those two.”  Solaris would nod and look to Depeche.  “Sorry.  But we’ll be out for a while.”
The Blaziken would nod.  “That’s fine.  We’ll keep everyone safe.  Last I heard they headed to the north.  Once the mob formed they fled.  If you hurry you may find them in the town of Winterberry.”  
Solaris nodded.  “Thanks.  Come on, let’s get going Beck.”
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“Wait.”  Misha spoke up.  “While you’re gone, I’ll do some digging through my books.  It may be possible to bring Zane back.”  Everyone turned with shocked expressions.  “It may be a long shot, but there are tales that Xerneas has brought others back from the Tree of Life.  Again, it’s a stretch, but I’ll see what I can do.”
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“Please do.  If we can get him back…”  He clenched a fist.  “I’ll leave you to it.  Let’s get going.”  Beck would hop onto Solaris’ back, and the two would fly off towards the north.
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