#blazingsaza answer
blazingsaza · 9 months
really love your art style! Do you have any tips for beginners who want to go in that direction of drawing? How did you learn?
Aaww thank you so much, anon!💖
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Okay, my suuuppeer generic answer would be to "draw everyday". It doesn't has to be a masterpiece everytime, but as long as you draw something it'll train your muscle memory.
I know as a beginner, you might be blocked by "idk what to draw" which eventually ruins "the mood". Welp- my mentor once told me "that mood is just a myth", so get out there, grab your drawing kit and just draw. (Unless you're burnt out, then you need to rest.)
As for what to draw, (for me at least) i always draw what i like. For example, i love drawing pretty men/boys and i love drawing portraits. So i just grab my fav pics of said pretty men pics and draw them. My goal was to draw them as identical as possible, but different hands have different results, so your "art style" will come out naturally.
Also, another imporant note, it is not a sin to use references! Drawing from memory is cool and all if you developed enough visual data, but as a beginner i HIGHLY recommend you to use references (yes, plural).
Hope that helps! If there's anymore question, feel free to ask. And good luck on your art journey, i believe in you!💖
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porkchop-ao3 · 4 years
10 Questions
Rules: answer 10 questions, ask 10 questions, tag 10 people
Tagged by @rixxy8173571m3w1p3 ❤️
My answers:
1. What's your favourite rewatchable TV show, movie or YouTube vid?
Probably Rick and Morty :)
2. Sneakers or flip flops?
I wear boots 99% of the time, but out of the two, flip flops.
3. Favourite weird food combo?
Weird? Idk, I don't really like anything weird. Hm, well, I guess stilton cheese and salami sandwiches are kinda weird? Probably that.
4. What's a skill you'd like to learn?
Hm, I want to get better at yoga.
5. Do you ever shop in the kids section for yourself?
Not really 🤔
6. What chain store or business do you wish didn't exist and why?
I don't really know. There's nothing I hate enough to wish it didn't exist, or at least nothings coming to mind.
7. What's the last movie you saw at the movie theatre?
Oh man it was years ago. I think it was the second Inbetweeners movie.
8. Do you step on sidewalk cracks?
Yeah, I don't often pay attention to them lol
9. Can you sing or act in public?
Hell no!
10. Do you prefer the beasts cursed or human form from beauty and the beast?
Here's where I gotta admit I've never really seen it all the way through. I'm not much of a Disney person lol
My questions:
1. What's your favourite game of all time?
2. How would you describe your fashion style?
3. Favourite kind of candy?
4. What's something that always cheers you up?
5. What was/is your favourite subject at school?
6. Name a place you'd love to visit one day.
7. If you could live in any fictional world, what would it be and why?
8. If you could make any fictional character real and have them be your friend, who'd it be and why?
9. What's your favourite song?
10. Do you collect anything?
I'm tagging @emily-strange @nordic-breeze @muse-of-nightmares @blazingsaza @actuallyhansolo @shethenightwolf @the-neigh-sayer @grungelovebug @arthurismyspiritanimal @lilacloon (no pressure!)
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blazingsaza · 1 year
How are you doing? 😀 Hopefully getting better 🤧
Have you played through the RE4 remake yet?
In the romantic outfit I guess 😉😂
Opinions? Thoughts?
Suggestions? 😂
Heeeyyy hun!💖💖💖
I'm feeling okay today, thnx for asking!💖 i'm coughing and sneezing less and can finally get off bed and start coloring yesterday Luis sketch, so i think i'm getting better (?)
Here's what i've got so far (still hating every part of it, ngl. But i ain't giving up!💪🥲):
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I have played re4make, in fact i'm very much stun locked with the game rn lol. I'm 5 challenges away from platinum trophy 🤸 hbu? Hv you played it yet?
I was going to play it in romantic outfit, sadly there's no option for keeping Leon's og hair bcs i'm not a huge fan of his white hair (except if you're playing on pc, i guess you can mod it. But i'm on ps5...feels bad🥲) so i play it in casual outfit for Leon. Tho Ash is wearing the romantic outfit with blue hair bcs she's even more precious that way 💖
I do hv lotsa thoughts on the game but i think this post would be waaaayyy too long if i ramble on about it. Also i don't think my brain meat can handle it rn 🥲
Suggestions tho?
Get. The. Cat ears.💅
That's it.
It's worthy.
Trust me 🤣
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blazingsaza · 2 years
the world needs more vampire Leon art 😭
I'm not even gonna pretend that i had the brain meat to come up with re!vampire au, there's this girl under Claire Redfield's name in amino app that created Jill x Claire vampire au and i just jump into her bandwagon 🤣
Unfotunately, i am going on a vaccation tomorrow so i won't be able to work on vamp!Leon until i'm home (approx a week) 😭
So until then,
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blazingsaza · 7 months
your paintings are gorgeous!!! lovely work, it must have taken a lot of practice to get where you are :^)
Aaww thank you so much, dear anon!💖💖💖
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Ah- well, yes. The amount of blunders, experiments and literal Blood Sweat and Tears were spent for honing my skill 🥲
I regret nothing tho. Would do it all over again if i could.🤸
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blazingsaza · 8 months
I would absolutely love a commission from you if they’re still open.
Hi! Yes it is still open, but i have an updated prices (different from my commission sheets pinned post). You can slide into my dm if you're still interested 🥰
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blazingsaza · 10 months
Can I just say how amazing your art skills are and how beautiful your nails are!! 🥹💕🙏🏼
Aaww thank you so much, luv!💖💖💖 imma send your compliment to my nail lady 🥰
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blazingsaza · 1 year
Hiii, just wanted to pop in and say “Have a wonderful day” 🫶🏻 and also, your art is so pretty 🤩🤩🤩
Hii luv! Thank you so much! So sorry for not answering right away, i wasn't in a right headspace 😅 have a wonderful day to you too!💖💖💖
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blazingsaza · 3 years
What are your art materials bestie???? 😭
Hhhnnnggg i'm not at home so i don't hv a lot of my art supplies that i can take pictures of and this is gonna be a long post,
So for i've been using rn are gouaches and ballpoints:
Ballpoints for doodles, I'm using Bic (black) and Arrow (red and blue)
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For gouache, i have 2 favs; Miya/Himi Jelly Gouache (student grade) when i'm home, and Winsor Newton Designers and Holbein Gouache (artist grade) for when i'm traveling
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(Winsor Newton Designers and Holbein)
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For paper, for gouache i'm just using my Hahnemule sketchbook (D&S sketch, 140 gsm). As for watercolor, i'm using Arches Cold Press 500gsm paper (i don't have the pics 🥲)
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(That Fatal Frame on the bottom right is arches)
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Sadly i can't post anymore pics, so imma make a 2nd part of this post :'D
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blazingsaza · 2 years
Actually begging you to turn the horizontal pic of the rdr2 boys into a bookmark and sell it
Hnnnnnggg....maybe one day, friend. Rn i'm still not comfortable selling any prints 🥲
Thnx for the suggestions tho 💖
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blazingsaza · 2 years
Are you selling prints of the Kawaii Cowboys?
Unfortunately, no. I'm still contemplating on my options of selling prints atm. 🥲
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blazingsaza · 2 years
I love your art SO MUCH!
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I can honestly say the same about you, luv! Every artwork that you make are
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blazingsaza · 2 years
Hi! I hope this doesn't sound weird but your nails are so pretty 💕💕 Like everytime you post and there's a new design I go 💘💕❤💖💓🧡💛💗 Never wanted a manicure this much in my entire life lol
I will send your compliments to my nail lady! She's always go above and beyond to make my designs a reality 👌💖
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(Honestly, if you live in Indonesia, i would so recommend her to you bcs you can summon her to do your nails at home.)
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blazingsaza · 3 years
I just wanna THANK YOU for mermaid Kerry. I honestly didnt know i needed him in my life until now✊🏻✊🏻🥺
ALSMZJAKA- YOU'RE VERY WELCOME LUV!💖💖💖 I've been doubting myself for posting these mer!Kerry entries bcs, let's be honest, i'm stupid. And the ideas that came from me are even more so 🙈. But i'm glad i posted them bcs SEEING THIS IS SUCH A MOOD BOOSTER! so THANK YOU for enjoying my mer!Kerry so far 😭😭😭 U A GEM!💎🌟
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blazingsaza · 4 years
Do you do commission? Your art are so cute 💕
Hi! Actually i do! But i'm still working on the spread sheet tho lol. If you wanna discuss more, you can dm me :D
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blazingsaza · 3 years
I just love seeing your art every time it crosses my dashboard. Every piece you do is beautiful! I admire you so much for how hard you work on all these. Thank you for being an inspiration to my own art ❤️
Honestly, i'm rlly bad at responding to compliments like this bcs i'm not used to it (usually i'm a dissapointment 🤣) SO BELIEVE ME WHEN I SAY I'M GUSHING!!💖💖💖💖
Also, good luck with your art journey, luv! Never give up, I BELIVE IN YOU!!
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