#bleach 557 review
mieltheboss · 11 years
Bleach 557!
It’s just that if a chapter wasn’t very good, like very very good I can’t review it immediately! 
But my reviews are best reviews, so there is a point in waiting for them ;)
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I find it really funny. I’ve read it and thought ‘Bleach is really stupid when you read something out of the context’
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So, that’s what liked t in his chapter very much (still it wasn’t very very good enough stop pretending miel you are just lazy). I like chapters in which the characters and the author think. And this idea of changing Komamura’s powers was a really good one. He took away his heart – ‘life’ and (visibly) became a human, so his zanpakutou changed too – and now it doesn’t have the armor – its ‘life’. There is so much sense in it. I like it very much.  Also, can I interprete it as ‘fighting is easier without a heart’ ? It’s so emo, yet badass.  I mean, he became more powerful when he left his life, which can mean all the emotions, sorrows, goals and other things that keep us living.
 Also, the fact that  now she cannot blow him up – I like the way he went out of this hard situation B)
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That’s also the part I like – desperated Bambietta talking about her own opinion about fighting. She’s touched not even with the fact that she’ll lose, more that her lost won’t even be meaningful for the winner. If she has to lose, she wants her lost to be at least meaningful.
In my opinion, the chapter was good.The fight kept going on - it'll probably end in the next chapter. Or it's also possible that it's going to be a cliff-hanger - if so, I don't think it's going to be such a long lasting cliff-hanger like 'the name of Kenpachi's shikai' thing, because it isn't very important for plot.
The personage of Komamura's been developing lately - that's amazing, because he's started as 'The friend of the blind bad one'. ;) On the other hand - we're reading the last scenes of developed Komamura. He's got quite a scratched character now. I'm not saying that he will die, only that he's not going to have any cool important flashbacks or plot twists. His five minutes will end in the next chapter. Or next next chapter. There isn't much time left for our dogie captain :(
Okay, I’m sorry, this week’s late review was quite short, but I didn’t have much to say. I’ll try to do next review on time!
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