#bleach arc 2 and so forth is teen titans go
hezuart · 3 years
Your au were right on a few things about the kids. Kazui being a cute kid but also felt off. I think everyone felt that just didn’t know how much. A part of me figured that he got so much of his mother’s personality (her ditz-ness, and odd hobbies, well odd food tastes) I’m still questioning where he learned to open gates of hell buts that’s another time
Ichika being 20% feral is right on the mark to I just figure she puts up a brave (and hotheaded, like her dad) front but is still a kid. If anything she might have a disposition like her uncle and mother when around people….and be like her father and teacher in a fight.
We just got to wait and see but I am glad Kubo’s health is better.
Yeah see the thing is, Orihime hates war and bloodshed. She tries to be strong, but she gets very distressed by it, ( Didn't want to heal ichigo in Grimm's fight, became nervous / sick when Ichigo was losing to Grimm, witnessed Ichigo die and failed to heal him, became horrified at Ichibe's resurreccion, etc... ) (and on occasion cries for the fallen) Renji and Urahara knew she was not suited for war and wanted to be straight with her. That kind of personality with Ichigo's power level just seems contradictory.
I joke about Kazui being a demon, but my version of Kazui does it on purpose because he is sociopathic. Kubo's Kazui most likely does it because he is ignorant... (or who knows, maybe he is sociopathic in canon too. Children don't always have a moral code, some of them really need to be taught it)
If he's demonic, he's only demonic because he thinks, since he's naive, that he is doing something good. He thinks by sending that plus soul to Hell, Kazui is helping him. He thinks "everyone goes to hell" since he is surrounded by powerful people. But he doesn't know that weak plus and fullbringers like his mother cannot go to Hell because A. they are good people, B. are weak enough to be reborn and not stuck in the realm unlike his father.
Kazui either doesn't notice Hell's eyes on him, or that the portal he sent that plus soul into had teeth. Though how did he know people were in Hell if he didn't go there himself? Kazui should have seen the blood shed, he should have sensed the danger.
The only reasonable explanation for how Kazui knows how to open the Gates of Hell would be from Yhwach. That's the only thing that makes sense. Again, I think Yhwach possessed him. Especially now that Kubo said high reishi concentrated souls can't die. Yhwach might be like Old Man Zangetsu now, where he is repressed in Kazui's soul. Yhwach might be whispering things to him. Might be training him in secret. Might be telling him everyone goes to Hell, and how to get there. Might be tricking him into transfering plus souls there. In that case, Kazui is in major danger.
Because when Yhwach regains strength, he can and will possess Kazui (Just as Zangetsu did to Ichigo to kill the soul king.) I don't know what Yhwach is planning through Kazui though...?
Yeah Ichika is feral. No sense of responsibility, though I can't blame her since she is a child. Thinks her dad Renji is going to the living world "to play" without her. I was pleased to see her terrified and hiding behind her father, because it showed she wasn't one dimensional unlike Kazui (at this point, at least.) And she's actually now seeing battle for real. That war is not what she thought it was. She really gets perspective upon seeing Szayel, and how weak she is. Kinda knocks her ego down a peg.
Though again, I'm worried she's going to be Kazui's morality pet or someone who just sits there. SHe's a regular shinigami child, she's only able to handle weak hollows right now at best. I can't expect her to handle a vasto lorde arrancar, especially one even her father can't beat.
(This is why I call Kazui a demon, because he is clearly not a normal child. He would probably do something strange, I kind of believe he is OP and would kill a Vasto Lorde somehow, despite having no training or battle experience.)
So these are my predictions. I seem to be somewhat right so far, so we will see if Kubo goes with my theory.
(And I'd like to reiterate: Chad and Orihime will be nonexistent in this arc. Maybe a single cameo at best, but otherwise uninvolved. Perhaps even Uryuu too. I'm placing bets on this. Orihime willingly going to hell? ...no)
Ah yeah, I don't know about Kubo. I don't think picking bLEACH back up after everything that has happened, including COVID still being afoot... I just really don't think his health is going to stay "okay". Especially starting a new arc with a company that originally canceled you.
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