#blease mr Blackman let me have just one good show
kneworder · 4 years
I’ve seen a few TUA 3 wishlists but I’ve been disappointed by my favorite shows a few too many times, so here’s everything I’m literally begging them NOT to do in TUA 3:
- Spend a lot of time on the Sparrow Academy. Not because I don’t think that would be interesting, but, as I’ve seen other people say, there’s so much I want to see out of the Umbrella cast. Honestly, I care so little about the Sparrow Academy members -- they’re not the characters I’m attached to. I’m terrified that Umbrella development and plotlines are going to be sacrificed in favor of the Sparrows, or even worse, neither group will get anything meaningful because the show is spread so thin balancing 6 new characters. 
- Spend a lot of time deeply developing relationships between Sparrows and Umbrellas. Again, I literally do not care about the Sparrows outside of them being side characters/antagonists/plot devices. I swear if we get Five or Allison bonding with random new Sparrows when they’ve barely had any scenes together I’ll be furious. 
- Vanya starts the apocalypse again. Or actually? The apocalypse is a conflict at all. It was great round 1, it was fine round 2, it’ll be repetitive if it happens yet another time. I know Vanya is supposed to always be the bomb, but p l e a s e give them another conflict, I’m begging. 
- Fan favorites never face any repercussions for their actions. This is a smaller one that mostly comes from a place being annoyed that Klaus got to start a cult and cut Ben off from the rest of the family and never got seriously called on it, and that Vanya straight up ended the world (understandable given the circumstances, but still) and then got amnesia-ed out of a real conversation about that. I don’t hate these characters, I’d just appreciate it if the gravity of their actions was examined, I guess? 
- Adding onto that, PLEASE no outrageous fanservice at the expense of character. I love contrite himbo Luther as much as the next person, but we only got that because of the fan reaction to his character. And while that isn’t necessarily a problem, I’ve seen shows that try so hard to please their audiences by putting fan favorites in more prominent positions and sticking with the same team-ups people already liked and, in doing so, reduce their characters to the one-note that the loudest part of the fandom already has (sorry, but I’m looking at you, ST3). Extremely worried that between the new influx of characters and the precedent for (slight) fanservice, they’ll go overboard and flanderize all the characters we know and love into bastardized and simplified versions of themselves. This especially applies to Five  -- he has very specific traits (small, angry, violent) that he can easily be flattened into, and hasn’t gotten to experience an arc heavy on character rather than plot -- and to Klaus -- similarly specific traits (hedonist, funny, angsty) he can be and in some ways already has been flattened into. 
- Five gets a love interest, please that would feel weird and wrong on literally every level.
- Actually, personally, I don’t really want to see any of them get love interests. This is a show that’s supposed to focus on family, and straying too far from that theme will just turn it into an ensemble show. I had no issues with Lila, Ray, and Sissy! But the reason they worked was because the time skip allowed for the conceivable formation of relationships between them and characters cut off from their siblings. There (probably) won’t be a significant time skip this time around, so new romantic relationships would be little out of left field. 
- Soundtrack that bangs but is irrelevant, or, far worse, a boring soundtrack. S2 had a good soundtrack, but S1 had a soundtrack that fit each scene specifically. The music felt like a character, and I’d hate to see the show move away from something so unique and interesting! (Plus the soundtrack makes up some of my most listened to music so. Please guys, I need new music.) 
- Allison (& Claire) get shelved. Allison’s daughter was just literally unmade. Please give Allison a solid and central plotline. (Ideally, Allison would drive the action because she has the most skin in the game, while Five would get to take a break from being the connector since all of his key motivations have been accomplished, but that’s just me!). 
So that’s just. A few things. tbh I’ll probably think of more, this genuinely makes me so nervous. 
tl;dr, All I want is for them to keep the focus on the siblings, remain character driven, and stay away from repetitive story arcs. Please, I am begging for TUA to stay good,,,,,,
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kneworder · 4 years
and I feel the fear of tua pulling a stranger things 3 in this Chili’s tonight
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